Turn the Page

by Caladis

First published

Princess Cadance shocks Night Light with coming of age traditions in the Crystal Empire. Boundaries will be pushed.

Written as a second submission to the Incest is Wincest Hearts and Hooves Break-up Contest 2024.

After overcoming the long term adultery between his wife and former editor, Night Light accepts family incest as a coping mechanism. He always tried to draw the line concerning foals but the Crystal Empire has laws and traditions that are different from Equestria.

Boundaries will be pushed as he is forced to do the right thing for the Crystal Empire in opposition to his personal morals.

Incest, Foalcon, Adult Male on Filly, Creampie, Herding, Pregnancy, Family Acceptance.

Chapter 1 - Overcoming Limitations

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Night Light and Twilight Velvet were on a train heading for the Crystal Empire. It had been seven years since the events of Harvey Horsestein and their marriage was largely reconciled. Princess Cadance’s marriage counseling sessions had worked wonders though the sex was more memorable than the lessons.

Velvet had finally retired from writing and Night Light had joined her in retirement. While he didn’t mind serving his daughter as her personal advisor, the pay cap for retirement as a public servant maxed out at 30 years of service. Since he couldn’t earn a promotion for a higher wage level and the retirement cap had been met, he had no reason to continue to work. 50 years old was young to retire and Twilight had been sad to see him leave her service, but she still found time to service him when they both had time. Night Light was looking forward to what retirement offered him, especially since it gave him more time to be with the mare that he loved.

Twilight had three foals from her father, Prince Night Sparkle, Princess Velvet Night and Princess Shining Dawn. Incest within the Sparkle family had been largely normalized, and Shining Armor had joined the group action by becoming Gleaming Shield for ‘her’ father and remaining Shining Armor for his mom and sister. Shining Armor confessed that he found it extremely satisfying to be fucked as a mare and was completely shocked by how satisfied her father had left her, giving credence to why Twilight and Cadance enjoyed Night Light’s company as much as they did. Shining played by the rules and didn’t cheat outside of the relationship group, which pleased Night Light, but Night Light was also becoming a little more paranoid about the grandfoals entering the incest picture. They were getting older, and it wasn’t like they would be excluded from the fun forever.

Night Light mused out loud to his wife. “I’m glad that we’re finally going to see the Crystal Empire in pony, as Cadance and Shining have always come to Canterlot to see us, but I’m a little uncertain as to the timing.”

Velvet tilted her head. “What do you mean?”

Night Light rubbed the back of his neck nervously. “Well. Flurry Heart’s 10th birthday is coming up and I’m grateful to receive an invitation, but it seems like there is more to this.”

Velvet giggled. “Well. Incest is normal in our family now, but Cadance knows how you feel about foals. Ten years old is rather young and I don’t think that Cadance would try to push you past your limits. Try not to worry so much…”

* * *

Shining Armor met his parents at the train station and escorted them to the castle. He was extremely tight lipped as if speaking would cause him to break. He led them to the throne room and then stepped aside, allowing his wife as the actual ruler of the Crystal Empire to speak.

“I’m grateful that you both came so far for Flurry’s birthday. Was the journey hard?”

Night Light shook his head. “No worse than any other train ride I’ve ever had. We’re both glad to be here but I’ll confess to being a little paranoid. I worked as an advisor to Princesses long enough to know that there is more to this than attending a foal’s birthday party. So, spill it.”

Cadance winced at the pointedness of Night Light’s statement. “As you know, my parents passed away before I became an alicorn. But… since my husband’s parents are alive, I am obliged to give you both the titles of Emperor Dowager and Empress Dowager of the Crystal Empire. You will advise me on matters of importance, much like you did for Twilight while acting as her Royal Advisor before your retirement. You may travel, with a royal stipend from the Empire, but you will be expected to live in the Empire full time and enjoy the perks of being royalty.”

Night Light and Velvet were shocked. They looked at each other uncertainly. Night Light cleared his throat. “I guess that makes us official citizens of the Crystal Empire. Are there any laws we need to be aware of now that were citizens and not just visitors?”

Cadance nodded. “Just a few. First, Incest is legal in the Empire and always has been. Furthermore, there is no minimum age for the start of relations concerning incest. It is expected for the parents and grandparents of foals to teach them sexual education. And in Flurry Heart’s case… the grandfather is expected to be her first partner.”

Night Light froze in place. Velvet tried to comfort him to no avail. He spoke tightly. “How exactly is that supposed to work?”

Cadance sighed. “The tradition is old. It is assumed that if the family can’t love a foal, then the Empire shouldn’t accept them either. If you reject Flurry Heart, it will be as if you didn’t approve of our marriage and of the conception. You must make love to her, turn her into a mare, or, by the traditions of the Empire, I must disown her.”

Night Light was sweating despite the chill in the room. “But she’s so young! She hasn’t even had her first heat yet. I must do this now?”

Cadance nodded again. “A Creampie is expected. It’s better that it happens before her first heat, so you don’t sire a foal. Unless… you’d rather wait and sire a foal… I approve, of course.”

Night Light stood stock still, completely unable to respond. Shining Armor cleared his throat. “It’s okay if you want to sire her first foal. It’s not as if I wanted that honor…. We know that you gave Twilight three foals…”

Velvet’s glare at her son cut him off mid-sentence. She tutted. “Of course, Night will deflower Flurry as tradition requires. We, of course, accept the titles being offered and Imperial citizenship. But please don’t rush it.”

Cadance smiled with a hopeful expression. “I hope that you’ll join us for dinner tonight. Flurry will be there.”

Night Light nodded. “I wouldn’t miss it…”

* * *

Night Light railed against Velvet. “What the fuck am I supposed to do!”

Velvet shrugged. “Fuck Flurry and bucking enjoy it? Give her extra cream to show her that you love her?”

Night glared at his wife. “I’m being serious.”

Velvet nodded. “So am I. We are Imperial Royality now, officially, and we have royal duties. We have to offer advice on matters of importance. I’m sure our ‘vacations’ will include royal duties to wherever we are visiting… and now you have the royal obligation to fuck Flurry Heart. Could you imagine her being thrown out of the castle at ten years old? What she would have to do to survive would pale in comparison to you having sex with her.”

Night Light considered the point and sighed. “But at her age…”

Velvet cut him off. “She’s the same age that Twilight started to pine after you. Given the laws in the Empire, even if Flurry adored her father sexually, she would know that she would have to have you first. She either wants you or she doesn’t. Maybe you should ask her before you try to dismiss it outright.”

Night Light considered the point at face value. “Okay… I’ll ask her at dinner.”

* * *

“Please fuck me tonight!” Flurry Heart exclaimed.

She was wearing a white dress to dinner that might have passed as a simple wedding dress. Night Light was forced to remember the white dress that Twilight wore the night he had deflowered her. Her parents were silent, unable or unwilling to interfere with the traditions of the Empire.

Night Light sighed. “Are you sure you’re ready for this, young lady?”

Flurry Heart nodded vigorously. “I’m so ready! Look!”

She lifted her dress to show Night Light a soaked pussy that was winking rapidly. Night Light swallowed hard. “That… is an eager pussy.”

Flurry smiled warmly. “Basic Imperial Law was one of the earlier lessons I took. I’ve known for awhile that you would be my first and I was sad that you and grandma didn’t visit more often. Dad has been waiting patiently for his turn, but you have the honor of being my first. Please don’t force me to wait up to three more years. I mean… I would gladly accept your foal if you wanted to wait for my first heat, as mom suggested might happen, but I kinda want to fuck dad too but you have to be first. Please, grandpa?”

Night Light looked at Velvet and she nodded. Night sighed. “I love you enough to make love to you. Eat your dinner and prepare for tonight.”

Flurry Heart squealed. “Thank you, Grandpa. I promise that you’ll be satisfied.”

Night Light sighed.

There are limits to being satisfied.

* * *

Chapter 2 - Traditions and Traumas

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Night Light settled himself. He was committed to this, as much as was possible. He had his wife’s support and the blessing of both his son and daughter-in-law.

So why did this feel so wrong?

Probably because it was.

He had never been a fillyfooler and he was determined not to touch his daughters/granddaughters from Twilight until they were closer to eighteen or at least thirteen when they went into heat, which was the original plan he had told his wife and daughter and the promise he had made to himself. His granddaughters were beautiful, but he was trying to maintain basic morals in a situation with no morals. If Twilight was already messing with her son, she was doing it without telling her parents and Night Light could live with not knowing even though it technically broke the rules of the arrangement.

The laws in the Empire had been unexpected and he had been pulled into it completely due to martial obligation. He had objected to Flurry Heart joining the incest group strongly when she was three and claimed that twelve or thirteen was the youngest that he would consider when all this first started, but here he was with her at age ten. Surely, he could do better… Surely, he could be better.

The hardest part of this was the fact that he couldn’t tell if Cadance and Shining were okay with this because it was the law or if because they were okay with it… Did they really want this?

He didn’t want to ask.

Sex… or even incest between consenting adults was one thing but getting a foal to lift her tail felt like a manipulation. She was supposed to be able to trust that her parents or grandparents had her best interests at heart. Even an older brother would have a pass for being close in age to a younger sister and giving in to desires that he might not fully understand but a parent or grandparent didn’t have that excuse.

Night Light knocked on Flurry’s door after dinner ended and heard a faint ‘Come in’.

He opened the door and closed it, turning to focus on her sitting on her bed, still wearing the white dress from earlier. She smiled widely.

“I’m so glad you’re here…”

She sounds sincere but she probably doesn’t want to disappoint her parents either.

Night Light raised an eyebrow. “Are you sure?”

Flurry lifted her dress again to show her pussy still winking, dripping wet with anticipation, and Night Light sighed. He knew that he owed her an explanation for his hesitation.

“I am not attracted to foals and while estrus might have attracted you to me in a natural fashion, you are not in heat. I don’t want to fuck you, but I also don’t want to see you disowned. I’m in a terrible predicament.”

Flurry’s smile faded and her tone was quiet and sad. “I understand. Equestria’s laws are different, and you followed them to the letter as a public servant. Incest must have been very hard for you to accept, and I do understand how it started. I’m young, but I’m not a fool. Or a foal, not really. I know that I’m young but I’m an alicorn princess and I am far more mature for my age than you might care to admit. I am expected to make love to you, and I accept it in the tradition in which it was established. If you don’t wish to do this now… we can wait until I’m older… or you can declare me unworthy, and I will accept my disownment and leave the family as required by law…”

Night Light stiffened. “NO! I don’t want that…”

Flurry stiffened as well, unaccustomed to hearing a raised voice towards her. “I am yours, grandpa. Use me as you will…”

Night Light approached her. He glared down at her on the bed, and she seemed to lay on her back and spread her legs on instinct as if hoping to avoid being dismissed as unworthy. Her wings unfolded and spread out on the bed on either side of her, adding to her beauty. Her pussy continued to wink uncontrollably, just barely exposed from the dress.

Night Light ripped the dress apart at the seams, as she seemed to expect him to do, leaving Flurry fully exposed. Her teats were small… smaller than he would have liked. Her pussy continued to wink but her body was small… so small. A filly that was no where close to a mare, despite the added size of an alicorn.

Night Light’s cock refused to leave its sheath. He just wasn’t attracted to a foal…

Flurry looked at his sheath and started to sweat. “Please… don’t you love me?”

Night Light stood stock still. He didn’t know how to answer. “I love you but I’m not sure I can make love to you. I hated unicorn incest growing up and I never intended to force it unto my daughters or granddaughters. Twilight was an adult when we started this and I’m okay with how it happened, mostly. But this… I’m not sure if you really want this or if you’re just following the tradition blindly. Give me a sign that this is okay and maybe I’ll accept it…”

Flurry Heart reared up and kissed Night Light. She put all of her passion into the kiss, trying to mimic experience but wistfully exposing her innocence. Oddly enough, the inexperienced kiss stirred his cock and it sprung from his sheath. Flurry could feel his cock digging into her stomach and she broke the kiss long enough to bend down and give the tip a little lick.

Night Light sighed as the filly tried to suck his cock, getting less than halfway to the medial ring. Even Twilight had been better at it her first time, although, she had been a grown mare at the time.

Eager didn’t mean ready and Night Light knew that full well from having raised two foals with his wife and now helping raise three more with his daughter.

Having succeeded in at least arousing him, Flurry laid back down and seemed intent to pull Night Light on top of her. It wasn’t going to work the way she wanted it. The angle was wrong. It would hurt at best and be horrible at worst.

He decided to try to meet her halfway on this. He sat himself up and lined himself up, the tip of his cock playing on the outer lips of her pink pussy. She was as wet as any mare he had ever seen but her pussy was so small… or maybe his cock was just that big. Even just resting his cock on top of her hot flesh made him uneasy.

He looked down at her and froze in place. She was trembling. Whether in fear or in excitement, he didn’t want to analyze it enough to figure it out, but she was shaking like a leaf in the wind and her expression was as frozen as he was. She was biting her lip, waiting for the pain of penetration. She looked so scared…

In that moment, it all came back.

A flashback of playing with her in the park as a foal.

Watching her play with her snail toy, Whammy, and smiling.

Watching her parents fret over every little detail about her while he was giving them advice on how to manage parenting without getting too stressed out.

All the good times before the incest started to happen with his daughter, daughter-in-law, and son.

How his mother had forced herself onto his cock and made him cum inside her when he was still a colt…

It had been his secret his whole life. He never even told his wife, but that was why he hated incest and why he originally didn't want it in his family. A unicorn family that could do without incest. It seemed like a bad joke now after the last seven years and three incest foals with his daughter...

Night Light gasped for air as he pulled back, his cock leaving the warm surface of a welcoming wet mess of a virgin filly’s pussy. He was so glad he hadn’t pushed inside now, and he knew he couldn’t do it.

Not yet. If ever...

Flurry raised an eyebrow at him. “Are you okay, Grandpa? You don’t look so good.”

Night Light shook his head no. “I’m sorry Flurry, but I was overcome with emotions. You’ll find that when you get older, you get weaker to tears. I can’t do this. Not yet. I won’t ‘disown you’ but we’re going to have to wait a little while longer. I don’t know yet how long, but I definitely can’t do this tonight. I’m sorry I ripped up your dress for no reason.”

Flurry nodded slowly. “It’s okay grandpa… I’ll have a new dress made that you can rip off me next time we try. Like I said… we have time… we just have to do this before I’m eighteen, though I would prefer sooner if you can reach a point that your comfortable doing me.”

Night Light nodded in agreement. “I told your grandmother seven years ago that I wanted to wait at least until you were thirteen. I don’t know why I thought I could force myself to do this tonight, no matter how pretty you are. I’m sorry for getting your hopes up.”

Flurry offered him a weak smile. “I’m fine… you should get some rest, grandpa. You’ll feel better in the morning.”

Night Light got up and left the room, head hung in shame and silently lost in his own thoughts.

Flurry sighed to herself when the door closed.


* * *

Chapter 3 - Betrayal

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After leaving Flurry Heart’s room, Night Light didn’t go rest.

He couldn’t rest.

Walking around the castle aimlessly eventually led him to the castle library, which was good because he needed answers. Night Light didn’t believe in ‘light reading.’ He always felt that taking the time to read something should be educational or something else of importance. His daughter had clearly gained her study ethics from his work practices. He read too much in the execution of his job responsibilities at the castle and enjoyed spending quality time with his family when he wasn’t working, which usually meant not reading at home.

Maybe if he had read some of Velvet’s books earlier in their marriage, he could have fixed the problems they were having before it blew up and nearly ended their marriage seven years ago, given that she had the tendency to add personal details from her own life into her books under the guise of character development.

He had the nagging suspicion that this new problem could create similar martial issues if they weren’t handled correctly. Velvet supported the incest, as she felt that it helped atone for her earlier cheating, and she practically threw him at their granddaughter, but it all felt so forced…

Shining Armor and Cadance had been married for over eleven years, with Flurry being born eleven months after Cadance’s first heat after their marriage had taken place. So why were Night Light and Velvet just now getting their Royal titles and being introduced to Crystal Empire incest traditions? The timing felt odd. As if he and Velvet were given the titles to force the incest requirement for Flurry to be included going forward. At least Flurry Heart was older than the daughters, or err, granddaughters he had with Twilight. Now, there’s a tangent.

He still had no idea how he was going to approach getting his other granddaughters involved or if he even wanted them involved, or if they even had a choice now. Night Light was determined to allow it to be a personal choice and not something they were forced into, which was also why he wanted them to be older. He wanted them to understand their options and to not just do it because everyone else in the family was doing so. Still, with literally every other member of their family engaging in incest, maybe it was hypocritical of him to try to paint it like they really have a choice. He knew they would join in; he just didn’t want it to happen anytime soon.

Fortunately for him, Twilight had reshelved the Crystal Castle Library at least once during the many times she had visited the Crystal Empire, and the library mirrored the organizational priority of the Canterlot Castle library in nearly every respect. As a result, Night Light knew exactly where to go and what to look for while trying to cross reference Imperial laws. Thirty years of being a royal advisor and knowing how to do research to solve political problems was a skill that he never expected to have to use to solve a personal problem. Although now being an official member of the Crystal Empire Royal Family, complete with titles, kinda made this a political problem too.

He couldn’t allow Flurry to be disowned but he also didn’t feel like it was right for her to be forced to have sex with him at such a young age. Or for her to be forced at all. One of the joys of the incest he enjoyed with his daughter over the last seven years had been from the feeling of love and acceptance that they shared. They wanted each other. Practically needed each other. And he adored all three of the foals he had with her. He knew that he didn’t want to have foals with Flurry, and he knew that he couldn’t have foals with either of his other two granddaughters. There was too much of a risk of birth defects happening with the genes being double reinforced from the same source, so he knew that he would have to avoid them while they were in heat. There was less risk with Flurry since Cadance wasn’t his daughter but still more risk than he would like. Princess Velvet Night and Princess Shining Dawn would be completely off limits to bearing his foals since he was their father and grandfather already without any other genetic break, the risks would be too great.

Furthermore, Flurry Heart having sex with him simply out of obligation was wrong. He loved her and he knew that she loved him… and he had no problem with the idea of making love to her, but he didn’t want to simply have sex with her. The distinction might have been small, but it was powerful. The first time was supposed to be special, like how Twilight’s first time had been. Ten years old was honestly too young but even that wouldn’t be a huge turn-off for him if it was natural and not forced, his own preferences aside.

It didn’t take him long to find the answers to his first question. He couldn’t accept the title of Dowager Emperor while he was still a public servant of Equestria, and his wife couldn’t be crowned Dowager Empress without him while he was still alive. Also, while related to the royal family by blood and marriage, neither Night Light nor Velvet were expected to start engaging in incest until they received their titles, which might explain why they weren’t told sooner.

It was a fluke that Night Light and Princess Twilight started getting involved with each other on their own before Crystal Empire traditions would have forced it. Perhaps it was easier to swallow now given how long they had been enjoying it, but he had to wonder if Twilight knew about the Crystal Empire traditions and his eventually gaining the title that he now had, and wanted to start with her father before he might have been forced to, which she had to know would have been a turn off for him, even without knowing his past.

Although Equestria and the Crystal Empire were allies and Prince Shining Armor was the brother of the ruler of Equestria, legally speaking, they were two completely different nations with two separate sets of laws, customs and traditions. Only a hoofful of laws, customs and traditions seemed to overlap, despite both nations being filled with ponies nearly exclusively. Crystal Ponies weren’t much different than Earth Ponies in most ways, other than that they appeared to have absolutely zero birth defects from incest, ever. Cadance was technically a crystal pony also and Flurry was at least half crystal pony… was that enough of a margin of error to risk an incest pregnancy with her grandfather? He wasn’t sure and the books in the library couldn’t answer that question. It clearly had never been studied.

Following one lead led to another overlapping lead. Some of the traditions were verbal and not actually written down, but he was lucky to find a few references to the ones he needed. Some of the laws were ‘common laws’ and not strictly documented, but he also eventually found written references that he could use that cited those common laws.

Hours upon hours of reading led him to a startling discovery.

The Grandfather only has to deflower a granddaughter for the purposes of family acceptance of commoner ponies, and in the cases of Royality; to gain access to inheritance and the right to rule in the cases where the filly’s father has passed away or is no longer otherwise available. They lied to me…

He cross-referenced and bookmarked everything, packed up the books he needed, and left the library. When he got back to his room, he cuddled with Velvet but cried himself to sleep.

* * *

Flurry Heart left her room also, but she headed to her parents’ room. Without knocking, she let herself in.

Shining Armor was reading a book with an ale beside him on a nightstand and Cadance was sucking his cock. She bobbed her head up and down the entire length of the cock, which was comparable in size to Flurry’s grandfather’s cock, which she had seen firsthoof earlier in the night.

Flurry was mesmerized by watching the bulge in her mother’s throat as the medial ring passed up and down with no effort.

She sighed loudly. “Faust, I wish I could do that…”

Cadance seized up and started choking. It was hard for her to spit up Shining’s cock when it was so far down her throat when the motion had been interrupted. She finally dislodged her husband’s girth and gasped for air.

“Flurry! You’re going to kill me one of these days. You know you’re supposed to knock.”

Flurry shrugged. “It’s not like I’ll get to rule the Empire any other way.”

Shining snorted but tried to be quiet when Cadance glared at him. Cadance cleared her throat. “So how did it go with your grandfather?”

Flurry’s sigh seemed to fill the room. “It didn’t. Scan me and you’ll see.”

Cadance cast a rarely used sexual detection spell, which was mostly used by law enforcement to see what had happened to a potential victim recently. It only showed recent sexual activity.

“Hmm. I see that you got your first kiss, managed enough of a blow job for it to count and at least had a cock on your pussy… but no penetration. He backed out?”

Flurry nodded. “I’m not sure what I did wrong, but he couldn’t bring himself to go any further. I think we took the wrong approach by trying to force it to happen. Maybe I should have just been patient…”

Cadance sighed and brought Flurry to her for a hug. “I know. Night Light has always had strong feelings against incest and I’m not sure he would have ever considered consenting to be with you unless he thought he didn’t have a choice. But you wanted your grandfather first and your father was okay with that. Should we come clean?”

Flurry nodded. “Yeah… I don’t want to lie to him anymore. But I still want him to be my first if we can make that happen, even if I have to wait eight more years.”

Cadance nodded. “Okay sweetie… we’ll tell him tomorrow.

* * *

Breakfast started normal enough. Cadance, Shining, Flurry and Velvet were already seated and had already received their food from the cooks.

Flurry was shifting anxiously in her seat. “Is grandpa coming to breakfast?”

Velvet shrugged. “He said that he didn’t get much sleep and wanted a few extra minutes. I’m sure he has a reason.”

At that moment, Night Light walked into the room with all the books levitated in his magic. With a loud bang, the books landed on the dining room table.

Shining and Cadance could see from all the bookmarks that the gig was up.

Night Light cleared his throat with force. “We need to talk…”

* * *

Chapter 4 - Getting to the Plot

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Over the course of thirty years of doing his job as a royal advisor, one of the perks of the job had been explaining to nobles why they were wrong and reminding them to not be an ass. The lack of donkey nobles helped sell that point.

For over an hour, Night Light paced around the dining room table lecturing Shining Armor and Cadance on the merits of not lying to their parents and on not bending the intent of the law, traditions and culture. Shining Armor looked ashamed given that it had been years since the last time he had been on the receiving end of this type of lecture.

Cadance herself had almost no experience with being lectured like this because Auntie Celestia tended to coddle her. The last major lecture she had received was at school, learning from her professors, and even then, it had been educational and not a dressing down. It might have been hard to admit, but Cadance found it to be very humbling, and a little bit of a turn on. She would definitely have to fuck Night Light again before he returned to Equestria, maybe this time with Shining watching… which is something she had always wanted to do.

During one of the lulls in the lecture, Velvet attempted to defend Shining and Cadance but was shut down immediately when Night Light reminded her that a lie of omission was still a lie, and he still wasn’t too certain how much she knew about trying to expand the whole incest arrangement given how often mares plot to get their way. Unwilling to lose any ground she had made over the years from making up for all her previous cheating, she dropped it.

Flurry had lost count of how many laps he had done around the table but was simply grateful that he wasn’t yelling at her. Although, if she wanted to be honest, it had been her idea.

Night Light finished his lecture. “Does anypony have anything to say?”

Silence filled the room as Night Light looked around to his wife, son and daughter-in-law, noting that they appeared to have nothing to say. His gaze stopped on Flurry. “What about you, young lady. Anything to add?”

Flurry cleared her throat. “I must confess. I have adored you for as long as I can remember, and I’ve wanted to have sex with you for as long as I’ve known what sex is. I’ll say what my parents won’t. This was my idea. I wanted to bend the truth in order to get you to be my first. Momma told me that you didn’t want to introduce foals into this before thirteen, but I didn’t want to wait any longer. I’m sorry that my actions last night seemed to turn you off, but I wanted this so bad that I didn’t know how to feel or how to react. I just wanted it. I understand that you’re mad but be mad at me. I probably should have stopped the lecture sooner given that my parents didn’t deserve it, but I love hearing you speak. You’re so smart and I love hearing you speak your mind. Even with all my studies, your research into the law taught me more in the last hour than I’ve learned in the last year. I know I’m too young and I don’t deserve it, but I’d like to respectfully request that you make love to me. Not legal obligational sex, but lovemaking. Please, grandpa?”

Night Light sighed. “Well. At the very least you’ve earned a spanking. Get your plot over here.”

Flurry’s eyes widened as she couldn’t recall having ever been spanked. She left her chair and approached her grandpa. She turned her rear to him, and he sat his flank on the floor, grabbing her by the midriff and pulling her closer to him.

He raised a foreleg and brought his hoof onto her flank, causing her to jump and yelp. The pain incited a feeling that she had imagined would be associated with sex and her tail flagged almost by instinct while Night Light brought down two more swats. The aroma of her pussy seemed to calm him down as the spanking had instantly turned her on and had made her dipping wet.

With her tail still flagged, he could see and smell her pussy. With her not being in heat, he was able to dismiss carnal thoughts but chose not to as he very much enjoyed the view more than he thought that he would. Still, he leaned in for a taste and found himself licking her pussy very enthusiastically.

Flurry’s moans filled the room and Night Light grinned at the sound. He looked up to see a very happy Velvet, a pleased Cadance and a blushing Shining Armor.

Shining cleared his throat. “Could you at least take her to her room before you continue? This is not the place for sex.”

Cadance snorted. “As if we never had sex in here…”

Shining Armor’s face got redder as he looked away from his wife and pretended like he hadn’t said anything.

Night Light nodded. “Yes… this will continue in her bedroom, but not until later tonight.”

Flurry gasped as her tail lowered. “After all this, you’re going to make me wait longer?”

Night Light shrugged. “Well… it is your birthday today. Given that your request could be considered a present from me… it should be the last present you receive tonight after the end of your formal party. Besides… unless you want all you friends to know that you got laid today, you don’t want to be walking funny at the party.”

Flurry blushed redder than her father as Night Light dropped a fourth swat onto her now very red flanks and he shooed her away to go deal with her normal daily pre-party plans.

He stood up from the floor and Velvet got up to walk with him as he also turned to leave the dining room. Velvet whispered to him. “What’s the plan then?”

Night Light looked at her. “We didn’t really bring her any presents from Canterlot. We should probably go do some last-minute shopping in the Crystal City today. We’ll attend the party tonight and once all the foals go home… I guess I’ll make her a mare. Unless I’m mistaken, it seems clear that was what she wanted.”

Velvet nuzzled into him. “Thank you for considering it. I’ll be honest… I did know that this was coming. Cadance wanted my help to make this happen, but I know you. I didn’t want Flurry to be disappointed, but I didn’t know how to push you towards her in this way. I suspect that you’ll like it if you let yourself enjoy it.”

Night Light shrugged unconsciously. “I want it to be special for her. Twilight had this huge plan for her first time. It was a very special Hearts and Hooves Day.”

Velvet nodded slowly. “Shall we attempt to recreate it? For Flurry?”

He scratched his chin. “I suppose there is no harm in trying. We only have about 12 hours though. What’s the plan?”

Velvet stopped and looked at him. “You go buy her a present and I’ll have the staff decorate her bedroom for the event while I distract her all day to prevent her from returning to her room. The party starts at six. Don’t be late.”

Night Light kissed his wife, and they parted company. This was going to be close, but they could pull it off, maybe.

* * *

Meanwhile, Shining Armor and Cadance were still in the dining room. He cleared his throat. “For this to have gone so badly, it still seems like it’s working. How is that possible?”

Cadance shrugged. “It’s probably an unintentional consequence of being the Princess of Love. Your father has been fucking me and your sister for seven years. Having multiple partners makes it easy to accept yet another partner. And besides… Flurry has a cute pussy.”

Shining sighed. “I wouldn’t know… I haven’t had a chance to get a very good look at it.”

Cadance patted him on the withers. “Don’t worry… it’ll be your turn soon.”

Shining nodded. “Welp. We need to help finish the party preparations. If Dad is going shopping then I’d bet anything that mom will stay in the castle to help make things run smoothly. We should help in any way that we can, so this doesn’t get messed up again.”

* * *

Chapter 5 - Best Hearts and Hooves Birthday Ever

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The next 12 hours of the day passed by so quickly that it would have been hard to recall everything that had happened.

Night Light had no problem buying Flurry a foal-age-appropriate gift for her official birthday party and having another not-so age-appropriate gift for the after party custom made just for her.

Velvet had coordinated with the castle staff to hang red, white and pink ribbons in Flurry’s room and coordinated having a heart shape cake baked for the after party separate from the larger main birthday cake for the official party. Velvet also arranged for three-dozen roses and a box of chocolates to be placed in the room.

Flurry herself coordinated the decorations for her birthday party in the main castle ballroom. It pleased her to be able to take a more official role in running a few small things to lighten her parents’ load. After all, she was trying to prove that she wasn’t a foal anymore.

Dinner was served as a buffet for the actual party, so as such, it was going to be delayed.

And Shining Armor and Cadance did their part to ensure that all the guests arrived on time, ensured that all the separate interweaving plans didn’t interfere with each other and hoped that this turned out the way Flurry wanted.

Flurry greeted her school friends with warm smiles and was completely shocked to see her Auntie Twilight show up to the party.

Flurry trotted up to her. “Auntie! I wasn’t expecting you!”

Twilight gave Flurry a big birthday hug. “I had to come see you! Ten years old is a huge milestone, the first double digit age. So… have your eye on any of the colts?”

Flurry looked around nervously and mumbled so low that she wasn’t sure that her aunt heard her. “Grandpa…”

Twilight giggled, causing Flurry to groan. She wasn’t planning on repeating herself but somehow also managed to forget that Alicorn hearing was better than normal pony hearing, which was already pretty good.

Twilight leaned in conspiratorially. “Have you made a move?”

Flurry winced. “I’ve made mistakes. I tried to twist the Crystal Empire customs around to force grandpa to be my first instead of dad. Mom, Dad, and grandma played their parts to try to make it work but grandpa sidestepped everything and then chewed them out for lying to him and then spanked me for coming up with the bad plan.”

Twilight frowned. “Yes… we all agreed to no strong-hoofing the other members of our little incest group. A ‘no’ is supposed to be a respectful no with no attempts to force the other pony to change their mind. What is the plan now?”

Flurry gave a small smile. “Grandpa said he would do it tonight after the party. Forcing me to wait all day was supposed to be part of the punishment. I’m not sure it’ll be what I wanted exactly but at least I know he’s not mad at me.”

Twilight looked around the room but didn’t see her father. “He must be running late. Could be getting things ready for you. I trust that you haven’t been to your room all day?”

Flurry’s mouth hung open as she remembered that she had not been back to her room. “I guess I’ve been too busy today. What do you think is going to happen?”

Twilight’s smile was sincere as she lowered her voice yet again. “I suspect that whatever you want to happen will happen. Do you want to do it exactly how I did it?”

Flurry nodded. “Oh, that would be great! I remember you saying that your first time was special.”

Twilight nodded and cast a spell on Flurry. “There. You’re all set. Enjoy the party, little mare.”

Night Light arrived fashionably late and placed his gift with the rest of the gifts as the party started to kick up to full steam. Classic party games were played like ‘Pin the tail on the pony’ and they had a pinata. The buffet was set up by the staff and everypony ate their fill. Techno music was playing, allowing the foals to dance and strut their stuff. Nearly all the colts were trying to get Flurry’s attention, but she only had eyes for one stallion.

At one point, Flurry blew her grandpa a kiss and was only saved from embarrassment by the fact that her entire family was standing in a group and anypony that saw the action wouldn’t have known who it was meant for except for the rest of her family.

The cake was cut, and ice cream was served. Flurry opened all her presents to the clapping of her friends and other guests. When she got the gift from her grandpa, she unwrapped it with great joy but was confused by the little black book.

“What’s this empty book supposed to be for, Grandpa?”

Night Light snorted. “That, young lady, is the classic little black book. You can use it to record the information for all your coltfriends. As the daughter of the Princess of Love, no colt in the Crystal Empire is safe from you. And now, you can keep a record of it!”

Flurry turned three shades of red while her friends laughed, giggled and ribbed her for the context of the gift. Looking at her family, they were laughing and giggling too.

She rolled her eyes but joined in by giggling while flipping through the pages, looking at how neatly organized it would be to sort the colts by name in alphabetical order. Once she got to ‘N’, she was shocked to see one entry already.

Night Light. First Sexual Experience.

Her mouth dropped open with the consideration of the fact that he had left blank what they had already done, implying that there was indeed more to come. When she looked back up at him, he winked, causing her blush to burn hotter and deeper.

The party ended soon after, it being a school night and Flurry was happy to leave the company of her family to walk to her room with her grandpa.

Her hoof rested on the door handle. “Are you sure you want to do this today, grandpa? I’m not sure my little heart could take another round of rejection.”

He nodded. “I couldn’t do it yesterday because I thought you were being forced to do it. Or just wanted to get it out of the way. The first time is supposed to be special and yesterday just felt too forced. Maybe if you had confessed what was on your mind before I left last night, we could have made something of it. I still wanted it to be more special than yesterday would have been and I’m hoping that today will satisfy both of us.”

Flurry opened the door and walked into her room, only to stop three steps in, with Night Light closing and locking the door behind them. She took in the ribbons, the roses, the chocolates, and the personal cake along with one final wrapped gift.

Her smile couldn’t have been brighter. “This looks just like Hearts and Hooves Day all over again!”

Night Light sighed. “That was the plan. Birthday sex is honesty more of a married couple thing. Hearts and Hooves Day is for lovers. Today, I’m giving you both. There is something that you need to understand, Flurry. The Crystal Empire might allow incest, but even with it being legal, there are virtually no incest marriages. Incest isn’t legal in Equestria, so all incest happens behind closed doors. Even so, the incest arrangements that our family has are very non-cheating and rule based focused. It’s basically a herd or as close to one as we’re allowed to have. We all follow the rules and adding you to the group required a vote. That vote happened at your party, roughly around the time you blew me that kiss. You will always be my granddaughter and I will always love you, regardless of if you stay in the herd or not. I would, in fact, encourage you to seek love outside of the family. But, for the here and now, I will take you as a lover and treat you like a wife. Are you okay with how this works?”

Flurry nodded but hedged. “Will this prevent me from having a coltfriend outside of the herd?”

He shook his head. “No. You are the only pony in the herd that will be allowed an outside relationship, given that in a healthy family you would be expected to find a special somepony. That pony can be a mare or a stallion and they don’t have to join in the rest of the family incest activities, though, this being the Crystal Empire, they would have to assume that this is happening and is normal. Your dad is looking forward to having sex with you also, but don’t be afraid to turn him down. You aren’t required to lift your tail… do you understand?”

Tears flowed down Flurry’s cheeks as she hugged her grandpa. “And that… is why I wanted you first. Auntie Twilight told me how good the first time was and expressed a wistful sorrow that my dad wasn’t as good as you. The fact that you care is why this matters.”

She went to the bed and grabbed the last present and unwrapped it. Her eyes shot open. “Wow… this is… huge.”

Flurry was looking at a magicolt cooler, designed to sate her heat once she started to go into heat. It might have normally been awkward to receive something like this from anypony other than your mom, but it was a thoughtful gift.

She cleared her throat with a little force. “Why is it so big though? Isn’t this a bit much for a filly?”

Night Light chuckled and looked at her. “I sure hope not. It’s an exact replica of my cock. If you can’t take that then you can’t take me. On the bright side, if we do this today… every time you use that thing it’ll be like you’re with me. Pretty cool, huh?”

Flurry looked at the gift with a new appreciation as to what it meant. “Thanks, grandpa. I’ll always think of you when I use it. In the meantime… I am ready to try.”

Night Light guided her over to the bed. He laid her down on the bed much the way he had her yesterday. Her wings unfurled again, and she was a beautiful sight with her hindlegs spread, pussy winking in anticipation.

Using his magic, he took a chocolate from the box and fed it to her while he lapped his tongue on her soft, wet, pink lower lips. Her groan from around the sweet sounded all the better while he played with her clit, his gentle expert tongue knowing exactly where to tease.

Using his lips, he sucked her pussy, creating a vacuum that put pressure on her entire pussy while still hitting all the right spots with his tongue. Flurry clamped a hoof over her mouth while she screamed as her mare cum rocketed out of her and right into her grandpa’s waiting mouth.

She took several deep breaths and then froze when she saw her cum dripping down from his face and mouth. He looked very happy. “You taste better than Twilight and Velvet combined, but your mother is almost a match for you. I can tell you that your father is going to love your taste.”

Flurry’s face went red as she cutely tried to hide her face under her forelegs. “Grandpa… that’s lewd.”

His chuckle eased her mind. “Almost everything about incest is lewd. Sex is lewd. But that’s part of what makes it great. I never get tired of the feeling of entering a wet, warm pussy. And filling that pussy up with my hot seed is even better.”

Flurry whimpered as she tried to drag Night Light down atop her again. This time, he knew that she was wet enough to take him. He laid down on the bed beside her and lifted her up in his magic, placed her on top of him. He placed her pussy on the tip of his cock and allowed her to use his hindlegs for balance.

“Okay Flurry. We’re going to let gravity aide us in penetrating that tight pussy of yours. You’re in control. You can go as fast or as slow and as deep or as shallow as you want. But this is about you. I am yours, Flurry. Use me as you will.”

Hearing her own words used back at her from yesterday really brought this home for her. She knew that she wouldn’t hurt herself and him surrendering control of this moment was powerful for her.

She gently rocked back and forth. Slowly sliding down his cock, feeling it slowly fill up to the max. She stopped at the medial ring, the ring itself refusing to enter her extremely tight, but stretched pussy.

“Ugh!!! I want it in me!!!”

Night Light chuckled. “I guess that will be your father’s honor. His cock is smaller than mine.”

Flurry’s gasp and giggles afterwards were rewarding to his ears and turned very quickly into a gasp from both of them as her angle on his cock shifted from the mutual laughing, and it plunged deeper into her, the medial ring stretching her out more than either of them thought possible.

Night Light swallowed hard. “I’m not going to last long with this level of pleasure. I’m far deeper in you than I imagined would be possible for the first time.”

Flurry shrugged it off as she started to ride his cock in earnest. “You already got me off. Now it’s your turn. Come in me, grandpa. Fill up my little virgin pussy.”

Flurry’s thrusts onto his cock were too much for him to ignore and he erupted inside her. Cum filled her up and spilled out of her, forcing its way around his cock and out as it had nowhere else to go.

She pulled herself off him gently and looked down. “Wow. That’s a lot of cum. Is that normal?”

Night Light shrugged. “Normal for me. I got about twenty more years of this before I really start slowing down, so don’t worry sweetheart, you’ll get your fill.”

Flurry rolled her eyes at the pun but smiled. “Well then, I guess you’ll have to fill me every time you come to the Empire.”

Night Light prench kissed her until she was breathless and then hugged her close to him. “I guess I’ll have to visit more often… and make sure your mother brings you to Canterlot every time business brings her there. You have my magicolt cooler replica, but I don’t have a way to have your pussy without you.”

Flurry kissed him back. “Don’t worry grandpa. I swear that you’ll have me more often than my dad will. This is pussy is yours until the day you die.”

Night Light’s chuckle filled the room. “That sounds good, just don’t kill me with it.”

Flurry’s giggle was music to his ears.

“No promises.”

* * *

Epilogue - Say What!

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Six Weeks Later…

Flurry Heart was trotting down the hallway whistling a happy tune while heading to breakfast. She had enjoyed another weekend with her grandparents two weeks ago when she went with her parents to Canterlot. If they were mad about her monopolizing her grandpa’s time, they said nothing of it but he filled her so many times it made her wonder if a cock could ever truly run out of seed.

She entered the dining room and sat down in her usual seat, finishing the tune she was whistling before she stopped.

Cadance smiled at her warmly. “My. You’re in a good mood. What’s the occasion?”

Flurry blushed. “No occasion… I just got done using grandpa’s gift and I have to say that it’s amazing… just as good as the real thing.”

Cadance hummed. “Maybe you’ll let me borrow it then?”

Shining glared at his wife, but she giggled, indicating that it was a joke. He rolled his eyes but wasn’t sure he wanted to drop it.

Flurry crossed her forelegs. “Nah-uh. Get your own.”

That caused Shining to laugh and Cadance to continue to giggle. It was good how comfortable the situation had gotten after the near disaster of her tenth birthday.

The servants came in to take their breakfast orders and Cadance ordered her usual stack of pancakes, Shining wanted waffles and Flurry wasn’t sure.

She groaned. “I’m so hungry that I can’t decide.”

Shining shrugged. “Order whatever. The chef doesn’t mind.”

Flurry looked up at the waiter. “Okay. I’ll have a stack of pancakes with strawberries and bananas on top. And peanut butter on toast. And grits with toothpaste. And glazed carrots with grape jelly. And blueberry ice cream with a pickle. And veggie pizza with hot sauce. And… I guess a lemonade for the drink, with extra sugar stirred in.”

The waiter said nothing as he took the order and left. Shining frowned, at a loss for words and Cadance cast a spell so quickly that nopony in the room saw her do it.

Cadance cleared her throat. “Are you feeling okay, Flurry?”

She nodded. “I’m fine. Just very hungry, with some odd cravings. But that’s normal for a growth spurt, right?”

Shining mumbled to himself. “Normal for something…”

Cadance glared at him, but he didn’t see it. Shining continued. “Did anything happen before or during your birthday party… or two weeks ago when we visited Canterlot?”

Flurry’s brows furrowed as she thought about it. “Well… Auntie Twilight cast a spell on me after I confirmed that I wanted to do everything that she did with my first time with grandpa. Does that count?”

Shining face hooved and sighed. Cadance groaned as well. “Well sweetie… it looks like your pregnant. Congratulations! You’re officially home schooled now and in eleven months we’re going to be introducing your foal as your brother or sister because you’re too young to be pregnant!”

Flurry’s eyes got big. “I’m… pregnant? Are you sure?”

Shining frowned. “Twilight cast a spell to put her into early estrus before her first time with your grandpa. You accidentally told her that you wanted the same. He clearly came in you because that’s the tradition and it should have been safe. I would kill her if her pussy wasn’t so good.”

Flurry frowned… “I want to keep the foal and claim it as my own. We’ll just tell ponies that Alicorns go into heat at a younger age than normal ponies and we didn’t realize it because I’m the first natural born Alicorn. As to the father… we’ll admit that I got pregnant at my tenth birthday party but claim to not know the who the father is because I really partied that night and we’ll let the other colts hash it out who could be the father amongst themselves. I’m sure at least half of them will claim credit even though none of them touched me.”

Cadance shrugged. “If you want to be a mother… so be it… as to the colts, you’re probably right but they will be in for a world of hurt if the citizens decide that what they did was morally wrong. And they will ask if we followed traditions before your purity was taken by random colts.”

Flurry smiled. “I have no problem with admitting that Grandpa was my first. We just don’t have to claim that there’s any chance that he’s the father of the foal.”

Shining nodded. “I’ll agree to that. Can I see your pussy?”

Flurry jumped up on the dining room table, walked up to her father, and within a hooves distance, turned around and flagged her tail.

Shining gasped. “He absolutely destroyed your pussy… it’s so stretched out…”

Flurry lowered her tail and smiled. “I’m sure it’s still tight enough to get you off, but this is mostly for grandpa anyways. As for me… I’m hoping that I have a filly so he can fuck her too.”

Cadance sighed. “One day at a time Flurry. I don’t think you understand how rough this is going to get.”

Flurry smiled at her mother. “I’m willing to bear it. I love my grandpa and I always will.”

* * *