A Flame in the Dark

by LittleFaerieFire

First published

Written for jqnexx for jinglemas 2023 Sunset Shimmer and Princess Luna, two ponies that have lived in Canterlot castle for years. Yet during this time neither had truly met the other.

Written for jqnexx for Jinglemas 2023

Sunset Shimmer and Princess Luna, two ponies that have lived in Canterlot castle for years. Yet during this time neither had truly met the other. This most recent Hearths Warming Day would have likely continued such a traditon. However three days before the day of fesitivities with Princess Celestia out of the castle, both meet once more. Interacting with with the other without the influence of the Sun.

A Flame in the Dark

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A Flame in the Dark

For jqnexx

Sunset Shimmer was a Unicorn, one that was dissimilar to many others that had been born before and after her. Sunset Shimmer was a prodigy that stood far beyond the average Unicorn, and if she had it her way every soul within Equestria would know such a fact. Sunset Shimmer had laid claim to the domain of magic as her own. Seeking to supplant all those that declared their positions upon the field. Seeking an ever further mastery over the arcane. Sunset Shimmer was many things, yet as she skulked through the darkened halls of Canterlot Castle, she was currently wishing that she had brought a warm cloak.

Each breath that she took sent slivers of ice into her lungs, each exhale brought forth a deluge of mist before her muzzle. Yet Sunset Shimmer continued forth, traipsing through the frigid airs of the half-empty castle. It was a rare occurrence for the Princess of the Sun herself to not reside within these vaunted stone walls. It was an opportunity that the Unicorn, barely older than a foal, would have never given up.

Sunset Shimmer pushed forward, shivering all the while, through the ever-shifting darkness of Canterlot Castle. Seeking out a prize to claim as her own, one that she could never acquire under the watchful gazing of the Alicorn of the Sun. So certain of her stealth as she wandered the ancient hallways, that she disregarded the ways that the shadows began to cling and coagulate together.

Unseen by the young Unicorn, the way that through the darkness, a pony watched the skulking of one that should have long ago been put to bed. Unblinking eyes of unwavering cyan bled through the dividing shadows that clung to the small amber pony that blindly fumbled through the darkness. These ancient twinned orbs of cyan were further obscured by cloying darkness as they observed the foal bump into an ajar door and let out a muffled shriek as she jumped back in shock.

Sunset Shimmer swore to herself that once she had returned to her room, no matter how tired she would be after this little late-night adventure of hers, she was going to find some way to see in the dark. She regretted that folly of hers much like how she had stolen out of her room without any coverings on this chilled night. If she were to be asked which of the two was currently more irritating the young pony would admit that while she heavily disliked the cold, she would rather be half frozen than once more slam into something that she could not see.

However, even through the fumbles and many failures that had obstructed her, Sunset Shimmer was rather confident as she slipped through the door that had nearly sent her into a delusional panic, that she had found the location of her prize. Even if her quest had taken her far longer than she had anticipated, she had indeed succeeded in the end. That once more she had achieved victory. With the current situation finally in her favor she could accomplish her grand undertaking with her teacher none the wiser. A grand accomplishment considering that her teacher was none other than Princess Celestia.

Even if she could not share this victory with the Alicorn of the Sun herself. Even if Equus itself would never know of this victory. Sunset Shimmer herself would know of this achievement, that even at her young age, she had outwitted the Alicorn of the Sun herself. The thought brought but a flicker of warmth that stood as tall as it could against the cold chill that had enveloped itself throughout Canterlot Castle. Now that she was no longer at risk of being caught by a patrol of guard ponies that had no doubt been let loose upon the castle searching for any pony skulking about, Sunset Shimmer sought to correct both the chill that clung to her and the darkness that her cyan eyes could not pierce.

A moment of concentration, where arcane equations were dutifully constructed and performed with long-since perfected technique. A flame was enforced with her will upon reality itself. A meager thing that was unworthy of comparison to the Sun that Princess Celestia held dominion over, but it was Sunset Shimmer’s flame that she brought forth. Chasing away the cold claw that had clung to her, and scaring away the darkness that had once obscured her sight.

Sunset Shimmer smiled as she held up her hoofs to the small flame that she had conjured, unaware of the silent stalking of a predator that melded with the shadows that danced with the flickering of the flames. Sunset Shimmer was far more concerned with ensuring that any fragments of frost that had clung to her coat and mane were swiftly melted. She may not have cared for what most other ponies thought of her appearance, but she heeded the words of the Princess of the Sun.

So focused was she on this task, that she missed the arrival of the Princess of the Moon. Who stepped forth from the shadows of the door that was still ajar, towards the still shivering foal, who had still yet to notice that she was no longer alone. Princess Luna was many things, ruler, guardian of the dreaming realms, and countless more titles that had been ascribed to her over the centuries that she had ruled with her sister. Foal sitter, however, was not one of them that she had willingly claimed. That was why when her sister had requested that she kept an eye on her newest apprentice she had swiftly refused. Yet here she was but a scant few hoof-steps before herself and the foal that had impressively managed to evade the royal guards.

It was a combination of poor showing from the guards who had grown lax with the coming holiday, and the rather devious mind of a filly that had used a few conjured sounds to evade them. Princess Luna made a mental note to send those guards that the young filly had successfully out-witted for extensive training. That however was for a time later, likely when Celestia had returned from Griffonstone. Now she must deal with the young pony that had slowly defrosted herself at the small flame that she had summoned.

“I must enquire, Sunset Shimmer. Why is it that you are here? Having slipped from your rooms in the depths of my night?” The Princess of the Moon softly intoned, shattering the silence that had once only held the calm cracklings of fire. The ancient Princess whom many of her subjects would consider a timeless entity had seen many things throughout her long life. That did not mean that such an act of catching a filly with her hoofs in the cookie jar was not still amusing to one such as her. Especially with how the filly in question reacted.

“Princess Luna.” Sunset Shimmer yelped out, stumbling backward into the flame that she had conjured. She would have no doubt burned herself were it not for the cobalt magics that had swiftly caught her. Pulling the young filly from the very flames that she had conjured. The Princess of the Moon could only let out a sigh as the filly attempted to escape the magic that had safeguarded her. “I have a very good reason for being here!” The young filly yelped out, her mouth running far faster than her thoughts.

Sunset Shimmer of course had the wherewithal to understand that she had been caught by the ruler of the night and dreams. However, for all that she was a prodigy who had taken to the various fields of magics as were they her own, she was still but a filly. One that would be eternally considered young by the immortal sisters that ruled over Equestria. This youth of hers gave Sunset Shimmer the delusion that she could spin her words in such a way to evade the punishment that was no doubt awaiting her now that she had been caught by the pony that was Princess Celestia’s only true equal.

Princess Luna could only silently curse her sister once again, after all, it was normally Celestia’s fault that she had to deal with problems that could have been easily avoided. Such as the case of her newest apprentice telling a fanciful tale of such mystifying gravitas that it would have not been misplaced by one of the ancient sages that Princess Luna had so detested ages ago in Old Equestria. It was because Celestia had alerted her to the fact that Sunset Shimmer recently had taken to traversing through the castle in the late hours where she should have been sleeping.

One needed to take the small victories where they could when they were dealing with a pony such as Celestia. Doubly so when one was her sister who had spent what felt like an eon together. While Princess Luna had indeed noticed that the castle's youngest inhabitant had been moving through the darkness of the night for nearly a month now, she had turned a blind eye to such trifling actions. It wasn’t her concern after all it was her sister's apprentice, one that had barely any time for any pony other than Celestia herself. It was only when Celestia had brought up the matter that she could no longer have the pretense of the filly avoiding her watchful eye. Now here she was, before a foal that believed that she could outwit her while not even being a proper fraction of her age.

“Are you done?” Princess Luna finally queried when the young Sunset Shimmer had begun to ramble incoherently, the tale that had once been spun now little more than a frayed mess of half-contradictory elements. The reminder of her true age was another annoyance that was layered atop the one that was this entire ordeal. So when Sunset Shimmer meekly nodded and accepted her fate she could only sigh in relief that the foolish foal wouldn’t be trying her any further. “Good.”

Taking a breath before adopting as much regality as she could manage, Princess Luna, Master of the Moon spoke once more. “I would like to know why you have been skulking through our nights?” When Celestia would later enquire about this ordeal Princess Luna would refuse to tell her sister what it was that inspired her to question Sunset Shimmer about her actions. Instead of simply banishing her to her rooms and informing Celestia of the matter herself.

The filly that was still contained with the Warden of the Night’s magic didn’t answer, the only response that she gave to her captor was the furrowing of her brow and the sparking of her horn as she attempted to escape the mystical bindings that had protected her from her the flames that she had summoned.

It was a futile attempt that many before her had both attempted and failed, but while they were great warriors who had sought to escape the grasp of the Lunar Princess, this was a mere filly not even having reached a decade of her life doing the same. Princess Luna however was not facing an enemy on the fields of battle, she was wrangling a filly that refused to speak truthfully, all the same, she let the young filly down. Prepared to give chase through the castle until the filly either collapsed in exhaustion or otherwise gave up.

Yet as Sunset Shimmer was released from her bindings she narrowed her eyes at the Princess that had caught her. Taking a moment to allow her brilliant mind to work through various outcomes and plot out the correct course to the best one that she could achieve. Unfortunately, before Sunset Shimmer was not a mere Royal Guard, no the pony that had caught her was Princess Luna. That irrefutable fact alone tarnished a great deal of outcomes that Sunset Shimmer would have preferred.

“I was looking for something for Princess Celestia…” Sunset Shimmer admitted after finally deciding that honesty would likely be her best policy, after all, Princess Celestia had never believed her lies and it seemed that Princess Luna wouldn’t be fooled by them either. Her small voice lacked the usual confidence that pushed her ever forward. Her words lacked the heat that often accompanied her words.

“A Hearth's Warming Day gift?” Princess Luna asked with dawning comprehension. Sunset Shimmer could only nod confirming the reason for her nightly adventures. “My sister does not require such a thing from you, nor does she want to have you spending your nights searching for a gift for her. Especially within one that originated from within our castle.” Princess Luna continued with a slight edge to her words that went unnoticed by Sunset Shimmer. Instead, Sunset Shimmer held her neck high as cyan eyes met cyan eyes. Ones that had seen eternity for what it was, ones that could only see the short future ahead of their owner.

“I wanted to get her something in exchange for everything that she has given me!” Sunset Shimmer declared with as much ferocity as she could fit into her small form. Her cyan eyes flashed with a flaming fervor that had even the Alicorn Princess momentarily startled. For one moment that stretched out far longer than the seconds that no doubt passed in reality, Princess Luna’s eyes saw not a filly that had yet to truly step into her own, but an entity that would immolate the foundation of Equus itself. Yet just as soon as such an almost prophetic illusion was created, it was just as swiftly shattered by the one that had summoned it.

No longer acting nearly as defiant as she previously had been, now adopting a much more meek expression as Sunset Shimmer pawed at the stone floor with the tip of her front right hoof. “But what can you even get for some pony like Princess Celestia?” Sunset Shimmer asked the sister of the target of her current frustrations.

Princess Luna had expected many outcomes to the current predicament that she had found herself within. This outcome that existed, she had not even considered as a meager possibility. Taking a moment to adjust her vision so that she could peer through the stones surrounding the two of them. Her eyes quickly gleamed with the current date from the stars that glistened within her night.

Turning back to the amber pony that was silently awaiting the admonishment that she knew she deserved. Perhaps if Princess Luna had been more like her sister she would have given an impassioned speech of some fashion to assuage the feelings of being caught. However Princess Luna was many things, but above all, she was not her sister.

“What to get for my sister has always been a grand difficulty that has only been exacerbated by the continued passage of time. While Equus changes and we remain unchanged.” Luna spoke, her voice holding a somber undertone that Sunset could not fully understand, only identify. Before Sunset could ask the elder pony what was wrong, cyan eyes once more met cyan. “There are only three short days that remain before Hearths Warming…” Luna’s words trailed off and before the Princess of the Moon could continue Sunset once more spoke.

“I know! I managed to get a gift for every pony else but Princess Celestia!” Sunset yelped out, her words a mix of frustration and despair that seemed to strangle her. “What does that say about me? That I can acquire something for every pony else but her!” Luna could only be taken aback by the twinned flashing of both cyan from the young ponies' eyes and the conflagration that blossomed from the long-since forgotten sparks that had been behind Sunset.

Luna however did not let the momentary surprise allow any tragedy to occur as in one moment a great sea of flames had been birthed and the next it had been swallowed by Luna’s own shadow. Glancing at the cause and near victim of the averted disaster who was now panting from the involuntary assertion of her magic. The once dauntless pony that had stood defiantly before her was now but a mere morose shell of her former self that couldn’t even meet her eyes.

Luna couldn’t help but internally sigh as she made a mental note to enquire with her sister about her current student. There had been precedents set before that would be best avoided. Yet that was a talk later for her and her sister. Now Luna ignored the subtle wave of irritation that was stirred as she made up her mind.

“- my sister.” Sunset frowned as she was stirred from the depths of despair that she had fallen within. Her eyes once more found purchase upon reality as she met the ancient eyes of the Princess of the Moon.

“What?” Sunset asked in confusion, her head tilting and mane drooping. Luna simply chuckled at the antics of the young pony before she repeated her offer once again.

“I can assist you with your gift for my sister,” Luna repeated to the growing elation of Sunset. Who was running the words spoken by the Alicorn on a loop within her mind on repeat until she could accept the meaning behind them.

“Thank you, Princess Luna!” Sunset’s words accompanied her dropping into a deep bow. One that would have showed her deep gratitude to the elder pony, but one that was halted by the very same cobalt magic that had earlier contained her.

“There is no need to bow, I am not my sister.” Luna chuckled at the once amber cheeks of the unicorn before said cheeks reddened as she once more straightened.

“Sorry…” Sunset trailed off before taking a breath and once more speaking. “I had intended to go through some various forms of divinizing magic in an attempt to figure out what to get Princess Celestia and I knew that she kept a mirror made by Starswirl the Bearded here. In some of the books that I have found it says that it can peer into the possible futures. I was hoping to look into it and find out what I would get her in the end. Yes technically that would have created a temporal paradox as I would be relying on the gift that had been gifted in the future by myself, but I assumed that with the proper application of chronomancy, I would be able to glean from the temporal loom without any problem.” Sunset spoke the beginnings of her plan that Luna personally believed to be far more complex than need be, especially for one of her age. Yet it was only once Sunset began to delve into theorems and equations that Luna had long since willingly forgotten did she interrupted the pony that had adopted the title of teacher.

“Yes, that is all very good Sunset. However, did you consider simply asking her what she wanted?” Celestia hadn’t answered that question whenever Luna had asked it in the last three hundred years, however for her newest student she likely would have. Sunset however looked nearly affronted by the question, as if the Alicorn Princess before her had dared claim that she could no longer practice magic for the remainder of the week.

“Of course not! That would be as bad as if I told you that I had gotten you a Moonstone pendant, shaped in the form of…” Indignation bled into horror at what Sunset had accidentally revealed. The young unicorn quickly fell silent as her mouth was left agape at the travesty that she had unintentionally performed. It took all the many centuries of acting as the peerless Princess that Luna had, to prevent the snort of amusement that threatened to slip from her controlled demeanor. “Please forget what I just said.” Sunset all but begged the Alicorn before her.

It was too much as Luna’s decorum broke and the Princess let loose a near bellow of amusement. Taking a moment to allow the jubilation to express itself before she shook her head at the pony who had fallen silent before her. Luna knew that Sunset Shimmer was many things from her few talks with her sister, but even with the next discussion that she would have with her about her newest student. Luna knew that one thing was a fact, that Sunset no matter her oddities was adorable.

“My little pony I shall pretend to have no idea what it was that you have gifted me for this Hearth's Warming Day,” Luna spoke with a smile stretched upon her muzzle, before she righted the conversation between herself and Sunset to the topic of a gift for Celestia.

Night bled today as the Sun began to crest upon the horizon. Yet the endeavor had been accomplished. In the end, the Alicorn and the Unicorn had devised a present to gift to the Warden of the Day herself. A gift that she would never forget.

Three days later when the Alicorns of the Sun and Moon met after a long day of festive celebrations and parties of impromptu delight, Luna had a Moon Stone pendant of a star adorning her neck. A recent addition to her rather subdued fashion, especially in consideration of Celestia’s own rather fanciful adornments.

Luna had received countless odd ends of jewelry that had all but bankrupted the ones that had gifted such fine pieces to her. Such expensive adornments were not the only things that she had been gifted, much like her sister she started off her career as a warrior. Receiving weapons adorned with the blood of both non-pony and pony alike.

Yet even amongst the vault of gifts that had been given to her this year and the grandness of what she had received over the ages, Luna felt that this pendant was special. It wasn’t the material that it was made from, Moon Stone was something that Luna could easily conjure herself. No, it was the pony that had crafted it that made it so special.

As it was, she had been pleasantly surprised when she had opened her gift, not nearly as surprised as Celestia had been. Luna didn’t believe that Celestia bought the mask of innocence that she had adopted, but she had accepted the gift nonetheless. Yet as it was as the Sun began to set, two Alicorns met after ensuring a young Unicorn was slumbering in her bed. To discuss what Sunset Shimmer's role as Celestia's newest student meant.

A chance meeting orchestrated no doubt by the Sun herself led to the Sun smiling at the Moon who was adorned by a singular star that gleamed with all the splendor of an impossibility made reality. All the while the student of the Sun slumbered. Dreaming of the amazing day that she just had, and how Equestria's Princess's had been by her side throughout it. Wishing that it would never change. That such a day would repeat evermore. The Moon clearly heard the whispers of such dreams, which only made the smile upon the Sun's muzzle grow wider.