> Shattered Pages > by Caladis > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 - A Daughter's Love > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Princess Twilight Sparkle was humming a happy tune as she walked to the Royal Dining Room for breakfast. While she had lived in Canterlot Castle for most of her youth as Princess Celestia’s personal student, it had taken her a while to adjust to the reality of not just living here full time but ruling from here as well. Part of her knew that she’d not remain in Ponyville forever, but returning to Canterlot so soon and apparently forever was a shock as she never expected to rule from Canterlot, or at all, actually. Her friends came to Canterlot once a month for an entire three-day weekend to do a ruling council type of event, helping with creating or changing laws… or just giving ideas on how to solve various problems, with a little time left over for socializing. It did help to shoulder the burden of rule, but it also highlighted how badly she missed not being able to see her friends daily. Worse still, it wasn’t nearly as good as having a husband at her side with that daily support, like what Cadance enjoyed with Shining Armor, which was something that Cadance wouldn’t stop talking about. She wasn’t jealous… well, not Nightmare Moon level jealous, but it felt within her right to have at least one stallion that loved her unconditionally for the pony that she was, not the title she held. Maybe the need for companionship would fade after a few hundred years but she didn’t see herself as ever being fully sexless like Celestia was, despite still being a virgin currently. As time passed and took Shining and all of her friends with it, she knew that forsaking love would be as hard for Cadance as forsaking friendship would be for Twilight, and she didn’t see it happening anytime soon. As she walked through the hallway, she tried to be as inconspicuous as a princess could be while the servants were busy hanging white, red, and pink ribbons and banners in honor of the upcoming holiday, which made her both sigh in longing and grin in anticipation. Her least favorite holiday of all time was coming up… the dreaded Hearts and Hooves Day. While being foalsat as a filly, Cadance had pulled out all the stops trying to get Twilight a Hearts and Hooves date, but she was just too awkward to make it work. Back then, a good book was better than a first kiss. Once she got a little older, Twilight had finally appreciated what Cadance had tried to do, but it was too late. Not a lot of stallions were interested in the bookish mare after watching her turn down every colt and then stallions for years. It sucked being left alone year after year, but this year, she had a plan. She was going to keep it simple. She wasn’t trying for a special somepony or even a formal date. She just wanted to get laid, and she knew the perfect stallion for the job. If only she could get him to mount her… Twilight had assumed the rule of Equestria eight months ago when Celestia and Luna retired after the most recent Summer Sun Celebration, and while the job wasn’t her cup of tea, she did enjoy the perk of being able to spend time with her father every day now that he was her official Royal Advisor. It felt like they had a lifetime to catch up on, more so in some areas than others. Night Light had faithfully served Princess Celestia for well over 25 years and he wasn’t ready to retire yet, so his service simply transferred from one princess to another. Raven Inkwell stayed on as well, giving Twilight a solid, well trained, and experienced administrative staff, which she appreciated more than she could ever say. Night Light also seemed happier now, being able to serve his daughter and to spend more time with her, but that could be hit or miss depending on where his mood was, which was unfortunately becoming more unstable for reasons that Twilight hadn’t been able to ascertain. Through trial and error, she found that jokes and humor of a sexual nature, that would normally be very inappropriate for a daughter to make towards her father, let alone a princess to make ever, seemed to make her father laugh and then feel better, but maybe that was just them being able to bond deeper in a way that neither of them had time for previously. As a young filly, Twilight’s upbringing had been very loving and very ‘normal.’ If fact, she didn’t find out about the so-called unicorn incest kink until she started attending Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns, the cliché being more obvious with only unicorns attending the school. Her classmates seemed shocked that she and Night Light nor she and Shining Armor ever did anything sexual, and that, in part, might have been one of the reasons that she didn’t have a lot of friends until she moved to Ponyville. At times, she wondered if it was just a joke that went over her head or if she was really missing out on something normal, natural, and fun. Did her father not love her enough to make love to her? It was a recurring thought in her youth. She was too embarrassed to ever ask him. But that was going to change soon. It had to. She was ready, or so she had told herself. She wanted a Hearts and Hooves Day rut as her first time and only her father would do. She needed a pony she could trust, and she trusted no pony more than her father. Somepony had to claim her flower and she had been saving it for her father, not that she had ever told anypony this. She entered the dining room and sat down, the doors closing behind her to give her momentary privacy to break the ice of the morning. Her father walked in a few minutes later, a little later than normal, but he also seemed more exhausted than normal. To say that it appeared that he didn’t sleep well would have been an understatement. Night Light yawned and then gave his daughter a peck on the cheek. He also looked a little upset, as if he had just received bad news. “Good morning, Princess. I have some paperwork that I need you to sign urgently.” Twilight smiled at her father as he sat down in the chair next to her. Let the morning games begin… With a hint of lust, she teased her father. “You know, you can have more than just a peck on the cheek, daddy.” Night Light snorted. “Yeah… I’m sure I could. However, with half the nobles kissing your ass already, a simple peck on the cheek is at least honest affection… unlike what some ponies give.” Twilight smiled at the jab about how the nobles seemed to be trying to suck up to her now that years of sucking up to Celestia no longer mattered, but she also frowned at how… pointed… the statement about ‘honest affection’ was. There was clearly something more to the statement… was now a bad time to push for what she had wanted for so long? After a moment’s thought, Twilight decided that she had to double down. Her father’s mood was worse than normal this morning and his exhaustion was concerning. She decided to stand up and position herself for a more complex and far more serious ‘joke’ than normal, even if it hurt her plans in the process. Her own needs were nothing compared to her father’s needs. In a succulent tone, she pressed her luck by pushing the limits of her father’s affection for her and his ability to respond playfully to an otherwise ‘innocent joke.’ “Yes, daddy. The nobles are sucking up to me, but none of them have suckled me. Would you like to, daddy?” Night Light coughed into his morning coffee before turning to look at his daughter. The sight of her made his jaw drop and his cock hard. Twilight was facing away from him, her head lowered all the way to the floor, with her tail flagged and her legs spread. Her ample hips were raised, and her tight purple pussy was winking at him, while her main intended display was swaying for his apt attention. Twilight’s teats hung low, bigger than her mother’s, despite never having had a foal. Becoming an Alicorn had made her a mare beautiful enough to ogle without shame, though Night Light was acutely aware that she was still a virgin… and she was still his daughter. Night Light swallowed hard, and his even harder cock smacked the bottom of the dining room table with a loud, obvious, meaty smack. He looked down at the table in shock, betrayed by his own body’s reaction to his beautiful daughter. His blue cheeks went red in a deep blush. Twilight grinned at the sound and sight, but he groaned, defeated. “I hate to admit it, but suckling on you might make me feel better… however, other than basic sexual pleasure, it would do me no good… for you have no milk for me to enjoy, sweetheart.” Twilight smirked. “There is a lactation spell for that. Give me six hours and you’ll have all the milk you could ever drink… daddy…” Her tail twitched in a very enticing way… Night Light sighed. “You can remove a unicorn from incest, but you can’t take the incest out of the unicorn… old clichés never die, it appears. I knew that sending you to an all-unicorn school was a bad idea, no matter how good the education was. Lower your tail and sit down. If a servant saw you doing that, we’d never be able to explain it, other than by the usual assumptions.” Twilight may have been a Princess, but she was also a daddy’s filly, and she didn’t mind obeying him. Besides, staying on his good side was central to her plans. She lowered her tail and sat back down, and not a moment too soon as the servants came in to take their breakfast order. Twilight ordered her usual stack of pancakes with coffee, but Night Light ordered eggs on toast with a side of bacon, extra crispy, and more coffee. The servant seemed horrified that Night Light would eat meat but took the order and left. Twilight hummed in thought while her father consumed the rest of the cup of coffee that he had brought in with him in near record time. She cleared her throat softly. “You only eat meat when you’re on a sexual dry spell, which honestly doesn’t happen often. Are you and mom fighting?” She tried not to sound excited by the prospect. He rubbed his face, still trying to clear the sleep from his eyes. “It’s a long story. And I promised your mother that I wouldn’t talk about it… not that it’s really a secret anymore.” Twilight pursed her lips. “There is nothing that you can’t tell me, as either your Princess or as your daughter. And if it’s not really a secret, then I could always claim that I found out from some other source. I don’t like seeing you this tired or this upset. Please daddy… tell me what’s wrong.” Night Light was silent for a long moment, appearing to gather his thoughts, and the servants returned with breakfast only to beat a hasty retreat before he could take the first bite out of the bacon. They acted as if they couldn’t bear to watch him eat it. He gagged at the taste. “It’s half raw. Your cooks need to be better trained in cooking meat for the carnivore dignitaries that come to the castle on occasion. This is insulting. Waste of bacon.” He rang a bell angrily and a servant reappeared. “Yes, sir?” Night Light’s glare could have made Equestria freeze over in a new wendigo winter. “This bacon is undercooked. Take it back and cook it the rest of the way or by Twilight, I will order an actual manticore steak for the kitchen staff to fret over.” The servant paled and took the bacon back on a separate plate to finish cooking. Twilight sighed. “As amusing as it is to hear ‘By Twilight’ instead of ‘By Celestia,’ I know that you’re having a bad morning, so don’t you dare try to change the subject.” Night Light met his daughter’s eyes and held them in his gaze, not wanting to miss her expression when he told her the truth. “Your mother is cheating on me.” Twilight’s jaw dropped open and her eyes expressed shock. Her wings opened rapidly and knocked over a flower vase on a pedestal near the wall, causing it to fall and shatter. Night Light winced at the sound of shattering glass but didn’t speak. He instead watched her facial expressions and emotions, knowing that it would likely mirror his wife’s reaction when he served her divorce papers. Twilight seemed to go through the five stages of grief in mere moments before she settled on rage. “WHAT! When did this start?” Night Light looked down at his food and took a bite of egg, trying to come up with a way to break this to her. After rolling the facts over in his head, he realized that this was much worse than he had allowed himself to believe over the years. Maybe he had been lying to himself as much as Velvet had been lying to him. His shame pierced his voice and he seemed so much weaker than the happy stallion that his daughter looked up to. “It started fifteen years ago, right after you started attending Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns. I could have stopped it before it really took off, but I think it would have put a strain on our marriage. Of course, all these years later, the strain is there anyways, but now it’s the solution that became the cause.” Twilight’s mind was whirling. Her entire happy upbringing was a lie. This started while she was still a filly. All those days of coming home from school and showing him her good grades. The smiles her mother gave her father. The meek pecks on the cheek in honest affection… Her father had shouldered this mistreatment for years. But why? Twilight drowned her pancakes in syrup, imagining that she was drowning her mother instead. Nopony treated her daddy like that. Nopony. Wait… this is perfect… Twilight’s voice was clinically flat while she hid her glee, like a therapist asking a patient for more information about the issue they were facing. She magically summoned some parchment and quill, as if preparing to take notes. Her love of checklists notwithstanding, she wasn’t trying to ruin the chance for her father to get this off his chest and she knew she was in too deep to stop now. She wasn’t looking at him when she asked her next question. “I trust that she had a good reason for this. And that you have a good reason for going along with it?” Night Light shook his head. “The reasons made sense fifteen years ago but stopped making sense ten years ago. Five years ago, I started actively trying to fix this, but your mother doesn’t seem to want it fixed. And now, I am where I am. I haven’t had sex in over six months and while I enjoy your sexual jokes and other inappropriate humor, you have no idea how ashamed I am to get a boner from watching my daughter do something sexually impropriate for a cheap laugh out of me after I worked so hard to not expose you to incest and to break the cliché that affects so many unicorn families. I feel like I’ve failed you more than I failed your mother. Please, forgive me.” Twilight bit her lip and put down the parchment and quill. A full confession might balance the scales in this case. “There is nothing to forgive and I’m not trying to make you feel ashamed. It always bothered me that you didn’t seem to ‘love me enough to make love to me’, at least from the stories I heard the other fillies tell at the school. Maybe they made it up to fit in, I’ll never know. In my case, I was always too embarrassed to ask you to take me even though I wanted you. It would have been hotter if mom walked in on us having sex. I’ve wanted you so badly for so long… I think that was part of the reason why I never got a coltfriend, despite both mom’s and Cadance’s pushing for it to happen. I always wanted you to be my first, although, I could never tell mom or Cadance that. In fact, I was hoping that you’d be willing to take my virginity for Hearts and Hooves Day this year. If you’re willing… daddy.” Night Light gulped in dread. This offer was the absolute worst possible thing. In hindsight, he did love his daughter enough to make love to her, but he never wanted to acknowledge it to himself, let alone admit that to her. Worse still, he was horny enough to take her up on the offer, but he had reservations about doing it while still being legally married because he made promises to Velvet that he had never broken, even while his marriage continued to decay. He decided to try take a middle ground stance and simply pretend to understand while acknowledging what she said and trying to explain things to her. He just had to hope that he didn’t say something stupid. Night Light nodded in understanding. “All fillies want their father, and all colts want their mother, at least according to Sigmund Stallion. Given how your mother has treated me, I wouldn’t be shocked if she told me that she had been sleeping with Shining Armor too. As little sex as I get from her, it wouldn’t surprise me if was cheating on me with more stallions than the one I approved of. That makes me lonely and needy… and weak to temptation. And now, as the ruling princess of Equestria, you could simply order me to fuck you and I can’t say no. What say you, Princess?” Twilight gasped in horror. “No! I would never order you to do so. I would want this to be a mutual need. A mutual want. A mutual desire. At least I’m an adult now so you don’t have to worry about me being underaged. As a fully consenting adult, you don’t have to worry about taking advantage of me. We can fix both of our problems if we can find a way to meet in the middle on this… issue.” Night Light seemed to consider the point of contention. “Going back to the original questions… fifteen years ago the best book editor in Canterlot was Harvey Horsestein. His reputation preceded him in the field of becoming a published author for mares… mares only. However, he required his clients to have sex with him, in addition to the normal monetary fees for his services. Your mother had more time to write with both you and Shining away at school, coming home late every day and only being around for weekends and holidays, and she wanted to be a published author so badly… But she had to pay the Harvey Tax. She had to lift her tail for him if she wanted her books to sell. She was upfront with this and told me that she would provide me with mares to see to my needs when she wasn’t able to, to balance the scales of cheating. I promised not to pick mares of my own and to allow this to proceed and she promised to only have her editor as a lover. Ideally, I was supposed to get laid as often as the other stallion. She was grateful for permission, and it worked at first. But it broke down over time and now I have nothing.” The information was intriguing. Twilight frowned. “What changed?” Night Light shook his head. “Your mother found me nine willing partners to bridge the gap, but she never asked me if I needed anything else and I felt embarrassed to update her on the situationships as I didn’t feel comfortable talking about my sex with other mares, so I stayed silent. In ten years’ time, they all stopped the arrangement for one reason or another, and she was so content with her editor that she never followed up to make sure I was still being taken care of and I couldn’t bring myself to admit that it was no longer working. I started to suggest that she find a new editor five years ago, when the last arranged situationship quit, so we could go back to a traditional marriage, but she refused. And continues to refuse monthly. I had sex with her at least once a month for the entire arrangement, but that was no consolation when she was the only mare left, barely doing it once a month. And that stopped completely six months ago, shortly after you took the throne. I haven’t broken my promises! I never picked my own lover. So… I can’t pick you, either, unless you order it. I’m not even sure I still love your mother after all the Tartarus she’s put me through, but I won’t break the promises I made to her. I still have my honor. For what little that’s worth.” Twilight was sweating from the heat of the moment, not that she was in heat, but she would give her crown to bear her father’s foals, Celestia’s retirement be damned. Twilight slammed a hoof onto the table. “I think it’s time to force her hoof. I’ll draw up divorce papers and she can choose. She can choose to end the marriage and stay with her editor, or she keep her marriage by firing her editor and reinforcing her marriage to you. Or she can retire from writing all together and enjoy her Twilight years with you. No matter what she chooses, I will be here for you. What do you think?” Night Light wiped his brow, unsure at best. “I wasn’t expecting you to go along with this. I actually have the divorce papers ready for you to authorize it right here with me. It’s the, umm, paperwork that I needed urgently signed. Normally, ponies file for separation and then they have to wait a full year for the divorce to finalize. They are expected to go to counseling and try to fix the marriage. But I’ve been trying for five years already, and I don’t think I can wait any longer. Your mother isn’t going to change her mind. You know the law better than me. Do I have a recourse in this?” Twilight nodded. “Mom having refused to have sex with you in over six months constitutes marriage abandonment. You can legally divorce her without doing the full one year wait during a separation. And I support it. Even if you lose her, you will always have me. And you can have me in any way you choose. Starting today if you wish. What do you say, daddy?” Night Light swallowed. “I appreciate your support, but I can’t make love to you unless your mother signs the divorce papers first. I refuse to be the one at fault for the marriage ending.” Twilight patted her father on the withers. “It’s not your fault in any case… she’s been cheating for years, and she cheated first. She didn’t ask your permission before she paid the Harvey Tax, did she? She asked for permission afterwards. Equestria has At-Fault Divorce in any event. If the rumors are as widespread as you say, it would be easy to prove. Even if it wasn’t easy to prove, I’m on your side and nopony can overrule me. I’ll give you whatever you want, daddy.” Night Light nodded and gave a defeated sigh. “Fill out your part of the paperwork as the ‘Authorizing Authority.’ I’ll confront her with it today and I’ll give her the three choices that you told me to use. Either way, she has to choose today. I can’t and I won’t wait another day. She must choose. If she signs the papers… I don’t know what I’m going to do.” Twilight nodded and started to fill out the paperwork but continued to speak to him as she had gotten comfortable with maintaining a complex conversation while still working. “This won’t take long. But while you're waiting, please finish your breakfast while I explain what is going to happen next.” Night Light returned to his seat just in time for the servant to bring back his now overcooked bacon. He shrugged as he crunched into the almost burnt pork but sighed as the warm juicy grease slit down his throat. The servant left the room and closed the door behind him after having waited to see if Night Light was going to complain again. Twilight locked the door once the servant left so there would be no interruptions and continued. “First, since all your children are adults, there will be no foal support. Second, since mom earns more money than you, due to the nineteen books that earns her monthly royalties, you will not owe her any amount of alimony. However, mom owned the tower as a Velvet family inheritance before she married you, so that’s her house. If she agrees to the divorce, you’re going to have to move out.” Night Light nodded and swallowed the bite he was working on and answered. “That sounds reasonable, but where will I move to? I’d hate to have to buy a new home for myself, especially if it’s a longer walk to the castle. I doubt I’ll ever get remarried so buying a house for just me sounds like a waste. It’s not as if you or Shining needs an inheritance from me.” Twilight continued to fill out the paperwork. “Not a problem. I’ll let you move into Princess Luna’s old room, right beside mine. It’ll give you easy access to me… for whenever you want me.” Night Light gulped at how nice that sounded… how easy… it would be to get his needs met for the first time in years. “Anything else?” Twilight nodded. “I’ll add in additional addendums. As the biological grandfather, you will preserve your right to see Princess Flurry Heart, even if Shining Armor objects to the divorce. Also, I’d like to enter in a judgement against Harvey Horsestein for ‘theft of marital property.’ I want him to properly compensate you for the time you lost.” Night Light frowned. “I thought that theft of marital property only applied to the spouse taking money or assets that didn’t belong to them or belonged jointly to both in an effort to not have to divide it evenly during a divorce?” Twilight smiled at how perceptive her father was. “Normally, that’s true. In this case, I’m extending the marital property to include mom’s pussy. Harvey took that from you, and he owes you compensation. Since he doesn’t have a wife or a daughter for you to take as compensation, you’ll have to settle for bits.” Night Light took another bite out of his breakfast, hoping to finish it before it went cold. In the time it took to finish another portion of food, he came up with a question. “How would you go about calculating such a thing?” Twilight hummed. “How often did you used to make love before the situationship started?” He thought about it. “About three or four times a week.” Twilight nodded. “And do you have records about the sex you had after it started?” Night Light blushed. “Actually, I kept a detailed sex journal of how many times I had sex and with which mare, including your mother. In the beginning, I was trying to make sure that all nine of the mares got equal attention when Velvet wasn’t available, but I also wanted to keep things transparent in the event of a divorce. Proof that I wasn’t ‘cheating’ and was only using the mares your mother provided. It felt silly to do it at the time, but now I guess I’m glad I did it. I can get them for you but it’s fifteen years’ worth of records. It takes up three journals worth of entries.” Twilight smiled warmly and nodded. “I promise I won’t judge you.” Night Light teleported to home, grabbed the journals, and teleported back in a flash. “It’s not anything kinky… just who I was with, the date, how long we were together that night and which position we used. Reading it… I guess you might get an idea about what I like sexually. It’s not something I ever wanted you to know but if you’re serious about me moving into the castle and more or less becoming your lover, I guess you have the right to know what you’re getting yourself into.” Twilight’s eyes glowed white and the pages of the journals flipped rapidly as she absorbed the information like a dry sponge soaking up water. A dollop of mare juice leaked from her tight slit and hit the floor with a loud splat, leaving her almost as embarrassed as her father was when his cock hit the bottom of the table earlier in the meal. She didn’t think that simply reading about her father’s sexual exploits, even in the dry manner that he recorded them in, would turn her on so completely. Her father didn’t say anything about it, sparing her a little embarrassment. She cleared her throat as if nothing happened. “Okay. So, running the numbers, if nothing had changed in your relationship with mom, you could have had up to 3,000 sexual experiences with mom over fifteen years of normal marriage. As your frequency with her lowered, you only actually got 500 times in fifteen years. So… if we apply the going rate of a whorse at 100 bits per session to the 2,500 times you didn’t get the have mom, Harvey Horsestein owes you 250,000 bits.” Night Light’s jaw dropped. “Sweetheart… that’s like… every bit he ever made from his small cut of the royalties from your mother’s books and then some. He’ll fight it.” Twilight grinned. “He can’t. It’s a judgement. It’s final. And who exactly is he going to appeal it to? The ruling monarch issued the judgment. If he doesn’t pay up, he goes to the dungeon. But, it’s only active and valid if mom signs the divorce. If she stays with you, her lover is spared the fee, but if he doesn’t pay and she doesn’t end the affair, I’ll have them both arrested.” Night Light was stunned by the proclamation. “And on what grounds would you do so?” Twilight’s smile faded. “You are my personal advisor, daddy. I can’t allow you to be blackmailed or compromised. This ends today, one way or another. Here, the paperwork is finished. You have the rest of the day off to present this to mom. And don’t forget to come back to the castle tonight. I want my date with you no matter what else happens.” He was again taken aback. “Tonight?” Twilight gave him a blissful expression complete with lusty bedroom eyes the likes of which he hadn’t seen in nearly fifteen years. “Of course… it’s Hearts and Hooves Day and I want to give you my flower. It’s the best and worst holiday for a divorce. Given how hard it is for a mare to find a husband that doesn’t want a herd or a side piece, a cheating wife deserves no mercy.” Night Light took the paperwork in thoughtful contemplation and left the Dining Room after Twilight unlocked the door for him. He had every intention to go home and pack everything that was his on the off chance that he had to move out since he wouldn’t be able to bear staying there another minute if his wife didn’t do the right thing and decide to stay with him. He knew that she was at her editor’s office today finalizing deals for the publication of her twentieth book, which probably meant that she was being railed right now in Harvey’s office. The thought made him sick. Even if he wanted a romantic date night with his wife on the best date holiday of the year, it wouldn’t happen now because Velvet never had sex with him the same day that she did Harvey. Once he was gone, Twilight allowed herself the glee that she had been holding in and cast a simple spell on herself and smiled in self-satisfaction. Anything and everything for daddy. Just like a loyal, loving daughter should. * * * > Chapter 2 - A Husband's Wrath > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Velvet was being railed in her editor’s office. It was routine to the point of ridiculous. She had her forelegs on his desk, bent over just enough to allow him access to her pussy and raised her tail lazily only enough to allow him in, but not enough to really let him see anything. She didn’t allow him to kiss her or fondle her teats… this was about sex and sex only. And not anal, only her husband was allowed anal, which barely mattered with how little they had time for any kind of sex in recent months. Maybe it seemed weird for her to try to maintain any level of modesty while having sex, or even have standards at all in the case of consensual cheating, but it was important to Velvet’s mental health. She didn’t love Harvey Horsestein. She barely liked Harvey Horsestein. And she honestly only tolerated him because… true to his word, he had made her rich with his editing, publishing and advertising skills. No, this was about business and business only. He got his royalty percentages and he got to fuck the author, but her heart still belonged to her husband. And it always would. The old stallion was at least 20 years older than her, but his stamina and sex drive were phenomenal. It was too bad that he wasn’t interested in getting her off; he only cared about getting himself off. In years past, when she was younger, she could lay her husband even after taking care of her editor but once she hit pre-menopause, vaginal dryness started to occur and she found that she would be too sore to have sex twice in one day without some type of lube, and she hated to use lube. It was something that she should have compromised on but never could, even for the sake of her marriage. Feeling Harvey push into her in a smooth, rocking motion brought back memories of how this first started… * * * 15 Years Ago… Twilight Velvet knocked on the editor’s door and heard a faint ‘Come in’ from inside the office. She walked in and gave her best smile while walking towards Harvey Horsestein’s desk. Leaning over the desk to shake his hoof, she sat down in one of the chairs on the opposite side of the desk. Since this was Hearts and Hooves Day, she was hoping to wrap up this meeting quickly so she could get home to her husband. She knew he had plans for tonight and she was eager to meet him halfway. “Ah, Mrs. Velvet. I’m glad you could come today. I’m pleased to say that I’ve read your book and I believe that you are a good candidate to add to my client list. I can have this fully edited, formatted into a form that can be published, and then advertise it and publish it within three months. In the meantime, you can start on your next book and all you’ll have to do is pay the monthly fee for my services.” Velvet knew there was some fee, as none of this was free. “And what is the fee?” Harvey smiled. “It’s 25% of the profits from the sells of the book plus you must have sex with me once a month.” Velvet blanched. “I’m a married mare…” His smile got a little bigger. “All of my clients are married.” Velvet raised her eyebrows and frowned. “You only have sex with married mares?” He nodded. “Of course… that way… if there are any foals, the financial responsibility falls onto the husband, which is always the presumed father of a married mare’s foals. Only Celestia knows how many foals I have running around this city, and I don’t pay for any of them.” Velvet allowed herself a righteous anger. “That is very disingenuous of you, and I’m not sure I can work with a stallion with morals as bad as yours.” Harvey nodded as if he had heard that all before. “Suit yourself, but before you go, you should look at these numbers, recently updated from the experts on book sells.” He brought out a chart and showed it to her. “This is a list of the top five editors and publishers in Canterlot. I am the number one editor and in fact, my clients sell more books than the number two through five editors combined. You can keep your morals, or you can be rich. I have standards, very high literary standards, and you meet them, but you have to play by the rules.” Velvet was disgusted but was also intrigued. “I’m new to this. Writing was my hobby and only now with my foals both attending schools that don’t allow them home all that often do I have time to try to make this a career. So… explain these rules and I’ll consider your offer.” Harvey was only too happy to do so. “In the arts… whether that is a painter, sculptor or literary expert, such as a writer, editor or publisher… there are always backroom deals and closed-door arrangements. Nine times out of ten, sex is exchanged. The more you put out, the more money you will make. I am the best because I work with the best. Your book will be published worldwide, including in other languages. And that will make you a lot of bits. Most of my clients use me for five or so years and then move on. It’s expected… but they get established with me first so even lesser skilled editors and publishers can sell their books, largely due to name recognition. Under the contract, I get my cut and your pussy. You can cancel at any time to move on, no hard feelings. But… once you cancel, I do not allow mares to come back and renegotiate a cancelled contract. You take what I give you and give me what I want until our business is concluded. In the end, we will both walk away richer.” Velvet was shocked about how that worked. “May I discuss this with my husband first?” Havery shook his head. “I want my fee today. If you walk out of this office without lifting your tail for me, I will not take you on as a client.” Velvet was trapped. She wanted to have her books be successful, not simply published. The goal was for her and Night Light to be able to retire early and travel the world, like they had always dreamed of doing. Velvet cleared her throat. “May I set some conditions to this arrangement?” Harvey nodded. “Of course. Everything is negotiable, to an extent.” Velvet sighed in relief. “First… no sex while I’m in heat. I don’t want my husband to raise a bastard. Second… no kissing at all, no caressing of my teats and no anal. You can have my pussy but nothing else. Third… I want holidays, birthdays and anniversaries excluded from required sex as I wish to spend those special days with my husband and family. Do you agree?” Harvey sighed. “That is stricter than I am used to accepting, but I agree, so long as you fuck me today to seal the contract despite it being a holiday.” Velvet frowned with the realization that this was a holiday. “Okay… but only this one time.” She stood up and leaned over his desk, lifting her tail and waited. Harvey wasted no time in coming around the desk and mounting her. His cock was definitely larger than Night Light’s and it succeeded in stretching her out. She gasped as he filled her completely, almost putting her husband to shame in every category other than being loving. He pumped into her roughly, causing her to pant and sigh but before she could even start to feel a build up for an orgasm of her own, she felt his seed fill her pussy and spill out of her. He dismounted as quickly as he had mounted, not caring at all for her own pleasure. She growled. “I’m not cleaning that up.” Harvey had the dopey smile of a stallion that had just cum. “It doesn’t matter… I’ll clean it up later. I’ll have the story ready for publishing within the next three months. Just come back one month from today to make your next ‘payment’ and we’ll continue from there.” Velvet nodded curtly. “Yes sir. See you in a month…” She left the office immediately and returned home. She was mortified to see her husband already home and waiting for her. Night Light smiled at her warmly. “I came home early for our Hearts and Hooves dinner at your favorite restaurant. How did the meeting with the editor go?” Velvet flushed. “I fear that it went too well. We will have a lot of things to discuss during dinner, but I fear that we are going to be late because I must take a shower first. Can you wait down here for me?” Night Light nodded but frowned. “Of course…” Velvet trotted up the stairs and Night Light looked up after her. Her tail was flagged just enough for him to see her pussy, which he was always excited to catch a glance at. But this time, instead of pristine white puffy pussy lips and a hint of pink, he saw a glob of cum leaking out from recent sex. Night Light tensed at the sight… By Celestia… Velvet is cheating on me… It was a tense dinner… * * * The memory faded with the feeling of cum entering her pussy. Harvey sighed. “That was as good as always. I’ll need you to come by my house this weekend to make some final arrangements. Ideally, I’d you there Friday night and you’ll stay until Sunday morning.” Velvet sighed. “Yeah, whatever. I’ll be there.” Harvey smiled again. “Enjoy the rest of your holiday, Mrs. Velvet.” * * * Twilight Velvet was humming a happy tune as she walked into her families Ancestral Canterlot Tower home, which was situated in the upper district, not far from Canterlot Castle itself, where her daughter now ruled Equestria from. Velvet had raised her children in the tower, and it had seen its fair share of both happy and sad times, although mostly sad recently. Her most recent meeting with her editor included sex, like it nearly always did nowadays, but her book was finished and would be published on time. Harvey used to only fuck her once a month, twice if it was a slow month. Over the course of the last fifteen years, the amount of sex slowly increased until now, most recently in the last eight months, they had been doing it closer to four times a week, like her and her husband used to do early in their marriage. It was almost as if Velvet was Harvey Horsestein’s only author at the moment… maybe she was given that she never saw any other mares enter or leave his office. At least today he was sweet. It was soft and gentle, more like a marriage than an arrangement. That might allow her to still make love to her husband today… she was normally too sore after being done by Harvey. At least she had other mares taking care of Night Light, so she didn’t have to worry about him being jealous or upset. Having both of her children grown and gone had solved a few short-term problems for her locally, as she never wanted them to find out about her cheating. However, new problems arose when they became ruling royals; Shining by marriage to the Princess of the Crystal Empire and Twilight by ascending to immortal Alicorn status and becoming, at first, the Princess of Friendship, and more recently the ruling Princess of all Equestria. On one hoof, the publicity of being the Princess’ mother helped her sell books; and on the other hoof, it invited scrutiny into her private life that she would rather keep hidden. Like, very hidden. She was proud of her daughter, sure, but she never expected her to be such an overachiever. But of course, Twilight had to out-do her older brother. It never failed… and she thought the Sibling Supreme Crown thing was dumb, although she never said so when the foals were young. Velvet walked into the living room, out from the foyer and was shocked to see Night Light home early. She smiled at her husband. “I wasn’t expecting you home so early. Did you have a good day?” Night Light didn’t return the smile. “Actually. No, I didn’t have a good day. You might want to sit down Velvet. This is going to be a long talk.” Velvet frowned but did as she was told. Her husband was never cross with her and they had an ideal marriage, though strained from work obligations on both sides. If she was being both honest and fair… him working long hours wasn’t half as bad as her sleeping with her editor, and she couldn’t blame him for sleeping with the mares she had provided him. She sat on the couch opposite him and met his eyes. His piercing eyes, filled with intelligence and knowledge. What was lacking in this moment was love. She couldn’t remember the last time she couldn’t see his love for her, but it was missing now. Velvet hedged around his intense stare. “I feel like this is going to be a fight. Why does it feel like that?” Night Light nodded once. “Probably because it is. I received word today from your editor, before I left to go to the castle this morning, that he expects you to go to his house this Friday night and stay with him until Sunday morning, or he will cancel your contract, just days before the release of your next book. He put it in my face like a battle trophy. I’ve been telling you for years to break it off with Harvey Horsestein and get a new editor, but you have stubbornly refused, and now we are in a situation that was already strained but now is no longer sustainable.” Velvet tensed. “Night… we’ve had an agreement for all these years that he would get what he wanted to keep my books selling. I don’t see why this has to change now. I almost have enough money to retire.” Night Light slammed a hoof on the coffee table. “You don’t see what’s changed? You sleep with Harvey three or four times a week! In the last fifteen years, I’ve had sex with you once a month, at best! And even that stopped six months ago. It’s been over six months since our last time. You used to provide mares to service me to make up for the lack of sex from you, but that stopped about five years ago. And this Weekend! You don’t even fucking even remember what this weekend is, do you!!! I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised!” He spit the last sentence with a venom Velvet had never heard from him. Velvet drew back and blinked. She was too shocked by him having hit the coffee table to have fully understood everything that he had just said so she focused on the last part only. “No… what is this weekend?” Night Light sighed, calming down slightly and lowering his voice to a normal tone. “Saturday is our 25th wedding anniversary. And Harvey wants to fuck you the whole weekend to prevent you from spending it with your husband. HE clearly didn’t forget!” Velvet gulped. During the entire arrangement, Harvey’s demands had never overlapped with personal events, like birthdays, anniversaries or family and romantic holidays. Was this intentional this time, as Night Light suggested? Well… he did fuck me on Hearts and Hooves Day this year, which used to be an excluded holiday so I could spend the day with my husband. He knows I don’t fuck my husband the same day I fuck him. Part of the reason is because it’s the painful… and the rest is shame. Velvet looked away from her husband. “Do I have much choice? Harvey has been the best editor and publisher in all of Canterlot for as long as I can remember…” Night Light snorted. “You have a lot of choices, Velvet. Pop Culture, Word Reader and Page Presser are all recognized in Canterlot as being better book editors than Harvey, cheaper than Harvey, and they don’t force their clients to have sex with them, unlike Harvey fucking Horsestein. And they’ve been around for more than five years. Word Reader has been around for nearly ten years. So, do you like the sex with Harvey that much or are you afraid of change? Because I’m thinking that you like cheating on me, especially since I’ve gotten nothing in the form of ‘balanced compensation’ that you promised me for the lack of a wife in over five years! Convenient of you to forget your promises while continuing to cheat on me!” Velvet’s eyes went wide as the words absorbed into her now that she had heard them a second time, and she shouted back. “I helped find you nine mares to fuck you while I’m not available! What happened to them?” Night Light roared. “That was fifteen years ago! All nine of them have either gotten married, moved to a different city, or otherwise no longer want to help you take care of me, due to your obscenely on-going more or less public relationship with Harvey! Most female author’s use Harvey for five or so years and then once they are established enough, they move on to other editors and never look at Harvey again. But not you. You’ve been with Harvey for fifteen life-sucking years. You’ve been with him for so long that most of our old college friends don’t want to associate with us anymore because your situationship with Harvey and your treatment of me has become a behind-closed-doors scandal. You treat me like a sexless roommate, and he gets about as much sex as a normal husband, that you don’t live with. Of course, you pay so little attention to me that you didn’t even notice! I don’t guess you need friends with Harvey to keep you company.” Velvet had no idea that so much had changed. Was she so out of it with Harvey fucking her so regularly that she hadn’t given Night Light much consideration? Almost as if she had been married to Harvey instead of Night Light… just like he had just implied. Velvet was a little defiant, not liking being called out on her bad behavior. “So, do I need to find you new mares to fuck, or what? What are you going to do about it if I don’t?” Night Light’s death glare chilled her to the bone while he slapped down a slack of paperwork onto the coffee table. “You have three choices. Either fire Harvey Horsestein and get a new editor, or retire from writing completely, or sign those papers so we can get this over with.” Velvet put on a pair of reading glasses and started looking over the paperwork. Her blood froze once the words caught up to her brain. “These are divorce papers…” Night Light nodded once. “Yes, they are. And you are going to fire your editor and hire a new one, or retire from writing, or you’re going to finalize our divorce because I am not going to live like this any longer. Choose. Choose now.” Velvet was shaking in fear. She had never been put on the spot as badly as she had been in that moment. Even Harvey’s demands for sex weren’t as bad as a divorce request from an otherwise loving husband with no time to process the feelings involved in one. Velvet felt a tear roll down her face. “Have I been that bad to you?” Night Light shrugged coldly, but then nodded. “Not at first, but in the last five years, and especially in the last six months, yes you have been that bad to me. The complete lack of sex with me in over six months constitutes marriage abandonment, which is grounds for divorce. When this bullshit started, you were honest about why it had to happen and the fact that you wanted to try to balance our marriage with your writing career. I agreed to let you try, despite the price we both had to pay for it, in exchange for your promise to quit this career path if it didn’t work out for us, both of us, and if you made it worth my while in the meantime, since I was effectively losing exclusive access to you. You promised to keep the scales balanced. That between you and other mares that you would pick for me, I would have sex at least as often, if not more often than your editor. I agreed to not try to find my own partners because that would be too much like cheating. You had Harvey for business reasons, but you were supposed to supply my mares for the ‘cheating balance.’ I haven’t had other mares to balance the scales of your cheating in over five years. And in the last five years, I’ve asked you to get a new editor no less than once a month, so 60 times… and you’re still fucking Harvey Horsestein. You never even looked for a new editor or you should have been able to find at least one of the three that I mentioned to you. You broke your promise to supply me with mares. You broke your promise to quit your career if it wasn’t working for us and I’m telling you to your face right now that it’s not working. Your career has come between us in a way that my career never did. Meanwhile, I kept my promises by not finding mares of my own, and before you ask, I didn’t tell you that the other mares quit the arrangement because I never liked talking about my sex with them any more than you liked to talk about your sex with Harvey. You were supposed to follow up with them and replace them as needed; you never even tried. You clearly don’t love me or even care for me anymore or you wouldn’t have forgotten our Celestia-damned anniversary. It feels like I know where this is going so just sign the fucking papers and I’ll leave.” Velvet stilled. “How is this even possible? We’ve been married over twenty years… aren’t we supposed to file for separation and then have a one-year hold while we do marriage counseling and work on reconciliation until a divorce can be finalized one year after the filing?” Night Light raised an eyebrow. “Ah. Been doing divorce research recently? Planned on divorcing me yourself to ran away with Harvey?” Velvet yelled back. “NO! I did the research for a recent book, remember?” Night Light scratched his chin. “Oh yes…. The respected older couple, in which the wife was having an affair with a ‘business associate’ and they ended up going through all the motions of a divorce, only for the husband to die of stress before it was finalized. Sounds a lot like us, Eh?” Velvet blinked. “Is it us? I wasn’t trying base it off us like that…” Night Light snorted. “Please, spare me. Raven Inkwell asked me three days after the book was published if we were getting a divorce. You didn’t use our names but anyone that knows us intimately knows it was us! At least you passed it off as fiction for your devoted fans…” Velvet’s tears started to stream down her face. Was this real? Was it true? Did she not care for her husband anymore to that degree and for so long that so many things had slipped by her? She swallowed and asked what was most on her mind. “You didn’t answer the question… how is this possible? Why are these divorce papers and not separation papers?” Night Light looked at her with pity. “You didn’t look at the final page… at the issuing authority. Our daughter has been spending a lot of time with me recently. She even gave me two administrative assistants to lighten my workload. This morning, during our routine breakfast pre-day meeting… she noticed that I was upset and tired… and I ordered meat with my meal, which apparently, I only do while on a sexual dry spell and she knows us well enough to have figured that out on her own. She forced me to tell her what was going on. Our daughter, Princess Twilight Sparkle, authorized the divorce herself. And she’s taken my side… she fucking hates you right now. I told her everything today. I didn’t cry but part of me wanted to… at least she managed to make me feel better in her own… umm, silly way. You should try it sometime… oh, my bad. Twilight would probably throw you in the dungeon for how you’ve treated me over the years if you tried to face her right now. With the seal of the princess, no waiting period is necessary, and no appeal is possible. You will keep the house, as I’ll be moving into Canterlot Castle, into Princess Luna’s old bedroom, but with your book royalties, you won’t get any alimony from me. So, choose. You can keep your career and lose your husband and your entire family by staying with Harvey Horsestein after signing the divorce papers. Or you can keep your career and marriage by firing and replacing Harvey Horsestein and getting a new editor, with the added promise of completely stopping all cheating on me… or you may keep your family by retiring and we can enjoy your royalties and my pension in peace and comfort. I’m warning you though, if you sign those divorce papers, I’ll leave immediately, and there will be consequences. I would normally give you time to consider your options but if you fuck Harvey Horsestein on our anniversary, our daughter will annual our marriage without your signature, as is her right as the ruling Princess of all Equestria.” Velvet was hyperventilating. She could never have expected this to happen. She came to her senses just in time to be gobsmacked again by another roller coaster awareness. Velvet looked up at her husband in shock. "You're divorcing me on Hearts and Hooves Day? How could you!" Night Light returned her gaze with indifference. "Your affair started on Hearts and Hooves Day fifteen years ago. Funny how we’ve finally come full circle. At least back then, you were young enough to have sex twice in one day, so it didn’t ruin our date night though I was angry that we were late to the dinner reservation dinner that I had made for us since you had to take a shower first after you cheated on me without consent before our mutual ‘promises’ were negotiated. Harvey Horsestein didn't care that he was breaking up a marriage when he imposed harsher demands on you than he did with his other clients. Our marriage has been over for a while, sad that you didn’t seem to notice. I should have done this when the kids moved out, but I was hopeful that you would listen to me and fire your editor. I am out of patience, and so you are out of time. Make. Your. Choice. Sign the papers and stay with your precious editor or fire him and return to me." Velvet’s thoughts spun in turmoil. I don’t have enough money to retire yet. Even less without my husband’s pension. I’m right back in the corner I started from… Tears rolled down Velvet’s cheeks as she signed the papers. "I'm sorry, Night." Snatching the paperwork from off the coffee table, Night Light sneered. "No, you’re not." He started to head towards the front door to leave and Velvet raised an eyebrow. “Are you going to come back for your stuff after your workday is finished?” He slowly turned to face her; his sneer having faltered leaving only a single tear falling down his face. “I packed all my stuff before you got home and it’s already in my new room at the castle. I knew you would cast me aside. By Celestia, I was hoping I was wrong. Don’t worry, I didn’t take anything that was yours and nothing that was more yours than mine if it was something we shared. I guess this is goodbye. I wish you well on your journey, but I also hope that I never see you again.” As he resumed his walk towards the door, Velvet cried out one last time. “What am I supposed to? It’s not like I ever loved Harvey! I still love you.” Night Light sighed as he hung his head and looked at the floor. “You don’t love me enough to choose me over your career. And you didn’t love me enough to make sure your promises were kept. I gave you options and you picked what you wanted. At your age, it’s going to be hard to get remarried as most single stallions hoping to get married would hope for a younger, softer, lesser used mare, or at least one young enough to give them foals. Of course, Harvey is twenty years older than you, so maybe he’ll consent. I don’t feel like I’m qualified to give you advice because if I was, I would have been able to convince you to save the marriage. Our daughter listens to me, but I guess I’m better at politics than I am with relationships.” Velvet sighed in response to his less than helpful answer. “I’ve heard some ponies say that relationships and politics have a lot in common.” Night Light grinned as he turned back to her. “Yes, Velvet. A treaty between two nations is a lot like a marriage and betrayal can end it just as quickly. Cheating on trade, cheating on taxes, making friendships behind the other nations backs… all things similar to marriage. At least I don’t have to stand there and know that two nations are fucking each other while a third affected party stands helplessly by, unable to intervene or stop it from affecting his relationship with the nation he cared about. Maybe you should write a book about it.” Velvet sagged in her seat as the words hit home, hard. It would be hard to live here now after the divorce, but she couldn’t sell it and move on either; the tower had been in her family for generations. When she looked up again… Night Light was gone. Velvet stood up and left the house also. Looking around, she couldn’t see Night Light anywhere, so she had to assume that he teleported back to the castle. He must have been extra upset to do that, as he normally preferred to walk. Trotting in a fast stride, Velvet made her way back to her editor’s office. She had a lot to discuss with him. * * * Twilight Sparkle was in her private study dealing with normal daily paperwork. Since it was a holiday, Morning Court wasn’t being held so it made it a good opportunity for her to catch up on her never-ending paperwork. The door opened without a knock, which meant that it was her father. She looked up at him playfully. “Da~d… you never knock! Just kidding, how did it go?” Night Light burst into tears not far from her desk. She jumped up and hugged him on reflex. He sniffled into her mane. “She signed the divorce. You may go ahead and have Royal Guards serve Harvey the judgement.” He couldn’t see her face but the smile that was plastered there would have been hard to explain given that under normal circumstances she would, or should, be sad too. She cleared her throat to recompose herself. “I’m sorry to hear that. Is there anything that you need?” Night Light shook his head. “I’m going to take a shower and try to grab an early lunch. Then I need to run some personal errands in town. Just hunker down and get as much work done as possible.” Twilight smiled. “I always try to get as much done as possible and that’s easier on days without Morning Court. Is there anything different about today other than our families’ personal problems?” Night Light shrugged indifferently, trying to put the last fifteen years behind him as fast as possible. “Nothing too different about tonight, other than me trading in the older Twilight for the younger Twilight. You want to give me your flower and I’ll take it, with great pleasure, but I’m so pent up that it’ll be impossible not to pound you completely through the bed. I fear that I physically can’t be gentle tonight. You might want to prepare yourself for wild sex. Alicorn or not, you might not be able to walk tomorrow.” Night Light left her office without even a good bye to go do the things he said he was going to do, and Twilight shivered from head to tail, desire and lust clouding her otherwise clear judgement. OH! It worked! He’s all mine… I sure hope he gives me an unforgettable Hearts and Hooves Night… * * * > Chapter 3 - A Wife's Regret > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Velvet found herself at her editor’s office so fast that it would have been hard to believe that she had walked instead of teleported. She knocked on the door, as she always did, and she heard the faint ‘Come in’ from inside. She opened the door and stopped in front of her editor and publisher’s desk. Harvey Horsestein was a now elderly unicorn stallion, nearing 70. He had a pristine grey coat with a mane that had gone white with age. His cutie mark was of a typewriter with a feather draped on top, wrapped in a lock of mane or tail. Some mares commented that the typewriter was obviously meant to symbolize that he was supposed to be a writer, editor or publisher. The feather wrapped in a lock of mane was open to interpretation, but seemed to point to his sexual deviance given that it was common practice for a pegasi lover to grant a primary feather or for unicorns and earth ponies to give a lock of mane or tail. Velvet had refused to grant him a lock of her tail given that she didn’t love him, and she never wanted him to have a trophy of hers. He smiled. “Ah. I wasn’t expecting you back so soon. It being a holiday, I thought that you would be preparing for your husband tonight.” Velvet glared at him, causing his smile to falter. “Normally, I would be. It’s been years since I was physically able to have sex twice in one day, but I was willing to put up with the pain today to prevent him from being cross… however, it appears that my consideration of his needs was a little too late.” Harvey frowned. “What do you mean?” Velvet sat down in a chair opposite his desk. “Is it true that you told my husband this morning that you wanted me to spend the whole weekend at your house having sex? I mean, wasn’t it enough that you told me after you finished with me this morning? You should have allowed me to try to break it to him gently at the right moment.” Harvey nodded. “Yes, I told him… with the book coming out next week, I’ve made some long-term plans that will affect both of us and I wanted to enjoy one last final weekend with you.” Velvet froze in her chair. “What do you mean, final?” Harvey shrugged. “I’m 70 years old, Velvet. I’m retiring. This twentieth book of yours is the last book I’m going to publish. I think that you’ve noticed how empty my office has been of late. As mares have moved on to other editors, I haven’t been replacing them with new clients and now, you are my last author. I was waiting for you to find a new editor so I could retire, but since you never did, I’m going to have to break this off myself. I planned to publicly announce my retirement at the grand unveiling of your twentieth book, and I planned to tell you in private this weekend while we had final, wild, last time sex.” The blood drained from Velvet’s face as she burst into tears and started to scream incoherently. Taken aback by the unusual response to what he had said, he was forced to ask. “Umm. Is there something wrong? You should be happy about being able to move on to a better editor so you can go back to having a traditional marriage, like you’ve been lamenting for years now. Your loyalty to my services is touching but it feels like you stayed only because I’ve made you wildly successful… all good things come to an end eventually.” Velvet slammed her hooves onto his desk and swiped left, throwing all of his glass knickknacks against the far wall only for them to shatter onto the floor. She stood up at her full height and glared down at him, as angry as any mother or wife could ever be about anything ever. With a scream that could wake the dead, she let loose. “This weekend is my 25th wedding anniversary! My husband has filed for divorce because of your demands and now your fucking retiring to leave me with nothing! HOW FUCKING DARE YOU!” The blood drained from his face in response. In all the years he had been doing this, he had never been openly told that his actions had caused a divorce, though, if he was being honest with himself, he had sex with Velvet more times in a quarter than he normally did any other mare in a year. He lamented the loss of his favorite knickknacks but couldn’t blame her for the outburst. He placed a calming hoof on her wither. “Calm down. You can fix this in marriage counseling. With me out of the picture, it should be easy to convince him to cancel the separation.” Velvet threw off his hoof and slapped him across the muzzle. “I didn’t say separation. I said divorce. My daughter is the Princess of Equestria, and my husband is her personal advisor. It’s been finalized already. My marriage is over and it’s your fault!” Blood trickled down his nose as he stood back, shocked at the information and now very self-conscious about how badly he had messed up. “Even with Princess Twilight’s signature, and even if you signed the divorce today, it won’t be filed in the courts and official for at least a week. You have time to go to the castle and explain everything. I know you’ve been faithful to Night Light and have had no other lovers. Just tell them that I’m retiring and that you can get a new editor to replace me and that you promise to never cheat again and I’m sure he’ll take you back.” Velvet hiccupped through her sobbing. “Do you really think it’ll be that easy? I’ve neglected him for years. We’ve had a sexless marriage for over six months, and he’s never cheated on me.” Harvey shrugged. “I’ve had sex all the way 70 with no issues. It's different for stallions. Just stay faithful to him and allow him to form a herd or have a second lover to balance those scales that you’re so fond of mentioning. Maybe in fifteen years, he’ll catch up on all the sex he was missing.” Velvet shuddered with the realization that as much as she hated it, Harvey was right. “And what? Settle for sex once a month or less like his been having with me, while he has sex three or four times a week with his lover, a mare that he probably won’t let me choose for him this time?” Harvey sighed but nodded. “It’s that or accept that your marriage is over. He shared you with me, now it’s your turn to share him with some other mare. If your lucky, it’ll be a mare you can tolerate, unlike me, who he couldn’t stand.” Velvet was about to leave Harvey’s office for the last time when another knock at the door occurred. She turned back to him. “I thought you said that you have no other clients?” Harvey frowned. “I don’t. Come in!” The door opened, revealing two golden armored Royal Guards. “Harvey Horsestein?” Harvey nodded. “That’s me. What is this about?” The guard hoofed over a sealed parchment. “By order of the crown, you have been found civilly guilty of destroying a marriage and stealing martial assets. You are hereby ordered to pay compensation to Royal Advisor Night Light for the loss of his spouse. You have seven days to pay, or you will be thrown into the dungeon. And don’t even try to leave town. If we have to hunt you down, you won’t make it back to Canterlot alive.” The guards left as quickly as they arrived, leaving both Harvey and Velvet shaking in their hooves. Harvey opened the parchment and blanched. “I owe your husband 250,000 bits unless the divorce is cancelled. That’s nearly my entire life savings… I’m ruined…” Velvet sighed. “Night Light told me that my daughter hates me. I don’t know if I can stop this, but I’ll try.” Harvey nodded weakly. “You don’t owe me anything, but I’d be grateful for your efforts. If you will excuse me, I need to clean up my office and figure out how to get the 250,000 bits to your ex-husband if you fail to cancel the divorce.” Velvet left her former editor’s office and headed for home. She would need to dress up in a courtly fashion to appeal to her daughter to make things right and balance the scales. * * * Night Light had taken his shower, symbolic of washing off his old life and had eaten an early lunch to give him the strength to follow through with his new plans for the night. First, he went shopping. He picked up three dozen roses consisting of a dozen white, a dozen red and a dozen pink. He also picked up the traditional box of hearts and hooves chocolate. After a few moments’ consideration to his daughter’s request, he also picked up a bottle of lube and an actual present for her. While not entirely appropriate, he figured that Twilight would appreciate a book more than anything else. Buying the ‘Unofficial History of Unicorn Incest’ seemed like something that was equally a gag gift, in line with her recent sexual jokes, and honest reading for a mare that might want to know how the practice started and why it was still loosely considered as acceptable as it was taboo even though science was starting to prove why it was risky. He also picked up copies of the ‘Unofficial History of Pegasi Incest’ for her upcoming birthday and the ‘Unofficial History of Earth Pony Incest’ for Hearth’s Warming. It was possible that she might purchase the books for herself, if she knew they existed, but it didn’t hurt to try to preempt having to go shopping again since he didn’t do it often while married to Velvet and wouldn’t need to do it hardly ever while living in the castle full time. Arriving back in the castle, castle business had closed early for the holiday season, leaving only a handful of guards on duty that didn’t have plans for the evening. They allowed Night Light in with no issues, and he returned to the living quarters of the castle. Placing his gifts in Twilight’s room, he returned to the dining room with the flowers and chocolate where his daughter was waiting for him. Twilight was dressed in an elegant white evening gown, that might, under some circumstances, pass for a wedding dress, without the veil or train. Her mane and tail were brushed, tied up in a ponytail that would be irresistible to pull during sex, and she smiled at him with an open, honest, heartfelt smile that radiated love. “Welcome home, daddy. Are you ready for dinner?” He nodded and walked up to her, kissing her fully on the lips, locking his hooves around her neck and pulling her in for the longest and deepest prench kiss she could have ever imagined. He only broke the kiss once they were both breathless, leaving them panting and wanting more… but dinner was first. He gave her the flowers and chocolate and sat down beside her. “Have the dinner orders already been placed?” Twilight was still trying to catch her breath but nodded. “I ordered you a manticore steak, Medium well. The protein should help you prepare for tonight… daddy.” He smiled at the thoughtfulness of her preparation, but then, she wanted this to be good for both of them. If it wasn’t… it might sour the idea of continuing this relationship, and it would hard to go back to simply being a parent and child once it was done the first time. “I appreciate the consideration. You may enjoy your flowers and chocolate before or after your meal, however you wish.” Twilight hummed while the servants brought in the meals. They gave Twilight a fully decked out salad while Night Light had his steak, medium well. Once the food was in place, the servants left, and Twilight locked the doors for an uninterrupted conversation. Twilight looked back and forth between her options. “This is the same thing you normally get for mom. How did she usually do it?” Night Light considered an answer before asking a counter question. “You know that you don’t have to do what your mother would have done. You may be replacing her in the bedroom, but you don’t have to mimic her to make me happy.” Twilight nodded with a smile. “I would never mimic her, since that would imply cheating at some point, but I would like to give you some semblance of the Hearts and Hooves Day that you normally expect since this wasn’t your original plan.” Night Light sighed while he considered the implications of her statement. “The sad truth is that as the Princess of Equestria, you might have to get married at some point for an alliance with another nation. At that point, you would be ‘cheating on me’ but I’d have to give you up for the good of the nation.” Twilight’s frown was a stark contrast to her earlier happy mood. “You think that will happen at some point?” Night Light nodded. “There is historical precedence… Celestia was ‘rumored’ to have been married to a Griffon King, that time and history has forgotten his name, in the early pre-Nightmare Moon days to prevent a war that the Old Kingdom, post-Discord, would not have been able to easily win. They never had foals, obviously, but they did, allegedly, have sex. In fact, it’s rumored that the barbs present on a griffon’s cock damaged Celestia’s womb, preventing her from ever having foals. If your rule is ever considered weaker than Celestia’s, then you might be forced to consider it. Hopefully, I will be gone by then, so it doesn’t cause heartbreak between us. In the meantime, if you want to mimic what your mother used to do, pre-situationship, she loved to eat the chocolate as dessert with her meal and then would eat the flowers while I railed her later that night.” Twilight sat the flowers aside and opened the chocolates. They discussed lighter topics, hoping not to sour the mood or create a situation that would give them cold hooves. Night Light cut into his steak and found it to be perfectly cooked this time, unlike the bacon earlier this morning. He savored the flavor of properly cooked meat, which for a stallion worked as well as a blood pudding would for other creatures in helping with libido. From past experiences, he had Velvet trained to notice that when he ate meat of any kind, that the sexual experience that night would be extra special, and she clearly responded to it. He had thought he was being subtle, but it appeared that his daughter was far more perceptive than he gave her credit for, even as a filly. Twilight, for her part, was eating the chocolates like they were an aphrodisiac. Scientific studies had proven that it wasn’t true, but it was shown to improve the mood of mares, which in turn led to better bedroom sexual performance indirectly. They looked at each other and blushed. It mutually turned both of them on seeing the other pony doing their best to prepare for an unforgettable night. They finished their meal in near record time for a romantic setting and retired to Twilight’s room for the night. The guards were dismissed from the door with orders to allow Twilight Velvet in if she happened to show up for some reason. Given the judgement against Harvey, Twilight was nearly counting on it, unless her mother cared as little for her lover as she had about her husband. Leading her father into the room was the easy part. She got to the bed and turned to face him. She sat on the edge of the bed and then slowly laid back, allowing her hindlegs to hang off the edge while she lifted her dress up just enough to expose her pussy and teats in a tease. Night Light was no fashion expert, but he had long come to realize that the only purpose clothing served was to tease you for something special. He had seen his daughter naked many times, but she had never looked so beautiful and so sexually ready as the mare in front of him using clothing to expose something that was normally easy to see. He was no less enraptured by the sight. His eyes traced the curves and lines of her flank, pussy and teats, taking them all in. A small frown crested his muzzle as he noticed just how engorged his daughter’s teats were. He opened his mouth to ask her what was wrong with her teats when he saw a bead of milk form at one of the tips and dip down towards her soaked pussy. Twilight smiled at the look of awe on his face. “The milk is ready for you, daddy. Maybe you’d like a drink before we get started?” Night Light walked forward, closing the distance ever so slowly, causing Twilight to tremble with anticipation. He lowered his lips to her needy teats and licked the tip of the nipple, washing away a bead of milk. It might have been the best flavor of milk he had ever tried from any source. Ever so gently, he latched onto the left teat, like a foal needing to nurse and his lips worked the nipple, spraying his tongue and coating his throat with fresh, warm breast milk. He placed a hoof on her pussy and stroked her clit, ever so slowly, gently in a tease, feeling it wink has he continued to suckle his daughter. Twilight’s moan of pleasure sent a shiver down his spine as he couldn’t recall the last time that Velvet had enjoyed any of their sexual acts. Velvet’s bedroom performance was like a job that she could barely stand from her time with Harvey and whether she had intended it or not, she had brought her work home, allowing her work sex situationship to affect the martial bed. It made him need his daughter all the more. With the left teat running dry, he greedily latched onto the right teat and suckled that one dry as well. In mere minutes, he had drunk what had taken Twilight all day to make and the thoughts of her running dry made him sad as he leaned back and admired her perfect alicorn teats. As if reading his thoughts, Twilight whispered. “The spell only makes one serving, but I can cast it as many times as you want. Just give me six hours’ notice on the days that you want milk during sex, and I can cast the spell anytime you want, daddy.” Her consideration of his wants and needs made him smile in a bittersweet way. Velvet, as a mother, probably knew that spell too, but she had never offered to cast it on herself for his pleasure and enjoyment. He set aside his regrets at not having more with his wife over the years and used his magic to levitate the wrapped gift he had gotten her. With the best smile he could muster, he gave her the gift. “Happy Hearts and Hooves Day, sweetheart.” Twilight sat up on the bed, grinning eagerly for what was going to be her first Hearts and Hooves gift ever. It didn’t bother her that her father had stopped to give her the gift… after all, allowing him to suckle warm teat milk was more of a gift than it was truly sexual anyway, unless it was foreplay. She wasn’t sure if that was considered foreplay. Twilight unwrapped the book shaped gift and gasped at the title before bursting into giggles. “This is going to be a fun read. Are there more books like this?” Night Light nodded. “There is one for Pegasi and another for Earth Ponies. I already got them for you, but I had intended one to be for your birthday and the other for Hearth’s Warming. I suppose I shouldn’t expect you to wait that long… maybe all three of the books should have been a bundled gift.” Twilight sat the book beside her and jumped up to kiss her father, wrapping him in her wings, holding him lovingly tight. “I’d love them today, but I also love how you planned it out for me. I’ll be a good girl and wait for the gifts in due time.” Night Light ran a hoof over the fabric of the dress, admiring the quality of the materials. “Some mares that wear clothing have certain things in mind when they do so. Before we continue our evening… what would like me to do with the dress?” Twilight leaned in to whisper into his ear. “Rip it off me like a groom taking his bride on their wedding day. The law won’t allow us to get married, and even as Princess of Equestria, I’d have a hard time legalizing incest. But… while I’m your daughter in public, in private, I want to be your wife, to have and to hold, for better or for worst, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part. Love me… fuck me, ravish me… just like you did mom 25 years ago.” With his bare hooves, he grabbed the dress at the neckline and ripped it in half. The sheer act of having her clothing ripped away made Twilight feel vulnerable and oh so naked. She lowered herself to Night’s undercarriage and grabbed his rock-hard cock in her hooves, giving it a quick stroke and gently licking the pre-cum off the tip. Night positioned himself to allow his daughter easier access to his cock and moaned as Twilight roughly tried to choke down his length. He knew better than to try to help her, this was something she’d have to do on her own. Being inexperienced would have put it lightly. Twilight was only able to get less than one-third of his cock into her throat, no where close to the medial ring, but it didn’t matter. The feel and sound of her choking on his cock became the biggest turn on he had experienced in years. Large tears ran down her cheeks as she spit out his cock. “I’m not very good at this…” Night Light brought her back up to her hooves and hugged her. “It’s okay sweetheart. You’re learning, and you’re beautiful. Here… let’s get on the bed.” She allowed him to lead her to the bed and was surprised when he pushed her back onto her back. Night parted her hindlegs and guided his muzzle to her winking sex. With all the experience of a married stallion that knew exactly how to get a mare off, he rooted through her soft lavender folds, nipping and licking. Twilight’s eyes rolled into the back of her of her head and she started to pant as her fathers’ licks focused on her clit. She found herself wrapping her hindlegs around his head and pulling him in. She could feel a build up unlike anything she had ever experienced, and it came closer and closer and almost there… and at that moment, he stopped. Left on the brink, she trembled in place, unable to move, unable to speak, wanting to whine in protest, yet unable to make even a sound. And then, he licked deeply, right through her core. The explosion of mare cum coated her fathers face as she released a lifetime of virginity held cum, the euphoria overtaking her as she screamed until the tidal wave of cum stopped. When her breathing evened out, she looked up at her father and saw him covered in so much of her cum that his coat was almost as white as her mom’s. Twilight was mortified at the amount and of how her father looked covered in her spend but relaxed a little when she saw him smile. “Was it good, sweetheart?” She nodded, unsure of her voice. His grin grew bigger as he loved being able to make a mare speechless. He pulled her up and got her to her hooves and then jumped onto the bed beside her. Walking behind her, Twilight knew instantly what she was supposed to do. She flagged her tail and exposed her dripping wet pussy to her eager father. He mounted her from behind and leaned over her to bite her neck. The mating bite held her in place for the first insertion and she was silently pleased that he was giving this to her like a lover and not like a father trying to be gentle for his filly’s first time. Even as a full-grown mare, she would always be her father’s little filly in his eyes, so this was extra special for Twilight. His cock slid into her pussy with no effort, given how wet she was from her explosion, but then stopped at his medial ring, almost like he had hit a brick wall. He grunted. “I would have thought that since you’re a grown mare, I’d be able to go in further.” Twilight was panting from the new sensations. “I’m... still... a... virgin…” She shallowed. “You still have to break my hymen… my research shows that it’s deeper in an alicorn.” Night Light frowned as he gave her a few experimental thrusts, all of them stopping at the same spot. “Are you sure? I don’t want to hurt you sweetheart.” Twilight nodded as she hunkered down to give her father a better angle. “It’s going to hurt, like the normal pain of a filly losing their virginity, but I want this. I need you to be my first. Don’t hold back daddy.” Night Light could see his daughter’s love; he could feel her devotion, and he could smell her need. The scent reminded him of estrus yet, that wasn’t possible this early in the year. He sighed but was resolute. “Okay, sweetheart. I won’t hold back, but I feel like that this is going to hurt you more than it will me.” Night Light started a series of little thrusts, each one going in a little deeper, until each one hit that wall at his medial ring. He could swear that it was giving way just a hair with each thrust and on the tenth push, he pulled nearly all the way out and then slammed his hips forward as hard as he could. Twilight nearly jumped out of her skin and her scream could have shattered the crystal heart had it been in the room with them. After a few moments of heavy panting, she realized that her father’s balls were nestled on her tailhole. He was all the way in… His whisper could barely be heard. “Are you okay…” Twilight tried to speak but gasped. “Keep going…" Night Light examined their situation and concluded that there was remarkably little blood for having popped a virgin’s cherry, but maybe alicorns worked differently. He resumed his thrusts with increasing tempo and Twilight started to move her hips to match his thrusts. The bed was too big to move and too fluffy to squeak, but he could imagine absolutely wrecking the bed at his old tower home. They danced, as sweet as anything, in a rhythm that predated time. Twilight’s wings flared and he knew from his previous Pegasi lovers that she was close. His thrusts picked up pace and Twilight’s horn glowed, covering his cock and her pussy in her lavender magic. The warmth and love that overcame him would be impossible to describe other than by saying that it simply was. It was everything. Hopes and dreams and fears and regrets. With a gasp from him and a sigh from her, they came together, fluids mixing and kissing, as that sweet, sweet baby making fluid filled every nook and cranny of Twilight’s pussy. In all his life, Night Light could swear that he had never cum as much as he just did. He could feel Twilight’s belly inflating, as if she was already pregnant. She was covered head to tail in a sheen of light sweat, wings now drooped, panting and exhausted yet clearly very happy. Panting and excited, content and at peace with his actions, Night Light had to wonder what was going to happen next. He got the answer faster than he assumed he would, as he looked up and saw his ex-wife, Twilight Velvet, standing at the entrance to their daughter’s bedroom, silently watching them finish making love. * * * > Chapter 4 - A Family's Compromise > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Velvet had gone home to put on her best dress and her best jewelry. She didn’t bother with make-up because that would take too much time and it wouldn’t impress her daughter anyway. The trot to the castle was refreshing and she felt like she understood why her husband preferred to walk instead of using magic. She got to the front gates and spoke to the guards. “Good evening, Gentlecolts. Is my daughter available?” The senior guard looked at her. “Yes, Ms. Velvet. We were instructed to allow you in if you showed up tonight. I trust that you know the way to the Princess’s chambers?” Velvet gulped. Ms. Velvet… my title has already been changed to single status… that can’t be a good sign. “Of course, Sir. I don’t require an escort unless her Majesty no longer trusts me?” The guards did not reply and said nothing as she went inside the castle. For security reasons, the Princess’s chambers were deep in the castle, so even knowing exactly where you were going still meant a long walk. There were no guards posted outside her chamber doors but if the orders from guards at the castle entrance were any indication, Twilight was expecting her so she should be able to just go right in. Velvet wasn’t a pony that normally didn’t knock, but if there was a double-sided sound ward on the door, her daughter wouldn’t hear the knocking anyway. Testing the door showed that it wasn’t physically or magically locked, so she took that as an open invitation to go ahead and walk in. Velvet walked in and closed the door behind her. She took a deep, calming breath only to turn around and see a sight that she never expected to see. Night Light was mounted on their daughter, in the throes of wild lovemaking. They were both grunting and panting, Twilight was casting a spell, and she was covered in light sheen of sweat and absolutely made her seem to glow in the light of the room. In that moment, Twilight Sparkle might have been the most beautiful mare to have ever lived. With a final moan and grunt, they both finished and the bliss that seemed to cover their expressions caused a pang in Velvet’s heart. By Celestia… that used to be me… I’ve been such a foal. Chasing dreams when the best dream was already beside me. Night Light looked up and saw her first, an expression of panic replacing bliss. He dismounted, his cock making an audible pop when he pulled out. Cum poured from Twilight’s pussy like a cheap play prop which caused Twilight to moan a little louder and actually caused Velvet to giggle, half in disbelieve and half in relief. At least one of us got to catch the dream she was chasing… Maybe I can at least be happy for her… I should at least try. One of the perks of writing sleazy romance novels was that it did force you to look for clues of how love, lust, and infatuation worked. Understanding the rules of cheating, situationships, monogamy, and consensual non-monogamy helped her to write very realistic novels that peaked ponies’ interests, but it also allowed her to understand subtle hints and clues involved in flirting and body language that even the Princess of Love might have missed. From these skills honed over the years, she knew when Shining Armor had gotten his crush on Cadance, and she knew that Twilight had a crush on her father. She also knew that her husband loved their daughter but would have never admitted to loving her in a sexual way. She sighed. If I had used those skills to pay closer attention to Night Light, our marriage would have never gotten bad enough to fall apart. With a startled realization, she discovered the truth within herself and with Harvey. It’s not that I ever stopped loving Night Light. It’s just that the closer Harvey came to retirement and the fewer clients he was working with, the more he was having sex nearly exclusively with me. And I was so tired between the meaningless, feelingless sex combined with writing that I didn’t have the energy to use those skills to identify problems in my own marriage. I should have seen Night Light getting less sex. I should have seen him having fewer partners until there were none. I should have taken the time to listen to him when he said it was time for a new editor. I was just so bucking tired… Night Light cleared his throat. “I can explain…” Velvet held up a hoof. “No need. Our daughter has had a crush on you for years and you’ve been faithful to me for years with nothing from me to show for it. I’ve been a foal, and I threw away everything chasing something that I didn’t need. All I wanted to do was earn enough money to be able to retire so we could travel the world and see everything just like we used to talk about and dream about before we had foals. The sad truth is that Harvey broke the agreement of the contract. We were only supposed to have sex one time a month, twice a month tops, while I focused on writing books and still taking care of my husband and raising our foals. I gave you mares to balance the scales of cheating to make up for me not being there when you needed me, not because I thought that you’d randomly cheat, but more because I knew you didn’t want to vent your sexual frustration onto our daughter. I’m sorry that I failed you, my Night.” Night Light knew she was telling the truth. He did everything to prevent incest from becoming a thing in their home, but the only mare he ever loved more than Velvet, was their daughter. Twilight had come down from her post-coitus high and smirked. “I had always hoped you would walk in on us having sex. That makes losing my virginity even better. Best Hearts and Hooves present, EVER!” Velvet giggled. “Well… I’m glad I was able to give you something, sweetheart. It’s not the present I was hoping for though. At this stage in my life, I must confess that it’s hard to buy a gift for a pony that has everything and sometimes a special gift from the heart is more special.” Twilight nodded. “This wasn’t planned exactly this way, but I can’t say I regret it, other than you and dad’s marriage ending. I don’t feel like it’s my business to pry, but there is a seven-day window to reverse the divorce. I’ve heard dad’s side of the story and your acceptance of walking in on us having sex, but I want to understand how your marriage got this bad from your point of view. Are you willing to talk about it?” Velvet sighed. “My and Harvey’s agreement started the same as all his agreements. The first couple of years, it was only once a month, and I still encouraged your father to enjoy the other mares I found for him. As I got older, I couldn’t have sex more than once per day, so the more Harvey fucked me, the less your father got. It was a slow, but continuously increasing process. Over the course of fifteen years, it went from once a month to four times a week and I barely noticed because the increase happened slowly over time. The more books I wrote, and the more Harvey fucked me, the less I paid attention to your father and all those skills I used to brag about that made my writing so successful and that should have been able to allow me to see the problems in our marriage and fix them failed me for no other reason than being too bucking tired to notice anything was wrong after basically being raped four times a week for the last five or so years.” Twilight’s wings flared in fury and her voice rose to match it. “Rape! He raped you?” Velvet’s eyes went wide in shock, and she covered her mouth with both her forehooves. She looked mortified and terrified, as if she had said something that she wasn’t supposed to have ever admitted. “I mean… What I meant… was…” She trailed off as the raised eyebrow from her daughter stopped her in her tracks. She realized that it was too late to lie. Velvet winced. “What else would you call it? Not saying no isn’t a yes. Standing there and not fighting back isn’t consent. The only victory I got was preventing him from getting me pregnant so that Night wouldn’t have to raise a bastard. I never stopped loving your father, but you have no idea how hard it is to have sex and to enjoy sex after having been forced to do it so many times…” Twilight looked at her father who was sitting beside her still as a statue. Twilight looked back at her mother. “And you never reported it because…?” Velvet shook her head. “It was in the contract. Any accusations of rape would void the contract with no renewal plus he would sue me for libel, potentially costing me all the profit I ever made from the books and nearly ensuring that I’d never work as a writer for the rest of my life. I think the only thing worse than putting up with being raped monthly, and then weekly, and then nearly daily, would be losing everything I gained from writing after the fact. I’ll never regain my dignity, but I have my book royalties. If only I had a husband to enjoy it with…” Night Light hung his head in shame. He could have never guessed that this had gone so far and had lasted for so long without him realizing that there was no love in the situationship, and that Velvet was trapped. She wanted to go from working with Harvey straight to retirement. She didn’t want to put up with finding another editor on the off chance that they did the same thing but wouldn’t earn her as much money. Talk about being trapped between a rock and hard place. He cleared his throat. “Are you willing to fire him now and come back to me?” Velvet nodded. “I don’t have to. He’s retiring next week at the unveiling of my twentieth book. After all the crap he put me through… he is going to abandon me before I have the wealth I wanted before we retired to enjoy the rest of our lives together. That’s why he wanted to fuck me all weekend from Friday to Sunday… this was going to be the last time. But he forgot it was our anniversary, not that he ever really cared. Will you take me back or is it too late?” Night Light sighed. “With the abuse that you suffered, will we ever be able to make love like we used to?” Velvet shrugged. “Not at first. It’ll take time for me to adjust to making love instead of being raped. I’ll probably be more passive about it than you would like for at least a few years before we can fully reconnect. However, I have a compromise I’m willing to propose.” Night Light nodded. “I’m listening.” Velvet looked at Twilight. “With our daughter’s permission, I’d like her to continue to make love to you like you did tonight. The passion I witnessed can’t be faked and I don’t think that any of us want you to take new mares as partners. I believe that me and Twilight can fully satisfy you, if you’ll let us.” Twilight nodded slowly. “Sounds good to me, but what’s the catch? How long will this last? Until you’re over all the rapes? For a full fifteen years to make up for the entire length of the situationship? How long?” Velvet pursed her lips. “We are both past our prime, but your father will want sex more than I do, and going forward, sex will happen less often than I was capable of in the previous fifteen years. So, let’s just say that I approve of this arrangement going forward for the rest of our lives on the off chance that the scales will be balanced by the time we pass. In the meantime, I promise never to cheat again and I’ll sure that Night Light will agree to only be with you and me. Can we make this work?” Twilight hummed in thought. “I wish to make three modifications.” Velvet tensed. “And that is?” Twilight smiled a cute smile, reminiscent of a mischievous filly. “First, I love my mommy too, so I want the occasional threesome with both of you, but no one-on-one action. Second… I think that the two of you could use some marriage counseling, but since this is a sensitive issue involving ponies important to the state, the only pony that I will trust with counseling is Princess Cadance. And… I’m almost sure she’s going to want to have sex with daddy solo and threesomes with both of you as part of the counseling, but that will be far less often than with me. Final modification… I want to arrest Harvey Horsestein.” Velvet swallowed a lump in her throat. “You can’t… He’ll sue me…” Twilight shook her head. “I’ll arrest him after he announces his retirement. No active contract means no contract to violate. He’ll just quietly disappear. No scandal, only justice. At least me and daddy will have the peace of mind of knowing that you’re not still cheating with Harvey, regardless of how forced it may or may not have been. Deal or no deal?” Velvet looked at Night Light and he shrugged. “I’ll do the counseling with Cadance so long as it’s once a month or less. I don’t want Cadance to replace Harvey as a situationship and I really don’t want to steal my son’s wife. I agree to take no other partners other than Twilight, Cadance and my wife. Velvet must promise to actively try to make love to me and work on fixing our marriage and have no other partners than the same two other partners that I have. One final stipulation is that since we are all involved in this together, no changes to the rules can occur without all three of us agreeing to the changes. And no strong hoofing the other ponies to force a change that hurts our relationships. I’m willing to cancel the divorce and work on the marriage.” Velvet exhaled a breath she didn’t realize she was holding. “I agree to those terms.” Twilight smiled widely as she wrapped sweaty, cum covered wings around both her parents. “Thank you both. Now we can be a happy family again. Speaking of which… if both of you take a shower and if you hurry, you might still be able to have a romantic Hearts and Hooves dinner date. You can use my private bathroom.” As her parents walked together, side by side, nuzzling each other lovingly, crying softly at the impossibility of them reconciling, and looking forward to enjoying what was left of their evening, Twilight smiled. All’s well that ends well. * * * > Epilogue - All the Good Things... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As time passed… True to Princess Twilight’s word, after his retirement, and once all the contracts were null and void, Harvey Horsestein was arrested for the rape of not only Twilight Velvet, but of nearly all his female clients over the years he had been running his business. Hundreds of pages of testimony gathered from hundreds of mares who were grateful to finally be able to tell their story without fear of reprisal created a true sense of justice and gave them all much needed closure. A public trial would have been best for everypony, however, Harvey Horsestein largely escaped justice by falling down a flight of stairs and breaking his neck before the trial could begin, I mean, he was 70 after all. Oh, the tragedy… Princess Twilight’s guards swore that he tripped and that they didn’t push him, but she promised herself not to look too closely into it. Harvey Horsestein’s assets were sold off and the proceeds were used by the State to create a program designed to help rape victims recover and move on with their lives in a happier and more productive way. Laws were updated to make it illegal to have long-term stipulations in a contract that would bypass normal laws on what were ordinarily illegal activities. For example, going forward, a pony couldn’t contractually agree to be enslaved, raped or otherwise forced to not report a crime. BDSM dungeons were exempt from that since it was a short-term contract, usually just one day at time, and part of the roleplaying. Twilight’s Friendship Counsel was appalled that such a glaring loophole in the laws had been allowed to exist for Celestia knows how long but were glad to have fixed it. Velvet’s book was a roaring success, pushing her closer to her retirement goal and she was already starting a new book that detailed a unicorn father/mother/daughter sex triangle threesome incest romance that would be far spicier than her normal romance stories and loosely reminded her of her families own situation. Her new editor, Word Reader, was supportive of the spicy content and his ideas for changes to the story gave Velvet ideas for the bedroom… Velvet was licking her daughter’s pussy while Night Light was getting his cock sucked by Twilight. They were physically close enough for her husband to hoof Velvet’s pussy while the sucking and licking continued uninterrupted. Cum filled Twilight’s mouth while Velvet came from her husband’s expert hoof. Not being shy about sharing, Twilight popped her father’s cock out of her mouth and prench kissed her mother, giving her half of the cum. Night Light sighed. “You’ve gotten good at that, sweetheart…” Velvet swallowed it down and was grateful to get it. “You know… I never thought I’d start to like this. Now that we’re fully embracing incest, it’s ashamed that Shining Armor isn’t invited… Is there a way to fit him in?” Twilight giggled. “We already fuck Cadance regularly. With my alicorn magic, I could cast a body morphing spell on Shining… he could be a stallion for me and mom, and a mare for dad. I can even make it to where he could change back and forth at will without me being present. That way we can still share, and it stays fair. How does that sound, daddy?” Night hummed at the idea. “I’m willing to accept it at face value, if it works, but… he has to agree to all the terms and follow the rules just like we do. And I’d like reassurances that when Shining is a mare, that ‘she’ can’t get pregnant. What would we call her? Gleaming Shield?” Velvet snickered. “That’s as good of a name as any other. But what if he says no?” Night shook his head. “Then it’s no. We agreed to no strong hoofing. And before you even ask… Flurry Heart can’t be a substitute because she’s too young.” Twilight found herself giggling at the situation. “It’s nice to see that you still try to have morals about this whole thing. In answer to your question, Gleaming Shield would not be able to get pregnant… but even if she could, maybe you should let yourself relax some… enjoy what’s being freely offered… At least consider it?” Night Light rolled his eyes. “A mare is a mare. If Shining is willing to become a mare to let her dad fuck her so that the stallion Shining can fuck his mom and sister, that’s a fair trade off, because it takes guts. Concerning Flurry Heart however, unless there is some type of age spell that would temporarily make Flurry at least eighteen, that’s a hard no. She’ll have to wait until she’s an adult, unless Shining, Cadance and Flurry herself are okay with her being younger.” Velvet nudged her husband in a playful way. “And what’s the youngest you’d consider?” He forced himself to really consider it. “Looking at it historically, sex with fillies under a certain age has always been illegal until their first estrus. So… twelve or thirteen at the earliest, but realistically, I’d prefer eighteen. I’ve never been attracted to foals but even with younger mares and fillies, it’s hard to ignore estrus. Besides, I’ve been a government official for my entire adult life. The scandal of me becoming a fillyfooler and being involved in incest with multiple family members would end my career if it ever got out. Speaking of which… I have concerns about that book you’re writing, Velvet. It needs to be less obvious that it’s us.” Velvet sighed. “That’s unfortunately reasonable. I’ll make some changes to the book, just for you, but I also don’t want to wait ten years for Flurry’s first heat… but I know that you won’t compromise on it, so that’s that. Does anypony else have any other issues to bring up?” Twilight nodded. “I have some important news… I was hoping for the right time to announce it but there just isn’t a ‘right time.’ I hope you’re not too mad at me…” Night Light and Velvet both frowned. After a pause, Night Light spoke softly. “I have a feeling that I already know…” Twilight held the moment just a hair longer before wincing at her father’s comment. “I’m pregnant.” Night Light nodded slowly. “…And I’m guessing that it’s mine…” Twilight sighed, wishing that this was happier news. “I haven’t cheated on you, daddy. You’re the only stallion I’ve ever been with; Shining will be the second if he agrees to join our little group. As to me being pregnant outside of normal estrus season… I cast a spell to put me into estrus early when I cast the lactation spell on Hearts and Hooves Day. It sounds stupid now, but I was forced to consider that our Hearts and Hooves Day lovemaking session might have been the only one that I was going to get, and I wanted something more permanent than chocolate and flowers. You and Mom’s reconciliation should have made no more sex a guarantee, but we’ve all gotten all the good things from our arrangement. Oddly enough, I feel like you would have accepted it better if the divorce went through and I was your only partner. Hindsight allowing you to see things for what they really are… I was selfish and I’m sorry.” Night Light shook his head. “I can’t blame you for your actions, not entirely. You’ve been pining over me for years, so when you saw your chance, you had to make the most of it. And this happened pre-arrangement, pre-rules, pre-reconciliation. Given the mares your mother gave me to fuck and her long-term situationship with Harvey, with or without rape entering the picture, it would kind of make us hypocrites to complain now. I’m just worried about the foal. Incest birth defects are supposed to be really bad.” Twilight finally smiled. “I read the book you gave me on Unicorn incest. There is a 25% chance of birth defects once you hit third generation inbreeding and that goes down if the mare has strong magic. We are first generation inbreeding and I’m an alicorn, so I’d wager there is less than a 1% chance of any birth defects. The only two questions left are: Are you okay with the foal I’m carrying, and will you consent to giving me more foals in due time?” Normally, Night Light would have said no immediately, but the facts that Twilight had quoted were quite compelling. “Let’s see how the first foal turns out. If there’s no birth defects… I’ll consider giving you more foals. As many as you want, within reason.” Velvet squealed in delight. “Oh, how exciting! Have you considered a name?” Twilight nodded. “I kind of want dad’s opinion on the name, since he is the father… but since we can’t publicly tell ponies that… I was leaning towards a name that pays homage to our family, by naming the foals after both of you two. For a filly, I was thinking about Velvet Night. For a colt, Night Sparkle.” Night Light and Twilight Velvet nuzzled each other, overcome with emotion. Velvet whispered. “I think that’s perfect.” Night Light nodded in agreement. “I love our family.” * * *