> Sprout goes Trailblazing > by Holocron > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Old Boss' New Look > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The sun was rising over Zephyr Heights, illuminating the skies and heralding in the new day. Within the castle of the pegasus kingdom, Sprout was waking up from another almost sleepless night of constant sex. Looking around his bed, he saw that there were maybe a half dozen guard mares, and twice as many servant mares. A relatively small night, but no less tiring. Stretching, he let out a low yawn. Regardless of how many nights he had gone through this, waking up in the morning was still a bit of a strain.  “I need some strong coffee and a hot shower.” Sprout groaned, dragging himself out of bed. Taking extra care not to disturb his previous night’s fucks, he carefully made his way to the restroom. Letting out another small yawn, he smacked his lips and sighed. “Ugh…let’s see…I think…ugh it’s too early in the morning. I’ll look at the chart later.”  Because of all the mares, not just the ones in his herd who wanted to fuck him were getting greater and greater, Queen Haven had it that anyone who wanted to be impregnated by him would have to take a numbered ticket and wait his turn. So while Sprout was going to take a shower, and maybe get a chance to drink something, there were no doubts he was going to spend much of his day in bed. It wasn’t a bad job, but could get tiring if he didn’t get enough breaks.  Sprout’s new life was the envy of Equestria. In the span of a little over a year now, he had gone from a social pariah, to the father of his closest friends, and now was the unofficial ruler of all three tribes. Queen Haven was currently close to giving birth to their foal, as were Zipp, Pipp, and the rest of their friends were coming well along with their pregnancies. While officially, he was given the station of Royal Breeder, it was a more or less open secret that this stallion could create laws at will, and nopony would dare stop him.   Every day, more and more mares were becoming submissive and dependent on Sprout’s cock and cum. And with the addition of Oplaine and Misty to his growing harem, he lived a life of luxury. Though this didn’t exactly mean there was peace between the mares in his inner circle of sluts. Opaline and Misty were devoted to Sprout, to the point of naming themselves his personal broodmare and cocksleeve respectively. This would bring up some debate among the mares, but when Sprout would show them his cock, they would make relative peace.  Though they would never scream and cause drama during their numerous fuck sessions with their lord and master, but that didn’t mean there weren’t any competition between them. More often than not, the mares would throw themselves at Sprout, fucking and sucking his mighty, potent cock, not stopping until they were unable to move. But overtime, it was clear that while the regular mares could last only so long, most of the competitions fell down between Opaline and Sunny.  Not that Sprout minded. He was sometimes lost in the daze and euphoric high of the constant pleasure he was feeling. He wasn’t a corrupt ruler, but he was rapidly growing accustomed to having any mare he wanted. Thankfully, he still had enough reasoning not to be demanding. He would fuck any mare who offered herself to him, and while there were no shortage of that, the stallion had to rely more and more on magic and potions to keep up his stamina.                                             As part of the harem’s means of sharing their beloved stallion, the mares, Queen Haven, Opaline, and Misty agreed to a rotating schedule of who could spend time with him and when. It was during this such day, that both the alicorn and her unicorn assistant were in their castle, awaiting their turn. Misty was nice enough to respect the privacy of the others, and eagerly awaited her turn, often fantasizing about what Sprout and her would do. But Opaline was more impatient, trying to always milk every second she could.  “So boring.” Opaline complained, lounging in her throne, her belly round and pregnant. Rubbing it, she sighed again. “When is it my turn?”  “Well, according to the updated schedule, you have him in about a day.” Misty replied, the mare was just as impregnated as her mistress. “Then I go after you.”  “Well, it must be nice to be so cheerful about taking a backseat to our lessers.” Opaline rolled her eyes. “Urgh, fine. If I am to wait another day, I might as well see how the potions are doing.” Getting up from her throne, she made her way to a seperate room in the castle; Misty followed behind.  Within this room, countless potion bottles lined numerous shelves. In the center was a small cauldron with an enchanted blue and pinkish flame boiling a bubbling potion similar to the ones she and Misty took when they first captured Sprout. Using her magic, the alicorn stirred the pot, smiling at the results as it steamed and fizzled. After a few more minutes, the potion seemed to settle, becoming a glistening, rainbow of colors, only to then become transparent.  “Ah, perfect.” Opaline laughed as she looked the brew over. “With the modifications I’ve made, this potion is ready.”  “But are you sure this is a good idea?” Misty asked, sounding a little nervous. “Sprout did say not to use potions anymore. Especially after what happened last time.”  “Please, what happened was a blessing.” Opaline replied, disregarding anything close to remorse over her actions. “He certainly wasn’t complaining when he knocked up the entire mare population of Zephyr Heights. Or even how the older mares were made younger to be more fertile again.”  “Yes, but he took well over a week to recover, and then there was that earful from Queen Haven.” Misty said, trying to sway Opaline from this plan. “I don’t think this is gonna be a good idea.”  “Birthing several hundred more bastard foals is a small price to pay if it means my King can rule by my side, forever.” Opaline commented, her voice almost cracking with a little concern. “I’m sure you’ve noticed it. Sprout is growing stronger with each whore he fucks, and you know what this means?” Misty hesitated to give a response. “It means with the right amount of magic, he can live forever. And if he is to rule as Equestria’s King, as his Queen, I am to serve him in the way I know he deserves.”  “But shouldn’t you at least ask him if it is okay?” Misty asked, shivering a little as she knew how hard Opaline was to convince when she was like this. “I mean, he seems to be very happy, but I don’t think you should hand him all of Equestria at once.”  “Oh, but I believe I should. And he’ll have all of eternity to come to terms with it.” Opaline commented, scoffing at Misty’s words. “For now, we will start with the lesser males. Wiping out all the stallions…might be too far, but I can certainly render them as a non issue.” Floating over a large flask of this clear liquid to Misty. “We’ll start with his home. Bring this to Maretime Bay, and spike the water supply with this potion.”  “W-what is this going to do?” Misty asked, somewhat standing up to the alicorn, albeit nervously. “I’m not going to hurt anypony for you anymore.”  “Oh my, how brave. If I wasn’t filled with my beloved foal, I would have the strength to fuck some discipline back into you.” Opaline commented, smirking a sinister look at the timid mare. “But I’m in a good mood. No, no, this will turn the stallions of Maretime Bay into little more than femboy twinks. Perfect for worshiping Sprout's superior cock.”  “B-b-b-but won’t this affect Sprout?” Misty asked, trying one last attempt to sway Opaline from this. “We can’t take that risk.”                                                               “Very good, you do know your place, but there’s nothing to fear.” Opaline commented, almost praising herself as she spoke. “Aside from mares, I’ve rendered Sprout immune to this potion. He shall be the only true stallion left in Equestria. The rest will be slutty, submissive twinks, and the mares will love for nothing more than to sire all of my King’s offspring.”  “You…you didn’t use your magic on him, did you?” Misty asked, another worrisome thought crossing her mind. “We agreed that we wouldn’t cheat in our relationship with him.”  “No, I haven’t done anything to him. Not directly.” Opaline explained, clearly hiding more than she was telling. “I do not need to use my magic, or these potions to prove my superiority over Sunny. Sprout has been harvesting magic whenever he fucks us, and that is prolonging his life as is.”                                                                   “Oh…okay…” Misty sighed, somewhat trusting that Opaline was at least not going to try and hurt anypony. “So just Maretime Bay?”  “Actually, no, no. I think since it would be better to strike at once, take this as well.” Opaline floated a second flask to the unicorn. “One for Maretime Bay, and one for Zephyr Heights. As for the unicorns, those forest dwelling creatures will need a different approach. But the actual civilizations will be easy to drug.”  “I…I understand.” Misty replied. Though she was gaining confidence thanks to Sprout, she still couldn’t fully deny Opaline what she wanted. And realized that if she did refuse, the alicorn could do a lot worse. “I’ll do it. But please, don’t tell Sprout about this.”  “I was about to say the same.” Opaline replied, chuckling as she felt a surge of triumph flow through her. “We never take the blame, only the credit.”                                                     Arriving at Zephyr Heights, Misty went straight to work on her mission. Though she hated it, and it left a hollow feeling in her stomach, she did as she was told. Sneaking her way into the water supply for the city, she poured the contents of the flask into the vast amounts of water. The entire flow of water glowed a dim light for a brief moment, but it then settled, looking as if nothing had changed. She felt so wrong, so dirty when she did this, but there was no going back now.  Leaving the facility, Misty just wanted to get to Maretime Bay before anyone would notice her. Thankfully, it seemed the effects of the potion were taking effect very quickly. No sooner had she reached the air ship to travel to Maretime Bay, Misty could see some stallions were slowly panting and moaning out in pleasure. Mares were screaming as the desire to fuck overwhelmed them. Emotions and passions were becoming so intense, that some pegasi were fucking in the streets.  As the ship took off, Misty could only see that some stallions were now thin, petite, and panting hot breath. While others were becoming big butt sluts, letting mare tease and play with their tight looking tailholes. A shiver ran down her spine. She could tell it wouldn’t even be a day before every mare in the city would be so horny, they’d fuck anything, and every stallion would be unable to satisfy them, and so they would all turn to Sprout as their means to feel a pleasure their bodies were screaming for.  There was no going back, Misty was now guilty of drugging the entire population, and even if she could say Opaline made her do it, she knew the alicorn would make sure she shared in whatever punishment would come. Sighing, she accepted what was to come, and so set her sights on Maretime Bay. All she had to do was spike the water supply, and walk away. She did agree with her mistress, Sprout was going to be worshiped by the many horny sluts of Equestria, one way or another. So speeding it up couldn’t be that bad…hopefully.                                                     After several hours, Misty arrived at the earth pony town. At first, she still hesitated at what she was going to do, but she swallowed her resolve. She had to get this done. But while the pegasus capital was always a little fast and loose with their morales, Misty couldn’t fully bring herself to drugging the waters of the earth pony home. This was Sprout’s home, a place he knew, with ponies he knew so personally. He’d know if there was something up.  “I can’t do it. I can’t.” Misty told herself, trying to figure out what to do. “I…I need to get rid of this, that’s it. I need to get rid of this!” As she was galloping down the road, a figure started chasing after her. It was Hitch, the local sheriff.  “Woah, woah there. You’re running awfully fast.” Hitch commented, catching up with the unicorn as she was starting to slow down. “Are you feeling alright?”  “Oh, Hitch, no, no. It’s just…” Misty’s mind was trying to figure out what she could do. But then an idea struck her, one she wasn’t sure where or how, but it seemed to resonate with her. “I was…looking for you, actually.”  “You were? Well, here I am.” Hitch laughed, smiling a friendly expression. “How can I help you?”  “Well, Opa…I mean…I made this potion, and I felt it could help you out.” Misty lied, struggling to keep a believable smile as she presented the flask to the stallion. “S-Sprout said you work so hard. So he wanted to make an energy drink for you.”  “Oh really? Well that’s kind of him.” Hitch smiled, taking the flask. “He’s been doing pretty good for himself.” Looking at her round belly, he raised an eyebrow. “Pardon my intrusion, but are you sure you should be running with a foal on board?”  “Oh, yes, yes, you’re right. Silly me.” Misty said, visibly sweating. “I’m…I’m gonna go home…and get some rest. Thank you, bye!” She rushed off before letting Hitch continue.  “Strange mare.” Hitch playfully chuckled, but looked the potion over. “Well, I am pretty thirsty. Down the hatch.” Knocking back the potion, he tasted the sweet and savoriness of it, enjoying the flavors as he chugged it all down. “Woah boy! Now that’s refreshing!”                                                          “Ahh, another long day.” Sprout groaned, stretching a little as he sat up in his bed. Unlike his back in Maretime Bay, the royal suite he was given in Zephyr Heights was massive, with a soft bed big enough to hold nearly over a dozen ponies in it at once. And by looking around, his bed was nearly full. “I’m gonna take a little break.”  Getting out from the bed, he saw Sunny, Izzy, Zipp, Pipp, Haven, as well as many other residents and guards that wanted to be impregnated. Strangely, no Opaline could be seen. This was odd, as she was usually very quick to pounce on him when the others were too tired. But Sprout didn’t really think about it, getting himself to the bathroom to clean himself up. As he cleaned and washed himself, he considered what to do for the day.  “Hmm, all I’ve been doing for weeks is fuck, fuck, and more fucking. I think I need a break.” Sprout contemplated aloud. It was only as he finished cleaning that an idea came to him. “I know, I haven’t been home in a while, maybe I should say hi to Hitch.” Content, he finished his shower, dried off, and walked off to a nearby phone.  “H-hello?” Hitch weakly answered, a slight crack in his throat. “H-h-how can I…how can I help?” “Hey, Hitch! It’s Sprout.” Sprout answered, not noticing the slight difference in the stallion’s voice. “I’m free today and so I was thinking of swinging by for a visit. Is that okay?”  “S-Sprout?! Yes…yes…no problem. No problem at all.” Hitch responded, seemingly sounding more than a little excited. “I’ll see you…when you get to town…”  “Sounds good to me. I’ll take the next airship.” Sprout replied, smiling at the phone as he spoke. “I’ll see you soon.” Hanging it up, the stallion was content and ready to visit one of his old friends.   Along the way to the airship, Sprout saw how so many of the ponies in the city were just openly fucking. It was an intense experience, seeing mares of all ages getting their pussies stuffed with cocks of all shapes and sizes. If not for the fact he’s been learning some control, or at least was a little more drained than usual, he’d be struggling not to get his dick wet a few times. But other than that, nothing about these massive orgies really stood out as strange.  “Hmm? Must be nice to see so many pegasi fucking like that.” Sprout mumbled to himself, chuckling a little. “Maybe when I get back, I’ll talk to Haven about how many more whores I need to knock up. But anyways…”  Arriving at the airship, Sprout didn’t have to wait for the ship to take off. Though the captain, the crew, and such were able to operate the vessel, despite the fact they were fucking almost nonstop, it was still remarkable how well they handled everything. And as tempting as it was, Sprout restrained himself, only keeping his eyes on the skies, and the vast lands of Equestria. But when the airship did land in Maretime Bay, he couldn’t get off it fast enough.  Unlike Zephyr Heights, ponies in town weren't fucking each other in the streets. There wasn’t exactly anything different from the last time he was in his hometown, and it brought a small sense of comfort to him. Looking around as he walked, he didn’t see Hitch anywhere; which was strange as the sheriff should be doing his rounds by now. Maybe he was at the station filling out paperwork? Shrugging his shoulders, Sprout headed over to the sheriff’s station.  After a short walk, Sprout arrived at the sheriff’s station. It had been a very long time since he had been in this building. Some memories came back to him, none of them happy ones. How he used to be, it only caused him to shake his head. He wasn’t the same racist bastard he was before, and now the love of his mares had helped him grow into a better pony. But other than some bad memories, something else was off about the stallion; it was empty.  “Hitch?” Sprout called out, walking around and still seeing nopony around them. “Are you here?”  Walking over to where Hitch’s desk was, Sprout noticed a message was left for him. Reading it over, it seemed to imply that the stallion he was looking for would be in the backroom, and to just come and see him there. This made a little more sense, as Sprout knew the backroom was infamous for being deafening to anyone in there, so it explained why Hitch wouldn’t hear him. And the stallion in question must’ve been in a rush to write this, as the lower half of the message’s writing was becoming a more messy scribble.  Shrugging his shoulders, Sprout headed to the backroom. Upon arriving there, he found the door was partially ajar. Nodding, he opened it, looking in to see the room was relatively dark. But what was the strangest, was that there didn’t seem to be any Hitch in sight. This was strange, as it wasn’t like him to write something and not be there for it. Sprout raised a curious eyebrow, looking around, but still saw nothing.  “Hitch? Hitch?” Sprout called out, pausing for a moment before continuing. “I read your message, are you still here?”                                               “Sprout?” Called a voice that sounded like Hitch, but it seemed a little lighter; almost feminine. Either way, it was coming from a nearby bathroom. “I…I’ll be out in a moment, c-could you just rest on the couch in the meantime?”  “Couch?” Sprout asked, looking around the room, finally noticing a couch in the dim room. “Oh?! We added a couch back here?” Sitting on it, he awaited Hitch to exit the bathroom. “So how have you been?”  “I’ve been…f-fine…yes, yes…fine…” Hitch responded, sounding incredibly nervous. “I was just…” There was a long pause before the stallion continued. “Sprout…we’ve known each other for a long time…right…”  “Yeah, we’ve known each other for basically all our lives.” Sprout nodded, sitting comfortably on the couch. “Why?”  “Well, I’ve been thinking. And I don’t think I ever told you, but Rocky and I…we’re not in a traditional relationship.” Hitch explained, his voice was sounding more and more insecure and timid. “And I’ve talked to him once or twice, and we’re in what you’d call an Open Relationship.”  “Really? I never would’ve guessed how well you two get along.” Sprout commented, thinking back to how many times he had seen Hitch with his pegasus stallion lover. “But…what are you getting at?” His answer came in the form of Hitch opening the door.                                                          Sprout’s eyes widened at the sight before him. It was Hitch, but it wasn’t exactly the same stallion that he remembered. He was far more feminine than the last time they saw each other, but not fully a mare. Hitch was still a stallion, but more like a femboy. But while his front was slender and smooth looking, it was his now massive ass that made Sprout’s eyes really widen in shock. Bigger than even Opaline or Haven, this twink’s flank jiggled as he awkwardly walked out of the bathroom.  “H-H-Hitch?!” Sprout gasped, bringing his hoof to his mouth. “What…what happened to you?”  “I…I don’t know…” Hitch commented, looking himself over, but then stared back at the stallion. “I just…need…dick…so badly.” Turning around, he showed off his ass to the stallion, wiggling it back and forth. “Sprout. We’ve known each other for a long time, and I need you to fuck my ass. Please.”  “I…I don’t know it…I never…” Sprout stuttered nervously, unable to look away from the hypnotic swaying of Hitch’s ass. “I mean…it’s not that I’m against it. I’ve fucked a lot…and an ass is an ass afterall…” Eventually, he shrugged his shoulders. “Oh well, I can’t say no to my friend.”  Hitch barely had to wait a moment longer as Sprout mounted him. He let out a small gasp, then a whimper, then a cooing moan as he felt the hardness of the stallion’s hard cockhead kiss at his plump, soft tailhole. Before he even realized it, the stallion’s cock slipped in the tink’s ass, making them both gasp out as the dick was being squeezed by this anal canal. With barely a thrust, Sprout bottomed out on his former boss, making him squeal like a mare in heat.                                                      “Fuck…Hitch…your ass…” Sprout groaned, his hips starting to move as he was humping his cock in and out of Hitch’s ass. “Why is it…so…so tight?”  “I don’t…know…” Hitch moaned between panting breaths. His body wobbled weakly as Sprout’s cock was rubbing in and out of his soft, tight ass. “It feels…so…so good…please, keep going…fuck my ass…fuck my ass harder…”  Sprout huffed, drawing in as much breath as he could as he picked up the speed of his body, humping his dick in and out of this ass. Groaning, the stallion could only let out his sweet sounds of pleasure as the twink panted and moaned as well. Hitch’s ass felt amazing, beating the rest of their friends in having the most fuckable ass. It was almost like magic, though there were no doubts that some magic was done to Hitch, but Sprout’s mind was drifting too far into carnal pleasure to care.  Letting out one more sigh, Sprout accepted what was happening. He was fucking his boss, the stallion he had worked with for many, many years. And yet this now twink pony was moaning with a whorish sweetness that could rival their mare friends. Pumping faster and faster, he felt as if he could cum, but there was just something wrong with this ass. It was lacking something. The stallion only winced a little more before shaking his head a little. With some reluctance, Sprout slowly pulled his cock from Hitch’s ass.                                                        “What’s wrong? Is something wrong?” Hitch cooed, looking back to the stallion as he pulled out. Wiggling and swaying his huge ass from side to side, he pleaded. “Please, keep going. I need your dick inside me.”  “I’d love to, but it’s just so damn tight.” Sprout commented, taking a moment to thoroughly look Hitch’s ass over. It was so big and round, and the ponut hole was remarkably clean and smooth. Looking down at his cock, he could see it was slick and wet. ‘Hmm, so it’s less like an ass, and more like a pussy. Interesting.’  Shrugging his shoulder, Sprout leaned back in against this ass. It had a seemingly sweet scent to it, matching a delicate pussy. Licking his lips a little, the stallion drew closer and closer, reaching out with a hoof. Pushing against the plump tailhole, it caused Hitch to moan as he felt his rear entrance being slowly opened by this hoof. Pushing a little more, Sprout continued to prod his hoof into this soft hole.  After a moment or so of trying, Sprout’s eyes widened as his hoof was actually pushing into Hitch’s ass. The twink moaned out in pleasure, feeling himself wiggling and twitching. His dick, now smaller from the potion, was leaking out tiny droplets of his precum. Rolling out his tongue, he panted and moaned, feeling as Sprout’s hoof was pushing deeper in his ass. The stallion was more amazed at how flexible this ass was, despite having been so tight earlier.  “Maybe you’re just nervous?” Sprout comments aloud, rubbing his hoof in and out of this asshole, feeling the moist, softness of this twink’s insides as he hummed a little. “Maybe I just need to loosen you up.”  Rubbing faster and faster, Sprout could feel Hitch was getting close to cumming. The way his hoof was pushing along the twink’s inner walls, he was shivering and panting. Seeing that the stallion was going to cum soon, Sprout slowed down, not wanting to get his former boss to cum just yet. Though Hitch let out a small cooing sound, looking back at the stallion with a whimpering gaze.                                                      “I know, I know, you wanna cum. Well so do I.” Sprout commented, slowly pulling his hoof out of Hitch’s ass. “So now that I stretched you a bit, now all I need to do is moisten you up a little more.”  Leaning in, Sprout licked his lips, marveling for a moment at this massive ass that he was going to try and fuck again. Despite the spot, it had such a sweet smell to it, and was getting more and more plump. Not wanting to waste anymore time, he leaned in and started to kiss at this tight ponut. Hitch gasped and cooed, sounding more and more like a mare as he was panting from the feeling. Sprout didn’t pause any longer. This wasn’t the first ass he’s eaten, but was the first twink ponut he was gonna tonguefuck.  Letting his mind wander and go numb, the stallion continued to please and pleasure this tight embrace. Just like with his hoof and arm, the tight twink tailhole was surprisingly flexible. Hitch only moaned more and more, shivering as he was feeling the slippery feeling of Sprout’s tongue as it rubbed along his sweet and inner canal. The taste was far better than the stallion thought. Each mare he had tasted had a unique flavor that seemed to reflect their personalities.  Zipp and Pipp had a mix of both tangy and sweet, Izzy was more like fresh fruits, Sunny was like a sweet honey, Haven was like a fine liquor, Misty was sweet with a tingling aftertaste, and Opaline was a strong spice that was addictive on the tongue. But Hitch’s ponut was more like a mix of wild berries, sending shivers throughout Sprout’s tongue as he continued to plunge in and out of this soft tailhole.  “S-Sprout…don’t stop…keep going…” Hitch cooed, looking back, but could just barely see the top of Sprout’s head as it was smothering itself in his fat ass. “My…my ass…it feels…so good…” Panting hotter and hotter, the stallion’s small dick was twitching, leaking out small beads of precum.  Hitch’s mind was in a flurry of emotions. He could barely think, and what little that did spark in his head could only try and think of what his life has been like up until this point. Why had he never let Sprout fuck him before? He knows that this stallion got their mare friends pregnant, and even Rocky couldn’t eat ass even half as good as this. He could only moan out, cursing himself under his breath for waiting this long.  Where did all this bravery come from? Was this even courage? He was just pleading and begging the stallion to mount and fuck him like some heat stricken whore. And yet, why was he feeling so happy? Was this what the mares meant when they talked about just how good Sprout felt? Regardless, now he was finally getting this pleasure coursing through his body, the same pleasure the mares bragged about throughout their pregnancies. Sprout could feel it, Hitch’s ass was tightening gently on his mouth and tongue, and yet was so flexible as he was delving so deep inside this anal embrace. Diving almost his full muzzle into this ass, he could tell the twink stallion was getting ready to cum. And as much as he would love to hear Hitch’s sweet sounds from this, Sprout had an idea. A sexy, cunning idea. The stallion smirked as he had his cunning, sexy, and mischievous idea.  “Alright, I think you’re loose enough for my cock.” Sprout commented, slowly pulling back from Hitch’s ass, much to the femboy’s adorable whines. “But now, onto the main event!”  Remounting the twink, Sprout lined up his cock, which was now throbbing even harder than before, and was leaking out such a strong smelling, thick glob of precum. Hitch could only nervously swallow at the sight and smell of it. If he was a mare, there were no doubts that the precum alone looked potent enough to knock him up. It was a shame he wasn’t a mare, part of him would love to become pregnant from this stud’s fat cock.  “Ready, slut?” Sprout asked, looking at the femboy shiver and moan as this blunt cockhead rubbed and kissed at Hitch’s ponut. “Cause I’m not gonna hold back this time. You’re tight, little ass better not be too tight…” He leaned over to whisper in the stallion’s ear. “Cause I’m gonna fuck this whore hole nice and full.” Hitch nearly came from these words.  Taking a deep breath, Sprout stopped waiting and tried to fuck this femboy’s ass again. Ramming as hard as he could, Hitch’s ass gave way for the stallion’s full size, taking nearly half the length of this girth. The twink gasped out a breathless scream, his tiny cock spurted out what little cum his pathetic balls could muster. Sprout could feel as this ponut squeezed hard along his size, but not enough where he couldn’t fuck further into this hole.  “Fuck! So tight!” Sprout hissed through his teeth as he pushed harder and harder in his friend’s ass. “So a tight, fucking whore ass.” Pounding faster and faster, the stallion was hammering nearly his full length into Hitch’s tight hole. “Come on slut, scream for me, let me know how it feels!”  “I love it, I love it, oh sweet fuck! I love it!” Hitch moaned out in orgasm, his mind fucked to mush as he swore out in passion. The straight laced, neat and organized stallion was now little more than a moaning slut, a bitch for Sprout to fuck without risk of breeding. “Fuck me harder, break my ass, make me your bitch!”  Sprout couldn’t help but keep going, slapping his hips against Hitch’s ass with each hard and deep thrust. The fat ass twink stallion moaned more and more like a whore, shivering with delight as he was cumming out his smaller spurts of cum on the floor. The stallion behind him just couldn’t stop himself as he was bottoming out each inch of his size in this soft tailhole.  “Hitch, how can you have such a stretchy, but tight ass?!” Sprout gasped, hammering faster and faster. Groaning and grunting, the stallion continued to fuck as hard as he could. “Shit, so a nice…fat…ass…”  “Come on Sprout, fuck me harder.” Hitch moaned, angling himself a little to back up his ass to bounce off the stallion’s dick. “Mount me, breed me, making me your bloated bitch.”  Sprout huffed as he fucked faster and faster, the twink under him only moaned more and more whorishly. The stallion couldn’t contain himself, thrusting in and out of this flexible, but tight hole. Hitch moaned and panted, his eyes rolling back and going partially cross eyed as he was cumming his own pathetically small droplets out of his tiny dick. Sprout’s huge cock was reshaping the pony’s insides, which only made him cry out in further pleasure.  “Fuck…I’m gonna cum…” Sprout grunted, hissing through clenched teeth as he could feel his body twitching and cock throbbing. “How’s that sound, Hitch? I’m about to blow a fat load…” Raising a hoof, he brought it down hard on Hitch’s ass, making the twink moan. “Right in this big, fat ass!”  Humping faster and faster, the sound of sloppy wet slapping filled the air as the stallion was ramming himself closer and closer to orgasm. His balls were tightening against his body, and his cock was throbbing and swelling, stretching out Hitch’s ass even more. Sprout only drove himself to thrust faster, deeper, and harder. His time with Opaline and Misty had caused him to get more than a little aggressive when he reached this point.  But he couldn’t help it. When a nice piece of ass offers themselves, or when a mare is begging to be bred, it was like something in Sprout’s mind was urging him to hold nothing back and fuck them until they were a slobbering, drooling mess of orgasmic euphoria. Pushing himself more and more against Hitch’s ass, Sprout’s body was humping rapidly, using only short, deep thrusts to bottom out his entire length in the femboy’s ass.  Hitch panted and moaned, any sense of self or thought were lost. He was just Sprout’s fat assed fuck toy; a place of pleasure for his new master to flood with his hot load. He couldn’t even remember what he was doing with his life before this point. His body was getting hotter and hotter. He was sweating profusely, and was becoming more and more lightheaded. Sprout barely seemed to notice, only continuing to drive himself as hard and deep as he could.  “Cumming, cumming, cumming, cumming, cumming.” Sprout muttered to himself, huffing hotter and hotter breath at the back of Hitch’s head. “Take it, you fat ass whore!” Almost roaring out in a primal pleasure, he bottomed out in the twink’s ass.  Hitch gasped out as he felt her ass being almost instantly flooded with the stallion’s hot seed. It was too much. Every throbbing pulse of Sprout’s cock was releasing more and more potent spunk. Within seconds, the femboy’s insides were flooding with cum, filling his insides as he belly was starting to swell even further. There was just so much of Sprout’s heat and passion that was filling Hitch’s belly. The twink nearly passed out, opening his mouth to not moan, but moo. The low sound was so arousing, Sprout couldn’t help but fire off another hot load, which made Hitch’s belly bulge out.  “Fuck…that was hot.” Sprout cooed, slowly pulling out his cock. Some steaming, thick cum spilled out of Hitch’s fucked open, quivering, gaping tailhole. But as he admired his handiwork, a question crossed his mind. “Waid, Hitch…did you moo when you came?”  Getting a better look at Hitch, Sprout’s eyes widened in shock. The stallion was different, still a stallion, albeit a twink with a huge ass, but there was more to it. He was looking more cow-like. His coat was showing faint signs of cow print patterns, a small, but noticeable udder was forming which was making his cock even smaller, and as he looked closer to the head, Hitch was growing in tiny horn nubs.  “Hitch…are you turning into a cow?” Sprout asked, taking a small step back as he watched Hitch roll over until he was laying on the floor. “How…I don’t even…like, what the fuck is happening?!”  “Don’t stop now.” Hitch cooed, making more alluring mooing sounds. Reaching up, he rubbed at his bloated belly. “Look at how much cum you fucked in me. I think you knocked my ass up.” Rolling his tongue at the stallion, he was whorishly begging at him. “Don’t you want to keep fucking me? My slutty ass wants more of your big, fat, juicy cock.”  “I…” Sprout hesitated. He had never seen anything like this before. Hitch wasn’t just becoming feminine, he was becoming a different species. But the more he looked at him, the more he was struggling to keep his cock from getting hard again. “Well…fuck it, I’m way too horny to think.” Smirking, he stared at Hitch with a dominating gaze. “Come here, you whore cow.”                                                 Sprout stopped paying attention to the time, his only focus was on the pleasure he was feeling, and how much more cum he could pump into Hitch’s body. The now milk pony was laying on her desk, her head was off the edge and brutally being throat-fucked by Sprout’s huge size. The cow mare moaned out her whorish mooing, reaching down to press against her now grown udder, letting out her warm, creamy milk as she sucked and slobbered all over this dick. It was so good, like she was just born to be Sprout’s newest cock hole. Hammering faster and harder, Sprout’s cock bottomed out over and over again in and out of Hitch’s now cow-like mouth. The new milk pony was moaning like a used up, cum addicted whore as she slathered the meaty length with her new tongue. Whatever the potion did, it really caused the former stallion to be nothing more than some cow pony. Sprout could barely believe it, but his cock was just too hard, his arousal was too great. There would be questions later, but right now, he could only fuck, and fuck, and fuck, and fuck. Over and over again, a mix of lust and some frustration over his time with Hitch was being let out in the milk pony’s mouth-pussy.  Sprout’s huffing met with Hitch’s moaning, making it harder and harder for the stallion to hold himself back. The milk pony was just so fuckable, so tight, so warm, and so wet, he couldn’t stop thrusting in and out of her mouth. It wasn’t even a mouth, this throat was taking his cock like it was made to take it. Stretching and bulging, this throat-pussy was coiling around the stallion’s length in a lustful desperation to milk it for every drop of precious, hot seed.  “Fuck…I’m getting close…” Sprout moaned out, feeling as Hitch’s throat was moaning over this cock. The stallion’s size was just stuffing in and out of this wet hole. “Shit…I’m cumming…I’m cumming!”  Humping as hard as he could, Sprout bottomed out in the milk pony’s mouth, filling her throat with throbbing cock and rushing seed. Hitch eagerly drank it all, swallowing down heavy gulps of hot, thick seed. The milk pony drank, and drank, feeling not only her belly filling with the precious spunk, but it was causing her new udder to twitch and quiver. Sprout held himself in place, shivering for a moment before slowly pulling himself out. Hitch continued to whorishly suckling on it as the dick slipped from her fuckable mouth.  “Well, I don’t know what the fuck happened, but I’m not stopping now.” Sprout commented, smirking through a chuckle. “But it looks like you’re getting tired. So I’ll just keep going if that’s okay with you.” Hitch only gurgled out a slutty sound, letting some cum leak out. “Sounds good to me.”  Chuckling, Sprout walked around, marveling at how the milk pony’s body twitched and lay in her afterglow. The stallion still couldn’t figure out what had happened. He’s known Hitch for years, never once did he think he was anything but a stallion. But then this big, fat ass, not to mention these new udders, and once he was fully around, he saw Hitch’s pussy. He was certain that wasn’t there before, especially since his cock was now missing.  “Okay, I guess you’re a mare now.” Sprout commented, reaching out with a hoof, he pushed a little against the moist pussy lips. Hitch only cooed and moaned a little. “Well, I guess I’ll have to try out this new sexy hole.”  Hitch only moaned as she felt the kiss of Sprout’s cockhead against her moist pussy. Even though she was technically a virgin, this milk pony’s pussy was just too eager to take in this stallion dick. Sprout groaned, shivering as he was slowly pushing his size into the milk pony’s pussy. The inner walls were so tight, and yet, like Hitch’s ass, stretched enough to fill out this entering cock. The stallion could feel not only the warmth of this newly formed pussy, but the sensation of how smooth it was made his body shiver.  “Oh shit…this is a really good pussy.” Sprout groaned, starting to move at a humping pace. “I think you could give my girls a run for their bits.” Chucking a little, he could only imagine what would happen if they heard him; especially Opaline. The alicorn was prone to being very envious of others. “Well, at least I get to be the first to make you my mare.”  Hitch only moaned, struggling to form any words as she was taking Sprout’s cocks. Her mind was filled with nothing but the pleasure of having this stallion inside her. Devotion, admiration, passion, and submission was all she could feel, and as well as this, her teats, or rather, her udders, were leaking out her creamy milk. It felt warm as it trickled down Sprout’s hooves as he pushed against her soft mounds. They were like a mare’s teats, but were bigger, unified, and produced milk at the slightest touch.  “I didn’t think you’d have a hole better than that fat ass of yours, Hitch.” Sprout cooed, savoring the feeling of fucking Hitch’s pussy. Thrusting at a more steady and deep pace, the stallion was shivering, almost trembling as he could feel his cock throbbing inside. “This has got to be one of the best pussies I’ve ever fucked. But let’s keep this just between us.” He chuckled, but knew his mares would be jealous and want to compete if they heard him say that.  Hitch only moaned, arching her head back as she felt herself cumming over and over again. This new pussy was so warm and tight, but it was so very, very sensitive. Just having Sprout lean against her was almost enough to push her over the edge. But now having him inside her, how deep his fat cock was stretching her new hole, it was too much. Her mind was blank, numb to anything but the desire to service this stallion. Sprout couldn’t stop thrusting either. It was as if no matter how much he humped into her, Hitch’s pussy craved more.  “I’m gonna cum…” Sprout winced, gritting his teeth as he could feel his cock swelling. His balls slapped against the milk pony, making her squirt out more and more of her creamy milk. “Fuck…this pussy is so good…” Groaning out, he panted as he started humping faster and faster.  Sprout wasn’t pacing himself like before. He was more driven by the lustful urges to fuck, and fuck, and fuck, and fuck. Huffing some more, he could feel his balls almost swelling before tightening against his body. He was gonna cum, he was going to blow his hot load deep in this milk pony’s pussy. This newly formed, fertile pussy was about to be knocked up by his potent, virile seed. Hitch only moaned out her whorish cries as the stallion’s cock was ready to cum.  “Here it comes, you milky slut!” Sprout huffed, pressing down on Hitch’s udder’s, causing more creamy milk to leak out. “Cum for me!” Hitch gasped out as the stallion rammed as hard as he could, bottoming out inside her.  Both ponies let out their cries of pleasure, feeling as the hot release of Sprout’s cum was filling in the milk pony’s soft insides. Her womb was filled, swelling as this fuck hole was getting just as stuffed as her belly. Hitch only moaned out, feeling as her belly continued to grow with this hot spunk that was stretching her out. It was so good, her mind was nothing but a devoted craving for more cum. Whatever Hitch was before, it was gone. Only the milf pony who wanted to be impregnated by this stallion’s seed. She loved it, she only wanted to feel more of him inside her, but nothing but whorish moans could escape her lips.  Sprout couldn’t stop, pulling himself in and out as if to push as much cum as he could in this mare’s pussy. Hitch’s belly swelled and swelled until it was good and round, lifting the stallion’s hooves up as he looked on in surprise. He had seen plenty of mare cumflated, but with Hitch’s now feminine, moaning face attached to this whore’s body, it was still a lot to take in. And yet, Sprout’s cock was still hard, so very hard, and throbbing.  “Eh, fuck it. Let’s see how big I can make that slutty ass of yours.” Sprout commented, laughing as he pulled out. Cum poured out of Hitch’s fucked open hole, but he didn’t stop. “Don’t worry, don’t worry. You’ll love this.”  Grabbing at Hitch’s body, Sprout used his strength to roll the milk mare over. It took a little effort though, given how round and full her belly had become, but the stallion managed to pull it off. But when he did, the pressure of her body pushing down on her fucked full belly caused the cum in her pussy and ass to leak out, almost spray a little. Sprout, not wasting another moment, mounted himself on Hitch’s flank, and rammed his still hard cock back into her tight ass.  Hitch gasped and moaned, cooing her sultry sounds as she felt the stallion continue to push more and more of his size in and out of his soft tailhole. Sprout didn’t keep himself in the milk pony’s ass for too long, only humping as hard and deep as he could, but then pulled out, just to thrust back into her pussy. The mare moaned, feeling as her lower hole was being stretched again. The sensation was amazing. Even though she had been fucked so hard, Hitch’s pussy and ass felt as if they were still virgin tight.  “What’s with this? Were just always this fuckable?!” Sprout laughed, thrusting in and out of Hitch’s pussy. “Shit, I might just cum again at any moment!”  Pushing himself, Sprout huffed and groaned. He hadn’t had to fuck this hard and fast since the previous night. And yet, he didn’t feel as tired as he should’ve felt. Was he just getting used to all this constant sex? Was it something Misty and Opaline did? They did have him drink more of their stamina potions, but usually that only lasted a night. So what else was it? If he was having any form of serious thoughts, the sounds of Hitch’s moans only shook him from such thinking.  “Eh, who gives a fuck?” Sprout laughed, now fucking faster, switching between Hitch’s pussy and ass ever few dozen or so hard and deep thrusts. “I’ll just fuck you over, and over again!”  His raw emotions, the savage feelings mixed with primal urges drove the stallion to only fuck faster and harder. His hot breath kissed at the back of Hitch’s neck. Her mane tingled as the rest of her body was becoming soaked in sweat. Sprout’s cock was throbbing, almost painfully as he was cumming, but not as big as before. More like smaller spurts that were making bigger and bigger messes on the desk and floor whenever he pulled out, just to fuck in the hole again. He didn’t care, he was letting out these smaller bits, but was still building up to a massive load to come.  “Come on, come on, come on, come on. Scream for me, you bitch!” Sprout grunted, feeling as he was going to release his biggest orgasm of the day. “Fucking scream like a whore while I knock up all your holes!” With that, he pulled back, and then slammed his cock in Hitch’s pussy.  The milk pony screamed, letting out such a loud and high pitched sound, it was a shock her voice didn’t crack from it. The amount of cum Sprout pumped into her, it could be measured more in barrels than buckers. The sheer volume caused Hitch’s womb to stretch to unbelievable girth. Perhaps it was something about the potion in her veins, the way her belly was so well rounded, she was almost about to roll off the deck from the pressure. Her udders spilled out her warm milk, mixing with the hot spunk that pooled on the floor. Sprout only shivered, coming down hard from his afterglow. The feeling of Hitch’s pussy squeezing hard around his still cumming dick, she was milking him for every drop that could remain in his balls. Sprout was almost faint, getting light headed after cumming and straining himself so much. It was such a powerful feeling, a fatigue he could almost compare to trying to fuck his herd all at once.                                                                                         “Well fuck, it’s been a long time since I came that much.” Sprout huffed to himself, shivering as he held himself in place. Hitch’s throat only continued to let out her whorish moans. “Holy fuck, Hitch. I don’t know what happened to you, but I like it.”  Slowly, he pulled out of the milk pony’s hole, savoring the sight of the hot cum gushing out of it. The huge, heavy udders spilled out more and more creamy milk while Hitch only shivered in her afterglow. Sprout’s hot seed was filling and impregnating her new feminine insides, though to the stallion, he still wasn’t sure. Higher thought wasn’t exactly something he could do at this time, and all he could do was look at the milk pony’s body twitching and shivering.  “Okay, I think that’s enough of a rest.” Sprout chuckled, pushing against the huge udders to make more milk spill out. “Alright, I think I can fuck a few more rounds in that sexy ass of yours.” Hitch only cooed and moaned, eager to take more of the stallion’s throbbing cock. Struggling a little, the stallion wobbled on weakening legs over to the front of the milk pony. Hitch’s eyes were half rolled back and twitching. Her mouth was a sloppy mess as her tongue drooled out after cumming so much. Even some remnant cum that had been throatfucked into her was still leaking out of her nose. Sprout couldn’t help but chuckle, before propping himself up to slap the mare’s face with his soaked, slick, and leaking cock.  “Before I give your holes more fucking, I need you to clean me off.” Sprout commented, barely finishing his sentence before Hitch started licking and suckling along the length of her new master. “Shit, almost instinctive. Well, I guess that makes sense. I don’t think anything but cocks are in your head now.” The stallion laughed, relaxing a little as the milk pony sucked him off to not only clean him, but was trying to milk out more cum. “Keep it up, and I’ll blow another one.”  Despite being so weakened and tired, Hitch sucked off Sprout’s cock, not wanting to waste any more of his precious seed. She had become addicted to it, she loved nothing more than to be his cocksleeve. Her ass was so full, she was leaking it out. Her pussy and womb were so full, she was probably going to birth whole herds. And her throat was so full, she wasn’t going to be able to taste or smell anything but Sprout’s cock and cum for weeks. Her face reflected how she felt, pure joy.  “Just like that, almost there. Get me good and clean.” Sprout commented, resting a hoof on the back of Hitch’s head. Not to guide her or throatfuck her himself, but to pet her, to let her know how much of a good whore she’s being. “I’m gonna cum. So get ready to drink it.” Hitch only bobbed her head faster and faster.  Wincing a little, feeling the slight strain that comes with orgasming this much with little to no breaks or rest, Sprout fired off his orgasm. Not as big as the rest, but it was more or less just enough to give Hitch something thick and creamy to gulp down so greedily. This did, however, have the extra effect of causing the milk pony to cum. This orgasm caused her body to tense up, so much so that her pussy and ass clenched and quivered. The sound of squeezing could be faintly heard as Hitch’s bottom holes gushed out sprays of the still steaming hot cum that was previously fucked in her.  “Well fuck, that was…well, I’ll be honest, that was hot as fuck.” Sprout chuckled, slowly pulling his cock out of Hitch’s mouth. “But, that’s a waste of good cum.” He playfully slapped his dick against the milk pony’s face. “I guess I’ll just have to fuck some more into you.” Hitch only gave a weakened moan, her eyes glowed with nothing but devotion, and joy over her purpose of being this stallion's cocksleeve.   It was impossible to tell just how many hours had passed for Sprout as he fucked Hitch into the sloppy slut mess that he had become. The milk pony’s hole was gushing out the most recent load of hot spunk, causing him to cough up more cum that was in the back of his throat. Hitch’s eyes were rolled back and twitching, and her body was laying in a pool of cum and sweat. Sprout was almost exhausted, stumbling back as she gave a final look at the cum-filled blimp of a fat-bottomed cow slut that was once this tough pony.  “Well fuck, looks like I might have gone a little overboard.” Sprout commented, chuckling to himself as he grinned at his work. “Too bad you’re a stallion. I wonder what would happen if I did knock your slutty ass up.” Tilting his head, he pondered aloud. “Then again, you’re more like a slutty cow than a stallion now. So who knows.” Looking over at a nearby clock, he laughed. “Well fuck, again. Look at the time. Well I’d love to stay, but I gotta go. I’ll be at the Brighthouse if you wanna fuck again.” He didn’t give the pony a chance to answer as he left.  Leaving the sheriff's office, Sprout merrily made his way to the Crystal Brighthouse, the same massive place that he had impregnated Sunny all those months ago. The warm and happy memories filled his mind as he made his way inside. But no sooner had he closed the door behind him, he saw he wasn’t alone. Zipp, Pipp, Izzy, Sunny, Misty, and Opaline were there, all lounging on a massive semi circular couch in the middle of the common room.  “Girls?! What a pleasant surprise.” Sprout commented, smirking playfully at the mares. “What are you all doing here?” The mares looked at him, massive grins, and hungry eyes looked him over. Not only were they sporting well rounded and pregnant bellies, but their huge, swollen teats were leaking out a vast amount of creamy, warm milk. Sprout had known them long enough to know what those eyes meant. They wanted to fuck. These mares were there to milk his cock and balls for every drop that would possibly be still in him.  “What do you think we're doing here?” Sprout asked, looking at the mares with a somewhat nervous smile. “I didn’t expect you all here for at least a few more hours.”  “Well, we’ve been here for a few hours.” Opaline cooed, moaning as she looked at the stallion with longing in her eyes. She was clearly impatient and incredibly horny. “And I’ve been longing for my King’s cock, for even longer.”  “Yeah, no fun keeping that dick away from us.” Izzy playfully giggled, licking her lips as she looked to the stallion with equally lust hungry eyes. “So, what do you have to say about it?”                                               “Well, I guess I’m gonna have to fuck all of you until you’re all laying and even rounder than you all are with my hot load.” Sprout confidently said, which caused all of them to not only moan in eager pleasure, but lunge at him.”  While the mares lept at their shared lover, and Sprout was eagerly preparing to fuck these mares into sloppy silly messes, they all failed tp notice that they were not fully alone. Floating ever so carefully and quietly by a nearby window, was a camera mounted drone. On the side of this drone, was a mark of a bar graph with rising stocks, the same cutie mark of Phyllis Cloverleaf, Sprout’s mum.  From where she sat in her room, the milf mare was feverishly rubbing her hoof over her sobbing wet, plump pussy. The pink mare watched onwards as her son was busy fucking all these pregnant, sexy mares. A quiver of envy ran across her lips, making her want to join them, but hesitation only stopped her. Her blonde hair, normally held up in a lavish bun, only hung at her sides as she was moaning out.  “Oh Sprout, you’ve grown into such a big, strong stallion.” Phyllis cooed, licking her lips as she adjusted the drone’s camera to focus on this cock. “Fuck…I need that cock.” The milf mare rubbed herself more and more as she watched her son engage in the hot, sloppy sex with his growing herd. Phyllis moaned whorishly as she felt her arousal growing hotter and hotter. All around her, still wet, used dildos of varying sizes were lying, each with not only her son’s name on them, but different numbers. The mare leaned forward at the monitor, licking it a little bit as it zoomed in to give her the best view of Sprout’s cock.  “So big…you’ve grown to be such a…sexy…stud stallion…” Phyllis moaned, rubbing faster and faster. “Everyone I make, it’s not even close to big enough.” She looked down at the toys, her mind thinking back to how she cherished each one. “I don’t want fakes anymore, I want the real thing. I want your beautiful…huge…lip smacking…” She moaned as she shivered in a sudden orgasm. “Fuck…Sprout…I want your fat cock inside me.” Rubbing this toy in her pussy faster and faster Phyllis gasped as she finally let out a low and deep moan of orgasmic pleasure. Her pussy clenched around this dildo, nearly crushing it by her skilled and tight pussy. Her body trembled a little as her tongue hung from the side of her mouth as she kept her eyes on the monitors. Tapping a few keys on the keyboard, the image not only zoomed in, but it was giving her an even better image of her son’s cock.  “Oh Sprout…you’re such a good boy. Such a big, strong, healthy boy.” Phyllis cooed, coming down from her orgasm. The toy slipping free of her clenching fuck hole to an almost audible snapping sound. Leaning in, she licked at the monitor, moaning whorishly. “I can’t wait to have your fat cock in mummy.”