Twilight Tricks

by emerald_shine

First published

After a long Hearth's Warming Eve, filled with work, Twilight is ready for a nice relaxing night with her marefriend.

After a long Hearth's Warming Eve, filled with work, Twilight is ready for a nice relaxing night with her marefriend.

Unfortunately, Trixie has other plans.

Written for Shadow Dragon for Jinglemas 2023! Merry Jinglemas my friend!!!

Cover art:

Twilight Tricks

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"Damn it!" Twilight yelled throwing her pen down on her desk and slamming her finance book shut.

The other princesses had given her the responsibility of checking through the kingdom's budgets and, needless to say, she had hit a roadblock.

From the way her math had shaken out, it said that there was an extra 15,233 bits budgeted towards the kingdom's agricultural needs that shouldn't be there. She had checked and re-checked her math. There was no way it was wrong. The princesses wanted this done by the end of the year but there were just too many files to go through to find if she had missed a few different numbers or expenses.

She would have to talk to Applejack the next time she saw her. If anypony would know why there was so much money going towards agriculture,it was her. Twilight began to pick up a few things that she wanted as she headed towards the door of her room.

She grabbed her flashlight and her favorite stuffed bear and she took one more look around the room. It looked more like an office right now than a bedroom. Papers scattered all over the floor, and a desk overflowing with files and manilla folders.

She shook her head, disappointed in herself for not having this finished tonight and she began to walk through the empty halls of the castle towards the front door.

All of her friends had gone home for the holiday. Rarity and Applejack went to go spend their holiday at home with their families, Fluttershy left to go spend it with her animals, Rainbow had gone to spend it with Scootaloo, and Pinkie had left three days ago to spend the holiday on her family's rock farm.

Now Twilight was leaving. She wasn't spending the holiday with her family, as they were in Canterlot and she really didn't want to go all the way out there when she had this much work piling up. She was going to spend the holiday with her marefriend Trixie.

Five months ago when the two had gotten together, there was a lot of chaos throughout her group of friends. Most of them didn't trust Trixie and Rainbow Dash had attempted to break them up multiple times. Eventually, they all began to get along with Trixie when they realized she meant no harm.

Sure, when the two of them had met, they had their differences, but after Trixie's breakup with Starlight, she had taken comfort in the fact that Twilight was there for her. Three weeks later, they had gotten together. Twilight reached the door and grabbed her scarf and hat. She wrapped the scarf around her neck and put the hat on her head.

Twilight couldn't help but feel a little nervous. This was her first sleepover at Trixie's house. She shuddered in anticipation over what would come from the night. Twilight cracked open the door and stepped out into the bitter cold.

As Twilight walked through the silent streets, she began running the numbers over in her head. She sometimes found this helpful when she was stumped with something. Taking a walk helped her to get some fresh air and clear her mind. This time, she found no relief in it and instead began walking faster towards Trixie's house at the edge of the town.

She looked up at a clock as she was passing by. It was 7. Trixie was likely preparing dinner or something along those lines.

When Twilight reached Trixie's house, she knocked on the door. She was greeted with the kind blue face of Trixie. "Twily, dear, I've told you a hundred times, you don't have to knock when you come here."

Twilight smiled and laughed a little. "Force of habit."

Trixie pulled her inside. "Ugh. Far too cold out there for my liking. Would you like to come sit down?"

Twilight nodded and they both walked over to the couch together. Twilight sat down while Trixie walked over to the tv. She watched as Trixie put a DVD into her DVD player and she walked over to the couch.

Trixie laid down and Twilight jumped into her arms. They snuggled up together as Trixie said, "I decided we could watch my favorite Hearth's Warming movie of all time."

Twilight tilted her head as the TV flickered to life. Twilight's face went from happy to annoyed in about three seconds as she was met with the familiar menu screen of a tower with a helicopter circling the top. Twilight glared up at Trxie, who was grinning down at her.

"Trixie! How many times do I have to tell you? Die Hard is not a Hearth's Warming movie!"

"It is so! It takes place on Hearth's Warming, and there's Hearth's Warming songs! Isn't that basically what every Hearth's Warming movie is like?"

"No! Hearth's Warming movies have heart! And no guns!" Twilight put her hoof to her head. "Whatever. There's no convincing you on this one is there?"

Trixie shook her head. Despite how this argument seemed, this was just how Twilight and Trixie got along. The little playful squabbles helped them stay connected to when they first met. Trixie flipped the TV off and began to say, "Hey Twily? I have a proposal for you?"

Twilight gasped and sat up. "Trixie? It's only been five months. I'm not sure we're ready for something like that! We haven't even kissed yet! Or-"

Twilight's sentence was cut off my Trixie covering her mouth with a hoof. "Stars, no Twilight! Even I'm not that crazy. I was just thinking, it's probably been a long day for you and I really don't feel like cooking anything. I was wondering, if you weren't too opposed to the idea..."

"Spit it out."

Trixie sighed. "Lyra and Bon-Bon are throwing a Hearth's Warming Eve party tonight and I was wondering if you wanted to go with me."

Twilight stared at Trixie for a second. "Really? A party? Tonight? But... It's Hearth's Warming Eve!"

Trixie smiled and nodded. "I know! It would be so romantic! Plus, there's free food, and drinks!"

Twilight sighed. "I don't know Trixie. It's been a long day. I'm not sure if I'm up for some raging party where everypony's gonna be drunk and some weird stallion I don't know is going to hit on me."

"Come on! It won't be like that!"

Twilight stared at Trixie doubtfully. "Really? I know what happens at Lyra's parties. They get way out of hand far too quickly and half the time they end with police lights because the music is too loud."

Trixie pulled a little on Twilight's hoof. "Please? Lyra told me they were gonna keep it chill this year. I've never been liked very much in this town and this is my first year being invited! Can we just go for like an hour?"

Twilight sighed. She knew she had to meet in the middle on this one. "Fine. One hour. Then we come back here and watch a real Hearth's Warming movie."

"Die Hard 2?"

Twilight smacked Trixie on the back of her head. "Go get your damn coat." Trixie laughed and ran off towards her room.

* * *

Trixie shivered in the cold air as she and Twilight walked through the town. It figured that the place Trixie wanted to go was on the other side of Ponyville. Twilight pushed herself against Trixie in an attempt to warm her up. It didn't have any real effects but Trixie appreciated the attempt.

When they finally reached the house, they could hear the music from outside. Twilight rolled her eyes and glared at Trixie. Before Twilight could say anything, Trixie ran forward and knocked on the door. They were greeted by the smiling, half-drunk, face of Lyra.

"Trixie! You're here! And look at that! You brought Twilight!" She turned to face Twilight. "Never thought of you as much of a party mare, Cutie!"

Twilight blushed a little. "Well, you know, Trixie wanted to come and I didn't want to leave her home when she wanted to go out so..."

Lyra smiled. "Well, are you just gonna stand out there freezing your hooves off? Come inside! Have a few drinks!" She made a suggestive face. "Meet a few stallions."

Trixie walked over and grabbed Twilight's hoof. "Oh no! We're actually already a couple so... We're good."

Lyra held up a hoof. "Say no more. If you're interested, the bedrooms are upstairs and are open for public use." Lyra leaned in to whisper into their ears. "I'm pretty sure I saw Rarity's sister go up there with that gamer colt."

Twilight shook her head. "I could've gone my entire life without hearing that."

Lyra shrugged and walked back into the house. Trixie and Twilight followed after her. Twilight glared at Trixie as a way of saying, "You owe me for this one."

Trixie smiled. "Thanks for letting me come out here."

Twilight huffed. "One hour. I'm gonna go find a corner to die in."

Trixie hugged Twilight and walked off towards the table which was filled with cakes, cookies, and drinks that Twilight knew were definitely not foal-friendly. Twilight walked through the party hall taking in the sights. She had never been to a big party like this so she didn't really know what to expect.

She saw multiple stallions making out with mares in the corners. She saw stallions and mares jumping into the frozen pool outside and immediately regretting their life decisions. And the strangest thing she saw, was that the music turned down for a second and the light level in the room was lowered.

She looked to where everypony else was looking and saw that Lyra had pulled Bon-Bon under a piece of mistletoe she had hung in the archway over the living room.

Bon-Bon smiled and rolled her eyes and embraced Lyra in a kiss as the entire room erupted into applause and the music was turned back up.

As the light level returned to normal, Twilight couldn't help but wonder what it would be like if she and Trixie got caught under there. She would probably die of embarrassment because of how many ponies were watching.

Twilight looked to her side but saw that Trixie had left her to go socialize with the other ponies. Twilight decided to walk over to the snack table and get a drink. The second she swallowed her drink, she could feel the buzz of what felt like two liters of alcohol poured into it.

She shook her head and started wobbling a little bit before she stabilized herself. She decided she was just going to walk into the corner and stay there for a while.

Nothing happened for the next thirty minutes. Just as Twilight had predicted, there were three different stallions who came up to her trying to coax her into one of the rooms upstairs. She tapped her hoof in the corner looking at the clock. Five more minutes. She thought to herself.

She suddenly heard some pony yell her name from the kitchen. Her ears perked up and she looked towards the archway. She ran forward to find out who was yelling her name. Instead, she got stopped by a blue hoof wrapping around her neck. "Trapped!"

Twilight shook her head to find Trixie staring at her. Her face was only about two inches away. "Trixie what the fuck?"

Trixie smiled at her and pointed up. Twilight's face went white as she saw the mistletoe hanging in the archway above them. She heard the music go quiet and the lights went down. Before she had a chance to react, Trixie leapt forward and embraced Twilight in a kiss.

Twilight was shocked at first. Their first kiss? Here? In front of all of these ponies? Then she realized, it wasn't as bad as she had thought. She didn't die immediately of embarrassment so that was definitely something. She leaned farther into the kiss and just enjoyed the moment.

She and Trixie felt like they were the only two ponies in Equestria. That was until another cyan hoof pushed them apart. "Okay you two, the moment's over."

Lyra walked off and the lights returned to normal. Trixie smiled at Twilight and Twilight smiled back. Trixie flashed a grin.

"Wanna head upstairs?"