> A Flurry of Emotions > by Hotness > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > An Invitation > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It rained heavily outside the castle in Canterlot this nightime. It seemed like there was a lot of that recently. Something about the drought in the plains below. I was leaned up against a pillar on the far side of the Ballroom taking watch for any potential intruders. Not that there was much of a chance for something like that to happen, mind you. Being a Royal Guard was about as interesting as watching paint dry. It didn't help that had there been remodeling recently that might actually be the exact thing you were doing for 12 hours straight. With that being said, I am a Captain. Quite the prestigious position. Normally I would be guarding Princess Twilight's room but she was off doing something important in Maretania so I picked up duties elsewhere. To be honest, I really hated this job. It gave me way too much time to get sucked into my thoughts, and with an active imagination like mine that could be a pretty annoying thing. I only joined for one reason: to get away from her. She was beautiful. Illustrious hair, huge wings, a silky voice. A mare you'd meet once in a lifetime. Unfortunately for me, she was also a princess. Rather unfortunate luck huh? I guess there was a time when we loved each other. I certainly did. But I've always seemed to doubt her love for me. A bad devil on my shoulder sometimes says the only reason she was ever with me was to get back at her parents. Sometimes I doubt it though. But still, I loved her. And it stung worse than a thousand lightning bees when we broke it off. Maybe it was inevitable. Maybe it was fate. I don't know, and I didn't really care anymore. That was years ago. Right now I'm more absorbed in the pitter patter of the rain. I felt a jab in my side and jolted back to the present. "Captain Scootaloo, I am here to relieve you." t was a young buck, a hulking earth pony named Ulysses. He had recently joined the guard for similar reasons to me. That seemed to be a pretty common theme with Guards. Whether it was escaping a bad life or running away from other problems, being a guard helped ponies just separate in a way other jobs didn't. "Thank you. Good luck." I tipped my helmet sarcastically. He smiled, having already known what it meant. 'Good luck' wasn't so much a wish for nothing bad to happen so much as it was a wish for something to happen at all. Nopony knows who was the first to say it, all we know is that it makes a lot of sense. I trotted off to file my 'report' for the day. I wrote it neatly kept ledger dating back a few years of everypony who had guarded these halls. I signed my name and wrote 'All quiet on the Equestrian front.'. Seemed to get a few chuckles from older guards every now and then. Normally I would have taken my armor off in the break room but for whatever reason I was feeling tired today and decided it would be easier to just go with it on. I quietly pulled the outside doors open and walked into the rain. It never really bothered me much so I never used umbrellas. Constantly made my aunties upset when I'd walk in and get rain all over their rug. I chuckled thinking about it. "Scootaloo, how many times do I have to tell you to at least shake off before you come in here?!" I'd always be a smart donkey and respond "Well I did a count the other day and say we are at 14." The chuckle I'd get was well worth the extra chores. The streets of Canterlot looked a lot different from when I came here as a filly. Neon lights and advertisements replaced traditional signs all along the pathways throughout the city. Didn't bother me much, just like the rain. I usually didn't take the same path to my home, often setting off to a random path and finding my way back through intuition. I got to see more of this strange city that way. As I walked on I realized I was passing by an old friend, Apple Bloom. She had moved to the capital to open a sort of diner in an old textile shop. The lights were still on, a rarity this time of night. I could see through the window she was slumped over on a stool reading a book. Not to many ponies come looking for an apple fritter this time of night I'd imagine. I would have continued walking if she hadn't noticed me outside and jumped at the opportunity to say 'hi'. Her head peaked out the front door. I could see she was smiling gleefully. "Scoots! Come on in here, I've been meaning to talk to you!" "Oh really? What about?" She motioned at the sky. "I'd rather not have a conversation in the rain if I can help it." "Fair enough." I removed my helmet and made it inside. "Here, let me get you something to dry off with." Apple Bloom ducked behind the counter and grabbed a hooftowel. "C'mon, sit down. I'm sure the nightwatch is boring. Lets get you something to drink." As soon as I sat down in the stool my old friend began patting at my face and hair with the towel. "How is business?" Apple Bloom paused for a moment, having taken on a more muted demeanor. "Well you see, thats what I wanted to talk about." "That bad?" "No, not at all. I'm doing quite fine. The issue is that I am gonna have to move back to Ponyville soon. Applejacks getting up there in age and Little Mac ain't old enough to be doing the whole farm by himself. I wanted to let you know. I ain't got a lot of friends here." I deflected answering. "How about that drink AB?" "Oh, okay." Apple Bloom filled a glass of cider and placed it on the counter in front of me. It wasn't the kind of stuff her family usually made, just some cheap offbrand that was cheaper to get. I gulped down a bit anyway, cider still got the job done cheap or fancy. "I thought you'd be more... upset." I nodded. "Do you know how Sweetie is doing these days?" Apple Bloom nervously tapped the table. "Oh you know her, singing all over the radio doing her own thing." She crossed her hooves. "I don't really blame her neither. I'd do the same if I was given what she got for that record deal." I grinned. "Yeah, that sounds like Sweetie Belle alright. Always doing what's best for her." Apple Bloom scoffed. "Don't talk about her like that. She just... chased her dreams is all. You should be wishing her well." "Oh goody. Can't wait to get into this argument again." "We don't have to, Scootaloo. You are just being vindictive. You can't forget the past." I shook my head. "Well maybe I don't want to forget the past AB. Celestia knows we don't have any more glory days ahead of us." Apple Bloom looked at nothing in particular and stayed silent. I could see that she was holding back tears. "Just because they are gone doesn't mean we should forget them AB." "I know Scoots." She grabbed another glass of cider. "This stuff tastes like battery acid." "Tell me about it." Apple Bloom raised her glass. "To our glory days, old friend." "I'll drink to that." I clinked her glass and we chugged a few pints together, thinking back on old times and the shenanigans we'd always get into as fillies. I don't remember much after that to be honest. When I awoke the next morning it was by a letter magically falling on my snout and leaving a faint scent of sulfur in the air. I picked it up in my left wing and was surprised to see a royal seal on the front but when I went to open it I realized my hoof was stuck under a fast asleep Apple Bloom snoring away. I mouthed 'OMC I slept with her last night' and quietly freaked out trying to pull my hoof from out underneath without waking her. I failed miserably and ended up waking her almost immediately. She yawned loudly and perked up. As soon as she opened her eyes and saw me, she too mouthed 'OMC I slept with her last night'. I tried to play it off smoothly. "Heyyyyyyy, wassup beautiful?" She scrunched her nose and rubbed her temple. "Please tell me we didn't do what I think we just did." "Oh I'm sure it was amazing for all parties involved, unfortunately I was wasted and don't remember a single thing. Who knows, we might have just kissed a little bit and fallen asleep." Apple Bloom groaned. "I somehow doubt that. I promised myself I wouldn't fall for you again." "Fallen? AB, please. It was a drunken mistake." Apple Bloom dramatically rolled her eyes and smiled. "We make those too often for it to be a mistake." She shook her head. "What's that?" She pointed at the letter. "Oh, I had nearly forgotten. It's a letter from the Royals. Probably just a Royal Tea Party summons or something, nothing important." "Well open it up. You piqued my interest at 'royal'." "Well alright then." I broke the wax seal and unfurled the letter. "Dear Captain Scootaloo, you have been selected to Guard for an important international event." I laughed. "See? Just a tea party. They always do these grand introductions for it to only be a date with Spike and that one dragon queen." Apple Bloom's jaw dropped. "Spike is dating Queen Ember?" "Yeah, I thought everypony knew that." "With the amount of old gossiping mares I get through here? Definitely not if I haven't heard it yet. C'mon, keep reading!" "Pfft, okay your royal highness." I did a small bow and continued. "As you know, we take security very seriously. This is why you have been chosen out of a list of candidates to oversee the wedding of... of..." My heart skipped a beat. Apple Bloom squealed. "They're getting married?! I never thought Spike to have eyes for anyone but Rarity!" "No. It's some guy named Prince Asterion and... Flurry Heart." Apple Blooms excitement died out. "Oooh..." "Yeah." I looked at the rest of the letter. We understand the undertaking such an operation is, and as such we have already sent ponies to collect your belongings from your issued quarters in Canterlot and moved them to a room at Crystal Clear Tavern near the Palace in the Crystal City. Tickets have already been purchased for you to take the Crystal Express at Canterlot Station, noontime. We are excited to see you here. Best wishes, Spike, Royal Ambassador of Friendship. I dropped the letter and wrapped myself in a blanket. She moved on. She actually moved on. "Scootaloo Are you okay? I know how much she meant-" "I'm fine, AB." "Okay then, have it your way." I heard her take the note in her grasp and take a moment to read. "So. This is it, huh? You are just going to go off to the Crystal Empire and not even say goodbye?" I grinded my teeth. "I'm sorry AB. I just didn't think this would happen. You going away back home and all that, I mean." Apple Bloom stayed silent for a moment, seemingly weighing her options. "I could go with you to the Crystal Empire." "What?" I looked at her in surprise. She smiled. "Well yeah. I'm sure I could call in a favor from another Apple or two to help out Little Mac and disappear for a few weeks. What's the worst that could happen? Bugbear attack?" "AB, you don't have to do this. I can handle mysel-" AB booped me to get me to stop and I blushed a bit. "Scootaloo, you are my best friend in the whole world. I would jump off a cliff if you told me it was safe. I'm not going to let you go into that alone." I wrapped her in my blanket. "Thank you." "Don't mention it. C'mon, I think we have a train to catch." She poked her head out. "Sun doesn't look that bright at 6 in the morning after all." "Yeah, you are right. We need to get going." Apple Bloom packed lightly and made a few phone calls before setting off with me to the train station, skipping breakfast in favor of a speedy retreat. The attendant was a bit weary of my plus one but let it slide because 'you two look cute together'. I received more than a few teases from AB for that one and soon we were off to the Crystal Empire. I didn't know what to expect from this wedding. Last one I was at was when her parents tied the knot, and I could barely remember it. I could only think about was Flurry Heart and her new groom. I had never heard of this 'Prince Asterion' and it made me uneasy, but it's not like I concerned myself too much with politics anyway. But that was for future me to worry about. As green pastures turned into the snowy fields of the Crystal Empire I looked over at AB. She was sleeping lazily slumped on my shoulder. The attendant was right. She did look cute. To be continued...