The Sorrow series

by Flip_The_Table

First published

Anon now has been in the world of pony for 20 years now and has to face problems… who will help him?

Anon has been more down as of lately, And its for good reasons. his time living in the world has put the young man's mind in a huge depression and Twilight seek out to help him, the princess does too, will they achieve there goal? Well maybe, but this is required of another humans help named Reed...

The Humans of this story are named Anonymous and Redacted short for Anon and Reed, I don't know why but I have though carefully with Reed's name so, Enjoy the sorrow series!

Chapter 1 The book return

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CHAPTER 1 The book return

"Alright, kids, back on the bus!" The teacher's voice rang out as he stepped aside, ushering the children back onto the vehicle. Excited cheers filled the air as the kids waved at the employees, signaling the completion of their trip to the park. Among the last three outside were Anon and Reed, accompanied by the eldest of the group.

Anon and Reed watched attentively as the kids filed inside the bus, their responsibility heightened by the absence of an assistant. The teacher had tasked the two boys with keeping an eye on their peers. Alongside them, serving as the deputy of the trio, was Anon's sister, Ame.

Bringing up the rear, the three finally made their way onto the bus. Anon paused as the teacher stopped him with a smile, looking down at him warmly.

"Thanks, you three did very well," the teacher commended as they settled into their seats, glancing back at the cheering children as they prepared for the journey home. Meanwhile, the driver, tasked with managing a busload of boisterous troublemakers, wore a less-than-enthusiastic expression.

Anon grinned appreciatively at the teacher before taking a seat next to Reed. As the bus began to move, Reed couldn't resist a teasing jab. "Looks like you're getting all the credit this time," he remarked, earning an eye roll from Anon, who promptly pulled out his phone and handed the Nintendo Switch to Ame.

Anon chuckled. "Funny, considering you weren't exactly helping out at the haunted house," he pointed out, referencing Reed's lack of involvement, which caused the 15-year-old to frown and conceal a blush of embarrassment. Muttering something under his breath, Reed averted his gaze, prompting Anon to roll his eyes and plug in his earbuds, tuning out the conversation.

Anon sighed, letting the catching beats of Imagine Dragons wash over him. He mumbled the lyrics under his breath, his eyes growing heavy from hours of watching over the kids. Slowly, he rested his eyes, allowing himself to drift into a drowsy state. The phone returned to his pocket as he fell into a trance-like zone.

In this state, a world formed around him, taking shape in vibrant colors and pulsating with life. Anon moved with the rhythm of the music, feeling the emotions it carried sweep through his body, bringing a sense of relaxation and calmness over him.

As the song came to an end, Anon felt a jolt as Ame bumped into his leg, her expression tinged with anxiety as she glanced up at her brother. "Anon... something's not right," she said, her voice trembling slightly. Anon furrowed his brow, scanning their surroundings. Why were there trees lining the dirt road?

His attention was drawn to the teacher engaged in what appeared to be a quiet argument with the driver. The bus rumbled over some small rocks, prompting Reed to glance over at Anon. "Hey, what the heck is going on?" he asked, confusion evident in his tone.

The teacher then turned to the trio, his expression serious as he approached them. "Anonymous, Redacted," he began in a low voice, "do me a favor and keep the kids calm, alright?" His words sent a chill down their spines as they exchanged uneasy glances, realizing that something was definitely amiss.

"What's happening, sir?" Ame pushed past Anon, attempting to get a better view of the teacher. Anon glanced at the dirt path ahead before crouching down, offering a reassuring smile. "It's alright, Ame, just a wrong turn," he reassured her. Ame's anxiety ebbed slightly at the teacher's words, but it was short-lived.

"Yeah, we're completely lost now!" the driver exclaimed, his frustration evident. Ame's fear returned in full force, and the teacher's frown deepened as he exchanged a look with the driver. The outburst caused a ripple of chatter among the children in the back of the bus, their voices adding to the tension that hung in the air.

"Now, kids, just stay calm and don't..." The teacher's attempt to calm the situation was abruptly cut off as the bus came to a sudden halt just as it entered the forest. The children screamed in fear, clutching onto their seats as the bus stopped abruptly, revealing a cliffside ahead. Panic spread like wildfire among the children, their voices rising in a cacophony of distress.

"I want my mommy!"

"My phone isn't working!"

"I don't wanna-"

"SHUT UP!" Reed's shout cut through the chaos, causing the children to gradually quiet down and turn their attention to him. Anon watched his best friend with a mixture of admiration and concern as Reed worked to keep everyone calm.

Meanwhile, the teacher turned his gaze to the bus driver, who was peering out of the windows with a troubled expression. Suddenly, his eyes widened as he spotted broken glass and wood fragments scattered outside. "What's wrong?" the teacher inquired, his voice tense with apprehension.

The driver hesitated before responding, his voice trembling slightly. "I saw something... It looked like a wolf, but it was made of wood," he explained, his words sending a shiver down everyone's spine.

As the shrill sound of the alarm clock pierced the air, Anon groaned, his consciousness slowly emerging from the depths of sleep. He blinked, his vision adjusting to the gray ceiling above him, finding a strange beauty in its simplicity. Another beep from the alarm urged him to action, prompting him to lift an arm and rub his tired eyes, feeling the grime of sleep clinging to his skin.

With a resigned sigh, Anon knew what awaited him next: a shower. As he murmured to himself, he stretched his back, eliciting a satisfying series of pops that brought a welcome sense of relief. Being one of the last humans left in equestria, Anon considered himself fortunate to have a specially designed human house, courtesy of the town's thoughtful preparations over the past two decades since humans arrived in this world of colorful ponies.

Having lived in Ponyville for a year now, Anon had managed to make some friends around town. However, despite the camaraderie, he still felt a lingering sense of dissatisfaction, a feeling he couldn't quite put into words. Sure, he could engage in small talk and discussions about everyday matters, but there was something deeper, something he had never felt comfortable addressing.

It had been a couple of years since Anon last spoke to Reed, and he had no intention of breaking that silence anytime soon. The wounds from whatever Reed had done ran deep, and forgiveness seemed like a distant possibility. As Anon's frustration simmered, the weather outside seemed to mirror his mood, adding to his irritation.

Seeking solace, Anon stepped into the shower, feeling the warm water cascade over his body, offering a momentary respite. The soothing sensation eased the tension in his shoulders, which had been achy and sore. Gazing down at his feet, he watched as the water swirled and drained away, a silent metaphor for the turmoil swirling within him.

Turning off the tap, Anon emerged from the shower, wrapping a towel around his lower waist. As he left the bathroom, he couldn't help but leave a trail of water in his wake, a physical manifestation of the emotional turmoil he carried with him.

"What's on today's agenda?" Anon mused to himself as he stood before the mirror, running a comb through his hair. Glancing at the calendar stuck to the side, he nodded in realization. "Ah, work at Twilight's today," he said, a hint of satisfaction in his tone as he noted his clear schedule for the upcoming week.

Anon was what some might call a workaholic, dedicated to his duties and responsibilities. However, he had recently been dared to take a two-week vacation from work. The Princess had mandated it, citing the natural talents of humans to adapt to any role. Although he felt inclined to protest, going against the ruling monarch wasn't exactly his style. He had dealt with her for far too long and preferred not to be bothered by her.

"Okay... oh shit, I'm going to be late!" Anon exclaimed as he realized the time crunch, his heart racing with panic. He cursed under his breath, knowing he had no spare moments to retrieve his iPon from Vinyl Scratch either. Hastily grabbing his hoodie and backpack, he dashed out the door, locking it behind him in his haste.

As he rushed down the street, the realization struck him like a thunderbolt: he had left his umbrella inside. "Fuck, fuck, fuck!" he muttered, feeling the rain pelting down on him mercilessly. Anon grimaced, knowing he would arrive at the library drenched, a prospect he dreaded. However, it was too late to turn back now. Twilight's residence wasn't far, and he hoped to avoid any further encounters with magic, wishing for a smooth and uneventful journey despite the rain.

"Hey, Twilight! Sorry I'm late!" Anon exclaimed as he entered the library, shaking the water off his body like a wet dog. He heard the familiar sound of hooves trotting into the main room, and he turned to see the purple unicorn with a bright smile on her face.

"Anon, glad you made it," Twilight said warmly, trotting over to him. Anon returned the smile, feeling a sense of relief at her welcoming demeanor. He shrugged off his backpack and adjusted his hood, trying to shake off the last remnants of rainwater.

His attention was then drawn to a box full of books sitting on the table, piquing his curiosity. "New books, Twi?" he inquired, picking up the box and turning to face the mare, his interest piqued.

"Oh, those?" Twilight replied, her expression turning thoughtful as she rubbed her chin. "Those are the newer sets of the history of Equestria. I believe that you and Reed are mentioned in them, explaining some of the events..."

Before she could finish, Spike walked in holding some books of his own. "Oh hey, Anon, how are you doing?" he greeted, glancing at the books on the table. His brows furrowed in confusion. "Hey, Twilight? I thought you said you wouldn't buy these books," he remarked, a hint of concern in his voice.

Twilight paused, her eyes widening in realization as she hurried over to the table. With a groan, she used her magic to retrieve the offending book from the box and placed it back inside. It was clear that something was amiss, and Twilight's reaction hinted at an oversight or mistake that she was now rectifying.

"I thought I told them not to include these books in my order," Twilight muttered with a hint of frustration evident in her voice as she lifted the box up. She then turned to Anon with a small smile. "Hey, Anon? Mind helping me send these books back to the post office?" she requested, her tone hopeful.

Anon nodded in agreement, adjusting his hood as he grabbed another box and followed Twilight. "Spike will be back soon, keep the store in one piece," Twilight instructed the dragon before searching for an umbrella. Once she found one, she took the lead with Anon close behind.

Waving goodbye to Spike, Anon braced himself for the rain, knowing he was about to get soaked again. As they walked, Twilight moved closer to him, holding the umbrella with her magic while the box rested on her back. Anon appreciated the gesture, feeling grateful for the shelter from the downpour as they made their way to the post office.

"Come on, this way!" Twilight exclaimed, trotting down the path with determination. Anon felt the strain in his arms as he adjusted his grip on the heavy boxes. They weren't light, prompting him to wonder about the contents within. "These books have me in them?" he asked, glancing over at Twilight with curiosity.

The unicorn's expression softened as she frowned at the boxes, slowing her pace slightly as she looked up at Anon. "Yes, they do," she confirmed, her voice tinged with a hint of concern. "But there seems to have been a mix-up with the order. I didn't expect them to include these books, especially without consulting me first." Twilight's brows furrowed as she pondered the situation, clearly troubled by the unexpected turn of events.

“… But the publishers made you sound like a monster “the humans of the dynasty!” Whole thing made you and Reed sound like a…” she stops seeing Anon stop too as he looks at the mare with raised eyes not expecting the title.

"What? Was it something I said or—" Twilight began, her voice tinged with concern as she approached Anon, seeking an explanation for his sudden reaction.

Anon shook his head, trying to dispel the uneasy feeling that had settled in his gut. "No, no... it's just that... name... it's an old one," he replied, forcing a small chuckle despite his lingering discomfort. He frowned at the box in his hands, feeling a weight of responsibility settle over him.

Twilight observed him closely, sensing that there was more to the story than he was letting on. Anon caught her gaze and sighed, readjusting the boxes before speaking again. "Maybe after we bring the box back, I'll... explain some things," he offered, trying to lighten the mood. His words elicited a small giggle from Twilight as they resumed their journey along the path.

After completing their trip to the post office, Anon suggested a leisurely walk in the park, hoping for a quiet moment to share a story with Twilight.

"Okay..." he began, prompting Twilight to look up at him with curiosity as they strolled along. Anon rubbed his arm nervously before pulling up his sleeve to reveal a scar. Twilight gasped, her eyes widening at the sight of the mark, although she quickly noticed that it was long since healed. The scar itself was peculiar—a symbol of a question mark etched onto his arm, clearly visible.

Anon paused, allowing Twilight a moment to take in the unusual mark. Then, with a hint of uncertainty in his voice, he began to explain.

"Now, I never thought much about it at first... but after I got this mark, I knew one thing," he said, pulling up his sleeve to reveal the scar as he looked at Twilight. She gave him a concerned look, prompting him to roll his eyes and playfully boop her nose.

"Listen, book horse, it was years ago... and Reed and I are not friends anymore," he continued, a hint of bitterness creeping into his tone. "He said some really stupid stuff, but... ah, forget it. Anyway, I knew that I could have made better choices, so I gave myself this mark to remind me of one thing: choices," he explained, his voice tinged with introspection.

"So, what did you do?" Twilight inquired, her concern evident as she rubbed her snout, her attention fully focused on Anon as he sighed deeply.

"Remember when Reed and I stole from the apple farm years ago when we were young?" Anon began, his voice tinged with remorse. "Well, I turned myself in by coming clean... Bright Mac wanted to hurt me. I would have nearly died from just a simple buck... so I told him to give me a knife... and the mark says the rest," he explained, his words heavy with the weight of his past actions.

Twilight's jaw dropped in shock at Anon's revelation. Without hesitation, she pulled him into a tight hug, her heart filled with admiration and empathy for the human who had faced such difficult choices in his past.

"You are a good—" Twilight began, but Anon cut her off abruptly, his tone turning cold.

"No," he interjected sharply, causing Twilight to release him from the hug. She looked up at him, taken aback by the sudden change in his demeanor. Anon's frown deepened as he stared at the ground, his expression filled with self-loathing.

"None of that, Twilight," he continued, his voice laced with bitterness. "I deserve every second of it, and they should have done more to me!" His voice rose slightly in anger, but he quickly regained control, taking a deep breath.

Anon shifted uncomfortably, realizing that they had walked back to town without him even noticing. The weight of his past actions hung heavy on his shoulders as they made their way back, the conversation weighing heavily on both their minds.

"Twilight, don’t feel bad for me," Anon pleaded, his voice tinged with sadness. "I hate that I make others around me feel negative and regretful thoughts."

Twilight reached out and placed a comforting hoof on Anon's leg, causing him to look down and meet her gaze. Despite the weight of their conversation, he saw a gentle smile on her face, a glimmer of understanding and compassion in her eyes. It was a small gesture, but it brought him a sense of comfort and reassurance in that moment of vulnerability.

"Anon, don’t worry, I’m here to help... like a friend should always do!" Twilight reassured him with a warm smile, prompting a light smile to grace Anon's lips. The rain began to clear up slightly, but a sudden boom of thunder made Twilight jump, causing her to instinctively grab Anon's hand before quickly letting go, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment.

Anon couldn't help but chuckle at Twilight's reaction, finding her adorable in that moment. He reached out and lightly scratched behind her ear, eliciting a soft coo from the mare. With a smile, he walked ahead, leading the way towards the door.

"Thank you, Twilight," Anon expressed his gratitude, causing another blush to bloom on Twilight's face as he walked ahead of her. Despite the awkward moment, there was a warmth between them, a bond of friendship strengthened by shared experiences and understanding.

Spike greeted both of them as they returned from their trip to the post office, his curiosity evident in his raised brow. "What were you two doing?" he asked, noting the lingering blush on Twilight's face. She quickly hid her embarrassment while Anon smiled and replied, "Just explaining a story."

As they settled back into the library, Twilight cast a heat spell to dry their clothing, relieving them from the discomfort of being wet. Hours passed, and Spike eventually drifted off to sleep while Anon and Twilight found themselves in the kitchen, sipping on coffee and enjoying each other's company.

"So... if I can ask... how come Applejack considered you as a brother? I thought you and Reed stole from them," Twilight inquired, her curiosity getting the better of her as she stopped, waiting for Anon's response.

Anon sighed heavily, feeling the weight of the past settle over him once again. He had grown close to Twilight over the years, and she was the only one he had ever confided in about his side of the story. After a moment of hesitation, he closed his eyes and let out another sigh, realizing that it was time to share a piece of his past that he had kept hidden for so long.

Anon reached into his back pocket and pulled out an old, folded picture with a smile on his face. It was evident that this picture held significant sentimental value to him. As he unfolded it and handed it to Twilight, she couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation and curiosity.

As she looked at the picture, her eyes widened in surprise. It depicted Anon standing next to Applejack and her entire family—the entire Apple family was present, including her parents. Twilight took a moment to absorb the image, realizing the depth of the bond that Anon shared with the Apples.

She glanced up at Anon, seeing him in a new light as she processed the significance of the picture. It was a testament to the connection he had formed with Applejack and her family, despite the mistakes of his past.

Twilight studied the picture closely, taking in every detail. Anon appeared to be much younger, likely around 17 or 19 years old. He wore a simple shirt paired with blue overalls and solid black boots. His brown hair was tousled and dirt-streaked, a testament to a life spent working on the farm.

But what caught Twilight's attention the most was the hat resting comfortably on Anon's head—a hat that belonged to Applejack's father. It was a powerful symbol of trust and acceptance, signifying that Anon was considered part of the family.

In the picture, Applejack and Big Mac stood close to Anon, their smiles radiating warmth and happiness. It was clear that they had embraced him as one of their own, despite any past transgressions. As Twilight looked at the image, she couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration for the bond that Anon had forged with the Apple family. It was a bond that transcended mistakes and hardships, rooted in love and acceptance.

"Anon... you are..." Twilight began, her voice trailing off as she struggled to find the right words.

"I was once an Apple, yes..." Anon interrupted, his voice soft with emotion. "But after they died... I kinda lost myself. I was alone for years, and when I met them... I felt... free."

A single tear escaped from Anon's eye as he looked at the image of Pear Butter and Bright Mac, his parents who had passed away. He quickly wiped it away, trying to maintain his composure.

Folding the picture and tucking it away, Anon fidgeted with his thumbs, his emotions still raw from revisiting his past. He took a deep breath and composed himself before looking up at Twilight, noticing her concerned expression.

"Something the matter, Twilight?" he asked, his tone gentle as he reached out to reassure her.

After a moment of thoughtful silence, Twilight adjusted her wings slightly, her mind racing with various questions she could ask Anon. She considered the stories she had heard, the opinions of other ponies, and even the insights shared by the Princess and her brother. Yet, when she thought back to the last three years before Anon's arrival, one question stood out in her mind, demanding to be asked.

Taking a deep breath, Twilight let her instincts guide her as she finally posed the question that had been weighing on her mind.

"Anon... how did you get to Equestria?"

Twilight observed Anon's reaction carefully as she posed the question, noticing the sudden tension in his demeanor. His response was cryptic, leaving her with more questions than answers. As he got up and walked away, she could sense the weight of his pain and reluctance to delve into the topic further.

Nodding to herself, Twilight understood that she wouldn't get any more information from Anon at that moment. She respected his boundaries and decided to focus on her own tasks, hoping that with time and patience, she would eventually learn more about his mysterious past and the source of his pain. As she immersed herself in her work, she made a mental note to approach the subject with care and sensitivity in the future. After all, understanding Anon's journey to Equestria could hold the key to unlocking the secrets of his heart.

Chapter 2 Bad apple

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CHAPTER 2 Bad apple

Anon was being forcibly dragged out of the house, a young Applejack protested vehemently, her voice filled with frustration and desperation. She reached out for him, trying to prevent his departure, but her efforts were in vain. Granny Smith intervened, holding the distraught filly back, while Applejack's cries for help fell on deaf ears.

"Granny? Do something, Anon is being taken away!" Applejack pleaded, her voice cracking with emotion. But before Granny could respond, Big Macintosh stepped in, his authoritative voice cutting through the chaos.

"That's enough, AJ!" he shouted, his tone firm and commanding. Applejack flinched at the sharpness of his words, her tears flowing freely as she realized the futility of her protests. Anon could only watch helplessly, his heart heavy with sorrow as he witnessed the pain he was causing his friends and their family.

The guard hesitated for a moment, his gaze shifting between Anon and the others before finally relenting. With a heavy sigh, he released the magical restraints on Anon's arms and legs, allowing him to move freely. Anon limped slowly over to the sobbing Applejack, his heart aching at the sight of her distress.

As he reached her, he gently placed a hand on her trembling shoulder, offering her a comforting touch. Applejack gasped in surprise, looking up at Anon with wide eyes filled with both hope and uncertainty. But when she saw the genuine smile on his face, her expression softened, and she threw herself into his arms, clinging to him tightly.

Anon returned the hug, holding Applejack close as he whispered words of reassurance and comfort. In that moment, their bond transcended the barriers of fear and uncertainty, offering solace and support in the face of adversity.

Anon listened to Applejack's desperate plea, her words cutting through the tension and sorrow in the room. He kissed her forehead gently, his expression filled with a mixture of love and sadness. "Applejack... I'm not an Apple," he confessed softly, his voice tinged with regret.

Applejack tightened her grip on him, her tears flowing freely as she processed his words. Granny Smith and Big Macintosh shared a sorrowful embrace, their own emotions mirroring those of the young filly's.

Anon looked into Applejack's eyes, seeing the pain and confusion reflected in her gaze. With a shaky breath, he spoke again, his voice barely above a whisper. "Take care of them, Applejack," he urged, his heart heavy with emotion.

As Anon rose to leave, he reached up and gently placed Applejack's father's hat on her head, a silent gesture of strength and solidarity. "Keep the family strong... for your parents," he urged, his voice thick with emotion.

Applejack, her eyes filled with tears, watched as Anon turned away. Her heart ached with longing for one last embrace, but she knew he had to go. She reached out towards him, her hoof trembling with the hope of one more moment of comfort. But Anon didn't turn back this time. With tears streaming down his own face, he was escorted away by the guards, leaving behind a heartbroken Applejack and her grieving family.

As Applejack burst out of the house, her heart heavy with grief and despair, she called out Anon's name with all the strength her voice could muster. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she ran towards the path, desperate to reach him before it was too late.

But as she reached the dirt road, her steps faltered, and she collapsed to her knees, the weight of the truth crashing down upon her. It was too late. Her beloved brother, Anon, was gone, taken away on false charges of murder.

Sobs racked her body as she knelt in the dirt, feeling the crushing weight of loss and injustice. The world around her seemed to blur as she mourned the loss of her brother, the pain of his absence echoing in her heart. In that moment of despair, all she could do was cry out his name, a futile plea to a fate that had already sealed his tragic fate.

As Applejack and Big Macintosh admired the completed work, the sense of accomplishment washed over them. Another successful harvest for the farm was now behind them, a testament to their hard work and dedication.

"Welp! Ah reckon we head inside," Applejack announced to her brother, her voice filled with satisfaction.

"Eeyup," Big Mac replied with a nod, his own expression reflecting a sense of pride in their work.

Just then, they noticed Apple Bloom trotting alone on the entrance pathway. As she approached them with a questioning look, Applejack and Big Mac exchanged a glance, curious about what might be on their younger sister's mind.

As the three of them trotted towards the house, Applejack noticed the solemn expression on Apple Bloom's face. "Something wrong, sis?" she inquired, concern lacing her voice.

Apple Bloom hesitated for a moment before replying, "Oh... well, nothing, just been thinking." She paused, her gaze fixed on the ground beneath her hooves. "I was at school today and... I met a human," she admitted quietly.

The revelation hung heavy in the air, causing Applejack and Big Mac to exchange a surprised glance. "What?" Apple Bloom's words echoed the shock written on their faces.

Applejack looked away, a heavy sigh escaping her lips. "So... you did," she acknowledged, her tone tinged with sadness. They continued on their path towards the house, the atmosphere heavy with unspoken questions. Apple Bloom, sensing her sister's distress, trotted closer to Applejack's side, her brow furrowed in concern.

"Do you know him?" Apple Bloom questioned, her curiosity evident in her tone.

"I... I did," Applejack admitted reluctantly, her gaze fixed on the ground.

"You did? Was it because he stole apple—" Apple Bloom began, but Applejack cut her off with a frustrated sigh.

"Yes, that stuff," Applejack interjected, her voice heavy with frustration. With a weary expression, she turned and trotted into the house, making her way upstairs to her room. Big Macintosh shifted uncomfortably, avoiding Apple Bloom's gaze as she looked to him for answers. But he remained silent, his expression unreadable as he stared off into the distance.

"Why won’t anypony tell me about the human?" Apple Bloom's voice echoed through the house, her frustration palpable in the silence that followed. With a heavy sigh, she resigned herself to the lack of answers and followed in Applejack's footsteps, making her way to her room and closing the door behind her.

Meanwhile, Big Macintosh trudged wearily to the kitchen, the weight of the day's events settling heavily on his shoulders. He sank into a chair with a tired sigh, the exhaustion of the day compounded by the sadness that now lingered in the air.

"I still talk to him," Granny Smith's voice broke the silence, drawing Big Macintosh's attention. He turned to look at her, surprise evident in his eyes as she eyed the apple pie with a nostalgic smile. "He's a good kid... has jobs, and tries to hide... just to keep what he loves safe," she explained, her words carrying a weight of understanding that resonated with Big Mac.

As Granny continued to share her insights, the voices outside Applejack's room faded into murmurs. Alone in her room, Applejack sat on her bed, her gaze fixed on her father's hat. Emotions washed over her, and tears welled up in her eyes as she processed everything she had learned.

She remembered the first time she had encountered the human after his release from custody. It had been a tense and awkward encounter, filled with unspoken tension and unanswered questions. But despite the uncertainty, Applejack had resolved to keep her composure and maintain a sense of normalcy in their interactions.

"Thank ya, have a good one!" Applejack called out to a customer, handing over a bag full of apple sweets with a warm smile. Turning back to the stand, she noticed more apples and pies had been placed on the table. Smiling to herself, she was about to continue her work when she caught sight of him.

Her heart skipped a beat as she watched him walk by, hands in his pockets, seemingly lost in thought. Without a second thought, Applejack turned to her brother, her voice urgent. "Wha- oh Sweet Celestia... Uh, hey partner, take over for a minute," she said quickly, before trotting out of the stand to follow the human.

"Anon?" Applejack called out behind him, causing him to turn around in surprise. As he saw the mare approaching, a gasp escaped his lips, and he quickly wiped his face before offering a smile. "Applejack... been a while," he greeted, his voice warm with familiarity.

Applejack beamed with joy as she approached him, embracing him tightly in a hug that took him by surprise. "I knew you'd return!" she exclaimed happily, releasing the hug and bouncing around him with infectious energy. Anon chuckled at her enthusiasm, feeling a sense of warmth and belonging wash over him in her presence.

"It's so good to see you too. Look how big you've grown!" Anon exclaimed, his eyes scanning Applejack with a mix of pride and nostalgia. He couldn't help but notice the hat resting snugly on her head, and a fond smile tugged at his lips. "Looks better on her," he thought to himself, a sense of contentment washing over him as he stood tall in her presence.

Applejack grinned at his remark, a blush creeping onto her cheeks at the compliment. "Aw, shucks, Anon," she replied modestly, feeling a rush of warmth at his words. "It's been too long since we've seen ya around here. How've ya been?" she asked, genuine concern lacing her voice as she looked up at him.

"Where have you been? It’s been 5 years, brother!" Applejack exclaimed, her tone a mix of concern and reproach. Anon flinched at the use of the familial term, but he composed himself with a sigh, casting a glance at the townsfolk bustling around them. Meeting Applejack's gaze, he offered her a tentative smile. "Wanna go... talk in private? It’s kinda hard to say it out in public," he suggested, his voice tinged with a hint of vulnerability.

"Oh, sure! Let me warn Mac, one second sugarcube," Applejack replied, before darting over to where Big Macintosh was stationed. After a quick exchange, she returned to Anon's side, ready to accompany him to a more private setting. Together, they walked down the path towards where Anon had been staying, their conversation waiting to unfold in the quiet sanctuary of solitude.

Granny Smith's words hung in the air, casting a somber mood over the conversation. Applebloom and Big Macintosh listened intently as she explained Anon's early release and his decision to explore the world rather than return to Ponyville.

"He could have come back here... but like he says, 'I'm not an Apple'," Granny Smith recounted, her voice tinged with a mixture of sadness and understanding. The weight of Anon's absence settled heavily upon them, each of them grappling with their own thoughts and emotions in the wake of his departure.

Applebloom's gaze remained fixed on the ground, her thoughts swirling with a mixture of confusion and disappointment. Meanwhile, Big Macintosh held his head high, his expression stoic as he grappled with the revelation of Anon's choice.

Anon had been given the opportunity to return home years ago, yet he had consciously chosen to stay away. The realization weighed heavily on Big Mac's heart, the sense of rejection from his own brother cutting deep. He couldn't help but feel a pang of hurt and betrayal, mixed with a profound sense of loss.

As they sat in silence, each member of the family contended with their own emotions, grappling with the complexities of Anon's decision and its impact on their lives. The bonds of family had been tested, leaving them all to navigate the uncertainty of their new reality.

"I'm... going up to my room," Big Macintosh announced quietly, his voice tinged with a heaviness that mirrored the weight of his emotions. Without another word, he turned and began to ascend the stairs, each step carrying him further away from the conversation below.

Applebloom watched him go, her gaze lingering on his retreating figure for a moment before turning back to Granny Smith. The elder pony said nothing more, her attention focused on the pie cooling on the counter.

"Anon is now 27... and lives in Ponyville for some time now... he is..." Granny Smith trailed off, her voice heavy with unspoken thoughts and emotions. She glanced at Applebloom, who was still trying to process the information, her expression a mixture of confusion and concern. The weight of the situation hung in the air, leaving them both grappling with the complexities of family dynamics and the passage of time.

"So, what did he do at your school?" Granny Smith inquired, breaking the heavy silence that had settled over the room. Applebloom blinked, drawn back to the present moment by her grandmother's question. Clearing her throat, she hesitated before responding.

"Well... he was there explaining his nature and all, really," Applebloom explained, her voice tinged with a mix of curiosity and sympathy.

"Poor soul..." Granny Smith murmured softly, her gaze drifting towards the window as she contemplated Anon's situation. The weight of his choices and struggles lingered in the air, leaving them both to wonder about the human's fate and the path he had chosen to walk.

As the silence stretched on, the creak of the stairs signaled Applejack's return. She descended slowly, her expression a mixture of concern and contemplation. Taking a seat at the table, she sighed heavily before speaking.

"Anon... he's always been a bit of a mystery, ain't he?" Applejack began, her voice tinged with a mix of fondness and uncertainty. "I reckon he's got his reasons for stayin' away, even if we don't rightly understand 'em."

Granny Smith and Applebloom nodded in agreement, their expressions reflecting a shared sense of empathy for the human who had once been a part of their family.

"He's been through a lot, that's for sure," Applejack continued, her tone softened with empathy. "But he's still out there, makin' his own way in the world. And I reckon we oughta respect that, even if it's hard to swallow sometimes."

Applejack's words hung in the air, prompting Applebloom to furrow her brow in confusion. "But why should we respect him if he don't wanna be part of the family no more?" she questioned, her voice laced with uncertainty.

Applejack paused, her gaze softening as she considered her sister's question. "Because, Applebloom," she began, her voice gentle yet resolute, "he saved my life once."

Granny Smith's eyes widened in surprise, while Applebloom leaned forward, eager to hear more.

"It was a long time ago, when we were just foals," Applejack continued, her voice tinged with nostalgia. "I got myself into a heap of trouble out in the orchard, and Anon... well, he didn't hesitate to jump in and help. If it weren't for him, I might not be here today."

Granny Smith nodded in understanding, her expression softening with empathy. "Anon may have chosen a different path, but he's still family," she said gently. "And we owe him our gratitude for what he did."

As the weight of Applejack's words settled over them, the family sat in contemplative silence, each reflecting on the debt of gratitude they owed to the mysterious human who had once saved their beloved Applejack's life. And in that moment, despite the distance that separated them, they found solace in the enduring bond of family and the power of forgiveness.

As Anon sat on the couch, discomfort gnawed at him, refusing to relent despite his efforts to find solace. Frustration simmered beneath the surface as he grumbled to himself, his thoughts swirling with restlessness.

With a determined sigh, Anon pushed himself up from the couch, his gaze flickering towards the door. Two weeks of empty time stretched before him, and the prospect of solitude weighed heavily on his mind. He needed someone to talk to, someone who could offer a listening ear and perhaps a bit of companionship to ease the ache of loneliness.

As Anon wandered through the town, his thoughts swirled with the weight of Twilight's inquiries, her persistent probing stirring up emotions he wasn't ready to confront. He sighed heavily, feeling the burden of his past weighing heavily on his shoulders as he tried to navigate the tangled web of memories and regrets.

Lost in his thoughts, he almost didn't notice Applejack's familiar form as she moved through the town square, her easy confidence and warm demeanor a stark contrast to his own troubled mind. But then, as if struck by sudden inspiration, an idea sparked within him, and he found himself moving towards her with purpose.

"Hey Aj… I uh…" Anon's voice trailed off uncertainly, his words faltering in the face of Applejack's penetrating gaze.

"I thought you did not want to see us again," she said, her tone tinged with a hint of disappointment. Anon flinched at the sudden shift in atmosphere, the weight of her words pressing down on him like a heavy burden.

He sighed heavily, his gaze dropping to the ground as he nodded in reluctant acknowledgment. "Well I… I… I guess you're right… sorry for bothering," he murmured, his voice tinged with resignation as he turned to leave, the sting of rejection lingering in the air.

But just as he began to retreat, he felt a gentle hoof grab his leg, halting his departure. Startled, he turned back to see Applejack looking up at him with a mixture of concern and understanding in her eyes.

"It doesn’t mean you can leave again… Anon," she said firmly, her voice carrying a note of insistence that gave Anon pause. He nodded solemnly, recognizing the gravity of her words, and fell into step beside her as she gestured toward a path leading to the farm.

"You’ve changed, but we all have, ain't that the truth?" Applejack remarked, her tone reflective as they walked along the familiar trail.

Anon nodded in agreement, his hands finding their way into his pockets as he considered her observation. "Well, when you see a thing or two, it can... be hard for you," he admitted quietly, his voice tinged with the weight of his experiences.

Applejack's smile softened, a glimmer of warmth in her eyes as she glanced up at him. "Applebloom had talked about ya," she continued, her tone affectionate. "She calls you Mr. Kind Human."

Anon chuckled softly at the nickname, a bittersweet expression crossing his face. "Well, ain't that somethin'?" he mused, a mix of emotions swirling within him at the reminder of the bond he shared with the youngest member of the Apple family.

"I knew she was familiar," Anon remarked, a nostalgic smile playing at the corners of his lips. Memories of Applebloom as a mere babe flooded his mind, a poignant reminder of the passage of time and the bonds that endured despite the years of separation.

As they approached the farm, Anon absently brushed a speck of dirt from his sleeve, his gaze sweeping over the familiar surroundings with a mix of fondness and longing. The sight of Sweet Apple Acres stirred a myriad of emotions within him, each corner of the farm holding fragments of his past that he had both cherished and lamented.

With each step, Anon felt the weight of his memories pressing upon him, a silent testament to the journey he had undertaken and the trials he had faced. Yet, amid the echoes of the past, there lingered a glimmer of hope—a chance to reconnect with the family he had once called his own and forge new beginnings in the embrace of familiar faces and cherished bonds.
"Uh, Applejack... you think this is—"

"Anon... you're not coming back as an Apple, but as Anon the human," she interjected gently, a reassuring smile gracing her lips. Taking a seat beside the fence, she gestured for him to join her, her gaze warm and understanding. Anon followed suit, leaning against the fence as he mulled over her words.

"You're right, but what about Granny and Mac? They might not forgive me still," he voiced his lingering doubts, his tone tinged with uncertainty.

"Now you're being stubborn. Of course, they forgive you," Applejack insisted, her confidence unwavering as she looked up at him. Anon blinked in surprise before following her gaze, his eyes settling on Big Mac as he worked diligently nearby, the familiar rhythm of farm life unfolding around them.

"But... okay, so if you guys expect me on who I am then... what am I to you?" Anon inquired, his gaze searching Applejack's face for an answer. There was a hint of vulnerability in his voice, a yearning to understand his place in the lives of those he once considered family.

Applejack accepted the hat from him, holding it tenderly against her chest as she considered his question. A soft smile graced her features as she met his eyes, her expression filled with warmth and sincerity. "You're a close friend who saved my life," she replied earnestly, her words carrying the weight of gratitude and affection.

Moved by her words, Anon felt a surge of emotion welling within him as Applejack enveloped him in a heartfelt embrace. In that moment, amidst the embrace of a friend and the gentle sway of the farm, Anon found solace—a reminder that amidst the trials and tribulations of life, there remained bonds that transcended time and circumstance.

As tears streamed down his face, Anon felt a weight lifted from his shoulders, replaced by a profound sense of peace and acceptance. The embrace with Applejack was a cathartic release, a testament to the enduring strength of their bond despite the passage of time and the trials they had faced.

Standing up together, Anon and Applejack made their way towards the farm, their steps lightened by the newfound sense of closure and reconciliation. As they approached, the sight of Big Mac's warm smile and Granny Smith's welcoming embrace filled Anon's heart with a sense of belonging he hadn't felt in years.

In that moment, surrounded by the familiar sights and sounds of the farm, Anon knew that he had found his place once again—not as an Apple by blood, but as Anon, a cherished member of their extended family. And as they shared in the warmth of their reunion, Anon felt a deep gratitude for the forgiveness and acceptance that had been bestowed upon him.

Granny Smith's voice was filled with warmth as she spoke, her words carrying a sense of genuine gratitude. "I'm glad to see you okay, Anon," she said, her hoof resting gently on his arm. Anon returned her smile, feeling a sense of relief wash over him at her words. Despite everything that had happened, it was reassuring to know that he still had a place here, among the Apple family.

"Thank you for everything, Anon," Granny continued, her smile softening as she looked at him. Beside her, Big Mac nodded in agreement, his expression solemn yet sincere. "Eeyup," he rumbled, offering Anon a small but heartfelt fist bump.

Anon felt a swell of emotion in his chest at their words and gestures of acceptance. It was more than he had ever hoped for after the mistakes he had made. But their forgiveness meant the world to him, and he was determined to prove himself worthy of it.

As he basked in the warmth of their welcome, Anon noticed a pair of curious eyes watching him from behind Applejack. It was Applebloom, the youngest member of the Apple family, peeking out cautiously from her hiding spot. Anon's heart went out to her, sensing her uncertainty and curiosity.

"Hello there, Applebloom," Anon greeted with a warm smile, acknowledging the young filly who was peering at him with curious eyes.

"Mr. Anon!" Applebloom exclaimed, her face lighting up with recognition. "You're back!"

Anon chuckled at her enthusiasm, reaching out to ruffle her mane gently. "That's right. It's good to see you again."

As Applebloom hugged him tightly, Anon returned the embrace, feeling a surge of affection for the spirited young filly. "Thanks for saving my sister," she whispered, her voice muffled against his chest. Anon's heart swelled with emotion at her words. "You're welcome, Applebloom," he replied

As they made their way into the cozy farmhouse, Anon couldn't help but feel a sense of belonging wash over him. The familiar sights and sounds of the Apple family home brought back fond memories, reminding him of the bonds they shared.

Sitting around the kitchen table, they enjoyed slices of Granny Smith's famous apple pie, the warm aroma filling the room with comfort and contentment. Anon listened intently as they caught up on each other's lives, sharing stories and laughter long into the evening.

Chapter 3 Anon tell me!

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CHAPTER 3 Anon tell me!

"Anon, I'm scared!" Ame said, tugging her brother's arm as the bus filled with shouting. The driver was gone, and the teacher had not returned for a while now. Both he and Reed were left in charge to keep the kids safe.

"Anon! What are we going to do?" a kid shouted from the back, making the 15-year-old look back, panting lightly. His heart raced as he scanned the chaotic scene. Through the clamor, he caught sight of the door, contemplating their next move. Suddenly, relief washed over him as he noticed the teacher limping back, a glimmer of hope amidst the turmoil.

"He's back—" Before he could react, a kid pushed him aside and bolted out of the bus towards the teacher. Anon grunted as he regained his footing, observing the teacher shouting at the child.

"Get back inside now!"

"But you said it would be safe if you're back?"

"No, no, get back—AH!"

Anon and Reed both gasped as a wooden wolf leaped out of the trees, sinking its teeth into the teacher's leg. The kids screamed, and one was about to run but was abruptly halted as another wolf chomped on his arm, dragging him into the woods amidst his frantic shouts. Panic surged through the bus as Anon and Reed exchanged wide-eyed looks, realizing the gravity of the situation. "Oh, fuck…"

"Shit!" Reed exclaimed, slamming the door shut as the kids erupted into screams. More wooden wolves piled onto the teacher, drowning out his cries with their ferocious assault. Anon's breath quickened as he felt a wave of terror wash over him. A wolf locked eyes with him, its yellow gaze piercing through the chaos. He could sense the primal instinct within the creature, fueled by the fear emanating from him and the others.

Anon's pulse raced as he met the wolf's gaze, feeling a primal fear grip him tightly. The air in the bus became thick with tension as the realization dawned on them—they were trapped, surrounded by creatures that seemed to feed on their terror.

Reed's hands trembled as he struggled to find a solution. "What do we do, Anon?" he whispered, his voice barely audible over the chaos. Anon's mind raced, desperately searching for a plan. But as he looked around at the terrified faces of the other children, he realized they were all relying on him and Reed for guidance.

"Anon? Anon!" Reed's urgent shout snapped Anon back to reality, his gaze locking onto Reed's worried expression. The sounds of children crying and pleading filled the bus, amplifying the sense of dread that hung heavy in the air.

Anon's chest tightened, his breaths coming in shallow gasps as he struggled to hold it together. His vision blurred, eyelids growing heavy as exhaustion and fear threatened to overwhelm him. But he knew he had to stay strong, for Reed, for Ame, for all the terrified kids relying on him for safety.

With a determined effort, Anon forced himself to focus, pushing past the suffocating weight of fear pressing down on him. There was no time to falter now—they needed a plan, a way out of this nightmare.

"We're going to die!" a kid's panicked voice rang out, echoing the collective fear pulsating through the bus. Reed's head snapped around, his eyes wide with desperation as he struggled to maintain control.

"No! We're not going to die! We need to stay calm and think of a way out of this," Reed yelled, his voice cracking with tension. But his attempt to reassure the frightened children was cut short as the wolves closed in on the bus, their menacing presence casting a shadow of dread over everyone inside.

"Now we gotta keep calm! These wolves are—ah, Anon!" Reed's voice rose in panic as he watched his friend collapse onto the ground. Ame's cries filled the air as she desperately tried to help her brother up. "This can't be happening..." Anon muttered, his voice barely audible amidst the chaos.

Reed's hands gripped Anon's shirt, hauling him up as he shouted directly into his friend's face. "YOU GOT TO STAY CALM!" His words were a desperate plea, tinged with fear and urgency.

"You can't solve anything if you start panicking!" Reed's voice rang out, a stark reminder amidst the chaos. Anon shook his head, trying to clear his thoughts, but the cries of distress only seemed to intensify.

As they looked over, Anon and Reed witnessed a heartbreaking scene—a girl embracing a motionless child. "He... he didn't have his medicine..." she sobbed, her words weighted with sorrow.

Anon and Reed exchanged a somber glance before approaching the pair. Recognition struck Anon like a bolt of lightning, and he blinked in disbelief. "This can't be happening!?" he muttered, the reality of their situation hitting him like a ton of bricks.

Gasping for breath, Anon felt utterly exhausted—dead tired, in fact. For the past three days, he had been running alongside his fellow ponies, preparing himself for the annual race known as "Running with the Leaves." Anon wasn't a pony himself, but that didn't mean he couldn't participate. Having been a helpful member of the town for a year, the mayor recognized his potential and allowed him to join the race.

With the finish line in sight, not too far ahead, Anon pushed himself to his limits. Despite feeling like his legs were on fire, he dug deep and propelled himself forward, his determination driving him faster. And then, with a burst of energy, he crossed the finish line first.

He flopped to the ground, panting so hard that he couldn't hear the world around him. Everything seemed to blur as exhaustion consumed him. Suddenly, he felt something grab his back, prompting him to turn over. There, he saw the bright hues of rainbow and cyan, and slowly the sounds of the ponies talking and the wind returned to him.

"Anon, that was so BUCKING cool!" a jubilant Rainbow Dash exclaimed, helping the human catch his breath. Anon gratefully accepted a cup of water, slapping it on his face. He then picked up another cup, drinking it eagerly, and finally bumped it against his head with a tired smile. "Yeah... best run ever," he chuckled weakly, feeling too drained to say much more.

As Anon stretched his back, feeling the satisfying pops that came with it, he couldn't help but sigh in relief. Running in the leaves was one of his favorite activities; he simply loved to run. There was something about it that felt so natural, so integral to who he was. It was as if running was a part of him, ingrained in his very being.

Watching the rest of the group of ponies continuing on the path, diligently finishing the job, Anon felt a sense of satisfaction wash over him. Despite the exhaustion and challenges of the race, he knew that being part of this community, contributing to their efforts, was what truly mattered to him. With a contented smile, he joined the ponies, ready to lend a hand wherever he was needed.

"I see you outdid yourself again, Anonymous!" the mayor Mare exclaimed, a hint of pride in her voice as she addressed him. Anon rubbed the back of his neck, feeling a bit bashful under the spotlight. "Thanks, boss... I've always wanted to help the town in every way I can," he replied humbly, grabbing another cup of water to quench his thirst.

Rainbow Dash chimed in, praising the human's energy and endurance. "He sure does have the energy! And never seems to run out," she added with admiration. Anon felt a flush of embarrassment as more ponies joined in, cheering and applauding him for his efforts. Despite his discomfort with being praised, he couldn't help but feel grateful for the support of his friends and neighbors.

As the praise continued, Anon couldn't help but feel a warm sense of appreciation wash over him. It was moments like these that reminded him of the strong bonds he had formed with the ponies of the town. Their encouragement and support meant the world to him, and he was grateful to be surrounded by such a caring community.

With a shy smile, Anon nodded in acknowledgment of the kind words directed towards him. "Thanks, everyone. I couldn't have done it without all of you," he said, his voice filled with sincerity. Despite his exhaustion, his heart swelled with gratitude for the camaraderie and friendship he shared with the ponies of the town.

"Okay... you deserve a drink for that, Dash," Anon said, offering the mare a friendly smile. Rainbow Dash pumped a hoof up high in excitement before bumping her hoof with his fist. "You bet! Thanks, Anon!" she exclaimed before bidding her farewells and dashing off to find her friends, leaving Anon to his own thoughts.

With the race behind him and three days left until his next two-week stint of downtime, Anon contemplated how to spend his time. Despite the exhaustion lingering in his muscles, he felt a sense of contentment knowing he had given his all in the race and had the support of his friends in the town. As he watched Rainbow Dash disappear into the distance, he couldn't help but feel grateful for the sense of belonging he had found among the ponies of the town.

As Anon strolled along, enjoying the calm atmosphere of the town, he couldn't help but reflect on the past week. Reconnecting with the Apple family had been a highlight, particularly his friendship with Applejack. He smiled at the memory of always getting her cider order just right, earning him the affectionate nickname of "the usual." It was moments like these that made him feel like he truly belonged in the town.

Lost in his thoughts, he suddenly bumped into Twilight Sparkle, jolting him out of his reverie. It had been days since they last spoke, especially after their conversation about past times. Anon felt a pang of guilt for not reaching out sooner.

"Oh, hey Twilight!" Anon greeted, waving at the book-loving mare. She smiled back, her expression warm yet tinged with a hint of uncertainty. "You, uh, wanna talk?" she offered tentatively.

Anon rubbed his chin thoughtfully, considering her offer. "Sure, I've got some time before I need to head to the office later today," he replied, nodding. He appreciated the opportunity to catch up with Twilight, especially after their recent lack of communication. Falling into step beside Twilight as they walked, her mention of the "Running in the Leaves" race brought back memories of the exhilarating experience.

"Yeah, Dash was cool enough to let me participate in the first lap. Man, I wish I could do the whole thing! But I'm not a pony," he chuckled, shaking his head at the thought. As they observed some groups of ponies continuing their run, Anon couldn't help but feel a twinge of longing to join them again. "You know, I could use magic to give you more energy. You always love running," Twilight suggested.

Anon blushed slightly at Twilight's suggestion, feeling touched by her offer. He rubbed the back of his neck again, a nervous habit, as he chuckled lightly. "Nah, no thanks, Twi, but I appreciate it," he said, giving her a gentle pat on the mane. Twilight snorted in response to the unexpected gesture, but soon melted into the sensation of ear scratching, emitting a contented coo.

"I'll figure out the science behind your fingers someday!" she declared with determination, eliciting laughter from Anon. Their lighthearted moment was interrupted as they spotted Rainbow Dash flying over to them, her usual confident expression replaced by a frown.

"Oh, Rainbow! What's the problem?" Twilight asked, concern evident in her voice. The Pegasus crossed her hooves, her expression furrowed as she stared at the ground. "I have to report to the weather patrol. We got a new captain," she explained, causing both Anon and Twilight to raise a curious eyebrow.

"Who? I thought Spitfire was the captain?" Anon asked, his curiosity piqued.

"No, that's the Wonderbolts. The weather patrol is different," Rainbow Dash explained, shaking her head. "The old captain retired recently, and the spot's been empty for a while now. But we have a new captain, and he's not even a Pegasus!" she exclaimed, her voice tinged with disbelief. Anon and Twilight exchanged surprised glances before turning their attention back to Rainbow Dash, eager to hear more.

"Well, who is it?" Anon pressed, his curiosity tinged with a hint of apprehension.

"His name is uh... Reed Trails... or Redacted," Rainbow Dash replied, her uncertainty evident in her voice. Anon felt a chill run down his spine at the mention of the name 'Reed.' He turned to the mare, staring at her incredulously, needing confirmation.

"Reed?" he asked again, his voice barely above a whisper.

Rainbow Dash nodded solemnly, confirming his worst fears. Anon's mind raced with questions and concerns, his heart heavy with uncertainty. Anon's expression darkened as he processed the information. Anon's stomach churned with a mix of emotions—anger, disbelief, and a tinge of fear. He and Reed had shared a traumatic experience as children when they were tasked with keeping their classmates safe during a chaotic incident on a bus. The memories flooded back, vivid and unsettling.

"Why? Do you know him—" Rainbow Dash began, but Anon cut her off with a simple statement.

"I have to go," he said abruptly, turning onto a different path and walking away. The ponies around them instinctively moved aside, creating a clear path for him to pass through. Twilight looked at Rainbow, then back at the departing human, her brow furrowing in concern.

"Uh, what did I say?" Rainbow asked, puzzled by Anon's sudden departure.

"No, no, I'll uh... I'll go talk to him. See you later, Rainbow!" Twilight replied quickly, her tone determined as she made up her mind to follow Anon. With that, she dashed off after him, leaving Rainbow standing there, bewildered and unsure of what had just transpired.

Anon's surroundings blurred as old memories flooded his mind, drowning out the present moment. The screams echoed in his ears, each one a painful reminder of the chaos and fear he had experienced. His chest felt heavy, as if weighed down by the weight of those memories, and he began to pant lightly, struggling to catch his breath.

"No, no, no," he muttered under his breath, his voice barely audible amidst the cacophony of his thoughts. Leaning against a nearby wall for support, he looked around frantically, his eyes searching for familiar landmarks. But everything seemed foreign and unfamiliar, adding to his sense of disorientation.

Feeling like a lost child, he longed for the comfort and safety of home. With a deep sigh, he resolved to find his way back, to rest and try to escape the haunting memories that plagued him. Steadying himself, he set off in search of familiar streets, hoping to find solace in the familiarity of home.

"Anon!" Twilight's shout jolted him back to the present, causing him to flinch. He noticed the concerned expression on her face as she stood next to him. Anon managed a faint smile, but it quickly faltered as he glanced towards his house not far away.

"What... what is it, Twi?" he asked, his voice tinged with uncertainty as he looked down at her.

"You, Anon? I've been trying to call your name for a whole minute. What's wrong?" Twilight asked, her concern evident in her voice. Anon hesitated, unsure of how to respond. He wasn't ready to confront the memories that had overwhelmed him moments ago.

"It's... nothing," Anon lied, trying to brush off Twilight's concern. But she wasn't convinced. She frowned at him before coming to a stop in front of him, blocking his path.

"No, there is something wrong, Anon. You can tell me," she insisted, her voice gentle yet firm. Anon felt a pang of guilt at the concern in her eyes, but the whispers of old memories continued to haunt him, making it difficult to open up. He shook his head, feeling overwhelmed by the weight of his own thoughts.

"No, no... I'm fine, Twi," Anon insisted, his voice strained with the weight of his deception. But Twilight wasn't buying it. Her patience wore thin as she watched him continue to deflect and avoid the truth.

"After all the talking and all that he had done was for nothing?!" she thought to herself, frustration bubbling beneath the surface. Unable to contain her emotions any longer, she stomped her hoof on the ground and spread her wings wide, a display of her mounting frustration.

"Stop lying to me, Anonymous! I can't handle hearing you lie to me too anymore!" she shouted, her voice echoing with pent-up emotion. Anon felt a surge of anger rise within him, but he swallowed it back, allowing Twilight to express her feelings. He knew he owed her the truth, but admitting it would mean facing the painful memories he had been trying to avoid.

"It's been almost 3 years since you lived here! And I thought me and my friends have been helping you... But NO! You keep tossing us aside!" Twilight's words cut deep, striking a chord within Anon. He could feel his anger slowly growing, fueled by a mixture of guilt and frustration.

He knew she was right. He had been pushing them away, keeping his struggles to himself instead of reaching out for help. But admitting his vulnerabilities felt like exposing his deepest fears and insecurities to the world, and he wasn't sure he was ready for that.

As Twilight's words echoed in his mind, Anon struggled to find the right response. He wanted to explain, to make her understand, but the words caught in his throat, suffocated by the weight of his own emotions. All he could do was stand there, his anger simmering beneath the surface, unable to find a way to bridge the growing divide between them.

"I don't know why you hate Reed, from all I have heard from ponies is that he is a nice human! So tell me why? Why do you bucking hate him so much!" Twilight's words cut through the air like a knife, her frustration boiling over as she stomped her hoof once more. Anon could feel the pressure building, the dam of his emotions on the verge of bursting.

"You really want to know what happened? You wanna know why!" Anon struggled to keep his rage in check, his voice trembling with suppressed emotion.

"Yes, I do!" Twilight's response was immediate and forceful, her eyes blazing with determination. Anon felt the weight of her expectation pressing down on him, and he could no longer hold back the flood of emotions raging inside him.

"YOU REALLY WANT TO KNOW!?" he shouted, his voice reverberating with anger. Twilight took a step back, startled by his outburst. Without another word, Anon turned and marched towards his house, his footsteps heavy with pent-up frustration. He reached the wall of his house and lifted a trembling hand, his gaze fixed on the surface as he struggled to compose himself.

Anon's fist connected with the wall with a resounding thud, his anger boiling over as he unleashed his frustration. "THAT FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ME BEING TRAPPED HERE!" he shouted, his voice raw with emotion. The force of his punch reverberated through the air, causing ponies nearby to back away, startled by his outburst.

His hand stung from the impact, the bruised knuckles serving as a painful reminder of his pent-up rage. But Anon paid no heed to the pain. His eyes remained fixed on the wall, his chest heaving with each ragged breath as he struggled to contain the storm of emotions raging within him.

Anon's punches echoed against the wall with each strike, his fury driving him forward despite the pain. "I FUCKING TRIED TO KEEP MY COOL ON HIM FOR 20 FUCKING YEARS!" he screamed, each word punctuated by another blow.

His hand was now bleeding, knuckles broken and throbbing with agony, but he hardly noticed. The intensity of his rage consumed him, fueling his relentless assault on the unyielding surface before him.

punch punch punch!

He continued to unleash his fury, each punch a release of pent-up frustration and resentment. With each strike, he felt a fleeting sense of catharsis, as if somehow purging himself of the burden he had carried for so long.

"HE IS THE REASON WHY 20 FUCKING HUMAN ARE DEAD! HE IS THE REASON WHY MY LIFE IS SO FUCKING USELESS!" Anon's voice echoed with anguish and rage as he lifted his hand, his words a torrent of pain and despair.

"Anon, stop!" Twilight's voice broke through the chaos, tears streaming down her face as she pleaded with him to cease his assault. But he couldn't stop. He had held it in for too long, and now he needed to let it out.


This time, a sharp pain shot through his hand, jolting him back to reality. Anon froze, his breath catching in his throat as he felt warmth trickling down his hand. He looked down and saw the extent of the damage—his hand was broken, fingers bent at unnatural angles.

With a grim determination, Anon grasped his broken fingers and pulled them back, wincing at the searing pain as he attempted to fix them. Sweat beaded on his forehead as he struggled to realign the shattered bones, his vision swimming with agony. But through the haze of pain, one thought remained clear—he couldn't let Reed's actions continue to control his life.

"Anon?" Twilight's voice broke through the haze of pain, drawing his attention back to the present. He looked up to see her and several other concerned ponies gathered around him, their faces filled with worry.

"That's why, Twilight," he managed to say between ragged breaths, his voice strained with exhaustion and anguish.

With a heavy sigh, he collapsed back onto the ground, his body trembling from the intensity of the emotions he had unleashed. More blood flowed from his hand, staining the ground crimson as he struggled to regain his composure.

"Anon!" Twilight exclaimed in alarm before swiftly lifting the human with her magic. "We need a doctor!" she shouted, her voice echoing with urgency. The ponies around them pointed in the direction of the hospital, and Twilight wasted no time in following their guidance.

As she ran towards the hospital, her mind raced with worry and regret. "What have I done?" she thought to herself, her heart heavy with guilt. She was so focused on getting Anon the help he needed that she failed to notice Rarity, who stood nearby, her expression a mix of concern and confusion. But Twilight's sole focus was on reaching the hospital as quickly as possible, her determination driving her forward.

Twilight kicked open the door of the hospital, her urgency evident as she burst into the crowded lobby. Patients and doctors alike gasped in surprise at the sudden intrusion, their attention drawn to the sight of the injured human lying on the ground before them.

"He needs help!" Twilight exclaimed, her voice ringing out with urgency as she pleaded for assistance. The group of doctors glanced at each other, their expressions tense with concern, before springing into action.

With a coordinated effort, they lifted Anon with their magic and swiftly carried him away, rushing him to a nearby room for treatment. Left alone in the bustling hospital lobby, Twilight watched with a heavy heart as they disappeared from view, her mind swirling with worry for her friend.

"Why... Why did I do that?" Twilight's voice quivered with regret as tears continued to stream down her face. She sank to the ground, her ears flattened against her head in a gesture of anguish, as she struggled to make sense of her actions.

She had acted on impulse, driven by concern and frustration, but now all she felt was guilt. She had pushed Anon too far, causing him to hurt himself in the process. She had tried to help, to pry open the walls he had built around himself, but instead, she had only caused more pain.

Feeling utterly defeated, Twilight wiped away her tears and rose to her hooves. She knew she should stay and wait for news of Anon's condition, but something deep inside told her that he needed space right now. With a heavy heart, she turned to leave the hospital, her mind swirling with uncertainty and regret. She didn't know what to do next, but she knew she needed time to process everything that had happened.

Chapter 4 Hello pony I’m a human

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CHAPTER 4 Hello pony I’m a human

The atmosphere in the room grew tense as Celestia's commanding voice filled the air. The grand doors swung open with a resounding creak, revealing two humans in shackles being escorted inside. Gasps of shock and murmurs of disbelief rippled through the room as the sight of the prisoners sent a shiver down everyone's spine. Their bodies bore the marks of violence, cuts and bruises marring their skin, while their clothing hung in tatters.

Forced to their knees before the throne, the two humans grunted with effort, their faces contorted with pain. Despite their battered appearance, a defiant glint shone in their eyes as they gazed up at Celestia, their expressions a mixture of defiance and resignation. The weight of their presence hung heavily in the air, casting a somber pall over the room as all eyes turned to the ruler of Equestria for judgment.

The Sun Princess narrowed her eyes, her gaze piercing as she observed the two humans kneeling before her throne. Something caught her attention—the difference in their expressions. The older one, on the left, bore a fresh cut on his chin, a testament to recent struggles. Celestia turned her attention to her guard, her expression questioning.

"What happened to this one?" she inquired, her tone firm yet composed.

The guard swallowed nervously, a lump forming in his throat as he met Celestia's gaze. "Ma'am, this beast tried to escape during our walk from Ponyville," he explained, his voice wavering slightly under the weight of the Sun Princess's scrutiny. The human in question shot a glare at the guard, defiance burning in his eyes despite his restrained position.

Celestia's expression remained stoic as the human spat his words with venom. She watched with a mixture of disappointment and resolve as the guard stepped forward and struck the prisoner across the face, blood dribbling down his cheek from the force of the blow.

"Enough!" Celestia's voice rang out, commanding attention as she addressed the defiant human before her. She maintained her composure, refusing to be swayed by his insults. "Human, who are you?" she demanded, her tone firm and unwavering.

The human met her gaze with a defiant smirk, his eyes gleaming with defiance. "The monster of the Everfree, you bitch," he sneered, his words dripping with contempt. Despite his shackles and the presence of the guards, he exuded an aura of defiance and danger, challenging the authority of the Sun Princess herself.

"Reed! Stop," the other human interjected, his voice tinged with urgency. The one called Reed turned to look at him, a mixture of defiance and resignation in his eyes. "Anon, we were caught. There's no use. She's going to kill us," Reed stated matter-of-factly, his tone laced with resignation.

Celestia's frown deepened at his words as she approached the two prisoners, her expression a mix of disappointment and concern. "You think so little of us, human?" she questioned, her voice tinged with sadness as she regarded Reed with a mix of curiosity and empathy.

"I think that your ponies are not as nice as what your guards say," Reed asserted, his voice steady and unwavering as he walked up to Celestia. The guard, alarmed by his defiance, attempted to restrain him with the chain, but Reed refused to be deterred. He stood before the princess, his eyes level with hers, a defiant glint shining in his gaze.

"Human, stay where you are!" the guard commanded, tugging on the chain in a futile attempt to restrain Reed. But Reed stood his ground, undeterred by the guard's efforts. His gaze remained locked with Celestia's, a silent challenge to the authority of the guards and the princess herself.

"I've grown tired of you fucking ponies, and all I want is to return home! But you keep chasing us out of the fucking—" Reed's tirade was cut short as the other human swiftly struck him from behind, knocking him unconscious mid-sentence.

"For fuck's sakes, Reed, give them a chance!" the other human exclaimed, frustration evident in his voice as he watched his companion's outburst. The guards wasted no time in seizing the opportunity, tugging both humans away from the throne room before they could cause any further disruption.

"Stop!" Celestia's voice rang out, commanding the guards to halt their advance. She approached the remaining human with a measured pace, her expression a mix of curiosity and concern.

"Human?" she addressed him, studying his reaction as he met her gaze. He took a step back, a mixture of apprehension and respect evident in his demeanor. Bowing lightly, he offered a hesitant apology. "I'm sorry, your Highness... I didn't know what to do exactly... he would have made it worse," he explained, his voice tinged with remorse.

Celestia regarded him with a gentle smile, acknowledging his apology with a nod of understanding. Despite the chaos and defiance that had unfolded moments ago, there was a sincerity in his words that resonated with her.

"Thank you for your honesty," she replied graciously, her tone soft yet authoritative. Turning her attention to the unconscious human on the ground, she contemplated her next course of action, pondering the implications of their unexpected encounter. "Human, your name?" Celestia inquired, her gaze fixed on the young man before her.

"Um, Anonymous, your Majesty," the human, Anon, replied, his voice tinged with uncertainty. He attempted to offer his hand in greeting, but the chain restraining him jerked him back. "I'm Princess Celestia, ruler of Equestria. Please, tell me. Why have you and your friend caused so much trouble?" Celestia questioned, her tone gentle yet firm.

Anon lowered his gaze in shame, his voice trembling as he explained their actions. "I never wanted to steal... but we were hungry, and we needed food," he confessed, his words stirring murmurs among the assembled ponies. "I tried to convince him to stop, but when we got caught... it was too late... I-I just miss my mom and dad," he admitted, tears streaming down his face.

Celestia's brow furrowed with concern at his words, a pang of empathy tugging at her heart. She could see the pain and desperation in his eyes, the longing for home and family that echoed in his tearful confession.

"How old are you, Anonymous?" Celestia inquired, her voice tinged with concern.

"16, your Highness," Anon replied, his voice barely above a whisper. The revelation sent shockwaves through the room, the assembled ponies gasping in disbelief. Even the guards, who had been tasked with restraining him, nearly dropped the chain in astonishment.

Celestia stepped back in horror, her eyes wide with disbelief. "You... you're 16?" she repeated, her voice barely a whisper as she struggled to comprehend the gravity of the situation. She looked around the room, her gaze searching for answers in the faces of those gathered before her.

"Dear human, I'm sorry that this has happened to you and your friend," Celestia said, her voice filled with genuine empathy and regret. She turned to look at the guards, noting their uneasy shifting and discomfort.

"This is not a monster! This is a child!" she declared, her words echoing with conviction. "A child who was seeking shelter from the ponies, only to be cast out and labeled as a monster." Her words hung heavy in the air, a somber reminder of the consequences of prejudice and fear.

"No... I should have stepped in. I deserve any kind of punishment," Anon said, his voice heavy with self-condemnation as he lowered his head in defeat.

Celestia shook her head, her smile warm and compassionate. "No, human. There has been too much—"

"No," Anon interjected firmly, his gaze meeting hers with a determined look. "Celestia, I've spent a whole year causing problems... I need to set things right," he declared, his voice resolute as he glanced down at Reed, his friend who lay unconscious on the ground.

"What should we do with him?" Celestia inquired, her gaze shifting between Anon and the unconscious Reed.

"He needs to... learn his lesson... do you have a jail for young ones?" Anon asked, his voice tinged with determination. Celestia nodded, her expression filled with concern. "Wait? You seek to put your friend in..."

"Yes. This must help him understand... I need him to be normal again... he changed... he's not Reed... he's the monster of the Everfree," Anon explained, his voice heavy with sorrow and resolve.

With a solemn nod, Celestia acquiesced to Anon's request, her heart heavy with the weight of their shared burden. "Come then, my little human," she said gently, her tone filled with compassion. "We must set plans in motion."

Turning to the guards, she issued a command with authority. "Guards, at Anonymous's request, take the human to a detention cell and await further instructions."

As the guards moved to comply, Anon's shackles were released with a surge of magic, and he stepped forward with determination, ready to face the challenges that lay ahead. With Celestia's guidance and support, he was determined to set things right and bring his friend back from the darkness that had consumed him.

Years later…

"Back so soon?" Celestia's voice echoed gently through the dimly lit cell as she peered through the bars. Anon's tear-stained face came into view, his expression filled with anguish and regret.

Anon remained seated on his bed, his shoulders shaking with silent sobs as he allowed himself to be vulnerable in front of the princess. He looked up at her with tear-filled eyes, his voice choked with emotion as he spoke.

"I... I'm sorry, your Highness," he managed to utter between sobs, his words heavy with remorse. "I messed up."

More tears cascaded down his cheeks, falling onto the cold stone floor below as he knelt before the princess, his heart heavy with the weight of his mistakes. Despite his best intentions, he had faltered once again, and now he faced the consequences of his actions with a heavy heart.

"Anonymous... you didn't do it," Celestia reiterated, her voice gentle yet firm as she met his gaze with compassion.

Anon blinked in surprise, his tears momentarily forgotten as he processed her words. "What... what do you mean?" he stammered, confusion evident in his voice as he struggled to comprehend her statement.

Celestia turned away for a moment, her expression pained as she gathered her thoughts. With a resigned sigh, she motioned for another pony to enter the room. The newcomer, smaller in stature but clad in armor similar to Celestia's albeit with more grey than gold, stepped forward with a sense of purpose.

"I'm Luna, Princess of the Night... and I saw the whole thing, your nightmares... they tell it all," Luna revealed, her voice soft yet resolute as she settled herself down to meet Anon's gaze. Her eyes held a depth of understanding and empathy as she observed the young human before her.

Anon's breath caught in his throat as Luna's words washed over him, a mix of disbelief and relief flooding his senses. He had never imagined that his nightmares would be witnessed by the Princess of the Night herself, let alone serve as evidence in his favor.

Luna sighed wearily, her expression reflecting the weight of the burden she carried. "You're too young to have your life be in prison. You don't deserve this kind of punishment," she declared, her voice tinged with sadness and regret.

As the door opened, Anon's heart pounded with anticipation, unsure of what lay ahead. But for the first time in a long while, a glimmer of hope flickered within him, fueled by Luna's words and the possibility of a brighter future beyond the confines of his cell. "Anonymous, tell me. Did you kill Pear Butter and Bright Mac?" Luna's voice was gentle yet probing as she sought the truth from the young human.

Anon's gaze shifted away, his heart heavy with the weight of the accusation against him. After a moment of contemplation, he met Luna's eyes with determination. "No... no, I did not, your Highness," he asserted, his voice steady despite the turmoil raging within him.

Luna's expression softened into a smile of reassurance as she turned to Celestia, nodding in confirmation. "He is innocent, sister. The ponies are wrong about this human," she affirmed, her confidence unwavering as she placed a comforting hoof on Anon's leg.

"Anonymous, you are free to go," Luna declared, her words ringing with authority as she granted Anon his freedom. Anon's eyes widened in shock at the unexpected turn of events, his heart pounding with disbelief and relief.

Celestia joined them, her expression warm and welcoming as she approached Anon. "Anonymous... how old are you now?" she inquired, her curiosity piqued.

"20, almost 21, ma'am," Anon replied, his voice tinged with a mixture of gratitude and astonishment. The weight of his years in captivity felt momentarily lifted as he stood on the brink of a new chapter in his life, filled with hope and possibility.

Celestia nodded slowly, her gaze thoughtful as she considered Luna's suggestion. Looking down at Luna, who still wore a warm smile as she gazed up at Anon, Celestia's expression brightened with an idea.

"Anon, if you want, would you like to attend classes? I believe you might need some proper education," Celestia proposed, her tone gentle and inviting as she offered him the opportunity for a fresh start.

Anon's initial shock gave way to unexpected laughter, his voice echoing through the halls with unrestrained mirth. Celestia and Luna exchanged amused glances before turning their attention back to him, waiting for his response.

"S-sorry..." Anon managed between fits of laughter, his amusement infectious as Luna giggled beside him. "It's just... heh, it's just... I've been here for so long that I realized... I never graduated middle school!" he exclaimed, his laughter bubbling up once more as he doubled over with mirth.

Celestia and Luna joined in his laughter, their own amusement mingling with his as they shared a moment of lighthearted joy. As the laughter subsided, Celestia couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth and hope stirring within her. Perhaps, in granting Anon his freedom and offering him the chance for education, they were not only giving him a second chance but also opening the door to a brighter future filled with endless possibilities.

"Heh, huff! That... felt good..." Anon remarked, his laughter gradually subsiding as he caught his breath. He wiped a lingering tear from his cheek, feeling a sense of release and liberation wash over him.

Standing tall and composed, Anon maintained a small but genuine smile on his lips as he nodded in affirmation. "Yes, your Highness, I'll go to school," he declared, his voice filled with determination and newfound optimism.

Celestia and Luna exchanged a glance, their hearts warmed by Anon's readiness to embrace this new opportunity. With his laughter echoing in their memories, they knew that this resilient and courageous young human had the potential to overcome any obstacle and carve out a bright future for himself in Equestria. And as they watched him walk out of the cell, their hope for his success burned ever brighter, lighting the way forward for them all.

Three years later…

"Okay, Anon, are you sure you'll be alright?" Celestia asked, her gaze soft with concern as she looked down at the young human. Anon, now 23 years old and freshly graduated, stood before her with a mix of anticipation and trepidation.

He nodded slowly, his grip tightening on the case he held close to his chest. "I honestly don't know," he admitted, his voice tinged with uncertainty. "I've been thinking about this for some time now... but I never imagined that the reality of it would feel so..."

His words trailed off, his thoughts swirling with a myriad of emotions. The prospect of embarking on a journey across Equestria was both thrilling and daunting, filled with unknown challenges and possibilities. But deep down, Anon knew that he was ready to embrace whatever lay ahead, armed with the knowledge and experiences he had gained during his time in school.

As he prepared to step out into the world beyond the school gates, Anon couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement mingled with apprehension. Whatever the future held, he was determined to face it head-on, with courage and determination as his guiding lights.

"Scary?" Celestia asked, her voice gentle as she sought to understand Anon's feelings.

Anon gave a small nod in response, acknowledging the truth of the princess's words. He sighed slowly, feeling a mixture of nerves and excitement coursing through him as he watched the train slowly come into view.

Lost in his thoughts, Anon was momentarily startled when his case was bumped, drawing his attention to the source of the disturbance. To his surprise and perhaps even disbelief, he found himself face to face with Reed, his best friend.

"Hey, mate!" Reed's greeting broke the tension as they both stood there, gazing out at the tracks stretching into the distance. Anon couldn't help but feel a surge of mixed emotions at the sight of his best friend. This plan to travel together had been conceived with both their futures in mind, a chance for them to adapt to the world beyond the confines of their past experiences.

Reed had spent some time in jail, a consequence of their earlier missteps, but now he was released early and ready to embark on this new journey alongside Anon. As they stood together, it was clear that they were both different individuals now, shaped by their experiences and the passage of time.

Anon couldn't deny that Reed's presence brought a sense of familiarity and comfort, but he also couldn't shake the feeling that they were both stepping into the unknown once again. With a deep breath, Anon turned to his friend, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips.

"Ready for this, Reed?" he asked, his voice tinged with a mixture of anticipation and uncertainty.

"So, how does Manehattan sound?" Reed asked, breaking the silence with a hint of excitement in his voice.

Anon considered the suggestion for a moment before nodding in agreement. "Sure, why not? We used to live in a city back home... Let's just hope it's not too bad," he remarked, his tone hopeful yet cautious.

Before they could dwell further on their plans, they felt wings wrap around them, drawing their attention to Celestia who stood nearby. Her presence brought a sense of warmth and reassurance, reminding them that they were not alone in their journey.

"It's good to see you two adapting more together!" Celestia exclaimed with a smile, her words filled with pride and encouragement. As they turned to acknowledge her, they were greeted by the sight of Twilight Sparkle, the purple unicorn they had come to know during their time at school.

"Twilight!" Celestia called out, her voice filled with warmth as she greeted her trusted friend and advisor. Twilight approached with a smile, her eyes reflecting genuine happiness at the sight of Anon and Reed.

"Sorry, Princess," Twilight began, her voice tinged with sincerity as she addressed Celestia. "I wanted to meet the humans that you were talking about. Woah!" Her exclamation trailed off as she turned her attention to the side, her eyes widening in surprise at the sight of Anon and Reed standing before her.

Reed remained focused on the approaching train, his demeanor composed as he prepared for their journey. On the other hand, Anon greeted Twilight with a warm smile and a friendly wave, his expression reflecting gratitude for her presence.

As the train finally arrived, Anon nodded in acknowledgment of Celestia, silently conveying his appreciation for her support. With a final glance back at their friends, he and Reed stepped inside, ready to embark on their next adventure and face whatever challenges awaited them in Manehattan.

"Huh? Gotta say, I'm kinda gonna miss Canterlot," Reed remarked, taking a seat and eyeing the cart thoughtfully. "Oi, they made a cart for us! Holy moly, it's human-sized and has space," he exclaimed with surprise, running his hand over the cushions and letting out a laugh. "Oh well, Manehattan here we come!" Anon chimed in, matching his friend's enthusiasm before they shared a fist bump, sealing their excitement for the journey ahead.

Four years later…

"Anon! You gotta help me!" Reed's urgent voice came from behind the window, signaling that their four years of traveling together had led to some serious trouble. Reed stood there in an orange jumpsuit, his desperation evident as he hoped for Anon's assistance.

"Reed, you idiot! Why the heck did you do that?" Anon responded, managing to keep his composure despite the situation. Reed scratched the back of his head, looking sheepish as he sank back into his seat just as the guard trotted in.

"Anon, now is not the time for that! Just listen, man. They said I could go to jail for this! I don’t want to do that again! Anon, please," Reed pleaded, his words carrying a sense of desperation and fear for the consequences of his actions.

"Reed, I don't have the bits! We lost our wagon! And the whole city thinks we're monsters again!" Anon exclaimed, frustration evident in his voice as he lifted three fingers to emphasize the severity of their situation. Reed snorted dismissively at his words, rolling his eyes at what he perceived as Anon's overreaction.

"Oh, monster this, monster that! Anon, stop being a baby and do something for once! I'm freaking tired of dragging your ass these last few years!" Reed lashed out, his frustration boiling over as he uttered words he instantly regretted. Anon stared at him in shock, his expression quickly turning to one of anger as he processed Reed's hurtful words.

"Redacted, I've tried for so long..." Anon's voice quivered with emotion as he clenched his hand into a tight fist, his knuckles turning white from the pressure. "I've been suffering for almost 20 fucking years!" His voice grew louder with each word, filled with pent-up frustration and pain.

"I lost my sister!" Anon's shout echoed through the room, his anguish pouring out as he recalled his past traumas. "I stole from a family, nearly killed a PONY!" His words reverberated with guilt and regret, each syllable heavy with the weight of his past actions.

"And all those humans died because of you!" Anon's accusation hung in the air, cutting through the tension like a knife. With a sudden burst of anger, he slammed his fist down on the desk, causing Reed to instinctively step back. The force of his blow caused the window to crack slightly, a physical manifestation of the turmoil raging within Anon's soul.

Anon's gasps filled the room as tears streamed down his face, his emotions raw and overwhelming. Reed couldn't bear to meet his friend's gaze, consumed by shame and regret for his hurtful words. "Anon, I'm sorry—" he began, but Anon's interruption cut through the air like a knife.

"No," Anon's voice was cold and distant, his glare piercing through Reed with an intensity that sent shivers down his spine. "I don't know what kind of friend would do something like that... but it doesn't matter." His words were laced with bitterness and finality, leaving no room for argument or reconciliation. "I'm done, Reed... you fucking monster," he muttered under his breath before dropping the phone and turning to leave.

Reed's pleas for forgiveness fell on deaf ears as Anon walked out the door, his footsteps echoing in the empty corridor. Never before had Anon abandoned Reed, but in that moment, he made a choice to prioritize his own well-being and walk away from toxicity. No more listening to Reed's manipulations, no more being dragged into trouble—he was done, and nothing would change his mind.

Anon said nothing as he left, his departure shrouded in silence. He walked quietly, the sound of his footsteps muffled by the patter of raindrops around him. Adjusting his hood to shield himself from the downpour, he trudged forward, his thoughts consumed by a tumultuous mix of emotions.

As the rain cascaded down, soaking his clothes and dampening his spirits, Anon couldn't bring himself to care. He tilted his head back, allowing the cold water to wash over his face, a bitter contrast to the tears that had fallen moments before. With a frustrated grunt, he lowered his gaze, his determination unbroken despite the heaviness weighing on his heart.

Turning his steps toward the train station, Anon's mind drifted to Ponyville, a distant beacon of solace in the storm of his emotions. He had heard whispers of a lovely park, a tranquil sanctuary amidst the chaos of his turbulent thoughts. Perhaps there, amidst the beauty of nature, he could find a moment of peace amidst the turmoil of his fractured friendship.


Twilight's gaze lingered out the window, a heavy weight settling in her chest as she hoped to catch sight of the human she had grown to care for. But ever since his injury, he had retreated into silence, his absence palpable in the once bustling streets of Ponyville. With a sigh, Twilight turned back to her friends, her expression reflecting the guilt and regret that gnawed at her.

"This is my fault, girls," she admitted, her voice laced with sorrow and self-blame. Her friends exchanged uneasy glances, each grappling with their own feelings of responsibility for the human's current state. Applejack, in particular, harbored a sense of anger towards Twilight, feeling that her friend's well-intentioned but misguided efforts had only pushed the human further away.

Twilight's explanation did little to ease Applejack's frustration, leaving her uncertain of how to reconcile her conflicting emotions. The human's refusal to communicate with anyone, even the princesses themselves, only added to the sense of helplessness that pervaded the situation. Despite their best efforts, they were powerless to reach him, leaving Twilight and her friends to grapple with their own sense of failure and uncertainty.

Twilight's heart sank as she listened to her friends' words, each one a testament to the human's withdrawal from the world around him. Rainbow's frustration was palpable, her usual confidence overshadowed by the sting of rejection. Pinkie Pie's cheerful demeanor faltered, her mane drooping as she struggled to comprehend why their friend had shut them out. And Fluttershy's gentle voice trembled with sadness, reflecting the pain of being shut out by someone she had tried to reach out to.

"It's like he's built a wall around himself," Twilight murmured, her voice heavy with concern. "I don't know how to break through to him."

The room fell into a somber silence, the weight of their friend's isolation hanging heavy in the air. They had always relied on each other for support and companionship, but now they were faced with the painful realization that there were some wounds even friendship couldn't heal. As they sat together in the dimly lit room, Twilight couldn't help but feel a sense of helplessness wash over her, wondering if they would ever be able to reach their friend again.

A soft knock on the door interrupted the heavy atmosphere in Twilight's library. She glanced up, a spark of hope flickering in her eyes as she called out tentatively, "Anon?"

With cautious steps, Twilight made her way to the door, her heart pounding in her chest with anticipation. As she reached for the handle, she couldn't shake the feeling of apprehension that gripped her. What if it wasn't Anon? What if he continued to shut himself away from them?

With a deep breath, Twilight opened the door slowly, her eyes widening in surprise as she was met not with the familiar figure of Anon, but with Reed, the other human they had encountered before. He stood tall and imposing, his presence commanding attention even in the dim light of the library.

"Oh, hello, Captain!" Rainbow Dash's voice broke through the tension, her cheerful tone cutting through the quiet of the room. Reed nodded in acknowledgment, his gaze shifting from Twilight to the rest of her friends gathered inside.

"Twilight, may I have a word with you?" His voice was calm yet firm, leaving no room for argument. Twilight hesitated for a moment, her mind racing with questions and uncertainties. But ultimately, her curiosity won out, and she stepped aside, gesturing for him to enter.

Chapter 5 I’m sorry

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CHAPTER 5 I’m sorry

Dear Reed Trails,

I hope this letter finds you well. Firstly, congratulations on your recent marriage to Ms. Vapor Trails. I trust that you are both enjoying the blissful journey of married life.

I'm writing to you with a request, one that I wouldn't make lightly. However, the circumstances compel me to reach out to you. Anon, our mutual acquaintance, has recently been involved in an accident. While he is physically recovering, he is struggling emotionally and has distanced himself from those who care about him, including myself and our friends.

I understand that your commitments with the Weather Patrol are demanding, and I respect that. However, I implore you to consider lending your support to Anon during this challenging time. Your presence and friendship could make a significant difference in his recovery. I understand the importance of your position, but please know that Anon needs you now more than ever.

I'm willing to compensate you for your time and assistance if necessary, although I hope your compassion and friendship will be motivation enough to help Anon in his time of need.

Thank you for taking the time to consider my request, Reed. Your support would mean a great deal to both Anon and myself.

Warm regards,

Princess Celestia

As Reed finished reading the letter, he couldn't shake the worry that gripped his heart. Anon's situation weighed heavily on his mind, stirring a mix of emotions within him. He folded the letter and set it down, his thoughts drifting to his friend's well-being.

In that moment, he felt a comforting presence envelop him, a familiar touch that brought a glimmer of solace. It was his wife, Vapor Trails, reaching out to him with a supportive gesture. Her hooves on his back and wings around him offered a sense of reassurance amidst the uncertainty.

As Reed felt Vapor's tender kiss on the back of his head, a soft warmth spread through him, easing the tension that had gripped his shoulders. He returned the affection with a gentle hand, caressing her soft fur and earning a contented coo from her. Vapor Trails, his loving wife and a talented Wonderbolt, had been a beacon of support and love since they first met three years ago.

Their meeting at an air show had been a stroke of fate, bringing together two souls destined to find solace in each other's embrace. Reed was drawn to Vapor's caring nature and unwavering kindness, qualities that resonated deeply with him. And now, as he leaned into her comforting touch, he couldn't help but feel grateful for her presence in his life.

“Reed? What are you going to do?” Vapor asked “Well… hearing Anon in this matter is… not good” he said, Vapor nodded understandingly, her hoof gently caressing Reed's back as she leaned in closer. "I understand, Reed. Anon needs you, and you wouldn't be able to forgive yourself if you didn't try to help."

Reed sighed, the weight of his decision heavy on his shoulders. "Yeah... I owe it to him. And to myself. I can't just ignore this."

With a determined expression, Reed unfolded the letter once more, his gaze fixed on the words written by Princess Celestia. He knew what he had to do, even if it meant facing the ghosts of his past. "I'll leave for Ponyville tomorrow," he declared, his voice resolute. "I'll find Anon and do whatever it takes to make things right." He said before kissing his soon-to-be-wife and walks out the door.

"Hello Mr. Trails!" greeted the mailmare cheerfully, though her attention seemed divided as she crashed into a nearby lamp post, earning a chuckle from Reed. "Good to see you're up and early, Miss Do," he laughed, exchanging a light-hearted moment with the familiar face.

Entering his new office, Reed was greeted by Spitfire, a familiar face from his days in the Weather Patrol. "Well, well, mister man finally shows up," Spitfire teased with a sly grin as Reed entered, the other Wonderbolts and weather ponies settling in. Reed chuckled before clearing his throat. "Alright team, let's get down to business," he said, laying out the map.

"I've received an order from the princess for an important task, so I'll need somepony to cover for me on the roads to Canterlot," he explained. Spitfire raised an eyebrow at that. "What does she want? Work-related or... no," she trailed off, sensing there was more to it. Reed shook his head, avoiding her gaze. "It's not... but it's up to only me to save it," he admitted.

"Well, I guess I can have a bolt watch over while you're off. Where's it at?" Spitfire inquired.

"Ponyville," Reed replied, placing a pointer on the small town. The group all directed their attention to the spot and sighed collectively. "Okay, so it's not too far. Maybe talk to the rookie, Rainbow Dash. She's becoming a Wonderbolt soon," Spitfire suggested, with a few others nodding in agreement. Reed rubbed his chin, considering the plan. Eventually, he nodded, picking up the pointer and looking over to Lightstep.

"Light, you take over for today and tomorrow. Weather team? Lightstep will be in charge while I'm gone for these two days. Listen well... or else Captain Spitfire will have to show you how they punish a Pegasus," Reed declared, eliciting snickers from the Wonderbolts. The weather team all nodded and dashed out the door to begin their weather route.

"Okay, Captain, Soar? Good day," Reed said, acknowledging the others before nodding at Lightstep. "Be good," Reed added with a smile.

"Always, boss!" Lightstep replied enthusiastically before trotting over to the map with the Wonderbolts. As he left, Reed checked the time: 3:13 PM. He had an hour before the train showed up.

"Twilight, may I have a word with you?" Reed's voice was calm yet firm as he addressed the princess.

“Re… Reed?” Twilight muttered, a bit surprised by his unexpected appearance. The ponies had grown accustomed to Anon's presence, but Reed was a new face to most of them. Fluttershy hid behind her mane, Applejack gave him a quizzical look, Rarity played with her mane nervously, Pinkie smiled up at him, and Rainbow Dash greeted him enthusiastically. Twilight, however, seemed a bit apprehensive.

“Um… hello, Mr. Trails… how are you doing this fine day?” she asked tentatively as Reed smiled brightly in response.

“Oh? I’m great! It’s an honor to meet ya, lass. Tia had told me lots about ya,” Reed said warmly before picking Twilight up in a hug. Twilight yelped a bit in surprise but then slowly began to pat his back, feeling the sincerity in his gesture. "Thanks for trying to keep him calm," he added, his voice softening. Twilight smiled and hugged him back, appreciating his gratitude and the unexpected kindness in his gesture.

“Uh, Cap? What are you doing here, if you don’t mind me asking?” Rainbow Dash asked, hovering a bit above them. Reed put Twilight down and grinned at Dash.

"Tia sent me a letter. Anon has been... down lately and has been refusing to see anypony," Reed explained, his hands slipping into his jacket pockets. Twilight glanced away, feeling a pang of guilt, while Rainbow shrugged a bit. "But it's nice to meet you too, Skittles," he added, giving Rainbow a playful nickname. Her grin faltered momentarily at the unexpected moniker.

"Spitfire has told me a lot about your whole 'sonic rainboom' thing and is wondering about recruiting you soon," Reed said, making the sky-blue Pegasus pump a hoof and bump it with him.

"So you're here for Anon?" Fluttershy asked, peering through her mane up at the man. He smiled lightly and knelt down, resting a hand on his knee. "Sure am. Just hope he's ready to see me... I'm the main focus on this matter," he said, looking away. Twilight stepped in and nodded towards the table."Would you like some coffee?" she offered. He nodded; he wanted to gather all the information about what Anon had been doing, hoping he could help with anything.

"Thanks for the pot... now we can talk... maybe try and understand some problems," Reed said, sipping from the mug as the six ponies all looked at each other. They explained Anon's years in Ponyville, how he worked all the time and occasionally hung out with Rainbow Dash at the bar. This piqued Reed's interest. "Why does he go to bars?" Reed asked, making Rainbow shrug. "I don’t know, why?" she replied. Reed rubbed his face in frustration. "Humans don’t get drunk from cider... not even their strongest can do anything," he explained.

"Wait, what?! How?" Rainbow said, surprised. Reed leaned back, annoyed. "I drink cider sometimes... but it can’t get us drunk due to our anatomy," he clarified. Applejack caught Rainbow by her tail before she could storm out. "Now hold on there, Rainbow. Ya can't just go blastin' off like that," Applejack said, her tone firm but calm.

Rainbow huffed, struggling against Applejack's grip. "But AJ, he's been lyin' to us this whole time! All those nights at the bar... it was all just a joke to him!" she exclaimed, frustration evident in her voice.

Applejack tightened her grip on Rainbow's tail, pulling her back slightly. "Now, Ah reckon we all need to sit down and talk about this rationally. Jumpin' to conclusions ain't gonna help nobody," she reasoned, her eyes locking with Rainbow's.

Reed listened intently as Twilight filled him in on Anon's recent struggles and his refusal to communicate. His expression grew solemn as he absorbed the information, tapping his fingers lightly on the table. "He's not talking to anypony?" Reed asked, his voice tinged with concern. Twilight shook her head, her own worry evident in her eyes. "No, he's shut himself off completely. We're all worried about him," she admitted, glancing around at her friends for support. Reed remained silent for a moment, his gaze fixed on the table. His mind raced with thoughts, trying to process everything he had just heard. Finally, he looked up, his expression serious.

"Look, I know I haven't been the best friend to Anon lately. But hearing all this... I never realized how much he's been struggling," Reed admitted, his voice heavy with guilt. "I'll be the first to admit I've made mistakes. But if there's anything I can do to help him now, I'll do it."

Twilight took a deep breath, steeling herself for what she was about to say. "Reed, there's something else you should know," she began, her voice serious. "Anon mentioned something about other humans being dead. He said it was because of you."

“I… see… he hasn’t told you has he?” He said, Twilight raises a brow and puts her coffee to the side and looks at the human. “Told me what? He said about more humans but nothing else—“

Reed's sudden movement startled the ponies, and Twilight's voice trailed off as she watched him slide the door open. "Hey, wait! Where are you going?" She called after him, but he didn't pause. "He needs to stop this charade... he can't keep hiding this anymore," Reed said, his tone heavy with determination, before striding out the door. The mares exchanged puzzled glances, unsure of what to make of Reed's cryptic words.

Twilight, sensing there was more to Reed's words than met the eye, turned to her friends with a perplexed expression. "Did you catch what Reed meant by 'this charade'?" she asked, her voice tinged with concern. "I don't know, but it sounded serious," Fluttershy said softly, her eyes reflecting her worry. Rarity furrowed her brow. "Indeed. It seems there's much more to Anon's situation than we realize."
Rainbow Dash shifted uncomfortably. "I wonder what he's been hiding from us." Twilight sighed, her mind racing with questions. "Whatever it is, I think it's time we find out the truth. Anon needs our help, now more than ever."

Reed strolls through the town, ponies dotting the landscape until his gaze fixes on a peculiar house, distinct from the others. Anon's home stands out amidst the sea of houses and ponies. Reed approaches the door, lifting his hand hesitantly before pausing, taking a deep breath, and then knocking.

"Well, no going back now... but this has to end," Reed mutters to himself. "Anon, you showed me the truth about this world... now I have to help you."

He inhales deeply as he hears footsteps approaching the door, the anticipation mounting. Slowly, the lock clicks and the door creaks open. Anon stands on the other side, a cast noticeable on his hand, his demeanor... off. Reed blinks in disbelief for a moment. This can't be the same person, can it?

"Reed," Anon said coldly, causing Reed to flinch involuntarily. But then, he took a breath. "Anon... we need to talk," Reed said simply, prompting the human to blink in surprise for a moment. "Sure," Anon replied, stepping aside to allow Reed inside. They both walked in quietly; the living room was tidy, furnished with a simple couch and coffee table—a modest space indeed. Reed turned to Anon, surveying the room. "Um... not bad, Anon. I heard you were living comfortably—"

"What do you want?" Anon interrupted, slumping down onto a chair. Reed hesitated for a moment, gathering his thoughts before walking over to the couch and sitting down, his gaze fixed on Anon's face. The glare remained as Reed took a moment to formulate his response.

"I... I came to check on you, mate," Reed began slowly. "Celestia sent me a letter about your injury and..." He trailed off, unable to find the right words, then faltered as Anon glanced down at his injured hand.

Reed cleared his throat, feeling the weight of the silence pressing down on him. "And... I wanted to make sure you're alright," he added, his voice softer now, tinged with genuine concern. Anon's expression softened imperceptibly, a flicker of something passing through his eyes before he masked it with a stoic facade. "I'm fine," he replied curtly, his gaze fixed on his injured hand.

Anon's gaze sharpened as he looked back up at Reed, a hint of accusation in his eyes. "What happened to getting 'tired of dragging me?'" he questioned, his voice tinged with bitterness. Reed winced at the reminder, shifting uncomfortably as he avoided Anon's gaze. "I never... I never meant what I said, Anon... So much happened to you and me... I was... afraid," Reed admitted quietly, his words heavy with regret.

Anon raised an eyebrow, studying Reed's expression carefully. Reed shook his head, his features hardening with determination as he met Anon's gaze squarely. "No, this was more on you. I should have done better," Reed insisted, his voice firm with conviction.

Anon sighed heavily, the tension in the room palpable as he rubbed his cast hand wearily. His eyes caught the glint of something on Reed's finger, and he frowned slightly, realization dawning. Slowly, he reached out, gently grasping Reed's hand to examine the engagement ring adorning his finger.

"Married?" Anon asked, surprise evident in his voice. Reed chuckled softly, a hint of warmth in his eyes as he rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "Not yet... got the wedding planning going on. Vapor Trails is her name... such a lovely mare," Reed explained, pulling out an image of Vapor from her flying show. Anon took the picture, studying it intently for a moment. A wistful expression crossed his face as he sighed lightly, a faint smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "She is beautiful," he remarked, handing the picture back to Reed.

Reed nodded gratefully, feeling a pang of relief at Anon's response. He rubbed his arm nervously, a sense of awkwardness settling between them as Anon rose from his seat. The atmosphere in the room seemed to shift, tension dissipating ever so slightly as they both navigated the unspoken complexities of their relationship.

"Look... Reed... I have coffee brewing... you want any?" Anon asked, attempting to ease the tension in the room. Reed lifted a hand dismissively. "No need... I was at Twilight's before I showed," he replied awkwardly, instantly regretting the slip of his tongue. Anon paused, his gaze scrutinizing Reed's face as he slowly sank back into his seat, a small frown creasing his brow. "Uh huh..." he muttered, the air thick with unspoken questions and unresolved emotions.

"Are you... not mad at her, are you?" Reed asked tentatively, a glimmer of hope in his eyes. He sighed in relief as Anon shook his head. "No... I'm not. I just hope she's not mad at herself," Anon replied, his gaze returning to his injured hand, a shadow of concern crossing his features.

Reed saw an opportunity to offer some reassurance. "Anon, I'm sure she understands. Accidents happen, and I'm sure she knows it wasn't intentional," he said earnestly, reaching out a hand to place it gently on Anon's shoulder. "You both care about each other deeply, and you'll work through this together." Reed said before chuckling.

"Remember that one time I broke my hand?" Reed asked, a hint of nostalgia in his voice. Anon chuckled softly, a fond smile playing on his lips. "Heh... yeah, Ame called you an idiot every time she saw you on that day," he recalled, a reminiscent glint in his eyes. Anon glanced away, his expression softening with a mixture of amusement and longing. "I miss that," he admitted quietly.
Reed snorted in amusement. "What? Me getting a broken hand?" he joked, attempting to lighten the mood. Anon chuckled again, the sound echoing softly in the room. Suddenly, he grew more contemplative, his gaze shifting to the wall as he lost himself in thought, memories swirling in his mind like fragments of a forgotten melody.

"I miss... them," Anon admitted softly, his voice thick with emotion as he struggled to contain his tears. Reed nodded in understanding, his own emotions raw and unspoken. "I missed it too, but this is who we are now, Anon," he said gently, a solemn expression on his face as he placed a comforting hand on his jacket.

Anon choked back a sob, his hands trembling as he rested them on his legs, tears cascading down his cheeks in silent streams. The weight of loss and longing hung heavy in the air, a poignant reminder of the bonds they shared and the memories they cherished.

"I'm sorry, Reed... I got to—"

"No," Reed interrupted, his voice gentle but firm. Anon looked at Reed, surprised by the interruption, and saw a small smile on his face. Reed continued, his expression earnest as he explained, "Anon... when we got trapped here, I got scared. Of losing you... My father was a piece of work and was never there for me, except you and Ame... You were my siblings. And at that moment, I acted fast."

"Anon! It's inside!!!" Ame's panicked shout echoed through the room, mingling with the screams of terrified children. Outside, both Reed and Anon watched in horror as they witnessed the wooden wolves leaping over the fence, their jaws snapping hungrily. Without hesitation, Anon and Reed dashed forward, propelled by instinct and adrenaline.

Reed grabbed Anon's arm, pulling him back with urgency. "We kick the door on my mark," Reed instructed, his voice steady despite the adrenaline coursing through his veins. Anon nodded in agreement, his eyes fixed on Reed as they prepared to act.

"One... two... three!" Reed counted, and in unison, they launched themselves at the door, their combined force shattering the glass as they burst inside. But their triumph was short-lived as they felt the bus begin to tilt dangerously backward, teetering on the edge of the cliff.

"Oh, shit!" Reed cursed, panic rising in his chest as the gravity of the situation became painfully clear.

"No, Ame!" Anon shouted in anguish, his heart wrenching at the thought of his sister's safety. Without hesitation, he lunged forward, gripping the side of the bus desperately. But as he tried to hold on, a sharp shard of glass pierced his hand, causing him to cry out in pain.

Anon's gaze locked onto the bus with horror as it continued to tilt backward, inching closer to the edge with each passing moment. And then, with a sickening lurch, the bus plummeted over the cliff, disappearing into the abyss below. "AME! AME, NO!" Anon's anguished cry echoed through the air as he reached out desperately towards the plummeting bus, only to be yanked back by Reed, who held him firmly.

The children's screams faded into silence as the bus disappeared over the edge of the cliff, the sound of its impact lost amidst the vastness below. Anon and Reed rushed to the edge, their hearts pounding in their chests as they peered down at the wreckage below.

The bus lay in ruins, its twisted metal frame a stark reminder of the tragedy that had unfolded. Wolves and humans alike lay scattered on the ground, lifeless and broken. Anon's eyes searched desperately for any sign of his sister, but she was nowhere to be seen.

"We've got to get down there," Anon insisted, his voice trembling with urgency. But before he could move, Reed grabbed his shirt, his own voice choked with emotion. "Anon... she..." Reed faltered, unable to find the words to convey the devastating truth.

Anon shook his head in denial, his mind refusing to accept the reality of the situation. "No, no... she's still down there... she's still..." his voice trailed off into a broken whisper as the weight of loss settled heavily upon him. In that moment, Anon and Reed clung to each other, seeking solace in their shared grief. They had lost more than just a bus; they had lost family, friends, and the innocence of their childhood. And as they held each other close, they knew that nothing would ever be the same again.

"I... I was stupid to think about stealing from the Apples... and I was stupid about us being apex predators," Reed admitted, his voice thick with guilt and self-condemnation. "Anon... this is my fault and—"

Reed's words caught in his throat as he choked back a sob, his hands trembling as he buried his face in them. "I am a monster... I killed them," he gasped, the weight of his confession bearing down on him like a suffocating burden.

The room fell into a heavy silence, broken only by the sound of their shared anguish as tears streamed down their faces. Reed's cries echoed through the room, a raw expression of his torment and remorse.

Slowly, Anon gathered the courage to speak, his voice steady despite the pain in his heart. "Reed... it's not your fault," he said gently, reaching out to place a comforting hand on his friend's shoulder. "We were all just trying to survive, and sometimes... things don't go as planned. But we'll get through this together."

Chapter 6 Forgiven

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CHAPTER 6 Forgiven

"Reed, it's not your fault," Anon reiterated, his voice steady with conviction as he wiped the remaining tears from his face. Reed blinked in surprise, his expression a mixture of disbelief and hope. "R-really, mate?" he stammered, his voice trembling with emotion.

Anon's smile widened, a glimmer of warmth returning to his eyes as he reached out, offering a hand to Reed. "It was never your fault on that day... I could have stepped in about the Apples, but I didn't," he confessed, his words weighted with regret. "I want things to go back the way they were, but... it won't," he acknowledged, the truth hanging heavy in the air.

"Anon, we can't go back, because we're here now. The ponies have accepted us for who we are now," Reed affirmed, a sense of acceptance and resignation coloring his words. They had found a new home in this world, one where they could start anew, free from the burdens of their past.

Anon nodded in understanding, a hint of sadness lingering in his eyes. Earth was no longer an option, and this reality was something he had to come to terms with. This was his life now, and he would have to make the best of it.

But then, Reed's reassuring smile caught his attention, offering a glimmer of hope amidst the uncertainty. "That doesn't mean we should hide what we were in the past. But not as monsters, but as survivors," Reed declared, his voice filled with determination.

As Reed walked over to the window, Anon followed his gaze, observing the bustling activity of the pony inhabitants below. Despite their differences, they had been accepted into this community, welcomed with open arms.

"And I know the mare you should talk to, Anon," Reed said, causing the human to blink in surprise before stepping forward. "Why not you?" Anon asked, puzzled by Reed's suggestion. Reed turned to face him, a solemn expression on his face. "Because this is not my story... it's yours," he explained quietly.

Anon considered Reed's words, feeling a weight settle in his chest as he realized the truth in them. This journey, this struggle—it was his own to navigate. And as he looked out at the world beyond, he knew that he would have to find the courage to face it head-on, with or without Reed by his side.

"You were the one with the right mind... I did not, and that Twilight... she must know... not for research, but for help. And I might be saying this... but I think she likes ya, mate," Reed remarked, causing Anon to flush red with embarrassment. Anon jabbed Reed's shoulder playfully, a mix of embarrassment and amusement evident on his face. Reed lifted his arms in mock defense, chuckling along with Anon as they shared a moment of camaraderie amidst the heaviness of their conversation.

"I guess you're right," Anon conceded, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips as he looked at Reed. "Friends again?" he asked tentatively, hope shimmering in his eyes. Reed returned the smile, his expression lighting up with genuine warmth. "Mates again," he affirmed, a sense of relief washing over him as he extended his hand.

After so many years, their old handshake returned, a symbol of their enduring bond and shared history. As they laughed together, the weight of their past grievances lifted, replaced by a renewed sense of camaraderie and mutual respect. "I can't believe you still remember that," Anon remarked, a hint of amusement in his voice.

Reed chuckled, shaking his head in amusement. "Some things you never forget, mate," he replied, a sense of nostalgia coloring his words. In that moment, as they stood together, hand in hand, they knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, they would face them as friends, united by the strength of their friendship and the resilience of their spirits.

As Anon's thoughts drifted to Twilight, left alone and possibly scared for him, he couldn't help but ponder Reed's words. Maybe Reed really was right. Determination flickered in his eyes as he walked over to his room, pulling on his leather hoodie. Outside, the clouds were darkening, threatening rain, and Reed followed suit, pulling up his hood as they prepared to face the elements.

"To the library?" Reed asked, breaking the silence as they both nodded in agreement. With a shared sense of purpose, they walked to the door and closed it behind them, leaving the room empty but filled with the echoes of their shared history and the promise of a new beginning. Together, they ventured into the unknown, ready to confront whatever challenges lay ahead with courage and resilience.

"So, got a job?" Reed inquired, his curiosity piqued as they ventured out into the rainy streets. Anon nodded, a faint smile gracing his lips. "I'm the town's worker. I do jobs left and right for those in need. But they pay me after the deed is done," he explained, a sense of pride evident in his voice.

As they walked, the first drops of rain began to fall from the darkening sky, signaling the impending downpour. Ponies hurried past them, pulling out umbrellas and seeking shelter from the rain.

"Not bad, Anon. Guess you work hard, right?" Reed remarked, admiration coloring his tone as they rounded a corner, the treehouse looming into view. The humans slowed their pace, the weight of their conversation settling over them like a heavy blanket.

But then, Anon came to a stop, causing Reed to glance back in concern. "What if I'm not ready for this?" Anon's voice was tinged with uncertainty, his eyes searching for reassurance. Reed smiled gently, placing a comforting hand on Anon's shoulder. "Anon, none of us ever feel fully ready for the challenges life throws at us. But you've already shown incredible strength and resilience. You've faced so much, and you've come out stronger on the other side," he said earnestly, his words filled with encouragement.
Anon nodded, a sense of determination stirring within him. With Reed's support, he knew that he could face whatever lay ahead, even if he didn't feel ready. Together, they would navigate the uncertainties of their new life, drawing strength from each other and the bonds they shared.

"Mate, you'll be fine... just take it slow, okay?" Reed reassured Anon with a supportive smile before leading the way towards the library. Anon followed closely, his mind grappling with conflicting emotions.

As they approached the library, Anon felt a tug at his heart, a familiar ache of uncertainty and longing. "She's not ready to hear about Ame... no, she is ready," his mind insisted, the inner conflict swirling within him. Anon nodded, acknowledging the truth in his thoughts, and formulated a plan.

He leaned in to whisper his plan to Reed as they drew closer to the library, the anticipation building with each step. With Reed's nod of approval, Anon felt a newfound sense of determination coursing through him. Together, they would face whatever lay ahead, armed with courage, resilience, and the unwavering bond of friendship.

"Okay, I'm going over there," Twilight declared, her resolve firm as she folded her wings and took a step towards the door. The other ponies offered words of encouragement, urging her on as she moved forward. But her progress was halted abruptly by two simple knocks at the door, a sound she recognized all too well.

Twilight froze in surprise, her eyes widening as she registered the unexpected visitors. Anon stepped forward, followed closely by Reed, and the two waved at the ponies with friendly smiles. Twilight's initial shock gave way to a mixture of curiosity and apprehension as she watched the humans approach.

With a deep breath, Twilight opened the door, her expression a blend of uncertainty and anticipation as she greeted her unexpected guests. As she invited them inside, she couldn't shake the feeling that their visit would mark the beginning of a new chapter in her life, one filled with unforeseen challenges and unexpected friendships.

As the ponies laid eyes on Reed, they struggled to fully comprehend his presence, their minds grappling with the unfamiliar sight before them. The notion of encountering two humans at once was a rarity in their world, and it left them feeling unsettled and intrigued.

Apologies for the confusion. Let's correct that:

"Hey, everyone... sorry that I—" Anon began, but before he could finish his sentence, the six ponies, along with Spike, surged forward and enveloped him in a tight group hug. Pinkie's mane deflated as tears welled up in Fluttershy's eyes, and they all apologized to Anon, their voices a mixture of relief and gratitude.

Reed smiled warmly as he watched the group hug, feeling a swell of warmth in his heart at the sight of his friend being embraced by their newfound companions. Soon, he felt a gentle touch of magic on his jacket, and he realized that one of them had brought him into the hug as well. They whispered words of reassurance and support to each other, their bond strengthening with each passing moment.

Anon was the first to break the hug, his smile radiant as he looked at the girls. In that moment, surrounded by the warmth and love of his friends, he knew that he had found a place where he truly belonged.

"Heh... I left you guys a fright, huh?" Anon asked, placing his hands on the floor as he looked at his friends. All of them nodded in agreement, their expressions reflecting a mix of relief and lingering concern.

Before Anon could say anything else, Rainbow Dash flew out and fluttered next to him, giving him a well-earned punch on the shoulder. "Ow! What was..." Anon started to protest, but he stopped short as he saw the mischievous look on Rainbow Dash's face.

"That's for the bits you stole," she said with a playful grin before wrapping Anon in another hug. Anon blinked in surprise before returning the hug, a sheepish smile tugging at his lips. "Uh... okay... Reed, what..." he began, but he trailed off as he noticed the other human laughing lightly while rubbing his cheek.

"So yeah, about that..." Reed started, his laughter subsiding as he prepared to explain their unexpected appearance and the events that had unfolded. "What! No way... I... I didn't know... huh," Anon exclaimed, his voice filled with surprise as he processed the revelations. He looked down at the floor, contemplating everything that had been shared with him. Then, a chuckle escaped him, followed by a hearty laugh that echoed throughout the room.

The rest of the group joined in, their laughter blending together in a chorus of shared amusement and camaraderie. As the laughter subsided, Anon slowly straightened up, a bright smile spreading across his face. "Well then, I guess that's all, really," he said, his tone light and cheerful.

"Now hold on there, Anon," Twilight said, her voice gentle but insistent as she looked up at the human. "You have to tell us how it was with Reed," she urged, her eyes reflecting a mix of curiosity and concern.

The group gathered around, their expressions a mixture of anticipation and nervousness as they listened to Anon and Reed recount their conversation. Anon hesitated at first, feeling the weight of their collective gaze, but he took a deep breath and began to speak.

As he recounted the beginning of their talk, a palpable tension filled the air, each member of the group holding their breath as they awaited Anon's words. But as he explained the resolution they had reached, a collective sigh of relief swept through the room.

Anon and Reed spoke of their reconciliation, their friendship reaffirmed and strengthened by their shared experience. As they shared the details of their heartfelt conversation, the group listened intently, their worries easing with each word. By the time they finished, a sense of peace settled over the room, their fears and uncertainties replaced by a renewed sense of hope and solidarity.

"And now we're good friends again," Reed said, fist bumping Anon with a grin. Twilight's smile widened at their display of camaraderie, her heart warmed by the sight of their renewed friendship.

As the moment passed, Twilight's expression softened into one of contemplation, her gaze thoughtful as she searched for the right words to say. Finally, she cleared her throat and addressed Anon directly.

"So, Anon... I want to apologize for... for pushing you too hard," Twilight said earnestly, her voice tinged with regret. Anon's eyes briefly flickered with a hint of sadness before he nodded slowly, his expression softening.

"It's fine. I... I overreacted," Anon replied, offering Twilight a reassuring smile. In that moment, a sense of understanding and forgiveness passed between them, bridging the divide that had once stood between them.

"No, Anon, I was the one who messed it up... I need to be the one to fix this," Twilight insisted, her determination shining through as she unfolded her wings and embraced Anon once more, her hug more passionate this time.

Anon gently broke the embrace, raising a hand to halt Twilight's protests. "Well, how about we talk," he suggested, his voice calm but firm. "I'll be telling you everything about my past, but..." He paused, lifting a finger to emphasize his next point. "But I won't do anything unless it's just us together," he finished, his tone resolute.

Twilight's cheeks flushed with embarrassment at Anon's stipulation, but she nodded in agreement, understanding the importance of their privacy. Applejack snorted with amusement, wearing a sly grin as she glanced at her friends and Reed. They knew what Anon and Twilight needed—a chance to reconcile their differences and rebuild their friendship in a private and supportive environment.

"Secondly," Anon continued, his voice steady as he addressed Twilight, "do not tell the princess about my most personal past. She has helped me enough," he said firmly, his gaze meeting Twilight's with a hint of vulnerability. Despite any reservations Twilight may have had, she understood Anon's request and nodded in agreement, respecting his need for privacy.

Anon then turned his attention to Pinkie, his demeanor lightening as he addressed her. "Hey Pinkie, wanna throw a small party for everyone?" he asked, a smile playing at the corners of his lips. Pinkie's eyes lit up with excitement, and in an instant, her mane returned to its usual poofy state as she hopped up and dashed left and right, her energy infectious as she quickly set up the room with balloons, streamers, and a banner that read "Happy Anon Party!"

As the room filled with laughter and joy, Anon felt a sense of gratitude wash over him, grateful for the opportunity to celebrate with his friends and begin anew. And as they gathered together, united by their shared bond and the promise of a brighter future, Anon knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, they would face them together, with friendship, understanding, and love.

Anon's laughter rang out in the room, a joyful sound that soon elicited laughter from the others as well. Reed blinked in surprise at the sudden burst of activity orchestrated by Pinkie Pie, but Applejack's reassuring pat on his leg reminded him not to question the party mare's methods.

As Anon and Twilight observed the group, their hearts swelled with happiness at the sight of their friends laughing and chatting together, their worries momentarily forgotten in the warmth of camaraderie.

Anon glanced down at Twilight, offering her a reassuring pat on the side with a leg. She looked up at him, her eyes shining with gratitude as he nodded towards the door. With a big smile and a nod of agreement, she walked towards the exit, ready to continue their conversation in a more private setting.

Before they left, Reed caught Anon's attention, his expression curious. Anon paused, turning to face his friend, ready to hear what Reed had to say before they departed. Reed's expression held a mix of intrigue and concern as he gestured for Anon to come closer, his voice lowered as he spoke. "Hey, Anon, before you go... I just wanted to say thanks."

Anon arched an eyebrow, intrigued by Reed's sudden gratitude. "Thanks? For what?" he asked, genuinely curious.

Reed shifted slightly, a faint smile playing at his lips. "For being a good friend, for helping me see things differently," he replied, his tone sincere. "I know I haven't always been the easiest to get along with, but I’ll never give up on you. I'm in your debt."

Anon's expression softened, touched by Reed's words. "Hey, no problem, buddy. That's what friends are for," he said, offering Reed a reassuring smile. "And if you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here for you." Reed nodded, a sense of gratitude evident in his eyes. "Thanks, Anon. I'll keep that in mind," he said, his voice tinged with emotion.

With a final nod of understanding, Anon turned to join Twilight at the door, leaving Reed with a newfound sense of appreciation for the friendship they shared. As they stepped out into the evening air, Anon and Twilight exchanged a glance, their bond stronger than ever as they continued their journey together, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, hand in hand.

Stepping outside, they were greeted by the gentle patter of rain, the cool droplets falling from the sky creating a serene atmosphere. The sounds of laughter from inside the building faded into the background as Anon and Reed focused on the path ahead.

Anon glanced down at Twilight, who had her magic charged with an umbrella, covering both of them from the rain. He couldn't help but feel a surge of gratitude towards his friend for her thoughtfulness.

"Thanks, Twilight," Anon said, his voice soft but sincere as he walked alongside her. "This means a lot." Twilight smiled up at him, her eyes reflecting the warmth of their bond. "Of course, Anon. We're in this together," she replied, her tone filled with reassurance.

"So... what do you want to know?" Anon asked, his gaze gentle as he looked down at Twilight. She took a deep breath, her expression reflecting a mixture of apprehension and curiosity as she prepared to ask her question.

Anon noticed her hesitation and knelt down beside her, his concern evident in his eyes. "Twilight, I promise... I won't get mad," he reassured her, his voice soft but firm. "Don't be scared to ask... and I'll try my best to answer."

Twilight's fear began to melt away as she met Anon's reassuring gaze. With a determined smile, she nodded, her confidence returning. "Anon... how did you and Reed get to Equestria?" she finally asked, her voice steady despite her nerves.

Anon nodded in understanding, his own smile growing as he stood tall beside her. As they began to walk, he cleared his throat and began to sing a song from his old world.

As Anon sang, his voice filled with emotion and nostalgia, the two of them walked towards the edge of town, oblivious to the curious glances of the ponies around them. Twilight's initial surprise at hearing Anon sing so effortlessly was soon replaced by a sense of captivation as she focused intently on his words.

Somewhere only we know


I walked across an empty land
I knew the pathway like the back of my hand
I felt the earth beneath my feet
Sat by the river and it made me complete

Oh, simple thing, where have you gone?
I'm getting old, and I need something to rely on
So, tell me when you're gonna let me in
I'm getting tired, and I need somewhere to begin

As Anon caught his breath, the two of them continued their journey into the woods, the canopy of trees providing shelter from the rain. Twilight couldn't help but marvel at how effortlessly Anon navigated the forest, his familiarity with the path evident in every step he took.


I came across a fallen tree
I felt the branches of it looking at me
Is this the place we used to love?
Is this the place that I've been dreaming of?

Oh, simple thing, where have you gone?
I'm getting old, and I need something to rely on
So, tell me when you're gonna let me in
I'm getting tired, and I need somewhere to begin

And if you have a minute, why don't we go
Talk about it somewhere only we know?
This could be the end of everything
So, why don't we go somewhere only we know?
Somewhere only we know

Their surroundings grew dimmer as the dense foliage obscured the sky above, but Twilight remained unfazed, trusting in Anon's lead. As they walked, she couldn't shake the feeling of anticipation that welled up inside her, wondering what lay ahead on their journey. Suddenly, they came upon a cliff not too far in the distance, its imposing presence looming before them. Just as Twilight was about to speak, Anon picked back up on the song, his voice carrying through the air with a haunting beauty that echoed off the surrounding trees.


Oh, simple thing, where have you gone?
I'm getting old, and I need something to rely on
So, tell me when you're gonna let me in
I'm getting tired, and I need somewhere to begin

And if you have a minute, why don't we go
Talk about it somewhere only we know?
This could be the end of everything
So, why don't we go?
So, why don't we go?

As they arrived at the edge of the cliff, Anon's footsteps slowed, his heart sinking as he gazed down at the sight below. He winced as he spotted the bus, now covered in moss and surrounded by the dense foliage of the forest.


This could be the end of everything
So, why don't we go somewhere only we know?
Somewhere only we know
Somewhere only we know

Anon closed his eyes, allowing himself to be enveloped by the soothing sounds of the wind and the gentle patter of rain against his skin. He felt a sense of calm wash over him, grounding him in the present moment and easing the weight of the memories that lingered in his mind.

As he opened his eyes, he found Twilight watching him, her gaze filled with curiosity and concern. Anon met her gaze, silently acknowledging her unspoken question as he took a deep breath, steeling himself to face whatever lay ahead.

Anon's voice carried a somber tone as he spoke, recounting the moment that marked the beginning of his and Reed's journey to Equestria. He gestured towards the bus below, its weathered exterior now serving as a grim reminder of their past.

Twilight followed his gaze, her eyes widening in surprise as she took in the sight of the strange structure at the bottom of the cliff. Anon's explanation only deepened her curiosity, prompting her to question him further. "What... what is that?" she asked, her voice filled with a mixture of wonder and concern.

Anon took a moment to collect his thoughts before responding, his expression serious as he sought to convey the gravity of the situation. "It's a tombstone," he explained, his voice tinged with sadness. "Once, it was a human carriage we called a bus. It worked like a train, but could travel anywhere without rails. But here... it's not that anymore."

Twilight listened intently, her mind racing with questions as she tried to make sense of the revelation. The implications of what Anon was saying were clear: the bus held a significance far greater than she had initially realized, serving as a tangible link to the world that Anon and Reed had left behind. And as she looked down at the wreckage below, she couldn't help but feel a sense of solemnity wash over her, acknowledging the weight of the past and the uncertainty of the future.

Anon's expression grew solemn as he recounted the events that led to the bus's presence at the bottom of the cliff. Twilight listened intently, her eyes widening in shock as the pieces of the puzzle began to fall into place.

"What... What exactly happened? Why is it here?" she asked, her voice trembling with a mixture of disbelief and horror.

Anon took a deep breath, steeling himself for the difficult task of explaining the tragic truth. "Remember when Cheerilee took her class on a trip to the Everfree Forest?" he asked. Twilight nodded slowly, her mind racing as she recalled the incident.

"Like that?" she whispered, her voice barely audible as she pieced together the connection. Anon's nod confirmed her worst fears, and she gasped in horror, her hoof flying to cover her muzzle as she looked back down at the wreckage below.

The weight of the revelation hung heavy in the air, a palpable sense of sorrow and regret washing over them both. Anon sighed heavily as he sat down on the edge of the cliff, his gaze fixed on the sky above as the rain continued to fall around them.

But just as he began to feel the chill of the rain against his skin, Twilight's magic enveloped him once again, shielding him from the cold and offering him a comforting warmth in its place. "Sweet Celestia..." she murmured, her voice filled with sadness and empathy as she looked upon the scene before them.

Anon took a deep breath, steeling himself for what he was about to reveal. He held his arms tight around himself, feeling the weight of his words pressing down on him. But he knew that he needed to share this with Twilight, to confide in her about a part of his past that he had kept hidden for so long. "I had my sister there too," he finally said, his voice soft but steady. He looked down, unable to meet Twilight's gaze as he felt a surge of emotion welling up inside him.

Twilight's eyes widened in shock, her hoof flying to her mouth in disbelief. "Your... sister?" she repeated, her voice filled with concern and compassion. Anon nodded slowly, his chest tightening with the weight of his confession. "Yeah," he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. "She was with me on the bus that day."

"Her name was Ame," Anon whispered, his voice heavy with emotion as tears welled up in his eyes. He looked at Twilight again, his gaze filled with pain and sorrow, as he prepared to share the heartbreaking story of his sister's fate.

Twilight listened in silence, her heart breaking with each word as Anon recounted the events that had led to Ame's tragic end. She sat next to him, her presence a source of comfort as he let his sobs escape, his tears mingling with the rain that continued to fall around them.

As Anon explained how it all happened, Twilight unfolded a wing, wrapping it around him in a gentle embrace. She could feel the weight of his grief, his guilt, his regret, and she shared in his sorrow as he laid bare the truth of his past.

It all made sense now—the reasons behind Anon's actions, the pain that he carried with him every day, the burden of his sister's memory. Twilight felt a surge of empathy for him, a deep understanding of the struggles that he had endured.

Anon blamed himself for not stepping in, for not being able to protect his sister when she needed him most. And as he finished his story, Twilight could no longer hold back her own tears, her heart breaking for the loss that Anon had suffered.

Together, they sat in silence, their tears mingling with the rain as they mourned the loss of Ame. But amidst the pain and the sorrow, there was also a sense of healing, a shared understanding that they were not alone in their grief. Anon took a deep breath, his trembling voice steadying as he wiped away his tears. He looked down at Twilight, his gaze meeting hers with a mixture of vulnerability and relief.

"Now... now you know," he said softly, his words carrying the weight of a lifetime of pain and sorrow. He felt a sense of catharsis wash over him as he shared his story with Twilight, knowing that he had finally opened up about a part of himself that he had kept hidden for so long.

"That's everything you know... now, there are other stories... but that's all. Now you know me," Anon continued, his voice growing stronger with each word. He wiped his cheeks again, feeling the tension slowly dissipate from his body as he released the emotions that had been building up inside him.

Twilight reached out, placing a comforting hoof on Anon's shoulder. "Thank you for sharing, Anon," she said softly, her voice filled with warmth and understanding. "I know it must have been difficult for you to talk about, but I'm grateful that you trusted me enough to open up."

Anon smiled weakly, a sense of relief flooding through him as he looked into Twilight's eyes. In that moment, he felt a profound sense of connection with her, a bond forged through the shared experience of pain and healing. "Thank you, Twilight," he said, his voice filled with gratitude. "I don't know what I would do without you."

Anon held her close, Twilight's heart raced in her chest, her mind reeling from the sudden intimacy of the moment. She felt a blush creeping up her cheeks as she instinctively leaned into his embrace, her body responding to the warmth and closeness of his touch.

But as Anon pulled back slightly, his eyes meeting hers with a soft smile, Twilight couldn't help but feel a surge of nervousness wash over her. She averted her gaze, trying to hide the embarrassment that threatened to consume her, but Anon's gentle laughter broke through her defenses.

"You don't have to hide... I'm done hiding from you, Twilight," he said, his voice filled with sincerity and warmth. Twilight looked up at him, her eyes wide with surprise, as she felt her cheeks flush even hotter under his gaze.

Before she could respond, Anon's hand gently cupped the back of her neck, his touch sending shivers down her spine as he brought her face closer to his. And then, in a moment of passion and vulnerability, he pressed his lips to hers in a tender kiss.

Twilight gasped in surprise at first, her wings instinctively flaring out before she melted into the kiss, her eyes fluttering closed as she surrendered herself to the moment. The warmth of Anon's lips against hers sent a jolt of electricity through her body, igniting a fire within her that she had never felt before.

In that moment, as they shared their first kiss, Twilight knew that she had found something special in Anon. A connection that went beyond friendship, beyond understanding. It was a bond forged in the depths of their shared pain and healing, a bond that would only grow stronger with time.

And as they pulled away from each other, breathless and flushed with emotion, Twilight couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement for the future. For in Anon, she had found not just a friend, but a partner, someone who would stand by her side through thick and thin, someone who would share in her joys and sorrows, someone who would love her unconditionally.

And as they looked into each other's eyes, Twilight knew that their journey together was only just beginning, and she couldn't wait to see where it would take them.

Chapter 7 Music?

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CHAPTER 7 Music?

As the days passed, Anon found himself settling into a routine with Twilight by his side. Their relationship blossomed with each passing moment, filling his days with joy and laughter. It was hard to believe that it had only been a month since they had started dating, for it felt like a lifetime ago when he had first admitted his feelings for her.

Life in the town had taken on a new rhythm, with Anon's reputation as the town's helper growing stronger by the day. His willingness to lend a helping hand had caught the attention of Princess Celestia herself, who had inquired about him multiple times through Twilight. However, Twilight had remained true to her promise to Anon, keeping the details of their past shared experiences hidden from the princess.

For Anon, it was a relief to know that Twilight respected his wishes and kept their personal history private. He had confided in her in a way that he had never done with anyone else before, and her loyalty and trust meant the world to him.

Twilight couldn't contain the happiness that bubbled up inside her every time she thought about her relationship with Anon. From the moment he had arrived in Ponyville, he had been a familiar face, a friend, and now, so much more. Their journey from friendship to love had been a whirlwind, but she wouldn't change a single moment of it.

With Anon by her side, Twilight felt like she could conquer anything that life threw at her. His unwavering support and understanding had become her rock, grounding her in times of uncertainty and lifting her spirits when she needed it most.

And as for her friends, they had embraced Anon with open arms, welcoming him into their circle with warmth and affection. They had seen the spark between Twilight and Anon long before the two had even realized it themselves, and they delighted in teasing them mercilessly about their budding romance.

But beneath the playful banter and good-natured ribbing, Twilight knew that her friends had her back, just as she had theirs. They were a tight-knit group, bound together by friendship, loyalty, and love, and she wouldn't trade them for anything in the world.

As the days counted down to Reed's wedding, Anon found himself swept up in a whirlwind of excitement and anticipation. The prospect of standing by his best friend's side on such a momentous occasion filled him with a mix of joy and nervousness.

Reed's choice to ask Anon to be his best man was a gesture that spoke volumes about their friendship. Anon felt deeply honored by the request, knowing that it symbolized the depth of their bond and the trust they shared.

In the midst of wedding preparations, Anon had the chance to spend more time with Vapor Trails, Reed's soon-to-be wife. Their interactions were filled with warmth and laughter, and Anon found himself growing fond of her with each passing day. It was clear to him why Reed had fallen for her – she was not only beautiful, but also kind-hearted and genuine.

Today, Anon had a plan, a simple one at that. His diligent saving of bits from working had finally amassed enough money to purchase something he had been eyeing for a while. It was something he had longed for, something that would bring him immense joy.

Rainbow Dash had mentioned a certain unicorn who ran a guitar shop in Ponyville, a fact that Anon had been unaware of until now. He hadn't had much time to explore the town while working, but today, he made it a priority to seek out this shop. As he approached the brightly colored building, he couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement coursing through him. Today was the day he would finally fulfill his dream of owning a guitar.

"Garage Lights? What an interesting name for a shop," Anon mused to himself as he rubbed his chin. Despite his curiosity about the name, he stepped inside and was immediately greeted by rows of guitars lining the walls. To his surprise, they bore a striking resemblance to the guitars he was familiar with from his own world.

As he took in the sight, a teal unicorn with a brown mane and tail trotted up to him, wearing a pair of glasses perched on his nose. "Ah, hello there!" the unicorn greeted, his smile warm and welcoming as he looked up at his new customer. "Hey," Anon greeted, extending his hand to the unicorn. The stallion, named Picks, smiled and shook the human's hand warmly. "Names Picks, welcome to my shop. You must be the town's worker," Picks remarked, acknowledging Anon's reputation with a smile.

"Sure am. Names Anonymous, but you can call me Anon," Anon replied, returning the smile before his gaze wandered to the instruments displayed around the shop. "I'd like to buy a guitar," he stated, prompting Picks to grin up at him in response.

"Wonderful! Come, follow me and tell me what kind you seek," Picks invited, leading Anon deeper into the store. As they walked, Anon couldn't help but be impressed by the vast array of guitars on display. "Holy moly, this guy has a lot," Anon thought to himself, marveling at the variety.

"So, what's the special one for you?" Picks inquired, bringing Anon out of his daydreaming. Anon glanced around at the selection, his eyes lingering on some of the higher-end guitars before settling on ones within his price range. After a moment of consideration, he grinned and pointed out a few options that caught his eye.

"Lead guitars are my kind of thing," Anon declared as he approached one of the guitars that caught his eye. Picks nodded in understanding, smiling at the human's appreciation for the instrument. "I see you like the looks of that one," Picks remarked, his keen eye noticing Anon's interest.

"Yeah, the curves and colors, the shapes tell it all to me," Anon replied, reminiscing about his days in band class back on Earth. Picks raised a curious brow at the human's response. "Huh, so you know how to play?" he inquired, lightly touching the strings of the guitar. Anon hesitated for a moment before admitting, "I have played, a long time ago. I've just been saving up to buy one," he explained, turning to face the stallion. "What about you? You play music?" Anon inquired, genuinely curious about Picks' musical talents.

Picks chuckled loudly, leaning on his counter. "Heh, I wouldn't have a shop if I didn't," he joked, eliciting a laugh from Anon. "So, what do you play?" Anon pressed further, eager to learn more about Picks' musical background.

With a sly grin, Picks trotted to his counter and pulled out his guitar case. With a flourish, he revealed his instrument – a beautiful bass guitar that shimmered in the light. Anon's jaw dropped in awe as he admired the intricate space coating adorning the instrument. His eyes then caught sight of a small text at the bottom of the guitar, written in elegant cursive. Picks x Granite
"Just got this one last year from my marefriend," Picks explained, his tone filled with pride as he wiped a hoof over the writing on the guitar. He smiled lightly, clearly fond of the instrument. Anon grinned in response, impressed by Picks' dedication to his craft. As Picks lifted a hoof and played a few notes, Anon watched in admiration.

Picks then glanced over at Anon, a smirk playing on his lips. "You know, you're the first customer who has such huge respect for music," he commented, his tone appreciative. Anon chuckled lightly, feeling a bit bashful under Picks' observation. "Heh, well... I grew up with music, learned a thing or two along the way," Anon replied modestly.

Picks shook his head and laughed lightly at Anon's response. "Well now, you heard me play. How about we find you the perfect guitar and settle a riff battle?" he proposed, his eyes gleaming with excitement. Anon couldn't help but feel intrigued by the idea. A riff battle? He hadn't expected ponies to have such things here, but he was certainly up for the challenge. Besides, he remembered a few songs from his world that he could pull off. "Deal," Anon agreed with a grin, ready to embrace the musical challenge ahead.

"Okay, okay, you've convinced me, Anon," Picks laughed as he returned one of the guitars to its display spot. The riff battle turned out to be more of a practice match for the human, with Picks going easy on him since he was playing unfamiliar songs. Anon was surprised at himself for remembering so many old songs from decades ago... God, he felt old.

"Thanks for the, uh, 'riff battle,' Picks," Anon said, feeling a sense of camaraderie with the stallion. Picks barked out laughing in response, slapping his hooves together and removing his glasses to wipe away tears of amusement. "Heh... Anon, you're cool! Oh! Right, maybe you can help!" Picks exclaimed, pointing a hoof at the human, his excitement palpable.

"You heard the mayor's announcement, right?" Picks asked eagerly, his excitement evident in his voice. Anon rubbed his chin, trying to recall what his boss might have planned. He knew Hearts and Hooves Day was coming soon, which was typically a good time for sales, but he wasn't sure beyond that. "What is it?" he inquired.

Picks clapped his hooves together and replaced his glasses, a gleam in his eye. "The mayor is hosting a music competition here in Ponyville! The winning band gets a prize of 10,000 bits!" Picks exclaimed, his enthusiasm contagious. Anon was taken aback by the hefty prize money, letting out a low whistle at the significant sum. "That's... surprising," Anon blurted out, momentarily caught off guard by the unexpected news. But he quickly refocused, realizing the opportunity this presented. "So, you want help with that?" he asked, intrigued by the idea.

Picks' eyes sparkled with excitement at Anon's willingness to consider joining. "You bet! Me, my marefriend, and a few friends of mine are in, but we need one more," Picks explained, pointing a hoof at Anon with determination shining in his eyes. He even adjusted his glasses, allowing the light to glint off them dramatically.

"We need a leader of the band!" Picks exclaimed, his grin widening. Anon chuckled at the stallion's enthusiasm; they were both nerds in their own right. "Sure! I'll be glad to join. When is this happening? And when can we start practicing?" Anon inquired, eager to get started.

Picks cheered and his horn glowed as he picked up Anon, pulling him into a tight hug. "Thank you, thank you!" he repeated rapidly. Once he was released, Anon glanced at the guitars, then back at the one he had been playing earlier, a newfound excitement building within him.

It was a simple green and white color all over, and it felt just right in his hands. Anon lifted it up, swiping a string and hearing the beauty hum a simple note. Picks smiled at that, trotting next to Anon. "She's a good one. Had her here for a while. It's odd, too. She showed up here in a different brand than the other ones," Picks remarked, rubbing his chin beard. Anon turned it over, eyeing the brand name "WintersColts" labeled on there. She was lost in this store, just like him. Anon flipped it back, gripping it tighter with a grin. "You're not lost anymore!" he thought, lifting a hand up and playing a simple riff.

"she's got some solid craftsmanship," Anon remarked, admiring the guitar's build. He then turned his attention back to Picks. "So, how much are you asking for her?" he inquired, eager to know the price.

Picks grinned at Anon's interest. "Let's see here," he said, hurrying over to his counter and retrieving the price tag. Picks grinned mischievously as he revealed the price tag. "For the WintersColts... it's about... ah yes, 530 bits," he announced before tapping the counter lightly. "But for a slight discount for making a friend and band member... 450," he added with a chuckle, his eyes twinkling behind his glasses. Anon hesitated, momentarily taken aback by the unexpected offer. "You don't need to do that," he protested, feeling both touched and surprised by the gesture.

"I did. No take backs," Picks laughed, clearly enjoying Anon's reaction. Anon groaned in mock protest before finally relenting and sighing in defeat, handing his bits over to the stallion. "T-Thank you, Picks, for helping me. And for the guitar too," Anon said gratefully, offering a fist bump. Picks returned the gesture with a smile, leaning back on the counter. "Don’t mention it, Anon. I’m just glad to have a cool human friend," he replied warmly before the two shared a laugh and bid each other farewell. With his newly acquired guitar cased up and strapped to his back, Anon stepped out into the town. After a three-hour journey, he had made a new friend and joined a band, ready for whatever adventures lay ahead.

Anon's footsteps echo softly in the library as he scans the room, his eyes searching for any sign of Twilight. The familiar scent of old books fills his nostrils, but there's no trace of her downstairs. He hears a faint rustling sound from upstairs, drawing his attention.

Curiosity piqued, Anon ascends the staircase cautiously, his steps quiet on the wooden steps. The sound grows clearer as he reaches the top, and he follows it to Twilight's closed bedroom door. He pauses for a moment, uncertain, before tentatively knocking.

"Twilight? You up there?" he calls out, hoping for a response. Anon's thoughts wander briefly, considering the whereabouts of Spike, but he doesn't dwell on it for long. As he nears the top of the stairs, his anticipation grows, wondering why Twilight seems to be secluded in her room. He raps gently on the door, expecting her to respond, but there's only silence.

With a mixture of concern and curiosity, Anon tries the door handle, finding it locked. It's an unexpected barrier, leaving him puzzled and wondering why Twilight would lock her bedroom door in the middle of the day. Anon's concern deepens as he hears Twilight's distress on the other side of the door. Her use of the affectionate nickname "Spark" only adds to his worry. He tries the door again, hoping to gain entry and offer her comfort, but it remains stubbornly locked.

"Spark, please, open the door. What's wrong? Let me in," he pleads, his voice filled with genuine concern for her well-being. Anon's mind races with all manner of possibilities, each more alarming than the last. He's determined to find out what's troubling her and offer whatever support she needs. There was a brief pause before Twilight's voice came from the other side of the door, choked with emotion. "I—I… I miss you, Anon!" she sobbed softly, the sound of her collapsing onto the ground reaching his ears. "I don’t— I don’t want you to see me like this, Nonny… I don’t want to ruin our relationship."

Anon's brows furrowed with concern. 'What on ea— Equestria is she talking about?' he wondered, his mind racing to understand what could be troubling her so deeply. Taking a deep breath, he cleared his throat, trying to maintain a reassuring tone. Anon's voice was filled with sincerity as he reassured her, "You won’t ruin anything, Spark. I said it once and I'll say it again, you don’t ever have to hide from me, Twilight. I love you to my heart and will always be with you." He placed a hand on his chest, emphasizing the depth of his feelings.

Twilight's sobs quieted down, and she slowly got up, leaving the door still locked. Though Anon couldn't see her, he hoped his words had reached her heart, offering her the comfort she needed. "Promise you won’t be mad? I— I hope you're ready for this," Twilight said, her voice wavering with uncertainty.

"Always for you, my love. Now please open the door and let me in?" Anon asked gently, setting his guitar aside and standing tall before the door. He smiled, feeling a sense of relief when he heard the door click. He reached for the handle and slowly opened the door, his eyes widened in astonishment at the sight before him.

His mare, Twilight, sat on her bed, which looked slightly disheveled from her constant movement. Sweat covered the sheets, and a faint musky scent lingered in the air, causing a blush to creep onto Anon's cheeks as he took in the scene. Twilight was positioned on the bed, her hind legs raised slightly, and her flanks lifted in the air. Anon's eyes widened as he realized what was happening.

"H—hello, Anon," Twilight greeted, her voice slightly breathless.

Chapter 8 “Um…. Be gentle?”

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CHAPTER 8 “Um…. Be gentle?

Anon's mind raced as he struggled to process what was happening before him. "T-T-T-T-T-T-T…. Twi— TWILIGHT!!!!!???" he stuttered, his voice rising with each syllable. He could feel his face growing hot, his words stumbling over each other as he tried to comprehend the scene unfolding in front of him.

Twilight giggled softly, her gaze still fixed on him with those intense, bedroom eyes that seemed to pierce right through him. Anon's heart pounded in his chest, his body reacting instinctively to the sight before him. He couldn't deny the surge of arousal that coursed through him, despite his confusion and disbelief.

As Twilight moved closer, Anon felt a wave of conflicting emotions wash over him. Part of him wanted to run away, to escape from this unexpected situation, while another part of him was undeniably intrigued by the allure of his mate's seductive demeanor.

"Oh god, she's drooling," Anon thought, his mind spinning with a mixture of embarrassment and desire. He could feel a primal urge stirring within him, a raw hunger that he struggled to contain. His body reacted instinctively, his senses heightened by the overwhelming scent of arousal that filled the room.

In that moment, Anon realized that he was undeniably, irresistibly, horny. And as much as he tried to fight it, he couldn't deny the primal desire that pulsed through his veins, urging him to give in to the intoxicating allure of his mate.

Anon's mind raced as he tried to make sense of Twilight's behavior. "What's wrong Nonny?" she purred, her voice laced with a seductive tone that sent a shiver down his spine. Her wings unfurled, standing tall and firm, a sign of her arousal and desire.

Anon struggled to form a coherent response, his thoughts muddled by the overwhelming flood of sensations crashing over him. He felt a strange mix of desire and confusion, his body betraying him as his heart pounded in his chest.

"I... I don't know what's happening, Twilight," he stammered, his voice barely above a whisper. He couldn't tear his gaze away from her, captivated by the raw intensity of her gaze and the intoxicating scent of her arousal that filled the room.

Twilight's smile widened, a mischievous glint in her eyes as she took a step closer to him. "Don't you want me, Anon?" she whispered, her voice barely audible over the pounding of his heart.

Anon's mind reeled at her words, his body responding instinctively to the irresistible allure of his mate. He felt a surge of desire wash over him, overwhelming his senses as he struggled to resist the primal urge pulling him towards her.

Twilight's expression shifted from one of seduction to one of concern as she realized the effect her actions had on Anon. His honesty brought a sense of clarity to the situation, and she felt a pang of guilt for not considering his feelings beforehand.

"Anon?" she asked softly, her voice tinged with regret as she looked down at the floor, her ears drooping slightly.

Anon took a deep breath, trying to compose himself as he met her gaze. "Okay... I'm going to be honest and say... when I was told to be ready... I wasn't expecting that!" he admitted, his voice filled with a mix of surprise and uncertainty.

Twilight's eyes widened in realization, and she felt a wave of embarrassment wash over her. "I'm so sorry, Anon," she apologized, her voice laced with genuine remorse. "I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. I just... I got carried away, and I wasn't thinking clearly."

Twilight sighed softly, leaning into Anon's comforting presence as he sat beside her on the bed. His words had brought a sense of clarity to her thoughts, and she couldn't help but feel a twinge of doubt about her actions.

"I understand," she murmured, her voice tinged with uncertainty. "It's just... I've been feeling so overwhelmed lately, with everything that's been happening. And when you walked in, I just... I wanted to feel close to you, to forget about everything else for a while." Anon gently wrapped an arm around her, pulling her closer as he listened to her words. "I get it, Twi," he said softly, his voice filled with understanding.

Anon rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly, his cheeks flushing with embarrassment. "Yeah, I know it's a bit unusual," he admitted, his voice tinged with awkwardness. "But things just never really... worked out for me back on Earth. And then, well, coming to Equestria didn't exactly improve my chances."

Twilight blinked in surprise at his confession, her eyes widening slightly. "Wait, you're... you're a virgin?" she asked, her voice betraying her shock. Anon nodded, feeling his cheeks grow even hotter under her gaze.

"Yeah, I am," he admitted. Anon is in his late 20s, making the pony nearly gasp in shock. "You're 27, almost 28 years old, and you're still a virgin?!" she nearly shouted, her eyes widening with surprise.

"Hey! Cut me some slack! It's been almost 20 years, and I never even considered that with ponies until now, geez!" Anon responded, his face flushing deeply as he crossed his arms and looked away, feeling utterly embarrassed.

Twilight sighed softly, realizing she had inadvertently put him on the spot. She reached out and placed a hoof on the human's cheek, offering him a reassuring smile. "I'm sorry, Anon. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable," she said gently, her tone filled with empathy. "It's just... unexpected, is all."

"Okay then, Anon... do you want me to be your first?" Twilight asked, her voice gentle yet filled with anticipation. Anon's cheeks flushed even deeper, his heart pounding in his chest as he looked at Twilight with a mixture of shock and desire. Slowly, he nodded, his gaze locked with hers. "My only," he added, his voice barely above a whisper.

With a soft smile, Twilight leaned forward, her eyes closing as she met his lips in a passionate kiss. Anon responded eagerly, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her close as they lost themselves in the embrace. Twilight's hooves found their way around his neck, deepening the kiss even further as they shared this intimate moment together. Finally, they broke apart, both left breathless and longing for more. “mmmm … Rut… Me”

Twilight's sudden request caught Anon off guard, his mind racing as he tried to process her words. He blinked rapidly, trying to make sense of the situation, while Twilight's gaze remained fixed on him, her eyes filled with desire.

"Sorry... I almost let my heat take over..." Twilight panted, her voice filled with a mix of embarrassment and longing. Anon nodded slowly, trying to regain his composure as he released her wings.

"Okay, Twilight... What do you want to do? Me on the bottom or—" Anon's words were cut off by Twilight's lips pressing against his once more, her actions leaving him breathless. Before he could react, he found himself being pushed back onto the bed, Twilight hovering over him with a dreamy expression in her eyes.

"I'll let you pick first... and do whatever to me..." she whispered, her breath shaky with anticipation. Anon's mind was a whirlwind of conflicting emotions, but the primal urge in his body was undeniable.
Anon sighed at that his brain and dick fighting over this and right says one thing “fuck it, Twilight…. I love you all the way, and if you're ready for this step then… I’ll be there for you till my days are numbered” Anon said, putting a hand on his chest and bowing to the princess of friendship. Twilight giggled and gasped as Anon picked the mare up and gently laid her down on her back with wings splaying out on the sides.

Anon chuckled to himself at the thought before he then brought a hand to his pants and slowly took his clothes off. Now it's Twilights turn to be blushing darker now, she eyes the well fit human body closely, each muscle and work making the mare think of some kinky spell. She then shows a concerned look at the amount of scars that the human has on his body. The question mark scar sits well on his arm, but these other marks were from other things that have happened over the years.

Her mind was cut short as hands were now rubbing her chest fluff, Twilight gasp and moan from the action and her heat side takes over for a second “I want your… Mmm! Fingers all over me!” She begged before shaking the off personality and looked at Anon with begging in her eyes.



“I know I’m your first… but I really need you in me… I'm starting to melt” Twilight said, making the human gasp and then nod slowly as he removed his underwear and sighed as he laid his dick in her stomach. Twilight gasped at the meat slapping her belly and blushed more at the size that sits before her. Her sex was dripping before Anon showed up, now it’s pouring out of her. She wipes the drool off her muzzle and smiles at Anon and then starts moving her hips up and down beginning her pleasure work on him.

Anon groaned at the action and placed his hands on Twilight's hips and started long slow strokes on his man meat against the hot tunnel. Soon he then slowly moves his hips a bit faster and continues to cover his dick in mare juices.

“Ahh! So… so rough aren’t you… stud!” She said before shaking her heat side off again, while breathing fast as the human moved a bit faster. Anon was having his moment feeling the pleasure of coating his man meat.

‘okay… this is something completely different… oh fucking hell! This is better!’ Anon soon stops his movement and eyes his mare with his eyes narrowed and a sly grin forms on his face. He then takes his confidence and leans down to Twilight who happens to be trying to fight her heat personally “Twilight…” he breathed out making the mare stop to look at him, hearts are in her eyes again as he chuckled lightly before he took a breath.

“I’m. Going. To. Breed. You” he said, feeling his primal side of humanity take over, he grabs his dick and lines up towards Twilight’s dripping marehood. Her clit pops out at that dick getting close, inviting the spire to enter.

“Rut me then… human!” Twilight said giving up on fighting and letting her heart take control, believing that the foreplay is done and over with. He pushed, slowly and carefully at first letting the tip enter in feeling the heat radiating against his dick. ‘My god… she is hot… both looks and insides’

‘Shut up! You’re no longer the virgin anymore! Fight! Fuck. Her!’ His dick’s mind was telling him, so he plunged deep. Twilight moans loudly as her horn begins glowing brightly and her wings are twitching. “B… B… BUCK!” She stammered before she then locks her hind legs around the human's waist as her eyes look at Anon showing the love and compassion for him… but then she smiles like a predator and purrs like a cat.

“ANON! RUT. ME!” She demanded

Not taking a second the human lets his primal go lose as he finds his strength here plunged out and back in over and over. The sexual combat is loud and powerful, a pony with the ability of a princess is being plowed by humans… a hairless ape who has the strength no other like any strong stallion. Anon growls and grabs the chest fluff of his mate's fur and tugged it lightly before he then goes down to bite her neck. Twilight groans at the action and soon has the human ear in her mouth and nibbles in it. These two weren’t just fucking… their fighting for dominance… Each tug, each bite was to show who is in control…. and Anon was winning for the most part.

“Anon! Mmm! Anon Buck!” Twilight struggles to say a sentence as the human was nibbling and licking her neck over and over until he then slams his face to her muzzle for a heated kiss. It’s not passionate… it’s rough, his tongue was so far deep in Twilights mouth that she nearly forgot that she was kissing him. She fights back but loses herself as she cums.

“Bwah! A-anon… I… I OH BUCK ME!” She hollers loudly as her walls tighten on the human fuck meat kept going over again. Anon was in a different world right now.. his mind going crazy for the fact he waited so long to do this… but he is glad that Twilight is the one who takes his virginity. So he will enjoy it until he is spent.

“Quiet Pony!” Anon ordered “I am the prince now! You won’t let me ruin my— ah fuck! My fucking moment… oh Twi” Anon soon feels magic on his body making him open his eyes to look at the mare… her eyes… there glowing… she was trying to keep them closed… but after she came… she can’t move clearly. And once her white eyes shine out Anon feels the ground beneath him fade.

“You dare challenge an alcoholic human?” She said making the primal beats grunt and growls at his opponent, he slaps his hands together imitating a gorilla and smiles brightly “I’ll do what ever it takes… pony!” He said before he felt the world shift him on his back as they stair at each other. Magic soon enveloped the human as it slowly begins to boil his blood as his vision was red… then two red eyes open up as Anon and Twilight were gone… now sits the primal human… and the magical alicorn.

They both roar in pleasure as the two start fucking again, louder as the area around them black, the human pushed up as the pony on top of him moans loudly as her horn shoots out sparkles towards the black room, after a good long moment those sparks were making stars all around them… the primal human feels his spire tingle.

“P—Pony! I’m getting close!” He snarled, grabbing a handful of the ponies' flanks. The alicorn moans more and places her body on the human's chest and the two red and white eyes look at each other before they kiss, making the stars all around fade and bring the two back in reality as they fall back on the bed.

“Wha— what happen—“

“Rrrrrr AHH!” And the human pushed up grabbing Twilight’s hips and finally exploded inside her. The mare moans loudly, having her vision blur as the hearts return to her eyes, tongue hanging out as Anon was growling feeling the last of his cum bursted out of the wanting sex… and then it was over, now spent the human was limp as he was breathing heavily. Twilight twitches and soon falls back on her pillow as she rubs her belly full of human cum.

“H…Holy shit… I never… thought sex would be… so…”

“Goooood” Twilight cooed as she pressed down having the cum spill out of her… she was filled to the brim. Anon has what strength left he moves over to Twilight’s side and grabs a hold of her… she twitches at the touch and sighed as her heart was simmered down.


“Yes, Spark?”

“We’re doing this again, tonight… and I want those hands all over me, understood?” She said looking up at him with a happy look, the blush added more to the human excitement and he nodded slowly before the two yawned loudly. Anon then looks at his body and his dick well he did one thing he never thought he had… the primal said of him was something that Twilight might need to “experiment on” for their next session… but for now the two hold each other close as they soon begin to slumber.

Chapter 9 Lady Terra

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CHAPTER 9 Lady Terra

"Anon? Anon!" Picks greets as he waves over at the human walking up, holding his new guitar on his back as both him and Picks start walking together. They just got word that the whole competition is going to start in the next three weeks, so this gives the human more time to practice.

"So, we're finally starting today, eh?" The teal stallion asks as he looks up at Anon with a big grin on his face. Anon is smiling simply as he walks with the pony “Yeah, it’s finally happening,” Anon replies with a nod, his excitement evident in his voice. He adjusts the strap of his guitar, feeling a surge of anticipation for the competition. As they walk together, Anon mentally rehearses the songs they've been practicing, eager to showcase their talent on stage.

“And hey, with three weeks to go, we've got plenty of time to fine-tune everything,” Anon adds optimistically, glancing over at Picks with a determined expression. He's ready to put in the work to make their performance unforgettable.

Anon rubbed the back of his neck out of habit, and the stallion laughed with him as they both shared some stories. Soon, they came up to the back of the guitar shop where two mares were setting up stuff, and a single stallion was sitting with the drums. Once they spotted Picks and the human, they trotted over to greet them.

“Picky? Is this the human you were talking about?” the gray mare said. Picks chuckled, adjusted his glasses, and hugged the mare. “Anon, meet Granite. She's our piano player in the group. And also my special somepony. Hon, meet Anonymous,” Picks said, lifting a hoof to point towards the human. Granite had dark gray fur and a lighter gray mane and tail with some white spots on them. She also had four white hooves halfway down her limbs.

“Picks had said some great things about you. Nice to meet you!” she said before pulling the human into a tight hug. 'She… is too… strong…' Anon thought as he struggled a bit in her embrace. She broke the hug and laughed loudly. The other mare then trotted up to Anon. He had recognized her from some of the times he had picked up a few things for his iPon. He lifted a hand to point at her. “I’ve seen you around DJ's some of the time,” he said, and the mare nodded before bowing her head lightly, politely.

"Salutations, Anon," Octavia greeted warmly, her refined voice carrying a melodious tone as she moved some of her coal-colored mane out of the way. She smiled brightly up at the human, her amethyst eyes sparkling with genuine interest. "Vinyl has mentioned you on a few occasions," she continued, her tone friendly yet composed.

Before Anon could respond, the stallion trotted up, flapping his wings to adjust his height and be eye level with the human. His fur boasted a striking solid green coat, complemented by a mane and tail dyed a vibrant orange at the tips. Despite his colorful appearance, there was an air of confidence and charm about him.

With a warm smile, the stallion extended a hoof, offering it for a friendly hoof bump. "I'm GreenBay," he introduced himself, his voice smooth and upbeat. "nice to finally meet you, Anon. Picks has been raving about your musical talents." Anon chuckled nervously, feeling a bit overwhelmed by the attention. "Nice to meet you too, Bay," he replied, trying to match the stallion's upbeat energy. Glancing around at the group of ponies, he felt a mix of excitement and apprehension about joining their band.
Picks, ever the enthusiastic host, couldn't contain his excitement. "Alright, let's get down to business, shall we?" he exclaimed, rubbing his hooves together eagerly. "Anon, we've got a lot of ground to cover before the competition, so we better get started!"

Picks trotted up to his guitar, casting a glance over at Granite with a smile. "I see you lot were setting up before we arrived?" he observed, prompting a snort of agreement from Granite as she chuckled. "Yeah, didn't you and Anon think we'd be here soon. But hey, that gives us more time to meet our newest member," she remarked, shooting a grin up at the human.

Anon clapped his hands together, looking around at the scattered crates. "Is there anything you need help with?" he offered, eager to lend a hand. Before anyone could respond, GreenBay flew over to Anon, excitement clear in his voice. "Oh, maybe you can set up your guitar! I want to see the WintersColts!" he exclaimed, zipping over to where Anon had set down his case.

As he put his case down and pulled out the green and white guitar, GreenBay's eyes widened with excitement. "Wow! That is an oddball indeed!" he exclaimed. Octavia, noticing Anon's reaction, playfully slapped GreenBay's leg. "Hey! What—oh, sorry. I didn't offend you, did I?" he asked, his tone turning apologetic.

Anon chuckled, shaking his head to reassure the stallion. "No worries, mate. It's all good," he said, calming GreenBay down. "So, what made you buy this one?" GreenBay asked, hovering nearby as Anon plugged some cords into the amp. Anon glanced down at the guitar, admiring its color and shape. Seeing his reflection in the glossy finish, he smiled lightly.

Anon's words carried a hint of melancholy as he spoke. "She's a lost soul... and wished to be something important, like me... we're connected," he said softly, his fingers gently caressing the guitar's surface. Octavia trotted up, her smile warm as she observed Anon's care. "You know how to show respect for your instruments," she remarked, a note of admiration in her voice.

"Does she have a name?" GreenBay's curiosity prompted Anon to glance down at the green stallion. With a thoughtful expression, Anon pondered for a moment, a faint smile tugging at the corners of his lips. As GreenBay trotted over to his drums, boasting proudly about his instrument, Anon couldn't help but admire the passion in his friend's voice. “this is Flamebay! He has the most powerful drums set ever in all of equestria!” He said before grabbing his sticks and doing a drum roll.

Octavia rolled her eyes and smiled lightly as she pulled her cello out and played a simple note. "This is my cello, her name is Voidling," she said, playing the strings again. Picks and Granite trotted up with toothy grins, quickly rushing to their instruments. Anon looked over and set his guitar down, walking over to the pair as Picks pulled out his bass guitar. The cosmic colors returned, and Anon spotted the text on the bottom.

"Meet Darling," Picks said with a proud grin, lifting his bass guitar, "she's a special piece from a special somepony." He cast a loving glance at Granite, who blushed and rolled her eyes playfully. "You just love to make me blush, don't you?" she teased. Picks winked at her. "What can I say? I'm good at my charm."

GreenBay, always the joker, patted Anon's shoulder with a mischievous grin, making a fake gag sound. Octavia, the epitome of elegance, responded by slapping GreenBay's leg, her demeanor maintaining its grace even in jest. Anon chuckled at the camaraderie among the group, feeling a sense of belonging in their playful banter.

“This was once my father’s keyboard. He called her Legacy," Granite shared, her fingers gracefully dancing across the keys. "She's one old instrument, but plays like it was made yesterday!” As the melody filled the room, the band members watched Anon with a sense of wonder in their eyes, gathering around him.

Picks, ever the creative one, broke the silence. "So, does she have a name? 'Cause I can think of a good one," he said, a mischievous glint in his eyes. GreenBay, always ready with a playful suggestion, flapped his wings and lifted a hoof high in the air, waiting for his chance to contribute.

“Oh oh! How about the monkey!” GreenBay chimed in eagerly, only to receive another slap on the hoof from Octavia, who shot him a reproachful look. Wincing, he quickly apologized, his enthusiasm slightly dampened.

Anon, meanwhile, remained focused on the guitar, a nostalgic smile playing on his lips. He gazed at the reflection, feeling as though he could see echoes of his old life on Earth—the familiar landscapes, the towering buildings, the warmth of his family's presence.

“Lady Terra…” he murmured softly, his voice tinged with reverence. The group turned to him, their brows furrowing in curiosity at his choice of name. Anon proceeded to explain the significance of the name, sharing the memories and emotions it evoked within him. As he spoke, a sense of understanding passed among the group, and they exchanged satisfied looks, appreciating the deeper meaning behind Anon's connection to his instrument.

“Lady Terra…. Okay! I like it!” GreenBay exclaimed enthusiastically, earning a frown from Octavia. "What made you the judge?" she questioned, her tone laced with mild annoyance.

Undeterred, the green stallion took to the air again, placing a hoof on his chest fluff in a theatrical gesture. "I think this human has some strong reasons, and it’s fitting with our instruments," GreenBay reasoned, gesturing towards the rest of the group to emphasize his point.

“Darling, Legacy, Voidling, Flamebay, and Lady Terra! It’s all fitting for all of us. Anon is officially part of this band now,” GreenBay declared proudly. Picks chuckled in agreement, then picked up his bass guitar and plugged it in. Anon smiled and followed suit, grabbing his guitar and eyeing the strings thoughtfully. Suddenly, he remembered his plan for which song to practice.

“Hey, I have an idea that might help us win the contest!” Anon exclaimed, drawing the group's attention. He grinned and produced a piece of paper. “This piece of paper has lyrics from an old song from my world that we can use for practice. I have a good memory for songs, so I won’t mind finding other songs for us to try,” he explained, causing Picks to grow excited as he examined the paper, with Granite looking over his shoulder. Octavia smiled and sighed as she observed the music notes, impressed by the effort Anon had put in.

“WOW! Humans have interesting ways of singing their songs,” Granite remarked, attempting to hum a verse from the notes. She then looked up at Anon, who promptly assumed his position, grabbing Lady Terra and starting to play the song.

I'm yours


Well, you done done me in, you bet I felt it
I tried to be chill, but you're so hot that I melted
I fell right through the cracks
Now I'm trying to get back

Picks quickly grabbed his bass and stood close to Anon, while Octavia grabbed her cello and GreenBay darted towards his drums. The two nodded at each other and listened closely.


Before the cool done run out
I'll be giving it my bestest
And nothing's gonna stop me but divine intervention
I reckon it's again my turn
To win some or learn some

But I won't hesitate no more, no more
It cannot wait, I'm yours

And soon the group starts playing, with Picks now clearing his throat and grinning up at Anon.


Well, open up your mind and see like me
Open up your plans and, damn, you're free
Look into your heart and you'll find love, love, love, love
Listen to the music of the moment, people dance and sing

We're just one big family
And it's our God-forsaken right to be…

[The group]

Loved, loved, loved, loved, loved


So I won't hesitate no more, no more
It cannot wait, I'm sure
There's no need to complicate
Our time is short
This is our fate, I'm yours

And soon both Anon and Picks stand close, nearly back to back, as they play their instruments. Lady Terra's strings ring out around the store, catching the attention of the ponies and drawing them in with the music, both loud and soft. Picks holds Darling close, playing carefully and with feeling, smiling as he looks around at his friends joining in. Octavia plays with her eyes closed, fully immersed in the melody. GreenBay wears a grin as he pounds on his drums, adding energy to the mix. Picks's marefriend maintains her tune beautifully, humming along with the melody. And soon, Anon hums loudly before singing again, his voice blending harmoniously with the music.


I've been spending way too long checking my tongue in the mirror
And bending over backwards just to try to see it clearer
But my breath fogged up the glass
And so I drew a new face and I laughed
I guess what I be saying is there ain't no better reason
To rid yourself of vanities and just go with the seasons
It's what we aim to do
Our name is our virtue

But I won't hesitate no more, no more
It cannot wait, I'm yours

[Anon and the band]

Well, open up your mind and see like me (I won't hesitate)
Open up your plans and, damn, you're free (no more, no more)
And look into your heart, and you'll find (it cannot wait)
That the sky is yours (I'm sure)
So please don't, please don't, please don't (no need to complicate)
There's no need to complicate (our time is short)
'Cause our time is short (this is)
This, oh this, this is our fate (our fate)
I'm yours

As the song slowly comes to an end, the group exchanges smiles, their eyes meeting with a shared sense of accomplishment. They flinch in surprise as the sound of hooves stomping fills the air, followed by loud cheers from the surrounding ponies. Anon and Green both blush in embarrassment, attempting to wave off the attention, while Picks trots over to Granite and pulls her into a tight hug. Octavia bows gracefully to the ponies, acknowledging their applause as it gradually subsides.

Gathered together, the group cheers in celebration, their spirits lifted by the success of their impromptu performance. Anon revels in the feeling of singing again, reminiscing about the times he used to play guitar with his teacher back on Earth. Reflecting on the experience, he realizes that they just performed his favorite song. Looking down at Lady Terra, he sees his reflection in the guitar's surface and smiles brightly. Lady Terra truly lives up to her name. Determined now more than ever, Anon resolves to do whatever it takes to win the upcoming contest—not for the prize money, but for the joy of making music with his newfound friends.

Not long after, one of the main six catches sight of the group performing: Fluttershy, the gentle pegasus. She approaches Anon with a warm smile, praising their song. Anon returns the smile and gently scratches behind her ears, eliciting a contented coo from the shy pony. Picks and Granite join them, greeting Fluttershy warmly. Shyly, Fluttershy hides her face behind her mane before peeking out and smiling warmly at the group. “Hey Picks, how are you doing?”

The teal stallion's smile brightens as he responds, "Doing just fine! Anon and I were playing one of his human songs. We're planning on using one for the concert." Fluttershy's smile widens, and she claps her hooves together in approval. "That's wonderful. My friends and I are also entering too. We were hoping to have Anon, but it looks—" Before she could finish, Rainbow Dash swooped in front of the human, causing him to stagger and fall on his rump.

"But it looks like we're too late!" Rainbow Dash declared, causing Fluttershy to hide her face behind her mane once more. GreenBay gasped at the sight of the sky blue Pegasus and quickly dashed under his drums for cover. Octavia stepped forward to help the human back up, her expression turning slightly disapproving as she glanced at Rainbow. "The hay are you doing, Anon?" Rainbow Dash demanded, her tone incredulous.

The human dusted himself off and smiled lightly back at the mare. "Oh, you know, joined a band, playing for the concert," he replied, causing Rainbow to groan and flop on the floor in frustration.

"And there goes our power card," she lamented. Fluttershy helped the mare back up and offered an apologetic look. "Sorry about that. We were looking for you, to see if you wanted to help, but... it looks like we're too late," she explained, looking away with a hint of disappointment. Anon shrugged and got down on one knee. "It's okay. Plus, I don't think Rainbow would let a human take all the pride," he joked, trying to lighten the mood.

"Oh, you know what? You're on, human! If we win the contest, you'll have to owe me all of your bits from your times drinking with me!" Rainbow Dash declared, a mischievous glint in her eyes. Anon gasped in shock; that's nearly a thousand bits to pay back. He might need to have a part-time job to cover that!

"Okay, fine, but if we win, then you will have to..." Anon paused, scanning the area for a split second before noticing GreenBay's eyes peeking out from behind the trees as he was hiding.

"Take my friend GreenBay on a double date with me and Twilight," he said, causing the Pegasus to drop his jaw in surprise. Picks and Granite chuckled, while GreenBay tumbled out of the tree to the ground. Octavia and Green both shouted, "HUH?!" along with Rainbow Dash. Fluttershy blushed and hid her face behind her mane again. Rainbow looked at GreenBay up and down before she shrugged and flew to be eye level with Anon.

"Deal... But I'm going to win! So, good luck... Anon," she said before she and Fluttershy flew away, leaving GreenBay trotting over to Anon. "What. The. Buck," was all he said before he dashed back to the drums and did a solo really fast. Once he was done, Bay looked at his group and smiled brightly.

"We're gonna need to win this now."

Chapter 10 Love comes with music

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CHAPTER 10 Love comes with music

The day had finally arrived—judgment day. It was either Anon's band or the other groups. One of them would walk away with the prize money. As Anon woke up, he found himself on the right side of the bed, but it felt warmer than usual. Slowly shifting, he looked down to see a beautiful sight—his mare, Twilight. She was cooing in her slumber, hugging the human's hand close to her chest fluff. A smile cracked across his face as he nuzzled his mate's mane.

Twilight had been spending more nights at the human's place lately. Anon didn't mind, but he often reminded her about her responsibilities with Spike the dragon and Owlowiscious the owl.

Anon shifted his hand slightly, causing the mare to groan softly before murmuring, "No... keep him... warm..." and then snoring again. Anon snorted softly before adjusting his hand once more. Suddenly, he gasped when the mare started sucking on his thumb. He lay there, feeling a mixture of confusion and a slight sense of arousal from the unexpected action. When she finished, he felt a bit awkward as he finally freed his hand.

The action stirred the mare from her slumber, and she yawned lightly before offering a sweet smile. "Morning, love," she said, nuzzling his nose. She then furrowed her brow in confusion when she noticed the expression on the human's face. "What's wrong?" she asked, her gaze shifting to his hand. It took her a moment to realize what had happened, and when she did, she gasped loudly, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment. Anon couldn't help but laugh at her reaction, reaching over to ruffle his lover's mane. Twilight snorted indignantly and then huffed, looking away with a playful pout.

"I told you I don’t like that," she said, blowing a bit of mane off her face. Anon smirked and nuzzled her head again. “I know, but you’re so adorable when you pout,” he cooed. He was slowly about to get up but froze in place when he spotted an issue down his lower half.

“Oh… uh… I can explain,” he muttered before looking over to his mate. He stopped mid-pace as his mare eyed him with half-lidded eyes before slowly reaching down below. “The town is still waking up…” she trailed off, blushing heavily as the man shivered. Anon sheepishly smiled and quickly pulled Twilight into a kiss. She muffled a moan from the stunt before pulling the man back to the covers.

Anon and Twilight walked towards Golden Oaks with satisfied expressions. Anon had Lady Terra on his back, remembering that Picks wanted to do one more practice before the show. He opened the door, letting his mare enter. "Here you go, Sparks," he said before quickly hugging her.
"Gotta head to the guitar shop. Picks wants to do one more practice before tonight," Anon said. Twilight nodded and kissed the man's cheek before trotting back into the treehouse. Anon quickly made his way down the path, feeling ever so happy. The ponies all greeted the human as he passed by. He saw Applejack and Mac working on their stand. Without hesitation, Anon grabbed a bucket and placed it alongside the others, getting the two's attention.

"Oh, howdy, Anon!" Applejack greeted with a smile. Anon bumped his hand with Mac's hoof before smiling at the farm mare. "Hey, Aj. I hope you're ready for the show tonight!" Anon said, placing another bucket down. Applejack nodded, her grin growing wider. "Sure can't wait. Can't wait to see how many ponies will be there!" She said, now standing behind the shop.

Anon grinned, the excitement of the upcoming event palpable in the air. "Yeah, it's gonna be a blast. I can feel it," he replied, glancing around at the bustling activity. The town was alive with preparations, ponies scurrying about, setting up stalls and decorations, their energy infectious. Macintosh gave a nod of agreement, his usually stoic expression softening just a touch. "Eeyup," was all he said, but the twinkle in his eye spoke volumes.

"Well, I gotta go, see you at the show?" Anon said, looking to Applejack and Mac for confirmation. Applejack nodded in response, her grin growing wider. "Sure thing, Anon. Can't wait to see you up there!" she said cheerfully, giving him a playful nudge.

"See ya then!" Anon waved before turning to continue his journey to the band's meetup spot. Along the way, he was greeted by a certain sky blue Pegasus.

“Hey Anon! What are you up to?” Rainbow said, bumping her hoof with the man. Anon nodded to his guitar and smiled brightly. “Nothing much, just making my way to meet up with the band. What about you?” he asked, curious about Rainbow's plans.

“Oh, nothing much,” Rainbow replied, glancing at Anon's guitar. “Boss has been putting pegasi on special duty for the show tonight, wanting it to be 'special' and all that sappy stuff.” She gestured towards some weather ponies flying by before flapping high into the air. “Sorry to cut it short, but I gotta go. See you at the show, Anon!”

Anon chuckled, shaking his head as he watched Rainbow dash off. Turning his gaze, he spotted Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie chatting nearby. When they noticed him, both mares greeted him warmly, their smiles adding to his growing excitement for the upcoming event.
"Hiya Nonny! Hope you’re ready for the show tonight, we’re going to destroy you both!” Pinkie exclaimed with her trademark enthusiasm, punctuated by a loud giggle. Fluttershy let out a small yelp and instinctively hid behind her mane, but her whispered words betrayed her excitement: "But also can’t wait for the fun too." Anon, ever the picture of calm, knelt down with a smile for the two mares.

"Agreed, the fun is one thing I’m looking forward too," he replied warmly, prompting a smile from Fluttershy, who no longer felt the need to hide. Pinkie, true to form, hopped around Anon in a whirlwind of energy before abruptly gasping and producing her pet alligator from seemingly thin air.

"Ooh! We can have Gummy be the judge for the contest!” Pinkie exclaimed, shaking with excitement. Anon cleared his throat before gently reminding her, “Ms. Pie, the only judge will be the mayor.” Pinkie groaned in disappointment, placing Gummy on her back, where the little alligator promptly nipped at her mane. Anon stood up again, waving farewell to the mares. “See you at the show!”

As Anon continued along the path, the guitar shop came into view not too far ahead. He spotted Granite and GreenBay talking at the front, and they stopped and grinned as soon as they saw him approaching.

"Anon! Wassup!" Bay greeted, fist-bumping the man as he approached. Anon nodded in response before glancing at Granite and then entering the shop. "Where are Picks and Octavia?" he inquired, noticing their absence. Granite and GreenBay exchanged frowns. "They've been gone for hours! Picks went to talk to the mayor about something, and Tavi's with Rarity discussing our outfits," Granite explained, sitting down with a sigh. GreenBay hovered in the air with crossed hooves, wearing a pout. "I thought we were here to practice," he grumbled. Anon smiled and removed Lady Terra from his back, displaying the guitar. "We could play something while we wait," he suggested. GreenBay gasped, his expression brightening. Then, his face fell. "Oh yeah... I had to drop my drum set off at the show," he admitted, prompting gasps from both Anon and Granite.

"Oh no, well... so much for practicing indeed," Anon remarked as they all turned around to see Picks trotting in with a happy expression. "Well, the talk with the mayor went well!" he announced before his expression turned quizzical as he noticed something odd. After explaining the situation, the group decided to check on Octavia at Rarity’s shop to see if their suits were ready for the show. Fortunately, they were indeed ready, so after paying their tab for the clothing, the group made their way to the show at the town hall.

Once there, Anon spotted his boss, Mayor Mare, trotting around with a happy grin. Quickly making a move, Anon jogged over and waved. "Hey boss, sorry for not letting you know on what—" he was cut short by a hoof held up, and his boss kept her grin. "Not at all, dear. You’ve been helping a lot these last few years now, and seeing you more with the community is good enough for me," she said before spotting his band behind him.

"I'd say that your band is ready?" she asked. Anon looked back and saw them all nod at the same time. Looking back, he grinned and nodded too. "You bet. Gotta get dressed first and find our drummer's stuff," he said before bidding farewell to the mayor. The group made their way to the stalls and quickly got their gear on. Granite and Octavia were in the mares' room while the three males were in the other.

Picks grunted a bit as he adjusted his suit and tie. He wore a simple black tuxedo with his sleeves rolled up and a black fedora atop his horn. GreenBay also sported a tuxedo, but his had a green stripe on the sleeves. He opted not to wear a hat, instead styling his hair neatly. Anon's attire was particularly unique. Rarity had tailored clothes for him before, but she seemed to relish the challenge of men's suits. He, too, wore a black tuxedo, with one sleeve rolled up and a white stripe on the other. He sported a fedora as well, and instead of a tie, he wore a simple white bow tie. As the stallions emerged from their dressing rooms, they gasped in awe at the sight of the mares.

Octavia was dressed in a stylish grey suit, complete with a matching grey fedora adorned with a pin of her cutie mark. Granite, on the other hand, wore a dark grey dress that elegantly covered her hind legs, with white socks adorning her front legs. Picks was left awestruck, his jaw dropping as if he had witnessed something even more beautiful than before. He trotted up to Granite, blushing slightly.

“Dear... you look…” he began, but Granite cut him off with a playful smile. “Don’t get me started, love. Wait until after the show, okay?” she said, planting a kiss on Picks' head. They both turned their attention to Anon, who was adjusting his rolled-up sleeve. Catching a glimpse of his question mark scar, Anon smiled.

“Are you guys ready?” he asked, looking over at the group. “You bet, mate!” Picks exclaimed before they walked to the building and entered the back to get to their equipment. The group chatted as they waited for the announcement to begin. Anon sat a bit back, eyeing his guitar, which sat still on his lap. A bit of reflection caught his eye.

"Hey, mate," Reed said, startling Anon and nearly causing him to drop his instrument. Anon looked up to see the other human. "Reed! How the hell are you?" Anon exclaimed, getting up and putting his guitar aside before going in for a hug. Reed laughed and hugged him tightly as they shared a moment before breaking the embrace.

"It's good to see you too, buddy! I finished up with the weather staff and wanted to bring my wife to the show. She was interested to hear your band," Reed explained, putting his hands in his pockets.

"How did you know?" Anon asked, rubbing the back of his head out of habit. Reed smirked and turned his back against the human. "Well, I heard from some ponies that a human and ponies were playing music in Ponyville a while ago," he said, making Anon smile. The two laughed before Picks trotted over to them.

"Oh, hello! You must be Reed. Anon has told me a lot about you, Mr. Trails," Picks said, shaking Reed's hand with his hoof. Reed smiled brightly at the unicorn. "Certainly! And please, call me Reed," he said before GreenBay and Octavia trotted in too.

"There's starting the announcement," GreenBay said before they both went back out. Picks nodded and turned to leave before Reed stopped him and looked at both of them. "Oi, I was wondering, Anon, you're gonna be my best man, but I was wondering if your band can play for the after-party?" Reed asked, smiling. Soon, a loud gasp was made, and Granite barged in with a huge grin. "YES, WE WILL COME!" she exclaimed, grabbing Picks by the neck and dashing to the door. He nodded and adjusted his glasses before he disappeared. Anon laughed with Reed as they shared one last hug before Reed left the backroom, and Anon rejoined the rest of his band.

"Thank you all for coming here on Hearts and Hooves Day, everypony! I promise you that this will be the greatest night of our town!" Mayor Mare said, hearing the crowd cheer loudly. Anon stood close with his band and spotted his mate Twilight and her friends not too far on the stage.

They were all dressed up too, and it made the human blush at the beauty of her dress. Twilight saw him and blushed too but was then cut short when the mayor shouted out the elements out loud. Soon she called out all the other bands' names and then pointed a hoof at Anon with a big grin on her face. "And my employee, you know him as the town's worker of Ponyville. He is our town's human, Anonymous, and his band, Afternoon Daydreams!" Anon flushed a bit as the town all cheered his name, and he also saw Reed hopping up with his wife on his back as they shouted out, "Anon, we love you!"
Mayor Mare then calmed the crowd down as she explained the rules about it being a friendly competition and that each band had one song to play. Luckily for his group, they were well-prepared for this. They then got seated and waited for their turn to play. Anon felt lucky that he would be able to hear his mare sing before him.

An hour later, the other bands had played their songs, some simple tunes they knew while others had more custom-made ones. Now, it was Twilight and her friends' turn to play a song. Anon rested a hand on his chin and stared dreamily at his lover as she began to sing softly. He seemed lost for words as he intently recognized the song.



I found a love, for me
Darling, just dive right in and follow my lead
Well, I found a colt, beautiful and sweet
Oh, I never knew you were the somepony waiting for me

'Cause we were just kids when we fell in love
Not knowing what it was
I will not give you up this time
But darling, just kiss me slow
Your heart is all I own
And in your eyes, you're holding mine

Baby, I'm dancing in the dark
With you between my hooves
Barehoof on the grass
Listening to our favorite song
When you said you looked a mess
I whispered underneath my breath
But you heard it
Darling, you look perfect tonight

Anon listened closely, noticing that Twilight had indeed taken her time to adjust the lyrics and make them more suitable for the pony audience. But what caught his attention the most was the fact that Twilight was looking right at him with a big grin on her muzzle before she continued singing.


Well, I found a man, stronger than anyone I know
he shares my dreams, I hope that someday I'll share his home
I found a lover, to carry more than just my secrets
To carry love, to carry children of our own

We are still kids, but we're so in love
Fighting against all odds
I know we'll be alright this time
Darling, just hold my hand
Be my colt, I'll be your mare
I see my future in your eyes

Baby, I'm dancing in the dark
With you between my hooves
Barehoof on the grass
Listening to our favorite song
When I saw you in that suit, looking so beautiful
I don't deserve this
Darling, you look perfect tonight

Anon was now in tears as he listened more to his mate pouring her love out to him. He had never known anyone would feel this way about him, but here was this mare showing all the care for him. He wiped the tears away before Twilight began one more time.


Baby, I'm dancing in the dark
With you between my hooves
Barehoof on the grass
Listening to our favorite song
I have faith in what I see
Now I know I have met an angel in person
And he looks perfect

I don't deserve this
You look perfect tonight

Anon stood up, clapping loudly and cheering along with the rest of the crowd. He had to admit, they did really well. But he pushed those thoughts aside as his mare flew over to him and hugged him close. He rubbed her back as they hugged tightly, the crowd cooing at the couple. Even Reed was crying with Vapor as they continued to clap. But once they broke the hug, they both whispered "I love you" and kissed, not caring if they were being watched.

The Mayor trotted up and cleared her throat. "My, my, what a beautiful song. Nicely done, Elements of Harmony. I can't wait to see who will be the winner. But why don't we get our last band ready?" She nodded over to Anon and his band, and they got up and made their way to their setup. Anon looked over at Picks and Granite, nodding with each other. Then he glanced at GreenBay and Octavia, exchanging nods with them as well. Finally, they cleared their throats before Anon chuckled loudly.



Hey! Where's the drums?
Woo, oh-oh-oh

Ooh, girl, you're shining like a 5th Avenue diamond
And they don't make you like they used to, you're never going out of style
Ooh, pretty baby, this world might have gone crazy
The way you saved me, who could blame me when I just wanna make you smile?

I wanna thrill you like Michael
I wanna kiss you like Prince, like Hathaway
Write a song for you like this

[Anon and Picks]

You' re over my head, I'm out of my mind
Thinking I was born in the wrong time
One of a kind, living in a world gone plastic
Baby, you're so classic (yeah, yeah; gone plastic)
Baby, you're so classic (yeah, yeah)
Baby, you
Baby, you're so classic


Four dozen roses
Anything for you to notice
All the way to serenade you
Doing in Sinatra style

I'ma pick you up in a Cadillac
Like a gentleman, bringin' glamour back
Keep it real to real in the way I feel
I could walk you down the aisle

The crowd of ponies cheered loudly as the rock music filled the air. Anon couldn't help but sport a sly grin as he glanced over at his mare. Twilight was blushing, clearly enjoying the performance, while Rainbow Dash teased her, poking her elbow as they joked around. Anon took a deep breath before launching into the next verse, his voice carrying over the excited crowd.


I wanna thrill you like Michael
I want to kiss you like Prince
Let's get it on like Marvin Gaye, like Hathaway
Write a song for you like this

[Anon and Picks]

You' re over my head, I'm out of my mind
Thinking I was born in the wrong time
It's like a rewind, everything is so throwback-ish
I kinda like it, like it

Out of my league, old school chic
Like a moviestar from a silver screen
You're one of a kind, living in a world gone plastic
Baby, you're so classic (yeah, yeah)
Baby, you're so classic (so classic; yeah, yeah)
Baby, you're so classic

Anon held his instrument close as Picks trotted up, taking over the chorus with gusto. Granite beamed proudly as her coltfriend belted out the lyrics, his voice blending seamlessly with the music.


Baby you're classy, and, baby, you're sick
I never met a girl like you ever 'til we met
A star in the 40s, centerfold in the 50s'
Got met trippin' out like the 60s, hippies

Queen of the discotheque
A 70s dream and a 80s best
Hepburn, Beyoncé, Marilyn, Massey
Girl, you're timeless
Just so classic!

Anon and Picks raised their instruments high, standing back to back as they sang, their voices intertwining in harmony, filling the air with their music.

[Anon and Picks]

You' re over my head, I'm out of my mind
Thinking I was born in the wrong time
It's like a rewind, everything is so throwback-ish
I kinda like it, like it

Out of my league, old school chic
Like a moviestar from a silver screen
You're one of a kind, living in a world gone plastic
Baby, you're so classic (whoa, oh)
Baby, you're so classic (yeah, yeah)
Baby, you're so classic ooh

As the song came to an end, the crowd erupted into cheers, with even Rainbow Dash flying high and cheering enthusiastically. However, she blushed when she caught Anon's gaze, quickly dashing back to her seat. Meanwhile, Mayor Mare made her way to the stage, gesturing towards the band. Anon and his bandmates took a bow, basking in the applause, before returning to their seats.

Twilight couldn't contain her excitement, hopping up and down before wrapping Anon in a tight hug. "That was awesome, Anon!" she exclaimed, planting a kiss on his lips. Anon chuckled, returning the sentiment. "Thanks, Sparks," he said warmly. They both turned their attention to the mayor as she explained the voting process, instructing them to return in an hour when the votes would be tallied.

As they waited, many of the other bands approached Anon and his band, offering compliments and praise for their performance. Anon and his band graciously accepted the compliments, returning them in kind to the other musicians. Twilight and her friends also received their fair share of compliments, showcasing the camaraderie among the competing bands.

Finally, the mayor returned with the votes, and the crowd gathered eagerly around her, anticipation filling the air. Anon's heart raced as he awaited the results, knowing that it would be a close competition between his band and Twilight's.

The tension in the room was palpable as Mayor Mare dramatically announced the winner of the competition. Rainbow Dash leaned forward eagerly, her eyes fixed on the mayor as she prepared to reveal the results. The anticipation hung thick in the air, with everypony holding their breath in anticipation of the outcome. Finally, with a flourish, the mayor opened the envelope, and the sound of a drumroll filled the room, heightening the suspense to its peak.

Anon's heart swelled with pride as Mayor Mare declared "Afternoon Daydreams!" the winner of the competition. Cheers erupted from the crowd as Picks and Granite celebrated their victory, their faces beaming with joy. Anon couldn't contain his excitement as he joined in the jubilant cheers, his eyes shining with happiness. He felt a rush of gratitude towards his bandmates and the ponies who had supported them.

Twilight's words of encouragement filled him with determination as they made their way to the stage to accept their prize. Anon beamed at the cheering crowd, feeling a sense of accomplishment wash over him. Mayor Mare's words of praise only added to the elation he felt, and he couldn't help but grin as she handed him the bag of bits.

As they waved to the cheering crowd, Anon couldn't shake the feeling of gratitude and joy that filled his heart. This victory was not just theirs alone—it was a testament to the power of friendship and the magic of music that had brought them together. “Another song!” the crowd cheered

Anon's smile widened at the eager request for another song. With renewed energy and enthusiasm, he nodded to his bandmates, who were already poised with their instruments. Twilight's encouraging gaze spurred him on as he lifted Lady Terra, ready to rock the stage once more. "Alright, Ponyville! Let's keep the energy going!" Anon announced to the crowd, his voice filled with excitement. With a swift strum of his guitar, the band launched into their next song, their music filling the air with electrifying energy.

As they played, Anon couldn't help but feel grateful for the camaraderie and talent of his bandmates. Each note they played was a testament to their friendship and shared passion for music. The crowd danced and cheered along, their spirits lifted by the infectious rhythm of the music.

By the time they finished their set, the sun was beginning to set, casting a warm glow over the town square. Anon felt a sense of fulfillment wash over him as he looked out at the smiling faces of the ponies who had gathered to enjoy their music. With their victory secured and another memorable performance under their belts, Anon knew that this day would be one to remember for years to come.

Chapter 11 the truth

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CHAPTER 11 the truth

Celestia smiled reassuringly at Anon, her expression calm and serene despite the weight of the situation. "Yes, Anon. I believe in giving everypony, or in this case, every being, a chance for redemption. Reed has served his time, and I have faith that he has learned from his mistakes."

Anon nodded, his nerves gradually easing at Celestia's words. He trusted her judgment, knowing that she had a wisdom that surpassed his own. Still, the thought of facing Reed after everything that had happened filled him with a mix of emotions—hope, apprehension, and a faint glimmer of forgiveness.

"Are you sure Tia?" Anon's voice quivered slightly, betraying his uncertainty. He shifted his weight from one foot to the other, his gaze flickering between Celestia and the entrance to the throne room. "I mean... I know you believe in him, but what if he hasn't changed? What if he's still... you know..."

Celestia placed a comforting hoof on Anon's shoulder, offering him a gentle smile. "Anon, I understand your concerns. But sometimes, we must have faith in the possibility of redemption. People can surprise us, even when we least expect it."

Taking a deep breath, Anon nodded, his resolve firming. "You're right, Tia. I'll trust your judgment on this."

As the doors to the throne room opened, revealing Reed's figure stepping inside, Anon took a deep breath, ready to face whatever the encounter may bring. Anon's heart quickened its pace as Reed's gaze met his own, their eyes locking in a moment of silent recognition. Memories, both bitter and sweet, flooded Anon's mind as he watched Reed approach, his expression shifting from surprise to something more guarded.

"Anon," Reed greeted, his voice tinged with a mix of uncertainty and cautious optimism. He glanced at Celestia briefly before returning his attention to the human before him. "It's been... a while."

Anon nodded, his throat feeling tight as he struggled to find the right words. "Yeah, it has," he replied, his voice quieter than he intended. "How... how have you been?"

Reed's smile faltered slightly, a flicker of remorse passing through his eyes. "Better, I suppose," he admitted, his tone tinged with a hint of regret. "Prison has a way of making you reflect on things."

Anon's gaze softened as he took in Reed's words, sensing a sincerity in his voice that hadn't been there before. "I'm glad to hear that," he said quietly, a faint glimmer of hope stirring within him.

Celestia observed the exchange with a gentle smile, her presence serving as a silent reminder of the forgiveness and compassion that Reed now had the chance to earn. "I believe in second chances, Reed," she said, her tone gentle yet firm. "And I trust that you will use this opportunity to make a positive difference."

Reed nodded, a sense of determination settling over him. "I will, Princess Celestia. I promise," he vowed, his gaze steady as he met her eyes.

Anon watched the exchange with a sense of relief and gratitude, feeling a weight lifting from his shoulders as he witnessed Reed's sincerity. For so long, their friendship had been overshadowed by mistakes and regrets, but now, as they stood together in the throne room, he dared to hope for a brighter future.

Celestia then escorted the two to the castle chamber where Anon had been staying since then. He had been more grateful than words could express for what the ruler had done for him and Reed. Once she left the two for a quick meeting, Anon was the first to speak.

"So, how do you feel?" Anon asked, sitting down on his bed. Reed sighed, putting a hand on the bed before laying down on it. "Relieved. Tia has done too much for us… and I wish I could repay her. Plus, I hear she is letting us go to school to learn about this world's history," he said, to which Anon nodded in agreement.

As they settled into the room, Anon couldn't help but feel a mixture of emotions swirling within him. Relief that Reed was finally out of jail and seemed to be on a better path, but also a lingering sense of apprehension. They had been through so much together, and while Anon wanted to believe in Reed's change, there was a part of him that feared history might repeat itself.

Anon glanced around the room, taking in the familiar surroundings of the castle chamber. It had become a refuge for him, a place where he could find solace and support amid the chaos of his new life in Equestria. Now, with Reed by his side again, he hoped they could both find a sense of belonging here.

"School sounds like a good opportunity for both of us," Anon replied, breaking the silence that had settled between them. "Maybe we can finally put the past behind us and start anew." Reed nodded, a hint of determination in his eyes. "I'm ready to make things right, Anon. And I won't let you down this time." Anon offered a small smile, grateful for his friend's words. "I believe you, Reed. Let's make the most of this chance we've been given."

“But there is another thing though” Reed said, sitting up to look at Anon, he gets up and looks as Reed was now fidgeting with his fingers.

Anon listened intently, his curiosity piqued by Reed's sudden hesitation. He could sense that there was something important on his friend's mind, something that he was struggling to articulate.

"What is it, Reed?" Anon prompted gently, moving closer to his friend to offer support.

Reed took a deep breath, steeling himself for what he was about to say. "Anon... it's about Tia... I hate to say it, but I... I kinda..." He trailed off, his fingers twisting nervously as he struggled to find the right words.

Anon furrowed his brow, trying to decipher the meaning behind Reed's cryptic statement. "Kinda what?"

Reed hesitated, his gaze flickering away for a moment before he finally met Anon's eyes. "I kinda feel like... I owe her something," he admitted, his voice tinged with uncertainty. "She's done so much for us, and I can't shake the feeling that I need to repay her somehow."

Anon nodded understandingly, his own thoughts drifting to the countless times Celestia had offered them guidance and support. "I feel the same way, Reed," he said softly. "But let's focus on making things right first. Once we've done that, maybe we can find a way to show our gratitude to her."

“So… you wanted to see me?” Anon asks shifting a bit where he stands, Celestia nods her head slowly. Celestia nodded, her expression showing a mix of concern and understanding. "Yes, Anon, I wanted to discuss something with you," she began gently. "I've noticed a change in Reed's behavior lately. Given the upcoming wedding, I expected to hear from him, but there has been no word."

Anon's heart sank at Celestia's words, knowing that he couldn't keep the truth hidden any longer. He shifted uncomfortably under her gaze, feeling the weight of her expectations.

"I've tried to reach out to him, Princess, but... he's been busy with the wedding preparations," Anon explained, his voice tinged with worry. "And Twilight... she's been worried too." Celestia listened attentively, her expression softening with empathy as Anon shared his concerns. She reached out a comforting hoof, placing it gently on his shoulder.

"I understand, Anon," she said reassuringly. "Wedding preparations can be overwhelming, but it's important that we address any concerns that may arise. Whatever challenges you're facing, know that you don't have to face them alone." Anon nodded gratefully, feeling a sense of relief wash over him as he realized he had Celestia's support in navigating the difficulties ahead.

Anon's words hung in the air, heavy with unspoken implications. Celestia's heart sank as she processed his meaning, a wave of sadness washing over her at the realization that she had inadvertently caused him pain.

"I don't want you helping me anymore..." Anon took a deep breath, steeling himself for what he knew would be a difficult conversation. Celestia's sadness weighed heavily on him, but he knew that he had to be honest with her.

"It's not that I don't appreciate everything you've done for me, Tia," he began, his voice gentle yet firm. "You've been a guiding light for me in so many ways, and I will always be grateful for your kindness and support."

Celestia nodded, her expression still tinged with sorrow as she listened to Anon's words. Anon took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts before he spoke. "Because, I don’t want you to suffer with my problems," he began, his voice steady but tinged with sincerity. "I hate to have others around me sad… it should be only me."

He glanced down, a blush creeping onto his cheeks as he continued. "But that all changed when I fell for Twilight." Anon straightened, his gaze meeting Celestia's with newfound resolve. "She says, 'no pony should never hold it in by themselves, they have to share it or else it’s all just fake emotions.'"

As he finished speaking, Anon felt a weight lift from his shoulders. Celestia regarded him with understanding, her expression softening as she listened to his heartfelt confession.

Anon's admission hung in the air, tinged with regret and vulnerability. Celestia regarded him with a mixture of understanding and concern. "I understand, Anon," she said softly, her gaze meeting his. "It's natural to fear burdening those we care about with our troubles."

She leaned into his touch, appreciating the comforting gesture. "But you mustn't forget, Anon, that I am not just a ruler to you. I consider you a dear friend, and friends share each other's burdens. You needn't bear your troubles alone." Her voice was gentle yet firm, reassuring him of her support.

Anon's posture shifted as he sat down, his expression thoughtful. "I suppose I did," he admitted, his voice quiet. "I've seen enough hurt and pain in this world, Tia. I didn't want to add to it, especially not for someone as caring as you."

Celestia's gaze softened as she watched him, her heart heavy with understanding. She took a seat beside him, a silent gesture of solidarity. "You have a kind heart, Anon," she said gently, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. "But remember, shielding me from the truth may protect me momentarily, but it ultimately deprives me of the chance to help and support you."

Anon looked up at the roof, gathering his thoughts before he spoke again. "The other reason is, well... personal," he admitted, his gaze shifting back to Celestia. She regarded him with gentle understanding, her expression soft and attentive. "I see," she murmured, giving him the space to continue.

"It's just..." Anon began, his voice trailing off momentarily as he searched for the right words. "There are things I've been dealing with, struggles I haven't quite figured out how to navigate yet." Celestia nodded, her eyes conveying empathy and patience. "We all have our battles, Anon," she said softly. "It's natural to need time and space to work through them."

Anon nodded in agreement, a sense of relief washing over him as he shared his feelings with Celestia. Despite his initial apprehension, he found solace in her understanding presence.

Anon took a moment to gather his thoughts before responding. "It's about this," he said, pulling up his sleeve to reveal the scar on his arm. Celestia's gaze softened as she observed the mark, waiting for him to continue.

"I question why I gave myself this mark," Anon admitted, his voice tinged with uncertainty. "At first, I wanted to show the Apples that I would accept anything, pain or even death... But when I made that mark, I inadvertently gave them one question..." He paused, his expression turning more serious.

"What would you want to do to me?" he recounted, remembering the incredulous look he had received from Applejack's parents. He traced the scar with his fingertips, a somber atmosphere settling between them as he grappled with the memories associated with it. Celestia listened intently as Anon opened up about his inner turmoil. His words carried a weight that she could sense, and she offered him her full attention as he continued.

"Bright Mac saw me the way I was... begging for death... and they did the unthinkable," he revealed, his gaze lifting to meet hers with a small smile playing on his lips. "They took you in," Celestia finished, acknowledging the profound impact of their decision.

Anon nodded, his smile widening slightly. "Yes. But after their death, I kinda questioned myself. Like, why I wanted to die. Was it my way of getting here? Or their death..." His voice trailed off momentarily as he contemplated his own past. "No... I wanted to die because I was the problem," he admitted, his smile faltering as he confronted the harsh reality of his self-doubt.

Anon's words resonated deeply with Celestia as he spoke of the transformative power of love and self-discovery. She listened with a mixture of surprise and empathy as he recounted his journey, from his arrival in Equestria to his experiences in Ponyville.

As he detailed his time as an Apple and his subsequent move to Ponyville, Celestia's expression shifted with each revelation. She felt a pang of sadness at the hardships he had faced but also a sense of admiration for his resilience and determination to find his place in the world.

When Anon spoke of falling in love with Twilight, there was a warmth in his voice that was unmistakable. Celestia couldn't help but smile as she witnessed the genuine affection he held for the mare who had changed his life.

Anon's voice trembled slightly as he continued, looking directly into Celestia's eyes. "Tia, you've done so much for us... more than we could ever repay. Reed and I, we've thought about it a lot. And I realized... I see you as the mother I wished I had again. You've given us a home, a community, a family... And I didn't want you to worry. You've always been concerned for us, but you have a whole kingdom to look after. I didn't want to add to your burdens. I care about you too, Tia, and I didn't want you to struggle because of me." His voice cracked with emotion as he finished speaking, his eyes reflecting the sincerity of his words.

Tears glistened in Celestia's eyes as she listened to Anon's heartfelt words. She felt a surge of emotion, a mixture of love and pride, as she looked at the two humans before her. They were no longer the lost souls she had found years ago; they had grown, they had found happiness, and they had flourished under her care.

As Anon spoke, Celestia's heart swelled with a sense of fulfillment she hadn't felt in centuries. Despite her immortality, she had never experienced the joy of motherhood. But in caring for Anon and Reed, she had found something akin to that maternal love. They were her children in a way, and seeing them happy and thriving brought her a sense of purpose unlike anything else.

With a gentle smile, Celestia reached out and placed a comforting hand on Anon's shoulder. "You and Reed have brought so much light into my life," she said softly, her voice tinged with emotion. "I may not be a mother in the traditional sense, but I care for you both deeply. You're not just my subjects; you're my family. And I will always be here for you, no matter what." and soon they both sit there letting their emotions out.

As they stood up and wiped their faces, Anon couldn't help but chuckle at the unexpected turn of emotions. "Crying is one thing I have done a lot… but this feels right," he remarked, feeling a sense of relief and catharsis wash over him.

Celestia smiled warmly at his words and nuzzled his arm affectionately. "It's alright to let your emotions show, Anon," she said gently. "It's a sign of strength, not weakness."

With that, Celestia turned towards the door, her regal demeanor returning as she prepared to resume her duties. Anon followed suit, feeling a newfound sense of peace and gratitude for the bond they shared.

Anon walked out the door with a big grin on his face, but it faltered slightly when he noticed the apprehension in Twilight's expression. Sensing her unease, he approached her with a comforting smile.

"Hey, Twilight," he began, his voice gentle as he tried to reassure her. "I was just waiting for—"

His words were interrupted by Celestia's soothing voice, and Anon's eyes widened in surprise as he turned to face her. Twilight flinched at the sight of the princess, but Celestia quickly reassured her. "Have no fear, my student," Celestia said, her smile warm and reassuring. "Anon has told me everything. You have nothing to worry about."

Anon felt a sense of relief wash over him as Celestia's words sank in. He glanced at Twilight, silently conveying his gratitude for her support, before turning back to Celestia with a grateful smile. "Yeah, we've been talking," he admitted, feeling a sense of closeness to Celestia as she referred to him as her son.

“Your…” she looks at Anon and then all over before she gasped “Anon is your son?” She nearly shouts out, The human nods and laughs lightly, Twilight takes a deep breath before she starts blurting out “I'VE BEEN SLEEPING MY TEACHERS SON!?” Before she slams her muzzle shut and blushed deeply.

Anon's laughter faltered as Twilight's outburst filled the room. He blinked in disbelief at her sudden revelation, his cheeks flushing crimson as he processed her words. Celestia raised a delicate brow, her expression shifting to one of mild amusement mixed with a hint of concern.

"Twilight, I assure you, it's not quite as scandalous as you're making it sound," Celestia said with a gentle chuckle, through her eyes held a hint of reproach as she glanced at Anon.

Anon cleared his throat, trying to regain his composure as he exchanged an awkward glance with Twilight. "Yeah, uh... it's not like it changes anything," he said, his voice slightly strained as he attempted to diffuse the tension. "We're still us, right?"

Twilight nodded, her cheeks still flushed with embarrassment. "Right, of course," she said, forcing a sheepish smile. "I'm sorry, it's just... took me by surprise."

Celestia's smile softened, and she stepped forward, placing a reassuring hoof on Twilight's shoulder. "No need to apologize, my dear. It's only natural to be caught off guard by unexpected revelations," she said kindly. "But remember, what matters most is the love and trust you share with each other."

Anon nodded in agreement, feeling a sense of gratitude for Celestia's understanding. With a deep breath, he reached out and took Twilight's hoof in his own, giving it a gentle squeeze.

"Yeah, she's right," he said, offering Twilight a reassuring smile. "We're in this together, no matter what." Twilight returned his smile, her embarrassment fading as she squeezed his hoof back. "Yeah, we are," she said, her voice filled with warmth and affection.

Celestia couldn't resist a playful jab, a mischievous glint sparkling in her eyes. "Well, well, well, my little Anon, all grown up and dating my star pupil," she teased, a playful smirk tugging at her lips. "I suppose I should start preparing myself for the grandchildren talk, shouldn't I?"

Anon's cheeks flushed deeper at the jest, but before he could respond, Twilight interjected with a firm tone. “Yeah no. You could drop the son act now,” she interrupted before frowning as a wing was wrapped around his body. “Oh, does my little baby need his bedtime?” Celestia cooed, making him blush and frown more. 'Now I regret saying anything,' he thought before giving up and crossed his arms. “No… mother… I just want to hold my girlfriend,” he said with a fake pouting sound.

Celestia couldn't help but flinch slightly at the term "mother," but she quickly recovered, a warm smile gracing her features as she released Anon from her embrace. As he walked over and picked up his mare, hugging her close, Celestia's smile widened, a soft chuckle escaping her.

"Of course, my dear," she said fondly, her gaze lingering on the couple. "Just remember, if you need any advice on parenthood, you know where to find me."

Anon rolled his eyes playfully as he snuggled Twilight closer, feeling a sense of warmth and contentment wash over him. As they stood together, embraced in each other's arms, he knew that they were ready to face whatever challenges life threw their way, with love and laughter guiding their path forward.

"Sparks, I hope you can keep yourself together, the wedding is in two days, and now that Reed and I are officially Tia’s kids… can you keep—"

"REED TOO!!!" Twilight's voice rang out, and with a flash of magic, Reed suddenly appeared, clad only in a white t-shirt and his underwear. He hastily tried to cover himself with his arms, looking bewildered and slightly embarrassed. "OI! What the hell is going on!" Reed shouted, his confusion evident as Celestia laughed and pulled him into a hug.

"Oh, my other boy!" she cooed, causing Reed to furrow his brow in confusion. Then, as he looked at Anon and Twilight, realization dawned on him, and he broke into a bright smile. "So… I can call you mum?" he asked, to which Celestia nodded. However, Reed's smile faltered as he glanced down at himself. "Mum… I need some pants… I was going to take my wife on a date before we're married," he deadpanned.

Celestia blinked, then promptly burst into tears. "My little boy is all grown up!" she wailed, pulling Anon, Twilight, and Reed into a tight hug. Amidst the overwhelming embrace, all three of them groaned, though their hearts were filled with warmth at the love and joy surrounding them.

As Luna appeared and frowned, Anon and Reed exchanged a puzzled glance. "She knows, doesn't she?" Luna asked, to which Anon and Reed nodded in confirmation. "Wait, how did you know?" Anon inquired, curious about Luna's insight.

"I'm the princess of the night, we get to know a thing or two," Luna replied cryptically before using her magic to gently break the hug. Anon turned his attention back to Reed and the trio of ponies, a mix of curiosity and concern evident in his expression. "Well… how do you feel?" Anon asked, wanting to gauge Reed's emotions.

Reed rubbed his chin thoughtfully before flashing a bright smile. "Good thing she knows before the wedding, I guess," he remarked, his tone reflecting his upbeat mood. Then, leaning in closer to Anon, he whispered urgently, "Now I really need some pants." Anon couldn't help but chuckle at Reed's predicament, realizing that they had more pressing matters to attend to than their current state of undress.

As Anon laughed heartily, he clapped Reed on the back and guided him towards his home. "Yeah, it's funny... But uh... wait, I need pants!" Reed exclaimed in a mix of urgency and amusement as they strolled further into town. Watching the two humans depart, Twilight, Celestia, and Luna exchanged satisfied glances, their smiles reflecting contentment. They had indeed accomplished something remarkable—Anon was happy, Reed was happy, and everyone else seemed to be as well. It was a testament to their efforts and the bonds they had forged.

"It's heartening to witness their growth and the positive impact they've had on others," Luna remarked, her expression reflecting a sense of pride. Twilight nodded in agreement. "Yes, it's as if we're witnessing a transformation right before our eyes. Anon has truly come a long way."

Their attention turned to Celestia, who was still overcome with emotion, wiping tears from her muzzle. "My little boys..." she murmured, her voice filled with a mix of fondness and nostalgia as she watched the two humans disappear over the hill. As they faded from view, Celestia took a deep breath, her expression softening. Though they were no longer boys, the bond they shared with her remained unbreakable, a testament to the enduring power of family and love.

Chapter 12 a joyful day

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CAHPTER 11 a joyful day

"Alright, everyone, let's wrap this up before any changeling decides to crash the party," Anon quipped, laying down the final rug. The ponies chuckled at the human's remark as they began taking their seats. All the princesses were present, along with the Mane Six and even the Wonderbolts. Reed looked dashing in his fantasy black tuxedo and slacks, adorned with gold plates on his shoulders, each bearing symbols of clouds, likely signifying his position within the group.

Anon, also dressed in a tuxedo, completed his ensemble with simple grey slacks. He noticed Reed's slightly uneasy expression, prompting the older brother to step in and offer support. "Hey, Reed, everything okay?" Anon asked, causing Reed to snap out of his thoughts and focus. Reed forced a nervous smile and exhaled shakily. "I'm fine, it's just... I'm getting married," he admitted, prompting Anon to smile and pat his shoulder reassuringly. Reed chuckled nervously and repeated his statement, but his attention quickly returned when Anon's band trotted in with their gear.

Octavia led the way, bowing lightly to Reed and Anon as she approached. "We've arrived. Forgive us for being a bit late; Bay had a few... problems," she explained, gesturing towards the green Pegasus who was engaged in conversation with Rainbow Dash, the sky blue Pegasus. Anon smiled, satisfied that his matchmaking efforts had paid off; it had been two weeks since he made the bet, and now both pegasi were officially dating. Anon shrugged and pointed to a spot. "It's all good, Tavi. I managed to save the spot you guys wanted to play. I'll trust you to take the lead on this?" he asked, to which the mare bowed once again.

"We won't let you down, Anon," Octavia assured before nodding to Picks and Granite to set up with her, leaving Bay and Rainbow Dash. Anon patted Reed again before walking over to the new couple. "I see you two are happy?" Anon asked, making Rainbow flap her wings and hover in the air. "Yeah, it's been pretty awesome!" she exclaimed, with GreenBay nodding in agreement. They were both dressed in something fancy, which was a sight Anon never expected to see.

"Well, I'm glad. And also, congratulations on getting together," Anon said with a teasing tone, causing Rainbow to puff out her cheeks and blush. "Whatever," she muttered, trying to avoid looking at him. Meanwhile, Green Bay rubbed the back of his neck and chuckled lightly out of habit. "Yeah... thanks, Anon. Babe, gotta go help finish setting up. I'll talk to you later, yeah?" he asked, looking up at Rainbow. She nodded, quickly pecked his forehead, and dashed towards her friends, leaving Green Bay blushing and smiling sheepishly. He then trotted past Anon towards the group.

Anon shook his head and wandered around the main room, taking in the finished setup. More and more ponies were trotting in, adorned in fancy clothing and dresses. However, he paused when his mate, Twilight, trotted out with a hint of nervousness etched on her face. "Sparks? What's wrong?" he asked, falling into step beside her as they moved out of the main room into the halls. She remained silent for a moment before sighing. "It's nothing much, but... I'm nervous for the party afterwards," she confessed, prompting Anon to nod in understanding of what lay ahead.

As they walked through the halls, Anon could sense Twilight's nervousness about the upcoming party, especially with the large crowd present, including almost all of the Wonderbolts and a significant portion of Ponyville's residents. It was indeed a momentous occasion—a human marrying a pony in Equestria. Despite the challenges they had faced, including incidents that had landed them in jail for a time, they were now free and happy.

Anon wrapped a reassuring arm around Twilight, offering her a comforting smile. "We'll be fine, Sparks. This is a celebration of love, and we'll be there to support our friends every step of the way," he assured her, his voice gentle yet firm. Twilight leaned into his embrace, finding solace in his words.

Anon had been feeling a sense of happiness for quite some time now, especially since he and Reed had reconciled and put the past behind them. However, there was still a lingering shadow in Anon's heart—the unresolved issue with his sister. She meant everything to him, and he had always strived to keep her safe, no matter the cost. Yet, there was one moment of weakness, one instance where he couldn't protect her, and it weighed heavily on his mind.

Anon sighed, feeling the weight of uncertainty pressing down on him. He didn't know what would happen next, but Twilight could sense his inner turmoil. She knew everything now, understanding the depth of Anon's struggle. And she also knew what needed to be done.

"Anon," Twilight said, her voice gentle but firm, drawing his attention down to her. She smiled and unfurled her wings, offering a comforting hug. Anon gratefully accepted, picking her up and holding her close. As she patted his shoulders, she made him look at her, her expression determined. "I have one thing to do... the last thing you must finish... you must say your goodbyes," she stated, causing Anon to hold his breath and look away briefly. He nodded slowly, processing her words before gently setting Twilight down.

Anon checked the time, realizing there were only three hours left. He knew he couldn't delay any longer. It was time to face the inevitable, to confront his past and bid his final farewells. With a determined resolve, Anon took a deep breath and prepared himself for the emotional journey ahead.

As Anon and Twilight walked just outside to Canterlot Cemetery, Anon's gaze fell upon the solemn sight of the tombstone marking the resting place of the last humans. Celestia had honored her son's wishes by granting them a proper burial, a task accomplished through the passage of time and the magic of Equestria. The stone stood tall and imposing, bearing the carved names of all those who had come before, including the teacher and the driver. But Anon paid them no mind; his attention was solely focused on the one name he slowly reached out to touch.

With a mixture of reverence and sorrow, Anon placed his hand on the engraved name, feeling the weight of memories flood back to him. It was a moment of quiet reflection as he stood there, surrounded by the peaceful tranquility of the cemetery. Twilight stood beside him, offering silent support as Anon said his silent goodbyes to those he had lost, knowing that their spirits would forever live on in his heart. Ameymous.

Anon's voice wavered slightly as he spoke to the tombstone, addressing his sister in a mixture of sorrow and acceptance.

"Hey, sister... I... I gotta stop dragging others along to see me like this," he began, a faint chuckle escaping him despite the heaviness in his heart. "Heh, I've been happy a lot now. Got a girlfriend, so you can stop the jokes now... but I'll miss them... like how I'll miss you..."

Anon paused, his throat tightening with emotion as he continued, "Reed and I aren't mad anymore, we're happy too, but... he's one of us now, so... you can stop your begging too... 'cause I'll start crying more."

He took a deep breath, steadying himself before speaking again, "I know that mom and dad are probably sad for us being gone, but I'll always remember them, just like you too... I know you can't hear me... but... but... I'll live on. I'll love. I will be happy for you... for you... Goodbye... Ame, big bro... I've got to go..."

As Anon rested his head on the stone, allowing his tears to fall freely, he was enveloped in a profound silence. The weight of his emotions seemed to press down on him, leaving him feeling utterly alone in his grief. But when he looked up, he gasped in astonishment.

Reflected on the surface of the stone was his sister, her image smiling and radiant with happiness. Tears of joy streamed down her cheeks, mirroring Anon's own tears. For a moment, they shared a silent connection, a bond that transcended the barrier between the living and the departed.

Anon's heart skipped a beat as he watched his sister lift her hand, and with two gentle sounds, she conveyed a message that spoke volumes without words. It was a moment of profound clarity, a reassurance that even in death, their love and connection remained unbreakable.

Knock knock

As Anon smiled and brought his hand up to mimic the gesture on the stone, the reflection began to shift and change, revealing the faces of everyone who had been on the bus— the teacher waving, the driver nodding, and the kids cheering. Amidst them all, Ame's radiant smile shone brightly, filling Anon's heart with warmth and reassurance. Slowly, the images began to fade, leaving only Anon's contented expression reflected back at him.

Feeling a sense of peace settle over him, Anon turned his attention to Twilight, who was also shedding tears of both sorrow and relief. Her warm smile and comforting embrace enveloped him, and he returned the gesture, feeling a surge of gratitude for her unwavering support.

In that moment, as their lips met in a passionate kiss, Anon felt a profound sense of connection and belonging. With Ame's spirit watching over them, he knew that he was not alone, and that together, he and Twilight would navigate whatever challenges lay ahead with love and strength. The weight on his chest lifted, replaced by a deep sense of calm and serenity.

"We better get back; we don't want the best man to be missing," Twilight said, prompting a nod from Anon. With a quick flash of magic, the pair found themselves back in the castle, ready to rejoin and celebrate the love and joy that surrounded them. Anon smiled warmly as Applejack and her family greeted them. He knelt down to hug Applebloom as she charged into his arms, her enthusiasm contagious.

"I was wondering where you were," Applejack said, smiling warmly at Anon before tipping her hat at the pair. Anon chuckled and placed a hand on his hip, adopting a playful tone. "Well, I got a lot done, so I thought some fresh air was a good idea," he explained before ruffling Applejack's mane, earning a playful protest from her.

"Don't ruin my mane, Rarity is going to be fixing it soon, which is why I was looking for you, Twi," Applejack explained, her gaze turning to Twilight with a knowing look. Twilight chuckled and nodded, understanding the implication. Twilight nodded and nuzzled Anon's leg affectionately before the two of them left for one of the rooms. Anon waved goodbye before making his way back to the main chamber, which had started to quiet down. Reed looked more panicked than ever, so Anon knew he had to step in and do his job.

Rushing over, Anon began whispering words of encouragement and confidence to Reed. Gradually, Reed started to calm down, his anxiety easing with each reassuring word from his friend. Just as the tension began to dissipate, two wings suddenly wrapped around them both, pulling them into a big hug. It was Celestia, her warm embrace enveloping them both.

Reed laughed, and Anon couldn't help but giggle as they were embraced by the Princess of the Sun. However, the moment was short-lived as Luna intervened, gently calming her sister down before the embrace became too overwhelming. With a smile, Anon and Reed exchanged a look of gratitude, grateful for the support of their friends and the warmth of the royal sisters.

Soon the elements of harmony took their seats, followed by the Wonderbolts, Reed couldn't help but sweat a bit as Anon's band began playing the recognizable wedding bells theme. The atmosphere was charged with anticipation, and soon more stallions and mares arrived, taking their positions. Some stood behind Anon, while others lined up on the opposite side, where the bride would soon be standing.

Reed took a deep breath, trying to calm his nerves as he glanced around at the assembled guests. It was a moment he had been waiting for, a moment that would change his life forever. With Anon and their friends by his side, he felt a surge of confidence wash over him, ready to embrace the joy and solemnity of the occasion.

As Vapor made her entrance, accompanied by a mare who Anon presumed to be her mother, Reed's eyes filled with tears at the sight of his beloved. Sensing his emotions, Anon placed a reassuring hand on Reed's shoulder and whispered softly, "She is yours... you love her. Look at her."

Reed nodded, his tears still flowing, but a smile gracing his lips as he gazed at Vapor. Despite the overwhelming emotions, his love for her shone brightly in his eyes. Vapor returned his gaze with a bright smile of her own, her eyes reflecting the depth of her affection and adoration for her soon-to-be husband.

As Celestia began her speech, Anon stood close behind Reed, offering his silent support as the best man. He stood with pride and respect, nodding in acknowledgment to the other stallions and mares gathered around.

As Celestia's speech came to a close, she used her magic to summon the engagement ring and wing bracelet. With a gentle smile, she handed the bracelet to Reed, who carefully clipped the golden band onto Vapor's right wing. Anon watched with a sense of reverence as the symbolic gesture unfolded, each movement filled with meaning and significance.

Finally, Vapor delicately slid the ring onto Reed's ring finger, sealing their commitment to each other in a moment of profound intimacy. Anon felt a swell of emotion welling up within him as he witnessed the exchange, knowing that he was witnessing the beginning of a beautiful journey for his friend and his beloved.

"Redacted the human, do you take this mare to be yours and always be there for her?" Celestia asked, her voice resonating with solemnity. Reed nodded with determination in his voice. "I do," he affirmed, his gaze unwavering as he made his vows. Celestia then turned her attention to Vapor Trails. "And do you, Vapor Trails, take this stallion— er, man, as your love, and stay by his side?" she inquired.

Vapor nodded, her smile growing wider with each passing moment. "I do," she declared, her eyes shining with love and devotion. With a warm smile, Celestia closed the book and nodded respectfully. "Then I pronounce you man and pony. You may kiss the bride," she announced, granting them permission to seal their union with a kiss.

Without hesitation, Reed swept Vapor off her hooves and pulled her close, their lips meeting in a passionate embrace. The room erupted in loud cheers and applause, filled with joy and excitement for the newlyweds. Anon joined in, clapping enthusiastically and wiping away tears of joy from his face, overwhelmed by the happiness and love that filled the air.

As Reed and his newly official wife waved to the cheering crowd, the room erupted in a cacophony of joyful noise. The Wonderbolts cheered loudly, joined by the Elements of Harmony, the townsfolk, and even the princesses themselves. Anon nodded back at Reed, his heart swelling with happiness for his friend, before the newlyweds departed the room, leaving behind a trail of jubilant cheers.

Anon couldn't contain his grin as Twilight got up and stood beside him. Together, they left the room, basking in the warmth of the celebratory atmosphere. As they walked side by side, surrounded by the sounds of cheers and applause, Anon felt a sense of contentment wash over him.

"I'm glad for Reed," Twilight remarked, prompting Anon to sigh and place a comforting hand on her back. He nodded in agreement, sharing her sentiment as they watched the others shake hands and hooves with him, expressing their excitement for the upcoming party.

Twilight kissed Anon's hand before quickly following her friends to the halls for the festivities. Soon after, Picks and the others approached, their smiles warm and congratulatory. "Congratulations for your brother, Anon," Picks said, their words filled with genuine happiness for the newlyweds. "Weddings always make me teary-eyed," Granite added, dabbing at her eyes with a tissue.

"Yeah... I love weddings now," GreenBay chimed in before fluttering his wings and chasing after the others. "I hope I can save a piece of cake for Vinyl," Octavia said with a smile before she and the others departed.

Mayor Mare passed by the group, beaming up at Anon. "A very nice ceremony, right, Mr. Anon?" she asked. Anon nodded in agreement before following his boss out into the halls, feeling a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment after witnessing the beautiful union of his friend. Mayor Mare bid her farewell and left Anon alone, not much time passed before Princess Celestia and Luna approached him with warm smiles. Celestia spoke first, expressing her happiness at seeing Reed and Anon happy.

"Ah, my dear eldest, I'm glad to see Reed and you happy," she said warmly as they walked down the halls together. Anon couldn't resist teasing her a bit, calling her "mother" in a playful tone, which caused Celestia to hold back her emotions.

Luna frowned slightly before gently placing a wing on her sister's back. "We suggest you don't call her that during events like this," she advised, prompting Anon to raise his hands in a gesture of defense. Luna nodded in approval before escorting Celestia away, but not before Anon couldn't resist a final playful jab.

"I'll see you both at the party, Aunt Lulu?" he called out, causing Luna to stop dead in her tracks and eye the human with a mixture of amusement and surprise. "We... uh... we will be... I— We am— won't fall to the affectionate name..." Luna trailed off before quickly using magic to teleport both her and Celestia out of the room.

Chuckling to himself at Luna's playful response, Anon shook his head before making his way out of the room. He had spent enough time chatting, and now it was time to prepare for the party. With a smile on his face and anticipation in his heart, he headed towards the celebration where he and Twilight had a special song to perform.

Navigating through the bustling crowd of ponies, Anon couldn't help but feel a bit overwhelmed by the sheer number of guests in the room. Despite not being a fan of large crowds, he pushed aside his discomfort for the sake of Reed and Vapor's happiness.

Making his way to the table where the newlyweds sat, Anon offered them a warm smile. Reed and Vapor looked radiant as they enjoyed the array of cakes, food, and drinks laid out before them. Anon pulled up a chair beside them, ready to join in the celebration and offer his support to the happy couple on their special day.

Feeling a surge of nervous energy as all eyes in the room turned toward him, Anon took a deep breath to steady himself. With a reassuring nod from Twilight, he wiped the sweat off his face and stood tall, holding a wine glass in hand. Tapping his fork against the glass, he signaled for attention, and the room gradually fell silent.

"I, uh, have to use the bathroom soon, so I'll make this short," Anon began, eliciting a few chuckles from the crowd. Taking a moment to gather his thoughts, he glanced over at Reed, his smile warm and genuine. "I first want to thank Reed for choosing me to be his best man. I never really gave it much thought, but now I understand why," Anon began, his voice carrying across the room. "We've been in Equestria for almost 20 years, and we've experienced both the good and the bad, survival and regrets."

Taking a moment to sigh, Anon's expression softened into a smile. "But this human... this man, he's a good guy, a great guy! And I'll say this to my new sister-in-law: don't call him a baby. He can be one if you do," he added, prompting laughter and chuckles from the gathered crowd. Reed snorted in amusement, and Vapor chuckled before nudging his shoulder affectionately.

"And Reed... I know he's had fights in the past and had some tough times back on Earth... But you're right, the chapter of this sorrow series is over. A whole new life is coming for you... And I'm proud of you, my friend, my brother," Anon continued, his voice filled with warmth and sincerity. "I wish for you to have the happiest life with this mare... for our family."

With a sense of unity and celebration filling the room, Anon raised his glass high in the air, and the rest of the ponies followed suit, along with Reed and Vapor. "To a new chapter!" he cheered, his words echoing throughout the room.

"To a new chapter!" came the resounding reply, as the room erupted into cheers and applause, marking the beginning of a new journey filled with love, happiness, and endless possibilities. Feeling the warmth of Reed's embrace, Anon hugged him back tightly for a moment, a silent expression of their bond as friends and brothers. When Reed broke the hug, Anon smiled and nodded, understanding the call to join the festivities.

As the DJ began playing dance songs, Reed wasted no time in taking his wife's hoof and leading her to the dance floor. With a joyous smile on his face, he began dancing with Vapor, surrounded by the other ponies who had joined them on the floor. Anon watched with happiness in his heart, knowing that his friend had found true happiness and love.

Anon scanned the crowd, searching for his mare, but she seemed to be nowhere in sight. However, his attention was soon drawn to the stage, where his band awaited him. A smile spread across his face as he realized they were here for one last song for the newlywed couple.

"Ladies and gentlecolts, our best human has one more thing for our new wedding couple," the announcer declared, prompting murmurs of anticipation from the crowd.

With determination in his stride, Anon made his way through the crowd and ascended the stage, where his band awaited him. He hoped Twilight was nearby; after all, it would be a bit awkward for this song to be sung by only one person. As he took his place on stage, he glanced around, hoping to spot his mare among the crowd, eager to share this special moment with her.

Endless love

My love,
There's only you in my life
the only thing that's right

As the brief pause filled the air, Anon's heart skipped a beat with anticipation. Then, to his delight, he heard the unmistakable voice of the love of his life begin to sing. A rush of warmth and joy flooded through him as Twilight's melodic voice filled the room, wrapping around him like a comforting embrace.

My first love
You're every breath that I take
you're every step I make

[Anon and Twilight]
And I (And I)
I want to share
All my love with you

No one else will do...
And your eyes (Your eyes, your eyes)

They tell me how much you care
Ooh yes, you will always be
My endless love

As Twilight joined him on stage, Anon couldn't help but feel a surge of admiration and love for her. She looked more beautiful than ever, radiant in her dress, her presence filling him with a sense of awe. He smiled at her, his heart overflowing with affection, and she returned the gesture with a smile that lit up her entire face.

[Anon and Twilight]
Two hearts,
Two hearts that beat as one
Our lives have just begun

And Forever (oooo)

I'll hold you close in my arms
I can't resist your charms
And love (ohh love)

I'll be a fool
For you,
I'm sure

You know I don't mind (Oh, you know I don't mind)

'Cause you,
You mean the world to me

I know (I know)
I've found in you
My endless love

As Reed and Vapor swayed together in a tender embrace, their movements growing more intimate with each passing moment, Anon and Twilight stood close by, humming along with the beat of the music. Their presence added to the atmosphere of love and joy that filled the room, drawing the attention of the surrounding ponies who cooed and smiled at the sight of the two couples.

Anon's band continued to play flawlessly, keeping perfect time with the slow dance as their music provided a soothing backdrop to the evening's festivities. In that moment, surrounded by the warmth and happiness of their friends and loved ones, Anon and Twilight shared a silent exchange of love and contentment, grateful for the opportunity to be part of such a beautiful celebration of love.

[Anon and Twilight]
Oooh, and love (Oh, love)

I'll be that fool
For you,
I'm sure

you know I don't mind (Oh you know I don't mind)

And, YES
You'll be the only one
'Cause no one no one can deny
This love I have inside
And I'll give it all to you

My love (My love, my love)
My endless love

Anon scratched his small beard, looking over to Mayor Mare as she listened closely while he worked. After a moment of consideration, she spoke up. "Well, at first... I was going to say that the music is a bit off. But then again, it has been a few months now," she commented, before grabbing a pile of papers and placing a green stamp on it with a bright smile. "I like it indeed, Anon! Our first ever human biography!" she exclaimed, her eyes gleaming with excitement as she looked at the title of the story. "This is indeed the beginning of a new chapter," she added with a nod of approval.

Anon couldn't help but smile brightly at Mayor Mare's words. Over the past few months, he had poured his heart and soul into crafting the story of his life in Equestria. It had been his mate's idea to create a book about humans, aiming to correct the misconceptions that had been perpetuated over the years. Anon had taken on the task eagerly, determined to share his experiences and insights with the ponies of Equestria. As he reflected on his journey, he felt a sense of fulfillment knowing that he had made a meaningful contribution to his new home.

"Thank you, Mayor Mare! Twilight will be so happy to hear the news!" Anon exclaimed with a grateful smile as he grabbed his leather jacket. He shifted slightly before shrugging into his coat and waving goodbye before heading out.

As he made his way through the door, Anon accidentally bumped into a stallion. "Oh! Sorry, Mr. Anon, I was--" the stallion began, but Anon quickly shrugged it off, offering a friendly smile to the new town worker. "Hey, no problems, man. Just keep the boss happy, is all," he replied, patting the stallion's side before continuing on his way.

However, to his surprise, the stallion didn't simply let the encounter end there. Instead, he quickly stopped and began following Anon, piquing the human's curiosity as to what the stallion wanted. Anon stopped in his tracks as the pony called out to him, curiosity evident in his expression. The human turned to face the stallion, who was smiling brightly at him.

"I've heard some things about you and the other human, but... what are you doing now? I know that Reed is married, but what about everyone else?" the stallion asked, his voice filled with genuine interest.

Anon couldn't help but chuckle at the stallion's eagerness. "You're new to the whole town worker thing, aren't you?" he remarked, noticing the slight embarrassment in the stallion's demeanor. The pony's ears fell flat against his head as he nodded sheepishly.

Anon's smile softened, and he draped his leather coat over the pony's back. "Well, how about I tell you a few things? Maybe that can help you get settled in," Anon suggested, noticing the excitement in the stallion's eyes. The pony's grin widened, and he nodded eagerly. "Yes, yes! I would love to hear about how your day is going," he exclaimed, eager to learn more about the human and his experiences in Ponyville.

"So, you want to know the ending, eh? Well, I guess I should give you all the scoop," Anon began, a smile playing on his lips as he prepared to share the latest news. "Reed has been the happiest guy ever lately. He's going to be a dad! All I can do now is wish him luck as he enters parenthood."

Anon continued, his voice filled with warmth and enthusiasm as he shared updates on his friends. "As for my band, Picks and Granite are getting married soon, and they've decided to have the ceremony in Trottingham. More adventures await them! Octavia has sadly left the group to join her wife, Vinyl, on a world tour of music. And guess what? They're now sponsored by Wintercolts!"

"GreenBay is still young and new to love, but I wish him luck with Rainbow Dash. Applejack has also been helping me out with work from time to time. Sure, I may be a bit stubborn, but I can't say no to the Apple family," Anon added with a chuckle.

"As for Celestia, she's planning for her retirement with Luna, and Twilight is gearing up to take the throne. Her princess training is in full swing," Anon continued, his gaze drifting towards Twilight, who was chatting with Spike and her friends. When they spotted Anon, they all waved at him, and he returned the gesture with a nod. "And as for me?" Anon paused, a contented smile spreading across his face. "I'm a happy man," he concluded, waving goodbye to the new towns worker.

"Wait, your jacket, sir!" the pony called after him. Anon stopped and smiled. "Keep it. You're the town's worker now, not me anymore!" With that, he headed off towards the treehouse, a grin on his face, ready to finish off this lovely day.

The End


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