> Crystal Destiny > by Sailor Aether > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > A new Empires Foreign guest > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Woah, so you worked for the government?” Jai asked in between bites of his chicken nuggets. “Boy, I tell ya’s I darn near ran the government hehe” A gravely deep voice said from across the table. Today had been particularly odd for Jai when he got off work. He encountered a homeless man but for some reason he couldn't just walk by him like he usually did. Jai wasn’t rich but he could spare to help out the man with a meal, who accepted and here they were. “So how’d you end up under a bridge in a tent with holes and uh... no food?” Jai asked again with the tact of a bowling ball falling on fingers. “I’ll tell ya on one condition. What’dya say eh?” The old man asked, raising his eyebrows up and down. “I don't swing that way, I can't help you” Jai stated his facial features hardening and his arms forming an X in front of him. “NOT LIKE THAT YA IDGET! Take this and don’t ask questions” The old man bellowed, producing a silver and gold ring with two cyan blue gemstones on it. “I-I can’t take something like this. It looks stupid expensive” Jai said, holding up his hands defensively. In Jai’s defense it looked really cool but common courtesy told him to turn it down. If he was thinking correctly then another offer should come in 3…2…1 “Fine, I’ll tell ya how I got here and if you come back tomorrow I’ll tell ya’s the why. Deal?” The geezer smiled, finishing his proposition. The crooked smile and missing teeth should have been a red flag that told Jai this guys nuts. But something told him to accept, what did he have to lose anyway and the ring would be a cool ass conversation starter. “Deal! I’m all ears but one sec!” Jai said, pumping his fist and running towards the counter to order more food. “Heh maybe he’ll be fine” The old man said under his breath. Jai returning had another set of nuggets and a drink that he passed to the old man. “Ok, now I’m all ears!” Jai exclaimed plopping down on his side of the booth. “Alright now, this whole cluster started when I began workin’ with those prissy physicist in block 12-A in Manhattan…” the old man rambled. He spoke of secret bases, dimensional travel and its possibilities and how he’d been fired for destroying decades worth of research. “Oh man! So how’d you get away with all that?” Jai questioned, hanging on every word. The old man let out a hearty laugh, spit flying from his mouth as he did. “I tunneled right out from underneath the bastards and I’ve been on the streets of Eclipse hills since” The geezer stated a hint of sadness in his eyes but as soon as Jai caught it, it was gone. “Man you knew I was going to ask why, UGHHH” Jai moaned in frustration much to the old man’s enjoyment he let another deep raspy laugh out. “ If you buy me food tomorrow then the ,why, is all yours as per our deal” he stated looking Jai in the eyes. Before a response could be formed the cashier walked up to the two. “I see you two are having a blast but we closed 20 minutes ago could you umm please leave?” She pleaded. Jai pulled out his phone and saw the time; 11:45pm. “Oh sh.. I gotta get goin I work tomorrow at 7am. I’ll see you here same time tomorrow, old man don't be late!” Jai hurriedly spat out as he dumped his food tray away in the trash and jogged home. The old man smiled as he watched him run off into the distance. The clouded sky above him and the scent of impending rain made his light jog transform into a brisk one. “Well Amore, my work here is finally done, he is the one.” The old man said quietly. The cashier tilted her head looking at the old man but before she could speak again he was gone. She frantically blinked and rubbed her eyes, she wasn’t crazy right? “I gotta get a vacation. There was someone here right…right?” She questioned as she cleaned and closed up shop. Opening the door to his apartment Jai felt oddly tired. Not just physically where his insomnia kept him up, but wholly tired for the first time in years. Had to have been the conversation with the oldie from the diner, Oh well he thought. Unbothered, Jai slumped on his couch too lazy to take off his clothes or shoes as a loud boom went off. “I forgot to ask the old head's name,” he murmured to himself and yawned. Drifting off to sleep as the sounds of rain and thunder soothed his mind. THUD! “Jesus, was the floor always this cold?” Jai groaned more in discomfort than annoyance. It was a poor habit he had of tossing and turning in bed coupled. This made for some less than ideal moments in the middle of the night. “My my, who do we have here?” A soft feminine voice called out. A voice Jai was NOT familiar with. Quickly opening his eyes and scrambling to his feet. He looked around and was beyond surprised at what he saw around him. It was beautiful, the crystal structures all around him. The multiple colors he saw made his eyes sparkle. From the floors and furniture to the pillars, ceiling and the horses pointing spears at him? “Who in the actual hell…”Jai began before crystal spears were pointed at his neck. Looking down at one of the many spears pointed at him. Jai saw intricate detailing on the blade. Unfortunately he couldn’t see much further than that. The shaft of the spear was hard to see when anytime he shifted his head the spears moved to meet his grey eyes. “That is what we are trying to find out, strange one” The feminine voice called again. Before the sound of hooves stopped in his line of sight as a few of the spears lowered. Jai looked towards the soothing voice and his eyes grew wide. It was a cream colored horse, wearing a flowing floral dress, with gold and silver accents. A pink and blue mane that shone like the crystal he saw everywhere, and atop her head a crystal crown around her horn? Huh that wasn’t right, unicorns weren’t real so this had to just be a dream. “Right… talking magic horses, neat. I’d like to wake up now.” Jai remarked flatly. Then he jumped and yelped as the spears behind him dug into his lower back. As if that wasn’t enough he was then pushed over, his body now flat across the crystal floor. “Show respect to the Princess if you value your life whatever you are” A deep voice demanded from on top of him. “Enough, now speak. What are you and how did you end up in my bed chamber?” The Unicorn asked, irritated she was just called a ‘horse’. “Humans don't exist or something? Hell if I know how I got here, I was home when I fell asleep. And honestly I don't appreciate being stabbed by the way” Jai said indignantly, glaring at Mare in front of him. He was confused and angry at how he was being treated. He’d had it hard at home but when he moved out he was finally starting his own life. Now he was half sure he was tripping. If he was in another world how’d that happen in the first place? “I do not know what a Human is, but if you do not understand how you got here. Perhaps time in the dungeon will jog your memory.” The mare said, turning away from him. The guards began to move to restrain him and take him away. Jai thrashed around kicking one of the horses in the nose and punching the other breaking free of the hold the guards had on him. “I’ll be damned if I let colorful horses lock me up. I just want to go home” Jai said, looking at the growing number of guards around him. “You forfeited your right to leave when you came here ‘human’ assassin. Now guards arrest it!” The pink mare exclaimed. The guards around the room now drawing their weapons and closing in on him. Jai looked around rapidly for an escape but the room was chalk full of horses that came up to his chest. The sense of desperation to leave flooded his senses and made his hands shake and his vision blur occasionally. Then he felt a strange tingle in his arms down to his shaking hands. “What the…what's happening to me.” Jai mumbled. The guards took the first initiative to try and grab him. Dozens of them in a circle around him pounced on him in a dog pile, now covering the human in a pile of clanking armor. As the pink mare began to turn to leave she stopped as a bright light filled the room and the guards on Jai were flung across the room. Some guards collided with the wall, others hit their fellow guardsmen. The unlucky few towards the top of the pile were flung at the ceiling. “Princess Amore get down!” A guard yelled as he tackled the Princess to the floor as a guard was launched helmet first at the Princess. Hearing the crunch she winced and ran over to the guard slumped on the wall. “Rockhoof are you ok?” Princess Amore asked frantically. She ignited her horn to use healing magic and sighed when the guard groaned in response. “I can’t stop! Go away, Jesus Christ, do you have no self preservation you dumb rainbow horses!” Jai yelled. Whatever was going on was nice for all of 10 seconds. He was happy to not be piled by the equines but he couldn’t control what he was doing. Anything that got too close was launched away and thrown weapons encircled him and were flung in a random direction. “Assassin, you have shown your true colors now!” Another guard yells as he charges. Sighing Jai backs away from the guard. “Dude! Stop! I’m trying to help yo…” Jai trailed off. Fatigue hitting him like a freight train and within the brief break in concentration. Something hits him in the head and everything fades to black. Princess Amore looks around at the disheveled guard in her bed chamber. Using her magic she checks the injuries of those on the ground. Minor injuries and unconscious guards littered the room but a few were missing. “Captain Rose Quartz, are you there?” Amore calls out. “Um, Princess look up.” Rose calls from above her. What Amore sees makes her own eyes widen. The Ponies that the human had flung were suspended in the air. Whatever it had done, despite saying it was out of control, did not kill any of her guards. Amore sighed in relief as she used her magic to bring the ponies down. Maybe she was wrong about this human creature, but that would be a problem to face later. For now she would clean up and sleep in one of the many guest rooms for the night. “Come on Rocky boy, Can I please have my pants back? They aren't magical and I'm cold” Jai whined. Since he’d woken up… again, he’d been sitting in a cell. Just like the rest of what he saw, was a crystal cell which was not retaining heat at all. More so in having been in the dungeon for a little under a week. Or was it over? He’d really just lost track of time; really wanted his clothes back. “Princess’ orders. Nothing is to be…” Rockhoof began but stopped as Jai spoke up again. “Ok how about this. How would you feel if you were hairless in a crystal cell and nothing to keep warm hmm?” Jai retorted. The guard hummed in thought and then grumbled. Jai smiled seeing his socks and jeans slid through the bars in a light grey aura. He still wasn’t used to this whole ‘Magic’ gimmick but at least he got his pants back. “Wasn’t me if anypony asks,” Rockhoof says without turning around. “Was what you?” Jai responded coyly as he put on his socks and pants. Rockhoof laughed but quickly stopped as the sound of hoof steps began to echo throughout the dungeon. “What’s for dinner today, do you know?” Jai asked before going into a plank on the floor. All he had was exercise and bothering the guards to keep him sane. Keeping his mind off of the cold was all that mattered to him, even if he was really bad at it. “Our chefs are preparing soups and salads for the staff.” That familiar feminine voice said. The sounds of several hoof steps approached his cell. “Lovely, So can I have my clothes back Princess Amore? I don't have hair or fur all over me like you” said Jai, taking a seat on the floor from his plank and motioning to his bare torso. “Soon, so are you ready to answer my questions now, human?” Amore inquired, raising an eyebrow at the human. Amore looked down at the human sitting before her. She found him odd to say the least. His long twisted hair, grey eyes, and hairless body and brown skin were all vaguely similar yet so different from a minotaur. All records she’d read over had no mention of a human and none of the security magic picked up his entry. Her train of thought was interrupted by an indignant sigh. “I’ve already told you. I fell asleep in my apartment, and woke up on the floor in what did you call this place again?” Jai asked. “This is the Crystal Empire,” Amore stated. “Yea here, and then I was attacked with no explanation and this weird magic mambo jumbo started happening. And by the way your guard has ZERO self preservation. You should talk to them about that.” Said Jai trying not to laugh as he saw the bandage on Rockhoof's nose from the incident earlier in the week. “Princess It seems he's telling the truth. Our magic has detected no lies” An elderly purple unicorn said. “Finally the talking horses are seeing reason!” Jai exclaimed, making the Princess visibly flinch. “WE ARE PONIES,ENOUGH DISRESPECT” The Princess exclaimed in her royal voice. Jai put his hands over his ears and frowned. “I- I don’t know the difference. I wasn't into equines on earth” Jai said, rubbing his head. How could anything get that loud without a megaphone? “Y-You don’t know the difference?” Princess Amore parroted back to him. “Nah, not really.” Jai said. He was confused why he was being yelled at for making an observation. Honestly the difference couldn’t be that big right? “Again your majesty, he is not lying” The Unicorn spoke up again. Jai beamed at her, she was his saving grace right now. He would hug her if he wasn’t behind bars and shirtless. “So can I have my stuff back please? I’m cold and could use a warm drink and maybe just maybe. An explanation” Jai said, getting up and stretching his arms and wiggling his fingers. Amore watched the human, her gaze wandering from his arms to his fingers. Getting lost in thought for a moment she was pulled from her reverie when Rockhoof cleared his throat. “Your highness, Excuse me so I can let him out.” The guard stated sternly. “Oh, OH! Yes of course, ahem I’ll be in my office. See that his items are returned to him.” Amore said, shaking her head in embarrassment. “Shirt and Jacket here I come!” said Jai excitedly jumping up and heading to the door of the cell. Rockhoof opened the door and motioned for him to follow. “Your belongings will be this way, then you will be escorted to Princess Amore’s office.” Rockhoof explained, staring straight ahead. “Uh-huh that's all fine and dandy but let me pick your brain about a few things, Rocky” Jai said enthusiastically. “It's Rockhoof, Sgt. Rockhoof” The guard replied. “Whatever Rocky, So about what's acceptable…” Jai asked as the two made their way into customs for the human belongings. > The learning process > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “This is weird, I’m not gonna lie Amore.” Jai said, walking alongside the Princess. “Princess Amore, but yes I agree. Your circumstances are anything but ordinary that is for certain” Amore corrected. Jai after getting his clothes back had finally had a civilized talk about what he was and how he ended up in the Crystal Empire. Amore listened as the human had recounted the day before. From the sense of not belonging, to the old man and the ring he was given. “I uh, also can’t take the ring off. So that's fun” Jai said sarcastically. Looking down at the ring on his left hand middle finger. “A being from another world, with magic strong enough to throw my guards can’t take off a ring?” Amore teased looking at him. Jai rolled his eyes and bumped into Amore who scoffed in mock hurt. She looked at Jai and then craned her head upwards. It wasn’t something she had to do often, save for when her friend, Celestia, came to visit. It wasn’t unpleasant just… different; good different. “I’ve been here a little over a week with no apology for the literal backstabbing I got. A few bruised sides and noses is the best you could ask for.” Jai shot, breaking the Unicorn's train of thought. A large crystal door at the end of the hallway signified their destination. “I suppose so. Anyhow we are here, the Crystal Library. All jokes aside, is there anything else I can do to make up for the incident?” Amore inquired again. Ever since Jai had gotten out of his cell Amore had been more sensitive to the humans emotions. One reason was because she did truly feel bad for detaining and borderline torturing a being not from this world. The other reason was his magic, she didn’t know the trigger for it. Even if she was a unicorn his magic felt strangely volatile, yet familiar. She couldn’t put her hoof on it but she would just observe him for a while. “Unless you’re going to help me with the eating meat thing no. The room, library access, and a tailor are good…I’ll get your side of the story later.” Jai responded as he walked into the library. He put his arm up and waved her off as he ventured off to find the books on magic. Amore shook her head pouting and walked back towards her office. “He’s so frustrating to deal with. His poor mother must have quite the time raising him” Amore mused to herself. Running fake scenarios in her head of a smaller human running around, being a little menace to the household. Her thoughts then began to drift from his foal hood, to the thought of foals in general. ‘Maybe when Sombra is dealt with’ Amore thought upon entering her office. “Your highness, news from the scouts has finally returned.” The elderly unicorn mare said. Amore jumped, she was so deep in thought that she hadn’t recognized her own advisor. “Thank you Opaline. What news from the borders?” Amore asks quickly composing herself. “Not good news, your highness. Seven of our eight scouts are heavily injured and Sombra’s forces are amassing just beyond the ravine.” Opaline explains. Among the rest of the report nothing else was out of place. The barrier was up, soldiers on standby, her citizens happy or at least as happy as they could be. “All we can do for now is monitor the situation, dismissed” Amore said, sighing heavily. Opaline bowing slipped out of the office. The click of the door was all the Princess needed to slouch in her chain and grunt irritably. Stupid mad ‘king’ trying to invade and take what wasn’t his. “One day at a time Amore, one day at a time” She reminded herself. Looking out of her window at the mountains in the distance. “You’ve been here for two and half days, Jai. Come ea- argh SHOWER. I can smell you from here!” Amore shouted at the human. She had been wondering what he had been reading for the past few days. When she dropped by the first time the Librarian was cautious of the foreign guest. When she dropped by the second day she saw the Librarian leaning against the human using her wings to point and explain. This time she smelled him before she saw him. “Your highness please don’t yell” the Librarian pleaded. The dark circles under her eyes thicker than usual. “Sorry QuillHeart, but one he smells and two why haven’t you slept?” Amore inquired using her magic to pinch her nose. “Well per my contract as long as somepony is in here I cannot close the Library. Also your highness, he’s had a lot of questions.” QuillHeart said exhaustion was clear on her face. Yet she didn’t appear upset about this at all. “You don’t seem too upset about it. Might I ask why?” Amore inquired genuinely curious. She had seen them sitting together but the teal Pegasus was nice to every pony. “Not at all your highness, he was excited to learn and listen. He took notes, and asked so many questions. Some even I hadn't thought about.” QuillHeart said, humming in satisfaction and adjusting her glasses. “Well I will be taking him with me, he smells and he needs to eat-” Amore began to say. CRASH. THUMP, THUMP The sound of a lamp falling and books hitting the floor startled the two mares talking. They each exchanged glances before hurrying towards the source of the noise. “Heart, I’m fine just knocked a few things on the shelf over don’t stress- oh hey Amore” Jai said looking over towards the two mares. Amore was shocked to say the least at what she saw before her. The human had managed to get basic levitation down for a couple books. As soon as Jai looked away the two books fell with the rest of the mess on the floor. “Didn’t you tell me magic isn’t native to humans?” Amore asked, eyebrows raised. “I did and that’s true, your advisor was there the entire time remember? But Heart here explained pretty well how to get started. I’m already so far behind everyone else so this isn’t that impressive.” Jai admitted rubbing the back of his head. “While true, understanding magic while not being native to it is still impressive.” QuillHeart happily chimed in. “QuillHeart I hate to do this to you but could you clean this up? It's time for him to go now.” Amore said. The librarian knew that tone of voice and hurriedly nodded. The princess was no longer asking, most only knew of her kind and caring demeanor. Her closer staff knew better than that however and did their best to stay in her good graces. Quill did not know what she had done wrong, but it was best to just go with the flow. “But I was just getting it down!” Jai whined in protest following the Princess out of the library. “Feel free to come back anytime,” QuillHeart said. Which she regretted instantly when the Princess turned to glare at her. Did she really do something to irritate the princess? She did drop the human in her library unannounced and she didn’t complain. The confused librarian shrugged and began to clean up after the human. “Grumpy much? I figured you would have been happy to have me occupied.” Jai remarked sarcastically. Amore said nothing which made the human uncomfortable. The two walked in silence down multiple hallways. Jai finally smelling himself grimaced and understood why he needed to leave the library. He hadn’t showered in a good while and it was not pleasant. “Here. You are to borrow my bath until we build one that is big enough for you.” Amore said, waving the human inside. “Got it. I take it, the replacement clothes are here?” Jai Inquired before he entered. Amore nodded and pushed the human into the bathroom. “They are inside, leave your smelly clothes by the door. I will have a maid come and collect them” Amore stated, turning to leave. “Thanks, Amore ‘preciate it!” Jai thanked her happily as he began to run the hot water and strip. “Princess Amore” She corrected again. The Princess turned back and stared at the silhouette for a moment and then hurriedly left the room. Why was she fixated on the human? Why did she care how close he was to QuillHeart? Was she jealous of the librarian for getting to spend quality time with him? No, there’s no way she was jealous for even a moment. They had just met a week ago. Sure he was interesting, and quirky, but no more than that… right? “You want to train with us?” Rockhoof asked again tilting his head. The human had been in the empire for about a month and a half now and was relatively well known. More for being a night owl and magic addict than anything, but not a major problem. Well not a problem to the civilians; he was a pain to the Princess and himself primarily. “Rocky I need the exercise. I can’t just sit in the library all day. I think I made Amore mad at poor QuillHeart so let me join you, PLEASE.” The Human pleaded. “Why can’t you be considerate like that to me.” Rockhoof complained. Jai booped the guard who jumped in surprise and then grumbled. “You and Heart are both big ol’ softies but she’s a librarian. I’d feel bad if I pestered her.” Jai said, throwing his hands up and shaking his head. A vein appeared above Rockhoof’s brow as listened to the human speak. Him a ‘big ol’ softy?’ As…bucking…if. “Fine, join us when you get up tomorrow. We’ll be waiting for you. Now if you will excuse me” Rockhoof said smiling. He felt bad for the soldiers, but this was going to be hell week until the human quit. This Rockhoof promised, no this he Vowed. “Thanks Rocky!” The human called behind him. The soldier only waved a hoof in passing as he continued his patrol shift around the castle. Jai, turning on the spot, jogged towards the kitchen and poked his head in. “Brule? Are you here?” Jai called out. The other cooks looked at the door and laughed before nudging a large green earth pony in the back. “I hear ya, sourdoughs on the counter take it and git’ gone” Crème Brule yelled in mock irritation. Jai levitated the loaf over to himself and laughed. “Thank ya kindly sir” The human retorted, bowing deeply and then jogging off towards the courtyard. He had raided the kitchen enough times to get acquainted with the staff. First they were irritated that their ingredients had gone missing. Then they ignored him when he showed up to cook his own meals. After about 3 weeks they paid attention to how he cooked his eggs, toasted his bread, and cooked the fish they imported for him. Eventually they all started to get along when Jai would bring the ingredient shipments himself. The head chef had taken a liking to the human since he didn’t have to cook for him. Eventually the staff chose to cook for him since he wasn’t stuck up like the nobles that would visit. “Grey skies, cool air, and the best bread I’ve ever had. Magic practice starts now!” Jai said excitedly, running into the castle courtyard. There was a large willow tree in the center of it, and it had become his new favorite spot. Primarily since the tree was not made of crystal, which was a nice change of pace. Eating half of the loaf Jai then sat at the foot of the tree and crossed his legs. Setting the other half in his lap he closed his eyes, and put his hands together interlocking his fingers. “Just like when we got here. This is my territory; nothing in, only out” The human muttered to himself. Magic slowly gathered around him forming a thin layer of magic. The magic flowed counter clockwise in a steady stream. As each moment passed, the magic took the shape of a sphere as it flowed. BOOOM “My territory; only out, nothing in.” Jai repeated as droplets of water began to slowly fall. The sound of rain coming down around him filled his ears. However the rain that made it through the branches of the willow did not fall on his head. The water moved with the magic around the human as he continued to mutter the same thing over and over again. “Only out, Nothing… Ugh.” Jai groaned, grabbing his head. The water suspended around him fell to the ground and onto his clothes, along with rain he was getting thoroughly soaked. Maintaining the sphere like he did when he ended up at the Castle was his goal yet there was something missing. “Goddamn, whatever, maybe Amore or Heart can help me out. If basic levitation is all I can do after almost 2 months I’m going to be so mad” Jai mumbled to himself quickly getting up and running back inside. “Forget about today's forecast I see?” A now familiar voice called out from down the hallway. “You don't miss an opportunity to be a smartass, huh Amore?” Jai retorted, still holding the left side of his head. Amore looked the human up and down. The fabric clinging tightly to him revealed a frame that lacked muscle definition but not unattractive. Attractive? Why was attractive where her mind went? “Princess Amore” The princess stated, trying to pull her head from thoughts of the human. Her cheeks flushed as she shook her head, much to Jai’s confusion. “You uh… Ok? You look a little pale, are you sick?” Jai asked, approaching the Princess. “Don’t come any closer, I’m fine! I need to um, draft a letter to Canterlot I will see you later bye!” Amore exclaimed, slowly backing away then running from the human. What was wrong with her? Certainly Celestia could help her navigate her confusion right? “Meant thank her for this fish. I don’t smell that bad though, do I?” The human asked no one in particular as he watched the Princess of the Crystal Empire, the standard of beauty and grace, haul absolute ass away from him. > Find the silver lining > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Captain please, we don’t know what we did but We’re SORRY!” A private gasped. The Crystal guard had a mandatory hell week once a year and was usually less than a week. For some reason Rockhoof the captain of the guard had begun hell week early, and not only early but for longer than a week. “It is no longer a punishment, this is a matter of principle” Rockhoof stated, his gaze not wavering. He was watching the human drag 2 of his guards up the hill. The rules for hell week were simple really. Unicorns no magic unless sanctioned, Pegasus no flight unless sanctioned. As the human didn’t have wings the only rules that applied to him were magic. “Hah, jeez, hah. Rocky this is way worse than my gyms at home. Jeez” Jai managed to get out in between breaths. The armory, and tailors fashioned him a set of half armor. He had a purple chest piece, and metal boots and thigh plates. “You are welcome to quit anytime human.” Rockhoof quipped smirking at the human. Jai rolled his eyes and released the ponies he was dragging and stretched out his arms and legs. “And leave you without my presence I think the hell not!” The human retorted glaring down at the orange crystal pony. Only looking away because why the hell were these ponies so shiny? The sun beat down on the remaining guard as they attempted to trudge up the hill, the last obstacle in their marathon. “After this, we have a 5 minute break, into sparring. Then you will run around the castle until sundown,” Rockhoof announced. Groans and grunts of disapproval came from the guard as they sat exhausted. “Well, shit I was gonna give up but Rocky wants to be an ass,” Jai muttered to himself. “Oh, and those who finish top 4 in sparring do not have to run and will have the evening off. DISMISSED,” Rockhoof shouted smugly before heading towards the sparring field. Rockhoof figured if he couldn’t get the human to quit during exercise, then he would rig the sparring. Colts going against my best poor bucker, he thought. “Aight lads, lets get on over there lest we have to run for being late!” Jai exclaimed. This elicited more grunts and groans but the ponies all got up and followed the human. How the heck is he still fine after all of this? A majority of ponies thought; a small sliver of admiration forming in their minds. “ATTENTION!” Rockhoof yells. The crystal guard all scramble from the messy group they jogged in, to a neat line. The sparring center was about half the size of a football field and was split into 4 quarters from there. Jai looked around and saw bleachers, lining the area around each section. “You will be divided as you can see, Undefeated or first place in each block does not have to run. Put on a show for our citizens. Let them see we are strong!” Rockhoof proclaims. The guard stomp their hooves and Rockhoof starts going down the line assigning sections. “So what are the rules here? No magic still?” Jai asked when Rockhoof got to him. The captain smiled at the human. “Use whatever you need to do to win, just don’t kill anypony. Now go to block 1 and uh, good luck” Rockhoof responded moving down the line once again to assign the rest of the guard. There was no way this hairless thing, albeit nice, was going to avoid running, Rockhoof thought laughing to himself. “Aight Rocky, thanks” Jai said happily. He finally got to use magic practically during training. Granted he could have quit training a while ago. He had a good workout plan from the guards, and magic from QuillHeart to practice. However for some reason, he felt the need to go until he couldn’t. Whether he was crazy or determined it didn’t matter too much to him. Arriving at his block he looked around and saw the stands around his block filling up more than the others. “Woah, this side seems a little stacked eh?” Jai mumbled. Not expecting a response he jumped when a soft voice spoke behind him. “W-w-w-we have all of the winners f-f-from last year,” the meek voice sputtered. Jai looked down to his right and saw AquaBolt, a teal earth crystal pony. He was in all honesty one of the nicer ponies to him. Even if he was an extreme pacifist and even more skittish than everyone else was. “That’ll do it, well looking at the schedule, I’m up second so Imma go warm up. Later Aqua~!” Jai sang as he began to walk towards the ring before Aqua ran in front of him and stopped. “I-I like you so I'll tell you. Forfeit if you c-can” the teal pony stammered, unable to look Jai in the eye. “And why would I do that, hmm?” Jai asked, turning around to face the bundle of nerves. AquaBolt closed his eyes and took a few moments to gather his thoughts. Opening his eyes he met Jai’s own for the first time since they had met 2 weeks ago. “Because, these guys are cruel. They send other guards to the infirmary just because they are in a bad mood. It’s just-” Aqua stops as Jai puts his hand up to stop him. “I get that but as of now, they have done nothing to me. I’m no hero or altruist but I also have the itch to use my magic.” Jai said, shrugging his shoulders. “But what if-” Aqua whined. Only stopping due to the petting he was receiving from the human. “Thanks for the concern. It’s…new to me” Jai stated, laughing at the confused ponies facial expression. Hearing dull thuds and the cheering getting louder Jai figured the first match was almost done. Looking into the stands he saw a familiar face in the crowd trying to not be noticed. A disguise he had been the victim of a few times in the castle, Amore using magic to appear as a shorter paler maid. Waving to get her attention she freezes and holds up her hoof locking eyes with him. Amore then slowly draws her hoof across her neck and shakes her head. “Don’t rat me out or you’re dead” the princess mouths before walking off and finding a seat. Jai rolls his eyes and heads to the edge of the ring. As he approaches the match ends as one of the guards is thrown over the edge. “BY RULE OF OUT OF BOUNDS, THE WINNER IS JADECOMET!” The announcer bellows. Cheers erupt as he waves to the crowd smiling from ear to ear. “NEXT UP, THE GUEST HUMAN, JAI YOUNG” The announcer states. As Jai hops into the ring, whispers flood the stadium. “What is that thing?” A mare asks. “The princess had it in the dungeon last month I heard” Another chimes in. “I think it’s her pet right?” A stallion snorting. “WIN THIS JADECOMET!” A voice screams from the back of the stands. More ponies start chanting as the human gets closer to the center of the ring to start the match. “So the reason we’re in hell week is here. Sorry about this I’m just really angry about that, don't give up too soon ya hear?” JadeComet mocks. Jai had been subject to a lot during his time on earth. From abusive parents, fake friends and family, being homeless and worst of all being torn from his new start at life. “Ya know…no hard feelings. I’m not in a good mood either” Jai responded coldly. The judge backs up and counts down. JadeComet had this whole thing planned out; rush him, tackle him and throw him out. No sweat since he was so skinny that he’d probably just break, the stallion thought snickering to himself. 3…2..1. TWEEEET. The referee’s whistle goes off. JadeComet rushes Jai and makes contact with the human. “Too easy like the.. wait a minute-”The dark green stallion is stopped inches before he made contact with Jai. Looking up, his eyes meet the humans gaze. Jai’s grey eyes boring into the stallion's soul making him shiver and back up immediately. “You already lost dude” Jai stated, slowly walking towards the stallion. JadeComet sneered at the comment and braced himself for a heavy impact. He waited, and waited as Jai drew closer and closer. Until Jade is lifted up slowly in Jai’s magic and dropped out of the ring. Comet just looked around and then to the announcer who was just as shocked. “IN AN ANTICLIMACTIC WIN, JAI THE HUMAN HAS WON VIA OUT OF BOUNDS” The announcer states to a silent crowd. “Next, I got what…seventy to seventy-five of you to beat. I need practice.” Jai announces. “BOOO!” Several voices echo. “Fight like a stallion, give us a show!” A stallion screams. Several screams of approval follow soon after. Sighing the human shrugs and turns to the next stallion entering the arena. “Fine if they want a goddamn show, REF starts this shit. Now.” Jai commanded as the referee jumped back and blew his whistle. “You wont get me like Jade you cheater!” the unicorn says confidently. Jai smiles, sticking his right hand out to his side. His magic taking the form of a golden short sword. “Don’t need too, Limit testing time!” The human says rushing the guard, throwing the sword. The guard dodges and shoots a beam of magic at the human. He falls to the dirt and sees his magic stuck in the ground behind the guard. “You’re done now!” The guard charges up another magic shot and aims at the prone human. Smiling Jai sticks out his left hand and the sword comes flying back towards him hitting the unicorn in the back of the head. The spell fizzling out as the guard yelped. Taking the opportunity Jai gets up as fast as he can. Sprinting towards the Unicorn he throws a punch. THUMP! The punch connects square in the side of the guard's face. “Jesus Christ, why is your skull so hard?” Jai complains holding his hand. “JAI THE HUMAN WINS BY KO!” The announcer yells. Looking at the guard on the ground Jai smirks. He turns to see the disguised Amore in the crowd with her hooves over her mouth. He gives a thumbs which causes the mare to giggle. Taking a deep breath he turns back to see the next guard raring to go. “Ooh boy this might be harder than I thought” The human admits taking a ready stance before the next match begins. “WHY DIDN’T YOU GIVE UP WHEN THEY BROKE YOUR ARM??!!” Amore scolded. “I uh, don’t have an answer for that. Not yet anyway” Jai responds looking up at the ceiling of the infirmary. He’d done pretty well for himself despite breaking his left arm in half. He’d really made the ponies watching his matches plot on his demise. They all stood in solidarity when the last 15 matches rolled around. He had tried to slide and got stuck in a mud spell and in defense from a follow up spell. Although he did win by throwing some small but dense magic at the unicorn. He had to retire from sparring with his injuries. “For Celestia's sake you were going to keep going if I did not intervene-” Amore yelled before stopping. Jai, using his spare hand, reached out and gently pet Amore. “This is the first time anyone err… anypony, has cared enough to scold me. Thank you” Jai said happily. The mare didn’t say anything, she just blushed lightly and leaned into his hand. It felt nice to say the least, and he seemed to have learned his lesson so there was no harm. Although there was something bothering her. “The first time? What about when you were home?” Amore inquired. This made Jai tense up and stop petting her. Did she say something wrong? Her worries were put to rest as soon as they surfaced as he continued to rub her head. “I uh, didn’t have the greatest time at home. I argued with my mom and dad a lot. They wanted me to be just like my siblings. Perfect grades, best at their sport, and a lot of friends.” Jai explained. Amore just sat next to him listening to him talk. “Every time I didn’t meet their expectations, they’d yell and tell me I wasn’t their son. I was a failure. They’d ask why I couldn’t be more like my older siblings. So I was relieved to finally move out” He finished. “Well, you certainly did ‘Move out’ that is for certain” Amore quipped. The human laughed until tears formed in his eyes. What she said wasn’t all that funny, but the sheer absurdity of being in another world in a relatively comfortable situation with someone else. It was nice to say the absolute least. “I’ve taken enough of your time Amore, Don’t you have other things to do?” Jai asked. Amore shook her head and looked at Jai smiling. “Nope! You are stuck with me until the doctor gets here, and she has other patients around the empire. So get comfortable~!” Amore sang. Jai groaned in mock annoyance at her words. Well maybe taking a break from training wouldn’t be so bad right? "Whatever, enough about my childhood tell me about yours" Jai demanded. The mare feigning ignorance held a hoof over her mouth. "My my, I never would have thought you were interested in hearing those pointless stories" Amore said, holding back a giggle. "Well if YOU don't you have a nanny somewhere in the castle that just looooves tea at 2pm?" Jai asked sarcastically. Now it was Amore's turn to groan in annoyance. "Fine. I'll tell you where do I begin?" She mused thinking about where to start. Jai laughed as her face scrunched up trying as she thought. Yea I could get used to this he thought as he listened to Amore begin her stories. > Understand yourself, the rest is easy...Maybe? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLACK! THUNK! THUD! “I feel like you take way too much pleasure in kickin my ass,” Jai said sarcastically looking up at Rockhoof. Rockhoof after failing to get rid of the human in his training, even after breaking his arm, started to warm up to Jai. He had noticed the human wasn’t the best with weapons in his hands compared to when he was using his magic. So being the good friend he was, took it upon himself to teach the human. “The best way to learn the basics is to practice the basics” Rockhoof retorted, jogging over to his water bottle in the grass. Rockhoof had to admit though, that the human had a knack for following directions. Even if in practical training the human ended up on the ground more often than he expected. “I’m switching to the spear and then we can start again,” Jai said getting off of the ground and dusting his backside off. Rockhoof simply nodded and trotted over to the weapon rack in the sparring area. Once both parties were equipped, they made their way back to the center of one of the fields. The crystal pony fixed the spear fastened to his side and nodded at Jai. “Ready when you are” Rockhoof stated, taking a wider stance. THWACK! The sound of the wooden spears colliding echoes through the field. They broke apart and they began thrusting and dodging each other. The grass was flying up around them as their spar turned into a dancing of two spearmen struggling to land a decisive blow. The human struggling to find an opening as every time he thought Rockhoof was open, he would simply turn and fling the spear tip towards his face. Finally after a few more exchanges between the two… THUNK! “OW Jesus Christ that hurts like a bitch!” Jai screamed dropping the spear and rubbing his ribs. Rockhoof laughed as he wiped the sweat from his brow. The captain began to unfasten his spear from his side and walk over towards the weapon rack. “That's the final one, I have to get the rest of the guard scheduling done,” Rockhoof said sighing. “That's fine I’m heading back to my room. I think I finally got the problem with my magic solved so don’t worry about next week.” Jai said returning his spear to the rack as well. “That's what you said last week but if you say so. Drop by my office if you need me.” Rockhoof said nodding at the human and walking away. Jai jogged back towards his room, confident in himself this week. “Just you wait Rocky. With Heart's help, I won't be taking the butt of a spear to the nose again.” Jai muttered as he approached the castle, ready to hopefully remedy his magic problem. “Isn’t this going to hurt? Are you sure you want me to do this Jai?” Amore asked. She looked at the shirtless human standing in front of her. She was more confused about why he ran to her after being locked in his room for a week. “Amore, you are probably the most magically gifted Unicorn. I just need you to follow these blueprints to help me out.” Jai pleaded. Amore sighed, looked down at the diagram, and tilted her head in confusion. “What are all of these lines and symbols for? You want a cutie mark?” Amore skeptically inquired. If he wanted a cutie mark, surely he could work for him like everypony else. “A cutie what now?” The human yelled out, now confused as well. “You know, the marks on every pony's flanks. They symbolize our talents and purpose in life.” Princess Amore explained. Jai shook his head in understanding before scratching his head. “Then no, I’ve been researching magic. Specifically, my magic, and I noticed something weird that I don’t see with anyone else.” Jai said, closing his eyes and feeling his magic flow into his hands. “And that would be?” Amore inquired, intrigued by the human's dedication to magic. “It's Silver and Gold. The different colors have different properties to them. Silver is defensive with healing properties. Gold is offensive with something else I haven’t quite gotten yet.” Jai explains, the aura of the two magics dancing in either hand. Gold on his right palm and Silver on the other. Amore was amazed and still confused as to what the human wanted her to do. “That is new to me. However, I still don’t get why you want me to carve your skin with my magic.” Amore states looking back down at the parchment in her magic. “The point of these engravings is to help the flow of magic. When I got here and your guards attacked me, I think I forced the magic within me to merge.” The human explains. “Wouldn’t that mean you would be capable of doing this without this” Amore said, shaking the parchment. Jai shakes his head and continues. “Keyword, Forced. Not to brag but that’s why I lost, even when my magic kicked in. They aren’t meant to merge but work alongside each other but my body doesn’t have magic channels like ponies to make this happen.” Jai explains. Amore’s eyes light up in realization. “So these are the magic pathways you would need to use both at the same time!” Amore shouts excitedly as Jai shakes his head yes. “Bingo Princess! That would be why I struggle with using magic other than simple shaping and levitation. So can you PLEASE help me?” Jai pleaded once more. Amore looked at the human, her chest filling with a foreign emotion. Looking at his physique from continuing training with her guards, and his grey eyes she couldn’t bring herself to say no. “Ugh fine! Where am I starting?” Amore said, holding the parchment up to her face trying to hide her blush. Jai excitedly hugged Amore. “Thank you! Thank you! It starts on my lower back and ends on my left elbow!” Jai exclaimed, taking a seat on the floor. Amore glad the human was facing away from her composed herself and ignited her horn. “Y-You owe me for doing this,” Amore said coyly, smiling at the human. Jai snorted and shook his head at the statement. “YOU haven’t apologized for jailing me. All do respect Princess I don’t owe you shit” Jai said sarcastically. Amore even though she corrected the human hated when he called her princess. Rolling her Eyes Amore spoke the spell on the parchment and began to follow the diagram. “Fine. Don’t expect me to stop when this hurts” Amore replied pouting. “GODDAMNIT!” the human hissed as the water of the bath soaked his skin. The engraving went well, honestly better than he thought it was going to go. He did right by asking Amore to help him with it but he felt she took way too much pleasure in watching him squirm as she worked. “Who woulda thought picking up the wrong book from Heart woulda helped me,” Jai said to himself laughing. The echo of his laugh carried into the hallway. As his amusement subsided, Jai got out of the bath and put on his boxers and jeans. The holes in the knee exposed his skin as he went to stand in the mirror. Turning around he examined the engraving on his back and left arm. A crescent facing upwards on his lower back, with two lines protruding upwards towards his shoulder blades. Just under his shoulder blades, three lines ran under them with the center line extending to his left arm. That was the tricky part because he was ticklish, although he hated to admit it. The circuit started on his tricep with a circle surrounded by a series of smaller triangles. To finish it off below that 5 lines faded as they got to his elbow. Leaving the bathroom and putting his T-shirt on he froze. “Now I just want to… Who’s there?” Jai asked. A pair of giggles were heard as Jai turned to see 2 mares with horns and wings. He had read about the few ponies that had such traits. What were they called again? He thought to himself, staring skeptically at them. “Sister he is here.” The dark blue mare said. “Indeed he is,” The other white mare said. “I’m right here and honestly a little creeped out,” Jai said, frowning. Finally, he remembered what the anomaly was in front of him. Alicorns. He had read a book or two when he was researching how to stop passing out when using magic. “You are a fascinating creature,” the white alicorn said, approaching Jai slowly. Jai eyed her suspiciously as she came closer. “I could say the same thing about you, you’re a little tall for a pony don’t ya think?” Jai asked sarcastically. “Funny too. Just like Amore described” the white mare giggled. “So do I get names or am I supposed to guess?” Jai inquired, tilting his head. The white mare looked back at her sister who shrugged, then she faced the human again. “I am Princess Celestia of the Sun, and this is my sister Princess Luna of the Moon,” Celestia said motioning to her sister. “We extend our greetings to thee,” Luna said, giving a small bow to the human before her. “And I’m Jai Young, a human from Earth. Sorry to cut the meeting short and all but I’m in a lot of pain. I’ll see you two around if you’re here for Amore” Jai said, walking past the two and making his way towards his room from the staff bath. Once the human was out of earshot, the two sisters made eye contact and giggled amongst each other. “I do not think there has been any pony who has been so indifferent,” Celestia said, still laughing. “Thou would be correct. At least from what we can remember.” Luna replied her laugh subsiding. The two Princesses shook their heads in unison as they made their way back to Amore. They liked this human so far, so surely their friend who asked them to be here wouldn’t mind sharing… right?