> The Beginning of A New Life > by Shizuo35 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Blood Moon (Part 1) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Its been... I think a year since I left my family alone to save them from myself and any damage I could do to them while sleeping. First week I ripped something apart every night in Twilight's castle.... Sure she used some spells that made things indestructable but I did buy myself a few stuffed toys to try to sleep with to make it seem like I was cuddling something else... Yeah... She had to use magic to put em back together and the same indestructable spell to keep them together. Only bought 3 to try to help. Nothing did. Though I did start going to therapy. Actual therapy. Not using Magic. I went through a few therapists in a week. A WEEK. I knew I was fucked up but to swap from therapist to therapist in a week? Yeah. Luna had to go and convince the last one to help me. I've seen them for quite a while. As time went on I felt better... Did I still have some freakout moments? Yeah. My life has been ANYTHING but quiet. I went out with Shining to a range in the Foal mountains. Big Mac came with us as well. We all shot some weapons Shining rented us but I had to leave the range and go to a nearby diner that the patrons of the range go to every so often. Not because of anything I did but as the firing went on I began to feel more and more uncomfortable shooting. Did I still shoot stuff? Yeah but not in indoor ranges.... Flashbacks to the first range incident. But yeah... enough about that... Fast forward to today.... I was sleeping in my room at the garage. Yeah. I own a garage. And yeah. I work on cars. Pretty affordable but also reliable. Its actually where I used to work actually. The garage I worked at before I was fired. Owner of the garage was selling it, Luna helped me buy it... Oh you should've seen the faces of some of my old coworkers.... especially when I walked in. The few leads that were still there were from when i worked there just told me to fuck off before the new owners got there. They were practically pissing themselves when I said I was the new owner. And that they were fired. And yeah. They really were. Guess the owner didnt wanna deal with em because apparently they were still selling shitty car mods to ponies. Garage was closed for a few weeks or so for remodels and inspections of equipment but they added the room, the staff that wasnt quitting was being paid full time by Celestia while we worked things out. I owned the place, had to deal with angry customers every so often but the books were automated on a computer and the hours were someone elses problem. And yeah. I did put my work in as well, even taught some of the guys a thing or two. Anyone who wanted something done to their car and wanted me to do it got it. Otherwise the guy assigned tot he car got it. Anyways I was just across the lot at a lockup garage that was bought out. It was early in the morning before we opened. And I wasnt working on my normal car. Luna had that for the time being. What I had was my dads old truck. Luna had to gut the entire thing. Build it from the ground up and it took forever to find the parts for it. She turned it into a van I could use. Doors opened up in the back, still two doors in front, a second row of seating and I guess some side benches in the back that can connect into a bed if need be. Anyways I was just tinkering around under the hood in the morning. Fog was rolling along the ground, the sun slowly burning it off. I was wearing some new coveralls that were straight out of the Nukes Galore game. Anyhow I heard a car pull up behind me... didnt know what to expect. Call me paranoid but I didnt know if I should've grabbed a tool to defend myself or not. Usually didnt need to but the option was there. I just looked up as I heard doors open and shut only to see some guards approaching. "Ryder sir?" One asked. I sighed shutting the hood and turning around leaning on the front, arms crossed. "Yeah? What's up?" I asked. "If this is about someone nearby complaining about the noise that was late in the day yesterday I'm sorry my guys like to blast music. I'll ask em to keep it down next time." The other guard came around the truck. "Uh... Not that sir... no complaints about that yet but still might be good to keep the noise down." They said. "But uh... We've been requested by Princess Celestia to retrieve you..." I raised an eyebrow. "Really? What's the occasion?" "She didnt say. She just told us to come here and bring you to Canterlot. If not now then later tonight but she does wish for you to be there. It's required as she says." I huffed. "And I guess if I dont go she might send a squad after me, tranq me and make me do whatever she had planned..." I stood straight. "Tell her I'll be there later. Promise I'd be at the orchard in a bit, see the girls, make sure the wife doesnt need anything first." The guards nodded before going back to the truck. "...He's a royal? Dont act like it..." The one guard said. "Heard that... And trust me... I'm a royal..." I just watched them get in and drive off. Thats when I closed up the garage and huffed heading back over to the garage. There was a set of stairs in the back leading up to my room. It was connected to the shop but I always kept that door locked. I had a 'bigger on the inside' wardrobe myself for my things which kinda doubled as an armory because of the Elites and where I kept my weapons. And yeah... The hidden blade as well. There was a bathroom in the corner, shower included so I dont smell like shit. I had pictures of the family up on the wall, signed poster framed from the Alley Brawlers devs and even a replica laser rifle from the devs of the Nukes Galore series next to that. I just went and got dressed in a teeshirt, jeans and even grabbed my combat jacket. I went back down to the truck and headed on out. This thing was pretty heft but pretty fast. Used it both to haul parts, bring tools and such.... and thank you to Twilight who enchanted the back with some easy cleaning spells. And you do not want to know what we had to do to test it. Anyways I pulled up to the house. We had decorations up for Nightmare Night. No kids came around here but we did bring the girls out to town. Nightmare Night was tomorrow and we didnt really have anything else to do. Girls had their costumes, Bloom was thankfully still with Diamond and they were doing a couples costume. Scoot wanted to dress up as Sparkplug and thanks to the connections she got a few tips from her. Skinny jeans, combat boots, gems tanktop that was cut just above the belly... Sparkplug has it much higher up but rather she be safe than sorry.... Yeah I felt bad every time I drove up to the house. But I was content knowing they were safe. I turned the engine off and hopped out just walking up to the house. Though I stopped at the front door and looked around. Had eyes on my back. Just walked around before I heard a scream and someone just slamming down on my back. "GOTCHA!" A certain filly said. I just looked over my shoulder and saw Scootaloo just clinging to me. I couldnt help but laugh as she hopped off my back. "Yeah certainly got me Scoot..." I sighed as she just hugged me regularly. "What were you doing up there? Messing around on the roof again?" She sighed as we both went inside. "Nah. Dash was playing hide and seek with us but havent seen her in a while. Dont doubt she did that to keep us busy and out of her hair." "You know where Applebloom hid?" "Under the treehouse. You know how Dash always searches from the air." We both stopped inside just to see Dash grabbing a bottle of Cider from the fridge. I huffed pinching the bridge of my nose. Dash just smiled putting the bottle back. "Uh... Found ya Scoot... I'll just go tell Bloom, game is over..." She said stepping away from the fridge. She just hurried past us and out the door just taking flight. "...Yeah... she definitely was trying to steal our cider.... Think those were mine..." I huffed going over to the fridge myself and dipping in to grab a soda. I still have a small stash over here. "Ask Applejack, sure she'll be happy to make you some more. I'll be giving Dash an earful later... But speaking of Applejack where's she at?" "Last I checked she left with Big Mac to go drop Mash off with Fluttershy... Glad she agreed to babysit while we got some work done over here... Seems like Applejack is actually back to her old self after giving birth to Mash." Yeah. Took a bit for AJ to get back to her usual self. Around the time I left Applejack was working hard but had to still take it easy after a health scare. I came back one day for a prep day and sweet fucking CELESTIA I had to have Big Mac take the girls inside, call an ambulance and just.... Oh I hated it.... They came, checked her told me they overexerted herself... Told her to just rest and she'd be back on her feet in a few hours, just stay hydrated, take some muscle relaxers, eat something too. I was panicking and you best bet I was at her side the entire day.... That night I did sleep nearby. Dad's truck... now van... I guess... Slept in that, Big Mac had to come out, get me to come up stairs and make sure Applejack was alright when she threw up... Even had me make take her down to the nearest twenty four hour fast food place for something. I mean... Even though she wasnt feeling good it was sorta romantic.... We went to a park, watched the fire flies and just.... Well. She may have gotten a little handsy... kinda ruined by her gagging a bit. Still she ate but I had to drive her back, laying her down. Made sure she kept the food bag nearby. Anyhow I sighed. "Guess I'll be waiting around.... Wanna wait in the van?" She shrugged and just went and grabbed a cider before following me out. I just opened up the back of the van and she hopped right in sitting on the bench. I huffed. "Still cant believe this used to be dads truck.... Hopefully its doing him proud seeing it to some use rather than rotting in a scrap yard somewhere...." "Doesnt even feel like his truck.... Every time I rode in it i'd be scared he'd crash or something with how he drove." "Ah... Right... Dad used to go and race this thing. Dont take this the wrong way but.... If I were still a guard and mom and dad were alive not gonna lie... I would see about racing my car... but that dream that Luna showed us if mom and dad were still alive... just.... yeah... not happening..." She sighed cracking open her cider. "...Wonder what's going on with our old house.... Kinda miss that place every now and again...." "Last I checked still vacant...." Yeah... the team assigned to rebuild the house did but once the landlord tried selling it to whoever wanted it. Religious kooks decided to want to get it for free because of the murders and the fires to 'cleanse' the area but the landlord doubled down, told them if he found them around the property to do what they wanted he'd call the guard, they did, guard showed up, escorted them off... five.... five times.... After the fifth time the landlord went and had to get them to stop by telling them that they did their job, the demons were gone and.... Well... Yeah. He's still trying to sell it but since those kooks went and were escorted off multiple times they went and set up a page on social media about the 'house from hell' and claims to have known the family that lived there, how sweet they were yet how the children conjured demons with a pentagram and it burned down.... How wrong they are.... So the landlord still has it up for sale and.... Not gonna lie I'm tempted about buying it if i get enough bits... Probably not worth it unless I wanna live in it. Anyhow we waited. Dash came back with Applebloom and you bet your ass she said that Scoot sold her out... I called bullshit and told her game was over when I got here. I Just sat here as Scoot and Bloom went back to the house and Dash decided to join me. She sighed as I just got out of the van and walked towards the road with her. "So, you planning on moving back here anytime soon?" She asked. I huffed as I flew up checking for any sign of the wife and my brother in law. If they still consider me a husband and brother that is... "It's crossed my mind but I dont think things are just right yet..." "Still having night terrors?" She asked as she flew up by my side. "Not as often but... yeah... doesnt help that tonight Celestia wants me in Canterlot.... Just making sure things are alright here before I do go..." I looked to her. "....Anything you know?" "Didnt hear it from me but AJ has been getting a bit on the depressed side lately... Nothing to call Gilda in about but I see it in her eyes at times whenever your sister is outside with her friends or something. She knows you still love her enough to see her but... I'm not sure if even that is enough to keep things going...." "...Do you think it isnt hard on me?" I asked going down to land. I just sat on the roof of the van. "First months of this I couldnt help but cry at night at times... Yeah I called Gilda but always urged her to stay away... I was afraid to be in the same bed as her.... Before or after sex.... She still came over yeah but slept on the floor or in a room nearby. But I always thought of Applejack.... There were so many times I'd want to be hit with some mind altering magic but I kept telling myself it wouldnt help... I'm better now... mostly... but I'm still not sure if I wanna move back in yet.... Yeah AJ would welcome me back with open arms I'm sure but.... just... I'm still scared... yknow?" "I get that Ry..." She landed right next to me on the van. "....She understood you could've hurt her... Twi really put that in her head... Especially after you tore pillows, stuffed toys and even punched holes in walls when you put a bed in a corner..." Yeah.. that happened.... broke my wrist a time or two with how hard I punched. Yeah I dented the wall but still fucked my hands up really good... I just let Twilight use Luna's healing magic on em so I could still do stuff without someone helping me and making it awkward... Like seriously... If Gilda was helping me she'd jack me off while I was just trying to piss. I wasnt in the mood one day, I was too cold to get out from under a blanket all the way, asked her for help and she did just that. Helped me piss but stroked me off even though I told her not to.... her face when I told her to stop said she didnt want to but when I was about to cum I forced her face in front of me, painted her face and just left her there.... Locked her out of my room too but she did knock and try to apologize over an hour... I didnt hear her but she told me the next morning. "...She does but... How long is that understanding gonna be there...? Is it going to turn sour and am I gonna have to be here to just see my kid while she's off with you or someone else because she needs some loving..." "Trust me. If she just needed someone to hold I'm there if you cant be but there is no way in hell am I getting any action after that Cloudsdale Comic Convention bullshit I went through..." "Yeah.... I could see her getting together with Rarity but eh... fancy dont meld with farmer very well from what the TV shows say... but could be wrong. Still could happen if Rarity wants to see AJ..." My ear flickered and I just looked up the road. "Speak of the devil..." I hopped off and just started walking as their truck started pulling around. They stopped and AJ hopped out of the passenger seat just running right over to me giving me a hug. Definitely back to herself finally.... She did start hitting the gym a bit after I left... Yeah I had to watch the girls but Dash spotted her making sure she didnt hurt herself and knew her limit. Oh she got as strong as she used to be and a bit more. Worked down her pregnancy belly but it was nice to see her better herself. She giggled a bit. "Well aint this a surprise? The hell you doin' here sugarcube?" She asked squeezing me tight. "Werent expecting you to be visiting today." I huffed as she broke the hug. "Well... Only came to check if you guys needed anything... Celestia wants me in Canterlot later and I dont wanna run off just in case you guys needed anything..." "I think we're fine there sugarcube." She said. "Girls helping with Mash, Big Mac and I have been working the orchard while the girls are at school, Flutters and Pinkie take turns on taking care of Mash while we work, you help with hauling and selling when we need it but we're all good here." "You sure? Nothing you need at all?" "Nah... We're fine.... You're alright to just get outta here. We need anything after that we can ask Twilight or one of our other friends. 'Sides. Nightmare Nights tomorrow, girls are going off to one of Diamond's party, we're already done baking some party snacks for em and we're droppin' em off, heading off to something Pinkie's doing and Diamond Tiara's father agreed to keep em over for a night or two so we got time to drink if we can get Button's mother to take care of Mash. Got it all planned out." I gave a defeated sigh. "Well... That's.... That's cool... Just uh.... Do call if you need anything...." She kinda looked at me.... Studying me.... Even turned me around and looked at my wings. She turned me back around and I just... smiled a bit. "Alright Sugarcube... what's the matter?" I looked back at Dash. "...She say something about us?" I nodded. "Tried stealing your sisters cider?" I nodded again. "Anything more?" I nodded. "....Wanna talk alone?" I nodded.... a bit hesitantly. She looked to her brother. "Mac. Grab Dash and get inside. Need to have a talk with Ryder... And make sure Dash doesnt steal any of our sisters drinks... They earned those with the hauls they bring in when farmin!" Big Mac gave a nod helping Dash down and leading her to the house. We both climbed into the back of the van and closed the doors. She sighed as she stretched a bit on the bench. "...Alright... Tell me what's wrong..." I took a deep breath. "....AJ.... Are... Are things okay between us...? I know I havent moved back in for some time now... Dash was saying how you've looked a bit.... well... depressed for a while...." She huffed. "Ry... Gonna be honest here.... I do hate it that you aint in the house... but its for our own good.... Just lucky we're still together, takin' care of our child... even you having something to do so you aint sittin' moochin' off some royal money or even still bein' on guard payroll... Speakin' of you still on that?" I gave a nod. "Yeah... Pretty good for our little family to use if need be... Medical, housing, vehicles... Hell if it means renting a place to stay while our home is being rebuilt after a tornado so be it.... But... I just.... I'm glad we are still as strong as we were close together.... We've just been through so much... I thought when I up and left like that that it was the last straw... Weeks after that I was expecting Twilight to come to me with a guard and papers to sign..." "Ryder if it came to that you'd've had to do something insanely stupid for me to do that. And so far you did some stupid shit but... the fact I can still hold you, feel you and just love you like I do says something... You've been honest as to where you were when you disappeared.... Luna had to secretly connect your mind to mine and show me.... I... I apologize for that sugarcube.... And hell... when Twilight went and told me how you stood your ground with her brother and sister-in-law protecting you when you brought a friendly changelin' into her castle? Oh she was pissed but she was glad to admit she was wrong there." "Yeah.... Thorax and his hive are adapting well from what I've seen... But back to us?" She kinda clenched her eyes and shook her head. "Sorry.... Just... I just gotta say I still love you no matter what you do... and unless that is something that really does keep you from loving me.... Its still gonna be a cold day in hell when that happens." I just gave a smile and hugged her. "....Love you AJ..." "Love you too sugarcube...." I pulled her into my lap and just made her blush. "Think it would be bad to fool around before I head out?" She chuckled. "...Yeah... girls are too close anyhow.... But maybe you could come by after Nightmare Night and I could model a costume for ya...." She got off my lap. "Now cool your jets and come say goodbye to your sister. I'll send a nice video later... Got me a little riled up but not enough to not care about our sisters seein' us..." She hopped out first and I just stayed in for a bit. Made sure I wasnt pitching a tent before I hopped out. Hurried back inside and said goodbye to my sister and told her to be safe when at Diamonds. After that I left and... not gonna lie I kinda cried a little on the way out. It didnt take long for me to calm down knowing that it was just a see you later thing but... still hurt. Got out to the main road and just drove. I was a few minutes out when I just mounted my phone and started calling Celestia. The phone buzzed a bit before hearing a click. "Ryder please tell me you're not calling and telling me you're not coming... I really need your help!" She said. I huffed. "What did you need Princess? On my way but still close enough to home to turn around." I said. "I can explain more when you get here but it has to do with my sister and tomorrow." "Nightmare Night? Is she wanting to get drunk and you need me to help her around when she does?" "No but... Just get here and I can explain!" "Cant go anywhere private to say it to me?" "....Ryder... Get. Here. NOW." She hung up after that. She sounded a bit scared to be honest. I just huffed knowing I had no choice in the matter. I kept on driving towards Canterlot. Just stopped for some lunch, a bathroom break and to stretch my legs before continuing on. The guards manning the gate were a bit weird seeing me just pulling in with my van. Thought I was just some outside maintenance until one guard got a good look at me. They still let me in, escorted me to my spot and up to the castle door. Inside I saw Celestia just pacing back and forth looking worried. I just walked forward and just cleared my throat. She jumped and huffed just storming my way. "Ryder Wheeler why do you have to be such a pain sometimes?" She asked. "You do know I like to know why i'm needed before I get anywhere." "And I know you'd rather be off screwing your griffon friend rather than actually doing the work you now do even whilst still receiving pay as General." I just stared at her blushing slightly. She sighed. "Look.... I need help.... Follow me. We need privacy for what I have to say." I just kind of looked to her worried as I started following her. She lead me through the halls before we went through the grand ball room and out onto the balcony. It was warm, the sun was beating right down on us, the fields below still teeming with fog slightly I leaned on the railings just looking out. "Alright... Deep breaths... What's wrong? Someone piss in Luna's cornflakes?" "Nobody messed with Luna but... She did request this." I turned around and looked at her. Puzzled. "I understand there.... Why would she not come to you with this when she requested it? I hear you ask. Its only because she feels herself waning a bit...." "Is... Is she okay?" "In health yes but her power over something deep inside isnt..." "Oh... Dont tell me.... Nightmare Moon?" "Yes. She's making a return but we're going to have every precaution done tonight. Because after tonight there is some phenomenon that happens with the moon that increases evils power over her. I think of what mother says its a curse that father put on her long ago. It happens every so often but since her return from the moon and the Elements of Harmony locking her away behind Luna Nightmare Moon hasnt been brought on since the night she was imprisoned but that was because she wanted her night to last forever because I forbade her to have just a few hours in the day. Yet this curse father put on her is permanent... he thought it to be temporary and has already gotten an earful from both of us so please... no hitting him next we see him... if at all. But she requested that you be by her side to ensure that Nightmare Moon doesnt ruin Nightmare Night for anyone." "What sort of precautions are you having in place?" I hoisted myself up and sat down on the railing. "Powerful magic suppressing ring that can only be taken off by me, you'll be there to restrain her if she gets screwy but we do want you to try to be nice when you are face to face with Nightmare Moon. You've been face to face with her a few times in our lives, one of which wasnt known until recently." "And yet both times I was a bit violent and mouthy with her.... Am I supposed to apologize? Bring her flowers? Promise to eat her out under the table at a nice restaurant?" "Not that far but... Being apologetic and submissive helps.... Bend your knee to her but stay firm in your allegiance like you did with those guys that kidnapped you. Your father- Mythic.... I mean...." "Eh... Call him whatever... Those weeks in that place changed what I feel about him... he was there for me when I needed it... But he knows to stay away from my mother still unless he wants her to kick him in the uprights.... But I know he would want me there to make it happen before.... But that man earned my respect enough to see his grand daughter.... But continue." "Well... Mythic... He told us what you did after you gave your report... No wonder you were so fucked up then.... but he told us to get out you had to kill those who had ties to gangs and when you got close to those who wanted you to turn on Equestria you killed them... Yet you didnt let the promise of fortune and power corrupt your mind..." "...Yeah... Killed only to have someone cover for me and have their head explode, killed and trapped a body with explosives, defended myself and the big guy... Well... I learned a thing or two." I snapped my fingers conjuring the fire. Just put it up to my mouth and blew it out. Celestia huffed. "Please try to keep that to a minimum so you dont have ponies asking questions. But... Are you on board for this?" "....So far... But I need details...." "In means of....?" I hopped off the railing just starting to pace. "What am I doing other than keeping watch over Nightmare Moon? I mean... I cant just sit there and feed and clean a chained up evil princess all night...." Celestia followed me down the way a bit. "Well we arent going to have that. Luna is expected in Ponyville tomorrow night for the Celebration. She isnt going to be made to do a speech nor is she going to meet and greet but it will be hard to. What I want you to do is sit her down and enjoy the night together. Maybe promising to service her in private rather than under a dining table would be something but as long as you stay calm, stern and keep her in a good mood and see everyone enjoys her night and have her enjoy herself." "So... Basically take her on a date.... and promise her some desert in the bedroom?" "Well... I guess if you can seduce her into it but have her make the choice...." "I guess I will do that but not because I can say I'd fucked an evil entity." She smirked and sighed. "Well at least this isnt a universe where Discord ties you up and does you.... and do NOT ask me what he's packing..." I gave a chuckle and just kept walking. "Got it. Packing a tiny weird somehow inverted dick that he'd want me to fuck to feel what a real stallion is like." She kinda held back a bit before breaking as we started walking around to the garden area. "Oh I'm sure he isnt gonna like that... But lets just start getting ready. Rest up, have a meal and have enough energy for tonight... The blood moon lasts all day..." I gave a nod before flying about in the garden for a bit before landing and heading inside for a bit. Had some alcohol to steady myself and just took a short two hour nap before dinner. When we got to dinner I just walked in on my own. I saw Princess Celestia and Luna sitting together. Luna looked scared as I came up. She was still in her pajamas. She just sat there, one hand in Celestia's and the other on a drink. I just hopped up and sat on the arm of her chair. These things might be big but they are sturdy. I rested my hand on Luna's shoulder. She jumped a bit and I backed up quickly just having her look at me. She sighed and just pulled me into her lap, head against her chest. "...Oh thank mother you're here Ryder..." She said. "I... I didnt want to involve you but we've got no other choice..." I hugged her sighing. "Better me than anyone else..." I replied. "...I'd rather be the guard strong enough to hold Nightmare Moon back instead of Twilight and her friends... They just wanna have fun but I wanna make sure everyone including you stays safe!" "...Oh Ryder...." She just held me closer starting to break down a bit. Celestia patted her sister on the back. "Awww sister... Please calm down... everything will be fine! Ryder will have this all taken care of and you'll be back to yourself tomorrow night!" She said. "Deep breaths... You'll be fine..." I shushed Luna and just handed her her drink just climbing back onto the arm of the chair. Celestia took me into her magic setting me at the head of the table. "There we go... Deep breaths and drink... You'll be alright...." She looked to me. "I've already ordered food for my sister and I and I will ensure she does eat. Cutting this short because dinner wasnt too eventful. I ate, made sure Luna had something while Celestia ate. Might've been just soup but she did eat albeit hesitantly. Though after that Luna and I were brought back to her room so we could be ready. I was given an old guards uniform. Long sleeved jacket, body armor, boots and long pants. Even a Lunar Republic beret. I wasnt much for beret' but this brought the outfit together. Celestia was just getting Luna ready while I was making sure I was armed to protect but not kill. Taser, beanbag shooting pistol... well kind of a flare gun with single round but I did have reloadable rounds. Even an emergency flare which isnt in plain sight so I dont accidentally mistake it. But I know where it is if need be. The guard helping me went down the checklist. "...Alright.... You've got the armor, emergency flare, beanbag shots, Lunar republic Insignia as to not be seen as an enemy...." He said. He looked to me. "Is there anything else you need other than what was provided?" I hummed looking at myself. "Dont think so but... This thing is happening at Midnight... correct?" I asked. "Yes sir. As stated by Princess Celestia the curse hits at Midnight and all day Nightmare Moon will be under your guidance." "If I'm going to be doing this all day I'm gonna need some way to stay awake and stay sane doing so... Any way of doing that? Can I get hit with a spell or something?" "Perhaps but... I'm not sure if anything like that exists. Perhaps Princess Celestia could help." I just looked back at the Princesses as they hugged. "Perhaps.... Just.... Rather not pump my body full of caffeine... End up giving myself a heart attack that way..." "Certainly she would have some idea about that. Allow me to get the checklist for Princess Luna's readiness and you can take Princess Celestia aside." I gave a nod and just walked over to the two hugging Princesses. "Everything alright over here?" I asked. Celestia looked up at me and sighed. "...I've never seen my sister so frightened..." She said. "....She's been worried of this blood moon for sometime... yet as the day was far off she was... normal... once it drew closer she knew it was coming but wanted to try to find some way to stop it... There's a way but... father wont tell us... either that or he has forgotten since he put it on her long ago..." "...And yet it couldnt have been him that put it on her... He does care for the both of you... Some ways different than others." "Our father does care yes but he is the keeper of the underworld for a reason...." "I still wouldnt ask him about it... Though... I'm wondering if a mutual friend might..." "You arent thinking who I think you are thinking about... are you?" "Maybe but she's probably the best one who could break this curse... I wont bring her in on this unless you approve." Celestia looked to her sister who just looked scared into her eyes. She huffed looking back at me. "...Alright... Call her. Tell her its urgent and you'll meet her wherever. We just need her here before midnight and we'll pay her anything she needs.... If she can break the curse so be it..." "Another thing... Do you have anything that'll keep me awake through the day? Spell? Just... Anything other than pumping me full of caffeine." "If you give me an hour I'm sure I can think of something... We've got a few hours before midnight and you must be here at her side..." Luna sniffled a bit holding her sister close. "Please... dont leave my side..." She said. "Just... Give him the pill.... It should give him energy to last for a day...." We both looked to Luna like she was crazy. "A-Are you sure?" I asked. "...Doesnt that pill... extend your life?" Celestia just caressed her sisters cheek. "... Yes but... only by a few years for us but...." She said hesitating. "...We havent tested it on unicorn or pegasai.... Just...." She looked to her sister. "Sister.... Are you sure its wise enough to do that....?" "Celestia... Just... Just please allow this.... He needs the energy and if he gets hurt... he'll be safe..." Celestia looked to me and huffed. "Alright.... What I want you to do is to document any changes you notice at any point after you take this..." Her horn was glowing for a moment before a pill- THE pill- was suspended in the air before me. "...You have access to this at any time you think you need it... but please make sure that you do need it before getting it.... Just take it, make your call and be ready... please..." I took the pill into my hand and just stared at it. I put it in my other hand and took my phone from my pocket before just going into the bathroom. I walked over to the window that was open with a curtain and railing blocking sight from the outside... Trees were also blocking sight as well but some extra precaution. I just started calling Daring. The phone buzzed as I just stared at the pill. The inside was actually a swirling encapsulated magical entity. Best I could describe it. The phone clicked and I heard a sigh. "Ryder you better have a good reason to call me this late at night...." I heard Daring say. "I know the last time I did this your life was in danger... Is your life in danger?" I sighed gripping the pill and stepping away from the window. "In a sense yes... but I need your help here." I said. "...Its another curse... nothing on me thankfully but I still need help with it..." "Who's cursed? Your wife? Friend? Someone else we both know?" "I didnt say anything but... its a Princess..." "Okay who the everloving FUCK put a curse on a PRINCESS of all ponies?" "Not sure.... And before you ask its Princess Luna... Apparently whenever a blood moon comes around Nightmare Moon brings herself around and takes control.... I've been assigned to keep her under control while we're out and about in Ponyville and its.... It's crazy yes but its something I have to do to make sure 'Luna' keeps on her appearances and keeping Nightmare Moon calm... You'd be there to help try and break the curse if you can find anything..." "...Nightmare... Moon?! Ryder. You're crazy. I fucking love that about you! This would be the first time I get up close and personal with her! I'll have Sunburst look for as much information he can about Blood Moon curses!" I sighed feeling less nervous. "Good. I do need you here with me though. I can meet you anywhere you want me to and give you the gear you need. Armor, disguises, whatever you need. I just need you before midnight." "Alright. I'll leave here soon. Meet me at the Museum of Natural History. I'll be waiting." "Left the vault eh?" "We've got some problems in there. I've got all my research on that weird thing that happened to you and I'm very close to a breakthrough!" "Alrighty. See you soon with guard uniforms. OH! And before I forget bring a note pad and pen for me please. I need to make sure I take note of any side effects of the medicine I'm taking... Little experimental." "That how you're finding money these days?" "Nah... Just... Princesses want me to test something since I'm strong enough to withstand some things.... Just get ready. I'm gonna head out here in a moment." I hung up and took a deep breath before just taking the pill. Had to get a plastic cup from near Luna's sink and drink it just to get the pill down. I tossed the cup and flew out the window just around to the front landing near a few guards who saluted. "Need a transport to the museum, a guard uniform for a mare ASAP." The guards nodded and we were out within a few minutes. I was just sat in front while another guard was sat in the back with the uniforms. They knew we were under a bit of a time crunch. We pulled up and I swapped places with the guard once we stopped to get A.K. Yearling. As we drove back I just watched as she quickly got dressed. "Alright... guards can only take a few 'wrong turns' and still get us there before midnight. You leave that note for Sunburst?" "Yep. Just told him I was gonna be with the Princesses... Little does he know... How did you get roped into this?" "Strong enough to handle Nightmare Moon.... Provoked her to attack to rid Celestia's mind of an evil entity trying to take over and believe it or not it was when the stars aligned to release Nightmare Moon... Found her in Canterlot before she attacked but was too late and she trapped me wanting to make me a slave." "There's no way you did that!" "Ask Twilight... I'm as sure as there is a headless Griffon in Ikkebuckero...." "Yet to see that as well but.... I've heard things there..." "And what have you heard?" "Old rumors that say an Equestrian General showed up to a gang war and crippled a gang so much they broke up. One power down there, three to go..." "Heh.... Wonder who that was... But I do hope Sunburst can find something...." Cutting that short because.... Well.... Nothing more interesting happened other than some idiot nearly cutting us off though I just told the guard in the drivers seat to let him go. We got Daring dressed and back to the castle. I had to lead her to Luna's room where things were getting prepared. We went in. Things were a bit tense. Luna was alone in the middle of her room and we were forced to stand at the side of the room while Celestia took refuge with other guards in the bathroom just so she wouldnt be seen. I just kept myself close to Daring as I watched my phone clock tick down. Each second to midnight was felt with the beat of my heart. Once that clock hit midnight.... Oh this was horrific. Luna started screaming bloody murder. She wasnt restrained other than the magic suppressing ring. Though that didnt stop her horn from glowing a sinister red. Smoke poured from the tip engulfing her and filling the room slowly. Daring just stared at the mound of smoke as the room was glowing red brighter and brighter. When it got its brightest I brought Daring to me hiding her eyes with my wings, myself turned to the wall keeping myself protected from a bright flash that happened. I waited until things calmed down only to hear an evil laugh behind me. I just turned around to see her. Nightmare Moon standing tall taking in her body and... the tattered rags that clung to it... Definitely not showing off everything on her. "Ah my power... It returns...." She said. I separated myself from Daring who just darted right into the bathroom... Dont blame her. The door closing caught Nightmare Moon's attention. "Wait a tick... I remember you... the little injured whelp that tried to attack me upon my return the first time... AND.... the one who demanded I save him.... How are you not destroyed or dead?!" I grinned a bit just flapping my wings and clearing the smoke around me. Actually shot me up in the air for a moment before coming down to land. "...I'm tougher than the normal pony your highness... That first incident was stricken from the record and that second incident... Well... It's gotten me to learn my lesson on ordering you to do anything...." She just walked around me. Inspecting me head to toe. "...Still bold... You're bold enough to assume I hold no animosity towards you for your transgressions!" I could tell she was trying to use her magic. Keyword trying. That magic suppression ring was stopping her horn from glowing a brilliant blue. "We've expected this... You wont be hurting anyone but your own pride trying that. You have a magic suppressing wing. No magic for today at least. Not a good birthday present but its needed. I'd rather you see and enjoy it rather than ruin it especially for everyone who wants to celebrate for today." She grunted and stamped her foot. "Mistress Moon. Please. Lets just get you changed, go get a drink and maybe something to eat for you. Your uh... Counterpart wasnt very hungry and you might need something..." "Fine...." She growled. "...I supposed you shall be having to watch as I dress?" "After you've shown aggression towards me. Yes. I dont want to turn my back and find a knife... Or your horn in it.... Besides... How can I truly admire the night without feasting my eyes upon its controller?" She blushed. "...D-Do not butter me up with your words whelp.... Just...." "Unless you command me to touch, my hands will be firmly at my sides and away from anything that makes you uncomfortable your highness..." She hummed staring at me.... "Fine.... You may watch but no touching.... unless I say so...." I gave a nod crossing my arms. I followed her into the closet and just watched as she picked out underwear and a jumpsuit before picking out her armor. Guess Luna kept this stuff around to cosplay or something. She didnt hesitate showing me everything.... I was just watching... respectfully that is... We walked back out into the room once she had her armor on. She sighed. "...Much better... Got your looksee at your empress pervert?" "Calling me what I usually am isnt going to help this situation... but yes... I did get a good look at you. Cant say I wanted to see that side of you but... I can admire the night all the same. Shall we?" She nodded. "Alright. Wait here while I get the recruit aiding me tonight. She's.... Well... She's very new and not as used to night shifts." "Hurry. I do not have time to dawdle...." I saluted before running over to the bathroom and knocking before just heading on in. Inside I saw Daring sitting with Celestia and the guards. Celestia looked up frightened but sighed just seeing it was me. "Ryder what is going on? Are things alright?" She asked. I huffed. "Yeah. She's pissed at me alright but... So far I've only been nice... your mother would be proud...." I replied. "I need Daring to come with me to escort her to the dining hall for a meal. As for you, give us ten minutes and go get some rest." Daring stood up shakily and rushed towards me hugging me. I held her close. "Alright... Bought us time and a little cushion for our 'recruit' here not being used to night shifts..." "Alright. Get out there. We'll be alright as long as we stay out of sight..." I gave a nod and just pried Daring off me before going back out into the room. Once we were back in the room I saw Nightmare Moon sitting on the bed. She looked up at us. "There you are. Not pleasuring yourself in there getting this recruit whelp?" She asked. I sighed as Daring hid behind me a bit. "On duty AND in front of another guard? Wouldnt think of it." I said. "Lets just get down to the dining hall. Maybe talk about what we're going to do so you're not stuck inside the castle all day..." "And be out in the SUN? Are you mad?!" "My sanity is questionable yes but would you want to be cooped up in here all day?" I could see her think. "You'd be possibly in danger here considering most guards wouldnt want you anywhere near here.... Its either a day out or risk your life..." "Fair point... as much as I do hate it.... I'd rather be safe than sorry... But... Is there anything open at this time? If I'm in danger I'd rather not be poisoned by the likes of the chef here." I huffed. "Probably wont be much open but would be better to figure it out.... Might be a bar or two open but... Not sure how you'd feel about pub food..." "If its safe and out of here, I dont care." I gave a nod and Daring took a deep breath before we both set out with Nightmare Moon between us. And honestly? I was down for a quick bar run, snacks and all. Kinda made Daring a bit happier. Though we couldnt take just a regular transport.... Apparently compared to Luna herself, Nightmare Moon is a little taller than Celestia... and she doesnt fit comfortably inside a transport. We had to wait for the bus that took us up to the mountains for our honeymoon. We went in and Daring just grabbed an energy drink and just sat near the door to the bus while Nightmare Moon and I just.... sat there waiting for the driver to find a good place, have the guards call ahead to clear the place for a royal and will pay hush money so nothing comes of this. As we sat here in silence Nightmare Moon looked to me. "...For the times i've seen you... I know not your name.... Thus far you've been.... respectful and worthy of words with me...." I gave a slight smile. "My name is Ryder ma'am. I'm more.... acquainted with your good side... and I cant say I've ever gotten to know this side of you before." She did kinda give me a smirk. "...Well... Ryder.... I cant help but notice how strong you were with our last encounter.... Holding back Daybreaker like that...." "I do apologize for that.... She was trying to corrupt your sisters mind as much as I know you care little for her." "For what its worth.... I forgive you for your arrogance in that moment.... But how did you become so strong as to do that?" I stood up and stretched a bit. "Wish I knew.... Got so pissed off in a weird simulation or something that your mother put me through about my wife and sister being taken I just picked up my bed and broke the wall.... Oh the pain I felt after..." "Oh? Do tell...." ....At this point I was just getting more comfortable. I huffed. "Well.... Of course it was tied to Discord if you know of him... Chaos entity, likes to fuck around when its the worst time possible.... I thought in that scenario he'd taken my sister and wife, left my brother in law and I to try to get him or something. Ended up having to fight through hordes of candy zombies to friends to just figure out where they were.... Oh the beat down that I wanted to give to that fucker.... What was worse is the ending to where he made me think he killed them..." She sighed as I just sat back down. "....Ryder... Let me tell you something.... I do care for my family... My sister.... The wretch she is.... I might be at odds with her but when I imprisoned her I would've kept her around just to keep her company.... Sure my night would've been supreme but I'd still allow sunlight to come in so my subjects wouldnt freeze to death.... You would've been a servant as well... either that or a protector but only after I could trust you... and if you're this.... Respectful and open as I am without my magic.... As if we've known each other for some time before this." "And we have sort of. I did say I knew your alterego personally. I've seen her as I saw you, touched her as delicately or as harshly as she wanted.... And she's given me care for my faults both physical and mental.... those mental faults return time and time again but they're getting better I'd say... nothing set in stone yet but I'll be fine." I looked towards Daring. She just glared over at us sipping her drink. She was nervous I could tell. "...My colleague over there understood the assignment when she signed on but she's probably the safest one to do so. Only one I trusted for this job to be at my side for this." "Doth thy not trust me?" I looked to the large mare beside me. "....If this is some ploy to remove the ring I cant. Not the one who put it on. As for trust.... I trust you as you are even considering your threats." I got a smile from her. A warming smile. The void of her face and mane blessed with her teal eyes and the graceful crescent of her mouth, grinning with the pearly white teeth- fangs included of course. Even with a dangerous smile I smiled back. Anyhow we talked a bit... Told her more about my life. The murders, the war... even the nuclear scenario. I'm not sure this was Nightmare Moon but Luna still. Though I knew she wasnt. After a while of talking, even sympathizing we were out. Pulled up to the bar about ten minutes later. Daring got out first and waited for me to escort Nightmare Moon out. We went in and it was quiet. High class place but still recognizable as a bar. We went in and found a spot to sit. Daring sat close but still not comfortable enough to be closer. Nightmare Moon was just sat at the bar enjoying a meal and a drink while I sat with Daring. She huffed as she now drank her beverage while we shared a plate of nachos. "...Uh... I thought things would've been.... a bit more action packed...." Daring said. "....I wasnt expecting an evil entity to be... civil..." "Nor was I. But this is something welcoming.... and something I have to do. I've gotta keep her happy, flatter her.... Goddess forbid unless it came to that servicing her at her throne..." "Please. You'd be on your knees for the first stallion to offer you time with a celebrity you adore..." "D can we cut that?" I asked blushing a bit. "What? My superior getting a stiff soldier?" She giggled a bit. I huffed. "...be lucky I'm technically on the job... otherwise I'd be paying the bartender to stay in the back for a while and let me rail you on the bar while you drink straight from the tap." Oh she didnt like that one bit. Just tensed up. "Doesnt feel too good now does it?" She shook her head. I sighed. "...Alright... after we get this figured out or if she can be trusted alone for a bit I might be able to do something... Though I do expect you to just... Maybe ask her some things... Perhaps have me start the conversation?" She nodded and sipped her drink. I just took a nacho and ate it before getting up and joining Nightmare Moon at the bar. "Everything to your liking ma'am?" The tall mare smiled as she set down her hayburger just leaking sauce. "...I'll admit... Not my type of food but its amazing places like these have such good things that pair well with drinks!" She said. "Is your underling alright? Havent heard a word from her since I saw her." "She's fine." I said glancing back at Daring. "She's just.... As I've said there are guards who arent used to this... This is her first night shift and the only one I'd trust to do this." I looked back to Nightmare. "...I've chatted with her, seen how she is.... She's holding together nicely. She is however a little on the nervous and curious side. I'd just... Leave her be right now. If you need her to do anything just give me the order and I'll relay." She gave a nod and just continued to eat. Once we were finished we got back onto the bus and started making our way towards Ponyville. I had nearly forgotten about the pad of paper that Daring should've brought. Just got it from her on the bus and just wrote down what I've noticed already. Increased wing strength, more energy, possible charismatic allure. The normal stuff of the pill. On the bus Daring was a bit calmer. Just distracting herself with what was on the TV. Nightmare Moon couldnt care less what was on but watched as well. As I watched I was in that app that Overcharge installed on my phone. Just started looking through a group chat. Saw there were warnings here and there about activity with gangs, new recruits and possible hangout locations to move to temporarily if things ever get wily at the bar. Though I just went for Celadon's chat. The last things she sent was her and Shunko spending time together, her just having ice cream all over her face. Oh she's just like a child with her head back. I just kinda slyly took a picture of myself with Nightmare Moon before sending it off. Took her but a minute to respond. 'Force! Good to hear from you! Spending time with the Princess I see?' She said. I messaged back. '...Yes? Hard to explain but uh... I'm actually with your... true... creator.... just... dont freak out. She's not gonna do shit...' Oh this response took a second. 'WAITWAITWHATYOU'REWITH THE FUCKING NIGHTMARE MOON?!' ...Typed exactly that way. 'Yeah. Its... something strange... I can explain when I'm not technically on duty...' 'Charge says you arent even a guard anymore. Why are you doing guard stuff though?' 'Trust me.... I'll tell you when I'm free.' Nightmare Moon sighed startling me slightly. Hid my phone real fast like I had nude pics ready... "Something wrong there?" She asked me. I blushed a bit looking up at her. "N-No ma'am. Just.... My wife just having trouble with our kid...." I said. "Checked on her earlier and just... She's just worried that I'm just running away from my responsibilities as a father...I've been trying to be a father still but.... I'm worried that she might be right..." I stood up and just went to a nearby mini fridge just to grab myself a canned juice. "What are you doing for this child of yours?" "I'm taking care of her when the wife is working, playing with her and feeding her when the wife cant.... Just... still feels like I'm not doing much.... Daughter's barely a year old and I've been absent for most of it.... In the beginning it was nice.... just caring for a little foal... but now...? I cant help but wonder if she's gonna even recognize me at all..." "Surely you're doing everything you can. You're still supporting them correct?" "Yes." I replied just plopping myself down on the floor by the couch. "Every payday I give em money, groceries, anything I can give em.... Though even if my kid and sisters still love seeing me come around... The wife.... I'm.... I feel like I'm still breaking her heart... Havent been in bed with her for... I guess a year... only for her own safety.... My strength is both a blessing and a curse... and that was a curse...." "Why if I may ask?" I stayed silent. Daring cleared her throat. "Uh... Permission to speak ma'am? I can tell you if he's alright with it." She said. I looked back at them. "Permission granted." Daring looked to me. I just nodded. "Well... He came to me after he was forced to take an innocent life. Kidnapped by unknown forces his family was threatened if he didnt listen. He killed with remorse and once free he didnt feel as if anyone he was near was safe. I've seen it first hand when he stayed nearby me. Thrashed about in his sleep and even injured your sister on accident from what I've heard after the fact. If he did that in his sleep to your sister what would stop him from hurting his wife, kid or sister?" "Do you not have anything to suppress your strength? Perhaps you need something stronger?" I sighed as I cracked the can open and sipped from it. "...Maybe I do need something stronger..." I replied swallowing the sweet juice. "...I just.... I dont wanna be too weak while wearing it to do anything if needed... and I dont wanna get rid of it completely.... I jump in front of a car to stop it and I'm not strong enough to stop it? I'm going down with it along with anyone I'm protecting... Already used it to deal with kidnappers and the assholes who kidnapped me.... Though the last asshole who kidnapped me got a nice surprise...." "What kind of surprise?" Daring chuckled a bit. "He's full of surprises ma'am. Just showed me what he was talking about. And if we can find someplace to stop thats safe he can show you if he wants." She said. I heard a chuckle from Nightmare Moon. "Surely he should after teasing like this." "He's more than just a tease if you get him in the mood." Both Daring and Nightmare Moon had a bit of a giggle while I blushed and just took it. And if Daring could hear this she'd be saying something about how I've taken bigger... she wouldnt be wrong. The drive took a while. Daring got a bit tired so I relieved her of duty and let her get some sleep congratulating her on taking an important step in the guard to keep up appearances. I remained awake as if I had slept all day still I charged my phone and spent time with Nightmare Moon, getting to just really talk to her... I honestly wasnt sure if everything I was hearing from her was to be true or not but it just irked me the wrong way ever so slightly. I guess she found comfort in the fact we were enjoying the night with her. I just thought of it that way just to make myself feel better. Though i did keep log of what was talked about just in case. I was planning on messaging Celestia once the sun rose to know what the plan was but as for now? Its a waiting game. > Blood Moon (Part 2) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Its been a few hours since I took watch over Princess turned Nightmare. The fact that I'm still talking says something. We were still on the bus, I just had it stop near a park so Nightmare Moon and I could enjoy a flight together. I was actually pretty fast. Faster than I normally was. May have started a small tornado that I quickly stopped before it started to destroy stuff. Wrote that one down real fast. Though for a while we sat on the bus, admired the reddish tint to the moon. As sinister as it was, it was beautiful. Though I could tell we were running out of ways to enjoy the night. We sat under the open sky, I may or may not have relieved myself in the middle of a field. Felt good.... Cant say I wasnt a bit on the excited side doing that. She almost did go and do it herself in the field but stopped just feeling awkward. I had to go back with her to the bus just to wait for her to do her business. The bus driver was just taking a quick hour nap before we headed on. Wasnt much to do anyways. As I waited for Nightmare Moon I had my phone back. Just enough. Watched a few videos though one was interrupted... by Applejack. I quickly answered and just put it up to my ear. I didnt say anything.... I just heard a little crying... Sounded like Scootaloo. "Uh... Ry? Didnt mean to wake ya here..." I heard Applejack say. I huffed just going over to a bench sitting down at it. "...You're fine AJ... Always answer for you guys.... Whats up? Something wrong?" I asked. "Yeah... Scoot had a bit of a nightmare...." "Wet the bed?" "Eeyup.... she hasnt done it in a while.... Just tells me she's scared for you..." I huffed. "Is it on speaker?" "Yeah. She can hear ya...." "Scoot? Scoot are you alright?" Scootaloo whimpered. "....I... I had a nightmare.... You just... got... got hurt... badly..." She said. "....Y-You are okay... Right?" I sighed sitting back. "I'm fine... Just.... Working for the Princess right now.... Had to excuse myself for this...." "A-Are you able to come to Ponyville? I... I kinda need you right now..." I thought for a moment. Do I bring Nightmare Moon around the family? Or do I lie and say I'm not anywhere near home.... As far as I trusted Nightmare Moon I didnt wanna leave her alone here to either sneak away but I didnt wanna have to bring her around my family.... Though I did. I just huffed. "Yeah... I should be there within the hour.... Just stay close to AJ and I'll be there soon..." "...O-Okay.... please... hurry...." I huffed hanging up probably at the best time. Nightmare Moon was just coming out from where the bathroom area was. She sighed as she came into view. "That's MUCH better...." She said brushing her armor off. "Rather use that than be out in the middle of a field.... Who knows what creatures other than the ones with me would be able to see the royal body..." She looked to me. "And only those who are worthy get to see it... You arent worthy... just lucky...." I stood up giving a sigh. "Well now that we're done I'm sorry but I need to commandeer this bus and head to my home. Family needs me... Sister had a bad dream and just wants to make sure I'm okay...." "Do I get to meet them?" Yeah. Not getting out of this... especially without someone yelling.... "Yeah but... Ground rules if I may. Nothing loud, no yelling and please... no touching.... Alright? My family hasnt had the best run ins with you.... The wife is one of the ones who sealed you away." She huffed. "Why must we see them if she's around?" I took a deep breath trying to not snap. "Because my sister is in need of me and last i checked your sister would do anything for you! Luna or as you are now! She could've had you destroyed but she kept you imprisoned until she could find someone to help instead of kill you outright! Now we're doing this and thats final!" She just scowled at me. "Trust me... its this or we go straight back to Canterlot where you're imprisoned until tomorrow which ruins both your birthday and the night of ponies who want to see you visiting in town!" She just stared me down growling a bit all before stamping her foot. "Alright... I'll play by your rules.... But I am staying on this bus!" "And leave you alone with a sleeping guard? Fuck that! You're going to be at my side!" I just stepped aside. "Now sit down while I get this bus to where I need to go." Yeah... I know nothing about driving this bus... or semi trucks... I was just lucky enough to get the tour bus for Vinyl back still working. We may or may not have woken the driver with the small argument which kinda got him frightened. I just asked him to drive towards Sweet Apple Acres while I watch our guest. He begrudgingly did so and I said I'd make him a coffee once we got to my place. Wasnt much of a promise but he accepted. Once we got to the house I texted them I was outside and to meet me in the living room. I looked to Nightmare Moon as we were stepping off the bus. She didnt even want to look at me. Just stared at her surroundings. I heard the noises she was making acting like she was stepping in shit when all it was was just dirt. Girls have been making damn sure that Winona's messes are cleaned up real well... At least they use that, dead leaves and rotten apples for some compost. I just knocked on the door and waited a moment. The door opened and Scoot didnt hesitate on running out to hug me. Applejack followed and just gasped seeing Nightmare Moon. I just shushed her as I picked Scoot up and just walked in. Nightmare Moon ducked under the door frame as we just came in. I just sat Scoot on the recliner and just looked to Applejack who was just.... a bit unnerved by our guest. I just went over to the kitchen and just started making coffee for the driver. Applejack followed and just leaned on the counter as Nightmare Moon sat on the couch. "...Ry... Is... Is that who I think it is....?" She asked whispering. I huffed pouring water into the coffee maker. "....Yeah.. not happy about my situation.... this is why I checked in before leaving town... Just... Stay calm, offer her a drink or something.... Just whatever you do dont take the ring off... nobody here can anyways..." "How did she... take back over?" "I'll tell you later. I'll just be here to keep her in check..." "...Least go spend time with Scoot while that brews... Aint assuming you need it...." I gave a slight sigh. "Alright... was planning on just letting her go to the bus to sleep while I babysit an evil entity but I guess I can just make sure Scoot's okay for now...." She just nudged me along. I went over back to the recliner just to sit on the arm of it. "Hey sis... you alright?" She shook her head just kinda staring at Nightmare Moon. "What's wrong? I'm here and I'm okay... right?" Scootaloo just climbed into my lap. I just slid into the seat. She just hugged me and just whispered into my ear. "...That's not Luna...." She said. "...You're alright." I whispered back. "...She's not gonna hurt you.... She's got no use of her magic and she's under my watch. She tries anything, I'll stop it." Nightmare Moon huffed. "...Are we done here?" She asked. "I'd rather not sit in this hovel all night!" Applejack huffed. "Well sorry it aint a castle!" AJ quietly snapped. "Least this place is bigger than our last home.... Should be grateful we let you in here at all!" "Do not speak to me in that tone! Why a royal like me would come here anyways is a mystery." I huffed holding Scoot close. "A royal like you is always glad to be around my family especially after everything I've done for your sister and your counterpart!" I said. Nightmare Moon stood up. I stood up as well keeping myself between her and my sister. "How dare a member of the guard speak to me like this!" Applejack huffed. "He aint been a guard since he took on a family. And what a way to talk to a newly crowned Prince!" She said. Nightmare Moon looked to my wife. I just hid my face knowing something was coming.... "HIM?! A prince?! Dont make me laugh! He couldnt be a prince if he lives on this backwards farm!" I gave a huff as I heard Mash starting to cry upstairs. "...And this is why I wanted you to stay quiet...." I said just as Big Mac's door opened. He walked out holding a bat and was just in a tanktop and sleep pants. "Mac! Bat away now!" He took one look at me and just nodded tossing the bat back into his room. The stallion took a breath as Applejack started rushing upstairs. "...What the fuck is goin' on? I was dead asleep!" He said. "You want to hear the long version or the short of it?" Nightmare Moon growled. "I want to get out of here! NOW!" She snapped. I looked to her. "Sit the fuck down or so help me I will fucking make you!" I put a hand on my taser. Just ready to draw. Scootaloo screamed and just ran for Big Mac's room. She hid right behind him as Nightmare Moon stared me down. I was just about to draw before the front door opened and in rushed Daring with hers drawn. She looked tired, panicked and just pointed it at Nightmare Moon. I just stared at her. She looked to me for a sec. "Driver just... just said he heard yelling... Woke me up and told me to get in here...." She said. I looked back to Nightmare Moon just giving a scowl. "So...You gonna sit down or are we gonna have to make you? This is my family and I'm gonna do anything to protect them.... And I have...." Big Mac pushed Scootaloo into his room and closed the door. "I'd listen to him if I were you. Got four ponies in here that wouldnt mind an early mornin' scrap..." He said. Nightmare Moon just looked to him, me, Daring and then to the stairs... I was surprised that Applebloom didnt wake up.... Hoping she isnt just hiding under her piss stained bed. Anyhow the evil mare just sat down on the couch crossing her arms. I looked to Daring. "Hold her. I need to head upstairs. Keep that ready." I pointed to the non-lethal weapon she had. She nodded not breaking eye contact from the mare. Big Mac just stayed at his door. I rushed upstairs and went straight for my daughters room. Oh she was getting big. Just saw Applejack sitting there with Mash in her cute little footy pajamas in her arms. She sighed looking up at me. "...There we are.... Daddy's here sweetie...." She said shushing her. She sighed. "...Ry I dont know why you bother workin' guard shit when you're royalty now...." I sighed kneeling down next to her just letting Mash see me. I just stroked her cute little blonde mane. "...Blame Celestia on this.... Or whoever put a curse on Luna to cause her to become Nightmare Moon everytime a blood moon comes on.... And I'm just lucky I have connections who know about curses.... Are you alright? She didnt frighten you did she?" "Nah... Pissed me off wakin' our baby like that...." "Scoot got scared too... Not sure if it was because of her or me wanting to protect us..." She sighed as Mash started to calm down, her little screams turning into sobs. I just held my arms out. Applejack gently put her in my arms and I just sighed holding the little crying foal.... I just wiped her eyes away. "...There we go.... who's daddy's special girl?" Her crying stopped for a moment as a smile crossed her face. Both AJ and I gave a small chuckle just as I kissed her forehead. I just handed her back. "There we go... all we needed was a little cuddle, and some of daddy's love.... Might need a change but I'll handle that." She looked to me as she stood up to put her on the changing table. "Why dont you get downstairs, check on your sister and leave? Thinkin' she needs to just get back to sleep... and hopin' she can after that...." "I'm uh... not in trouble... am I?" She huffed. "Now? No. If you stay for longer? Yeah.... But I really aint mad atcha.... You said you'd come see your sister, you did.... Cant fault you for that..." I stood up. "...I feel like there's a but and its not some sort of ass on you or Nightmare Moon..." She chuckled a bit. "Aint none of that here. Just get on with it." I just looked at her.... Kinda worried actually. She just looked back at me. "You.... really expecting that....?" I gave a nod. She sighed. "Look.... I aint gonna lie... Its been a tough spell since you went and had to leave for our sake... I'm glad you keep comin' around but just... I miss those nights we're in bed, you just get all flustered in your sleep, maybe you need a change when you wake up because you werent feelin' to get up.... and even though every time you kind of annoyed me when I woke up to you cryin' I was still there to comfort you and make sure you slept okay the rest of the night...." I just hung my head. "....But.... you do still love me... right...?" "O'course I do sugarcube... I said I'd love you from the day we met until the day we die.... That aint for a long time I'm hopin' but... just want you back in bed, back in this house just...." She turned back to our daughter. I just came up behind her and just hugged her. She whimpered a bit. I just gently took her hands away from Mash on the changing table and turned her around hugging her. She just broke down. I kept a hand on her and a hand on Mash keeping her from rolling off the table. I just looked to the door. "Mac? Could you come up here? Please? I'll be down in a minute!" I waited a moment hearing Big Mac rush upstairs. Was just kinda lucky Winona wasnt here.... She'd've been barking and freaking out... I think Fluttershy might have her for a while but not sure why. Anyways Big Mac rushed in and just sighed seeing AJ in my arms and me holding onto Mash. "You uh... Mind changing Mash and putting her back to bed? I'm gonna put AJ back to bed and get Scoot with her unless you wanna keep her in yours? I gotta get going here soon." He gave a nod and just nudged my arm out of the way. I just picked Applejack up and carried her over to the bedroom laying her down. I gave her a kiss on her forehead and sighed. "...Love you... I'll give you a call later... Just get some rest...." I gave her another kiss on the lips before just leaving the room. I went back downstairs and just knocked on Big Macs door. Daring still having her taser trained on Nightmare Moon seated on the couch. I just waited a moment. The door opened and Scoot came out hugging me scared. I picked her up and went back into the room sitting her on the bed. "Hey hey.... I gotcha.... I'm gonna be going here soon... Just wanna see you getting some sleep if you can..." Scoot sniffled. "N-No! Please... Stay...." She said. I huffed. "...Scoot I'm sorry but I have to... Big Mac should be back down here to keep you company...." Oh the look of pain on her face. "...Look... I'll be fine.... I'll call you later.... Okay?" She just nodded. Sniffling. I just lied her down and covered her up just kissing her cheek before I got up and left the room. Big Mac was just coming down as I joined Daring and Nightmare moon again. I looked to Nightmare Moon. "Alright. Lets go. Caused enough damage here." Daring sheathed the taser as the large mare stood up. We both stood aside as Nightmare Moon went past us and back outside. I followed her first with Daring following after me. We went for the bus right past the driver. I just looked to him. "I still owe you coffee. I'll buy you one if anything. Lets just get out of here... Maybe go to the castle if we can... sun should rise soon anyhow." The driver nodded and off we went... AFTER I had to make everyone get off again and flip the bus around to go out. I could tell you it did make Nightmare Moon scared and uncomfortable. Just stayed silent and even had to ask to get a drink from me. Asked her what she wanted, she wanted tea and I gave her the few options we had. Once we got to the castle we were let in without worry... At least on the helipad. She didnt wanna go up all the stairs. Or use the elevator in the parking garage. Oh I got a good gauge onto how fast I fly straight upwards. It was like I was being shot out of a cannon. I had to keep up a bit of speed but still stay slow enough for them to keep up. Once inside I had Nightmare Moon be watched by other guards while Daring and I stayed out on the helipad. Just told the guards to watch her, keep her entertained and if she gets violent to radio me immediately. Anyhow... Daring and I just stood there on the helipad, the sun starting to peak over the horizon. Daring huffed. "...I do not know how you do anything as a guard..." She said. "The fact that you branded me a recruit and said this was a nightshift that I wasnt ready for and I was rudely awoken out of a nap that was.... what? A few hours long? Just to help keep her under control?" I sighed. "Well I still thank you for coming and helping with this.... I may just see if you cant just stay here and wait for Sunburst to get back to you and just take a few guards to aid me with this..." "Either that or a Princess... Twilight might be better equipped especially with her magic to help..." "Probably but... a question..." "If this is about what I've seen it seems that the curse is definitely not totem based like yours was.... No ancient artifact to lay the curse upon others. This seems like some incantation but required a sacrifice to do..." She looked to me just as the sun started to steadily rise giving light to everything. "If this were any normal occurrence any evil magic that resided in you could've reared its ugly face around.... You'd've been growing twigs and become a timberwolf again maybe..." "Either that... or the pill I've been administered is suppressing any of that evil magic..." She gave me a confused look. "Alright... Shouldnt tell you this but... the princess have magic pills that help whoever uses it to heal and extend their own life.... I'd rather not let the wife know or even Twilight know I've taken it but the Princesses are having me document whats going on with me because I did take it. I'm sure you've noticed a few things?" "Yeah... seem faster, more energetic... I'd say stronger but you've always shown that... Uh.... Do you know any other magic other than those fireballs?" I shook my head shushing her about that. "Well... Maybe see if Celestia would let you practice your magic.... You're a strange being thats for sure and I'm glad I'm getting a chance to both study you and have you accompany me on whatever journey your uniqueness is bringing on." "...And here's hoping that whatever the fuck I did with that guitar is still being sought out even with all these interruptions we're getting..." "Still is. Lots of ground made but... I think right now I need some sleep... maybe some breakfast first..." I smiled. "Well get a move on soldier. Faster we get down there and keep an eye on her, faster breakfast comes." She nodded and we just hurried into the castle. We found Nightmare Moon sitting in the entertainment room watching whatever was on. We sat and watched what it was until someone came.... Twilight. She came in escorted by two guards. "Morning Ryder. May I have a word?" She asked. I gave a nod just expecting the worst. She walked out of the entertainment room with me and we went down the hall a bit. "Alright... As much as I hate Nightmare Moon even being here... I'm surprised she's in such a docile state while she's been under your care." I huffed. "Be glad you werent at the house earlier.... AJ called me, told me to come to check on Scootaloo after a nightmare and a small shouting match happened and I had to pull a taser on her.... But be glad I got some help with her so I'm not doing this alone.... Once a resident here, moved to a bunker and back out and if I'm right her friend might be looking for a way to help Luna not worry about becoming an evil tyrant the moment the moon turns a blood red... Though I feel after breakfast she might need to go back to rest and maybe speed the process up... And she also wants me to ask Celestia to see a forbidden book so I can better myself." "...In... What way?" She asked. "Catch me later after this and I'll show you. But as for right now we should at least let Spike and Gallus know to stay calm as well as anyone else whos here.... I can make the morning meal with Spike if that's alright. Just gotta be sure our guest remains anonymous as a guard and a place to rest once breakfast is done." She gave a nod. "Alright... Just uh... Let me do my rounds to wake everyone and you just get her to come with you to the dining area... Hope she doesnt mind that small of a table..." "Unless you wanna bring some stuff down to the bus we were in for comfort. Hell to even get Nightmare Moon out of the castle I had to make her seem like I was protecting her because guards dont trust her which has some merit... just glad the guards here are at least listening and treating her right. Just make sure they do treat her right. Now lets get to it." She nodded and just teleported away while I walked back to the room. Nightmare Moon was actually talking with Daring, the guards just waiting for their next orders. I just waved em off. "So you really didnt want an eternal night time?" Daring asked. "Notes, scripture and anything else that said about it said that your nights would last for an eternity, the sun would only become memory with warmth and light only be from fires lit." Nightmare Moon gave smile knowing someone would love to talk like this. I just pulled up the cooler and grabbed a sports drink, giving Daring a juice and offering a bottled coffee to Nightmare Moon which she took gracefully. "Of course someone would say that. Just because the night would be long doesnt mean the sun wouldnt make appearances. Every day but only for a few hours." She said. "Of course the day I tried my takeover my sister had to seal me away. Nobody got to actually see how I'd rule." "What was your time like in the moon? Do you remember it even?" I huffed. "Sorry to cut storytime short ladies but we're getting ready for the morning meal here." I said opening my drink. "You can either go down the elevator or come to the helipad and get down from here." Both mares sighed. "We can speak of that later." Nightmare Moon said. "I think something sweet and fluffy sounds good.... Where are we going for this meal? Another bar wouldnt be bad..." "We're actually going back down to the bus. Got a few guests joining us and we're gonna try to calm down, meet some ponies that I trust. And no worries. I'm gonna help with the meal. Get more made and faster." Both Daring and Nightmare Moon nodded. I put the cooler back but we just drank our drinks on the way up to the helipad. Daring and Nightmare Moon flew down first. I did hear Nightmare Moons displeasure on seeing the sun but she did say it felt nice. I waited for a bit on the helipad watching them descend. All before I just jumped. Nose dived for a bit. Oh there was a part of me that wanted to test how injury at high speed would handle with the pill in my system... I didnt wanna even feel the pain let alone test it without Celestia to help on a revive just in case. Though I fell quite far. Actually close enough to the ground a good flap of my wings probably wouldnt have saved me. Though with the enhanced speed and strength of my wings I flapped my wings and pretty much stopped as if I had only jumped off the ground. I landed and just gave a huff quickly pulling the notepad from my pocket and the pen i had as well. Just marked down 'quick reflexes' before heading over to the bus. Though uh... something I failed to notice was I went faster than Daring and Nightmare Moon. Just peeked into the bus, didnt see them until I looked back up. I just leaned against the bus just as they landed. Nightmare Moon didnt question though... Daring did. She just looked at me, looked back up and just looked back all confused. "Uh... How did you....?" She asked. "Free fall, quick reflexes and apparently lack of attention.... That list is growing a bit... Remember just keep it quiet." She nodded and boarded while I waited for Twilight and the others. That took a bit longer than expected. Ten to fifteen minutes as Twilight, Spike and Gallus who were all dressed real nice and each carrying a bag of items from the kitchen. Twilight was in a dress with her mane in a bun, Spike and Gallus in polos, Gallus had a tie and just jeans and sensible shoes. Spike, slacks and sneakers. Twilight smiled. "Alright. Got everyone here and everything we need." She said. "Floor's yours for anything you need to say." I gave a nod and huffed. "Alright... Few things you guys need to realize is that in there is NOT Princess Luna. It's Nightmare Moon. Second, if she asks you to take the magic ring off her horn, dont even try otherwise you will be in big trouble. Asking questions is fine but please treat her with respect like you would any other authority figure. Finally if she does get rowdy because something didnt go her way, let me handle it. Any questions?" Gallus and Spike looked to each other and even to Twilight. They all looked back to me. "No questions sir." Gallus said. I smiled. "Good. Any questions arise, feel free to ask me. Now lets get on there, make some food." They all nodded and went in to the bus and we started cooking. Gallus and Spike were a bit nervous but Twilight was just chatting with Nightmare Moon as I did. Spike and I focused on making the food. I just diced up fruits, plated and made sure portions were right while Spike just made sure everything was cooked through. As for Gallus he was a little too nervous to do much... I just had him sit with Daring and watch some TV. I'll admit it was kinda weird but it was nice just seeing this go smoothly. That was until I heard a phone ring. Not mine, not Twilights, not even Spikes or Gallus' phone. It was Daring's. She just got up and rushed for the bedroom. I just looked to Spike. "Take it from here, gotta check on something here." Spike gave a nod and I rushed to the bedroom. Gave a quick knock before coming in. Daring was just on the phone in the corner. "Sunburst you better have found something here! I dont want any social calls here." She said. I closed the door behind me and just sat on the bed. "Oh uh... Hold on let me just..." She fiddled with the phone for a second before turning it on speaker. "Alright. Start over if you can?" I heard a little rustling on the phone. "Alright... I've been up for a while this morning and found something but... I'm going to keep looking." I heard Sunburst say obviously sounding tired. "There's tale of an unnamed demon that was summoned long ago. The demon was summoned under a blood moon and that demon gave nearby towns and cities nightmares that kept ponies up for days until they killed the one who summoned it. They destroyed the circle but nobody could exorcise the demon. The demon escaped into the night, nobody knows who it possessed or how anyone is able to tell how possession takes place." "That might be what we're looking for... We've figured the who and how of it... Just need to know how to break it..." "Who is it?" Daring looked to me. I just huffed standing up and going into her corner. "Sunburst, its Ryder." I said. "This stays a secret but I was assigned to watch over Princess Luna as of last night only to realize at the stroke of midnight, Nightmare Moon would take over. We've been at her side since then and why we ask you for your help in this." "...After the stuff I've seen from you, lying would be something hard to tell..." Daring sighed. "...If he was lying I'd've been back there and in bed with you... Currently running off of a few hours of sleep and a few coffee..." She said. "But I can tell you this is something that is pretty much a breakthrough with the research happening AFTER. Call us in a few hours if you figure out how to reverse this... We're still expected at a meal and its real interesting when you've got two of us who know each other personally in the same room when we're supposed to be on the job...." "Alright... I'll continue looking but I would like to be there later to possibly to join you if I may." "Maybe... But a celebration comes after we get this done... As much as I love being so close to evil entities that would probably decimate me and enslave everyone within the city I'd rather help someone who that evil entity is possessing. Just keep in touch with me, Daring can give you my number." "Right-o sir. I'll let you get to it... Just remember when we do get this done I'd like a nice bottle of whiskey for my hard work." "Pick it out when its done. Ryder and Daring out." I just hit the hangup button on her phone. Daring looked to me pocketing her device. "Alright... Its a start... This is some demon we're working with... And me thinks Luna might still have some power over it though it does get irritated..." She said. "Speaking of irritated... lets get back out there before she does get irritated that we dont need to go and use force against her with minors and another royal nearby." I gave a nod and we both hurried back out just to see things as we had left it. Spike and Gallus plating breakfast, Twilight and Nightmare Moon still talking and the driver just sitting idly by with a cup of coffee. We just looked to each other giving a silent sigh before joining everyone. Pancakes were good, had some fruit and made a few smoothies with some leftover yogurt, milk and fruit. It was just nice. After that Daring went back up with Spike and Gallus for some well deserved sleep while Nightmare Moon, Twilight and I just stayed down in the bus. I was just watching TV while they just talked and talked. We managed to just sit there for a while until Twilight decided to bring her up and let the driver of the bus rest. I had to escort them both down to the elevator. I had to stand at the door listening to them jabber on and on about magic and stuff. Lasted like that all the way until we reached the throne room. That happened when I got a call and just went out on the balcony. It was Applejack. I picked up and just gave a little whistle letting her know I was there. "Mornin' sugarcube.... I.... I know you said you'd call but... Thought I would...." She said as I leaned on the balcony. I sighed. "You alright after this morning...? I'm sorry about what happened...." I said. "Ry... Its fine... I just... I was more glad that you were there for us... Just want you home..." I looked back at Twilight and Nightmare Moon looking over the map of Equestria. "....I know you do.... I'll admit... I might wanna come back home too.... I do miss you guys but... I still dont know if I'm dangerous still or not...." "...I understand sugarcube... Maybe we could build ya somethin' that you could stay in just so we could have you around?" "We can talk with Celestia about that... Maybe see about relocating some of those trees to basically get enough room for a small living space with power and maybe a garage to park the cars and such.... Maybe see if we cant make it look right." "Sounds alright I guess... How's things on your end? All calm?" "Yeah... Just had a meal but... Figured something out that I really wish I didnt get tied up in but... Thanks to our guest we may have an upper hand... Hows Scoot and Mash doing after last night?" "Mash is alright. Just as happy as anything like nothin' ever happened... Scootaloo is still sleepin'.... Poor girl didnt get to sleep for maybe about an hour or so after you left.... Just cried and worried.... Least that what's Big Mac told me." "Applebloom hear anything last night?" "Girl was so deep in sleep last night you'd've thought she was a rock." I gave a slight chuckle and sighed. "...AJ... If there is something you wanna talk about... doesnt matter what time of night, what time of day, where i am or who I'm with... I'm gonna answer.... You're the mare who mended a broken stallion and watched him climb up from being just some wannabe mechanic to the head of the guard.... even all the way up to royalty... if our parents were still here.... they'd probably be losing their shit about me being in danger so often just like how the Princesses do... I do agree... nobody should be pulling straws to tell you I went down... I'd rather be by your side into our old ages... But... There's just a part of me that knows that might not happen..." She huffed. "...Aint gonna lie.... I got that feeling too... I still love you no matter how stupid you are sometimes.... No matter how much I yell, how much we pick on you or what not... Thats the stallion I married... Dont matter how many times life keeps kickin' ya while you're down... You get back up, take lifes foot and break it... Either that or rip it off just so a new leg grows and kicks you even harder... Guessin' that all depends on how bad life pissed you off.... But hey... I gotta get going here soon... Dash just pulled up and I know she's gonna be wanting me to be ready for the get together later.... Just hopin' that the main guest of honor for tonight aint gonna cause trouble... And that youll be there to stop her from causing any." "Yeah... Well you have a great rest of the day.... Give a hug to Scoot, kiss Mash and give Dash the finger for me.... Love you." Applejack laughed. "Will do sugarcube. Love you as well... Maybe... Just maybe if you catch me in the right mood tonight... I might see about sneakin' away to show you whats underneathe my costume...." "And maybe my costume might be a little tighter.... You just get on before Twilight questions why I'm walking weird..." I heard her laugh before we hung up. I walked back in just joining Twilight and Nightmare Moon. "And this thing basically shows me all of Equestria and alerts me to any dangers that are around... I mean just a few months ago this thing showed me a hoard of creatures coming in from Everfree." Twilight said. "Guards had to shut the streets down and I had to be ready to repel anything... Turns out it was just a group of bunnies that somehow managed to get some sort of magic dust on them... Thought it was just a big creature like an Ursa Major... Or even a Minor. Guess they were just going to Fluttershy's for a bath. Even more embarrassing that I was in full guard armor and I had guards with tranquilizers at the ready." Nightmare Moon gave a chuckle. "Hopefully townsfolk were understanding of this. What did those bunnies get in anyways?" She asked. I huffed a bit. "Memory serves right it was a mixture of powdered dragons tongue plant, small amounts of Poison Joke pollen and the slightest bit of parasprite dust... the worst part was that Zecora had her dry dangers powdered ingredients knocked out of a tree by a bear just thinking it was some food....." I said. Twilight smiled. "Pretty accurate though I think the small amount of Joke Pollen wasnt so small considering four of them had to get bathed in the remedy... And Fluttershy wasnt too happy after petting them...." She replied. I huffed sitting on the arm of the throne. "Yeah... Who knew she got a voice deeper than Big Macs?" We honestly went on for a bit. Talked about our poison joke runins. Of course mine was a funny topic for both Twilight and Nightmare Moon... That was hell to think of.... Both with me doing what I did with Big Mac, the fear of heights coming out of Dash's house... Scaring my mother half to death... That talk went on for a while until Nightmare Moon wanted to lay down. We showed her to one of the beds that Celestia uses when visiting with Twilight. She took to it well. I just had guards stationed at the door and I asked them to make sure she's attended to. After that Twilight and I went to her study but before we could talk ourselves we got a call from Celestia. I put the phone on speaker and just heard a huff. "Alright... Finally giving enough time and hoping you're awake...." I heard Celestia mumble. "Lucky I am awake Celestia. Calling for an update?" "Oh Ryder! Yes I am... I swear you need to say something when you answer... Dont like muttering to myself with you hearing everything." "Well apologies there. Before we speak of anything, I have Twilight here." Twilight smiled. "Hi Celestia!" She said. Celestia huffed. "So you're down at Twilight's castle and not the bus? Hows my sister doing? Is everything okay? No force needed?" She asked. I sat down on the desk as Twilight went and pulled out a chair. "No force needed but almost happened.... Had to make a quick pitstop to make sure my sister was alright after a nightmare..." I said. "Nightmare Moon got a bit uppity when it came to finding out I was royalty with no castle... My castle is wherever I can hang my hat... Doesnt matter if it is with family or away from them.... speaking of I may need to ask a favor later." "Alright. After tonight. But no violence was had?" "Thankfully no. I did have to have my taser ready along with our guest who is resting right now. We got her out without having to run by a hospital for any extractions." "Good... Thats great! But uh... Now I want to ask how you're faring.... But uh... Twilight?" I just glanced at Twilight. "She's fine.... I think she's got right to know only if she keeps this to herself..." Twilight looked to me questioning me without words for a moment before she sighed. "Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye." She said. Celestia huffed. "Alright... Twilight, to catch you up Ryder took The Pill and he's been monitoring himself." She said. "It wasnt the first option we had but just in case things got violent with Nightmare Moon and he was the main target we'd rather have him not as injured. That and to give him a boost of energy without him having to pump himself full of caffeine until midnight tonight. But please. Do not say anything of this to his family.... I know you dont like it and I'm sure he doesnt like it either." "I wont Princess... Its just... Shocking that he would be allowed to do this.... Not as just being a royal but... a pegasus that cant use magic like Alicorn..." I gave a slight chuckle. "That leads into the favor but... We're gonna need to find something that cant be burned down or destroyed.... I'd suggest somewhere but due to gas leaks, I wouldnt..." I said. "But again... comes after we've done our thing..." Celestia hummed. "Is this something we have to ask my mother or father about?" She asked. "Maybe.... Though for the thing dealing with your sister.... I feel like you gave me an idea considering information we found.... I'll text you the details." "Alright... Do what needs to be done..." I hung up on Celestia just giving a look to Twilight who was just... A bit annoyed. She stood up while I just pocketed my phone. "You... Seriously... Took the ONE thing that supplies Celestia and Luna and even Cadence with their immortality?!" She snapped. I huffed. "What do you want me to do? Give myself a heart attack?!" I snapped back. "Besides that wasnt my choice. That and you are the only one that knows a spell to give me a jolt of energy but even you know its not permanent! I promise you this is the ONLY fucking one I take and this will NEVER leave this room. You know what happens when you break a Pinkie Promise!" "I know but just.... How could you just take it when you will probably have a few more years even after AJ passes?!" "Twilight we can debate this later. As of right now I need passage into the underworld so I may need your help with your magic to open it." "Well I'm the only one here who can use magic....." I snapped my fingers bringing a little lighter sized flame to my fingers... She just looked at it wide eyed. "....I'd say you're the most skilled with it.... Just not the only one who can use it..." I blew it out giving a smug smile. "...How.... did you...?" "There's the favor I asked Celestia about... I need a book from the forbidden section which is where I learned that during my nightmare scenario and this makes me need to either thank someone or just question my own life more than I already have. Now we gonna go somewhere for the door or are we just gonna stand around here and question why I can make fireballs?" Twilight didnt say a word. We just went off and went to the spell casting room. I did tell her it would take a lot out of her if she did this but she didnt care. Though she actually opened a door with ease... Though I went in alone. She stayed back to be sure that everyone is well protected against Nightmare Moon. I soon found myself in the middle of Hellfire's study. He was sitting in his arm chair, enjoying a drink by the fire reading from a tome that I dare not read myself. He looked up and gave his devilish smile. "Ah.... Well if it isnt Prince Ryder Wheeler... What are you doing here in my domain? Shouldnt one of my daughters be with you?" He asked. "Yes and no sir. I had the aid of another alicorn to get to you so I could ask of something.... We've figured out why Luna turns into Nightmare Moon every blood moon." I replied. "A demon summoned long ago escaped and attached itself to your daughter. I dare not ask you to separate it from her yourself but perhaps see about giving us a way to get it out of her and possibly into me just to separate it as you did once before. Could that work?" He hummed shutting his book having it burst into flames. "...This is news to me... and I run this department of demonic entities and evil doings..." He made a bigger book appear... and I mean big... as tall as I was. It just sat on the floor. "....Give me a few hours to go over this ledger.... See if I'm missing anyone...." "If it helps, the demon was summoned long ago, summoned demon went on to cause nightmares around towns nearby, ponies killed the summoner, destroyed the circle, nobody could get rid of the demon because it escaped. Where it escaped.... Right into your own daughter...." He hummed as the book started to shrink in length. Now only the size of a novel. "Ah.... That will help.... Just need to narrow down the story there... see if I cant find someone specific within my ledger... maybe question them... See what we can learn.... Whos neck I can wring harder... perhaps someone you could punish as well..." "Gladly... But I'll let you get to work. Try contacting me when you find something... Maybe send a note with Schrivechnya.... Not wanting to see anyone possessed other than me at this point." "Ah... Sounds like a good idea..." He looked to me. "Some brandy before you leave?" "Perhaps later.... I need to get back just in case your daughter causes trouble." He gave a nod before I went back out. The door closed as soon as I shut it and I just went about my day. I tested myself here and there with reflexes. Just went out onto the helipad, had just given tennis balls to some guards out there, had them throw them at random intervals, caught each one to a varying difficulty. Caught a few almost right away, had to chase a few down here and there but overall I got em. Messed around the castle for a while until I got hungry. That's when I had to take a guard truck to get some burritos. Now those were good. After that I went back to the castle to see Daring walking around looking a bit more awake. I told her what I did before we just kept going about the day. Even texted Celestia about what happened and what I need. Oh I felt a disturbance in the air after she read it. Told me there was no way she'd let me in there without proper clearance and reasoning why. Told her I'd show her when I get there. But I also told her about a meeting with her father that Twilight let me do.... she asked why and I told her what my reasoning was there. That her sister was possessed by a demon, thats why Nightmare Moon came around and I guess right here I thought it might feed on hatred? Not sure but I didnt tell her that. But she asked what I was doing about it and I told her straight up that I'm gonna have to coax the demon out after we figure out how to coax it from Luna and have it possess me and from there I go to her father and get it removed. She asks why not have Luna get it done herself and I just say that I will not have her own father do anything to his daughter. She saw that reasoning clear as day. Anyhow my day of fun ended once Nightmare Moon woke up around sunset. I met with her just as she was in the shower. I was still wide awake and yeah... I was having to watch her bathe which.... Honestly struck me weird she didnt object. She sighed. "This soap better not damage my complexion... or even my mane..." She said. "Though it does smell nice...." I huffed. "We're gonna need to hurry this up... Night's young and we need to be ready for this... Thinking we could get some dinner, maybe a drink and see how everyone celebrates." "Perhaps somewhere higher class.... That bar was nice but I'd rather something else.... Something higher class where I can have a glass of wine with my meal..." "Sounds alright... Though I must ask, how was your rest?" "I would prefer guards not peek in at me every hour... Perhaps trying to catch me acting inappropriate?" "They would do nothing of the sort if they knew what was good for them.... They were under order to make sure you werent up to no good. Apologies if they disturbed you. I still am under strict orders to keep tabs on you for your birthday.... Speaking of, I can promise you one dismissal of anything I say as a gift... I'd've given you one command from you but I feel as if you'd abuse it..." "Abuse it? Me?" She laughed a bit and I just gave her a stern look. The laughter died. She just looked to me covering herself a bit. "...Fair point.... You get your fill of me yet?" I huffed. "Never. You're such a beautiful mare... And... I cant lie here... If there's some time before the end of the night... I might be of service... Only with your allowance of course." She grinned a bit. "Surprised with your strength you dont overpower me and make me yours..." "Please. Your sister and parents would take turns chopping my dick off.... And I'm fairly sure your father would make me relive it over and over again... Seems the type that would do that... Especially if I wronged one of his daughters that way... I may have the strength for it but unless you wanted me to, its not gonna happen. The day I do force myself on someone I would hope there would be a sniper ready to put me down." "At least you want someone to hold your leash.... Now be a dear and help me dry off and preen my wings... As you say, the night is young...." I gave a smile and helped her dry off, brushed her wings and watched her dress. Once she was back in her armor we left the castle but at the bus I was met by a new guard who I immediately recognized but she was just wearing armor that was similar to mine, a mask covering up her purple face, her mane stuffed into a bun and a beret with only her horn showing. No wings though. She saluted. "Sir, I'm reporting in to let you know i've been assigned to night duty while Corporal Sandstone has been moved back to day shift via Princess Celestia's request." She said.... Yeah... Twilight... I smiled. "Welcome on board then. Your name ma'am?" I asked. "My name is Darkshine. Lieutenant Darkshine to be formal sir." I pulled her side and motioned for Nightmare Moon to board. "Well... 'Lieutenant'... Why was I not informed of Sandstones departure?" "Well... She got a call that she was needed back in Canterlot for a... family issue... and I took over because I have more experience dealing with this." "Hopefully her family is alright... And that they're finding some solutions to her issue..." I winked at her. "From what I heard, they've got something but want to confirm. Anything you know?" "Only about the same... Waiting for some information... May have a delivery from a source that... I'm just now realizing I may have to explain..." "Letter?" "I hope... Lets just get on with the night... Hope you havent had a meal tonight... she wants something nice. Plus I've given her a free disregard of one order I give her. Dont freak out if she gets uppity about said order. I do however want you to stay alert and in case things do go south, i've still got my taser and you have your magic." Twilight nodded and we boarded the bus. Guess who had to call ahead to the best place we could go? Not Twilight. Me. And the place? Canterlot Carrots. Yeah. That place. Lucky me, I didnt have to pay. They were given ample notice to not let anyone in, gang or not. All I had to do was message Hiro, he sent word that I'd call, I called and they agreed to clear the place and make sure it was safe for us. We went in, ate, I had a drink at the bar. Something sweet but only one. Twilight just had a coffee and a sandwich. Though I did go to the bathroom... and I swear I'm glad this didnt set off any alarms but the fucking letter that I needed. Just came out of nowhere in a flash of fire. Lucky me the fire dissipated not even giving off any smoke... and of course its while I was at the urinal. I grabbed it- the note i mean- and went to set it down and wash my hands real quick before opening it up and reading it. 'Ryder, Hoping this letter is finding you well but I'm just writing to let you know I seem to have found your demon that has a hold on my daughter. This type of demon feeds when it is most powerful... And tonight of all nights its got its power. The fact that its a blood moon, the rarest of moons means its feeding off her power. Now to get rid of it I've drawn up a circle with dimensions, runes and instructions on what needs to be done to draw that demon out. Once its out you're going to need to throw yourself to it, piss it off, make it attack you and what you need to do, make yourself stronger than the demon, if not get to me as fast as possible and I will extract it as I've done before. It will hurt but if my calculations are correct with this you should recover faster. Even with the presence of the one magic you shouldnt have had in your system but... My daughters trust you with it. I sensed it yes but I do wish to aid you rather than harm you since you're putting your body on the line for my family as if they were your own. Perhaps I will give you an extension to your powers after this... and yes... I sensed that as well... Anywho, lets get this done, save my daughter from what harms her.... I promise her mother and I will be grateful.' Hellfire signed it off and what was cool was that his signature looked as if it was glowing with the fire that it appeared in. I stowed the note away and went back out. I saw Nightmare Moon having a glass of red wine with her meal. Twilight was just sitting at the bar, her mask hanging down. I went and sat next to her passing her the note just as I grabbed the drink I left here. She looked at the letter as I sipped my drink the hard alcoholic feeling burning my throat. "Ah... so we've got answers on our end... Where to do this though that isnt gonna make wherever we are a mess....?" She asked whispering. I huffed. "...I say we call our friends, send the bus out to them and find somewhere away from prying eyes.... Anywhere around Ponyville that you could suggest?" I asked. I looked out the window. Already seeing ponies in costume just walking by, some wanting to look in but turned away by bouncers who... lets just say for the safety of my own - fuck it they're gang. The Bits are basically handling being there so nobody gets in. Just told them to stand there. Twilight handled keeping the windows blocked with magic until we leave. "Best we have out here are empty warehouses and parking structures... though I doubt our guest would want to see anything there... Plus issue of safety... everyone is in costume and wanting to have fun... wont doubt there will be some underground raves going on.... I feel as long as we get somewhere before the end of the night we should be fine..." I thought for a moment. What's going on in the vault? Only one way to find out. Anywho we finished and left the bar. Had to go back to the castle just to get a chopper out. Daring did say there were problems but apparently the problems that arose were just issues with the generator. Nothing that could pose a threat but it was something that annoyed the hell out of them until it was fixed. I helped Nightmare Moon and Twilight into the chopper. Daring and Sunburst were already enroute to the bunker underground with something to mark out the runes and yeah... Twilight had to re-draw the runes on a letter as well as the instructions to send to Daring to have it prepared for us. Nightmare Moon had zero clue what was going on. We lifted off as we closed the door and started putting on headsets. Once the headsets were on Nightmare Moon looked to me. "Ryder what is going on? Why are we being air lifted?" She asked. I couldnt really think of anything here. I looked to Twilight who was just making sure her headset was tuned right. Twilight huffed. "Apologies ma'am but Ryder has gotten word of someone who wishes you harm. He would attempt to apprehend but with what group they're associated with may be be out in packs. Rather we get you out while we can. Guards are mobilized already trying to make things safer for everyone. We'll be fine." "They best not have surface to air artillery... Wouldnt want to dive out last fucking second..." I sighed giving the wall I sat against lightly. "Anti-Lockon capabilities, armor plated to shit... Not to mention if given the opportunity these things have weapons hidden away for emergency situations. Four heat seekers, two five millimeter miniguns and can be outfitted with guns on the sides. We have a safe place outside of Canterlot to hide for a few hours just to be safe." I said. "Better to be off the ground and out of sight even before things go down." Nightmare Moon looked to me. "...At least this happened after I've eaten... Rather not have to go without food or drink for some time...." She said. "Better even this chopper, even with a limited fuel source does provide food as well." I tucked my feet in a bit. Twilight had to motion to her to move her feet in as well. Once she did I gave a quick hit to my seat and the cooler popped up. "Filled with snacks, drinks ranging from juices to alcoholic beverages, sodas to wines and even coffees and energy drinks just in case." She hummed as she took a package of cookies out. "Well then.... How long does thing thing stay in the air?" "Not long unfortunately. Only enough fuel for a few hours. Best used for transport from here to wherever in Equestria if we're flying straight for wherever we need. No detours unless absolutely needed. And I see no detours more important than getting you to safety." She hummed seeming to accept that answer as the cooler just put itself away. We kept flying and talking. Though once we set down I was the first one out. Twilight and Nightmare Moon stayed around where we were dropped. Told the pilot to get us in an hour or so. Once the pilot lifted off I gave a huff. "Alright. Stay here. Gonna make sure we're clear to go in." Twilight saluted while Nightmare Moon just used her magic to keep a light on around them. I just looked to the moon as I turned around towards the broken down building. You know since my kidnapping and I had to use Schrivechnya's sight to help me see in dark areas I've gotten more adapted to use it on my own without having to ask her to lend it to me. I did notice some stuff when I did train myself with the sight. Stuff kinda glowed when I used it. Basically showed items of interest... mostly food and water because I was hungry... Used it when looking for lost tools at work and even when I was walking through town at night to spot danger. Few coyotes that wandered too far in to town but they didnt bother me. As I walked down I did hear voices. It may have been dark but I saw every step, heard everything in front and back up to a certain point. The voices were but whispers to my ear. I came down just to see Daring and Sunburst just putting some candles down at specific points. I just leaned on the wall and gave a whistle alerting them. They both looked up at me as my vision just adjusted. Daring was back in something that wasnt a guard disguise. She was in a tight jumpsuit though. Nothing from the vault unfortunately. Just a mechanics. Sunburst himself was in arch-mage robes from the one game his little quarters in his museum is from. Daring huffed as she planted one of the candles at an apex of a large circle that was only lit by a few magic light balls stuck to the ceiling. "About time you showed up. We're almost done. Sunburst has been checking, double checking and even triple checking our runes and so far things are ready." She said. "Candles are meant to be lit all at once once the subject is inside the circle. Once that happens someone needs to start reciting scripture which Sunburst has at the ready. It should be four verses repeated, once the demon is out it needs to be destroyed by a third party." I huffed. "That third party is going to need to be an outside source?" She nodded. "...Good... I got someone... and trust me when I say this is the one thing you do NOT follow me no matter what." She looked to me confused once more. "Yeah... Shouldnt tell you this but I'm gonna be offering myself to the demon and once it gets a hold of me I have to keep a high will and get it removed in... honestly a painful way but this does NOT leave this area.... Now finish up, hit the lights and let me get her down here." She gave a nod and I flew back up. Once I landed back out with Nightmare Moon and Twilight I huffed. "Alright. All clear." They both nodded and started following me down. I was careful in my steps making sure I wasnt going to trip or make anyone else trip. I used my sight and glanced behind me. Nightmare Moon glowed red whilst Twilight was glowing blue. Guess I can see aura's as well. Just as we were getting to the bottom I nudged Twilight off and just motioned to stay while I continued to lead Nightmare Moon in. I looked left and right just to see Daring and Sunburst getting ready. Just before we got there... Oh I had a moment of regret... but I think that was supposed to be after I pushed Nightmare Moon into the circle and immediately conjuring fire just making a ring around her lighting all the candles. She looked to me as she stood, her eyes blood red now. "YOU INSOLENT FOAL! I will bathe in your blood for assaulting me!" She yelled. She tried diving out but she just ran into a force field and I'm glad. The room was brightened up by light balls thrown at the walls just as Sunburst started reading from a tome, reciting something I had no idea what he was saying... Felt like I should with how many demons I've been in the presence of. The mare entrapped in the circle screamed as tears that almost looked like blood ran from her eyes. I backed up to Twilight knowing damn well I wasnt wanting to be close just in case. "Be ready with a door to hell. I already know this might be disturbing to watch... Just make sure that door gets opened and that I can get in there and return that fucking thing back where it came from..." She gave a nod just rushing off to the side towards Daring. My attention turned back to Luna. Or what would forever be Luna after this. "YOU VILE DEMON! LEAVE YOUR HOST! LEAVE HER AND COME TO ME! YOU WANT STRENGTH? POWER? I OFFER ALL OF THAT! USE ME AS YOUR VESSEL!" I just watched as the blood tears formed into a ball over her... even when she screamed the blood just... it started pouring from her mouth. Though her screams were heard and not even gargled.... I continued to watch in horror as the ball grew bigger and bigger... Once it stopped growing... I knew it was time.... I looked to Twilight who had the door ready. I ran opposite the door to the wall and jumped on it before rocketing myself off, through the magical field and the demon... I felt it join with me and it was PAINFUL.... My muscles felt as if they were ripping apart, Schrivechnya growled and yelped in pain and I was almost unable to control my wings as I flew through the door. It slammed shut behind me as I landed right in the middle of Hellfire's study. He jumped out of his chair and rushed me as I struggled on the floor trying to keep my own now discolored hand away from my throat. "GET IT OUT OF ME!" I growled for a second losing control for a moment. "YOU UNDERESTIMATE ME FOOL! YOU WILL CERTAINLY PERISH FOR YOUR LIES!" The demon possessing me and using my voice said. Hellfire growled. "Ryder, forgive me for this but...." He said trailing off. He opened a portal and threw me in. I just fell through fire though it felt cold, the screams of the damned drowning out my own. What felt like an eternity later I found myself dropping down right onto that sacrificial table, my arms and legs instantly getting locked in the shackles. Yet the portal above didnt close. Not until The Keeper himself came down just driving the sacrificial dagger into my chest. I couldnt tell if there was no pain... or if the pain was so excruciating that I was just about dead. I heard him utter the chants again, the chants echoing behind him as if they were brought on by a choir of lost souls. Safe to say from here... I dont remember anything there after. I woke up after feeling a cool sensation come over my forehead... It was dark and I think the only warmth I felt was a blanket over me and a fire in the corner. I tried sitting up before being pushed back down. "...Easy.... You're alright...." I heard a mare say. My eyes adjusted to the light.... It was still so dark but I knew who it was. I rubbed my eyes a bit. "...Luna...? What the fuck happened....?" I asked. She used her magic and lit up the room. I had to hide my eyes. It was Luna... Still wearing her nightmare moon armor. She gave a slight smile. "...You saved me.... all I remember before is just you watching me... then nothing... next thing you know I'm being woken up by Twilight, Daring and Sunburst.... They were telling me of the night I was taken control of.... The... things I said... the things I'd done.... I truly owe you my life...." I sighed laying back down. "...I promised I'd do anything for you and Celestia... this shows it... What about your father?" A door opened letting in more light. I heard echoes of damned screams beyond. In the shadow I saw Hellfire standing tall. "...You are one peculiar pony... I actually thought I had killed you trying to extract that demon.... Yet when I took the blade out I was relieved to hear you cough and breathe once more." Hellfire said kneeling down next to me. "You've been out since my daughters birthday... its been a day and a half since then... I kept you here in my domain to rest in case anything else happened... Made sure you were cared for... You might need my daughter to carry you out of here though... I'd wager you're a little late for dinner... Just be lucky I was able to use magic to keep thirst and hunger pains at bay..." "I.... Thank you... sir.... Maybe once I'm at full strength again I could return and show Berrie a new thing or two?" His devilish grin was actually... comforting to see after what I went through. "Any time.... Maybe brush up on things before your return here... I'd love to see what you learn." I gave a nod and just allowed Luna to pick me up. She carried me out and all I was clad in was just a loincloth.... Not my first option for underwear but after getting my uniform back I understand why I was thought dead... and why I was naked. The uniform was scorched and torn yet I was unharmed. I'd add that immunity to fire as a thing on the list but eh.... the list was destroyed... Lucky I was able to recount everything for Celestia but just in case they wanted to test it I left out the last one... Though Luna was very appreciative of my heroism towards her she didnt hesitate to show me how appreciative she actually was.... Guards had to keep their eyes up or down and she waited on me hand and foot until I was able to get on my feet again. And she just made the perfect cuddle partner with how affectionate she was.... Though Applejack? She was apparently none too happy... Long story short, her, Big Mac and every other adult got so hammered that Sweetie, Mash, Scoot and Bloom all had to be taken in by Diamond Tiara until their hangovers went away.... And Twilight couldnt help because she had to keep everyone at the castle just to make sure they did come out of it alright.... Yeah... Wish I could've gotten drunk but I guess being taken over by a demon and ritually disemboweled to get that same demon out of me was a fun time.... somehow... I.... guess? Anywho... until next time... To be continued > The Orphan > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's been a week since my Nightmare Night fiasco. I made sure Luna was alright, Celestia couldnt help but cry knowing what I did for her sister and when she said I could request anything I wanted from her whether it be sex, new clothing, cars whatever... I asked for her to teach me about magic and I showed her what I could do. Oh she was surprised I could do that.... Just allowed me to throw fireballs at balloons she had let go and I hit most of them.... Only one I missed hit a tree... whoopsie... I managed to put it out and save the tree.... mostly.... But she agreed and gave me the book I had stolen from her during the nuke dream... and that was how I explained it but even she questioned it same as I did. But anyhow I was alone at the shop. Nobody was coming in all day. Ended up closing up early and I did whatever I could to keep myself busy whether it be going to see my sister, working on my dads truck- speaking of vehicles I got mine back. Thing runs like new again. And you can bet I found the nearest legal drag race, brought it in to test and just floored it. That was fun. But anyhow I was just sitting in my room. There was rain outside and I was just drinking some warm tea.... Yeah this little unit in the shop isnt that insulated... I was in sweats and under a blanket too just watching TV... Nothing interesting on so I just started watching cartoons. That was until I got a knock at the door just outside. Just outside my room theres a staircase, that leads up here and a window with iron bars that prevented breakins when I need to vent out the room. And yeah, it works. Had one of the guys try. Magically protected as well. Anywho when I heard that knock I just assumed it was a late customer who needed repair. I just didnt wanna deal with it... too comfy. Yet there was more knocking after a moment. I just huffed setting my tea down on my dresser and getting up. Left my blanket and just went to the window. I peeked out... Couldnt see very well... Just a bit foggy. I huffed as more knocking happened. I opened the door and just looked out... To my surprise there wasnt anyone there... Until I looked down just to see a little filly.... She was crying. Little pegasus filly. Light pink coat, light blue curly mane that was a mess, her darker pink dress and black tap shoes covered in mud. I knelt down. "...Hey there.... What are you doing out here? Your parents around sweetie?" I asked. I just looked around outside. Rain and darkness. I stood up and stepped off to the side. "Here. Lets get you out of the rain.... Just... stay here, let me find something for you to dry yourself off with... Maybe change into to get you dry...." She came in and just closed the door herself just locking it... Honestly surprised me but made me worried. She just sat there at my door crying and hugging her knees. I went for the wardrobe and grabbed my phone from my nightstand. I went in to my wardrobe and started a call to the local guard. Started grabbing towels and some of Scootaloo's clothes if there's ever a little accident somewhere not near home. That filly looked about the same size. Once the phone clicked a voice came. "Ponyville Guard station, how can I help you?" A mare said. "Echo, Charlie, River." "Ah, Prince Ryder. What's needed sir?" "I'm down at my shop and... I just had a little filly come in out of the rain.... She's all alone, she's all wet and she just seems lost and scared.... I havent questioned her yet but I need guards here to question her... I'm not sure if she's in danger or what... I can have the guards let in to the garage when they get here. For right now I need to make sure she doesnt get sick...." "Ten-four. Sending a car to you right away. Do you think you'd need medical?" "No, no medical. Just the guard. I'll be waiting downstairs at the shop next to the convenience store off Conch and Limeade." "Got it. They'll be there in ten. That all you need sir?" I hummed. "Maybe have them take me and the filly to the castle or... wherever after she tells us what's wrong..." "Transport will be given upon request. If that's all sir, have a great night, stay safe out there." "Will do. You guys as well." I hung up my phone and just finished going through my wardrobe for clothes she could wear. I walked back out just to see her shivering and curled up. I knelt down and handed her the towel and the clothes I picked out. "Here.... Something to dry yourself off with and something to wear... Hope those are your size or around it... those are my sisters..." She took the towel and looked around. Nowhere she could see to change. "There's a bathroom downstairs if you wanna brave the dark for a sec. Already brave enough getting here alone... Names Ryder... What's yours?" The filly whimpered wrapping the towel around herself. Her mane dripped onto the towel. "...C-Cozy G-G-Glow...." She replied shivering. "Alright... Nice to meet you Cozy.... Wanna walk with me downstairs or do you want me to carry you down? Dont want you slipping." She thought for a second before just standing up and reaching her arms out to me. I grabbed the clothes I picked for her and rolled em up sticking them in my pocket before picking her up myself. The wetness kinda came through my shirt but I didnt care. Love the rain, hate thunder and lightning.... Yeah. Because of that night. You know the one. Anywho I opened my door and walked out. It was quiet in here. Only light that came in was through slits on the door and some high up windows. We got downstairs and I set her down in front of the bathroom. "Here... Stay right here... gonna turn on the lights in here..." "...Okay... just.. hurry... please...." "Alright... give me a second." I just did a quick over to the switches on the wall. I hit the first one and everything lit up and yeah.... sometimes the lights definitely do that buzzing sound when its silent and i HATE IT. I walked back over grabbing a trashbag along the way from a rack just around the corner from the bathroom and handed it to her after opening it. "Here... When you're done changing put your wet clothes in here... I'll be out here when you're done... Okay?" She gave a nod taking the bag. I just handed her the clothes and watched as she walked in. I went over to the front garage door just slowly pulling it open a bit just enough for a vehicle to get through. I went back to the door and sat down by it just staring out at the rain. I honestly sat there and wondered why she'd be out in this.... Running from someone or something maybe.... That's the biggest feeling I had. She didnt finish changing for a bit... or if she did she just didnt wanna come out. The guard truck came pulling in. Two guards stepped out just as I stood up. "Sir!" They both said saluting. I saluted right back. "At ease. Thank you for coming guys... Had a filly just knock on my door, shaking, wet and scared.... She's in the bathroom here changing into something warm... I can bring her upstairs so you can question her. Already got her name. Cozy Glow. Not sure if anyone has called in a runaway filly as of yet but I'd think its best I say something now rather than later." One guard looked to the other. "Get a hold of dispatch. Ask if anyone's put in a missing pony report for a Cozy Glow." He said. The other guard nodded and went back to the truck. The guard looked back to me. "Alright. Lets see her." I nodded and went back to the bathroom door. I knocked and waited. "Cozy? I got the guard here to talk to you... Make sure everythings okay... Can you come out and talk with them please?" I heard a little scream. "NO! No nononono! If I come out... Th-They'll take me back to them!" She said. "No they wont Cozy... I dont know who they are and why you're scared of them but we wont take you back to them if there's something wrong... I wanna keep you safe here... Just come on out, talk with us and we're gonna get you somewhere safe and warmer than here. Alright?" "Promise?" "Promise sweetie...." I looked to the guard. He nodded agreeing with the promise. "....Well... Okay... Just.... Can we go back upstairs please...? I heard that big door open... I dont want anyone to see me in here...." I looked to the guard and just nodded to the door. "Alright... Closing the door just for you. After that we'll be out of here." The guard took a moment to close the door. Once the door was closed Cozy came out with her clothes in the bag and wearing my sisters clothes which honestly was a little small but at least she was covered. I took her hand and walked her up the stairs with the guard following behind us. Once inside my room I sat her on my bed and just shut the TV off. Went back to drinking my now lukewarm tea. I just stayed near the window watching Cozy and the guard. The guard smiled at Cozy. "Alright... Cozy was it?" He asked. She nodded hesitantly. "Well Cozy... what were you doin' out in that rain? Cold as anything out there..." Cozy whimpered a bit. "...I... I ran away...." She said. "Why'd you do that? Aint there someone out there lookin' for ya?" "...M-Maybe... I just... I just dont want them to find me.... They.... they yell at me... they take away my dinner.... all because they just want me to play chess.... I... I dont wanna play chess... I just dont...." I saw the tears build up in her eyes. "Really now? No food and they yell at ya? Who is it? Your parents?" She whimpered more. Just grabbed my blanket and let out a loud screech of a cry. I set my drink down again and just went for her. I just picked her up and held her. Just cried into my shoulder.... I just looked to the guard and just nodded towards the door. He nodded and just went outside leaving us. I didnt say anything... Just hugged her. I just already knew what was happening. She was an orphan... I huffed. "...Sorry there Cozy... He's just trying to figure out what was going on..." I said. "...He didnt wanna hurt you.... Still wanna go somewhere safer?" She nodded. I got up with her in my arms, poured what was left of my tea down my sink, got my shoes on and walked downstairs shutting off my light. I got down to the guard truck and set her inside on the seat and looked to the guards. "Not a word to her. We're going to the castle. Let me lock up in here, I'll meet you around the side." They nodded as I opened the doors for them to back out. Once they were out I closed it up, shut the lights off, flew back upstairs and into my room. Went and grabbed a jacket before heading down. The ride to the castle was tense. I got Cozy a juice to calm her down, soda for myself to perk me up slightly and we just rode in silence. I mean... Other than her sniffles and sobs... Even made sure she blew her nose in a tissue thing I had to get from the front. By the time we got to the castle she was fighting sleep. Calm but fighting with everything she had to an already losing battle with sleep. I put her in my room on my bed and tucked her in. Took my charging cables, turned on a nightlight we used for Mash and left the room. The guard at the door already had his orders. I just went through the halls just to find Twilight's entertainment room. I sat on the first chair there was and started to call Luna. The buzzing of my phone only lasted for a moment before I heard her. "Ryder? Rain keeping you up? I thought there wasnt supposed to be any thunder tonight." She said. I huffed. "...No... Rain's fine... Just... How many times do I find myself in situations that have someone crying, scared or in trouble or all three if the situation is just right?" "Too many to count... What happened? Did you have to hurt anyone?" "No but... I very well could.... Filly came to my door, rain pouring outside, poor thing soaking wet, I dry her, clothe her and the guards who I called asked her something that just made her cry.... We just wanted to know why she ran, where she ran from and overall if she was safe.... Spoiler alert... Not safe, not happy and who she ran from... That's still a mystery." "That poor thing... Good on you for helping her... That makes... what... Three kids you've helped out in someway by either saving their life or giving them something better?" "...Just about that.... Not sure what's really going on or who's looking for her if anyone is... Right now I'm at Twilight's castle so she's warm and safe if anyone's trying to hurt her... Though when the guards asked if it was her parents who were hurting her...." "...That's when she started crying....?" "Eeyup.... Honestly broke my heart there... I think I may have another orphan on my hands.... this one younger than Scootaloo I think..." "Let me just do what I do here... You get yourself some sleep and preferably nearby the filly. I honestly feel like there might be a nightmare coming...." "I'll get some sleep here soon... Just.... I need a drink and a breather... I'll contact you later if I get anything..." I hung up and just sat here. I grabbed a juice from the cooler and just went for the kitchen. Though as I walked through there I was stopped by Twilight. She was just carrying Spike to bed.... He just looked so tired. Twilight just sighed. "....What's going on now? I know you only come here when there's something wrong... Besides I thought you were going to move back in with Applejack soon." She said. I just huffed as she started walking past me. I followed drinking my juice. "....I had to bring another guest here into the Hotel Del Princess... Filly came to me through the darkness and pouring rain, scared and running from someone... Might be coming from an abusive house hold. Got guards still doing some research into her. Gotta be extremely sure where she came from and what went on to cause her to do what she did..." "Pisses me off to no end thinking they can treat a kid anyway they want... All because they birthed them or adopted..." That right there set a little alert off in my head. I stopped right in my tracks. Twilight looked to me. "...What? Something about... adoption?" "Yeah... no wonder she cried... kids an orphan...." I started down the hallway opposite her again. "You get Spike to bed, I need to call the guard station again!" Oh you bet I ran all the way to the stairs and went all the way down just to stand in the doorway. I called the guard station just standing there. The phone buzzed for a moment before it clicked. "Echo, Charlie, River. I need an update if anything that the guards that were sent to my garage found." I said. I heard a mare hum. "All we have is a report. Filly, named Cozy Glow, Prince asked to search for evidence of wrongdoings towards her, cried when parents mentioned." She said. "Why? Something you found?" "Nothing definite but I need someone to get into contact with any local orphanages that might have record of her. Have them describe her if they say yes and if anything comes up, contact me and I'll head down there myself with her." "Affirmative sir. Calls will be done in the morning. For the time being I'm going to look at all the orphanages and write down numbers and have the morning crew call them if not handling anything... Right now I gotta make sure I dont have to wash out any of the damn drunk tanks again..." "You do that. Have a great night and thank you." I hung up and just huffed looking out at the rain. I just walked back upstairs just to take Dash's room. I just plugged my phone in and just drifted off to sleep. Slept somewhat fine... Woke up to have to lead Cozy to a toilet but went back to bed just fine. Yeah... The guard felt awkward having to lead a random filly who wasnt my sister around... Either that or she wanted me to lead her around. Either way didnt really matter to be honest. The next morning a guard brought her clothes. I brought her down to the kitchen and just sat here there. Spike was already in the middle of cooking when we came in. Cozy's mane was still a bit of a mess but I still did see a curl or two. Spike looked over at us as I went for the fridge. "Uh... Who we got here?" He asked flipping a pancake. I huffed grabbing a soda for myself and a juice for Cozy. "This is Cozy. She came to me last night needing help and I'm helping her right now." I said. I got closer and whispered. "Just... no mention of parents... please...." He gave a nod before I went back to the table giving her the juice. "Here. You sleep alright after last night?" Cozy nodded. "....Yes sir... Thank you..." She said. "Well you're welcome Cozy. How old are you?" "Nine." She replied struggling to open the juice bottle. I hummed as I helped her open it. "Nine eh? Really young for running off.... Feel like telling me a bit more about this? Better to keep you safe..." "...Can we talk more about it after we eat...? I'm really hungry...." "When was the last time you ate?" "...Lunch yesterday..." "Guess that's when whoever you were with took away your dinner?" She nodded. "Alright... Last question for now... Promise.... How often do they do this...?" "....A lot.... Five times a week sometimes..." I gave a hefty sigh. "...That's not good... Just letting you know now the guard are doing everything in their power to help you, me included. Anything you need, just tell me. Alright?" She gave a nod and just sipped her juice. I looked to Spike as I cracked open my soda. "Twilight up yet?" Spike hummed checking the time on his phone. "Uh... Should be? Want me to call her?" He asked. I got up and stretched. "Nah. I got it. Just see if you cant get something plated for our friend here to eat. I'll wait for her and if she's bringing Gallus gotta let him know what I told you." He nodded and I just went out to the hall just getting on my phone. Just checking messages. AJ checking how I am, Scoot asking if I was awake at near midnight and even something from Shining surprisingly. I checked the one from Shining. 'Hey Ryder. Was wondering if you'd be up for hanging out today? Cadie and I are making our way to Twily's castle, should be there around breakfast or something.' I sighed texting him back. 'Would love to but handling something right now.... Runaway filly here, no parents, do NOT say anything about that... very sensitive topic like Scoot after the murders.... Let Cadence know. Please. Still at Twi's castle because of that reason though...' I just sat there waiting. Peeked in at Cozy and Spike. Cozy was just happily eating the pancakes that Spike made. Spike was just sitting nearby making sure she was alright. Honestly....? This was like me watching Scoot growing up... Scoot'd have a bad day at school, I'd sit with her, talk with her about what happened. Mostly had to do with the teacher or bullies. And it always was a kid older than her if it were a bully. If it were the teacher, I'd have to ask, help her with whatever it was and we'd be better after a nap. Anyhow I looked up and down the hall waiting for someone. ANYONE at this point... Fucking food was just calling for my mouth and my stomach just growling, smelling the warm blue berry muffins Spike makes just so well.... Oh I WANTED IT NOW! But no. I had to wait. Anyhow not long later I saw everyone coming down the hall. Gallus, Shining, Cadence, Twilight and .... Of course Rocky. Shining in a polo and jeans, Twilight in a dress that closely matched Cadence' without the same coloring. Blue for Twilight, Red for Cadence. Gallus was just still in his pajamas. A white teeshirt and some jogging pants. I had to rush over to them real quick. Cadence smiled. "Ryder how-" She started but I cut her off pointing at Rocky. "Rocky, need you turning into Shadow NOW! Please!" She just looked at me before turning into the female Shadow just staring at me scared. I huffed backing up a bit. "Sorry just... Uh... Got a guest here who might not wanna see a changeling as they are..." Shining checked his phone. "Ah yeah... just got your text... Kid... How old?" He asked pocketing his phone again. "Nine. Came to me last night in the pouring rain, had her dry off, change into some of my sisters clothes and she got all emotional about parents... thinking she came from an orphanage or a foster home or something...." Cadence gasped. "Aw no! What happened to cause her to run?" She asked giving me a worried look. "From what I learned so far, being yelled at and someone taking her dinner time away.... And apparently it happens often... I dont wanna upset her anymore, have her run off from us so please no asking her anything other than her name... Okay?" Everyone around me agreed. I looked to Gallus as they started walking. He stayed back. "Yeah Gallus?" He just sighed and looked at the group leaving us. "...Honestly sounds like something I'd went through at my own orphanage when I was there..." He said. "Every time I'd get in trouble, I'd get yelled at and punished but other times I'd have no meal because by the time I got out of trouble lunch or dinner would already be over. And even when I asked for something from the caretakers they'd give me the excuse of just 'why didnt you eat at lunch or dinner?' and it annoyed the everloving crap out of me!" I hummed. "Still dont know if it was a foster home or an orphanage she ran from... either way it seems she wasnt at all safe wherever she was... Almost wondering if they would hit her or something..." "I never got hit by the caretakers.... They had too much at stake but they still punished in harsh ways... Cant say the same for everyone...." "True but... Still not a way to treat a kid... Just... Please treat her alright, still... no mention of Parents... please.... Alright?" "Yes sir." I smiled and gave him a nod. We went back to the kitchen and Cozy's face was just lit up with a smile, her eyes just wide. "My goodness! PRINCESSES!" She said. "I-I didnt know Princesses were here!" I watched as she got out of her seat and just gave the cutest little curtsy to Twilight and Cadence. Twilight giggled as I leaned against the wall. "And I didnt realize we had a guest here." She said glancing back at me. She looked back to Cozy. "What's your name sweetheart?" "Cozy Glow!" The filly replied taking her seat again. "Well hello Cozy. I'm Princess Twilight." She gestured to Cadence. "This is Princess Cadence." Then to her brother. "And my brother Prince Shining Armor." She rested her hand on Spike's shoulders as Shining started plating food for everyone. "And it seems you've already met my assistant Spike and my friend Ryder." "Mr Ryder brought me here last night..." "So I heard... Well you're very lucky you came upon Ryder. He's probably the best one to keep you safe. He's strong, he can scare the mean ponies away and he's probably the nicest pony who cant help but save anyone who asks for that help...." I smiled a bit just before I went over and grabbed a stack of pancakes and a muffin from Shining. Shining chuckled. "Yeah. Started out as a guard, did everything for his sister, his friends, wife, just about everyone who didnt try to hurt him in some way." He said passing his sister a plate. Cozy looked to Shining. "Is he still a guard?" She asked. Cadence sighed. "No he isnt. He's still acting like one even if he isnt." She said glaring a little bit at me. "He was very high up. General in fact. He's done a lot of scary things though. Lot of it too scary for you dear." "What does he do if he isnt a guard?" I took a bite of my muffin and swallowed. "Most ponies would call me a super hero... But not really... Just a friendly neighborhood Royal Mechanic." I said. "Not only do I work on cars, I can sit with Princess Celestia and Princess Luna in Canterlot and even everyone you see here." "Y-You mean you're a Prince too?!" I gave a nod. She just giggled and just kicked her feet excitedly. We all just laughed. We just continued eating and Cozy was having one hell of a conversation with everyone. Asked questions and I'm glad Gallus went with the story I told my mother at first... Oh I'm sure Cozy would FLIP if she knew my mother was Spitfire. Anyhow after breakfast Cadence and I took her to make sure her mane and tail were all fixed with brushing. Cadence sighed. "Ryder.... I honestly dont know how you do it..." She said as she brushed out Cozy's mane as we watched cartoons in Twilight's living room... Yeah... The same room the sleepover took place. That's been a while. If it werent for me getting the rank of General I'd still wanna kick Shining in the uprights. He still knows I owe it to him but eh.... Fuck it. Too long gone for that. I huffed as I looked to the TV. Cartoons for the filly. Totally not me. "Not like I ask to be in these situations but... Least this one isnt causing any scares." I said. "Just happy to do this.... Kid clearly needed help, opened my door to her and here we are." "I think it's your fatherly instincts that have you do these things.... If it werent for you caring for your sister for so long I'm sure you'd be letting other guards to take charge in finding out things." "True... Think its better of me being a bit of a father figure than some jerk who wouldnt care a thing for anyone." ...Oh that was some heavy censorship on my part. Almost said 'dont wanna be an asshole who couldnt give a fuck' in the nicest way possible... Yeah.. glad this kid cant see this being written. "And if you were, pretty sure guard work wouldnt help you... you'd be under guard protection but possibly not in a positive way. Luckily from what Luna tells me a change of heart in your early years changed that." I sighed. "Yeah... She's shown me things that just made me question things. Like what life would be like if Nightmare Moon didnt exist... That was interesting.... Wondering if I should at least contact her again to try to resolve that..." "Something you dreamt of?" I gave a nod. "Yeah.... What I saw was like Celestia and Luna... Night and Day.... Different but similar in ways... Everyone we know going about different lives, not only the way they live but how they walk it as well...." I just sighed as my phone started to ring. I just showed her the screen. Applejack. "Lets just pick up on this later. Gotta take the call." She nodded just as I got up and went to leave the room. I answered just outside the door. "Hey AJ, not the best time but... I can make some... What's up? Everything okay?" I heard a sigh on the other end. "Yeah... Things are just fine.... Just tried going by the garage to surprise ya but folks here say you aint been here since yesterday.... Just glad you answered so I dont have to be mad atcha for disappearin on me..." She said. "Where are ya? Y'all are alright right? Didnt have an accident with a few tools?" "Anyone tried to hurt me with my own tools it more than likely would've been my own dumbass. But Yeah... I'm good... Just.... Wondering what to do next... I had a filly, nine years old, cute as a button just knock on my door last night, scared out of her wits. Got to talking with her and the guard.... Thinking I've got an orphan on my hands and some trauma with parents... She's alright now but I wanna look at where she came from, know why she did what she did... Just lucky she didnt get herself nabbed or hurt more than just someone saying the wrong thing... Ponies drive like idiots out there in the rain..." "Lets not forget the fuckin' things that dont mind the rain runnin through tow.... Now in all seriousness where are ya? Got somethin' for ya." "With Twilight at the castle. Just... Please do not mention anything about parents to the filly I'm having to look over if you see her... please..." "Uh... Yeah... Gotcha there... No mentioning of any parents... But uh.... Things still fine there?" "If I get a call and need to head off please just... dont be offended..." "No worries there. You're busy. This is important stuff. Just uh... if we have time... can we just cuddle?" I kinda blushed looking in at Cadence and Cozy. Just sitting there watching cartoons together, Cozy now sipping on a juice pouch. "Uh... Maybe but uh... no dirty stuff. You know how much I dont want a filly wondering what she just sat on when going to sit on my lap or something..." "Alright then... Maybe later tonight you could have this filly sittin' on your lap where that IS supposed to happen...." "If I'm free, sure. Whatever you wanna do. Forgive me if I'm in Guard mode even though I'm still royalty... Guess it just hasnt left my system...." I heard her sigh. "....Guess'n youre a babysitter too?" "As much as I have to be.... I'm not gonna make Cadence watch her if she wants to spend time with Twilight or Shining!" "Cadence is there? Fuckin.... Y'know what, fuck this.... Aint coming now... You want what I got, come by the orchard.... and WITHOUT the filly...." "Applejack please just-" I heard beeps come from my phone.... She hung up. I huffed just honestly felt heartbroken by that. I just pocketed my phone before going back in. Cadence looked to me as she set Cozy down. "Ryder is everything alright with Applejack?" She asked. I just sat in the chair and kinda hid my face in my hands. I honestly wanted to cry. She sighed kneeling down next to my chair. "....Gonna say that's a no...." I sighed just taking my hands from my face propping myself up with my elbows on my knees. "....Cadence... Humor me if you will... if there was a kid that just came to you asking for help... do you not feel the least bit responsible for them? Doesnt matter if they came to you on their own volition or someone else brought them to you, you'd be there, no matter what.... Right?" "Of course.... Why? Is Applejack mad at you for being protective over her?" I nodded. "Awww well dont worry. Just go and see her. I'll be right here with her until you get word. If anything comes up I'll contact you. Alright?" "Are you sure...? I just... I dont wanna leave her here if she's that worried about me not being around...." I looked over at Cozy. Just still fixated on the cartoons. "....She's young, she came to me at night and was scared... I feel like leaving her here would make her scared or worried.... I'd rather not have a scared filly on my hands.... Or yours for that matter...." She hummed. "...Alright... how about this? You go over there, tell her you need to go help your wife with something, I'll watch her and you can do what you need. I want to see both you and Applejack happy... and with how much time you've been apart... I think you need some time together... and you shouldnt feel like you need to be here... I do appreciate you wanting to be here for her... But I'm serious. Anything goes wrong, I'm here, Shining and the guards are here, she's got Spike and Gallus to play with if they wish... You're fine to go... Honest." I sighed. "...I.... Thank you Cadence... If anything comes up on my end or yours, contact will be made..." She just offered a hand. I took it, she lifted me out of the seat and hugged me. I took a deep breath and just broke the embrace before we both walked over to Cozy and I just knelt down. Cozy looked to me and I just sighed. "...Alright... Gonna be straight with you... My wife called me and I need to go see her for a bit... problem only I can fix... Still just a phone call away if you need anything." I stood up. "You've got Princess Cadence here and she's real good with fillies like you. You can even ask Princess Twilight. Best foal sitter out there." Cozy smiled. "Okay! I trust you!" She said. Honestly felt good her saying that... I smiled. "Alright... You be good now okay? Maybe later I can probably take you to get a nice foal meal or something for lunch." I just patted her leg a bit before leaving the room with Cadence. I just looked to her. "I'll have a guard take me in a transport... Left my car back at the shop...." She just nodded and waved me along. That ride felt long... Like.... I was leaving home and driving my ass all the way to the Crystal Empire long... I still felt worried that I would need to turn back around. I kept that feeling at bay until we got to Sweet Apple Acres. We pulled up. No cars there. Was just wondering if she was even here. I stepped out of the transport and made my way up to the front door. Just motioned to the driver to park up the road a bit. I knocked and waited looking around. I felt tense... Once the door opened I just saw Applejack.. and honestly she didnt look pleased at all. She just looked around outside before pulling me in and throwing me to the couch. I fell right onto it and scrambled to sit up. Even in that time she was faster. Closed the door and pinned me with her boot. Long sleeve shirt, skirt... no underwear. "You are one lucky son of a bitch Ry...." She said. "...I ask one simple fuckin' thing and you say work you aint supposed to be doin' is more important? Bull. Shit. Now... You gonna apologize or are you gonna let me kick you out again?" I gave a sigh. "AJ I'm sorry but will you listen for just one second?" "Fine. I'll listen since you're here... And I can tell when you're lookin' at your gift... No touchin' until I say so... IF I say so..." She got off of me and sat on the arm of the couch, legs crossed over. I sat up, dusted my chest off and huffed. "Applejack... I appreciate you checking up on me, wanting to do stuff with me.... but right now it seems like you're wanting to pull me back in sooner rather than later... And you normally use your rope for that. But this seems like more of a chain you're using... Something I wouldnt try to break but you cant think for one second that I might be tied to a pole several feet underground yet only five feet standing above ground and that pulling could hurt me bad...." "The hell are you even sayin'? Just out and say YOU DONT WANT ME ANYMORE!" "I'm not saying that!" I stood up and got in her face. "What I'm saying is for you to stop trying to get me back in here because the more you pull on that chain the less likely it could happen! Yes I wanna come back but until I know its safe for me to do so IT ISNT GONNA HAPPEN!" She stayed silent, looking at me a bit wide eyed. Her gaze darted downward. I looked down too only to see a stream of piss cascading down her leg and staining the couch. Our gazes met and we both blushed. "Uh... AJ I-I'm sorry I just..." She shushed me putting a finger over my mouth. "...No... Dont be.... Just.... I want you... so bad right now... I miss the times we'd be just layin' with each over... You half naked, me fully.... Maybe hidin' something from the girls or Mac... or maybe feelin' a little heavier in my pants because I stole one of your padding's to relieve myself in when it was too much to bear.... But I do miss ya... and right now... I dont care if you wanna stay or not... Just... Fuck my damn brains out you moron!" ....You know I admit this smell of piss was starting to turn me on. But did I really wanna go and pin her somewhere just to fuck her brains out because I was realizing how much I needed this. I just pulled her in and kissed her, sticking my hand up her skirt... She just kept flowing as I teased her pussy. I broke the kiss just rubbing her a bit. "....Something tells me you were saving this for me.... Able to plug that up? May wanna take this elsewhere...." I just stuck a finger inside... oh she was very very ready. She just gasped and shuttered as the stream got more powerful, splashing everywhere. I gave a grin. "Oh.... Seems like this filly needs a spanking..... Having an accident right in front of daddy?" She gave me a little puppy face as she had her stream stop. "....P-Please dont spank me daddy.... I-It was an accident...." I grinned just standing her up. I just lifted her skirt and grabbed her ass. "....An accident eh? Then why dont you have any underwear or diapers considering you cant hold it until daddy says you can go potty?" She started to fondle my crotch.... Oh the bulge I sported. "Well... I just thought you'd like it.... You still gonna spank me or you wanna punish me a different way...?" I huffed taking her hand away. "I mean... a bad girl like you definitely still deserves a spanking... Maybe you break out your toys and maybe some cute panties to wear.... I might have an idea to punish you....." I picked her up in my arms, her wet skirt dangling down, dripping wet. I carried her upstairs leaving the stained couch and puddle there. Once in the room I set her down. "Alright... strip down, get your toys and your panties.... Need you to do something for me... And make sure you do as I say...." She stripped down in front of me... I just couldnt help but get naked myself. I sat on the bed and just slowly stroked myself watching as she stripped down, showing me the goods of which I missed.... She tossed her clothes aside and just went for the wardrobe disappearing inside for a moment. She came out moments later with a large vibrator and I think the panties that went with an outfit she modeled for me during my deployment. Still couldnt believe she did that for me... I took the toy and turned it on. It just squirmed in my hand, vibrating before I turned it off. "Alright... Panties on but dont pull them all the way up yet...." She put the panties on, facing away from me. Her ass and pussy just begging for a fuck. I stopped the panties around her knees. I took the end of the toy and just teased her lips, dripping with excitement. "....Alright... endure as much as you can for this.... Deep breath...." I started sticking it in... She gasped and held back moans until it was all the way in, still sticking out a few inches. I held it there. "Alright... All the way up now... make sure it stays...." She whimpered a bit as she pulled them all the way up....Nearly trapped my hand there. I turned it on and pulled my hand away just grazing her clit. Her legs buckled a bit, squeezing the toy keeping it where I wanted it. "Kneel.... You cant cum until I do...." She dropped to her knees, the toy barely off the ground. I just kept a foot between her legs just to tease the toy. She just bent over and kissed the tip of my cock, her hand holding it still, fondling my balls as well. I could tell she craved this. She didnt even give it second thought before downing it. All the way to the hilt. I just propped myself up feeling her warm maw just.... Oh if she were Trixie this would be a trick to add to an after dark show for the adults only.... Though I know she doesnt do that. Actually met with her just checking her situation after a while. She says it's a better situation than she was in. She moaned as she went from hilt to tip just giving a bit of a whimper putting my cock between her tits. "...Oh I missed this so much sugarcube... you have no idea...." I moved my foot upwards a bit pushing the toy deeper making her hug herself, squeezing my member making her just squeak. "....Ah ah.... enjoy this... Just keep working at it..." Oh her face just.... She just went back down on it. The pleasure didnt last long.... My phone started to ring.... and even Applejack knew it was Twilight. I just looked to her.... Just giving a little bit of an annoyed and worried look. She just sighed getting up. "...Shouldnt be fuckin' surprised...." She said. "....At least be glad we got this far...." I huffed. "....You sure we cant just continue?" She just got up and took the toy out... she licked it.... "...Nah... But I really should clean up my little uh.... puddle downstairs before Mac and the girls come home... Just dont go thinkin' I'm gonna be mad because our us time was ruined.... really feels damn good anyhow... Might finish myself off just thinkin' how far we coulda gone...." She dropped her panties and kicked them onto my lap. "...Might as well use those to clean yourself up... Maybe finish in those if you can rub one out real quick after talkin' with Twi." "...You sure...? I was honestly having some fun...." "Yeah... If she's callin' you know its important... and trust me.... I get it.... You're trying to keep someone safe... just like your sister...." I gave a smile just before pulling her in to kiss her.... and yeah... definitely tasted my cock on her mouth... n-not like I know what it tastes like... But I huffed starting to stroke myself with AJ's panties. With my free hand I just answered the phone. "Twi, something up?" I heard heavy breathing like Twilight was just trying to stay calm or something. "Y-Yeah... Just... Shining and I were talking and mentioned our parents wanting to come down for dinner.... Cozy heard and freaked out, now I dont know where she is!" She said. "I've locked down the castle and I've got guards checking everywhere they can think of but I might need your help on finding her!" "Good... Learned the lesson after Button ran... Just... Just give me a bit and I'll be back as soon as possible..." I honestly started getting closer and closer to finishing.... Applejack couldnt help but flaunt her ass as I stroked and cleaned. "Alright but hurry! I'd rather not have to deal with a filly who's sick, scared and... ugh just come and-" Oh if that were a command it definitely happened... I hung up as fast as I could and just blew a large load into the panties, almost having it shoot through. I just pushed out what was left and cleaned myself.... Just handed her panties back to her and... Well... She put em right back on... I just blushed wanting to get back in there but she just threw my pants at me. I just got dressed and made sure I had everything before leaving. When we got back I saw at least four to five guards at the entrance to the castle proper and then the parking area. Two facing outwards, two inwards and one in the middle. We got in and parked. Two more guards at the elevator. I went up alone and was greeted by two more guards and Shining. Shining sighed seeing me. "Good you're back! The hell took so long?" He asked a bit panicked. I huffed. "Ask Applejack.... What happened?" I asked. He just took a deep breath. "Okay so... Dont be mad but this was kinda my fault... Twily and I got to talking outside the room and it was about our parents wanting to come down for a dinner or something... Cozy was going with Cadence to the bathroom, next thing you know that filly is screaming and just running away from guards.... She's quick and she can hide like anything... Like she knows guard routine of where to look and when to move..." I just started to think. "Okay... she's smart but she cant go everywhere.... Any idea where she was last seen?" "Guards last saw her around the kitchen. They checked all over the place but nowhere to be seen and its weird..." I hummed just looking around. "Alright... I'll start my search from there. You just go take a deep breath, spend time with Cadence. I'll call one I've found her." He gave a nod and just teleported away. I hurried over to the kitchen where I just saw guards just trying to put things away. I just looked around, trying to see anything that could've happened... I even checked a small hiding place for Twilight to hide. Nothing there. Went for the fridge and grabbed a soda... Actually needed something sugary. Though as I was leaving I found a small feather on the ground... and I only saw it because I saw it fluttering a bit with my step. I just bent down, picked it up and just looked at it. Definitely Cozy's. I walked out and just kept my eyes to the ground... Even asked Schrivechnya to lend me her sight. Guess she caught a whiff of the feather and caught a scent. In the sight I even saw the trail which I followed calmly. Kept drinking my soda as I walked. I walked what seemed like all the way through the castle until I came to the library. Schrivechnya could only give a silent bark letting me know she was nearby. Though where I didnt know. I just set my can of soda down on the desk Twilight likes to read at and I sat down on the floor. "Cozy? You in here? Its just me.... I'm here to help...." Schrivechnya stopped the sight. It was dark in here. I actually could hear her sniffling a bit. "Its okay sweetie... just come over and sit with me.... Everything will be okay if you just come and talk with me..." I just waited a bit looking around. I didnt really see well in here. Actually pulled my phone out and just turned on the flashlight putting it face down on the desk just to give her a little light to see. Just out of the corner of my eye I saw her just crawling out from behind a book shelf hesitantly. I just stayed where I was, even offered her a hand as she crawled towards me. She took my hand and I pulled her into my lap... she just hugged me. "There we go.... You're alright... I gotcha...." We just ended up sitting there. Sat there for so long Cozy fell asleep. I got up and just started taking her to my bedroom. Had to text Shining to have Cadence and Twilight meet me at my room. I just lied her in my bed and waited outside. Just leaned against the wall and waited for Twilight and Cadence to come. I went to meet them just because I know how loud they would've been. "There you are! You found her already? That was quick!" Twilight said. "Where was she?" "Library. She's a fast filly I'll say but I need a few things. First I need Cadence to prep her for a nap she's taking... Cried and it took a lot out of her and I dont know what she's like if she's been crying and I'd rather be safe than sorry." Cadence nodded and just went into my room. "What do you need me to do?" "How good are you with dream walking? Has Luna taught you to do it or am I going to have to wake her up for help?" Twilight just looked to the room and then back to me. "Uh.... Only thing I know how to do is just enter dreams... Cant control them yet.... Call Luna and be quick." I gave a nod and just watched as Twilight joined her sister in law in the room. I called Luna, she was a bit annoyed but would help with my problem after I explained it. Only if I promised to get her an energy drink for tonight and I pay for dinner for us.... She told me to at least give her five minutes to not need to stop half way in so I did that. Gave her a bit longer before we entered Cozy's dream. Entered with Twilight at my side. When we entered we came into a black void dreamscape. We found Princess Luna just holding Cozy Glow. The little filly just sat in her arms, tears in her eyes just in a pair of Scoot's pajamas that were a little too small for Scoot now... Always kept em just because they'd fit Mash one day. And yeah... Had her padded. "...There we are... Ryder's here.... Wanna go to him?" Luna asked Cozy. Cozy nodded and just jumped over from Luna to me. She hugged me tight. I sighed holding her close. "Thank you for this Princess.... I still do apologize for waking you." I said. "Have you talked with Cozy? Know why she's here?" "Sadly no. She was crying, I offered her a hug, she came to me and then you came. Perhaps she could tell us now?" I looked to Cozy. "...Alright if we talk more about things...? Only way you'll feel better... trust me..." Cozy whimpered. "....Do... Do I have to?" She asked. Luna sighed. "...Trust me... Ryder knows the pain that hides when you hold things back like you are Cozy..." She said. She used her magic to make a couch appear. I set Cozy down and sat beside her just holding her hand. Twilight and Luna sat on the other side. "...Just take a deep breath... tell us why you do the things you do?" Cozy sniffled just took a deep breath. Squeezed my hand a bit just as a little projector started just to show us a movie. "....I was a happy filly... I was for a while until I got my cutie mark.... Told my... my... m-m-mommy that.... I got my cutie mark.... I was real good with figuring out where to put things that would help me...." The projector showed us a picture of Cozy crying but with a smile on her face for a mare in a hospital gown, face blurred. "...She told me I was good with strategy stuffs.... Stuff like chess, money making games.... stuff like that..." The slide switched to show her crying alone in a dark room, red and blue lights outside her window. "...Few nights later... my... d-daddy... he... someone hurt him... real bad.... I was lucky to call the guard..." Her voice started to break a bit. "....days later... I went to go see my mommy because my neighbors took care of me... but... when we got there.... she was already gone... I screamed... cried.... just started to run trying to find her... Just hoping they were lying..." The next slide showed her just running with doctors chasing her through the hospital. "....I cried hard enough to be put in the hospital.... Just... gave me a card from my mother... it was her writing in there.... only thing I had from her.... After I got out I was taken to an orphanage...." The projector changed again. Here we saw Cozy on a bed alone, a suit case next to her as she hugged a stuffed toy... honestly was breaking my heart here. "...I was adopted but... not for long... my new mommy and daddy... they were mean.... started just.... using me.... telling me to play chess to make them money... but I didnt want to... I just wanted to play with the other kids.... They just... yelled and yelled...." The next slide was her covering her ears, crying as two ponies, blurred faces as well were yelling at her, a chess board in front of her, half the pieces knocked over, the other in the air flying away after one of the ponies hitting it. "...I was adopted time and time again.... this time with different ponies... all just.... wanting me to be their smart filly who does nothing but play chess... That orphanage wasnt nice either.... other kids took my toys, called me names and even blamed things on me.... The one pony who tried to help me there didnt stay there long... had to go to manehattan... I couldnt call her or even write to her... They just didnt let me.... the other caretakers called me stupid...." The next, Cozy in the middle of a dark room, light shined on her, her mane a mess, dirty, even papers ripped up in front of her. "...Once someone else adopted me... I thought they were nice.... Fed me, clothed me... let me play with the others but.... they didnt love me like my own mommy and daddy... They... They hit me when I did something wrong.... They wanted me to play chess again... I told them I didnt want to...." That last slide was the final straw. Cozy just mid fall to the floor, a red hand mark on her face. I just looked to her. "...Something tells me shortly after that you showed up at my door didnt you...?" I asked. She nodded whimpering as the projector shut off. I huffed. "...I'm glad you ran away.... but now I see why you cry so hard after someone talks about your uh... parents...." I hugged her tight. "...my sister would know how you feel... losing your family like that.... though unlike your mother and more like your father is how we lost our parents.... She was so broken up by that... she just didnt seem like the same filly who i'd come home to every day before they went.... I'm so sorry you had to go through that...." Twilight sighed. "...I feel like I need to go tell the guards who are looking into her disappearance this stuff...." She said. "....Just.... I might need to take a breather... make sure I dont lose my mind over what I just saw...." Luna sighed standing. "Nobody would blame you." She said. "...Ryder, Twilight.... Leave Cozy with me for a while... I want to take a little walk through her mind... help her the way I can... Might be able to keep this little filly asleep for a bit... Seems like she needs it badly..." I just looked down at Cozy as she just let out little sobs into my shoulder. "....She was up late last night.... Ran through rain and I had to take her to the castle.... think more than a nap would be good for her..." I said. "...We'll make sure things are handled professionally." Honestly that was the best I could say. Luna took her from me and allowed Twilight and I to go. My calm mood didnt last long. She took me to the little gym she has and lets me use... and yeah... she makes sure I cant break things. I just reeled back on a training dummy she had and sent that thing into the wall. "I just cant STAND it when someone tries to use someone for their own gain... Especially after they've lost so much..." Twilight huffed as she punched a punching bag as well with probably as much force as I did but with not as much results. "You'd know a lot about that wouldnt you?" She asked. I was honestly so pissed I didnt really know how to answer.... I just went for the training dummy and grabbed it before just suplexing it a few times in almost a cartwheel before just throwing it again giving a grunting yell. "Ryder... Why dont you go find my brother and talk to him... he's kinda beating himself up over what happened.... I need to think..." I huffed giving a nod. I did as she asked and went to find Shining in the living room area. He was just on the couch sitting in silence. I walked in and just sat down near him. He sighed. "...I just... I feel so bad....." He said. I sighed. "Dude... Not your fault... She's got some trauma..." I said. "...Had her mother pass and she wasnt there, dad got killed, everyone who's adopted her used her and abused her... thank fuck not like how I do Gilda... But she ran only because she's sad and scared...." "...But I was the one who started-" "Shining. None of that. It was an accident. You didnt know... or uh... you did but.... Still doesnt matter... Where's Rocky at?" "She got a bit ansty after you had her hide her appearance.... You kinda scared her dude..." I huffed. "Of course.... Wanna walk and talk so I can apologize?" He gave a nod and got up. I got up too and just followed him. "How was Cozy when you found her?" He asked as we left the room. "...Sad, scared, crying... I'm honestly glad she trusts me to keep her safe... Luna is keeping her occupied while she sleeps. Might have to try to wake her for lunch... maybe wait for dinner if possible..." "Maybe by then we'll know where she came from... and judging by you talking about Luna she might have information on where she came from and who it was that made her run." I swear if my phone was listening to me it would've gone off.... which it did.... AND GUESS FUCKING WHO. I pulled my phone out, showed him the screen and just answered it. "Princess... If this is how you reveal yourself when we talk about you just... Can you not?! Scared the hell out of me there!" ....What? She did! I heard Luna huff. "Apologies Ryder but after you and Twilight left I did some digging giving some distractions to Cozy to keep her happy." She said. "Turns out the orphanage she came from is Little Bear Hall. They have information on who adopted her last." "That's great Princess. I just... I feel like I should check in with the guard before heading down there. Not gonna go to that house myself... I feel like I'd do too much damage... just ask Twilight." "Good idea... You seemed silent, rage just building. Rather you, A Prince, should stay your hand but let guards themselves do this. Of course just to identify them Cozy may need to come along. I just ask you be there just to help Cozy be strong. She seems to have taken a liking to you Ryder." I huffed. "I'm glad.... rather kids come to me for safety than fear me..." I looked to Shining. "Text Cadence, have her wake Cozy in a couple hours. Explain what we're gonna have to do." I turned my attention back to the phone. "How was Cozy after we left?" "She was.... A bit sad but... I can say I pulled a page from your book and gave her time with her mother. I told her I wouldnt be able to do it often. I could say she was happy when she saw her mother... father... He wasnt there but what mother told her was he was with his mother and such. Truth is... he was killed by a gang member who he owed money to just to provide for his family... Though the acts he did to protect her and her mother... though the things he had to do just to attempt to pay the gang back.... I do hope father is having mercy on him." I huffed. "If I see your father soon, I'll request he release him... Perhaps lighten punishment... Thank you for that Princess." "No thanks necessary Ryder. That was for her. You just do what you need. Contact me later and give me an update on what happens. I'll be waiting." "Will do Luna." I hung up shortly after and still just followed Shining to Rocky. When we found Rocky she was in a side bedroom just huddled up in blankets and with a TV going watching some stuff. I apologized to her, told her I was under some stress and just didnt wanna deal with a screaming filly who already did scream and cry just by things mentioned. She just told me she heard the screams and crying from her and got scared but Shining told her not to worry. I just lied with Rocky for a bit just cuddling with her. She did change into Gilda so I'd be extra lovey but that's only because I asked her. Fun fact... Changelings can change into mare or stallion...any creature and even do a little mix and match... Trust me when I say she could make a dream come true if she wanted. What that dream is could be up to you. Could be with a mare you could only dream up, someone who you're crushing on and afraid to approach, a stallion who either has the bells and whistle or doesnt, maybe even an alternate version of yourself... or a mirrored version.. whatever floats your boat. Anywho we cuddled for a bit, I asked her what she was doing with the guards in the Crystal Empire and how she's fitting in. She's getting more used to it. There was the occasional guard who gave that snide comment about being a changeling and you bet Shining came down on them. Told her if that happens when I'm around to let me know. After a while she wanted to nap. Just left and let her. Killed time for a while before Cozy was woken up. Cadence brought her in to the den area with one of Applebloom's dresses that she honestly never wears. It was a blue dress. Nothing too much. Looked cute with Cozy's buckle shoes and white tights. Cozy rubbed her eyes as she sat in Cadence' arms. "There we go... All rested and changed, ready for dinner." Cadence said. I got up from the couch and took Cozy from Cadence. The little filly just hugged me. "There we go... Have a nice nap sweetheart?" The filly nodded just giving a slight grunt. "Thats good...." I brought her over to the couch and sat her down next to Shining. I knelt down in front of her. "...Now listen.... I know its gonna hurt a bit but we need to take you back to the orphanage you came from but before that we gotta get you to where you ran from... We're gonna make sure those who made you run arent gonna hurt you or anyone else again." The little filly just slumped down a bit. "....D-Do I have to go back to the orphanage....? I dont wanna go..." She said. "Sorry sweetie.... We have to.... My family doesnt have enough room in our house and I dont know if Twilight will let you stay in the castle until someone else adopts you.... If it makes you feel better you can have my number, call me at any point and we can spend time together if you want.... okay? Just be brave... you were brave enough to find me, you're brave enough to do this.... We can get anything you want for food after... okay?" She whimpered a bit and nodded. Cadence sighed and just used her calming magic on Cozy. "Now now... no tears sweetie..." She said coming and sitting with her. "...I know its hard and scary being in an orphanage... there's someone out there who wants a little filly like you... They'd care for you, they'd watch you grow... Just takes time... We'll at least try to make this a good last night with us..." Cadence looked to me. "You go find Twilight. We need to go soon." I gave a nod and gave Cozy a quick little hug before leaving the room. I walked down to Twilight's study. She was in there just reading a book, possibly trying to distract herself. I cleared my throat just alerting her. She gasped before looking back at me. "Ryder what the hell?! I was reading!" She snapped slamming the book shut. I sighed. "Apologies Twilight. Just uh... We gotta get going here for the orphanage for information..." I said. "Then we go have dinner and make it special for Cozy..." She turned in her chair to look at me as she set her book aside. "How is she by the way?" "She's... She's scared... Doesnt wanna go back to the Orphanage and definitely doesnt wanna go and make sure who abused her see her..." "...At least she's somewhat rested...." She got up and we walked out together. "Lets just hope she doesnt get sick with how scared she is." Now that was something I had to worry about. We went down to the parking garage and got in a transport that was waiting for us. Cadence, Shining and Cozy were already waiting for us. We got in with them and the drive was almost silent. Almost meaning little shushes and mumbles from Cadence. Cozy was just trying to stay calm but the occasional sob happened. We pulled up to the orphanage and it was only Twilight and I who got out. We urged Cozy to come with us but she just kept close to Cadence. We at least brought a guard in just for a proper report. When we entered there was a mare at the front desk just typing away at a computer. We heard children in rooms beyond. The mare didnt even glance up. "....Be with you in just a moment...." She said. Sounded like me when I'm mid game on something and I'm so close to getting to the end of things. She took a moment of typing more just before using the mouse and clicking a few things before giving a sigh. She looked up at us and I swear she just about shit herself when she saw Twilight. "O-Oh! Princess! My apologies!" She quickly got out of her chair and gave a bow. I will NEVER. Be used to that. Twilight didnt even smile. "You're fine there. We just came for something that will help an investigation and may lead to an arrest." She said. The mare looked up surprised as she fixed herself. "Investigation? Arrest? What happened and why does it involve us?" Twilight looked to me. "Last night I had a filly come to my door. After calling the guard it was revealed she ran away from her home and after resting she told us she came from here." I said just trying to get all the details while also getting none of them at all. "Does the name Cozy Glow ring any bells?" The mare sat down and started thinking. "...It does... Pegasus filly, light blue curly mane, pink coat?" "That's the one. She tells me she was abused after she was adopted from here and we'd at least like to get the address for this case." "Uh.... Sure thing just... Let me get the headmaster down here. I said nothing about this but he's always so harsh on these kids.... Backgrounds go unchecked sometimes and its sad to know what goes on." Twilight pushed me back. "Hold up... You're saying that headmaster doesnt do background checks on some- if not most- would be parents who want to adopt?" She snapped. "This is insane that he would do that. Just get him down here, get the address to my guards of Cozy's caretakers and I will be having a word with him personally...." The mare looked a bit frightened as she leaned on the desk. "Y-Yes ma'am! I'll get him and the address right away!" She started typing on the computer for a moment. It wasnt even a few seconds later before something started printing from a hidden printer under the desk. She grabbed the paper and handed it to me. "Here you are! Just... Please make sure that they know we will never let them adopt from here or any other adoption center in Equestria!" I huffed taking the paper. "Thank you. And apologies for the Princess. She's never happy to hear someone being assholes to kids... Her sister in law would rip them a new one for sure..." I said. Twilight looked to me. "You just go back out with Shining and Cadence. I'll stay here, conduct an investigation of my own with this headmaster...." She said. "Got it. Just.... Deep breaths and try to stay your hand Twilight." She gave a nod before I went back out. The guard that was in there got waved off and he followed after me. I handed him the paper with the address and hopped into the back. Shining looked to me as Cadence just stroked Cozy's mane. "Everything good? Where's Twily?" He asked. "She's still in there." I replied closing the door. "Got the address. Need you to get into the passenger seat and authorize the guards for a warrant. Cozy's gonna stay with me and Cadence in here. He gave a nod and just quickly got out. I looked to Cadence and Cozy. "Once we get there Cozy... You're gonna help us make sure that whoever is there is the right ones we take away. They're not gonna see you but you're gonna see them. Just.... Be brave alright?" Cozy nodded. "...You're doing great so far... making me proud." Soon after we started moving. Took a bit to get us anywhere. Thankfully it was still somewhat light out enough to see out. Once we were at the house there were a few guard trucks. We parked across the street. I got ready to get out. Cadence huffed. "Alright... We're here sweetie..." She said sitting Cozy up. "...What you're going to do is look out the window when they bring them out... You're just gonna tell us yes or no if its the ones who made you run. They wont see you but you can see them. If you're scared, just squeeze my hand.... Ryder, Shining and I will protect you. Guards wouldnt even let them get near us if they knew what was good for them." "She's right Cozy... They're not gonna do anything... They try, guards swarm them like ants to a cookie. Let me get a radio real fast, I'll give the word to bring em out and I'll be right here at the door to hear you answer okay?" Cozy nodded just taking deep breaths. I stepped out into the cool air of it being at sunset. I went to the nearest guard, asked him for a radio and returned to the truck. I opened the door and just stood on the frame just looking over the roof. I pressed the button on the radio after taking a deep calming breath myself. I honestly wanted to rip their door open and throw their asses onto the front lawn I was so pissed. "Alright. Bring em out." I heard my voice echo through the other radios in the area. The front door opened and two ponies were brought out in cuffs. Honestly not looking the best. Their clothes stained, their manes a mess, matted with what I can only call dirt and just... Oh they looked like they were homeless but even the homeless I've seen in Manehattan and in Baltimare had better care for themselves. I ducked down into the truck just to see Cozy just looking at them, the guards motioning to the truck we were in. Cozy looked for a minute... Her wings trembled with fear. Cadence just gave her a pat on the back. She looked to me, tears in her eyes before giving a nod. I poked back up over the truck and got on the radio again. "Yep. Take em in, read em their rights. And for Celestia's sake take a K-9 through the house, and get whatever belongings the filly has out of there and deep cleaned. Deliver them to the castle afterwards." I handed the radio back to a guard who rushed over. I could only watch as the two ponies were herded into a truck and other guards rushed in, a dog ready to go through everything. I stood there waiting until they were secure. Shining hopped out and came around with a smile on his face. I got back inside and he climbed in after, shutting the door behind him and going over to hug Cozy who was just in tears... possibly a mix of sadness, joy and fear. "Atta girl! Ice creams on me tonight for being so brave!" Shining said. "We're gonna go back and get my sister from the orphanage and head out to dinner. Already got a spot reserved and ready for us for a private dinner." I huffed sitting back. "Great... starving here... Dont think I had much since breakfast..." I brought Cozy over to me to have her sit in my lap. "I promise whatever happens after this, I'll stay in contact with you best I can.... If you go to another city, we can write to each other, we could plan on meeting and stuff... I just wanna make sure you'll be okay after this...." She didnt say anything. Just sat there and cuddled with me. The ride back was heartbreaking... That filly was so silent, so scared of just going back to the orphanage and being alone.... There was just a part of me that wanted to keep her around for a bit longer.... Seeing if I could talk with AJ, have Bloom and Scoot share rooms while we get another kid here.... I already know we've still got our hands full with our own kid. When we got there I was sent in with Cozy just because she didnt wanna leave my side. The mare at the desk sighed seeing us. "Is it done? Are those nasty ponies gone?" She asked. I gave a nod. "Yeah... Cozy was a brave girl doing this.... Still a bit scared here but I might have a few requests after we take her for dinner. Mind showing us to the Princess? Hopefully she didnt frighten you too bad and I do apologize for that." The mare got up and smiled. "She apologized herself after you left. She's really passionate about making sure nobody wrongs children." We started following her through a door back behind her. "Her sister in law, Princess Cadence is the best foal sitter around. If she didnt uphold that feeling I dont think Princess Twilight would." I started looking at everything. Some things were in disrepair, other things were brand spanking new but not even being used as of yet. "What I wouldnt have given to have a foal sitter like her when I was little.... Also do mind the mess. We've been in the middle of upgrades for some time but.... Maintenance has been slacking... Head master has been wanting to get things done himself but hasnt had the time." "No time to do it? I honestly dont buy it...." "Nor do I but its what he says just to keep inspectors off our ass...." She started leading me up a set of stairs. "I wouldnt want anyone to shut this place down... kids wouldnt have much place to go..." "Not sure the Princess or I would let that happen... Might be good to get this place someone who actually cares about what they're doing rather than just doing it for a quick buck. Kids need safety, they need love, they need guidance.... Some might need a little help getting through things... You'd never know...." I just made sure Cozy was comfortable on the way up. "Would have to ask the Princess to contact the organization who runs this place to replace the headmaster with someone better." "I'd be there with you.... Guys a-" She stopped herself as we reached the top of the stairs. "...Guys a jerk. Doesnt deserve this position." I sighed. "Yeah... definitely gonna need a replacement there... We close to his office?" She nodded. "Yes sir. Right through here." We stopped at a door just to have her knock just before we entered. We just saw Twilight sitting at the desk alone. She looked up at us and just hopped up from her chair. "There you are! I thought you were gonna be done faster than that!" She said. The mare looked around. "Where's the headmaster? Wasnt he supposed to be here with you?" The secretary asked. Twilight took Cozy from my arms and set her down. "Yeah... I laid into him PRETTY bad.... After I was done he had to make a few phone calls. Left about ten minutes ago, hasnt been back since." I walked over to the other side of the desk and leaned against the wall overlooking a gym like area where we saw kids playing, consoling each other and just relaxing here and there. "What'd you say to him?" I asked. Twilight sat down at the desk a bit grabbing a stack of papers that was there and just held it like she was holding a book she wasnt too keen on losing. "I threatened him with a full investigation here to his goings on, but told him I wouldnt do that unless he fixed things around here within a month. That means food is good to eat, everyone who gets adopted is given to someone with a good background check that is run by guards who've agreed to help, a few days a month where the kids go on field trips to be shown off to everyone, also advertising where to adopt and how. Celestia allowing of course because I've already done my part right here." She waved the papers a bit. "How'd it go with you?" "The adoptive 'parents'- and I use that term loosely- have been arrested, any and all belongings that belong to Cozy are to be cleaned and disinfected if need be and sent to your castle." She sighed and gave me a smile that.... Honestly told me I read her mind on something. "Good..." She replied. She looked to Cozy. "C'mere Cozy. Got something you need to see." Cozy just looked to me and the secretary confused before just going over to Twilight. She brought her up into her lap wrapping her arms around her with the papers in front of her. "...You know what these are sweetie?" I could see Cozy's face go from confused and worried to just... surprised and shocked. The filly trembled a bit. "...These... these are adoption papers..." She said. Oh my ears perked right up. I jumped off the wall. "Twilight.... Did you really?" I asked. She nodded and handed them to me. I just looked at them and read the lines she wrote on. "....As of today's date, I, Princess Twilight Sparkle, hearby agree to love, nurture, and care forever more a foal by the name of Cozy Glow as my child, who will be loved as if they are my own...." I just looked to Cozy and Twilight. Oh Cozy just broke down and screamed into Twilight's shoulders. Twilight had tears in her eyes as well. Oh I was excited. As we sat there for a while to let Cozy calm down the headmaster came back though I wanted to speak with him outside. Told him I knew about the plan Twilight had and offered to help myself. I'd help with the upkeep of this place as long as he had hired a full maintenance crew and caretaker crew to help with everything and everyone just as long as he doesnt stray from what Twilight had planned. Twilight, Cozy and I all left. Twilight flashed the adoption papers to Cadence and Shining who just couldnt help but welcome the filly into their family. Later that night after dinner and finding a room near Twilight to have Cozy sleep in I took Twilight aside. We now just walked down the hall in our pajamas. "Twi... I got a question for you... Why did you adopt Cozy?" Twilight sighed as we passed a guard patrol ready to stand guard near Cozy's door. And yes... We did rundown rules we had for Cozy just in case things happened or she needed help with something just to make sure no accidents happen. "Well... Gotta say when I first met that filly... I was kinda glad she found you to help her..." She said. "....And when Luna showed us what she had gone through... it reminded me of another little filly we both know.... Someone who experienced trauma like having her parents taken from her and just needing someone to love her when nobody could at that moment..." "Scootaloo?" She nodded. "Yeah.... When your parents passed and Scootaloo was in the castle it broke my heart to see her cry, wanting you to be there... just being sad and scared.... Sure we had your mother and the other Wonderbolts be there for her but... She just didnt wanna come out of that funk she was in until you were back. I couldnt let that happen... And after you risked your ass to help someone find a new home, I know this might not be the same but... I'm just wanting someone else to have a new home and feel cared for as well... Just hoping Spike is gonna be okay making a little bit bigger of a breakfast considering another mouth to feed..." "Oh just wait until your parents find out there's a new addition.... If they're anything like my mother they're gonna freak out... Hopefully its not a mood killer to know you didnt give birth to this one...." "You'd know adoptive kids are- and honestly should be loved by who they call their parents... And what filly could go to the local school and say her mommy is a princess?" "Guess not many.... But hey... get back to me in a week on how it feels to have someone call you mommy. I can already feel its gonna be more strange than my life..." I stopped at her door as she couldnt help but laugh. "Yeah... Its gonna be strange... But you should get some rest.... Feel like you deserve it after everything you did today...." "...I'll be asleep soon.... Might bring some stuff around just to make sure the guards can get me to help with Cozy tonight.... Night Twilight... and.... thanks.... Did some good today...." She smiled and just hugged me. "Learned from the best..." After that I let her get some rest, got my rest and even with Twilight's permission I brought Cozy to the orchard and introduced her to the family. Oh Applejack loved her but Scootaloo and Applebloom didnt really trust her for some reason. They did warm up to her over time and honestly Applejack did apologize to me when she saw how cute and innocent she was. Not to mention cozy was so helpful with Mash keeping her entertained! Aw it was so fucking cute. Even took her to Rarity to get dresses made for her- with my own body on the line for payment... Guess who has to model a line of lingerie and dresses? This guy.... But yeah.... I was glad to make sure Cozy was safe... honestly seems like another Babs situation but with less death.... and I'm glad I'm not the one who has to explain to my mother there's a grandchild again... seriously you saw how she was when we told her she was gonna be a grandma.... Anywho... gotta make sure I'm ready for a long afternoon of looking pretty. Later.