> Mayor Breaker > by Gonderlane > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Late Meeting > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The streets of Ponyville were unusually crowded today. Fenris was making his way through the bustling city square towards Mayor Mare's office. He felt a tingling sensation in the pit of his stomach that made him excited about the meeting, seeing as how he's been waiting for this ever since he scheduled it in the first place. As he approached, the town hall towered over him, its grandiose appearance making it easy to distinguish from the surrounding buildings. Fenris entered through the front door, and immediately headed upstairs towards the Mayor's office. The sound of his hooves clopping on the polished marble floors seemed deafening in the silence, as no pony seemed to be stationed at reception.  Regardless, he took the moment to admire the architecture and design of the building, admiring how well it blended with the natural scenery just outside the windows. He had rarely, if ever, seen the building from the inside before, and found himself in awe of the interior. There were paintings and sculptures adorning the walls and halls, and he couldn't help but feel like he'd wandered straight into a museum. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, he reached the top of the stairs and walked down the hall towards Mayor's office. He knocked on the door, and at first, he received nothing. Then, he heard the faint sound of hooves approaching. The door creaked open slowly, and Mayor Mare poked her head out. "Ah, you're here." Her voice was warm and welcoming, but Fenris could see something else hiding behind her tone that he couldn't quite place. "Come inside and take a seat." He did as instructed, walking past her into the office and settling down on one of the cushioned seats facing her desk. Looking around, he noticed how immaculate it was, not a speck of dust or clutter to be found anywhere. The shelves were filled with neatly organized documents and books, and even the windows were spotless, without a trace of smudges or streaks. "So," Mayor Mare began, sitting down at her own seat across from Fenris, "Fenris Ebonyglow, is it? What can I do for you today?" Fenris shifted uncomfortably in his seat as her gaze fell upon him, feeling a slight shiver run down his spine from how piercing it felt. Even if he knew what he was truly here for, he still needed to find a way to bring it up naturally. "Well, Mayor..." He hesitated slightly, unsure of how to approach the subject matter. "It's... about you, actually. I noticed how busy you seemed, and I... wanted to offer to help." She chuckled, shaking her head and smiling wryly. "Is that what this is about? You wanted to check-up on me, just because you think I look stressed?" The tone in her voice sounded almost condescending, but he ignored it, knowing it probably wouldn't help matters if he got defensive. Instead, he tried to remain calm and collected, maintaining eye contact with the older mare. "Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying." Fenris paused for a moment before continuing. "Look, if there's anything bothering you, or causing you to feel uncomfortable, I want to help." Mayor Mare raised an eyebrow, leaning back in her chair. "And why exactly are you so eager to assist someone like me?" Fenris felt his heart rate quicken, but kept his composure. This was the opening he needed. "Because... you seem lonely, and I thought maybe I could... provide you with some company?" Mayor Mare stared at him intently, studying his face closely as she leaned forward. For a moment, she seemed deep in thought, contemplating his request. After a bit of tense silence, Fenris began to wonder if he had said something wrong or made things worse. Then finally, after an excruciating amount of time had passed, she spoke. "... All right," she replied, nodding slowly, "I'll accept your help." "Really?" he exclaimed, unable to contain his surprise. "Yes, really." She stood up and trotted around the desk, approaching Fenris and extending a hoof towards him in greeting. He took it hesitantly, shaking it firmly. "Seeing as how this is my last meeting of the day, I've been meaning to go straight home and serve myself dinner right after this. Would you care to accompany me, Mr. Ebonyglow?" The sudden invitation caught Fenris off guard, but he quickly recovered. He nodded eagerly, trying not to appear too overeager. "Sure, I'd be honored." "Good. Now that that's settled, let's get going." Mayor Mare gestured towards the door, indicating she wanted to leave. "Uh, you first then." Fenris motioned with his head for her to exit. At first, the expression on Mayor Mare's face seemed to turn confused at Fenris' suggestion. But as he continued watching her, he saw her expression change to amusement, a slight smile spreading across her lips. "All right then," she smiled warmly. She trotted towards the door, and Fenris also smiled, because he finally got the view he was looking for: Mayor Mare's flank. To say it was simply "plump" would be an understatement; it was fat. Fenris watched as each cheek bounced with every step she took, the way it jiggled with each movement of her hindlegs. He'd seen plenty of mares in town with big, shapely rumps, but none as appetizing as hers. He imagined what it must feel like to grip those flabby cheeks with both hooves and squeeze until he couldn't hold any more. As he followed her out the door down the hallway, he couldn't stop himself from staring, imagining what it would feel like to bury his face between those two cheeks. He could feel his cock growing erect under him, already intensifying with every second he spent staring at that glorious behind. They were like a pair of ripe fruits waiting to be plucked. Large, portly, jiggling fruits, and he was ready to devour them whole. That was, if he could even handle them. Slap. A sound all too familiar for Fenris. His ears immediately perked up, and his gaze snapped towards his own side. That sound came from nowhere else than from his cock slapping against his belly. Like an instinct, his face darted forward, his eyes scanning if the mayor had noticed. Thankfully, it didn't appear so. She hadn't even turned back to look at him as she started her trek down the stairs. He breathed a sigh of relief. It was one thing to fantasize about her ass and being buried in it, it was another to expose himself so early. Fenris wanted to plan this whole thing perfectly, and he couldn't risk ruining it now. He needed to keep his cool and play along. All he had to do was to perform the arduous mission of avoiding Mayor Mare's delicious flank.  Easier said than done. Exiting the town hall and soon catching up to her, the streets were still relatively busy, but Fenris found that it wasn't enough to hide Mayor's figure from his view. As they walked, the crowds seemed oblivious to his presence, which allowed him the chance to stare unabated at the mayor's body. The view of not only her, but every mare trotting past, made him feel like a voyeur peeking through their bedroom window. The contrast between her and the other mares in Ponyville couldn't have been starker. Where most of the mares he'd seen walking the streets had relatively normal, slender figures, Mayor Mare's shape was curvaceous and voluptuous, and she carried it with confidence. Fenris had no idea how she managed to pull it off. It had to be some combination of age and lifestyle, because her body was unlike anything anyone else in town had ever had. Every time she took a stride, he could hear her buttocks wobbling beneath her. He even admired the way her tail swayed back and forth with each step, providing a subtle flash of the whiter coat in her inner thighs. "We're almost there," she said, turning back to look at him. Fenris immediately jerked his gaze away, pretending to look somewhere else. She didn't seem to notice. "It's just over there." She was referring to a modest-looking house just ahead of them, tucked away behind several other larger residences nearby. The exterior looked fairly ordinary, though the lawn was immaculately maintained, and the garden surrounding the front porch was lush and vibrant. The windows facing the street were framed by shutters painted sky blue, adding to the quaint and cozy vibe. As Mayor Mare opened the door and led Fenris into her home, he felt a strange mixture of nerves and anticipation rising in his chest. It was clear from her behavior that she wasn't interested in him sexually, but the way she acted towards him made him suspect that she wasn't exactly opposed to it either. Perhaps he just had to play his cards right, and she would be putty in his hooves soon enough. "Make yourself comfortable," Mayor told him as he sat down on one of the living room sofas. "I'll prepare us some dinner." She trotted off towards what he assumed was the kitchen, leaving Fenris alone with his thoughts. Unlike the exterior, the inside of her home seemed to be a little more cluttered. There were various trinkets and knick-knacks strewn haphazardly around the rooms, as well as a large bookshelf crammed full of novels. However, there weren't any pictures of family members, and there didn't appear to be anyone else living with her. It was as though she was alone. Perfectly alone. "Here we are." She returned with two bowls of spaghetti in her hooves. "That's all I really have to offer, I apologize in advance." It was definitely spaghetti, but there was nothing to be apologetic for. It looked like it was cooked perfectly, with a sauce thick and flavorful, and a nice mix of vegetables sprinkled throughout. "This looks amazing," he replied, digging in with enthusiasm. Mayor Mare smiled, taking the seat next to him, her own bowl of pasta balanced on the couch cushion beside her. As she ate as well, the sound of their spoons hitting against the dishes created a soothing rhythm, and it was oddly peaceful, sitting here with someone who wasn't expecting anything else from you besides company. "And it, –mmph–, tastes amazing too!" Fenris said with his mouth full of pasta, unable to control himself. "Why, thank you, Mr. Ebonyglow." She smiled again, a twinkle flashing in her green eye. She seemed pleased to see him enjoying her food. "I must admit, I don't usually entertain guests, especially stallions like you. It's refreshing." Her words made him freeze in place, mid-bite. Was that her play? Did he need to take the initiative? No, she had mentioned something else. She had called him a stallion like him. What exactly did she mean by that, if there were similarities between him and her? "Well, I appreciate the opportunity," he said, trying to keep his composure. "And no need for formalities here. Call me Fenris, please." He could feel her staring intently at him as he continued eating. She didn't reply right away, and Fenris felt a sense of unease creeping up inside him. Had he made a mistake, revealing his name? Maybe he should've kept it simple and stuck to "Mr. Ebonyglow"? "Well, Fenris..." she finally spoke, her tone soft and low. "You certainly are interesting. Tell me, are all stallions like you in Ponyville?" "I don't know," Fenris replied. "What do you mean by 'like me'?" Her lips curled upward, and Fenris noticed the slightest hint of a smirk. It made her seem more confident, smug even, than before. "Oh, I'm not entirely sure yet," she teased, leaning in close, so close, he could almost taste her breath. "Let's see... How about this: are you interested in older mares, like me?" She whispered her words so quietly it was barely audible, and if they'd been anywhere else, it might have sounded like nothing, just an empty invitation. But here? In her own home? "Well, uh..." Fenris struggled to find the words to say. "I, um-" "No need to be embarrassed. It's just the two of us here, and you seem like a nice young stallion." She stood up, returning her bowl to the kitchen, and Fenris felt his heartbeat quicken, his blood running hot in his veins. "Mayor Mare, what do y- I mean, are we going to... you're..." Mayor giggled as she came back, her laughter a rare thing he'd expected to come from the professional mare.  "Don't be shy, I know you're interested." She trotted over, sat back down beside him and placed her head in his lap, gazing up at him. Her blue eyes sparkled brightly, and the look in them gave Fenris a small chill. "Just admit it." "Okay." The sudden warmth radiating from her stunned him for a moment, causing his face to flush up as well. He swallowed hard before speaking again. "You want me to say yes? Is that what you want to hear?" He was surprised by his boldness, but the mayor seemed thrilled with his response, her tail swaying gently behind her.  "Fine, then yes. I'm interested," Fenris said softly. He was still nervous about what she was planning for him, but he was intrigued by it. He had never met a mare like herself, and she seemed to possess a certain aura of power and control. "That's good." She lifted her head up and moved closer, pressing her lips to his neck, nibbling on his skin. "Now tell me, Fenris, what do you want to do to me, hm?" At that moment, he froze. He had never expected things to escalate like this. Sure, he wanted to rut her, and mindbreak her, but he didn't want to make her uncomfortable either. Usually the dominant stallion in these situations, Fenris had no clue how to act when the tables were flipped. But his confidence quickly grew once he realized he was in charge. He could do whatever he pleased, and Mayor Mare wouldn't be able to resist his charms anyway, no matter how much power she possessed. In the end, he only smiled coyly. "What can you handle?" He countered. She then smirked at him and pulled away slightly. "You think you have me figured out, don't you?" She leaned in again and kissed his lips, her tongue slipping into his mouth. Fenris groaned and grabbed her head, forcing himself deeper, exploring her. The gruff response caused her to moan as she wrapped her arms around his neck, grinding against his body, her hips bucking against his. "Fuck," he gasped when their kiss broke. The trail of saliva hanging between their tongues only made him harder before it broke. She continued her sly smile, pulling away, and began trotting towards one of the hallways leading to the rest of her house. Giving him another view of her flank, she waved a hoof over. "Come on, let's take this to the bedroom. I don't think the couch is enough for someone like you." "Someone like me, huh?" Fenris smirked as he followed, feeling his confidence rising. He was going to have fun with her. A lot of fun. Despite the surprise from her lewdness, he still had his plan in mind. Entering her bedroom, Mayor Mare closed the door behind her, and Fenris couldn't help but stare in awe, taking in every inch of her space. The furniture was simple, with a bed centered against a white wall covered in photos, paintings, and decorations. On the left stood a dresser and a vanity mirror. On the right was a small bookshelf and a reading chair. Everything was clean and well-organized, with a faint smell of perfume lingering in the air. She trotted over to the edge of her bed and turned toward him, beckoning him over with her hoof. "Have you ever heard of a mare like me before, Fenris?" She asked teasingly, her voice husky, her eyelashes fluttering seductively. "I'm sure you've seen most other mares in town, so what do you think of this?" She made sure Fenris saw everything. From her thick thighs, wide ass, to her plump belly. He couldn't stop his gaze, even if he wanted to, and he found himself already growing harder beneath him. "Mmph..." Fenris groaned and shook his head, trying to regain composure. In his mind, this body was his to conquer. He wanted to dominate her. Make her his. "Don't think I don't remember you eyeing my flank while we walked home," the Mayor teased, stepping closer. Fenris blushed, his face flaring red from embarrassment despite his best attempts to hide it. Mayor Mare grinned triumphantly. Clap! His heart skipped a beat as Mayor Mare suddenly jerked her hindlegs upward, causing her flank cheeks to clap together loudly. He could see her tail swaying behind her, the movement making it impossible to ignore, and his erection grew more prominent. Once again, another slap could be heard from underneath Fenris, his cock now visibly throbbing under him. "My, my... Look at this. Already hard?" She jumped on bed, laying on her back. Fenris could only gawk at her, unsure of what to do next. She wiggled her hooves in front of his muzzle, giggling quietly yet mischievously. But Fenris smiled back, his confidence rising. If this mare thought she had control over the situation, she had another thing coming. He stepped forward and jumped alongside her in bed. He grabbed a hold of her forehooves and pinned them down. She gasped as his face huddled up to her snout, his eyes staring deep into hers as he made sure he was on top. Fenris couldn't help but grin, loving how easily she succumbed to him. Mayor Mare, meanwhile, only looked at him with intrigue, seemingly unfazed at how quickly the tables turned. "Well, well... I see you have some fight in you," she mused, her eyes glinting with mischief. Her eyes traveled down from his face, towards his neck, where his scarf hung loosely. "Does this ever come off?" She questioned, her hoof tugging at the fabric gently. He only smiled.  The air around the two seemed to grow thicker, and the atmosphere in the room changed. He began channeling magic onto his scarf, and his transformation commenced instantly. Within seconds, his entire form began changing, his muscles growing denser and more defined. The timber appeared in his wings, ears, and forehead, and even the wood on his hooves and tail became thicker. His body was stronger, faster, tougher. He was in his timberwolf form, towering over the mare below him, a predator looking down at his prey. Fenris growled and snarled, his teeth sharp and gleaming, his eyes burning with hunger. His cock had transformed as well, growing larger and thicker. What was already an impressive member had now become monstrous, and Mayor Mare could only gasp in awe as she saw the length and thickness of it. She couldn't tear her eyes away, mesmerized by its size as Fenris positioned himself over top of Mayor Mare's belly, hovering inches away above her. She could feel his hot breath against her fur and the warmth emanating from his body. His cock was pulsing, dripping precum over her, coating her tan belly in sticky fluid. But despite it all, her coy smile remained fixed in place, her gaze unwavering. She didn't seem intimidated by his display of dominance. Instead, she merely chuckled to herself and shifted her position. "My, my. You really are something else, Fenris. And here you were playing innocent this whole time. Well..." She trailed off, her eyes flickering down briefly before returning to Fenris'. "Is that all?" What? Fenris blinked several times, unsure if he understood correctly. "What do you mean by that!?" He snapped. He felt like the tables were starting to turn, as he was becoming the prey instead of the predator. "Are you mocking me?" Mayor Mare only giggled and rolled her eyes. "Mocking you? No, I'm going to humiliate you." Before he could respond, she used her hindlegs to push him back, flipping over and pinning his frame to the bed. Her eyes were blazing with determination as she glared into his own. The fact that she could overpower him in his timberwolf form was shocking enough, but he quickly realized that he'd underestimated her, and that she'd played him for far longer. He tried to struggle, but Mayor Mare was surprisingly strong and determined, keeping him firmly pinned beneath her weight. And what a weight it was. If her ass looked heavy before, it now felt twice as big, squishing against his belly, her thighs pressed together around his head, muffling his screams. Her own shapely figure had its own weight to it, the bed creaking as it adjusted to accommodate both their bodies together. Fenris couldn't help but groan as he felt himself sinking under her. He couldn't believe it. She was dominating him, and he didn't know what to do. The scent of musk filled Fenris' nostrils, making his head spin. "Oh, are you trying to talk?" Mayor Mare giggled, lifting up a few centimeters to reveal Fenris' mouth. Fenris coughed and gasped desperately for air, his lungs aching as he struggled to breathe. He looked up at the mare towering above her, his expression filled with fear mixed with anger. "Heavy bitch," he hissed. She only grinned and shook her head. She lifted her body up, giving Fenris just enough room to move his limbs, but not enough to get free. Then, with the force of a battering ram, she slammed her ass back down, this time right behind his two ample balls. They jolted and wobbled under Mayor's weight, causing Fenris to whimper and moan, as the impact sent shockwaves through his system. "Aw, am I too heavy for you, sweetheart?" She cooed mockingly. "Maybe you should've chosen a different pony to play your sick fantasies out, but I guess it's too late for regrets now, isn't it?" She lifted herself up again, slamming her ass back down repeatedly. Fenris cried out as the pressure mounted, his balls throbbing and swelling under the constant abuse. "Stop it!" He roared, using the strength of his timberwolf form to lift her up and throw her back down, this time on top of him. She landed with a grunt and a thud, rolling onto her side. But he wasn't about to lose control. Not yet. Fenris lunged at her, grabbing Mayor's hindlegs and spreading them wide, exposing her dripping pussy to the air. He could see the folds quivering and pulsing with arousal, her inner juices leaking out onto him like a fountain. Despite her sharp demeanor, she let out a sharp gasp, arching her back in surprise as his tongue slipped inside. "Mmph!" Mayor Mare moaned, her eyes fluttering shut as Fenris buried his muzzle deeper, tasting and probing her depths. The sensation was overwhelming, as his tongue explored every nook and cranny of her pussy, sending waves of pleasure through her body. For an older mare, it tasted sweet and musky, a mixture of flavors he couldn't get enough of. Fenris was in heaven. The scent, the flavor, it was everything he'd dreamed to get out of the mare, and more. He was lapping away at her eagerly, savoring every drop of juice he could, turning more and more into a dog than a pony. That was, until he felt her hindlegs clamp around him. He yelped as they locked in, squeezing his head tightly. He tried to pull away, but it was no use; she had him trapped. He looked up helplessly as she stared back at him with amusement in her eyes. "Got you, wolf. Or should I say..." She took a foreleg and scratched his chin with her hoof.  "Pup." Her words echoed in his ears like a death knell, as Fenris realized she had tricked him into thinking that he was going to rut her, when in actuality, Mayor wanted him to submit. He could feel his pride and ego deflate, replaced with a sense of humiliation and degradation. But these thoughts, these feelings, were eventually drowned out by the pleasure from getting scratched. Mayor's hoof was rubbing him just the right way, causing shivers to travel down his back. It was as though all those moments before had faded away, leaving Fenris feeling warm, happy, and satisfied. It was as if he had forgotten about the leglock and being tricked. He felt content. As Mayor continued to scratch him gently, Fenris began panting, his tongue sticking out, drool dangling off. It was embarrassing to be acting so animalistically, but he didn't want her to stop. He loved how she was treating him, and the fact that she was so dominant made him want to give in. "Aww, you're enjoying yourself, aren't you?" Mayor Mare cooed, stroking his head with her hoof. Fenris nodded weakly, his mind swimming in a haze. He felt like a puppy being petted by its owner, and he didn't want to be anything else but that. He nuzzled her forelegs, licking her coat softly, his cock throbbing beneath him in desperation. At this point, he was drowning in pleasure, forgetting the very reason he was here in the first place: breaking a mayor. Instead, she had broken him.  She knew he was weak. She knew what he wanted, and what he craved for. She knew how he liked being treated. She stopped scratching him and leaned closer, whispering softly.  "Good boy," she murmured gently, her breath caressing his ears. As if they were some sort of trigger, her words made him tremble with desire, his shaft pulsing with even more heat. Small but rapid thumps came from behind, his tail beating against the bed in excitement. She smiled and stroked his neck tenderly, her eyes twinkling with mischief. She knew that she had him, and he knew that he belonged to her. Mayor Mare leaned down and nibbled at his throat, her teeth grazing his fur, her tongue flicking across his coat and leaving it drenched. She could feel his body shaking, his breathing becoming more ragged as he tried to contain himself. She bit down on his neck, and he couldn't help but release a small whine. A whine that sounded more like a dog whimpering than a timberwolf growling. And it made him feel like such an idiot, a pathetic, needy mutt. But it made her smile, and that alone was enough to keep him going. "You're mine," she purred, biting down harder. Fenris flinched his eyes as pain mixed with bliss, the two sensations colliding in an intoxicating rush. She released him and pulled away slowly, her mouth stained with saliva. She gazed deep into his eyes and spoke in a low, commanding tone: "Bark for me." Fenris couldn't help it. His mind was fogged with ecstasy and his instincts had taken over.  Woof! He barked like a dog, his muzzle opening to form the sound as his tongue hung out, his eyes staring up at her pleadingly. Mayor Mare smiled wickedly as she rubbed his neck again, her touch soft and soothing. "There's my good dog. You're such an eager pup, aren't you? So desperate for attention from his owner." Fenris whined in response, his body shivering with need, his shaft throbbing uncontrollably beneath him. She turned, leaned back down and kissed him once more, her lips pressing hard against his mouth, her tongue slipping between his teeth and swirling with his. This wasn't a normal kiss. This was the mouth of a frothing, rabid, slathering caninoid, meeting that of a hungry mare with a lust for power. She pushed him backwards as they continued, their mouths locked together as she climbed over top of him, positioning her hips directly above his groin. Fenris could feel a wave of panic building inside him as he realized what her intent was, and yet he found himself powerless to stop her. She pulled away, grinning triumphantly, before slamming her hips downward, spearing herself onto him in one fell motion. While it sent Fenris wincing in pain, it sent a ripple of pleasure through Mayor Mare. Fenris cried out, his cock disappearing within her, his shaft stretching her folds as they wrapped themselves around his girth tightly. She was impaled upon him with ease, the sheer size of his member allowing him to penetrate her fully, his knot resting deep in her core, pulsing with desire. Mayor Mare groaned softly as she adjusted herself to fit snugly around him like a glove. The jiggling that ensued from her movements caused Fenris to shudder and pant, his body trembling as he struggled to control himself. He had never experienced such intense pleasure or stimulation in his life. Mayor Mare, on the other hoof, was clearly savoring every inch of Fenris' cock, her eyes closed, her lips parted slightly, her breath quickening with each thrust. The strength sent down with each bounce made Fenris whimper and cry, his mind reeling with blissful agony. She was fucking herself on Fenris' cock without mercy. She rode him roughly, her hips bucking and grinding into his own, sending waves through his system. Fenris was in heaven and hell at the same time, unable to decide which sensation he wanted to focus on first. His cock was supposed to be huge and monstrous, but now it felt small and insignificant as her body consumed him. He was being fucked by this... this mare who he'd wanted so badly to dominate. But now? Now she was controlling him, and he couldn't escape her spell. He was nothing. Just a pathetic pup, begging for her affection like the slut he was. He felt ashamed, humiliated. Yet he couldn't deny how good he felt. How good she was making him, as her tightness and warmth wrapped around him. It wasn't long before Fenris' climax began to mount, his shaft tensing and twitching within the mare's depths. But she kept riding him mercilessly, refusing to relent, forcing him deeper, deeper, as if trying not to allow him to cum before he'd reached the brink. He whimpered, his mind clouded with desire, his body wracked with lust. He couldn't stop himself any longer. He felt like he was going to explode, but she wouldn't let him. She kept him teetering on the precipice of oblivion, holding him back until his cock was practically ready to explode. And then? She slammed down onto his shaft once more, burying herself deep inside him, pushing herself to the limit. While she had never taken a cock of his size before, it seemed like it was second nature to Mayor Mare, as she took him with ease. She didn't want to show it, but this wasn't any normal stallion cock either. It was a special breed, one that only she knew how to take and enjoy. Finally, Mayor Mare let out an uncharacteristic, sharp cry, her body shuddering as his knot tightened, and her pussy clenching and releasing around Fenris' member. As soon as she hit her peak, his own burst came shortly after. He erupted within her, his hot seed spurting out, filling her up with warmth and wetness that made her gasp in ecstasy. Fenris grunted loudly in relief as he released everything he had inside her, the pressure and pleasure overwhelming him. While the first spurt was intense, it quickly became a flood as his shaft continued to pump, shooting rope after thick rope, his knot expanding, stretching her walls, ensuring that she was thoroughly plugged up. The stifled grunts coming from Mayor Mare were proof positive that she couldn't handle the sheer volume of his load, despite the fact that she hadn't shown any signs of slowing down or stopping. And it wasn't just his cum. Fenris felt like he was losing his grip on sanity, as if his entire being was melting away with pleasure. He had no idea he had that kind of power, and yet he was using it to fill up his new master. "Go on, bark! Bark while you're filling me up, -ngh- puppy!" He obeyed, letting loose several more sharp barks in quick succession, his tongue hanging out and his eyes rolling back in ecstacy. The sound only intensified his release, and Mayor Mare could tell from the sudden burst that Fenris was still coming. She moaned softly and rocked her hips back and forth, causing his knot to rub against her folds, her ass softly rippling and jiggling, as her own juices mixed with his seed. It felt like a warm waterfall flowing through her body, and it sent shivers down her spine, her body trembling and convulsing in response. "Come on, you wanted to break me, didn't you!? Break me like a cheap -nggh- toy!" She growled fiercely, her eyes blazing like fire, as she rode him harder and faster still, her hindlegs slamming down, causing her fat cheeks to clap and ripple, the sound reverberating throughout the room.  It was like music to her ears, and she reveled in the sensation of having a stallion so much more powerful than herself completely under her control. She had broken him, and it was a feeling she couldn't help but cherish, even as the last of his seed finally finished spurting from his tip, trickling out onto both her thighs and the sheets. But she wasn't done. She continued to bounce, sliding back and forth along the shaft that still stretched her insides, teasing out the remnants of his orgasm, milking him for every drop left inside. Fenris whimpered and whined, his cock throbbing painfully as his balls drained themselves dry, until he could produce nothing but a few dribbles that oozed down his shaft. "Good boy..." she whispered, leaning down to kiss the side of his muzzle tenderly. "Such a good, obedient pup." She leaned in even more, the weight of her body crushing down on Fenris' frame. "But I'm not done with you." She nibbled at his neck, leaving more bite marks in her wake, her tongue flicking across his skin as if tasting his sweat, before pulling away. Releasing herself from Fenris, she slid off his cock with a wet slurp, her folds dripping cum, before standing up on all four legs, gazing back at him with an expression of pure dominance. Her blue eyes glinted with lust, as she licked her lips clean of his essence before trotting over to a dresser drawer. Pulling it open, Mayor retrieved a collar with a chain leash. The collar made Fenris' heart skip a beat. Was he going to belong to the Mayor of his town forever? He couldn't help but feel a strange thrill run down his spine, despite the humiliation. The thought of belonging entirely to someone, being controlled by them, excited Fenris more than he cared to admit. The very same Fenris that had spent so many years trying to assert his own dominance was now being reduced to a mere pup, at the will of another mare. He could hardly believe what was going on, but he knew one thing: He had been outclassed by the mare who now stood before him, and she wasn't letting up anytime soon. She stepped closer, a sly smile playing on her lips. "Now that we're done with your little game, let me tell you something." She held up the collar with one hoof, dangling it before him as if it were a carrot on a stick. "Your fantasy was cute, and all, but now you're going to have something real to dream about." Her voice dropped several degrees as her face grew serious and determined. "I'm your master here. Understand, pup?" Fenris swallowed warily, but he knew he had to answer. He could only nod nervously, his eyes wide with fear and uncertainty. Mayor Mare grinned, seemingly pleased with his response, but there was still a dangerous glint in her eye. She fastened the collar around Fenris' throat, tugging lightly on the leash to ensure it was snug. She then turned around suddenly and walked towards a closet. Fenris watched as she opened it and pulled out a box filled with potions and elixirs in various sizes, colors, and shapes. He gulped, realizing that she had prepared for this moment long ago. He wondered how she knew what would happen, but decided it didn't matter anymore as he lay back, defeated and submissive, waiting for his new master to do what she wanted with him next. He was already starting to feel a sense of peace washing over him, and he couldn't help but smile softly. Maybe this was what it was meant to be, after all. Perhaps his role in this world, as well as Mayor Mare's, was not to dominate each other, but simply to submit. And perhaps, just maybe, Fenris didn't mind the change of pace one bit. But then she came with the tray of potions, and the smell hit him instantly. These smelled familiar to his own odor of mares he had broken into submission. She smirked at his reaction, as if knowing how uncomfortable he was feeling. She grabbed two bottles and held it out to his mouth.  "Drink up." At first, she was met with reluctance. But Mayor Mare was persistent in her demands and shoved it against his muzzle until Fenris opened his jaws and allowed her to pour one of them straight down the hatch. It burned slightly at first, before turning into a soothing, relaxing feeling in his gut. She then grabbed another, this one with a pink, steaming liquid. This flask only had one symbol on it, that one of a heart.  "It's time for me to have my fun too." With a wink, Mayor Mare tipped this one back into her throat. Instantly, Fenris felt his cock hardening, and his shaft pulsing back to life, just by the way she drank it. The way she gulped the entire flask down made his head swim, it was reminiscent of a hungry dragon devouring a whole pig, or in this case, a horny mare sucking off her new pup. She set the empty potion down and licked the remnants from her muzzle before returning her gaze to Fenris. He could see that the potion was already taking effect on her, as her cheeks were flushed red, and her breathing was becoming heavy. She had her mouth open wide, showing off the wetness and saliva that covered her inner walls and tongue, and her tongue hung low, her eyes half open with lust and need. The eyes she gave Fenris sent shocks of electricity coursing through his body. The intensity of those blue pools was overwhelming, as if they were boring into his soul and claiming him as hers forever. And yet, Fenris could also see the desire in her expression as well, as if he was about to be eaten alive and used as a chew toy for the rest of his natural existence, and she would love every minute of it.  "This is -huff- spicier than I remember -huff- it being. But... still..." Mayor Mare gasped between heavy gasps and pants. She was visibly sweating now and had trouble standing. Fenris watched in amazement as she struggled against the effects, but eventually, the desire became overwhelming. "Some pup like you? Deserves -huff-  more. "  She turned towards the back, and grabbed the remaining two pink potions. She popped one open and trotted back towards Fenris, who was still stuck panting on the bed. "I hope you still have room." Before Fenris could respond, she poured the second concoction straight into his mouth, causing it to overflow and drip down his chin. He swallowed it all greedily, his body growing even warmer, more sensitive. His cock twitched beneath him, his balls aching to be released, but Mayor Mare was still in charge here. Then, she uncorked the second pink potion, and downed it all at once, causing Fenris to watch in disbelief. This time, it was like she was chugging a bucketful of water, her throat bobbing with each sip. When she was finally done, she slammed the bottle down and sighed in relief, licking up the remaining traces of liquid from her muzzle.  She had not drunk not just one, but two obvious aphrodisiacs in a row, and it was already driving her mad. Mayor Mare was now in a frenzy, panting heavily as her eyes glazed over with a look of hunger that made the hair on the back of Fenris' neck stand on end. However, it wasn't as if the effects weren't taking effect on him either. Fenris' cock was now throbbing wildly, the heat and pressure building within his shaft threatening to overwhelm him. Mayor looked back at him and smirked wickedly, as if reading his mind. And then, another thought crept into his mind, one of... servitude. Despite being left panting, belly facing the ceiling and tail in the air for the mayor, his thoughts were overwhelmed. Whatever potion he chugged before that, one that was definitely not an aphrodisiac, seemed to be making him think of Mayor Mare as a master he wanted to please. It was as if he wanted to lick her hooves clean, and make her happy by following her orders and being a good boy. No, a good bitch. Then came the thoughts of pleasure, washing over the thoughts of servitude, and crashing together like the tsunami that had come and gone. He was panting heavily and drooling, his eyes half lidded and glazed from the potions, his tongue lolled and dripping spit, as the heat from within became too much for him to bear.  These feelings almost made him forget about the other mare in the room. She was, like him, panting and sweating, struggling against the aphrodisiacs that were flooding through her veins. He was already struggling with the contents of just one, but she had drunk two. It was as if Mayor Mare had become a wild pony in heat, her body radiating warmth and need. No, much more than that.  All one had to do was to look at the effects both bottles had on her. She was practically shaking, her hooves stomping the ground as if she were preparing a stampede, her coat drenched with sweat and drool, her eyes burning with lust. She looked as if a single touch would set her off, but that was exactly what Fenris craved. She then gave him the most seductive look he'd seen all day. "Ready for -hfff- round two?" She said, her breath catching in her throat. She was struggling with all this lust, and the fact that her own body couldn't handle it was evident. She immediately jumped on the bed, and directly mounted him with no warning, causing Fenris' gigantic shaft to slide deep inside with no resistance, her pussy enveloping his length as she sank down onto him fully in one swift movement.  This mount, however, was different from the last. She was now in reverse, her fat, plush rump pressed firmly against his groin, the softness of which was driving Fenris absolutely mad. He was moaning like a pup, whining and whimpering as he felt her body swallow him inch by glorious inch. This new view allowed him a front row seat to witness the full glory of Mayor Mare's ass and its incredible jiggles as her body moved up and down his cock like she was riding the waves. She was now riding him reverse cowmare style. Fenris could hardly contain himself. He was moaning like a dog as Mayor Mare rode him hard and fast, her hips bucking and grinding into him, sending shockwaves through his system. Each of her enormous cheeks bounced and rippled as they slammed down against his hips repeatedly, causing Fenris's cock to twitch uncontrollably within her folds. She was riding with abandon as Fenris lay pinned, helpless beneath her bulk. It was almost as if her mind was gone. She was lost to the passion and desire that flooded through her like a raging torrent, consuming her every thought and emotion.  But this was different from the sex from before. She was fucking him like a machine now, bouncing and pounding away at Fenris with reckless abandon. She was using the entire hindlegs, her tail raised high, slamming herself up and down on him with such speed and power that it almost felt as if she were a bull riding him instead of the reverse. A juicy, jiggling bull who had him trapped and couldn't escape. She was growling, her teeth baring as she leaned down, biting into his inner thigh. She only added to the numerous marks on his body, as if claiming her ownership of him with each bite and scratch. And Fenris loved it.  The pain and pleasure mixed together in a way that made his mind reel and his cock swell. His knot was swelling, throbbing with heat, as his shaft pulsed deep inside Mayor Mare's depths. He could feel her tight walls squeezing him tightly, her juices dripping down his length and coating his groin with sticky fluids. She was riding him harder now, grinding her hips into him with more force and power than before, as if she were determined to milk him dry.  He felt his balls tighten beneath him as he approached the brink once more, but before he could reach his climax, Mayor Mare suddenly stopped, her body trembling above him. She let out a long moan as she orgasmed, her walls contracting around him in rapid succession as wave after wave of her hot juices squirted onto his fur, soaking his torso and causing Fenris to moan in bliss and despair. These juices felt incredible, but also... hotter. They looked practically steaming, like molten lava, and the scent coming from the two was intoxicating. It smelled of sex, and it caused Fenris' mind to reel in ecstacy. He could feel his balls churning and pulsing as he tried to hold back, but it was no use. "Cu-cumming! Please! Let me cu-" Before Fenris finished the sentence, Mayor Mare slammed her ass back down onto his groin once more, impaling him to the hilt.  "Are you speaking?! Bark, pup! Bark if -hff- you're ready to cum!" Mayor Mare cried, her hindlegs trembling as she fought to keep him inside her. This time, there was no hesitation or resistance as his shaft disappeared inside her, her walls gripping around his cock like a vice. Every time his cock slid into her, it felt smaller, weaker somehow. As if he were losing his strength with each thrust, as Mayor Mare rode the waves with more ferocity and power than he had ever seen before from the mare. And that was enough to push him over the edge.  Fenris cried out in desperation as he erupted again, his cock spurting hot ropes of sticky fluid within the older mare. This cum was unlike before, as Fenris felt a rush of energy and vitality flowing through him like a lightning bolt, causing his muscles to tense and contract, making him feel stronger, more powerful, like the wolf he always wanted to be, even though it was just for an instant. It was an intense rush, like nothing he had ever felt before as he shot rope after rope deep inside her walls, spurt after spurt coating her insides with warmth and heat. There was so much of it that it began to spill out from their joint connection, seeping out onto her flank cheeks, dripping onto the bed below them. Mayor Mare shuddered and gasped as Fenris filled her completely, his cock buried deep within her core, his balls emptied, his seed spent. Every corner of her womb was coated with his warmth and heat, causing Mayor Mare to tremble and shudder in pleasure and delight. "More! Give me more!" She begged, bouncing on his stiff rod without remorse. Her juices flowed freely as euphoria washed over her once more, her eyes rolling back and her tongue hanging from her mouth in a display of absolute rapture that would have made even the most stoic stallion melt. Fenris was no longer capable of coherent words; he could only groan and whimper, his mind foggy and dazed from the pleasure coursing through him, and Mayor Mare was no exception.  "You like my ass, -huff- pup?! The ass of an older, more experienced, -huff- mare?!" She grunted between breaths, her hindlegs still slamming against him like a hammer, her cheeks clapping and jiggling with each impact. "Then take -huff- it all! You're mine!" She lifted herself off his cock and slammed down once more unto him, this time, her flank right in Fenris' face. His eyes widened in surprise as he took in the scent of her musk, the heat of her fur, the sheer size of those cheeks, and his tongue lashed out involuntarily, licking up every crevice and curve he could reach.  "You want a meal, don't you? Then -huff- eat me out!" Her words came between pants and grunts as she continued to slam herself down onto Fenris. He was lost now. His senses were consumed with the smell and feel of her ass, the taste of her flesh, the warmth and wetness that enveloped him completely. "Eat! Show me -hahhhh- how much you love it!" She pushed the entirety of her flank onto his face, and he couldn't help but moan as it became difficult for air to enter his lungs. If her ass felt enormous before, now it felt positively gargantuan. He licked and sucked and slurped at her fur, her cheeks, her folds, her dock , everything he could reach with his mouth and tongue, his muzzle more soaked and sticky from her juices. He couldn't breathe, but he didn't care. Her demands screamed at him internally, his thoughts of servitude and loyalty taking over his mind once more as he lapped hungrily at the soft, plump fur. He lunged his muzzle deep, digging through her layers of thick fur, tasting and exploring every crease and nook of her ass. He had spent hours, perhaps days, daydreaming of eating her ass out. Now it was reality, and he wasn't holding back any longer. He ate her out like a dog with a treat, his nose buried so deep within her fur, he couldn't smell the rest of the room, or even his own body. All that filled his head was the smell and taste of her ass, which he found more delicious and enticing than anything else in the world. "-Ngh!- You like that, you mutt!?" She growled viciously, shoving the deepest part of her flank onto him so that he was practically drowning in her flesh. Fenris didn't answer, he only moaned and whimpered as he licked and slurped with gusto at the older mare who rode him like a bull. Fenris used both of his claws to spread her cheeks, allowing her juices to flow freely and his muzzle to dive in deeper. It was an endeavor, each cheek huge on their own and combined forming an enormous mound that was impossible to ignore. But when he finally was able to spread each mound apart, he finally saw the hidden gem he was searching for.  Her ample, winking ponut. He wasted no time in attacking it as he had done before, pushing her cheeks as far apart as possible while sticking his muzzle right into that sweet plump ring, swirling it in slow, agonizing circles. He licked and slobbered over her asshole with fervor and passion, like a starving dog feasting at a banquet table. He licked and nibbled at her hole, causing her body to tremble and shake, his fangs sinking slightly into the soft folds and wrinkling her skin. He had never felt so hungry before, so ravenous and desperate. It was like he was possessed with a single goal in mind: to devour this ass like it was the last meal on Equestria, and to savor every drop of its flavor. She was moaning loudly now, her hindlegs kicking and bucking in response to the stimulation that was coursing through her system. Fenris had found a spot that was making her crazy, and he wasn't stopping until he'd brought her to the brink once more. Mayor had given him a task, a job that he couldn't deny. He was determined to make her proud, as she was her new owner after all. So he kept going, swirling his tongue over her hole, licking and nibbling at it with his sharp fangs and seeing her squirms in response only hardened him further, if that was even possible. He then inserted his snout inside her ponut, his nose sliding in like it was a key fit for a lock. His nostrils were instantly hit with the scent of her sweat and musk, causing him to audibly growl in desire. His knot swelled, throbbing with heat beneath her hindlegs that still straddled him. With the convenience of her pussy right below her tailhole and Fenris' nose, it didn't feel like Mayor was getting any rest anytime soon.  His tongue flicked and swirled, darting in and out, his lips smacking as he slurped and kissed at both her hole and her pussy at the same time. He was like a vacuum cleaner sucking up her wet juices and licking her clean of the stickiness that clung to her folds. Her juices were now running rampant, coating his muzzle, his cheeks, his ears. His entire face was soaked in her essence. "You're so hungry, aren't -hhfff- you?!" She gasped, her hindlegs trembling, her eyes glazing over with complete lust. He could sense she was close, and Fenris was eager to give her what she deserved. He pulled back from his meal for only a moment to gather his strength and energy before diving in again, burying his tongue deep within her depths, his snout pressed tightly against her inner asshole, and his lips sucking at every fold and crinkle that he could find. All around him, the flesh of her ass rippled and trembled with each lick and suck. It made Fenris feel as if he were being consumed by her, her endless tan flesh enveloping him like a blanket, wrapping him up tightly, and he wouldn't have it any other way. "I can't believe you've been -huff- hiding such a talented muzzle behind that facade of yours, -hfff- dog!" Mayor's words came between ragged breaths, each punctuated by the sounds of slapping and clapping of tongue on flesh, both of her cheeks rippling and bouncing with each impact, and the sounds of his tongue working overtime, slathering and coating her inner ring with saliva as she rode him like a bucking horse. What was in front of the Mayor, meanwhile, was an entirely different view than Fenris'. His cock was throbbing wildly between her hindlegs like some kind of monster that threatened to burst at any time. The sheer volume and heat emanating from that beast was enough to drive a pony wild, and Mayor Mare wasn't immune. "It's –ngh– time to finish what we –hnnngh!- started! Fill me up, pup! Do it now!" Nearly immediately, she plunged her mouth onto Fenris' shaft, swallowing its entirety to the root in a single gulp, the head hitting the back of her throat. She gagged on its massive bulk, her mouth struggling to accommodate such a large appendage. Fenris moaned loudly as his tongue slipped further and further into her ponut, causing his muzzle to become much more aggressive and feral, as he licked, sucked and nibbled on Mayor Mare's most sensitive parts. The way she bobbed up and down on him was mesmerizing. She was sucking him with a passion that rivaled that of a starving dog, and Fenris was more than happy to provide. With every suck, he felt himself growing harder, thicker, and longer inside her. It seemed as if the potion she drank had not only increased her stamina, but her prowess as well. Or maybe she was always this good, hidden behind her permanently professional exterior. He could tell that she was trying hard to keep him inside as she slurped, sucked, and swallowed every inch of his shaft, the head disappearing down her throat, only to reappear moments later, coated with spit and saliva. She had her lips stretched wide as she struggled to take him all in, her jaw popping as he forced his cock past his limit. The sounds coming from her were wet and lewd, and she was moaning loudly and wantonly as she sucked him down like a vacuum cleaner. The sensation of being orally fucked in her asshole only made it that much worse, as Mayor Mare felt her orgasm building like a tidal wave about to burst. She knew this was going to be one hell of an ending as she felt Fenris' knot swelling, his cock pulsing in her mouth, his body wracking with tremors, and his moans turning into whines of pleasure. It was almost as if he was about to burst as well, which would certainly add another level of ecstasy to what they shared. Finally, the dam burst. Fenris let out a muffled howl into Mayor Mare's hindcheeks as he came, spurting thick jets of hot seed straight down her throat. It felt as though he was shooting gallon upon gallon of liquid fire into her mouth, his cock swelling with each pulse as he emptied himself inside her waiting mouth. Mayor Mare swallowed every drop with enthusiasm, her throat muscles convulsing, causing Fenris to moan louder, and his tongue to dig deeper within her asshole. And it seemed as if he just couldn't stop. He continued to spasm violently beneath her as his cum shot from the tip of his shaft like bullets, filling up Mayor Mare's mouth until it was brimming with his essence. She had no choice but to swallow it all down as quickly as she could, her jaws straining to keep up with the flow of fluid. Her belly bloated and swelled from the sheer amount, and yet she kept on going, swallowing every ounce that he had to offer. Each pulse in her mouth made her gulp faster and harder, her throat muscles flexing and tightening around his cock like a vise, coiling tighter with each passing millisecond. It felt like a dream, like she was caught in a whirlwind of sensations that refused to relent until she'd drained Fenris of everything that he was capable of giving. But even for a desperate mare like her, it seemed to be a losing battle, as Fenris' seed spilled down the edges of her lips and dribbled down her chin in rivulets of creamy white. Mayor Mare's already motherly form looked even more voluptuous and obscene with her belly swollen to twice its regular size, as if she were pregnant. Yet, despite her best efforts to drain him, there was simply no stopping Fenris. The way he was pumping and pulsing, she could feel his cock expanding and contracting within her, every spurt somehow larger and more intense than the previous one. And she knew she was in trouble as she felt the pressure building up within her bowels, the warmth and wetness from her ponut threatening to spill over onto the bed below, soaking the sheets with their combined juices.  She was in complete bliss. "Mmmph, bhhhhmph! Hnnnggggghhhh!" She sputtered. She could no longer taunt him with words, for how could she? Her mouth was stuffed full, her lips stretched wide, her throat bulging as she swallowed every ounce of his cum. And she knew it was all too late. Mayor Mare's cries of ecstasy were cut off as she came as well, her body trembling violently, sending shocks throughout her system. She could feel the heat of Fenris' cum pooling in her stomach, filling her up like a bloated pig. She had no choice but to swallow it down greedily, every last drop, but it was too much. Cum shut up her mouth so much that it came spurting from her lips and nose like a fountain as she struggled to breathe. Her own orgasm was nearly as strong as his, her pussy contracting and spasming around his mouth and tongue. The sensation was like heaven itself was coursing through her system, causing her entire body and soul to melt away into a puddle of blissful oblivion. The juices flowed freely, soaking Fenris' muzzle as he continued to lap them up hungrily. The taste was divine on his taste buds, sweet and tangy, with hints of the same taste from the potion he had earlier.  The amount that came out of her pussy was like a complete waterfall, he had no idea this amount could even come out of a pony. While Mayor Mare was fighting her own battle of drinking every single ounce of Fenris' cum, he was still lapping and practically gulping the remains of hers like a thirsty animal, not leaving any trace behind.  After what felt like an eternity of pure blissful ecstasy, the juices stopped flowing from both ponies as they were drained dry of all fluids, and Fenris slowly removed his tongue from Mayor Mare's asshole. She slumped forward onto the bed, completely spent and exhausted, her hindlegs quivering from overuse and oversensitivity, and her muzzle dripping with cum and drool. For the first few minutes, the only sound in the room was heavy pants and gasps, as both ponies recovered from the intensity of what had just occurred between them. The effects of the potions, as potent as they were, were finally wearing off. Finally, after several long minutes of catching their breath, Mayor Mare managed to lift herself off of Fenris, her swelled weight on him finally relieved. She then collapsed next to him, her stuffed belly still looking obscene as it rested on the mattress. As for Fenris, he lay on the bed panting heavily, his cock finally starting to soften as he stared blankly at the ceiling, his mind reeling with what happened. He could feel Mayor Mare's gaze on him, and he turned to see the her smiling at him with a mischievous grin, as if to say that the fun was far from over between them. He was still wearing that collar, after all. One that said only one word on its shiny silver surface: Bitch. And it only made her smile that much wider.