Maud-ern Love

by Pillowfight

First published

Pinkie Pie and her sister Maud have both been stood up for their Hearts and Hooves dates! What to do, except... each other?

When Cheese Sandwich takes a high paying gig playing the accordion for a Hearts and Hooves dinner at the Rich mansion, he leaves his pregnant wife sad and lonely on what should be the most romantic day of the year. As the soft shadows of evening fall, Pinkie Pie finds herself with nopony for company but her sister Maud, who’s been stood up by the perpetually uptight Mudbriar.

With the stallions they love oh so far away, how can two sisters possibly fulfill their steamy dreams of a passionate Hearts and Hooves evening? The answer may surprise you! J/k it’s nasty hot sex, like always.

An incest porno comedy packed with the usual Pie family insanity, focusing on lesbian lust, sex while pregnant, voluptuous mares, butt stuff, temporary futa and references to fully heterosexual pegging. All characters are adults.

4th place winner in the 2024 Hearts and Hooves Day contest — now with a bonus chapter!

Pies got cake

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Hearts and Hooves Day! The busiest day of the year, as far as Sugarcube Corner was concerned. Everything on today’s menu was heart shaped, sized for couples (or herds!), and flavoured with exotic spices guaranteed to get the blood flowing to erogenous zones. Romantic cakes, saucy donuts, and slutty croissants were flying off the shelves as quickly as Mr. and Mrs. Cake could pull them from the ovens and the fryers. In the midst of all the chaos, hiding her unwelcome frown as she worked the cash register, was a very pregnant and not-so-happily-married earth pony, known to all of Equestria as Pinkie Pie.

Until this very morning, Pinkie had been trotting on air and feeling like the smilingest mare in Equestria. Her own romantic successes had been obvious to anypony who saw her. In the few months since her fairy tale wedding, her beautiful body had grown from merely thicc, to plus size, to downright voluptuous! A plot that had always commanded stallions’ attention now demanded it, in no uncertain terms. Swollen and sensitive teats had grown until they brushed against the ground, issuing spurts of sweet fragrant milk at awkward intervals.

Who knew that one tiny swimmer could cause such a change? Pinkie’s transformation from fresh faced cutie to gravid fertility goddess was pure earth pony magic, combined with Ponyville’s wholesome environment and the Element of Laughter’s own blend of erotic sorcery. From party planning to family planning, Pinkie Pie was the undisputed expert!

As Pinkie prepared for her grand entrance into the all time pantheon of MILFs, Ponyville’s citizens marvelled at what had changed about her... and what hadn’t. Pinkie Pie seemed as cheerful as ever, unaffected by morning sickness or mood swings. Far from draining her energy, the foal growing inside her had boosted her already insane levels of hyperactivity. If she was affected by pregnancy cravings, nopony could tell the difference from her usual constant intake of pastries and delicacies.

But today, on the sacred day dedicated to love, everything had seemingly changed. Today, Pinkie’s poof of hair sat dangerously flaccid atop her head, and her squeaky cheers rang false in her own ears. The holiday hadn’t even gotten to the good part, and already it was ruined! All because tonight, the night that should have been the bestest night of all... he wouldn’t be there!

Some time ago, Pinkie’s customers had begun asking to rub her belly for luck, especially mares who hoped to see their own tummies swell in the coming year. As the final rush of customers passed through Sugarcube Corner on this very special evening, it seemed every mare in line wanted to give that pudge a pat as a final preparation for their romantic dates. Each hoped that Pinkie’s effortless fertility could rub off on her tonight, and Pinkie bucked up and obliged them, giggling at every tickle that rippled through her rotund body and forcing a smile as she cheered countless lovers on.

“Good luck, Derpy!”

“Go get him, Rose!”

“I don’t think you can get pregnant, Caramel, but I hope he makes you look pregnant!”

Though Pinkie’s sex drive had always been unbelievably high, a deluge of hormones and an afternoon full of attention to her sensitive belly had worked her nethers into a wet and dripping froth — not to mention her constant ‘snacking’ on the aphrodisiac laced pastries she’d been selling all day. But where was her romantic date? Where was the father of her foal, the stallion she relied on to take care of her needs?

Where, in short, was Cheese Sandwich?

On other days, Pinkie’s doting husband stayed close at hoof, helping out in Sugarcube Corner’s kitchen and ensuring that Pinkie’s water jug and coffee mug stayed always full. He took over at the cash register whenever all that hydration overflowed Pinkie’s crowded bladder, sending her on her one of her frequent dashes to the little mare’s room. Cheese was always ready to shift a chair beneath Pinkie’s all conquering plot when her hooves tired of carrying her ever growing weight... and when chairs cracked and splintered beneath that widest of wide loads, he wasn’t above substituting his own face!

Yet today the proud father-to-be was nowhere to be seen, and his absence weighed heavily upon Ponyville’s premiere pink party pony. Still, she accepted those well meaning tummy rubs and pretended that everything was fine, for the sake of enhancing the romantic bliss of her fellow mares.

“Y-you’ve got a good stallion, Mrs. Crumbles. Don’t let him get away, now!”

“I hope he... *sniff*... I hope he ploughs you real good tonight, Mulia.”

“Whoa, Mayor, that’s not my tummy! B-but Cheese isn’t around to rub me there, so I guess you can take over for a while...”

“*sigh...* Get outta here, girls, I’m not falling for ‘three fillies in a trenchcoat’ again!”

“Awe, geeze, Maud, now’s not a good ti—oh, hey, Maud!” The cloud that seemed to hover above Pinkie’s head was instantly dispelled at the sight of her beloved sister, who’d moved to Ponyville just a few years previous. Pinkie galloped around the counter, flung her hooves around the grey and stoic earth pony, and hugged her tight. In a world full of blazing hormones and confusing emotions, Maud was a rock!

“Are ya here to say hi to your little niece or nephew?” Pinkie’s tummy visibly rippled as the strong foal inside her kicked and shifted eagerly. “Cause they’re saying hi to you~”

“Pinkie, I’m very sad today,” Maud’s level, unruffled voice emerged from the depths of Pinkie’s suffocating hug. “You always cheer me up, so I thought I’d come and see you at work.”

“Whaaa?” Pinkie squeaked and looked over her sister’s utterly expressionless face. “You sure don’t look sad! You look great! What’s the prob? Aren’t you looking forward to celebrating Hearts and Hooves with Mudbriar?”

“That’s why I’m so sad,” Maud explained without visible emotion. “Mudbriar hates Hearts and Hooves Day more than anything. He says it’s a cynical money grab. A way for big business to trick ponies into spending their hard earned bits on useless flowers, fattening baked goods, and pointless romantic gestures.”

“Well he is technically correct,” Pinkie admitted, glancing over at her overflowing cash register.

“Just like always.” Maud sighed with love. “But a little bit of romance would be nice, once in a while. A mare has needs, Pinkie. Deep, throbbing needs.”

“Yeah, you‘re tellin’ me!” Pinkie griped. “I had a super duper surprise planned for Cheezy tonight, and then the Riches offered him 200 bits to play the accordion at their Hearts and Hooves dinner, way up at the mansion.” Pinkie rubbed her prodigious tummy, where the foal she’d made with Cheese was growing... and growing! “It’s sweet that he’s working hard to support our family, but... n-no, I don’t care, I wish he’d told them to stuff it! This was supposed to be our day! I can’t help it, Maud — I’m sad, too!

“200 bits is a lot of money,” Maud pointed out calmly. “Back in high school, you’d suck dicks in the parking lot for 10 bits a pop.”

“Whoa! We don’t mention those days anymore!” Pinkie looked around shiftily to make sure nopony in Ponyville had heard this revelation about the Element of Laughter’s sordid past. Fortunately, Sugarcube Corner was now empty, the swarm of customers having retired to their homes (or to one of Ponyville’s many love hotels) as the exhausted Cakes began to scrub the kitchen clean. “But I’ll tell you something, Maud, I’d suck 20 dicks right now if it meant Cheezy could come home for our special night!”

“Pinkie,” Maud stated slowly and thoughtfully, “I think I can help you out.”

“Really?” Pinkie squeaked. “You know 20 guys who are free on Hearts and Hooves Day? You’re a life saver!”

“That’s not what I meant. What was the surprise you had planned for Cheese Sandwich?”

“Oh, hahah, just a few things I threw together. Some food, some pranks, some games — you know, couples stuff!”

Maud touched her sister gently on the wither. “Pinkie, since neither of us has a Hearts and Hooves date, what if we went to your house and shared your surprise?”

“That sounds great, and not weird at all! It’s a date!” Pinkie giggled, her usual happy mood restored. “Except not a date, cause we’re sisters and that’d be weird!”

“I can’t wait to not date you, Pinkie,” Maud droned. “When do you get off?”

“Hrmm... I’d say usually about 20 seconds after Cheezy puts it in!” Pinkie overshared. “And then again, 18 seconds later! And again—”

“That’s very impressive, but that’s not what I meant. When can you stop working?”

“Oh, I’m all done!” Pinkie laughed. “You are the last customer of the day! C’mon, let’s go to my place!” The two earth pony mares calmly walked and excitedly sproinged out the front door of Sugarcube Corner, unknowingly passing Soarin, the day’s real last customer, who trotted in to a now empty restaurant.

“Hey, waiter!” the Wonderbolt called out to the seemingly abandoned cash register. “My Hearts and Hooves plans fell through, so I’m looking for a pie to date! I mean, to give to my date... is anypony working here? Hello?

“Say, Maud,” Pinkie chattered as the two mares entered through the front door of the humble rental cottage Pinkie shared with Cheese (and soon, with the cutest foal ever!) “Do you remember when we were fillies, how the Rockville Fall Carnival had that big prize wheel?”

“Of course I do,” Maud confirmed. “You’d spin the wheel, and you could win a rock. Or two rocks.”

“Or even the grand prize, 10 rocks!” Pinkie reminisced. “Jeepers, how the heck did they afford that?

“The wheel was rigged, Pinkie. Nopony ever won 10 rocks. That’s too many rocks.”

“Awe, that makes sense... well, this wheel isn’t rigged!” Pinkie tugged a brightly decorated curtain away from her drawing room wall to reveal an upright carnival wheel just like the one from their foalhood, with hoof printed stickers attached to each segment. “It’s a special Hearts and Hooves version of the wheel I use to plan what I’m going to do everyday! I was going to share it with Cheese Sandwich, but since he’s a meanypants no-show, I’ll just enjoy an evening of random activities with you instead!”

Maud leaned forward and read a few of the stickers Pinkie had applied to her wheel. “Some of these activities are a bit risqué.”

Pinkie looked over the wheel with a dubious expression. “Naw, not really!” she concluded. “I’ve actually toned it down quite a bit from our usual—whoa there, I see what you mean!” With a double take, Pinkie blushed, reached for the wheel, and peeled off a sticker with the shameful label HOLD HOOVES.

“Geeze, sorry you had to see that one, Maud,” Pinkie said with a blush as she crumbled up the sticker and tossed it away. “That’s something I only do with Cheezy in private, in our bedroom, with the lights off. I-it’s his fetish, not mine!”

“It’s OK, Pinkie,” Maud comforted her sister. “There’s nothing to be ashamed of. Mudbriar likes to hold hooves, too. He says my legs are like beautiful grey sticks.”

“Ugh, stallions, am I right?” Pinkie rolled her eyes. The embarrassed mare swiftly replaced the missing sticker with one that said DEEPEST RIMJOB CONTEST. “Cheezy’s not getting any of that anytime soon, I tell ya! I’m real steamed at him, and not in the mood to accommodate his weird kinks!”

“You shouldn’t even think about Cheese right now,” Maud advised. “Just spin the wheel, and let’s enjoy a nice evening together.”

“Aww, Maud, that’s sweet!” Pinkie smiled. “You know just how to advance the story to the part where we inevitably have sex!”

Pinkie reached out a hoof from her ultra gravid body and spun her wheel, smiling as she watched it rotate almost hypnotically, before it slowed to reveal her and her sister’s fate. With a slowly diminishing tick-tick-tick, the pointer of the wheel landed on a sticker where Pinkie had written, simply, “KISS.”

“Woohoo, Maud, you’re the lucky winner of a Pinkie Pie Smoocherino!” Pinkie threw her hooves around her sister’s withers and pressed her mouth to Maud’s with the sound of deep, pulsating suction. Maud stood impassively for a good 30 seconds as Pinkie passionately worked her plump pink lips upon her sister’s unmoving grey pair. A kiss this romantic and horny would have instantly brought Cheese Sandwich to a stiff and throbbing full mast, and Pinkie could tell that Maud was affected just as deeply, from the way she gave NO VISIBLE REACTION!

“Wowie wow wow WOW!” was Pinkie’s opinion once she finally parted their tingling mouths. “You’re a GREAT kisser, Maud!”

“Your lustful passion has set my body on fire, Pinkie.” Maud stuck out the very tip of her tongue and gently pressed it between Pinkie’s trembling lips, kissing her in return. “I’ve never felt such desire,” the once stoic mare confessed. “I’ve lost all control, but I can’t bring myself to care. Take me, Pinkie, I’m yours tonight. Let me be your dream lover, your wild and untamed mare. I wish only that lust might overflow my senses, and all my cares be dissolved in an ocean of pleasure.”

“Yeah, same here!” Pinkie squeaked. “Now it’s your turn to spin!” She eagerly pointed at the wheel. “Go on, I bet you’ll win a great prize!”

Maud dispassionately reached out a hoof and with every bit of her earth pony strength set the wheel going vigorously again. Its pointer clattered noisily as it went round and round, rapidly brushing against the wooden pegs at the edge. With eager (and bored) eyes, the two mares watched the wheel gradually slow, wondering what naughty fate was in store for them. For a moment it seemed as though the wheel would stop while passing through “SHARE A CUPCAKE (NO HOOVES).” But at the last possible moment, the pointer ticked over into the adjacent space labelled “ANAL (PINKIE TOPS).”

“Awe, I wanted the cupcake!” Pinkie pouted. “Welp, the wheel says we gotta buttsex now!”

Maud raised an eyebrow an atom’s worth of distance as she read the parenthetical addendum to Pinkie’s kinky proposal. “Have you and Cheese Sandwich done this before?” she asked.

“Only all the super-duper time! Cheezy fucked a foal into me, so now I try to fuck one into him! It’s actually his favourite hole for me to use, what with the whole ‘no pussy’ thing!”

“Alright,” Maud agreed. “I’ll take your husband’s place in your bed tonight, but please be gentle. My plothole is virgin and untouched.”

“Whaaa...?” Pinkie gasped with horror. “But Mudbriar has such a stick up his plot all the time! He really won’t put anything up your plot?”

“I’ve asked him to, but he refuses.” Despite Maud’s continual monotone, Pinkie could tell that her sister was utterly heartbroken at this insensible denial! “He says that I poop from there.”

“Again, technically correct,” Pinkie mused. “Buuut... you also cum from there!”

“No, Pinkie, I’ve never had an anal orgasm.”

“Unacceptable!” Pinkie pounded her two front hooves together loudly. “I’ve had 2,491 anal orgasms! You’re way overdue!”

Pinkie Pie couldn’t even imagine the level of throbbing butt denial her sister must be going through. Their mother, Cloudy Quartz, had been known for two things in her wild youth: her powerful farm girl badonk, and her exquisitely sensitive ponut. After seducing the local stud Igneous Pie, and fulfilling her duty to Equestria by foaling his four children, Cloudy had quickly switched back to her favourite, “all natural” method of birth control.

The matriarch of the Pie family had often yelled cries of sodomized delight long through the night, even as her annoyed daughters smothered their ears beneath pillows in the next bedroom over. This noisy family tradition was one that Pinkie had been proud to uphold... at least until the Cakes had forced her to move out and get her own place with Cheese!

Maud’s nostrils flared slightly as she too, remembered those long nights of overheard pleasure. Meanwhile, Pinkie was getting a good ogle at the rock coloured, rock solid dumptruck Maud hoisted on those super sized hips of hers! There was a HUGE ass beneath that cute blue frock, even larger than Pinkie’s pre-preggo plot, which meant Maud had probably inherited Mum’s itchy butthole, too! Eeyup, this pony gal needed to be butt fucked 10 minutes ago!

“Do you use a strapon with Cheese?” Maud surmised, wary of her sister’s hungry gaze. “I’d prefer to start with something small.”

“No can do!” Pinkie shrugged. “We tried dildoes, but I couldn’t cum that way, so I gave them to Fluttershy. Now when Cheezy starts begging for a pegging, I break out the ol’ reliable dick potion!”

With that, Pinkie casually pulled a glass vial off a shelf next to a pile of replacement accordion parts. “I have no problem cumming this way!” she confided. Pinkie tugged the cork out with her teeth, and took a gulp of a bubbling zebra concoction.

“Of course you’d have a dick potion,” Maud muttered to herself.

“Ooh, and it works fast!” Pinkie giggled between loud burps. With a zipping sound, Maud saw her sister’s vulva swiftly fuse together, forming a bright pink ball sack that expanded outwards like a bubble blown in bubblegum. The brand new coin purse grew and shifted to enormous size, filling out until two distinct testicles were visible within, bulging and churning with fresh seed.

“Cheezy loves this next part,” Pinkie confided. “Check it out! No cold impersonal rubber, just 100% genuine lovergirl meat!”

With a squeaking sound, Pinkie’s already prominent clit inflated like a sausage shaped party balloon, growing in both length and girth until the telltale ridges and flare of a horsecock became clearly defined at the tip. What seemed at first to be a stallionhood of respectable size, proved only to be the first portion of a vast length of meat which unfurled from Pinkie’s brand new sheath, poking ever further into the air like a vast and curious dragon emerging from its lair. Each new and girthy inch of Pinkie Prong slid out sweaty, veiny, and custom made to sink into Maud’s virgin butthole. Within mere seconds, a massive and fully erect dong bobbed between Pinkie’s front legs, its dark pink head leaking long strings of precum as she wobbled and pranced from one leg to another.

“Abraca-dick-bra!” Pinkie Pie squeaked as her vast meat booped her on the chin. “It’s the return of the Amazing Futa-Pinkie!”

“That is an unrealistically huge penis,” Maud observed.

“Aww, thanks! Zecora always gives me the good stuff... Come on, give it a taste!”

“I’d love nothing more, Pinkie. Mmm...” Both mares eagerly licked and teased the huge horseprick: Maud slowly and deliberately, Pinkie with hyper giggles and long sweeps of a slurping tongue across every inch she could reach. But Pinkie couldn’t keep up with her sister for long. No matter how gently Maud suckled and licked that monolithic marehood, the deep sensations and vibes of sisterly love proved too much for Pinkie’s overwhelmed brain. The party pony’s eyes rolled about in her head as Maud tenderly fellated Pinkie’s potion-gifted shaft, using it as a substitute for her coltfriend’s absent dick.

“Ooh, she’s so sensitive tonight!” Pinkie moaned. Her throbbing ding-dong clenched repeatedly and swiftly soaked Maud’s muzzle with thick, frosting-like precum, pumped forth in greater quantities than the average stallion could ejaculate. “It must be all those ‘instant erection’ donuts I ate for lunch! I thought they’d be safe... silly me! Shoulda figured I’d have a schlong by the end of the night!”

“Pinkie, sucking your cock is the most fun I’ve ever had,” Maud stated impassively, her face dripping with sheets of she-seed as she deeply drove her tongue in and out of Pinkie’s precum clogged cumhole. “But to preserve plausible deniability, we should get back to doing what the wheel says.”

“Yeah, good point! OK, Maud, it’s plotfuck o’clock!” Pinkie leaped up on her hind legs and mounted her sister’s butt, her cockhead tugging the sheer fabric of Maud’s frock up the mounds of her well toned plot and leaving her back half fully bare. Slapping her mare-dong deep into the humid crack that stallions craved, Pinkie felt around blindly for the puckered hole that could bring them both to climax.

“Wait, Pinkie,” Maud cautioned. “I didn’t mean that you should just jump on top of me. We need to lube up first.”

“Now you’re talking crazy talk, Maud!” Pinkie giggled as she frantically humped her temporary phallus in and out of Maud’s deep butt cheeks. “We both licked this monster meat all over the place, and that’s not even counting my precum! It’s all wet and goopy now!”

“No, Pinkie, saliva alone is not sufficient lubrication for anal sex.”

“Hahaha, that’s exactly what Cheese always says!” Heedless of this warning, Pinkie finally found the target and shlonged her dong right up Maud’s rear exit.

“Oof,” Maud grunted. Her unused ponut stretched open around Pinkie’s flare, then gave up on elasticity altogether as inches of she-stud cock rocketed up into her depths. Surprisingly, the sensation Maud felt in her her deflowered bowels was not pain, but a most urgent form of pleasure: a thrilling pressure and fullness that built like an apple cart rolling down a steep hill, until it erupted in fireworks and stars!

“Pinkie, I’m having my first ever anal orgasm,” Maud announced. Recalling that her recklessly insane sister had never actually harmed her, the suddenly sodomized mare managed to relax somewhat and succumb to pleasure... only to find that “relaxing” while Pinkie Pie plundered your plot was a great way to guarantee that even more inches got pumped up your tailpipe!

“Yippee zippee!” Pinkie smiled, squealed, and ruthlessly yanked the vast girth of her prick out through her sister’s anus, only to plunge it back in to the root.

“Oof,” Maud repeated, as her sister went to work on her underused bunghole. Long and powerful thrusts were backed by the full weight of Pinkie’s pregnant body. This lovely lady always threw herself wholeheartedly into her work, whether that happened to mean baking muffins, gestating a foal, saving Equestria, or wrecking ass with her magical cock! Such a rough treatment never failed to made Cheese Sandwich paint the far wall with his load, then cuddle Pinkie sweetly as they drifted off to sleep together. Why wouldn’t the same magic work on mares, too? Eeyup, a good bum-pummelling was just the thing to banish Maud’s Hearts and Hooves blues!

“Pinkie, I’m having my second ever anal orgasm,” Maud added, 18 seconds later, her body shuddering imperceptibly from the overwhelming pleasure.

“Awesome possum!” Pinkie wiped a sheen of sugary sweat from her forehead. “I can’t last much longer, so let me know when—”

“Pinkie, I’m having my third ever anal orgasm.”

“That’s my cue!” Pinkie cheered. She grunted and sheathed her monstercock deep, deep, DEEP in her sister’s butt, her balls swinging forward to knock against Maud’s wet and drippy cunt. Although those testicles had only had a few minutes of existence, they’d managed to whip up a vast quantity of semen as Pinkie squeezed her dick in and out of Maud’s inspiring ponut hole. Now it was time to stuff this cutie Pie with a rich and sweet cream filling... Pinkie Style!

Pinkie’s left nut twitched as it supplied the first hot blast of cum to emerge from her embedded flare. Her cock pulsed with the first throb of a scorching dickgasm that sent her already frazzled brain haywire. One hefty, powerful throb of that she-meat pulled a huge quantity of cum right out of its storage tank and flung it forward in a massive, unending rope, deep into Maud’s guts.

Having discharged its initial load, that grapefruit sized left testicle flew backwards as if from the recoil of a cannon — just as Pinkie’s right nut took over the job, clenching and delivering the second huge serving of futa semen down Pinkie’s massive pipe. As her right testicle bounced backwards from this massive exertion, Pinkie’s left nut completed its pendulum like arc and swung forward again, its chamber already reloaded with fresh spunk and ready to supply that magical pink prick with the third stage of the massive cumload Maud Pie deserved.

Left, right, left, right — those ginormous meaty orbs slapped Maud’s precisely winking clit over and over, as they produced an endless stream of hot, fresh Pinkie Protein to be unloaded into the stoic mare’s guts. The loud and continuous SPLORT-SPLORT-SPLORT sound of this orgasm was music to Pinkie’s already ringing ears, a sound like an endless series of pies to the face! And as for Maud... well, her third anal orgasm didn’t end for a long, long time!

No wonder Cheese Sandwich was walking funny since the wedding! Pinkie had nothing to complain about when it came to the size of her husband’s package, but he wasn’t even CLOSE to being the biggest stud in this horny household!

“Whew, Maud, what a hot fuck you are!” Pinkie chattered. “What an amazing plot! I can’t believe Mudbriar isn’t laying you constantly! That’s what I’d be doing, instead of nitpicking literally everything somepony (me) says!” The satisfied dickmare grunted as her lively, bouncing testicles finally wobbled to a stop. A gush of steaming seed spewed out of Maud’s butt and dribbled down her thick thighs as the cheerful, chubby party pony slipped her prong out of her sister’s deeply widened ponut.

Maud burped and delicately covered her mouth, grateful for the first time that Mudbriar had planned no romantic dinner for her this night. Her tummy was now packed completely full of delicious Pie filling — albeit packed in from the wrong end!

“That was fun, Pinkie.” Maud gave a slight nod to her sister, seemingly unruffled by her ruthless anal pounding. “Shall we take another spin of the wheel?”

“Nah, we’ve both had a spin, so now it’s time to move on to the lightning round!”

Maud thought back to the “lightning rounds” of the many games her sister had invented in their youth, some of which had involved actual lightning. “Alright, Pinkie, as long as it doesn’t involve anything unsafe,” she tentatively agreed. “Such as ramming a huge horsecock up my plot with no preparation.”

“That’s a totally valid criticism, but look how that turned out! You came 3 times!”

“Technically, that’s true,” Maud admitted.

Pinkie reached out for the wall on which her wheel was mounted, and gave it a firm shove. Before their eyes, the wall itself rotated about, hiding the wheel and revealing Pinkie and Maud’s two other sisters, Marble and Limestone Pie. Both mares were bound, lying on their backs with their hind legs spread, and gagged with large jawbreakers.

“Ta-da!” Pinkie cheered. “It’s time to welcome our two new contestants!”

“Hello, Marble,” Maud stated with a nod. “Hello, Limestone.”

The two single mares of the Pie family had been trussed up with red ribbons and pretty bows. Their near virgin pussies were fully exposed, covered with baby oil and natural juices. Using bright pink lipstick, Pinkie had drawn large hearts upon her sisters’ exposed barrels, then written a sappy love message within each heart: PLZ BE MINE for Limestone, and ONA HOLE for Marble. Tempered chocolate had been dripped over the girls’ firm young teats and left to solidify, and a cinnamon heart had been firmly pressed against each clit, bringing the two horny mares a burning, yet arousing sensation from which they’d yet found no relief.

Although Limestone and Marble had no doubt heard every detail of the kinky sodomy on the other side of the wall, they were wide eyed at the sight of Maud’s gaping chasm of an asshole, not to mention Pinkie’s already rehardening prick. “Mmmmph!” grunted Limestone through her candy gag, thrusting her bound hips frantically at the two ponies before her. “Mmm mmmhhhm!”

“Limestone is saying that I didn’t want her and Marble to be lonely on Hearts and Hooves Day,” Pinkie explained.

“I can understand her, too, Pinkie,” Maud deadpanned.

“Oh, right, duh!” Pinkie slapped her forehead. “Anyways, I invited them over, dipped them in chocolate, dressed them up like valentines, and bound them nice and tight for Cheezy to pleasy! But he’s not here, and now all the Pie sisters are lonely! Waaah!” Tears began to gush from the eyes of the sensitive pink mare, as she realized that her horny plans were foiled once again.

“It’ll be OK, Pinkie.” Maud put a gentle hoof upon Pinkie’s shoulder. “Just share your dick potion with me, and we can fuck your sisters together.”

“Gee, thanks, Maud! What a pal! Then we can all—” Suddenly, Pinkie was struck by a thunderbolt of thought that frizzed her mane and lifted her off the floor, only to set her voluptuous body back down again with the rumble of a small earthquake.

Wait a minute!” she shouted. “Limestone and Marble are your sisters, too!”

“Technically, yes.” Maud nodded as she bit the cork off of Pinkie’s futa-potion.

“Mmmhmm.” Marble nodded shyly, looking at her two generous siblings with eager eyed anticipation.

Pinkie drew in a gasp so big that her already bounteous barrel swelled fit to pop a button on her XXXL maternity gown.


Bonus chapter: Eat (out) the rich

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A discarded platter of chocolate covered strawberries littered the marble floor of one of the many bedrooms to be found in the Rich mansion. Cheese Sandwich pranced across a makeshift stage, his front hooves furiously working his accordion, laying down the blistering beat of a romantic polka. Mere metres away, Spoiled Rich lay back on the red silk sheets of the love heart-shaped bed, letting out exaggerated moans in time with the music. The middle aged mare’s body writhed frantically as her desperate marehood was pleasured by... the powerful, clenching thighs of Diamond Tiara, her 18 year old daughter!

When Cheese Sandwich had taken this gig, how could he have suspected that he was to be the entertainment at an incestuous tryst, one that seemed fated to rage all through the night? Hours ago, the two high-class mares had sat down to a fancy dinner, the aroma alone of which made Cheese drool uncontrollably. But Spoiled Rich and Diamond Tiara hadn’t even made it through the soup course before they were pressing muzzles together, ripping fine gowns from each others’ bodies, and dragging each other from the grand dining hall to the nearest bedroom. Now the soup was cold, the pussies were warm, and Cheese Sandwich was being driven utterly insane!

Cheese thought he’d seen it all. He was no rube who gawked and made a spectacle when two mares had fun together! Yet quite aside from the mother-daughter aspect, this encounter looked nothing like the gentle threeways he and his wife had enjoyed with Fluttershy. Pinkie’s quiet pegasus friend loved to slowly pleasure her with loving licks and kisses, all under the guise of “teaching” Cheese how best to perform the duties of a husband. Though Fluttershy eagerly spread her legs in turn, Pinkie seemed almost subdued when going down on her, exposing a quiet side to her personality that Cheese had never seen. Yet here in the home of Ponyville’s wealthiest family, no such tenderness could be found. There was nothing here but fierce growling, aggressive scissoring, degrading insults, the slapping of teats and the grinding together of clits and cunts.

To make the scene even more bizarre, Filthy Rich, the stallion of the house and Spoiled’s ostensible sweetheart, was nowhere to be seen! He hadn’t shown, all night, even as his wife and daughter fucked each other silly! Cheese didn’t know what to do, so he stuck to the stage, laying down polka after steamy polka, wondering when he’d be allowed to go home and mentally cursing the perverted foibles of the wealthy!

“I can’t believe that no good father of yours,” Spoiled Rich grumbled. She gripped her daughter’s lithe hips and pulled them downwards, pressing two dripping clams together, arching her back and lifting her own magically sculpted plot off the sheets as she felt the pressure of Diamond’s clit against her own. “I go through all this trouble, hiring catering and entertainment, warming myself up with those aphrodisiac pastries, and he’d rather spend Hearts and Hooves day with that bimbo of a secretary! He has to ‘work late,’ he says — I hope she chokes on his dick! Not that that’s likely...”

Diamond Tiara took the opportunity to unburden herself of her own complaint. “Mummy, we’ve been scissoring for hours!” she scowled with a backwards glance at Cheese Sandwich. “Isn’t the meathead stud you hired ever going to stop playing his damn instrument, come over and fuck us?”

“Ugh, I don’t even know...” Spoiled Rich gifted her daughter a sloppy, open mouthed kiss, but only after making sure poor Cheese was casting another guilty glance their way. Spoiled’s lips touched her daughter’s only briefly, and her tongue work might be described as haphazard at best. “Just do some more of those loud moans, and fake another orgasm on my leg,” she sighed. “He’ll get the point eventually. Stallions always do...”

“Mum, I have to confess something...” Despite her evening of utter depravity, Diamond Tiara blushed. “I—I wasn’t faking those orgasms.”

“What?” Spoiled gasped.

“All of that was real!” Diamond Tiara burst out. “You’ve made me cum... so many times... The way you move your hips is magical! You’re way better at this than Silver Spoon!”

“Oh, darling...” Spoiled and Diamond’s muzzles met again and another kiss proceeded, but this one had real passion and heat behind it. “Oh, my precious filly, you can’t imagine what this means to me! You’ve made this Hearts and Hooves Day so special!” The thought that she’d made her daughter happy brought genuine tears of joy to Spoiled Rich’s eyes. Her lip would have even quivered if those muscles hadn’t been long since immobilized, by the parasprite venom injections that kept her face looking young.

“I... I just wish there were an easier way to bring you pleasure, dear,” Spoiled confessed, once the fierce kiss was brought to a close by a reluctant parting of lips. “I used to scissor mares for your father’s delight all night long, but mummy’s not so young anymore... I can’t go much longer!”

“For pony’s sake, mother, have you even heard of cunnilingus?”

“Oh, that silly old thing?” Spoiled scoffed. “Filthy doesn’t want to watch me go down on another mare. He just has us go ass to ass, and grind on each other until he... finally... gets it up and fucks us.”

Diamond sighed with exasperation. “This is about your pleasure, not Daddy’s!” she burst out. “He’s not even here! When you were with those other mares, didn’t you ever think to ask them what would feel good?”

“Of course not, dear,” Spoiled scoffed. “Why should I care what thoughts were flying about in their empty heads? You know how peasants are... they’ll say or do anything for bits!”

“And you, mummy?” asked Diamond, her mouth moving dangerously down Spoiled’s barrel, dragging thigh quivering kisses towards her wet and throbbing goal. “What will you do, to feel what Silver Spoon feels, every time we’re together? Will you call me ‘Mistress,’ just to enjoy these pleasures again? She certainly does...”

“Wh-what do you mean? Why should I—”

“Let me show you what I mean.” Having reached the magical triangle between her mother’s hind legs, Diamond Tiara lowered her lips and began to tenderly lick at the swollen, winking pleasure bud, bringing an immediate response from the long neglected older mare.

“Oh, Diamond, Diamond!” Fireworks of pleasure exploded in Spoiled Rich’s wine sedated mind, and she quivered from mane to hoof. After so many years of sexual frustration, she’d finally found her own path to satisfaction. If it meant spreading her legs for her brat of a daughter, so be it!

“That’s right, mummy,” Diamond Tiara soothed between licks at the cunt that had foaled her. “Be a good filly, and Mistress will make you cum like never before. If Daddy insists on taking you for granted, I’ll simply claim you for my own. Or perhaps I’ll put you beneath Silver... yes, she’d enjoy having her very own pet...”

Meanwhile, up on the bedroom stage, sweat poured down Cheese Sandwich’s once coiffed mane, and steam blew from his accordion with every thumping polka pump, as he tried to withstand the tempting sight before him. His dick was fully swollen with blood, but his party lederhosen were so tight that only half of the vast meat could actually unsheath. This formed an uncomfortable and very visible bulge in his tiny shorts that took up every scintilla of space between his hind legs: a full erection forced into a space that would struggle to store his half chub!

Cheese’s hefty nuts squeezed and twitched in that high pressure hotbox of stallion-stench, flattened and compressed by his straining thighs and his enormous hardon. These mistreated orbs felt like they’d spent the last week being alternately marched on by the Royal Guard and teased by the tongue of Celestia herself. Pinkie Pie had thoroughly drained Cheese down her throat before he left for this gig, more out of sheer habit than from any fear he might actually stray. Yet that blistering blowjob now seemed an eternity in the past, as Cheese’s balls found themselves weighted down with an ocean of freshly produced sperm, eager to escape into the pampered wombs of Ponyville’s upper class!

This faithful husband had never felt tempted before, but who could resist the sight of a magically enhanced MILF being eaten out by her barely legal daughter? Both of them teasing him with constant hints about how badly they needed a cock to complete the incestuous liaison, and find true Hearts and Hooves happiness? A single glimpse of winking flesh could be disregarded, but a live show performed right in front of him, for hours? Any other stallion would have cracked under the pressure — any stallion, that is, who didn’t have Pinkie Pie to come home to!

Cheese raised a hoof and slapped his face in time to the squeezes of his accordion. “I’ve got to stay strong, stay professional...” he groaned. “I can’t cheat on Pinkie! Not on Hearts and Hooves Day, of all days! She’s the love of my life and she’s carrying my foal! So Spoiled paid me 200 bits, so what? If I pimp myself out to any pony with money to spare... why, I’d be no better than Mrs. Cake!”

At that very moment throughout Ponyville, dozens of tongues were licking at dozens of pussies, yet none were more skilled and eager than Diamond Tiara’s as she brought her mother to a swift and long awaited climax. At her moment of greatest passion, Spoiled Rich gave no shouts or exaggerated moans. She could only muster heavy breathing and a single, cute squeak at the peak of her pleasure.

The pampered yet repressed trophy wife had learned to call out loudly at any feeling that even approached an orgasm. Whether she was lying beneath Filthy’s disappointing thrusts, or performing with the hardly more satisfying whorses he paired her with, she knew that this simulated pleasure was no more than was expected of her. Now, for the first time in her life, Spoiled’s sexual being was consumed not with the need to put on a show for somepony else, but with her own burning, liberatory orgasm. As her climax faded, she thrust her hips into the air, searching for her daughter’s tongue. She was desperate for contact, for stimulation, but most of all for more pleasure!

“Feeling better now, mummy?” Diamond Tiara inquired with an evil smile upon her juice drenched muzzle. “Shall we retire for the night?”

“N-no, please, Diamond — Mistress—” Spoiled Rich panted. “That was amazing, but it’s just not enough! Everything you do to me just makes me hotter... I need a stallion! I need a cock!”

“There’s a stallion and a cock right over there,” Diamond told her mother without sympathy, eyeing the stage and its sweating performer. “Aren’t you the one who taught me to take what I want, instead of whining and begging?”

“But we’ve tried! We can’t tempt him, he won’t budge... he’s not like your father at all! Even after all this, he’s barely looking at us! I think... Diamond, I’m afraid he might actually love his wife!”

Diamond Tiara merely rolled her eyes at this irrelevant suggestion. For such a desperate slut, her mother was utterly clueless about the inner workings of males! The younger yet more experienced mare saw the torment written on Cheese Sandwich’s face, and she knew she could push his buttons as skilfully as he pressed those upon his accordion. His undisputed love for Pinkie Pie had nothing to do with it... “love” and “fidelity” were mere words, which fled a stallion’s vocabulary the instant some nubile teen or elegant matron trotted by with tail held high!

“Now, now, mummy, I’ll show you how to handle dumb studs like Mr. Sandwich here,” Diamond assured. “It’s just as you said... these miserable peasants will do anything for money.”

Turning from her mother’s well licked yet unfucked quim, Diamond Tiara called out to Cheese Sandwich. “Hey, musician! Drop that squeezebox, and come squeeze into our boxes! I’ll pay you one thousand bits for every time you make my mother cum!”

“A-a thousand bits?” Cheese stuttered. The sound of his accordion screeched to a halt, its final wail lost in the air of the suddenly quiet mansion.

“Two thousand!” Spoiled Rich added desperately, bidding up the value of her own pleasure to the level she felt it deserved. Just yesterday, she’d spent 2,000 bits on a bottle of wine which hadn’t been nearly as enjoyable as the orgasm her daughter had just given her! Wasn’t her own pleasure worth any amount of money?

Cheese Sandwich bit his lip. He thought of his loving wife, his unborn foal... and then he thought of fat piles of bits and hot, steaming, horsepussies! Vast numbers whirled in his mind. 2,000 bits, multiplied by the number of times he usually brought Pinkie to climax... subtract “she’s not Pinkie...” carry the “she’s a frustrated, unused trophy wife...” The final tally of this carnal calculation was almost too large a sum to resist! But he could resist it, if just barely. He had to!

Tragically, Cheese Sandwich then made a fatal mistake: he thought of his future. Of the many, many bills that would begin piling up once his foal was born. Diapers, doctor’s visits, tuition, and no doubt a doubling of the family’s already excessive party hat budget! Once their tiny treasure arrived, Pinkie wouldn’t even be able to sell her milk on the black market anymore!

In that moment, the hard working party pony’s fate was sealed. Cheese Sandwich tossed his accordion away and pulled the emergency escape zipper on his lederhosen, desperate for the money he needed to keep his family finances afloat. He sighed with relief as his mighty pole escaped through the sudden hole in the crotch, unsheathing in an instant to its full, majestic length. His balls flopped out beneath, swaying back and forth like fragrant censers, instantly filling the room with a masculine sweat and musk that made two cunts throb and two clits wink in unison.

“Holy Celestia, that’s HUGE!” Diamond Tiara screamed.

“Of course it’s huge!” Spoiled Rich scoffed. “It’s the only thing that can shut Pinkie Pie up!” She fixed the hapless stallion with a fierce and evil glare, her confidence restored. “Now get that monster inside me, Mr. Sandwich, or I’ll be talking to your manager!”

“Yes, ma’am!” Pinkie Pie was the closest thing there was to Cheese’s “manager,” and he sure didn’t want Pinkie finding out about this peccadillo! Acknowledging the order sharply, he leapt into bed with the two supermodel quality mares.

I’m doing this for you, Pinkie, and for our foal... he thought, as he began to sling hose into the juicy and heated cunt of Spoiled Rich. Please, don’t be angry! I know you’d never fuck somepony else without including me...

Little did poor Cheese know how wrong he was... and how horribly, ball-drainingly right! Little did he suspect the squirming, desperate lesbian orgy that would greet him when he finally returned home. As he began to service the two upper crust cunts who let bits flow like water, he was blissfully ignorant of the sexual feats he’d be expected to perform, and the four mares he’d need to satisfy, when he returned to his own humble home for the finale of Hearts and Hooves Day.

Yes, Cheese Sandwich was about to discover one more thing his sisters-in-law had in common with his wife. The harder they were fucked... the more insatiable they became!