> From Applejack To Applerich > by Metal Fiction > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > A Spell Of Change > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a calm quiet evening in Ponyville and nothing major was going on, well except for one thing. At Rarity's boutique was the glorious fashionista and her loyal but strong farm girl Applejack, and the pair were talking and thinking of trying out a new spell. "So describe to me again, you think this spell can make me different mare?" Applejack asked as the orange girl stepped back to prepare. "Why of course darling!" Rarity chimed as she lit up her horn. "I could potentially turn you into a royal pony like Blueblood, or another version of me." Rarity said as she giggled. After she charged up her magic, her horn lit up with a bright golden color and she shoot the beam directly at Applejack who screamed in strong pain. "AHH RARITY! IT STINGS!" Applejack cried as the magic was slowly changing her. "It's nearly done darling! Just hold on!" Rarity shouted as she put more power into the spell, after a few more seconds of using her magic the spell finally kicked in and a loud explosion occurred knocking out both Rarity and Applejack. 1 hour later... "Ohh my head... I hope poor Applejack's Ok..." Rarity weakly said to herself as she got up, she rubbed her forehead and looked around the room for the orange farm girl but she was no where to be seen. "Oh where has that farm gal gone?! Before the spell she was here, and now she's not!" Rarity shouted as she looked around her boutique for the farm gal, Rarity suddenly stopped dead in her tracks when she heard rustling from her room, feeling it may be Applejack she went upstairs to investigate and she reached the door. She gently opened it and scanned her surroundings for Applejack but she was no where to be found. "Applejack, are you in here?" Rarity asked as she continued to look around. She heard sounds from her wardrobe and she quickly ran to investigate and she finally founded Applejack. "there you are darling! You almost had me shocked!" Rarity chimed as she approached the mare, when she touched Applejack's shoulder Applejack flinched and pushed Rarity away surprising the unicorn. "Applejack! what's your problem?! I check up on you after the spell and this is the thanks I get?!" Rarity angrily said as she was disgusted at Applejack's reaction. Applejack cleared her throat and she started to speak in a tone that Rarity never heard before. "What my problem is sweetheart, is that your laying your dirty hands on me without my consent!" Applejack said in a completely different tone, surprising the fashionista as she has never heard this type of tone before. "Dirty hands?! Consent?! Listen I don't know what's gotten into you Appledarling but whatever it is, you need to cut it out because it's not funny!!!" Rarity said in a fit of rage as she gave the orange mare a look of disapproval. Applejack giggled and she walked towards with a rather smug look on her face and gave her the details. "Listen here darling, my name's not Applejack alright? It's Applerich and your in the way of me finding the appropriate make-up and things that I need for my hair." Applerich said as she looked up and down the marshmallow mare with a look of upper-class. "Applejack is acting like a proper lady... Unless the spell!" Rarity said in her mind as she clicked the pieces together. "I'm so sorry darling! I got off the wrong foot with you, name's Rarity." Rarity said as she held out her hand. "It's okay darling apology accepted." Applerich said as she shaked Rarity's hand in forgiveness. "Do you know where I can find a rather exotic dress and maybe some elegant make-up?" Applerich asked as she saw Rarity's eyes light up with joy. "Of course I do darling, in fact follow me!" Rarity chimed as she led Applerich to her make-up area. Rarity showed Applejack the amount of make-up ranging from eyeliner to eyeshadow, lipstick, lip gloss and finally nail polish, the collection shocked Applerich as she looked around it as if she was in a museum. "Wow... talk about collection and I thought I had the best make-up." The statement caused Rarity to be confused as she never heard Applejack talk about make-up. "Excuse me darling, but what do you mean? Did you have your own collection?" Rarity asked as thoughts about Applerich's claim ran through her mind. Applerich smiled and she answered. "Back at home my parents used to give me the best make-up that bits could buy, but I decided to change and go for a more... elegant selection" Applerich said as she eyed a pink nail polish that was on Rarity's table. Realizing that Applejack's memory may have been altered to the point where she thinks she had two rich parents at childhood, Rarity decided to go along with it until she can find a way to reverse the spell. "Really? Were you parents wealthy?" Rarity asked as she went along with it. "Why of course! My parents owned a rather successful business in Manehattan, and they always got me whatever I wanted." Applerich said as she started to apply the pink nail polish. Rarity simply smiled and she gave Applerich a wide selection of lipsticks and eyeliners. "In that case... Pick one Darling, I got loads of options!" Rarity said as Applerich eyed the various selections that was in Rarity's hands. After a hour of picking and trying, Applerich settled for a combination of blue eyeshadow and a choice of pink lipstick that made her lips rather plump and attractive to the average stallion. "Well... how do I look?" Applerich asked as she saw Rarity blush. "Lovely darling, let me show you the various dresses that I have sewn." Rarity said as she took Applerich to her selection of hand-made dresses. Applerich looked around and grabbed a rather striking red one that got her full attention. "I must say that dress suits you darling, why don't you try it on?" Rarity said as she saw Applerich smile, she took off her clothing and put on the gorgeous red dress. Rarity's eyes lit up with joy and she smiled at the beauty that was in front of her. The red dress that Applerich wore highlighted her beauty and elegance, and a few qualities that some ponies may consider suggestive. Her large yet alluring chest would make any stallion fall under her spell as they would take a quick peek, her thick but powerful thighs would also call attention as they would remind people what great taste they have. And finally her plump but soft flank was highlighted in a way that if somepony was to take a quick glance at it... they would lose all concentration. "Well.. how do I look?" Applerich asked as she saw the fashionista mare blushing. "You look wonderful darling... I can't take my eyes off you!" Rarity chimed as she looked up and down the elegant mare's body. Applerich chuckled and gave Rarity a small kiss on the cheek making the mare blush as she continued to look at the former farmer, she saw how Applerich's hair was slightly unkempt and she sat her down. "I'm going to give you a excellent hairdo darling!" Rarity chimed as she grabbed Applerich's hair and gently pulled it into a bouffant. After she was done with her Applerich stood up and she took a look of joy in the mirror. "My word Rarity, you've really outdone yourself!" Applerich cheered as she did a quick spin, Rarity simply smiled and gave a quick bow of gratitude. "Your welcome darling!" Rarity said as she look at the brand-new Applerich, the two smiled at each other and headed downstairs where Rarity walked Applerich towards the door. She gave her a quick hug and waved goodbye as she left. "Bye darling! Thanks for letting me spice things up!" Rarity chimed as she saw Applerich head down the street, she closed the door in full speed . "How am I going to reverse this spell before it's too late?" Rarity asked herself as thoughts of spell reversing began to run through her mind. Applerich was walking down the streets of Ponyville and taking in the sight of the various mares and stallions looking at her in lust, she simply waved and blew kisses to them and laughed as she continued to walk in the town. Unfortunately her peaceful walk was ruined when a certain pink Earth Pony had popped up out of nowhere. "HI APPLEJACK HOW ARE YOU?!" Pinkie screamed as she saw her oldest friend, not knowing that it's Applerich instead of Applejack, Pinkie continued to jump and bounce around Applerich and this really ticked her off as she snapped. "ENOUGH!!!" Applerich screamed in rage making Pinkie freeze and her hair deflate. "Look I don't know who you are, but my name is NOT Applejack! Alright?! It's Applerich! Now get out of my sight, I don't want to ever see your face again." Applerich said in a rather cruel tone making Pinkie burst into tears and run off crying. "Seriously the nerve of some ponies." Applerich said to herself as she continued her walk, at Sugarcube corner Pinkie was in her room crying and talking to her pet alligator Gummy. "She told me to get out of her sight Gummy! APPLEJACK! The same pony who's been a great friend for so many YEARS!!!" Pinkie screamed as she buried her face into her pillow crying again. just as she continued to let her tears out a loud knock on the door snapped her back to reality and she slowly got up wiping the remaining tears off her face. "Now could that be?" Pinkie asked herself as she approached the door. Opening the door, Pinkie's eyes lit up with joy and her hair poofed back to normal when she saw who it was. "RARITY!!!!!" Pinkie screamed and strongly hugged the fashionista mare in pure joy, nearly crushing her ribs. "Pinkie darling... too tight!" Rarity struggled to say as she felt her oxygen slowly depleting, Pinkie released Rarity and quickly took her into her room and closed the door. "How are you Rares?! Tell me! TELL ME!!!" Pinkie jumped in joy. "Darling slow down! Let me catch my breath first!" Rarity said as she took a deep breath and composed herself. "I'm fine, I'm in a bit of a pickle with Applejack." Rarity said, upon hearing the mentioned name Pinkie's face switched to that of anger and hatred. "Tell that rude orange mare she's a big meanie!" Pinkie said in a tone of anger, shocking Rarity. "Darling what's gotten into you?" Rarity asked as she was shocked at the sudden shift in Pinkie's voice. "Well for starters, Applejack told me that her name is Applerich, and on top of that she told to get out of her sight! I mean can you BELIEVE THAT?!" Pinkie roared nearly making Rarity fall off the bed in fear. After she calmed down Rarity looked at Pinkie in the eye and started telling her the truth. "About Applejack darling... it's kind of my fault." Rarity said as she braced herself for Pinkie's reaction. "What do you mean?" Pinkie asked in confusion. "What happened was I was trying this new spell that could turn Applejack into a different mare, and the outcome was she turned into a different mare-" "Named Applerich." Pinkie said before Rarity could finish. "Precisely." Rarity said. "Did you find a way to reverse it?" Pinkie asked. "No, in fact the only reason I came over here was to check up on how you was." Rarity said making Pinkie smile. "Thanks Rare-bear! Just for that you deserve a free cupcake on me!" Pinkie said as she pulled one out of her, giving it to Rarity. Rarity ate the cupcake and after she was done finishing it, she hugged Pinkie and headed off to find Twilight. "See you later darling!" Rarity said as she went made her way to Twilight's castle. 5 minutes later At Sweet Apple Acres was Granny Smith, Apple Bloom and Big Mac and they were all waiting for Applejack. "Where's Applejack gone? It's been hours!" Granny stated as thoughts of Applejack's safety began to run through her mind. "Don't worry bout her Granny, she's probably in some mess with the girls, or she could be doing her own thing." Bloom said as she managed to calm Granny down. "Eeyup." Mac said in agreement. Before any of them could go out and look for Applejack, they heard sounds in the barn and went to investigate what the ruckus. When the three arrived at the farm what they saw shocked them. "GET OF ME YOU SILLY RUT!!!" Applerich screamed in rage as her dog Winona was trying to lick her face, Apple Bloom approached the orange mare and she got the dog off of her and helped her up. "Guess she's happy to see you Jack, where have you've been?" Bloom asked as she saw Applerich get up, the sophisticated mare gave Bloom a look of disgust which surprised her. "A-Applejack... why are you giving me that look?! Did I do something wrong?" Apple Bloom asked as she walked backwards. "Listen here you little brat, my name's Applerich not Applejack OK? And second keep your bag of fleas away from me, or else next time I won't be so gentle." Applerich said in a cold tone making both Bloom and Winona cry. Big Mac approached her and she quickly turned around and saw the red Earth Pony. "What do you want?!" Applerich asked in a rather cocky tone, Mac took a deep breath and asked Applejack. "Jackie what is your problem?! You made both Bloom and Winona cry, what's gotten into you?" Mac asked, Applerich sighed in annoyance and she answered. "My problem is lowlife's like you and that bag of fleas are in my way, and I'm simply trying to enjoy the rest of my day without any interruptions." Applerich answered in a harsh tone as she walked off, shocking both Mac and Granny. "I don't know what's gotten into her, but whatever it is it has to stop." Mac said as he hugged Bloom in his arms to calm her down. At the Castle Of Friendship was both Rarity and Twilight, and they were talking about Applejack's change. "So let me get this straight. You casted a spell that turned Applejack into a snobbish mare?" Twilight asked as she eyed Rarity. "Yes, and I need to fix it before it's too late!" Rarity dramatically said as she looked down in disappointment, Twilight rubbed Rarity's back and she looked up at the alicorn as she saw a spark in her eye. "There may be a book here that has a spell similar to the one you casted on Applejack, hang on." Twilight said as she went to go look for the door. 10 minutes later Twilight founded the book and she set it down and quickly looked through the various pages. "It should be here somewhere... AH! Here it is!" Twilight said as she looked at the spell in full detail, Rarity looked at the page and Twilight started telling her the full details. "This spell is called Change Your Pony, once activated the mare or stallion will change into a completely different depending the caster's vision." Twilight answered as she finished reading the page. "That makes so much sense! Cause when I changed Applejack, I had the vision that she be a fancy mare like me, or somepony else." Rarity said as she hugged Twilight. "Now I know what to do." Rarity said as she started to head out of Twilight's castle. It was now evening in Ponyville and Celestia's sun was slowly setting and Luna's moon was slowly rising, at a bar in Canterlot was Applerich downing her fifth glass of wine. As she took a deep breath at what happened today, a certain royal pony sat next to her and the two locked eyes at each other. "Hey beautiful, what's your name?" The pony asked. Applerich smiled and she offered her hand. "Applerich." Applerich answered. "Prince Bluebood." Blueblood answered as she shook Applerich's hand, he saw how down she looked and he cupped her chin and looked deep into her green eyes. "What's wrong doll? You look upset." Blueblood asked, Applerich inhaled and exhaled and she told what happened. "I was minding my own business today and these random ponies, came up to me and started bothering me!" Applerich screamed in rage shocking Blueblood. "I've been there, sometimes you want your day to go well but there's always somepony that has to ruin your day!" Blueblood said in rage making Applerich chuckle, the two continued to talk and conversate for what seemed hours until Applerich asked the question. "How about me and you go back to your place, and we can really... connect?" Applerich asked in a seductive tone as she batted her eyelids, Blueblood blushed and he answered. "Y-Yeah!" Blueblood stammered as he took Applerich by the hand, the two exited the bar and proceeded to head to Blueblood's mansion. One hour later Rarity was searching all over Canterlot for Applerich and there was no sign of her, she was about to stop her search but she saw a bar that was populated with ponies. "I hope Applerich is here." Rarity said to herself as she entered the bar, upon entering she went to the table and took a seat where she asked the bartender a question. "Excuse me darling, I'm looking for somepony." Rarity asked. "Who is it your looking for?" The bartender asked. "I'm looking for a orange mare called Applerich." Rarity answered. "Applerich? Well I'm afraid you too late Missy, cause a hour ago she left with some guy called Blueblood, and I think he took her back to his house." The bartender answered. "WHAT?!" Rarity screamed in shock. Upon hearing what the bartender said, Rarity immediately ran out of the bar and proceeded to head to Blueblood's home to fix things once and for all. At the stallion's home was both Applerich and Blueblood smiling and watching a film together, in the middle of said Applerich grabbed Blueblood's arm and mashed her rather huge breasts against it making Blueblood blush. "Are you liking the feeling of my big girls hon?" Applerich cooed as she continued to rub her features against Blueblood's arm. Blueblood smiled and he gently grabbed them making Applerich moan as she was starting to lose herself in the pleasure. "Keep going babe... make me feel good." Apperich moaned as she felt Blueblood squeeze her girls. Blueblood stopped the squeezing of his mare's jugs and he pulled her into a kiss of love, and he whispered in her ear. "How about we take this upstairs, and I can show you why they call me Prince?" Blueblood cooed as he saw Applerich blush, she simply nodded and he carried her upstairs to her room where she took in the room. Fit for a prince like Blueblood, his room had various elements of gold and white covering it such as the frame of the bed and the material of the table he would sit at, the room itself also had a glorious view of Canterlot. Upon taking in the view of his room and the outside city, Blueblood set Applerich and he pulled her into a kiss of romance and lust. "I love you Sexy Blue." Applerich called Blueblood surprising him. "Sexy Blue?" Blueblood asked in confusion. "Of course, you like it?" Applerich smiled as she saw Blueblood get on top of his mare, and slowly pull down her dress. "Of course I like it, but not as much as I like these!" Blueblood cooed as he grabbed Applerich's huge soft bosom, he started to dig his fingers in making Applerich moan and wet in her special area. Back in the heart of Canterlot was Rarity who was running towards Blueblood's in full desperation, upon arriving she quickly kicked the door open and ran upstairs where she saw a naked Applerich and Blueblood about to make love. "APPLERICH!" Rarity cried in despair as she saw Applerich about to have her first time. "R-Rarity?! What are you doing here?!" Applerich asked in shock, Rarity took a deep breath and she calmed herself down. "Darling, I'm here to turn you back to the mare you used to do. You know? The element of honesty." Rarity answered. Confused at her rambling Blueblood got up and he commanded Rarity. "Look Rarity, I don't know what your talking about! But you better get the buck out of here right now!" Blueblood said in rage. "NEVER! Applejack is my friend and I will never leave her!" Rarity said in rage, getting up in anger and seeing the commotion happening between Applerich had enough and she snapped. "ENOUGH!!!" Applerich roared in rage shocking both Rarity and Blueblood. "Look I don't know what's going on here, but whatever it is you better fix this Rares." Applerich said as she looked at the fashionista who had a big smile on her face. "I be glad to darling." Rarity said as she lit up her horn allowing the spell to be charged, Applerich took a deep breath and braced herself as Rarity fired the horn. A bright blue light covered the room and a loud explosion of magic occurred. As the smoke cleared Rarity opened her eyes and she saw that Blueblood was fine, and she saw that Applerich was on the floor unconscious. "APPLEJACK!!!" Rarity cried as she approached the orange mare, as she approached the farmer Applerich's green eye opened started to open up and she looked up at Rarity. "Rarity, what's going on and where am I?!" Applejack asked in her normal tone of voice making tears of joy run down Rarity's eyes. "YOUR BACK APPLE DARLING!!! OH I'VE MISSED YOU SO MUCH!!!!!" Rarity cried and laughed as she tightly hugged Applejack. "Of course I'm back Rarity, what are you talking ab-" Before she could finish her sentence Applejack started to have flashbacks of the many events that happened today, and tears started to well up in her eyes. "Appledarling, are you OK?" Rarity asked. "E-Excuse me Rarity... I need to make amends." Applejack cried as she quickly ran out of Blueblood's house. At Sugarcube Corner was Pinkie and she was serving various customers, the café was all peace and quirt until Apple suddenly bursted in with full aggression. "PINKIE!" The mare screamed in despair, Pinkie looked up and saw that Applejack was looking at her and she quickly ran towards her and gave her a hug. Tears started to run down Applejack's eyes surprising Pinkie. "Applejack what's wrong?" Pinkie asked, Applejack stopped crying and she took a deep breath before explaining. "Pinks... I came here to apologize about how I treated you, Pinkie I'm sorry for how I treated and I hope we can move past this." Applejack said as she looked away. As she turned around she heard Pinkie laughing, and thoughts of confusion ran through her mind as the party mare continued to laugh. "Pinkie! What's so darn funny?!" Applejack asked in a tone of anger. "Nothing Jacks! Rarity already told me what happened, so there's no need to apologize." Pinkie answered. Applejack took a breath of relief and she quickly hugged Pinkie making a wider smile appear on her already happy face. "Thanks Pinkie... now I need to apologize to Mac and the others." Applejack said. "There's no need for that Apple." Pinkie answered. "Why?" Applejack asked. "Cause I already explained what happened silly!" Pinkie said nudging Applejack's shoulder. Applejack smiled in relief upon hearing what Pinkie and headed towards the door. "Thanks Pink." Applejack said as she left Pinkie's room, after she headed out of the building she made her way to Blueblood's building to set things right. After she arrived at Blueblood's home, Applejack entered and she headed upstairs, when she was heading up there she saw that Rarity was going surprising her. "Rares? Where are you going?" Applejack asked. "Back to my boutique darling, I had to explain the WHOLE thing to Blueblood and it was exhausting." Rarity said as she sighed, after she went downstairs to the exit, after she left and closed the door Applejack saw how down Blueblood looked and she next to him. "Ya feeling OK sugarcube?" Applejack asked "I guess... you know, when I first saw you in that bar, I thought me and you could have a proper connection." Blueblood said as he looked down in disappointment, feeling sympathy for the stallion Applejack rubbed his back and looked deep into his eyes. "Funny you should say that sugarcube, cause I just remembered our interaction in the bar... and I was thinking why not let that fire continue?" Applejack said in a seductive as she cupped Blueblood's chin. "R-Really?!" Blueblood asked in excitement. "Of course fella! In fact, why don't you show me your mushroom?" Applejack cooed. Blueblood simply nodded and he pulled down his pants down, and what Applejack saw shocked her. "Wow... I didn't know you was big." Applejack stammered as she eyed the long thick as a soda can cock that Blueblood had, she got up and took her dress off allowing the prince to see his farmgirl's beauty in it's full glory. Applejack giggled when she saw how stunned Blueblood and she walked towards him with a sway added to her hips, she grabbed his cock and sat him down on the bed. "I think it's about time for me to feast on this thing, wouldn't you agree?" Applejack cooed as she started to suck on the length of Blueblood's cock making him moan in bliss. "A-Applejack... keep going!" Blueblood moaned as his orange mare was working her magic, she grabbed Blueblood's sizable balls and gently squeezed them with love making the prince moan even more. Blueblood felt that he was about to blow and he tried to warn Applejack but she placed her finger on his mouth preventing him from saying anything, after a few more seconds of hard sucking Blueblood's timer ran out and he blew in his mare. "OH APPLEJACK!!!!!!" Blueblood roared in pure heat as his length exploded in Applejack's mouth allowing her to take in the sweet taste of his prince spunk. Running on empty after his last shot Applejack released Blueblood's cock and she kissed the very tip making him moan, she giggled and got on the bed and exposed her wet flower to the prince. "All that sucking has made me wet and needy, why don't buck me and make me your princess?" Applejack cooed. A big smile appeared on Blueblood's face and he got on the bed where he aimed his erect dick at Applejack's entrance. "Ready my farmgirl?" Blueblood asked. "I'm ready, hurry up and stick that thing in me!" Applejack cried. A wide smile appeared on Blueblood's face, and in less than a second he drove his meaty shaft in making Applejack cry and scream in lust. "THAT'S IT BLUEBLOOD! BUCK ME AND MAKE ME YOURS!!!" Applejack cried in heat when she felt her sizable prince thrust in and out of her wet cunt like a piston, Blueblood moaned and gritted his teeth as this mare's pussy felt to good to resist. He felt frisky and he decided to stimulate Applejack's G-spot which accelerated their session as Applejack's mind was now taken over by lust. "MORE BLUEBLOOD MORE! I-I CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT YOUR COCK!!!" Applejack screamed in pleasure. Blueblood continued to thrust in and out of his mare, but he felt that his timer was running and he warned his farmgirl. "A-Applejack, I'm getting close! I can't keep it in!" Blueblood cried. "GOOD! CUM IN ME AND MAKE ME YOUR PRINCESS!!!!!" Applejack screamed, Blueblood nodded in lust and he thrusted more harder and faster until his shaft finally exploded inside Applejack's canal. "OH BUCKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Both Blueblood and Applejack screamed in lust as Blueblood's shaft pumped thick amounts of his seed inside, after his final shot of hot spunk Blueblood pulled out and Applejack weakly lied next to him. "Wow... that was fun, now I know why they call you prince." Applejack cooed. "Thanks! You know Applejack, I'm glad I ran into you when you was that rich mare, cause I feel like I finally have someone that I can love and be with." Blueblood said making Applejack blush in embarrassment, she quickly pulled him into a powerful kiss of love, and after she separated her lips from him she fell asleep on top of him and Blueblood soon joined her finally allowing the two to sleep as a couple with a bright future ahead of them. THE END