> Time Out > by Shakespearicles > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Hearts and Hooves Day > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The clock tower in the center of Ponyville chimed the hour. Miss Cheerilee blinked and reoriented herself. She was standing on a mattress in a deep hole in the ground. Her friend, Big Macintosh, was standing beside her. The last thing she could clearly remember was being at a picnic that was foisted upon them by his little sister and her friends. "Am I wearing a wedding veil?" Cheerilee asked. "Eeyup," Big Mac answered. "Are you sitting on a feather bed in a hole in the ground?" she asked. "Eeyup." Cheerilee looked up at the three fillies standing above the pit. "Girls, can you explain why I look like I'm getting married at the bottom of a pit?" Sweetie Belle did her best to explain in her squeaky voice. "We may have given you the teeny tiniest bit of love potion, that may have actually turned out to be a love poison. And you may have gone just the teeny tiniest bit nutty." Apple Bloom added, "But we only did it because we thought you and Big Mac would be really happy if you could be each other's very special somepony on Hearts and Hooves Day." Scootaloo felt compelled to chime in, "Our hearts and hooves were in the right place." Cheerilee had grown accustomed to the usual antics of these three, but this was exceptional, even for them. "We appreciate that you care about us and want us to be happy, but no matter how good your intentions might have been, you should have never meddled in our relationship. No pony should force two ponies to be together. It's up to everypony to choose that very special somepony for themselves." "We're sorry." "And you can think about how sorry you are while you're doing all of Big Mac's chores at Sweet Apple Acres. Does that seem like a fair punishment to you?" Cheerilee asked Big Mac. "Eeyup." "She did what!?" Applejack was less than sold on the resolution. Apple Bloom could hear her older sister's anger in the farmhouse as she and her friends toiled all the way out in the orchard. A short while later, Applejack stormed out of the house, but not in Apple Bloom's direction. Applejack called back over her shoulder to Big Mac. "I'm running an errand. I'll be back later today." It was nearly dusk by the time Applejack returned. She approached the three of them with a stern glare. They were nearly able to finish Big Mac's chores, but not quite. "Sweetie, Scootaloo, you two go on and git. Apple Bloom here is gonna be grounded for the next week. So no more crusading with her till then." Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo pouted but left without another word. "Alright, Bloom, in the house!" With her head hung low, Apple Bloom walked into the farm house, followed after by Applejack. Big Mac was waiting at the kitchen table looking just as stoically unbothered as usual. Applejack pulled out a chair at the table and gave Apple Bloom a pointed look. She needed no further instruction and took a seat. On the table in front of her was an empty cup. Applejack sat down on the opposite side of the table, next to Big Mac, and sighed. "Bloom... At this point, I've become accustomed to the usual shenanigans you get up to with your friends. And most of the trouble you all cause barely even registers to me. If I had a bit for every time y'all did major structural damage to the barn, I'd have two bits. Which ain't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice. So the fact that I'm this upset over this is really saying something!" "But nothing bad happened!" Apple Bloom defended. "We broke the spell in time!" "That ain't the point!" Applejack shouted. "The point is, what if you hadn't?" she asked. "If'n you didn't break it in time and Miss Cheerilee ended up in that there pit with Mac?" Applejack let the question hang in the air. "They'd be smooching?" Applejack smacked the table with her hoof. "Consarnit, Apple Bloom! Don't play dumb with me! Even if Miss Cheerilee ain't taught y'all yet in class, you live on a farm! You know what happens next! And what if it had come to that? What if Mac went and got Miss Cheerilee pregnant while he was under that spell!? Imagine how bad he'd feel! How bad she'd feel!" "Maybe it'd still be a happy ever after?" Apple Bloom offered. "No!" Applejack said. "You ain't even consider if Mac already had a special somepony!" Apple Bloom tried to counter. "We asked him if he was doing anything special for Hearts and Hooves Day, and he said nope." "That doesn't mean that he doesn't have a special somepony!" Applejack said. "Really?" "Eeyup." Apple Bloom frowned. "I supposed she'd be mighty steamed if'n she found out what happened." "She is!" Applejack said. She reached into her saddle bag and pulled out a potion bottle, pouring it into the cup. "And on that account, I went and had a little chat with Miss Zecora on the matter. Doing his chores for him might be enough for Mac. But she's a might bit less forgiving!" Applejack pushed the cup across the table. "What is it?" Apple Bloom asked. "Punch," Applejack blatantly lied. "It's a potion," Apple Bloom said. "And you're gonna drink it." "What's it do?" "It ain't no love poison, if'n that's got your concern," Applejack explained. "That aside, you don't get to know. Now you have to be the one having a potion without your knowing. Just like you done to Mac and Cheerilee." "Is it..? It's not dangerous, is it? It's not gonna turn me into a frog or nothing, will it?" Apple Bloom asked. "Ain't nothing permanent," Applejack offered. "Now, no more questions! Drink!" Applebloom did as she was told and drank the potion. Applejack stood up from her seat. She looked imposing, even taller than normal to Apple Bloom. Apple Bloom nervously shifted away, shrinking into her seat. Even the seat felt bigger under her. To even feel the back of it, she had to pull up her dangling legs. She realized she was actually shrinking into her seat. "Applejack!" she called out but her voice shrank ever smaller along with the rest of her. "There's a lot that you still need to learn, Apple Bloom. About Big Mac's special somepony. And about your mother." "You mean our mother?" she asked. Applejack just shook her head. The distance to the floor from the chair quickly became a fatal drop to the tiny filly, and she was still shrinking. A massive orange shape moved over her to scoop her up. Sitting in the frog of Applejack's hoof, Apple Bloom was barely the size of a pea. Applejack set her down on top of the endless, flat expanse of the tabletop and overturned the drinking glass on top of her to keep her where she was. As if leaping off the edge was even a viable choice. Applejack leaned down and looked at the miniscule Apple Bloom inside the glass. Apple Bloom tried to yell as loud as she could, but her tiny size made it inaudible. Applejack kept her voice down, but it was still like thunder erupting from her planetary-size head. "There will be time for answers later. Ready Mac?" "Eeyup." Big Mac leaned back in his seat and Applejack's head vanished beneath the edge of the table. The top of her hat would occasionally bob up from what looked to be his lap, gradually rising higher and higher until Apple Bloom could see her sister's bulging cheeks. The rest of her face appeared as she sat back up and finally let Big Mac's dick out of her mouth, several inches towered proudly above the edge of the table. Apple Bloom lived on a farm, and she was no stranger to seeing a penis. Even accidental glimpses of Big Mac's pride. But never so closely. And certainly not with her sister's mouth wrapped around it. The look of shock on Apple Bloom's face was too small for Applejack to see without a magnifying glass, but she was pretty certain that it was there. Applejack whispered, "I imagine that answers the mystery of Mac's special somepony. Now in regards to your mum, well, that's a long story. But there'll be time enough for that once you get acquainted." Applejack lifted the glass and carefully scooped up Apple Bloom again with her gigantic hoof. The world around her moved so quickly she had no idea where she was as Applejack set her down on something soft and red. It seemed like it might be Big Mac's hoof, but wet. Apple Bloom looked up at Applejack and Big Mac's face hovering over her. It became clear that Applebloom was sitting on the broad tip of Big Mac's penis. Applejack's mountain of a hoof nudged Apple Bloom across the spongy surface until she ended up at an unmistakable characteristic, the tiny opening of his urethra. Tiny was relative, since it was now nearly as large as Apple Bloom. Applejack leaned in close and pressed her massive tongue against Apple Bloom, pushing her tiny body down into the tiny opening until she was up to her neck inside his dick with barely her face exposed. She struggled in vain to get free, but her limbs were pinned firmly to her sides in the tight confines of his urethra. Applejack vanished from her narrow field of view and her whole world moved again as Big Mac got up from his seat and trotted after Applejack. Apple Bloom was forced along for the ride, bouncing along with his erection underneath him as they went upstairs in the farmhouse. He followed Applejack into her bedroom where she climbed into the bed and rolled over onto her back. Applejack looked between Big Mac's legs at his dick, at Apple Bloom, and smiled. She shifted her tail away and spread her legs as Big Mac reared up and mounted the edge of the bed. Apple Bloom's entire vision was filled with the sight of Applejack's vulva. Her puffy, freckled pussy lips, and the tuft of blonde pubic fur sitting just above them. Her orange hooves reached down to spread her lips with one and guide his shaft with the other. Apple Bloom felt Big Mac's dick shift forward until his tip, and her face, was pressed up against Applejack's hot, wet marehood. Applejack's hoof shifted them slightly downward, and the muscular flesh up against Apple Bloom's face started to relax and stretch. Everything suddenly went dark as she lurched forward with Big Mac's tip finally popping inside. Apple Bloom panicked for a moment of claustrophobia. The tight space inside left almost no room for air, and what space existed was filled with Applejack's wetness. Apple Bloom reflexively held her breath and feared that she would either suffocate or drown. But there must have been something else in that potion they got from Zecora. She found that she didn't feel that need to breathe at all. What she did feel was the oppressive warmth of Applejack's pussy surrounding her. The thunder of Applejack's heartbeat drowned out Apple Bloom's ability to even hear herself think. Not that it would have mattered in any case. She was still very much firmly stuck inside the tip of Big Mac's dick. "I bet that feels good," Applejack purred, looking up into her big brother's eyes. Big Mac grimaced. He was acutely aware of the tiny wiggling obstruction lodged inside of his urethra. "It's uncomfortable." Applejack touched his cheek with her hoof and smiled. "Not for long. Come on..." Apple Bloom felt herself get shoved forward. More of Applejack's tunnel stretched and parted in front of her as Mac pushed his dick deeper inside Applejack with each thrust. Until at last Big Mac hilted himself inside Applejack, and Apple Bloom came face to... sphincter, pressed against Applejack's cervix. He held himself there for just a minute, both he and Applejack simply enjoying the feeling of the union. The pause in movement finally gave Apple Bloom a chance to actually collect her thoughts. The entire experience felt so surreal, it was like something out of a bad dream that she kept expecting to wake up from, but here she remained. Beyond the absurdity of her being shrank, and stuffed inside her big brother's urethra, it occurred to her that she, and his dick, were inside Applejack's vagina. Her older siblings were having sex. The gravity of the realization was fleeting in the face of her present circumstances, trapped deep inside the both of them. Big Mac started moving again, thrusting as he fucked Applejack. "Careful now," Applejack said. "You're gonna make the poor girl sick." Big Mac nodded and took care to not thrust to fast, or too hard. It took tremendous restraint to not do either. He had been looking forward to this for far too long. Not that it did Apple Bloom much good anyway, lurching back and forth with Big Mac's dick inside Applejack's vagina. "Come on now. It don't need to be no marathon this time," Applejack said. Big Mac nodded and made no effort to try to prolong himself. Apple Bloom felt the spongey flesh of Big Mac's dick grip her harder as his tip started to swell. Applejack felt his dick start to flare inside her and she could tell he was getting close. She grabbed her hind legs with her hooves and pulled them back to her cheeks. Big Mac leaned on top of her with his weight putting her down into a breeding press. Apple Bloom felt her world shift and she felt herself being pointed downward as he slammed it home one last time, pressing her face up against the clenched doorway of her womb. Big Mac's flare stretched Applejack's depths, pulling open the tiny entrance of her cervix, perfectly lined up with his urethra. His balls tightened and his scrotum flexed. His cock gave a mighty throb as his cum rocketed up through his shaft and slammed against Apple Bloom's ass. She could feel the tremendous pressure trapped behind her, but she was still firmly stuck inside his dick. Big Mac shrieked in a very high pitch yelp at the sudden pain of his ejaculation being blocked inside his dick. But his orgasm could not be stopped as his balls pumped and churned. His shaft throbbed even harder the second time, sending a second voluminous load of semen right behind the first. The hydraulic pressure sent Apple Bloom rocketing out of the tip of his dick like a cannon ball into Applejack's uterus. She collided with the soft lining of Applejack's womb, followed by a torrent of Big Mac's cum raining down on her from the opening above. She paddled and treaded through the viscous liquid to get to the rounded shore of the side of her womb. The tide of semen rose just as fast as she could climb away from it as Big Mac ejaculated more and more inside. Applejack's racing heartbeat thundered all around her. The room threatened to be completely flooded until at last the flow slowed and stemmed to a halt. Applejack relaxed her grip on her legs and Big Mac shifted his weight off her to let her lay flat again. Apple Bloom's footing went out from under her as the tiny room she was in shifted and turned on its side. The pool of cum sloshed past her hooves as she ran towards Applejack's cervix. But as Big Mac's stretching flare wilted, the tiny opening of Applejack's cervix closed shut in front of her. Apple Bloom tried desperately to pry it back open with her hooves while Big Mac slowly slid his dick completely out of Applejack. He laid down on the bed beside her and smiled as he cuddled up against her. Applejack giggled and rubbed her hoof on her belly. "I can feel her moving inside me! It tickles!" Apple Bloom continued to struggle to pry open Applejack's cervix. But was no use. Applejack's powerful muscles kept her sealed inside. "Now don't you go wearing yourself out now, Bloom. You're gonna be in time out for quite a while. So you best just get yourself comfortable in there." Apple Bloom gave up in exhaustion and slumped against the uterine wall and evaluated her situation. The bright, direct sunlight streamed through Applejack's bedroom window onto her belly, illuminating the interior of her uterus with a dull red glow. The lake of Big Mac's semen sloshed against the narrow shore where she sat. Every single part of her was soaked in it. Her hoof reached between her legs, feeling some leaking out of her. A decent amount was sent up into her from the pressure inside his dick. But the thought of getting pregnant was the least of her present worries. Applejack laid in her bed and waited to feel the next effects of the potion that Zecora had described. Apple Bloom gave up and laid back to rest, covering her face with her hooves in defeat. A fleshy tendril snaked silently out of the pool of semen towards Apple Bloom. It slithered between her legs and just barely grazed past her red pubic fluff. The sensation of the contact made Apple Bloom lurch upright with a panicked start. She moved quickly to back away from the thing, but it moved quicker. It sprang forward lightning fast, striking her in the belly button. She expected the pain of a bite, but none came until she tried to remove it, finding that it had fused itself to her body right before her eyes. As much as Applejack usually enjoyed intercourse, she had derived no pleasure from this day's session. It was as she had expected, from what she had been told of the potion's effect. But as soon as the umbilical cord connected her with Apple Bloom, all of the pleasure that she had been denied flooded upon her all at once. Her orgasm took them all by surprise as she threw her head back and screamed out a throaty moan. Her hips bucked off the mattress as she came. Her pussy squirted thick gushes of marecum in a high arc across the bedroom. Big Mac scrambled to dive in between her legs and cup her vulva with his mouth, in part to spare the mess of the room, but mostly to satisfy his own greedy thirst to drink it. His tongue lashed her winking clitoris, making her cum even harder. But the link worked both ways, and Apple Bloom felt all of it. Applejack's bucking hips had sent her tumbling inside her womb until Big Mac pinned her down. The waves of sloshing semen drenched her again as she felt Applejack's orgasms as her own. She had felt this sort of sensation before, when Big Mac would pull her along in a cart down a bumpy cobblestone road. But that teasing sensation was nothing compared to the full force of Applejack's powerful orgasm rocking through her, amplified by the phantom sensation of a stallions warm tongue licking her clit. Apple Bloom's hips humped fruitlessly at the empty air in front of her. Big Mac's hooves held Applejack's thighs firmly until she finally came down from her climax. On her end, Applejack could feel Apple Blooms exhaustion as her own, barely able to move her limbs as she laid there on the bed. Big Mac knew that this would be the case, and helped her to get properly in bed with her pillow. He snuggled up next to her and held her in his hooves as they watched the sun drift lower towards the horizon. Pawing at the empty space beside her, Apple Bloom didn't explicitly feel his literal hug, but she very much was filled with the sensation of feeling safe, and loved. Apple Bloom had always had a passing envy of Applejack having a bed big enough for two ponies. Now she understood why. Applejack yawned and rubbed her belly. "Get yourself cozy now, Sugarcube. We've got a might bit to talk about in the morning..." > The Story of Us > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Apple Bloom woke up from a terrible dream. The whole room was shaking like an earthquake. She tried to get to her hooves but found the floor slippery and sloped, sending her tumbling and sliding into a shallow swamp. She kicked her hooves in a frantic panic, feeling a sharp pain when she accidently tugged at the tendril attached to her belly button. Her mind came into clear focus as she realized that it had in fact not been a dream, and she was still trapped inside Applejack's uterus. She could not be sure how much time had passed, but the deep lake of Big Mac's semen was now a small pond, little more than ankle deep. It sloshed to the side and then it moved up along the wall and continued while the room turned over as Applejack rolled over in bed. "Morning," she heard Applejack say. "Good morning," she could hear Big Mac's reply, muffled through her belly. "It sure looks like it!" Applejack said. A moment later she grunted as Big Mac mounted her. Apple Bloom didn't explicitly feel Big Mac's dick sliding inside Applejack, but it was more of a generalized sensation of sexual pleasure. Not that she needed to, to know what was going on. The room shaking from the rhythmic thumping of his dick kissing Applejack's cervix punctuated the symphony of their pleasured moans all around her. Despite the pleasant sensations being shared with her, it still struck Apple Bloom as an annoyance that her siblings were having sex again. It occurred to her that this link could be a two-way street. And if so... Apple Bloom gave her foreleg a firm bite. Applejack yelped in pain, but mostly surprise. The shaking stopped as Big Mac thought that he had hurt her. "I take it you're awake, Sugarcube?" Applejack asked her belly. Apple Bloom yelled as loudly as she could. "I don't know if you're trying to talk or what, but you're still too small for us to hear you in there," Applejack said. "But never you fret, You'll be grown before long. A might faster than the first time, for sure. But we gotta make sure we eat." We? Apple Bloom wondered. She looked down at her umbilical cord in her hoof. She had a cursory understanding of how a foal ate before it was born. But she also knew that when it came to magical potion shenanigans, all bets were off. The rhythmic thumping on the other side of Applejack's cervix came faster and louder now that Big Mac no longer restrained himself for Apple Bloom's sake. Applejack's body quivered around Apple Bloom and she felt her legs get weak from her orgasm. The thumping became punctuated by the slaps of wet hips colliding. Apple Bloom's stomach dropped in fear, knowing the flood that was about to happen when Big Mac came. But at the last moment, Apple Bloom felt a profound sense of emptiness as Big Mac pulled out of Applejack. Apple Bloom was sent tumbling as the the whole room shifted again when Applejack sat upright. Applejack took Big Mac's dick in her mouth and sucked as he started to cum. She took care to swallow every drop as he pumped load after load, filling her bloated cheeks. For her part, Apple Bloom didn't experience the sensation of a sated appetite. Quite the opposite, she was filled with a desperate hunger, a thirst. What had at first seemed like a pearlescent swamp that she would rather avoid, suddenly appeared to her as a sumptuous banquet to her craving. One that, much to her dismay, was rapidly leaking out of Applejack's not-quite-water-tight cervix. Apple Bloom scampered over to the receding pool of semen and scooped it into her mouth. Strangely, despite the quantities she swallowed, she felt no more full, but it did serve to make her feel less hungry. It wasn't until she found herself licking the last few drops from escaping through the pucker of Applejack cervix did she then feel a passing sense of depravity. It passed. Applejack finished swallowing Big Mac's load and pulled his dick out of her throat. She pressed her hoof to the damp spot in the bedding between her legs where she was leaking. "Don't you worry, Sugarcube, the next one will be for you," she said to her belly. She leaned over to her nightstand and opened a box of vials. She gave one to Big Mac to drink. "Take your time with this one, ya hear?" she asked. Big Mac drank it and smiled. "Eeyup!" Applejack watched his flaccid penis quickly rise back to full erection. His testicles seemed to swell just a bit larger. She grinned and laid back down on the bed. Big Mac leaned over her, laying his steel-hard cock against her belly. Applejack rubbed his dick before pushing it downwards. He needed little other instruction, shifting his hips to aim it at her pussy. Applejack rubbed her belly. "Let me tell you a story, Sugarcube..." Big Mac slid his dick back inside Applejack, making her gasp. She kept rubbing her belly as her brother gently fucked her. "This is the story of you..." "I was planning on telling you this tale once you were older," Applejack began. "Once you had your cutie mark, at least. But you interfering with my special somepony the other day changed all that." Big Mac paused his thrusting to lean down and kiss Applejack. "Though I suppose I was just a little filly myself when it happened... I was still a blank flank when... when they died," Applejack said. Big Mac paused. It was not the conversation he was expecting to hear while he was balls-deep inside his sister's pussy. "It's okay," Applejack assured him. He pulled out of her. "Just... get past this bit first," he begged. "Alright," Applejack said before rubbing her belly again. "I know I've told you before about what happened, Bloom. About Ma and Pa going off to the Hayseed Swamp to collect some Criss-Cross moss for the family reunion. And while doing so contracting Swamp Fever. They'd just barely made it back to the edge of the orchard before they'd succumbed." Applejack's body trembled. "If I hadn't been so persnickety about the reunion having those Mossarita drinks that Mrs. Cake had made for her Spring Has Sprung party..." "It ain't your fault," Big Mac assured her. Applejack shook her head. "What I woulda given to hug them just one more time." Her chest felt damp from Big Mac's tears. Apple Bloom always regretted never knowing their parents. She was too young to even remember them, let alone mourn them. But through her connection with Applejack, she could feel her grief crushing her heart. "I took it mighty bad," Applejack said. "We all did. But Granny had it the hardest. She was strong at the time. I know that now. She had to be, for all of us. But no parent should have to bury their foal. Why just thinking of it..." Applejack shuddered. Big Mac hugged her. Applejack wiped the tears from her eyes. "I was selfish, doing what I did. I ran away not knowing what else to do. I just didn't want to deal with what had happened. I was still a blank flank, running off to Manehattan to stay with Aunt and Uncle Orange. But that trip made me realize that more than anything else, I belonged here, at home, with my family. And coming back home was what got me my cutie mark." "Eeyup." "Of course, not being a blank-flank meant I wasn't a little filly no more," Applejack continued. "I was a young mare. And that meant the spring came with new problems. My first estrus took me by surprise. I sure wasn't expecting it to be so bad. Granny didn't expect me to get it that year at all. And she was still mighty broken up over Dad passing. She just wasn't prepared to talk with me on the matter. I suppose we all just assumed that Mom would have explained the facts of life to me once I had gotten my mark." Applejack rubbed her belly. "I was fixing to have the talk with you once you'd gotten your mark. You three was always in such a rush to get them, and I couldn't talk you into enjoying being a filly without explaining what came with becoming a mare. Going into heat and all ain't no picnic. Goodness knows that my first time was a mighty ordeal." "Eeyup." "Why I was such a mess that spring, I didn't know which way I was going," Applejack said. "All I knew was that it didn't feel well. Such a burning ache in my marehood, and I was too embarrassed to talk to Granny about it. The only other pony around that I could turn to had already taken a keen interest in me, himself." Big Mac blushed a darker red. "Eeyup." "He didn't know any better than me about what was happening. He was just happy that Dad wasn't around to lock him in the cellar for that week. He always told him that it was for his own good, what with Mac being an unmarried stallion. That the mares go crazy that week and they'd make him make a terrible mistake if he was out and about." "To be fair, AJ..." "The point being, Dad wasn't around anymore. And suddenly, all Mac wanted to do was spend time with me, following me around like a lost puppy. And it wasn't that I'd never seen his penis before, working out in the orchard and taking a leak to water a bush. But then it was out all the time. So big and hard. He was a might embarrassed about it, I'll tell you what! But it helped me feel less embarrassed about my own state. Once I told him about how uncomfortable I was feeling, he got concerned. Wanted to have a look at the, uh... afflicted area." "AJ..." "You weren't being a horn dog about it, Mac. You was worried, and so was I. But neither of us was keen on going to the doctor." Applejack rubbed her belly. "But I'll tell you what, Bloom, once I got myself propped up on a hay bail out in the barn, and let my tail move out the way, he took a might different interest in the matter. He insisted on getting a good look real close. I could feel his breath on my nethers. And before I knew it, I felt him lick me!" "I don't know what came over me," he said. "I just... had to." "Bloom, I'm telling ya, I saw stars! Gave me such a start, I darn near squealed to the clouds if I hadn't covered my mouth with my hooves to keep Granny from hearing us. But I'll be darned if it didn't help my heat feel better. Strange as it was, it felt too good for me to tell him to stop. I wanted to just let him do that forever." "And I would have," Mac said with a grin. "I reckon you would!" Applejack said with a smile. "Bloom, you have no idea! That first time, we were just figuring things out, but land's sake, that tongue of his was doing things to me! And he's only gotten better since then! But even as it made me feel better that day, it was making it feel worse, too. And it wasn't fair to Mac. I looked at him happily licking away between my legs, but his erection was throbbing something fierce. I ain't no stallion but even to me it looked a might uncomfortable." "... Eeyup." "We had seen the other farm animals mating before, so we knew what parts were supposed to go together. But I'd be lying if I said I wasn't at least a little scared seeing how big it was. I didn't think there'd ever be any way it would fit inside me. But the ache of estrus makes you do crazy things. And I told him I wanted to try. Bloom you should have seen his face. He was excited as a colt on Hearth's Warming morning. When he reared up to mount me, I suddenly realized just how much bigger he was than me. I gotta admit I was a bit frightened. It'd be nothing for him to overpower me if I changed my mind. I'd seen how rough the other critters could be come mating time." "AJ, you know I'd never..." "I know. But I could see it in your eyes. That need. That feral lust. You've always been strong. Stronger than me. You had the strength in body to take what you wanted. But the strength of will to not. You were gentle. You've always been." "Of course. I love you." "I love you too." The room around Apple Bloom became a bit smaller as Big Mac squeezed Applejack in his hug. "I was scared that day too," Big Mac said. "I was a might worried that I was gonna hurt you on accident." "I guess you didn't trust yourself to not be rough with me," Applejack said. "I could tell that he wanted to get right to it, but instead he laid down in the hay loft and waited for me to start. I wanted to get right to it, too. But squatting over him, looking at that big thing pointed up at my cooter, hoo wee, I was sweating buckets." Big Mac rolled over on the bed, pulling Applejack along with him to be on top. Apple Bloom spun and tumbled inside Applejack's womb as her world turned upside down around her. "So there I was, squatting over him in the hay loft. He was laying under me, aiming himself with his hoof. I lowered my hips down and felt it touch my marehood. And it was so thick I didn't think it was ever gonna fit without breaking something. But you know me, stubborn as I am, I kept trying. I was about to get cold hooves about the whole thing but a bit of barn dust made me sneeze, and pop, in it went." Applejack squatted over Mac on the bed and lowered herself down on his erection with practiced ease until she was sitting flush on his lap. The floor under Apple Bloom's hooves bulged upward slightly as Big Mac's dick pressed against Applejack's cervix. "When I got his tip inside that first time, it was quite a stretch. To be honest, it did smart a bit. But with the rest of my estrus ache, it was bearable. And I ain't no quitter! So we kept going. I could tell it took a lot of restraint for him to not just grab my hips and buck right up into me. I sure was a trial for his patience, taking my time getting more of him in me." "Eeyup." "I went as far down as I could go until I got to his medial ring. He was already so thick inside me, I didn't think there was any way in Tartarus that'd ever fit. But that was good enough for me and him. I laid down on top of him and he hugged me while we just enjoyed the feeling of that first union. But I think that was about when his patience was running out. He started wiggling his hips under me, and I could feel his dick making little movements inside me. And the more he did, the better it felt." Apple Bloom felt the room rocking back and forth as they reenacted the scene together. "I don't know exactly when it went from a little wiggle to proper bucking, but eventually we were. Land's sake, feeling him sliding in and out of me felt like scratching an itch I didn't even know I had! And then when he got me off that first time, I thought I went and wet myself with how much I squirted! But all that extra lube meant that when I rocked back that next time, I felt his medial ring pop inside! Boy howdy, I thought that was gonna hurt, but I was already cumming, and it just made me cum harder!" Applejack hovered her hips in a squat on the bed, letting Mac buck his hips up into her. Apple Bloom's world shook each time he hilted, but at least she wasn't getting thrown around. Applejack used one of her hooves to play with her clitoris. Apple Blooms room started to get warmer and the walls started to sweat. The clear, viscous liquid started to pool around her hooves. "Growing up bucking apple tree, you know we're ponies of solid muscle. And let me tell you, I was flexing mine then, wasn't I?" "Eeyup! Felt like you were milking a cow!" "As you can imagine, he didn't last too long after that. It was wild feeling him flare inside me that first time. I didn't know what was going on in there. But getting myself off of him didn't even occur to me. Not that I would have. It just felt too damn good. And then once he started going off..." Big Mac started to flare inside Applejack. The fluid inside her womb started to drain out as Mac flare slightly stretched her cervix. Apple Bloom followed it to where the opening had slightly parted. It was her chance to escape. Big Mac grunted and his balls flexed. His shaft throbbed thicker as it twitched and pumped. Apple Bloom got blasted in the face with a deluge of his semen pumping up through Applejack's cervix. Apple Bloom quickly paddled her hooves to stay afloat amid the semen flooding Applejack's womb again. Applejack rubbed her belly, feeling her brother's hot cum getting pumped deep inside her again. "It feels just as good as ever..." She leaned over and kissed him. The lake of cum sloshed around inside her, making Apple Bloom gasp amid the waves. But it only served to remind her that she didn't actually need to breathe, and it made her reflexively swallow. Applejack sensed a hunger through their link. "I suppose a breakfast would be in order. I am eating for two after all. Let's eat up and then we can continue your tale." > The Story of You > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The pool of cum sloshing around inside Applejack's womb became smaller as Apple Bloom drank more of it. And yet Apple Bloom felt no closer to being full. It was a hunger she shared through her link to Applejack, sitting at the farmhouse kitchen table. Applejack's cooking ability was second only to Pinkie Pie. Big Mac did not share her talent to such a degree, but his skill was serviceable enough. But there was one thing that he knew how to make exceptionally well... miniature deep-fried apple pies. It seemed like a crazy idea at first. But nopony could argue with the results. They were inexpensive, simple to make, and delicious! Anypony who ever had a deep-fried mini apple pie agreed that the baked versions just weren't as good as the deep-fried ones. They would happily pay double the price for a deep-fried one over a baked one. And any restaurant that ever made deep-fried miniature apple pies, and then just decided- out of the goddamn blue, to just stop deep-frying them and only offer the objectively-inferior baked versions would have to be mentally damaged to even think that was a good idea. "But I digest," Applejack said, enjoying her plate of deep-fried apple heaven. Inside her womb, Apple Bloom listened to the washing-machine noises of the food and drink being digested next door in Applejack's stomach. Apple Bloom felt a tingling sensation in her own belly through the umbilical cord connection. "Now where was I?" Applejack asked. Big Mac rinsed the breakfast dishes in the sink. "You was just done telling about our first time." Applejack blushed and felt a shiver run up her body from the memory. "Heh, yeah." She rubbed her belly. "I suppose that's the story of how you were made, Sugarcube. But that's only the beginning. I thought getting that big ol dick of his inside me was the hardest thing I'd ever have to do." Even Big Mac chuckled. "But that wasn't even close." "Stopped your heat," Mac said. "That it did," Applejack said. "It worked a trick for sure. But then I started getting sick in the mornings. We might have done a foolish thing, but we weren't no fools. So I had Mac go to the town apothecary to get a pregnancy test." "It was the only thing I ever stole," Big Mac said with deep shame. "But I couldn't be caught buying a test like that. It's a small town. Ponies talk." "We didn't want Granny to find out," Applejack said. "It was silly thinking, I admit. It wasn't something I was going to be able to hide forever. She was going to find out eventually." "And she did," Big Mac said. "She made a few snide remarks on me getting pudgy," Applejack said. "And seeing me eating like a dumpster. But when she saw me being sick in the mornings, she figured out what was going on. She grabbed me right by the tail and gave me a big ol whiff. I didn't even know you could tell that way." "I could tell," Big Mac said. "It tastes different too, when your carrying. Less sweet and tangy. More mild and... kinda bitter a little bit. But still good." Applejack blushed. "Yeah. You've always been a fan." "Eeyup." "But Granny got one whiff of my cooter and she knew right away I was preggers. I'll tell ya, she was cross like I ain't never seen before. I was terrified that she was gonna shove me down the stairs, or kick you right outta me in my sleep. I started making plans of running away all over again." "I'd have gone with you anywhere," Mac said. Applejack smiled. "I know. But that wasn't how it shook out. She was mad for sure. But not at me. She wanted to know which sumbitch had done it to me. I reckon she was ready to take the garden sheers to their coin purse! I sure wasn't gonna tell her that it was Mac. I kept my lips sealed, but she was relentless. She wanted a name. I told her it was some strange stallion that came through the orchard and got me, but she didn't buy it. I would have told her right away if that had happened. There was no reason for me to try to protect them. She wanted the truth." "And in my shame, I lied." Applejack looked at the floor. "The worst lie of my whole life. I told her it was Uncle Orange. That it happened when I ran away. I thought it was a safe lie. He was too far away for her to go off and hurt him. The timing fit close enough and she believed me. After that, all she wanted to do was help." "And I helped, too," Mac said. "You helped most of all!" Applejack said. "You should have seen him, Bloom. Doing double chores all day. Harvesting the whole orchard himself. He was up before the sun, and didn't get to bed until long after dark. But he did it, and never once complained. Sure as heck wasn't gonna let me help." "Eenope!" "I gotta admit, it was nice," Applejack said. "Though I did feel a might guilty watching Mac work while I laid in the hammock. I'd spend the days sipping apple juice and eating all kinds of snacks and sweets for your little cravings in there, feeling you grow in my belly with each day. Just for those nights when Granny would go to bed early and I'd waddle out to the barn at the end of Mac's shift." "It was all worth it," Big Mac said. "After all, it wasn't like he could get me more pregnant." "Eeyup!" Big Mac said. "Times were tough, no doubt. But we would always have each other." Applejack kissed Big Mac. "Neither one of us ever meant for me to get pregnant. But we ain't never regretted it once what was done was done. And really, we weren't gonna stop doing something that felt so good, no matter how big I got." Big Mac placed his hoof on Applejack's belly. "You only got more beautiful, carrying our little foal." Applejack shoved him away. "Don't be getting all sappy on me!" she teased. "I mean it." "I know. But getting out of chores almost didn't seem worth it getting on near the end. Why my back and hooves were aching something fierce in those last couple of months. And before you get to worrying, no, it ain't gonna be lasting nearly so long this time around. So let's all enjoy it while we can," Applejack said, getting up from the breakfast table. "Enjoy it!?" Apple Bloom asked indignantly in her tiny, inaudible voice. She was trapped inside her older sister's uterus, getting repeatedly doused with her older brother's semen. And then coming to find out that she's actually their inbred daughter. She wondered if that was why she was having such a hard time getting her cutie mark. "We've always had to be so careful," Applejack said as she trotted upstairs. Apple Bloom was jostled around inside her. "We've always had to be quiet, taking care to not get caught. Making sure that Granny was asleep, or away in town." Applejack laid down on her bed again. "What with Granny away in Las Pegasus with her friends this weekend, we were hoping you were gonna go sleep over with Sweetie Belle, or at Fluttershy's cottage again, so we could have the place to ourselves. But then you went and tried to whorse him off with Miss Cheerilee! And I just couldn't let that slide!" Applejack spread her legs, and Big Mac helped himself to his favorite breakfast, giving her pussy long, deep licks. "You needed to be punished for what you done, but we still wanted our weekend. You needed to know why Big Mac had to fib to you that he didn't have any plans for Hearts and Hooves Day. And it was about time you got told." Applejack sighed and moaned in pleasure as Big Mac licked her marehood with practiced skill. He knew exactly what to do and how to do it to give her the best possible experience. "I've missed this," he said. "It ain't been that long since the last time we-" "You taste pregnant again," he said. Applejack rubbed her belly. "Well, I suppose I am." "It's good," Big Mac said, licking her with even more passion. She grabbed a hoof full of his mane, and moaned. "Oh, it's real good!" She panted. "I love you Bloom, but ever since you came along, it's been even tougher to find the time, or the privacy, for us to be intimate. And you gotta understand we was looking forward to this weekend real, real bad. Ever since the first time I had it, I've been addicted to this cock. So when this is all over, I hope you'll understand if we're a bit more open about it around you when Granny isn't around." It wasn't like they could be any more open about it, literally around Apple Bloom while they were having sex. Apple Bloom felt everything around her shift as Big Mac climbed onto the bed and slid his dick inside Applejack again. "I'm honestly surprised Granny ain't never figured it out," Applejack said. "But then she always held on to her own theory." She grunted as Big Mac started to properly fuck her again. "Accusing Uncle Orange was the worst lie I ever told. But I'm a might grateful that it never got back to him. Granny was too busy taking care of me while I was pregnant to go off on some wacked out revenge mission to geld him. But on the day you were born..." The room around Apple Bloom became slick again with Applejack's arousal. It clenched and flexed around her as Applejack came, spurting her marecum out around Big Mac's dick. Applejack panted and caught her breath. "It was a heck of an ordeal, that. I'd hadn't been allowed to leave the farm the whole time I was pregnant. Barely even out of the house most days. So I wasn't to be seen, you understand. I was barely a mare. It would have been a scandal, no matter the father." "So when the big day came, it was just you and me and the old bed. I remember it was a cloudy April morning. My water broke and I knew it was time. My body knew what to do. Why, I hollered to high heaven and I ain't never seen Granny move so fast before or since. Mac came sprinting in from the orchard like his tail was on fire." "No doctors, no nurses. There wasn't nothing but family in this room to greet you with a hoof full of old towels. Land's sake, I thought Big Mac was big. But I thought you were gonna split me right in half like a piece of timber when I tried to push you out! But push I did. And all eyes were on my stretched bits as I pushed you out. Granny kept going on about it being improper, him being there staring at my business. But there was no force in Equestria that was gonna keep him away." "Eeyup." "It was a long day. But eventually the clouds outside parted, the sun bloomed through, and out you came. Yellow fur and a full head of red mane. And darn if you didn't look every bit like our Dad." "Eeyup." "Once all the commotion had passed, all I wanted to do was hold you in my hooves. Mac too, but there was no convincing Granny a reason for him to stay without admitting the truth. Broke his heart. Once Granny had me alone she asked me a hard question. If it was my Dad, not Uncle Orange, who did it." "You were born a healthy weight, despite being a bit early. But that being the case, it meant that you were born eleven months to the day before they left to go to Hayseed Swamp. And I was faced with a terrible choice. Because I sure as sugar didn't want to sully the memory of our father. He had always been a good and decent stallion. But I knew if I stuck with my original story, at best, Mac and I were gonna get found out. And at worst, I was gonna get Uncle Orange into real trouble. And so I told the second worst lie I ever done. I told her it was Dad." "Granny always like being right. But not that day. She just nodded sternly. I begged and pleaded with her, insisting that Dad was a good, and decent stallion. That I was the one who forced myself onto him. That my estrus had drove me crazy." "To be fair..." Big Mac said. "I don't think she fully believed me. But she at least agreed to keep it a secret buried along with him. But Bloom, if she ever tells you one day about it, just you remember that he was a good and decent stallion that never did anypony any harm. But of course, there was still the matter of you." "I don't know how she managed it, but she finagled a deal with Mayor Mare for your birth certificate, marking it so you were born a year earlier to Mom and Dad. You're actually a year younger than you think you are. You started school a year early." Suddenly, a lot of stuff started to make sense to Apple Bloom. Most importantly... "And that's probably why you ain't got your cutie mark yet when the rest of your class does." And there it was. Apple Bloom sat there inside Applejack's womb, rocking back and forth as her older brother and sister fucked. Or rather, as her biological parents fucked. She was still grappling with the concept of this new information. But it was like the final piece fell into place for the massive, mysterious puzzle that was her life. From the time that she had learned about them, she had mourned Bright Mac and Pear Butter. She lamented never knowing her parents, being raised as an orphan by her older siblings. But now she knew who her real parents were. They were alive and well and they loved her very much. And for better or worse, they loved each other very much. It brought her some comfort as she- "I'm cumming!" Big Mac hilted himself inside Applejack and unloaded into her womb again, dousing Apple Bloom with his semen. Somehow, knowing that she was swimming in her father's semen, rather than her brother's, did not improve her mood. It also didn't stem her irrational compulsion to drink as much of it as she could. > The Story Goes On > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Apple Bloom was stirred awake along with Applejack as she woke up, turning over in bed. Apple Bloom righted herself in the pitch dark and tried to stand, finding her head just barely touching the top of the room. She panicked for a moment, worried that the room was shrinking around her. The wall pressed against her face as Applejack rubbed her belly. "Ooh, she's getting bigger!" That made more sense. "Hey!" Apple Bloom yelped. "Bloom, was that you?" Applejack asked her belly. "You know it is!" Apple Bloom yelled. "Can you let me out now!?" "No can do, buckaroo," Applejack said. "Even if I could, you ain't done growing yet. You're still way too small." "But these sure ain't!" Big Mac said, leaning over in the bed to suckle Applejack's swollen teats. Through her connection, Apple Bloom could feel her nipples tingle. Big Mac's baritone voice hummed through Applejack's body. "I've missed this too," he said, drinking his sister's milk. "You're looking ready for another round, stud!" Applejack said. Apple Bloom kicked the wall of her little room. "Oh, I can feel her kicking!" "I ain't ready for another round!" Apple Bloom yelled. "Ooh, it sound's like somepony is cranky," Applejack teased. "Is it feeding time already?" Before Apple Bloom could even object, she was knocked off her hooves as Big Mac grabbed Applejack's hips and lifted them up into a breeding press. Applejack's womb was squished around Apple Bloom, pressing her face up against the inside of her cervix. Big Mac pushed his dick inside Applejack, finding that there wasn't quite as much room inside her vagina, with Apple Bloom taking up more real estate inside Applejack's abdomen. He gauged his depth taking care to mostly not hit her cervix too hard. Mostly. Apple Bloom could feel the impact against her cheek each time he bottomed out inside Applejack. But by now her shock and disgust had been replaced with simple indignation, forced to experience them having intercourse, and her along for the ride whether she wanted to be or not. "Really? Again!?" she complained. Applejack just rubbed her belly to try to sooth her. "Oh, Bloom, if you ever had a dicking this good, you'd be addicted to it too." The connection they shared didn't let Apple Bloom feel the explicit sensations that Applejack was having, getting filled so perfectly with her big brother's dick. But she did feel the general sense of intense sexual pleasure from the act. Her own pussy quivered and dribbled against her hoof, making her realize that she had been rubbing it. "You be a good filly after this and I might even share it once you get your mark," Applejack added. The very concept would have been appalling to her but just two days ago, even as she was trying to get her school teacher that very same dicking. Even if she wasn't a grown mare yet, she wasn't a little foal anymore. Big Mac was bigger than Applejack, and he absolutely towered over Apple Bloom. The mere thought of ever taking her broth- her father's ginormous dick scared the living- "Hnggh!" Applejack moaned as she came. Apple Bloom's thigh's clamped together on her hoof in her crotch. Her limbs just went weak as she stumbled against the slick interior of Applejack's inverted uterus. Above her, the ceiling flexed and bulged each time Big Mac fucked downwards into Applejack. Apple Bloom was too weak to move when she heard him grunting above her. Applejack's cervix stretched slightly open as Big Mac's dick throbbed and pumped another thick load of cum inside. Apple Bloom was coated from head to hoof in his cum. She licked it from her lips, feeling intense satisfaction from it's taste. She was starting to understand Applejack's position regarding his appeal as she greedily consumed the rest of the large pool around her. "Just like old times?" Applejack said from her hammock, watching Big Mac buck apples out of trees while is semi-hard erection swung underneath him like a veiny, clock pendulum. "Eeyup," Big Mac replied with almost wistful resentment, doing all of the hard work that weekend. Inside Applejack's gravid belly, Apple Bloom was finding her space becoming quite cramped. There was no wall that she wasn't touching. She didn't even have room to stretch her legs any longer. Her knees were nearly to her chin. She was hunched over, quite appropriately, in the fetal position. Ironically, inside the safe, protective padding of Applejack's womb, Apple Bloom found it nearly impossible to get comfortable. Her limbs pushed against the sides of her prison. "Ooh, she's kicking!" Applejack squealed. Big Mac wiped the sweat from his brow and walked over to place his hoof against Applejack's belly, feeling their filly, full of life, moving inside her. "Don't act like I can't hear you!" Apple Bloom complained. She no longer had to yell to be heard. "Is my little foal getting cranky again?" Applejack asked. "Another feeding time?" Big Mac gently stroked Applejack's mane. "I think it's Momma's turn this time," he said. Apple Bloom was gently rocked back and forth inside Applejack as she sucked Big Mac's dick. Apple Bloom didn't want to admit it, herself, but she was feeling her own hunger pangs. Underlying that was a subtle envy that she couldn't ignore. A feeling that she wanted to be the one sucking his dick. She hoped it was just a feeling bleeding through her link with Applejack. Applejack's moan of pleasure reverberated throughout her body, all around Apple Bloom. The world turned over around her as Applejack rolled onto her back. Apple Bloom felt the sensation of trying to swallow a big pill, like a really big pill getting stuck in her throat. Applejack's moans turned into guttural grunts and gurgles as Big Mac pushed his dick down her throat until his balls were up against her nose. Apple Bloom felt a strange sensation of her appetite being filled as Big Mac ejaculated straight into Applejack's stomach. This was followed by a dizzy sense, and Big Mac pulled out before Applejack asphyxiated. Applejack's chunky burp thundered around Apple Bloom. Apple Bloom didn't feel hungry anymore, but she didn't feel full, either. "How about an actual meal?" she asked. "I agree!" Applejack said. The world spun around Apple Bloom again as Applejack rolled over to climb out of bed. With less room to be tossed around, Apple Bloom had a rather comfortable ride inside Applejack's belly as she trotted downstairs. Applejack opened the fridge and freezer to make herself a bowl of, "Ice cream and pickles!" she said aloud. Apple Bloom thought it was revolting at first, but quickly found that it was exactly what she was craving. Applejack made herself a bowl and leaned over the kitchen counter to feed her face with a spoon. Apple Bloom felt a mental sensation of satisfying the craving, but her actual stomach still felt empty. Applejack's body shifted around her. "Oh, ready again?" Applejack asked. "Eeyup!" Big Mac said with pride as he mounted Applejack right there at the kitchen counter, pushing his fresh erection deep inside her. Any objection Apple Bloom might have to them fucking again had vanished. She squirmed around inside Applejack's womb to reposition herself while Big Mac kept thrusting. Applejack felt a fluttering in her tummy from Apple Bloom's movement. "Ooh, I think somepony is excited." Apple Bloom wasn't listening to anything other than the wet squelching of Big Mac's dick sliding in and out of Applejack's pussy. With little other point of reference, she turned herself to face towards the noise, feeling around in front of her for the now-tiny pucker in the wall. She could feel the dull thumping of the turgid flesh battering the other side, and she waited. Big Mac's breathing became more rapid and shallow, turning into desperate grunts as he tried to push as deep as he could, restricted to being barely able to get half of his dick inside Applejack now as he started to cum. His flare stretched her cervix and inside, Apple Bloom planted her lips around it. Big Mac grunted with each pulsing throb of his shaft as he pumped load after load straight into Apple Bloom's waiting mouth. She swallowed it just as fast as he could feed it to her. Even Applejack hummed in satisfaction, feeling her own hunger just as filled now. When Applejack wasn't laying in her hammock or getting fucked, Apple Bloom was laying in a hammock of her own, swinging from side to side as Applejack's belly swayed under her with every step, rocking her to sleep. Until she was awoken by a frantic shaking of her hurried steps and the sound of running water. Like, a lot of water. "Are you really that thirsty?" Apple Bloom asked. "What? No!" Applejack said. "I'm on the toilet, Sugarcube! You were sleeping right on my darn bladder!" "Ew!" "Yeah, it wasn't no fun carrying you around the first time either. But at least this time it isn't for eleven months," Applejack groaned. "You've gotten mighty big," Mac said, watching her from the hallway outside the bathroom. Applejack eyed his erection as it throbbed underneath him. "You're one to talk." She leaned to the side to get some toilet paper and groaned, trying to navigate around her belly. "Ugh, I can't even reach myself no more!" "Granny's gonna be home tomorrow night. I suppose it is getting to be about that time," Mac said, helping her. "Time for what?" Apple Bloom asked. Applejack rubbed her belly. "Why, for you to be born again, Sugarcube! "Oh. Right." "I thought you'd be more excited to be done with your time-out," Applejack said. "No, I am. I just..." Apple Bloom trailed off, readjusting herself inside Applejack's womb. She had wanted so badly to get herself free. And it had become undoubtedly cramped. And yet, the thought of actually leaving felt surprisingly melancholy. "It's just that this has been... nice. Strange, but nice. Learning about you and Mac, er, Dad, I guess. Knowing that I still have my parents." Applejack slumped into her bed and laid on her side, rubbing her belly. "This has been nice for me too," she said. "I'm sorry about what I said earlier, about it being no fun carrying you around. Honestly, being pregnant is physically uncomfortable. But having you back inside me, feeling you grow, has just been so..." Applejack felt herself getting misty. "I love you so much, Bloom. You've always been my little filly. Having you was the best darn mistake I ever made!" Big Mac held Applejack's hoof. "We made. Together." "I'm so glad we could finally tell you the truth about us. About you." Apple Bloom didn't need her umbilical cord to feel their love. "I almost don't want to leave." Big Mac rubbed his cheek against Applejack's stretched belly. "You do look so beautiful like this, carrying our little foal inside you." Applejack smiled. "Part of me would love to just keep you in there forever Bloom, keep you safe and sound. But if you get much bigger, you're gonna pop me open like a dang watermelon! So we gotta get you out." "How?" "The old fashioned way," Applejack sighed. "But to get that started..." She trailed off and looked at Big Mac. He took the last potion vial out of the kit that Zecora had given them. Applejack nodded and he drank it. He felt his scrotum start to tingle, and Applejack could see his balls visibly swell larger. They had both rehearsed the entire process from start to finish. She laid back on the bed and waited for what was to come next as he spread her legs for her. Big Mac was in no rush for this chapter of their lives to end again so quickly. His nose nuzzled against her very full teats, swollen with life-nourishing milk. He was sorely tempted to indulge himself, but he knew it was for the coming newborn foal. He ventured lower to Applejack swollen pussy, taking long, deep licks inside her, savoring his sister's pregnant flavor one last time, taking great efforts to commit it to his memory. He would cherish it forever. Applejack panted and wheezed, but less from pleasure, and more from the pressure inside her. "Mac, come on," she pleaded. Big Mac was many things, but selfish least of all. Nothing could make him deny his sister's plea. Even if that was how they got into this predicament in the first place. He reared up and gently mounted her, pushing the tip of his dick inside her very wet pussy. With Apple Bloom taking up most of Applejack's abdomen, barely a third of his shaft was inside her before he bumped into her cervix. Apple Bloom had lost all sense of up or down inside Applejack's womb. All she could feel was an insistent knocking behind her. Applejack knew what was coming next. She gripped the bedsheets, and braced herself. Big Mac looked at her with worried eyes, but she just nodded with determination. The knocking behind Apple Bloom came harder. The strong, muscular walls of Applejack's uterus flexed and bowed inwards. Apple Bloom could feel Applejack's cervix begin to stretch and dilate more each time. "What the hay!?" With one last firm push, the tip of Big Mac's dick popped inside Applejack cervix. Applejack stifled her yelp from the sudden discomfort but remained steadfast, nodding for him to keep going. Apple Bloom panicked as what felt like the seat of a bar stool was suddenly shoved against her whole backside. There was hardly no room at all, but she still scrambled to move herself out of the way as Mac pushed more of himself inside. His massive girth moved up between Apple Bloom's legs against her belly. Applejack groaned and grunted feeling her being stretched even more. Big Mac kept going until he was able to get his heavy balls resting against her ass. He sighed once he got full length back inside his sister again. "Ah, finally!" Apple Bloom was now sharing her already-tiny apartment with a massive, veiny, tree trunk, with his tip pushed up against her chin. Applejack's breathing was coming fast and shallow with hardly enough room left inside her for her lungs. "Don't. Dawdle. Now," she panted. Big Mac took one last look at her beautiful, pregnant body and nodded. He started thrusting gently, but with intention to finish as fast as he could. He would not prolong her discomfort. Apple Bloom's concern only intensified as his dick thrusted inside along her torso. Even if she knew what to expect, nothing could have actually prepared her for the reality of what was actually about to happen once his tip flared in front of her. Big Mac felt himself go past the point of no return. Every orgasm he had ever had in his entire life flashed before his eyes. From his very first wet dream, to when his hoof discovered himself. To losing his virginity with his own sister, and every time they made love since then. To the forceful ejaculation of Apple Bloom back inside Applejack's womb, and all her feedings in the past few days. Nothing even came close to this. The effects of the potion swirled around, and within his balls, sending their production into overdrive. The sheer volume of cum shooting up through his dick almost hurt to stretch his dick around. What was once a quick blast of stallion yogurt turned into a continuous firehose of semen blasting Apple Bloom in the face. The tight seal of Applejack's cervix gripping his dick let his sister feel just how hard his dick was throbbing. And it also gave his torrent of cum no exit as it quickly filled what little space was left inside her womb. Apple Bloom held her breath, but was quickly reminded that she still didn't need to breathe. Even with the rest of the space filled, he didn't stop cumming. The pressure actually started to push his dick back out until only the sheer girth of his flare remained stuck. Applejack moaned as her was uterus stretched to its absolute limit by the time he finished. The bit of extra space let Apple Bloom awkwardly turned herself around inside. Driven by instinct, her cozy comfort had been replaced with a frightful claustrophobia. Her legs pushed against the top of Applejack's womb and the top of her head pushed against Big Mac's dick. The bit of extra pressure was finally enough to get him dislodged until it was Apple Bloom's head plugging the exit. The potion mixed into Big Mac's semen swirled around inside Applejack's bloated womb, being absorbed into her bloodstream. Applejack clutched her belly and groaned as her contractions started. Her body's natural instincts took over, beginning the process to push her foal out. The walls around Apple Bloom's body squeezed her hard, downward against the tight exit of her cervix. Each squeeze, each push got her a little further as Applejack's cervix stretched open just a bit more. Once that widest part of her head was through, there was just the matter of her shoulders, and before long, she was nearly half way there. She felt Big Mac's dick against the top of her head and suddenly she was shoved back up inside Applejack's womb again. Applejack grunted from having the wind literally knocked out of her. "The hay is wrong with you!?" Applejack yelled at Big Mac. He rubbed his hoof over her belly one last time. "Sorry. I just wasn't ready for you to be done being pregnant," he said, before pulling himself out completely. "A real considerate mid-wife you are!" she groaned, feeling her hard labor undone in one thrust. "Argh! Get her out of me!" Applejack shifted herself to the edge of the bed and rolled over to put her legs on the floor. She pushed again, hoping gravity would help this time. Thoroughly stretched from the first time, she was able to push Apple Bloom out a bit easier. Apple Bloom's head was out of her womb again, squeezed on all sides by her powerful vaginal muscles. Applejack felt Big Mac on top of her back. "The hay are you doing now!?" "This'll help," he said, pressing the tip of his dick against her anus. "How in tarnation is that supposed to-!" her voice was cut off as he pushed his dick inside her ponut. "Too much potion," he grunted. "Nuts too full." They never regretted having Apple Bloom. But one inbred foal was enough. There was no sense in rolling the dice with another. As such, Applejack had become quite used to taking his full length up her tail pipe. But her pelvis was already quite crowded. Through the thin divide, Apple Bloom could feel the girth of Big Mac's dick rubbing against her face as he pushed the full length of it back and forth up inside Applejack's rectum. He reached around and played with her clitoris as he did. Another contraction rocked through Applejack's body and her every muscle squeezed together to push Apple Bloom out a little more. "Land's sake!" Applejack screamed. The symphony of pleasure, pain, and pressure became a jumbled mess of sensations clouding her mind of any rational thought beyond 'push'. With the next contraction, the top of Apple Bloom's head felt a cool breeze. "I think she's crowning," Mac said as he continued to plunge his dick deep inside Applejack's asshole. More of her head emerged with the next push and Apple Bloom blinked in the harsh light of the outside world... and then with each time Big Mac's balls smacked her forehead. She winced and tried to look away, squirming inside Applejack's stretched birth canal to turn herself over. "Bloom! What are you doing to me!?" Applejack moaned before pushing again. Facing towards the floor now, she could see Big Mac's hoof expertly playing with Applejack's clit. With the next push Apple Bloom was able to get her first breath of fresh air. Big Mac grunted above them and hilted himself deep inside Applejack's ass as he unloaded yet again, flooding her colon with cum. Apple Bloom felt the pressure inside built even higher and Applejack's pussy quiver around her, squirting her in the face with her mare cum. The rush of extra lubrication helped Applejack for the final push, sending Apple Bloom tumbling out onto the carpet followed by the deluge of her parents' collective cum gushing out of Applejack's birth canal. She watched Big Mac slowly pull out of Applejack. Her strong ponut prevented any worse mess while his erection finally retreated back into his sheath. Applejack rolled over onto her back and breathed a sigh of relief, seeing that her massive belly had finally returned to her normal proportions. Apple Bloom didn't understand why, but she started to wail. "Oh, bring her here!" Applejack said. Big Mac picked up Apple Bloom and brought her to Applejack's waiting hooves. "There there. It's okay little one. It's gonna be okay." "Hungry?" Big Mac asked. "She must be," Applejack said, holding Apple Bloom to her swollen teats. As soon as the nipple touched her lips, Apple Bloom started to suckle. "There there. You've had a long day." As soon as she emptied one, she went right to the other, draining them both of her milk. "That's the way, little Bloom. Help you grow big and strong." Applejack stroked her mane until she fell asleep on her chest. ~ Apple Bloom awoke with a start. It felt like a part of herself had been severed, like she had just had a limb cut off. She looked at Applejack. Startled awake from her own nap, Applejack looked back at her just as worried. Apple Bloom looked at her umbilical cord, following along it from her belly button all the way back between Applejack's legs, into her marehood. With barely a tug, the remaining length freely slid out of Applejack. The cord in her hoof withered away and it fell from her belly button. "No, no no!" Apple Bloom cried, trying to spread open Applejack's vagina with her hooves. But there was no way. The potion's magic in Applejack's milk had Apple Bloom nearly back to her original size in the course of her nap. It was over. She was out. The way was shut. And there was no going back inside to that lost paradise of her mother's womb. Apple Bloom now understood why newborn foals cried. Applejack pulled her into a hug. Applejack directed her to her full teats. "I've got one last feeding for you before these go away. Zecora said you'll be back to full size by tomorrow morning." Apple Bloom started to suckle her mother's milk again. Her mother's milk. She looked up at Applejack. "Mommy..." Applejack had waited her whole life to hear that. She hugged her harder. "Yeah. That's right. We can't be telling everypony that, okay? But you can call me Mommy now." Apple Bloom nodded. Big Mac returned from taking a shower. "She awake?" Apple Bloom looked at him. "Daddy?" Big Mac's erection slapped his belly. "No!" Applejack scolded. "Only I get to call him Daddy." > Epilogue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next day, Apple Bloom went into Ponyville and knocked on Sweetie Belle's door. Sweetie's father answered. "Oh. Hi. Is Sweetie Belle home?" Rarity peeked from around the door. "Sweetie Belle? I'm afraid she still grounded from her little stunt with Miss Cheerilee." "Apple Bloom!?" she heard Sweetie Belle's muffled voice. Apple Bloom pushed open the door and looked at Rarity's very pregnant belly. "Get me out of here!"