> The Measure of a Stallion > by Clopfic Appreciator > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Zipp Delivers a Package > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- When Hitch returns to the sheriff's office, he does not find Zipp at the side desk where he’d left the pegasus, reading through old incident reports or looking over Sparky in his cot. Instead, he sees Sunny cooing over the little dragon playing with his puzzle blocks. Most of them, at least; there seems to be a bundle of suspiciously fresh-looking radishes in there, too. “Sunny? What are you doing here, and where’s Zipp?” he asks, shrugging off his saddlebags and hanging them on the wall peg, before walking over to give Sunny a hoof-bump and Sparky a gentle pat on the head. The little dragon burbles happily and hugs his leg briefly, before turning his attention back to his toys. “Hi, Hitch,” Sunny replies, smiling warmly at him. “I came over to tell you guys that even though Izzy’s staying in Bridlewood longer than she’d planned, everything’s all right for tonight. Pipp and I can handle Sparky just fine, so you get to have your date night. Anyway, Zipp said she had to go, so I agreed to watch the little guy until you came back.” Hitch blinks but keeps his face otherwise neutral. It sounds like Zipp has been making plans behind his back. “Thanks, Sunny. Do you know where Zipp went?” Sunny’s smile turns knowing. “Nah, she just said she had a personal delivery coming from Zephyr Heights. I think your marefriend is going to surprise you with something sexy,” she says and giggles a little. “Zipp’s not my marefriend,” Hitch says automatically. This earns him another giggle and an exaggerated wink from Sunny. “Sure, she isn’t, Hitch. Anyway, she left you a note on your desk.” Hitch nods and walks over to check the note. It’s clearly from Zipp, no question. It’s written in the pegasus’ jaunty but clear script, with their signature magenta ink, on their personal stationery. Not the fancy stuff with “From the Desk of HRH Zephyrina Storm” at the top in gilt lettering – most of those pads were packed up in a box and hidden in the Brighthouse’s basement when Zipp and Pipp moved in, with a few given to Izzy who was awestruck by the quality of royal stationery and its possibilities for papercraft – but the ones with just Zipp’s crowned lightning mark in the corner. The note is a short one: Hitch: Just received confirmation that my package is coming in today. I really want to show it to you. See you tonight. – Z. The dot on the “i” in his name is a tiny heart, Hitch notices. This is unusually mushy for Zipp, and together with the rest, it suggests that the evening is going to be an interesting, and probably pleasant, one. A draconic belch and a loud yelp of alarm from Sunny interrupt his train of thought before it can properly start. With alacrity born from practice, Hitch vaults over the desk and runs over to help Sunny. The orange mare is simultaneously trying to put out the corner of the other desk, keep the suddenly animated radishes from biting her ankle, and aim the hiccupping, fire-belching Sparky away from anything else flammable or magically vulnerable. It takes a while to get the chaos under control again, but Hitch and Sunny have had plenty of practice. Eventually Sparky has calmed down and stopped spitting up magical flames, the desk is okay with just some scorch marks and runny varnish, and the ferocious radishes have been cornered and put into an iron cage where the excess magic has quickly earthed itself, leaving them as regular vegetables – albeit with the block letter “R” on the side. “Whew!” Sunny says, rubbing her chewed-on fetlock as Hitch slips Sparky into her saddlebag. “I hope that was just Sparky getting all the excess magic out of his system. Anyway, I must be off now; have a good date with your marefriend, Hitch!” “Yeah, about that...” Hitch starts, then stops whe he sees Sunny looking at him, head tilted quizzically; he needs to have this talk with his friend soon, but this isn't the right place. “Nevermind. Thanks, Sunny. Hope you and Pipp have an easy night yourselves. And please try to behave, Sparky; your dad loves you.” He gives the dragon a quick kiss, then waves as Sunny trots out. The reason he is so insistent that Zipp isn’t his marefriend, Hitch thinks as he watches his oldest friend and his adopted dragon son disappear around the corner, is not because he doesn’t think they are in a relationship, or because he is somehow ashamed of it. It’s because neither he nor Zipp are quite sure if the pegasus should be counted as a mare. Ponies tend to underestimate how perceptive Hitch is, as if understanding ponies wasn’t an important part of a sheriff’s work. Soon after he met and learned to know Zipp, he realized there was something more behind Zipp’s unease with their role as the heir to the throne of Zephyr Heights than just a dislike for all the pomp, publicity and deception that were part of it. Something deeper and more personal. It took a while before Hitch realized that what Zipp hated was being a princess, and specifically the part about having to be a mare. At that point, Hitch stopped thinking of Zipp as her and shifted to them instead. And, as they have moved from friendly rivals to friends, to friends with benefits, to their current intimate if indeterminate relationship, Zipp has shown that they appreciate it deeply. Zipp’s discomfort with being considered a mare shows in little ways, like how they keep their tail tightly covering their mare parts. In a society where almost everypony goes mostly naked all the time, seeing another pony’s genitals is a normal thing, but it is impolite to either flaunt your bits or to stare at another’s, unless there has been a very clear invitation. But where Sunny is natural and carefree, Pipp coy and flirtatious, and Izzy flashes other ponies with careless abandon when she roots through some pile of junk, Zipp makes sure nopony gets more than the slightest glimpse of her vulva. It colors their sex life, too. Zipp is all too happy to play with Hitch’s cock, using their wings, hooves, and mouth to bring him off – indeed, the pegasus is intensely interested in his stallion parts, far more so than any of the mares he’d been with – and enjoys taking him up the ass, but he has never been allowed to fuck Zipp’s pussy. The closest he has got to that was the night after Winter Wishday, with Zipp and him both drunk on Grandma Figgy’s special eggnog, and horny after watching Sunny and Izzy making out by the fireside. The giggling and hiccupping pegasus had straddled Hitch and humped him, rubbing their wet sex against the erect length of his dick, and he had known that right then, he could have fucked Zipp. He could have taken her as a mare, plowing her pussy, making her moan as they came together, and a part of him wanted to do exactly that. But despite that, and despite being drunk himself, he had known that they would both remember it in the morning, and that what they had would be over forever. So, he did the right thing and told Zipp he was too tired and too drunk for sex and pulled them down to the bed. Zipp pouted and called him a wuss but didn’t try to continue. Instead, they cuddled until they fell asleep together, and in the morning, before they went downstairs for breakfast, Zipp gave him the most passionate kiss they’d ever shared and whispered a quiet thanks into his ear. The chiming of the station clock brings Hitch back to the present. He takes another look at the note, paying close attention to the underlined words. “My package,” he says aloud. Hitch has a pretty good idea what that package might be; and, if he is right, it opens very interesting possibilities. Sitting down behind his desk, he casts his mind, this time deliberately, back to another night with Zipp. The pegasus had been particularly excited about his dick the whole night. They had coaxed the smooth brown length of it from its sheath with gentle nuzzles and teases, and then worked it to its full hardness, until it jutted out of his crotch, swaying this way and that as Zipp played with it. In between the kisses and licks, Zipp kept asking questions about what it was like having a penis. They had done this before, with Hitch answering to the best of his capability, but Zipp kept returning to the subject. Why do stallions get morning wood? How do you aim when you’re peeing? Do you have to be careful when sitting down, not to squash your balls? Do you like it when I do this? What about this? How does it feel when I lick here? Then, stroking Hitch’s twitching erection with their hoof, working it slowly from the base all the way to the blunt tip, Zipp asked something they had never asked before. “Hitch… you know I really like you. Like, really. And, uh, I really like your cock, too. Would you…” At that point, Zipp suddenly covered their face with one wing, peeking at him between flared feathers. If Pipp had done it, it would have come off as a flirty, almost theatrical, but with Zipp, the strange pegasus gesture felt like a deeply sincere expression of uncertainty. Seeing Hitch’s encouraging expression, they continued. “Would you let me model a dildo on you?” they blurted out. “There are, uh, places in Zephyr Heights that do such things. They usually make a mold of the real thing, but I checked, and they can make you one if you give them measurements… It would be just for me, a one-off private commission.” Hitch stifled his urge to laugh as he looked at Zipp. As funny as he found the situation, he felt they might take it the wrong way. “That’s the weirdest and possibly the most flattering thing you’ve ever asked me, Zipp,” he said. “Uh, sure, why not?” Zipp’s uncertainty vanished in an instant and an excited grin appeared on their face. “Oh, thank you, Hitch!” In an eyeblink, they had pulled a notebook, a measuring tape, and a pair of calipers from beneath the bed, and immediately started measuring Hitch’s cock and balls. “Circumference at the base, eight and a half… circumference at the medial ring, six and three quarters… whoa, sheriff, you really are a big fella,” Zipp joked in between taking notes. They were not content with just numbers, but also wrote down brief but detailed descriptions of every part of Hitch’s stallionhood, muttering under their breath all the while. “How the heck do I describe your balls… how big is a kiwifruit anyways?” At first, Hitch was amused and flattered, and more than a little excited, by how intent Zipp was about this – the stallion knew he was vainer than he liked to admit – but as the pegasus scribbled more and more notes into their book, he felt the excitement starting to wane and wished they would finish soon. Zipp, looking up from their notebook, finally noticed his flagging interest when his erection started to droop, no longer as firm and fully engorged as before. “Sorry, sheriff,” they said, flashing him an apologetic grin. “I guess I got carried away a little. I think I have all the important stuff written down. Thank you for letting me do this, Hitch. Let me show you just how much it means to me…” Zipp tossed their notebook and measuring tools off the bed and got to work. Using their mouth and wings, Zipp worked Hitch’s cock with gusto. They licked and suckled his balls, nibbled his medial ring, and teased his cockhead with light, feathery touches, making him tremble with arousal. “Mmh, you sure taste good,” they crooned as they licked up the slick precum leaking from his dick. “I hope you’ve got a real big load for me, Hitch…” All the teasing and edging Zipp had been doing during the measuring had paid off. His load, when he blew it into Zipp’s eagerly sucking mouth soon afterwards, was big enough to make their cheeks bulge as they struggled to not spill any of the jizz, and certainly satisfying for Hitch. Judging by Zipp’s happy expression, once they had gulped down the warm, salty mouthful of stallion cream, and the way they clung to Hitch, basking in his afterglow, it had been good for them, too. Hitch shifts on his bench, his dick halfway out of its sheath already. Zipp with a sex toy made after his measurements is an intriguing idea, but unless he stops considering the possibilities, he’s going to either beat off or wait for his erection to go away before heading back to his house. Neither option appeals to him. He glances at the clock and decides he has time for another option: a quick shower at the station’s bathroom, to get rid of the emerging hard-on and prepare for some of the ideas Zipp might have in mind… Half an hour later, Hitch is home. He lives alone, not too far from the station, in an old house that used to be rather rickety, but he has spent a lot of his free time over the last few years fixing it up. He feels the familiar surge of pride as he stops in front of it and gives the house a careful look. Some of the shingles on the roof should be replaced soon, he thinks, but it’s not urgent. The garden is thriving, as it has been doing ever since magic came back and gave everypony in Maretime Bay a green hoof, but unlike some of his neighbors’, it is well under control. The seagulls sitting on the roof squawk and coo at him, letting him know somepony came here a while ago, and is still inside. Hitch nods in thanks at the confirmation of what he expected, and tosses a the gulls the stale hayfries that he’s been saving since his lunch. As they squabble over the gift, Hitch goes inside. He finds Zipp in the living room, loafing on the couch. Crime is low in Maretime Bay, even in these days with all the tourists and wanderers, and newcomers from Bridlewood and Zephyr Heights moving in, but the locals still lock their doors when they go out. Hitch, being the sheriff, is no exception, but Zipp has the spare key. (He gave it to Sunny, originally, which is ironic given how many times he had to lock her up in the jail for causing public disturbance, vandalizing Canterlogic property, and other activism-related charges.) “Hello, sheriff,” Zipp says, smiling at Hitch as he enters the room. Somehow, they look different from the usual, Hitch thinks as they get up and walk over to him, wings tight to their barrel and tail rigidly held up. “Hello, detective,” Hitch replies, giving Zipp a friendly nose-bump as he tries to figure out why they look different. He still has a lot to learn about pegasus body language – at least unicorns are simple, just big, and pointy! – but he can tell Zipp’s rather tense, whether from excitement or anxiety, or… His eyes flick right to that raised tail. Zipp never does that, not even when they’re alone, he thinks. There’s more going on here than he understands yet. “Did you do something to your mane?” he asks, going with an easy approach first. Zipp’s smile broadens, and their wings loosen a little. “Oh, you noticed! I asked Jazz and Rocky for a bit more masculine styling, and they were happy to help. What do you think, Hitch?” The usually smooth hairs of Zipp’s coat look rougher and scruffier, somehow, along the pegasus’ chin and jawline. Together with the change in the mane – Hitch can tell something is different, but he can’t pin it down – it makes them look less like an athletic tomboy mare, and more like a pretty, but androgynous, young stallion. “It suits you,” Hitch tells them, truthfully, and is rewarded by a sudden wing-hug, Zipp pressing against his chest, their rapid heartbeat almost like the ticking of a watch. “Uh, are you going to stick with it?” “Yeah, probably,” Zipp says as they step back. “At least here in Maretime Bay, or Bridlewood. Mom and the palace PR staff might have objections if I went back to Zephyr Heights looking like this. Anyway! Come with me, you haven’t seen the main thing yet!” Zipp turns and struts – there is no other word for it, the way their hips sway and raised tail flutters with each step – towards Hitch’s bedroom. Hitch’s eyes flick to Zipp’s backside, curious about what’s going on… and he stumbles, staring at what is there, and what isn’t. He’s seen Zipp’s mare parts enough times in bed to know that they’re perfectly normal, the light-grey skin of the labia a bit darker than the cloud-white coat of their buttocks. This time, there is no sign of them: the white hide is smooth and unbroken, all the way from the pegasus’ puckered anus to the obviously male pair of balls between their legs. “Zipp, what – where’s your – what?!” he says, unable to look away. Zipp looks over their – his? – shoulder and smiles, the mix of excitement and anxiety obvious in their expression and the trembling of their ears, held confidently erect by a clear effort of will. “Come on, I’ll explain everything. Just… just watch, and listen, okay?” Hitch follows the pegasus – mare? stallion? Zipp, just Zipp… but different? – to his bedroom. With a flicker of wings, Zipp somersaults onto the bed, laying on their side and presenting their belly and crotch to Hitch, who sits heavily down next to the bed and looks. There’s a sheath to go with the balls, he sees; white and well-proportioned, hinting of a good-sized dick within. And not just hinting; as Zipp shifts a little, he sees the pink cockhead nestled inside. As he looks, Hitch notices weird bumps on Zipp’s lower belly, and something clicks in his head: they’re the pegasus’ teats, but there’s no sign of the nipples. “It’s incredibly realistic, isn’t it?” Zipp says, sounding proud as they run a wingtip along the opening of the sheath. “Made by the ponies who used to make and maintain the flight harnesses for us in the palace. With… with everything that happened, and magic coming back, they’re looking for new opportunities, and this is something I commissioned from them.” Hitch’s brain finally catches up. “It’s… it’s like a strap-on harness,” he says, remembering the time he checked the cupboard by Izzy’s bed in the Brighthouse, trying to find Sparky. Instead, he had found the harness, obviously sized for the tall unicorn, and just as obviously made by her; it had the characteristic combination of haphazardness and meticulousness that characterized everything Izzy made. He’d put it back, closed the cupboard, and moved his search elsewhere. At least there had been nothing attached… “Kind of, yes,” Zipp says. “It’s color-matched to my coat and made to fit me just right. With a bit of cosmetics, it blends right in, so you can hardly tell it’s not really a part of me.” They look a little wistful at this, before continuing. “There are looping straps around my hips, and another strap that goes up along my behind, covering… well, it covers everything. And there’s a loop around the base of my tail, helping to hold the whole thing in place when I move. It’s pretty comfortable, and I bet I could wear it for the whole day, but I need to take it off if I want to pee.” “Huh,” Hitch says, still dazed but starting to feel more normal. “So… it’s all just pegasus tech, and no magic? No ancient spells, alicorn glitter, or weird Bridlewood gunk involved?” Zipp laughs. “No way! Absolutely no magic here. Trust me, sheriff, I’m smarter than that!” Hitch chuckles, too, remembering the messes Pipp and Izzy have caused with reckless use of magic. “Uh… I noticed it doesn’t cover everything in the front,” he says carefully. The pegasus looks at their underbelly and sighs. “Yeah. The designers told me they tried a version that would cover the teats, too, but that ended either being really uncomfortable, or looking lumpy and weird. So, they ditched that idea, and just added in color-matched pasties I can put on my nipples. It’s not too obvious, is it? At least mine are small; have you noticed the pair that Mom has?” Hitch has, in fact, noticed Queen Haven’s rather large teats, though he has not mentioned it to Zipp. He nods cautiously, as the pegasus continues. “She always says she used to have small and trim teats like mine, but that they never went back after she had me and Pipp. I’d buy that, if Pipp’s weren’t almost as big as Mom’s! Anyway, what do you think, Hitch?” Hitch doesn’t quite know what to think. He buys some time with a question of his own. “If this is what you ordered from those palace harnessmakers, what did you need my measurements for?” Zipp’s face lights up. “Oh, right! Yeah, once I told them what I wanted, they suggested two sets, instead of just one. This one, for wearing around ponies, and another, for… special occasions and ponies. Like, um, like you, Hitch.” They get up and hop down on the other side of the bed. “Uh… I’ll have to change, so… uh…” Zipp gives him an awkward look as they lower their tail back down. “If you want, I could leave the room,” Hitch offers, acutely conscious of how weird the situation is. Especially when it’s taking place in his own bedroom! Zipp looks relieved but shakes their head. “No, you don’t have to go. Just, uh, just don’t look for a bit, okay?” Obediently, he turns away for a moment, listening to rustling as Zipp prepares. Then there’s another flutter of wings, the bedsprings creak, and Zipp speaks. “I’m, uh, I’m ready now.” Hitch turns back to the pegasus, knowing what he’s about to see, yet still surprised by the reality. Zipp looks almost the same as before, with the straps visible this time around, yet there’s a big, pink difference beneath their belly. It’s an amazingly realistic-looking and detailed stallion cock, proudly erect, the tip molded with just a hint of flare. He can’t stop his first thought coming out. “I thought I was bigger than that?” Zipp blinks, and then bursts into laughter. “Hah! Yeah, you’re right, this is scaled down somewhat. You’re bigger than me overall, so your dick would look oversized on me. They, uh, also changed the details a bit, so it’s not exactly the same. I asked them to do it. I… I don’t know, it felt wrong somehow to just duplicate you. Like I was appropriating something. And it wouldn’t have felt right, anyway. This is my cock, now, not just a copy.” They draw a deep breath and look at him, serious again. “Hitch. Do… do you like it?” “It suits you,” Hitch replies, his emotions roiling as he lets his gaze roam all over Zipp. The pretty, androgynous face, and the vivid pink-and-turquoise, upswept mane. A wiry, sleekly muscled body. Broad, trembling white wings, with colored primaries. And an erect, pink cock, with hefty white balls behind it. “I know,” Zipp says, and there’s a tremble in their voice as they repeat the question. “But… do you like it?” Hitch looks at them, and wonders. He has always thought of himself as a straight stallion, only really interested in mares. Sure, he did fool around with some of his male friends back when he was a teen, but doesn’t everypony? Ever since, he’s only been interested in mares, Earth pony mares to be exact… and Zipp. He remembers the first time they kissed, and the way Zipp’s wings slowly spread open, and how surprised he was to realize that they were beautiful. Nothing like the brawling, raiding pegasi he’d spent his life dreading and guarding against. He feels his body answering the question before he can put it to words, his dick slipping out of its sheath and starting to rise as blood rushes into his loins. “Yes,” he says, his voice suddenly hoarse with excitement. “I like it, Zipp. I want it, and I want you.” The pegasus lunges at him, only their light weight keeping them from bowling him over, as they wrap their legs and wings around him and kiss him with almost desperate intensity. Hitch feels their silicone dick sliding against his flank, and his rising erection meets it, making them both tremble. Eventually, Zipp breaks their lengthy kiss, a trail of saliva still connecting their tongues. “I want to fuck you,” they say. “Really rut you, make you cum…” Hitch nods. “I thought you might have some butt stuff in mind, so I prepared myself. Let’s get you lubed up,” he says, surprised by how eager he is to get Zipp’s cock inside him. They are both familiar with anal sex, but until now, it’s always been Zipp on the receiving end, so the preparations are a mix of familiarity and fumbling, getting everything slick and ready. There are brief interruptions, too, of affectionate kisses and quick touches, as they find it hard to keep their hooves off each another. Just as everything seems ready, Zipp stops and blushes, and gets something from their satchel: a small egg vibrator. Hitch politely pretends to look away, while Zipp slips the vibrator in place under the rear strap of their harness and ties the control box to their thigh. There’s a faint humming sound as they switch it on. “Okay… here we go,” Zipp says, mounting Hitch who is half-lying, half-crouching on the bed, his tail raised and ready. He’s still a bit nervous, but also horny now; Zipp’s excitement has been catching. After a couple of tries, Zipp finds their mark. The tip of their silicone stallionhood presses into Hitch’s sphincter and slips inside. He moans, trying to relax himself, and feels quietly thankful that Zipp’s cock is a smaller version of his own! “You can… huh… go a little faster,” he says, and almost regrets it as Zipp grips his body with their hooves and thrusts, driving half of their shaft into him in one go. He bites his lip as his lover pushes deeper, the medial ring stretching his ass until it, too pops in. There are still good few inches left, he knows, and they get thick quickly. “Ooff… there,” Zipp pants as they bottom out in Hitch’s ass, their silicone nuts resting on his clenched sack. “Are you okay, sheriff?” they ask, leaning in to nibble one of Hitch’s ears. He replies in a slightly shaky voice. “I’m feeling stuffed. How… nnnhh… how do you manage me?” Zipp chuckles at this, and slowly pulls out, making Hitch feel every bump and vein molded on their dick. “Wasn’t easy at first,” they admit. “Thank goodness you were a gentlepony. But after the first couple of times, I still walked funny the next day. And so will you.” Hitch can’t decide if this is a threat or a promise, and puts it, and tomorrow, aside in his mind. “Okay, I think I’m getting used to this… You can – ohhhaaahhh!” Zipp’s next thrust is not deep, but it’s angled a little differently, and hits his prostate almost by accident, sending a wave of pleasure through his bottom. His cock immediately jumps, and a large bead of clear precum wells up at the tip. “Oh, yeah, that- that was good, do that again!” Clinging to Hitch’s back, Zipp humps him, making the stallion moan with joy. They are getting more used to having a dick and are using the sounds Hitch makes as an aid. His cock is twitching and squirting more fluids, and Zipp cranks the vibrator higher to match his growing pleasure. “Ah, ffuck,” Hitch pants, tossing his head back and giving Zipp a clumsy but earnest kiss. “So, ah! Didn’t think this, huhh, would f-feel so fucking good,” he says, making the pegasus almost glow with pride and arousal. “Yeah, yeah, oh fuck, yesss! Zipp, I’m going, going to cum, yeah, ah-ah-aahhh!” Zipp cranks the vibe to the maximum power and lets out a loud squeal of joy as their sex starts clenching around the buzzing egg. They spread their wings for support as they twist their hips this way and that, trying to find the best angle of attack on Hitch’s pleasure button, desperate to bring him off before they cum themselves. He’s bucking back at Zipp, now, his cockhead flaring and balls rumbling as the pegasus brushes against his oh-so-sensitive gland, pushing him to the brink of a massive orgasm. He barely has the presence of mind to scoop up the towel he’s lying on and pull it over his straining cock, and just in time as his resistance breaks utterly. With a whinny of pleasure, Hitch cums hard; the towel catches most of his spurting seed and is soon soaked with thick stallion cream. Zipp’s nostrils widen as they catch the musky scent of his jizz, and the knowledge that they have fucked it out of this big, handsome stallion now writhing and moaning beneath them is what makes their sex clench hard as the best orgasm they’ve had in ages explodes through them. Trembling, Zipp fumbles with the vibrator controls, and manages to turn it off. They slump on top of Hitch, and the two sweaty ponies lay still for a while, breathing heavily as they slowly calm down. Zipp is the first to speak. “Wow. Wow. That… that was just so good, I didn’t think… Wow!” Hitch laughs softly. “Yeah. Wow.” He grunts and shifts a little. “Hey, Zipp… can you pull out now? It’s starting to get uncomfortable.” “Oh! Sure, of course,” Zipp says, getting onto their hooves and drawing the silicone dick out of Hitch’s ass with a wet slurp and a plop. He uses the opportunity to push the jizzed-up towel to the floor; they are going to have to clean up later, but it’s going to make less of a mess on the floor than in bed. Zipp settles down next to him, spreading one wing across his broad back, and sighs with deep satisfaction. “Next time we do this, can you be on your back? I want to see everything when you cum,” they say as they nuzzle Hitch’s neck. He laughs. “That sounds good. But before that, I’m going to fuck your ass, while you’re wearing this. What do you say, detective? Is it a deal?” Zipp pretends to consider Hitch’s words carefully, but their perked-up ears tell him everything he needs to know about their opinion on the idea before they open their mouth. “It’s a deal,” they say, and giggle as Hitch leans in to kiss their cheek.