> Selective Service, Volume I > by Some Leech > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Issue 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “I’m going - Jeez!” Vise Grip groused, leering over her shoulder as she stepped into the opening elevator. Turning in the cramped confines of the lift, she glowered up at the titanic unicorn who trotted in behind her. Standing a full head taller than herself, with a grey mane, crimson bodysuit, and a pair of chilling blue eyes, the colossus eyed her before igniting his horn and pressing a button on the wall. Finding herself around somepony as intimidating as the giant would have been unsettling in and of itself, but he wasn’t just some big pony - no, he was Blister Wing, the notorious right hoof of one of the most dastardly villains in all of Equestria. As she shuffled over to give herself a bit of room, he quirked a brow. “Come now, I don’t bite - that is unless you’re into that sort of thing.” Scrunching her nose and looking away, she petulantly stomped a hoof. “Pervert…” If somepony that morning had told her that she’d find herself in the nefarious clutches of a criminal organization, she would have laughed in their face for a number of reasons. First and foremost, she was a hard working, upstanding citizen who didn’t want anything to do with the hijinks of caped heroes and ne’er-do-wells - secondly and even more prudently, though she kept her nose out of it, her brother, Torque Wrench, was a well known and well respected champion of justice. The elevator shuttered and she began to descend, prompting her to reflexively lift her gaze from the floor. She had to admit, the bad guys definitely had an eye for keeping things tidy. The polished metal of the walls, ceiling, and the corridors she’d been led through had been spotless - so spotless that she could see her reflection quite clearly in the closed set of sliding doors in front of her. Peering at herself and brushing a lock of violet mane away from her face, she gave a deep, disheartened sigh while she thought back to how she’d gotten into this mess. Her day had started like any other: she’d gotten up, made a bit of breakfast, told herself she wouldn’t step on the scale in her bathroom, did so anyways, then left her apartment grumbling about her weight. While she wasn’t the biggest fan of living in Maretropolis, especially since there’d been a growing number of powerful evildoers and crime fighters appearing seemingly from nowhere, it had a few perks. Considering she worked at her brother’s shop, his civilian cover for when he wasn’t gallivanting around in a catsuit, she thought she had it pretty easy - well, she had thought she’d had it pretty easy. Before she could even get to her job that morning, having just picked up a danish and a coffee from a delightful little cafe she regularly frequented, she was mortified to find herself facing Blister Wing and a duo of Aco-Lights, the nameless goons employed by Burner Visor. Though she’d initially thought that they were paying her a visit because of her brother, possibly in an attempt to threaten him, she was somewhat relieved when the mountain of an evil unicorn had freely and somewhat perplexingly told her that she was going to work for them; she’d politely refused their offer, of course, but the sinister stallion had been quite insistent - in that she’d been thrown into a carriage and whisked away to the scoundrel’s base. As the lift ground to a halt, shifting around her, her stomach growled and snapped her back to the present. “Hey,” she griped, craning her neck up at Blister, “so are you guys going to at least give me breakfast?” The stallion grimaced and waved for her to proceed through the open door. “If you behave, I may be able to arrange something.” She trotted out and into a yawning hallway, marveling at the sheer size of the facility - of course, she couldn’t have a true idea of how big the place was, but it seemed massive. She suspected that the structure was underground, because the elevator she’d just stepped off of had gone down and not up, but that raised a number of questions. The carriage she’d been kidnapped in had blackout windows, making it impossible for her to tell exactly where she’d been brought, yet she’d found herself in what appeared to be the lower floor of a parking garage. “Ahem -” Blister loudly coughed, drawing her eye. “If you’re done being awestruck, follow me.” Holding her ground as the stallion passed, she petulantly closed her eyes and turned up her nose. “Follow me ~ what?” Blister froze, his eyes widening and jaw hanging open slightly. “You can’t be serious. I am not going to say ‘follow me please’.” “Well since you asked nicely,” she chirped, trotting back up to his side. He groaned beside her and shook his head, bringing a smile to her face. She may have been outnumbered dozens if not hundreds to one, had an utter lack of any special abilities, and was a bit out of shape for her age, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t be a pain in the flank to her captors. Walking along next to him, she turned her head from side to side and drank in the sights.  Had her brother not been a hero, she would have gone from mildly concerned to downright terrified - fortunately for her, that wasn’t the case. It would only be a matter of time until Torque found out she’d been shanghaied, and when that happened - whoa-boy, he was going to mop the floor with Burner Visor, Blister Wing, and anypony else who got in his way. As she followed her hulking host around a corner, the scent of something delectable wafted to her nose. “Hey - um - do you guys have a cafeteria?” she quipped. Without breaking his pace, he glanced over at her. “Of course we do. With nearly four dozen Aco-Lights to feed, not to mention the maintenance staff, we couldn’t operate without -” “Can I get something for breakfast?” she interrupted, bringing him to a screeching halt. He wheeled around to face her and affixed her with his piercing, icy gaze. “Oh I’m so sorry! Would you prefer something sweet or something savory?” “Something sweet, please,” she beamed. “And if I could get a - wait, you’re just pulling my leg!” she protested, watching a sinister smirk split his features. “It’s called sarcasm - besides, you don’t even work here yet,” Blister chuckled. Genuinely disheartened, recalling the raspberry danish she’d dropped on the sidewalk not an hour earlier, she stifled a whimper and hung her head. “Fine…” “Ugh -” he groaned, pinching the bridge of his snout with a forehoof. “If I get you a donut - one, single donut, will you stop complaining and just behave yourself?” Her spirit instantly lifted and her mouth began to water. “Can it be cream filled? Please tell me you have cream filled ones!” “Follow me,” he grunted, trotting past her in the direction they’d come from, “and don’t mention a word of this to Burner Visor ~ got it?” Lifting and running a forehoof by her lips, she gave a firm nod. “My lips are sealed, Blister.” “Blister Wing,” he frustratedly corrected. “Blister Wing, got it,” she noted. To her abject shock, the forbidding unicorn actually kept to his word, leading her to a cafeteria that would have made some restaurants look shabby in comparison! Aco-Lights sat around tables eating breakfast and sipping coffee, there were a number of kitchen staff working a serving line, and they even had one of those fancy pop machines that let you mix different flavors! She wasn’t a fan of villains and she likely never would be, but she could see why ponies didn’t mind knocking over banks or stealing jewels if they got to work in a place like this. The good news was that she was able to get both a cream filled donut and a coffee, arguing that having a donut without coffee is even more heinous than robbing an art exhibit - the bad news was that she was firmly told that she’d have to eat it on the go. With the confection in one wing and a steaming cup of java in the other, she trotted along beside Blister while silently studying him. She’d heard all sorts of stories about the villain, including a few from her brother, but he was even bigger and more menacing than the tales made him out to be. Looking forward when the lumbering titan slowed, seeing a pair of underlings salute by an immense, opening door, she swallowed hard. Blister Wing may have had an infamous reputation, but Burner Visor was apparently one of the nastiest ponies around. As her eyes settled on a ruby-maned, amber-clad figure standing on a raised dais at the center of the cavernous chamber before her, a cold shiver ran up her spine. “Blister Wing, my most faithful and arguably most competent minion, welcome,” the pony boomed, motioning for his second in command to enter. “I presume your little venture was successful?” “It was, sir,” Blister proudly announced, slamming a forehoof to his chest and giving a bow. Burner’s mirth almost instantly faded as he swung his attention over to Vise. “And this is?” “Vise Grip, sir,” Blister explained. Tentatively lifting and waving a forehoof, taking care not to drop her donut or her coffee, Vise put on the bravest face she could muster. “Uh - hello.” “Blister, is there a reason she brought food into my sanctum?” Burner coolly asked. Blister inched back and dipped his head. “My apologies, sir. She - uh - I was concerned that the stress of being abducted and being brought here may impact her blood sugar. It would be difficult to put her to work if she wound up in the infirmary, sir.” “Quite,” Burner murmured, sounding wholly unconvinced. Waving his Blister aside, he slowly trotted around her while looking her up and down. “Frankly, I don’t believe her blood sugar would be an issue, given her physique.” Knitting her brow, she shifted to face him. “What’s that supposed to mean?” “It means you appear to have a rather healthy appetite for somepony who’s supposedly quite a skillful mechanist,” he countered. Locking eyes with him, she sneered. He may have been a fraction of Blister Wing’s size, but Burner Visor was one of the most legendary villains on the continent - heck, even outside of the continent. Aside from successfully blackmailing not one but two of the Princesses, getting hundreds of thousands of bits not to release some unknown, scandalous information on the alicorns, he’d somehow managed to send all the bushwoolies in the world to some far flung, long forgotten island purely because they were ugly! He was, without a doubt, the worst of the worst, and now he had his sights set on her. “Sir, I assure you, her reputation speaks for itself,” Blister hastily added. “Darn tootin’,” she added, holding a hoof to her bosom. Burner sighed and shook his head as he steadily trotted back to the podium. “I’ll not have some out of shape greasemonkey eating us out of house and home. Blister, would you kindly -” “Right, because the mare with a few extra pounds can’t know what she’s doing with a spanner,” she bitterly laughed. “If you think you can find somepony who can replace the crystal matrix of an airship with nothing but a spanner, bubble gum wrappers, and a bobby pin - by all means, be my guest and send me home! It’s not like I want to work on your stupid -” “Hah - Ha ha - Aaaahahaha!” Burner maniacally laughed, his voice echoing and sounding even more ominous. “You’re either extremely bold or exquisitely foolish - whatever the case may be, though you’re a bit of a dairy cow compared to our last engineer, I hope you’re prepared to put your bits where your mouth is. Blister!” Blister jumped and snapped a salute. “Sir?” “Show our pudgy little guest to her quarters and put her to work,” Burner mused, peeking back at her and sending power into his horn, “but be sure that the cafeteria staff put her on a diet.” “H…hey!” she bleated as her partially finished donut and coffee were magically plucked from her grasp. “I wasn’t finished with those!” Moments from jumping into the air to retrieve her purloined breakfast, she stopped dead when she noticed Blister frowning and slowly shaking his head at her. The huge unicorn may have literally kidnapped her not an hour prior, but there was something about his reaction that set her nerves on edge - almost like he was trying to warn her. Grumbling and cursing under her breath, biting back the urge to say something that could and in all likelihood would make her situation worse, she took a deep breath to calm her frazzled nerves. “Come,” Blister solemnly intoned, moving by her and to the exit. She did he asked silently and without question. It was only then, trotting out of what she had to assume was Burner’s lair, that the gravitas of her position began to settle upon her. She didn’t know where she was, she was in the heart of what had to be a subterranean fortress, and there was no way for her to know when or how easily she’d be rescued. With her mood darkening and eyes on the floor, her melancholy deepend as the alluring aroma of the cafeteria grew stronger. “It would be wise not to make a fuss around him,” Blister muttered. “I’ll bear that in mind,” she seethed, not lifting her head. “So you’re actually going to have me repair stuff for you?” Making a left hand turn, the behemoth snorted. “What else would we do with you? No offense, but you’re a nopony. We may be able to squeeze a few bits from your family, sure, but the work you could do - will do is far more valuable. Now do you want another donut or not?” “Another…” she trailed off, peeking up and realizing he’d led her back to the dining hall. “Yes, that would be nice.” The slight smile on his face clashed violently with his baleful aesthetic, yet it appeared genuine. “And what do we say?” “Thanks,” she whispered, unable to keep the corners of her lips from turning up. She had no doubt that he was a bad apple, rotten to the core, although he may - may not have been as awful as his employer. Somewhere deep down inside him, probably buried under all the questionable things he’d done in the past, was some sliver of decently. His frankly kind gesture of replacing her breakfast for a second time would have been enough to make her feel a bit better, but it was what he’d said that that gave her real hope. Initially, just after she’d been abducted, she’d feared that she would be held hostage to lure out Hope Hurricane, her brother’s heroic persona, but neither Burner nor Blister seemed to know that she was related to him. As unfathomable as it may have been, going against the odds by an astronomical margin, it appeared as though she was merely a victim of circumstance - something she had every intention of keeping that way. When she finally got free, either escaping on her own or being rescued, she’d be sure to buy a lottery ticket to counterbalance her abysmal luck. “You’re welcome,” he breathed almost imperceptibly, levitating the donut and java over to her. With beverage and snack held in her wings, she trailed him out and in a new direction. One particularly unfortunate thing about her predicament was that, even if she was somehow able to elude her captors, she’d have no idea where to go! The base, so far as she could tell, was huge and almost definitely consisted of different levels, effectively leaving her trapped in a maze. Blister moved at a slow, methodical pace, Blister her down a number of hallways until he came to a halt before a nondescript metal door. “And here you are. There are uniforms in the dresser, toiletries in the bathroom, and the bed is freshly made. I’d advise you to get changed as soon as you’re finished eating.” Vise opened the door and peeked inside, more confused and curious than ever. She would have thought that menials had group housing, living in racks of bunks like cannon fodder, but she’d been wrong - pleasantly wrong. The room - her room, though sparsely furnished and rather spartan, had a bed, dresser, desk, nightstand, and what looked to be a bathroom in the back. “Mmmph - Cough,” she choked, beating her breast to get the mouthful of donut down. “So I get this place all to myself?” “Vise,” Blister sighed, “we’re villains - not monsters. I’ll have one of the techs meet you here shortly.” He gave her no time to reply, briskly trotting past her with the hope that she’d obey his command. All things considered, she was stunned by just how well she’d been treated - well, aside from the whole kidnapping thing. Wandering into her quarters and giving herself a look around, she drifted to the dresser and pulled one drawer open. She instantly groaned as she was met with a sea of drab, completely boring uniforms. It only made sense that she’d be expected to wear the same thing as everypony else, but more than just her sense of fashion had been rubbed the wrong way. Cramming the final bite of her donut in her snout, she set her coffee down and reached behind herself with a wing. While she would have preferred to keep her overalls and trusty tool belt, Blister had been quite clear about her avoiding Visor’s ire - as such, once she locked her door, she began to undress. Slipping out of her attire wasn’t all that hard, but that was the easy part - the hard part, the thing she knew was going to give her an issue, was something she simply couldn’t take off. Kicking the garment to the side, she started unwinding the binding wound around her abdomen. She’d always been on the curvaceous side, having been plump ever since she was a filly, but it wasn’t until she hit puberty that her body threw a monkey wrench at her - two in fact. As soon as they were freed from their restrictive confines, her weighty breasts hung heavily in the cool air. While it was easy to trot around with her bosoms bound in a pair of overalls, the form-fitting suit she had to somehow wriggle into wouldn’t be as forgiving. “Stupid - Nnnph - bucking…” she hissed under her breath, arduously drawing the jumpsuit up her legs. Her fears were realized before she could even get the article on, discovering that there wasn’t nearly enough space to accommodate her bust. The development put her in a pickle and gave her one of two options - neither of which being ideal: she could either stuff herself into the uniform and trot about looking positively ridiculous or she could put her regular work clothes on and attempt to plead her case. As she stepped out of the garment, thinking of how best to deal with her conundrum, she was hit with a bolt from the blue. Blister had told her to wear the uniform, but he hadn’t mentioned anything about modifying the uniform. Trotting over to her discarded overalls, she retrieved her trusty multitool and unfolded a miniature pair of scissors. If she was expected to wear a bodysuit - fine, she’d wear the bodysuit, but she was going to make the stupid thing comfortable. She wouldn’t have thought that doing a bit of simple tailoring wouldn’t be all that difficult, given how she routinely fiddled with clockwork mechanisms that required magnifying glasses and tweezers, yet altering the jumpsuit was far more aggravating than she initially thought it would be. Though it took nearly half an hour and two of the uniforms, cannibalizing one after an initial failed attempt, she was finally met with some modicum of success - unfortunately, she quickly discovered another problem. As soon as trotted into her bathroom and looked at her reflection, having donned her outfit, she rolled her head back and groaned. “Not my problem,” she huffed. “They’re going to have to deal with it.” Only in the purest technical sense was she adorned in her issued uniform. The one-piece garment had been transformed into something one would see at a beach instead of a workplace. Cloth covered her shoulders, forelegs, a portion of her back, and her thighs, although there were large portions of her bare hide left open. On one hoof, she’d done as she’d been asked - on the other, she looked like a buxom parody of an Aco-Light. Musing on if she had enough time to alter a third outfit, a series of knocks at her door caught her ear. “Just a second!” Briskly trotting out of the restroom and to the exit of her chamber, she folded her wings on her back and braced herself to be berated. Darned if she knew how Blister would react to seeing her innovative solution to her costume conundrum, but she wasn’t going to worry about it. Should he want her to put on a pristine uniform, he’d have to find one that actually fit her properly! She slowed as she reached the door, slid it open, and expectantly looked up at nothing. “Down here…” a delicate voice squeaked. Lowering her gaze, Vise was startled to find herself looking at either a very small mare or a filly. She’d fully anticipated finding herself facing the absolute behemoth of a unicorn who’d been at her side for the last hour or two, so suddenly encountering a mare, and a tiny one at that, left her silent. Staring down at the little earth pony, she cleared her throat when her visitor leaned over and stared at her bosoms. Shifting and trotting away, the runtish sullenly shook her head. “Burner’s not going to be happy about that…” “The outfit?” Vise asked, leaning out of the doorway. “Wait - who are you anyways?” “Trickery,” the mare called back. “You can trot and walk, so get a move on! You are that mechanic Blister brought in earlier ~ right?” Cantering out and after her pint-sized visitor, heedless of her swaying bosoms, Vise caught up with the pint-sized pony. “Yeah, unless he’s abducting multiple repairponies.” Trickery stopped at a service lift, hit the call button, and turned to face her. “Nope, you’re the only one. I hope you know a thing or two about hydraulics.” “What kind of hydraulics?” she pressed, trotting into the opening elevator after the mare. “I know a thing or two about gear and piston pumps, but I’ve only ever fiddled with one vane pump before.” Smiling up at her, the diminutive mare nodded over to a panel on the wall. “I’m sure you’ll figure it out. Hit three for me, please.” Vise reached over and tapped the third of a half-dozen buttons, causing the doors to close and the lift to begin moving. “Just out of curiosity, how old are you?” “Old enough to be giving you orders,” Tricky tittered. Pursing her lips, Vise kept her mouth shut. It was one thing to get sassed by a mare with dwarfism, but it would be quite another if she was dealing with a conscripted filly with a smart mouth. As much as she wanted to ask more questions, she decided to stay quiet and bide her time. It wasn’t long before the lift gradually stopped, opened its doors, and revealed a sprawling bay filled with miniature airships and an armored land train. “Alrighty,” the petite pony began, trotting out and pointing to the far wall of the yawning chamber. “Tools are over there, spare parts are over in that corner,” she continued, sweeping her hoof over at a stack of crates, “and that’s about that. If you can get one of these puppies up and running before nightfall, that would be fan-flipping-tastic!” With eyes widening in shock, Vise nearly stumbled over her own hooves. “Hold on, you didn’t even tell me what’s wrong with them!” “How am I supposed to know what’s wrong with them? Do I look like a mechanic to you?” Tricky laughed, stepping back and into the lift. It was at that moment that Vise realized that Tricky wasn't wearing an Aco-Light’s uniform. The outfit the mare had on was similar to the underlings’ attire, being rather drab and without flare, but there were subtle differences. Looking through the elevator’s steadily closing doors, seeing a smile creep across the mare’s snout, she cocked her head to the side. “If you’re not one of Burner’s minions,” she breathed, “you must be a -” “Villain,” Tricky giggled, winking over at her. “I’ll be back in an hour to check on you.” As the lift’s doors slammed shut, Vise mutely digested the brief exchange. She’d heard of young heroes and villains before, but they were rarely allowed to operate independently. Making a mental note to ask Blister about the possible pygmy pony, she glanced over at one of the airships. She should have - would have been more uneasy about everything that had happened to her, including the fact that she was traipsing about in what was essentially a bikini, yet her fascination for all things mechanical superseded her anxiety. Cantering over to the closest vehicle, the land train, she stepped under the gargantuan construct without having to dip her head. She’d only ever read about such monstrous machines in books before, so the prospect of getting her hooves on one, particularly a militarized one, set her mouth to water. She came to a stop under the main engine, inspected the undercarriage, and almost instantly began to notice problems. Other than an oil leak and what she’d bet was a dry-rotted fuel line, the poor behemoth was in dire need of some tender loving care - problem was, working on something so enormous wasn’t a one pony job. Rushing out from under the rolling goliath, scanning the bay, she spotted a pair of goons lingering by the supplies. There wasn’t a doubt in her mind that the Aco-Lights wouldn’t be able to tell the difference between an impact driver and a breaker bar, but she didn’t need smarts - she just needed an extra pair or two of hooves. “Hey, you - yeah, you two!” she shouted, galloping over to the duo. “Come with me.” The duo started as she approached, tensing slightly, although their focus immediately shot away from her face and down to her udders. If she had a bit for every time somepony ogled her goods, she’d be living in a penthouse suite without a care in the world - sadly, given that her rack had never earned her a single coin, she’d resorted to binding her bosoms to avoid undue and unwanted attention. Stopping and tapping her hoof on the floor, she loudly coughed to break them from their trance. She hadn’t the slightest clue who the two were, since Burner had been to shortsighted to give any of his henchponies name badges, but she could spot a few interesting details about the duo. One of the two was a bat-pony, a pair of fangs peeking from under his upper lip, while the other was obviously an unreformed changeling, and they were both clearly stallions. As up to and past them, she waved for them to follow. “Who do you think you are to give us orders?” the bat-pony scoffed, trying and failing not to slip glances at her tits. “Vise,” she matter-of-factly replied, shifting and making a beeline toward the tools. “I’m going to need your help - both of your help.” Reluctantly following, the changeling spoke up. “But Tricky said we’re just supposed to make sure you don’t escape.” “Well Blister Wing and Burner Visor both told me that I need to get these things fixed!” she sternly retaliated, peeking over her shoulder at the pair. “If you want to explain to either of them why I wasn’t able to get my work done, please be my guest…” She could practically see the two minions shiver in fear hearing the names of their superiors, bringing a smile to her face. It wouldn’t be the first time she’d wrangled somepony into helping her with some repair work and it almost certainly wouldn’t be the last - nevertheless, unless the two Aco-Lights were complete dullards, they’d serve their purpose while also keeping an eye on her. Concentrating on the task at hand, she and her assistants gathered up a tool chest, rudimentary supplies, and a scissor lift before heading back to the land train. With her helpers in tow, standing on the lift with one of her helpers behind her, she swung a foreleg back. “Give me the half-inch wrench.” A second passed, then a few more, before she finally looked back to see what the holdup was. The changeling, standing on the platform with her, was transfixed by her backside, while the thestral, peered up and at the mountainous mammaries from the floor beneath her. She was used to being the center of attention, but this wasn’t the time for that - this was time to get her hooves dirty. “Half-inch,” she repeated with an edge in her voice. “And you,” she blurted, leveling a forehoof down at the second stallion, “bring that oil-catch a little to your left. I’m not about to clean up a mess that you were responsible for.” Both Aco-Lights leapt into action, following her command as if she were a villain of renown. As a wrench was placed in her outstretched hoof, she nodded and looked up at the motor. The first order of business, regardless of what other problems she’d encounter, would be changing the fluids in the behemoth. She set her jaw, seated the tool on the oil plug, and reared onto her hind legs. Though she was a pegasus, arguably one of the weaker varieties of ponies, a lifetime of hard labor had given her the strength to loosen any nut - at least she felt pretty confident it had. Clamping her eyes shut and pulling on the wrench with her forehooves and wings, she grunted. “Come on,” she grunted, feeling a bead of sweat roll down her temple, “you stupid - Gah!” Flying back when the bolt broke free, she slammed against the goon behind her. The guard railing kept them from taking a pretty bad tumble, falling nearly a dozen feet to the floor beneath them, but that wasn’t her biggest concern. In her hurry to get the simple task done, she didn’t realize that the bolt wasn’t a bolt at all - it was just a cap. A deluge of thick, cool, jet-black oil washed over her and the stallion beneath her, utterly drenching her from her neck down to her fetlocks. Peering down at herself, she grimaced. “Great…” What should have been a simple start to things had taken an inglorious turn, but things only got worse from there. As she went to stand, awkwardly squirming atop the minion, she felt something warm and hard pressing against her lower back - something that definitely wasn’t the sort of tool she had any desire to use. She threw herself forward in a flash, slipped a second time, and crashed onto her chest with her rear raised. Carefully getting up and wiping oil from her cheek, she grumbled to herself - that was before she felt the cool grace of open air against her teat. In the blink of an eye, realizing her makeshift uniform had just had a serious malfunction, she lifted a hind leg and threw her wings back to cover her abdomen - a move that was met with disastrous results. The quick movement set her off balance yet again, leading to her toppling to her side while both her udders wobbled from their flexible confines. “Darn it!” she groused. The drone, after gawking for a moment, unsteadily got his hooves under himself, snatched up a rag from the toolbox, and took a step toward her. It was as plain as day that he was more than a little excited by her clumsiness, his face having gone a brilliant crimson and with a sizable tent at his groin, but at least he was trying to help. He took a cautious step, then a second, until his luck gave out. “Bucking - Mmmph?!?” The drone’s protest was cut woefully short as he fell forward and landed face-first into her cleavage. She froze and stared down at him, astounded that nearly his entire head had disappeared into the valley of her bosoms. As regrettable as the scandalous turn of events was, she’d grown used to such things over the years. Maybe it was because she had a klutzy steak, or perhaps there was some cosmic being who used her at the but of a joke - regardless of the exact cause, she had a nasty habit of finding herself in awkward positions. “Ok,” she protested, “you can get up now…” Lifting his head just enough to peek up at her, bearing a silly little grin on his face, he met her eye. “Huh?” “You can get up now,” she urged, throwing her weight to one side. Her attempt to shrug him off worked a little too well. While she was able to dislodge him from her bust, the surface of the lift proved to be far too slick for her to stand. Her hind legs went splayed, she spun onto her belly, and unceremoniously seated herself on the stallion’s face. It was only by the grace of Celestia that his little horn didn’t do any damage, yet hearing and feeling his muffled groan against her nethers did little to improve her mood. As she finally got her footing, lifting her ass off him, he slid forward and flipped onto his back. She’d initially thought that he was trying to get up, albeit in an awkward, unconventional sort of way, yet she had her doubts when he reached up and grabbed her thighs. The suddenness of his move, paired with her unsteady state, sent her careening down to straddle him. “Oh my gosh! Are you ok?” she cried. Bucking his hips against her, with a blissful expression on his face, he gnawed his bottom lip. “Mmmhmm…” Squirming against him, she rolled her hips forward and back. “Just hold still…” “O…ok…” he wheezed, thrusting up in an attempt to dislodge her. She wasn’t sure why he wasn’t using his magic, considering he was just as powerful as an alicorn, but she couldn’t be mad at him - for goodness’ sake, she’d be out of sorts too if she had a pony covered in oil gyrating on her! Fruitlessly flapping her sodden wings, only making more of a mess of herself and the drone, she moaned in frustration. If she didn’t get off him quick, he might really get hurt! Had she been sat upon by somepony, regardless of whom they were, she would have scrambled to get herself free, but the drone clearly didn’t share that sympathy. Blinded by her rear, he weakly fidgeted in a pitiful attempt to get out from under her. She leaned over and grabbed the guard rail, trying to make it easier for him, and glanced down to find the bat-pony sullenly peering up at her. “Is something wrong - I mean, aside from this mess?” she grouched. The thestral kicked at the floor muttered something to himself, giving her no real answer. It may have been her imagination, but she could swear he was complaining about how rotten his luck was. Growing more frustrated by the second, she hooked a foreleg over the railing, hauled herself up, and successfully managed to get her hooves under herself. “Here, let me…” She fell silent as she offered a hoof to the changeling and noticed his sorry state. She was far from a doctor, but even she could tell something was seriously wrong with the drone. For starters, the little guy was shaking like a leaf and breathing heavily - secondly and more alarmingly, he quietly whimpered and gazed into the distance. Quickly but carefully lowering the lift, she waved the bat-pony over. “Please don’t tell me you’re hurt!” she yelled, squatting down and lifting the drone’s head. The little shapeshifting stallion smiled dreamily up at her as his eyes gradually focused on her face. “I’m…I’m gonna need to change my uniform.” “I’ll take him to his quarters,” the thestral growled, grabbing the changeling’s leg and dragging him from the lift. Vise lifted her hoof to apologize to the both of them for the inconvenience, but stopped herself when the bat-pony’s words sank in. “Don’t you mean the infirmary?” Venomously glaring back at her, the thestral snorted. “He’s fine…” “I’m fine,” the drone tittered, grinning from ear to ear while waving at her. “I’ll be back real - Ow!” The bat-pony must have been awfully distracted by something, because he abruptly dropped his shapeshifting coworker to the floor. “Just do what you can to start cleaning this up…” “Fine,” she lamented. “Actually, no, it’s not fine! Can I at least shower off first?” The drone hopped up and whipped around to face her, making the most miraculous recovery she’d ever seen, and nodded feverishly. “There’s a shower for these in the corner, but -” “But she’s going to need us to be here to use it,” the thestral vehemently interjected. “We can’t have you trying to smuggle tools or anything out without us knowing ~ can we?” She shrugged, finding no fault with their logic. “Just don’t take too long. I’m so slippery!” she whined, running her wings down her chest, over her sides, and to her hips. With a strand of drool creeping down and dangling from his chin, the shapeshifter shook his head. “Right! We’ll be right back, super fast, I promise!” Both the underlings rushed away, bolting for the door like the place was on fire, while she stooped down and picked up a fresh rag. Great - just bucking great. She hadn’t been captured twelve hours ago, and she’d already made a scene, hurt some poor changeling, and spilled oil in what was apparently going to be her work area. As she wiped herself down as best she could, she couldn’t help but say a little prayer for two things: that Torque would come to her rescue soon and that she wasn’t going to get in trouble for her little faux pas… > Issue 1.5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Not - Mmmmph - so hard!” Vise howled, rocking back and forth as the colossal unicorn plowed into her from behind. Shackled to the floor, with iron clasps around her legs, the mare’s eyes rolled to the back of her head. The room she was in was dark, illuminated by a single light directly above her, and she was not alone. Resting his weight atop her hips and pounding away at her with no restraint whatsoever, Blister smirked. “For somepony with such an obscene body, you’re awfully tight,” he chided, reaching forward to pull her mane, “but we’ll fix that ~ won’t we?” A ring of Aco-Light surrounding them, watching the lecherous show while chuckling with perverse glee. Celestia only knows how many times this scene had played out in the villain’s lair, although this time was different. Stripped of her overalls and the binding sash she kept around her midsection, the mare’s curvaceous form was put on full display. Blister draped himself over her and drew a forehoof around her waist to the expansive bosoms swaying from her abdomen. “I wonder how much bigger these will get once I pump a foal into you…” Vise threw her head to the side to leer back at him and sneered insolently. “I’ll never yield to you, you monster.” “You say that,” Blister hummed, slowing ever so slightly, “but you underestimate how persuasive we can be…” As he finished speaking, he altered the angle of his plunges. The subtle shift was enough to accost both her g-spot and her womb, earning him an unseemly guttural groan from her. She may have been brave, but there were few, if any mares who could resist a stud of his caliber. Her legs shook, her chest heaved, and a bead of nectar crept down her inner thigh, yet her torment had only just begun. Blister’s horn flared to life while he chuckled menacingly. His terrifyingly tremendous stallionhood, much like the rest of him, wasn’t purely for show - nevertheless, it was but one tool in his carnal arsenal. Surrounding her breasts in his magical aura, he savagely twisted and pulled upon her sensitive nipples. “Aaaaaahn!” she howled, arching her back. It was painfully clear that her tone was anything but one of distress, positively dripping with barely-kept lust. She may have hated Blister, Burner, and scoundrel who willingly associated with the ne’er-do-wells, yet her body betrayed her. With her tail flagging and a steady stream of nectar weeping from her winking, stuffed marehood, she weakly bucked back against the wretched unicorn. “That’s a good mare,” he purred, hastening his pace. “Doesn’t it feel nice when you’re being honest?” “N…no…” she pleaded, yet the defiance in her voice was crumbling away. He stopped dead in his tracks and left his throbbing, gargantuan length entombed within her. “So you’d like me to stop?” Looking up to his face, she met his eyes for a fleeting instant before averting her gaze. “I…I…” “You should have said so earlier,” he mused. Stepping back, he hauled his cock free with glacial speed. She whimpered and clung to him, her vice-like depths fighting his retreat, until only the tip of his shaft remained within her. The assembled goons murmured excitedly, each watching intently and inching closer. This was a scene that had played out before, one where the those in command broke a captive, and things were only getting started. As her marehood was drawn out, seconds from the unicorn dismounting and unsheathing himself, Vise bucked back against him. “W…wait!” “Wait?” Blister parroted, cocking his head in mock confusion. “I thought you wanted me to stop!” She gave no reply, too ashamed or embarrassed to say a word, yet her body spoke for her. Backing toward him, moving as far as her restraints would allow, she coaxed an inch of his meaty dick into her velvety depths. Her desperation drew a crass laugh from Blister and the surrounding thong, although a sudden silence instantly fell across the chamber. “All too easy,” a voice condescendingly snickered. Every eye in the room swept to Burner as he stepped into the light before her. Staring over at the mare with contempt, he curled his lip in disdain. Everypony assembled snapped to attention, save for Blister and the shackled mare. Ignoring everypony save for Vise, he trotted forward around her and looked her over. “I was going to use you as bait to catch your brother, but I think I have something else in mind,” he hummed, glancing at her massive udders. “Yes, I believe I’ll recruit you. You may be a bit too fat and useless to serve me as a hostage, but you’ll make for some fine stress relief for Blister and all my henchponies…” Vise stared over at him in shock. Her jaw flapped uselessly, not a sound escaped her, and she shook like a leaf in the wind - still, her true intentions shone through. As her eyes swept from the villain’s face to his underbelly, ultimately settling on his hardening stallionhood, she drew her tongue over her lips. “If you want it,” Burner murmured, flexing his groin and slapping his cock against his belly, “beg for it…” Hesitating for only a moment, unable or unwilling to look away from his package, she swallowed hard. “Please…” “What’s that?” Blister jeered, tauntingly holding a forehoof to his ear. “I don’t think anypony heard -” “Please!” she exclaimed. “I…I need it!” Burner stepped forward and motioned for her to bow. “Then suck me off, whore.” Pressing her chest to the floor, she opened her mouth, closed her eyes, and invitingly extended her tongue. Burner moved over her and brought his stallionhood to her muzzle, while Blister started plowing her like a field in spring. Her surrender elicited a cheer from the Aco-Lights, yet the din was quickly overshadowed by the steady plap plap plap of colliding bodies. Hungrily, desperately sucking off one stud while being plowed by the other, she contentedly groaned… Torque shook his head and snarled, disgusted with the direction his imagination had gone. He didn’t know why Burner and Blister had abducted his sister, and there was no way for him to know what they were doing with her, but he knew it couldn’t be good. Lifting his gaze and peering at the hero’s headquarters, he set his brow. If it was the last thing he did, he was going to find Vise, free her, and give those bastards a taste of her own medicine, but he was going to need some help… > Issue 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stepping off the lift and into a corridor deep within the subterranean citadel, Blister winced. What was supposed to be an easy job had shaped up to be anything but - sure, he hadn’t expected to simply walk into a bank, politely ask for all their money, and waltz out without any trouble, yet he couldn’t have anticipated having to put up a genuine fight. Setting his jaw and trotting forward, ensuring he showed no signs of weakness, he gave a subtle nod to a pair of Aco-Lights he passed. While the civilians, security, and the police hadn’t given him any issues whatsoever, the pair of heroes who’d come to stop him had. A caped crusader had shown up just before him and his henchponies could make their getaway with several sacks of bits - which was predictable, although things quickly went to Tartarus in a hand-basket after that. Instead of valiantly monologuing about how they’d stamp out wickedness and bring justice to the town, the masked superponies had skipped the formalities and attacked him on sight. Blister scowled as he thought back to the masked stallion. If he was being honest, he’d never given Hope Hurricane much thought - something he was going to have to readdress. Immediately upon seeing him, ignoring the hog-tied civilians, incapacitated law enforcement offices, and the blasted front door of the bank, the young hero had thrown himself at him like a rabid animal. He could have - would have utterly trounced Hope in a fair fight, yet the do-gooder had sucker punched him and given him no quarter. Though he was loath to admit it, the ferocity of the assault had put him on the back hoof and left him reeling. It was only with the help of the pair of Aco-Lights he’d brought with him that he’d managed to get the upperhoof, turning the tables and putting the hero in his place - still, the confrontation had left him rattled and with more than a few bruises. As with anything in life, there was a proper way to face one’s opposition. Heroes were supposed to serve as a shining beacon of hope, paragons of virtue who show up to stop the bad guys - not leap in like a crazed maniac and start beating the tar out of somepony! Blister couldn’t say what in the world he’d done to ruffle Hope Hurricane’s nonexistent feathers, but the injuries he’d received, however minor, would prove a lasting reminder to be cautious with the unhinged crusader. “Blister Wing,” the intercom blared, shaking him from his thoughts, “report to Burner’s chamber at once.” Cursing to himself, he swung around and altered his course. He had intended to get a shower and some well-deserved rest and relaxation, having successfully completed the heist, yet his employer and self-appointed leader seemed to have other plans for him. Wandering through the network of corridors, moving to the heart of the fortress, he glanced up at one of the security cameras. It didn’t take him long to reach his destination, and he halted before the tiered, raised dais of the expansive chamber. Anypony else would have bowed or waxed poetic about being in the seated unicorn’s presence, but not him and especially not today. His mood was soured, he wounds to lick, and his patience was worn perilously thin, making the impromptu meeting less than ideal. The chair above him turned, revealing Burner, and he glowered. “You summoned me.” Burner studied him for a moment, his expression unreadable, before he tapped a forehoof to a control panel on his bracer. The doors of the vault-like room ground shut and a dim, violet light bathed the interior, making a knot form in his stomach. It wasn’t uncommon to have privacy when discussing delicate matters, but to evoke a negation field, a variety of technomancy which prevented eavesdropping of any kind, was practically unheard of. “Swift,” Burner began, pulling off his amber mask, “we have a problem…” Mirroring the gesture, Blister doffed his disguise. “I know, Charred - I know…Hope Hurricane clearly has -” “Not that insipid pretender,” Burner cut him off. “I’m talking about a real problem.” Fighting the urge to sneer, Blister stared up at his sibling. He was the elder of the two, larger and arguably more powerful too, but he’d played along and done everything he could to ensure his brother’s little criminal empire had become successful - a fact which made the interruption all the more irritating. While Burner had minced his hooves and taken all the credit for the organization he’d helped found, he’d been the one getting his hooves dirty and doing all of the heavy lifting. His brother had relied upon him for as long as he could remember, and he leaned heavily on Burner in the same way. They’d done great things together, bailed each other out more times than he could count, and they’d gained infamy with one another’s aid, yet they still butted heads like any siblings did. Biting back his frustration, he noticed a sudden shift on Charred’s face. Burner unseated himself and trotted toward Blister, only slowing when he noticed the swollen flesh around what was definitely going to develop into a black eye. “Hope did that?” Grunting and reflexively reaching for his face, Blister nodded. “Perhaps we should start calling him Harebrained Hurricane…” “I presume you taught him a lesson for that,” Burner murmured, his expression softening. Blister faintly smiled, hearing the note of sympathy in his brother’s tone. “I did, yes. He’ll think twice before he tries to give me another cheap shot, but I digress. What’s this problem you mentioned?” “Mmmm,” Burner hummed, reluctantly looking down and pressing several buttons on his bracer. Glancing over as a screen began lowering from the ceiling, Burner shifted his focus back to his sibling. As far as he knew, nopony, not even their most seasoned Aco-Light veterans, had the slightest inkling that they were kin, yet that was in part due to the costumes they wore. While they may have been built entirely differently, with him being taller and having far more muscle, the almost identical color of their unaltered eyes, coats, and manes made it obvious that they were related to one another. “Look there,” Burner instructed, nodding up at the screen. “See the issue?” Blister looked up at the video feed and cocked his head. From the look of it, he was getting a view from inside the base’s water treatment facility. The concrete structure looked fine, as did the mazework of steel pipes, which only compounded his confusion. Quirking a brow, he turned to his brother. Fiddling with his control bracer, Burner scowled. “I know she’s in there….” “She?” Blister quipped. “Which she? We have several dozen mares who -” “There!” Burner blurted, waving his hoof up at the image. “I don’t…” Blister tailed off, pursing his lips in consternation. The video’s quality wasn’t the best, being somewhat grainy and slightly out of focus, but he instantly saw the issue. A mare was working on what appeared to be a pressure control valve, using her wings and a foreleg to haul on an oversized wrench, but that wasn’t the problem - the problem was what she was wearing and the spectacle she was making of herself. It wasn’t that uncommon for Aco-Lights to individualize their uniforms, being given leeway for patches or small shows of self-expression, yet what the pegasus had done to her outfit was nothing short of egregious. What had once been a one-piece bodysuit had become a slatternly bastardization of its former self. The mare’s massive udders were barely covered, wobbling and swaying under her while she worked, and her rear was partially exposed. While he took no umbrage with giving one’s outfit some personality, the brazen, utterly shameless pony’s display had crossed a line by a mile. As the camera panned to the side, his dismay turned to one of outright disdain. Several Aco-Lights, haphazardly concealed behind a piece of machinery, were watching the curvaceous mare work. Squinting and stepping forward, wanting a closer look, he sneered with barely-kept disgust. The goons weren’t merely observing the buxom pegasus - no, they were playing with themselves or one another. “Now do you see what the problem is?” Burner grumbled. “Yeah…” he seethed. “Oh it gets worse -” his brother coldly remarked, “much worse. At first I thought it was odd that the number of work orders had nearly doubled in the last week, but I quickly found out why. It would seem that somepony has been sabotaging equipment.” With his jaw nearly hitting the floor, he balked. “You’re joking.” “I wish I was,” Burner uttered, turning to face him. “I don’t know if these accidents are being done to disrupt operations or purely to bring that,” he continued, waving a hoof at the obscene pegasus on the display, “to certain areas, but this needs to stop now.” Blister donned his mask, brushed himself off, and stormed to the exit. “I’ll take care of it.” It was almost unheard of for him to get legitimately angry, even in the heat of combat, but be darned if finding about the scandalous goings on in the base, the very base he’d helped finance, didn’t annoy the everliving crap out of him. He could tolerate small infractions, the sort of small things his brother wouldn’t overlook, although he was not about to let the stronghold become a den of depravity. Whoever that mare was, regardless of her skill, she was about to get a very stern talking to. “Hold it,” he shouted, rounding a corner and seeing the doors of lift at the end of the corridor beginning to close. The grey of a suited foreleg shot out of the elevator moments before Tricky’s face appeared. “Blister, what’s got you -” “Maintenance floor,” he intoned, rushing in beside the pint-sized mare, “now.” Tricky swallowed hard and pressed the lowest button on the panel. “Something wrong?” “You could say that,” he huffed, paying his aching shoulders little heed. As he peeked over at her, seeing her anxiously gnaw on a forehoof, his frown deepened. Though they didn’t keep fillies or colts around for a reason, Tricky was an exception. He’d made a place for her, taken her under his metaphorical wing, and had done everything he could to ensure she was being treated well - after all, he was the reason she was with them in the first place. Craning her neck to look up at him, she wiped her cheek. “What? Is something on my face?” “No,” he sighed, reaching down to gently tussle her mane. “You’re keeping up with your studies?” “Mmmhmm,” she cheerfully hummed. The lift slowed and he inched closer to the door. “Go up to the bay and make sure none of the bits I brought back go missing ~ alright?” Her eyes lit up and she grabbed his sleeve, keeping him from leaving. “You went on a job without me?! I thought you said -” “Tricky, now isn’t the time,” he breathed, forcing himself to frown. “If you want to help, do as I ask. I promise I’ll bring you with me next time.” She relented, releasing him and stepping back into the elevator, but she was clearly disheartened. “Fine…” “I’ll meet you for dinner, sweetheart,” he hastily added, looking back at her as he trotted down a hallway. Waiting until the lift closed and began its ascent, he grimaced. He hoped - prayed she hadn’t stumbled upon any of the perverted Aco-Lights or any inappropriately amorous misdeeds throughout the morning, and he was going to make darn sure that wasn’t going to be a concern moving forward. Tricky may have technically been one of them, a little evildoer in her own right, but she was still far too young to be exposed to such sinful behavior. He slowed just outside the water treatment wing, took a deep breath, and slowly exhaled. While he wasn’t normally wasn’t one to harshly discipline any of the ponies in their employ, preferring to wield menace or rewards garner minions’ compliance, he was sorely tempted to put a hoof up somepony’s backside. Barging in with spectral flame wreathing him, looking like he’d stepped from some infernal abyss, he marched straight over to the cadre of reprobates. The Aco-Lights reaction couldn’t have been more perfect. Two of them fled on the spot, practically running for their lives, while those who remained were either too terrified or awestruck to budge. Each of the miscreants was in a state of undress, their uniforms either opened or removed entirely while they relieved themselves to the spectacle just beyond the machinery they sheltered behind, which did nothing to temper his white-hot ire. “I’m not interrupting anything ~ am I?” he growled. “B…B…B…Blister,” one of the goons croaked, feverishly attempting to stuff his stallionhood into his outfit, “we were j…just -” “Just what,” he hissed, taking a step closer to the cowering lot. “Just inspecting your tools?” The corners of his lips turned up when he turned his baleful gaze to a minion who spontaneously fainted. Violence was like an exotic spice, best used conservatively and only for certain situations, and he would, in spite of his inclinations, avoid sending any of the simpletons to the infirmary. Straightening up, he bared his fangs. “You have ten seconds to make yourselves presentable,” he coolly noted. “Ten…nine…eight…” The sheer panic of the group was as hilarious as it was rewarding, making it difficult to keep a straight face. They’d all finished by the count of three, somehow managing to get themselves dressed before falling into an orderly, albeit somewhat pitiful little line. Each and every one of them would deal with the repercussions of their actions, but that could wait - for now, he needed to put the fear of the almighty in them. Pacing before them voyeuristic band, he remained silent for a hoofful of seconds and let them twist in the wind. They’d been caught with their hooves in a very improper cookie jar, and now it was their time to pay the piper. Waiting until he heard one of them gulp, he peaked a brow and fell still. “Here’s what’s going to happen,” he whispered, “you’re going to go to the gym and run laps ~ understood?” One of the henchponies, a brave or particularly foolish changeling, awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck. “F…for how long?” “Until I tell you to stop,” Blister seethed, focusing his magic and shifting the fire around him from a flickering orange to a vivid, oppressive blue. “Am I clear.” “Sir!” the group, the entire lot of them, replied in practical unison. He didn’t say a thing, merely snorting and tapping his hoof to send them scrambling to the door. They may not have realized it, but they’d be getting more than an extended exercise session. Double shifts, reduced meal rations, and coincidental inspections of their quarters in the dead of night would be their reward for their tomfoolery - if that wasn’t enough to straighten them out, he’d fall back to less forgiving punishments in the future. As the door slid closed behind him, he crept to the edge of the vast piece of machinery and peeked further into the chamber. The mare was where he’d first seen her, blithely humming to himself and blithely ignorant to everything that had just transpired. It really wouldn’t have mattered if she’d heard him enter or quietly lambast the Aco-Lights, but he wasn’t about to give up the element of surprise - not now at least. The blistering flames around him dwindled away to nothing, his breaths came slow and steady, and a twisted grin steadily split his muzzle as he sneaked up behind her. The discipline he was going to dole out to the henchponies would be harsh, although she was going to need some special treatment. Desecrating a uniform, making a spectacle of herself, and possibly undermining their operation were more than enough grounds for a dismissal at best and being turned over to the authorities at worst. “Ahem,” he coughed, looming over her. Wiping the sweat from her brow, she looked back and beamed. “Hey, Blister! When’d you get here?” His eyes widened and his jaw nearly hit the floor, recognizing her in that instant. The troublesome mare wasn’t just some goon with a penchant for exhibitionism - it was none other than Vise. With his neurons misfiring, struggling to process what in the heck was going on, he shied away from the cheerful, wholly undisturbed mare. “Hello, Equestria to Blister,” she chirped, waving a wing in front of his face, “are you in there?” Her lilting voice and the worried look in her eyes brought him back to his senses - if only just. He liked to think he’d seen all manner of things in his day, from toppling buildings to pitched battles between leagues of villains and heroes, yet he failed to think of one that had given him such a moment for pause. Centering himself, he closed his eyes while lifting and coughing into a forehoof. “Might I ask what you’re doing?” he placidly inquired. Glancing back at the valve assembly, she shrugged. “I’m not sure who thought using a butterfly valve for that was a good idea, but I was removing it and installing a globe valve. Do you have any idea what kind of mess you’d be in if that thing failed?” “I - uh - no, frankly I don’t,” he grumbled. “As much as I appreciate your keen eye for preemptive maintenance, I was referring to this.” She looked down at herself as he waved to her. “My outfit?” “If you’d like to call something so revealing an outfit, yes,” he affirmed. “It’s against protocol to alter -” “It didn’t fit,” she interjected. Blinking, he cocked his head. “I’m sorry ~ what?” “It didn’t fit -” she repeated, “I mean, technically it fit, but it’s sort of - um - snug in certain areas.” “Certain…” he fell silent, following her gaze back to her bountiful bosoms. His mouth went dry and his heart skipped a beat. She’d either sprouted the massive pair of mammaries after he’d brought her back to their lair or she’d done a darn good, out-and-out mythical way of concealing them when he’d kidnapped her - either way, the sight of her huge hooters was enough to derail his thoughts. If he’d had the slightest inkling that her uniform would need tailoring, he would have seen to the matter personally - alas, she’d failed to mention the need for a specialized garment before he’d left. Sensing his cheeks darkened when she lifted a hind leg to partially hide her breasts, he turned away from her. “Come.” “Wait,” she bleated, “I’m not done with -” “You can finish that after we address your attire,” he tutted. “Not to sound blunt, but the modifications you’ve made to your uniform have caused a number of distractions…” Trotting up beside him, she scrunched her snout. “Distractions?” “You’re telling me you haven’t noticed anypony acting strangely around you?” he countered in disbelief. “Not really - actually, everypony’s been super friendly!” she joyfully remarked. “I can’t go five minutes without one of the Aco-Lights asking me if I need some help, if I’d like something cold to drink, or offering to give me a massage!” He rubbed his temple and clamped his eyes shut, feeling a migraine coming on. “For future reference, unless you expressly ask for assistance, they should be minding their own business and tending to their own duties - duties which they’ve been neglecting because of you.” With a wounded expression blossoming on her face, she stopped dead in her tracks. “Did…did I do something wrong?” “You - ugh…” he quietly groaned. “No, you didn’t do anything wrong - at least not intentionally.” It was remarkably rare for him to feel sympathy for a conscript, but darned if he didn’t feel bad for her. He’d done his homework prior to volunteering her to work at the base and discovered that she had no criminal history, came from a nuclear family, and even had a stellar permanent record from school - leading him to one of two conclusions: she was either a peerless manipulator or was as a genuinely virtuous and possibly naive soul. Waving her along, he changed directions and headed to a smaller, less used lift. “I’m going to escort you to your room,” he explained as hailed the elevator. “Once we’re there, I’d like you to wait for me until I return - that means no going to the cafeteria, no fraternizing, and certainly no more work for the next hour or two.” As she peered up at him, the faintest trace of a smile graced her lips. “Does that mean I’m done for the day?” “No,” he responded, though he regretted it in an instant. What little cheer she had was extinguished by his blunt reply. “Maybe - you may be done for the day, if you follow my instructions.” “Well if I am done for the day, maybe could we get a coffee?” she bleated with her eyes alight. “A coffee?” he chuckled. “You want to have a coffee with me?” Extending a wing and brushing at a blemish on his suit, she shrugged. “I don’t see why not. You seem a little stressed out, so maybe a coffee would help you relax a little.” He shrewdly stroked his chin and considered her offer. Explaining to her that she couldn’t go traipsing around the base in such a state of undress was necessary, but he’d have to handle it delicately - as such, speaking with her in a relaxed, private environment would be prudent. Smirking, he nodded and extended a forehoof to her as the elevator doors opened. “Deal,” he stated, waiting for her to shake his hoof before retracting his foreleg, “but only if you promise never to wear that getup again.” “If I can’t wear this, what am I supposed to wear?” she pouted. “And before you ask, I am not going to stuff these puppies into one of those one size fits all outfits,” she testily continued, throwing her wings back to squeeze and heft her bosoms. Biting back a laugh, he shook his head. “Don’t worry about that.” Ushering her into the lift, he stepped in behind her and hit the button for one of the residence floors - specifically the floor he lived on. Though it may have been hastily thrown together, he’d constructed a plan that should, if he was lucky, tie up all the loose ends without too much of a hassle. First he’d bring her to his suite and have her wait - after that, he’d go to the supply clerk, order her a hoofful of properly fitting jumpsuits, then swing by the cafeteria to get coffees and snacks for the two of them. He didn’t say much throughout the relatively short trek to his room - not because he didn’t want to talk with her, but because speaking with her meant looking at her, and looking at her meant suppressing the urge to ogle her. While he was by very definition a villain, he held himself to certain standards - almost like a code of ethics. It was fine to rough up somepony if need be, but being evil or injuring somepony, be it psychologically or physically, should be avoided. “Go in and wait for me,” he noted, opening the door of his suite. “I’ll be back shortly.” Briefly peeking into his room, she knit her brow. “But you said -” “Coffee, yes, I know,” he sighed. “I also said that we’d have coffee if you follow my instructions ~ remember?” She kicked at the floor and skulked into his chamber without saying a word, bringing a smile to his face. Hiding her away in his suite would serve a number of purposes, not the least of which keeping her away from the lustful Aco-Lights who’d been dogging her, and it wasn’t like he had anything to hide - at least he didn’t think there was anything in his room that she could use against him. Briskly trotting away, he made a right turn and headed for the supply depot. His excursion went as smoothly as he’d hoped, though it had been a bit awkward to explain the specific requirements of Vise’s custom uniforms. Since it was going to take at least a day for her new attire to be ready, he’d make a temporary concession and allow her to wear the clothing he’d abducted her in. While it would be a bit unusual, letting her work in her civilian clothing would be far, far better than allowing her to traipse about like a seductive grease money. With a pair of coffees and a box of assorted donuts hovering beside himself, he slowed as he approached his room and checked his watch. All told, it had only taken him about half an hour to complete his errands, but he still felt bad for making Vise wait. He gave his door a cursory knock, purely out of politeness, before stepping inside.  “I hope you didn’t get too - Vise?” he called, looking around the suspiciously empty room. “Just a minute!” she shouted from within the bathroom. “I’m almost done.” As a wave of relief washed over him, he sat on the bed. It wasn’t like he was worried about her escaping, but having to hunt her down and then explain to his brother why he’d left her unattended would have been a huge pain in the rear. Levitating the confections and the two cups of java over to his coffee table, he looked up when he heard the restroom door open. “That is so much better,” Vise groaned, stepping out and into view. Staring over at her, he went rigid in more ways than he cared to admit. With a towel wrapped around her mane, glistening wet and dripping water onto the floor, she was as naked as the day she was born. The logical part of his brain told him this was natural, that he was around ponies in the buff whenever he was out of the base, but the primal, stallionly part of his mind practically went feral at the sight of the young, buxom, undoubtedly fertile mare. “Hope you don’t mind that I used your shower,” she snickered, nonchalantly turning and toweling herself off. “I tried to wait, but then I noticed I got hydraulic fluid in my mane; just so you know, that stuff is terrible for your skin.” Realizing she’d spoken but not having the faintest clue what she’d said, he slowly nodded. “Uh…uh-huh…” Her breasts were almost laughably huge, large enough to rival a dairy cow’s udders, yet they were only one of her alluring features. While she wasn’t what he’d call fat, she was far from thin, leaving her in what he’d describe as a goldilocks zone of sorts. Unable to stop himself from watching her, completely transfixed, he subconsciously bit his lower lip when she flicked the towel over her ample, foal-bearing hips and started drying off her tush. Sweet, merciful Celestia - her ass was a work of art, the sort of thing that inspired poets or sculptors, and his unfettered view of it was enough to make his mouth water. He would have struggled to contain himself if she was just nude, yet fate must have been feeling particularly sadistic. Instead of staying still and drying off, she quietly sang to herself while swaying her tush from side to side. Sensing a sudden pang of discomfort, he dumbly glanced down at himself and stifled a gasp. While he’d been enjoying what should have been an innocent spectacle, his traitorous body had utterly and completely betrayed him. The imprint of his stallionhood snaked up nearly to his navel under the constrictive fabric of his suit. As a sudden movement caught his eye, fear gripped him. He moved without thinking, magically lifting and throwing a pillow at himself to cover his nethers. Heaven help him ~ what was he going to do?! If she noticed how excited he’d gotten, she may think she’d been brought to his quarters for something unscrupulous! Almost frantically concealing his erection, he nervously smiled over at her and waved to the donuts. “I…I got our coffee,” he sputtered. “Coffee and donuts?” she quipped, positively beaming. “Blister, you may be a bad pony, but don’t let anypony tell you that you’re a bad stallion.” Taking metered breaths, he closed his eyes and tried to think of something - anything that would be unappealing. He just needed time, a few minutes to tear his thoughts away from the absolute bombshell of a mare that was in the room with him. As he dwelled on the memory of a particularly homely teacher he’d had in school, a fat, bridge troll of a mare who he’d had for algebra, he steadily exhaled. “Oh gosh - I love donuts,” she hummed. “And there are so many to choose from!” Feeling his turgid length soften just a hair, he opened his eyes. “Yes well…” The moment he looked out at her, he was hit with regret. With her tail flicked to the side, she unwittingly gave him a peek at a donut that wasn’t supposed to be on the menu. Resting just above her meaty, succulently plump marehood was her glistening, pristine pucker. His instincts demanded that he commit the sight to memory, if only for nights when he was feeling particularly lonely and pent-up, yet a sudden noise sundered his focus - a noise so terrifying that it caused his blood to run cold. “Did you hear that?” she quipped, turning and swiveling her ears toward him. “Sounded like fabric tearing.” “I d…don’t know what you’re talking about!” he squawked, fiercely holding the cushion over his loins. He was screwed - he was so utterly screwed! The pillow had been a secondary line of defense, something to hide his boner, but now it was the only thing keeping his stallionhood from springing into the open. Reflexively retreating as she stepped closer to him, literally backing away from her, he fretfully smiled. “I’m s…sure it w…was nothing,” he nervously continued. “Probably just - H…hey!” Clutching his pillow with a wing, she gave the cushion a hug. “You’re hiding something from me ~ aren’t you?” “Of course I’m not!” he yelped, his voice cracking. “Why in the world would I hide anything from you?!?” “Because you’re a villain ~ duh!” she laughed. “I bet you wanted to steal the best donut for yourself; that’s probably why there aren’t any cream filled ones in that box!” The remark of cream filled evoked all manner of wildly lewd thoughts regarding her donut, sending him further into a panic. Holding the pillow in both his forehooves and pulling it in the opposite direction of her, he set his jaw. He hadn’t wanted to overpower her or do anything even remotely mean, but desperate times called for desperate actions - regrettably, given his physical strength and his lack of a clear head, his hubris bit him squarely on the ass. Everything seemed to move in slow motion, drawing out the excruciating moment into a small eternity. The world spun, he toppled back, and the cushion went soaring into the air and away from him. He landed with a heavy pomf, stared up at the ceiling in shock, and waited to hear her shrill, horrified scream - a scream which ultimately never came. “H…holy cow,” she breathed. “I’m sorry,” he lamented. “The stupid thing has a mind of its -” “You’re like that because of me?” she bluntly asked, looking past the towering pillar of his cock and to his face. Thrown off guard by her question, he locked eyes with her. “I’m sorry ~ what?” “That,” she clarified, pointing a pinion at his dick. “You got that because of me?” “If you must know, yes,” he shamefully admitted. “As I was saying, it has a mind of its - what are you doing…?” Turning around in circles, she peered back at her backside. “Was it my butt or boobs that did it?” “Does it matter?” he exasperatedly moaned, drawing a forehoof over his blushing face. Coming to a halt, she shrugged. “Not really…” A tense, painfully clumsy silence fell over the room. The perils and precarious situations he’d faced in the past paled in comparison to the discomfort threatening to snuff out his soul. As he went to roll over, get to his hooves, and excuse himself, he flinched when something soft snagged his fetlock. “What?” he whispered. Twisting in place, she withdrew her wing from his hind leg and kept her eyes on the floor. “Maybe…maybe I can help you out with that…” “Help me out?” he repeated. “Why in the wide world of Equestria would you help me out?” “Because it’s kind of my fault,” she sheepishly answered, “and because I kinda wanna get a closer look at it…” With his jaw working noiselessly, comprehension dawned on him. It was subtle, so subtle that he could only barely detect it, but there was the scent of marish arousal in the air - paired with the brilliant crimson blossoming on her cheeks, her refusal to look him in the eye, and the way she was grinding her thighs together, it was practically a certainty that he wasn’t the only pony in the room who’d gotten a little hot under the collar. Waving her back, he slid to the edge of the mattress and placed his hind hooves on the floor. It felt wrong to tell her that she could indulge herself, so he let his actions speak for him. Spreading his hind legs, he let his package hang freely between his parted thighs. Given that she had just given him an eyeful, whether unwittingly or not, it was only fair that he returned the favor to her ~ right? Trying to watch her without coming across as too creepy, he flinched when she gently, almost reverently caressed the tip of one wing down the side of his shaft. Compared to the sensation of his hooves or magic, the feeling of her feathers was divine. She shuffled nearer, closing the gap between them, and stared down his length. “It’s so big,” she mumbled. “W…well I am sort of a big unicorn,” he uneasily laughed. Pressing her snout to the fleshy folds under the base of his stallionhood, she drew a deep breath through her sinuses and shuddered. “And you smell really good.” Growing increasingly flustered, unsure of what to say, he bashfully rubbed the back of his neck. “I - uh - thanks?” He’d heard that some mares had an appreciation for bigger stallions, but this was his first time experiencing it first hand. Breathing in through her nose and nuzzling his package, she contentedly hummed to herself while practically worshiping him. His size had been a boon for most of his life and it came with a number of perks. Not only was he able to overpower smaller ponies with relative ease, but seeing his immense stallionhood draped over her face was more exciting than it should have been. She withdrew slightly, drawing her cheek along his tool until her snout was right before its broad, blunt tip. He’d thought that the help she’d mentioned would be a wing or possibly hoofjob at best, something to let her sate her carnal interest in him, but he couldn’t have been more wrong. As her eyes drifted shut, she opened her muzzle and extended her tongue. Breathing hotly upon his stallionhood, she leaned forward and slipped his cock into her snout. If her wing had been a fleeting taste of heaven, the sensation of her pouting lips and tongue upon him were an experience of paradise itself. He gripped the sheets to either side of him, holding himself up while doing everything he could not to buck his hips, and bit back a blissful groan.  Simply being touched in an amorous way would have been enough to make him as giddy as a schoolcolt getting lucky, so the impromptu and completely unexpected blowjob left him nothing short of thrilled. Along with the incredible job she was doing, bobbing her head while humming around his girthy length, merely watching her was enough to send him inching toward release. There were a number of reasons why being a villain was no easy task - only one of which being difficulties with passionate affairs. Dating was a trial, always having to conceal one’s identity, and actually getting laid was a rarity. While it was an unspoken rule that Aco-Lights could fool around with one another, so long as they kept such activities away from common areas, it had been ages since he’d felt the touch of another that wasn’t work related. Through sheer willpower alone, he forced his thundering heart to slow and reined himself in. Her technique wasn’t the best, nor had she managed to take more than the first few inches of his shaft into her muzzle, but he wasn’t going to complain in the slightest. Just as he somehow managed to get control of himself, ensuring he wouldn’t preemptively blow his load, he made the fatal mistake of looking down her body. Though she was using her wings to play with him, fondling his balls and rubbing the root of his shaft, she’d put one of her forelegs to work. Reaching under herself and between her breasts, she unabashedly rubbed herself. She hadn’t just voluntarily started sucking him off - she was apparently enjoying herself so much that she couldn’t help but get some relief herself. The revelation that she was playing with herself sent him skyrocketing toward release, and there was nothing he could do to stop it. Screwing his eyes closed and all but gnashing his teeth, he fought against the welling tide of bliss. Teetering on the precipice, the point of no return, he summoned his courage to speak. “I…I’m getting close,” he wheezed. Instead of backing away and bringing the moment to an end, Vise doubled down. Driving her face forward, her lips kissed his medial ring while her throat spasmed around him. He could have held on, holding back his climax for another few seconds, were it not for one thing - she started thrusting her hips as she masturbated. The spectacle, the sound of her stifled gags, and the aroma of her marehood proved too much to bear, casting him into a tempestuous sea of ecstasy. Throwing his head back, he clutched her mane and succumbed. A torrent of seed surged through his throbbing shaft and straight down her throat as she whimpered and choked around him. Instantly realizing what he’d done - what he was doing, he released her and slid back. She recoiled and sputtered jizz onto his carpet, yet her forehoof ever strayed from her loins. While he did feel a little bad, she clearly didn’t share the sentiment. “W…wow! You - Cough - you must have been really backed up,” she rasped. Awestruck, ignoring the cum leaking from his softening stallionhood, he shuffled over and slid from the bed. “Sorry about that. Do you want me to - um…?” he let the question hang as he nodded to her rear. Batting away his concern, she turned and wandered back to the shower. “If it’s all the same to you, I…I think I’ll just clean myself up.” “Right,” he grumbled, kicking himself for his moment of weakness. “And Blister,” she added, poking her head out from the restroom to look at him. “Would it be alright if we acted like this didn’t happen? I swear I’m not some loose mare, but - well, ya know…” Faintly smiling, he nodded. “You have my word, Vise.” She smirked back at him and closed the door behind herself. Ponies, irrespective of their age or choice of lifestyle, were prone to moments of weakness, and it was clear that he and his guest had just endured one such juncture. Listening to the water run, peering over at the cooling coffee, he made a silent vow to uphold the promise he’d just made - even if he had a sneaking feeling that some lines couldn’t be uncrossed… > Issue 2.5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Glk Glk Glk… The rhythmic sounds of muted gags and choked, marish whimpers was periodically broken by callous chuckles, throaty grunts, and sinful promises as nearly a dozen Aco-Lights set upon Vise. Each and every stallion present knew they’d get their turn, each having a chance to fill or coat her with their essence, though something was amiss. Instead of fighting her captors, the busty pegasus didn’t resist her captors - if anything, she seemed to be enjoying herself. Her pouting lips mopped one stallionhood while a second pistoned in and out of her slavering, battered marehood. Servicing two studs would have been more than most ponies could handle at any given time, but not her - not anymore. Her wings, her hooves, and even her bounteous bosoms were all made use of by her myriad of miscreant lovers. “Cum for me slut,” a thestral growled, hilting himself in her cunt. She did as she asked, sputtering and choking around a changeling’s length. Marish, climactic juices sprayed from her depths, coating the stud’s loins as she trembled from the tips of her hooves to the top of her head - still, she endured. Throwing one foreleg upward, she grabbed the shapeshifter’s hip and urged him deeper into her gullet. Her throat pulsed in tune with the drone’s throbbing shaft, thick seed dribbled from her nostrils and out from around her pouting lips, and tears of unfettered glee ran down her face. It was painfully obvious that they’d broken her, reducing her to little more than an outlet for their bestial desires, although they weren’t the ones pulling the strings. “Having fun?” a sonorous voice chuckled, bringing the scene to a standstill. “Move away from her, I wish to inspect our newest recruit.” The minions shuffled back, albeit somewhat reluctantly, and withdrew. Vise remained on the platform, leaking spunk from both ends and coughing to clear her airway as she turned her head to the side. Her eyes widened, a smile graced her muzzle, and she falteringly rolled from the table, overjoyed that the real show was about to begin. Coming to a halt, Blister smirked over at her. “How’s my little sow doing?” “I…I’m - Cough - I’m fine, s…sir,” she croaked, flopping from the table and unceremoniously landing on the polished, jizz-slickened floor beneath her. She was a pale shadow of her former self. Where once a proud, intelligent, defiant mare had once stood, something that could only be described as an unseemly whore remained. Her mane was an unkempt mess, a golden chain led from a collar around her neck and down to her rings through her nipples, and her face was smeared with makeup and running mascara. Unsteadily trotting over to the imposing unicorn, she bowed in supplication and pressed her head to the ground. “Master,” Blister corrected. “I’m your master.” Peeking up at him, she inched forward and kissed his hoof. “Yes, m…master.” The titanic stallion casually trotted around her, inspecting her as though she was a fine meal ready to be consumed, and came to a halt behind her. Though she didn’t budge, keeping her hind legs splayed and ready to accept everything he had to offer, she did glance over her shoulder at him - specifically the long, thick, impossibly huge length gradually slipping from its sheath at his groin. Licking her lips, she raised her waist and flicked her tail to the side. “Master…?” As he cooly extended a foreleg and rubbed her flank, he grinned up at her face. “Yes, my pet?” “W…would you…” she trailed off, unable to tear her eyes off his intimidating endowment. “Would you like to relieve yourself with me?” “Mmmmm,” he thoughtfully hummed, withdrawing his hoof to rub his chin. “Perhaps if you prove yourself worthy, I’ll -” “P…please, master,” she whined, rolling her ample hips from side to side. “I live to serve you and Blister, master! Without you, I h…have no purpose!” The titan’s lips curled over his teeth, twisting and growing cruel. “And what of your dearest brother, Torque? Surely he wouldn’t approve of his loving sister devoting herself in such a depraved manner.” She turned and crawled beneath him, groveling as she brought her snout to the hanging tip of his length. “I don’t need him - I don’t need anypony but you, master.” Not waiting for a reply, she lifted her head just enough to kiss his girthy cock-head. She wasn’t a whore, she was only barely a pony - no, in his presence, she was merely an object. He was bigger than her, stronger than her, and far more cunning than she could ever be, so it was only right that she fully commit her mind, body, and very soul to him. Opening her mouth and extending her tongue, she hotly made out with his stallionhood and shivered with delight. As he snickered above her, lightly bucking his hips and driving his shaft into her muzzle, she slipped a foreleg under herself, between her weighty udders, and to her winking marehood. As with her teats, her bulgings clit had been adorned with a golden piercing - a piercing with none other than Blister’s sigil. Anypony and everypony would know to whom she belonged, even if it was painfully clear that she had no intention of ever escaping. “Good,” he rumbled, stepping forward and plunging into her throat. “If you keep this up, I may just sire my foal with you.” The mention of siring a foal made her tremble and climax on the spot. A torrent of jizz and nectar gushed from her quivering snatch, adding to the pool of cooling juices beneath her, yet she didn’t slow in fellating him. Forcing herself forward, she pressed her lips to his medial ring and awkwardly bobbed her head. With a contented sigh, he lowered his waist and plowed her face. Perhaps he’d take pity and allow her to catch a sip of air, or maybe he’d continue rutting her until she blacked out - either way, she would be happy to act as his cock-warmer. He would ensure that his seed would take root in her, washing out any of his underlings’ essence, though she’d still tend to them all once she’d been bred - after all, a gravid mare was still more than capable of bolstering morale… Throwing a newspaper away from the couch, Torque looked down at his crotch with disdain. The bruises and scrapes he’d gotten from confronting Blister hurt, the thought of what the nefarious unicorn was doing to his sister hurt worse, yet the ache in his loins was what truly pained him. Seeing the imprint of his turgid stallionhood struggling against his suit, equal parts disgusted and excited by what may be happening to Vise, he drew a forehoof down his chest and to the tented fabric over his abdomen… > Issue 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vise peered down and appraised her work with a weary, albeit well-earned smile on her muzzle. Though she’d never had much experience with oxygen scrubbers, having only read about such contraptions in books and magazines, she’d managed to get the unit patched up and installed a new lithium hydroxide cell. As she closed the hatch and bolted it shut, having reconnected the various sensors and gas fittings, only the sound of her tools and periodic grunts of effort kept her company. It has been the better part of two weeks since her spontaneous tryst with Blister, and her time since the impassioned meeting had been a mixed bag of sorts. While he’d done as he’d promised, keeping their fling a closely guarded secret while apparently ensuring the Aco-Lights under his command ceased their hormonally-driven, bothersome antics with her, the sudden solitude and lack of attention were a reminder of what she really was - a prisoner. The villainous minions had been a bit irksome at times, constantly fawning over her and vying for attention, yet it had been pleasant to have somepony to talk to - even if she’d only eventually become aware of their motives. Straightening up and carefully backing out of the submersible, she shivered as her bosoms glided over the cool metal of the exterior hatch. True to his word, Blister had procured a number of custom-tailored uniforms for her, though the sheer volume of her bust still turned heads more often than not. With her job nearly complete, she absentmindedly closed the compartment and began the arduous process of bolting it shut. While she worked, her mind wandered. Her common sense and better judgment’s protests notwithstanding, it was becoming increasingly common for Blister to occupy her thoughts. She’d always assumed he was the worst of the worst, a mustache-twirling ne’er-do-well who was just as likely to tie a mare to a set of train tracks as he was to kick puppies, though that was far from the case. Colossal, intimidating, and formidable though he was, he had a sense of honor, had yet to show her a single act of cruelty, and was actually more pleasant than some of her very own neighbors, but therein lay a problem; instead of fearing and reviling him, she’d started to like him. How the hay could she have known that Blister Wing - the Blister Wing wasn’t as bad as the news and her brother would have her believe? He may have been the second in command for one of the largest groups of villainy on the continent, beaten the snot out of a number of heroes in the past, and had his hooves involved with a number of high-profile thefts, although he’d never actually killed anypony - in fact, after she’d done a bit of snooping, he’d gone out of his way to ensure bystanders didn’t get injured on the operations he was involved with! Scrunching her snout and gathering up her tools, she wondered where he was and what he’d been doing. Though she was ashamed to admit it, she’d gotten off while fantasizing about him several times - actually more than several times. Being kind to her and treating her like more of a guest than a captive would have been enough to pique her interest, but his adonic good looks, cool demeanor, and his downright heavenly physique were enough to make her marehood tingle - nevertheless, despite her desire to learn more about him, she’d seen precious little of him since their little affair. While she could partially understand why he’d avoid her, not wanting to show favoritism to her or give any hints to what they’d done, surely having a snack and some tea couldn’t have hurt anything! “Vise?” a voice quietly inquired, snapping from her thoughts and making her jump. Wheeling around and finding a changeling drone behind her, her expression softened. “Stinger ~ right?” The shapeshifter’s lips parted in a fanged grin, though his mirth was fleeting at best. Shying back, he extended a foreleg and held an envelope out to her. “I - Zzzzz - didn’t mean to bozzer you. Here…” Looking from the letter to his face, seeing his crestfallen expression, she hesitated. “Is…is everything alright?” He opened his mouth to reply but quickly closed it and shook his head. “Just take it. I’ll zee you later…” The moment she reached out and took the envelope in her wing, without saying a word, he turned and trotted away. She didn’t know every Aco-Light’s name by heart, but there were a few who she couldn’t help but remember - typically ones who’d shown her some kindness or were assigned to help her with various tasks. Waiting until he’d disappeared through the bay door and out of sight, she lowered her gaze to the message. Though the envelope had no name or insignia emblazoned upon it, she’d bet her bottom bit that it had come from Blister. The indomitable unicorn, though not the head of the organization, did the lion’s share of the heavy lifting when it came to orchestrating practically every aspect of the base’s operation, so it was extremely unlikely that Burner had sent her anything - that and Burner would more than likely summon her and make a theatrical affair instead of sending correspondence. Carefully opening the letter, she pulled out and unfolded the piece of paper that lay therein. Vise Grip, Your services to our organization have been commendable, though your use to us has run its limit - furthermore, it’s been determined that any attempts to ransom you for bits would result in a net loss of funds. Tomorrow morning, you will be blindfolded and guided by our Aco-Lights to the hanger, transported to an undisclosed location, and released. While you are free to take your original belongings with you, you will be searched to prevent any theft of tools, property, or trade secrets before your departure. We would advise you not to besmirch or fabricate any information about our base, operations, or routines to the public, law enforcement, or the hero association. Though you will be free to carry on your life, any action that would result in harm to us or our activities may be met with repercussions that include but aren’t limited to: arson, vandalism, miscreant behavior, blackmail, the crashing of parties, theft, or erroneous civil litigation. For your own good, keep your mouth shut and act like this never happened. Regards, Blister Wing She should have been happy, overjoyed that she’d finally be free to get back to the life she’d been whisked away from, yet contempt bubbled up within her. The note was to the point, clinical even, and it hadn’t just informed her of her impending dismissal - no, it had gone so far as to threaten her. Had the letter come from a random goon or some dastardly desk-jockey, she wouldn’t have been as upset as she was - unfortunately for her, that wasn’t the case. Blister Wing - none other than Blister Wing had penned and sent her the message. The fondness she had for him turned bitter, tinged with scorn, as she folded the paper and slipped it under one wing. If he’d wanted her gone, he could have at least come to speak with her in person - for buck’s sake, hadn’t she deserved that much?! Leering over at the doorway, she frowned and marched to the exit. If he thought she was going to roll over and be carted off without getting an explanation, he was about to be in for a very rude awakening. Storming out of the bay and past two guards, she didn’t slow as the pair of Aco-Lights rushed past her and attempted to bar her path. “Move…” “Vise,” Stinger began, holding out a hoof to stop her, “you know you can’t -” “Move,” she barked, glaring at the one bold enough to stand in her way. The drone faltered. “Iz…iz everyzing - Zzzzz - alright?” Stopping dead in her tracks, Vise stomped a hoof. “Does it look like everything’s alright?” Closing her eyes, she pinched the bridge of her snout and tried to collect herself. It wasn’t the underlings’ fault for trying to stop her, since they were just doing their job, but rationalizing their actions gave her little comfort. She was going to find Blister, she was going to get some answers, and there wasn’t a darn thing in or out of the evildoer’s den that was going to keep her from giving the big, stupid unicorn a piece of her mind. “Just…” she sighed, reining herself in. “Just move please. I got some bad news and I really need to go take care of something.” “You’re not going to escape ~ are you?” the second goon, a whipcord thin diamond dog inquired. Looking up at the canine with a mixture of confusion and disbelief, Vise squinted. “How? We’re right outside the submarine bay, all the ground-level exits are heavily guarded, and I’d have to get past dozens and dozens of Aco-Lights before I even got close to an exit! If I really wanted to escape, I would have stolen the sub I just finished working on, dropped it in the moon pool, and maybe - just maybe armed a few of those torpedoes as a going away present! Now are you going to move or not?!” She hadn’t once lost her temper while living and working in the hive of villainy, excluding the time she was given a vegan, sugar-free donut in the cafeteria, so the guards were wholly unprepared for her wrath. Exchanging a glance with one another, they mutely weighed their options and wisely stepped aside. Perhaps they’d realized that she could have gotten away many, many times over if she’d truly wished to, or maybe they were taken aback by her mention of leaving an armed torpedo as a parting gift - whatever the case may be, parted ever so slightly. “We’re going to - Zzzzz - get in trouble for zis,” Stinger whispered. Immediately regretting her harsh words, Vise produced the letter. “Did either of you know about this?” The pair of Aco-Lights leaned in and looked at the paper before the drone recoiled. “Zey’re firing you?” Vise shrugged and snorted as she stashed the note. “Apparently…” “For what it’s worz, this iz news to me - us,” Stinger breathed, glancing over to his coworker. Throwing his hands up, the diamond dog appeared just as bewildered as the shapeshifter. “Don’t look at me! I’m not normally on this detail!” “So will you let me go or not?” Vise pressed. “I just need to speak to Blister, I promise.” With the pair parting and allowing her to pass, getting no more resistance from the duo, she trotted down a series of corridors and to the closest lift. The base was huge, spanning dozens of subterranean stories and connecting with an undersea cave system, which meant finding Blister wouldn’t necessarily be easy. Though the unicorn typically haunted the command decks, overseeing operations alongside his nefarious commander, there was no guarantee he was where she expected him to be - heck, for all she knew, he may have been out on a mission himself! Stepping forward as the elevator’s doors slid open, she froze when she saw a distinctly small figure lurking within the lift. “Hey, Tricky.” Throughout all her time amongst the evildoers, there was one thing - one pony who’d fascinated her more than almost anypony - Tricky. She’d initially assumed that the mare was simply petite and spunky, though that assumption was only partially correct. The young mare was just that, little more than a filly, and the precise reason why she was amongst the Aco-Lights was a bit of a mystery. Vise had talked with a number of minions about Tricky, casually asking questions while she laboried away on her various tasks, yet she’d never gotten a straight answer. Some of the henchponies claimed the filly was Blister’s daughter, others were convinced that she’d snuck onto the base to prove her value to the organization - regardless of the specifics, the details were vague. Trotting into the lift, she gave a subtle nod to the tiny mare. “How’s it hanging, Vise?” the little mare chirped, sidling over and making room while slipping a peek at the pegasus’ weighty udders. “Did they finally stop having you get escorted everywhere?” “No,” Vise grunted, pressing the button for the control center. Tricky peered up at her and scrunched her snout. “Did you lose your guard or - wait a second,” she gasped. “Is something wrong?” Taking a deep breath, Vise bit back a sarcastic reply. “Something like that…” “Do - um - do you want to talk about it?” the small earth pony softly asked. “Nopony did anything to you ~ did they?” Vise slowly exhaled and awkwardly shifted, unsure of how to handle the situation. Other than herself, Tricky was the one pony who felt completely out of place in the base - sure, she may have acted like a pony twice her age, was pretty good with a wrench, and knew her way around well enough, but she wasn’t bad by any reasonable measure. Forcing the grimace off her face, she tentatively smiled down at her diminutive companion. “No, nopony did anything bad,” she quietly replied. “I just need to talk to Blister, that’s all.” “Blister?” Tricky parroted. “What’d he do?” “He…” she fell silent. “It’s complicated…” Rubbing her chin, the pint-sized pony reached over, hit the stop button, and brought the lift to a shuddering halt. “How complicated?” Vise looked down at her companion and found herself at a loss. Tricky may have been young, but her instincts and ability to read somepony were better than some ponies double her age - that or the rapscallion was simply working on a hunch. Hanging her head, she extended an arm to set the elevator in motion and was stopped when the little mare stayed her hoof. “I’m being let go…” she sullenly admitted, refusing to meet the filly’s gaze. “What?!” Tricky blared, reeling back. “Why?! You’ve done everything that -” “I don’t know why!” she bleated, feeling her temper flare. “He sent me a note saying I was going to get reverse-kidnapped tomorrow morning. No goodbye, no ‘thanks for all the hard work, no explanation - just an impersonal pink slip saying I won’t be here tomorrow…” Opening and closing her mouth several times, apparently at an all too literal loss for words, Tricky slammed the clear button and sent the lift up to the second subfloor. “Well we’re gonna find out what’s going on then.” “Tricky, please,” Vise lamented, “you don’t have to -” “Oh I know I don’t have to,” Tricky grumbled, “but I’m going to go with you. Listen, I know Blister better than anypony other than maybe Burner, and I’m telling you that this is not like him. In the past, when he’d canned somepony, he’s had the courtesy to deliver the news personally. Considering how long you’ve been here and all the work you’ve done for us, for him to do this is just…just wrong!” Feeling worse than ever, with her anger gradually eclipsed by dejection, she kept her head lowered. “Has…has he said anything about me?” “Not for the last week or so, no ~ why?” the minuscule mare responded. Vise shook her head, seconds from spilling the beans and having to wrestle her emotions under control. “Just curious…” She didn’t know what was worse: the fact that she was being unceremoniously fired or that she may have been wrong about the hulking stallion who was rarely far from her mind. Had she been wrong about him? Had he simply played her like a fiddle, used her, and was now throwing her away now that he was finished with her. With an ache in her heart and a cold pit forming in her stomach, she did what she could to keep a straight face. The elevator slowed and smoothly stopped, the doors slid open, and Tricky trotted out. “Come on. There are only a few places he could be.” Mutely following along behind the mare, keeping her eyes on the floor, Vise followed her companion. She felt numb, like somepony had punched her in the gut, though an overwhelming sense of betrayal lingered. If Tricky, Stinger, and the canine’s reactions had been anything to go off of, she wasn’t the only one who’d been blindsided by her abrupt dismissal, but that didn’t make any sense! At the very least, the Aco-Lights should have been informed that she’d be leaving, if only so their schedules could be adjusted accordingly - even if she was being replaced by a mechanic more proficient than herself, which she doubted was possible, things simply weren’t adding up. Nearly bumping into the short mare by accident, she lifted her head and discovered they’d reached an intersection. “He’s usually eating lunch about now,” Tricky stated, leading the way to one of the residence wings. “If we’re lucky, we’ll catch him in his room.” Vise didn’t reply, trailing along as they made their way onward. It didn’t take them long to reach their destination, passing a number of henchponies along the way before they reached the closed door of one of the many quarters. She, as well as much of the other rabble, lived a floor down, while the level she was currently on was mainly used for ranking officers, illustrious guests, and those who’d proven themselves remarkable in some way or another. Seeing Blister’s door, she was gripped with indecision. Maybe she would be better off not seeing or speaking with him, letting him and the whole experience of being shanghaied behind her, yet a nagging part of her demanded he hear the order from him. As she passed Tricky and lifted her hoof to knock, the twin slabs of metal parted. Her heart stopped, her eyes widened, and the breath hitched in her throat when she looked up and into Blister’s eyes. The fires of anguish within her waned by being in his presence, if only for a moment. Noticing his stunned expression, realizing he was just as surprised at seeing her as she was to find herself suddenly facing him, she seized the initiative and scowled. “We need to talk…” she hissed, inching forward and placing a forehoof in the door’s tracks. “I - Ahem -” he coughed, patting his chest and shying away. “I presume you’ve finished your -” Taking another step, she cowed him back. “I’m not finishing anything until we talk.” As he stiffened, his eyes shot over to the little mare at the pegasus’ back. “Tricky?” “Vise said you’re getting rid of her,” Tricky asserted while her ears pivoted and laid back against her head. “Is that true?” “Well - uh - you see, I was…” Trailing off, he clamped his eyes shut and rubbed one temple. “Tricky, I can explain this to you later. Please run along and -” “But it’s not fair!” the filly pouted, marching over to Vise’s side. “Vise has done so much for us - plus everypony likes her and -” “Tricky…” he coldly interjected, his voice taking a low, ominous tone, “I can explain this to you later. Please allow Vise and I to speak in private.” Almost as if stricken, Tricky shifted in place. “But I -” “No buts,” he continued, cutting her off yet again. As he gave the filly his full attention, his expression softened. “Just be patient ~ ok? You’re not in trouble, I’m not mad, and I promise that all of this will make sense. Now be good and do as I ask.” Slipping a glance up at the pegasus’ face, clearly wishing to stay yet not wanting to anger the massive stallion, Tricky nodded. “Ok…” she breathed, turning and trotting away before stopping and looking back. “Just don’t try to be scary or mean to Vise ~ ok?” Blister held a hoof to his chest and bowed over at the young mare. “I won’t, you have my word.” Looking over her shoulder and waiting until Tricky rounded a corner and went out of sight, Vise swung her head back and quirked a brow up at Blister. “What was that?” “I - ugh…” he groaned, shaking his head. “Please come inside. I’d prefer not to discuss any of this in earshot of any nosy Aco-Lights.” Casually wheeling around and wandering into his abode, he bade her to enter. His interaction with Tricky had completely derailed Vise’s thoughts and further defused her anger - that was until he met her gaze. In an all but literal flash, her indignation flared and spurred her on. She could press him for details about his relationship with the little mare later, if there was a later - for now, she had more pressing matters to address with him. Trotting in and throwing one wing out to her side, she closed and locked the door behind herself. “Care to explain this?” she chided, withdrawing and throwing the letter at him. Watching the paper drift to the floor, he stood statuesque. “I thought the contents were clear enough, though I’ll clarify them for you. As of tomorrow morning, your kidnapping will be at an end. You’ll be blindfolded and gagged, brought to a metropolitan area, and observed until a civilian frees you. All we ask is that you -” “Why,” she murmured, her voice barely a whisper. “Is it because I’m not good enough? Is it because your Aco-Lights keep getting distracted by having a competent mare working in the same facility as them?” “Vise, please,” he groused, “this is a mercy and you should be thankful because of it. If you’d like an apology for us taking you in the first place, I apolo-” Closing the gap between them, she prodded his chest with a wingtip. “A mercy?! You bring me here against my will, have me fix all sorts of useless junk for you, and then you…you…” She shifted and turned away from him as she choked on her words. Did he have the slightest inkling that she liked him - moreover, did he actually care about her at all. Fighting against the rising tide of her emotions, she snarled and whipped around when he had the audacity to gently place a forehoof against her shoulder. “Don’t touch me!” she barked. “You wanted me gone, so I’ll be gone. Just take me in, use me, then throw me away after you’re finished ~ right?” “It’s not like that,” he countered. “Then what is it like?” she demanded, shoving him with a forehoof. “How many mares have you brought here and buttered up before you threw them back ~ huh? This is one heck of a catch and release program you’ve got, you pig.” As her accusation settled upon him, he stepped away from her. “You think I brought you here to suit my own desires?” “Heh,” she mirthlessly laughed, sneering up at him. “Let me guess ~ getting me in your room for some private time was just a bonus?” He held his ground and defiantly stared down at her. “No. You were here to fulfill a purpose, to aid with repair work and nothing else.” Utterly unconvinced, she locked eyes with him. “Then why are you dismissing me? There’s a ton of stuff that needs servicing around her, more than enough to keep me busy for months. If you really, truly got me to do a job, then why are you tossing me out so soon?” Flapping his jaw for a moment, unwilling or unable to give her an answer, he averted his gaze. She knew it - she bucking knew it; all this time, she’d just been a plaything for him, a pretty little toy that he’d apparently grown tired with, and now it was time for him to replace her with some equally gullible mare to woo. Disgusted by his lack of spine, seeing him for what he really was, she shifted and moved to the door. “Fine,” she snarled. “I would say it was nice working with you, but you, your Aco-Lights, and Burner can rot in -” “Wait,” he faintly called, causing her to look back. The once proud titan stood broken, his shoulder limp and head downcast, as he kept his eyes on the floor. His voice, his demeanor, and the very air about him had changed, making him look small and downright vulnerable to his usual self. Had he not looked so defeated, so pitiful, she would have made her leave without a moment’s hesitation, though that wasn’t the case. Lingering with her hoof hovering above the door’s controls, expecting him to continue, she grew impatient. “What?” “I’m not dismissing you because you did anything wrong or because I grew weary of your presence,” he muttered. She turned slightly, not fully facing him nor the exit. “Then why? Help me understand what I -” “Not you,” he continues, solemnly turning his head from side to side. “I’m dismissing you because I…You don’t belong here. You’re a good pony, you have a family, and you have a life. This is for your own good…” What he said made sense and spoke to the kindly stallion she’d seen in him, although her instincts told her there was something he wasn’t saying - something he was keeping from her. Turning her back to the door but keeping well out of his reach, she set her brow. Struggling to keep her feelings in check, she took a small step closer to him. “Blister,” she quietly began, “if you really mean that, why didn’t you come tell me yourself?” As she reached over and caressed his cheek with a pinion, he sheepishly peeked up at her and gently brushed her wing away. “To avoid this…” Spinning in a circle, he lumbered away and to the back of his suite. Of all the things he could have said or done, never in a thousand years would she have expected him to retreat from her - her, a pony who was all but powerless against him! Caught at an impasse, well aware that she’d been prepared to slap him and rake him over the coals mere minutes prior, she hastily collected her thoughts and followed after him. “Avoid what?” she quietly, almost mutely urged. He took a breath and gave a deep sigh. “This. Vise, I…” “What?” she breathed, startled when the gleaming sapphires that were his eyes met her. “I enjoy your company,” he ultimately admitted. “You’re a joy to be around, your carefree attitude is infectious, you’re attractive, and…” Waiting fruitlessly for him to continue, she steeled herself. “And…?” “And this would never work - we would never work,” he rumbled. “Keeping you here would be selfish and do neither of us any good. I may be a villain, but only a monster would bring an innocent soul into a life like this…” With a softness belying his colossal size and incredible strength, he ran a forehoof over her cheek and dolefully smiled. Rising like a phoenix from the fires of her wrath, her passion soared to life. He hadn’t dismissed her because he’d grown weary of her, nor had he any intention of hurting her - on the contrary, he was trying to save her and himself from something that could undo them both. Moved beyond words, rocked to her very core by the care and consideration the supposed villain had shown her, she succumbed to the very feelings that had sparked her misguided rage. Just as his cold, resolute facade crumbled, so too did her reservations. Throwing herself upon him, wrapping both wings around his thick, muscular neck, she pressed her lips to his and closed her eyes. He tenses, taken fully off guard by her passion, though he reciprocated in a flash. One tremendous forehoof crept around her shoulders, pulling her close, preventing her from getting away, and keeping her where she so desperately yearned to be. There’d been times in the past when she had feelings for somepony, musing on if she’d found the one, yet those instances had been fleeting and amounted to nothing. Though she’d been reluctant to say it, actually dreading the thought of it, Blister was the first stallion in a long, long time she’d felt anything for. Beneath the rough exterior, evil deeds, and tacit demeanor beat the heart harboring deep care and affection. Hesitantly pulling way, he slackened his grip. “We can’t - Mmmph?!” She silenced him with another, far deeper kiss. There were times for words and times for actions - this was the latter. He’d shown nothing but kindness for her, irrespective of his questionable initial motives, and he’d spared her from her unwitting exhibitionism in front of his minions - furthermore, if her suspicions about Tricky were even partially true, he had a benevolence rarely found amongst anypony. Allowing her actions to speak for her, she sank her tongue past his luscious lips and into his muzzle. Groaning softly, he yielded. He pushed back against her, his forehoof drifted through her mane, and his breath washed hotly over her face. While he may have acted otherwise, his desire to be with her, to have her, was as blinding as the sun. Embracing one another, lost to their desires, the tumultuous world and all the perils therein faded away. Her eyes shot open as an odd, tingly warmth surrounded her. She knew the sensation of magic when she felt it, so too was the sound of the arcane unmistakable, though she didn’t fight his sorcery. Delicately lifted from the floor and levitated to one side, all while they continued making out, she discovered herself drifting over his bed. Rearing back and leaving a glimmering band of saliva connecting them, he uneasily smiled. “I…I’m sorry…” As she shifted and was placed on her back atop the mattress, she peered down her chest and past her mountainous bosoms at him in confusion. “S…sorry for -” Riiiiiiiiiiiiiip With a flick of his horn, her uniform, one of the many he’d provided for her, was rent asunder. The move was so fast and surgical that she froze - not from fear but because of the raw zeal with which he acted. Repositioning her ever so slightly, pulling her hindquarters to the very foot of the mattress, he stepped up and placed his forehooves to either side of her waist. “For this…” he intoned, driving his face between her meaty thighs. The outright assault on her marehood sent a bolt of pleasure through her like she’d never known. Without so much as thinking about it, she clamped her hind legs to either side of his head and stifled a whimper. Even if he was paying her back for earlier, when she’d somewhat amateurishly sucked him off, the way he set upon her, ravishing her loins as though it was his final meal, was like that of a lucky colt on prom night.  All the steamy romance stories she’d read and the stories she’d heard from her friends about being eaten out didn’t do the experience justice. Every lick of his tongue sent a bolt of pleasure surging through her, making her hair stand on end and making her marehood wink uncontrollably while she tried and failed not to moan. She should have expected he’d be an unparalleled lover, yet his technique and enthusiasm left her speechless - well, mostly speechless. As he shifted and suckled on her clit, she cried out in rapture. “R…right there!” He obliged without question, tormenting her with a level of bliss that she’d never known, although he still had a few tricks up his sleeves. Seeing his aura glow around her nipples, she howled when he lovingly twisted and pulled on her sensitive teats. Heaven forgive her - she’d gone from being incensed to skyrocketing to an orgasm in mere minutes! Her thighs quaked, her chest heaved, and her eyelids fluttered like mad as she was pushed to the very brink of what she could endure. Moments before she crossed the threshold, he altered his tactics and sank his tongue into her trembling depths. Having never known the sensual touch of another, being feasted upon was as novel as it was phenomenal. The way he peeked past her parted bosoms and to her chest was the icing on the deliciously amorous cake, making it nearly impossible to look away from him. They’d spent weeks in isolation from one another, each warring with their budding feelings for one another, and now that time was at an end. Toying with her, he waited until she teetered on the razor’s edge of her sanity to strike the killing blow. As he hauled on her nipples while gently bit down on her clit, she came with cataclysmic force. She’d had more orgasms than she could count over the years, being a young, healthy mare, yet they paled in comparison to the ecstasy that consumed her. A torrent of marish nectar erupted from her spasming sex, baptizing him in her essence. Sorcerously prizing her hind legs apart, ignoring her howls and thrashing, he continued his onslaught until she was stricken with a second, equally powerful orgasm. She brayed and convulsed atop the dampened sheets, her body refusing to obey her, until he finally, mercifully retreated. Calling upon his magic, he did the one thing she hadn’t expected - he removed his disguise. His grey mane shifted to an olive hue, the fiery suit on him disappeared to reveal a lime green coat, and yet his cold, piercing eyes remained the same. To have somepony, be they hero or villain, reveal their true identity was the truest form of trust imaginable, leaving her all the more enthralled. Having tossed his uniform to the side, he steadied himself Shivering like a leaf in the wind, she peered down at him. Things could have ended there, his self-imposed debt repaid, yet he made no move to leave. They’d come this far, they’d tasted of forbidden fruit, and there was only one thing left to do. Looking him dead in the eyes, she invitingly spread her hind legs and licked her lips. He took her mute invitation with only the slightest bit of hesitation, stepping forward and kissing the tip of his length to her drooling loins. The vestiges of her common sense screamed at her to stop, that acting impulsively with somepony as well-equipped as Blister, was a bad idea for any number of reasons, yet the inferno of her desires would not be denied. Looming over her, he lowered his head and brought his muzzle to her ear. “I’ll be gentle.” Giving a small nod, torn between her lust and trepidation, she gulped. It almost felt like a hoof was pressed against her sex, so large was his endowment, and she couldn’t help but glance down at his crotch. It was hard to consider herself taking a stallionhood so large, his shaft looking monstrous compared to the modest toy she owned, though she wasn’t about to chicken out now. She set her jaw and slowly exhaled, telling herself she had to stay relaxed, as the pressure on her entrance gradually mounted. To his credit, his affection, soft kisses, and the way he reached up to stroke her mane did help and ease her concerns - that said, the strain on her virginal confines was the definition of torturous. She wanted to embrace him, to embrace his long, thick shaft with her marehood, though the task was herculean. Mired in doubt, fearing he was simply too big for her, she was graced with a miracle. Like a battering ram of old, his stallionhood forced her open and sank into her. The intrusion was so sudden and intense that her eyes went wide and she gasped, yet there was no pain; while it was incredibly intense, the pleasure it afforded overshadowed any discomfort by an order of magnitude. After compassionately giving her time to adjust, he slowly started to move. The feeling of fullness was staggering, sensing her lower lips being drawn out on his backstrokes before each light buck of his hips, but his angelic face was what truly elevated the moment. Warily smiling, he watched her face for any sign of distress. Her wings folded around his back, her fetlocks rested above his thighs, and she twisted her head to face him. It may have been self-serving, but there was one thing she wanted more than anything else. As he brought his snout to her, she locked lips with him and surrendered herself. Whether he knew it or not, she placed all her trust in his big, loving hooves. Seconds passed to minutes and longer still as the strain on her marehood gave way to unfathomable pleasure. Being rutted by him didn’t feel good - it felt indescribably incredible. His every motion was done with the utmost care, laying in stark contrast to his wicked reputation and frankly frightening aesthetic, and it fanned the roaring flames of her passion. She wouldn’t say she loved him, it was far too early to make such a foolhardy claim, yet she could tell she was falling for him. On and on he went, steadily increasing the speed and force of his thrusts while driving her to her limit yet again. Lifting her waist to meet his plunges, wanting - no, needing more, she mewled and screwed her eyes shut. She was so close, so very, very close to cumming; all she needed was the smallest push to be finished off. It would have been impossible for her to tell how long they’d been going at it, relishing every aspect of his being, that she failed to realize how she wasn’t the only one reaching her limit. Feeling his pistoning length throb in tune with his thundering heart, sensing the head of his cock gradually swell within her, she cracked one eye open. Though he continued kissing her, grunting and breathing hard, the look of sheer concentration on his face spoke of one thing - he was holding on by a thread. Compelled, she glided her snout to his ear and gave a single, impassioned command. “Cum…” With but a word, his resolve turned to ash. Groaning and snorting, he hilted her and flooded her depths with his seed. The power she felt from breaking such a mighty stud was intoxicating, though it was eclipsed by the soul-shattering rapture of being claimed. Holding him tight, she pressed her face against his shoulder and screamed with joy. While they may have been from different worlds, different in more ways than she dared to count, they became one in that instant. Their movements slowed, save for the fitful twitch or tremble, and their ecstasy ceded to the warmth of euphoria. She wasn’t the first to laugh, but hearing him chuckle made her giggle like a filly. The absurdity of it all, paired with the breakneck turn of events, was nothing short of funny in a way. Like two naughty foals, they pulled away and grinned at one another. “What am I going to do with you?” he mused, giving her a tender kiss on the neck. Basking in the warmth leaking from around his softening length, she squirmed beneath him. “Keep me and forget ever sending me that silly little note.” His expression wavered, though only for a moment. “We both know I can’t do that - we can’t do that, but I have an idea.” “Oh?” she quipped, returning his affection by stroking his back with her wings. “Just because I wouldn’t keep you here doesn’t mean we have to bring his - us to an end,” he sighed. “Want to take a shower and hear about what I had in mind?” “Only if we get something to eat beforehoof,” she snickered. Bringing one forehoof under her head, he leaned in. “I wouldn’t have it any other way…” > Epilogue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Anxiously checking his watch, Torque hugged his sister on the doorstep of their apartment. “Don’t have too much fun.” “Torque,” Vise laughed, shoving him away while snickering to herself, “I only just met him!” “Uh-huh…” he hummed, utterly unconvinced. “What did you say his name was again?” She backed away and blushed. “Swift Step,” she replied before squinting over at him. “You’re not going to go snooping on him ~ are you?” Giving a noncommittal shrug, he glanced down the sidewalk. “Can you blame me for being protective? Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad he found and untied you after you Burner set you free, but you can’t blame me for doing a simple background check on him!” Spotting a lumbering behemoth around the corner at the end of the block, he bit back a frown. He really was happy that Burner, for whatever reason, had let his sister go, and he could understand why she’d be so smitten with the stallion who’d discovered her after she’d been dumped off while hogtied and blindfolded, but he wasn’t thrilled that she’d started dating the gargantuan stud. Giving a small nod over to the approaching colossus, he turned his attention back to his sibling. “Just be careful ~ alright?” he sighed. “We’re just going out for coffee, donuts, and a movie,” she halfheartedly groaned. Punching his shoulder for good measure, she skipped down the steps and off to meet her date. “I’ll see you later tonight!” “Have fun!” he called out to her as his eyes lingered on the behemoth of a unicorn. Outside of what little Vise had said about the stallion, he knew perilously little about the titan - that said, given the size of the city and the number of ponies who lived there, that wasn’t anything extraordinary. Seeing the unicorn give her a small hug and turn away, pressing himself against her, he knit his brow. After everything she’d gone through, he couldn’t help but be overprotective of her. His thoughts wandered as he stepped inside and closed the door behind himself. As unbelievable as it was, Vise had returned unscathed and in surprisingly good spirits - then again, given her perpetually sunny disposition, he shouldn’t have been too surprised about the latter point. According to her, Burner had merely had her repairing various pieces of equipment in his base - unfortunately, the villainous pony had gone to great lengths to ensure she didn’t know where his base was. While it was unfortunate that she wouldn’t be able to help him discover where the evildoers were hiding, he was still thankful that she’d survived the ordeal safely. With a heavy sigh, he peeked up at a clock on his living room wall. He may never know everything she’d gone through, but her absence had taken a heavy toll on him in ways he would never - could never have fathomed. Over the time she’d been gone, his anguish and anger had gradually taken an insidious, wholly unbecoming turn; maybe it was his subconscious’ way of coping with the stress, or perhaps he hadn’t realized how he thought about her - regardless, he felt a small measure of guilt in her presence. Knock knock knock “One second,” he shouted, gathering himself. Calling upon his courage, more nervous than when he’d found himself facing villains, he threw the door open. “Yes?” Lurking just outside, drawing on a long-stemmed pipe, a changeling mare inspected him with her rich, mauve eyes. “Torque Wrench?” He stepped back and hurriedly waved for her to enter. “Měilì?” “The one and only,” she coolly replied, giving a small bow. “Come in, please,” he urged. She exhaled a thick plume of pink, sweet-smelling smoke before entering. It wasn’t the first time he’d seen a changeling before, nor would it be the last, but she was by far one of the bustiest he’d ever laid eyes upon. Short and heavily built, with a pair of udder-like breasts that nearly reached the ground, she coolly surveyed the interior. “Nice place,” she tranquilly remarked, flashing her teeth as her gaze settled back on him. “I - um - t…thanks,” he stammered, rubbing the back of his neck. Trotting forward and lifting her pipe to her lips, ignorant or uncaring of his anxiety, she softly chuckled. “I’m guessing this is your first time?” He nodded and shied away, refusing to look her in her hauntingly bright eyes. “Is…is it that obvious?” “It is, but that’s hardly a bad thing,” she purred, continuing her languid pursuit of him. “I’m guessing there was a reason why you wanted - how’d you put it ~ ‘the best changeling we have to offer’?” Feeling blood rush to his face and loins, he momentarily glanced back to her pendulous bosoms. “Y…yeah…” “Don’t be so tense,” she cooed, reaching back to fondle herself with a forehoof. “I’m all yours for the evening, stud. How about you have a seat, relax, and let me -” “Wait,” he blurted, skirting past her and to a desk by the front door. Snatching up a framed photo, he pointed to a mare in the picture. “Can you turn into her?” Taking a long, slow draw of her pipe, Měilì peaked a brow. “Got a preference for buxom mares ~ eh?” Setting the photo down as quickly as he’d grabbed it, feeling his cheeks darken, he gave an almost imperceptible nod. “S…something like that. You’re not offended ~ are…” With a flash of amethyst flame, the shapeshifter transformed. “Offended, no, not in the slightest - after all, this is what we do. Might I ask, is she your ex?” Sensing his stallionhood slipping from its sheath, nearly picking his jaw up from the floor, he marveled at her metamorphosis. The violet mane, the rich purple coat, the wings, the jade green eyes - the likeness was flawless, even if her voice remained the same. As he realized she’d asked a question, watching her smirk broaden, he inched closer to her. “Something like that…” he breathed. He swallowed hard but remained where he stood, both painfully aroused and ashamed of what he’d done - what he was about to do. While he may have been embarrassed, his temporary companion was anything but. Crossing to him and setting her pipe down, she gently wrapped a wing around his neck and pulled him close. “Ready to have some fun?” she murmured, affixing him with her heavily-lidded gaze. Peering into the suddenly familiar face, he snickered. “Yeah…”