> High Stakes > by LewdChapter > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > High Stakes > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “What do you say we spice things up?” Starlight looked up from her drink, brow arched at the other women at the table. Sunset seemed just as intrigued and bemused as Starlight herself, and they soon turned their attention to their host. From the moment Twilight had proposed the idea for drinks, just the three of them, Starlight was a bit surprised, and the surprises kept coming. Not only was it unlike Twilight to make plans not including their whole group, and not only was it unlike her to propose drinks at all, but now she mentioned wanting to “spice things up”? That was quite out of character for the Princess of Friendship. Twilight claimed that, these days, she just preferred smaller get-togethers. More intimate, less pressure to put together some intricate event. Just a few friends at a time in the newly furnished den in the lower levels of the Friendship Castle. Despite it being a bit odd, Starlight wasn’t about to complain about spending some more personal time with her mentor, and the newly introduced visitor, Sunset Shimmer. Truth be told, Starlight found Sunset a blast to be around, reveling in her wit, sense of humor, and looks. Anyone with a set of eyes would agree that Sunset was a good-looking woman, and Starlight would be lying if she said she wasn’t hoping for a night of drinks to become something a little more substantial. “No offense, Twi, but I’m pretty sure milk is too spicy for you,” snickered Sunset. Starlight joined in the laughter and, almost despite herself, Twilight too gave a little chuckle. “What do you mean by ‘spice things up’, huh? You got a cheese board hanging around somewhere?” “My money’s on her busting out those cute little drink umbrellas,” said Starlight. Again, the party of three laughed, but Starlight eventually turned to take her friend a little more seriously. “Jokes aside… What exactly do you have in mind?” “How do we feel about gambling, hm?” asked Twilight. “I may not seem like the type, but I happen to love a good, old-fashioned game of chance.” “Oh, we’re gambling? Against one of the rulers of Equestria?” said Sunset, her accusatory words undercut somewhat by her cheeky smirk. “Not sure how the taxpayers would feel knowing what you’re doing with their money.” “For one, I intend to be the dealer, so to speak. And for two…” Twilight leaned forward, eyes darting here and there. As if afraid of them getting caught. “Who said anything about us using money? Seems a bit pedestrian, don’t you agree?” “So what, then?” asked Starlight. “Like strip poker?” Sunset glanced over to Starlight and, unless Starlight’s eyes were playing tricks on her, leveled her gaze more towards the low cut of Starlight’s brow rather than her eyes. “Are you offering?” said Sunset. Starlight’s eyes went a bit wider, but she maintained her composure, for the most part. Instead of freaking out, which is what she really wanted to do on the inside, she undid one more button on her blouse, giving Sunset just a bit more skin to gawk at. “Are you accepting?” “Easy, you two. Play your cards right, and I think we’ll all get what we want,” said Twilight. She stood up from the table and strolled over to the bar cart tucked away in the corner. She pushed it towards the table and pulled from its shelves a pair of shot glasses, placing one before Sunset and Starlight. With a snap of her fingers, her horn began to glow, and a dusty black bottle appeared in her hand. She popped the cork and poured a thick, shimmering golden liquid into each shot glass before making the bottle vanish with another snap of the fingers. “So? What do you say, girls? How lucky do you feel?” “Are you going to tell us the game before we agree or are we supposed to guess?” asked Starlight. “It’s a game of roulette, with some rather high stakes. That’s all you get out of me.” Twilight gestured to the drinks and smiled. “Come on, girls, let’s have some fun.” “It’s either this or I go back home, and I need any excuse I can find to not go to work tomorrow,” said Sunset with a shrug. “The ball’s in your court, Starlight. What do you want to do?” “Well… I don’t see the harm in a bit of gambling.” Starlight grabbed her shot, and Sunset did the same, the two of them raising their drinks up in toast. It was only then did Starlight realize that Twilight was just sitting there, watching. “None for you?” “Trust me, it’s better for the game if one of us has our wits about us,” said Twilight with a nod. “Don’t worry, I know how to have plenty of fun while sober. I’ll catch up in a bit.” “Alright, then. Bottoms up?” Starlight and Sunset met glasses and, in unison, downed their shot of the mysterious golden liquid. It tasted a bit like spiced rum, but with much more heat than any similar liquor Starlight had ever experienced. Despite it being so exceptionally hot and spicy, it went down smooth, and Starlight didn’t even think to reach for a chaser as she usually did. It was a pleasant warmth, and it spread down her throat to her belly, and began radiating out throughout the rest of her body. A contented sigh left Starlight’s mouth as the warmth wrapped her up, making her skin tingle and the hairs on her arm to stand on end. “Whoa, what the hell was that?” breathed Sunset. “That felt… Well, this doesn’t make any sense, but that tasted sexy.” “Yeah. Sensual,” agreed Starlight. “What was that?” “A little potion I’ve been working on. My goal was to make the strongest aphrodisiac in the world,” said Twilight. “But—you know me, a bit of an overachiever—I made the strongest aphrodisiac in any world.” “What?!” “Yep, had to make a few deals with Discord to get all the ingredients I needed, but I managed to get it perfected a few months ago. Just needed a chance to use it, and I can’t think of a better one than this.” Twilight smirked, leaning forward in Starlight’s direction. The Princess bit her lip slightly, clearly taking pleasure in the increasing warmth radiating from her star student. She hooked the front of her sweater with her index finger and tugged down slightly, teasing Starlight with a glimpse of her generous cleavage. “Kicking in yet?” “Twilight, if you wanted to fool around, you could’ve just asked,” breathed Starlight. The warmth she felt in her core blossomed hotter with each passing second, flowing out to all of her extremities. Though she felt that strange heat throughout her entire body, it was at its strongest between her legs, and her sensitive breasts. The longer she stared at Twilight’s tits, just barely contained by that pesky sweater, the hotter Starlight felt, and it was clear that Sunset was having a very similar experience across the table. “No need to drug us.” “Just ask? Where’s the fun in that?” Twilight slid into Starlight’s lap and looked down at her student, her hands sliding down Starlight’s narrow body and to her thighs. “Speaking of which, you know what would be fun? If you slipped your hand into your panties and fingered yourself.” “Holy shit, what happened to you?” Sunset grinned shakily as she restlessly rubbed her thighs together. “You used to be so tame and boring, now all of a sudden you’re hot?” “I’m pretty sure that was supposed to be a compliment, so I’ll take it.” “Aren’t we supposed to be playing something?” gulped Starlight. She trembled a bit beneath Twilight, that burning, tingling heat in her pussy slowly becoming too strong to ignore. “R-roulette, right?” “We will. In fact, we’re in the set-up phase right now. In order for play to begin, you both need to pay the buy-in. One orgasm each.” Twilight leaned forward and whispered breathily into Starlight’s tingling ears. “So be a good girl and touch yourself now.” With sweat dripping from her brow, Starlight slipped her shaking, trembling hand into her jeans, past her panties to touch her quivering, gushing, burning cunt. As soon as her fingers touched her soft, velvety lips, there was an eruption beneath Starlight’s skin. Twilight's potion made her feel as though she was set aflame; This gentle touch was adding gas to the fire. Starlight couldn't resist, couldn't help but to rub herself eagerly, each increasingly feral motion ramping up the blindingly powerful lust boiling in her insides. “Isn't this fun? Can I host a get-together or what?” snickered Twilight. She glanced over to Sunset, who lacked much of Starlight's hesitancy; Sunset went straight to town on her pussy, working up a healthy sweat as she rubbed her slit like a woman possessed. “And you two called me boring.” “I t-take it back! Fuck, this is so not boring!” Sunset’s tongue hung from her mouth, her slender body quivering with electric pleasure. Her legs were spread wide, openly inviting her hand to molest her sensitive twat to its perverted heart's content. “Fuck… I'm so close…” “Come on, Starlight, you've got some catching up to do,” giggles Twilight. “Here, let me help you…” There was a twinkling, sparkling noise as Twilight's horn lit up with powerful alicorn magic, a power that she turned to the woman beneath her. Starlight thought her own hand was as intense as sensations go, but that was before Twilight took an arcane hold of her clit and sent a surge of gentle, buzzing magic throughout it. Starlight's legs locked up, the only movement possible for her being the wild, unhinged rubbing of her cunt, and she let out a slurred mess of swears and shouts; Starlight's orgasm hit her like a bus, and the moans from across the table signaled that Sunset was experiencing a similar level of ecstasy. When she finally survived her body’s pleasure, Starlight went limp, waiting for the afterglow to envelop her and hopefully clear her mind a bit. Except, that didn't happen. The heat didn't dissipate in any way, and Starlight's relief faded in a matter of seconds. What replaced it was another fire in her loins, blazing hotter and harder than before. Starlight was confused, a bit panicked, but that didn't stop her from returning the bulk of her attention to her desperate cunt. “Wait… why am I still so horny?” asked Starlight. Instead of an answer, Twilight just laughed. “Oh, no…” “You sneaky bitch…” chuckled Sunset, still openly fingering herself even as she teased her friend. “Let me guess, the more we cum, the hornier we get? What, like some sort of Chinese finger trap?” “You nailed it. And now that you understand how the potion works…” Twilight rolled out of Starlight's lap, strolling around and returning to the bar cart. She bent over at the waist, digging through a drawer that Starlight couldn't quite see clearly. “Now, we can play.” “T-Twilight, come on, this is getting out of hand.” Even as Starlight protested, she couldn't help but rub her pussy, staring intently at Twilight's perky ass, wrapped snugly in tight, curve-hugging jeans that left little to the imagination. “C’mon, there has to be a counterspell, or an antidote. You can't really—” The rest of Starlight's complaints vanished into thin air when a cold, metallic click echoed throughout the small room. Twilight turned and, to her friend's shock, placed a long, elegant revolver onto the table. The weapon was comprised mostly of purple metal, save for the intricate golden trim, and the pinkish handle, glittering with shining white specks, like stars in the night sky. “Holy shit,” breathed Sunset. “What the hell?” “Twilight… This is getting a little crazy,” said Starlight nervously. “What’s the gun for?” “I said we’d play roulette, didn’t I? Did I forget to mention the ‘Russian’ part?” Twilight tapped her chin thoughtfully, eventually breaking into a devious giggle fit. She pulled a small cartridge from the bar cart, holding six sparkling purple rounds, their danger only heightened by their elegance, and vice versa. “I assume you know the general rules, but let’s just review a bit.” Twilight took one of the bullets and inserted it into the cylinder of the firearm, which she then clicked back into place before giving it a spin. “One round in the cylinder. The others, obviously, are empty. Every time one of you cums, you have to put the barrel to your head and pull the trigger. If it clicks, you win. We keep playing until we have a loser.” “This is crazy! We can’t…” Starlight stammered, tripping over her words as she tried to make sense of the insanity. “Sunset, tell her, we can’t do this, it’s—” “Any other rules, Twi?” Sunset locked eyes with Starlight and, with a horny, deranged brought her fingers to her lips to suck her juices from her digits. Starlight’s heart skipped a beat, and her cunt throbbed with want, at the salacious display. “Cause I’m ready to play…” “Only that you must be stimulating yourselves at all time, and you’re not allowed to make any direct contact with one another without permission,” said Twilight. She snapped her fingers and magically conjured a purple dildo for each of her players. Equine in nature, each toy was identical, roughly nine inches to the base. Starlight blushed like a tomato when she saw the toys appear, her cheeks going even brighter red when Sunset nonchalantly grabbed hers and slid her jeans down to give the rubber appendage clear passage. “Mind you, you don’t have to use those. But, you know, you will.” “Fuck!” Sunset’s shout startled Starlight, but her concern soon gave way when she realized the source; Sunset had shoved the toy in herself all at once, and didn’t wait long before she began drilling herself with her toy. “Come on, Starlight, don’t be boring. You know you want it…” It was insane, the whole situation. The drinks, the potion, the gun, all of it was pure insanity, and Starlight knew that. She shouldn’t even have still been sitting there, should have made a run for the door as soon as Twilight came out with a weapon, if not earlier. But the most indefensibly unhinged thing was, Starlight knew Twilight was right. She didn’t have to use the toy, but she would. “Atta girl, Starlight,” purred Twilight as her student seemed to finally throw caution to the wind. Starlight flashed her pants away with a flare of magic and, with perhaps a bit more care than Sunset did, slid the dildo into her pussy. Despite her slower, more gentle approach, the sensation was still nearly overwhelming in its intensity. She let out a shaky moan, plunging the toy deeper into her velvety folds with each electrifying thrust. “You’re pretty cute when you’re all horny, Starlight.” “I was totally going to try to fuck her after drinks, by the way,” moaned Sunset. Starlight’s eyes went up at that, and Sunset grinned as she went in for the kill. “I see you staring, Glim. Maybe you want a closer look?” Starlight gulped, but nodded eagerly nonetheless. Sunset grinned as she pulled her shirt up by the hem, baring her pert, moderate breasts and pierced nipples for her opponent. Subtly at first, so subtly that it wasn’t even clear if it was a conscious decision, Starlight worked her toy faster at the display. “You likey?” “I didn’t know you had any piercings…” Starlight tried to stifle her moan with a fist, but was largely unsuccessful, as made evident by the way Twilight giggled. “No fair, that’s one of my biggest turn-ons…” “Oh yeah? You like girls with pierced nipples? I bet you’d love to hop this table and suck my little titties, huh?” Sunset leaned forward, biting her lip gently. She knew exactly what she was doing, as did Starlight, but it didn’t matter; Starlight’s body had long since given up on listening to her brain, instead focusing on its own desires. “I bet your tongue would feel so good, flicking up and down my sensitive little nipples.” The mental image that Sunset was painting was all Starlight could handle, and a shrieking, twisting moan rang throughout the room. Starlight’s body tensed in her throes, but she still managed to piston her toy unforgivingly into her cunt. Her legs quaked and quivered, but she kept fucking herself until, mercifully, her orgasm faded. Unfortunately, any relief was gone in an instant, as that burning, lustful fire reignited just beneath her skin, blazing even bolder. “That was a dirty trick, Sunny,” said Twilight, though she nodded her approval. She slowly slid the revolver across the table, stopping when it was just under Starlight’s nose, and grinned like The Devil himself. “Sorry, Starlight, but looks like you have to play first.” “I-Is it too late to fold?” “Yes.” Starlight’s brain was too blasted with hormones, her dopamine receptors fried and yet still ceaselessly firing, to argue further than that. So, with shaky, trembly hands, Starlight grabbed the gun by its handle. It was heavier than she expected, and it took a moment for her to work up the courage to put the barrel to her forehead. She looked across the table to Sunset, hoping to see something to talk her out of this absurd decision. The bloodthirsty lust in Sunset’s eyes did the exact opposite, and Starlight squeezed her eyes shut before pulling the trigger. CLICK! A wave of relief washed over Starlight, and she all but threw the gun back down onto the table. The adrenaline coursing through her veins only heightened the effects of the aphrodisiac, and Starlight was soon right back to drilling herself in a hopeless pursuit of relief. All the while, Sunset was across from her, matching her speed and intensity with a tensed, unhinged grin stretched across her face. “Fuck, that’s so fucking hot! Oh my God, yes, fuck yes!” Sunset nodded madly, gesturing wildly for the table. “Give me the fucking gun, I’m gonna cum!” With a swift hand, Twilight delivered the gun to the other player, and Sunset haphazardly grabbed the weapon and put it to her head. She never stopped her toy, never looked away from Starlight, as she squealed in an unmatched ecstasy and pulled the trigger. Starlight turned away just in time, but mercifully, they were met with another click, and a desperate, twisted little whine from Sunset herself. Even still, Sunset did not return the gun to the table, instead drilling herself even harder. The wet slap of rubber against flesh was almost as loud as Sunset's moans as she came yet again and, before anyone could intervene, she pulled the trigger again. CLICK! “Come on, come on!” Sunset kept at it, and clearly intended to try for a third turn before Twilight intervened and snatched the revolver from Sunset's grasp. “H-hey! I'm almost there!” “The game’s no fun if you just mash the trigger until you get the result you want.” Twilight spun the cylinder again, effectively resetting the game, and slid the gun back to Starlight, who was watching on with a pit in her stomach. “Let's give Starlight a turn or two before you go again.” “Those aren't the rules,” pouted Sunset. “It’s my game, bitch, I make the rules.” Twilight stood firm as Sunset glared at her, and all it took was a blown kiss from the princess to break Sunset’s angry facade. “Oh, relax, I’m just teasing. Besides, you know it's for the best.” “This is crazy, this is too fucking nuts…” breathed Starlight. Even still, she kept fucking herself, even using her magic to tease her clit. Anything for the pleasure, anything for the release she knew she’d never get. Starlight had a captive audience as she brought herself closer and closer to the bring, her friends watching on with ravenous lust until Starlight felt the familiar, almost unbearable weight of her orgasm. As her orgasm racked her body, Starlight once again grabbed up the gun and put it to her head.“Too fucking good! Oh God, fuuuck!” BANG! The last thing Starlight felt was overwhelming, irrefutable ecstasy, before the side of her skull exploded into a spray of blood, brain, and bits of bone splattering against the wall. Her legs spasmed and convulsed a moment before going limp, her corpse slumped in her chair and her cunt gushing a river of fluids down her thighs. Sunset let out a shout, her voice twisting and bending with what initially appeared to be horror. Instead, it was made clear by the aggressive way she slammed her pussy, that she was more jealous than anything. “Fuck! Fuck, fuck, fuck!” Sunset slammed her fist against the table, growling like a caged beast. “It should’ve been me, why couldn’t you just let it be me! Fuck, it would’ve been so fucking hot!” “Oh, don’t worry, Sunny.” Twilight stood up and made her way over to Starlight’s body. After giving it a prod, perhaps to confirm that she was, in fact, dead, Twilight pulled the gun from Starlight’s limp grasp. She climbed onto the table, slowly slithering forward to her remaining friend; the winner of the game. Sunset’s heart quickened with each inch that Twilight closed, until the princess was upon her, on all fours atop the table’s surface, and with a wicked grin on her face. “It still will be.” “Y-you mean…?” Sunset’s question was rendered unnecessary when Twilight reached out with her magic and grabbed the rest of her bullets from the bar cart. She repositioned to be sitting on her bottom, legs spread before Sunset, and slowly, almost sensually, loaded a round into each remaining chamber. Sunset grinned, drooling slightly from the maddening desire she felt, and nodded along in time with her toy’s penetration. “Yes, please, please, please, Twi! Blow my fucking brains out!” “Oh, Sunny,” giggled Twilight. She cocked the hammer and raised the gun level with Sunset’s face, the barrel pointed right between her eyes. “Who’s boring now?” BANG! Sunset just barely had time to be aware of her orgasm before her twitching body was launched backward in its chair, landing in a puddle of crimson gore. Twilight licked her lips, tasting the bitter, salty, metallic spritzing of Sunset’s blood that now painted her face. With one hand, she admired her smoking gun, and with the other, she slid her fingers into her pants to idly circle her clit. “I love game night,” sighed Twilight wistfully. “Hey, Twi! Everything okay in there?” The door to the den swung open, and in strode a hapless, half-sleeping Spike. “I dozed off, and I heard a bang and…” Spike trailed off as he took in the scene; Two women, two close friends of his, shot dead in their seats. Between them, his oldest companion, the one woman he could depend on, who was always there for him, and she was holding the gun that had shot them. Her face painted with her victim’s blood, and her hand pervertedly touching her cunt to the carnage. Twilight spun on the spot, turning to face her assistant, and smiled. Spike simply cocked a brow, entirely too tired for this nonsense. “Hey, Spike,” said Twilight, as if this was the most typical situation imaginable. “Sorry, we didn’t mean to wake you.” “Roulette again?” asked Spike dryly. Twilight simply nodded. “Did you at least tell them that the gun is enchanted to revive them in the morning?” “Oh, where’s the fun in that? Besides, I think Sunset guessed as much. Either that, or she’s even freakier than I thought,” said Twilight with a shrug. She thought about things for a moment before a lightbulb went off above her head. “Hey, since I woke you and all, why don’t you let me make it up to you?” “How exactly do you plan to do that?” “Wanna take a turn on their bodies before they come back?” The obvious, rational, non-deranged answer, of course, was no. “Sure, why not?” sighed Spike, tugging at the string to his sweatpants and proving that rational thought had not been invited to the get-together. Before he could get too busy, Twilight stopped him with a raised hand. “Huh? What’s up?” Twilight grinned, then put the gun to her temple, just as Starlight had. “Me first, okay?” “Twi, wait!” BANG!