Octavia's Inspection

by SubBasementQ

First published

Octavia gets called to Principal Celestia's office for an in depth inspection.

Occasionally, Principal Celestia feels that the participants in Canterlot High's special Senior Class disciplinary program may need some extra assistance. To that end, periodically a student is selected for a more... intimate inspection. Today, it's Octavia's turn.

Set in the Preliminary Tour universe.

Cover art by SuccubiSamus

Crushing It

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Octavia looked down at the pass she held in her hand as she approached Canterlot High's office. It had been given to her in homeroom when school had started that day.

To: Octavia Melody

You have been selected for a Special Disciplinary Program Inspection. Please report to the Principal's office in lieu of your fifth period class. Your instructor has been notified that you will not be attending today and will excuse you from any homework assigned.

The teen cellist’s throat was dry as she made her way through the halls. She had heard of the special inspections, of course. Everyone had. Sometimes, whenever a faculty member, or a member of the administrative staff thought a student may need a reassessment of how many releases they were required to have in the case of a rules infraction, Principal Celestia or Vice Principal Luna would conduct a special inspection to see if a reassessment was necessary.

These inspections were rumored to be more elaborate than the usual type, which usually involved Principal Celestia, Vice Principal Luna, or Nurse Redheart taking a “manual reading” of the student’s genitals to see if there was any excess tension that required one or more releases.

They were Octavia’s favorite part of the whole process. Especially if Principal Celestia was the one inspecting her.

She would never admit it to anyone, of course, but Octavia had a massive crush on the principal. Everything from the older woman’s height to her pastel streaked hair, to her firm but fair authoritarian manner caused butterflies in Octavia’s stomach… and several other places.

Many were the nights she fantasized with her hand between her legs about Celestia teaching her lessons that weren’t part of the approved curriculum. Or maybe she would have Octavia bent over a desk in a classroom, a ruler ready to deal out some necessary discipline to her student for having such indecent and naughty thoughts about her. Barely a month went by that Octavia awoke with sticky thighs and ruined panties from a wet dream featuring Celestia in some way.

One of those times was last week. The dream had involved Celestia forcing her to perform with her cello stark naked, while sitting with a large dildo lodged firmly up her behind, which vibrated in time with the music.

She had needed extra time in the shower that morning to clean up, which was promptly undone that afternoon when she nearly ran Celestia down in the hall. The principal had been giving Twilight Sparkle a tour of the school and had decided to inspect Octavia right then and there in the hall. Sliding her hand down the front of the teen girl’s panties, squeezing and fondling and rubbing and –

Octavia shook her head, snapping herself out of the memory and continuing down the hall. The point was that, even though she had gone through her full series of six releases when she got back to class, as Celestia had ordered, it had still taken Octavia a couple of hours to herself at home after school to fully calm down.

And now? Now she was going to get an inspection that, by all accounts, was going to be even MORE intensive than that one. Octavia stopped at a drinking fountain to wet her parched mouth. Her mind raced with the possibilities, each more lewd than the one before as the cool water slid down her throat.

“Stop being silly,” she told herself. “It probably won’t be much more than what you’ve already done. Stop being such a bloody needy twerp.”

She stood up, straightened her vest and skirt and quickly made her way to Principal Celestia’s office. She knocked on the door.

“Come in!”

Octavia opened the door and poked her head around it. “You wanted to see me, Principal Celestia?”

“Ah, yes, Octavia,” Celestia confirmed, putting the coffee mug she was drinking from down on the desk. “Come in and sit down.”

Octavia complied, sitting primly in the chair facing the desk. Celestia closed the laptop she was working on and placed it in a drawer of the desk.

“Now, do you know why you’re here?” she asked.

“The note I was given said I’d been selected for a special inspection,” Octavia answered.

Celestia nodded. “I noticed last week when we had our little collision in the halls that you seemed a bit more agitated than the situation warranted. I also talked to Ms. Inkwell after school and she said that even after your full series of releases, you still seemed somewhat stressed.”

Not stressed, Octavia thought. Hornier than a junkyard cat, more like. Aloud, she said:

“I’m sorry, Principal Celestia.”

“Oh, there’s no need to apologize!” Celestia said brightly. “These things happen, especially at your age. That’s the whole point of the release program. But I figured I should probably check you out and see if we need to reassess things, since your normal amount of releases didn’t seem to help in this case.

“Anyway,” she continued, “Do you know what the special inspection entails?”

“Not really,” Octavia said. “No one I know who's ever had one has really talked about it in detail.”

“Oh it’s very simple. Not much different than some of the preliminaries when Nurse Redheart does the assessments every semester. What will happen is you will remove your clothing, then I will check your body for any unusual amounts of tension, and from there determine whether a reassessment is necessary. Now, this may take a little longer than the usual inspections do, but that’s just so we can be absolutely sure whether a reassessment is necessary. Understand?”

Octavia tried to keep her face neutral, while inside her head she was screaming She’s going to see me naked! She’s going to TOUCH ME! Oh my god, it’s Christmas!

She opened her mouth to speak, couldn’t get the words out, then cleared her throat and composed herself. “Yes, perfectly, Principal Celestia.”

“Any questions before we begin?”

Octavia shook her head. “Everything seems straightforward to me.”

“All right,” Celestia stood up from her desk. “Stand up and take your clothes off, please.”

Octavia got to her feet, shrugging off her vest as she did so. She wasn't really nervous; she had stripped naked in class dozens of times when she needed to have a release, but somehow, this felt a lot more intimate than when she was standing or sitting naked in front of a class of her fellow students and repeatedly orgasming.

She took a deep breath and kicked off her shoes, then grabbed the hem of her white cotton top and pulled it over her head, revealing her simple black bra. She reached up to undo the tie collar around her neck when a snapping sound got her attention.

Celestia was putting on a pair of blue medical examination gloves. The snap had been her putting one on her left hand. She was in the process of putting the other glove on. She looked up and smiled at Octavia.

“Sorry, I hope I didn't scare you,” she said.

Octavia shook her head, and undid her collar, draping it over the back of her chair. “No, it's okay. It just surprised me.”

Celestia nodded as she finished putting on the gloves. She blinked then looked at Octavia again. “I completely forgot to ask. Are you allergic to latex? I can wash my hands and switch to vinyl gloves if you need me to?”

“No, no latex allergies.” Octavia unzipped her skirt, let it fall to the floor and stepped out of it. Her panties matched her bra: simple black cotton. She bent over, picking up her discarded top and skirt, before folding them and placing them on the seat of the chair.

She turned around and froze as she saw Celestia pull a small bottle marked “Sensogel” on the desktop. The teenager swallowed as her mind suddenly raced with images of what it could be used for.

“Octavia?” Celestia’s voice broke through her imaginings. “Everything all right?”

Octavia blinked and began reaching behind her back to undo her bra. “Yes! Sorry, Principal Celestia, my mind wandered for a moment.”

Celestia nodded. “Understandable, but we do need to get on with things if we’re going to be done by the end of the period.”

Octavia nodded and slid her bra off her shoulders. Her breasts weren’t overly large, but firm and perky. So perky, in fact, that they almost seemed to defy gravity. Octavia considered them one of her best features, which was part of the reason why she had switched from her formal attire she wore during her sophomore and junior years to something more casual. More than once she had caught a few students staring as she passed in the hallways or in the locker room, and she usually secretly delighted in those moments.

She hooked her thumbs into the waistband of her panties and pushed them down, before stepping out of them and adding them to the pile of clothes on the chair. She turned around to face Celestia once again, and took a deep breath.

“I’m ready, Principal Celestia.”

Celestia smiled and walked around the desk. “All right, I’m going to check a couple of different areas, including your breasts and other intimate places. I realize this whole thing is a little more… invasive than you may be used to, so I’ll be taking that into account as to whether or not you’ll need a reassessment, okay?”

“Okay,” Octavia answered.

“All right. I need you to put your hands on your head, please.”

Octavia complied and swallowed as Celestia stepped behind her. She caught a whiff of the principal’s perfume and resisted the urge to sigh in delight. She felt Celestia’s latex covered fingers rest on her shoulders and squeeze slightly. With each squeeze, Octavia felt the muscles shift and relax as Celestia worked her over. She fought the urge to moan from the sensations and the reality of one of her secret fantasies finally coming true.

Celestia’s hand’s left her shoulders and ran her fingers down the teenager’s spine, causing goosebumps to rise on Octavia’s arms and legs. She shivered slightly as the thrill ran up her spine and gasp escaped her lips.

“Breathe, Octavia,” said Celestia softly, removing her hands. “We’ll be done soon.”

Octavia took a couple of deep breaths, then glanced over her shoulder at her principal. “I’m okay. You can go ahead.”

Celestia stepped closer behind Octavia, causing the girl to blush as she sensed how close Celestia was to her and how exposed she was. She let out another gasp as Celestia’s hands came around and rested on her breasts.

“Shhh, relax,” Celestia whispered in her ear. “This is for your own good. I’m sure you understand that.”

“Y-yes, Principal Celestia,” Octavia whispered back. She bit her bottom lip as Celestia gently squeezed her breasts. Octavia felt her already hard nipples firm up even more as Celestia gently fondled her tits.

“Hmmm.” Celestia hummed, frowning in concentration. “You’re carrying a lot of tension here. Would it be all right if I massaged you a little harder? I want to see if your pectorals relax.”

“Th-that’s fine,” Octavia managed to get out. Meanwhile, her brain was screaming Oh God, please! No, no, calm down. This is professional for her. Just professional.

God, I want her hands on me forever.

Celestia stopped squeezing and slid her fingers up to the tops of the teenager’s breasts and began rubbing her fingertips in circles, pressing into the muscles under the flesh. Octavia exhaled as she felt some of her nervousness and tension melt away.

“Ohhhh,” she sighed, “That’s nice.”

Celestia smiled. “Good. Seems to have relaxed you a bit too. You can put your arms down.”

Octavia complied and Celestia’s hands rested on her shoulders briefly, before sliding down to her chest again.

“Now, I’m going to go lower, so try to stay relaxed, okay?”

“Okay,” Octavia said dreamily, enjoying the feel of Celestia’s latex covered fingers sliding across her chest. Celestia flattened her left hand and drew it back and forth across the top of Octavia’s chest, while her right began sliding down over her ribs and stomach. Octavia fought to keep from tensing up as she felt Celestia’s fingertips make contact with her pubic hair and stop.

She closed her eyes and leaned her head back, swallowing hard as Celestia stepped closer and rested her chin on Octavia’s right shoulder.

“All right, I’m going to take a look between your legs, Octavia. So be a good girl and spread them a little.”

Octavia swallowed and spread her legs slightly so she was still balanced, and moaned as Celestia’s hand slid further down and cupped her mound firmly. Several more moans and squeaks escaped the cellist’s lips as Celestia squeezed and explored her pubic region but without actually penetrating her. It was like the hallway inspection she had that brought her here today, but more intense. Little tingles and shocks were running through her legs as Celestia’s fingers danced and teased her nethers. She felt the sensations build and build, barely held back as Celestia gripped and rubbed her slit, while her other hand rested firmly but gently on her shoulder, supporting her. Letting the girl know her principal wasn’t going to let her fall.

Octavia felt her chest heave as she breathed harder and faster. She was dancing on the edge; the feeling of Celestia’s fingers mixed with her awareness of her nudity and the knowledge she was absolutely at the mercy of the older woman who had been the subject of so many late night fantasies.

Yes, she thought. Yes, take me. Touch me. Oh, God, please, please please please… right there… right therrrrreeeee…

And suddenly, the fingers were gone. Octavia’s eyes snapped open and she barely kept herself from letting out a whine of disappointment. She looked at Celestia, who had moved back to the front of the desk and was picking up the Sensogel bottle. She smiled at her.

“Only a couple more things to do and then we’ll be done,” she said softly. “But for this, I need you to put your hands flat on the desk and bend over for me, okay?”

“Yes, Principal Celestia.” Octavia put her hands on the desktop and leaned over. Celestia stepped behind her and gently gripped her hips.

“Push back just a little, please, Octavia,” she instructed, pulling slightly. Octavia’s blush returned as she adjusted her position so her bottom was sticking out. She felt Celestia’s foot gently tap the insoles of her feet, indicating she wanted the girl to spread her legs wider. Octavia complied, feeling open and exposed. She felt blood rushing to her lower lips and plumping up, spreading her folds slightly. A slight chill hit her, and she wondered if she was as wet as it seemed like it felt, or if her brain was magnifying the sensations. How many times had she dreamed of this? Being exposed and vulnerable to one of the most beautiful and authoritative women in her life? Being at her mercy. Being touched, and fondled, and caressed and –

She jumped as she felt something cold slip between her buttocks. What? Is she…? Is she going to really…?

“I’m going to feel inside you now, Octavia,” Celestia explained, confirming what Octavia suspected. Another thrill of excitement ran up the teenager’s spine, but she managed to stay in position. She had, like all the other seniors on the release program, been examined thoroughly back there by Nurse Redheart when assessment time came around, but this somehow felt both more invasive and arousing.

Octavia inhaled and swallowed hard again as she felt Celestia’s fingertips begin to rub her sphincter in small circles. The sensitive nerve endings located there caused all new types of pleasures to run through Octavia’s body. And for all the eroticism, much like everything that had happened so far, she also found it oddly soothing. She felt the muscle begin to relax, and couldn’t help but let out something between a moan and a sigh as Celestia’s finger penetrated her ass and slid inside her. Celestia rotated her finger a bit as she slid the digit further into Octavia. Octavia felt her arms start to give out and she let her upper body rest on top of the principal’s desk, resting her head on her arms.

“S-sorry, Principal Celestia,” she mumbled into her folded arms. “I couldn’t hold on.”

Behind her, Celestia let out a quiet chortle. “That’s all right, Octavia. Just relax. You’re very tense back here. Let’s see if we can get you to loosen up.”

“Ohhhh!” Octavia moaned again as a second finger joined the first and began sawing back and forth inside her. Octavia clenched her fists and fought the urge to reach between her legs and increase the pleasure she was feeling.

“There we are. You’re doing so well,” Celestia soothed. She rested her other hand lightly on the small of Octavia’s back, lightly drawing her fingers up and down the girl’s spine in time with the thrusting of her fingers inside her student’s anus.

Once again, Octavia felt the pleasure build into a wave that threatened to overwhelm her. She could feel the tingles building in her groin and legs, radiating from her plundered hole. She was feeling lightheaded and euphoric. She was going to cum. She was going to cum right here. Celestia was going to make her cum just from fingering her ass and it was going to be so so soooo –

The pleasant fullness in her ass was quickly removed. This time Octavia couldn’t prevent the frustrated whine and she looked over her shoulder. Celestia was removing the glove from her right hand, dropping it into the trash. She looked at Octavia with concern.

“Are you doing okay?”

No, I’m bloody well NOT doing okay! Came the unbidden thought. I need to cum! I need you to treat me like the wanton hussy I am and make me cum on your fingers while you tell me that I'm a bad, bad girl!

“I’m… fine,” she answered, trying not to let her frustration show.

“We’re almost finished, so please stay in that position a little longer.” Celestia said, coming back around and pulling a fresh glove out of her desk. “Just one more thing to check.”

Octavia re-positioned her arms so she was resting on her elbows with her arms folded. Celestia snapped on a fresh glove and walked back behind her student. Octavia inhaled when she felt the principal’s hand gently rest on her right buttock. She could feel Celestia leaning over her, and then her voice gently invaded her ear, sending sharp tingles directly to her crotch.

“And once we’re done, perhaps we can see about a release, hm? You’ve been a very good girl and I think you could use one or two before I send you off to lunch. Would you like that, Octavia?”

Octavia’s mouth went dry and she could only nod and let out an inarticulate squeak of approval. Behind her, Celestia smiled and slid her right hand down so her first two fingers were lightly pressed against the girl’s slit. Her lower lips parted easily, but Celestia held off before fully penetrating her. She could feel Octavia’s heat through the latex of the glove and her folds were damp with desire.

“My, my,” Celestia gently teased. “You DO need a release, don’t you? I supposed I got you all worked up during this inspection.”

“Y-yes, Principal Celesti-AHHH,” Octavia agreed, her voice raising an octave as Celestia slid her fingers into her eager pussy. She bit her lip sharply to keep from crying out as Celestia moved her fingers in and out, rotating and pressing against her inner walls. And then, a sharp shock rocketed from between her legs as the principal crooked her finger and brushed the ridged area of flesh right behind Octavia’s clit.

“OH FFFFF-” Octavia gasped around her clenched teeth, which still held her lower lip firmly between them.

“Language!” Celestia chided, rotating her hand and lightly brushing Octavia’s walls again. “You’ve been so good so far, Octavia. You don’t want to be a bad girl right here at the end, do you?”

Octavia nodded rapidly. She was rapidly approaching the edge again, and was sure she would go crazy if she wasn’t allowed to go over this time. Her hips began to rock against Celestia’s hand, instinct trying to force the orgasm she was so desperate to have.

But Celestia wasn’t having it. Not yet, anyway. She stopped moving her fingers, keeping them inside the teen’s sodden pussy.

“Clench around my fingers, please, Octavia,” she ordered, her voice gentle but brooking no nonsense either.

Octavia put her palms flat on the desk again and pushed her upper body back up. She focused and Celestia smiled as she felt the girl’s pelvic muscles tighten around her fingers. Octavia held it for a few seconds, then relaxed.

“And again,” Celestia said. “This time hold it for as long as you can.”

Octavia complied and Celestia began moving her fingers back and forth, pushing through the clenched muscles. Octavia let out another moan, her teeth finally releasing their grip on her bottom lip. Her mind was awash in lewd images and near incoherent pleas that she was just barely able to keep to herself.

Make me cum. Please make me cum. I need it! I neeeeeed to cum! Please? Please? I’ve been good. I can be soooooo good! Just make me cum! Make me cum and I’ll do anything you want! PLEAAAAAASE!

“And relax!” Celestia said. Octavia did and, once again, the principal’s fingers withdrew without giving her satisfaction and this time Octavia couldn’t keep from groaning as she was once again stranded on the edge. Her clit was throbbing and she felt like gallons of her juices were dripping down her legs.

“You can stand up now,” Celestia said. Octavia did and turned around to look up at the principal. Celestia gave her an understanding smile, as she looked over the nude teen.

Octavia’s face was flushed and her eyes were glazed over with desire. Her fingers twitched, a clear sign that she was trying desperately to not finish things herself. Her nipples were fully erect and rock hard. Her vaginal lips were swollen and protruding, looking for anything that could penetrate them again. She looked like she had been put through the wringer and ready to collapse.

Celestia fully intended to help her with her condition, but protocol had to be observed. She folded her arms and smiled.

“Well, everything seems to be in order. I don’t think you’ll need another assessment, but you really do need to learn to slow down a little. Don’t overwork yourself with your extracurriculars, and try to be more mindful of your stress levels, okay?”

Octavia didn’t answer, but nodded her head so fast it was almost vibrating. Celestia glanced up at the clock.

“Well, it looks like we have just enough time to give you a couple of nice releases before your lunch break. Would you like to handle that yourself, or would you like me to help?”

“YES!” Octavia practically shouted, before she remembered herself and repeated “yes” in a quieter tone and she blushed again, this time out of embarrassment.

Celestia, mercifully, ignored the outburst. “All right. Sit on top of my desk, please, and spread your legs.”

Octavia complied, swallowing as she exposed herself to the older woman. Celestia stepped forward between Octavia’s knees and once again, placed her palm flat against the younger girl’s pussy. She gently squeezed and rubbed the area, causing Octavia to moan loudly.

“Lean back,” Celestia ordered. “Use your arms to brace yourself.”

Octavia placed her hands behind her, palms once again flat on the desk. She leaned her upper body back, bracing her arms to hold her in position. This caused her chest to push out slightly, making her breasts seem even more perky and prominent.

“Are you ready?” Celestia asked.

Octavia’s manic nod returned. “Yes… yes, please, Principal Celestia. Please? I need it! Please help me cu – release!”

Celestia grinned openly at Octavia remembering to use the proper terminology used as part of Special Disciplinary Program. She placed her first two fingers at the teenager’s slit and drew them slowly up and down, causing Octavia to shiver in anticipation.

“Good girl,” she said. “Just let it wash over you. You don’t need to hold back. Do whatever feels right, okay?”

“Oh-o-ooookaaaAAAAAAAY!” Octavia managed to gasp right as Celestia slid her fingers deep inside her. Octavia threw her head back and closed her eyes as the administrator’s fingers quickly began to pound her pussy. This wasn’t anything like the inspection before. This was hard, ruthless efficiency with only one goal: make the tormented teenage girl orgasm as fast and as hard as possible.

The wave of pleasure that had tormented Octavia so many times came rushing back. Her tits bounced with every thrust. Her pussy felt inflamed and so overstimulated, it was clenching Celestia’s fingers as they moved in and out. She began bucking her hips up to meet Celestia’s thrusts, all other thoughts banished, all embarrassment gone, lost in the primal need to cum as hard as she could.

Feelings that only increased when she felt Celestia’s thumb rest on her exposed clit and begin to rub it in time with the relentless pumping. Octavia let out a howl of pleasure, unable to form words, as the new sensations only served to make the wave climb ever higher and higher.

But she still couldn’t quite get over the edge. Maybe she had been teased too long, or the constant interruptions had caused something to short circuit, but she found herself practically screaming in frustration that she still wasn’t able to find the relief her body was craving. She let out another half-cry, half-groan that signified her frustrated desire.

Celestia, having seen this kind of thing before with other special inspections, knew what to do to help the girl over the edge she was stuck on.

“May I touch your breasts again, Octavia?”

“Please…” Octavia’s voice was a hoarse whisper. “Oh, please. I need it. I need it. Please?”

Celestia took her left hand and gently squeezed Octavia’s tit, palming the nipple. The new sensations rushed through the cellist, and her eyes rolled back in her head and another harsh groan escaped her lips. Celestia redoubled her efforts, working Octavia’s lower regions even more vigorously and switching back and forth between her breasts, squeezing the flesh and occasionally pinching her nipples.

Octavia’s eyes popped open as she realized the wave was starting to crash down on her. Her legs locked up and her hips thrust forward, shoving Celestia’s fingers as deep inside her as possible. Her thighs began to quiver and her whole body shuddered as the orgasm that had been building for so long finally broke through.

She let out an inarticulate cry of pleasure and relief as the sensations rushed through her. She started to feel light headed and she had no idea what words were coming out of her mouth as she came, if they were even words and not just random sounds. As she started to come down from the rush, her arms gave out and she crashed on her back onto the desk, sending Celestia’s coffee mug to the floor, where it luckily landed on the rug, saving it from shattering on the tile.

“Oooohhhh, yesssssss,” Octavia whispered as her body continued to enjoy the little aftershocks that went through her. Her eyes closed halfway and she started to feel like she could sleep for hours.

Celestia, however, had other plans.

After giving Octavia a moment to catch her breath, she went back to fingering the girl's pussy and thumbing her clit. The renewed sensations caused Octavia’s eyes to pop back open and she looked up at her principal in confusion.

“You need another release,” Celestia explained. “One more just to clear you out. Just relax. I’ll handle everything.”

Octavia propped herself on her elbows and swallowed as she felt everything building again. Celestia was relentless, working her pussy even harder. It wasn’t long before she was back on the edge, not as intense as it was before, but definitely there. She was beyond the capability of speech now, breathing hard through her mouth as she stared up at the older woman who was so intent on wringing every drop of desire out of her.

“Ready for one more?” Celestia asked.

“Uh-huh,” Octavia gasped, unable to say anything more coherent. “Uh-huh.”

“Good.” Celestia brought her left hand down and used it to stimulate Octavia’s clit once more, while her right began pumping even faster. Octavia moaned and found her hips involuntarily bucking up again to meet the motions.

“That’s it,” Celestia said soothingly. “Let it out. Release for me, Octavia. Be a good girl and let it go. I know you can do it. Release. Release! Right now!”

The shudder started in her groin and quickly spread to the rest of her body. Octavia collapsed on the desk again and hissed out a stuttering breath between her teeth as her body trembled with a less violent but no less satisfying orgasm. Celestia slid her fingers from her student’s slit and began shucking off the gloves.

After a moment, Octavia came back to herself and Celestia helped her sit up on the desk, before handing her a bottle of water. The teenager gratefully took it and sucked down half the bottle before taking a deep breath. She looked up at Celestia.

“Thank you, Principal Celestia,” she said.

“It was my pleasure. And I think that pretty much –”

At that moment, the bell rang, signifying the end of the period.

“Just in time,” Celestia grinned. She helped Octavia to her feet and pulled a small towel from her upper desk drawer. “Here. Use this to clean up, then you need to get dressed if you’re going to have time for lunch. You’re probably famished.”

Octavia opened her mouth to reply, but was cut off when her stomach growled. Both women laughed.

“Yes, I guess I am,” said Octavia.

She cleaned herself up and dressed quickly, dropping the towel in a large plastic bag Celestia had also pulled out of the drawer. The principal then went to her office door and put a hand on the handle. She handed Octavia a card.

“Special hall pass, just in case,” she explained. “If you like, you can use the showers in the girls’ locker room either now or after lunch. Show this to Coach Spitfire if there’s a problem and this will also allow you to get back to your sixth period class.”

“Thank you,” said Octavia.

“I hope the rest of your day is… pleasant,” Celestia said.

“I’m sure it will be,” Octavia answered.

Celestia began turning the handle but before she could open the door, Octavia rushed forward and planted a kiss on the principal’s lips, causing Celestia to freeze up. Octavia quickly broke the contact and rushed out of the office, her face bright red. Celestia stared after her, dumbfounded.

She was still standing there, just as red faced, when Luna walked up to her office door. The younger sister looked at Celestia, then at the retreating form of Octavia down the hall. She rolled her eyes and folded her arms.

“God damn it, Tia. Again?”