> A Scintillating and Special Soiree > by Jest > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Lure > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The unblemished knuckles of a blue-skinned young woman rapped against a door that bore the numbers one, zero, and two upon it. Said young woman then stepped back and craned her neck in order to look up at the window directly above the entrance. Seeing that the light was off, and the drapes were drawn, the female sighed, her shoulders falling slack. “Fluttershy, you said you’d be ready by now!” called the woman. There was a moment of silence where nothing moved, then the drapes shifted, and a terrified face peeked out between them. Her soft, blue eyes gazed down at the woman as if expecting to see something horrifying only to see nothing of the sort. The confusion on the stranger’s face passed quickly, and a pair of yellow hands pulled open the window. “It's nearly eight thirty Fluttershy, everyone is going to be there by now!” called the woman. Fluttershy winced. “I’m sorry Sonata but I don't know if I can do this.” Sonata rolled her eyes. “You agreed to come to the party remember? We even went shopping for that cute vampire costume the other day!” “I know I said that, and I hate to let you down but it's just too scary out there!” Fluttershy called before ducking back behind the curtains. “Fluttershy you’ve defeated literal demons, otherworldly beings that feed on suffering, and I’m fairly certain you bested a god at one point!” Sonata shouted back, hands cupped around her mouth. “I’m pretty sure you can handle a bunch of people in costumes!” There was a moment of silence before Fluttershy appeared once more, her face peeking out from between the fabric. “Do you really think so?” Fluttershy asked, her tone barely audible from the second story of her house. “I know so. You beat us didn't you?” Sonata asked. Fluttershy shrunk down. “That doesn't count because you’re good now.” “Pfft, of course, it still counts,” Sonata dismissed. “Besides, you didn't run away before, why would you run now? It's just Halloween!” “Okay… if you think I can do it… I’ll trust you,” Fluttershy muttered. “When in doubt believe in me who believes in you, or however that quote goes,” Sonata replied. “Hold on one second. I’m going to put on my costume, I’ll be right down,” Fluttershy offered. “Take your time. I was aiming for fashionably late anyway,” Sonata dismissed. The Dazzling turned around, the woman sating her boredom by glancing down the street and watching the passerby. Kids wandered about in costumes, going from home to home in small groups usually accompanied by a parent or older person. The excitement was palpable, with children animatedly talking about their most recent haul or the cool costumes they had seen. The homes were mostly two-story townhouses with long driveways and yards decorated with all manner of spooky things. Ghosts, ghouls, a plethora of fake spider webs, police tape, or entire elaborate dioramas featuring enormous inflatables, this street had it all. Then there was Fluttershy’s house, which had an empty yard bearing only a single object, that being a sign simply asking everyone to not come up to the door. The curtains were drawn, the lights were off, and several more warnings were posted saying that no one was home or the like. “How the heck was she able to beat so many monsters?” Sonata muttered to herself. Exhaling slowly, Sonata turned back around and looked at her reflection in the window of the door, inspecting her appearance with a critical eye. Though fairly simplistic, Sonata thought she pulled it off relatively well even after all these years. Her hair was done up in its signature ponytail, though it had grown now, dangling down near her knees. Her tall dark purple boots matched her pleated short skirt and high-collared shirt that was a deep red color. Unnecessary purple buckles completed the look alongside her necklace which featured a bright crimson gem in its center. It was not in fact, magical but that didn't matter to Sonata, as she had come to miss the aesthetics of the jewelry rather than the power it had given her. All in all, she looked average, as if it were any other day rather than Halloween night in Canterlot City. Just as she finished her inspection, Sonata saw movement inside her friend’s home and took a step back. Sure enough, a few seconds later, Fluttershy appeared wearing the costume that they had picked out together. The young woman’s pink hair was replaced by a poorly fitted wig of midnight black that hung down even lower than Fluttershy’s usual hair. A long dress with frayed edges at the ends of the sleeves alongside an incredibly high collar and red, lacy accents completed the vampire look. A choker with a stylized drop of blood drove that point home alongside a set of fake teeth, though Fluttershy quickly spat them out. “Ow, they kind of hurt my jaw,” Fluttershy murmured, tucking the teeth into a pocket. “Then only put them in when we get to the party. The host is a stickler that everyone shows up in character,” Sonata declared. Fluttershy raised an eyebrow. “Then why aren't you wearing a costume?” “I am though. I’m a background extra from my favorite episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer,” Sonata declared. “Oh uh, haha. Good one,” Fluttershy murmured. “Come on, try to at least pretend to be excited, Fluttershy. You’re going to a fancy Hollywood party!” Sonata exclaimed, throwing up her hands. “But we're in Canterlot City,” Fluttershy pointed out. “Hollywood isn't really a place its more of a vibe, ya know? Besides, this is being thrown by the studio I work for, and big-name actors are gonna be there so it's as Hollywood as we are going to get without traveling to another state,” Sonata dismissed. “I guess it would be nice to meet all of these new friends you’ve made recently,” Fluttershy murmured. “And I just know they’d love to meet one of the saviors of Canterlot,” Sonata replied. Fluttershy gripped her elbows with either hand. “I’d really prefer if no one called us that. We were just helping out, we aren't all that special,” Fluttershy murmured. “You guys are amazing, and you should like, totally flaunt that but that's an argument for another time,” Sonata declared. “Come on, I think I hear our ride.” Fluttershy looked up to find a black car had stopped at the end of her driveway. Its driver, a relatively young-looking man of East Indian descent looked out the window. The moment their eyes met, he smiled, and waved the pair over, gesturing to the back seat. Sonata walked over with little prompting, Fluttershy staying perfectly in her friend’s shadow. Sonata opened the back door and jumped inside, shuffling over to the passenger side. Allowing Fluttershy to sit down next to her friend, though the shy woman was far less excited than the former villain. “Sonata, eh?” asked the man. “That’s me, and this is my friend Fluttershy!” Sonata replied. The driver nodded, his gaze visible in the rearview mirror. “Well alright then. Where am I taking you girls tonight?” “One two eight five zero Mullohalland Drive, please!” Sonata answered. “Oh that's up in the fancy area of the city,” he remarked. “Might take a bit to get over there but thankfully the traffic doesn't seem too bad.” “We’re not in a huge rush, so no worries. Oh hey, could you play that new Vylet song by chance?” Sonata asked. “The something cute one, right?” replied the male. “Yeah, that's the one,” Sonata stated. “Alrighty then,” stated their ride. A pop-like tune soon emanated from the speakers, while the car took off, accelerating down the street. While Sonata had a dance party of one, bouncing excitedly on her seat, Fluttershy stared out the window. The so-called savior of Canterlot City was feeling less and less certain about this trip as time and strangers in costumes passed. Though increasingly uncomfortable with the prospect of going to a fancy party in the rich part of town, she didn't want to leave now. Sonata really seemed to want Fluttershy to go, and if the shy woman was being honest, she did enjoy hanging out with the former villain. Her excitability reminded Fluttershy of Pinkie Pie, only more worldly, learned, and with a fair bit more restraint than the party planner. “So, where are your sisters tonight?” Fluttershy asked. “Adagio is with her new fling in Cancun or something and Aria and her band have a gig in the Lower East Side,” Sonata replied with a sigh. “Sometimes it's kinda sad that we’ve gone our separate ways but then I remember how mean those two can be sometimes and I don't feel nearly as bad.” “I’m sure they mean well,” Fluttershy offered. “In their own weird way, sure. Either way, I’m glad I’ve got friends outside of them like you, and some of the weirdos I work with,” Sonata remarked. “What are they like, anyway? Your co-workers that is. You don't talk about them much,” Fluttershy pressed. “They are kinda insular, it's a tight-knit group for the most part,” Sonata began. “Tonight is like one of their few nights they really let it all out ya know? Get a little crazy.” “I hope I wasn't supposed to bring anything. I don't really drink but I could have at least grabbed some red wine,” Fluttershy murmured. “Don't worry about it. Chester gets really wild with the booze. You’ll find that they got like, everything,” Sonata declared, emphasizing the word everything. “Oh um, okay,” Fluttershy muttered. “This isn't like, a drug party is it?” Sonata cackled. “Sometimes I forget how innocent you are.” “I’m sorry?” Fluttershy half asked half stated. “Don't be, it's fine and nah everything is above board. The guy that owns the place is really strict on that kinda thing and oh yeah, don't sneak off somewhere to have sex,” Sonata stated, waggling her finger at Fluttershy. “People keep getting freaky in the bushes and coming out all covered in thorns and stuff.” “I don't think that's going to be much of an issue,” Fluttershy whispered. Sonata chuckled. “Yeah I know, I just like making you blush. You’re so cute.” Fluttershy pouted. “And you only get cuter,” Sonata added, shooting her friend a wink. “Hey, is this the right place? The GPS says it is but I’ve never been up this way before,” asked the driver. Sonata leaned between the seats and grinned. “Yup, this is the place! Here’s good.” “You sure? I could pull in if you like,” he offered. “Nah, the owner is a bit of a spoilsport for security stuff,” Sonata replied. “Alright then, you girls have a good night now!” he offered. The pair shuffled out of the car, with Sonata leading the way towards a tall gate flanked by stone walls atop which were even bigger hedges. The former villain had her phone out and was tapping rapidly, sending a message before tucking the device into a pocket. “And there. A nice tip for the driver and Johnny should know we’re here,” Sonata proclaimed. “Oh um, I hope they come quick. This neighborhood is nice but…” Fluttershy paused and glanced down the long, empty street and the tall barriers that ensured no one could actually see the houses behind them. “It is a bit quiet.” “Just wait until you get inside. It's gonna be hopping. Oh hey, there he is,” Sonata exclaimed. Fluttershy turned around to find that she was standing in front of a wall of shaggy brown fur that filled her vision. Turning her head up, and up, and up, she saw a horned face staring down at her with an amused expression. “M-m-minotaur!” Fluttershy screamed before attempting to flee. A powerful hand hefted her off the ground. “Woah there missy, the name’s Johnny and I promise I ain't gonna hurtcha,” offered a deep rumbling voice. It took a moment before what the male had said to reach Fluttershy’s brain though when it did she stopped. Once she was no longer attempting to run away, the male placed Fluttershy back down on her own two feet. Fluttershy then slowly turned around and looked up at the male’s bullish features and wide, genuine smile. “Are you s-s-sure?” Fluttershy whispered. “I’m absolutely certain. The boss would have my head if I hurt one of the few guests actually allowed to join us,” Johnny replied. “Besides, it's a costume party Fluttershy. Relax,” Sonata stressed. “Oh um yeah,” Fluttershy murmured, gesturing vaguely to the minotaur before her. “I really like your uh… everything.” “Heh, thanks there little lady, I was originally going to go with a tux, but none of my clothes fit me like this,” Johnny stated, the minotaur puffing out his vest-clad chest and sticking his hands into the pockets of his black jean shorts. “Yeah, Johnny’s real good-looking now can we please head inside? I need a drink in me like, yesterday already,” Sonata whined. “Coming!” Fluttershy called. The shy girl took off at a jog, catching up with her friend only to be immediately left behind when she stopped once more. Fluttershy stood there, gawking in silent aw at the mansion she now found herself standing in front of. Not only was the two-story home in front of her expansive, expensive and absolutely covered in decorations but there were more buildings too. To the right was a pool, then a guest house, between that and the main home further in the back was a tennis court, and another longer building. To the left, tucked almost completely behind the main structure was a garage big enough to fit a dozen cars, with a second story larger than Fluttershy’s entire house. Everywhere she looked there were Halloween decorations and people dressed up as mythological creatures, monsters, or fairy tale beings. Each of these individuals had the same quality of costume as the minotaur she had seen at the gate. So perfect were they that Fluttershy couldn't tell where the costume ended and the person wearing it began. A werewolf lounged on a chair nearby, chatting with a cyclops and a centaur, each of whom were drinking beer around a small fire pit. Nearby leprechaun, a pair of goblins, and what seemed to be a vampire were engaging in a game of beer pong. While not far away, a trio of medusas and an ogre were engaged in a surprisingly rousing game of pin the head on the person. Wherever Fluttershy looked there were strange creatures doing everyday things while sipping drinks and engaging socially with one another. “Your coworkers really did go all out on their costumes,” Fluttershy murmured. “Sonata?” Fluttershy looked around to find that her friend was gone, and worse yet Fluttershy had no idea where she had gone. Her heart fluttered in her chest, and she glanced back the way she came only to find that the gate was closed. Stuck between a rock and a hard place, Fluttershy decided to trust her gut and chase Sonata in the direction she assumed the woman had gone. Around the large house, Fluttershy went, following the bend in the driveway around to the backside of the home. She was surprised to find that there was a dance floor waiting for her as well as a distant bar and plenty of people. Or at least she assumed they were people, for they all wore incredibly convincing costumes like all the rest Fluttershy had seen. Back here the distant thump of the music was loud enough to make Fluttershy uncomfortable but thankfully not deaf. Stumbling past the partygoers, Fluttershy tried to make her way towards the bar, assuming that was where Sonata had gone. Muttering apologies, and excusing herself hastily out of the way, Fluttershy stepped onto the dance floor only to almost immediately get knocked over. A griffon who was stumbling visibly and didn't seem to notice his surroundings bumbled past, still bobbing its head to the music. “Oof,” Fluttershy murmured. The woman pulled herself up and this time made her way around the dance floor as best as she was able to. At about the halfway point a towering centaur a full head and a half taller than her stepped into Fluttershy’s path. The tall, grey-skinned half-human half-horse was wearing a brightly colored polo shirt, and an equally as garish baseball cap, which he had turned backwards on his head. “Woah, a babe that I haven't met before. Where did you blow in from, Transylvania?” he mockingly inquired. “Um, the other side of town,” Fluttershy meekly replied. The centaur laughed boorishly, sloshing his light beer as he did so. “That's a good one. You must be new here, probably one of the interns eh?” he half-asked half stated. “Um no I don't-” Fluttershy tried to answer. “Interning can be tough but don't worry, so long as you’re on the good side of Chet, Masterson you’ll have an easy time,” declared the centaur. “I mean you’ll have to work to stay on my good side, but hey we can talk about that later. For now, why don't we have a drink and get to know each other.” “I was just looking for my friend and-” Fluttershy murmured. “What do you drink? Wait, let me guess red wine, eh?” the centaur laughed at his own joke. “Whatever, doesn't matter. Let's grab you a vodka sour to start before we head off to somewhere more private.” “I really don't mean to be rude but I don't want to-” Fluttershy began. “Woah, save the talk for when we are alone. Just stick close to Chet,” the centaur continued. “I don't want to go anywhere with you,” Fluttershy stated sternly, stomping a foot. “Hey don't be that way. We are just gonna go have a drink somewhere private. I’ll even grab it for ya, come on,” Chet urged. The centaur didn't wait for Fluttershy’s response and simply grabbed the small girl’s shoulder. His grip was tight and with a jerk of his hand, he yanked Fluttershy towards the house. The shy girl stifled a yelp and for a moment considered simply going with the centaur out of fear. As Fluttershy considered her options and wondered how to get out of the situation she found herself in, someone intervened. A serpentine woman nearly as tall as the centaur and supported by an enormous tail covered in deep crimson scales moved between them. She then struck, biting down on the centaur's shoulder with such speed that the male could barely move before she delivered her venom. “What the fuck are you doing you crazy bitch?” Chet screamed. The serpent woman recoiled, removing her fangs, and spitting out what little blood had collected in her mouth. She then dabbed her lips on a napkin before turning to Fluttershy and leaning down to the smaller woman’s height. “Are you alright dear? He didn't hurt you did he?” asked the serpent woman in a warm, gentle tone. “N-no,” Fluttershy stuttered. “Fine you wanna ignore me, lets fucking go, she bitch!” Chet shouted, raising his fists. “I’ll knock your head off your shoulders.” “You shall do no such thing, brute,” replied the woman, turning slowly to her opponent. Around them the party slowed, and the music fell, with all eyes turning on the duo squaring off next to the dance floor. “Oh and whysat? Are you gonna try seducing me? Ha! I don't go for old hags,” Chet shot back. “You won't because I just injected you with a high-powered laxative and if you don't find a bathroom shortly you’re going to make quite a fool of yourself in front of everyone,” the serpentine woman retorted coldly. “I would notice if you-” Chet stopped, his eyes going wide. “Oh shit.” The centaur then turned and sprinted towards the house. The moment he had departed, the music turned back up, and the dancers went back to dancing while politely ignoring Fluttershy’s presence. “Get the fuck out of the way!” He yelled while shoving strangers out of his path. “Is he going to be okay?” Fluttershy whispered. “He’ll be fine. It should pass in a few hours,” replied the woman. “More importantly are you sure you’re alright?” Fluttershy smiled faintly as the older female inspected her, always observing but never touching. “No, really. I’m fine,” Fluttershy replied, rotating her shoulder. “I may not look it but I am kind of tough.” “I agree. It took a lot of guts to stand up to that jerk,” the serpent replied only to wince. “Where are my manners? My name is Mara, and you are… Fluttershy correct?” “Yes, how did you know?” Fluttershy murmured. “Not many outsiders are allowed entry to our little soiree, so your invitation caused a bit of a stir,” Mara replied. “Sonata was quite insistent that you were kind and not as judgemental as some.” “I do my best,” Fluttershy murmured. Mara smiled, revealing once more a pair of fangs on either side of her mouth. “Say, would you like to go somewhere a little quieter? The music is a bit loud for my taste.” “I don't know… I was hoping to find Sonata,” Fluttershy murmured, the girl crossing her arms nervously. “Not somewhere private, just quieter, I was thinking of right over there,” Mara offered, gesturing past the partygoers to a small uninhibited sitting area in the middle of a garden. “We can text Sonata and find out where she got off to.” Fluttershy smiled, her shoulders falling slack. “That sounds nice.” Mara smiled back. “Alright then Fluttershy, follow me.” Fluttershy did just that, staying a few feet behind the serpentine woman as she wound through the crowd. As they moved, Fluttershy couldn't help but feel her gaze drawn to her savior’s form and the alien nature in which it moved. The costume, like all the others, was incredibly real, a bit too real, but Fluttershy ignored that for the moment. For the girl couldn't help but inspect Mara closer, starting from her scaly backside and the white circles that went from the tip of her tail. They went up to the woman’s torso, there the snake part ended, and the human or at least humanish part began. Fluttershy couldn't actually see that exact point though, as a black pleated dress covered it, held up by Mara’s surprisingly wide hips. That wasn't the only notable feature of the woman though, for she also wore a satin top with sleeves that became slightly poofy at the wrists. A good three-quarters of the buttons on the center of the shirt were undone, revealing a long swath of slightly grey flesh. The cavernous cleavage was certainly scandalous, but it never went so far as to reveal so much that it was pornagraphic. Despite Fluttershy’s fascination with the other woman’s rather large bosom, the girl’s gaze continued northward. To the long shock of auburn hair that hung down all the way to Mara’s waist, and ultimately landed on Mara’s golden eyes. Each glimpse of those reflective orbs made Fluttershy’s heart flutter and a part of grow warm in a way she couldn't explain. “Well, here we are,” Mara exclaimed. Fluttershy blinked, only now aware of how long she had been staring at the other woman without saying anything. She looked around, taking in the outdoor decor in hopes that Mara didn't see her blushing face or guilty look. The shy girl was surprised to find that it was a pleasant little sitting area complete with a small outdoor fireplace, a couple of chairs, and a pair of longer outdoor couches. “This is nice,” Fluttershy murmured. “I usually spend these parties here. Not quite as rowdy,” Mara exclaimed. The serpent woman settled in on one of the couches, coiling a good amount of her tail under her. “Really? But you’re so hot,” Fluttershy blanched, her hands going to her mouth. “I mean you are just um. So attractive I thought you would… oh dear.” Mara chuckled. “I know what you mean dear. And I do spend some time with the others but my social batteries burn out quickly. Especially when Chet is present.” “I get it,” Fluttershy whispered. “So, want to text Sonata now?” Mara offered. Fluttershy blinked. “Oh yeah. One sec.” The shy girl pulled out her phone, and in a few quick clicks sent a message to her friend. She was about to put the device away when the icon indicating Sonata was typing popped up. “Sorry,” Fluttershy read aloud. “Emergency in the pool. Be back soon.” “Ahh that's a shame,” Mara remarked. “Though not surprising. Sonata is surprisingly responsible and the boss lady sure has taken to relying on her.” “She can be quite dependable…” Fluttershy frowned. “When she wants to be.” Mara chuckled lightly, the sound akin to the tinkling of small bells. “That one certainly is a bit more whimsical than most but I suppose that is a part of her charm. Though I for one appreciate someone a bit more subdued.” “That's n-nice,” Fluttershy murmured. “So, if you’d like you’re more than welcome to remain here with me,” Mara exclaimed. “I was about ready to ditch the dance floor anyway.” “Are you alright with that? I wouldn't want to stop you if you needed to find somewhere warmer to rest,” Fluttershy offered. “Why would you say that?” Mara murmured. “Snakes can shiver, but I’ve noticed you’re rubbing yourself with both hands and seem to be looking for a blanket,” Fluttershy pointed out. “I’m not really some manner of mythical beast or monster,” Mara lied. “I just uh…” She frowned. “You’re not buying it are you?” Mara asked. Fluttershy shook her head. Mara sighed. “Sonata had this big reveal planned and now I ruined it. Either way, you’re taking things well.” “I’m friends with an interdimensional alicorn princess who may or may not be a god,” Fluttershy replied. The snake woman opened her mouth to respond, only for her jaw to snap shut. “That explains a lot.” Fluttershy giggled. “It looks like there's a blanket under your couch, here let me get it.” The shy girl stood up, only to kneel back down and pull out a large black and gold blanket large enough to cover four people. Fluttershy unfolded it before sitting down next to Mara and throwing it over the both of them. “There, better?” Fluttershy asked. Mara nodded slowly. “Are you sure you’re alright being this close to me? Most are rather frightened of my kind.” “I have a job at the zoo and regularly take care of the cobra exhibit,” Fluttershy began. “They are total sweethearts even if they can get a bit territorial. You aren't going to get hissy with me, are you?” “Of course not,” Mara replied immediately. Fluttershy smiled. “Then I don't see any reason we can't enjoy one another’s company.” “Agreed dear Fluttershy,” Mara stated, a small grin creeping across her face. “Perhaps this will be one Halloween neither of us spend alone.” “That sounds nice. If it's okay with you,” Fluttershy exclaimed. Mara smiled and nestled lower, situating her human half so that it was right next to Fluttershy. “I would be more than okay with that, my dear,” Mara purred.