> Dragon Culture > by TheDrizzle404 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Dragon Culture > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As the Dragon Lord, the young and powerful Princess Ember, it is your duty to create the best possible future for all of the dragons you rule over. For much of the past, that meant conquering more land, gathering more resources, and, in some cases, doing nothing at all. Today, it means trying something completely new. You stifle a yawn and lean on your magic staff as your pony escorts drone on about trees or something. You were invited for a tour of Canterlot along with several other young adults that will be leading and teaching the next generation of dragons. Apparently it's a very important pony city, and looks fancy enough to be, but the ponies themselves are all just so boring. After the actions of your friend Spike, as well as the two unicorns that accompanied him, you thought perhaps that ponies weren't as soft or weak as you imagined. However, today has been nothing but a disappointment. You didn't get to meet their most powerful leader— even though it was part of the invitation to form a bond from one leader to another. You didn't even get to meet Twilight or Spike again. Whatever they're all doing instead had better be extremely important. This was definitely not a good start to building relations. “Who did you take everything from?” asks one of your dragons, some chubby looking brown guy. His name is Larry, you think. As dragon lord you've also made an attempt to learn everyone's names. “What do you mean?” responds one of the unicorns, confused at the accusation. “You have all these nice things, and pillows, so who'd you take them from? Weaker ponies?” the same dragon asks as he looks around. The unicorn looks at the other two escorting the dragons around the city, then back at Larry before replying, “We made them?” “You made all this?” “Well, not us specifically, but other unicorns crafted this city, and made most of what you see.” “Ah, so you did take it,” Larry says with a confirming nod. You feel a mild pain forming in your head as you listen to this conversation. You're going to have your work cut out for you in reforming these dragons if this is the baseline. “No you idiot, their ancestors made the city and different ponies craft different items,” chimes in a different dragon. His scales are the color of charcoal, except for his chest, wing membranes, and hair, all of which are the same pale green. His frame is considerably slimmer than the chubby dragon, who looks at him with surprise. “And they take the things those ponies make, right?” “They trade gold for it. Haven't you been listening at all, Barry?” says the charcoal dragon in a huff, clearly annoyed. Not that you can blame him, La— Barry has contributed nothing but terrible questions for this whole trip. Barry frowns, “You haven't said anything this whole time, Baff. I bet you weren't listening either.” “I haven't been talking 'cause I've had nothing to add, and I have been listening,” Baff retorts before creating a short distance between himself and Barry. “You should give it a try.” One of the unicorns coughs loudly into his hoof to draw attention back to themselves, then suggests, “How about we just continue the tour? We're almost done, and the next area is far more interesting.” You let out a sigh. Things were getting interesting, but now it's back to the boring tour. The two dragons eye each other while various other dragons mumble to themselves before everyone eventually moves on to the next location. “Enjoying your trip so far, Princess Ember?” one of the unicorns ask you with a forced smile. It was obvious that they were trying their hardest to make a good impression. Perhaps you should do the same. You give them a nod, but don't smile. “I've learned a lot, and I appreciate you taking time out of your day for this. I'm sure that no one really wanted to meet us with dragon reputations being what they are, so you must also be pretty brave.” Or maybe they're being punished, you add silently in your head. The unicorn waves a hoof dismissively, “Oh no, no, we were delighted to hear about your visit. Dragons are fascinating, and while many stories aren't exactly, uh, flattering, we were certain it'd be an interesting experience.” At least one group is interested, you think to yourself, but say, “Likewise.” Hopefully this trip ends soon. Next time you see Spike you're going to give him a piece of your mind, making you take this tour alone without the possibility of meeting their leaders. It's such a waste of everyone's time. “And here we have the crystal train station. Our trains run on magic supplied by multiple unicorns, but when none are available we've also had earth ponies volunteer to pull it. With their impressive endurance and connection to the earth, they can run for hours without getting tired!” proudly states one of the other unicorn guides. Many random citizens were using the train even as your group entered the station, most of them giving you a wide berth, and others stopping to stare. “What's it do?” asks Barry as he looks up and down the tracks. “It's for traveling in comfort,” responds a unicorn, giving a nod. “Some lands are really far away, but ponies can relax or sleep all the way there, for a modest fee.” “Oooh, that sounds like the perfect way to travel,” adds Barry with an excited look. “I think I'll take it.” The ponies let out a chuckle, “Yes, you could probably ride it somewhere if you like. Maybe not today, though.” “Huh? No, I mean keep it as my own. It sounds great, and I want it,” Barry corrects. Before you can put him in his place, Baff chimes in again, “Dragon Lord Ember already ordered everyone not to take anything, idiot. We're supposed to represent all dragons here.” “Stop calling me an idiot. You're the idiot, idiot,” Barry says, entirely unconvincingly. “Dragons have always taken what they want.” “Not today, idiot,” Baff retorts, adding extra emphasis to the insult. “She also said we were here to share cultures. Taking what you want is part of dragon culture, so why shouldn't I?” He kind of had a point, but was still wrong. You tap your chin and a grin spreads across your face. “Very true, Barry. We've been shown a lot of pony culture today. Why don't we share some dragon culture?” Barry hops up and down in excitement, “See? The dragon lord agrees with me!” “A duel of submission would be appropriate. Barry, you'll be fighting Baff.” This would solve multiple problems at once, assuming Baff could win. Barry would stop being your problem to deal with, and Baff could teach him some stuff. He seemed pretty clever, even though he was quiet most of the time. “Um, I'm not sure a battle would be prudent here, miss Ember,” a nervous unicorn suggests. He clearly understood it wasn't his choice, but hoped that you would agree. “Just enjoy the show, ponies. We came to learn about each other, and one of the oldest rules of dragons is that might makes right.” You slam the shaft of your staff into the ground, creating a local earthquake. Not enough to damage anything, but it looks dramatic. All the ponies jump in shock, and the dragons stand at attention. Baff scoffs at the idea, “Why should I duel him? Just tell him that he's an idiot and we can move on.” “That was an order, Baff,” you say with all the authority of dragon lord, staring down at him as you stand tall. “That's fine by me! I'll take Baff as mine and the train thing after I win,” Barry says as he stretches a bit, preparing for combat. “Do I really have to? I don't even really want him,” Baff protests, looking over the chubby brown dragon. “Can't I duel someone else if we have to do this?” “He's been annoying you all day. I'm sure that you want some revenge,” you say with a grin. He responds with a nod and a sigh, “I do kinda want to put him in his place, I guess.” “Then the duel is official. Begin!” you shout, your voice echoing through the train station. Many ponies flee at just the sound of your booming voice, but others stick around to find out what's happening. The dragons create a small circle around Baff and Barry, cheering and hollering for each of them. The unicorns are distressed, but aren't sure what to do. They talk hastily at each other even as the fighting starts. Barry makes the first move, rushing toward Baff and attempting to grapple him, but he dodges out of the way of the slow dragon. Baff responds by striking Barry in the side of the head with his tail, causing him to grunt in pain and growl. His mouth opens and he tries to breathe fire on Baff, who again moves out of the way. Barry stomps the ground once in frustration, “Stop running away!” He jumps and takes flight after Baff, his larger wings giving him the upper claw in the air as he quickly catches up and tackles Baff to the ground. They both land with a loud thud, and Baff coughs as the wind is knocked from his chest. The brown dragon grins, recovering quickly as he landed on a soft target, wasting no time in repositioning the helpless Baff. “This was easy,” Barry hums as he grabs Baff's tail, yanking it up his back and pinning it there, exposing the smaller male's private bits. Baff can only grunt and cough as he tries to inhale, his lungs still stunned from the fall. Meanwhile, Barry's cock slowly shows itself from his slit as he gets excited for his victory, grinding himself beneath Baff's tail. Even without breath, Baff struggles away, managing to roll and get some distance as he escapes Barry's grasp. “Wha... what is this?” asks a confused unicorn, noticing the very strange turn of events. “Stop this, please!” “Silence ponies. These dragons are fighting for personal honor and pride. One of them is about to lose their life,” you state as a matter of fact, looking on at the battle without giving the unicorns so much as a sideways glance. “They're fighting to the death?! Over nothing?!” the unicorn shouts, a mixture of fright and confusion in his voice. “Just watch. You wanted to learn about dragons, and first-claw experience is the best way.” Before Barry can climb to his feet, Baff leaps forward and grapples his head, wrapping his arms around his neck. In this position, he shoves Barry's nose against his slit, his tip emerging to poke it. “Get used to that scent, Barry. You're gonna be smelling it every single day from now on!” Barry growls in response, trying to tug his head free even as his arousal grows between his legs. You tilt your head a bit and wonder if perhaps he wants to lose deep down. “Like I'd lose to a weakling like you! Raaah!” Barry shouts as he manages to pull free, falling on his back. Baff uses this opportunity to leap on top of him, probably thinking that it would be another chance to pin him, but Barry has the stronger grip. As Baff tries to pin Barry's arms, Barry instead pushes him down from his chest to his stomach, and at last on top of his slit. With a few hip thrusts, his cock begins slipping into Baff's tailhole, causing him to grunt in surprise as the tables turn on him. “Get used to that feeling. You'll be feeling it every single day from now on!” He yells, mocking Baff's earlier claim. Baff's cock slips further from his slit as he's penetrated, enjoying it on some level as he's claimed. With some struggle, he manages to break free once again, rolling off of Barry, his length slipping free from his depths and throbbing softly in the air. It seems to be most of the way out now. With a quick glance around, you realize that two of the three unicorns are nowhere to be seen, while the third stares in what you can only say is horror. A small crowd has also formed around the commotion. Mixed among the dragons stand various ponies of each type, all with different expressions. Some are drawn by the fight itself, others seem to be aroused, and the last are just too afraid to leave. After your quick view of the area, your attention returns to the duel as well. The way Baff keeps his distance, you're sure he realizes that he can't win by strength alone, where as Barry knows that he can and has been giving him constant chase. It doesn't take much longer for each male to be presenting proudly to their spectators, their fully-engorged cocks swinging around wildly with their movements. At last, Baff seems to come up with a plan and stands his ground. Barry throws his claws forward to grab him, and Baff grabs a single claw in his palm, then twists it back against Barry's hand. Barry cries out in pain and his legs buckle under his attempt to avoid the pain, but it's no use. Baff grins widely and circles around, using this leverage to pin his arm behind his back. “Very clever,” you say quietly to yourself, “I guess I was right about him. It doesn't matter how big or strong you are, some spots are always weak.” “Ah ah ah, stop! You're gonna break it!” Barry cries as his arm twists up his back and between his wings, Baff still holding his claw tightly. “I won't break your finger, Barry, but you're gonna submit to me,” Baff says with a growl as he forces the chubby dragon to the ground, causing Baff to nearly fall forward onto the chubby dragon's back, but he catches himself and keeps his arm pinned. He then reaches down with his other claws to grip Barry's tail, yanking it up harshly in a fashion similar to how his was earlier, exposing Barry's tailhole to the crowd. After carefully lining himself up, Baff slides his slick, tapered length into Barry, eliciting a moan and growl from the pinned dragon as his ring stretches over the intrusive girth. “Gah, I'll—“ Barry begins to protest before a harsh thrust causes him to yelp instead. Baff leans down near Barry's ear, laughing before he begins speaking. “You're mine now, Barry.” Barry wriggles, but can't escape without hurting his finger, so his struggles are in vain. It seems that the victor is clear now. “No, I won't... submit to you.” Baff thrusts into Barry, claiming his new property as he grunts and growls in pleasure in front of all the witnesses. “Your cock is drooling pre like crazy, Barry. I bet you want to be claimed.” “No, I... hate this!” Barry protests, but his body betrays him as his cock leaps over and over with every thrust, his chubby ass jiggling each time he takes Baff to his hilt. “Moan, my new dragoness. Let everyone hear how excited you are to be mine,” Baff commands, his thrusts growing harsher and quicker. The loud wet slaps of their breeding fills the area, clearly audible even over the gasps and screams of random ponies, as well as the cheers of the dragons. Barry lets out a girly moan, his cock spurting a bit of pre-cum to the tiled floor below. His protests melt away the longer the claiming goes on, and soon it's obvious that he's accepted his place. The strongest dragon proved himself, and it was the duty of the new beta to follow his alpha's lead. “Harder, Baff, please!” “That's better. You want to be claimed, don't you?” Baff teases, growling and huffing as his cock slams that virgin pucker over and over. “Yes! Please, my new alpha! I'll be a good beta for you!” Barry cries out as he abandons the last trace of his draconic male pride, replacing it with the pride of a breeder to be used by his alpha however he desires. “In front of all these witnesses, you're mine now!” Baff yells into his ear, his speed increasing significantly, and you imagine that he must be getting really close. “I want them to see that I'm yours! All yours!” Barry squeals in delight. “Then show me how much you love my cock inside of you, my dragoness!” Baff commands as his cock slams into Barry's prostate repeatedly. With a loud, feminine growl, Barry's hips thrust forward into nothing and he begins to hump the air. Shortly following this, his seed sprays all over the ground, marking his full submission and officially ending the duel. The dragons cheer at the clear sign of victory and wait for Baff to mark him. It doesn't take much longer for Baff to similarly let out a loud growl, his growling more masculine as he climbs the dragon hierarchy, claiming his first dragoness. During his proud roar, he bucks deep into Barry's soft, welcoming hole, filling him with his alpha seed. With the sheer volume of it, you wonder if he'd ever cum before, or if he was just excited with his first claim. After filling Barry, he releases his grip on his finger. Barry gratefully rests under him, his arm now free and comfortable, and he wiggles his rear to take everything Baff offers him. “Thank you, my alpha. I'm honored to have the seed of a strong dragon inside me.” Baff responds by pulling his cock out slowly, allowing everyone in viewing distance to watch it slip free, a small amount of his cum following behind. He then gives the chubby dragon a firm slap on his ass, causing his hole to clench up as he yelps. “Clench faster, you're gonna lose it all.” “Sorry, alpha. I'll try,” Barry says pathetically as he grunts, trying to forcibly close his hole; it sort of works. He then turns without being asked and presses his snout close to the dripping, throbbing cock of his alpha, sniffing at his scent and purring before his tongue slips free to clean him. A truly dutiful beta, indeed. “The duel is over and was witnessed by myself and many others. Congratulations on your claim, Baff.” With that said, you slam your staff into the ground again. The unicorn next to you finally speaks, “Extraordinary, and very strange.” Honestly you'd forgotten he was there, caught up in the first exciting thing since you arrived, and it had nothing to do with pony culture. “Extremely vulgar and disgusting,” he continues, “especially in public, but, uh... dragon culture, I suppose.” “Dragons do everything with pride,” you state with a grin on your face. Most of the ponies that were around had run away by now, but the ones who stuck around were all interested. You could feel a trickle of fluid running down your thigh from your own excitement, and you know many of the other dragons feel the same way. Alas, as dragon law says, the celebration is only for the duelists to participate in. You would just have to take care of yourself later, or order someone else to do so. “Well, Princess Ember, this has been a, uh... something. I'm glad that we could share in each other's cultures, but perhaps this was more than enough for now. I hope you don't feel insulted when I ask that you and your other dragons might vacate the city,” the remaining unicorn says with great discomfort. “Yeah, that's probably for the best. Dragons get pretty rowdy when they're horny,” you say as you take flight, the rest of your group following closely behind, just in time to see a large group of guards galloping toward the train station, along with the two unicorns that had abandoned you during the duel. You hope that this won't harm future relations.