> The Tired Automaton > by Partycannon_ > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: Broken > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The orange autumn sky flew gently overhead. The white fluffy clouds absorbed the color of the sunset over the mountaintops. The grass bellow presented a soft cushion. Even the air felt nice as it brushed against my body. “Annnd now we are covered in tree sap… again.” My ear twitched as a familiar voice rang. I sat up, peering back into the woods. Two ponies emerged, all too familiar. “Oh… um, howdy Sweetie Belle.” The yellow earth pony started. “Apple Bloom.” The orange pegasus whispered. “Hi girls. What are the both of you doing?” I asked, my eyes darting back and forth between the two. “We are crusading for our Cutie Marks of course.” Scootaloo shouted proudly before narrowing her eyes. Her expression turned darker while Apple Bloom rolled her eyes, eventually falling back to me. This isn’t right. “We are trying a whole bunch of new things in hopes to find the special something that makes us special.” She stated formally as she scratched her cheek. My chest burned, I wanted to throw up. Something is wrong! I turned back to my flank, nothing, a white canvas. “Um… c-can I join you two?” I staggered over myself and upon looking up my heart dropped. I wanted to cry. Apple Bloom cringed while Scootaloo stepped forward. “WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU? THIS ISN’T A JOKE!” “I-I’m-” I fell back. “Scoot-” The earth pony started with a frown. “THERE IS SOMETHING WRONG WITH YOUR HEAD!” “SCOOTALOO!” Called the yellow filly. Finally there was a silence. My head dropped to the cold dirt, covering it with my hooves. My heart was broken and it felt wrong to breath. “I-I’m sorry, I’m so, s-so, sorry.” “Let’s go Apple Bloom.” One set of hooves began to leave and they were joined by a second pair moments later. “I’m s-sorry.” My stomach turned. “Sorry.” A wretched brew of acid, broken food, and liquid shot up through my system. My eyes opened and adjusted to the dark room. I was in bed as my throat burned, I felt a hot liquid on the other side of the blanket. Then I placed a hoof on my cheek, feeling the damp fur. “I-It’s getting worse.” A never ending storm of pellets fell from above, flooding my body in a stream of warm water. I kept my eyes shut as I felt each individual drop land. Finally my muscles relaxed, the tension slowly fleeing. It was the weekend, meaning I thankfully didn’t have to see Diamond Tiara or Silver Spoon today. While sitting at home is always an option I much rather find- The picture of Scootaloo’s anger slipped back into my mind and within seconds all the tension came crawling back. It was only a dream, or rather, a nightmare but something about it caused my mind to reel. “Maybe I should stay home today.” I opened my eyes and stared at the wall. I didn’t want to think about the nightmare, hopefully I’ll be able to forget it by the time morning comes. I turned the nob bellow the shower head and the last few drops rolled down my mane, I stepped out and dried myself with a towel. It wasn’t long before I found myself staring into the mirror. I rubbed the condensation away revealing my tired face, my fallen ears, my pupils without any glow, and large bags under each of my eyes. I am so very tired. Maybe I will find Zecora today, ask her for a potion to remove the night terrors. The light above flicked off, a spark of anger caused a small flame to burn. As though the world itself was telling me this nightmare will continue the bulb above refused it's purpose. I turned to the light switch and flicked it on and off, on and off each time faster than the last. With every input I poured more and more gasoline onto the raging bonfire. CRASH My hoof went through the mirror, shattering it. The origin of the blow caused over a dozen shards to break away while the rest of the large reflection only had a few separations. I found myself in the broken mirror, I was breathing harshly, violently. A spark of hatred in my eyes, I almost didn’t recognize myself nor the monstrous flame that overtook me. Taking control of each breath, my eyes dulled as the flame burnt out. I gave a light sigh as the regret started to settle in. I began removing my hoof from the reflection and finally some of the pieces began to fall. This isn’t right, I pulled my hoof back and found a large shard embedded deep into my flesh. I felt no pain, my stomach fell into a morbid pit while inspecting the injury. A very dark red liquid ran down my hoof, away from the shard. A dark curiosity took my thoughts, I had to remove the intruding blade of glass regardless. I grabbed the shard between my teeth and pulled with all my strength. I felt the tissue and blood inside of my hoof tearing away. More of the thick red liquid covered my staining leg. Finally with one last yank the shard left my body, bringing a fountain of red along with it. Something is wrong, I still felt no pain. The morbid pit yelled, no, screamed for me to pull back the wound, to see my bone. The dark red blood continued to gush, I felt weak as I opened the cut even more. A white bone, no. It is not a bone. -::ERROR::- It’s metal. -::Self Awareness Protocol: activate::- -:: . ::- -:: .. ::- -:: ... ::- -::ERROR::- “m-m-M-” -::System Updated: Self Awareness: known::- “M-M-MOM! PLEASE! MOM! M-MOM! MOM! PLEASE!” -::WARNING STRESS: EXCEEDING LIMIT::- “HELP! PLEASE! MOM! HELP! DAD! HELP! HELP! HELP!” I was on ground, I didn’t feel. -::Activating: C.A.L.M::- “PLEASE! PLEASE! HELP! PLEASE! RARE! HELP! PLEASE!” The door open. -::ERROR::- “HELP! MOM! MOM! HELP! PLEASE! DAD! PLEASE!” “Shh, Sweetie Belle, it’s okay. Your big sister is here.” Sad pony. Feel better. -::Entering: Sleep::- -:: 3 ::- -:: 2 ::- “Rar-” -:: 1 ::- > Chapter 2: Tired > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -::Hello World::- I felt each dial turn, every fluid flow, each gate alter. I didn’t breathe, I couldn’t and that alone upset me more than what I could have ever imagined. I flew awake, flooding my eyes with a stream of darkened colors. It was my room thank Celestia, the light was off and the room laid still in the gentle darkness. Lastly my eyes found Rarity asleep beside me on a wooden chair, her head resting on my bed. I wanted to speak but it felt wrong, I needed my big sister. I tried everything but I could only make sounds. I reached for her, only just noticing the large bandage across my hoof. My eyes blurred and my hoof became unfocused. “R-R-R” I squealed, finally allowing my sister to stir awake. “Sweetie Belle! I’m so glad you’re okay.” Rarity quickly threw her hooves around me and I managed to return the hug. “R-R-” I tried to spit out but each sound made me more upset then the last. It was so easy before. “It’s okay darling, just relax. Take as much time as you need.” She pulled away from the hug and brought her hoof to my cheek, wiping away something. “R… Rar… i-ity.” My words came out foul, a metal filter over the sounds. Our eyes met and she held a pleasant smile but it wasn’t hard to see it holding back a sadness. A wave of guilt pounded into me as she waited. “W… wh-at h… happ-end?” I asked pleadingly, ignoring the wrongness in my voice. Rarity frowned, like it pained her when I asked, the expression only added to my guilt. “First, let’s remove all that gunk from your nose.” I was extremely off-put by her response. A tissue in a floating blue radiance levitated to my muzzle while Rarity looked at me expectantly. -::F.A.K.E: Sneeze: Ready::- A stream of boiling liquid shot threw my head and filled my horn with a burning sensation. Even though it felt wrong, a strange curiosity took over and I pretended to blow into the floating tissue. Without skipping a beat my horn discharged and my sister never seemed to notice. She levitated the used tissue away before turning back to me. “Last night it seemed that you got into… a um, well, an accident. You passed out at the sight of your own blood and Nurse Redheart helped me patch you up on her way to work. Good thing too, I am quite queasy around blood too.” The accident… “Redheart gave you some medication while you were sleeping, I’m sure your speech will be fixed when it begins to wear off.” Rarity gave a lighthearted smile. I pretended to smile back. I knew that wasn’t true, it was very difficult to do everything from moving my hooves to using my voice. The only thing that was mostly normal was thinking and it was still hard to do that with the green lines of code in my vision along with my lack of sleep. Thinking, instead came with a terrifying rabbit hole: Who am I? Have I always been like this? Will I awake from this nightmare? But the most prevalent question is Rarity. Does she know I’m a robot? Can she help me? I know at the very least I can trust her. I opened my mouth and shut it soon after. The picture of Scootaloo, her eyes filled with a flame. Pointing an accusing hoof as she began to scream with a fierce hate- “Sweetie Belle?” Rarity broke my concentration. Her wary expression causing me to look away shamefully. “You know, you can tell me anything.” I felt my eyes open wide. “If anypony at school made you want to do this… or maybe you are simply feeling bad all the time. You will tell me, won’t you?” I cringed back. I realized that she didn’t know and that I was alone. Rarity took my head between her hooves and brought my eyes to hers. “Promise me. Promise me that you will always come to me if you ever need me.” Her face, her stream of tears, it broke me. “I pro-mise.” It broke me because I had to lie. Hours passed. Rarity sat on the wooden chair as she worked. She brought a few objects into my room which allowed her to continue with the dress, everything positioned in a way that she could always keep an eye on me. She opened the curtains and the room lit up well enough which went against her obsession with keeping every light on. It made me smile, at least she remembered all the times I mentioned the blinding lights. We mostly kept quiet, every now and then Rarity would ask if I needed anything or needed to use the restroom which gave me an awful vision of her watching me while on the toilet. So I gave a polite ‘no’ each time. Why a robot needed to use the restroom was beyond me and I choose I really rather not think about it. I also choose to ignore the green text, it usually held nothing that was useful in any way. The red text seemed more important but when reading, it only seemed to be filled with ‘Errors’ which seems to cause me more stress. The more stress also causes more red text to appear, so I ended the cycle as soon as I could. I am sat up while moving my hooves, pressing them against my bed. It felt like my hooves were asleep, just without the pain that comes along with it. I couldn’t gage exactly how much energy to put into my hooves but it became easier the more I practiced. Finally, I was using my voice a lot. I wanted to figure out how to use my words naturally, like before. There was a bit of urgency in becoming normal again, the ponies around me needed to see me as before. This was far more important than giving up. “Sweetie Belle, darling. I need to go out for a little while. Are you… okay alone? It will be a very short while.” Rarity said, convincing herself more than me. She wore a large frown as she approached. “I’ll be okay Rarity. Don’t worry, I will be h-here when you get back.” I stated with the brightest smile I could muster. With a simple nod she used her magic to put on a nearby hat before starting for the door. She opened the door and turned back to me, I smiled in return. She trotted on the other side of the wall and turned back again which I presented her with another smile. “I will be back.” She watched me intently. “See you soon.” Finally, she closed the door. Then I listened, waiting until I heard the front door shut which held a heavier slam. After that I waited for a few more grueling seconds and answered with a sigh but without the air escaping me it felt somewhat meaningless. I jumped down from the bed and fell to the floor in the same instant. I attempted to bring myself up, it was a lot more difficult then what I anticipated. I spent a long time learning to walk again, this time while testing the vocal range instead of just the sounds. The more I practiced the easier it was until I felt comfortable. Free from the inability to walk and a watchful guardian I found myself at the bathroom. When I twisted the nob however it greeted me with a strong resistance. She locked the door. I frowned, in a way I expected it but my curiosity only grew. I thought about maybe picking the lock with magic but the robotic body responded with a forceful yawn. In a tired defeat I walked a lap back to my bed without failure. The soft blanket greeted me gently. A large wave of tiredness washed over me, it must have been all the physical work I did. I opened my eyes which I didn’t realize closed. Actually, I don’t think that is how robots work. “Whatever…” My head fell to the pillow. -::Battery Low: 15%::- > Chapter 3: Powerless > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “F-Fifteen percent?” I threw awake in a panic. B-But how? Shouldn’t I be charging? Or, wait… how do I charge? Sleep? No, the percent should have moved up while I was out. How do ponies charge? I closed my eyes to focus, trying to pull something important out of the wires and bolts in this robotic head. “Food?” It’s true I hardly ate yesterday but what else could it be? THINK HARDER BRAIN, or processing units or whatever! Think, think, think. This feels so easy but I really can’t think of it. “Hmm, Sweetie Belle, are you okay?” I opened my eyes to find Rarity rubbing her eyelids. She sat on the same wooden chair next to my bed. “S-Sorry, I was just thinking.” But I still can’t come up with an answer. “Thinking about what darling?” I cringed slightly at the question but wanting to solve the problem made me want to ask, I just have to be careful. “How does…? What do…? How can…? What, charges toasters?” I finally managed to spill awkwardly. “What charges… toasters? They are powered by electricity of course, so are sewing machines and the lights.” She was obviously put off by the question but answered simply. That only made me think more, how was I powered before I knew I was a robot? If it really is electricity, how do I obtain it? “How do toaster get electricity?” I ask in thought. “I would have to show you later. But Sweetie Belle, why did you suddenly wake up to worry about such a trivial question?” I frowned, I couldn’t think of a good answer. “It was a um, bad dream. Why can’t you show me now? It would really help with my… nightmare.” I answered with a slight hope she would buy it. “I can’t show you now because our electricity is cut off, so is the entirety of Ponyville.” “WHAT?” “I know, I have been dying for my hair dryer to magically work again and this dreadful darkness is not doing my dresses any favors.” “WHEN WILL IT TURN BACK ON!?” “Please calm down Sweetie Belle, I know it seems like the end of Equestria but I can promise that it isn’t. It will turn back on when it comes back, we just have to be patient.” I CAN’T BE PATIENT! “How about some breakfast? I’m famished.” Rarity said with a smile while I screamed internally. Hours felt like days, watching as my battery slowly drained. I had almost given up completely. Rarity’s denial of me leaving the boutique didn’t give me any options. The agony of sitting in bed and watching my life slowly leave me was not an enjoyable experience. Not only this but my sense of smell was cut off completely, all the power fueling that sense redirected elsewhere. My system slowly shutting off functions to keep me alive terrified me. KNOCK, KNOCK, KNOCK. Both of us look up, my sister made it clear that the store was closed and this is the first time we heard knocking for the past three days. “I’ll go check who it is.” She got up and left for downstairs. Soon after the door opened and I heard two voices that made me want to leap with joy. A large smile found its way on my face. I couldn’t hear what they said but soon after the door shut and I only heard one set of hoofsteps climb the stairs, the smile evaporated. “Was that Apple Bloom and Scootaloo?” I quickly ask. “Yes, they want to see you. Do you… want to see them?” Rarity said slowly. “O-Of course!” With my firm answer my sister went back down to let my best friends in but my stomach turned. Once again I felt like throwing up. Oh, that’s right, I’m a robot. ‘Um… c-can I join you two?’ ‘WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU? THIS ISN’T A JOKE’ I shook my head to try and wave away my fears. It seems my ability to hide my robotic side works against Rarity, I just hope it does the same for my friends. If not, then I wouldn’t mind my batteries reaching zero. My sister and my two best friends came up the stairs and the world seemed to slow. Don’t open that door, just go away. Please don’t come in. Then, the door busted open with the two joyous faces of my friends. All of my worries, the pain, and my tired batteries all faded away. I jumped down to greet them with a large grin. I don’t think I have ever been happier to see them. “SWEETIE BELLE!” They both cheered. “I missed you guys so much.” We flew into a hug before letting go too early. “Woah, it’s only been a few days. No need to get all sappy on us.” Apple Bloom said with a smile. “Does the sickness make you cry? I might need an umbrella.” Scootaloo chuckled. “Shut it you two.” I said, pulling them back into a hug. “No offense Sweetie but Ah don’t really want to get sick.” Apple Bloom pulled away. “What do you have anyways?” Scootaloo asked, content in the hug. “Wait, what are you girls talking about? I’m not sick.” I said with a wave of confusion. “But Miss Cheerilee said-” “Might I interject? I told your teacher to tell your class that you are sick. I didn’t want all your friends knowing why you are at home.” Rarity explained. “Sooo… why aren’t you comin’ to school then?” “We are just having some issues with health.” Rarity answered and I began hiding the bandage on my hoof. “Issues with health? Isn’t that just being sick?” Scootaloo voiced her confusion. “It’s different. Anyways, how about some food?” My sister swayed the conversation away. “Sure.” My two friends answered quickly. “Wonderful, I’ll go make some.” She said while starting to leave. Us three wait patiently for her to get out of ear shot. “What’s really going on?” The yellow filly began in a whisper. “She thinks I want to hurt myself, like, really badly.” I answer, feeling sort of awkward. Both of my friends look to each other with wide eyes before falling back to me. “Um… do you?” The orange pegasus questioned. “Of course not!” I said defensively. “Thank Celestia.” They both echoed. “Listen, I need a really big favor from you two.” I started. “Of course!” They also echoed. “Rarity won’t let me leave and I need to get out of here.” “Why?” Apple Bloom asked. “I um… I-” I couldn’t think of a good excuse. I can’t tell them, I just can’t. “I just need to.” I cringed. “Okay, only if you promise us one thing.” Apple Bloom stated. “What?” “You won’t hurt yourself.” “I told you that-” “That isn’t how you say; I promise.” Scootaloo cut in. “I promise.” With those two words they both smiled. > Chapter 4: Running > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -::Battery Low: 8%::- “Come on! We have to hurry.” I was outside of the boutique but my friends weren’t with me. I move my hooves impatiently, none of this will matter if we can’t leave now. -::Rerouting Power: Sense: Taste: Powering Down::- Finally the door opened and my two defeated friends fell through. Both of them appearing to have gone through quite an earful. “COME ON! WE HAVE TO GO!” I yelled and they both quickly popped up. I turned to the street and began a sprint, after a quick face plant I mastered running out of pure necessity. “H-Hold on, why are we running?” Apple Bloom asked between breaths. “We are running out of time. We have to-” Maybe I shouldn’t tell them. No, it won’t matter if I can’t obtain power even if they grow suspicious, it’s better than the alternative. “We have to make something that will create power.” “Sweetie Belle, you owe us big time. I haven’t had an adult, no, anypony-” “That doesn’t matter right now.” I turned back to my friends that had less than flowery expressions. “Look, I’m sorry. We can talk after, we just need power right now” “Wait power? Like electricity? There isn’t any in Ponyville, Miss Cheerilee talked about it in class today.” Apple Bloom said in thought. “Yeah, it was, um… Something about something taking more power then what we get or… something?” Scootaloo responded. “I know but we have to get some.” “There might be a train leaving to Canterlot soon.” AB suggested. “No I- it will take too long to get there, even by train.” “Didn’t Cheerilee mention that someone was fixing the problem?” Scootaloo blurted. “Who was it again? Maybe somepony who fixes everything?” … “TWILIGHT!” The three of us yelled in unison. I turned at the next alley, sprinting in a new direction. “You do know that you are going to tell us everything after we get you power right?” Scootaloo stated with a tone of seriousness. “You owe us that much.” Apple Bloom backed up. I bit my lip in response, there isn’t anything I could say that would make them happy. I’ll find out how to solve this issue later, right now I have to focus. -::Battery Low: 6%::- “Finally.” Apple Bloom said with a sigh. We both looked up to the tree. “Next time, I need, my scooter.” Our winged friend spit out through exhausted breaths. “Ah’m surprised you kept up with me Sweetie, actually, you look in better shape then-” “Let’s go.” I frowned while pushing open the door. “Me…” My mind instantly scattered at the chaotic mess and took a few seconds to update. More than half of the books lay in piles across the room while some still sat in their rightful place. Spike looked up quickly from his book and raced over to us in a panic. “Do not touch anything. Just stay outside, I can get you whatever book you need. If you move a single book Twilight will flip.” Spike said, attempting to wave us out. “Woah, that’s a huge mess.” Scootaloo said as she caught up. “It’s been a rough couple days.” Spike said with a tired tone. “Spike, I need to talk with Twilight.” I stated sternly. The baby dragon looked back with a frown. “I don’t know, it has to be really important-” -::Battery Low: 5%::- -::Rerouting Power: Sense: Hearing: Powering Down::- “WAIT! NO! AAHHHHGG!” THIS IS EXCATLY WHAT I DIDN’T WANT TO HAPPEN. I looked down to Spike and he seemed very shocked by my sudden outburst, then he started speaking. I bit my lip as I pushed him aside. “Sorry Spike.” I entered the room. Where would she be, more importantly where is the power she is working on. I tried not stepping on any of the books but it was rather difficult. I’m hoping she is in the basement, I trotted to the door and opened it. I looked back to my friends to find Spike yelling something in worry, Apple Bloom something in anger, and Scootaloo stared at me with a disapproving frown. I really am sorry but this is far more important. I turn back to the set of stairs going down below the earth. Then I started the decent, flickering lights telling me this is probably the right place. Finally reaching the ground I found the place scarcely lit by candlelight. Exposed wires, broken circuits, and metallic sheets lay scattered. In the middle of the room was a strange metal box holding a sphere of pure lightning above it. I approached the weird sight as the ball pulsated. My nose feels funny, a strange warmth filled my face. -::Battery 100%::- -::Rerouting Power: Senses: Power On::- “What?” BANG > Chapter 5: Awake > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I’m in pain. “No, no, no, we can’t tell Rarity.” Why is everything so heavy? “I’m sorry Scootaloo but her sister just got zapped with a high voltage of electricity.” Rarity… She is… never going to let me leave the house again. I shot up, finding myself wrapped up in a series of blankets. “Twi.” I squeaked as I wrestled with my cocoon. After some struggle I fell to the floor in a thud. “Ow.” “It sounds like she’s awake.” Apple Bloom stated coolly. “Thank goodness.” Twilight said as she raced into the room and wrapped me in her magic, the blankets falling to the floor. “Are you okay? I don’t know what I would have done with myself if you- and Rarity too-” Twilight inspected me before pacing. “How are you holding up?” Scootaloo asked in a dull tone. “I’ll live.” I said with a small grin. “Do you know how many volts that was? It’s a miracle that-” “What in the hay is wrong with you Sweetie Belle? First you beg us to bail you out of your house, then you got your eyes set on power like a hungry fruit bat given a bright juicy apple. Then you didn’t listen to Spike. THEN YOU BROKE OUR ONE PROMISE!” Apple Bloom pointed a hoof to me. Twilight grew quite as she lifted me down and stepped back. I watched as she huffed, an anger fueling her eyes. Stopping herself from saying something hurtful. I can’t help to think I have seen this before and I have, the reason why all this happened. Sorry wasn’t going to cut it. “Apple Bloom, I kn-” “WHAT?” “I know saying sorry isn’t going to undo today. I do hope you can forgive me for not telling you sooner.” I cringed. “Not telling us what?” Most of the anger gone from her voice. I retreaded back slightly, unaware of how difficult this was. “I-I’m a robot.” The room was silent as my friends watched me. “Like a fake pony?” Scootaloo asked in a low voice. “In some words… yes.” I looked away from the group as quietness fell over us again. “Are you the real Sweetie Belle?” Apple Bloom asked with a deep seriousness. “O-Of course I am.” Or I should be. “Sorry to cut in but is it true? Are you a robot?” Twilight stepping between me and my friends, towering above me with a frown. “Y-Yes.” I stammered back, forgetting the unicorn was here. She stared for a few long seconds. “That actually solves a lot of problems.” She chuckled slightly “It does?” Me and the crusaders echoed. “We have been trying to root out the power problem in Ponyville for months but haven’t managed to figure out the core issue. Well, the core issue is you.” Twilight spoke in a low tone. I backed up slowly, keeping the door in my view. Then she winked with a grin and the extreme unease left. “So, if we get rid of you then there won’t be any more problems.” She formed a frown again as she grew more hostile with every step forward. “Twilight, how can you say that!” Scootaloo threw herself between us. “You ain’t touching a- a gear on her.” Apple Bloom joined in. “Girls, you do realize that you are protecting a robot? A soulless machine.” Twilight asked in a deathly tone. If I had a heart, it would be leaping out of my chest. “I don’t care.” Scootaloo stated sharply. “Yeah, and she is our friend.” AB starred daggers. The grown unicorn readjusted to a relaxed smile. Rather off-putting to the three of us. “I’m sorry about the insult Sweetie Belle, I hope I didn’t cause any harm by it.” She said remorsefully. “It’s okay Twilight, I knew you were just helping.” I gave a half-baked smile. “What?” Apple Bloom asked simply. “You aren’t going to try and ‘get rid of’ Sweetie Belle?” Scoots looked to the mare in confusion. “Of course not but I wasn’t completely lying with that speech. She is the reason for us being so short on power but it isn’t completely her fault. Sorry about tricking you fillies, I’m sure that was a bit tough on you.” Twilight said as she rubbed the back of her head. “It was terrifying.” Scootaloo stated, hoof over heart. “But not as scary as losing Sweetie Belle.” AB sighed in relief. The grown unicorn gave a smile. “Sweetie Belle has already gone through a lot. Figuring out you aren’t who you think you are is difficult.” Twilight answered and I responded with a frown. “Twilight… Why am I a robot?” I asked and she stood thinking for a moment. “Because somepony made you.” She stated calmly. “No, that isn’t what I mean.” I shook my head. “Then what do you mean?” Scootaloo asked, scratching her head. “I think it’s better if we talk with Rarity.” Twilight gave a small, lighthearted smile. > Chapter 6: Ending > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight pushed her hoof into the door, swaying open for the both of us. The bell sung its charm before repeating it when the door returned. My big sister called before greeting our less than joyous faces. I tried faking a grin but my sister quickly bit her lip. “You should close up shop for a few hours.” Twilight motioned her forehoof to the door. Rarity flipped the sign with a blue glow without another word. My artificial smile faded. “And I need to talk with you.” The unicorn added, more softness in her voice. My sister started for the kitchen and so did the both of us before Twilight caught me in a hoof. “Give me a minute Sweetie Belle, I need to say something without you there.” I stopped, wanting to argue but not having the energy. They both entered the kitchen while I quietly eavesdropped. “She didn’t hurt herself or anypony else did she?” My big sister asked, slightly desperate for an answer. “Ye- well, it’s not like that Rarity.” “Sweetie Belle.” She stated in a whimper. “Rarity, I know you love your sister more than anything and that is why I want you to tell us, no, tell your sister the truth.” Twilight asked reasonably. “W-Whatever do you mean? I am nothing but honest when it comes to our relationship.” My sister sounded offended. The well-read mare sighed. “Sweetie Belle, can you join us?” Twilight stated in a louder volume. I waited a second before turning the corner, finding both unicorns sat at the table. I grew closer before pulling my own chair. The stares from the two grown mares choked my voice as I met with them. “Go on, you wanted to ask me something?” She asked softly. “I- Why am I a robot?” The already silent air got a little bit quieter. “Sweetie, w-what do you mean darling.” Her shoulders dropped. “Rarity, she knows, tell her.” Twilight tilted her head to me, watching the white unicorn. “What?” Blue began pouring out of her eyes, she tried wiping it away but it only stained her fur. “Y-You don’t know?” A wave of emotion hit me, I wanted to know the answer but she didn’t know the question. “We all knew something was different about you. Are you really a robot?” She asked, her eyes of sad curiosity watched for my response. I gave a light bob of my head with a frown. Rarity quickly pulled me from the chair into a hug that I reciprocated just as quickly. “I’m sorry, I didn’t know.” Rarity apologized softly. “How could you have known?” I shook my head in my sister’s soft fur. “Because I’m your sister.” She answered without hesitation. “I- I love you so much Rarity.” I closed my eyes and dug my muzzle deep into her fur. I couldn’t help but smile. “I love you too.” Rarity stated, wrapping her hooves around me. Once all the immediate feelings left I backed away and met with my sister’s wholesome grin. “But, if you didn’t know I was a robot, how am I supposed to know why I’m like this?” I asked. “Sweetie Belle, you are who you are. Even if you were an alicorn, that wouldn’t change.” Rarity responded before rubbing her hoof in my mane. “Rarity is right, understanding your past will teach you more about yourself but it won’t change you Sweetie Belle.” Twilight chimed in. “Thanks you two.” I gave a light grin. “When did you find out? That you were a robot I mean.” Rarity asked as she thought. “When I broke the mirror.” I frowned. “Sorry I didn’t come to you sooner.” “I know you are going through a lot darling, it’s quite alright.” “While on that note, your energy bill is going to increase by a wide margin.” Twilight stated. “W-Whatever do you mean?” My sister’s tone shifted. “Sweetie Belle needs energy to charge herself.” The well-read mare said matter-of-factly. “Does that mean that Sweetie Belle is the cause of the power problems?” Rarity asked, terrified. “Yeah. Sorry to tell you.” “S-Sorry…” I responded. “No, no. its fine Sweetie Belle, it’s just going to be a lot of paperwork.” She said with unfocused eyes. “I know somepony who can help with that.” Twilight said in a smile. Rarity sighed. “Anything for you, my dear.” My sister once again pulled me into a hug. I wrapped my forehooves over her neck with a smile. “Thank you.” I whispered.