Anon's Rainbooms of the Seven Seas

by Postwarmonkey50

First published

Anon is on a cruise. However, crazy kinkiness is about to go wild.

It was now summer break for the School of Friendship. During that time, Anon had created new medication. Sunset came over and asked if Starlight and Twilight would come, but unfortunately, both of their schedules are already full, so Twilight offers Anon would go instead.

However, he's still mad at Sci-Twi because she botched his chemicals, (See the Amazonian Effect and Shrinking Project), so Sunset hoped that they can resolve this.

However, what they didn't know, during the cruise, something unexpected, and very kinky is about to happen. So hold on to your pants, you're about to get something wild on the seas.

Chapter 1: Arrangements

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From within the School of Friendship’s chemistry lab, with a proper set of Chemicals, a certain human was working on a few chemicals whilst he carefully looked it over. He was busy measuring the chemicals on the vials and beakers. After pouring the right amount in, he then went to his notepad on the other table and wrote them down for just in case. He moved over to the desk and began to pour the last few in, before writing them down again.

“Alright then, once again.” Said Anon whilst he spoke to himself in order to hear if he was doing this right, “After much experimenting, I have looked over every form of medicine in Equestria that resembles the human world.”

He moved over to the chalkboard as he took a good look at it.

“There were many different forms of medicine when one is diagnosed with a few things.” Said Anon as he was taking notes. “There’s medication for seasickness, to calm one down, for allergies, when you get a headache, when you get body cramps, when you need to stimulate your brain to be awake, as well as vitamins to keep up your health.”

He moved over to another chalkboard, showing different elements and ingredients.

“However, after going through certain trials and errors, I believe the key ingredient to make the ultimate medicine to cure everyone, lies in this vial.”

Anon picked up a large beaker, holding the chemicals he fused together.

“And with one final move, the chemicals will be perfectly synced, and the results will be instantaneous.” Said Anon as he was eager to do this. “Just gotta make…this…right.”

He poured the contents inside. Within mere moments, it turned into a rainbow color of sorts, which surprised him.

“Huh, that’s new.” Said Anon. “I wonder…”

He took a sample and looked at it via microscope. He took a good look at them. And after careful studying.

“Oh. My. Celestia.” Muttered Anon, then cheered in joy, “It works!! I can’t believe it works!! This’ll help for sure!!”

He took another look at it, then noticed something. “Something’s a little off though.”

That’s when he realized, “Oh right, the chemical compound to hold them together.”

He reached out and took a vial and slowly began to pour it, allowing the mixture to accept it. He then took it to a nearby spot that turns chemicals into pills. After going over the machine, he was able to make a bowl full. He smiled with pride as he looked at it.

“Soon my pretties, soon.” Said Anon.

“Uh, what are you doing?!”

“Waaaa!!!” yelped Anon as he stood up and looked back in an instant.

He saw Princess Twilight and Starlight looking at him with a flexed eyebrow. They heard a loud noise coming from the chemistry class and all of them came over to investigate, only to see him talking to pills.

“Are you talking to the pills?” said Starlight in confusion.

“What the…?” said Twilight when she looked at the two blackboards with tons of things written on them. Out of curiosity, she moved over and looked at them. “What’s all this?”

“See, a while ago, I had this idea of wanting to create a new type of medicine. A seven in all kind of thing.” Said Anon.

“Wait,” said Twilight as she looked at them over, “Medicine for seasickness, to calm one down, for allergies, when you get a headache, when you get body cramps, when you need to stimulate your brain to be awake, as well as vitamins to keep up your health?”

“And you’re trying to find a way to combine them?” said Starlight.

“And guess what, it came out a success!!” said Anon.

“Really?” said Princess Twilight surprised.

“Yeah, take a look.” Said Anon as he showed them via microscope.

Twilight took a look through it, as did Starlight. Both of them were amazed by it.

“Wow, amazing Anon!!” said Twilight as she looked through it. Then she looked at him and said “This could be a great breakthrough!!”

“But…it’s not gonna do anything unexpected, is it?” said Starlight in worry.

“Don’t worry it’s not.” Said Anon, “And this time it’s all done with the chemistry sets. Nobody drinking it whilst my back is turned.”

“That’s good.” Said Starlight, “At least we don’t have to worry about any of the students drinking it.”

“Speaking of which, I haven’t seen any students lately.” Said Anon.

Both Twilight and Starlight looked at him confusingly.

“Uh, Anon, it’s Summer break, it started a few hours ago.” Said Starlight.

“Ooooh, that would explain why I didn’t see any students lately.” Said Anon, then whispered, “Or Smolder for that matter.”

“I heard that.” Said Twilight sternly, which made Anon wince. “Anon, I thought you were already passed that.”

“Well can you blame me?” said Anon, “After Smolder drank the chemicals that kept on transforming her, not to mention when Celestia tricked all of you into drinking it too.”

The two of them winced at that, with Twilight saying, “Don’t remind me. I still can’t believe she did that.”

“Plus, you don’t have to worry.” Said Anon, “I used the chemicals that has the labels on them to show what I was working with…”

Anon showed them the empty chemical bottles with the element pictures on them.

“And I triple and quadruple checked everything after double checking it.” Said Anon.

Twilight sniffed and smiled and said, “I’m so proud of you.”

“You’ve been hanging around Twilight for too long.” Said Starlight.

“Well, remember, I’m also the only human living in Equestria. I owe her.” Said Anon, “Plus if it weren’t for her, I’d make myself an even bigger mess, especially since I was the only non-pony teacher that Neighsay wanted to kick out because he didn’t like me. I mean come on, I’ve got a master’s degree at chemistry in the human world, and I also proved myself to the Board of Education that I’m qualified and have a license to work with them, and I’m good at teaching students.”

“Plus, you were taught by Princess Celestia, and yet he still treated you like an outcast.” Said Starlight.

“Though I’m surprised that Celestia didn’t fire him, years ago.” Said Anon.

“She wanted to, but then she’d be afraid she’d be abusing her authority.” Said Twilight.

“Pff, please.” Said Anon, “If I was a ruler, I’d fire people for poor behavior, poor conduct, unfairly pointed out students that weren’t guilty or responsible without proof or evidence, heck, he even accused me, and I don’t even have any magic. Twilight constantly tried to probe me just to make sure I wasn’t.”

“Probed?!” exclaimed Starlight in shock.

Twilight giggled nervously and said, “Long story.”

“And if I remember correctly, he even committed treason by going against the royal rulers of Equestria, namely Twilight.” Said Anon.

Anon stood up and went over to his notes and organized them, which Twilight couldn’t help but smile with pride.

“Yeah, I mean sure, some of them are unpredictable, but who isn’t? I mean ponykind is also unpredictable. No offense to you two and every one of our pony friends on our friend list.”

“None taken.” Said both Twilight and Starlight.

“Plus, if I remember, he didn’t like Earth Ponies and Pegasi either.” Said Anon, “But last time I checked, Unicorns aren’t all that perfect either. I mean look at Stygian and Sunset and Starlight, and all three of them were greatly misunderstood. Sombra was also a unicorn, and he nearly took over Equestria after he enslaved the Crystal Empire. Even Princess Luna, an Alicorn Princess mind you, turned evil when no one appreciated her night, and was ignored by her own sister. And don’t get me started on Tempest, a pony who betrayed her own kind just to get a horn back that was one, impossible, and two, her own fault that she got it broke.”

After Anon was done, he leaned against the table and said, “Cause he’s also a hypocrite. It’s because of ponies like him, as well as others that I described, not only does he bring Unicorns and Cozy Glow bringing Pegasi, but all of Equestria a bad name. So, he should take a good look in a mirror of who he judges. I mean yeah, sure, other creatures beyond Equestria’s borders may have done that a thousand years ago, which was exactly it, but that’s got nothing to do with the new generation or the kids, they never lifted an appendix against Equestria. Plus, each and every one of us are individuals and responsible for our own actions. I mean take me, I judge folks for what they say and do, not by the color of their skin, sex, nationality, or whether or not they have magic.”

Both Twilight and Starlight blinked a few times at that in surprise.

“Wow,” said Starlight, “I’m surprised you didn’t become Ruler of Equestria.”

“Nah, ruling’s not my strong suit.” Said Anon, “Besides, someone’s gotta keep an eye on the dorky Princess over there.”

“Hey!!” exclaimed Twilight, causing both Starlight and Anon to laugh at that. “Although,” said Twilight as she remembered something, “Didn’t you blow up your chemicals a few times before getting a master’s degree?”

“Says the pony who helped both Sci-Twi and Sunset make a chemical compound to experiment on a mouse, bit you three, which caused all three of you and the rest of the Rainbooms to go all Saddle Rager, which by the way, you could’ve doused the mouse when it was still in its cage and not outside of it. It may have been your counterpart’s idea, but you played your part in it as well.”

Twilight winced at that, wishing it was one experiment she didn’t want to do.

“Not to mention how Sci-Twi ended up testing a shrinking compound on both her and Sunset.” Said Anon, “Which I specifically told her, that she was supposed to test it on living objects like food and junk, and under no circumstances would they use it on humans. Cause for humans, it can have disastrous consequences. Cause she’s lucky that Flash and I got there and he noticed them, cause if they had shrunken any further, they would’ve blinked out of existence.”

“It was really that bad?” said Starlight surprised.

“That’s right.” Said Anon, “Cause those two scenarios was all her fault. Cause I told her twice she should’ve tested them first. But did she listen? Oh, dear no, not the pretentious genius, Twilight Sparkle.”

“Anon,” said Twilight sternly, “What did we talk about venting over unnecessary things?”

Anon sighed and said “I know. But still, she should’ve listened. I mean when I first started out, yeah, I made a mistake, but after my first time, I learned from it.”

“So, what happened on those two scenarios?” Asked a curious Starlight.

“It’s like this…” said Anon as he told his story.


Twilight told me that she was invited by both Sci-Twi and Sunset to work on an experiment that would be revolutionary. At first they were away for too long cause I thought it would be over. Naturally, I got concerned and went over, but I also asked the girls to keep the portal open for me.

But then I noticed the damage at Canterlot High’s laboratory. I saw all the damage and didn’t know what to think. That was, whilst I was walking by, I heard a loud yelp. When I looked, I saw a mouse that bit the other Rainbow. I went over to see if she was okay, but then I saw that the moment she got angry, she went all Saddle Rager, which shocked me beyond my imagination.

I realized that the mouse might have something to do with it, so I went to look for it. I later found it eating cheese at the cafeteria. The mouse noticed me and I saw his eyes were red, which was very unusual, given my own history experimenting on a mouse. I suddenly talked to it and for some reason, it understood me, which I still find it weird.

I asked the mouse to come with me, and he did. I went to the library and asked if he could type what happened. To which he did. He told me that Twilight, Sci-Twi, and Sunset experimented with chemicals. But rather than douse the chemicals whilst the mouse was in the cage, he was doused with it outside. And out of defense and panic, he bit them, which caused them to turn into monsters when they got aroused and angry.

Though I was surprised, I was angry that they did that, but the mouse told me it was Sci-Twi’s idea, which I got even more mad. I asked the mouse why he bit their friends when they didn’t do anything, with the mouse telling me that he wanted the three of them to pay, so he bit them so that they could suffer the consequences. I told the mouse that there were other ways to get back at some, but doing it through others wasn’t the answer, so I offered to help it. But I remembered the state of the lab and realized that the notes were all ruined.

However, the mouse said he saw Sunset saving up the notes on her laptop that she held nearby. I went back to the lab and looked through the ruined lab. The mouse pointed and by great miracle, the laptop was still in good condition. When I opened it, I thought it was password protected. But somehow, she didn’t do it. Guess she still didn’t learn after the whole Anon-a-miss fiasco. Anyway, I looked through the research and saw all the chemical compounds that they used. I asked the mouse if I could take a blood sample, which allowed me. After much work, I then realized that I needed blood from one of the girls. Suddenly, Fluttershy came in and I noticed her clothes were torn, which left her embarrassed, then I realized she was bitten too.

I explained to her and naturally she agreed to help. I took her blood and thanks to what I discovered; I was able to make an antidote. I cured both the mouse and Fluttershy, but I realized the others were going to make things difficult, so Fluttershy offered me a tranquilizer gun that she kept in handy for just in case. I was able to add the antidote, and after much hunting, we turned the girls back to normal.

However, I gathered everyone, even Sci-Twi’s parents and told them and the Principle over what happened. Needless to say, they weren’t happy, especially Rarity after she and Sci-Twi trashed her work place. So, I said that Princess Twilight would cover the costs by using the treasury back from our dimension. At first, she didn’t want to do it, but I told her that she was partially the cause of this, now she has to pay for it, which she reluctantly agreed.


“Whoa.” Muttered Starlight as she couldn’t believe it.

“Believe me,” said Anon, “When I told Princess Celestia about it, she wasn’t very happy about it either.”

“I had to spend the next month organizing Canterlot’s paperwork.” Groaned Twilight. “Though I love organizing, going through all that mountain of paperwork was a nightmare.”

“Well maybe now you’ll think twice about thinking before doing.” Said Anon. But then he groaned and said, “Though that’s nothing compared to the shrinking thing.”

“How did that happen?” asked Starlight.

“It’s like this.” Said Anon.


I decided to pop over to Canterlot High to see how Sunset was doing since Twilight was busy. Then I bumped into Flash and the two of us were on our way to Sunset, for that’s where they were. But when we got there, they weren’t there. However, I did somehow found their shoes there for some reason.

I spotted two vials on the ground, which made me concerned over what happened. But then Flash spotted something on the ground, and saw a Spider chasing something. But when we took a closer look, we saw it was Sunset and Twilight the size of ants. But then I realized that the two of them shrunk using the chemicals, which I recognized. Boy was a I mad. I crushed the spider and picked the two of them up.

At first I wanted to ask Sci-Twi what she did, but then I heard as best I could from Sunset that the two of them testing a shrinking chemical, but something went wrong and the two of them kept on shrinking. Acting fast, I opened the vials and dropped them in. After they were back to normal without, ahem, clothing, they told me what happened.

Needless to say, I literally tossed the table and was pissed off. Because I found out the shrinking formula came from my notes that she somehow took my notes about shrinking, which I told her she shouldn’t have used it because the formula was still incomplete. Because when they tested it out, it turned out the chemicals became unstable, hence why they kept on shrinking. Reason for that, it’s why I put it on halt. For I didn’t put a limiter on the shrinking effect, hence why I added the normal growth one, nor did I figure out to stable it to stay in that size.


“Not only that,” said Anon, “She deliberately tested them without asking anyone to keep an eye on them, and dragged Sunset into this. And I was never, I repeat, never, going to test them on humans because I was focused on inanimate objects like a plant or piano.”

“Why not on humans?” said Starlight in confusion.

“Cause it turns out, every organic being’s body also has chemicals inside of us, and if you combine them, it becomes completely unstable and could potentially die.” Said Anon, which shocked and startled Starlight. “That’s the reason I’m angry with her. I told her on both accounts, to test them on inanimate objects and ran the simulations first. Instead, she ignored my notes, botched up my research by trying to improve them, and went behind my back and used them because of the one thing, the one thing, I told her not to do.”

“And she said sorry multiple times!!” said Twilight trying to defend her counterpart. “She didn’t know it was going to happen!! She just wanted to study them!!”

“Yeah, so did she with Equestrian Magic, and look how well that turned out!!” said Anon.

Both girls gasped at that, with Anon also realizing what he just said, which makes him groan and collapse back onto his chair.

“Maybe I just need a break away from this madness.” Said Anon, “At least for a little bit.”

“Hmmm,” pondered Twilight, “True, you have been working hard lately, especially for the students and the chemicals for the Equestrian Science Community lately.”

“And you have been taking extra hours to grade papers and prepare for future classes.” Said Starlight. “Although…”

“What?” said Anon.

“We…didn’t consider of charging the teachers whilst they teach.” Said Starlight sheepishly.

“But we don’t charge anything, because we’re all friends, here.” Said Twilight.

“Not according to the Equestrian Government.” Said Anon as he pulled out a book. “And before you say anything, look at this. According to the Equestrian Worker’s Rights act, subsection Q, Paragraph 4, all workers, working at different facilities must be required to be paid from within the work hours of said working business, whether at corporate businesses, restaurants, and in schools.”

Twilight was shocked by this, and instantly took the book and looked through it. Then she lifted her head slightly, and groaned before slamming her head against it. Starlight looked at the law and was surprised by it. She looked at Anon surprised.

“What?!” said Anon, “Just because I’m a human and sometimes like to slack off, doesn’t’ mean I didn’t study every inch of the law on that book!!”

“I hate you.” Muttered Twilight.

“And I love you too, Sparkle and Star butt.” Retorted Anon playfully, until a pair of pillows were thrown against his head, which he couldn’t help but chuckle at that. He sat up and asked, “But the question is, where am I going to go on vacation? Most in Equestria don’t exactly have rooms made for humans and I doubt most of them have already gotten used to me. And going to other kingdoms are out of the question, not after what happened last time.”

“It was really that bad?” asked Starlight.

“It was,” said Anon, “Especially the, ahem, Pudding incident.”

Twilight, Anon, even Starlight shuddered and shivered at that, not wanting to remember that ordeal. As Twilight thought about where to send Anon for his vacation, she heard the sound of a door knocking.

“Come in.” said Twilight.

The door opened, revealing to be a Unicorn that happens to be friends with Twilight, which the three of them recognized.

“Sunset!!” said Twilight as she walked over.

“Hey, Twilight.” Said Sunset as she hugged her friend. “What’s going on here?”

“Oh, our school just started summer break, hours ago.” Said Twilight.

“Wow, what a coincidence,” said Sunset, “Same with Canterlot High.”

Anon couldn’t help but smile and went over to Sunset, gaining the Unicorns’ attention. He stood on one knee and said, “Good to see you, Sunset.”

Sunset hugged Anon and said, “Good to see you, too.”

“So, what can we do for you, Sunset?” asked Starlight after Anon and Sunset broke their hug.

“Well, shortly before summer vacation started,” said Sunset, “My friends and I entered a competition. And we won a full two-week trip on the cruise.”

“Wow, lucky you.” Said Anon, but then he got curious, “But wait, didn’t Applejack get seasick the last time you lot went for a cruise?”

“She did,” said Sunset, “But don’t worry, this time we’ll make sure she remembers to pack in her medicine for seasick travels.”

“If Rainbow doesn’t ruin it again, that is.” Said Anon.

“Don’t worry, we’ll make extra sure that doesn’t happen.” Said Sunset, “But just to be safe, I asked the girls if we could leave the geodes in a vault in my room, just to be on the safe side.”

“Oh, good.” Said Twilight. “But I assume that there’s another reason that you’re here.”

“I was wondering if you’d go with us.” Said Sunset, “The girls never had a chance to spend more time with you.”

“Oooh, I can’t.” said Twilight, “Princess Celestia wants me, Princess Luna and Princess Cadence to accompany her to the royal summits at Mount Metazoa.”

“Wait, already?” said Anon confusingly, “But didn’t you already do that after the Storm King was defeated?”

“We were, but since it’s been a full year, Princess Celestia wants us to come together to talk about the future of other kingdoms.” Said Twilight, “And unfortunately, I also have to attend, considering how important it is.”

“And I can’t go either,” said Starlight, “I have to go help Sunburst at the Crystal Empire to find medicine for the Crystal Ponies, as well as help Shining Armor casting a shield spell over the Crystal Empire just in case they face anymore threats.”

“Aw.” Said Sunset as she was disappointed. “That’s too bad really.”

But then it clicked to Twilight, then she looked at Anon and had an idea.

“Why don’t you take, Anon?” asked Twilight.

“Really?” said both Sunset and Anon surprised.

“Excuse us for a bit, Anon.” said Twilight as she took Sunset and teleported somewhere private. When they were on the roof of the Castle of Friendship, Twilight spoke to Sunset. “Anon’s been working hard lately and I suggest he’d go on vacation, but he doesn’t want to go to other places in Equestria, or the other kingdoms.”

“Right, because they aren’t used to his species.” Said Sunset.

“And I was wondering if you’d take him.” Said Twilight, but then she got concerned, “Although…”

“He still hasn’t forgiven my Twilight?” asked Sunset, causing Twilight to nod. “But Twilight constantly apologized for that.”

“He’s still mad at her,” said Twilight as she was still worried, “He said that not only did my counterpart ignore his notes and tampered with what he had already planned that put you and the others in danger, but she also lied to him and took advantage of his trust.”

“But Twilight…” said Sunset before being cut off.

“I know,” said Twilight, “But you also have to remember, Anon has a master’s degree in chemicals, so he knows what he’s doing and what to do. But when the other me received his notes, she completely ignored them and changed it and ended up performing trials instead of following the instructions.”

Twilight blushed and said, “And to be fair, it was really stupid of us to test the chemical on the mouse outside of the cage instead of in it.”

Sunset also blushed at this and said, “Yeah, especially the shrinking incident. I still can’t believe we didn’t ask anyone to help us out.”

“And I don’t know what else to do, cause unless my other self, promises to never do that again, he’ll never trust her with any chemicals.” Said Twilight.

“I remember,” said Sunset, “The school even banned her from ever using them without adult supervision.”

“So, I was thinking,” said Twilight, “Is it possible for him to go on this cruise? That way you girls can find a way to help Anon to forgive and trust my counterpart.”

“I guess we can try.” Said Sunset, “And truth be told I wanted us to hang out again. I mean, how often do you talk to a human that came from a different human world. Even the girls enjoyed his company.”

“About that, I know it’s been a long time, but I forgot to ask.” said Twilight in concern, “When Anon offered to stay behind since the Fall Formal. What did he do there?”

“Oh, he became our chemistry teacher,” said Sunset, “He really knows his stuff, even though the mirror portal made him a senior at Canterlot High and it was almost hard for anyone to take him seriously. Plus, he even saved the Schoolboard’s life after a fire happened there. As thanks, they were able to give him a house there, which happens to be across the street. And after you were able to find a way to open between Equestria and Canterlot High, he would teach us in his classroom. Plus, you wouldn’t believe it, even Rainbow passed it.”

“Even Rainbow?” said Twilight surprised.

“Especially Rainbow.” Said Sunset. Then she looked a bit down and said, “Although…because of the…incidents. And you know the rest.”

“Right,” said Twilight. “But back to the point on hand, I know it’s been a while ever since Anon taught all of you before we opened our school, but I was hoping he would…”

“Say no more, Twilight.” Said Sunset. “We’ll give him the best time over there. But…”

“I won’t tell him that my counterpart will be there,” said Twilight, “And I’m sure the girls would help out when they can.”

“Right,” said Sunset, “But Anon will have to come to Canterlot High tomorrow, that’s when the cruise will start.”

“Alright then, I’ll tell him.” Said Twilight, “And let’s both hope for the best on this.”

“Me too, Twilight. Me too.” Said Sunset as she left and made her way back to the Castle in order to access the Portal.

Twilight on the other hand walked back to Anon, who decided to clean up a bit whilst he waited for Twilight and Sunset. But then he noticed that Sunset wasn’t with her.

“Oh, I noticed Sunset’s not with you.” Said Anon.

“She said she went back to Canterlot High,” said Twilight, “And she wants you to go on a cruise with them. The girls there said they hadn’t spent time with you for a long time, especially their old science teacher.”

“Heh, figured as much.” Said Anon, “So when do they want me to go?”

“Tomorrow, that’s when the cruise happens.” Said Twilight. “So, you’d better pack up.”

“Sure thing,” said Anon, “As well as my chest.”

“You wanna bring that?!” said Twilight surprised, knowing full well what it is.

“Well, I gotta use it sometime.” Said Anon, “And I heard Sunset said that’s its worth thrice as much money over there. Besides, you know fully well how expensive those cruise vacations are.”

“Hmm, good point.” Said Twilight whilst she thought about it, but then also thought, ‘I wonder how my counterpart was able to afford it when they went on Spring Break?’

“Didn’t you also thought about having a chest like that for just in case? Or in a backpack?” asked Anon.

“Well, to be honest, when I first went there, I didn’t know what to expect,” said Twilight, “But now that I do know, and if I want to take a break, I’ll make sure that I have it on standby for just in case.”

“Alright then, talking currency aside.” Said Anon, “I’ll start packing. And if I don’t see the girls, tell them I’ll see them in about say…two weeks.”

“Alright then, Anon, but I’ll try to tell them just in case.” Said Twilight.

Anon nodded with Twilight moving out of the classroom. However, Anon looked at the pills that were in the bowl. He then realized something.

“You know, maybe I should pack them with me, just in case.” Said Anon as he walked over and placed all the pills in wrapping packets that he saved up for just in case. After he was done, there were eight carefully wrapped packets, that one would almost mistake for mentos. “And it would be a good time to test them.”

He placed them in his backpack and made his way towards the door before closing it behind them.


The next early morning, from within the Castle of Friendship, The Mane 6, Spike and Starlight began to greet Anon whilst he stood near the portal with a chest and a suitcase for travel. He hugged the ponies and dragon goodbye before standing up.

“Y’all enjoy yer trip now, Anon.” said Applejack.

“We’ll even try to hold a special party for you before you get back.” Said Pinkie Pie. “And don’t worry, it’ll be a small party.”

“As long as the party is with you girls, I don’t mind one bit.” Said Anon, “And can you make sure that most of my documents for the next semester is also ready?”

“Of course, darling,” said Rarity, “We wouldn’t dream of leaving you out.”

“And say hi to our counterparts over there.” Said Fluttershy.

“And try not to have too much fun there.” Said Rainbow Dash with a wink.

“Rainbow!!” scolded the girls, which caused Rainbow to laugh whilst Anon rolled his eyes.

“That was so funny, I forgot to laugh.” Said Anon in sarcasm.

Twilight heard her journal buzzing and opened it, revealing to be Sunset writing.

“Sunset said she and the girls are waiting for you near CHS.” Said Twilight, “They’re planning to take their tour bus there and hopefully they’ll be able to arrive on time.”

“Alright then, wish me luck.” Said Anon as he then stood on one knee and opened his arms, confusing them. “What, no goodbye hugs?”

“There’s always time for hugs!!” said Pinkie Pie as she was the first to hug Anon, with the rest following suit.

After they broke the hug, Anon stood up and grabbed his bag and chest, whilst Twilight activated the portal to CHS.

“Alright then, see you girls in two weeks!!” said Anon as he stepped through it.

Once that was done, Twilight was able to close it, allowing the portal to deactivate.

“You think Anon will be okay whilst on vacation over there?” asked Rarity, “I mean it has been a while.”

“He’ll most likely turn into a teenager over there, a year older than the girls.” Said Twilight, “He’ll be fine.”

“Still, I hope Anon can forgive your counterpart.” Said Starlight in worry.

“Forgive? Why…” said Applejack, until it clicked, “Wait, don’t tell me he’s still mad at her?”

“But didn’t she already apologize for that?” asked Rainbow Dash.

“She did,” said Twilight, “But he won’t accept it unless she’s absolutely sure she won't go behind his back and mess them up again.”

“Well, from what you said, she did ignore his notes, and he does have a master’s degree in Chemistry.” Said Pinkie Pie.

“Although I get what he’s going through.” Said Rainbow, “I mean, I’d be mad too if somepony had bucked up the Wonderbolt’s routines after Spitfire laid them out, or like Applejack when somepony messes up the harvests, or like Rarity if somepony were to botch up her dresses, or ponies with Fluttershy’s animal sanctuary.”

“Surprisingly Rainbow does have a point,” said Rarity, “But he doesn’t teach there anymore, and the school has not lifted the ban yet.”

“I just hope for the best.” Said Twilight, “Until then, all we can do is be patient.”

“In the meantime, why don’t we go to Sugarcube Corner, my treat.” Said Pinkie Pie.

Everyone agreed and soon left for their hangout.

Chapter 2: The Trip

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After Anon had left through the portal, it took him a while before he had reached the other side. After so much glowing Rainbow magic, he had finally made it to the other side. He looked down on himself and saw that he became a teenager, a senior, if what he remembered what Twilight said was true. Or in this case, Princess Twilight, considering where he is now.

“I don’t think I’ll ever get used to this.” Said Anon to himself, “Then again, it’s good to be back on familiar grounds.”

“Hey, Anon!!”

Anon looked up and saw Pinkie Pie. Well, her human version anyway. She had a big grin on her face before picking him up whilst giving him a hug. Truth be told, he enjoyed the human Pinkie’s hugs. Either that, or his pervy instincts enjoys her breasts against his chest.

“Nice to see you too, Pinkie.” Said Anon as he gently patted her back.

After she broke the hug, the rest of the girls, namely Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Fluttershy appeared, with the girls also greeting him.

“Nice to see you again, Anon darling.” Said Rarity.

“The feeling’s mutual Rarity.” Said Anon, “I really gotta make time to visit you girls. I know your counterparts are my friends, but I like to visit all my friends now and then.”

“I feel the same way,” said Fluttershy, “We really need to make more time for visiting.”

“True that.” Said Anon, then he looked at Rainbow. “I hope you’ve been keeping up with your grades, Rainbow.”

“Sure have,” said Rainbow, who then had a sympathetic look, “But truth be told, it hasn’t been the same without you. You’re the only one that made science class exciting.”

“Aw, appreciate it.” Said Anon. He then noticed someone wasn’t with them…the girl who offered the invitation to him. “Say, where’s Sunset?”

“She’ll be here, shortly.” Said Rarity, “She just needed to fetch a few things.”

“I hope she gets here; we don’t want to be late for the cruise.” Said Anon, then looked at Rainbow sternly, “And not ruin the trip for anybody in the group.”

Rainbow winced at that, but regained her composure and said, “Don’t worry, the girls and I already talked, and we agreed to have our geodes locked up to make sure nothing happens. Though I don’t see why Fluttershy has to keep hers.”

“Y’all know very well that she wants to spend time with the animals.” Said Applejack.

“Though it’s a shame that Spike’s not allowed to go with us.” Said Fluttershy.

“I know, darling.” Said Rarity, “But you know they have a strict no pet policy.”

“That sounds kind of hypocritical.” Said Anon.

“Anon’s right actually,” said Rainbow, “They won’t allow dogs, and yet they allowed an onboard petting zoo.”

“Animals aside,” said Anon as he looked at Applejack, “I hope you remembered to pack in your medicine this time, Applejack. We don’t want a repeat of what happened last time. And don’t give me the, ‘ah don’t need medicine, ah’m a tough gal’, excuse.”

“Don’t worry, ah won’t do it, ah learned mah lesson.” Said Applejack, though she was still embarrassed over what happened.

“Sorry I’m late!!”

They turned and saw Sunset coming, with Twilight in tow, though Anon didn’t see her yet.

“Had to gather the last of our things before we left.” Said Sunset, then noticed Anon. “And I’m glad you could make it, Anon.”

“Wouldn’t miss it, and thanks for the invite.” Said Anon.

“No problem.” Said Sunset.

However, Anon then noticed Twilight. And he immediately scowled and crossed his arms. “Sparkle.”

Twilight wince and sheepishly waved at Anon. “H-hi Anon. How are you doing?”

“Depends.” Said Anon, “Did you ruin any other chemical experiments, lately?”

Twilight winced at that, and looked down. Clearly he was still mad at her, which surprised the rest of the Rainbooms, whilst Sunset was now concerned, knowing this was going to happen.

“No.” muttered Twilight, “I’m still banned.”

“Uh, Anon, why don’t you wait at the bus?” asked Sunset, “We still have a few things to sort out.”

“Fine.” Said Anon as he grabbed his things, “I’ll wait at the bus.”

Anon walked to the Tour Bus and waited for them there. The rest of the girls on the other hand were still confused.

“Goodness,” said Rarity as she had sensed some tension there. “Whatever was that about?”

“Uh,” said Sunset as she didn’t want Twilight to be further upset, “He still hasn’t forgiven Twilight.”

“Forgive? why…?” said Applejack as she and the others suddenly clicked, “Wait, don’t tell me he’s still mad at her.”

“But…Twilight apologized and everything.” Said Fluttershy.

“Twilight did…but…” said Sunset before she was cut off.

“He won’t accept my apology unless I’m absolutely sure I won’t do it again.” Said Twilight.

“Well, he did tell you not to ignore his notes.” Said Pinkie Pie. “And he does have a master’s degree in chemistry.”

“Although, I get what he’s going through.” Said Rainbow, “I mean, I’d be mad too if someone had messed up the Wondercolt’s routines after I laid them out, or like Applejack when someone messes up the harvests, or like Rarity if someone were to botch up the dresses. Even Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie with the animals and pastries.”

“Surprisingly, Rainbow does have a point.” Said Rarity.

Suddenly the five girls blinked at this, then said in their heads at the same time, ‘Whoa, déjà vu.’

“Guys,” said Sunset as she tried to calm the group down for Twilight’s sake. “I know things were bad, but Twilight is sorry and tried to make up for her mistakes. That’s also one of the reasons Anon is here, to try to fix things between them.”

“Though given his history of being stubborn,” said Rainbow, “He’s still mad at Lightning Dust for what she nearly did to the team and why he put in a petition that she be sent to Military school. And I thought Applejack was the stubborn one.”

“Hey, ah ain’t stubborn!!” said Applejack, causing the girls, even Twilight, to look at her with a flexed eyebrow, which she caught on. “Okay, ah’m a lot stubborn.”

“You know, as Anon onetime told you, you don’t have to take things personally.” Said Rarity.

“You mean like he’s doing with Twilight?” asked Applejack rhetorically.

“His reasons are legit.” Said Rainbow, “And Twilight did lie to him and took advantage of his trust.”

“I thought his notes were rubbish!!” said Twilight, voicing her opinion, “I’ve also worked with chemicals and I thought half of what he wrote was ridiculous!”

“Twilight, he has a master’s degree in chemistry.” Said Rarity, “And he was also our teacher ever since the Fall Formal incident. And because of it, all of us did well in our science, even Rainbow performed admirably in science and chemistry.”

“Heck yeah, he did.” Said Rainbow with pride, “If it weren’t for him, I would’ve been kicked off the team, despite my position as Captain in every team.”

“Yeah, so maybe give him some credit, I mean he did fix the two accidents that you made.” Said Pinkie Pie.

“I guess,” said Twilight, “But he still won’t give me a chance. I mean my parents grounded me and confiscated my chemicals and the schoolboard hasn’t lifted the ban of me using them alone without adult supervision, or at least till I turn twenty.”

“I’m sure we’ll find a way.” Said Sunset. Then she looked at the time. “Oh, shoot. We’d better get going, or we’re going to miss our ship.”

“Alright y’all, grab yer things!!” said Applejack as she grabbed her things, “We’ve got a ship to get to.”

Everyone grabbed their things and made their way towards their tour bus, whilst Anon was waiting for the girls to finish whatever they were doing.


The drive was a bit, but they were thankfully to make the time, whilst Anon decided to take a nap in order to save his strength for the traveling. Soon enough, all of them arrived at the docking area. Anon got a good look at the ship and it was very big. Bigger than the last ship that the girls went to. It reminded him of the Norwegian ship back home. They really know how to make big ships for vacations.

As Anon was busy getting the last of his things out, he then heard shouting.

“What do you mean, you’re overbooked?!!”

He turned back and he saw that Rarity was fuming.

“Oh boy, this doesn’t look good.” Said Anon as he was able to grab his chest and his luggage and made it over.

“I’m sorry miss,” said the Crew Director, “But all cabins are full at this point as everyone is aboard.”

“But we booked ahead of time after we won the contest!!” said Sunset.

“We are aware of that ma’am, but it seems one of our crewmembers didn’t get the memo and already placed them in. And we can’t change it, otherwise we might get complaints.”

“Well, we’re complaining now!!” said Rainbow in annoyance.

Anon soon arrived and asked, “What’s going on?”

“This ruffian over here botched out bookings and let someone else take them when we already booked the whole thing!!” said Rarity in frustration.

“Seriously?” said Anon as he walked over after he placed his luggage down and walked over. “May I see that?”

The Crew Director handed Anon the tablet over, allowing Anon to look it over. He looked at every single room and saw that all of them were booked, even the ones with a balcony. However, he saw something that caught his attention.

“What about that?” pointed Anon at the top of the ship.

The Crew Director looked at it, and said, “That would be the entire deck dedicated to first class passengers. Where the entire deck is sealed off and only those with keycards can enter. We also allow room service up there that would have them eat anything they want, whilst it also has its own entertainment center, as well as spas.”

The girls were surprised by this, with Sunset saying, “That’s a new one.”

“They just installed it.” Said Twilight, “They wanted to try something new.”

“But I guess it’s booked, right?” asked Anon.

“Not really, turns out we haven’t sent out the memo yet because we weren’t sure if any of them could handle things, so none of them are booked. But I’m afraid you won’t be able to afford this.”

He then showed Anon how much it costed, which caused Anon to do the math in his head and slowly figured out how much it costs altogether. And from the look on his face, he couldn’t help but smirk.

“I see.” Said Anon as he gave the tablet to the Crew Director back and walked over to what appeared to his chest that he somehow brought. “Will this do?”

He kicked the side of the chest, allowing it to open. The moment it did, it revealed a huge amount of treasure inside. Gold, bits, jewels, rubies, sapphires and so on. This put a shocked look on the Rainbooms’ face, as well as the Crew Director. He slowly looked at Anon.

“I believe this will cover the cost for the next two weeks? As well as a few extras?” said Anon whilst he smirked.

The Crew Director looked at the chest, then to Anon. Who then ended up having the biggest grin he had ever bore. He quickly contacted the crew.

“All crewmembers!!” said the Director in excitement, “We have very important guests here!! Take their luggage up to their rooms to the first-class deck, asap!!”

Suddenly, all the crewmembers ran down, took their luggage, and went straight to the ship, as well as the treasure that Anon paid with.

“Wait right here, I’ll get everything set, asap!!” said the Director before running off.

As he did that, the Rainbooms still had shocked looks on their faces, then they slowly looked at Anon.

“Question…HOW?!” exclaimed Rainbow as she was shocked by this.

“I was able to save enough for a rainy day or an emergency,” said Anon, “I even did some treasure hunting with a friend whilst I was on vacation. You’d be surprised how much it’s worth in this world. And when Twilight told me about the cruise, I realized how much it will cost, so I thought I’d bring what I saved up all together. And given that we didn’t have any rooms…I’d count this as an emergency.”

This caused the girls to squeal in excitement and instantly hugged him.

“You’re the best, Anon!!” said Sunset.

After they broke the hug, the Director came back with their keycards.

“Here you go!! All set!! Now come on board and enjoy what the cruise has to offer!!” said the Director.

“Don’t mind if we do.” Said Anon as the girls climbed onboard, as well as Anon.


Whilst the ship was getting ready, everyone began to inspect their rooms, for it was truly twice the size as any of them could imagine, as if all of them were living in an expensive hotel. All of them continued to explore the place as all of them got excited over what they were seeing. Once all of them were done, they regrouped back at the elevator.

“This is amazing.” Said Rarity in excitement, “I never knew such a place existed.”

“Thanks again, Anon!!” said Pinkie Pie as she hugged Anon from behind.

“Yeah, thanks man.” Said Rainbow as she was greatly excited over it.

“Now I really can’t wait to enjoy this cruise.” Said Sunset.

“Gosh darn it!!”

They looked and saw Applejack coming in. Looking a bit miffed.

“What’s wrong, Applejack?” asked Fluttershy.

“Ah completely forgot to pack in mah medicine for seasickness.” Said Applejack, “It was the first thing that was on mah mind, but I completely forgot.”

Suddenly, Rainbow clicked and groaned, “Oh great, I forgot to pack in my medicine for body cramps.”

“Body cramps?” asked Anon confusingly.

“I’ve been having cramps in my legs lately, so the doctor told me to take a few so that my body doesn’t ache so much. Sure, I can still workout, just not too extreme.” Said Rainbow.

“Oh, posh, I forgot my headache tablets too.” Said Rarity.

“And my vitamins.” Said Sunset.

“And my stimulants that I need to get through the day.” Said Twilight.

“And my allergy medication.” Said Fluttershy.

“Allergies?” said Rainbow in confusion.

“My sinuses have been acting up lately.” Said Fluttershy.

“Aw, candy corn, I forgot to pack in my Lithium.” Said Pinkie Pie.

This took everyone by shock.

“You’re what now?!” exclaimed Sunset.

“Maud’s been wanting me to take that medication, says it’ll be good for me.” Said Pinkie Pie.

Anon then clicked, as he realized something, for this could be the perfect time to test them.

“Actually, I have something in mind.” Said Anon.

The girls looked at them as he pulled out his medication tablets.

“I recently made these tablets, which I call a cure-all medication. Any problem you have, it can help solve things. Seasickness, cramps, headaches, you name it.”

“Oh yeah, I saw you work on those.” Said Sunset.

“So, I wanted it to be a proper test run.” Said Anon, “And I know some of you might not want to take it, but feel free to use it unless absolutely necessary. And if it’s working, just let me know right away, okay?”

The girls were a bit hesitant, but everyone remembered how he did help them out on a few occasions. So, they figured they owed him one.

“Alright, we trust you.” Said Sunset as they accepted them one by one. “If it works, we’ll let you know.”

“I appreciate it.” Said Anon with a smile. “Now why don’t we go and see the cruise off before we do any other activities?”

“Sure thing.” Said the girls as all of them headed towards the elevator.

Anon then realized something. ‘Oh, shoot, I forgot to add some for myself too.’ Thought Anon, ‘Well looks like I’m going to the ship’s infirmary before I do anything else.’

Anon entered the elevator with the girls and headed back down.


Meanwhile, back in Equestria, Twilight looked over a few things in Anon’s classrooms. She went over his notes and couldn’t help but smile.

“Every time whenever I look at these, he never ceases to amaze me.” Said Twilight.


Twilight turned around and was surprised to see Starlight.

“Starlight?” asked Twilight in confusion. “What are you doing here? I thought you’d go to the Crystal Empire.”

“Turns out Meadowbrook and Starswirl went over there before I could.” Said Starlight, “Sunburst said that once they’re done they’ll find a way to visit.”

“That’s good.” Said Twilight.

“You’re going over his notes?” asked Starlight.

“I am.” Said Twilight, “I’m just amazed by this, as well as the chemicals there. I’m so glad he labeled them so that I could know which is which.”

“Same here.” Said Starlight. Until she noticed something. “Wait, did Anon order two sets of chemicals?”

“What do you mean?” asked Twilight.

Starlight pointed at the chemical at the table, gaining her attention. To Twilight’s surprise, it was the…

“Wait,” said Twilight as she used her magic to pull the vial to her, “This was the chemical compound that Anon was gonna use to combine them with the medicine.”

“But if that’s there, then what…”

The two of them looked at the vial and picked it up. They saw it had the same label. However, …

“Wait, this label’s a fake.” Said Starlight.

“But what kind of chemical…?” said Twilight as she used her magic to peel it off.

The two of them saw a symbol on it, a symbol they had hoped it wasn’t, but it was. The two of them gasped in shock as they realized what it was.

“That’s the same ones that Smolder drank by accident!!” said Starlight in shock.

Twilight teleported away, then came back frantically, “Somepony took the chemical from the vault we locked up!!”

“But if Anon mixed that in the chemical without anyone noticing, then that means…!!” said Starlight.

The two of them dreaded and slowly looked at one another.

“We’ve gotta warn Anon!!” said Starlight.

“We can’t, we don’t know if they packed in their journals!!” said Twilight. “Starlight, you need to go to that cruise and stop them immediately!!”

“But how?!!” said Starlight in worry.

Twilight then thought about it, then instantly teleported, then came back with a bag.

“This is the ones we’ll use for emergency!!” said Twilight, “If that ship somehow took off, then use it to find another means of transportation!! And get there as fast as you can!!”

“On it!!” said Starlight as she grabbed it and ran towards the mirror portal.

“And pray none of the girls took it.” Said Twilight in worry.


Within an hour, Starlight had arrived in the human world in her human form. She frantically looked around, trying to find a means of transportation. She saw that there was a taxi and quickly climbed onboard and paid with the coin that Starlight used as they quickly sped towards the docks.

But as she arrived, she ran towards the docks, and to her shock, she was already too late, the ship had taken off and was already too far away. She panicked, wondering what she would do next. She then looked to the side and saw a person working at the docks.

“Excuse me?!” said Starlight in panic as the guy looked at her. “Is there a way to get to that ship, I missed my departure!!”

“There might be,” said the guy, “If you’re willing to…”

“I’ll give you half of what’s inside.” Said Starlight as she presented it, which surprised him.

“Okay then,” said the guy, “Thankfully I’m the pilot of a helicopter, and I just so happen am going to take some supplies there on the last minute.”

“How long will it take?” asked Starlight.

“At least about fourteen hours.” Said the guy, “Don’t worry, we’ll be there before you know it.”

As the guy left, Starlight stood there in worry.

“I hope so,” she muttered, “I just hope that I’m not too late.”

Chapter 3: The Apple of my Eye part 1

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About an hour before Starlight arrived at the docks, Anon and the Rainbooms were on the side of the ship as all of them had departed. Everyone was smiling and enjoying the side of the ship.

“You know,” said Anon, “No matter how many times I watched the ocean, I’ve always dreamed of going on a cruise.”

“You’ve never been on a cruise before?” asked Sunset.

“Not really.” Said Anon, “When I was at the human world, I always wanted to, but my family couldn’t afford it because of how expensive cruises are, even after I grew up I couldn’t afford it either. And neither could I afford it during my time in Equestria. But after I saved a bit, glad I was able to fulfill something I always wanted to do on my bucket list. Thanks again for inviting me.”

“We should thank you darling,” said Rarity, “For paying our new rooms in a private floor where no one else would dare to enter unless they have access.”

“Yeah, thanks dude.” Said Rainbow.

“Although,” said Anon as he looked at her, “Are you sure you won’t use your geode for this?”

“I promise I won’t.” said Rainbow whilst rolling her eyes.

“Are you sure?” asked Anon with a flexed eyebrow.

“Yes.” Said Rainbow.

“Pinkie Promise.”

Rainbow groaned and said, “Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.”

“And just so you know, you can never break it.” Said Anon, then deadpanned and said, “Trust me, I learned the hard way.”

“I’m afraid to ask.” Said Fluttershy.

Anon then whispered to the girls of what happened when he first broke the promise. Once he was done, all of them had their eyes widen in shock.

“She did that?!” exclaimed the girls.

“As Big Mac would say, Eeyup.” Said Anon.

“That does sound like something I would do.” Said Pinkie Pie.

They then heard groaning, which was from Applejack as her face was now green. Causing all of them to know.

“Oh boy, the seasickness is kicking in.” said Twilight.

“I assume you didn’t take it?” asked Anon.

“Ah don’t need…” said Applejack before she bulged a bit. “Bathroom!!”

Applejack rushed back to her room for the bathroom, which Anon said, “Knew she was going to say that.”

“Yeesh, I would’ve thought she’d learn her lesson some time ago.” Said Rainbow.

“Oh, she will.” Said Pinkie Pie, “She wouldn’t dare miss out Spring Break again, not after what happened last time.”

“Don’t remind me.” Said Twilight whilst rolling her eyes.

“Well, whilst we wait for her, why don’t all of us try to enjoy the activities on the ship?” said Anon, “After that, we can rendezvous for dinner tonight.”

“Good idea,” said Sunset, “We’ve been meaning to explore the ship ever since we heard about it.”

“I’ll see all of you, later, I have got to see the gift shops.” Said Rarity.

One by one as all of them head off, Anon then thought about Applejack, and said, “I really hope she takes the medicine. I don’t want her to miss out on anything.”


Fifteen minutes later, Applejack was back in her room and let out the contents of her, ahem, stomach into the bathroom. She then stepped out whilst wiping her mouth a bit.

“Consarn it.” Muttered Applejack. “Why in tarnation did ah have to have this dadgum seasick problem? Why couldn’t ah have the non-seasick problem like mah counterpart?”

She then noticed the medicine on her bed lamp table, the one Anon gave her. She groaned a bit at the sight.

“Ah don’t need the…”

She then went green again, and said, “Ah really don’t wanna ruin things for the girls because of it.”

Applejack then took another look at it. Anon did make it, and he did help her friends out when they were monsters, as well as him helping them with their schoolwork. She couldn’t help but groan a bit, for she did owe him for that.

“Ugh, fine,” said a queasy Applejack as she took the medication that Anon gave her in case of her seasickness. “Ah made a mistake of not takin mah medicine on the last cruise. No way ah’m missin’ out because of my dadgum stomach.”

Applejack opened the packet and took out the pill. She looked at it and it looked normal. “Well, Anon did made it, and ah do kinda owe him for that, ahem, incident.”

She took the pill and swallowed it with a bit of water. She breathed a bit, for she really hoped it would work like he said. When all of a sudden, she felt something at her stomach, causing her to look down, and noticed she didn’t feel queasy anymore.

“Hey, wadda ya know, it worked.” Said Applejack as she felt excited. “Ah don’t feel seasick anymore, this is great!!”

However, from within her stomach, the pill she swallowed suddenly began to glow, and its contents began to spread throughout her stomach, which will soon work her way through her body.

“Now what can ah do fi…” said Applejack before she was cut off.

She heard the sound of growling and looked down. She both noticed and felt her stomach was growling.

“Huh, ah can’t be hungry already.” Said a confused Applejack.

Suddenly, she noticed her stomach was sort of getting a little bloated and suddenly moved whilst sounding…like a buzzing sound?

“Uh, what’s goin on?” said a concerned Applejack.

Suddenly her stomach began to move rapidly fast whilst spinning and still buzzing whilst her body was moving up and down, barely having a hard time trying not to move.

“What in tarnation?!” exclaimed Applejack.

Suddenly she trembled and something unexpected happened. Her posterior began to be thick and luscious, her breast became a GG-Cup, her figure became an hourglass figure, and she grew from 5.7 to 6.5, that of a tall adult, and her hair was a bit longer too. The transformation stopped, causing her to shake her head and spoke with an alluring country accent, well, twice as alluring as her original.

“Whoa, what in tarnation was that?” said Applejack as she looked around. She looked out of the ship and said, “Oh my, it seems like ah’m on a cruise.”

She then looked at the pills on the table and picked it up. She took a sniff at it, and smirked.

“Mmmm, and it seems a certain hunk of a man is on this ship.” Said Applejack, “Ah recognize that scent anywhere.”

She looked at herself and said, “Though ah can’t show up like this. Ah need to make mahself presentable.”

She looked at the phone and had an idea. She walked over to it and picked it up, and said, “Hello, room service?”


Back on one of the levels of the ship, Anon was busy looking around the ship to see what they have available. For what was surprising that it has everything. Movies, art shows, arcades, gyms, petting zoos and so on. From what he read from the cruise guide book, the ship was fully operational last year, and because of the performance it gave, the ship received a ton of awards for it. But the first-class ones is where it’s the best.

Though he would like nothing more than to spend time in first class, he’d rather see what the rest of the cruise had to offer.

“I have to admit, I’m very impressed by the ship. It has everything onboard.” Said Anon, but looked puzzled at the title whilst saying, “Though I don’t know why they had to name everything after Equestria. I mean, come on, Equestrian Getaway, that’s just lazy thinking.”

However, Beau smelled something as the scent of food caught his attention. He looked to his left and saw that the place has a Western themed bar and grill, which he was surprised. For he hadn’t been to a place like that in a long time. But he looked at the time and sees that it’s still nine in the morning.

“Meh, it’s one O clock, somewhere.” Said Anon as he walked inside.

He then walked over and sat near one of the chairs. He then signaled the bartender that he would like some ginger ale, to which he complied and poured him some.

“Wish I could get a proper drink,” said Anon, “But I forget that I’m a senior in this world, and I don’t know what the age you can drink. Sometimes the laws are always so hard to follow nowadays. Then again, I wasn’t allowed to drink in Equestria either because I had to go through tons of testing to see if I was the right age.”

Unknown to him, someone had entered the bar in a getup that gained a few people’s attention. She then began to sit down on the chair next to him.

Anon then remembered back in Equestria when he overheard Twilight’s counterpart apologizing. He sighed and said, “I want to believe her, I really do. But…how the heck can I trust someone who abused my trust…twice.”

“Trouble in paradise partner?”

Anon looked at her and was surprised to see what he was seeing.

He sees a girl, who was wearing what appeared to be cowboy boots, whilst wearing blue denim short pants, a red shirt whilst trying to contain her breasts, but also showed her belly button, and a white hat.

It was none other than Applejack, but Anon didn’t recognize her.

Anon’s pervy instincts nearly kicked in, but he remembered where he was and tried to act normal.

“You could say that.” Said Anon. “A friend of mine wants me to forgive another. But how can I do that when she betrayed my trust like that? Pff, and calling my notes rubbish. I mean, come on, I got a Master’s degree in chemistry, and she thinks the stuff I made up is rubbish. Like I’m gonna take advise from a chick who messed up more than I did.”

“Ah can see why you would feel that way, sugar.” Said Applejack whilst scooting over closer to him. “Ah’m sure yer friend didn’t mean any harm. I mean, you may said you’re talented in what you do, but none of them came from the place you came from, and none of them knew what you did to make them work.”

“I guess.” Said Anon, “But she could’ve at least consulted me with this.”

“Ah may not be an expert in this who friendship thing, but maybe the best thing to do is to talk things out. Ah mean you never might know.”

Anon then sighed and said, “I’ll think about it. Maybe when I have something to eat.”

“Are y’all sure? At past Nine in the morning?” asked Applejack curiously.

“Hey, it’s one O clock, somewhere.” Said Anon as he stood up, but felt Applejack holding her hand.

“Would it be okay if ah joined ya?” asked Applejack, “Y’all look like y’all could use some company.”

Anon was surprised how strong she felt, but in a good way, and in a way, he’s feeling turned on after feeling it.

“Uh…sure.” Said Anon whilst blushing, but tried his best to composure himself.


The two of them felt greatly relieved of eating so much food after eating a large plate of Ribs and Wings, especially downing a large bottle of apple fizzy cider.

“Howee, never felt this satisfied before.” Said Applejack.

“I know what you mean.” Said Anon, “I’ve never tasted anything this great before.”, then he thought, ‘Then again, I lived in a world full of talking ponies that don’t like the idea of someone eating meat, as it would look greatly disturbed for ponykind.’

Applejack then saw something at the corner, and saw what looked like a mechanical bull. Applejack then looked at Anon with a smirk.

“Tell ya what partner?” asked Applejack, “How about a little wager?”

“What kind?” asked Anon confusingly.

“How about we takt that there bull there a spin?” said Applejack, “Loser has to do what the other one says.”

Anon took a good look at the bull, then to Applejack.

“Are you sure?” asked Anon.

“Ah’m positive.” Said Applejack. She then stood up and walked over to him and stood on one knee. She secretly went under his shirt and rubbed against his chest, making him blush madly. “So…what do y’all say?”

Anon was feeling really turned on from this. He had to admit, he didn’t feel this turned on since that incident with Smolder. He wanted to decline, but…god her hand against his chest feels amazing.

“Uh…O-o-okay.” Stuttered Anon.

“Great.” Said Applejack as she took his hand and went straight for the mechanical bull. The moment she stood near it, Applejack asked, “Why don’t y’all go first. That way, ah can see you in action.”

“Uh, sure.” Said Anon. as he went first.

He then climbed onto the bull. But he decided to go the medium option, he’s not really ready for the hardest setting yet. He climbed onboard and signaled the operator that he was ready. The Operator activated the bull, allowing it to move, with Anon moving up and about crazily, with him sort of panicking as he had never done this before, whilst at the same time, he was hanging on for dear life. Those watching were cheering him on, even Applejack, which in a way, Anon couldn’t help but smile.

After much riding, he finally climbed down with his legs a bit shaky. Applejack playfully went over to him.

“So how was it, sugar?” asked Applejack.

“That was…very enjoyable.” Said Anon with a smile, until Applejack hugged him, with his face between her breasts.

“Ah’m so proud of you!!” said Applejack, whilst Anon was feeling greatly flustered at the same time.

“Uh, thanks.” Said Anon whilst feeling greatly nervous at the same time.

“Now then, let me show ya how ah do it.” Said Applejack as she went over to the mechanical bull.

Applejack went over and set it on its hardest setting, which should be a surprise, because nobody has seen it do it. The moment Applejack climbed onboard, the Operator activated the bull, allowing it to move wild and crazy, with her body moving into motion, causing everyone to cheer for her as they saw how wild and crazy she was going with this. However, Anon was mostly distracted by watching her hips and her breasts shaking, which left him strangely hard below his belt.

After Applejack was done, she climbed off and walked over to him with a smirk on her face.

“So,” said Applejack as she was now looking right into her eyes whilst she was partially bending over, “How did I do?”

“That. Was. Amazing!!” exclaimed Anon loudly, “I’ve never seen anyone ride a bull like that!! You’re amazing!!”

“Aw, now y’all are making me blush.” Said Applejack, but then smirked and said, “But remember our little bet?”

Anon then remembered what she said.

“Oh, right.” Said Anon, wondering what this woman wanted with her.

“Follow me now.” Said Applejack as she pulled Anon away, but thankfully, he paid the bill before they did anything else.

The two of them were outside and in a corner where no one else was watching them.

“Now then,” said Anon as he looked at her, and asked, “What’s all this…?”

Suddenly, Applejack was holding onto Anon’s face, whilst having that lustful look in her eyes.

“Oh, sugar.” Said Applejack, “I’ve been looking for a man like you for some time.”

Anon did a double take and said, “I’m sorry, wha…?”

Before Anon could react, Applejack placed her lips against Anon, forehead, which surprised him a bit before releasing it. Anon wanted to kiss her back on the lips, but she kept pulling it back, which confused him.

“Is something wrong?” asked Anon, “Why don’t you wanna kiss back?”

“Oh, sorry sugar.” Said the cowgirl, “Ah was told when ah was little that the mouth tends to be the dirtiest place, and it sort of stuck to me.”

Anon was confused. “Okay, one, that’s ridiculous. And two, I think she meant by that the mouth is dirty when we say bad words, like fuck and all that.”

Now she was getting it, which made her blush. “Now ah feel silly.”

“Oh, I can fix that.” Said Anon.

Anon then grabbed her head and placed his lips against hers, which greatly surprised her. Now seeing the joys in kissing, one full on the mouth, she returned it in kind by closing her eyes.

To feel the softness of her lips against his. For in a way, this is very amazing. It should feel wrong for him, but it had been such a long time since he had kissed a human on the lips. The lips of the ponies, Smolder, and Ember were one thing, but he missed feeling the lips of a human, for it had been a long time since he had been sent to Equestria.

No longer being able to handle it, Anon instantly placed his hands around her and pulled her close. Excuse the language, but god he missed those types of lips. And it seems the girl whom he’s kissing doesn’t seem to mind. Wanting to test it further, he slowly placed both his hands in different parts of her body. One on her posterior, and the other on her breast, making her moan as she was placing her tongue inside of him, which he did the same.

They then broke the kiss before slowly looking at one another.

“Why don’t we take a walk for a bit?” asked Applejack, “After that, we can do something…very private.”

Anon blushed at that again, but nodded all the same, allowing the said girl to take Anon for the walk.


After that long walk, Applejack and Anon went to the elevator.

‘Wow, why am I so nervous?’ thought Anon. For no one, not even his time on earth, brought him to their apartment, especially from any girl. But this is greatly new. Now he is really nervous. ‘I hope I don’t mess things up.’

Applejack looked Anon and smiled. ‘He’s so cute when he’s nervous.’ Said Applejack within her thoughts.

The two of them entered the elevator. Just before Applejack could press the button, she looked at Anon and asked, “Would y’all mind close yer eyes. Ah’d like to lead you to mah room. Wouldn’t wanna spoil the surprise.”

“Uh, yeah, sure.” Said Anon as he closed his eyes and leaned against the wall.

Applejack pressed the button, which would lead them to their suite rooms, with Anon having no idea, considering Applejack asked him to close his eyes. They waited for a bit in the elevator, until they eventually reached their floor. The doors soon opened, allowing Applejack to slowly hold his hands. She guided him whilst he kept his eyes closed. Soon enough, she reached his room and used her keycard to open it, allowing her to guide him inside and locked it, to make sure that nobody opens it and disturbs them.

She then guide him to the middle of the room, whilst she went over to the sink and took what appeared to be a birth control pill whilst swallowing it at the same time. She walked over to him and spoke, “Alright now, sugar, you can open your eyes.”

Anon opened his eyes and was surprised to see he was in a fancy room. He didn’t know this was Applejack’s room, and assumed one of the other ships had a higher upgrade than this.

“Wow, nice place.” Said Anon.

“Thank ya kindly.” Said Applejack.

“A-anyway, how do you want to do this?” asked Anon.

“Oh, ah don’t know much.” Said Applejack as she leaned in closer and kissed him on the lips, which turned him on as he could feel himself being aroused at the same time. She then slowly lifted her shirt up, revealing her GG breasts. “Buy why don’t y’all come here so that ah can give ya some real sugar?”

Anon blushed madly for seeing her like this as he saw her breasts. Once again, his perverted nature took over, which confused Applejack.

“Hang on,” said Anon, “Before you do, let me do something first.”

Anon pulled out what appeared to be a stone, which confused her.

“I kept this stone with me just in case,” said Anon, “A friend of mine told me that this would allow me to show my real body and age. She told me that in her world’s years, she looks a lot older than she looks, whilst coming here made her look like a teen. And seeing that I’m turning thirty this year.”

Anon used the stone on himself and within mere moments, he was now back to his original height and age, which surprised Applejack, especially the muscle tone he has.

“Oh my,” said Applejack whilst she was blushing, “Y’all ain’t all that bad lookin’.”

“Thanks.” Said Anon as he placed the stone back in his pocket and walked over to her with a smirk and said, “Now then…where were we?”

Anon instantly lunges at her, pressing his lips against hers, whilst also slipping his tongue into her mouth, whilst his left hand was groping against her one breast, whilst his right hand was groping against her right ass cheek. This in turn made her moan as she suddenly felt her being against the wall. And as she did, she ended up wrapping her right leg over him so that she could pull him closer.

As their lips continued to be engaged with one another, Anon grabbed Applejack’s posterior, making her moan deeply as she was really getting into it. Applejack then caressed Anon’s hair and grabbed his ass, hungrily kissing him back as she wanted him that bad.

Normally he didn’t like the idea of someone groping his posterior, but Anon didn’t mind, for somehow he liked it when a woman does that. Whilst the two of them were making out, Anon was able to stand up as he and Applejack continued to strip one another, until both of them were completely bare for one another to see.

“Oh my,” said Applejack whilst she was staring at Anon’s member, “Y’all certainly know how to pack it well.”

“Would you like a go at it?” asked Anon.

“By all means, Sugar.” Said Applejack as she pushed Anon, causing him to sit on the bed, with Applejack walking over to him as she stood on her knees. She held onto Anon’s member and swirled her tongue around his member, which in turned caused Anon to moan at the same time.

Anon tried his best to keep his moan under control, but it wasn’t any use. Applejack had full control over him and she planned on making him squirm no matter how badly he wanted it. And if Anon was honest, it’s just the way he liked it. Applejack doubled the pleasure when he felt her two, large GG breasts against his manhood. Anon enjoyed the massage from the country girl. This in turn made him sort of a moaning mess.

“Wait,” said Anon as he made her stop, making her look at him, “Let me pleasure you. For a gal like yourself deserve some special treatment.”

Applejack couldn’t help but smile at that and stood up. Suddenly, he grabbed her and turned her around, to make sure her back was facing the bed. Before she could react, Anon began to slowly stand on his knees and grabbed Applejack’s posterior and soon placed his tongue into her special womanhood, making Applejack take a breath, shivering from having her now wet vulva being played with. Anon continued to eat her out, causing her cheeks to be redder as she continued to enjoy every moment of it.

“Sweet fucking Apples!!” exclaimed Applejack, “Yer full of surprises Sugar!! Don’t stop!! Eat me up!!”

Applejack continued to squirm under Anon’s touch.

Anon continues to eat Applejack out as she was now very horny. Her juices tasted like Apples for some reason as he continues to drive his tongue deeper into her canals, whilst also continued to grope her ass with a fiery passion.

“You’re enjoying my ass, aren’t you?!” teased Applejack.

As he kept going, Applejack’s insides soon got tighter, clamping all around his tongue, ready to cum. Applejack’s breathing was getting heavy and her moaning was growing slightly louder. And Anon was able to get to her sweet spots. Within mere moments, Applejack cummed into his mouth as he was able to drink her out.

After he released from her mouth, Applejack’s legs felt wobbly, but Anon was able to hold her up whilst he looked at her face to face whilst she had a blissful smile. It didn’t even help much that he was kissing her full on the lips before breaking it.

“Care for the next course?” teased Anon.

“Sugar, give it all to me.” Said Applejack.

“Good.” Said Anon as he guided her to the wall, making her place her hands against the wall, as if he was planning something. “Now hold really still there.”

“Now hold completely still.” Said Anon whilst he placed his hand on her waist to guide her.

“Ah, now we’re talkin.” Said Applejack in a seductive manner.

Anon approached her with one hand on her hip, the other guiding his erection between her cheeks, where he probed her swollen lips, spreading her moisture onto his length to re-lubricate it.

Once Anon was all slicked up and ready to enter, he placed the tip between her lips and lunged forward. Ramming her soft halves apart, Anon glided into her, feeling her intense heat and supple tightness envelope him as he pushed forward, stopping only when her posterior mashed against his lap and every inch of him had disappeared inside her.

“Whuuuh!” gasped Applejack, staggering forward slightly, and letting her temple rest against the wall, her eyes wide with shock. This position allowed a much deeper penetration than before, and it was evident on Applejack’s face that having her body filled with such a hard, tremendous girth like this was overwhelming, but also breathtakingly wonderful.

Anon began to thrust in her, slapping his hips against her posterior, which created a wet slap between them.

“Oh, yeah.” she moaned, letting her forehead rest against the wall as Anon held her by the hips and began to thrust into her hot, tight flesh, serving up wave after wave of mutual pleasure for them to share, each stroke more exciting than the last. “Mmmmmmm!” She bit her lip and squeezed her eyes shut, unable to believe that her body could contain such an object, but it did, and it liked it!

She absolutely loved it. The depths reached inside her was almost unnerving, and the girth displaced her to a point where she thought it might tear her apart if it was any bigger, but she found herself quickly getting used to it.

“Oh man,” she huffed as her knees began to buckle under the immense sensation, which had begun a steady incline by then, carrying her straight into that first climax. “That’s gonna…ohm, that’s gonna do it, partner…keep that goin!”

Anon maintained a silent pace, plunging his entire length into her slowly clenching interior, feeling her body stiffening, her back arching as she prepared to receive that first explosion of euphoria from between her legs.

Anon kept holding her hips tightly, using them to pull her into his thrusts, being careful to remember that he couldn’t be as rough as he wanted like he could with any girl.

It wasn’t long before the first orgasm took her, and her flesh began its vigorous, pulsating dance across my entire length, racking her body with exhilarating waves of the most satisfying delight imaginable.

“Ahhh, that’s it! Right there!” she cried, her voice higher and shriller than I’d ever heard it, giving me the drive to continue drilling into her quivering flesh, relishing the thrilling effect I was having on her body.

Within mere moments, she climaxed, making her moan loudly whilst her legs were shaking a bit. Anon was able to take his manhood out of her, and before she fell over, Anon quickly caught her, and lifted her up whilst making to the bed at the same time. Just as Anon was about to sit down…

“Again,” muttered Applejack, surprising Anon, “Ah wanna go again.”

“Alright then, if that’s what you want.” Said Anon, “So how do you…?”

Applejack then sat on his lap whilst positioning her womanhood over his manhood, whilst leaving him flustered as she was now being straighter forward.

Anon felt the weight and softness of Applejack’s butt press down on top his lap, whilst Applejack began to flaunt her naked body in all its glory whilst her breasts jiggled as he smooth and shiny six pack could be seen, whilst her hair was loosened and no longer a ponytail.

“Why don't Ah’ show ya what Ah’ can do, then you can see if Ah'm a goddess or not,” said Applejack, in a seductive tone.

Applejack took Anon’s entire length within her tight, wet cunt and starts riding Anon, moaning seductively. And upon instinct, Anon raised his right hand and gave AJ’s enormous ass cheeks a hard smack, causing them to jiggle and ripple from the impact.

“AH!!! You must really love mah apples, don'tcha, handsome?” she asks while leaning down and pressing her breasts onto his chest, her face just inches from his.

“Can you blame me? Your ass feels so good in my hands. You might say I crave it,” Inferno growls in a sultry way.

“Then keep grabbing' away, love,” She urges before pressing lips onto his whilst she keeps her rhythm on his manhood. Anon continues to grope Applejack’s posterior whilst she moans into the kiss and gyrates her hips in circles.

The two continued to ‘roughhouse’ for who knows how long, but they didn’t care. Soon Anon began thrusting his hips upwards, causing Applejack to moan uncontrollably as the force behind his thrusts shook her whole body and made her posterior jiggle and bounce repeatedly. Anon eventually takes control over Applejack whilst keeping her on top of him. His hips thrust upwards while his hands held onto her posterior.

“Ahh! So big! Can't… think… straight! Mah… Mah pussy's… being stretched farther! Ah… Ah might cum soon!” Anon heard Applejack moan, her eyes shooting up with every thrust and her tongue lolled out.

She embraces it by hugging Anon tightly, not bothering to let go. Inferno eagerly chuckles and pumps his manhood inside her faster.

He puts all his energy and strength in his thrusts, which had Applejack feeling numb all across her lower body and moaning non-stop, especially when Anon never kept his hands off of her posterior.

Anon soon releases his load inside of Applejack, making her moan loudly as she couldn’t get enough of it.

Applejack went limp as her lower body felt numb. She also panted a bit whilst smiling at the same time. Anon was able to pull his manhood out and gently placed her at the center of the bed.

“Whoa, that was amazing.” Said Anon, whilst rubbing his head. But then he realized he was bald, making him pout a bit and said, “I wish I still had my hair.”

Anon then held a brochure that he pulled out of his pants before he removed it.

“Alright, let’s see.” Said Anon, “There’s still enough to do for today. And right now, wow, it’s only about 10AM. I guess I still have time to…”

Anon suddenly heard Applejack moan, then looked at her. He realized that she was still awake and whilst his hand was on one of her breasts, he couldn’t help but be curious. He moved his hand over to her womanhood. When he rubbed it, she moaned again. He realized that she still has energy in her, making him smirk.

“So, you still have some energy, huh?” said Anon as he positioned himself over her, with his manhood now over at her special spot.

“Well then,” said Anon, “I guess we can call this the third and final round.”

Applejack gasped as she felt Anon’s manhood go inside of her whilst her back was still on the bed. If you were from the audience, and you were hiding below the bed, you would see Applejack’s posterior being lowered, then go back out. This process went on over and over slowly as Anon was now getting more and more used to it.

“Ooooh. Bad boy.” Muttered Applejack.

“Get ready for the ride of your life, cowgirl.” Said Anon as he was really getting into it.

Anon continued to move faster whilst he moved his hips in deeper into Applejack’s love tunnel, whilst also groping her at the same time.

“Oh, mah stars, y’all know how to move.” Said Applejack.

“Yeah, I’m about to ride the wildest bronco of my life.” Said Anon.

Anon continued to move his hips with great speed whilst at the same time pinning her on the bed to make sure she didn’t go anywhere, though given how she can’t move because her energy has been spent, she couldn’t move anyway. Not that she was complaining, for she loved just how much Anon was going into her.

“Ho nelly, y’all are really digging it!!”

“Only when I really need to!!”

And that’s when Anon was pumping through like a piston engine, even Applejack continued to enjoy it whilst she lifted her neck as she wanted Anon to kiss her there constantly, but first he sucked a bit on her nipple, which left her more turned on.

“Oh man, ah can feel it comin’!!” exclaimed Applejack.

“Hold on just a bit longer!!” shouted Anon.

Both Anon and Applejack could feel their climax building up as he kept on going. The more he thrusted, the more Applejack enjoyed it as she clenched her hands on the bed as she felt like she didn’t want to go anywhere, and that she was having the time of her life. After five whole minutes, Applejack couldn’t take it anymore.

“Oooh, YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSS!!!!” exclaimed Applejack.

After the biggest climax Applejack had felt, she then went completely limp and was breathing heavily.

“Tarnation.” Muttered Applejack as the fatigue began to kick in. “Y’all are a…wild cowboy.”

Applejack passed out with a smile on her face.

Anon pulled out and landed on his back. He panted a bit whilst wiping his forehead.

“Damn,” muttered Anon, “Who’d thunk I’d have this much energy in me.”

He took the stone and returned to his senior form. He got up and put his clothes on. But he noticed Applejack was naked, and went over to put a blanket over her. He groped her chest one more time before covering her up.

As he walked to the door, he opened it and was shocked by what he was seeing.

“Wait, we’re at our suite floor?” said Anon surprised. “But how the hell is that possible?! How the heck did she get Applejack’s key?”

She looked at Applejack fast asleep. He didn’t have the nerve to wake her, not after that wild round. But then again, he can’t stick around long as he didn’t want to get in trouble. Anon put on a ‘Do not Disturb’ sign, to show signs that it’s occupied. He then peaked at her one last time before moving.

“I really hope Applejack doesn’t see anyone else in her room.” Said Anon as he closed the door.

Applejack on the other hand was fast asleep on the bed during her cooling off period, when all of a sudden, she slowly turned back to normal, whilst still naked underneath the blanket with a smile on her face. She might not remember anything, but boy will she be surprised when she wakes up.


At the same time, back at the docks, Starlight was now slowly more and more anxious and worried at the same time. However, …


Starlight turned around and to her shock, it was none other than Princess Twilight.

“Twilight?!” exclaimed Starlight when she saw her, “What are you doing here?!”

“I came here to help.” Said Princess Twilight, “I finished up earlier than expected. Once I was finished I rushed over here to help. I was worried that I might be too late.”

“You came at a good timing.” Said Starlight, “I was too late to board the ship, but I was able to book a ride. Only problem was, it wasn’t going to take off for another twelve hours. Right now, only ten hours remain.”

“Oh, no!!” groaned Twilight. She may not know much about helicopters, but thankfully Anon explained it to her the last time they visited the human world. “I just hope we’re not too late.”

“Me too, Twilight.” Said Starlight in equal worry as she looked ahead, “Me too.”

Chapter 4: Athlete's distance part 2

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Back on the Yacht, Anon was stretching a bit, whilst for some reason he never felt so refreshed in all his life.

“Boy, that really was something.” Said Anon, “I’ve never felt something like this in a long time.”

Suddenly, Anon thought about the woman, who was none other than Applejack, but he didn’t realize it until much later. He ended up blushing madly as he thought about her and the wild time he gave her.

“And I never realized how hot and tight she was.” Said Anon as he pulled out the stone and kissed it, “All thanks to this baby that returns me to my normal size and teenager size whenever I feel like it.”

He placed the stone back in his pocket and looked at his watch.

“Wow, I never realized that it was 10:30AM.” Said Anon, then he remembered. “Doh, right. I forgot, I usually take my workouts for an hour between 10:30AM to 11:30AM. Normally I don’t do it on the weekdays, but technically, it is a weekend. So, I’ll just suck it up and get a move on.”

Anon then walked towards his room to get his workout clothing. But then he looked at Applejack’s room and wondered, “I wonder how the heck that woman got her keycard? Meh, best not to think about it.”

Anon then walked back to his room to get some proper attire for a workout.


Meanwhile, somewhere on the ship was the gym. And inside of the gym was none other than Rainbow Dash. She was trying out every single workout equipment in order to continue to improve her athletic skills. After she was done with jogging on the treadmill, she decided to lift some weights a bit.

“Aw, yeah!!” said Rainbow, “Feel the burn!! I could do this all day!! I feel like I can take on anybody!! And I…!!!”

Suddenly, she began to feel her legs and right hip cramping, causing her to groan and drop the weights, making her sit down for a bit.

“Dang it, not again!!” said Rainbow.

Thankfully an instructor noticed and quickly went over to her.

“Are you okay, ma’am?” he asked.

“Yeah, the cramps.” Said Rainbow.

“Forgot to take your medication for it?” asked the Instructor.

“You might say that.” Said Rainbow.

“Here, let me help you up.” Said the instructor as he carried her towards a chair.


The instructor had given Rainbow some of his medication after he had placed her on a bench near the shower room.

“There you go.” Said the instructor, “Now don’t move your body until it completely settles.”

The instructor walked away and is about to check on the rest of the gym attendees. Rainbow on the other hand groaned whilst she was leaning against the lockers.

“Ugh, I hate it when I get these cramps.” Complained Rainbow, “How come is it every time whenever I’m busy with workouts and want to enjoy myself, I keep getting cramps. What, does the stuff I take don’t help?”

That’s when she noticed the medication that Anon gave her and the girls. She remembered he said that they were experimental, and he wanted them to test it if anything happens. At first she didn’t like the idea of being a lab rat. Although…

“Well…I do kind of owe him for curing as after the Saddle-Rager incident.” Said Rainbow, “And he was my tutor in chemistry and science class. I…guess I can give it a try.”

She then took out a pill and put it in her mouth and swallowed it with water. She took a sigh of relief, until she could no longer feel the cramps onto her body.

“Oh hey, that really helps.” Said Rainbow as she liked the feeling. “Now I can finally get back to where I left off.”

Rainbow then went over to a sink and washed her face a bit. After she dried her face off and placed the paper towel away, she then spotted a magazine nearby. It was a picture of a dog pulling down a kid’s pants, whilst it partially showed the kid’s posterior. Rainbow groaned at this whilst looking at it.

“Ugh, why is it every time whenever they make adds like this, they always…” said Rainbow before she clicked and blinked in surprise.

She suddenly felt her heart beating whilst her shoulders were moving up and down for a bit. Suddenly, she began to slowly growing. She began to grow 6.5 foot tall, and her breasts grew to F-Cup, whilst also gaining an hourglass figure, with a strong body, worthy of any woman, whilst at the same time, Rainbow’s more flowing, as her posterior also became alluring whilst her body was fit.

Rainbow shook her head and looked around. Then noticed her body at the mirror, whilst inspecting herself.

“Oh yes, now this is something any woman can dream of.” Said Rainbow. But then she noticed the outfit she was wearing for this is a bit tight. “Though I can’t work out like this.”

She then noticed a spare workout uniform. And surprisingly convenient, it was in her size. She smiled and went over to it. After she removed her workout clothes and placed on new ones, she noticed how fit she really looked in the clothes.

“Now this is more like it.” Said Rainbow as she inspected herself. She then thought of something and said, “Now let’s see. What should I do now?”

She then looked near the entrance. And as if something caught her attention, she saw Anon walking in with his workout clothes, whilst looking around, thinking of what he should do at the same time. Rainbow suddenly looked at him with half-lidded eyes and slowly licked her lips.

“And that right there is a man worthy of any woman.” Said Rainbow Dash.


Anon began to place his things into a spare locker and placed his phone, watch, and a few other belongings to make sure that nothing distracts him whilst he’s busy doing his workout.

“Alright now, let’s see.” Said Anon as he looked at the training equipment, “Which one should I start with first?”

He then looked at the treadmill, and figured he’d start there first.

He walked over to it and started it up. He began to jog on it whilst trying to maintain his breathing at the same time. Whilst he did that, he noticed that it had already been ten minutes.

“Nice to see that I’m up to date with my workouts.” Said Anon whilst being focused at the same time.

However, he failed to realize that someone else was walking up to the treadmill in front of him. The person also began to program the treadmill and began to jog on it as well. Anon slightly looked up and what he saw, made his eyes nearly widen.

For whilst he was running, he saw a woman running. She was wearing red, white, and blue track shoes, whilst wearing skin tight workout clothes, two arm bands for what athletes use, as well her hourglass body, as well as rainbow like hair, which was none other than Rainbow Dash, which of course he didn’t know that. However, what he noticed was how well her posterior bounced whilst she was running. Anon couldn’t help but blush madly, and would almost feel that he was getting stiff.

Unfortunately, he failed to realize that his shoe laces were untied, causing him to trip and fall, making the treadmill crash him against the wall.

“My what a nice ass you have.” Muttered Anon whilst his eyes were spinning at the same time.

Anon didn’t know it, but he felt a shadow over him. When he shook his head and rubbed his eyes, he looked to see who the shadow was, making him look with a stunned expression. Rainbow was towering over him. But she crouched and was nearly face to face with him.

“Hey there, bud. You okay?” asked Rainbow.

“Uh, yeah, I am.” Said Anon as he was flustered by her face.

“You need some help there?” asked Rainbow.

“Uh, yeah, sure.” Said Anon.

Rainbow helped Anon up in order for him to get back up on his feet and dusted himself and straighten himself out.

“You sure you’re okay, you took a nasty fall.” Said Rainbow Dash.

“Trust me, I had worse.” Said Anon, he looked at her and said, “This your first time here?”

“It is actually,” said Rainbow, “And I can tell that you’re also a natural in a place like this.”

“Well, I do workout now and then, but sometimes it’s rare to find a gym where you can really test yourself. Go the distance, you know?”

“I know, right?” said Rainbow.

“And seeing that this ship has state of the art work out equipment” said Anon, “I figured I’d give it a shot and see what I can do. For old times’ sake.”

“Old times’ sake?” asked Rainbow.

“It’s…complicated.” Said Anon.

“Well, seeing that we’re both here to test our limits in going the distance.” Said Rainbow. “Why don’t we work out together.”

“Really?” asked Anon, “Won’t I get in the way?”

“Of course not,” chuckled Rainbow, “Besides, I’d like to see for myself just how capable you are in doing what you’re doing.”

“Okay, if you say so.”

This time, the two of you went over to the treadmill. This time, you’re side by side.

“Now, seeing that we’re together on this, we’ll take this slow, and see just how well we can take it.” Said Anon as he got ready. “If that’s okay with you that is. Normally I wouldn’t make you do this, considering you’re already doing it so well.”

“Well, aren’t you sweet.” Said Rainbow, which made Anon blush at that comment a bit. “Alright then, little man, let’s see what you’re made of.”

Anon suddenly twitched, and looked at her with a glare.

“Little man, huh?” said Anon as he looked at her, which made her blush, “I’ll show you.”

Anon and Rainbow began to go all out on the treadmill. True to form, the two of them were going slow, then fast at their top speed. Anon was showing signs of getting tired, but he wasn’t going to give up that easily. Rainbow looked at him and couldn’t help but blush at Anon’s determination.

‘Wow,’ thought Rainbow, ‘Seeing him go all out…that’s kind of hot.’

Soon enough, the two of them stopped, with Anon panting a bit, with Rainbow also sweating a bit after going at such a speed. She offered him a bottle and asked, “Water?”

“Thanks.” Said Anon as he accepted the bottle.

As he drank the bottle, the water began to drip down to his chest, which caused Rainbow to be flustered by what he was doing, especially her slowly licking her lips from what she was seeing.

After Anon had that water, he then said, “What next?”

“Well, there’s the weights,” said Rainbow, “But we’ll save that for last. We’ll do a few others before doing anything else.”

“Alright then, if you say so.” Said Anon.

The two of them began to do their other routines during their workouts. There were pushups, pullups, stretching, yoga, barbells, climbing rope and so on. Until finally, they got to the weights. Anon and Rainbow were stretching a bit, and for some reason he was looking forward to it.

“I have to admit,” said Anon, “I’m actually looking forward to it. It’s been a while since I worked out like this.”

“And you also have some pretty good stamina.” Said Rainbow, then thought, ‘I wonder what else he’s pretty good at?’

“Well then, the weights are up next.” Said Anon, “Ready?”

“How about you go first,” said Rainbow, “I wanna see what you’re capable of. And I’ll even spot you when I can.”

“Alright then, you got yourself a deal.” Said Anon.

Anon was the first to lie down on his back in order to get himself ready. Once he had his choice in weights ready, he began to lift it up and began to do his amount of lifts, whilst Rainbow keeps an eye on him at the same time, as well making sure he doesn’t go overboard and to make sure that he’s okay. However, Rainbow saw his abs and smirks. She gently lowers herself and sits on his lap, which shocks Anon as he sees Rainbow sitting on his lap.

“Uh, what are you?” said Anon as he grew more and more flustered by what he was seeing.

“Oh, nothing much.” Said Rainbow as she slowly lowered herself, but also to ensure that she doesn’t hit her head against the pole, “I just wanted to see you up close. And I have to admit, I’m very impressed.”

Rainbow continued to stroke his chest from underneath his shirt, which in turn left him flustered. For he had to admit, her hands felt really amazing. Anon felt the warmth in his groin, which made him grunt, as he didn’t want to think of something like this right now. After about the thirtieth, he was able to put it back, allowing him to quickly grab her hands.

“Your turn.” Said Anon.

“Oh, poo.” Said Rainbow in a playful pout, but then smiled and said, “Alright then, a deal’s a deal.”

Now it was Rainbow’s turn to press. He had to admit, the way he saw her pressing and lifting the weights, he was impressed by her strength. He looked around, and noticed that there weren’t many people around, and none that could see him. He couldn’t help but smirk and for once…let his perverted instinct take over.

‘Alright then,’ thought Anon as he walked over and also stood on her right at the center, ‘Let’s see how you like it.’

Anon ended up slowly placing his hands onto Rainbow’s abs, gaining her attention.

‘Oh. His hands feel good.’ Thought Rainbow. Then she looked at him and said, “Can’t get enough of me, I see?”

“What can I say,” said Anon as he slowly moved his hands upwards, which made her eyes slowly widen, “I love to feel how a woman’s body feels.”

Anon was soon underneath her shirt, allowing him to feel her breasts, making her gasp slightly at it. He then began to move them in motion, making her moan at the touch, but ended up blushing madly and biting her lip at the same time. But then he felt her perky nipples, making her kick her legs as a result. He then smirked as she looked at him with a flustered look.

“Do you always tease girls like this?” asked Rainbow.

“Only those catching my attention.” Said Anon, then he did the unexpected. His hand went…to her pants?! “And I bet none of them did this to you.”

Anon slowly placed his hand in her pants and went for her sweet spot, making her gasp whilst her lower side was squirming. She kept fidgeting whilst she lifted weights at the same time. She felt like she was going to lose it, until finally, when she also reached her thirtieth, she instantly tossed the weights aside and grabbed Anon, and planted her lips on his very hard, surprising Anon at the same time.

The two of them made out with each other compassionately whilst wrapping their arms around one another. Rainbow pulled Anon as he was now on top of her, whilst at the same time, she wrapped her legs around him in order to keep him close.

The two of them slowly broke the kiss as they looked at one another closely, with both of them having bedroom eyes at the same time.

“Wanna take a shower and then getting back to my room?” asked Rainbow.

“I like the offer.” Said Anon, “Do you wanna shower here, or…?”

“We shower in my room.” Said Rainbow, which surprised Anon, but his perverted instincts began to take over.

“Alright then, lead the way.” Said Anon.


Rainbow took Anon to the elevator, but she made him close his eyes in order for him to guide to her room. Anon didn’t know why Rainbow was being secretive, but then again, it is a big ship, and he didn’t know what to do or expect. Then again, he won’t question it, not after the wild time he had with Applejack, even if he didn’t recognize her.

Come to think of it, how come he never asked for their names in the first place? Meh, I’m sure they’ll get to it sooner or later.

After they got out of the elevator, Rainbow then guided the both of them to her room. Once they were inside, Rainbow locked the door, with her removing her hands from Anon’s eyes.

“Alright, we’re here.” Said Rainbow Dash.

“Nice room.” Said Anon whilst looking around.

“Make yourself comfortable whilst I take a shower.” Said Rainbow as she made her way to the shower, until she stopped and looked at him in a flirty manner and said, “Or…you can always come join me.”

This made Anon’s eyes widen in shock, as he never expected her to say that. Or in this case, any women. Anon then thought about something, and remembered the stone and smirked.

“Okay then,” said Anon, “But…on one condition.”


Anon then took his clothes off, minus his underwear and pulled out the stone. Using it, he turned himself back to his regular size. This surprised Rainbow, causing her to smirk and bit her lip at the same time.

‘Oh, I’m so going to enjoy this.’ Thought Rainbow.


Soon enough, Rainbow as already in the shower, as she let the hot water wash down her body, rubbing her body as she enjoyed the feeling. She then noticed Anon slowly approaching her, causing her to casually smile.

“What are you waiting for, big boy?” said Rainbow as she playfully invited him in. “I’m waiting.”

Anon got a good look at her figure. Wow, Rainbow sure was something. Applejack’s ass was great, but something about an athlete’s posterior was just…wow.

Anon soon walked into the shower with her whilst Rainbow was still in there.

Her hands moved slowly around her body, using the hot water from the shower to clean herself from the workout they had earlier.

Anon moved through the shower curtain, she still didn't turn, whilst he moved closer, so close that her cute butt pressed against his crotch. Rainbow gasped, biting her lip and shakes a little. Anon’s hands move to each side of her hips, slowly sliding upwards, and as his hands move up, she lifts her arms up, allowing me free movement.

Rainbow let out a small moan, moving her arms back to reach around Anon’s head as she leaned her head back on his shoulder, allowing the two of them to stare at one another. Seeing an opening, Anon kissed her neck as she allowed him better access. Anon’s hands reached her bosom, allowing him to I slid his hands under her perky breasts.

Rainbow inhaled sharply, feeling Anon lift her breasts, feeling their weight in his hands whilst he massaged them at the same time. “A-Anon..” whispered Rainbow, turning her head and started to lick and kiss him at the same time. The hot water moved down their bodies as their muscles were being relaxed after a long workout.

Anon’s manhood was already stiff and poked against Rainbow’s posterior, which in turn made her flustered whilst she couldn’t help but bit her lip in excitement. Rainbow slowly took hold of Anon’s manhood, making him moan at her touch.

“Sorry about that,” said Rainbow teasingly, “I didn’t know you were that sensitive.”

“I’m fine,” said Anon. “It just…surprised me is all.”

Anon continued to massage her breasts and moved his fingers close to her nipples. Rainbow moaned a bit whilst relieved by Anon’s words at the same time. The two of them kissed again whilst Rainbow stroked his manhood up and down whilst stimulating him at the same time.

However, seeing that the two of them were in the shower, this began to be the perfect opportunity for the both of them. Anon grabbed Rainbow’s shoulders and turned her around, allowing the two of them to be face to face with one another and kissed again. However, after Anon broke it, he moved his kiss to her neck, and then to her chest whilst he gave attention to her bosom, which made Rainbow moan loudly, as well as with a bit of lewd.

Anon moved his kisses down her stomach, making her do a few sharp intakes, whilst at the same time, Rainbow bit her lip as Anon had passed her belly button.

‘Whoa, his lips are…wow.’ Thought Rainbow.

‘I have to admit, she does good at her workouts. I might ask her for advice.’ Thought Anon.

Anon had then stood on his knees as he reached her crotch area, something that made her tense up in anticipation. Anon could tell that she really wanted this badly, which he decided to comply, and soon began to lick at her sensitive spot.

Rainbow moaned loudly whilst placing her hands on top of Anon’s head, them kept on opening and closing them at the same time whilst it felt like he was teasing her at the same time.

“A-Anon,” moaned Rainbow as she was enjoying this feeling, “Holy…this is…Ah!!”

The way Rainbow’s body and hands acted told Anon that Rainbow was trying really hard not to grab his bald head, which he is thankful that he doesn’t have hair at the top of his head.

‘Sometimes I wish Potion Nova didn’t destroy my hair.’ Thought Anon.

Rainbow could feel Anon’s tongue moving closing into her sweet spot, stimulating her as he made her moan at the same time. The longer he continued, the more her hands moved onto his head, pressing Anon’s head further in.

Rainbow kept moaning whilst out of instinct, wrapped her one leg around him in order for him to go in further than he already is. Finally, she couldn’t take it anymore, making her growl and looked at him in a very lustful way.

“Let’s dry off first, big boy.” Said Rainbow, “And let’s see just how far the distance we can go to.”

Rainbow was the first one to turn off the shower and walked out, but not before Anon gave her a playful slap to the rear, which she couldn’t help but coo at and made her way towards a towel.

After the two of them dried off, the two of them got out of the bathroom, until Rainbow pounced on him whilst making out with him at the same time. Soon enough, the two of them broke lip contact with one another for air, whilst Rainbow kept a blush and a smirk on her face at the same time.

Anon moves to Rainbow’s left breast and sucked on it whilst cupping her right, fondling them in a circle. Rainbow moaned whilst her back was still against the wall

“Oh, you are…so good at this.” Said Rainbow as she couldn’t focus, “Keep…doing that.”

Anon continued to suck on her nipples, fisting and squeezing her sensitive breasts as if they were putty. Rainbow kept moaning as she was enjoying this.

“Holy, crap!!” exclaimed Rainbow as she enjoyed the feeling.

Rainbow then pulled Anon closely and kissed him again with passion, whilst slipping her tongue in at the same time. After that, she looked at him in a lustful gaze.

“It seems now, I have a handsome stud to fuck my brains out.” Said Rainbow in a lustful tone, which in turn turned Anon on, as he never expected a girl to say that. “Time to suck off you now, big boy.”

Rainbow took Anon’s manhood and began to suck on it as she was able to get the length inside of her mouth.

‘Holy…she’s really talented.’ Thought Anon.

Rainbow then had an idea and released Anon’s manhood from his mouth, causing her to place his manhood between her bosom and gave him a boob job.

“Does this feel good?” said Rainbow in a lustful tone, “Does it feel cooler?”

“It’s…100% cooler.” Said Anon.

During Rainbow giving Anon’s member a boob job, the pressure began to build.

“Holy…” said Anon as he couldn’t take it anymore. “I’m going to…!!!”

Anon ended up cumming inside of her mouth, and to Anon’s surprise, she was able to swallow every drop of it. After that, Rainbow pulled away and licked her lips after swallowing.

“I must admit,” said Rainbow, “You’ve certainly got some skills there.”

“That’s a first.” Said Anon as, again, no girl has ever said that before.

“Now for the next part.” Said Rainbow as she turned around and bent over with her hands on the bed, whilst looking at him with a lust. “Now for the next part of your prize.”

‘Oh, I’m liking this already.’ Thought Anon with a smirk whilst moving over to Rainbow.

Anon walked over and placed his manhood inside her womanhood. He grabs hold of her whilst he thrusts inside of her. He hugs Rainbow’s body whilst he plows her posterior like a steam piston.

Rainbow screamed in ecstasy as she felt her insides being stretched out and being ploughed by Anon. “Fuck me hard, big boy!! I’m all yours!!”

Anon playfully spanked her posterior whilst turning her head to capture her lips, making Rainbow moan in them at the same time. Her whole body shook with each of his thrusts, her posterior ripples, and jiggles from the harsh impacts from his thrusts. Her breasts bounced non-stop and her legs began to nearly grew numb, whilst Rainbow’s mind felt like it was going blank.

Anon groped and fondled her bosom to add more pleasure, whilst Rainbow’s breasts were being fondled, her posterior being spanked and her womanhood being ravaged by his moves. And within a split second, Rainbow climaxed, making her moan, same with Anon.

Anon dropped onto his knees as he felt like he couldn’t go on, with Rainbow collapsing onto the bed. The two of them breathed a bit, trying to catch their breath from the wild ride the both of them endured.

“Wow,” said Anon whilst he was out of breath. “That was…”

Suddenly, he felt himself being grabbed and pulled towards someone. It revealed to be Rainbow, with a smirk on her face, but also trying to make sure her breath was normal.

“Oh, it’s not…over yet, big boy.” Said Rainbow as she was now face to face with him with a smirk. “I’m just getting started.”

Rainbow took Anon by the shoulders and pulled him into a kiss. The kiss she gave was passionate, lustful, and in a hot way, pornographic. Anon and Rainbow looked like they were going to devour each other, their slick tongues wresting amid rising moans. Both of them were groping one another in order to get them further excited at the same time, with their bodies feeling hot at the same time.

Anon was now feeling to get much further during their love making, with Anon moving down and licking her womanhood, making Rainbow moan as she couldn’t lay still in bed at the same time.

“Fuck!!” swore Rainbow, which was surprising for Anon, but chose to go on, “I feel like I’m going to explode!!”

Anon then stopped and began to move a bit upward, whilst he was face to face with her. Anon placed his member inside of her, making her moan loudly as she enjoyed the feeling at the same time. Anon began to pump his hips faster, whilst Rainbow Dash moaned loudly at the same time.

“Oh, yeah, my big sexy man!!” exclaimed Rainbow whilst clutching onto the sheets, “So sexy he could bring down an entire city!!”

Rainbow grasped Anon’s waist and with a burst of strength, she rolled the two of them over. Before Anon knew what was happening, Anon was on the bottom, and Rainbow Dash was staring down hungrily at him.

“I am your goddess.” Said Rainbow in a teasing manner as she held onto Anon’s manhood, making him groan whilst she was stroking it. “And you are my tiny person, marvel in front of my beauty.”

She placed his member inside of her womanhood, making the two of them groan. Once Rainbow was in position, she began to ride it and began to grow at a fastening pace.

“Your goddess has come to your city. I am your goddess of victory, and beauty!! You shall look upon me and worship my body as you grip and play with it at a fastening pace!!”

When Anon looked at her, she really did look like a goddess. And at this moment, she was his, and he was enjoying how tight she felt as she felt the climax building up.

“Oh boy, I’m so close, big boy!!” shouted Rainbow, “Are you close as well?!! I want to feel your mighty skyscraper hitting me with your ocean!!”

Anon didn’t know to be either feeling freaked out, or very hot and bothered when she was talking like that.

“I’m close!!” said Anon, “I don’t think…I can hold this any further!!”

“Then let’s do it, let’s cum together!!” said Rainbow whilst she bounced with all the strength in her hips. “I just need one thing Anon!! You gotta tell me, if I am your goddess!!”

They weren’t growing; the bedroom around them was the same size, the walls no closer than before. But Anon felt big. At any size, Rainbow Dash’s love and the embrace of her body was enough to make him feel a thousand feet tall. “Oh yeah,” he said, “You’re big, Rainbow Dash. You’re bigger than anyone, and you’re getting bigger…”

Dash’s hips slammed down onto Anon manhood, slapping his skin with her wide blue bottom. Her body tensed, and her womanhood clenched, and she raised a cry to the heavens as she came. Anon, his manhood held tight in her womanhood, felt his balls tighten as her walls milked his shaft insistently - and within seconds he joined her in climax, his cock shooting harder than it had ever shot before.

And it felt so good, so impossibly, rapturously good - in fact, it was too good. It shouldn’t have been possible for a climax to be so intense. Rainbow collapsed on top of Anon whilst he kept his grip on her posterior. Rainbow breathed heavily and slowly looked at him.

“That was…wow.”

Suddenly, Anon flipped Rainbow over as she was suddenly on all fours, which surprised her. Anon then whispered to her, “Prepare for a ride of a lifetime.”

Anon placed his member back inside of her, making her squirm a bit whilst biting her lip in excitement. He then moved his hips as he was now thrusting inside of her.

“OH, FUCK YES!!!” she roared intoxicated with pleasure. As Anon continued to pound her fiercely, her already loud moans only grew louder and louder. Missing the soft feeling of her breasts, he got back against her back so he could cup them in the palm of his hands. Anon felt fully aroused from how soft and firm they were.

Anon pounded Rainbow more eagerly inside whilst the two of them were panting ferociously. Wanting to last all night was wishful thinking, as Anon unfortunately felt another climax approaching and somehow started thrusting against her even harder than before.

With her head still turned to Anon, he saw as her eyes rolled to the back of her head and stuck her tongue out, as the feeling of him her womanhood like a sex-hungry lunatic was really getting to her. No more words were exchanged, all that could be heard in the bedroom was the wet slaps, moans, heavy panting, and gasps.

“D-Dash.. I-It’s coming! It’s coming!” shouted Anon. He took his hands off of her breasts so he could instead dig his fingers into her sides and feeling her sweaty skin.


Both Anon and Rainbow were shouting from the top of their lungs as both of them orgasmed with all they had. Her juices shot all over his manhood while he went in deep and painted her insides. Anon’s orgasm continued on until finally it subsided after his sixth spurt. Anon slid out of Rainbow’s womanhood and sat on his knees, trying to catch his breath. Rainbow on the other hand, meant softly as she collapsed on her front moaned softly.

“That was…awesome.” Mumbled Rainbow before passing out.

Anon breathed a bit as he had a hard time catching his breath. He was able to get up and put Rainbow in a proper position on the bed, then put a blanked around her. After that, he walked over to the table where the stone was and returned to his senior form.

“Whoa, that girl can really go the distance.” Said Anon whilst wiping off the sweat. “And that was one heck of a workout.”

Anon then heard his stomach growled, and realized something.

“Dang, I must be hungry.” Said Anon. He was then dressed and went outside. But then he realized where he was. And said, “You know what, I’m not even gonna ask.”

Anon placed the ‘Do not disturb’ sign outside and closed the door.

As Rainbow was now in her cooling off period, her body soon returned back to normal whilst naked at the same time and kept a smile on her face.


At the same time, at the docks, both Starlight and Princess Twilight were still worried, but a bit impatient at the same time. However, they noticed the pilot was about to leave.

“Where are you going?!” said Princess Twilight.

“Lunch break.” Said the guy.

“You’re choosing to eat now?!” said Starlight.

“Sorry miss, union rules.” Said the Pilot. “And you know, whilst I’m at it, you girls can join me. I’ll buy you lunch as well.”

Suddenly, their stomachs began to growl, which left them embarrassed.

“I think we’ll take you up on that offer.” Said Starlight sheepishly.

“Agreed.” Said Princess Twilight.

The two of them left with the pilot to go on lunch, and hoped that things would go smoothly from there.

Chapter 5: Gem Performance part 3

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From onboard the ship, Anon was walking down the ship, thinking about what to have for lunch.

“Now what the heck can I get for lunch?” pondered Anon, “There are plenty on the ship to choose from. And I know we have paid for the whole thing, but there’s so many to choose from.”

He then caught the whiff of a food he hadn’t smelled in a long time. He looked at the local restaurant and looked at the specials they have.

“Wow, so many to…”

That’s when he saw something that caught his attention.

“Whoa, they really serve bowls of chili?” said Anon surprised, “I haven’t had one of those since I was a kid. That was always my favorite comfort food when I was little.”

He then thought about it and made up his mind.

“Hey, as the old saying goes, when in Rome.” Said Anon as he walked in.


Meanwhile, in her room, Rarity had already finished her shopping at a few of the stores, as well as some fabrics that she could use to create in the future.

“Oh, this is simply fabulous.” Said Rarity as she went over her newly bought items, “I have everything I needed to gain what I am looking for. And very soon, I shall be the talk of the town, and become the next big thing.”

She then proclaimed loudly, “Look out world!! Rarity has something amazing up her…!!!”

Suddenly she winced and held her head, for she suddenly gained a massive headache.

“Oh, goodness.” Muttered Rarity, “I never imagined that I, a lady of all people, would gain a headache.”

She then looked at the fabric and the time.

“Oh, but I simply cannot remain in here all the time, my friends are expecting me.” Whined Rarity a bit.

Then she remembered the medication Anon gave them.

“Well, there is the medication.”

She walked over to her purse and pulled the medication out for just in case.

“It’s a good thing I kept this with me on standby for just in case.” Said Rarity as she tried to make sure she didn’t worsen her headache.

She took out the pill and a glass of water. She slowly swallowed it and took a breath.

“Oh, that is so much better.” Said Rarity. She then felt her headache slowly going away. “Oh, and it seems to be working.”

Rarity walked over to her outfits and was about to pick something.

“Now let’s see, if I choose my wardrobe correctly for this evening out, I might still…” said Rarity before she grunted.

It was as if she was hearing a big heartbeat, then she suddenly felt very feverish whilst holding her head.

“Oh dear,” muttered Rarity as she was trying to regain her focus. “I feel so…so…”

Suddenly Rarity trembled and shuddered whilst holding onto her head. She tries her best to remain focused, but for some reason it wasn’t working. For what was happening to her, well, even she doesn’t know the answer herself. When all of a sudden, her body began to experience a certain growth.

She began to grow 6.5 foot tall, and her breasts grew to G-Cup, whilst also gaining an hourglass figure, with a heavenly body, worthy of any woman, whilst at the same time, Rarity’s hair was more flowing, as her posterior also became alluring whilst her body was extremely attractive.

Once she was done growing, she then shook her head, focusing back on what she was doing.

“Oh my, whatever overcame me for some ago.” Said Rarity in her alluring voice. “I simply cannot waste away in here, I need to go outside.”

Suddenly, she noticed the pills were still there, causing her to take the wrappings of the pills and sniffed it. She was then able to catch a whiff of it and smirked as well.

“And it seems I have found the human, my own prince darling.” Said Rarity with a smirk. Then looked at her outfit, “But I simply cannon go out there in this attire. I need something from my personal collection.”

Rarity looked at a few outfits of hers that she just required. She saw a few bags that she recognized.

“Hmmm,” pondered Rarity as she looked at them. Then she smirked. “I have an idea.”


From near the face of Anon, whilst sitting in a secluded spot so no one could spot him, he suddenly lifted a spoon filled with chili that he always wanted to eat.

“Tower to pilot, tower to pilot.” Said Anon to himself as he was messing around. “We’re tracking your approach. And opening our doors to some yummy goodness.”

Anon then directed the spoon to himself whilst he continued to act.

“Tower to pilot!! Mayday, mayday!! You’re coming in too low, pull up, pull up!! NOOOOOOO!!”

Suddenly Anon splattered the chili against his head. Then he deadpanned and groaned, “Why do I always keep doing that?”

Anon wiped his face and continued to eat his chili. However, unknown to him, a certain girl, aka, Rarity, walked into the scene. And she was wearing a dress that’s similar to Jessica Rabbit, but in a purple dress that suits her personality, as well as the gloves she wears. She noticed him ahead and slowly licked her lips, for she spotted her target.

However, Anon was pondering over something, “I don’t get it, I was minding my own business, and suddenly, I got humped by two chicks. What is this, getting laid, day. Pff, yeah right, as if.”

“Hi there, handsome.” Said Rarity as she began to sit down next to him, “Mind if I sit with you?”

“Uh, sorry, but I…” said Anon as he looked at Rarity, which again, didn’t know it was her. Wow, this girl is drop dead gorgeous as he couldn’t help but stare at her whilst feeling his tongue being tied at the same time.

“So, what are you eating there?” asked Rarity.

“Oh, it’s just a bowl of chili,” said Anon, “But I’m not sure if it’s your type of food.”

Rarity casually took a spoon, scooped up a bit and ate the chili, whilst at the same time slow licked the spoon, which made Anon stare at her in shock and felt…hardened from seeing that.

“Looks like my flavor to me.” Said Rarity in a flirty manner.

“Uh, er, I uh…” said Anon, “I don’t suppose…you wish to join me?”

“Oh, but of course.” Said Rarity, “I am simply famished. Would it be okay if I ordered something a little…fancy?”

“By all means.” Said Anon as he allowed her.

“Thank you, my dear.” Said Rarity as she took a menu and looked through it.

Anon was quite infatuated by her beauty. But when he looked at her hairstyle, he thought, ‘Why do I get the feeling that the hairstyle looks familiar?’

Soon enough, Rarity’s food was brought, which was a fancy type of fish dish. She gently ate it, and Anon, seeing that he didn’t want to look disgusting, decided to eat like a gentleman. Thankfully, Rarity from Equestria taught him proper etiquette when he was onetime invited to the Grand Galloping Gala.

The two of them enjoyed their meal whilst enjoying each other’s company.

“And then I said, why would I want to wear burgundy to go with that dress, it makes no sense.” Said Rarity.

“Oh, I know what you mean, I mean what is this, national clown day?” said Anon.

The two of them laughed whilst also making sure not to make a scene. Anon however, couldn’t help but stare at Rarity’s breasts. He could see the cleavage sticking out. He also looked at her legs, whilst also seeing that the side of her dress is open, meaning if anyone could get the chance…

Anon decided to take the risk and whilst he pretended to eat normally. He slowly went towards Rarity’s leg and gently lifted the dress without her noticing, then went for her panties and slowly lifted the front of it, allowing him to dig his fingers in there. The moment Rarity felt his fingers, she mate a slight gasp.

Anon then slowly rubbed his fingers against her womanhood, making her squirm the lower part of her body, slightly. She slightly moaned whilst eating her food at the same time. Anon gave slow strokes in order to entice her, which seems to be working. Anon then moved to her breast and gave a few gentle gropes, making her gasp even more. However, she instantly grabbed his hand, stopping him from massaging her womanhood, but not her breast.

“Such a naughty boy.” Whispered Rarity whilst blushing. “Mind if we do it in a…separate setting?”

“Like you need to ask.” Said Anon whilst the two of them stood up and paid for their food.

They moved towards the elevator and waited for them to close. Once they did, Rarity pinned Anon against the wall with a lustrous smile on her face, as well as half-lidded bedroom eyes.

“For that little treatment you gave me in the restaurant,” said Rarity in a seducing tone, “Let me show you my gratitude.”

Rarity smacked her lips against Anon’s, taking him by surprise, but he welcomed it all the same. And during that time, Rarity pressed the button leading to the suite floor, so that he wouldn’t notice anything whilst also being distracted at the same time. Whilst it was going up, Rarity and Anon continued to make out, whilst he took the advantage to grope her posterior, making her slightly gasp, whilst she was enjoying it at the same time.

However, the two of them didn’t notice that another man entered the elevator and waited for his floor. He noticed the way the two of them were making out, making him roll his eyes at the same time.

After the doors opened, he walked out and said, “I’ll never understand lovey dovey couples.”

Both Anon and Rarity soon made their way towards the suite, whilst also moving out and made their way towards the room at the same time. After Rarity opened it using her keycard, the two of them entered and closed it behind them. Rarity ended up pinning Anon on the bed whilst the two of them kept making out at the same time, with Anon kept groping her posterior whilst she enjoyed it at the same time. The two of them slowly broke the kiss and looked at one another.

“Let me try to give you some…pleasurable insight.” Said Rarity as she slowly stood up and went to the showers. She looked at him in a seductive manner and asked, “Would you like to accompany me?”

Anon couldn’t help but smirk at this and said, “Of course…but first thing’s first.”

Anon had an idea and stripped him of his clothing until he was completely in the buff. He then took the stone and restored him back to his body, causing Rarity to smirk and looked at him with half lidded eyes.

“Now this, I really like.” Said Rarity as she walked over and took his hands. “Follow me, where the true magic happens.”

The two of them entered the bathroom. Rarity turned on the shower. However, the moment she turned around, Anon placed his lips against hers, which surprised her, but welcome it all the same. He then gripped onto her posterior again, which made her moan as she enjoyed the squeeze. During the making out, Anon grabbed the top of her dressed and stripped her off, which left her bosom now exposed. Out of instinct, he then groped onto her breasts, making her moan loudly, for she was enjoying his hands especially on her nipples.

Rarity kept her arms wrapped around his head as she wanted his head closer to her bosom, especially his hands. They broke the kiss whilst continuing to remove her dress in a slow manner. Soon enough, the two of them were in the nude whilst they stroked one another’s bodies.

“Why don’t you wait out there for a bit?” asked Rarity, “After when I’m done, you’ll be in for a big surprise.”

Just as she turned around, “Can’t wait.”

Anon gave her a gentle slap at her posterior, making her yelp, but giggled all the same whilst Anon went out.


Anon waited patiently on the bed whilst Rarity was in the shower. Anon thought about what kind of surprise Rarity would have. However, the more he kept thinking about it…

“I still don’t know where the hell she looks so familiar.” Muttered Anon, “I can’t even place my finger on where I’ve seen her before.”

He then heard the door slowly opened, and to Anon’s surprise, Rarity was wearing black lingerie, that hugged her bosom and posterior comfortably.

“Whoa.” Muttered Anon as he liked what he was seeing.

Rarity then walked over to her phone and found a type of music. Once she found what she was looking for, she smiled and played a song.

“Why don’t we make this…very entertaining.” Said Rarity.

Suddenly, there was a metal pole in the middle of the room and Rarity moved over to it. And to Anon’s surprise, she was dancing around it, whilst flexing her body and danced around the pole at the same time. She kicked her legs, she moved her hips, she swung her hair, she twerked to show off her booty. Anon couldn’t help but feel turned on when he sees her booty bouncing, for in a way, he wants to grope them whilst he sees her twerking.

“Man, I love that bodacious booty.” Muttered Anon as he loved what he was seeing.

When she was done, Rarity danced over to Anon, as he couldn’t help but wanting to reach out to her. But Rarity merely gently held his hand and pushed it away. She turned around and showed her posterior to him whilst she sat down and rubbed them gently. However, the moment she got up and turned around, Anon was already on his knees and near her womanhood as he couldn’t take it anymore.

He pulled down the underwear part, which surprised her. But before she could say anything, Anon had already grabbed her posterior and began to lick her womanhood. Rarity gasped at that whilst she felt his tongue going inside of her at the same time. Rarity continued to shudder whilst enjoying his tongue at the same time. Anon kept licking as he was able to get inside every corner of her insides, making her gasp whilst lifting her head at the same time. She suddenly wrapped her one head around him.

However, be before she could climax, Anon ended up standing up and stripped her completely, causing the both of them to be in the nude whilst making out ferociously at the same time. He then turned her around, allowing him to make her stick her posterior out. He placed his manhood inside of her slowly, making Rarity wince, for it felt a bit painful for her.

Once he was completely in, Anon began to slowly thrust inside of her as he started slowly.

“Oh my!!” exclaimed Rarity, “You’re so very big!! How are you so big?!!”

Anon didn’t know how to answer that, but right now, he didn’t care, for he was focused on the beauty right in front of him. He continued to thrust inside of her whilst he was busy building up speed, with Rarity’s eyes slowly rolling backwards as she really began to enjoy the feeling inside of her.

“Oh, yes, oh, yes!! Ravage me, my master!!” shouted Rarity as she was enjoying this.

Anon groped her breasts, or those big wonderful marshmallows as some would say.

Rarity rolled her eyes whilst her tongue was out at the same time. When all of a sudden, he stopped and whispered in her ear.

“Do you know what will make it even more hot?”

He then pulled her out, turned her around, lifted her leg and inserted his member back in. Then he lifted her up and had her pinned against the wall, whilst he still held her by her posterior and thrusted inside of her at the same time. Rarity ended up wrapping her legs around Anon’s waist and placed her arms around him in order to pull him close whilst the two of them kissed at the same time.

This however, didn’t last long as Rarity broke the kiss.

“Darling, I…I think I’m close!!” shouted Rarity as she felt like she couldn’t take it anymore.

“Me…too!!” shouted Anon as he was also getting into this.

Soon enough, the two of them climaxed whilst they screamed at the same time. The two of them panted for a moment before looking at one another in each other’s eyes.

“That was…truly magnificent.” Panted Rarity.

“Truly magnificent so far.” Said Anon as he brought her over to bed.

He placed her down and was on top of her, whilst making out with her at the same time. Rarity ended up groping Anon’s posterior in order to hold him close. At first, he wasn’t comfortable with someone grabbing his ass, but if it’s from a hot woman, whose he to complain. He then turned her around, causing her to be at the bottom. Before she could say anything, Anon had already moved towards her special spot, making her gasp as she grasped onto the blankets, whilst raising her chest at the same time, for she was really enjoying the feeling. Even though she’s tired, she still wants to keep going.

Anon then slowly moved over to her face, allowing the two of them to stare at one another, then passionately kissed one another. Soon enough, Anon placed his manhood back inside her womanhood, but she’s now used to it. But her squirming a bit didn’t help much.

Anon then began to grasp her hands and began to thrust inside of her again, causing her to moan and enjoy every thrust from Anom. She partially rolled her eyes as she kept grunting and moaning at the same time whilst her legs were opened for Anon. During the thrusting, Rarity wrapped her legs around Anon’s waist whilst she grasped his back, wanting him to continue to thrust inside of her.

“Oh yes!! Oh yes!!” shouted Rarity.

Right now, she was now partially on all fours whilst her hands were resting against the bedrest, whilst she kept her head lowered as Anon thrusted behind her again at the same time, which in turn caused her to bit her lip whilst also enjoying the feeling at the same time. And Anon feeling her magnificent marshmallows, both her posterior and her breasts, whilst continuing to make Anon turn himself on big time.

Then the two of them were on the bed whilst Anon raised her leg at the same time whilst doing it, this caused Rarity to enjoy this feeling at the same time. When all of a sudden, Rarity was somehow able to pull out and pushed Anon whilst his back was resting on the bed, with Rarity placing Anon’s manhood inside of her once more.

“I’m…almost there.” Moaned Rarity as she continued to bounce on his lap with his manhood inside of her.

Anon suddenly got up and held her close whilst thrusting inside of her at the same time, to which Rarity had the same idea and also held him close, not wanting to let him go under any circumstances. Rarity moved her hips at a fastening pace whilst Anon’s hands moved onto her posterior. He thrusted at a fastening pace.

Rarity rolled her eyes whilst shouting, “Oh my stars, darling!! I cannot take it anymore!! I’m going to…!!!”

And with one big thrust, Rarity climaxed, with Anon doing the same inside of her, making her shout in ecstasy

Rarity then felt limp with her arms dropping whilst her hair was partially a mess.

“My…aren’t you…a big boy with…energy.” Said Rarity before she kissed Anon on the lips and passed out.

Anon carefully placed her on the bed and made her slowly turn around so that she could be in a proper resting position, before covering her with a blanket. After he was done, he used the stone to turn himself back to his senior form whilst also getting dressed at the same time.

“Now that, was interesting.” Said Anon, “I’m on the ship, minding my own business, next thing I knew, I get banged by three beautiful women. I mean, who saw that one coming.”

Anon was about to leave, but took a look at Rarity, and couldn’t help but smile. “She really is a thing of beauty.”

Anon placed the ‘Do not disturb’ sign outside and closed the door.

As Rarity was now in her cooling off period, her body soon returned back to normal whilst naked at the same time and kept a smile on her face.


Back at the docks, Princess Twilight was busy throwing up whilst the pilot and Starlight helped her.

“Easy there, Twilight, easy.” Said Starlight whilst trying to make sure she was okay.

“Take this.” Said the pilot and gave her medicine, to which she took.

After the sip, she asked, “Why didn’t you tell me that it was raw fish.”

“The sign said it’s called sushi, it’s the same thing.” Said the pilot, “Then again, they were past their expiry date. Gonna have to make a complaint to the cafeteria manager.”

“Please do.” Said Starlight whilst also feeling pretty miffed at the same time. She looked at the time, and saw that they only had nine hours to go.

“I really hope we get to take off soon.” Muttered Starlight.

Chapter 6: Kindness with a case of Sniffles part 4

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After that wild time with Rarity, Anon wondered what he would be doing next.

“Let’s see,” muttered Anon whilst thinking, “What’s next to do out there. What to do, what to do, what to do.”

That’s when he noticed something. A box filled with fliers.

“Hmm,” muttered Anon, “Maybe they can tell me something.”

Anon then looked through the fliers, and noticed that some of them don’t quite catch his eye. That is, until he spotted something that really caught his attention.

“No way,” said Anon in shock as it got him excited, “They’ve got laser tag?! Oh man, I haven’t done this since I was a child!!”

Anon then looked at the time and saw it was almost time. Then he saw one of the crew workers.

“Excuse me,” said Anon, gaining the worker’s attention, “When is laser tag going to being? And are there other people participating?”

“It’ll start within an hour,” said the worker, “And right now there are over twenty people there. With any luck, you and nine others will be there to participate.”

“Great, thanks!!” said Anon as he got really excited and ran. Then he came back and had a sheepish smile. “Uh, which way is it?”

The worker chuckled and said, “Deck 4, on the other side of the ship.”

“Thanks!!” said Anon before darting off.

“Haven’t seen anyone get this excited over laser tag.” Said the worker whilst walking. “Heh, I remember participating in that when I was a boy.”


Back at Fluttershy’s cabin, things have been quiet. Then again, she is the shy one, so being quiet is no surprise there.


Or maybe not.

Fluttershy was walking out of the bathroom with some tissues. She then blew her nose again before throwing the tissue away into a bin that had a ton of tissues.

“Oh dear, I hope I’m not going to catch a cold like this.” Said Fluttershy. Then she remembered when she went to the doctor. “Oh dear, it must be the summer fever. They said that sometimes a person’s allergies tend to act up before adjusting their bodies. But they said that it might take a month. And I don’t want to have my friends worry, cause I don’t want to be left out. Oh, I wish there was a way for me to get better.”

However, that’s when Fluttershy noticed the medication pills Anon left her.

“Oh my,” said Fluttershy, “Anon’s medication pills that he made.”

She then began to have second thoughts, “Well, I don’t know, I don’t think it’ll feel right just to try some strange medicine.”

She then looked at them again. “Though then again, he did give them to me in case of an emergency and hoping it would work. And we also owe him and it’s because of him we were able to pass most of our science classes.”

She then reached out for them and said, “Maybe one wouldn’t hurt.”

She opened the packet and took out a pill, whilst filling her glass with water at the same time. She swallowed the pill and waited for a bit. After a few moments, she took a few sniffs. And before she knew it, she no longer had the case of the sniffles.

“Oh my, it worked.” Said Fluttershy as she was really excited. She then opened a window and said smelled the air, “Ah, I can smell the freshness of the sea.”

The wind then blew a bit through her window.

“I wonder what I can…” said Fluttershy before being cut off.

The reason for that, for whilst the wind was blowing, it blew part of her hair to her nose, causing it to get tickles, making her sniff a few times as she couldn’t control it. Before she knew it, she began to build up a sneeze.

“Aah…aah…aah…oh my, that’s never…aah, happened before.” Said Fluttershy whilst a sneeze was building up.

However, unknown to her, her sneeze affected her breasts as they looked as if they want to get bigger, as did her posterior, and then her body.

“Aah…aah…aah…here it comes,” said Fluttershy, “I…aah…need to aah…get it out. Aah…aah…aah…”

And then…instead of being soft.


And just like that, her body instantly grew, and grew the same height as Applejack, whilst hear breasts were HH-cup, and her posterior luscious. Whilst at the same time, her eyes went half-lid and her hair was covering her left eye to show a sexier appeal. However, her clothes could barely fit as they instantly tore itself.

She looked down at herself whilst flexing an eyebrow.

“Hmph, that’s just great.” Said Fluttershy whilst looking herself over. Her voice was different as she sounded like a tough girl, her eyes were red and her hair went from pink to green. “Now I gotta find myself a new getup to wear.”

However, she suddenly noticed a photo sticking out of her bag. She took it out and saw it was Anon with her at the animal shelter.

“So…this is the man?” asked Fluttershy to herself. She then smirked and said, “Let’s see if he will be a match for me.”


Meanwhile, near the laser tag section, many teens and some adults were waiting, eager to get started. Right now, it was the Red Dragons vs the Blue Barracudas. Anon was part of the Red Dragon Team. But he could see that the Blue Barracuda teams are already at full strength with a total of fifteen members. But Anon and his team are already at fourteen, and they need one more.

“Oh, I hope we get one more member of the team, otherwise the other team would have the advantage.” Said Anon to himself.

“You seem excited.” Said a person next to him.

“Can you blame me,” said Anon to the person, “I haven’t played laser tag since I was a child. You can imagine how exciting that can get.”

“So, we noticed.” Said the next one.

“Alright then, five more minutes.” Said the judge, “If anyone’s not participating in the Red Dragons, then…”

“Sorry I’m late.”

They turned and were surprised, with Anon also looking with a flexed eyebrow. The woman was wearing what appeared to be camo pants, with a sleeveless shirt that was perfectly snug whilst she was wearing what appeared to be a bandanna of sorts. But she

“I had some trouble finding the place.”

This caused half the guys to gawk at her. For she was hot, and she was tough. However, Anon was greatly surprised by this woman. For how is she so cute, and intimidatingly tough at the same time.

The woman walked over to the man with a clipboard and said, “So, where’s my vest, weapon, and team?”

“Uhhhh…” said the man as he was surprised to see the woman. Then he cleared his throat and said, “The Red Dragon Team. And right here.”

He handed her the vest and laser tag weapon. She placed the vest on, but had a hard time putting it on. Then she looked around and saw Anon. She gave a smirk.

“You.” Said Fluttershy whilst she pointed at Anon, making the latter look surprise, then looked left and right, then back to her, whilst pointing at himself, just to be sure. “Yeah, you. Wanna help me put this on, or what?”

Anon nodded, for some reason, he didn’t want to get on the woman’s bad side. So, he quickly moved over and helped her put it on. He could see that her breasts were sort of keeping it from being on, but he knew how to work on these vests. He remembered that one time he worked in one of his summer jobs back at his world on how these laser tag vests work.

“Thanks.” Said Fluttershy before turning to him with a smirk as she looked at him.

This caused him to look a bit uncomfortable and have him asking, “What?”

“Seeing that you helped me out with this,” said Fluttershy, “How about I do you a solid and be your partner in this?”

“Wait, really?” said Anon surprised as he never thought a tough woman would want to be his partner in this.

“Seriously?” said one of the Blue Barracudas with a scoff, “Why don’t you be my partner instead of that loser?”

Suddenly, Fluttershy grabbed him and punched him hard, knocking four of his teeth out, causing him to groan in the process, surprising everyone.

“Anyone else got a problem with it.” Said Fluttershy, causing everyone to shake their heads, indicating no. “Didn’t think so.”

She then walked over and did the unexpected. She grabbed Anon by the head and gave him a full kiss on the lips, which greatly shocked Anon, but not as shocked as the others. Anon could’ve sworn he felt her tongue inside of his mouth, but he was too stunned to tell the difference. She broke the kiss whilst keeping the smirk at the same time. Then stood in position and looked at the others.

“Well? Are we going or what?” asked Fluttershy.

Everyone immediately began to move and got in position. Fluttershy then grabbed Anon by the arm.

“Come on, big boy.” Said Fluttershy, “You’re coming with me.”

Fluttershy dragged him towards the gamer’s sport. Normally it can only be one person at a time, but for some reason, she wants to be in the same box as him, and because of her attitude, nobody was willing to put a stop to this.


From both sides, everyone was getting ready. Whilst at the same time, Fluttershy and Anon was in the same room, with the latter being squeezed together. However, he couldn’t help but sort of stare at her cleavage, for the shirt was really snug, and her HH-Cup breasts.

“I can see that you’re staring.”

Anon freeze and slowly looked up. He saw Fluttershy was looking at him. Though the way she was looking at him was aggressive and he hopes he doesn’t beat her up

“Er…sorry.” Said Anon.

“Oh, it’s alright my special little boy toy.” Said Fluttershy, “I’m in a special mood today. I’ve been getting a bit lonely lately. So why don’t you keep me company?”

“Er, what kind of company?” asked Anon nervously.

“Oh, I think you know.” Said Fluttershy. “And you know, we’ve got about ten minutes before the match starts. So, here’s the deal. After this is over, you get to do what I have to say. I’ll make it even worth your while.”

Now this time, Anon gulped again, especially when he felt her knee rubbing against his crotch, which in turn made him feel hard.

“Uh…well…” began Anon, but then his mouth spoke for him as he asked, “Will you keep your word?”

Fluttershy then smirked and slowly held his hands. She then said, “Does this answer your question?”

Fluttershy placed Anon’s hands against her belly, then made his hands go underneath her shirt, towards her breasts. This surprised Anon, for Fluttershy wasn’t wearing a bra, whilst Fluttershy was moaning from the touch.

“You’ve got quite the touch on you there.” Said Fluttershy.

Suddenly, Anon couldn’t help himself, for he began to massage her breasts whilst he gently groped them in circles. Fluttershy slightly moaned from this whilst she leaned against the wall with her arms up. Anon then thought of something and saw her pants, and made him realize that they must be very loose. So, whilst he was groping her breasts, he used his right hand to gently dig into it and played with her womanhood, making her gasp.

To keep herself from moaning, Fluttershy grabbed Anon’s face and kissed him in order to mute down the moaning, to which Anon had no problems with. And during that time, Fluttershy wrapped her leg around Anon’s waist in order to keep him close. Fluttershy could feel a climax coming along, until…

“Two minutes until match begins.”

They stopped and looked at the time, then to each other, which Anon couldn’t help but smirk.

“To be continued after the match?” asked Anon.

“You’re on!!”

The two of them then straightened themselves out whilst getting themselves ready. The doors opened as the person at the intercom shouted, “Begin!!”

Everyone from both sides began to move in through the maze as each of them began to try and find their targets and opponents.

From both sides, both sides tried to outwit the other. Some were taken out by the Red Dragons; some were taken out by the Blue Barracudas. However, it was Fluttershy who began to score more points, alongside Anon of course.

Soon enough, there was only six Blue, well in this case, five Blue Barracudas left, considering Fluttershy took out one of the group members.

“Aw, yeah!!” said Fluttershy as she got excited whilst moving to another part of the arena. “Five more to go!!”

As she walked, the ventilation conditioners blew a bit when she decided to stand next to it in order to hide.

“Once this match is over, then I’ll…” said Fluttershy before being cut off.

Because of the conditioners, it began to blow a piece of her hair to her nose, causing it to tickle it at the same time. Making her grunt a bit, before making a few sniffles at it. Before she knew it…

“What…why is my nose…?” began Fluttershy.

Then…the buildup sneeze begins.

“Aah…aah…aah…what’s wrong…with my…aah…aah…aah.”

And from the looks of her body, her breasts and posterior was slowly getting affected as well, as if she wants to get…smaller.

“Aah…aah…aah…oh no.” said Fluttershy as she realized what this means, “Not…now…aah…aah…aah…aah…aah!!!


When all of a sudden, her body then shrunk back to normal, whilst at the same time, her eyes went back from red to moderate cyan, and her hair from green to pink, and the clothes she’s wearing didn’t fit her anymore as they became loose.

“Huh, what?” said Fluttershy whilst looking around. “Where am I? How did I get here?”

Fluttershy looked down and was shocked to see her in clothing that was partially loose, making her yelp and squeak at the same time whilst trying to hold them.

“What am I wearing?!” panicked Fluttershy. “And why am I almost naked?!”

“I heard something, this way.”

Fluttershy squeaked and quickly hid for cover.

Walking past were five Blue Barracuda players left whilst looking around. Fluttershy on the other hand was trying her best to hide and make sure she wasn’t making any noises.

“Where do you think the rest of the Red Dragons are?” asked the second.

“I heard that the last three of them are being cornered at the west.” Said the third.

“Let’s finish them off.” Said the fourth.

“But I heard there was another out there.” Said the fifth.

“We’ll worry about that later, let’s just get going.” Said the leader before moving off.

Fluttershy then slowly got out of cover as she tried to get a good look, whilst at the same time, once again, stood next to the ventilation conditioners as it blew a bit at her.

“Oh no, this isn’t good.” Said Fluttershy as she was now panicking. However, she failed to notice the conditioners were blowing a piece of her hair to her nose, “I’d better get out of here before…”

Suddenly her nose began to tickle because of her hair.

“Oh my…but first my nose is fee…feeling.”

Suddenly, her sneeze began to build up.

“Aah…aah…aah…oh my, why is my nose…aah, suddenly so…sense…” Said Fluttershy whilst a sneeze was building up.

And as if on schedule, her body began to once again to be nearly feeling the effects of her build up sneeze.

“Aah…aah…aah…here it comes,” said Fluttershy, “I…aah…need to aah…get it out. Aah…aah…aah…”


And just like that, her body instantly grew, and grew the same height as Applejack, whilst hear breasts were HH-cup, and her posterior luscious. Whilst at the same time, her eyes went half-lid and her hair was covering her left eye to show a sexier appeal. However, her clothes could barely fit as they instantly tore itself, whilst her eyes were red and her hair green.

She then looked around for a bit, and noticed her clothing looked almost off, but fixed it.

“I’d better get going and fast.” Said Fluttershy as she got her laser tag gun ready, “Anon needs my help.”

At the same time, Anon was cornered with nowhere to go, with the Barracuda teammates surrounding him.

“Nowhere to run now.” Said one of the five members. “Once we get you, that broad will be next on our…”

That’s when all five of their armor went off, surprising them and Anon. When they looked back and saw Fluttershy standing there with her weapon aimed. The alarms went off, signaling the games are over and that they have won. However, Fluttershy was looking at the one who called her a broad.

She walked on over to him and gave a strong right hook, causing the guy to be flat on the ground, surprising the rest. Fluttershy cracked her knuckles and glared at them.

“Anyone else wanna call me a broad?” taunted Fluttershy.

The others then ran away in fear, knowing not to mess with her next time. Before Fluttershy could react…

Anon instantly wrapped his arms around her whilst his head was between her breasts, much to her surprise when she saw Anon hugging her. He looked at her with a smile.

“You. Were. AWESOME!!!” said Anon.

Fluttershy looked at him, but smiled and said, “Ya damn right I am. Now come here.”

Fluttershy grabbed Anon and passionately kissed him, for they have earned their victory. Soon enough, the two of them stood in first place with a trophy in their hand. But as they smiled, Anon couldn’t help himself as he wanted to grope her posterior, but he didn’t want to do it in front of everybody. Maybe when…the two of them are alone.


Soon enough, after the event, Anon and Fluttershy were on their way back to their room to put the trophy the room. However, considering how big it was, Anon was holding it because he wanted to look like a, ‘Gentleman’, but in truth, that’s what Fluttershy was expecting, for she didn’t want him to see what room they were going to.

When the elevator doors opened, Fluttershy guided him towards her room, allowing her to unlock it so that Anon could walk inside, with Fluttershy locking it behind her.

“Alright then,” said Anon after he placed the trophy on the table, “Now that’s what I call a sweet…”

Suddenly, Anon was grabbed by the wrists and pinned against the wall, with Fluttershy pinning her lips against his, much to his surprise, especially since she was putting her tongue inside of him, which he tried to return the favor by tongue wrestling against her, with Fluttershy moaning from the touch of his lips at the same time. The two of them broke the kiss and stared at one another.

“Let’s get ourselves cleaned up,” said Fluttershy, “For I’ve got a big surprise for you.”

“I bet you do.” Said Anon with a smirk of his own, “But before you do, I’ve got something for you to look forward to.”

Fluttershy released him in order to see, with Anon took out the stone and restored him back to his body, causing Fluttershy to be surprised, and slowly licked her lips.

“Now this, I like.” Said Fluttershy as she liked what she was seeing. “Why don’t you shower first, and then I’ll shower next and show you my surprise.”

“I’ll take your word for it.” Said Anon as he was looking forward to it.

Anon was the first to finish taking a shower. Once he was done, he was wrapped in a towel around his waist and came out, and saw Fluttershy wearing her bra and panties, causing the said latter to smirk when he saw him.

“Well now, I like what I’m seeing.” Said Fluttershy whilst Anon stood near her.

He slowly placed his hand on her right breast, which made her slightly gasp from his touch.

“I like what I’m seeing too.” Said Anon.

“Save it for the bed side.” Said Fluttershy as she gently pushed him away. “I’ll be right back.”

As Fluttershy walked past him, “I’ll be waiting.” Said Anon before giving a gentle slap behind her posterior, which surprised her with a yelp.

“Heh, tease.” Said Fluttershy with a smirk before entering the bathroom.

Fluttershy was soon undressed and began to take a shower. However, Anon had forgotten to close the window, causing a slight draft to come in.

“Ah, now that’s much better.” Said Fluttershy as she began to enjoy the warmth of the water. “Now I can…”

Suddenly, she felt a slight breeze coming in, making her shiver a bit, whilst at the same time, making her nose twitch at the same time.

“Huh, what’s…?” said Fluttershy whilst she was confused. “Aah…aah…aah…aah…aah!!!


Suddenly, Fluttershy was back to normal after a big sneeze. She was surprised at first, and looked around.

“Where am I?” said Fluttershy whilst looking around. Then she noticed where she was. “I’m I in the shower?” she asked in confusion. “How did I get here?”

She then heard her television was on, maybe she had a visitor.

“Oh dear, I didn’t know I had a visitor.” Said Fluttershy, “I’d better finish up here.”

Fluttershy began to clear herself for a bit. Then after a while, she was finished with her shower, she then dried her hair, but wrapped herself in a towel.

“Okay, that should do it.” Said Fluttershy, with the wind blowing again, “Maybe I should get dressed and see who…”

Suddenly, the wind blew and because of her now dried hair, it blew against her nose again.



And just like that, her body instantly grew, and grew the same height as Applejack, whilst hear breasts were HH-cup, and her posterior luscious. Whilst at the same time, her eyes went half-lid and her hair was covering her left eye to show a sexier appeal. However, her clothes could barely fit as they instantly tore itself, whilst her eyes were red and her hair green.

Fluttershy groaned and went over to the window before closing it.

“This is starting to get very annoying.” Said Fluttershy. She went over to the windows and closed it, not wanting something like this to happen again. This caused Fluttershy to smirk and said, “Time for the big finale.”


Anon began to wait at the bed, wondering what the woman was taking so long. Then again, he shouldn’t say anything. After all, a lady needs to be presentable. Ugh, great, now he’s thinking like Rarity. He decides to be in his boxers for just in case, for he wasn’t sure how it was going to be. But he wasn’t going to complain, for seeing how she was getting that close to him, now he wants to get even more closer to her.

He then heard the door opening and saw Fluttershy walking in. From the looks of it, her hair is dry, and so is her body, but she was still wearing a towel that covered from her chest to her knees. She looked at him with a smirk whilst she was walking towards the center of the bed.

“Haven’t kept you waiting for that long, have I?” asked Fluttershy whilst she was still having that smirk on her face.

“Oh, no, never.” Said Anon, “I waited for as long as I needed to.”

“Good boy.” Said Fluttershy as she slowly reached her hands onto her towel. “Now for your reward for having my back.”

Fluttershy loosened her towel, allowing Anon to see her in full nude, before dropping the towel playfully, with Anon couldn’t help but smirk himself whilst watching her at the same time. However, Fluttershy noticed the bulge in Anon’s pants, causing her to smirk whilst placing her hands on her hips.

“Oh,” said Fluttershy whilst looking eager at the same time, “Looks like someone is ready to play.”

“I could say the same thing to you as well.” Said Anon with a smile of his own.

Fluttershy walked over to him and slowly moved her arms and placed them on his shoulders. Before he could react, Fluttershy pushed Anon onto the bed, making him land on his back whilst Fluttershy was crawling on top of him whilst she kept her smile at the same time until the two of them were face to face. Fluttershy then lowered herself and placed her lips on his, whilst her breasts were pressing against his chest at the same time.

Anon enjoyed the feeling as he held her close, especially since Fluttershy was also pulling him closer so that the two of them could use their tongues at the same time. Taking a risk, Anon stroked his hands on Fluttershy’s sides and ended up playfully grasping her posterior, making her slightly moan a bit at the same time.

Fluttershy then grabbed his wrists and pinned him hard onto the bed whilst she still made out with him. But at the same time, had ended up leaving a hickey on his neck, which made him squirm for a bit. But Fluttershy broke the kiss and kissed him further down on his chest, then to his stomach. Then she had finally reached his boxers and pulled them down, revealing his manhood, which made her smirk.

“Oh, I like what I’m seeing.” Said Fluttershy as she began to massage his manhood between her breasts, which in turn made Anon squirm from her touch.

“Holy…” muttered Anon as he could barely hold it on.

Fluttershy continued to massage it over and over and over. Fluttershy continued to enjoy this feeling, however, she felt worried that she might sneeze again because of her nose, so she had to be careful. However, after a good five minutes, Anon felt the pressure build itself up.

“I…I think I’m going to…” said Anon as he couldn’t take it anymore.

Soon enough, Anon climaxed, allowing Fluttershy to swallow it. She was able to drink every last drop, so thankfully she wiped her mouth and made sure she didn’t sneeze. But she was also thankful that she took birth control for just in case.

Fluttershy stood up and wiped her mouth and said, “Alright then, now that we’ve got that…”

Before she could react, she felt something grabbed her by her posterior. When she looked down, she saw Anon had already been a step ahead of her. He placed his tongue inside of her womanhood, allowing him to lick it. She gasped at the touch. He was able to touch every corner inside of her, which in turn left her very flustered.

“H-hey, take it easy!!” said Fluttershy as she tried to pry herself free.

But the more she tried to get him to let go, the tighter he held onto her, which made her even more flustered.

“Hey…let go!!” said Fluttershy.

But Anon didn’t listen as he just kept on going. At the same time, Fluttershy’s legs were slowly trembling as she couldn’t stand whilst nearly losing strength at the same time.

“I…I think…I’m going to…” said Fluttershy.

And within mere moments, Fluttershy climaxed, making her moan loudly with her eyes rolling backwards.

She nearly collapsed, but thankfully Anon was able to catch her before she fell down.

“Wow,” said Anon, “You really are one tough girl. You held on for a long time.”

When all of a sudden…


Anon was quick and held her nose to keep herself from sneezing, which surprised her as she looked at Anon whilst slightly blushing.

“You’re welcome.” Said Anon playfully before booping her nose.

Thankful, Fluttershy instantly kissed him before going back before breaking it.

“Ready to have some fun?” asked Fluttershy with a smirk.

Anon instantly grabbed her and kissed her, whilst he lifted her leg at the same time. Before Fluttershy could say anything, Anon was able to insert his manhood inside of her, making her gasp as her womanhood had just been taken. Anon then thrusted his hips whilst he used his right arm to hold her leg whilst using his left hand to grope onto her posterior in order for him to control their thrusting at the same time, making her moan whilst she lifted her head whilst exposing her neck at the same time.

Fluttershy couldn’t help but hold him close via his arms whilst enjoying herself at the same time.

“Holy…how are you so good?!!” shouted Fluttershy.

Before Fluttershy could react, Anon pulled out and took her to bed, then ended up making her sit on his lap whilst putting his member inside of her. He then ended up thrusting upwards, causing her to moan whilst she felt herself bouncing, and she wasn’t even moving at the same time. She bounced over and over whilst her breasts were bouncing at the same time, for she couldn’t get enough of it. She wrapped her arms around him whilst she motioned them backwards, which allowed him to grope onto her breasts whilst thrusting at the same time.

‘How is he doing this?!’ thought Fluttershy whilst her eyes were rolling backwards and her tongue out. ‘He has more energy than anyone I’ve ever seen!’

Anon then placed her back onto the bed whilst he held her legs up in the air whilst he continued to thrust hard at the same time, making her moan loudly before placing her fist inside of her mouth, for the amount of pleasure he was giving her was driving her crazy. Suddenly, Anon stood up whilst he held Fluttershy by the arms whilst continued to thrust inside of her at the same time whilst hear breasts were bouncing.

“Oh, hell yeah, that’s what I’m talking about!!” shouted Fluttershy as she couldn’t get enough of it.

Anon, wanting to spice things up a bit, ended up taking her back to bed and made her be on all fours. He inserted his manhood back inside and thrusted inside of her whilst he was holding at her waist. But at the same time, he saw how her posterior was bouncing from his lap whilst he kept thrusting inside of her. Seeing that he wants to take a chance, he slapped onto her posterior, making her moan loudly at the same time as she couldn’t get enough of it.

“Holy fuck you’re so good!!” shouted Fluttershy as she couldn’t get enough of the constant thrusting Anon was delivering.

Anon ended up pulling her out and made her land back on the bed again, allowing Anon to place his manhood back inside of her whilst he continued to thrust inside of her at the same time. He continued to thrust inside of her whilst she moaned like crazy as she ended up wrapping her legs around him whilst pulling him close at the same time. The thrusting continued whilst the bed was shaking from the constant bouncing that Anon was delivering at the same time.

Fluttershy’s eyes felt like it was going to roll backwards. However, she then suddenly had an idea.

She suddenly grabbed him and flipped him over, allowing her to be on top.

“Enjoy the full sights, big boy.” Said Fluttershy whilst being over him. “You’re about to get the ride of a lifetime.”

Soon enough, Fluttershy placed her hands on top of his chest whilst she began to bounce at the same time, making her lift her head whilst she groaned and moaned at the same time, enjoying the feeling at the same time. Anon watched as Fluttershy was getting really aggressive during the love making at the same time. He also saw her breasts bouncing whilst she was bouncing her hardest at the same time.

He then had an idea and massaged her breasts whilst she was bouncing at the same time, making her moan even louder. He sat up and ended up hugging her at the same time whilst she kept on bouncing at the same time. However, before they could enjoy it any further, both their climaxed began to build up.

“I…I think I’m…going to…!!” said Anon as he felt the pressure.

“Shoot it inside me, don’t you dare hold back!!” shouted Fluttershy.

Within mere moments, the both of them climaxed hard, with both of them panting out of exhaustion, with the two of them looking at one another.

“That was…pretty amazing.” Said Fluttershy before pulling out and resting on the bed.

However, Beau felt like he could go for another round. Thankfully, after a bit, his manhood was at full swing. He then made Fluttershy on her back whilst lifting her legs, taking her by surprise.

“You like to be rough on me, so now it’s my turn to be rough on you.” Said Anon with a smirk.

Anon then soon thrusted inside of her whilst he held her legs in the air, making Fluttershy scream in ecstasy whilst her eyes were rolling backwards.

“Oh, yeah!!” shouted Fluttershy. For even though she was a bit drained, she still felt very turned on.

Anon then groped her breasts whilst he still thrusted his hips in her at the same time. After a whole ten minutes, Anon was about to release another load.

“Oh yeah, here it comes!!” shouted Anon.

Within mere moments, Anon climaxed inside of her, making her scream once more. She panted for a few moments whilst trying to catch her breath at the same time. After breathing for a bit, Fluttershy passed out and was asleep. Anon pulled out and groaned a bit whilst his groin felt a bit sore at the same time. That was definitely a rough time. He used the stone to turn himself back to normal as a late teen whilst looking at her.

“I never got laid by an aggressive woman before.” Said Anon. “Truth be told that was kind of hot.”

Anon groaned a bit whilst he tried to get dressed at the same time. He was able to cover Fluttershy with a blanket before going out to the door.

“Hope Fluttershy won’t mind.” Said Anon, then was worried, “Then again I’m worried that those two would get off on the wrong foot. Here’s hoping.”

Anon soon stepped about. Within moments, Fluttershy shrunk back down to normal, whilst her also changed back whilst keeping a smile on her face. She then took a few sniffs.

“Achoo.” Sneezed Fluttershy silently before using the blanket to cover herself.


Deciding to pass the time, Princess Twilight and Starlight were looking at a manual of sorts, which was the helicopter that was going to take them.

“Whoa,” said Princess Twilight surprised as she spoke to the pilot, “The helicopter can carry that many loads?”

“That’s right.” Said the pilot whilst flexing an eyebrow. “I thought you’d know this?”

“Er, sorry.” Said Starlight whilst blushing, “We never saw a helicopter before.”

“Seriously?” said the guy surprised.

“It’s the truth.” Said Princess Twilight.

The pilot thought about it, then said, “Er, good point. I didn’t know what a train was either, considering I grew up in a place that didn’t have any railways.”

“When did you learn?” asked Starlight.

“About when I was your age.” Said the Pilot, “It’s amazing what we learn in such a short lifetime, and we still don’t know enough.”

Princess Twilight giggled and said, “I know what you mean.”

The pilot looked at the watch and said, “Really hope those guys would hurry with that order, I’ve got a tight schedule to keep.”

The two ponies turned human were also worried. “We know the feeling.” Said Princess Twilight as she really got worried.