> The Glad Pony > by Holocron > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Meeting the Mares > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Celestia’s sun awoke, blazing its light over the horizon of the coming morning. In the town of Ponyville, an earth stallion named Goldengrape was waking up. Stretching his beige body with a yawn, he rose from his bed, only to sigh in a small melancholy. Looking around his room, he only saw he was still alone, whatever pleasurable dreams he had, had ended. Sighing again, he dragged himself out of bed. Scratching his pale blue, short cut mane, he dropped out of his pajamas, he walked naked to the bathroom.  While an average looking stallion in town, dangling between his legs was a not so average size. Even limp, his cock hung nearly to his knees, with a pair of heavy orbs that were almost unrealistic in scale. If not for the special orders he had to place, his package would be far more noticeable. But Goldengrape was a relatively shy stallion, and didn’t like to stand out. And yet, despite his desire to remain in the background of most things, he was lonely.  Cleaning himself off, his mind only wandered to what he wished he could have, a marefriend. The stallion was a kind-hearted pony, willing to help anyone who asked for it, going out of his way to be as polite as he could. But still, he was incredibly shy, and while there were no doubts he could flash his cock to a few of the more slutty mares in town, he didn’t want that. A marefriend was something he’s wanted for so long, but approaching any mare like that always seemed to make him shiver with nervousness.  “Another day…another day alone…” Goldengrape sighed, scrubbing his body. Looking down, he saw his cock was twitching, eager to swell as his thoughts drifted to the many mares in town he considered but never approached. “I…I can’t keep going like this.” His mind drifted, trying to push out the mares, and more the rumors and recent events he had heard at work. “I think I heard that there was a brothel recently built. It’s not the same…” Looking at his cock, he nodded. “But it should help blow off some steam.”  Finishing his shower, he dried himself off. And once dressed, Goldengrape left his home. Walking along the streets of Ponyville, he took in the morning air. It was still too early for many ponies to be walking about, aside from the weather patrol preparing for the day, or the night workers hitting the taverns after a hard night’s work. For him, he was always an early riser, and so enjoyed the cool calmness of this time.  As he walked, the stallion was still thinking about what to expect. He didn’t want to find a marefriend at a brothel, but he wasn’t able to just show himself off to anyone else in town. Not that there weren’t a good amount of certain mares who would love to get in his bed if they saw what he had between his legs. But at the very least, he knew that he needed to let off some steam once in a while. So this was just pleasure, that was it.  After several long minutes of walking, the stallion found himself at the facility. It was modestly sized, just barely bigger than the surrounding buildings, and didn’t stand out with anything too provocative. The name, The Glad Pony, wasn’t exactly a name that gave the impression of a brothel, but Goldengrape sighed and approached it. Opening the door, his senses were suddenly assaulted with a sweet aroma, like countless sugary delights and flowers were competing to drown his nostrils.                                                                    “Welcome, welcome!” Greeted a stallion’s voice. Walking into view was a middle aged looking dim purple earth stallion with a large, slick back silver mane. And while he looked rather over the top, his almost bedazzled looking suit and tie was the definition of gaudy. “The name’s Gladmane, and welcome to the Glad Pony. Now, what can I do to serve you?”  “Oh, hello.” Goldengrape nodded, not wanting to show how nervous he actually was. “I’m here…to…well, you know…”  “Ah, a new customer! Of course, of course.” Gladmane commented, seeming more than a little cheerful. “Now, let’s see if I can find you some mare to suit your taste.” Turning, he began to walk down the hall, with Goldengrape following behind. “So, tell me. What are you looking for?”  “I don’t really know.” Goldengrape replied, shaking his head nervously. “I’ll…let’s just see what you would recommend.” “I can recommend a large number of the juiciest,  beautiful, and erotic mares in all of Equestria!” Gladmane boasted, before sliding a paper over to Goldegrape. “Just fill out some papers here. Nothing serious, just liability waivers. Oh! And please include the fifty bit price.” “Fifty bits?! Isn't that a little much?” Goldengrape asked, only to see the stallion wasn't going to haggle the price. Rolling his eyes, he signed his name and handed over the coins. “Here, this better be worth it.” “It always is my good stallion. Now, right this way!” Gladmane smiled, nodding as he gestured to the stallion to follow him. As they walked along the hall, there were numerous doors, each with different images and iconography of what appeared to be cutie marks. “Now, we have a wide variety of choice mares for you to choose from.”                                                   Whatever hopes and expectations Goldengreape had, it was immediately broken when they arrived at once of the doors. It held a cutie mark he unfortunately recognized. A green compass with golden pointers. For a moment, he hoped it wasn’t her, all but praying to Celestia under his breath it wasn’t who he thought it was. But as Gladmane opened the door, the earth stallion’s face became low and frustrated.  Inside the room, laying on a bed in a provocative manner, was a red pegasus mare with a flowing orange mane. Her back was facing the two, so she didn’t notice who was there. All in all, she looked very attractive, and though they couldn’t see her tits, her ass was well rounded. And while Gladmane seemed more eager to suggest this one, Goldengrape still seemed uninterested.  “Oh? Hello there…” The mare seductively cooed, slowly rolling over to face them. “How can I help-” As soon as she saw Goldengrape, her kind and alluring expression became one of shock and then bitterness. “Oh…you…”  “Sweet Pepper, of course you’d be there.” Goldengrape commented, crossing his arms as he rolled his eyes. “I should’ve expected to find a whore at a brothel.”  “And here I thought you didn’t have the balls to try and fuck a mare.” Sweet Pepper replied, sitting up to cross her arms. This caused her impressive tits to lift a little. “I swear, I thought you didn’t even like mares with how much of a little bitch you are.”  “I’m sorry, but is there a problem?” Gladmane asked, looking a little nervously between the two. “Do you two know each other?”  “We used to date, but it didn't end well.” Goldengrape commented, sighing in annoyance. “Sorry, but you couldn’t even pay me to be in the same room as this slut, let alone fuck her.”  “Feeling’s mutual you limp dick pussy.” Sweet Pepper replied with the same attitude she was given. “Gladmane, I took this job to fuck stallions, not little colts. So you can send him to anyone else.” She rolled over to look away from the two of them. “I’ll just stay here, waiting for a real stallion, with a real cock.”  “I see, well…” Gladmane wasn’t exactly sure what to say, and so closed the door, leaving the mare in her room. “I’m sorry for that sir, I promise I was completely unaware of any of this.”  “It’s fine, we didn’t date long, and we’re both better off without each other.” Goldengrape sighed, trying to get over the bad feeling that was still fresh in his mind. “Anyway, what else do you have?”                                                     “Ahh, yes, yes, right this way!” Gladmane nodded, trying to salvage what he could as he guided the stallion to another door a fair distance from Sweet Pepper’s door. Eventually, they arrived at another door, this one had a cutie mark that bore the mark of a purplish, wide brim short hat with a card sticking out of it. “I’m certain that this mare is more to your liking.” Goldengrape’s expression was more or less the same as before, as if he recognized the mark on the door.  Opening the door, there was an older looking mare. A light beige earth mare with a mix of purple and dark orange mane that was tied up in a swirling bun, with a large amount of light blue colored beard throughout the hair. She wasn’t naked, but didn’t wear modest clothes. She was dressed in an erotic nightgown that was partially transparent, with her modest chest being held up, and her inverted nipples looked as if they would invite anyone to play with them. She was reading a book as she lay on the bed, and while she was about to say something, she dropped the book the second she saw who was at the door. “Goldengrape?!” The mare asked, mouth agape in shock. “What are…what are you doing here?!”  “Auntie Torch Song?!” Goldengrape replied to the mare, how mouth was equally open in surprise. “I could ask you the same. What are you doing here? Does Uncle know about this?!”  “Oh…well…um…” Torch struggled to figure out what to say. “Gladmane, could you please bring this guest to someone else?”  “Yes, yes, of course.” Gladmane commented, quickly closing the door. “Sorry, sorry, I swear, I didn’t know.”                                                “Yeah…let’s…let’s just move on.” Goldegrape commented, sighing a little as he was slowly losing more and more confidence in this facility. “I’m sorry, but don’t you have…better mares?”  “Yes, yes, I understand completely!” Gladmane commented, realizing that he was on the cusp of losing a client. “I’ll be sure to get you a mare that can suit your needs.” Goldengrape wasn’t as enthusiastic.  The mark on this door Goldengrape didn’t recognize, so that was at least a benefit so far. It was a grayish, teal colored cloud, or possibly mist. Regardless, when the door opened, any hope that the stallion had was immediately dashed as soon as he saw the mare. She was an unicorn, an eastern one with a partially curved horn. And while her grayish green, flowing mane was beautiful, her elderly, off pink body was not exactly helping her. Thankfully, she wore some clothes, though it was a loosely fit kimono from the eastern lands.  “Well, hello there…” The mare cooed, lowering the kimono a little to wink seductively at the stallion. “...young man. Are you perhaps interested in the mysteries of Mistmane?”  Goldengrape only stood there, mouth agape at the elderly mare’s suggestion. Looking over to Gladmane, he could tell the stallion wasn’t as hopeful as he was before. Clearly, this was becoming a major mistake, and he was beginning to regret his choice to come here. Regardless, he had to say something to Mistmane, as she was clearly interested, but he wasn’t exactly aroused by mares that big of an age gap.  “I’m sorry, but I cannot.” Goldengrape nodded his head, turning to leave. “I think maybe it was a mistake to come here.”  “What?! Wait, wait, wait.” Gladmane commented, closing the door and following after the stallion as he was making his way back to the exit. “Now, now, let’s be reasonable here. Sure…there were three that didn’t suit your taste, b-b-b-b-but I’m sure I can find something.”  “So far, I’ve seen my ex, my aunt, and a mare nearly three times my age.” Goldengrape sighed, rubbing his temples. “Do you have any mares that are available?”  “In fairness, I didn’t know about the first two.” Gladmane tried to defend, but this only caused Goldengrape to keep walking. “B-b-b-but I…yes, yes, I have someone. One more, I’m sure you’ll love her!” Goldengrape only sighed again.  “Fine, but this is your last chance.” Goldengrape commented, sounding annoyed by the stallion’s attempts. “But if this doesn’t work, I’m asking for a refund.”  “Yes, yes, of course, of course.” Gladmane responded, visibly nervous, but trying to maintain some composure. “J-j-j-just this way…please…” Goldengrape followed behind him, not exactly hopeful about what would come next.                                                            Arriving at the last door at the far end of the hall, Gladmane’s face was clearly on the last edges of his composure. It was obvious he wasn’t exactly hopeful with this mare, but Goldengrape said he would see this last one. But he was just about ready to call it quits anyways, so what was another minute or so? Thankfully, the cutie mark on the door, a gray cloud with a yellow lightning bolt wasn’t familiar, but his mind only went back to Mistmane, so it wasn’t making it any better.  “Now, this mare is one of our best.” Gladmane commented, trying to hype up as much as he could. “But I am at liberty to mention that this mare is currently in the late stages of her pregnancy.”  “Wait, what?!” Goldengrape asked, raising a curious eyebrow. “Did you say she’s pregnant?”  “I…I did, yes.” Gladmane replied, seeing the somewhat smaller smile on the stallion’s face. “Is…I’m sorry, but is that not good for you as well?”  “No, no, not at all.” Goldengrape commented, only to take a deep breath. “Let me look at her first. Then I can make my choice.”  “Of course, of course.” Gladmane smiled, feeling slightly more hopeful. Opening the door, he called out. “White Lightning, darling? You have a guest.”  Looking in the room, Goldengrape got an eyeful of a beautiful white pegasus with a curly, blue mane that flowed just a little over the shoulders. She was naked, lounging on the bed. But what really caught the visiting stallion’s eyes was her large breast, no doubt full of creamy, warm milk, that sagged only the slightest bit over her well rounded, huge belly. It was nearly four times the size of her tits, and only twice as big as her round ass. She was absolutely stunning.  “Welcome, dear visitor.” White cooed, winking at Goldengrape as she groped at one of her breasts. The way she squeezed, some milk trickled out. “Are you interested in helping mummy milk herself? Or would you like to see how tight my plump pussy can be?”  “I’ll take her.” Goldengrape commented, almost shuttering his words as he slowly began to walk into the room, mesmerized by this pregnant beauty. “I’ll stay and enjoy my time with her.”  “Y-y-y-yes…yes…of course, of course…” Gladmane commented, almost speechless, but wasn’t going to question him. “By all means, please, enjoy yourself, dear sir.” With that, he closed the door, leaving Goldengrape with this pregnant mare. > Enjoying the Mare > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “I must say, you are so kind.” White commented, smiling at Goldengrape as the stallion was walking over to her. “Normally, customers are put off by this belly.” She rubbed herself with her hands, gently lifting and lowering it, which only made the stallion’s eyes gleam. “Or…are you perhaps aroused by pregnant mares?”  “Oh yes, yes I am.” Goldengrape commented, looking more at her tits and belly than her face. “And I find you so very, very sexy with that belly.”  “So sweet, well come here.” White cooed, reaching out with her hands. “Why don’t you show me how much you love pregnant sluts like me.”  Goldengrape approached her, his eyes still fixed on her belly. His mind tingled and teased at the idea of whose foal was in her womb. Was it a previous, or even a regular customer? Was she perhaps a working mum and so could even have more foals at home? Or was this Gladmane’s baby, and the stallion was nervous about that? None of that mattered to Goldengrape. White was so hot, so beautiful, and so captivating, that he just had to fuck her.                                                         “Before we begin, why don’t I show you my appreciation for choosing me.” White commented, speaking in a seductive tone as she stood up. “Come with me.”  Walking to the large glass doors that seemed to lead into the bathroom, White guided Goldengrape to a sizable, inflatable pool. Clearly Gladmane was cutting more financial corners than the stallion thought, but that wasn’t what he was looking at. In the center of this pool, was a platform above the steaming waters, with a pole in the middle of that. Seeing as he was expected to get in the water, the stallion was getting ready to strip out of his clothes, when White turned around and gently placed her hands on his shoulders.  “No, no, no, how could I let such a kind and sweet stallion get naked himself?” White giggled, starting to help Goldengrape get out of his clothes. “Here, let me help you.” As she did, she leaned in, giving the stallion a kiss. At once, a flurry of emotions rang out and the two ponies were making out within seconds. White’s hands were so skilled, and she ran them so smoothly over Goldengrape’s body, it sent tingles and shivers down his body. She just felt so good, it was almost like she was sending waves of pleasure throughout his being, all while she kissed and moaned softly in his mouth. It was only after his clothes were fully removed, that she reached down to rub at his sheath.  “Such a healthy cock.” White cooed, coercing Goldengrape’s cock to slowly grow out of his sheath. “And such heavy balls, so full of cum.” She whispered seductively in his ear. “Too bad I’m already so far on, or I’d moan for you to fuck me full of your foals.” Goldengrape nearly came from her words and light touching; it was all so alluring.  White continued to tease the stallion, running her hands over his body and moaned softly. But this was just a small tease, she was building up for a much bigger show. Once he was fully naked, she released her hold on him, letting him sit back on a nearby chair. From the looks of the chair, it was pretty damaged and second hand; no doubt one Gladmane found on the side of the road.  Winking at him, White began to give the stallion a show. Grasping at the metal pole, her feet splashed a little in the pool water before slowly stroking the pole. Goldengrape smiled eagerly as he watched this beautiful, pregnant mare shaking and moving her body. The way it was flowing and how she was bouncing her round ass, her sexy tits, but most importantly, her pregnant belly. The way she swayed and moved it, it was hypnotic to the stallion.  “You like what you see?” White giggled, smiling at the stallion as she noticed his staring. Getting on her knees, she groped at her tits, causing some warm, creamy milk to spill out of her plump, hard nipples. “See, I still have all this delicious…warm…milk in my soft breasts.” Squeezing again, she let out more, rubbing it all over her belly. “But there’s just so much of it. What am I to do?” Goldengrape was huffing, his cock was now raging hard as he was sitting on the edge of his seat. “Why don’t you come here…and help mummy out?”                                                                     That was enough for Goldengrape, he couldn’t hold himself back anymore. Groaning out as he got up, he all but charged at this beautiful mare with full force. Nearly crashing into her, he splashed into the pool and his mouth met with hers. While he was kissing her lips, White hesitated for a moment. She had never met anyone with this much passion for her, not even from the stallion who knocked her up.  Goldengrape was really turned on by her, he was driven to release all his hot and heavy passions into her. She could almost feel the heat of his boner as it rubbed gently along her swollen belly. Closing her eyes for a moment, White embraced this. Wrapping her arms around the stallion, she pulled him into a passionate kiss, opening her lips to let her tongue slip in as she made out with him. Goldengrape’s eyes went wide as he felt the moaning breath of this mare enter his throat.  Reaching down, he groped at her chest, feeling the warmth of this milk leaking and running over his hands and between his fingers. This only sent shivers of delight throughout Goldengrape’s body, which only caused his cock to throb and leak out his own hot precum. The mare cooed as she could feel this heat dripping on her belly. Blushing, she looked at this cock, knowing that while she couldn’t get any more pregnant than she already was, she wanted to feel this thick size deep inside her.                                                          Unable to wait any longer for it, Goldengrape moved his mouth, albeit reluctantly, but moved down to start suckling on her breast. It caused White to moan out, instinctively reaching a hand behind his head and holding her close as he drank on her creamy milk. Shivering, the mare felt a flurry of emotions. Love and passion mixed and blurred together as she could feel as if she was going to cum just from this slow but steady build up.  White’s mouth only let out more and more passionate moans, feeling the tingling sensation as it grew and grew within her body. Goldengrape was just so passionate, and the way his hands explored her body, the way he embraced her so passionately, it was better than anything she had ever felt. She wanted more, but at the same time, she wanted to tease him a little bit; to push him further and further towards an orgasm.  “You’re such a good kisser.” White cooed, pulling away from Goldengrape, cradling his head in her arms for a moment, his lips still on one of her breasts. “But I have somewhere else that needs your lips.” Reaching down, she rubbed at her moist pussy lips.  Goldengrape’s heart was hammering in his chest as he looked at her, swallowing nervously as he was looking at White’s beautiful body. Swallowing nervously, he followed her silent instructions, lowering his head towards her glistening wet pussy. Her pregnant belly swayed a little as she leaned back. Licking his lips, the stallion moved into this softness. As soon as he kissed her pussy lips, the sensation tingled on his tongue.  She tasted good, White’s pussy was so sweet and juicy, making the stallion want to keep making out with her moist entrance. The mare moaned out as Goldengrape groaned in pleasure. Her nipples twitched, leaking out more milk as she felt the pleasure growing and growing inside her. Arching her head back, she moaned and panted, feeling as if the way this stallion was tonguefucking her pussy was so good.  “Mmm right there…oh fuck…you eat pussy…so good…” White cooed, unable to see Goldengrape past her pregnant belly, but reached down to gently run her fingers through his mane. “Keep going…don’t stop…”  Twitching, her thighs squeezed a little bit around Goldengrape’s head, holding in place as he continued to lap and kiss at White’s pussy lips. Her inner canal tasted so sweet, like an addicting treat that he couldn’t bring his mouth away from. Closer and closer, the mare was getting ready to cum, she could feel as her pussy was squeezed gently around Goldengrape’s tongue. “Almost…almost…almost…almost…” White cooed and moaned, panting as her body was shaking. She was about to cum, and it was going to be big and wet. “I’m cumming…I’m cumming!” Holding the stallion’s head in place she sprayed him with her sweet and juicy nectar, soaking his face in it. “Oh my…oh my, oh my…” Looking down, though Goldengrape couldn’t see it, she smirked playfully. “I think…I think my water just broke…” Immediately, Goldengrape’s eyes burst open. Letting out a low shout, he stammered and staggered back, falling over himself as he looked at the mare in an absolute panic. White looked at him, but her face just couldn’t hold it in anymore. She burst out laughing at the stallion, only adding to the confusion. Goldengrape only looked at her, panting as his heart was hammering in his chest before the mare waved her hand a little.  “No, no, I’m sorry. I just couldn’t help myself.” White giggled, blushing as she fidgeted a little. “You were eating me out so good, I haven’t come like that in so long. And…well you just looked so adorable when you reacted like that.”  “S-s-s-s-so…you’re not about to give birth?” Goldengrape asked, to which the mare shook her head. Sighing a low groan, he chuckled; though in a nervous tone. “I guess…I guess it was kinda funny.”                                                         “Aww, I’m sorry.” White cooed, fluttering her eyes over to the stallion. “I’m sorry if you panicked a little too much.” Extending her hands, she gestured to him. “Come here, let me make it up to you.” Goldengrape nodded with a growing smile as he walked back to her.  No sooner had he reached her, White grasped at Goldengrape’s cock, slowly and playfully tugging at it. The stallion winced a little, but then started to moan as the mare rubbed along his slick dick faster and faster. Humming a little, she playfully bit at her lower lip as she jerked off the stallion faster and faster. Goldengrape only continued to pant and moan, feeling his dick twitch out some more precum, and throbbing in White’s hand.  “So big, your dick is so big.” White cooed, licking her lips. “Well, I should make you feel even better.” Opening her mouth, she leaned in.  Pushing Goldengrape’s cock between her large, milk leaking tits, White started to rub them up and down. The stallion gasped as he felt the smooth, wet, soft embrace as she wasn’t just playing with his dick, but was also licking and suckling along his tip. She was savoring the flavor of the precum on her tongue, letting it slip off of her lips as she moved her mouth a little up and down, building up the pleasure that was swelling in the stallion’s dick.  Sucking faster and faster, White moaned on Goldengrape’s cock, letting her milk spill out from her nipples all over her hands and added extra lubrication to the titfuck she was giving. The stallion groaned and moaned more and more, feeling his dick tingle and twitch, throbbing between these soft tits. It was so good, and he felt like he could cum at any moment. Not wanting to cum too soon, he looked to see if anything about the room could help him hold back the climax.  Looking and looking, his eyes eventually noticed something about White. Her toes were painted, a sparkling color that were so smooth looking. This gaze drifted upwards, along her delicate and neat little feet, up her smooth and slender legs that led to her round and soft looking flank. Goldengrape swallowed nervously, his eyes keeping at White’s ass for a few moments longer before he continued looking over her figure. This eventually brought him to look at her fine, painted fingers, that were soaked with her creamy, warm milk.  “You like what you see?” White giggled as she looked up at the stallion. Her sultry words were a little hard to make out, she continued to suckle along the big dick in her mouth. “You love watching me suck you big, fat, meaty cock?” Goldengrape winced and groaned, gritting his teeth as he was ready to cum at any moment. “Come on, I gave you my hot breast milk, now give me your thick cock milk.” Her words were just too much, the earth stallion gasped as he came.  Goldengrape couldn’t hold himself back anymore. The mare was just too good, her mouth was so wet and warm, and her huge tits were so soft. White was moaning her sweet and sexy sounds, and it was getting the stallion closer and closer to orgasm. He couldn’t help but huff and hiss through gritted teeth as he felt his cock throbbing more and more. White could feel it, and was going to take in as much as she could. Bobbing her head faster and faster, White was determined to get Goldengrape to cum. She adored the look on his face as he was struggling to hold himself back. It sent pleasurable tingled down her spine as she deepthroated herself over his size. This was too much for the stallion, Goldengrape couldn’t hold himself back anymore, and arched himself back as he moaned out in pleasure. White had barely a moment to react as she felt the release of this stallion in her mouth.  Swallowing down as much as she could, White nearly rolled her eyes back from all the pleasure and the strength of the stallion’s flavor. His cum was so thick, and she couldn’t help but drink down more and more of it. Drinking this hot seed, the mare shivered, feeling the warm pour down her throat, and into her belly. White pushed herself to stay over this cock, letting Goldengrape remain bottomed out. After a few moments, she slowly pulled her mouth off the stallion’s cock.  “That was delicious.” White cooed, giggling as she winked to Goldengrape. Licking her lips, she looked at him with lust and longing in her eyes. “So, what would you like to do next?”  “Well…it’s…it’s a little embarrassing.” Goldengrape replied, blushing at the beautiful mare. “I…I’m sorry, but…can I…” Swallowing her nervousness, he realized there wasn’t going back anyway, so he might as well ask his guilty pleasure. “Can I…touch your feet?”  “My feet?” White asked, raising a curious eyebrow. She hadn’t been asked that before. She hesitated for a moment, but Goldengrape just looked so cute, so adorable, she couldn’t resist. “Sure, just a moment.”  Adjusting how she sat, she leaned back, spreading her legs to show off her beautiful feet. Goldengrape’s eyes widened a little, seeing how well maintained they were taken care of. He couldn’t help but swallow nervously. Like her fingers, White’s toes were properly taken care of, and were even painted. They looked so tender and beautiful. He couldn’t help but lower himself as he was keeping his eyes on her feet.                                               Now sitting, Goldengrape reached out and started to touch at White’s feet. The mare twitched a little, but then started to coo as the stallion began to give her a soft massage. Since her pregnancy, not just her back, but also her knees and feet were almost constantly sore and ached. Goldengrape seemed to be able to feel this as he was rubbing along her most sweet and sore places. White couldn’t help but let out a small moan from the feeling; this stallion was really good at giving foot massages.  Goldengrape continued to rub and massage along White’s feet, his thumbs really working in all her more sore places. It was sending shivers down her spine and tingles out of her toes. He was so good, and so dedicated to making her feel good. It was such a strange feeling, as nopony had ever tried to make her feel good like this before. Reaching down, she gently rubbed her belly, cooing slightly as she looked at this hardworking stallion. Goldengrape’s mind was in a daze, marveling at the mare’s feet.  They were so soft, and yet rough in some places. Clearly she hadn’t felt a good massage in a very long time, and so he felt it was his duty to make her feel better. If anything, to repay the kindness she had given him so far. Sure, he was basically paying to fuck a mare, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t be kind about it. Pushing at the best places to make her feel even better, Goldengrape couldn’t help but lose himself in this massage. As with her fingers, White had rings on her toes as well. They were slightly shinier than the ones on her fingers, making them stand out more. Licking his lips a little, he leaned in, kissing at these soft, delicate toes. A tingling ran from his lips and tongue, which only drove him on to keep going. White shivered and cooed, feeling the love and tenderness Goldengrape was showing to her feet and toes.           White continued to enjoy this treatment, leaning back a little to give the stallion a better hold on her feet. But the more she watched him, the more she was noticing something. He was looking at her feet, but not just in a dedicated expression, this stallion seemed to be looking at her feet with a longing. Did Goldengrape have a foot fetish? White couldn’t help but quietly giggle at the thought. Perhaps she should see what else he likes.  “Goldengrape, I have a question.” White asked, speaking with the softest, sweetest voice she had. “Do you have a foot fetish?” The stallion stumbled back a little.  “I…uh…well, you see…” Goldengrape couldn’t put the words together. This wasn’t exactly a question he was asked often, and so wasn’t sure what to say. But White has been so kind to him, he couldn’t help but look at her with some worry in his eyes. “...yes…”  “Oh good, I was afraid I was the only one.” White cooed, extending her foot to playfully tap on the stallion’s chest. Goldengrape shivered at her words. “So, how’s about I give you my thanks for all that love and dedication?”  Goldgrape’s heart was pounding harder and harder in his chest. White’s foot was gently placed on his chest and it was making him feel light headed. Swallowing nervously, he let her slowly guide herself down his front, and as soon as her soft foot reached the tip of his cock, he gasped a little. She giggled, feeling the slickness of his precum getting her foot wet and slippery. White held it in place for a moment before slowly starting to rub it down. “Just lay there and enjoy it.” White cooed, moaning a little as she looked down at the stallion. “I’ll make sure you feel really good.”  Moving her feet carefully, White started rubbing along Goldengrape’s body, gently massaging it. The stallion felt the tingles of pleasure shiver throughout his body. It felt so good, he was savoring the sensation of having these soft, skilled feet rub along his body. But after a moment, White slowed down, only to cause the stallion to look at her with needy eyes. He looked just so cute, so precious and adorable, she couldn’t help but feel compelled to make him make sweet sounds.  “How does it feel?” White cooed, speaking softly and seductively as she continued to rub along Goldengrape’s body. “Do you like my feet that much?” The stallion only cooed, which made her only want to play with him more. “Then maybe you’ll especially love this.”  Angling her foot, she placed it on Goldengrape’s moaning mouth. At once, the stallion started to kiss and lick along it, letting her put a toe in his mouth every so often. White shivered, feeling the pleasure of having such control and dominance over the stallion. It was so good, and the way he was passionately worshiping at her feet was something she never felt before. It was an amazing feeling, addictive even.  “Oooo…such a good boy…” White cooed, shivering a little bit as she looked at Goldengrape licking and kissing her feet. “That’s it, get it all wet and slippery.” Her eyes glanced down to see the stallion’s throbbing cock. “Cause I think there’s somewhere else that needs my feet’s attention.”  With some reluctance, she moved her feet away from Goldengrape’s mouth. The stallion cooed, wanting to keep licking and kissing, but as these slick, wet feet slowly moved from his mouth, they moved down his chest and towards his throbbing cock. His dick twitched in anticipation, wanting to feel these soft feet along his length. His moaned, not even feeling it yet, but White’s alluring, soft hums as she reached his aching and needy member.   “Alright, sounds like you like it.” White cooed, speaking in her most seductive voice. “How’s about I really thank you for all you’ve done for me.” With that, she started to rub her foot up and down Goldengrape’s cock, making him moan out sweetly. “My, my, I love those adorable sounds you’re making.” White cooed, giggling as she was rubbing her foot faster and faster over Goldengrape’s cock. The stallion was moaning out in the pleasure her foot gave. “Come on, tell me how it feels. I want to hear that sweet voice.”  “It’s…it’s so good.” Goldengrape moaned, panting as he was feeling the mare’s foot rubbing faster and faster. He was at her mercy, and loved it. “Don’t…don’t stop.”  “Oh, I don't plan on it.” White giggled, smirking playfully as she was rubbing faster and faster against Goldengrape’s cock. “Don’t worry, just relax, and let mommy milk your fat cock…daddy.”  > Loving the Mare > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- White and Goldengrape were panting and moaning together. The stallion laid on his back, letting the mare rub her foot over his cock. It was a feeling of almost dominance over him, and yet she was treating his dick like a tender and precious thing. The shaft throbbed as more and more precum leaked out, soaking her foot to let her slip it over his length over and over again. Goldengrape’s was smiling in such euphoria, White was so good at this footjob.  “Feels good? You like how mommy rubs daddy’s cock with her foot?” White moaned, going further and further into this little pleasure play. “Come on, cum for me, cum of mommy.”  Goldengrape was moaning out more and more. Tingles and ripples of pleasure surged through his body, he was going to cum soon. White could feel this as the throbbing fuck meat was pulsing under her toes. It was making her only get more and more aroused, she wanted to feel him really blow his load for her. Huffing a little, she rubbed faster and faster, putting just enough pressure to stroke along this cock but not to hurt him.  “White…White…I’m cumming…I’m cumming…” Goldengrape moaned out, arching his heat back, splashing the pool water a bit as he groaned. “Don’t stop…fuck, it feels so good.”  “Good boy, good daddy.” White moaned, painting even more intensely as she was getting close to a new release herself. She groped at her tits, rubbing and milking herself a little as she was savoring this feeling. “Come on, cum for mommy. Cover mommy’s foot in your hot load!”  Goldengrape, unable to hold himself back, moaned out in pleasure, letting out his release of pleasure. White only rubbed her foot along his cock faster and faster, stopping just at the tip to feel the full release of this orgasm spray against her good, dripping between her toes. Both ponies moaned in their pleasure, with Goldengrape only gasping out before collapsing back onto the floor. White held her foot in place, slowly and tenderly rubbing her foot a little more before pulling it away.  “Oh wow, such a big load.” White cooed, putting her cum soaked foot in the water, washing it a little. “Looks like you really enjoyed it.” Looking over at him, she smirked. “But don’t worry, we’re not finished yet.” Moaning seductively, her eyes were almost gleaming. “Cause now I’m really, really horny.”                                                                                                                      White was on her back, legs raised and resting on Goldengrape’s chest, with one close to his mouth. Passionately, the stallion was kissing at this foot as he was busy hammering his cock deep into the mare’s pussy. While he was trying to be gentle, not wanting to hurt the unborn foal, White’s pussy was just so good, tight and yet slippery, that his size couldn’t help but thrust in and out with greater and greater force. It was a mind melting euphoria, rubbing, licking, and kissing these precious, sexy feet, and it only made Goldengrape’s cock throb harder.  “Come on, don’t worry about me.” White cooed, moaning as she pulled Goldengrape closer. Whispering her seduction in his ear, she sent shivers of pleasure down his spine. “Fuck me like you’re the father, daddy.”  Goldengrape’s cock throbbed harder, and his mind was a hot mush of pleasure as his body thrusted faster and faster into White’s pussy. The mare’s body tensed and giggled, savoring the feeling of this stallion’s cock burying itself so deep inside her. Her inner walls coiled lovingly around the length, not letting go of it as it rubbed along her most sweet and sensitive spots. It was so good, she couldn’t get enough of the stallion inside her.  He wanted to go steady with her. He wanted to be gentle, given that she was carrying a foal due any day now. But her words, White’s sweet and seductive words and voice. It was tingling in Goldengrape’s mind. He couldn’t hold himself back anymore, he had to fuck her. He had to shove his cock as hard and deep in her pussy as he could. The mare was pleading for it, moaning whorishly at him to fuck her without mercy. Swallowing nervously, he indulged her moaning pleas.  Pulling back, Goldengrape fucked harder into the mare. She cried out as she nearly came from the stallion almost bottoming out his length in her. The pregnant pegasus’ body tensed up, her tits bounced as creamy milk trickled out of her plump, quivering nipples. The stallion only huffed, and then started picking up the speed and strength of his thrusts. He was fucking this mare, this beautiful, pregnant whore at a rapid humping pace. He was huffing, and yet was driven to fuck as much as he could.  “Mmm yes, like that…keep going…” White moaned, reaching up to gently rub the stallion’s face. “You’re so big. Fuck me harder. Take me as yours.” Her lips curled as she almost whispered her seductive breath to him. “Fuck me…like your pregnant…whore…bitch…” This nearly pushed the stallion to his breaking point.  Goldengrape winced a little, using what willpower he had remaining to keep himself from cumming. He didn’t want to blow his load just yet, he wanted to fuck this mare. He wanted to shove his length in her and just dominate this whore. But as he was rubbing her so deep inside, he felt something. It was faint, just barely a glancing sensation over the head of his dick as he was pushing past her cervix.  Was this the foal? Was he fucking so deep inside her that his cockhead was almost pressing a little against the unborn pony inside her? The thought caused him to have a small panic. His mind was racing with all manner of fears and worries. Was he hurting the foal? Was this allowed? What if he was going to do something? He was huffing, his eyes darting in all directions, and his cock was twitching with the confliction of pleasure and panic.  “Goldengrape.” White cooed, rubbing the stallion’s face. She fluttered her eyes with reassurance. “It’s okay. You’re not hurting her.” Goldengrape’s eyes widened, still in shock, where now he was just holding his dick in the mare without moving. “Here, feel for yourself.”  Taking his hands in hers, White guided the stallion’s hands over to her rounded belly. There, he could feel not only the softness of her pregnancy, but the ever faint kicking feeling. His heart nearly skipped a beat, sending a shiver down his spine as he somewhat calmed down. This was real, this mare’s foal was so close, and had endured getting fucked so much. And while part of him was worried about possibly hurting the foal, a small sliver of his mind felt some shame over being so turned on by this. “She’s just excited. Don’t worry. You can be as rough as you want.” White cooed, rolling her tongue over her lips as she moaned a little. “It feels so good, and maybe…just maybe, when she’s old enough, she’ll want some daddy too.” Pressing a little against the belly, Goldengrape couldn’t help but rub it a little. The way this foal kicked, the way it felt against his palm, it just felt so…it was indescribable. And yet, there was just something that felt so right about it. This filly, this foal growing in White’s womb was giving Goldengrape the sensation of love and affection. Leaning down, he pressed his face against her belly, kissing at it delicately as he was slowly picking up the speed of his thrusts again.  White cooed, gently rubbing not only her own belly, but also the top of Goldengrape’s head. He moaned a little, nuzzling his face against her pregnancy. The way he was slowly picking up his speed again, it was still making her feel as if she was just complete. It was so loving, so tender, he really cared about this foal, and it was making her motherly heart flutter as her pussy was getting tighter around Goldengrape’s length.  Moving faster and faster again, the stallion was thrusting. It was a much smoother, more steady pace, but as long as he could feel the foal kicking against the belly, he was sure not to hit her. And yet all the same, fucking into this soft and moist womb, knowing there’s a developed foal in there, Goldengrape’s cock was throbbing even harder than before. He was so aroused, and yet felt so guilty over it. It was so much, almost too much as he was getting ready to cum. So many conflicting feelings, mixed with that rush of pleasure. Then he realized something.  “Is…is the baby kicking…right now?” Goldengrape asked softly, fear and panic coming back to him once more. A glance confirmed that the kicking was definitely happening, although he didn’t see anything specific moving around in there. White’s womb was tightly wrapped around his length, and yet still it felt as if there was something kicking inside. Still though, he needed to know. "You're sure everything is fine? I mean...I love how we're fucking, and you're so beautiful, but I really don't want to hurt the baby."  “Yeah, just like that.” White smiled, gently stroking his mane. “That’s a sign that you’re doing fine. Now slow down a little bit. Let’s take our time.” She wanted to feel his passion deep inside her, but still wanted to be somewhat careful.  Grinning happily, Goldengrape put a hand to White’s stomach, gently rubbing it. They both sighed in happiness as they felt the kicks, even more of them this time. It felt incredible, and as the stallion lowered himself, placing his hips above the mare’s thighs, he felt a different kind of stimulation. A tightness along the top of his shaft. Not quite pain, not quite pressure, it felt nice and warm and it helped ease him towards climax. The sensation tingled along his throbbing cock, driving it closer to his next orgasm, and yet it felt so comfortable. A mix of passion and love were caressing his length as he rubbed it in and out of White's smooth folds. Reaching down, he gently caressed the top of White’s pussy, teasing it with his thumb, the plump lips wrapping themselves around his shaft. His balls were tight, and felt ready to burst. Gently kissing the side of her belly, the stallion slowly picked up his speed, each thrust rocking him deeper and deeper inside the mare’s tight and wet pussy. The sensation was becoming too much for him, and he wasn't going to be able to stop at just her round belly. Instead, he started kissing his way upwards, moving to her raised leg. From there, he continued kissing up along her leg until he reached her feet again. White cooed, whimpering as he moved to her toe, sucking it into his mouth and softly nibbling on it as he slowly picked up the speed again.  "Mmm, yes...you really like my feet don't you..." White cooed, moaning softly as her sweet words were only making Goldengrape continue at this foot worship. "Go on daddy, show mummy how much you love her feet."  Goldengrape blushed, but wasn't denying what the mare was saying. Her feet just felt so good as he kissed and licked along them. They were so smooth in his mouth, even with the slight tang of the precious metals that were adorned around them. It only made his cock throb more. He was pushing himself, wedging his length in and out of her warm, wet hole, with only her soft moans to tell him how good it felt. His mind was almost becoming numb, the pleasure only drove him to fuck more and more into this beautiful mare. Kissing at her other foot, his tongue licking at the bottom, making White squirm.  He knew that he was being reckless, that he was almost ready to explode, and yet it was too enjoyable for him to care. Slowly picking up the pace once more, he felt the pressure building in his groin. A loud moan escaped White’s lips as she grabbed at the sheets under her. Grunting softly, the stallion was thrusting his cock faster and faster into the very tight pussy that held her child. It felt so good, filling him so wonderfully, as well as causing him to break through the barrier. He could feel that his cock wasn't just kissing at her cervix, he was fucking into her womb directly again. “I’m-!” Goldengrape groaned, trying to warn her, the combination of the tightness, warmth, pleasure and pressure pushing him over the edge. "I'm gonna cum again."  "Please don't stop." White moaned back, looking at the stallion with raw passion shimmering in her eyes. "I don't want this to stop. You feel so good. My pussy loves your dick." Huffing and panting, she took one of his hands, bringing it to her mouth as she kissed it. After a moment, she started rubbing it against her cheek before playfully and seductively suckling on the thumb. "Please daddy, keep fucking mummy's slutty, pregnant pussy with your fat cock." This was too much for him.  She was so beautiful, so slutty, and her words were just an addiction in his already sensitive mind. Goldengrape howled in orgasm, and as he did so, his cock started spewing streams of white, sticky spunk. He groaned out loudly as his orgasm took over his body, pleasure shooting outwards from the head of his dick. With a series of grunts and moans, the stallion continued pumping his hot seed into the waiting mare, making her gasp in delight as her womb accepted his thick climax. She loved the way his cock twitched inside her, the release of his orgasm shaking his whole body. It felt amazing, as if he would never want to let go of this sensation. Just as she never wanted to give up this pleasure. Goldengrape stopped as soon as his orgasm subsided, collapsing forward onto White’s belly. Groaning a little, he quickly recovered, taking a deep breath and then kissed at the top of her feet, licking along and between her toes as he kissed at her shimmering toe rings. Finally, he looked up to meet her gaze, her cheeks flushed, her chest rising and falling steadily as she took in a few short breaths. His breathing returned to normal, and Goldengrape let out a deep sigh, rolling his shoulders and trying to get rid of any tension in his muscles. Sighing contently, he pulled out of White, the mare grunting a little as he did so. However, he quickly grabbed hold of her thighs, hugging them closer against his body. His cock was still spurting out his orgasm, but it was also still very hard and throbbing.  Taking a deep breath, he kissed and moaned against White's feet, but was moving to start thrusting again. And this time, he didn't hesitate. As soon as his hips met her thighs, he slammed his cock back into her, hissing in pleasure as her tight pussy gripped him once more. Picking up the pace, he slammed his hips into her, his pelvis hitting her clit with each thrust. She was moaning, grabbing hold of his mane and throwing her head back, enjoying every second of this and eagerly awaiting his next thrust. Her womb was tightening around his shaft, drawing him in deeper. Just as his cock was reaching its peak, White tensed up, and Goldengrape gasped as she tightened further around his member. “Oh my...fuck!” Goldengrape groaned as she tightened further, his hips slamming into hers. "I'm sorry, I can't stop cumming. Your pussy just feels so good."  "Then don't stop." White cooed and moaned back, hugging him against her body. "Show mummy how much you love her." Taking his head in her arms, she brought to her leaking breast. Instinctively, Goldengrape suckled on it, humping as he drank her milk. "Mmm yes, like that. Such a good daddy, drink mummy's warm milk."  More ropes of cum shot out of his cock, streaming deep in White's womb as she squirmed beneath him. Gasping slightly, the stallion couldn't believe how much he had come inside her, but the fact that it was with him, well...that made it all worth it. Goldengrape could feel himself throbbing and spasming within her, sending shockwaves through his body and making his legs tremble. He felt himself almost explode within her, filling her completely and pouring out every last drop of his cum. As he finally started to calm down, the stallion slowly lowered himself back to the ground, a content smile on his face. The mare stretched out her neck, giving Goldengrape a kiss before whispering in his ear.  “Thanks for such a wonderful time.” White cooed, kissing a little at the stallion's ear. "I love how you feel inside me." "And thank you..." Goldengrape replied, taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly. “For being so fucking sexy, you have no idea. You're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen.” White only giggled, cooing at his kind words. The two lay there for several long moments, maybe even a few short minutes in their afterglow. The pleasure was so good, even as it was still washing off them. Their bodies were sore, having pushed themselves and yet they had no regrets. The mare could only rub at the back Goldengrape’s head, as well as her belly. But when she felt the kicking in her belly, she felt something else.  Her womb felt open, even as the stallion’s cock was becoming limp. And even as they were still in the makeshift pool, there was even more moisture starting to pour out of her. It couldn’t be Goldengrape’s cum, even with how much that was pumped in her, it couldn’t be that. It was then that it dawned on her. She was going into labor. This wonderful stallion’s magnificent cock was putting this mare into labor.                                                       “Um…Goldengrape…” White cooed, looking at the stallion with a little more worry on her face than before. “I…I think my water broke…”  Goldengrape looked at her with some doubt. Given how she giggled at his response when she last said this. There was a bit of doubt, but White seemed rather sure this time. But then again, it could just be another prank of hers. She did say not to worry and that her pussy and womb could handle it. But the mare’s eyes, they looked so sincere this time. Goldengrape’s body shivered a little, feeling as White’s pussy wasn’t just even more soaked than before, but slightly looser.  “You’re…you’re joking right?” Goldengrape asked, sweating a little more as the nervousness was showing more and more across her face. “R-right?” White’s eyes trembled a little, and she innocently shook her head.  Goldengrape’s eyes widened in shock, falling back as he pulled away from White’s pussy. She was telling the truth, she was going into labor right then and there. Panic set in, and before he got clothes on, he rushed to the door. He didn’t even know what he was screaming, but it worked. Gladmane came running down the hall at the sound of Goldengrape’s screams. As soon as the stallion walked in, his eyes went just as wide as the mare was huffing, getting closer and closer to giving birth.  “Fuck, now of all times?!” Gladmane gasped, his eyes darting. “I’m calling an ambulance!” Getting out a phone, he dialed the number, giving Goldengrape the time to get dressed as the other girls were drawn into the screams and sounds.  It was done, White had given birth to a healthy baby filly. Sitting in the hospital bed, she hugged her precious child, cooing as she felt nothing but sheer joy. But amongst this joy, was fear and worry. Gladmane didn’t care that she was pregnant, as long as she could pleasure clients. But now that she’s had her baby, she won't be able to work as much as before. She had to think and care about her filly foal above all else. But as she was worrying about what she was going to do, she heard a knock at the nearby doorway. It was Goldengrape.  “Hey, Gladmane said you wouldn’t be against visitors.” Goldengrape commented, smiling as he looked at the mare. “Mind if I visit?” White nodded, letting him enter. Sitting there, he saw the foal. “So…how are you doing?”  “I’m…I’m not doing well.” White commented, sniffling as she tried to hold back any sadness. “I’m…I’m sorry, I’m just worried about what I’m going to do now.”  “What do you mean?” Goldengrape asked, looking at her in confusion. “Isn’t Gladmane going to help?”  “He won’t. He’s not the father.” White replied, seeing a renewed confusion on Goldengrape’s face. “I know…he’s often accused of being the father, but I was pregnant before I started working for him. The real father…” Her face sank into a deeper sorrow, holding the filly foal closer to her. “The real father was a client I had before I started working for Gladmane.”  “I see, I’m sorry you had to go through all of that.” Goldengrape commented, placing a hand gently on White’s free hand. “I…if it’s okay with you, I can help.”                                                           “What do you mean?” White asked, sniffling a little more. “What can you do? Gladmane isn’t going to keep me around after this. I won’t have a job.”  “Well…I have plenty of space at my place.” Goldengrape commented, smiling warmly to the mare. Rubbing her hand with his hand, he continued. “And I wouldn’t mind having you and your baby around.” “I…I can’t…” White replied, feeling more shocked that anyone would offer such a kindness to her. “I don’t want to be a burden. And you don’t need to feel responsible for me.”  “Oh no, no, I’m not doing this because I feel bad.” Goldengrape corrected, looking deeply in White’s eyes. “I want to help you. I…I know this will sound stupid, but as soon as I saw you, I couldn’t stop these feelings. I want to be with you, White.”  White’s eyes went wide, only to start tearing up as she saw the seriousness in Goldengrape’s confession. Since getting pregnant and abandoned by the father, she never wanted to believe that anyone would come to help her. But Goldengrape was so sincere, so sweet, so kind, she couldn’t help but start crying tears of joy. Holding her filly foal closely, she nodded, looking at the stallion with loving eyes.  “Yes, yes, I’ll do it. I’ll move in, if you’ll have us.” White smiled, to which Goldengrape leaned in and started kissing at her lips. The filly seemed to let out small coos as the two ponies kissed. “Oh, you hear that. She already loves her new daddy.” Goldengrape smirked, chuckling as he leaned back in to kiss the mare, his new lover.