Canterlot Wedding (Alternate Version)

by Big Imagination E

First published

Shining and Celestia get married in this version of the Canterlot Wedding

We all know that Shining Armor is married to Cadence. But what if he married Celestia instead? Let’s see.

Nice Day and Trouble Afoot

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It was a lovely day in Equestria and we see Twilight, her friends and even her lovely wife Luna enjoying a picnic in the sunny weather. Now o bet you are wondering how Twilight and Luna got married. Well they got together after nightmare night and after a while of dating they got married and Luna now lives with Twilight in Ponyville.

“It’s gorgeous. Absolutely gorgeous!” Rarity said.

“Yes. And there’s no better way to relax than enjoying a picnic with my friends and my lovely wife.” Luna said.

“Thanks Luna. You’re very sweet.” Twilight said as the two kissed.

Then Spike came to them about to burp a message.

“Twi... light! ...I... have... Lemme just...” Spike said as he belched.

Then Twilight began to read.

Dear Twilight, I am sure you are as excited as I am about the upcoming wedding in Canterlot.

“Wedding?” Twilight said.

I will be presiding over the ceremony, but would very much like you and your friends to help with the preparations for this wonderful occasion. Fluttershy, I would like you and your songbird choir to provide the music.

“Oh my goodness! What an honor!” Fluttershy said.

Pinkie Pie, I can think of no one more qualified than you to host the reception.

“Hip, hip, hooray!” Pinkie said.

Applejack, you will be in charge of the catering for the reception.

“Well, color me pleased as punch!” Applejack said.

Rainbow Dash–

Rainbow yawned but Twilight continued.

...I would very much appreciate it if you could perform a sonic rainboom as the bride and groom complete their "I do"'s.

“Yes!!” Rainbow said.

Rarity, you will be responsible for designing the dresses for the bride and her bridesmaids.

“Princess Celestia wants me to– [unintelligible] dress? For a Canterlot wedding... I, ah, ooh, oooh!” Rarity said as she fainted.

And as for you, Twilight, you will be playing the most important role of all: Making sure that everything goes as planned. See you all very soon. Yours, Princess Celestia.

“But... I don't understand. Who's getting married?” Twilight said.

“Oh, wait! Uh, I was probably supposed to give you this one first.” Spike said handing her the first one.

Princess Celestia cordially invites you to the wedding of herself and...

She gasped. “My brother?!” Twilight said.

Everyone was shocked that Twilight's brother was getting married to Celestia herself.

"Your brother's getting married?! That's wonderful news Twi!" Applejack said.

"And to my sister nonetheless! This is truly a big day for her! Come everyone! We must pay them a visit!" Luna said.

Soon enough everyone was on the train and arriving at Canterlot. We see a male unicorn with blue hair and in a guard uniform when he saw his sister coming. He was Shining Armor.

"Twily!!" Shining said as he hugged her.

"Hey big brother! I heard your marrying Celestia! This is great!" Twilight said.

"Yes Twily. Ever since Cadence and I broke up last year cause of her duties Celestia came in and healed my heart. Now were officially about to be married." Shining said.

"Well can I go talk to Cadence and see if she will understand?" Twilight said.

"Sure. Just don't do anything that might upset her." Shining said.

Twilight smiled and headed off to find Cadence. But when she did she performed her classic sisterly dance when she was little. But she scoffed and walked away. Twilight didn't know why but that was rude. And it wasn't before long that she continued to be like that to all of her friends when all they were doing is preparing for the wedding. She even was rude to Celestia! Later that night everyone was having a meal and a discussion about what happened.

"Can you believe her? Why is she acting like this?" Twilight said.

"I don't know dear. But she had no right to disrespect my sister. Especially when she is getting married soon." Luna said.

"Yeah. Cadence ain't usually like this. Something's wrong." Applejack said.

"Maybe she's jealous that she ain't marrying him." Rainbow said.

"Maybe. But tomorrow we need to check on this." Luna said.

Everyone agreed and headed off to sleep in their homes. But why was Cadence acting so rude? Guess they'll find out the answer soon enough.

Truth, Battle and the Wedding

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The next day everyone decided to go confront Cadence because of her attitude yesterday when all they were doing is preparing for the wedding. They arrived at the dressing room where Cadence was and needed to speak to her.

"Cadence. We need to talk." Shining said.

"About what?" Cadence said.

"Your attitude yesterday. We were trying to help out for the wedding and all you did was hate everything we did. Why is that?" Applejack said.

Then suddenly her eyes and horn glowed green and trapped everybody in green flames.

"Because I won't rest til Shining is mine! Once I rid of Celestia I will have you and as MY husband!!" Cadence said.

"Cadence! Stop! I know we broke up but this is taking it too far!!" Shining said.

"I don't think so." Cadence smirked and sent everyone to the caves.

In the caves everyone looked around for a way out. But so far they couldn't find one. And with Cadence laughing evil echoing through the cave made Twilight mad and started blasting everywhere while trying to not hurt her friends, her brother and her wife. Then she blasted a wall where we see the real Cadence sitting there. Twilight was still mad but Shining calmed her down.

"Twily! I think that's the real Cadence." Shining said.

"Likely story!!" Twilight said.

But then to her surprise she did the performance they always did when she was little and Twilight smiled and hugged her while crying happy tears.

"Im sorry Cadence. But im glad you remember me." Twilight said.

"Of course I do. How could I forget the one pony I foalsit when she was little?" Cadence said.

"But what are you doing down here?" Shining said.

"The Cadence that brought me and all of you down here was an imposter. I tried getting to you but she got me first." Cadence said.

"Well that explains it. Now let's get you out of here! We gotta stop that imposter." Shining said.

So they all went looking for the way out but were blocked by three bridesmaids.

"Your not going anywhere." They said in monotone.

Back on the surface we see the imposter Cadence getting ready for the wedding but before she can put the dress on the door flung open seeing everyone she trapped in the caves staring at her angry. Even Celestia! The gang told her everything that happened and how an impostor of Cadence is trying to taking over.

"Oh my! Um Celestia? I need more time to get in the dress." The imposter said.

"You can drop the act. I know your not the real Cadence. And it's not your special day! It's mine!" Celestia said.

"Grr. Guess I better lose this disguise now." The imposter said.

Then the imposter was engulfed in green flames and she was no longer Cadence but a humanoid bug ailcorn. She was Chrysalis. She laughed evily.

"So you're the imposter that trapped us!" Rainbow said.

"Right you are ponies! And as queen of the Changelings it will up to me to find food for my subjects. I've been searching for a while and I've been feeding off different ponies! Including you Shining. You may not be my husband, but your spell is growing weaker by the minute. Even my Changelings are chipping away at it." Chrysalis said.

And sure enough the Changelings were breaking through the shield.

"Soon, my changeling army will break through. First, we take Canterlot. And then, all of Equestria!" Chrysalis said.

"No. You won't. You may have made it impossible for Shining Armor to perform his spell, but now that you have so foolishly revealed your true self, I can protect my subjects and my husband from you!" Celestia said.

"Oh yeah? And how you gonna do that?" Chrysalis said.

She got the answer when Celestia blasted her out of the room and landed on the ground outside. Then Twilight teleported in front of her.

"Ok. That answers my question. But how can you stop a whole army of Changelings?" Chrysalis said.

Then after she said that the Changelings broke the shield and flew straight down and landed side by side with Chrysalis. Everyone got in position ready to fight.

"Looks like were all doing this the hard way!" Rainbow said.

"Looks that way. Changelings attack!!" Chrysalis said.

And like that they began a battle. They all charged into battle to defeat the Changelings. The ponies blasted them with their magic and they were stunned. But they all had to be very careful cause some of them transformed into duplicates of themselves and had to be on their toes figuring out who's the real deal. This continued for a long time til all the Changelings were on the ground defeated.

"It's over Chrysalis. Your Changelings are defeated. You have no more." Cadence said.

"Oh really? I think not. Look up." Chrysalis said.

Everyone looked up and saw more Changelings coming down and landed side by side with Chrysalis. The ponies were worried that this wouldn't end.

"She's got more?! How can we stop them?!" Rainbow said.

"Simple. You can't! Now make this easy on yourselves and surrender now. Or this will only get worse." Chrysalis said.

"Never Chrysalis. In fact you forget about one thing about love." Celestia said.

"And what's that?" Chrysalis said.

"You may feed off the love but there's a different perspective when you give love instead of stealing it." Celestia said.

"Yes. And since my sister and Shining Armor will be married soon they will show you just that." Luna said.

Celestia and Shining Armor nodded as they slowly wrapped each other and Celestia casted a heart to cover them whole. Then with one kiss the spell was starting to do its job. Chrysalis was scared and tried blasting her magic but with no results. Then after a good 10 minutes of kissing the spell was fully actived and blasted a wave of rainbow light and hearts sending Chrysalis and her Changelings away from Canterlot. It also got rid of any damage that the Changelings did and everyone was free. The two slowly landed on the ground as they separated lips.

"Aww. That was the sweetest thing I ever seen." Luna said.

"It sure was Luna. It sure was." Twilight said.

"Now we can have the wedding. But let's clean all this up first." Celestia said and the others agreed.

After 3 months of waiting, preparing and cleaning the wedding was now starting. In the halls we see them in the best wedding clothes ever. Shining wore a tux and blue dress shirt like his father wore at his wedding, while Celestia wore an elegant white sparkling wedding dress. Fluttershy conducted the music and began playing as everyone rose up and watched the two walk down the aisle. They came up to the podium where his bridesmaids and his best man were waiting. Once they stand there Luna came to the stand and everyone sat down. And Shining took the veil off of Celestia's face.

"Dearly beloved. We are gathered here today to witness the marriage of this young man and this young woman in holy grace. The couple have written their vows before we pronounced them. With that said Celestia you may go first." Luna said.

Celestia looked into his eyes and began her vow.

"My dearest Shining. You were the most nicest, and most handsome stallion I have met in my life. I feared that I wouldn't have found anyone who would spend the rest of my life with. But you came in and answered my prayers. Now not only do I have my subjects out there, but I also have a husband to love on. And I am grateful that it's you." Celestia said as everyone was crying happy tears.

Now it's Shining's turn for his vow.

"My lovely Celestia. Ever since I was a little foal I had always been a great servant of you. In fact I dream about you almost every night. When we started dating I felt something more powerful than ever. Our love for each other. Now that were getting married I swear to you on this day I will make you happy as much as you made me happy." Shining said as everyone continued crying happy tears. Even Luna couldn't hold it. Then she begin to read the sayings.

"Do you Shining Armor take Celestia to be your lawful wedded wife? To love and cherish her in good and bad til death do you part?" Luna said.

"I do." Shining said.

"And do you Celestia take Shining to be your lawful wedded husband? To love and cherish him in good and bad til death do you part?" Luna said.

"I do." Celestia said.

"Then by the power invested in me I pronounce you husband and wife. Shining you may kiss the bride." Luna said.

The two sealed their love with a kiss and everyone clapped and cheered for the new wedded couple. Wedding bells were ringing and the two went off on their honeymoon. To Shining it was a dream come true. He and Celestia were now together forever.

"Now that was a great wedding." Twilight said.

"If you thought that was great wait til you see what I got for the other parties!" Pinkie said.

Everyone laughed at that but know that in the future their would be more parties to enjoy.