> Serendipity > by False Door > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Serendipity > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Big Mac clicked an old padlock through the chain around his apple cart spokes. All closed up. Maybe such security measures were overkill in a town like Ponyville but it was always better safe than sorry. Inventory was one thing but they couldn't afford to lose the cart. The brick red stallion settled the saddlebags on his back for his shopping adventure and plodded away down the bustling cobblestone strip. Nearly every day, Sweet Apple Acres had a stall at the market. Same place, same time, right between the honey jars and the birdhouses. No one would describe him as a salespony; he was definitely more comfortable pulling a plow but he did what he had to for his family. As he reached the edge of the marketplace, the crowd of buyers parted like a curtain to reveal a familiar mare with a pink mane. Despite her demure demeanor, she stood out like a candle in the dark, at least to him. And just like her cutie mark, he always got butterflies when she showed up at his cart. "Oh, hi Big Mac," greeted Fluttershy with a smile. The stallion swallowed with nervous surprise but returned her amiable gesture. "Fluttershy." He spoke with her nearly every other day at his booth whether she was buying or just talking but he never got over the strange feeling that always came with her. Fluttershy looked at the shuttered apple cart at the other end of the strip, then back at him. "Big Mac, you're closed already?" she groaned. "Eeyup," he nodded. "Closed early. Gotta do errands today." "Oh, darn," her face fell. "Well, it's okay; I just needed one apple anyway. It's too much trouble. I'll come back tomorrow." "No it's no trouble," he blurted. "C'mon." He turned back around and started toward the cart. "Are you sure?" she asked, pathologically terrified of ever inconveniencing anypony. "Eeyup," he nodded again. For anyone else, it was kind of annoying in principle but he couldn't bear to disappoint Fluttershy. Therefore, he practically had wings while unlocking the back of his cart. He let the creaky gate down with a slam and reached in, fumbling through an almost empty basket with one hoof. "Ya want red delicious?" Fluttershy ran her eyes from his broad, muscular withers down to his taut flank. Red and delicious was right. "Yes," she replied absently, taking full advantage of the fact that he wasn't aware of her uncontrollable leering. Finally he turned to her, a shiny red apple balanced on his hoof. "Here ya are." Fluttershy grabbed the fruit softly with her lips so as not to mar it. Big Mac watched the cautious, almost sensual act and suddenly found himself thinking about touching her soft lips. They looked so nice. He stood like a statue as Fluttershy squirreled the apple away and flipped a bit onto his hoof with her teeth. "It's… one bit, isn't it," she asked meekly. Big Mac blushed. "Eeyup." They stood flustered into an awkward silence, enjoying the moment but not really knowing how to ring any more out of it. "Uh, well, I have errands I have to do too," laughed Fluttershy. "See- see you later." She turned away and walked slowly back up the strip. Big Mac eyed her swishing pink tail until it disappeared in the crowd. He sighed and closed up his cart again. Why was talking to girls or… anyone so difficult? Whenever she came around, his brain was about as operable as a stack of soggy newspapers. Though it seemed he'd met his equal in Fluttershy who proved comparatively awkward and bashful… yet they persisted. Macintosh left the market prepared to say 'sorry we're closed' to anyone wanting apples who wasn't Fluttershy. He tried to set her aside and recall his shopping list as he started down the sidewalk of Main Street. The drugstore was the closest stop. What was it that he needed there? Somewhere between Fluttershy's swaying hips and naively hopeful smile was the answer. That's right… the prescription. Just the prescription. He waited outside while a gaggle of ponies poured out the door. The place seemed unusually crowded today. Finally he caught the swinging door and pushed inside. He sighed when he caught sight of the pharmacy line. It stretched from the back of the store to the front. Big Mac shuffled grumpily into the end of the queue and slouched in weary disapproval. Maybe it would move faster than it looked, he hoped. Or maybe he should do his other errands first and come back after the store had had a chance to clear out. He took a few steps forward as the line crawled and squinted at a nearby end cap display. It was advertising some tonic for male virility. It utilized vague words like 'potency,' 'stamina' and 'performance' without saying directly what it was for but it was pretty clear that it was meant to help stallions with ED and low libido. He read the whole sales pitch, not because he was interested in the product but because it was there and what else was there to do? "Hey, Big Mac," greeted Fluttershy timidly as if she'd just been lurking there, trying to work up the courage to say something. The stallion started and quickly averted his gaze from the ad in an attempt to appear indifferent to it. "Oh, hey." He turned around slowly to face her nonchalantly. She held a wrapped ice cream bar in one wing tip and a hair conditioner bottle in the other. Her eyes flicked over to the tonic display and then back at him. "How funny that we went to the same place," she mused with slight discomfort. Are you… getting medicine too?" Big Mac started to sweat. She was so pretty and close. "Pickin' up Granny's crazy pills." He winced at his own slip. He only used the term 'crazy pills' with his sister, Applejack and even then only in private. "Heh… I- I have to get a lot of medicine for my animal friends." "Oh… Ah didn't know they filled vet prescriptions here." "Yes…" She stood there rigidly, looking for a way to stoke the conversation or at least keep it on life support. They couldn't just stand together in line without talking; it was weird. "I don't usually buy frozen treats but the coconut yogurt bars are my favorite and they never have them so I had to get one." "Eeyup…" Speaking with the pretext of a business transaction was much easier than the unconstrained realm of small talk and long waits. That was one of the reasons she always bought apples from him when he came to town. The line crept forward and their conversation sputtered in and out with arbitrary thoughts and observations as they struggled to find words to fill the void. Fluttershy glanced at her popsicle and frowned. "Oh dear, my yogurt bar is melting." "Guess ya gotta eat it now," shrugged the stallion. "But I don't like eating things before I buy them," she fretted. "It feels… dishonest." "Ah'm sure it's fine as long as ya pay fer it before ya leave." "I know but I still don't like it." It was an anxiety nightmare. She looked like she was about to cry. Macintosh scratched his head. "Ah can hold yer place while ya put it back and get another." "But then someone else will get stuck with a deformed yogurt bar and that's not very nice. Oh," she groaned. "I guess I'll just eat it." Fluttershy carefully pulled the wrapper off of the creamy white bar so as not to spill the collected drips.  The bar began to sweat as she held the wooden stick in her wing tip. She attacked it immediately with her tongue, trying to get the dripping under control but it was difficult. She started at the base where melted coconut yogurt was already collecting fast. She slathered the sides up and down, then sucked on the tip with a slurp. Big Mac swallowed and looked at the floor, then the ceiling, then surreptitiously back at her and her agile tongue as it slid across every inch of the melting bar. Milky white rivulets ran down her chin and dripped on the floor. "Mmf. It's really messy and sticky… but it's still so good." "Yeah… looks good," he agreed weakly before trying to turn away but his eyes swiveled back to track her. By the nature of the situation, she had to make short work of it and was soon licking the last lump of white goo off of the stick. "At least the conditioner won't melt," she laughed, putting the naked stick back in the wrapper. Big Mac looked back and smiled awkwardly. The line was moving faster because the pharmacy had opened a second window. "Next," called the pharmacist. "Uh, well, bye again." He glanced back to see her preening the yogurt out of her feathers. Big Mac secured the crazy pills but not before overhearing Fluttershy's emotional confession in the next window about how she'd already eaten her frozen yogurt bar. - - - A bell jingled merrily as Macintosh stepped through the front door of the hardware store. An apron-wearing clerk nodded at him from up on a stocking ladder. He'd been in here a thousand times and knew exactly where everything was. This wouldn't take long. Big Mac made a beeline for the hardware aisle. As he arrived at the nail section, he noticed many many empty shelves. His forehead creased in confusion. The nails. It was as if their entire inventory had been cleared out. He looked around in all directions but there only seemed to be one box of nails left. They were a little on the short side, three hundred count. He craned his neck up high to see the dust covered but vacant top shelf. Then he knelt down low to look deep into the bottom shelf. There was absolutely nothing else in the way of nails except for the u-shaped fencing nails and they simply wouldn't do. Mystified, he stood back up, reaching blindly for the sole box. As he stood, his forehead collided with a familiar face. "Ugh, pardon," he grunted. He blinked to see a surprised Fluttershy. "Oh, I'm sorry. What are you doing here, Big Mac?" "Just gettin' nails." His face began to heat up from being so close to her again. He looked to see both of their hooves frozen, reaching for the same box, almost touching. "Uh, what a coincidence," chimed Fluttershy. "I need to get nailed- nay nails too." Her face turned scarlet. Big Mac swallowed. "Ah think there's just the one box of 'em left though." She bit her lip apprehensively, retracting her hoof like she'd just touched a hot stove. "Oh, that- that's okay; you take it." "No, no, it's alright," he insisted, pushing the box toward her. "You can have 'em; Ah… don't really need 'em." That was a lie. A spur of the moment, impulsive lie. The hog pen gate had broken and he needed to build a new one ASAP. "Well I really only need four," shrugged Fluttershy meekly. "It's silly to buy such a large box of nails just for four. I mean, what am I going to do with all those extra nails?" she laughed nervously. "I'm not even very good at pounding them in. It takes me ten minutes just to do one." "Ah'm good at poundin'... nails," he clarified with a self-deprecating frown. They stared at each other. "Why don't Ah just buy the nails and give you some?" he offered. "That makes sense," she nodded breathlessly. "That's so nice of you. I can pay you back." "No, ya don't hafta do that. Ah don't even know what the price o' four nails is." Their brains short-circuited as they fell back into a mutual silent stare. "So Ah'll just… buy this," continued Big Mac stiffly. He scooped the box from the shelf into his mouth and went to the counter. Out on the sidewalk, he fumbled with the little carton till he had it open. He fished out a few in his lips and leaned forward to pass them to her. His eyes bulged in surprise. He'd expected her to just hold out her hoof but instead Fluttershy was leaning daintily into him to receive the nails mouth to mouth. He swallowed but stayed still. Her warm breath caressed his muzzle as her lips clamped the row of pointy ends with shaky uncertainty so very close. Both blushing, their eyes locked. A shiver traveled down his spine and landed between his legs where it seemed to reverberate uncomfortably, waiting for something to happen. Big Mac released his end with a sigh, allowing her to gently recede and put her nails away. "Gotta get on with the rest a mah errands but if ya want Ah can stop by on mah way outta town and hammer those in fer ya." "Oh, I don't want to inconvenience you any more than I already have today," she laughed anxiously. He shrugged in defeat "Well, okay-" "But it would be very nice of you to do that and you should do that," she blurted clumsily. "If it's not too much trouble, that is," she added, trying to be considerately demanding. She gave a pained smile at her own flailing performance. "Eeyup," he nodded, immediately wondering if his reply was too ambiguous while also lacking the assertiveness to attempt amending it. He backed away slowly. "See ya later." "At my house," added Fluttershy woodenly, wanting to eliminate any confusion on the matter. "Eeyup." Big Mac disappeared around the corner and exhaled. His heart was beating so fast and he felt dizzy, almost sick but in a good way. - - - Big Mac went to the bookstore with hopes of picking up a new farmer's almanac. This was a place he did not visit very often and it took him some meandering to locate the hard to categorize book. It had its own little display tucked away in the home and garden section. Macintosh picked up a copy in his mouth and ambled along the lengthy magazine rack toward the checkout. His eyes bounced along the colorful procession of titles and covershots for publications on everything from hobbies and art to business and travel. Suddenly he caught sight of a trio of solid black rectangles with small white titles in a curiously generic typeface. He stopped suddenly in front of the 'stallions' interest' section for a closer look. Pornography. For some reason it never occurred to him that they would just sell it right in the bookstore. But he supposed it had to come from somewhere. He'd heard of these publications before. Blinders was more classy and risque with mares wearing the kind of stuff you'd find behind the curtain at Carousel Boutique. Playcolt was the one everypony knew about, the quintessential title everyone came up with first when they thought about dirty magazines. It was also softcore, no stallion bits as far as he knew and certainly no penetration. Clop however was the real deal, no teasing, no pulling their punches, It was just full speed ahead sucking and fucking… so he'd heard tale. He'd seen a few racy pinups his friends had when they were colts but he'd never had a magazine to call his own, even as an adult. However the prospect all of a sudden seemed quite alluring to him. This sort of thing was more his speed. Just him and his hoof. No embarrassment or confusion. No fumbling stupidly for the right words. Why not give it a shot? He worked hard, he deserved a little treat and some relief. He deserved this porno mag. His brow hardened with conviction. He was a grown ass stallion who wanted to ogle sexy mares. He'd just pick it up, stride over to the counter with his head held high and purchase it with his book because that was a completely normal thing that adult ponies did. Big Mac glanced fearfully in both directions, then behind himself to make sure no one was watching. He licked his lips and bent the plastic censor down slowly with one hoof, craning his neck up until the magazine was revealed. The cover featured a winking pegasus mare surrounded by an array of half a dozen disembodied fat dicks right up in her face. Big Mac swallowed with trepidation. So it was true, Clop didn't fuck around. It didn't even have the decency to include some kind of discreet envelope or dust jacket around the outside. Shameless. How could they just sell this shocking smut at the bookstore? It belonged at a sex shop where it could otherwise be separated from the general public and polite society. Big Mac let go of the censor with a frown. Ah can't just plop that right on the counter, he thought. Ah'll get… arrested er somethin'. But at the same time, he was utterly captivated and had to see more. Just put it with the almanac and set it on the counter. It'll be embarrassin' fer ten seconds. Then you'll be out the door and you'll never see 'em again. He exhaled, gathering his nerves. He checked his right and left and his six again. Then he slipped out the magazine, quickly sliding it into his jaw just under the almanac. He made his way to the front, chin tucked low. At the end of the aisle, he could see the checkout counter. Suddenly he stopped in his tracks. The checker there appeared to be a teen girl. Nope. Abort. He was fairly certain that he'd end up on some kind of registry for degenerates if he proceeded. What an injustice. He just wanted to see some porn, not introduce a minor to circle jerks. Big Mac sighed through his nose in frustration. He spun back around, intending to return the magazine but immediately collided with another pony. The almanac and porn mag went fluttering to the floor. He looked up and came face to face with a yellow mare with a black paisley headscarf over her mane and dark sunglasses. "Sorry, ma'am… er… Fluttershy?" He squinted at the mysterious pony. "Yes- I- I mean no," she stammered fearfully. I'm sorry, this is completely my fault." They looked down to see a two page spread of a mare getting spitroasted by two stallions. Ah wanna die, thought Big Mac. The mare that definitely wasn't Fluttershy incognito cringed. "S- sorry I'll just get your magazines for you." "Oh, that ain't mine," he blurted in alarm. Wait… magazines?" His eyes landed on a second, identical issue of Clop underneath the almanac. He was a hundred percent certain he'd only grabbed one. How were there two? "Uh… yes, look at that," she confirmed nervously. "Two copies of the same magazine just… laying here on the floor that I guess we didn't notice until just now... How strange." "Kids," he chuckled. "Must be," she agreed hastily. "Well, gotta get this here almanac, the only thing Ah was tryin' ta buy here." He bowed and scooped the book up in his mouth, ignoring the rest. Fluttershy smiled weakly. "And I have to get… something… too… a book probably." She turned around and facehooved in mortified despair. The two simply abandoned the splayed out pornography pile like they were splitting after a bank heist. - - - Big Mac looked in the window of the record store and carefully scanned the interior. He did not want to be surprised if Fluttershy was in there. He wanted to be mentally prepared and have some chance at sharing a normal interaction with her, one where he didn't sound stupid or weird or look like a pervert. He pushed the door open slowly, still surveying the store for the yellow pegasus and getting a strange look from the hipster cashier. It looked clear so he slunk in. His desire to just get the job done took a back seat as he quickly became distracted by wall to wall band and concert posters and rows and rows of brightly colored vinyl sleeves. Ah remember these guys from the collection in the attic… they're still recordin' stuff? The Apple's farm house had a dusty stockpile of inherited country crooners from yesteryear. "Heh- hey, Big Mac," greeted the airy voice that sent chills up his spine. He spun around, mouth hanging open. "Are you following me?" she jested with an unconfident smile. He was speechless. "That was… a joke," she clarified. "My dad would do that." "Oh uh, N- no," he shook his head. "Ah just gotta buy a record." "You have to?" "Apple Bloom's goin' to a birthday party an' told me ta get… um… a record album…" he pulled out a paper with notes scribbled on it. "Pipe Bomb by Bleedin' Out fer a present. Ain't never heard of that band," he shrugged. She screwed up her face. "Me either. Are you sure that's for foals?" "Nope," he replied flippantly. "Well, everything here is arranged by genre; do you know their genre?" "Nope. Guess Ah gotta ask," he sighed. "Uh, 'scuse me," he began at the counter. "Ya know where the band Bleedin' Out would be." "That's in the metal section." The stallion there pointed to a far off corner of the store. "Thank you." He reconvened with Fluttershy on his way to the corner and soon they were standing before the surprisingly large metal section. Macintosh furrowed his brow as he mumbled. "Power metal… Black Metal… Symphonic Metal. How can there be so many subgenres of a genre A'hm not even familiar with?" "Why don't I just start on the right and you start on the left and we'll just check the Bs in every subgenre?" suggested Fluttershy. "That sounds good," he agreed. They started flipping methodically through the records. Thankfully, the sections were so niche that it didn't take long at all. "Found it," declared Fluttershy, holding up the album. "They're thrash metal… whatever that is." "Aha… Thanks." He sat on his haunches and examined the sleeve in his hooves. The cover depicted a grainy photo of a masked pony in the act of hurling a smoking chemical grenade, presumably back at unseen authority figures. On the back were track titles like 'Exit Wound' and 'Hide My Body." "Are you sure?" she asked, skeptically, reading over his shoulder. Big Mac flipped the record back over, looking long and hard at the cover art. "Ah'll… get a gift receipt." Fluttershy stifled a chortle. Macintosh went back to the counter, cautiously smug with how normal everything went in the record store. Their interactions felt natural, almost parental even. He hung the slim paper bag on the side of his pack and turned to Fluttershy. "Ah'm done with mah errands now." "Me two," gasped Fluttershy. "Well, this actually wasn't an errand; I just wanted to come to the record store really quickly before going home." "Well… Ah s'pose…" The words in his head were blurry and stuck together in the proverbial wet newspaper again. 'We can walk ta yer house… together," he forced out as if yanking off a bandaid. Fluttershy covered her mouth in apparent shock. "We could! I mean, that makes sense. We're both going there… at the same time." Macintosh blinked. "...Eeyup." Reeling in the wake of this earthshaking epiphany, the two walked back to the apple wagon, parked in the market. Big Mac stuffed his saddlebag in the back and offered to take Fluttershy's too. He pulled his mobile store along next to her and suddenly they were back in line at the pharmacy fumbling for their words. Ah thought this was finally gettin' easier, he thought to himself. When Fluttershy saw her cottage, the reality of the situation finally hit her and she began to panic. She'd never had him over before and certainly not alone. She wanted to keep him there as long as she could within reasonable convenience and make it a positive experience but she had no game plan for how to do that and she was terrible at winging it in social situations. "So what exactly am Ah fixin'?" grunted Macintosh. The Nails were meant to go outside, serving as hooks for little pouches of birdseed for transient birds to take back to their nests but Fluttershy was having a difficult time envisioning how that one minute job in the yard was going to help them make a meaningful connection. Well, relationships were always built on a lot of little moments like these. Admittedly though, just having him at her house seemed like a significant leap forward for them but it had taken years to get to this point. Buying apples, chitchatting about the weather and waving across crowded rooms when he was Applejack's plus one. It felt like now was finally the time. With the right moves, maybe today could be what made them special someponies if they could just navigate the daunting and terrifying labyrinth of social interaction that lay ahead. "Oh, it's upstairs… in my bedroom," answered Fluttershy as they reached the front door. Genius, she thought. Or is that too intimate and provocative of a setting, she worried. But sometimes things in the bedroom truly need to be fixed. Just because your bed is in your bedroom and beds are commonly used as a location for sex doesn't mean you have to try to have sex if you go in your bedroom alone with him… but that would be nice. She blushed furiously. In her brain the thought of making it that far was still relegated to distant, unattainable fantasy. One step at a time. Just try to read the situation, she told herself, and don't make it weird. She led him inside the house and up the stairs to her bedroom with no small amount of apprehension burning in her heart. Then suddenly she remembered. Oh no, the nails. What are we doing with the nails? She had to come up with something right now or be caught in an obvious ruse. Fluttershy pushed open the door with gritted teeth. Her eyes bounced around the room in a panic, looking at every piece of wood, every piece of furniture that could hold a nail but nothing actually needed a nail. She could surreptitiously break something, perhaps? Wait, the wall. Things on the wall. "Oh, well, uh, so the nails, I- I need them in the wall… to hang pictures on." Big Mac looked around puzzled. There was nary a naked swatch of wall to be seen amongst the copious but tastefully arranged frames and shelves of knicknacks.  And there certainly wasn't enough room to add four more pictures to the ensemble in its current formation. "Are ya takin' somethin' else down ta make room," he posed, "or are the new pictures just… real tiny?" "They are," she nodded. "Tiny tiny paintings made by chipmunks and hummingbirds," giggled the mare. She tapped a space not much more than a hoof wide between a framed mirror and an old landscape photograph. "Just put a vertical line of evenly spaced nails right here," she directed, becoming quickly uncomfortable with the amount of lying she was doing. "Alright," he shrugged. He grabbed the first nail in his lips and pushed the tip into the soft drywall, just enough to hold it there so he could bang on it with a hoof. He didn't bother checking for a stud. The nails weren't too big and if the paintings were hummingbird sized, they surely wouldn't weigh very much. Fluttershy scrambled onto the pristinely made bed just behind him. She contorted about experimentally atop the comforter, wanting to find a casual pose that would say 'attractive and inviting' but not… harlot. Wait, what if he wanted harlot? She tucked her legs in and rolled over, evoking thoughts of a dog wanting belly scratches which was not what she was going for… as nice as that would feel. It didn't take her long to realize that it didn't really matter which approach would work best because she didn't know how to do either. She was totally out of her depth here but could still picture just about any of her friends being able to pull it off. If only she'd had time to plan out any of this. She hadn't even stopped to consider if this was meant to be casual flirting or full blown seduction. "That should do it," grunted Big Mac. He turned and stood, hovering over the side of Fluttershy's bed where the mare laid stiffly in a pose with indecisive messaging but a pose nonetheless. "Anythin' else in here need a good poundin'" he asked with a completely straight face. "Nope," grinned Fluttershy, still thinking about hammers and nails and how they were totally irrelevant to what she actually wanted out of the situation. Her face turned to stone as she realized her folly. She'd completely missed the turn. "Alright then," said Big Mac slowly. "Best be gettin' on home." He said this and yet was conspicuously slow to make for the door as if he were skeptical of her assessment. Meanwhile, an aghast Fluttershy flailed for a way to tactfully turn this back around. Mac turned his back and she ran her hooves down her face in livid frustration at herself for getting bonked in the head with a telegraphed alley-oop. Her quip would have been a little too crass and direct for her liking but it probably would have worked. The mare scrambled off of the bed to tail him in desperation. "Um- um… uh, would you like tea or a cupcake first?" It was the only thing she could come up with to at least buy more time. "Oh, a cupcake?" he enquired, looking back at her with intrigue. Once downstairs, Fluttershy opened a small box of fresh cupcakes on the dining area table. They were red velvet and piled high with white frosting. She carefully hoofed the treat to the stallion, mind still racing for a way to keep him from leaving. "Why, thankyou kindly," he smiled before chomping it down in one bite. "It's the least I could do." Fluttershy paused with her own pastry to look at him. "You got frosting on you," she giggled, pointing to her own nose. Macintosh wiped his face clean with one stroke of his fetlock. "Did Ah get it?" Fluttershy opened her mouth to dumbly confirm that indeed he did but stopped herself, suddenly remembering how she'd previously squandered a golden opportunity in a very similar fashion. She had an idea; it was time for bold action. "Uh, nope you still got some," she lied. Big Mac tried again and presented his face to her for assessment. "It's still there." The stallion furrowed his brow and comically rubbed down every inch of his muzzle. Then he looked back at her in embarrassed uncertainty. "Here, let me help," she offered. Fluttershy set down her cupcake and took a step forward. She leaned in close and swallowed, heart beating out of her chest. She took his face carefully in both hooves and, without any further deliberation, softly pressed her lips to his. It felt like instant fireworks in her mouth. He immediately pushed his muzzle into hers with a soft moan and suddenly their mouths were wide open and they were grabbing at each other's manes. Their tongues tangled ravenously. She pulled his head in closer with both hooves as if his lips were her only source of oxygen. Big Mac rolled backwards, face up on the floor, taking Fluttershy with him. They continued to kiss. Fluttershy almost lost her train of thought when she felt Big Mac's hard stallionhood sandwiched between their undersides. He grabbed her rocking flanks as she began to grind on him, her pussy slathering his shaft with her abundant wetness. She whimpered into his mouth as the contact sent lightning through her body. He helped her slide along his length while he stroked her ass with his hooves. She broke the kiss, leaving him panting with a head rush. Without pause, she wriggled down his body until she was at eye level with his juicy erection. She bit her lip apprehensively. Well… it was pretty intimidating in size but she was going to do her damnedest. She had to succeed, not just to make a good impression but to make this live up to her fantasies. Grabbing his shaft with one hoof, she noted he was a little thicker than her foreleg but this was no time for hesitation. Spurred on by reckless lustful urgency, she boldly cast aside her doubts and went in with mouth wide and confident. His mushrooming flare squeezed tightly through her hungry lips. She couldn't resist pausing to caress the meaty edge in her mouth. Big Mac grunted shakily as she pleasured his tip with motivated vigor. Once she'd gotten a taste of his savory precum, Fluttershy descended quickly, his monstrous girth packing into the back of her mouth where she had to stop or risk gagging. To her disappointment, she couldn't quite make it to his medial ring. Okay, so this wouldn't quite match up with her baseless late night fantasies of being a superpowered sex goddess, stunning him with anatomically improbable feats of erotic prowess but she was pretty sure a third of him was still enough to get the job done. Big Mac exhaled, overwhelmed as his tip plowed into the pillowy flesh of the back of her throat, her tongue squirmed along his underside and her lips pursed around his full shaft. Fluttershy began bobbing her head with a rhythmic slurp. They were here together. This was actually happening. She had him right where she'd wanted him for so long, inside her. The embers glowing in her nethers sparked into a roaring fire. Her free hoof moved quickly between her legs to stroke her engorged clit. "Mmmph," she moaned as she joined him in his growing pleasure. She felt Big Mac brace a forehoof on her head. Fluttershy looked up Big Mac's barrel to see him with head thrown back and mouth open in ecstasy, much to her relief and satisfaction. However, beyond him she could also see her pet bunny, Angel peeking around the doorframe, staring wide-eyed at the scene. Still vigorously bobbing her head and rubbing herself, she shot him a glare that sent him scampering away. Sprawled out in a straight line, she moved her other hoof from his base to his impressive balls. She began to massage and juggle his orbs. It was almost a two hoof job. They were so warm to the touch. They moaned in concert as she continued to slurp him, her hoof nearly vibrating in the epicenter of her soaked folds.  "Ah'm gettin' mighty close," grunted the stallion, every muscle in his body tense in anticipation of the coming of nirvana. Hearing him announce his satisfaction with her work was enough to catapult her to climax right then and there. She mumbled on his meat as her back end spasmed with pleasure. She continued to stroke herself slowly, squeezing every ounce of bliss out of her abrupt orgasm but not forgetting to work Big Mac's stallionhood as the fuse to his charge burned down. Just as she noticed her jaw beginning to cramp from his hefty size, he unleashed a burst of short thrusts into her mouth. The stallion let out a guttural grunt, holding her head between his hooves. Suddenly Big Mac's cock throbbed in her lips, heralding a virile tsunami of hot, creamy cum. Before she knew what was happening, her cheeks had inflated with his seed like balloons, a tiny spurt escaping her tightly sealed lips before she could gulp down his load with watering eyes. He continued to pulse in her mouth, pumping in even more of his essence but she was ready to swallow it before it could get out of control. Finally he slowed with a content sigh and she sucked down the last of it. He must have been so backed up, she thought. Or perhaps he just cums like a fire hose. Fluttershy pulled off of the stunned stallion with a gasp. She licked her lips and worked her jaw back and forth to get the kink out. Looking down, she saw his erection still standing tall. His dick was no less hard than the moment she'd started devouring it. He could most certainly continue using it. Perfect.  Typically Fluttershy would want to just lay back and enjoy her post orgasm wave but there was more on the itinerary that needed doing. She stood up and approached the nearby sofa where she hung her forelegs over the backrest. She flagged her tail in an uncharacteristically direct plea and looked back at her partner with a manic sort of desperation.  "Big Mac, you can go again, can't you? Please would you?" Despite just cumming a pint, the stallion scrambled to his hooves to indulge the lady's request. Perhaps she'd achieved release but she still had an intense underlying desire to be violently rutted by him. She was practically drooling as Big Mac's powerful forelegs draped around her midsection when he mounted her. The stallion eased forward feeling her curtains part pleasurably over his flare and then he swiftly drew up on her till her rump was nestled in his thighs. Fluttershy's eyes bulged as her canal quickly widened to accommodate all of Big Mac's invading endowment. "Oh my goodness," she gasped. "Are ya okay?" he asked, pausing for a moment. "Ye- yeah. Fine. Please keep going." She shifted her hips to help him settle in. The feeling of stretching around him was jarring at first but the sensation of being packed so full was indescribably satisfying. Big Mac bucked his hips in a full stroke through her tight grip, spreading her slickness around and gaining speed. Fluttershy hummed appreciatively at the motion. He groaned with his muzzle buried in her pink mane, the fresh scent of fruity shampoo filling his nostrils. Unable to pace his runaway avalanche of desire, Big Mac quickly sped up to a blistering pace. Their thighs clapped loudly amidst a duet of moans and grunts. Fluttershy cried out in carnal delight. She could feel her insides squeezing apart with every powerful pound he gave her. Her mouth dropped open as she tightened her grip on the backrest. "That- that feels so wonderful," she panted inaudibly. Her glazed over expression broke as her eyes suddenly focused on a pair of squirrels standing outside her window with faces pressed against the glass, staring back at her curiously. "Oh, for goodness sake," she bemoaned pathetically. Hadn't she endured enough indignity today? She stretched her hoof out clumsily and swatted the curtain closed, hoping that Big Mac was too preoccupied to notice. If only she could have closed the deal in her bedroom, this wouldn't be a problem. But on the other hoof, she should be able to have sex in her own living room without it being a spectacle. Maybe it was time to rethink the whole free-range sanctuary model. She shook her head and grunted in frustration, trying to get back in the moment. All the while, Big Mac continued to slam her like a machine without interruption. He gripped her midsection, breathing heavily into the back of her ear. Her bracing on the furniture was just what was needed to allow him to go to town on her without holding back. The tension of her outstretched legs naturally bounced her back into his thrusts like a leaf spring. Fluttershy felt another climax ripening in her loins and for a moment she considered helping herself along with a hoof but it was already coming at her so fast, she decided to just hang on. Her trembling hooves curled over the back of the sofa. Her hind legs twitched, reflexively contracting to squeeze the cock within her. An explosion of euphoria swept over her and her body went rigid. She screwed her eyes shut and let out a muffled scream while biting her hoof but the stallion's assault on her hindquarters continued without falter. Big Mac reared up on two legs and gripped her soft flanks in his hooves as he pushed in and out of her, pulling her into every thrust with maximum pressure and depth. She hung dazedly over the couch as he watched her swollen vulva flex around his stallionhood. Here it was. Big Mac gritted his teeth as ecstasy claimed his body and conscious thought, filling his eyes with stars. His balls clenched and he instinctively pulled Fluttershy's rump into his final and roughest push, holding her there as tightly as he could as he shot blast after blast of cum into the very bottom of her well. Surely he couldn't have had much more left in him at least compared to what he'd already expelled but it didn't feel any different. Fluttershy cried out as his flare collided with her very core. The potency of his earthshaking thrust emphasized her powerlessness in his hooves. She was like a stuffed animal toy in his grip. Squirrels aside, it was everything she'd hoped for. Big Mac's muscles relaxed. He released her with a deep exhale. His satisfied length slipped out of her, retreating slowly into his sheath. Fluttershy pulled off of the backrest to set her front legs on the cushions, sighing with presumptive finality. No sooner had Fluttershy flopped face up on one end of the sofa than Big Mac laid down on the other and stuffed his muzzle into her still throbbing marehood. Fluttershy gasped in surprised delight as she felt his hot tongue rooting around in her folds with purposeful eagerness. "That's very nice," she panted. "But I'm not… not sure I can… uh… huh…" Her words trailed off as her train of thought was derailed by a familiar growing heat between her legs. She'd completely underestimated just how impossibly horny they both were. There didn't seem to be an off button, just a positive feedback loop of sexual synergy. Her eyes rolled back as the sound of slurps and suckling filled her ears. Mac took her sumptuous clit into his pursed lips where he kneaded it dutifully, sending his lover to heaven. She let out a series of squeaks of increasing pitch. He pulled off her nub with a pop and then went back to stroking it up and down with his tongue. Fluttershy's body locked up with pleasure. She placed a hoof on the back of his head and rocked her hips into his licks. She hadn't even settled into the buzz of her last orgasm and she was already teeing up the next one. She bit her lip, her other trembling hoof flailing for something else to grab hold of. It wrapped backwards around the foreleg rest beneath her head. Her thighs quivered around the Stallion's head. She rolled her head to the side to see Angel angrily gesturing to his food bowl which he'd dragged into the room. In the back of her lust-addled brain she was faintly aware she should be annoyed and embarrassed but couldn't fight through the throes of ecstasy to express it. She didn't care that Angel wanted food or even that he was witnessing her getting eaten out. The only thing in the world that mattered at this moment was Big Mac's tongue about to launch her into outer space. She looked back at the ceiling, mouth agape as her countdown hit zero. Fluttershy involuntarily crammed Mac's face into her ecstatic marehood as her back shuddered violently. She let out a full throated wail, completely forgetting to bite down on something. She was lost in a euphoric rush and for a moment it felt as if she'd left her body entirely. When her awareness sputtered back, the first thing she could feel was Mac's licking tapering off. Eyes shut as if dreaming on a drifting cloud, she panted slowly, allowing her reeling mind to recover. The couch cushions jostled strangely beneath her. She opened her eyes slowly to see the towering form of Big Mac standing above her. Her gaze went to his undercarriage where hung a fully engorged dick with her name on it. Giving her clit a tongue bath had been more than enough to reawaken his robust stallionhood. Fluttershy's eyebrows shot up in disbelief but she smiled at him and spread her legs further apart to make room. She held out her forehooves to catch the stallion in an embrace as he laid down atop her. He plunged his tip back inside her welcoming entrance with a groan and a deep kiss. - - - Fluttershy laid draped atop Big Mac's barrel, her damp, frazzled mane clinging to her face, his spent cock still buried inside her but soft and seemingly… finally in hibernation. "I was actually pretty worn out after the eighth time but I didn't want to say anything," began Fluttershy, finally ready to snuff out the quietude of their respite. "Eeyup," he breathed, his deep voice rumbling in her own chest, implying that perhaps he agreed that there were limits even to his stamina. She stroked his shoulder with the tip of her hoof, her. muzzle nestled in the crook of his neck. "I mean, it's completely fine that we kept going, I'm just sorry I couldn't do much to help after that." "But was it still fun?" he asked. "Yes." She vividly remembered everything before finally getting him upstairs into her bedroom and shutting the door. What happened after that was a sensual blur of heaving wet bodies, stickiness, trickling sweat and ragged breath screaming for oxygen. It felt like a drug, the way her lust had dragged her weary body along like a dried up leaf caught on a rake.  Some kind of primordial instinct she'd never experienced before. Some delirious compulsion spawned from trudging across a sexual desert for too long and a fear that in the end it would just evaporate into nothing. They drank each other like camels at an oasis and she hoped it wasn't just biological necessity. As always, Big Mac didn't say much, even less while rutting, but it didn't seem to matter. In this setting, they didn't need words; they simply understood. Though they were as awkward as two ponies could be, somehow they'd spent hours of passionate lovemaking without saying anything stupid or making any embarrassing mistakes… save for the occasional gawking woodland creature. It was safe and satisfying and every surprise had been a good surprise. What more could they ask for? Fluttershy nuzzled under his chin. "Um… Big Mac?" "Mm-hmm." "Did you ever think about doing this with me before today?" "Eeyup," he answered earnestly. "Me too… a lot," she admitted. "Well, we can keep things this way, if you want." "Ya mean… as special someponies or… just the sex part." "I'd love to be special someponies with you." "Me too," he agreed quickly. He would have said yes to either proposal but the thought of having her for a fillyfriend gave him butterflies again. "It makes me really happy to hear that," she blushed. Big Mac wrapped his forelegs around her. She captured his lips with hers and they shared what felt like a wholesome first kiss. She broke away with a delicate sigh and then blinked at him in sudden realization. "Ah'm… hard again," he announced. "I definitely noticed," she replied, feeling her lower lips yawning around his fattened girth once more. "One more fer the road?" he suggested with a blush. "Yeah." She squealed in surprise as he rolled them over so he was on top. He began pumping inside her creampie with a loud, sticky squelch, churning the combined aftermath of their marathon encounter. - - - One for the road turned into two for the road which might have turned into staying the night and who knows what else if Big Mac hadn't managed to get enough blood back in his brain to fear the clock on the dresser. He warily stepped past Angel who laid next to his food dish, eyes closed and tongue hanging out, pretending to be dead from starvation. It was dusk by the time he set hoof on the squeaky porch of the old farmhouse, mane disheveled and skin tight with dried sweat and whatever else. He'd left in such a hurry, that he didn't even pause to freshen up. "Yer dinner's cold on the table," muttered Applejack grumpily from the living room recliner. "What in the hay took ya so long? Ya were s'posda help me stack the bales." Big Mac stood in the door to the entryway. There was no way he was going to tell her the truth. Not just because it was a deeply personal matter and she wouldn't want to know but because he had been absolutely bonehead irresponsible with his farm duties, tossing them right out the window to overindulge in pussy. Of course he knew he didn't have to spend three hours at Fluttershy's but he was also doubtful that Applejack would be able to make him regret it. Macintosh scratched his head nervously. "Well, it's a long story. Ah kinda said Ah'd help Fluttershy with some repair work before Ah left town. Then Ah got a busted wheel on the way home, just fell clean apart, and had ta leave the cart right there an' go back ta Ponyville. The carpenter was closed an' Ah just had ta find somepony in town with a spare wheel Ah could borrow ta fix it." He'd been working on that story the whole trip back and thought it was pretty solid. Applejack sighed with an edge of resignation. Success. "Did ya at least get all the errands done?" "Eeyup," he replied, eying the room temperature casserole and pile of green beans waiting in the other room. Another thought occurred to him. Shouldn't he at least tell her that he was seeing Fluttershy? Maybe not today, at least not in this conversation. He knew that was a quagmire for him. Anything significant in his life or on his brain tended to just stay festering in the margins indefinitely. He could never seem to find an ideal moment to share himself if it was anything more than how he felt about a movie. In the following weeks, Big Mac got up and left for town earlier on market days, sometimes even without eating. His bewildered family didn't know what to make of his newfound eagerness for pulling the apple cart and his suddenly carefree outlook. No one knew that each morning, he had a second breakfast waiting for him in Ponyville and probably a quickie, if not in the morning, then in the afternoon… or both… He'd built a sort of secondary domestic life with Fluttershy, however brief their encounters were at her cottage. She'd hang around his apple cart at the market and follow him when he did errands. She'd cook for him. He'd fix things around her house and supply her with all the apples she wanted. Considering the distance between them and their mutual workload, they got to spend plenty of time together but it still never seemed to be enough for the lovesick pair. One morning Macintosh parked his wagon outside the cottage as he usually did. He knocked on Fluttershy's door, still nearly trembling with excitement. The mare answered promptly but with a strangely forced smile that set him on edge. Nonetheless she welcomed him in and they kissed passionately. "Breakfast is already on the table," she chimed, leading him to the kitchen. The two sat across from each other. His spot had toast, juice, oatmeal, a muffin and a banana. Hers simply had oatmeal and orange juice. Having only grabbed a granola bar for the trip to town, Big Mac dug in ravenously while Fluttershy just seemed to stare at her bowl in deep concern. "Somethin'... wrong?" He mumbled through a mouthful of crumbs. She looked up at him and gave the same forced smile he got at the door. "Um, well, yes. There is something important I need to tell you." She swallowed and then took a swig of juice when it felt like her throat was closing up. "Do- do you remember several weeks ago when we started dating after we had sex all day?" "Eeyup," he nodded cautiously, trying to gauge where exactly this conversation was going. She laughed nervously. "And we were so swept away that we didn't care to use any form of birth control?" "Eeeeeeee…" his face went slack. - - - "Why were ya keepin' this a secret from yer family?" Applejack lambasted the stallion. "Ah wasn't keepin' it a secret," he shot back. "Ah just wasn't sure how ta tell ya at first and then Ah just… forgot Ah guess." Applejack facehooved. "Lansakes," she muttered. "Only you could forget such a thing." "Are ya angry Ah'm with Fluttershy?" "No," she scoffed, still clearly angry about something. "Good, 'Cuz Ah ain't even got ta the hard part yet." He paused partly to steel his nerves for what he was about to say and partly to see if he needed to say anything at all. Applejack waited impatiently, watching her brother's contagiously sober expression. Then suddenly her face tightened with grave seriousness "No…" she breathed. "Eeyup." A glacial silence passed between them, every second more felt like a shovel load of gravel burying him alive. "How long have ya been datin' exactly." He looked away. "Well Ah don't exactly see how that's important." Her eyes fluttered with dry derision. "'Bout a month and a half," he blushed. She raised an eyebrow, not even needing to do the math. "Hope ya at least bought her dinner first." Big Mac screwed up his face in annoyance. "Ah'm here tellin' ya this because this is serious… life changin'." "Well, ya told me," she shrugged. "Mah question now is what are ya gonna do about it?" He sighed. "Ah wanna be with her but Ah can't just up and leave the farm," he declared. "Agreed," she nodded vehemently. "But the farm's big enough fer her and the baby and-" "A baby," gasped Apple Bloom from around the doorframe. "That's what this is about? Are we gettin' a new sibling?" Applejack laughed weakly. "It would be our niece or nephew, Apple Bloom." - - - Big Mac hauled a rumbling wagon stuffed with smaller and infirm animals. A very pregnant Fluttershy laid on the open tailgate coaxing a trailing procession of other creatures down the road as they rolled along. A flock of various birds swooped and fluttered overhead. "We're almost there," she encouraged cheerily. "Moving is rough at first but there will be so much more space and new friends." Countless apple trees flanked the strange caravan on both sides as they finally made it to the Apple's family farm. The wagon coasted carefully to a stop and Big Mac unhitched himself. He went to the back of the wagon to help Fluttershy down to the ground. The Mare blinked confusedly when she looked ahead and saw the farmhouse still some distance away, or rather they'd passed it by. "Oh, why'd we stop here?" Big Mac smiled and pointed a hoof behind her. Fluttershy turned and gasped as the host of animals began to chitter excitedly. Before her was a new structure with unfinished wood walls that looked strikingly similar in design to her cottage. “Surprise. Ain't finished yet but when it is, that's where we're gonna live.” “It's so wonderful,” she gushed, nearly coming to tears. “C'mon,” he cocked his head toward the house. The two walked through the doorless opening and into the empty but blossoming domicile. A few woodland creatures wandered over curiously to inspect the surrounding area. “Far enough from the house fer privacy,” declared Big Mac proudly, “room fer the animals outside and big enough inside fer three.” Fluttershy marveled dreamily at every corner of the naked interior. It had the same floorplan and though it was blank and skeletal in some places, she could see her cottage in it. “Did you build this whole thing by yourself? “Nope,” he laughed. “Ah’m good but Ah ain't that good.” “This is such an amazing surprise.” She rubbed her side up against his with a clumsy late pregnancy poise. “I'll have to give you an amazing surprise later…” She grinned with tenuous faith in her flirtatious quip, then impatiently clarified, “The surprise is sex.” “Ah know he's dumb as a brick but Ah think he got it the first time,” interjected a voice dryly. Mortified, the two looked through an open wall of upright studs where his sister, Applejack stood over a pair of sawhorses, measuring a sheet of drywall. The horny, soon to be parents exchanged red-faced glances and laughed sheepishly.