> One More Time > by DrySpell > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Final Go Around > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “I haven’t been in here before, have I?” Dash’s offhand remark came after she closed the wooden door to the hidden room behind her. Following the instructions she’d gotten from Twilight a few hours ago led her here, to some sort of laboratory tucked away in the castle’s less explored corners. “Is that a brewing pot or something? What is she, a witch?” Dash chuckled, stepping into the room proper. Directly in front of her, on an elevated platform, was a large, black vat sitting atop a metal grate tinged red from the flickering flames below. Inside was some odd blue soup idly bubbling every few seconds. “Kinda creepy, actually. Hey Twi!? I’m here!” Her call fell on deaf ears. Not unexpected considering the small size of the room. She could see every corner from the door. Still, she expected Twilight to pop into existence as she often did when called. With hands stuffed in her pockets and her call ignored, Dash did what she did best: take matters into her own hands. “Hope ya’ don’t mind if I take a little… self-approved tour of the place.” Speaking to no one, she walked a little to her left where a small staircase led to the platform from before. On her way, she noticed the half dozen stacks of books all around the room. High enough to be pillars keeping the room up. Interspersed between them were several messy desks stacked high with beakers, pipets and pipettes, as well as other chemical instruments Dash had no chance of identifying. She moved past these quickly. Finally standing before the vat, she looked down in it. Whatever was frothing away in there didn’t look very edible, but the blueberry scent could’ve fooled her for a moment. At her back was a window popping out from near the top of the castle. It was cracked for now, letting in a cool early-winter breeze.  More interesting than that was the table just below it. More books and loose papers were stacked on top of it, but smack dab in the middle of it all was a simple lone bottle. Unlike the chemistry bottles on other tables, this one was just a small plastic bottle you could find at any store. It was also the only one that was marked with a small, yellow sticky note. She plucked it from its place on the table by its neck, then rolled it over so she could read the text on the bottle. “Dear Dash. Sorry I missed you, me and Spike got called for an emergency?” Dash raised an eyebrow but said nothing as she continued. “Take this energy drink I made as an apology. It should make you feel a burst of energy. Let me know what you think later…” After a short pause, Dash turned the bottle around in her hands, watching the blue liquid slosh around inside. “Huh…. weird.” A small snap later, the bottle’s cap hit the table. With wary eyes, she looked down at the drink directly. A blueberry smell. She looked behind her again, at the open vat. The liquids didn’t look the same, but it seemed to be too strange to be a coincidence. Despite this, she swallowed down her apprehensive fear, then chased it with the energy drink. It went down easy, in only a few gulps. The blueberry taste paired well with the surprising minty aftertaste. Dash smacked her lips a few times before wiping the excess drink off with her sleeve. “Tastes good. Have I had this before?.” Dash burped, then crushed the bottle out of habit. After realizing what she did, she gently laid the remains down on the table. “Maybe I should… head back?”  Her hands brushed across the wooden surface of the table. Sweat began rolling down her forehead like raindrops. Her hair stood on end for only a moment before returning to normal. She clenched her fist tight before relaxing her muscles again. “Huh...” In a quick motion, Dash’s wings opened fully, and she took off into the air. Despite limited space, she managed to spin in midair as quick as a bullet, keeping her feet from touching the ground. She blinked a few times in surprise, a grin slowly forming on her face. “Whoa… awesome! Are energy drinks supposed to work that fast, though?” Her question would go unanswered and soon be forgotten once her phone began to buzz in her pocket.Planting herself back on the ground, she fished for it, pulling it out just as it stopped. Lifting it to her face, the phone buzzed again, displaying the Caller ID. With a smirk, she swiped to answer and lifted the phone up to her ear. “Yo, what’s up, squirt?” “Dash!” The excitable voice on the other side of the phone never ceased to make Rainbow chuckle. “Do you remember that time I tried to do a 540 Triple Barspin off the hill near the lake?” “Yeah, you broke almost every bone in your arm!” Dash chuckled. “But the trick was cool. What about it?” “I finally managed to hit it today, out of nowhere!” Dash’s eyes widened. “I did the trick like 3 times already. You gotta come check it out!” “Just now?” asked Dash, tapping her chin. “Didn’t you do that trick already?” There was a short, pensive pause. Pulling the phone from her ear, Dash could see that the call was still connected. She opened her mouth to speak, but Scootaloo’s response cut her off. “Don’t think so! I mean, if I had, I would’ve recorded it or something!” Dash chuckled, then shrugged it off. It’s not like her memory was that great anyway. “Alright then. I’ll be there in a sec!” Turning from the desk, Dash hopped over the cauldron and landed on the lower floor in a single hop. She clenched her free hand into a fist once again before reaching for the door handle. “Try not to hurt yourself before I get there.” “I won’t!” Hanging up with a chuckle, Dash stuffed the phone back into her pocket. She gave the room one last glance over, then stepped into the hallway. The air was nice here, mirroring the outdoors slightly nippy temperatures from late autumn. Though it was comfortable, Dash knew she’d have to get a move on.  Her wings spread out wide and she took to the air again. Like before, there was a sense of energy welling up from her core that quickly traveled her body. It felt even better once she began soaring through the wide, open hallways of the castle. Having the wind in her hair felt natural, but this was a bit different. Like she was breaking past what she was normally capable of. Then again, it was hard to tell. She never kept track of her speed, and wouldn’t be starting now. She reached the front doors in record time, stopping only for a second to pull one open before taking off again. The air was colder here, but it wasn't as harsh as she expected. In fact, despite wearing little in the way of protective clothing, her body felt warm by itself. Dash looked down at herself as she flew. “Damn, Twi. Is there anything this energy drink can’t do?” She chuckled to herself, then sped off towards the lake’s edge.At this pace, she’d be there before Scootaloo could even give the trick another go. As expected, the lake’s expanse appeared beneath her after only a few more minutes of flying. A quick scan hadn’t revealed Scootaloo. A hum later, Dash decided to dive down to take a closer look.  It was only once her feet touched the grass and she closed her wings did she realize something was up. Her body felt just as warm as it had in the castle, if not a bit more so. Sweat rolled down her face, neck, and body like she’d just taken a dip in the water. She unzipped her coat, but it hadn’t done much to alleviate her. On top of it all, there was a weird, nagging feeling nestled in her lower stomach. Bloated, like she’d just gorged herself on food. She placed her hand on her stomach, determined to tough it out.  “Hey, squirt! Where ya at?” The lake wasn’t the kind of place for hiding. A wide open field with a large tree on the opposite end. She began to make her way to the tree, the feeling becoming more pronounced with each step. “Jeez. the fuck is up with me? Maybe I should’ve eaten something before drinking that potion…” Once she got close enough to the tree, she placed her palm against the cold bark. Her breaths were ragged and hoarse. Her body felt like it was melting into a puddle with every bead of sweat down her back. Worst of all, the bloated feeling from before was much more intense. “Shit…” Dash lifted her shirt up as far as she could without exposing herself. Looking down wasn’t necessary. The blue light beaming out from her skin was easily spotted. Like something alien growing inside of her, reading to burst out from her skin. It hummed and buzzed with energy, sending goosebumps down Dash’s spine. “What the…” Then, in a flash, it stopped. Raising itself to her belly button, it shot downward in one powerful thrust. The force was enough to bring Dash to her knees. The air left her lungs in a gasp. The feeling was gone, leaving something just as strange in its place. “Oh Dash, there you are.” the call of her name made her flinch. She barely wanted to get to her feet, let alone turn and face Scootaloo. The creaking of wheels came to a stop just before her back. “You alright? Why’re you bent over like that?” Ignoring her words, Dash sneakily thumbed the hem of her jeans, pulling them out just enough to see down the front. It seemed impossible, but she was very clearly staring at a new set of equipment. A thick, sem-soft log stuffed into her boxers just above a wide sack. She blinked a few times, wondering if her eyes were somehow playing tricks on her. But, as she got to her feet, the heft of her bottom half was definitely real. “M-My bad, Scootaloo,” huffed Dash. Getting decent once again, Dash turned around to face her. It had been more than a few years since she met Scootaloo, but even as she grew, she kept her lean physique. She was a lot like Dash in that regard. Her thin arms and legs fit comfortably into her ripped jeans and leather jacket. No matter how many years passed, though, she was ever too far from a scooter. “You wanted to show me a trick right?” Instead of answering, Scootaloo kept silent, her attention elsewhere. Exactly here Dash really hoped she wouldn’t look. Her form fitting jeans did very little to hide the new bulge in her pants. Her mind raced a mile a minute, thinking of some way to explain this away, but coming up blank. After a few moments of intense silence, Scootaloo finally looked up to meet Dash’s face, her expression as vibrant as ever. “Whoa… is that real?” THe pause following her sentence nearly made Dash’s heart spike into her throat. Caught of guard, she barely missed stopping Scootaloo from closing the distance on her. She bent down, and poked at the shaft through her jeans. “So cool.” “Uh—” Goosebumps surged down Dash back as the grip of her pants around her waist loosened. In only a second, her pants began to slide down her legs. That moment of shock was enough for her to be late in stopping Scootaloo from exposing her boxers. “H-Hey! Scootaloo, what the fuck!?” “Huh?” She glanced up at Dash’s bewildered glare with a confused expression. Like she’d just been asked something benign. “What’s wrong?” “What’s wrong?” repeated Dash frantically. “Why are you trying to strip me?” “How else am I gonna get in your pants?” With Dash’s iron grip on the hem of her boxers, Scootaloo was forced to improvise. Reaching through the small hole in front, she coaxed the shaft out into the open, flopping down on her nose and covering half of her face in it’s girth. “Isn’t this what you called to show me?” “Wha… called?I didn’t want to do anything like—” A sharp, powerful power rumbled in her groin, cutting off her sentence. A lust potent enough to bring Dash to her knees. Or, in this case, keep Scootaloo on them. Her cock twitched with power, growing into its full potential by the second. Using her moment of absent-mindedness, Scootaloo slipped her fingers down the hem of her boxers, clearing them in one good tug. In her full naked glory, Dash’s face blazed red. Grasping the shaft by the base, Scootaloo aimed the tip directly at her waiting lips. Her tongue poked through, poking at her head and lapping up what little precum already dribbled out. Lapping like a cat for a few more seconds, she began to throw in a few long pumps with her hand. With breaths long and labored, Dash’s dismay began to set in.  “Fuck…” Her hand found its way to Scootaloo’s wild locks. An attempt to push her away was thwarted by her rapidly waning strength. In fact, Scootaloo took the opportunity to dive in deeper. “Damnit, this isn’t right.” “Hmm…” Scootaloo hummed. Despite her warnings, she continued until her lips brushed against her fingers at the base. At that point, she removed her hands, pushing down even further. Only when her nose pressed against her stomach did she stop pushing. Her eyes flickered upward, meeting Dash’s. A few seconds later, her pupils bent into small, red hearts beaming out like bright lights. She pulled back until her lips slipped over the curve of her head, then left her completely with a wet smooch. “Wow…” “Where the fuck did you learn that…?” Dash leaned back, letting her head rest against the wood. She took a few deep breaths to catch herself from teetering off the edge. “So I was good? Yes!” Dash looked down at Scootaloo, who was pumping her fist in victory. Despite the situation, she couldn’t help but crack a smirk. Her cock twitched, growing just a bit harder than before. She gripped Scootaloo’s head just a bit harder to get her attention. “Listen up, squirt.” Dash squared her stance, then pushed her hips forward. She wasn’t really used to this, but Scootaloo didn’t seem to be complaining with her mouth full. “You better not have been going around stripping people and going to town. I… don’t even know how to begin to tell you that’s wrong if you have.” “Hmm… hmph.” Scootaloo’s words melted into pleased hums and moans. Once Dash hilted herself inside her throat once again, she pulled out halfway. Covered in saliva, she thrust in again, careful not to be too forceful or glide along her teeth.  “Jeez, this thing is sensitive.” The more comfortable she got with Scootaloo, the faster she thrusted. Scootaloo sat patiently, eyeing the shaft as it passed in and out. Her tongue swathed over it whenever she got the chance, before Dash pulled away. This didn’t go unnoticed by Dash, who shivered every time she did it. Despite the constant thrusting, Dash didn’t seem to get tired. In fact, it felt like that energy drink from earlier was doing its job well now. She got even faster, jabbing at the back of Scootaloo’s throat with little hesitation. Her balls swayed up, smacking against her throat. Another powerful feeling built up inside of her. But, instead of coming from her stomach, it came from even further down. An unstoppable feeling churning deep below the surface. She bit her lip, then tightened her grip even further. Her haphazard thrusts spewed Scootaloo’s saliva all down her shaft and legs. Though the feeling was foreign, her next words felt oddly familiar. “Shit… I’m about to…!” Scootaloo’s eyes widened. Trying to hold it back was useless. There was no stopping the torrent about to come. Still, she managed to pull herself away in time, a thick line of spit following suit. A guttural grunt marked the start of her explosive finish. Two ropes of cum shot forward, splattering directly against Scootaloo’s forehead and eyes. Thankfully, she managed to close them before any got in them. The rest cascaded down her throat, painting the pinkish insides white. To help with that, Scootaloo dove forward, taking the head in her mouth. Using her tongue, she slurped up the last few pumps of her spunk, pulling away once she was finally satisfied. Dash rested her head on the bark once again, taking long deep breaths to get air back into her lungs. Her hand slinked down Scootaloo’s cheek until it found its place at her side again. Even with all this, a true sense of fatigue had yet to settle in. Her offhand found its way to her forehead, wiping the sweat from her brow in a clean sweep. “You alright?” asked Dash. She glance down at Scootaloo who was still kneeling in front of her. When their eyes met, she saw that the odd pupil shape hadn’t gone away. Instead, Scootaloo looked more excited then she had been before. She sighed, then reached down for her boxers. “Come on, let’s bounce. Maybe Twilight knows why this is all happening.” “Uh… sorry, Dash.” With a confused hum, Dash looked up. As quickly as she’d gone through Dash’s Scootaloo was pulling down her jeans. Unlike Dash, though, she laid herself bare in a single pull. “But I’m really fuckin’ horny. Can we…?” “I-I don’t think so, sport.” Her eyes bore into her bare bottom. Arousal dripped down her legs like melting ice cream. Sweat dripped down her back. “Head is one thing… sex is way different.” “Aw, c’mon!” Scootaloo snuck her hand underneath Dash’s shaft. It sputtered to life under her touch, and made Dash gasp. She bit her lip, embarrassment swelling on her cheeks from her lack of control. “See! You want to do it too, right?” She couldn’t deny that. Wanting to do something and doing something you should were rarely the same for Dash. And of course, she knew this. She’d been on the business end of one of Applejack’s lectures far too many times to have forgotten that.  Then again… AJ was a lame. “Just a quickie, alright? Then we’re going straight to Twilight.” Dash grabbed Scootaloo by the shoulders, spun on her heel, then pressed her against the tree. Her hands slipped underneath the curve of her ass and lifted her up. Just enough for Dash’s cock to knock at the door of her pussy. “It’d be dumb not to use this at least once, right?” “I-I’m ready, Dash…” Scootaloo’s hands gripped her jacket and her thighs clinched down on her waist. The excitement radiating just from her gaze was intense. “Put it in.” Biting her lip, she obliged, slipping her head past her dripping wet lips and into her folds. That slickness continued as the rest of her girth stretched her walls thin and her balls rested snugly on her ass. Scootaloo’s grasp got even tighter than before. “Fuck me…” There was no way she could’ve grabbed her tighter than she wrapped around her cock. A firm hold softer than velvet. The feeling of pleasure struck her entire body like a bus. She very nearly dropped Scootaloo, but managed to keep her hoisted. Pulling out just a bit, she thrust in with enough force to shake the tree.  “A-Awesome…” murmured Scootaloo. Her pupils soared to the top of her eyes, and a long, droning sigh left her lips. Her tail swished wildly back and forth, brushing against Dash’s legs with glee. In response, she smirked, then pulled out again. “This might all be a really weird dream…” Another jab forward, with much of the same result. Dash took a deep breath. “But I could definitely get used to this thing.” In true Rainbow Dash fashion, she wasted no time getting right down to the nasty. Scootaloo may have been a tight squeeze, but Dash wasn’t about to be slowed down by that. She started with small, short, but powerful pumps. Enough to make Scootaloo shake with glee. More importantly, to give her a warning of what was to come next. Her pussy shaped itself around her, getting used to its rapidly gaining girth  before she threw a new wrench into the mix. More length meant more pleasure. Her tip scraped along her g-spot before mercilessly slamming into her depths. Every thrust brought a wet squirt out of her, juices pittering against the grass. Still, Dash kept up her assault, only getting quicker and more ferocious as she did.  “Dash… Dash…!” Her moans rang in her ear, sending goosebumps down her back. Her grip around her ass tightened and her own breaths began to grow ragged. Her muscles tensed with each thrust, and her lower half felt like it was on fire. Her tip smooched and kissed her pussy hard enough to send her into a frenzy. She wouldn’t be able to hold on for much longer. “G-Give it to me…!” Dash didn’t need to be told twice. Her balls lurched up, dumping a thick glob of cum right into the back of her pussy. Scootaloo clenched down hard, her legs wrapping around Dash’s back and locking in place. The cum wasn’t slowing down for even a moment, bubbling up and spilling out in an explosive display. Sticky white slipped down her balls and onto the ground in small puddles.  As the last of the orgasm sputtered out of her, Dash slowly let go of Scootaloo. Her wings were enough to let her flutter to the ground, but judging by her dazed expression, she wouldn’t be doing much else. With Dash slipped out of her, a plump stream of cum bubbled to the surface, steadily pouring out of her pussy like a fountain.  Dash took a few deep breaths, but couldn’t seem to get herself back to normal. She fell to her but, exhaustion steadily creeping up her body. She could barely even raise a finger, let alone stop herself from falling onto her back. Looking up at the cloudy sky, a million things raced through her head a minute. What was she gonna do about Scootaloo? Was this dick a permanent addition to her body, or could it come off? The questions flooded in, seemingly impossible to answer. But then, as she closed her eyes, they all faded away into nothing as she drifted asleep. “Whew. What a day.” A chair creaked as it’s host leaned back, using it for support. With her off hand, Twilight wiped the sweat from her forehead and took a deep breath. The room she was in was both small and basic. Only two things were ever consistently in it. The chair and the screen. For now, it was also the only source of light Twilight was using. The lights given off by the particular magic she was using was only enough to light up things close to it. Despite that, she still preferred this to conventional lighting.  She looked down at herself. Other than her hoodie and a pair of socks, she was bare. In fact, her fingers were still inside of her exposed crotch, slick with the juices she’d sprayed onto both the chair and floor. Her favorite show had just come on, after all.  The thick smell of sex filled the room, but she wouldn’t have to worry too much about that. She pulled her fingers back, watching the lines of her cum string between them in amusement. “Well… I should probably clean this up, shouldn’t I?” “Yeah, you should.” Twilight froze in place before quickly whipping around. Before she could properly respond, the room was filled with a bright orange light from a candle nearby. As her eyes quickly adjusted to the light, she met the stern gaze of a particularly unamused dragon. “Twilight…” “W-What? Can’t a girl get a bit of privacy!?” Immediately, the magic light went dark, leaving the large crystal viewer cold and lifeless. Similarly, the hum of magic disappeared from the room, leaving only Spike’s annoyed sigh. “Twilight, you can’t keep using Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo as fap material.” Spike groaned, then covered his eyes with a talon. “It’s amoral. We’ve been over this.” “Y-You know… it’s been debated whether morality has any place in the scientific world, as it has proven to cripple progress and—” Her sentence was cut off by the burst of a green flame. Where he once held nothing, there was now parchment paper and quill. He pressed the tip to the paper and began scratching. Twilight’s eyes widened. Once he finished, there was only one place that paper could go. “W-Wait, wait! Don’t tell Celestia!” Twilight slipped out of her chair, falling to her knees. “Do you know how hard I worked on that potion? Then there’s the coordination to get both of them in a secluded area…” “No, and I’m not sure I want to know.” Spike returned his focus to the paper only to get grabbed by his waist. He lifted his hands up, looking at the groveling mad scientist behind it all with an odd mix of pity and aversion.  “Think about it, Spike! W-Who am I really hurting!?” Twilight chuckled nervously. “They don’t even remember what happened the next day! Their relationship doesn’t change in the slightest!” Spike stopped writing for a moment, meeting Twilight’s panicked gaze. “You’re stuffed in a dark room, naked, secretly watching your friends fuck each other while under a chemically induced hypnosis.” He narrowed his eyes. “You’re hurting your mental health. You’re lucky I didn’t call the cops after the 25th time.” Twilight raised an eyebrow. “This should only be the 24th time, though.” She blinked innocently, then smirked. “So I should get one more time right? It’s only fair!” Spike glared at her for a few moments, wondering if she’d say something more. Yet, when no such thing came, he simply sighed. Instead of responding, Spike lifted the paper in front of his face. Using the last of the ink on the quill, Spike penned out the final words in his short, but important letter. Dear Princess Celestia, Come get your girl. This bitch crazy. Your Faithful Student’s Assistant, Spike