> The Time Capsule > by Visharo > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The universe has a beginning, but no end. — Infinite. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Pheonix Temple, a Reality class spaceship, named after a historical captain, came across a space anomaly. This is not uncommon, as many Reality class spaceships find these on the regular as it is literally their purpose. However, space anomalies could range from a star being hotter than it should be to three blackholes in close proximity, and since those on the right of the spectrum are seldom seen, many worthwhile discoveries aren't that newsworthy. The biggest anomaly that was found, was a nebula that could produce feelings and emotions. The Crimson Jasmine Den was thought lost until it reamerged a year later and the crew became smarter in the nebula. "Give me a reading!" Captain Mad Scientist ordered. A skinny earth pony, thick white coat and a short spiky mane. His eyes gleamed with a certain madness, a madness that his crew have come to understand as normal. "Aye!" 'The Assistant' cried, before tapping at her console. Second in Command Chestnut, the unicorn had a white coat that went into beige legs, her long mane was red. "Sir! It appears it's a wormhole. Should we investigate?" "Engineering, what's our status on our engine?" The Captain instead asked through his intercom. "Everything is in peak condition, sir." Chief Barrel. A sturdy earth pony, dirty green coat and a short, greasy, brown mane. Very reliable when it came to engineering and, supposedly, mares. Nopony ever comes to him for mare advice. "Very well, take us forward Officer Upa." A dainty unicorn, baby blue coat and a similar black mane as the captain, tapped at her console, speeding up the spaceship. Then, it was at that moment, the wormhole spat something out, something small and cylindrical. "Wait!" The Captain paused dramatically. "Engineering, bring out Future Gadget 14." "Aye, bringing out the tractor beam." There was a click, a loud thud, then a soft whirring as a green light protruded from the side. When it hit the cylindrical object, it started moving towards the spaceship at a faster rate. Not even 10 minutes passed when the object was safely stored behind a quarantine barricade. Another five was all it took for the Captain and the Second to make their way down. "What are we looking at?" Chestnut asked, her horn sparking, no doubt probing for any magical residue. "Is it harmful?" Scientist queried, eyeing every corner of the capsule. "My readings have indicated it is safe. As for what it is…" Professor Shining trailed off for a bit. The others gave her a few moments to collect her thoughts. "I think it's a box. Something you can open. What's inside, I can't tell you." The Professor, a white pegasus with a blonde mane. She is also never seen without her glasses. "Alright. Let's open it." Before anypony could stop him, The Captain stepped through the safety field and promptly opened it. He did not expect the box to be empty nor be so easy to open. "Well…that was disappointing." Then an audio recording started playing… *** In another place, in another time, a group of friends huddled around a newest invention. It was a strange looking contraption, boxy, had lots of pipes and wires running through it, several enchanted crystals seemed to power it. "What is it, darling?" "Ah reckon it's some sortin' system. The dewey whatchimacalit." "The Pony Decimal System!" "Yeah, that." "Well, I think it's gonna be totally awesome! Whaddya think, Flutters?" "Oh…I don't know. Whatever makes Twilight happy, I suppose." "It's a portal that leads to outerspace in a different timeline where cupcakes don't exist. I should know." Pinkie Pie nodded sagely. "However do you know?" Rarity asked, not entirely surprised, but still felt the need to ask. Pinkie just smiled. "Well, ya know Pinkie. One mysterious mare." Applejack chuckled before circling the strange device that lounged in Twilight Sparkle's castle. "Oh, I really hope it's not dangerous." Fluttershy tried to inch her way out but Rainbow Dash held her in place with a sturdy wing. "Come on, this is Twilight we're talking about! It's probably going to be a hundred percent safe." She nodded assuredly. Then, the doors burst open, revealing the mare in question. "Sorry girls, I just had to grab some paper before we started." "That's fine, darling. But I think the most pressing thing on our minds is…" "The big freaking machine in the middle of your castle!" "Yes…thank you, Rainbow." "No prob, Rares." "I call this, the Stone Gate. It's a portal, essentially. To where, I'm not sure. To find out, I'm going to send things through!" "Oooh, like a letter?" "Exactly, Pinkie! Now, I've invited you all here today so we could write this letter, together." *** "Greetings, my name is Princess Twilight Sparkle. I am the current ruler of Equestria on the planet of Equus. To whom am I speaking with?" The audio recording ended, leaving the room in silence. "What now, Captain?" "Get Dr. Meadow here now." "Aye." It didn't take long for the stallion to arrive. A white coat that faded into red hooves, his mane was black and short. The pegasus was slim and had a very feminine attitude resulting in much confusion. From what the Captain has gathered, the Doctor didn't mind the confusion. "You called me, Captain?" "Yes, you are the resident Xenobiologist, what do you think of this?" The audio was played again. This left the Doctor befuddled. "This is very curious. I have never heard of the planet Equus, but I have heard of Equestria. Remember that metallic planet? I found an object there, I called it the Intergalactic Bit Memory. Or the IBM for short. It held records in our own language and it spoke of Equestria too. I didn't know it was a monarchy, very interesting." "I see, so basically no information." The Captain paused for a moment. "Well, bring in Linguist Cat, this is her expertise." "Sir, you can't be serious! Sending something through that wormhole might be cataclysmic!" "Where's the fun in that, Assistant!" "It's Second in Command! I'm Second Chestnut, sir!" "That's what I said, now get the Linguist." "...aye." Another moment passed and yet another member joined the already crowded storage bay. "Linguist Cat on deck, sir!" The mare giggled. The white unicorn, with a curly pink mane bounded into the room with a big smile. "Linguist, we need to construct a message to send to this mysterious Twilight Sparkle." "Aye!" *** Dear Princess Twilight and Friends, Your world sounds fascinating and I would like to visit one day. I hope you can share more details about it. Currently, I live on a giant ship in outer space. Me and my crew came across a wormhole one day and your letter in a bottle was picked up by us. -Phoenix Temple "Woah, outer space." "Woah indeed, Rainbow. Ah can't believe it. Actual ponies, livin' up above." "I wonder what their fashion is like, I certainly hope nothing horrendous." "Do they have animals in space?" "Or cupcakes! Sprinkles? Glazing? Frosting? Any sugar at all? Anything sweet?" "Focus girls! I know it can be exciting, but we need to calm down. We just need to think of all, and I do mean all the questions there could be asked. And once we get a detailed description of what their race is, speaking of, just because they can read and write Ponish doesn't mean they're ponies, then I can write a report to Princess Celestia! Maybe she knows about this? And this Pheonix Temple creature, they said they want to visit! Isn't that exciting! Actual extraterrestrial organisms coming…here. That's got to…" "Darling." Twilight stopped and stared at her friends before realizing what had just happened. "Ehe…sorry. Yes, first things first. A response. What are we thinking, gang?" *** "Crew of the Pheonix Temple. I assume the wormhole you are currently positioned nearby is stable? This is absolutely crucial before we continue with messaging." "Alright, you heard the mare. Get the Chief on it." "Aye!" The Second started speaking into her intercom. "Sir, how do you know this Twilight is a mare?" "Linguist, do you want to explain to the Professor?" "Aye. The way her voices catches, indicates she is female." "But, how do you know she's a mare? She might not even be a pony." "Doctor?" "Aye. Unfortunately, Captain, I disagree with Linguist Cat. Just because their voice catches and sounds feminine, doesn't mean they are female." "I see your point." "Thank you. As for you, Professor. Captain wants me to indicate the fact that this mysterious individual speaks Ponish." "That doesn't mean she…sorry, they, are a pony!" "Excuse me…Captain, Chief says his daughter is on it." "Officer Part-Time?" "Yes, her." "Good. Tell me when the scan is complete." "It's complete." "Good. Tell me what the scan said." "The wormhole is stable." "Good. Tell me a response so we can send it to the Princess." > The stars, too, have a beginning, but their own power leads to their destruction. — Finite. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Princess Twilight and Friends Yes, the wormhole is stable. Thank you for expressing worry, none of my crew thought of the possibility of collapse. I trust everything on your end is stable too. By the way, my crew are wondering if you are ponies, for context, we are ponies. Equines. Four legged animals with a few subspecies. The most common ones are Earth Ponies, Pegasi, and Unicorns. -Pheonix Temple *** "I am a pony, an alicorn. That means I have the power of unicorns, pegasi, and earth ponies. Do you have any over there?" *** Dear Princess Twilight and Friends No. The only alicorns we've heard of are from folktales and myths. The crew and I are excited at the prospect of meeting a real life alicorn! Could we meet perhaps? There has to be a way, if we can send letters through, then it must be possible to send ponies through. If you deem it unsafe, though, we understand. -Pheonix Temple *** "I'm coming through." Captain Mad Scientist stepped back. The box they'd been sending audio recordings through, looked worn down. Scrapes and dents lined the entire casing. They'd been increasing with every pass and the Captain had to wonder what it meant. "Sir. Should we prepare a shuttle?" Second in Command Chestnut asked, her frown quite evident. "Shuttle? For what?" "For Princess Twilight Sparkle." "Ah, yes yes. Thank you assistant. You go do that…" He let his thoughts drift. He ignored all the hustle and bustle his assistant was creating. Then a certain idea popped into his head, or, more like a memory. He burst out of the storage bay and marched towards the Captain's Quarters. A little thing has been nagging at his head the entire time they've been sending out audio recordings. He was certain he'd heard the name Twilight Sparkle before, but didn't realize it was a name back then. Yes. That must be it. He slammed the door open and started rummaging through every drawer and locker until he found it. A millennia old letter, preserved in a state of the art capsule. He carefully unfolded it and his eyes widened. *** Dear Princess Twilight and Friends We'd be delighted to have you over. Do remember that we're in space, so if you have a spell or something. Once you come out of the wormhole, we'll be next to it in a space shuttle, so do not be afraid. We await your arrival! -Pheonix Temple "Awww yeah! This is going to be so awesome!" "Now hold an apple pickin' minute, Dash. We gotta let Twi do her thing 'fore we do anythin' rash." "Alright alright! Jeez." "Ooooh, we're going to space! Can you believe it, Fluttershy? Oh, what should I pack? A scarf? Is it cold in space? Ohhh, there are too many options and too much I don't know. Twilight! Ask them what the fashion trend is! This is of utmost importance!" "Oh…um, I think you can just go like you are now." Rarity put a hoof on her chest and gasped dramatically. "Why, I never! Fashion is what makes us ponies, cultured and refined! Without anything, we'd be no better than beastly beasts!" "Ah think yer being a tad dramatic, Rares." "Nonsense!" "I agree." Pinkie nodded sagely. "..." "Who are you agreeing with?" "Everypony!" She cheered, spraying confetti everywhere. "Okay, Pinkie Pie, that was pretty funny." "Right?" "Girls!" Everypony went quiet and looked towards Twilight. "I think I've stabalized the machine enough so we can go through and then come back later. I also have a spell so we can live in space. Anypony who wants to go, raise your hooves." Every hoof shot up. A yellow one seemed to be held up by a cyan one. "Then, here, we, go!" Twilight cast her spell and then jumped in, followed by Pinkie, and then everypony else. Lots of screaming, gasps of awe, more screaming, shock, admiration, glee later and now the girls are inside the Captain's Quarters. Rarity and Rainbow Dash were comforting Fluttershy as she took deep breaths, trying to calm her racing heart. Pinkie Pie was admiring every little trinket in the cabin while Twilight Sparkle and Rarity were looking out the window to reveal the cosmos. "Beautiful, isn't it?" "Yes." "I never get bored of it. How the stars, cosmic clouds, and planets, asteroids, comets, and space anomalies all align to make this beautiful tapestry." "It truly is wonderful, darling." "It really is." The three ponies stand there quietly. "Oh, I'm terribly sorry. Pleased to finally make your acquaintance. I'm Pheonix Temple, captain of the Reality spaceship, El Psy Kongroo." "That's incorrect Old Ponish!" "Oh, I know." The pale white unicorn chuckled. His messy black mane added to his charm. "Then why name your spaceship that?" "Because it's fun." "...huh." *** Dear Future Captains Do not fear the unknown, do not fear the incorrect. Enjoy all that there is to give, for one day, you won't be able to anymore. Once that happens, make sure your Twilight Sparkle. El Psy Kongroo, my fellow spacefarers. -Pheonix Temple The Captain stumbled back a bit. This Twilight, has been alive for a millennium, maybe even more! And she knew Pheonix Temple, his idol. He felt his hooves move without his telling, before he realized it, he was on the bridge. "Bring up the viewscreen." "Aye." The glass shimmered and then projected an enlargened image of the wormhole. As they watched, it seemed to shake and then sparkle. Then, with an inaudible crack, a small form floated away from the wormhole. A small shuttle moved to intercept, but before it could reach, there was a blinding flash. When the Captain regained his vision, he noticed a very, very tall pony in front of him. He swiped at his eyes, wondering if the light was playing tricks on him, but when he looked back, the pony was still there. He gulped and took a step back. "Captain Mad Scientist." "Princess Twilight Sparkle. Welcome to the Pheonix Temple." He tried for a grin, it didn't reach very far.