> A Diamond in the Rough > by Red049 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > For a friend, make amends > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- On this serene morning in Ponyville, the bustling streets appear to have more activity than usual, and an air of mystique hovers over the town. Amidst the crowds, a human figure strolls through Equestria's magical atmosphere, drawing the attention of nearby ponies. Clutching a gleaming white gemstone, they navigate the lively streets with purpose. As the human approaches the iconic Carousel Boutique, gasps of shock ripple through the onlookers, their eyes fixated on both the enigmatic visitor and the radiant gem in hand. Whispers of curiosity and confusion weave through the crowd, creating an atmosphere of intrigue. Undeterred by the attention, the human sports a smug expression, relishing the reactions they've stirred. Yet, with a focused determination, they press on toward their destination. The murmurs and gazes may linger, but the human remains committed to their true goal for the day. Finally reaching the entrance of the Boutique, the human pauses to peer through its windows, eager to catch a glimpse of the fashionista within. Unsurprisingly, the elegant white pony, engrossed in her work, sits at a table crafting a stylish purple garment. The fabric is adorned with a gold outline, culminating in a regal tiara-like marking at its centre. Without wasting a moment, the determined human taps the Boutique's door with three distinct knocks, their patient yet eager expression intensifying with each. Before her arrival, however, he ensures the pocketing of his valuable gemstone. Rarity, the elegant pony within, lifts her head in response, momentarily halting her meticulous work. "Just a moment, dear! I'll be with you shortly," she announces with an elegant and expressive tone before gracefully returning to her sewing. With the final stitches completed, she places the needle aside. Turning to face the door, Rarity walks with an air of positivity, wholly absorbed in her creative pursuits. Upon reaching the entrance, she opens it with a polite smile. However, upon spotting the visitor, her demeanour shifts to one of gleeful surprise. "Oh, goodness! I had no idea you were stopping by today, darling. What happened to your training with Rainbow Dash?" The human, uncertain for a moment, carefully replies, "Right, about that..." A hint of nervousness lingers as they continue, "It turns out, I just wasn't keeping up enough. She told me to come back tomorrow with 'more energy than Pinkie Pie on annual cake day,' although... something tells me she might've exaggerated a little." Rarity waves her hoof dismissively, responding with a touch of humour, "Don't worry about that, Anon. She always wants everypony to go past their limits, even if they really shouldn't." After a brief pause, she continues, "My apologies, darling. Where are my manners? Would you like to come in? I imagine whatever you've shown up for must be quite important." With a graceful gesture, she invites him toward the comfortable seating area. The human steps inside, and Rarity promptly closes the door behind him. They take their seats beside each other, settling into what is evidently a cozy arrangement. "Normally I would offer you a beverage, but something tells me you're in quite the hurry," Rarity observes, noting the human's avid expression. "Why might that be?" she inquires. Anon, grappling with how to express his intentions, decides to state them nonetheless. "Well, Rarity... Tell me, have you ever heard of the fabled 'Star of the Skies?'" he asks, a blend of curiosity and determination in his eyes. "At least, that's what ponies have come to calling it, anyway." Rarity ponders for a moment, uncertain of the gem's exact origins and Anon's purpose for bringing it up. Suddenly, her eyes widen with shock, and enthusiasm takes over. "The Star of the Skies? You mean... the gemstone everypony has been after since its first arrival?" Her tone wavers as she struggles to continue, "Wh-why, t-that's got to be one of the most v-valuable - no... most PRISTINE stones in all of... Equestria! Nopony has ever found it!" Anon, all the while, carefully retrieves the precious gem from his pocket, placing it on his lap without uttering a word. "-I know there's always so many beautiful gems in the mountains, but... one of such magnificence? Why, I'd do anything for-" Rarity momentarily halts her ramblings, her gaze returning to Anon. Her hooves tremble slightly, and she stutters, even less capable of coherent speech. "It was quite the task to find, I must say..." Anon interjects with modesty and a hint of playfulness. "You're absolutely right about one thing, though... it is quite the sight, isn't it?" He briefly turns to gaze out the window, stating, "Ponies of all kinds were after it once they noticed it. I always assumed it was just a simple tale like a lot of the others, but... surprisingly, it wasn't," before turning back. As Anon concludes the backstory of his remarkable find, Rarity shakes her head a few times to regain composure before asking, "How... What... Where did you find this?" Clearly in a state of shock, she makes an honourable effort to contain her emotions. He chuckles simplistically before responding, "The wonders of human technology, Rarity. It's quite amazing what it can accomplish." He lifts the gemstone, allowing the room's light to pass through it, intensifying its gleam. Rarity stares in awe, seemingly holding herself back in her chair, yet unable to contain her interest. "Darling, I simply must ask... What exactly do you intend to do with such a thing?" Her voice carries a slight tone of upset, revealing her conflicted emotions about the matter. "Well, I never really thought about it..." he replies with a casual shrug. "I don't know. Maybe I could use it to make some kind of laser. That'd be pretty fun," he adds, with an exaggerated look of interest. "No!" Rarity exclaims, leaping out of her chair just before the human. Anon, taken aback, remains unmoved. Rarity composes herself, clearing her throat before responding more rationally. "My, I... apologize. But still... please don't tell me you intend on ruining such a beautiful gem with... lasers?" she says, expressing a hint of remorse. Brushing off the encounter, the human states, "It could certainly be an idea, but... I don't exactly have to. I don't really know what else to do with it, though. It's not like I've got some rare mineral industry or something." He returns the gem to his pocket, right where it originally was. Upon this action, Rarity grows more impassioned, a faint impatience evident in her demeanour. "So what you're saying is... you don't need it?" she questions, with an almost flirtatious tone. After a moment of contemplation, he shrugs once more and says, "I... guess not, no. I'm sure I can find someone who'd find a use for it." He briefly suggests, "Oh, do you think Spike would want it for a gift? I'm sure he'd love it!" With that, he rises from his seat, glancing at the door. Rarity, all the while, trembles in place. "In any case, that was all I was here for, Rarity. I just thought you'd appreciate seeing it. It was wonderful seeing you, though!" he finalizes before turning towards the entrance of the Boutique, taking a few steps in that direction. As Anon takes his leave, Rarity anxiously paces on the spot, uncertain of how to address the situation unfolding before her. She knows time is fleeting, but no solution presents itself. The faint jingle of a bell accompanies the opening door as Anon begins to step out. In a moment of realization, Rarity bolts towards him, exclaiming, "Wait!" Startled, Anon turns to face her, puzzled by the urgency in her expression. Rarity wastes no time in explaining her abrupt interruption. "50 bits!" she declares, leaving Anon momentarily confused. She clears her throat and elaborates, "I mean - I would be willing to give you 50 bits for that, um... stone. Gemstone." She nervously rubs her hoof along the ground, avoiding direct eye contact. Pleased with himself, the human closes the door behind him, returning to the Boutique. He responds, "Oh, I appreciate it, Rarity, but... I don't really need bits. With how many ponies are practically lining up to buy some of the things I've made, it's not really that big of a deal!" This revelation adds a layer of concern to Rarity's expression, but her determination remains unwavering. "Well," she says, approaching him with a more serious demeanour, "In that case, how about 100 bits? I believe that would be more than fair." Anon shakes his head, explaining, "Again, I'm not really in great need for it, Rarity. For now, I think I'll just hold onto it until I figure out what to do." This response shatters Rarity's bargaining facade, pushing her into a state of urgency. "W-well... 250 bits would be sufficient, would it not?" she persists, but Anon remains unswayed. "...500? Surely you'd take 500 bits for it? My most expensive materials don't even cost that much!" Her passionate plea shifts to disappointment as she suggests, "1... 1000, and no mo-" Anon places a finger to Rarity's mouth, silencing her. "I just don't need the bits, Rarity, I'm sorry," he plainly states, taking a step away. "If I did, I wouldn't have hesitated at the first offer, really. But... I just find more value in keeping it. That's all there is to say." He resumes his departure, albeit more slowly this time. Believing her last chance is slipping away, Rarity concedes, "Whatever you like!" Fatigue is evident in her expression as she seems not to be thinking straight. Anon's attention is drawn back as he turns to face her. "Is that right?" he asks plainly. Rarity hesitates for a moment, her eyes darting avidly. Eventually, she nods her head, saying, "...Yes. I've been seeking that exact gemstone for... well, as long as I can remember, really. So long I almost forgot about it. And... if that means you may have something of mine in return, no matter how valuable... I see no problem in it." She briefly turns around, surveying the room, then faces him again. "...Even if it's one of my most precious designs. I'm sure you'd find more use in that than, well... something you hardly even know about, right?" In a position of power, the human responds, "Well, when you put it that way... Sure, I suppose I could make use of something in here, opposed to the gemstone. Although... as you may know, I never really was too into the whole fashion thing." He chuckles briefly before adding, "Besides, what would I do with an outfit for a pony, anyway? It would be too much trouble to ask for a completely new one, as well." Rarity, intrigued yet puzzled, tilts her head slightly. "So there was... something else you were interested in? I must say... I'm a little surprised, Anon! But, of course, if you would find it acceptable, by all means, please, just say the word." She turns to face her working area, contemplating what might capture his interest. Her thoughts are consumed by the task, struggling to pinpoint something she believes he would find valuable. As this happens, Anon finds himself glancing across Rarity's physique, as he thinks to himself momentarily. Then, he decides to make his move. "You," he states, unwavering and bold. The remark causes Rarity to break from her distraction, and completely freeze in place. Following this, he takes a few paces towards her, just to her side, as he elaborates, "I believe no more needs to be said. You're a smart pony, and quite the graceful one, at that. I would think it should come as no surprise, given the ask." She takes a few moments to breathe, still maintaining her position. Despite appearing to struggle with composure, she unexpectedly states, "It's a deal." Her response is delivered with utmost seriousness, akin to a professional agreement, before turning to face him from her side. Anon, taken aback, is at a loss for words, surprised by both Rarity's returned resolve and the acceptance of such an unconventional request. "Wait, you... really?" he stammers, unable to articulate more. "You're after one thing, and I'm after another. They're both equally valuable, and both possible to transact," she explains, maintaining her earnest tone. "I have no quarrel as long as the desire is mutual," she concludes. After contemplating the unexpected turn of events, Anon responds to Rarity with the remaining tenacity he can muster, "W-well, I-I... see no problem with it myself." With newfound clarity, Rarity heads toward the Boutique's windows, closing each one to obscure visibility. Now, the only light source is from within, faint and limited. "Just so you're aware, Anon..." she says seductively as she returns to his side, facing directly forward, "I, too, will be enjoying this. That part is non-optional." A smug expression immediately graces her face, succeeded by a few taps of her hoof onto her rump. "Now let's not dally; I'm quite the busy mare. I've had orders coming in all day." She turns to face him and adds, "And do keep this between us. I know you have a habit of sharing secrets, but this is one I would rather not be told."