> Rubbadubbers: The Rubbadubbers in High School > by Big Imagination E > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Relaxing After School > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- One spring day at a local high school we see everyone leaving the place. Reason why is because it's Friday and everyone is ready for the weekend. Coming out of Canterlot High was a group of seven girls called the Rainbooms. They were Twilight, Rainbow, Fluttershy, Pinkie, Applejack, Rarity and Sunset Shimmer. They we're all leaving the high school and headed to Sunset's house for a hang out. "Woo! What a day! I can finally relax!" Rainbow smiled. "Me too Rainbow. After everything we dealt with this week we needed some rest." Rarity agreed. "Hey girls? My father got this new hot tub after he managed to get after his promotion at work. Wanna try it out?" Sunset asked. "Sure! There's nothing more relaxing than being in a hot tub." Rarity smiled. So the girls all got up and headed outside. In the backyard they see a big hot tub and all of them were excited to try it out. Not more so than Rarity. Sunset got some water in there and everyone changed in their swimsuits and climbed in. Then Rarity turned on the bubbles and it began getting all nice and warm. "Oh Sunset. This feels so relaxing. Thank you dear for letting us use the hot tub." Fluttershy smiled. "Your welcome. So is there anything that we are doing this weekend?" Sunset asked. "Well I plan on heading to the library on Saturday. I wanna see if there's any new books to read." Twilight said. "That's boring! Can't you try something better than a dumb old library?" Rainbow asked. Twilight frowned at her statement but then she remembered something else. She was working on her new invention and wanted to show her friends that. "Hey girls I've been working on a new invention that I wanted you to see. Wanna check it out?" Twilight asked. "Ok darling. I don't wanna get shriveled up anyway." Rarity answered. Then everyone else agreed and they got out of the hot tub and they changed into their regular clothes. Then the whole gang went to Twilight's house and went in her garage and Twilight took off the cover revealing her invention. "Behold! My latest creation! I call it my Dimensionater!! I made it to travel to different worlds that one other human has ever seen. And now we sure can!" Twilight smiled. "That's great Twilight. But any chance you can stop the egghead talk and actually show us what it can do?" Rainbow asked. Twilight frowned at that again but proceed on with showing the invention. She flipped the switches and put in a code and actived it. It began preparing and after a few minutes a portal opened up. Twilight smiled seeing her invention work but suddenly it started acting a little funny and sparks were coming out. And the portal started disappearing. "Oh no not again!" Twilight worried. She unplugged the machine and sighed in relief. But then the machine started back up and the portal reappeared becoming a vacuum portal. It started to suck everyone in there as they tried to hang on. But the portal was too strong and they got sucked in and traveled through it while a song was playing. They kept on traveling til they reached the end of the light. Where have they gone too? We will find out soon enough. > Meeting the Rubbadubbers > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In a neighborhood in another world we see a house. We zoom inside and see the bathroom where a bunch of toys were cleaning up. They were the Rubbadubbers. They got finished and a red robot looked around seeing if the coast was clear. His name was Reg. "Rubbadubbers! Rubbadubbers! All clear! Benjie and Sis have gone." Reg announced. Then all the other Rubbadubbers In the bathroom smiled. The group consists of a pink frog, a starfish, a crocodile, a shark, a purple whale, and an airplane. Their names are Tubb, Splotchy, Terence, Finbar, Winnona, and Ameila. "Swim in!! So what shall we do today guys?" Tub asked. "Well let's see what game we can all play today! There's gotta be something we can do." Ameila said. Soon all the Rubbadubbers began thinking of what game they can play. But suddenly they saw a portal open up and screams can be heard. Then seven girls came out and they all fell straight in the water and splashed everyone. Terence included. "Oh no! You splashed me!" Terence worried. "Uh Terence? That wasn't us. I think it might be whoever came from that portal and fell in the water." Ameila replied. "Well the Mighty Shark thinks we should take a look! Arr arr arr!" Finbar suggested. Everyone all agreed and jumped straight into the tub and prepared to slowly get close to the place where the beings splashed. Then suddenly seven heads popped out and were breathing for air. The Rubbadubbers were all confused but at the same time were curious. "Everyone okay?" Applejack asked. "Yeah were fine Applejack. But I still gotta fix the overheating problem." Twilight answered. "We can worry about that later. But for right now I wish to know why all these bathroom toys are looking at us." Pinkie said. The girls saw the Rubbadubbers staring at them in curiosity and wanted to know where they came from. Then Tubb decided to make the first move. "Hi there." Tubb said. The girls screamed seeing a talking frog but Ameila flew in front of them trying to calm them down. "Whoa whoa! Calm down ladies! We ain't gonna hurt you. We were just curious about seeing you." Ameila replied. The girls all calmed down after seeing that the guys are harmless. "Oh. Well your friend gave us a scare. We didn't expect a talking frog. And in a bathroom nonetheless." Fluttershy said. "Sorry about that. We don't get many guests. Let us introduce ourselves. I'm Tubb." He said. "Nice to meet you girls. I'm Splotchy!" "I'm Finbar the Mighty Shark! Arr arr arr!" "I'm Terence. And this is Winnona." She squeaked happy greeting them. "I'm Reg the robot." "And I'm Ameila the Airplane. Together we are known as the Rubbadubbers!" "Well it's nice to meet you Rubbadubbers. I'm Twilight Sparkle. And these are my friends. Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rarity, and Sunset Shimmer. Together we are known as the Rainbooms. Or the Humane Seven if you like." Twilight said. "Well the Mighty Shark welcomes you Rainbooms to our facility! But we gotta ask how did you get here?" Finbar asked. "Well we were heading out after school and were soaking in a hot tub then Twilight wanted to show her invention and suddenly we got transported here!" Pinkie said quickly ending with a smile. "Wow. She is quite a fa..fa...fa..fast talker." Reg replied. "That's Pinkie for you. Hey could you guys help us out? We got all wet and need a way home." Rarity asked. "Well we be glad to help you. See I don't like getting wet myself so we'll get you out. And we wan hear more about this school you go to." Terence said. The Rubbadubbers all agreed as they proceed to help out the Rainbooms get out of the bathtub and dry themselves off. Then they told the Rubbadubbers everything that Canterlot High had to offer. "Wowie! This Canterlot High sounds great! I wish we could see what it has to offer in person." Tubb smiled. "Yeah! It sounds Fintasic!!!" Finbar said. "I don't know guys. They never seen talking bath toys like you and were afraid you might scare them." Sunset worried. "Oh don't worry Sunset. If we make sure that we don't sound or look scary then we'll be fine. Everything will be okay." Ameila replied. "Ok. But still we need a way home. Were glad that you think Canterlot High is great. But honestly you might not fit in. Were not trying to be mean were just saying." Rarity said. "We understand. We'll try and get you home. But at the same time we really wanted to see what Canterlot High is like." Tubb replied. "Yeah. It must be great with all those activities and games and even though the classes are a little boring they can still make it fun." Splotchy smiled. "Yeah. If only we could see what Canterlot High has to offer." Tubb said. Then all the Rubbadubbers began thinking about them being in Canterlot High in their thought bubble and we head off to see what their thinking. > Seeing the School > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The thought expanded til we see all the Rubbadubbers in school clothes in front of Canterlot High. Tubb had a nice brainy outfit. Finbar had a leather jacket, Terence wore a black tie, Splotchy had a jazzy hat, Winnona had on a dress, Reg had a plaid shirt, and Ameila had a nice skirt. They looked around seeing Canterlot High. "Hey. I said if only and now were at Canterlot High!! Now we can see what it has to offer!" Tubb said happy. "Arr arr arr! The Mighty Shark wants to see if there's any ladies to impress." Finbar replied. "Well I wanna check out the science lab. It sounds like fun." Terence added. Soon everyone had there options on what to check out. They all went inside and saw that the school was indeed the greatest thing ever. Tubb looked around seeing the lunch room, Terence enjoyed being in the science lab making a potion by the directions, Winnona tried on the different costumes to see what part she can do in theater, Reg has been running laps in PE, Finbar was walking by and got a few ladies their attention, Splotchy was playing the saxophone in the music room and finally Ameila was acing in math. After a few hours they all regrouped and walked on down to the outside lunch spots. Then they all discussed how things were going. "So far this school is fintasic!" Finbar replied. "Yeah! I just aced math class! Though it was a little difficult at first but I managed to get through." Ameila said. Soon everyone shared what their favorite things were at the school. But it was cut short when a bully named Blueblood came and rudely pushed Winnona off the seat and she cried A little. "Hey! Who does that guy think he is? Come on! Let's go confront him!" Splotchy said angry. Everyone agreed and left their seats and went after him. Blue blood was cleaning his locker til he saw the Rubbadubbers coming at him. "Hey buddy! You better have a good reason why you just rudely pushed Winnona off her seat!" Tubb said. "Obviously because you peasants don't belong here. I don't know why the principal allowed you in here but you are stealing my popularity. And I want it back." Blueblood snarled. "We didn't steal anything! Now how about you cut the attitude or were telling the principal on you?" Reg replied. "Fine. But I expect my popularity to be returned by the end of the school day." Blueblood growled and left. "Jeez what a rude guy. We should have told the principal on him. He clearly has no respect." Finbar replied. "Yeah. Let's go tell the principal on him and she'll bust him good." Ameila suggested. So they all headed to the principal's office and told Principal Celestia everything that Blueblood did. She wasn't happy and gave him two weeks of detention. The Rubbadubbers were happy that they punished Blueblood and walked out of the school and was heading home. "Whoo! Am I glad that this jerk is punished for his actions." Finbar said in relief. But suddenly they saw other guys who were friends with Blueblood and they did not look happy. They went to the Rubbadubbers and stood tall in front of them. "So you got our leader punished huh? Well we don't like how you did that cause now we can't have our usual guys day on meeting girls." The first guy said. "That isn't our fault. He started it." Tubb reminded him. "Oh really? Well consider this a warning. Tomorrow you better not get in our way cause if you do then we'll give you a world of hurt." The second guy threatened. And so Blueblood's gang left and the Rubbadubbers were really nervous. They really didn't want to deal with his guys and get hurt. "Oh man. If only we didn't have to deal with those mean guys." Tubb worried. Then the vision in the thought bubble began to disappear and we see the Rubbadubbers back in the bathroom. > Heading Home > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Rubbadubbers all sighed in relief and were happy to be back home. "Ohh. Were not at Canterlot High anymore. Oh I'm so glad. Now we don't have to worry about those mean guys trying to hurt us." Tubb smiled. At the same time the girls came back hoping that the Rubbadubbers thought of a way to send them home. "Hey guys. Did you have any luck on getting us home?" Sunset asked. "No not yet." Finbar replied. "But maybe we should rethink about visiting Canterlot High." "But we thought that you wanted to see what it had to offer." Rarity thought. "Well we did. But then we realize that sometimes there's bullies you gotta deal with so we decided to stay here where everyone is family." Tubb explained. The girls smiled seeing that they made their choice a d accepted it. Then a portal reopened and the girls smiled knowing that it was their cue to leave. The girls say goodbye as they entered the portal. After it disappeared Reg's alarm went off. "Rubbadubbers! Rubbadubbers! Bathtime scrabble! Bathtime scrabble!" Reg shouted. "Places everyone it's bathtime! Swim in!" Tubb said. The Rubbadubbers all headed to the tub and jumped in the water all ready for Benjie and Sis's bath. And that concludes our crossover with the Rubbadubbers. Hope you enjoyed it.