> Seeds of Summoning > by KukriRyuTsukino > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Tilling the Soil > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The seventeen year old youth has tawny copper-chocolate skin beneath his clothes, an armored dark burgundy vest over a red tee shirt, silvery gray mid-forearm length fingerless gloves, and scarlet hakama pants tied by a dark gray obi. His dark scarlet-auburn hair falls to just an inch and a half above the middle of his back in wild waves. He holds a small suitcase that holds copies of the Gaim, Baron, Suika, Bravo, Ryugen, Zangetsu, and Sigurd Lockseeds represented by the fruits orange, banana, watermelon, durian, grape, honeydew melon, and apple respectively. What he lacks, however, is a Sengoku Driver to use their latent sleeping power. His crystalline garnet-amethyst eyes scan around as he wears a pair of mirrored sunglasses to hide his unique colored eyes. He half turns, seeing a raven haired, emerald eyed young woman. She wears a white undershirt beneath her black leather vest and a dark gray skirt with a grayish black underskirt and black boots. He notes the armored forearm length gloves. He also noticed the short hand and a quarter blade he noted was a dull edged she had at her hip as well as a short staff in her hand. The woman was looking at the guy with her and hoped to be able to tell him how she feels for him. She always kept it a secret, scared she would lose her only friend. He chuckles, tilting his head. “Should be interesting, I suspect, being here. I've never been to one of these before,” he hums. His gaze shifted behind his glasses, looking over the various media stalls. He blinks at an abrupt flash, noticing a guy with a very eerie resemblance to Tsukasa Kadoya down to not just the Neo-Decade Driver, but his camera as well. “If that's who I think… things may get… interesting.” he mutters. He thinks it could be a cosplayer, yet…. he has a feeling that it may not be, as insane as it seems. “I think you might be right.” the teen said as she and her friend walked over to him both of them hoping that who they think the guys is actually what he is. “I've vaguely heard of odd… things… happening at these… but I'm pretty sure life is odd enough, I guess, on its own.” he sighs. “At least we can finally go to Equestria if it is true.” The girl said. He shrugs. “As long as we don't end up in one where ‘Lil Miss Rarity’, ‘Cupcakes’, or ‘Rainbow Factory’ is real,” he drawls dryly. “Well i hope we don’t get stoned.”She said. “I doubt that would be likely… unless you mean Marijuana-‘stoned’ rather than rock-’stoned’,” he quips – his name, Eriya Tsukino. “I hope you never change, my friend.” She said laughing. He snorts, rolling his eyes behind his sunglasses. “Come on, do you really think ‘harmonious ponies’ are really going to go ‘old Canaanite’ on everyone different from them?” he drawls with a shrug.  “You know I love to fight, otherwise I would not have dressed as the black summoner so I don't want to miss any fights and becoming stone would make that happen.” She said. “True, though in most timelines… it tends to be Luna who lets the Nightmare out… though I suppose it could be possible that Celestia could… however unlikely… and either way, sealing one tends to break the link that both hold to the Elements of Harmony… leaving them in need of new holders…. hmmm… I wonder if it'd be possible to rebuild the Castle of Two Sisters…. as a bit of a surprise for them.” Emiya hums. “It will be interesting to see what will happen… let's go talk to him.” She said. I cock an eyebrow at her comment. “Who?” “The guy that might be the displacer.” She said pointing to them. He cocks an eyebrow, glancing at the guy who wore rather plain bronze clothes with golden highlights. “Doesn’t he remind you of someone from a game.” She said. He shrugs. “Probably. Wouldn't know, though.” He glanced in the direction of the Tsukasa cosplayer, only to see silver fading into the air…. a sign of an Aurora Curtain which only Tsukasa Kadoya and his counterpart Daiki Kaito could access… better known as Kamen Rider Decade and Kamen Rider Diend. “That is Lucan Valerius dId you forget that my character always married his sister since you watched me beat the game a bunch of times.” She said. He shrugs. “I suppose. I'd recognize Serana far more easily… or Valerica.” “Well i am going to talk to him if you don’t want me to be sent to equestria alone you better follow me.” She said heading over to the guy that looks like Lucan Valerius. He rolls his eyes as he walks after her before he blinks, seeing someone step out of the tent behind Lucan Valerius - Serana. He noticed her gaze scanning around the crowds. He knew most would think her eyes to be colored contacts, yet he could pick up the slightest glow from her eyes as he stuck close to Christina. “Well you better say hello to your crush.” Christina said, smirking. “Ha ha, very funny. Empathizing with a game character and meeting one is quite different… which I somewhat doubt they're actually from Skyrim…” he snorts before he blinks, noticing a small, roughly dime sized, badge they both had, though the only reason it caught his eye was the subtle, slight twitching of it – a badge with a golden green eye with a slitted pupil and slightly twitching black tendrils that seemed to glisten almost wetly. His eyes narrow fractionally, noticing the badge and almost sure who it was a reference to – Hermaeus Mora, the Daedric Prince tied to knowledge and memory. ‘That would explain how they got here…’ he mused. “Great, that Daedric Prince is tied to this some how.” Christina said to herself. “At least that one, technically, is mostly neutral… much like Hircne and, I'd be reluctant to say, a certain Prince of Madness,” he drawls. They finally made it over to the pair and Lucan just set a laptop out on a stand with other stuff from different animes and games, Serana assisting him. “I'd wager it was surprising to find all the media… though I wouldn't be shocked if one of those working at Bethesda secretly worshipped him,” Emiya drawled, flicking his fingers at the badge. He shivered as he saw the eye on both badges blink. ‘It's one thing to suspect something… like Hermaeus Mora leaving a tiny part of himself as a ‘badge’... and another to realize the Daedric Prince could be aware of us,’ he realizes. “You could say that,” Serana purrs. “So what catches your eye?” “Other than you?” Emiya's reply is almost instinctive as I feel my cheeks heat as I swear she smirks in return. My eyes notice the Dawnbreaker, Merida's sacred blade. ‘If Sunny Town is in the Everfree, that blade would be handy for putting those souls to rest… I really pity Ruby and Mitta,’ he thinks.  “Well i need to ask how many items are we allowed to get?” Christina asked. “Well, as long as you can pay, have as much as you want.” Lucan said knowing that he is going to make a lot of money. Emiya hums in thought. “I'm guessing Hermaeus Mora was rather surprised that a world that wasn't connected to Oblivion's planes or Tamriel knew of him, hmm?” he drawls, glancing at the badge on his chest and her shoulder respectively. He definitely saw the badge blink, the pupil narrowing as if aware that it was intended both for Serana and Lucan as well as the Daedric Prince himself. Serana hummed. “I don't doubt it, especially considering it was a bit of a shock for us,” she commented wryly. “So did you figure out what you want?” Lucan asked with a smile as he looked at christina. “I want a multiversal laptop two infinte storage bags Spellbreaker oghma infinium and the dragonball radar.” Christina said. “Sure that will be 1000 dollars.” Lucan said as Christina handed him the money and he handed her two bags which she handed one to Emiya “The stuff you bought are in the bag you have.” Lucan said after she got the bags. Emiya blinked, cocking an eyebrow as he noticed how Serana smirked. He had the very distinct sense she knew something he didn't. “The Sengoku and Genesis Drivers as well as an Asauchi,” he pauses, noticing Serana sliding a vial of scarlet liquid with hints of amber and emerald as well one with a bluish purple liquid.  “Call it a feeling, but the vial may be very handy. As for the other, it'll help with the Asauchi,” she quips. “I will be paying for my friend also.” Christina said “so want anything else before i pay?” She asked Emiya. He thinks about it, humming. “The flat-space nanotechnology bracelets from ‘Ultraviolet’...” he mutters. It stood to reason that if the ‘multiverse theory’ or even the ‘omniverse theory’ that every world imagined, fanfiction or movies, video games or anime, actually existed as its own ‘real world’ somewhere that it was possible to encounter their technology. “That will be 500 dollars.” Lucan said so christina handed him the money. “So I guess we were right and you will be sending us to equestria.” Christina said. “You are partly right we will be sending you somewhere but not to equestria.” Lucan said. “I have a question, since I won't be back, is there anything I can get for the rest of my money?” Christina asked. “Well I've got one thing you can have. It will be in your bag when you are in Equestria.” Lucan said so Christina handed the rest of the money she had. “You're more like her than you know,” Serana remarks, confusing Emiya. Emiya blinks at the odd comment, cocking his head as he slips the flat-space nanotech bracelets on. “I have a question for you both, do you know who my real parents are?” Christina asked. Lucan looked at her and smirked, which is all Christina needed to know so she said “Well I hope to find them some day.” “That is good, keep your hope close to your chest and you will succeed and always remember your past.” Lucan said. “You ain’t the only one, ‘tina,” Emiya drawls wryly. He rolls his shoulders as he speaks. He tilts his head, looking at the vial of scarlet liquid with hints of emerald and amber. He has a sneaking suspicion of what it is. “Now time to send you both to your next destination.” Lucan said as both Emiya and Christina glowed then disappeared. —–‐–— Emiya groaned as he awoke, both vials in his hands as well as the Asauchi tied to the small of his back. He looked around, blinking as he saw nothing but a near featureless white void save for the ground being a half shade darker at best. He threw back the scarlet vial, clearing his throat as he swallowed it, noticing it was slightly thicker than water, almost like Jell-O. He didn't realize that he gained certain things - glowing golden orange edged opalescent deep aquamarine scales that contrast very noticeably with his tawny copper-chocolate skin. The scales run up his legs from the tops of his feet, then up his calves, coiling thrice around his thighs then around his hips before going up his spine, shoulder blades, over his collarbones, pectorals, and sternum. His triceps and forearms as well as the outer edges of his ears also have the scales. He noticed Christina sprawled feet away, unconscious. She woke up wondering where they were before they heard a voice. “Another group of travelers coming through my realm,” a silhouette of an androgynous figure said. “It is not often that I get visitors like this, it'll be interesting to see what you shall do.” “We were sent here by two displacers even though I thought we were heading to equestria.” Christina said. “That means that they want me to imbue you with power before you go.” The figure said. “I shall do this but for a price.”  “What is the price for it?” Christina asked, hoping it was not too high. “Your connection to your old world, it will remove any possibility of you returning.” it said. “Well I don’t know about Emiya but I never cared for the world so I accept it.” Christina said before thinking and said “I know my parents are not from that world anyway.” “You gave that offer to another Displaced… a Golden Eyed Sage in Crimson who unofficially adopted a pair of Alicorn sisters,” Emiya commented, realizing exactly who this being was. “As I recall, he gave up his old life to return to his family though his siblings, adoptive and blood, are out there too.” He hums before shrugging as he tossed back the other vial with a gulp. “Besides… ain't like I'm losing anything with this… my life was as interesting as mud… so I'll take the deal too… Truth,” he comments. “I used to be human. I'm not that Truth he’s an ass you might know me better as ‘The drill that pierces the heavens!!!’ or something like that, it's been millenia since I left my universe to protect it.”  Truth said  anger in its voice. “Also I might send you things and a person at some point, I like stirring things up a bit.” Emiya blinked. “Kamina… or Simon?” he mutters in surprise. He recalled that Simon had all but abandoned Lagann's key to be a nobody. Admittedly, he wasn't that familiar with anime. “So what power will we get anyway?” Christina asked. “Simon, turns out absorbing so much raw spiral energy turned me into a being like the AntiSpiral thought inverted in color since it used dark spiral power.” Truth said “since I'm taking your life in a way anything is possible, even the power of the Spiral. It’s your choice.” “I just want whatever hidden potential I have felt since I can remember to be able to be obtained.” Christina said. With a snap of Truth’s fingers Christina exploded as her human form disappeared as a new body took its place. “I took the liberty of adding in Majin dna to stabilize your powered up body. Otherwise you’d be a female Cell-like hybrid. You now can revert to Saiyan via powering down Frieza mainly transformed to limit himself you do too.” Truth said. “Interesting.” Christina said before thinking then asking “Wait what do you mean saiyan and frieza dna do I have a family member from the dragon ball multiverse?” “Same here.” Emiya drawls. He had never quite felt ‘human’ in a way he could never explain. “The both of you do-” Truth said before his form disrupted. “Shit I need to send you NOW! Brace yourselves for a mass info dump on your abilities. It'll give you access to them and the ability to use them for a time, but after my power fades away you'll need to train to regain your powers.” With a snap of his fingers Truth opened a portal below them. “Sounds like Tsukasa…” Emiya managed before the portal cut him off. “Finally, to Equestria.” Christina said as she went through the portal. To Be Continued > Arrivals and Planting Seeds > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Emiya's eyes widened slightly as he saw a brief flare of light before they fell. Almost the same instant, a pounding migraine slammed into his head. He focused his new instincts as his eyes narrowed fractionally, unknown to him, becoming a hard crystalline teal rather than a crystalline garnet-edged amber. He saw a brief flare of golden light at the edges of his sight, not seeing his ebon-tipped strawberry blonde streaked dark scarlet-auburn hair become an ebon-tipped silvery blonde streaked golden mane of hair. “WATCH IT YOU NUMBSKULLS!!!!!” as a blue streak slammed into the two of them, a gout of golden flame slicing through the air they had occupied. “Man Dawnbreaker is really going all out here.” The voice said. “Still i’m glad she got off her fat flank to fight this time.” “Yeah, seeing Celestia like this isn’t good, the planet’s at risk.” Another voice said as the two hybrids looked around, instinctually flying thanks to the data dump truth had done. “Still it’s worth it to end the bitch.” Emiya's eyes narrow as he turns, a dark green sphere of Ki with a brighter green core - an Eraser Cannon Ki blast- forming in his hand as he turns to see the threat. He doesn't notice the hints of green mingling with his golden Ki aura, a warning of his inheritance. With a hard kick to his hand, Emiya’s ki dissipated “NO KI BLASTS YOU’LL BECOME A TARGET!!!” The voice that wasn’t next to them shouted. “Wait, Max, I think they can’t see us, that means Twi’s magic worked!” the blue streak said Emiya finally recognized the scratchy tomboy’s voice. “Hey, Rainbow,” Emiya drawled wryly. He cocked an eyebrow upon seeing the chocolate brown hair of the bird girl next to her. He had the feeling he should recognize her but didn't.It was almost as if his eyes slipped over both of the girl’s bodies making it hard to discern their looks.  “I’ll say this, Tia is not crazy right now, but she’s Godly levels of pissed.” The fuzzy-looking Bird girl said, “You got thrown through a portal to knock her out after she’s done beating Catrina’s ass. We don’t need a burnt-out husk of a planet.” “Ok, why do i feel like a bunch of rhinos danced on me,” Christina said as she floated in midair. Emiya's head cocked. “Who is Catrina?” he deadpanned, his voice holding an undercurrent of wariness and the barest hints of anger. “Older gen villain.” Max said  “Capper’s species but a sorceress who learned Ki by herself.”  Emiya's eyes narrowed dangerously. “That explains the corrupt energy I feel. Probably explains the imbalanced power I sense fighting her.”  He noticed the skeptical look Rainbow shot him. “You don't sense it, do you?” he drawled dryly. “Great is that who I think she is," I asked.” Christina said before asking “That’s Daybreaker isn’t it?” “Close her actual name is Dawnbreaker like the sword,” Max said. “The whole ‘daybreaker was a dream thing’ is kind of true. The name was pure dream but Starlight surprisingly had a very close imagining of her look. The biggest difference is the armor is all golden as you see also she is actually channeling the elements of magic Catrina uses witchweed potion for her magic which easily gives her element of Harmony/alicorn level power Ki was the thing that caused her to go from Nightmare level threat to Tirek with bell AKA end of the world. She's practically a majin right now.” With a loud boom, the group of four could see Catrina nude and lying on the ground, body smoking from Dawnbreaker's last attack. “Okay, both of you put as much physical strength into your attacks as possible and use your ki now! it will get Dawnbreaker's attention and you have to knock her out in one punch otherwise the planet is going to burn!” Rainbow said the magic Twilight had used to mask everyone was still active.  “Damn…. looks like she really got blown up…” drawled Emiya as his eyes narrowed, his fingers curled inward as a burning golden emerald aura flared over his body as he shot forward before he vanished, his form flickering in and out of sight as he shot towards Dawnbreaker. Christina began twisting her arm around in a similar way to a certain pirate sun god her arm extending in a twisted spiral as she drew Ki into her fist a white dragon’s head forming around it “Gum Gum Rifled Dragon Metor!” She shouted as her fist rocketed forward at Dawnbreaker the wind of her spinning fist matched the Ki dragon’s roar as it impacted the Alicorn’s face. Emiya's eyes narrowed as arcs of prismatic bluish electricity flickered around his body as he accelerated, feeling the air push back against him almost like a trampoline being pushed back against him. “Move the air in a bubble!” Max shouted “Low pressure in front high behind! It’ll speed you past Mach One without breaking the barrier!” “Don’t tell him, Max!” Rainbow growled “I’m sure he already knows!” Emiya's eyes narrowed as he inhaled slowly before he accelerated, the pressure decreasing as his forearm tagged Dawnbreaker full in the face at slightly below Mach One in a Phenomenal Forearm AJ Styles would have drooled at. “MY TURN!!!!!” Max said as the magic masking her got shredded revealing herself for but a second.  Max rocketed forward her body glowed white and gold for but a moment as her white-plated fist exploded revealing a mix between a devil and an angel. “WAKE UP CAKEBUTT!!!!!” She shouted as her fist impacted Dawnbreaker’s chin in a massive uppercut. After taking three godly fists to the face Dawnbreaker was sent flying and her flames extinguished. “Maximum my niece, Christina my friend, Emiya my son thank you,” Celestia said as she fell unconscious knowing the plan all along. “Before you ask yes it’ll happen,” Max “said as Rainbow landed picking up Celestia and speeding off. “Now to send you both to your proper entry point STAR!” “Ready!” Starlight’s voice shouted as the sound of a portal opened up.  “To our readers, this is a glimpse at a future to come,” Max said addressing the fourth wall before rushing at both Christina and Emiya and throwing them through the time portal yelling at them as they see their bodies standing there. “Truth gave me authority on this instead of losing the data you got you’ll need to practice to return to this point!” With the portal closed and the two were traveling backward down the timestream.     “If you're wondering how we inhabited ourselves at a stronger point, I'm not quite sure, but I very much doubt it's our strongest point… considering that Ki technique… was Broly's… which makes me wonder how I'm related to him… and how Christina is related to Nijūichi,” Emiya mutters under his breath, unintentionally breaking the fourth wall momentarily. “Though… Tia's son?” he mutters in thought. He was almost sure there was more to that… but it was more interesting to see how things would turn out. Through the timestream the two could see glimpses of the main timeline save for one big difference … well two really, the world was athro and most everyone remained nude.  Emiya's eyes widened slightly as he saw himself sprawled in a forest clearing growing closer and closer. He felt an eerie sense of duality as he felt himself slam into himself, jolting into consciousness in seconds. He groans, disoriented as he sits up slowly. Already the memories of future events were starting to blur. > Replanting in Fresh Soil > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The sounds of birds chirping could be heard as the two displaced lay on the ground when suddenly a “BOOM!!!!” could be heard and young voices screaming followed. “Why do I feel like I am in pain?” Christina asked. “SOMEONE ANYONE HELP US!” a young girl's voice screamed from nearby. Christina heard that and ran right to where she could hear the voice. Emiya staggered to his feet, swaying not unlike a drunk… or a newborn horse or giraffe. He staggered and stumbled towards the shouting despite feeling a strong sense of vertigo, hastily grabbing the bag that held his gear. He blinked several times, realizing Christina looked very similar to Nijūichi's human guise, though she had streaks of strawberry in her hair. It was rather cute.  “BOOM!” “BOOM!” “BOOM!” The sounds got closer reminding both human hybrids of a radioactive lizard for some reason. “SKREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE-oOoOrrRrRRrrnNK!” Emiya snorted as he tried to hold back a laugh. “Did someone close a squeaky door over a clown horn?” he muttered under his breath before his hand dove into the bag, pulling out the Sengoku Driver, which seemed to be naught but a lock hole with an insert for a Lockseed, a blank little window screen beforehand pulled out the Orange Lockseed. He held the Driver to his waistline, not even noticing the dark brown, almost black simian tail swaying from just above his arse or that his clothes were all but rags from his body's rapid physical changes as he felt the belt expand and cinch around his waist as he paused, noticing the dragon. The two of them didn’t notice the streak following them from the trees. The glint of gold and white was just barely noticeable to them but their focus was on the dragon. The beast was chasing two young girls both of them mostly nude except for some jewelry.   “HELP!!!!!” The grey girl screamed. Emiya takes a deep breath as he releases the switch and opens the Lockseed to a shout of “Orange!” slams the Lockseed into position, depressing the lock hasp so the Driver invoked “Lock On” before he took a deep breath, flicking the blade as tribal horns blew for a moment. “Soiya! Orange Arms! Hanamichi on stage!” could be clearly heard by anyone nearby. He immediately felt a rush of energy from the Lockseed as he felt the undersuit form. His ears twitched at the sound of a large zipper unzipping before he glanced up, seeing a large orange over his head. He blinked as he heard a voice mutter in his mind ‘Koko kara ga ore no sutēji da!’ As he heard it, feeling the weight at his left hip from the Musou Saber, the orange descended, not noticing the dragon blowing a jet of flames his way through the armor spun thrice swiftly, scattering the flames, before unfolding.   In a flash the dragon was knocked back by something unseen, causing the beast to swing its tail at Christina who was floating inches off the ground with ki knocking her into a set of bushes nearby. The unseen presence tossed a rock at Emiya from the direction of the bushes hitting his helmet with a hollow “THOCK!” Emiya's eyes widened slightly as he pushed off, focusing on the most immediate threat - the dragon. His boots tapped the ground thrice in Ki-augmented strides before he pushed off, planting a scissors kick into the upper chest of the dragon with just over five tons of impact. “Idiot” Emiya just barely heard as another stone hit his helmet. “Get outta here, dragon…” he pauses as he notices something: vines embedded in the back of the dragon's neck from a nearby tree before he shifted the Daidaimaru before he dodged the claw swipe of the dragon before he tossed the Daidaimaru like a Frisbee,  the blade spinning and shearing through the vines before returning to his grasp.  He sees the dragon almost collapse, freed from the vines which he was almost sure were Helheim vines. “Uh you probably should help your friend instead of fighting that dragon.” a woman’s voice said in Emiya’s head. a status window appeared out of thin air to accompany the voice. “Normally i would only be heard By Christina since she's my new master but Truth allowed my power to extend to all three of you Christina’s hp is down to 3 and she’s stuck in the bushes please help her then the kids.”  “Screw this! Blackfirebolt!” A girl’s voice said as an orb of black flames hit the vines burning them away rapidly. “God killing fire should burn those things and free her. Go help the girls Rider.” the voice said as a girl landed in front of Emiya her right arm looking like white porcelain with golden energy underneath it forming a demonic claw. “I’ve got the dragon, brute force isn’t needed here.” Christina groaned as she tried to move. “What hit me?” Turns out getting slapped by a dragon tail so soon after waking up from time travel can knock someone unconscious luckily she had a healing factor thanks to truth giving her majin DNA to stabilize her mixed heritage. “I can guess that you're here too Mel care to tell me how fucked i am?” Emiya turned, spotting Christina head and shoulders down by a heavily cracked tree before he focused, a pale golden sphere of Ki forming in his hand before he tossed it at her, noticing most of her nasty bruises and cuts fading from the Kaifuku Ki bolt before he pulled apart the thorny bush she was stuck in, wincing slightly as the thorns bit into his flesh, drawing blood. He grunted, pulling her free. “You’re a bit more crass than Kelvin was but your friend here healed you using a ki healing technique of some kind so you’re barely hurt,” Melfina said as Max kicked the dragon in the jaw stopping it from trying to bite the two girls. “Silver, get Tiara out of here!” Max shouted as a spectral arm grabbed the beast’s head. This golden arm moved in sync with Maximum’s Right arm as if it were her own. “MAX?!” the two shouted, surprised at the Bird girl showing up. Emiya exhaled as he turned, spotting the young girls before he pushed off, catching both of their forearms as his Ki aura flared pale white for a moment before he rose slowly off the ground, noticeably wobbling as the ground just under their feet was abruptly washed out due to the nearby stream. “The vines are controlling her, she’s never this far from home normally,” Max said as she noticed the burnt vines regrowing. “Going to have to burn these things to the root. Sorry in advance Emerald!!!” with that her glowing arm caught fire, black flames surging to her palm. “BLACKFLAME LANCE!!!!” she shouted as the beam of black fire hit the center of the vines stuck on the Dragon. “Those aren't normal vines, lass… they're Helheim vines… you gotta take out the one controlling them… they're in the tree that the vines retreated to!” Emiya grunted, managing to toss both Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon far enough from the edge of the stream they wouldn't get dragged in. “Then that’s your job! I’ll keep Emerald busy,” Max said as she launched another blackflame lance. Emiya nodded slightly before he pushed off, a golden green glow forming in his hand, its edges a bright orange as he lobbed it at the tree, which detonated in a shower of splinters as something rolled out of it. “Ugly fucker,” Max said as Emerald reared back to breathe fire and Max shielded the group with a hexagonal Energy shield that looked slightly familiar. “Thanks, Crust!!!” Max said as she pushed the flame back. “An Inves… a Berserk, I think…” Emiya drawls warily as he notices something amidst the plants before the Inves leaps at it as well before Emiya grabs it first, kicking the Inves back as something falls in its lap from the trees ‐ a Helheim Fruit. Emiya's eyes widen slightly as the Fruit he grabbed glows, almost missing the Inves greedily consuming the Fruit. His gaze rises, seeing the Inves’ body bulging in places before it erupts in glowing juice, revealing a decidedly different appearance. “That a temporary power-up or something bad?” Max asked as she looked him over. “Those two are going to need help. I suggest you grab a hold of them, Christina.” Melfina said, everyone hearing it.  “That other form was an ‘Elementary’ Inves… this one? ‘Advanced’,” Emiya's reply was wary as his hand dipped to the blade at his belt, flicking it once over the face of the Lockseed,  “but if you ever find fruit like that one… never eat them… you will become one of those,” he finishes as he pushes off, the Daidaimaru,  a short sword resembling an orange slice, trailing an orange glow. He slashed as he vaulted over the stream flowing from an underground spring, two arcs of what seemed to be glowing orange juice slamming into the Advanced Inves before forming a projection of an orange that paralyzed it before he slashed it in half seconds before the Inves was consumed in a fireball, ending its threat. He exhaled as he removed the Lockseed from the belt, his armored form dissipating in a rush of fizzy bubbles. “Hopefully those things are few and far in between… hope that dragoness is okay,” Emiya sighs. “You do realize I have demon blood in me it'd be very hard for me to become one of those things,” Max said, her right arm shifting for a moment, the golden glow still there but now the white had a silver sheen to it. “Still I'll take your word for it, but if we find any solid gold fruit that's still edible I'm eating it, most likely a version of the Norse golden apples that extend life.” “I hope that Nelo gets here soon I kind of miss the others,” Melfina said the group could feel her sadness, “I suggest you make a contract with the dragon if you can Christina such a powerful monster-” she started to suggest before she felt the bloodlust emanating from Max. “CALL A DRAGON A MONSTER AGAIN AND I DON’T CARE ABOUT YOUR DIVINE NATURE I’LL BEHEAD YOU MYSELF,” Max said a burning aura of black flames sparking up around her. “DRAGONS AND OTHER SENTIENT RACES ARE PEOPLE NOT MONSTERS I’VE FOUGHT MONSTERS BOTH TRADITIONAL AND THOSE THAT HIDE IN HUMAN FLESH I SWEAR TO MY MOTHER I WON’T DEAL WITH RACISUM IN ANY FORM GODLY OR NOT.” “Oh,” Melfina said as she looked into Max’s mind seeing the horrors she had faced in her many lifetimes. “I’m sorry, I didn’t know.” “Now you do.” was all Max said in response having felt Melfina’s mental touch and figuring out just what the goddess had done. Christina looked dazed as she examined the two teenagers. “OK, what was all of that the dragon and those vines?! And now the fact that Mel sounds like she’s on the verge of breaking down?” “Let’s just say getting my wings wasn’t worth it kid,” Max said as she walked over to the fallen over Emerald the vines withering away as Max approached.  “Em you okay?” “Max what happened?” the dragon asked as she slowly stood up.  “Last i remember was plucking weeds outside my cave, a sharp pain in my neck, and now this.” “Simply put, there's an invasive species that seems to be popping up in the Everfree, which can only be defeated using its own power… one of its ‘avatars’ attacked you. Fortunately, it is no longer a threat… for the moment,” Emiya sighs wryly. He tugs out the new Lockseed he gained. “Mango… though there are ‘Golden’ Helheim fruits… I know one is Apple… but the true Ōgon no Kajitsu has more than enough power – as it holds the essence of not just a planet but all the life on said planet – to handle three Sengoku Driver users and two Genesis Driver users… simultaneously. In truth… the Kiwami Lockseed is but a seed of one.” In truth, he wasn't sure how he knew this, but knew it was true.