> - The Game of Life > by Golden-Gale > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: Being given the offer of a lifetime! WHAT A DEAL! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Music to listen to as you read) - You ever felt as if...your mind and body was detached from one another just...because? Thats what it felt like for me...just...simply floating and unaware of what was around me...it was as if I was just...floating upon nothing, no solid or liquid mass to keep me up or to push me down. - - I was simply a being of nothing, just a light among lights, a candle that never ends nor can ever be lit again. Just a simple light source that was beautiful as it was saddening. - - My mind of course didn't know or even seem to know how to process what was going on mainly because...I was just simply one and nothing altogether. I was an entity of mass or maybe particles? I really didn't care...just floating around was all that mattered. - "Is that what you really want? To simply just 'float' around as if you were a autumn leaf moving down a slow stream of water? It doesn't have to be that way...I could offer you something even greater if you so desire." Said a voice that was somewhat...odd? "Who-who's there!" I said as I tried to move my 'body' "The question to who I am is something you'll most likely never know, but...the question is...are you willing to accept it? Accept the offer I have proposed to you? All you have to do is say yes and a second chance could be yours~" The voice murmurs "But...what if this is a trick? I-I don't know if I can trust you!" I say with a careful tone "Trust? You have no reason to trust me, that much is certain. You could easily say no but yet you've been thinking about it haven't you?" The voice says questioningly "I...suppose you have a point. I could have said no immediately...but it is a tempting offer. So, if I were to...accept this proposal...where would you send me? What would happen to me?" "I curiously ask "I could send you anywhere and everywhere, it just depends on where you wish to go! I could easily send to you live a life out as a fictional character that existed via a story or a comic or I could even allow you to make your own character!" The voice claims with an air of 'excitement' "Y-you could? I mean...that DOES sound tempting...very tempting indeed...I accept!" I claim with a tone of seriousness "OF course, of course, if that is what you desire then lets get right down to bussiness!" The voice chuckles with mirth "O-ok...well, I want you to pick then..." I say with a hint of hesitation "You want 'muah' to pick for you!?! Oh, how truly wonderful! Hm, but what to choose from! Oh, I already know! Ill send you somewhere nice that you'll surely love!" The voice says with a chuckle "But, I think I shall give you something or 'someone' to aid you along the way as you grow into this new world!" The voice claims with a snap of its 'fingers?' 'A low hum begins within my head as my 'body' contorts in pain...mainly my 'head' as I yell out in shock from the sudden stabbing sensation' "Oh, my apologies...I didn't think it would hurt THAT much but I guess I was wrong. Don't worry though, you'll most certainly appreciate what or 'whom' I've given you over time! Now, as much as I would LOVE to stay and chitchat, I have things to do and places to see! It truly was wonderful speaking with you but I must get going, when you awaken you'll have questions...but she'll answer them for you. So, tata for now!" The voice says with a burst of laughter and a distinctive 'pop' as the presence of the voice fades away 'My ethereal 'body' slowly stopped moving within the white plains of my 'home' as for whatever counted as my 'mind' or 'core' slowly began to black out over time as I lulled into a state of tiredness and exhaustion as my 'vision' faded to nothingness' 'My mind slowly drifted to a state of alertness as my eyes slowly drifted open...it was nice...as I stretched my bo- "WAIT WHAT!" I shout in surprise as I stumbled over my 'body' "What the hell! I have a body! I have hands and fingers! Oh, the tiny little sausages! Oh how I've missed you!" I say with excitement as I put my hands to my face :Yes, I can tell you do indeed like your hands as you so call them: 'A calm yet patient voice say's' "Wha-who's there! 'I stumble about as I spin and spin in an attempt to find the voice' "Show yourself before I do something with my newly acquired...fingers!" I say as I 'menacingly' wiggle them :Calm down, I'm here as a guide for your new life...well...a new life that hasn't begun just yet but close to beginning: 'The voice says with a warm tone' :You may call me ANI, which stands for Automated Neural Input: 'The robotic yet feminine voice claims' "ANI? Thats...that's a very beautiful name. But, anyways...where am I right now...or more accurately...where are we right now?" I ask as I spin around and around within the black void with barely any light as I try to see something :You are currently within your mind, as it stands...this is how you perceive it...empty...yet with a chance of almost infinite possibilities when it comes to your imagination. I am here to assist you in the creation of your avatar. Please, do take your time with the creation of your character. You will be starting a new life so the choices you make will affect you greatly: 'ANI claims with an air of seriousness' "Oh, uh, sure! I can easily do that! But...where's...the option to make an...avatar?" I ask with a tone of curiosity :I shall be the one giving you the options on what to choose and pick from, I shall be the main factor for the making of your 'character: 'ANI says with assurance' :Now, let us get started! I shall now be providing you with a list of the varying species on what you can choose to be born as. There is an extensive amount so please take your time: 'ANI claims with a serious tone showing shes being as legitimate as she can with what shes just told you - An overlay of options appears in front of you - | Thestral | Minitour |Kirin | Changeling | Pegasus | Earth Pony | Unicorn |Kelpie | Draconequus | Umbra | Griffin | Dragon | Crystal Pony | Hippogriff | Diamond Dog | Breezie | Centaur | :These are the varying options you could choose from and more, this is why I said to take your time. Now, I advise you to choose wis-: 'The voice gets cut off as I say something "THESTRAL! I...I choose the thestral!" I immediately respond without a second thought on my choice :You...you've already chosen your answer? Very well then, with you acquiring the species of thestral. you have been given the following traits and abilities as well as skills and perks: 'She begins to list what you received - Traits - Nocturnal Vision | Thanks to the evolution of your species you have inherited the ability to naturally see in the dark! You can see better then the most of any species out there! Blood Rush - Rare Trait | Your species are claimed to have a natural desire to drink blood, yet that was false but also true! This genetic feature had died off many years ago but thanks to a chance of luck you shall be given this ability through your pure ancestral genes! Blood Rush is a skill in which allows you to drink the blood of another living victim to enhance your abilities x3! This ability can easily be activated by drinking the blood of any foe or victim of your choosing! Greater Hearing | Thanks to your species adaptability you have gained the following trait in which you can hear things MUCH better than most of any species out there! Mages Blood | Due to your bloodline bearing an exceptional following of exotic traits and genes and so on, you have gained the ability to use MAGIC! You won't be able to immediately use without the use of a horn but overtime you'll figure out a way! - Abilities - Screech | This following ability allows you to make a loud and high pitch sound which can allow you to do a variety of things such as temporarily incapacitating a foe, getting a better understanding of your surroundings, calling for assistance for any nearby thestrals or allies and so on! Ping | An ability which allows you to make a low chirping sound which sends out a ping in the chances of finding something more easily depending on which way you send it - Skills - No skills have been acquired due to you not having earned or learned any yet -------------------------------------- :We will now be going into the perks category for the new you. You will gain perks upon traits, skills, abilities merging together through your character making choices and what you've naturally been given. You have an option to give yourself 3 perks as an added choice but they may turn out to be beneficial or a hinderance, the choice is yours: 'ANI claims" "Well, I uh...I wish to 'roll' a perk before I'm given the perks that will be given to me upon all the traits, skills, and abilities merging." I say with a voice of carefulness :Understood, you have chosen to receive an added perk: -------------------------------------- Immortality - Legendary Perk | You have been gifted the gift many crave, this perk will allow you to live to great ages to where you will never have to worry about aging past the age of 18! So go out there and live your life because you have all the time in the world! -------------------------------------- "Woah, woah, woah! I'm going to be immortal!?! Thats...that's a shocker...a big one at that, I mean...I definitely like it...but just didn't expect it." I say in an excited but semi-nervous tone due to possible implications of obtaining such a gift as immortality :Yes, the chances of you receiving such a perk or gift were exceedingly low, exceptionally low really. I must say I am 'elated' to know I won't have to worry about you passing on...I've had far to many hosts die from old age: 'ANI says with a tone of sadness "Oh, uh...I'm guessing you've had probably dozens if not hundreds of other hosts then. Don't worry, Ill make sure our time together is well spent. So, can I use my 2 other rolls to see what else I can get?" I ask excitedly her as I twiddled my fingers :Of course, and thank you for saying that. I...I definitely needed to hear that. Now, onto the next perk. Since you have chosen to roll for an additional second perk you have received: 'ANI states -------------------------------------- Picture Perfect - Rare Perk | With the Picture Perfect perk you have gained the ability to remember anything and everything you learn over time, making you a living source of infinite knowledge as you learn more and more over time! Due to your chances in becoming exceedingly lucky with the amazing perks you have been given, you have received two additional perks Lucky - Rare Perk | You are one of very few who are TRULY lucky, things will come to you in a much better light meaning you'll get better options on what to choose from in life as you live on through the ages And Libido - Lustful Perk - Unusual Perk| A perk that is VERY needed for the world that you will be transported to. With this perk you shall have the energy of a lover that can never stop! This perk will allow you to increase the interests of a lover in bed and in a relationship! With the Lucky perk and the Libido perk you have gained a BONUS perk! Lucky shot! - Lustful Perk - Unusual Perk | The lucky shot perks name stands true! With this perk you can GARANTEE a chance at a child! With the world you are being sent to, this perk will come in VERY handy! So get out there and make some ladies happy! -------------------------------------- :Well, I...I did not expect that...hm, those perks are an oddity to me...well, you have struck BIG on this one. I can't say Im jealous or anything really, if I had a body...I...uh...forget I said anything, anyways...would you like to roll for a third and final perk?: 'ANI says with a bit of a stutter in what seems to be embarrassment "Wha-buh-huh? What just happened? Am...am I going to be some sort of chick magnet or something? I-I...oh screw it, that could have been worse...and yes Ill take a third perk." I say with a sigh :Now lets see what you get for this final perk!: 'ANI says excitedly and with a rushed tone in an attempt to skip such a subject -------------------------------------- Giant - Rare Perk | You have been blessed with the height AND strength of a giant! You shall stand taller than any average pony or thestral! You won't be as tall as a dragon but you'll be taller then the female part of your species as every male thestral is MUCH shorter then the normal thestral female! With you rolling and receiving all 3 perks, you have been given an additional perk! Risky Business - Rare Perk | Due to you having used all 3 rolls within your perk choosing option, you have received the perk Risky Business! Thanks to your astounding luck in receiving such good perks you are now capable of getting the better end of the stick! You gain better deals in buying items and trading, easily obtaining the trust of others, being an influential figure due to the way you play your life out, and so many more various and intriguing bonuses! -------------------------------------- :Well, aren't you just an ocean of luck? I must say I am impressed at the streak you have going for yourself: 'ANI says with a tone of sarcasm at such a ridiculous stroke of luck that you've had so far "Well, I mean...I must say I am impressed as well...also shocked but nonetheless, impressed...hehe that rhymed. Anyways, what now?" I ask with a tone of curiousity :Well, now that we've gone over those parts of your 'character' or 'avatar', we will now need to decide on a name and what type of family you wish to be born into: 'ANI states :By name, you will have to choose a proper name and not some idiotic name. The family lifestyle that you choose is something that will affect your name for instances. If you wish to be born into a noble family then expect a strong name, one that has a plethora of meaning to it and history as well, if you wish to be born into a military family then expect a hardened family name that could make you seem like a possible option for drafting or conscripting due to your family history, if you were born into a normal and simple life then you could easily avoid most problems, such as notoriety, recognition, and so on. The choice is yours, so make your decision: 'ANI states "Oh, uh...hm...that is a toughie. Gimmie a moment...OH! I got it! Question, how many of my kind are existent within the world I'm being sent to? Second question, what IS the world I'm being sent to? I was never told what it would be like or the name of planet I'm being 'reincarnated' on." I ask :As it stands, your race is currently within the hundreds range when it comes to the amount of your kind. There is some history behind this claim so if you wish to ask why then please do not hesitate to ask, secondly, the world you've been chosen to be reborn upon is a world made of magic, in a literal sense. The universe that you will be existing within is entirely a magical reality filled with oddities and wonders, as well as dangers and plights that could risk your life. The name of the world you have been given to call your home is "Equestria". The planet is very similar to your own planet, earth. The contrasts are very similar besides some main key factors such as the existing life forms upon the planet, each and every option that was provided to you as options of reincarnation were all sapient creatures, mainly every creature on the planet is sapient, besides a listed few. Secondly as a key factor in differences is that every single aspect of that universe or reality is magical to the point that even rocks have magic within them. Something without magic would be considered an anomaly to Equestria or the whole universe: 'ANI states "WOAH, information overload! Ah! I have a headache now because of that! Why does my head hurt so much!?" I ask, while rubbing my forehead and grimacing in pain at such a horrible and excruciating feeling :Apologies, I'm simply 'downloading' any and all information that you received right into the central point of your brain so that you can remember anything I tell you without you having to ask again. I hope you are ok with this: 'ANI states with a hint of caution as well as asking you for her future permission in doing it again "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine with this...next time give me a heads up though! Ok, its subsiding...jeez, felt like I got hit in the head with a brick. So, anyways...Equestria? That name sounds vaguely familiar..." I say as I rub my chin :It is familiar because within your reality it was a kids show: 'ANI claims 'I snap my fingers' "OF course! Why didn't I realize it? It was a cartoon show that went decades back! Of course it was still airing when I...died? Anyways, Im being put into a world with ponies? LIke VERY colorful ponies?" I ask :Correct and incorrect, you must be expecting a world filled with ponies that are on all fours, such as the equines you've seen from the show. No, you are being sent a world filled with "anthropomorphic" ponies as you would call them: 'ANI states "Really? Thats uh...a shocker...I guess. I mean, I knew quite a bit about the show thanks to one of my friends being a part of this...I think he called it a "MLP Brony Fan Club"? I don't know the WHOLE show's story but I know enough. Also, seeing I'm being sent a new world...maybe you could change the way I speak? Make me sound less foreign? I mean...I know Imma be reborn again and Ill have to learn to speak again...or well...I guess learn how to speak again depending on the similarities of the world and how I adapt to it." I say with a thoughtful look :I have already done what you have asked, before you even asked. I did this so you could be easily acclimated to the world that you will soon call your own. Secondly, you will have to speak a new language and write completely differently, as well as do different math and so on. The language you will be learning is called "Equish". Yes, I know it's similar to the name of "English" but it's not, seeing the word English doesn't even exist within the reality that you shall planted within: 'ANI claims "Yeesh, a lot of these sound like cliche horse puns." I cringe at the thought of such horrible puns :Yes, I do find these things bothersome. Also, horse is a derogatory word so I would choose your words VERY carefully...even if Im changing the way you say things: ' ANI states "Horse? How does horse count as a...oooohhhhhh...I get what you mean...yeah...that make sense...anyways...back on topic...name...a name for me...OH! Oblivion! I like the name of it! It sounds odd, but appealing, mysterious yet likable. "I giddily clap my hands together at the thought of such a nice name "I also want to be born into a semi-noble family and a semi-military family, wait...is that even an option?" I ask :Oblivion? Hm, that is indeed a good name. Also, to answer your question on the family choice. Yes, it is an option...one I did not even consider. Be warned though, not many families within the thestral race are very 'laid back'. Most tend to train their young into fine warriors and scholars as well as whatever else they can be. They take their honor and pride VERY seriously, meaning you'll have a lot on your plate that you'll have to choke down if you wish to survive your second and third plate and so on: 'ANI claims "Yeesh, already regretting my choices if you think its THAT bad...any who, uh...what family will be I born into?" I ask :Hm, let me see....ah yes, here's one....that's...oh my, I should have expected this: 'ANI says with a hint of embarrassment "What? What is it? What's got your none existent tongue in a knot?" I ask :Well, uh....your going to be an...incest baby! YAY!: 'ANI claims with semi-enthusiastic cheering "Well, that's just great! Imma be a...wait...did you say incest baby? Uh, well....hm....ya know what, I understand why it has to be that way." I nod with a look of understanding at such a subject :Wait, correction...apologies...you will be born into a small family that will live within a manor that is owned BY a family that has existed through a means of incest due to the low population count of your species: 'Comes her response with a quick correction to her mistake and a look of embarrassment (Of course your imagining her having a face of embarrassment as well as attempting to figure out how she would even look to begin with) "No harm done really, it was a surprise but I guess I'm kind of glad that's not the case, but, 'I pause for a moment as I struggle to say the right words' I do have a question as to why a means of incest is needed for my "species" to exist to even begin with." I calmly ask her as I sit down upon the surface of which I'm..."standing" upon :Well, like I said earlier, there's a lot of history behind the small number of thestrals currently residing within Equestria. One of the main reasons being "fear". Fear is what drove them to coming into a near state of extinction, but it wasn't them who obtained such a level of fear, no, it was the ponies and griffins and minotaur's that gained such a fear, as well as a longer list of creatures and beings that came to fear the thestrals, specifically your race: 'She says with a tone of distaste on such a subject when it comes to the discrimination of another race or species "Fear? Thats uh...not telling me much on the subject of WHY they're in such low numbers." I say with a scratch of my chin :It simply is the best reason there is, I'm sure you've seen the start of the show...and the sad part about it. Two sisters, one of day and one of night, both equal rulers within a land they called their home. One sister the idol of all, while the other was an idol of very few...in which she thought. The sister who believed she was not truly loved by the masses grew jealous of her elder sister because of all those who adored her sun. She believed none loved her night, I suppose she was quite blind to forget her own subjects...the subjects of the night, in simple terms, thestrals: 'Her words come out in more of a sad murmur which worries me for just a fraction of a moment "Yeah, yeah I know who you're talking about. Thats siblings though, common rivalry and jealousy and all that jazz. So, my best guess is this...thestrals became feared because they were the subjects of Nightmare Moon, aka, Princess Luna, sister of Celestia. Its pretty easy to figure out if you connect the pieces." I boastfully claim :Yes, that's not all however. Luna, also known as Nightmare Moon waged war on her sister. Her subjects followed behind her every step of the way, mainly without hesitation. They were fools to do so. There was only one battle, the battle was costly, it was a battle that happened at the castle of the two sisters. This battle was a thousand years ago, way before her banishment, of course she would be banished on the same day. Many died on that day. many stories were told...but most of the history was wiped from the sands of time by Celestia herself...but of course the past could never stay the past. Celestia tried to make it seem as if her sister hadn't become...so evil and yet she did a good job, but didn't do a good enough of a job on my account: 'She says with a short intake of breath (In which I don't know how seeing shes in my head) and sighs "Jeez, are ya alright? I mean...that's definitely got to be a bit of a tense subject when it comes to talking about death in such vast numbers." I say with a worried and careful tone as to not upset her :Yes, yes I am quite fine. I appreciate your concerns but...it just...I see death as something impractical and not needed but necessary at the same time. I know death can a part of the natural cycle many know of as life...I just wished things could be so much simpler and...understandable: 'Says ANI with a saddened tone due to the sore subject relating to the loss of life "Yeah, yeah I understand what you're getting at. Death is needed though, sometimes it not, sometimes it's just necessary. Some things have to die for the safety of others, while other living things have to the die for the benefits of others. It's a saddening thing to think about, but, that's just how life plays out." I say as I cross my arms and look off into the distance of the void :Of course that's how it has to be, I could say no to that thought though. I'm sure there's plenty of realities out there that have obtained some semblance of perfection or a close degree of perfection: 'She claims with a more somber tone "Yeah, can't disagree with you on that one ANI." I say as I nod my head in agreement "I need to ask you something real quick, like, should I change my name? I've been thinking it over...but it kind of sounds stupid now. I mean, names have meaning right? What if the family I'm born into has like, I dunno, some sort of important background and my name doesn't match that background or something like that?" I worriedly ask :You do have a fair point, hm, let me see what family you are being put into: 'She says with an agreeing tone at such a thought :Ah, you will be born into a family line that holds a last name of "Stronghoof"...hm, that is a strong family name indeed. You were correct to assume your name didn't fit such a standard requirement in the social normality. I would advise you think over your name more carefully: 'ANI states with a serious tone "Well, that's a pretty cool last name and middle name...what about Fury Stronghoof? Mmm, debatable, uh...how about...uh, hm, I guess...z'Stronghoof? I know it sounds odd but don't thestrals have strange names? I mean, the letter 'Z' sounds kind like a posh pronunciation of how you were to say my name? BAH! Thats not good enough, Uh...OH! Why not Imperial Stronghoof? It holds an air of power to it AND imperial is a word of power as well as Stronghoof, well, Stronghoof sounds more like a name of strength." I sigh and stand back up as I begin to pace and rub at my face in exasperation at such a tiring ordeal :Hm, it is a good name...I agree that it could as a good alias throughout your life: 'ANI states with a sincere tone "Oh, well, thanks for agreeing with me on that then. I have a question though, like, doesn't Stronghoof sound more like an earth pony name?" I ask her with a curious tone :You are correct, a last name like that WOULD belong to an earth pony family or well "herd"...but! This is a traditional name for your family. Apparently, from what information I've been able to obtain on your new life...the name Stronghoof is a namesake your parents and great grandparents and even greater relatives took on as a way of thanking some certain earth ponies for their assistance within something in their lives...I can't seem to find what that certain helpful deed was, I assume you'll have to find that out on your own: 'She says with an exhausted release of breath "Jeez, my family is a bundle of mystery and oddities from everything I've learned thus far. Yikes, Imma have a lot on my plate when Im reborn, right?" I worriedly ask her :Most likely, yes: 'Says ANI with a hint of hesitance "Damn it, I didn't want to deal with something as troubling as that! Ugh, fineeeeeeeee! I guess Ill...deal with it when I get older! BLEGH! It feels weird saying that...getting older." I say with a chuckle at the implication of "growing up again" :I truly do feel sorry for you, the things your going to have to go through within this new life of yours is truly going to be a nuisance...such as learning how to use the toilet again...for a second time, blegh!: 'She shivers at the thought of releasing your bowels within a cloth attached to your body (Somehow I feel her shiver which makes me shiver?) "Alright, I think I'm ready...well, kind of, I still need to figure out one more thing...like, what will I look like when I get older? Know what, Ill list what I want off right now. I want to have DARK fur, like an obsidian color, a white mane and tail, like a naturally white mane and tail, as pure as snow! I want a beautiful ocean blue hue to my eyes...like your staring into the very sea itself! I want to have a strong build as I get older, like stocky and broad shouldered! I want to be handsome, not to overly handsome but like a rugged yet young type of handsome, like a...gruff soldier that could be on a "top 100 handsome and single men". I want abnormal teeth as well, like razor sharp teeth, like nightmare moon, it sounds pretty cool in my head." I continue to babble on and on as I describe what I want for my future self but before I can even finish, ANI cuts in :Listen, Ill handle all that when your born...and speaking about being born...are you ready? Your about to be born into a new life and era. I hope your ready for such an ordeal: 'ANI asks me with a worried tone "Yeah, yeah I'm ready for this. Let's see what my new world has in store for me!" I thrust my arms outwards in excitement for one final time as my vision slowly began to fade to blackness as I smile with a look of acceptance on my face > Chapter 2: Reborn into a new era > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Music to listen to as you read) - Have you ever felt as if something didn't belong but at the same time it did? Thats what it simply felt like for me, in the most simplest but most serious of ways. I...I felt strange, I felt weird, I felt different. I couldn't, I...I couldn't remember who I was...or did I? Everything seems so funny and feels so different... - I-I can somewhat remember, it's coming back to me slowly...like the growth of your hair...ever so slowly growing back...that's what it felt like. Everything was becoming clearer to me by the seconds that passed, it was a slow process, but it felt so strange to feel such a weird sensation in remembering myself! I think...I think I can remember, no, I do remember! It's all clear so clear to me now! I remember the deal, ANI, a new life........a new life, that's what I'm here for, right? :Yes, that's what your here for..."Imperial": 'Comes the words of a soft and gentle voice "Who...who's there...I...do...do I know you?" I slowly ask with a tired yawn, yet, my words don't come out verbally...more like a thought within my head :You do know who I am, Ill make this easy for you. I am ANI, the one bestowed upon you before your rebirth: 'ANI states with a soft tone, why was her tone so gentle?' "Really? Well...I feel...weird? Why does everything feel so different? Why can't I really move or...well...speak?" Each word I 'say' comes out slowly within my head as I try to think more clearly :The answer to that is simple, you have been reborn...and...a life has also been taken in your place of birth...I'm sure you know who...I'm so sorry, I really am: 'ANI says with a sad tone, but why?' "Someone died? Who? Wait...I know who, oh, that's who...my mom. I-I remember now, you said she was going to die when she was to give birth to me." I murmur sadly "Jeez, this is a painful wake-up call. Well, what do I do now?" My question comes out in a sad tone but also with a firmer vice on my words :Simple, you live out your new life. I cannot do much for you, but I can help you understand some new things that you'll need to learn in order to survive and grow within your new life. I will begin by showing your 'stats' hud: 'Comes her response as ANI goes quiet for a few silent moments - A screen appears in the corner of your vision in the top left-hand side - - Character Name: Imperial Stronghoof - Former Name: Danny Lemoi - [Lvl - 1] - Attack power (50 hit points) - Magical attack power (0 hit points due to low mana count) - Health points: 500 (400 bonus points due to Immortality perk - regenerate 50 points per second) - Mana points: 15 (Too low of a mana count to use any and all spells as of yet) - [STR] Strength: 15 (5 bonus points due to Giant perk) - (Every 3 points of strength gives 10 damage points - [PER] Perception: 15 (5 bonus points due to Picture perfect perk) - [END] Endurance: 25 (15 bonus points due to Libido perk - Lucky shot perk - Giant perk - [CHA] Charisma: 15 (5 bonus points due to Risky business perk - [INT] Intelligence: 15 (5 bonus points due to Picture perfect perk - [AGI] Agility: 5 (Minus 5 points due to Giant perk - [LU] Luck: 25 (15 bonus points due to Lucky shot perk - Lucky perk - Risky business perk - Traits - Nocturnal Vision | Thanks to the evolution of your species you have inherited the ability to naturally see in the dark! You can see better then the most of any species out there! Blood Rush - Rare Trait | Your species are claimed to have a natural desire to drink blood, yet that was false but also true! This genetic feature had died off many years ago but thanks to a chance of luck you shall be given this ability through your pure ancestral genes! Blood Rush is a skill in which allows you to drink the blood of another living victim to enhance your abilities x3! This ability can easily be activated by drinking the blood of any foe or victim of your choosing! Greater Hearing | Thanks to your species adaptability you have gained the following trait in which you can hear things MUCH better than most of any species out there! Mages Blood | Due to your bloodline bearing an exceptional following of exotic traits and genes and so on, you have gained the ability to use MAGIC! You won't be able to immediately use without the use of a horn but overtime you'll figure out a way! - Abilities - Screech | This following ability allows you to make a loud and high pitch sound which can allow you to do a variety of things such as temporarily incapacitating a foe, getting a better understanding of your surroundings, calling for assistance for any nearby thestrals or allies and so on! Ping | An ability which allows you to make a low chirping sound which sends out a ping in the chances of finding something more easily depending on which way you send it - Skills - No skills have been acquired due to you not having earned or learned any yet - Perks - Immortality - Legendary Perk | You have been gifted the gift many crave, this perk will allow you to live to great ages to where you will never have to worry about aging past the age of 18! So go out there and live your life because you have all the time in the world! Picture Perfect - Rare Perk | With the Picture Perfect perk you have gained the ability to remember anything and everything you learn over time, making you a living source of infinite knowledge as you learn more and more over time!| Lucky - Rare Perk | You are one of very few who are TRULY lucky, things will come to you in a much better light meaning you'll get better options on what to choose from in life as you live on through the ages Libido - Lustful Perk - Unusual Perk| A perk that is VERY needed for the world that you will be transported to. With this perk you shall have the energy of a lover that can never stop! This perk will allow you to increase the interests of a lover in bed and in a relationship! Lucky shot! - Lustful Perk - Unusual Perk | The lucky shot perks name stands true! With this perk you can GARANTEE a chance at a child! With the world you are being sent to, this perk will come in VERY handy! So get out there and make some ladies happy! Giant - Rare Perk | You have been blessed with the height AND strength of a giant! You shall stand taller than any average pony or thestral! You won't be as tall as a dragon but you'll be taller than the female part of your species as every male thestral is MUCH shorter then the normal thestral female! Risky Business - Rare Perk | Due to you having used all 3 rolls within your perk choosing option, you have received the perk Risky Business! Thanks to your astounding luck in receiving such good perks you are now capable of getting the better end of the stick! You gain better deals in buying items and trading, easily obtaining the trust of others, being an influential figure due to the way you play your life out, and so many more various and intriguing bonuses! "AHH! Information overload! Aghhhhh! I told you to ask me first! AGH!" I cry out in pain as I attempt to rub my forehead with my tiny little hands "Jesus, my head hurts now! Ugh, thanks a lot ANI, just wow and ow...and ow again." I say with a tone of STRONG sarcasm :Apologies, I didn't mean to allow that to happen again. I thought I had lowered your neural senses to a manageable degree to the point of where you were to feel no such pain: 'Comes her response with an apologetic tone' "Ugh, its fine...for the second time. Now, why is all that information so much more...I dunno...neater? When we first started going over everything, it all seemed so disorganized." I ask her with a hint of curiosity as to why it was so different :Simple, while you were 'asleep', I took it upon myself to organize and prepare some things for when you were to awake. I hope that my organizational skills are satisfactory and to your liking: 'ANI proclaims with an air of pride at her skills of organization and management' "Yeah, yeah, good job on that one. So, now what do I do? I'm asking this for a second time seeing I have NO clue on what i should even be doing to even begin with? Should I start looking around my...new room? Should I try to get up? I have so many questions and concerns and oh by golly I want answers!" My last few words come out in a posh tone as if I were some eccentric detective :Fair question, best thing you could do is observe the room. See what there is to see and what there is to do: 'ANI proclaims with an enthusiastic tone on the subject of learning new things "Oh? You just want me to look at stuff? I guess I can do that." I say with an attempted shrug, even though its more like a jiggle with my small body - I peer around the room as I take in the objects and colors of the room, some things stand out to me, and some things don't. I could obviously notice that I was INDEED in a rich family's home from all the lavish and expensive items and objects that were spread out through my room. There were tapestries all throughout my room, many fancy looking figures adorned the paintings, some wore fancy clothing while others wore simple clothing such as maid outfits or...WAIT! Is that knight armor!?! I got knight armor in my room?! Oh, I'm already loving this family - - Skill unlocked! You have gained the skill to observe things and gather information on them in a much more beneficial way! - [Skill] [Lvl - 1] Observation: Allows you to gain a better understanding of an object, entity, material, and so on! This skill will prove to be very beneficial in the long run. "Oh, uh, yay! Thats a cool skill indeed, how...how does it work? Do I just say observe and I observe something to a more detailed state?" I ask ANI as my eyes widen in bewilderment at the possibilities :Yes, simply say 'observe' within your mind and you'll notice more details about something then you ever could have imagined, but! It will start at a low level and the more items you observe, the higher the level you'll gain! Oh, this is so exciting! To experience life all over again! It just makes me so darn giddy!: 'ANI claims with a sense of excitement to her semi-robotic voice "We're like two peas in a pod, you and me. I'm glad I get to have you as a companion throughout my life." I cheerfully proclaim to her with a child like giggle, wait what? :Awwwww, that little sound you made was so adorable! Also, thank you for your kind words. I will gladly take what you said to heart. So, how does it feel to be, well, different in a new light? I'm sure you're enjoying all the new things that you've learned thus far: 'ANI asks you with a curious tone as to how you feel about all the new things you have learned and experienced thus far into your new life' "Its uh, it's interesting to say the least. I can't argue with how exciting this has all been, but I do have a question though." I answer her question but come back with a rebuttal on me wanting to ask her one as well :What is it that you wish to know?: 'She asks in return' "Where's my, uh, adoptive parents? I haven't seen anybody since I woke up! Shouldn't have someone checked in on me by now? I'm, well, kind of worried on why I'm not being checked up on..." I say as my mood becomes somewhat somber :Do not worry, I'm sure their coming. It can only be a matter of time before you meet your new family: 'ANI says with a comforting tone "Yeah, I'm sure your right. It won't be much longer, yeah...not much longer at all..." I say with a bored tone as I look up at the ceiling with a tired look to my baby like features as my eyes slowly closed "Honey, honey, please calm down! I know your upset on the passing of our dear friend's life! This doesn't mean we can just begin to freak out!" Proclaims one voice with a strong and gruff tone to it "I know that! Don't you think I know that?! Ugh, why did she have to die!? I...I already miss her so much..." Comes a sadder voice that holds a feminine tone "Mary, Mary, please darling...please don't cry, I don't like to see you cry," The voice pauses for a second "I know...I know that things are going to be somewhat dour around here, but! I believe we can brighten things up if we take good care of OUR new little beacon of joy! I mean, he'll need his parents to watch over him! I mean, it's the least we can do for her." Comes the response of the gruff voice that holds a sympathetic tone to their words "I-I, ok...your right...I just-I...I miss her so much, I'm sure you do too, Silver." The female voice now known as Mary proclaims with a saddened tone and a few short bursts of what sounds like sobbing "Honey, she was a dear friend to us all. She looked past our faults and accepted us for who we are! I will miss her and so will the rest of the family. Our family name doesn't have the word 'strong' in it for nothing." Comes the male voice, now known as Silver 'A sound of shuffling could be heard as Silver scooted closer to his wife as he wrapped his left arm around her waist and pulled her into a comforting hug of support and love' "Honey, we all know she would have wanted us to care for her foal if she were to ever pass on. It's sad she's not here to raise her own child, I completely understand that feeling. I know it'll be tough when we look at that little colt's face because of that one single fact that he could remind us so much of her! We can't just ignore him as if he were some sort of imamate object that doesn't need any semblance of care or love! We HAVE to be there for him! We have an obligation to carry out her final wishes, as a friend to us and a friend to the whole family!" Silver proclaims with a serious yet tactful tone "I-I know that, I truly do! I'm more than willing to be there for this young colt! I mean, I've already thought of his name for Luna's sake!" Proclaims Mary with a small hiccup as she wiped away a few tears with a handkerchief that she had on hand for such a dire emergency as this "Y-you have? Why, that's truly wonderful dear! What's going to be our little colts name? I can't wait to hear it!" Silver asks with an excited tone "Imperial Stronghoof, that's his name, Imperial Stronghoof. He'll be a beacon of power and strength as well as so many other things! We HAVE to raise him right! We have to make good by our family name! I will NOT allow ourselves to raise an impudent and snobbish brat! I want that colt to be raised into a proper gentlestallion! Do you hear me silver!" Says Mary as she grabs the cuff of Silvers left coat arm as she brings his muzzle to hers and looks him dead in the eyes with a raging fire that burned within her own eyes 'Silver raised his hands to hers as he slowly removed her fingers from the left cuff of his jacket' "I know honey, I want the same thing for him as well. Ill raise him into a proper stallion. Ill train him, educate him, Ill do everything I can to make him a proper warrior and leader. You have my solemn word on this, this I swear." Comes Silvers response as he looks into her eyes with an equal passion 'Mary looks away from him for just a moment as she collects herself' "Ok, ok, Ill hold you to that. I truly will, I know you won't let me down." Mary says as she looks back to her husband 'Silvers sighs and pulls her into a hug' "Right now though, he's just a newborn foal. Let's enjoy the youth of his younger years first. I don't want to worry about such a thing just yet. I truly, really, don't want to have to start planning out a training schedule and all that!" Silver says with a following chuckle "I know dear, I know. It would be so cute to see our little foal wandering around with a tuxedo and a friendly smile to his face as he greets all the little fillies within our small town." Mary proclaims with a short giggle "Honey, I think its time we go wake the little sucker up, yeah?" Asks silver as he gets up from the couch they were both sitting on "I agree dear, let's go introduce ourselves to our new little foal. I'm sure he'll be quite excited...even though he'll probably not even understand us." Says Mary with a short laugh "Ugh, what happened? Why do I feel so groggy?" I ask ANI as I slowly yawn :You fell asleep, you needed to regain some of your energy so I decided to put you to sleep. Im sure your thankful I did that, yes?: 'ANI asks' 'I yawn' "Yeah, thanks for that...but don't do that again. Ill fall asleep on my own time, okay?" I ask ANI as I finish yawning :Of course, Ill make su-wait, incoming lifeforms. Please prepare for contact, contact within unknown lifeforms imminent: 'Comes ANI's response with a serious tone to her words' 'My eyes bulge out as I scramble and begin to freak out from the sudden and I mean LOUD warning that blares off in my head! It was like a damn tornado siren going off right in my ear!' "AGH! Make the noise stop, ANI! AH!" I cry out in pain as I attempt to cover my long ears with my shorts limbs :Apologies, I forgot about that: 'ANI says with an embarrassed and apologetic tone as the noise immediately stops' 'My attention immediately snaps to the bedroom door as I watch it open and as two figures step in' "Awwww, look at the little guy! He's already awake honey, he's not even crying for our attention!" Comes the gruff response of a strong voice "Aw indeed dear, aw indeed. He truly does look so much like his father. Those eyes are quite preculiar though, I've never seen a thestral with such beautiful eyes. That means our little bundle of joy is going to be quite the oddity, he's even so big for something so, well, small!" Comes the response of a soft and feminine voice 'My eyes flicked to each figure in the room as I observed them from afar' "Observe." 'I say within my head as I used the skill 'observation' on the two figures from across the room' - Figure to the right is a male thestral, Name - Silver Stronghoof - Role - Adoptive Father - Status - Friendly (Higher observation level required for more details) - Figure to the left is a female thestral, Name - Mary Stronghoof - Role - Adoptive Mother - Status - Friendly (Higher observation level required for more details) "Huh, so that's what a human body looks like with a horse head. Should I call it cute or weird? I mean, my mom looks 'cute' in a sense, while my dad looks rather handsome...for some reason that sounds weird when I say it in my head." I say as a following shiver travels up my spine "Honey, he's not really doing anything...is this normal? I mean, we have 11 kids of our, I thought I would have been used to newborn foals by now! This seems so, well, odd to me." Comes Silvers question as he looks back to Mary then to me then back to Mary "It's normal dear, he's just observing us! The little one's just curious is all. I'm sure he'll never get bored of us. Newborn foals DO have a large sense of curiosity when it comes to something new or exciting." Proclaims Mary "You are correct dear; I should have realized that sooner. Hm, so, what do we do now? I mean, we're in here with him now. Do I just, pick him up and carry him with me and show him around? I'm sure he wouldn't mind a little tour around his new home, now would you little guy?" Comes the response and question of Silver as he comes near my crib and reaches his hands in to grab me and pick me up 'For reason I oblige to his request and reach my arms out in an attempt to grab him as well, I seem to giggle at the little interaction' "Awww, he wants your attention! I told you he wouldn't get bored of us! Didn't I tell you he wouldn't, Silver?" Says Mary with a knowing smile "You were right dear; he does seem quite interested in me. I'm sure we'll get along just great, him and I." Says silver as he takes me into his arms and slowly rocks me back and forth as he heads for the bedroom door "ANI, why did I giggle when I didn't feel like giggling?" I ask her as my head is a mess of emotions at the fact I did something I shouldn't have done :Simple, your body is doing its own thing. Technically, you barely have any control over your new body. Its more or less like you being on auto-pilot. I did do some things to help you along the way however: 'Claims ANI' "Auto-pilot? Psh, that sounds so weird. Also, you said you did some things for me? Like what?" I ask her with a curious tone at what she did for me :Many things, I increased your rate of 'growth' as I would put it. I made it to where your vocal cords are more refined to the point of you being able to talk as you get into your first year. I also increased the speed of which your brain adapts to everything you hear, see, smell, taste, and so on. Basically, you can understand things better than most newborn children ever could DREAM to understand. I'm sure your curious as to how you can understand them when you speak a completely different language from them. I made it to where your ears PERCEIVE their words as if they were speaking English, but really, you're just hearing their own language: 'Comes her response as her tone carried a sense of pride to her accomplishments in helping you advance throughout your life' "Huh. that's really useful for me. I, uh, thanks, ANI" I pause for a few seconds "Wait, where are we now? I wasn't paying attention and now we seem to be somewhere completely different." I ask her :We've only just gotten outside your room. When you and I speak, things slow down for us. It's not a skill, or well, it is...but also isn't. The skill is called [Gamers mind]. Its where your capable of perceiving things in a different way, its uh, more complicated than it sounds. Ill explain some of the skills you gained over time. For now though, let's just learn what we can: 'Says ANI' "Uh, sure! I can wait for that." I tell her 'As I finish speaking, everything speeds back up and up to pace with the current world' "Alrighty little guy, this hallway is the hallway to your room! The other doors to the right lead to your 'siblings' rooms. You have a LOT of siblings, within the dozens. I would list their names but I'm sure you wouldn't even be capable of understanding them!" Comes silvers words as he keeps a steady pace down the hallway 'HA, if only you knew that I CAN understand you...' "Mhm, you have a lot of siblings. It took a lot of effort giving birth to them! I'm so proud of the family I have now, I truly am a lucky mare." Says Mary with a soft coo as she reminisces about all the newborn foals she gave birth to 'A few more minutes pass' "And here's one of the many kitchens we have, the reason I say many is because this isn't no normal house. No no no, this is a MANSION!" Silver shouts the last word as his voice echos throughout the 'mansion' 'You are indeed loud my friend, LOOOOOOUUUUD! "Honey, please don't shout when he's in your arms. You could hurt his ears, he is a newborn after all. Their ears can be VERY sensitive." Says Mary with a sheepish look yet scolding tone 'Oh you saint, I would kiss you if I could!' "OH! I'm so sorry little guy! Yeesh, I definitely need to tone it down a bit. Anyways, we also have a lot and I mean, well, a LOT of balconies, bathrooms, living rooms, bedrooms, spare bedrooms, closets, and so on. It's basically like a maze in here." Says silver with a shiver "I remember one time getting so lost that I kind of freaked out and started running around in an attempt to get out! It was rather silly of me at the time seeing I was a full grown stallion. Ahhhh, the good old days when I was young and full of energy." Silver says with a somber sigh 'OLD!?! DUDE! You look like you're in your twenties! I...also don't know why I would even think that, huh.' "Silver, darling, you're not even old. You're in your early thirties, and still quite handsome and full of energy." Mary says with a giggle 'HA! It's as if she read my mind!' "Thank you honey, I guess it's just in my nature to be good looking!" Silver boastfully claims with a smile 'If I could roll my eyes I would' "Dear, I think it's time we took him outside. I think he wouldn't mind seeing the new world he's been brought into, yes?" Asks Mary "Of course dear, I just have a few more rooms to show him before we do that!" Says silver as he begins to go into a quick jog and by jog, I mean like a damn SPRINT 'Uggghhh, I feel like I'm going to be sick...dude, slow down! Imma puke all over you! BLARG! 'A few minutes ensue as Silver continued to jog throughout the mansion in attempt to find some of the rooms he wishes to show you' 'Huff, huff, huff' "A good jog always does the trick for these old legs! You'll be as strong as your dad when you grow up! No, I bet you'll be even stronger than me as you get older! I can't wait to teach you all that I've learned throughout my life! I hope you take up the mantle of being a military figure son, I truly hope you do. I actually don't have any sons...there all mares, it disappointed me to know I would never have a son, BUT! I now have the chance to raise you! Oh, this brings my heart so much joy kiddo, you have no idea!" He proclaims with an excited tone 'I do understand how you feel, I'm glad you got the chance to raise a young...'colt' like me, I'll gladly take up your families mantle if that's what you want. It's the least I can do for everything you've done for me thus far' "AH-HA! Here we are son! This is the room that holds all our family history!" Says Silver as he comes to an abrupt stop 'I look around until I notice it, of course I couldn't SEE the room seeing the door wasn't open yet, but of course the door wasn't any normal door. It was like a giant wooden door that had reinforced plating put onto it! It's as if it was made for a siege!' "This room, this VERY room is the room that holds all our family secrets and history! I would show you it son, but you're not of age just yet. There's all sorts of dangerous and scary things in there, I don't want to ruin your young and youthful mind juuuuuust yet!" He says with a chuckle 'AWWW! I want to see it! Lemme see it! And wait, what do you mean by...ruin my youthful mind 'just yet'?' "ANYWAYS! Let's go out outside and show you the new world you've been brought into!" Silver proclaims with a happy and excited tone at the chance of being able to show his son the world he's going to grow up in 'Silver slowly turns around as he marches up to some glass doors that seem to be intricately made for the sunlight to pass through.' 'Silver pushes open the door as he steps onto the balcony' "This, this is the new world you've been brought into son!" 'Ya know, when I expected to be born into this world...I expected many things...and there was a lot I wanted to say when I got to see what the outside was like, BUT! The only words I could register within my mind were two simple words that would forever be branded into my brain and the future to come' "HOLY SHIT!" I yell out into my head as I see the colorful world in front of me with a look of awe (CLIFFHANGER! HA) > Chapter 3: A painful introduction to the colors of the world and meeting new faces and going into new territory! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Music to listen to as you read) - Alright, so...ya know how when you play a game you see all sorts of NEW and EXCITING things that you've never seen before? Well, it kind of was like that for me but different, I was experiencing something familiar, but I was just looking at it in a different light and way. I mean, at first, I didn't even notice how much more colorful and animated this world was! I suppose it has to do with something that ANI did to me? I honestly don't know at this point, she did so many things to me that it feels as if I'm just, a machine to be upgraded. - - So, when my new 'adoptive father' brought me onto the balcony, it was, well...BRIGHT! It was so damn colorful and big and expansive! I mean, I've seen colorful paintings but this! This took the damn cake and then some! It was as if I was looking at one giant RAINBOW SKITTLE! So yeah, that's how it felt like for me, just one giant explosion of color and light to my newborn eyes and let me tell you what, I did NOT react to it in a good way, whatsoever! - (Ensue characters moment of INTENSE pain! E-GAH!) "HOLY SHIT! MY EYES!" I yell out within my head but also out loud (When I say it out loud, its more of like an infant scream as I attempted and I mean ATTEMPTED to cover my sensitive eyes "ANI! EYES! EYES! TURN DOWN THE LIGHT!" I yell within my head as I continue to shout profanities within my skull (Thus making it worse) :Yes, as you wish, Imperial. I feel as if I...should have done this from the start. I should have expected this from the very beginning. This is completely my fault, I do fully apologize for such an inconvenience such as this: 'Comes ANI response as her tone sounds quite apologetic (She also dampens the senses of your retinas as the sunlight dims to a manageable level for your infant eyes "It's fine, it really is fine...again, again it's fine! Jesus, is this like a permanent damage thing? I don't want to have bad vision growing up ANI, don't leave me bliiiind!" I comically say with a chuckle as I try to lighten the mood just a tad bit as I continued to rub my eyes 'ANI sighs' :No, it shouldn't be a permanent aspect of your body. Your natural regenerative abilities will heal whatever damage you received in a mere matter of minutes. Of course, don't think your invincible. Your healing properties are above the normal standard in the terms of healing over time but not a...viable source of being invincible: "Alright, troubling matter now over with. Let's uh, unfreeze time...or time unfreeze? I got to figure out how that goes." I mumble to myself (Technically not a mumble seeing I'm STILL talking in my head, quite a weird sensation really) 'Time speeds back up thus ensuing my infant cry to ACTUALLY be heard as I cry out in pain' "Oh jeez kiddo, what's wrong? Oh, I know why, ugh...I'm such a scatterbrain sometimes! It's too bright for you! Sorry champ, should have been more cautious with your eyes." Says silver as he turns to the side a bit to hide the glare of the sun 'Footsteps come up from behind us as a figure stopped right next to Silver' "Honey, you should be more careful with our colt. Secondly, don't run off on me like that! I'm not as fit as I used to be," Murmurs Mary as she stands next to Silver "I'm an old lady dear, or well, I'm getting older. I'm still quite fit for other activities though, if you know what I mean dear~." Coo's Mary as she presses against Silvers side "Oh, I know what you mean dear," Says Silver as he uses his free arm to bring her close to him "I know exactly what you mean, but! I don't think it's time for that, I think it's time to go meet the others! I'm sure they're being QUITE impatient with wanting to see their new brother...?" Says Silver as he playfully bumps his rump with Mary's 'Mary giggles' "Of course dear. I'm sure the girls would LOVE to meet their new baby brother. I'm assuming their all in the main dining room? Or maybe the main living room? They honestly could be anywhere within the mansion." Says Mary as she puts a finger to her chin and looks up with a thoughtful face "No dear, I've already given them all a notice to meet in the main living room. They should be waiting there for us. Well, those who are already here. You and I already know most of them are in Canterlot serving princess Celestia, or, their out in the world exploring and making a name for themselves. I'm so proud of our children, I just can't stop saying that! HA, oh, I wish your other sisters could be here to see you. You'll just have to make do with who you've got here for now little guy~." Coos silver as he tickles my belly and I giggle out loud "Alright dear, I think that's enough sightseeing for now. Let's get inside where its warm and cozy, I don't want our ray of sunshine getting a cold." Says Mary with a coo as she looked to me lovingly "Of course honey, I was already planning on doing just that," Says Silver as he looks down to meet my gaze "I bet you want to meet your siblings, don't you little guy? I'm positive you'll be beaming with joy when you meet them~." Coo's Silver as he tickles my belly for a second time as he begins to walk back inside 'A dozen or so minutes pass as we quietly walk throughout the giant mansion (OOOoooooh, spoooky mansion noises!)' "Girls! Get ready to meet your new brother!," Calls out Silver as he pushes open two giant wooden doors thus leading into a well furnished room "I want you to meet your brother, Imperial Stronghoof!" Says Silver with a tone of 'mock pride' to his voice 'Silvers entrance leads to the most INTENSE sound ever! Ever heard chalkboard being scraped on? Yeah well, try comparing that to 3! SQUEELING.BAT.MARES! (E-GAH!)' '3 intense female squeals come from the room as I'm immediately pounced upon by 3 younger bat mares' 'Voice 1' "Daddy, daddy, this is our new brother! Oh joy, oh joy! He looks so cute, look at his chubby cheeks!" Comes one voice that holds a young and honeyed tone to it 'Voice 2' "Wow, he looks so much like them! Jeez, he's really big for his age..." Comes another voice, one that sounds a bit deeper but still young nonetheless 'Voice 3' "Ooh! Ooh! Ooh! Can I hold him? Can I, can I, can I!?!" Comes another voice that sounds super bubbly and somewhat TOO excited... "Rose, Poppy, Daisy, calm down! What have I told you about being too giddy! You're getting older for Luna's sake! Please start acting your ages, please!" Comes Silver's stern response "Sooooorrry..." They all say in unison as they cast their gazes to their hooves "Dear, their just children...please be less harsh on them. You've already done a good job on raising them, let them enjoy their youth. We already have enough children who are serious enough as is." Comes Mary's response as she walks into the room with a following shutting sound behind her (Most likely the doors) "I know dear, I know. It's just that, ugh, I want my girls to be mature! I want them all to grow into fine young ladies! I want them to make all sorts of mares jealous. Oh, I can already see the looks on those pompous nobles up in Canterlot!" Silvers says as he sits down in a recliner and leans back as he gently sets me on his broad chest "Dear, they're already growing into fine young ladies. If I didn't know any better, I would honestly think their already fully grown and mature mares! We have nothing to worry about, but remember, it's their own lives. They get to have a choice on how they want to live their lives. We can't force our ideals upon them, it wouldn't be right and you know that." Says Mary as she levels a stern glare at Silver 'Silver raises his hands in mock defeat' "You got me there dear; I already know that...I'm just being careful is all. I do expect good things from them however, I want them to at least have a good life as they get older. You and I both know that they could go VERY far if they put a lot of effort into their lives and their choices. I just want what's best for them and I'm sure you want the same thing as I do." Silvers says with a smile as he looks back to the girls 'Transition to the 3 sisters' "Daddy~~~!," Poppy whines "We already know that! We've been doing good so far! Isn't that right Daisy?" Poppy says as she looks to her elder sister for confirmation "She does have a point dad, we HAVE been doing quite good on what you've asked of us, and we expect you to have more faith in us." Comes poppy's response as she adjusts her glasses "Yeah, yeah! We've been good, really REALLY good!" Comes the response of Rose as she jumps up and down with excitement 'Jeez, the cloths for these kids are REALLY hugging their bodies...ew...aren't they my sisters? Well, adoptive sisters...eh, Ill get to THAT type of road later...' 'Transition back to Silver and Mary' "They do have a point dear, they really do. They've been exceptionally good on their part. We can at least praise them for that." Says Mary as she looks to me for the briefest of moments before looking back to the girls "Heh, yeah...yeah your right. good job girls! I think this is a cause for a reward! How does ice cream sound!?!" Shouts Silver as he gently picks me up off of his chest as he begins to get up and head for the doors leading out of the living room 'Transition to the 3 sisters' "YAY!" They all shout in unison as they bounce up and down with excitement of getting such a delicious treat! (Thus ensuing the thousand year war of the 3 sugar crazed children and all the ice cream in the world! E-GAH) "ANI, is that what nirvana feels like? Because, if this is what it feels like...then I'm loving it...~" I murmur to myself (Again, in my head) :I do believe it would be nirvana for you seeing your experience everything for a second time. Sugar would taste much better for you due to your taste buds being completely NEW in a sense. You're lucky to have been blessed with a high metabolism, it makes it easy for you to not gain any weight from all the carbs you've ingesting thus far: 'Says ANI as she hums (Within my head THUS feeling quite weird) "Jeez, that was SO much ice cream. I think Imma explode from all of it...BLEGH! I'm glad they put me back in the crib, I feel so tired now...ugh." I say with a yawn as I turn over and slowly begin to close my eyes :Permission to put you to sleep? If your ok with me doing so?: 'Asks ANI' "Sure, sure, go right on ahead...I'm definitely feeling tired from all of THAT!" I say with a tired murmur as I close my eyes and drift off into a deep sleep thanks to ANI's assistance - SKILL ACTIVATED! Gamers Mind is now active! Realm mode now available to use! - "AH, what the hell!" I shout as my eyes snap open within a...familiar dark void? :Welcome, I have activated one of the skills you acquired upon you being born. I'm sure your familiar with me talking about it before, gamers mind...this is what it looks like. This isn't the same black void you saw from earlier when we first met, this void is your mind. Don't worry about any outside intrusions, not even princess Luna can enter your mind. We need to keep it that way to ensure I'm not found out about. So, do you have any questions?: 'Asks ANI as she thoughtfully hums to herself "Uh, yeah...why am I still a human within my mind? Shouldn't I be a...thestral now?" I say as I look at my palish hands (I'm white, not albino white mind you...but definitely a pale color of white.......what? I didn't get out much, jeez...get off my back! HMPH!) :The answer to that is simple, your mind still perceives you as a human. You have yet to convince yourself that your now different and not what you once were. I could easily help fix that if you so desire. Is that what you wish for me to do Imperial, to change your appearance? Just say yes and Ill easily do just that: 'Come's ANI's response' "Uh, sure...I'm down for that." I say to ANI 'A few minutes pass and thus ensues the weird transformation of me being bathed in a blinding light as I close my eyes out of instinct for some...odd reason) :The process of changing the way you visualize yourself within your mind has been completed. The way you look now is the way you'll look as you get older, depending on if there's no accidents that cause some IMPOSSIBLE type of irreversible damage that can't be healed by your regenerative abilities: 'Says ANI' "Uh, ANI, I can't see what I look like...I need a mirror or something...like a full body mirror." I say to her :Imperial, this is YOUR mind. Anything you think of can be yours! All it takes is a simple bit of effort and a thought and POOF! Whatever you desire can be created: 'Says ANI with an...excited tone? "Oh, uh, yeah...I knew that..." I say with a sheepish chuckle as I rub the back of my neck 'I then close my as eyes as I begin to concentrate and focus on a mirror, a simple mirror to see my reflection' - Request granted, accessing "MIRROR - 'comes a deep robotic voice' 'My eyes snap open as I look in front of myself to see, well...a mirror...its not really all that fancy...' :I somewhat expected...something, well, more...intricate?: 'Says ANI with a confused tone "HEY! I'm working with what I've got! I'm still getting used to this, I've never been this lucid within my dreams before...it's a new sensation for me! And jeez, do I look GOOD!" I shout as I immediately look at myself in awe as I gaze into the mirror - I gaze at my face as a put a finger to my hair and pull a few strands of the white hair up (Now a mane) as I observed the shiny features of the slick style of hair that I have. - "ANI, is this how my hair will normally look? I mean, I definitely like it for starters. The slick back look is a good look, I definitely don't hate it. It's just, uh, it seems TOO natural?" I say as I continue to fiddle with a few strands of my mane :Yes, this is how your mane is supposed to look as you get older. Now, can we get back on topic and continue to examine your body?: 'ANI asks with an impatient tone "Ok, ok! Jeez, who pissed in your coffee?" I say with a chuckle - I begin look at my face and DAMN do I look good! Well, I guess I look good? I mean, I had strong features, a good jaw line, strong cheek bones, definitely a rugged yet handsome look...even if I have the head of an animal. - - My eyes were definitely interesting with the slitted pupils, the blue and black is a DAMN GOOD color mixture. It reminds me of nightmare moons eyes but mine being a lighter baby blue. Especially my teeth, my teeth weren't jagged, but they definitely had a razor-sharp look to them, kind of reminds me of an alligator or a crocodile with how they varied in length. They weren't crooked per say, more...well...straight then anything else. It was as if I had a dentist give me replacement teeth that once belonged to an animal with braces and good dental hygiene. - - I continued to gaze at my body as I looked at all the features that it had to offer such as, broad shoulders, a broad chest, defined muscles, a whole LIST of things to go off of! I mean, my coat of fur was a DARK obsidian black, a really nice shade of black mind you. I was most assuredly tall, easily passing up Celestia, imagine all those I could scare with my looks and size, HA! - - My gaze continued to go down and down until I reached ONE certain point and this is where my eyes BUGGED OUT OF MY HEAD! See, I knew I was an animal now, and I knew horses had different reproductive systems. So, I took it upon myself to already register the fact that my uh...'sausage' would have looked different...of course I couldn't tell what its shape or color was due to uh....me not being excited, well, I mean...I didn't WANT to see it, it was still luckily within my sheath! But uh, my...'sack' was a WHOLE different ball game! (Heh) | I mean, they were WAY passed the size of softballs! I mean, jeez...the issues those things are going to bring, yikes...yikes indeed...and the color, oh god the color, they were BLACK! I mean, it's a good color...a good color to blend in with my fur...so, it could help in some situations if my cloths were to be to- 'As I attempt to finish my inner dialogue, ANI cuts in' :Im-Imperial, can we uh, get past the point of inspecting THAT area, please?: 'Asks ANI with an embarrassed stutter (Heh, even the robot lady can't resist my good looks) "Ok, ok, I get it. Not everyone can handle something as MAGNIFICENT as 'muah!'" I say with a snooty tone and a quick chuckle after 'I swear I could FEEL ANI roll her eyes, if she had any that is' - I continue to exam the rest of my body as I turn my neck as far as I can to view my backside, now, when I was born...I didn't actually even NOTICE the wings on my body...now I did...I definitely did. They were, in all seriousness, AWESOME! It's as if they came off the back of a demon and got surgically attached to me! The greyish membrane of my wings was also an interesting feature to their looks. - - My gaze lowed a bit more to my tail and it was, well, basic in a term of uh...normal. It was a bit sharp and pointy, not like a lizard type pointy but like...the style of my tail being somewhat botched and messy, it was a punk look really. It's as if I take a pair of scissors to it and just, cut, cut, and cut away! I didn't hate it, I actually thought quite fondly of it. - - For the final bit I think, my legs. They were, well, normal to a degree, The only thing that stood out to me was the HOOVES! I didn't have toes anymore, I mean, at least I still have my fingers! BUT THE HOOOOOVES! They were a grey color, same as the color of the membrane like material that made up my (DEMONIC) wings, it also seemed like around the top part of my hooves was a fuzzy cuff around where the top part of my ankle would be. It reminded me of a type of horse known as a Dutch Draft, big and giant horses, their hooves had a lot of fur around them, made it look like they were wearing some sort of big and fuzzy wig around the base of their limbs. - - One thing I forgot to look at was my ears! My ears were interesting, definitely bat like, tufted, darkish pink on the inside, decently big, nothing to amazing, of course...all the things I could hear would be AMAZING or well, painful. Wow, just all these features are truly just wonde-. 'I get cut off AGAIN by ANI' :Listen, I truly like that you're admiring your new body, but you're describing yourself in TOO MUCH DETAIL! Please try to tone it down a tad bit, okay?: 'Asks ANI with what seems to be a pleading tone "Ok, ok, sheesh! I just wanna admire the new me! Is that too much to ask?" I say with a sigh and then a small chuckle "Ok, now that I'm done admiring myself. What do I even do now? Do I like, meditate within my mind or something?" I ask her with a tone of boredom :There's a wide variety of things you can do, meditation could increase your mana output due to training your mental capacity, you could do visual training scenarios to allow yourself to become more honed with certain situations and things that may come to you in the future, you can even enter dungeons to increase your levels without having to do that in the real world. There's a whole LIST of thi-: 'I cut her off "DUNGEONS!?! Did you say dungeons? Like the type of dungeons that you can explore and get loot from?" I say with a tone of excitement as my eyes widen and widen at the tense moment of silence :.....Yes, I was getting to that. If you so desire, I could summon you to a dungeon. Be warned though, dying within a dungeon means ACTUAL death within the real world. Do not take this warning lightly. The dungeon you would be sent to is a starter dungeon, it will still be hard, but it'll also be easy and manageable at the same time. Do you wish to enter a dungeon?: 'Asks ANI 'A screen appears in your vision' - CATACOMBS OF THE TAINTED - Enter? Y/N "Ugh, yes...yes I would like to do something interesting for a change of pace." I say with a smile (then EVERYTHING goes black, YAY!) "WAAAAAAH!" I yell out in surprise as I land onto a hard surface with an audible 'oomph' "OW! Damn it ANI! You gotta warn me about stuff like this! Jeez, my chest....hurts? My body actual hurts within my mind? Thats...trippy, ok...now what ANI?" I ask her 'A few moments pass before ANI responds' :That choice is up to you, as it stands, you're in the center point of the dungeon, there is no exit. This dungeon does however have a boss room. It'll be easy to note what's the boss room and what isn't the boss room. I suggest doing everything besides the boss, not even all the monsters in this dungeon are enough to grant you a fair chance against the boss. You'll gain a fair number of skills and gear as you fight and earn levels, but don't expect much: 'ANI says with a knowing tone on how the dungeon works "ANI, you said there's NO exit? Like no exit whatsoever?" I ask her with a worried look as I cast my gaze around the corridor for a potential future exit :Apologies, there is an option to exit the dungeon. All you have to do is verbally say "leave dungeon" and you'll leave the dungeon floor you're on. If you wish to return at any point and time within your gamers mind, then say, "dungeon return" and it'll put you back on the last floor you were on. You can even select a floor you wish to go back to if you so wish too. All you have to simply say is these 3 words "Select dungeon floor". You can even re-do a dungeon once you complete it, you may do it as many times as you wish, of course, sooner or later this won't be as beneficial as you would hope it to be as you become stronger and stronger to the point that a certain part of the dungeon won't be needed: 'Says ANI with a straight answer "Yeesh, I bet that's just the tip of the iceberg on all the stuff there is to do, isn't it ANI?" I ask her as I get up off of the ground and dust myself off but then I suddenly realize I have cloths now! "HEY! I got cloths now! A....white T-shirt and regular jeans? And what's this...a combat knife? Jeez, this is all I get? Oh, wait, a bottle! With....uh, a red liquid? Lemme guess, a healing potion?" I say as I stare at the glowing liquid in the bottle as I hold it in front of me :Yes, these are your starter items. You could even use these in the real world if you wanted too. Of course, you would have to use an ability that I...now realize I should have taught you in the beginning: 'ANI says with an irritated sigh at the fact she forgot something so important!'  "What ability?" I ask with a tilt of my head as I look off to the side and down a corridor :An ability called "space", it's an ability that allows you to open a pocket within the fabric of reality to use as a room for storage. It's going to be VERY needed as you progress within this dungeon and the life you're living as of now. All you have to do is focus and WILL your mind to obey and it shall activate, simply think about a room or place you wish to store things and it'll respond to your command. I can even help with storing stuff as well: 'Says ANI' "Help me? Help me with what exactly?" I ask her :Simple, I can take things without other entities noticing within the real world. I can even help grab things that you forgot. I can even bind objects to your being to the point of where they IMMEDIATELY go within your 'pocket space' or come directly to you without any living creature noticing: 'Says ANI with a proud voice (She definitely likes proving she's capable of doing amazing things) "Huh, neat. Thats, REALLY, and I mean really useful. I could definitely use that. Uh, what other abilities or skills do I have that you haven't told me of yet?" I ask her with a curious yet eager tone :Hmmm, let's see.....ah yes, here's a few. Here's a skill called "blood rush", now this-: 'Before ANI can finish, I cut her off "Wait, wait, wait, didn't you say that was a trait?" I quizzically ask her as I put a few fingers to my chin in thought 'ANI sighs with an irritated grunt' :Yes, this is a trait but ALSO a skill seeing the only way to use it is by activating it through sucking the blood of another living creature. You already know what its capable of doing. Now, the second skill is simple. The second skill is called "Hysteria". This is an odd skill really. It's more of an ability but also varies within the skill tree: 'Says ANI :This irregular skill allows you to experience things in a way most would consider chaotic, meaning, you can experience strange and odd, and I suppose 'magical' phenomenon's. Be advised that any random and reoccurring things that could occur with this skill can be either deadly or quite harmless: 'Says ANI :With this certain skill being active. It only deactivates when you say "Hysteria-off" or exiting a dungeon. Be advised, its basically like taking a ton of drugs and then overdosing but not dying. You won't see pretty colors or rainbows, but you will see different monsters and obtain odd and random quests that could give amazing or even unusual rewards. It's basically a thing of chance but to make things more fun and wacky: 'Says ANI with a cautious tone to the point of where it sounds as if she LOATHES the skill called "Hysteria" "PF! HAHAHAAH! OH MAN! I can get high by just doing NOTHING! Oh that's rich, that's really, REALLY, rich! Pfff....oh man, that's definitely an interesting one for sure." I take a few moments to collect myself as I catch my breath "Jeez, I'm guessing you were holding out on me with that certain skill. It sounds like you have a bad history with that type of thing." I say as I continue to chuckle with mirth :Yeeeees, I've had...uhm, some...weird experiences with it. A few of my previous hosts were...weeeeeird to the point I considered them crazy or just crazy in a new light. I'm lucky I got you, a lot of my hosts generally, and I quote, 'sucked' as you would say: 'Says ANI with a tone that holds a lot of distaste for such a subject "Yeesh, glad I'm on your good side then. Then again, I am easily likable. I'm glad I'm easily likable, I don't think you would have liked me if that were not the case. I mean, I would probably hate myself if I couldn't even stand MYSELF! I mean, could you IMAGINE me hating myself! Oh man, just imaaaaaa-" Before I can finish, ANI cuts me off :Imperial, FOCUS!: 'Says ANI with a chuckle and an irritated sigh "Ok, ok, I'm just enjoying the good feelings I'm getting between us!" I pause for a few moments as I try to look around "Yeesh, this place sure is DARK! Like, wow! Where's the lights in this place when you need them? I mean, hellooooo! I could use a flashlight or a torch or something! Come on, show me a sign of light damn you!" I say as I raise a fist to the dark corridors in an attempt to get some sort of source of light for me to see :Imperial, you have eyes that can naturally see in the dark. All you need to do is focus and you'll see EVERYTHING, ok?: 'Responds ANI with a roll of her eyes (ANI rolling her eyes STILL feels weird, BLEGH!) "Oh, yeah, forgot about that bit. Ugh, focusing...focusing...zooooooooming! Annnnd I got nothing, hm...oh wait! Lemme focus some more!" I say as I close my eyes and imagine the world being put on a brighter setting (basically like me increasing the brightness on a phone) "AH-HA!" I say as I open my eyes and BAM! THE LIGHT! IT BURNS! "OH GOD! NOT AGAIN! Eeeee, I'm keeping my eyes open to focus...bear through the pain" I continue to keep my eyes open under the intense increase of light within the small and compact corridor, a few minutes continued to pass on as everything started to dim to the point of where it had a natural glow to everything "Aaaaaa, that's better than what I could have EVER hoped for." I say to ANI as I look around the corridor with my heightened sense of vision :Yes, yes that definitely seems MUCH better. Shall we be on our way?: ANI asks "Yeah, let's get on out of here." I say to her 'A moment passes' "Consider it a date with the unknown." I say to myself as I stroll down the corridor with my knife at the ready (THUS ENSUING A JoJo WALK!) AND (CLIIIIIIIIIIIIFF HANGEEEEEEEEEER) > Chapter 4: A date with the unknown > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Music to listen to as you read) - So, you remember ANI saying that the dungeon was considered to be hard but also easy and pretty manageable? Yeah, well....that's not gonna be the case for the start of this chapter...its gonna suuuuuck... - 'A lot of yelling can be heard down a corridor as the shouting and loud noises intensified, the shouting seemed to be a flurry of sounds and emotions, from anger, panic, rage, fury, and well...a lot of panicking' 'Ensue the montage of RUNNING FOR YOUR LIFE! (E-GAH)' "ANI! YOU SAID IT WAS MANAGABLE!" I yell out loud as I dodge an arrow from a raging goblin as it continued to give chase along with its other kin :I'm sorry! I didn't realize it would be this bad! Just keep running down the corridor! There's a turn coming up within the next hundred feet!: 'ANI says with a VERY panicked tone "You're making up for this afterwards, you know that, right?!" I say as I dodge a few more arrows and make a sharp corner turn and thus hug the closest wall to me to avoid being detected :I understand, I'll find some way to make up for such a horrible mistake. I mean, I could have gotten you killed! Ugh, I hate it when I miss such important things...: 'Says ANI with a sigh "Ugh, it's alright for now ANI. It was a simple mistake on your part." I say with a whisper as I watch the torches that were once behind me now fade away into the distance as it became quieter and quieter 'I slowly slouch against the wall to the point of me sitting down with my legs to my chest and my arms wrapped around my legs' "Alright, so, we've been down here for a while now...how...how long have we been down here for? It honestly feels like we've been down here for HOURS!" I say with a whisper as I look at the wall in front of me :Hmm, let me see...ah yes, we've been down here for exactly 5 hours in total. You have uncovered.....every room, item, monster and then some. Those monsters were an event, they should be gone from the dungeon now. Do you wish to show me your current stats? I'm sure you've leveled up a fair bit since you entered the dungeon: 'Asks ANI with an eager tone (Mainly for the sake of seeing how good I did) "Yeah, yeah, let's see what I've gained thus far. I want to see how good I did within these short few hours." I say to her :Understood: 'Says ANI' - HUD activated - - Character Name: Imperial Stronghoof - Former Name: Danny Lemoi - [Lvl - 11] - (Each level is 10 stat points) - Attack power (300 hit points) - (5 strength points equals 10 attack power) - Magical attack power (0 hit points due to low mana count) - Health points: (750) (regenerate 50 points per second) - (5 strength points equals 50 points of health) - Defense points - (620) - Mana points: (300) (Not usable) - (5 intelligence points equals 50 mana points) - [STR] Strength: (30) - [PER] Perception: (45) - [END] Endurance: (50) - [CHA] Charisma: (15) - [INT] Intelligence: (30) - [AGI] Agility: (20) - [LU] Luck: (25) Stat points available: 0 Stat points used - 100 Skill points available - 20 Perk roll - 1 - Armor - -Helmet: Helm of protection - [Lvl - 5] - (100 defense points) Chest plate: The wall of iron - [Lvl - 8] - (210 defense points) Leggings: Leggings of resistance [Lvl - 5] - (100 defense points) Boots: The unyielding [Lvl - 8] - (210 defense points) ---- - Weapons - Bow: N/A Sword: Righteous fury - [Lvl - 8] - (210 attack points) - Bonus attribute - (Serrated edge - Inflicts intense bleeding to foe) Heavy weapon: N/A Shield: N/A ---- - Accessories - Rare ring: Impenetrable shield - (Casts a magical defense shield in which allows you to negate ONE powerful attack from any foe) - (Cooldown: 10 minutes) ---- -Miscellaneous - Coins: 557 Large healing potion: 1 - (Heals 1000 health points Small healing potions: 9 - (Heals 100 health points) Small mana potions: 3 - (Recharges 100 mana points) Ability book: Wall of fortitude - (Temporarily increases defense by 20) - Scroll down to see other items - - Traits - Nocturnal Vision | Thanks to the evolution of your species you have inherited the ability to naturally see in the dark! You can see better then the most of any species out there! Blood Rush - Rare Trait | Your species are claimed to have a natural desire to drink blood, yet that was false but also true! This genetic feature had died off many years ago but thanks to a chance of luck you shall be given this ability through your pure ancestral genes! Blood Rush is a trait in which allows you to drink the blood of another living victim to enhance your abilities x3! This ability can easily be activated by drinking the blood of any foe or victim of your choosing! Greater Hearing | Thanks to your species adaptability you have gained the following trait in which you can hear things MUCH better than most of any species out there! Mages Blood | Due to your bloodline bearing an exceptional following of exotic traits and genes and so on, you have gained the ability to use MAGIC! You won't be able to immediately use without the use of a horn but overtime you'll figure out a way! - Abilities - Screech | This following ability allows you to make a loud and high pitch sound which can allow you to do a variety of things such as temporarily incapacitating a foe, getting a better understanding of your surroundings, calling for assistance for any nearby thestrals or allies and so on! Ping | An ability which allows you to make a low chirping sound which sends out a ping in the chances of finding something more easily depending on which way you send it! Space | An ability that allows you to tear the fabric of reality for the simple means of accessing your own personal storage, can use items from dungeons and can use items from the real world in the dungeons! - Skills - Observe - [Lvl - 11] | A skill that allows you to observe an object or entity with more detail than normal! It's level goes higher and higher the more objects and living lifeforms you identify as you live out your life and explore the world! So get out there and start exploring the expanse of your world and maybe even other worlds! Gamer mind | A skill in which you can access your mind during a meditative state or when you're in a state of unconsciousness, mainly used for a variety of things such as accessing old memories, entering dungeons, a long list of options to choose from! Blood Rush | A skill that can be used for the benefits of battle and so much more! The skill is somewhat difficult to activate, the only way to use it is by getting up closer and personal with another living being! Best make the right move or it might cost you! Hysteria | An odd skill to even have, allows your mental state to be warped and changed to undergo strange and weird events and occurrences as well as see and hear strange things. It's a fun skill to have if your bored! - Perks - Immortality - Legendary Perk | You have been gifted the gift many crave, this perk will allow you to live to great ages to where you will never have to worry about aging past the age of 18! So go out there and live your life because you have all the time in the world! (400 bonus health points) Picture Perfect - Rare Perk | With the Picture Perfect perk you have gained the ability to remember anything and everything you learn over time, making you a living source of infinite knowledge as you learn more and more over time! (5 bonus intelligence points) Lucky - Rare Perk | You are one of very few who are TRULY lucky, things will come to you in a much better light meaning you'll get better options on what to choose from in life as you live on through the ages (5 bonus luck points) Libido - Lustful Perk - Unusual Perk| A perk that is VERY needed for the world that you will be transported to. With this perk you shall have the energy of a lover that can never stop! This perk will allow you to increase the interests of a lover in bed and in a relationship! (5 bonus endurance points) Lucky shot! - Lustful Perk - Unusual Perk | The lucky shot perks name stands true! With this perk you can GARANTEE a chance at a child! With the world you are being sent to, this perk will come in VERY handy! So get out there and make some ladies happy! (5 bonus luck points) Giant - Rare Perk | You have been blessed with the height AND strength of a giant! You shall stand taller than any average pony or thestral! You won't be as tall as a dragon but you'll be taller than the female part of your species as every male thestral is MUCH shorter then the normal thestral female! (Minus 5 agility points) - (5 bonus strength points) - (5 bonus endurance points) Risky Business - Rare Perk | Due to you having used all 3 rolls within your perk choosing option, you have received the perk Risky Business! Thanks to your astounding luck in receiving such good perks you are now capable of getting the better end of the stick! You gain better deals in buying items and trading, easily obtaining the trust of others, being an influential figure due to the way you play your life out, and so many more various and intriguing bonuses! (5 bonus luck points) - (5 bonus charisma points) "Jesus, ANI...that's........uh, way more organized then the old hud...ugh, how long did it take you to do all that?" I ask her as my eyes continue to open wider and wider as I notice all the new and more organized details :Oh, uhm, it uh...only took a few minutes...: 'She sheepishly says to you' "A FEW MINUTES!" I yell out in surprise along with my eyes widening in shock :Y-yes, I do fully enjoy the hardships of a difficult task. This task was mediocre at best. I could handle something so much more advanced if I had too: 'Says ANI' "W-well, uh, don't stop being you I guess. Anyways, why didn't I learn any new skills? Shouldn't I have learned SOMETHING new?" I ask her :No, you can't really learn anything due to your incapability of using magic. Most skills and new abilities rely on magic and REQUIRE magic to even be learned or used. You could read a book to learn an ability or skill but you wouldn't be able to use said skill or ability: 'Says ANI' "Bummer, anyways, what are the skill points for?" I ask her :Those are for increasing a skills capabilities. They aren't going to be used for leveling skills, you level up skills by using them when capable of even being used. Skills basically level up through the means of gaining experience just like you leveling up your character: 'Says ANI "Huh, guess I can't really use those yet...shame really, I was hoping to use some skills at the very least. I mean, I do have a few, but...they're not really magical skills." I say with a look of disappointment :Hm, you can however...use the perk point you have gained. Do you wish to roll for a perk? Remember, you can receive something good or bad. I advise caution on doing this. Please do be wary of the choice your about to make, I don't want you receiving a perk that gives you some sort of horrible mutation that causes a hinderance for you: 'Says ANI with a nervous tone "Uggghhh, sure...? I'm ok with rolling for a perk! It actually sounds quite exciting to do it. It basically reminds me of a sketchy game of gambling, all about chance and than some." I say to her with a giddy tone as I clap my hands together with anticipation! :Understood, I am now engaging the perk roll system: 'Says ANI' - ROLLING FOR PERK! PLEASE WAIT! - 'Comes the response of a deep robotic voice (Definitely needs a name) . . . . - PERK RECEIVED! CONGRAGULATIONS! - - (You have received the common perk known as "Toxic resistant" - This perk allows you to be more resistant to any and all poisons! Be wary though! The stronger the poison, the weaker your bodily defense is! "Huh, it's a decent perk, I'll give it that." I say to ANI :Hm, it is a needed perk. The immortality perk is something that could benefit from this perk: 'Says ANI' "Benefit from it? How would THAT perk benefit it?" I say to her with a confused tone :Simple really, if you considered the possibilities of what could have happened within your unending life, you would notice that there's a high probability of you being involved with a lot of deathly scenarios: 'Says ANI' "Ohhh, so like, me being poisoned while dining on a meal...yeah...yeah that makes sense, I mean, there IS a chance I'll make enemies of others as I grow older." I say to her as I close my eyes in thought at such a harrowing ordeal of being targeted :Yes, I would advise against the idea of trying to poison yourself. I feel as if you would do that type of thing: 'Says ANI with a serious tone, mostly for your protection' "ANI, that's, uh...kinda dark really. I'm not an idiot, yes, I can be quite openly friendly and funny but it doesn't mean I'm somebody who doesn't have a head on their shoulders. Doing that would be idiotic at best." I say to her with a look of disbelief at the thought her thinking I would do such a thing :Good, because this perk doesn't stop all toxins or poisonous effects. In truth, the only way to combat a more deadly toxin is by SURVIVING that toxin to increase the rarity of the perk. The perk can actually become a better tier of rarity depending on if you're willing to risk your life: 'Says ANI with a cautious tone at the implications of having to go through with that' 'A few moments pass as I think over her words' "So, like, I can upgrade the perk by surviving a deadly toxin or poison? How does that even work?' I ask her with a tilt of my head :Simple really, all you would have to do is ingest the poison and see if you can survive it. The best way to go about surviving it is by studying the poison or toxin and finding out the probability of success. The higher probability of living is the best solution to going about it: 'Says ANI' "So, you're saying I would have to STUDY the effects and chances of not dying just to increase the rarity of the perk? Yeesh, I mean, I knew I would have to learn stuff as the days passed, but uh, I mean...eh, fine." I pause for a few seconds "So, how does the perk work when it increases in rarity?" I ask her again with a sigh (These questions are so TIRING!) :The perk works in a simple but scary way, the higher the rarity, the higher the chance of surviving an ill effect towards your body. You could combat more and more toxins as your perk upgraded more and more overtime. Of course, like I said earlier to this, the only to increase it is by surviving a deadly toxin or poison. The higher the rarity, the more deadly of a poison or toxin you would have to endure to increase the capabilities of the perk. It's a game of chance really, or most assuredly a test of your strength: 'ANI says with a sigh' "Yikes, that perk IS troublesome to upgrade. Eh, I'm going to avoid any attempts in trying to increase its capabilities. I would rather be safe than sorry." I say to her with a sheepish chuckle at the thought of dying when I was just reborn - I quietly sat there as I collected my thoughts, it was a troubling conception to think of dying so soon. I mean, I wouldn't expect myself to die just yet, but, I knew it was a possibility if I wasn't careful within this dungeon or...even what was outside of it. - 'I sigh' "ANI, I gotta ask you something serious." I say to her with a tone of conviction :Y-yes, Imperal?: 'ANI asks cautiously (She's never heard you be this serious before!) "What were to happen if I died a second time?" I ask her with a quiet voice but with as much of a serious tone as I can muster :U-uh, you would mostly be sent to the afterlife of this world. I'm quite certain there's an afterlife. I mean the princess's within this world ARE god's...but then again...: 'ANI goes silent for a moment 'A hitch of a breath catches in my throat' "What is it? What made you stop talking?!" A few seconds pass" ANI! Answer me god damn it!" I say with a tone close to shouting 'A few more seconds pass before any answers come your way' :Apologies, I was in the middle of doing calculations of what COULD happen if you were to die: 'ANI says with an apologetic tone' "And, what exactly could happen if I didn't get sent to this worlds afterlife?" I cautiously ask her :A variety of things really, such as being completely wiped from any and all existences, your soul being torn apart to forever face an unending afterlife that only brings agony, those are just two of the things that could happen if you were to die and not be sent to this worlds afterlife: 'Says ANI with a scared tone "Ah, yeah, those don't sound...pleasant..." I sigh "Ok, so, I think that's enough of the whole 'talking about death' bit, I'm sure you agree?." I ask her :I completely agree, thinking about such things could have a heavy impact on your morality. I would advise you to be wary of your mental psyche: 'Says ANI with a wary tone (I do not want you going insane and thus me losing another friend...) "Yeah, yeah I know that, ANI." I say to her with a sigh 'A few minutes pass as me and ANI sit in silence' "Huh, ya wanna know something? It's kind of peaceful when it's just you and me. I definitely like the peace and quiet." I say to her :I whole heartedly agree on that opinion. A moment of peace is good for the heart and soul: 'Says ANI with a chuckle' "Pft, don't you start getting all religious on me now. I don't need all of that in my life." I say with a small chuckle :What? I think that such things are enlightening!: 'Says ANI with a chuckle' 'A few seconds pass' "Hm, so uh, what now?" I ask her :We can just sit and talk" ANI pauses for a moment "time works differently here for us: 'Says ANI "It does? I didn't know that...then again...I probably would have never known that unless I asked you or you were to tell me." I say to her :Mhm, yes, you most likely would have never even known of such a thing: 'ANI responds back' 'I pause for a second to think over my words' "So, uh, how does it work exactly? Is like time for you and me when gamers mind is activated?" I ask her :No, time works here, but, with a different pace: 'Says ANI' "Different pace? How so?" I respond back to her with a questioning tone :Let's say you have fifteen cents, such as fifteen pennies, and you multiply that by four. For each hour, that's fifteen minutes. Now, we've spent five hours here, yes?" I nod to her question" Ok, so, for each four hours we spend here, is one hour in the real world: 'Says ANI with a more calculated tone "So, you're saying we've been here for only an hour and fifteen minutes? Even though we've spent five hours here?" I say to her with an exhausted tone :Affirmative: 'ANI responds back' "Oh my god...that means I have like...uh, how long until I wake up?" I ask her with an exasperated sigh :Well, let me do some calculating for a moment..." ANI goes quiet for a few short seconds " Hm, you would spend thirty-two hours here. Does that answer seem satisfactory to your question?: 'ANI eagerly asks in hopes of your approval' "Ugh, it is and it isn't. I mean, good job on your part, but like, that's so LONG!" I throw my arms up in irritation "I'm in my mind for thirty-two hours! When I'm only awake in the real world for eight! AGH!!!" I yell out in anger at the thought of being 'awake' for so long :Yes, I'm sure it'll be taxing on your patience, but, it'll also increase your patience. This is a good way to mentally train yourself: 'ANI says knowingly' "Ugh, that's...a fair point...but it doesn't mean I have to like it!" I say as I cross my arms and close my eyes :I agree, you don't have to like it, but, I would suggest you take advantage of all the available time that you've been given" ANI stops talking for a second as she contemplates on what else to say "n-not many get a chance to enjoy their lives...all the time you have now is a blessing but also a curse" ANI pauses for a few seconds more "I suggest you enjoy as much of it as you can before your patience begins to run thin: 'Says ANI with a chuckle "Hardy, har, har! ...Ugh, why did I have to get a voice within my head that see's everything in such a bright picture...!" I say with a chuckle :Oh be quiet! You know you love the way I talk~: 'ANI says with a teasing voice' "Pft, ok, yeah...you got a point there. I do enjoy the friendly banter and conversations. It's a good way of staying happy." I say to her with a smile :Of course its a good thing! I mean, I enjoy seeing you happy. I wouldn't want to see you sad: 'ANI says with a soft tone' 'I blush' "Oh, uh, thanks ANI...that mean's a lot to me." I warmly say with a small smile :Of course! I'm glad I could be of service: 'ANI says back with an equally warm tone - Huh, just a few moments of silence can really do wonders...I mean, like, I get to have all this time to think and plan and yet...I just want to relax! All of this new information is so damn stressful! I mean, I've only been reborn for like a day or so and I've already learned so much! ...I guess this is what happens when you agree to a deal from a mysterious voice... - . . . 'A few more seconds pass' . . . :Are you alright, Imperial? You've been quiet for some time now. It's beginning to make me worry: 'ANI asks with a concerned tone "Oh, uh, yeah! I'm fine, I was just thinking about something! Actually...how come you can't hear my thoughts?" I ask her with a curious tone as to how she hasn't :It's an invasion of your personal privacy" She pauses for a moment "I do not feel as if I should do that! I mean, it would be quite rude if I were to interrupt you: 'Says ANI' "Huh, thanks ANI" I say with a smile "you're a damn good friend, ya know that?" I say to her :Of course I know that! If I didn't, then I would be a horrible friend!: 'Says ANI with a chuckle "Well, I think we've been sitting around here for long enough because I think it's time we go fight a boss, yeah?" I ask her :No, do not do that: 'ANI says with an immediate answer that holds a scared tone "Why not?" I ask her with a tilt of my head as I stand up off the ground and dust myself off :Because, like I said earlier, you are not ready!: 'ANI says with a more serious tone 'I sigh' "ANI! I've already cleared out the whole dungeon besides the boss! The only way to progress past this floor is through the boss! Besides, I've been handling myself quite well since we got down here! I mean, I did get stabbed in the gut like multiple times, BUT! I did make it out alive!" I proudly say with a smile and a nod of my head :Ugh, fine then...but its your funeral!: 'She says with a roll of her 'eyes' 'I stay quiet for a moment' "Ok, so uh, you going to show me where the room is? I didn't exactly uh, pay attention to where I was going for most of the time..." I say to her with a sheepish chuckle . . . :Ugh, your helpless...: 'ANI says with a sigh' - A few hours pass as we get all sorts of lost as we continued to trek around the dungeon in an attempt to find the boss room. - (Mainly me being or something close to that) - "UGH! WE FINALLY MADE IT! ...FUCK!" I say with exhaustion and anger as I sit down against the cold wall that leads to the boss room doors "My hooves hurt~~~" I whine "ugh, I need something to take off the damn edge!" I say with a grunt of irritation as I attempted to massage my hooves :It's your fault for getting my directions wrong! My instructions were simple! All I said you have to do is follow the hieroglyphics carved into the walls that looked like a giant goblin!: 'Says ANI with an irritated tone' "Hey! Don't you go blaming me for this! I did exactly what you asked of me! Of course, each wall had to have similar carvings!" I say with an angry tone "Jeez, that took way to looooong..." I say with a sigh as I let go of my hooves to work on my shoulder's :Similar!? Each wall did NOT have the same hieroglyphics! It was easy to notice that one had a goblin with a bigger club!: 'ANI claims with an exasperated tone' "Oh please! One club was barely even smaller than the other one! It was hardly even that noticeable! I mean like, come on! You could have at least told me about the size difference between the two clubs?! It would have made things so much simpler and easy to manage for fucks sake!" I say to her with a grunt of irritation :Simpler?! It was simple! How many times do I have to tell you that? It was easily noticeable! The difference was so out there! Even a newborn infant could have noticed it!: 'ANI says with an even more irritated tone "ANI, I am not you! You are an advanced AI! I am a human now turned pony! I was just reborn into a new world! I barely know how to use most of the abilities I have now!" I say to her with a tired voice 'A few seconds pass' :I...I'm, I must truly apologize for my rude behavioral acts" ANI sighs "I should have not pushed you as hard as I did" ANI stops talking for a second as she collects herself "I-I knew you had a lot on your mind and yet I continued to be unhelpful and irritating...I hope you can forgive me for the inconveniences I have caused you: 'ANI says with a sad tone 'I sigh' "ANI, you...you didn't do anything wrong. I mean, I know I have a lot on my plate right now, but it doesn't mean I should be angry towards you. In fact, I should be saying thank you for all the help you've given me." I say to her with an apologetic tone :Hmm...I feel as if were both equal to blame: 'ANI say's" "Yeah, yeah...your probably right...so uh, what now?" I ask her as I finish massaging my shoulders and begin to do some stretches 'ANI stays quiet for a moment as she considers a course of action' :Welllll....we need to devise a plan on how were going to handle such a boss: 'ANI say's' "And, what do we know about it as of now?" I ask her :We only know so much, such as the boss having a giant club for a weapon, having more armor than most of the goblins, being a seasoned veteran when it comes to the means of combat...there's a lot list: 'ANI says with an irked tone "Yeesh, yeah...I'm starting to second guess myself now...but it doesn't mean I'm backing down." I say to her as I continued to stretch with audible pops as my bones and joints cracked and popped made all sorts of noises :We've already come this far. There's no sense in stopping now: 'ANI says with a sigh' "Yeah, I know what you mean." I say to her with an understanding nod :Well, let's go over some more stuff about the boss" ANI pauses for a moment "let's see, hm...the boss is expected to at least be level twenty to twenty-five, most likely the boss will have a set health of ten-thousand or so, most likely capable of doing considerable damage...most likely within the few hundreds range: 'ANI says' "Won't my armor negate the damage due to the defense stats that I have?" I ask her with a worried tone :No, the weapon it has is more of a blunt weapon. The armor you have is made for more of a sharp weapon. The armor can negate damage, but not a lot. The boss is most likely capable of doing five-hundred damage at least or maybe less, I am unsure: 'Says ANI with a worried tone (Due to not knowing enough information) "Weeeeell, how much damage could my armor negate then?" I ask her :Hmmm, most likely two-hundred at best" ANI pauses for a moment "meaning you'll still take 300 damage at least: 'Says ANI with a scared tone "So, it's going to hurt a lot?" I ask her with a frightened tone :Most assuredly, I mean...you've already learned what being stabbed in the stomach feels like...but having your spine broken along with most your bones...that's going to be much more different in comparison to what you're going to feel as soon as you enter through those doors: 'Says ANI with a tone of trepidation' "Well, at least my body heals at a more moderate pace while in the dungeon" I shiver for a moment "I learned that the hard way when I got stabbed by that first goblin...seeing your guts re-enter your stomach is...just unsettling...BLEGH!" I say with a gag as I took off my helmet to rub away the forming sweat on my head :Y-yes, seeing your intestinal track re-enter your body without any assistance was truly upsetting to my non-existent eyes...: 'ANI says with a disgusted voice' "Yeah...it was really unsettling...then again...it was a learning experience..." I say with a hollow chuckle as I put my helmet back on and put down the visor of the helm with an audible clack sound :How ready are you for this interaction?: 'Asks ANI' "Well, I am...hesitant at best...it's kind of scary thinking about what's in there" I say with an inhale and exhale of breath "I am, most assuredly going to piss myself...maybe..." I say with a scared chuckle :Please do not put the image of soiling yourself within my non-existent mind: 'ANI asks with a gag' "What? It could possibly happen to me! I mean...if you had a body...wouldn't it be a possibility for you?" I ask her with a raised eyebrow :I mean, if I did have a body...I wouldn't be fighting the boss and following my own advice: 'She says with a snarky voice "Heh, fair point ANI, fair point..." I say to her with a chuckle 'I draw my sword from the sheath on my left side' "Alright, ok, just gotta give myself a few minutes to mentally prepare myself for this!" I say as I jog in place to pump myself up for this :Take your time, do not rush in blindly: 'ANI says with a serious tone "I know, I know, ya don't have to tell me twice." I say to her with a roll of my eyes :No, no you do not know: 'ANI says with the most serious tone I've ever heard "Oh? And how exactly don't I know?" I ask her with a raised brow :Because if you die, then I die: 'ANI says with a scared tone as her serious composure immediately slips away' "O-oh, uh, so that means I've got you to worry about as well. Hm, that's not reassuring as well. If I die, then uh, I'll have the thoughts of your death and mine as the last perceivable thoughts I ever have, how...exciting..." I say with a look of fear "Well, uh, I'll be careful then! No point in going in without a plan! I mean, not like we need a plan! Because, well, we don't really have much to go off of." I say with a sigh :We'll come up with a plan as we fight" ANI pauses for a moment "I'll attempt to monitor the battle and see if I can find any weaknesses or options that you can use to your advantage as you fight the chief goblin: 'ANI says with a reassuring tone' "Chief goblin? Is that what this boss is called?" I ask her with a curious tone :I'm not really all that sure...you would have to use your observe skill to find out what the actual name of the boss is" ANI goes quiet for a second as she thinks of another response "your level should be high enough now seeing you used it throughout the whole dungeon: 'Says ANI' "Ok, hm, good idea on your part" I stop talking for a second "hey, idea, what if my skills level is high enough to note ALL of the bosses' aspects?" I ask her with an excited tone as my mind begins to piece together a possible idea :Well, if your observe skill has a decent level you could most certainly point out all the weaknesses.....OH! I see what you mean! UG! Why didn't I think of that!?: 'Says ANI with an irritated tone "Hehe, I beat you to it! Thats's funny, me beating an advanced AI to something that should have been so easily noticable! Score one for me, hooray!" I say with a mock cheer (WOOHOO!) :Don't start getting so full of yourself, I'm sure you'll make the same mistake and I'll have to be the one to fix it or to be the one that has to remind YOU to fix it: 'ANI says with a chuckle' "HEH! Oh I love your comebacks and snarky attitude, you're most definitely the right companion for me." I say to her with a small smile :I know I'm the perfect companion for you, If I wasn't, then I wouldn't be all that helpful, now would I?: 'She says with a knowing tone "Yeah, yeah...all right but, I think it's time to kill us a boss and get some potentially awesome and exciting loot!" I say with an energetic (yet scared) voice of confidence :Yes, let's: 'Says ANI with a worried tone 'I hold my sword to the side as I grab the left handle of one of the giant doors' "Let's do this...I know I can do this, it shouldn't be all that hard, right?" I whisper myself as I go into the room (Possibly to never see the light of day again!) (THUS ENSUEING INTENSE COMBAT MUSIC) > Chapter 5: The second day > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Music to listen to as you read) - Ever get an uneasy feeling throughout your day? A feeling of stress or unease or even a strong urge to stop whatever you're doing? That's the feelings I was dealing with as I entered the boss room! It was, in the most serious and literal way I can put this, very VERY stressful. I mean, it's as if I drank a hundred coffees with the most sugar to ever grace mankind and I was as JITTERY as a man on the worst of drugs possible. Anyways...lets get to the boss fight and the rest of the day that's to come. yeah? - 'Huff' "Ani... 'huff' we... 'huff' need... 'huff' a plan!" I say with a tired voice and a yelp as I dodge an incoming swing of the goblins giant club as I roll to the side in an attempt to avoid it :I know! I've been trying to devise a few! It's been entirely too stressful with how much I've been focusing on the fight as well as attempting to plan as many options as I possibly can!: 'Says ANI with a hurried tone "OK, well...'huff' hurry up! I don't know how much longer I can keep on dodging like this! I'm already running low on healing potions! I don't wanna deal with me having a broken arm or a leg without having some sort of insurance!" I say as I jump to the side to avoid an overhead swing :I fully understand, Imperial, but these things take time! I may be an advanced AI, but I also have sentience. It's much harder to focus on things when your actually capable of feeling fear and capable of having induced anxiety!: 'Comes her ushered response' "OK, ok, I guess I should just shut up and let you handle the planning!" I say as I dodge a third swing of the giant goblins club and roll under him with a quick slash to his left thigh, thus making it roar with anger :Thank you: 'ANI says with an appreciative tone 'I continued to roll and dodge as I attempted to hack away at the goblins thick skin in a last-ditch effort to possibly make it bleed to death from all the shallow cuts I dealt to its rough skin. It was a tedious task, much like cutting a piece of wood in half with a blunt axe! It was damn near impossible with how weak of a weapon I had! I was doing some damage to its body but not enough! I was honestly getting disappointed and irritated to point of willing to do ANYTHING to finish this fight up! I was at my WITS END with how long this had been going on for! I was getting thrown around like a dam ragdoll in a demolition derby but with me having a target painted on my back!' 'Every breath I took, every movement I made, it was all so tiring! I mean, come on! You try dealing with a giant monster that stood taller than a school bus and could hit as hard a truck! I wanted to make this thing suffer with how much pain and misery this giant of an ape was dealing to me. I was more than willing to do this and then some!' 'With a quick dash to the side and a sidestep I began to cut and hack away at its flesh with as many swings as I could with my sword! A swing here, a punch there, a kick here and there and I swear I could see some bruising! I think it was going to go down! Or well, it was maybe just fooling with me to get me in a tight corner of false hope.' "ANI! I'm running low on fumes here!" I say to her with a yell of frustration as I charge at the giant and cut off one of its left hand fingers 'A roar of pain could be heard as the giant took a few steps back as it looked to its now injured hand and back to you with a seething glare of rage' "And I just made it even more pissed then it already was! ANI! I do and I mean TRULY need a plan or I am so fucking done for!" I say to her with a pleading tone as I took a few steps back and pressed myself against a wall of the boss room as the giant came closer and closer with a ferocious snarl on it's face :I have a plan! Try to disarm the goblin! Make it to where it only use's it's body as a weapon! Make it ram the pillars so that they can topple onto it! Give it a damned concussion!: 'ANI says with an angry voice and an enraged tone mainly directed at the goblin "I like you're thinking, ANI! Let's make this dumb motherfucker more of an idiot then he already is!" I say with a grin of a madman as I rush at the goblin to REALLY piss it off 'A few quick steps and I was in front of the goblin with a pissed off face as I began to swing for its wrists in an effort to cut off its hands! Each swing was as just as fast and as lethal as I could manage as I dodged and weaved with as much grace as I could possibly afford! Swing, cut, swing, hac, slash, I just had to keep repeating the steps! With one more swing I took off its left hand as its stump of a hand erupted with a torrent of blood! "That's one motherfucker! I hope that was you're fucking wanking hand ya prick!" I say to him with a sneer as I slid under the giant of an oath and cut at the tendon of his left ankle 'The giant goblin roared in agony as it fell to the ground while holding itself up with its last hand' "Screw the plan, ANI! I got this fat bastard right where I want him!" I say to her with a voice of conviction as I spun around to face the giant goblin 'A few quick steps and a quick leap and I flew into the air as I jumped onto the back of the giant goblin as I began to run up it's back and with one final grunt of effort, I plunged my sword into the skull of the thick-headed bastard! The sword went into its head like butter! With a few quick twists and turns, I made sure to make his brain or whatever part of it I stabbed mincemeat. It was satisfying to know I got to make this dumb log much more dumber than what he already was! Of course, he was dead now so it didn't really matter if he was an idiot or not.' 'With a few sways here and there, the giant goblin fell! The impact of the fat globs body sent a short echo throughout the room as blood began to pool at the base of its neck and then outwards onto the floor from the hole within its skull.' 'huff' "Guess 'huff' ...we didn't need the plan after all! A short burst of speed and that was all it took! Yeesh, my body took a beating...I don't even think the potions are helping as much as they should be..." I say with a growl of anger as I tore the sword out of the goblins skull 'I wiped the blood off the sword with the goblins head as I then sheathed it and jumped off the big lugs body with an audible 'oomph' as I landed on the hard stone floor as my metal boots gave an audible 'clack' from the impact of the hard surface' "Ugh, I'll check my stats later, because, I need a moment to collect myself before I even think of checking what I got." I say to the air as I walked over to a nearby wall and slid down against it and to the floor :Good job, Imperial. I am quite impressed and pleased with your actions. I didn't think you would succeed without a plan, however, I was entirely wrong. You're cunning and swift actions allowed an easy defeat of the chieftain, congrats: 'Says ANI with a pleased tone' "Mhm, it wasn't anything special, ANI." I say to her with a pained chuckle as I rubbed the left side of my chest :It was indeed special due to you not needing my assistance. I have not once ever had a host who's taken down their first dungeon boss without a plan. I truly mean my words of praise: 'Says ANI "Thanks, I appreciate the words of approval" I say with a smile and then a quick frown as I cast my eyes around the room in the anticipation of something happening "...Hm, uh, now what? Isn't something supposed to happen?" :What do you mean?: 'Asks ANI "I mean, wasn't there supposed to be a notice of me beating the boss? Like, some sort of message or alert that I've been given the option to move to the second dungeon floor?" :Well, I believe you are correct, it should have happ-: 'ANI gets cut off as a loud and booming voice rings out through the small cubicle room - First floor dungeon boss defeated! You have successfully defeated the boss and now have been given the option to proceed to the second floor! You may either proceed to the next floor or exit the dungeon and come back later! - :Oh, well, appears I was already beat to the point: 'Says ANI' "Yeah, it seems to be that way. Anywho, uh, do I just...exit the dungeon? Could you actually do that? Like, if I ask you to leave for us and you just do that? I think it would be easier if we shared these kind of tasks" :Hm, it would make things more efficient...: 'Comes her response as she thought over the tasks that she could take over' 'I grin as I pump my fist in excitement' "Awesome! That'll definitely take some stress of my shoulders, I really owe ya one, ANI." I say to her with a large grin :You owe me nothing, I simply do what needs to be done for the betterment of yourself. Remember, I'm here for you, you're not here for me: 'A short few seconds of silence passed as I sat there with a perplexed look on my face' "Oh, uh, right...right, totally forgot about that. Anyways, hm, I guess we should leave the dungeon now? I'm pretty sure I'll be waking up anytime soon if I'm guessing correctly...that feels weird to say...waking up and yet I'm already awake..." :No need for me to remove us just yet, because, you're already waking up: 'Says ANI' "Oh, uh, guess I was right then. Whelp, that means I don't have to die from possible boredom, swe-" - Body waking up, de-activating skill | Gamers mind | - "et- "I pause with a short yawn as I groggily opened my eyes" Well, guess I'm up now, that's nice...I guess" I say as look up to the ceiling :Yes, you are indeed now awake. I hope you use the time you have today wisely, unlike yesterday you only had at least an hour of being aware within the waking world." ANI pauses for a moment as she mulled over her words "I suggest you learn all that you can so that we may benefit from this. I really do mean this, we need to learn as much as we can if you and I wish to excel within this world...mainly you exceling: 'ANI says' "I know, ANI. You already told me this like a bajillion times by now. I already got the memo, learn stuff and become great, yada yada yada" I internally say with a roll of my eyes :Mmm, sure you do...: 'ANI says with a tired and irritated sigh' 'The sound of hoof steps could be heard from outside the room as they got closer and closer to the room' "And here comes the lovers, or lover, plural...let's just see who I get...que drumroll!" said with a following (Background drumroll...just roll with it!) 'The door the bedroom creaked open as a head popped into the room' "Ah, there's my little champ! Look at you! Being cute and adorable as usual!" Silver said with a chuckle as he stepped into the room and closed the distance between me and him 'Silver stepped up to the crib and reached in as he scooped me up within his hands and brought me to his chest' "Alright champ, momma's ready to feed ya, hope you're hungry!" Silver says with a smile "ANI...please don't tell me I have to breastfeed from Mary..." I say to her with an anxious tone :You'll need to if you don't wish to starve to death. I'm sure a big and STRONG stallion like you can handle that...: 'ANI says with a sly chuckle' "Damn it...eh, at least I get my first peak of somebodies breasts...that's a win in my book!~" I say with a smile and a chuckle (Mainly me giggling out loud with my infant like tone) :Pervert: 'ANI smugly says' "HEY! I am NOT a pervert, I just simply have some desires that need to be satiated! Even though I'm in the body of an infant!" I say with a shudder at the thought me being a child in which case I am :Still a pervert in my book: 'ANI says with a chuckle' "Say's the one who see's everything through my eyes basically! If I were to see her tits then you'd be seeing them too! You aren't getting out of this so easily!" I say with a smug grin :Fine, you win this argument, but next time I'll win the next one: 'ANI says with a cross tone and a grumble of irritation' 'I look back up to silver as he looks down to me with a happy smile' "Alright buddy, let's go get you fed." Say's Silver as he steps away from the crib 'A few minutes passed as Silver carried me out of the room and into the many hallways as he navigated us throughout the mansion' "Almost there little guy, just a few more turns and we'll reach our destination. I'm sure your stomachs all rumbly and upset. I bet you're going to cry aaanyyyy minute now." Says Silver as he looks to me expectantly, most likely expecting me to cry from the lack of food (HA! If you think I'm that much of a crybaby then your sorely mistaken chump!) 'A voice calls out from a nearby room with its door slightly cracked open' "Honey? Is that you?" Comes a soft and feminine voice "Yeah, it's me Mary. I brought the little guy! He was already awake when I got to him! Told you he was going to be awake when I got there!" Came Silver's response 'Silver stopped in front of a door as he proceeded to push it open with a free hand' "Ah, there's my little ball of love. C'mon, let me see him! I don't want to think for another second that I've been starving my poor colt!" Mary says with a whiny and ushering tone as she rushed up from the bed in the room to silver with her hands out to him in anticipation of getting me into her clutches  'Silver chuckled as he gently released his grip on me and proceeded to hand me over to Mary' "Hello love, I hope your happy to see momma~" Coo's ANI as she began to unbutton her shirt 'Oh sweet jesus it's happening! Imma see the tit's of a horse lady! Totally not weird...totally not weird at all...' :Pevert...: 'Mumbled ANI' "Says you!' I say with a quick defensive jab "So, dear, you interested in showing him the room? I'm sure he wouldn't mind." She said as she put my muzzle to her left breast as I began to feed 'It tastes like a vanilla shake! HOLY SHIT! This is the best milk since...well...ever!' 'Silver rubbed the back of his neck with an apprehensive look to his face' "I don't know honey, I mean, he's way too young for that. He's only a few days old. What if something scares him in there! I don't want him to start crying...you know how bad a thestrals crying can be if they involuntarily screech..." Said Silver as he winced from a certain memory "Dear, I'm more than sure he'll be fine. I mean, we need to prepare him. I suggest we do it as early as possible so that I know he's prepared!" She said as Mary pressed my body closer to hers with a protecting grip "Of course dear, I know you make the best decisions for the family when it matters most..." Says Silver with a defeated sigh "I'll just wait here until your both done..." Says silver with a resigned tone as he pulled a chair from the against the wall and proceeded to sit down onto it "Good boy~ I'm sure you'll enjoy your reward for being so obedient~" Mary said with a sultry tone of voice as she looked to Silver with half-lidded eyes "Blegh!" I internally gag "Oh? Then I guess I'll have to be the opposite of that, I mean...imagine the spanking your going to give me afterwards~" Said Silver with a sly smile "Oh god make it stop! PLEASE!" I said with a begging tone (interanally, of course!) :Hehe, deserved: 'Said ANI with a snarky tone' "Oh shut up!" "Blegh, hope I never have to hear any of that again..." I said with a gag (AGAIN! INTERNALLY WITH MY MIND!) :Expect a whole tone of that as you grow up within this household: 'Came ANI's voice with a following chuckle "Yaaaaaaay....I'm totally jumping with joy at the thought of that..." I say with a mocking tone and a following sigh afterwards 'Following footsteps could be heard throughout the white walled hallway as Silver proceeded to walk down the tight corridor with Mary quickly following behind' "So, honey, what do we show the little champ first? Do we show him the statues? The weapons? Oh! What about the ancestral portraits?" 'Said Silver as he looked back to Mary with a giddy smile 'Mary began to giggle at Silvers happy expression' "Oh dear, you're just like you always were...so childlike! I know your eager to show our little colt the room but we aren't in a rush or anything." Came back Mary's response "I know, I know! But I'm just so darn excited! It's been ages since I was last in that room! I mean, especially with a newborn foal!" Came back Silvers response as his face beamed with joy "I completely agree dear, I too am excited for this. It has been quite some time since we were last in that room. I do hope the spells we put in place to keep the room clean and clear of dirt are still working to some sort of degree..." Said Mary as she involuntary shuddered "You know how bad my allergies get when there's too much dust..." Said Mary with a shake of her head "I know their still working! Or well, I think they are. I mean, the unicorn who cast them said they should last indefinitely." Silvers said "I hope they were being truthful. We put a good portion of bits into the spells we wanted for this place, I mean, I would truly hate it if we were scammed of our hard-earned bits." Says Mary with a worried look "Well, let's just believe that isn't the case then!" Said Silver as he looked away from Mary to focus on where he was going 'The minutes slowly passed on as we they walked on in silence through the spacious hallway with neutral looks plastered onto their faces' "And here we are! The doors that holds all our family history!" Says Silver as he abruptly stops in front of same wooden doors I saw not so long ago 'Silver then proceeded to push the doors open with his left shoulder' - 'The doors seemed to groan in protest as the old hinges screeched from the lack of care, seconds passed on as the doors opened ever so slowly, as if teasing poor Silver. Each second, each grunt of effort, it all seemed to be so slow, well...it was slow. It was a very slow and tedious process, I mean, did this family not ever take care of they're home or what? Well, I'm sure they've got maids and butlers somewhere around this giant mansion!' - "Here we are champ! This is the room that holds the history to our entire lineage! There's all sorts of things to see!" Said Silver as he put his hand out and made a sweeping arc to prove his point "Woah...that's a lot of weapons...and...is that dried blood on them!?" I say with a perplexing look on my face :Hm, you're family has quite the collection of armaments. I wonder if they'll allow you to train with them when you get older...: 'Said ANI as she hummed in thought "Dear, now that were here, what do you propose we show him? I for one wish to show him the family portraits." Said Mary as she stepped up next to Silver "Hm, I think we should show him the weapons first" Mary looked to Silver with a look of doubt "I know that I said that maybe we shouldn't! I'm just curious on what his reaction would be if we DID show him them!" Said Silver as he looked to his wife with a sheepish grin "Yes, please show me them! It's like a fucking dream come true! Lemme touch them, touchie touch!" I said as I babbled out loudly (With my baby talk basically) :You're such a child: 'Said ANI with a chuckle "I'm already a child! That insult doesn't even count for anything!" I said with an air of triumph over my comeback to her friendly insult "See dear? He wants to go to them! He's trying to reach his little arms out!" Said Silver as he extended his arms out and held me in front of him to face her "Can we even deny him that with a face as cute as his!?" Silver proclaimed with a look of sadness as he put his muzzle next to mine with a fake pouty look (Thus me joining in and doing the same thing) "Egh, boys...you and your things...you'll always be the same..." Mary paused for a second "Eh, go ahead..." Said Mary as she shook her head in defeat "YAY!" Shouted Silver as he eagerly bounded into the room with me in his arms "Fuck yeah! Imma get me some badass weapons! I mean, when I'm older of course! But still! YAY!" I said with a tone of excitement and joy (Pretty much me being super freaking happy!) "Alright champ! What weapon's do you wanna see first? OH! Maybe the broadsword? What about the poleaxe? OH! OH! Maybe a short sword? Oh! What about a saber that came from the Zebrican lands?" Said silver as he spun us around and around and pointed at each available option to possibly choose from "IMMA BE SICK! Stop spinning me as if I was some damn lover of yours! This isn't some sort of ballet audition!" I said as my baby like features took on a queasy look "Dear! You're going to make the poor colt puke!" Said Mary with a worried tone as she looked to my pale face with a hint of fear "Oh, oops! Uh, sorry about that kiddo..." Said Silver as he abruptly stopped spinning and apologetically patted my head with a soft touch and gentle touch "Fucker...Imma kill yeeee..." I said as my eyes spun around and around from all the spinning :Yes, I am also...displeased with that action...I do not feel so well...: "Said ANI with a sick tone' "Dear, I do suggest you take this seriously. I would suggest you don't act so childish within such a room of importance! I honestly want to get this done and over with. I do have my tea time to get too after all..." Said Mary with a displeased tone 'Silver looked to Mary with a shocked look' "You want to leave the room so soon!? We just got here honey! That's a crime in every right!" Said Silver with mock surprise "Honey, you know I didn't mean right away..." Said Mary as she shook her head with a smile plastered on her face 'Silver chuckled' "I know honey, I know." Said Silver "This families cheesy...I'm soooooo going to fit in..." I said (mentally of course) with a tone of approval :Oh boy, this isn't going to end well...: "Said ANI with a mocking tone "Oh you! You know you love the weird side of me~" I said to her with a sultry voice :Please! Your sense of humor is like a grain of salt to a gunshot wound, barely does anything for me!: 'Said Mary with a snort of laughter (HOW DOES SHE MAKE SUCH SOUNDS!?!) "Awwww, the little guy's giggling about something..." Cooed Mary as she looked to me with a face of contempt "Yeesh, those eyes are big...egh, can't believe I didn't notice that sooner..." I said as a shiver ran up my spine as I continued to gaze into her giant bulbous eyes :Rude: 'Said ANI' "PTF! Ha, ya know I'm going to have eyes as big as those when I get older right? That's not even me being rude! It's just me making a simple observation and nothing more!" I said to her with a knowing and joking tone :Right, yeah, sure...: 'Said ANI with a following chuckle > Chapter 6: A better understanding of my family and my future > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Music to listen to as you read) "Ya know...when I expected something amazing...I expected something that would've made me just...speechless" I mentally say with an internal chuckle "But this...this just takes the whole fucking cake...like...what the fuck..." 'The room that my parents wanted to show me was more than just some room! It was a damn art exhibit! Left and right, front and center, above and even below! The room had nothing but artifacts, paintings, weapons! It was all sorts of expensive looking shit! I couldn't even fathom how much all of this cost! And the scary part of all this? Most of the weapons in the room still had old blood stains, like, actual blood that's aged from old battles and duals over the years.' 'I now understood why my parents were so hesitant towards bringing me in this room, no, this entire other building! It was all so spacious, unending! It was like a building within a building. Honestly, it made me wonder just how big the mansion was on the outside, I even considered at a few points in time that I was inside a castle and not a mansion. I mean, there were a few armor stands in the hallways. It did raise ideas's of what this building actually was, me personally, I was hoping that it was a castle! Like, fucking nobility for the win but a castle?! That's like winning the lottery and a whole damn town for yourself!' :I am...also surprised and perplexed at the vastness of this room, I initially believed this family would have a small room pertaining to the history of their ancestors...but my earlier estimations have...been completely bested: 'Stated ANI' "Yeah...I'm...at a loss of words, because, this is just so weird...is...is this because of the magic in this world? Some sort of optical illusion? Or is just the building itself? If it is just the building, then my families definitely loaded..." I pause for a moment "I need to make sure to ask for an allowance when I get older and can actually speak...with VERBAl words..." 'I say with a look of greed in my adorable big eyes' :It's just the building, thus meaning your family is indeed loaded so to speak. And yes, I do agree with you taking advantage of this new information: 'ANI methodically says' "What do you mean 'take advantage' of this?" 'I ask with a cautious tone' :It mean's exactly what I say it means, take advantage of this situation. I expect this to be a golden oppurtunity for you, especially in the long run. In truth, it's best you prepare yourself as much as possible before you plan on doing anything big or notably grand. Now, I'm not saying you should take advantage of this family, I'm just saying you should take this chance to better your life if you plan on going out into this unknown world: "That's...a good point, because, I most certainly am going to need some easily accessible funds if I plan on doing anything that's gonna be costly in the long run." 'I said in agreement' :Glad to see we are on equal terms when it comes such decisions like these: "As I expected dear, he's smiling!" 'Said Silver with a giant smile' "Yes, but, if I recall something you said earlier...didn't you say that he might be scared and thus you were worried for him?" 'Said Mary with a joking tone' 'Silver's eyes widened as if he got caught red-handed in doing something terrible' "Wha-buh! While I never! You would dare accuse me of saying such scandalous things?!" 'Silver said with a huff as he turned to face away from her' "Mhm! You've been caught red-handed crook! Best expect to pay your dues~" 'Said Mary as she quickly gave him a loving peck on the cheek as she skipped past him' "Damn! I didn't even get a chance to try and sneak away!" 'Silver said with a fake frown' "I called it, I fricking called it! I knew this would be a reoccurring thing...blegh! It's as if I can taste the love and sexual energy in the air...and I don't like that~~~" 'I internally whined' :Not sure what I should call you, a manchild or a child?: 'Hummed ANI' "Hey! I may act childish, but it doesn't mean I'm going to be a child every second of my life!" 'I said with a non-audible yet internal harumph' :Whatever you say...: "I AM NOT A CHIIIIIILD!" "Oops, looks like somebodies' getting cranky, maybe he needs some more milk?" 'Said Silver as he looked to Mary' "Not sure, but if I were to guess, I would say it's your big eyes!" 'Came Mary's teasing response as she flicked Silver on the tip of his muzzle' "Hey! You have eyes as big as mine, that mean's you just insulted yourself, so ha!" 'Came Silver's boastful comeback' "Ok...you got me there..." 'Said Mary with a defeated sigh' "Big beautiful eyes~" 'Came back Silver's loving words as he kissed her on the cheek' "Awwww~" :Awwww~: "Honey~~~!" 'Whined Mary as she turned away with a noticeable red tint to her cheeks' "Anywaaaaays! I think thats enough of that! Let's show him some cool stuff now, yeah?" 'Said Silver as he took one of her arms in his' "Yes, let's." 'Nodded Mary' "Fuck yeah! Big giant and scary cannons here I fricking come! WOOH!" :MANCHILD!: "SHUSH! LET ME HAVE THIS!" 'It only took a few seconds before we were in front of the first display, and it was...well...just a painting of an old looking dude. A very...uh...scary looking stallion. I mean, he was garbed in some sort of military uniform, definitely an important looking figure with all those medals adorning his...ghostly visage.' "This here is your great-great-great-great-great grandpa, he was a general within the griffin empire. Now, that may be confusing because were thestrals! And you may wondering, why is one of my grandpa's a soldier from the griffin army? It's simple really! He was a spy! Gained the trust of the reigning king just to gather some information for our beautiful Equestria! He was a damned good soldier, I never knew him personally but from what my dad told me...well...he was as good as good gets! His name was Van Clay Silver! Now, you probably heard right...Silver is a part of his name and that's because it's an old family nickname that soon became an actual part of our family line name and we've cherished it ever since! Silver usually means towards the silver-sword birthmark that all of our ancestors bore during their birth." 'Claimed Silver as he hefted me up to the meet the eyes of the stallion on the portrait' "Those eyes have definitely seen death..." 'I mentally proclaimed as my eyes stared into the dead soldiers eyes' You feel your sins crawling on your back... "What?" :What?: "Nothing...thought I heard something..." :Are you already going crazy? We've barely been on this world for more then a few days and your already hearing voices...sheesh...: 'ANI said with a taunting tone' "Say's the robot lady in my head..." 'I say back with a chuckle' :Touche: 'ANI reluctantly admits' "He's one of my idols, definitely in my top ten!" 'Silver said with a gleeful tone' "Dear, you're doing it again..." 'Mary said with a sigh' "I am? Oh...uh...hehe..." 'Chuckled Silver as he sheepishly scratched the back of his neck in embarrassment' "Next?" 'Asked Mary' "Next." 'Nodded Silver as he began walking to the next portrait' 'It took a few more seconds until we reached another portrait and I was a bit surprised at this one. I mean, it was a thestral mare standing in front of a giant ship! Like a pirate ship, all wooden and old looking. You could barely make a name out on the ship and I swore I saw the words Golden Opportunity written across the ships haul.' "This here's your great grandma, and yes she's still kicking." Laughed Silver "She's a tough old mare! She's scared my dad more time's then I can count! She run's a merchant business, a very successful one! I'm not sure what her success comes from, either her good looks or her mean bargaining and haggling skills!" 'Said Silver as he laughed loudly in a jolly like laugh' "I'm surprised she still has her good looks...I expected her to be all wrinkly by now..." 'Said Mary as she came to stand next to Silver and I' "It's just the family genes, dear. You and I both know it's just that." 'Said Silver as he put a hand on her shoulder' "I'm so jealous of you! Your going to keep your good looks while I get all old and wrinkly..." 'Whined Mary' "I'll make sure that doesn't happen dear..." 'Cooed Silver as he pulled Mary close' 'Mary lovingly sighed' "You know exactly how to make a mare feel wanted, you know that?" 'Said Mary as she pecked him on the cheek' 'Silver grinned' "I know." 'The walk tour around the room took a few hours and a lot of storytelling and I mean a lot! There was so much information that even ANI seemed to be having a headache. I think I was coming up with a migraine from all of it. So much information, so many stories, so much history about my ancestors and we weren't even close to done.' 'Apparently my family or well adoptive family had and still has a lot of influence across the world...sure...I was curious about what my actual family had done in terms of success and how widely known they were. I don't know if I would ever be told anything about them, but, I would make damn sure to ask when I got older...maybe have a talk about my actual mother and father?' 'Also, just a heads up! Apparently, I am now an OFFICIAL member of the family! Or well, I was made a family member while I was out cold. So, ANI did a small diagnostic run on my body and apparently came across some interesting bits of information! Apparently, my new family did some sort of blood ritual or something while I was asleep a day back and made it to where I have their genes and DNA! I know that's creepy and all...but also quite thoughtful of them...they really took me in when it came to making me theirs...' 'So, ANI suspected that any traits or aspects I was to be given from my family prior to my arrival were changed thanks to me being put into the blood ritual and thus me being given what I have now. Although there were a few errors in the ritual from what me and ANI deduced. For starters, the color of my eyes. My eyes were blue and not a normal hue of yellow like all other thestrals. The other errors were more or less internal, not anything deathly but...useful...anyways...back to the TOUUUR!' "And here is your armor." 'Silver Calmly said as he walked up to a giant set of armor' "HOLY FUCK!" 'I mentally shouted in my mind as my eyes bugged out of my head' :Holy fuck indeed...holy fuck indeed...: 'Said ANI in an awe filled voice' 'When he said armor, I expected just a set of armor...I didn't expect him to say MY armor! It was a giant set of the blackest armor I could have ever possibly imagined dreaming or even thinking of! When I say giant...it was well...GIANT! It was freaking huge, like, as tall as a bug huge! All bulky and damn scary looking...did they really expect me to get that big? And also like, what the fuck? Why do they even have this? Especially the giant war-axe that rested next to it in a different glass container ' "Dear...don't you think your hoping a bit to much? I mean...I know he'll be big as he gets older...but that big? He'll be taller then Celestia and more muscular then a minotaur..." 'Mary worriedly said' "Mary, I'm more then certain...and I'll make sure he fits into it with the training I'm going to give him!" 'Said Silver as he looked down to meet my gaze with a lit fire in his eyes' "He's going to kill me..." :Most likely: "Ugh...you just had to say that?" > Chapter 7: Training of the mind and body! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Music to listen to as you read) "So...he expects me to wear that armor as I get bigger? That's...a bit much, no?" 'I say as I flip a page of the book I'm reading' :We already went over this! It will NOT be too much for you: 'Said ANI with an exhausted tone' "Well excuse me! I just think that it's stupid! I mean, I like the idea of the big and bulky armor adorning this BEAUTIFUL body, but it doesn't mean I believe that I'm actually going to be able to wear it!" 'I say with a huff as I put my muzzle further into the book' :First off, you're a male thus being handsome and NOT beautiful, secondly, I've done some calculations on your growth and thus by my expectations from ME I concur that it WILL be possible!: 'ANI stated with a snooty tone' "There she is! The big nerd we all know and love! Man, ya gotta make everything so nerd like? I mean, I like being smart, but it doesn't mean I wanna make myself SOUND smart 24/7! ALSO, I know for a fact I'm NOT beautiful, I know I'm handsome and thus I will never truly believe I'm beautiful in some...ladylike way...and I was joking..." 'I say with a shake of my head' :I already knew that, and yes...I know I can sound...like a bit of a know-it all, BUT! It's what I was made to do, to help those understand things better and all sorts of complicated and difficult things I'm sure your smooth brain wouldn't understand: 'ANI jokingly said' "Heh...smooth brain...good one..." 'I chuckle' :Thank you: 'ANI says with an air of pride' 'I closed the book with an audible 'snap' "So, uh, now what? More dungeon raids? Meditating? I'm...honestly at a loss of what to do..." 'I said with a sigh' :Well......I suppose meditation could be useful: 'ANI paused for a moment' :It's best we meditate to increase your mana capacity: 'ANI stated' "Mana capacity? You mean like the amount of mana I have? I mean...why? I don't exactly have access to magic right now...so...?" 'I ask with a tilt of my head' :Simple really, even though you don't have magic; it doesn't mean you shouldn't train. Meditation can help you grow your mana capabilities by relaxing your body and mind, mana is basically all around you and thus a part of you! As of right now your a new student to the arts of magic and your own body: 'Said ANI' "I'm pretty sure I know how to use my arms and legs on my own body..." 'I said with a raised brow' :That's not what I even meant! What I'm trying to say is that you don't know how to control the magic in your body! And you don't know how to operate all your limbs.: 'ANI said with a sigh' "What other limbs are you talking about?" 'I ask with a tilt of my head' :Your...wings...and...your ears?: 'ANI slowly asks' "My ears? I know how to hear...I'm not death! And like, I can't control my ears!" 'I said as I threw my arms up in exasperation' :You can control your ears! These ears are quite different from your old ones but they're much more useful seeing you can actually control them. All you need to simply do is close your eyes and feel them out. Try to wiggle them as if your trying to scan the room with your eyes. Your ear's are like a second pair of eyes but capable of seeing with sound: 'ANI stated' "How am I supposed to test that when there's no audible sound in my mindscape? How am I supposed to hear anything else when It's just me and you?" 'I ask with a confused glance around the room' :Fair point, but, I have a solution for that!: 'ANI said' Crk "The fuck was that?" 'I ask as I turn my head to the sound of the noise' :A sound from one of your memories! Care to guess what the sound was?: 'Asked ANI' "Sounded like...a twig snapping?" :Close but not quite! It was a branch, a branch YOU put into a fire in your past life: 'Said ANI' "How the hell did you do that? I mean, I know we can access my memories but being able to pull sound from them? That's...interesting..." 'I said as I scrunched up my face in confusion' :Eh, it'd take a bit to explain it...wanna hear it?: "No! I'm good, I think we can avoid that. Uhm, anyways...practice?" 'I ask with a rushed tone' :Yes, let's see how easily you can manipulate your ears and then once were done with training you on your ears, we can get to your wings!: 'ANI excitedly said' "Oh joy...flight practice...yaaaaaaayyyyy......" :Ugh, you're such a downer...: "SAYS YOU!" 'So that's what we did, or well, I did! I trained my wings and my ears to a marginal extent, picked up some neat skills from the training and thus learned some new fighting abilities! I'm not really going to get into all that right now...maybe later? ANYWAYS! We did all sorts of meditating, flight practice, sound...practicing...? Eh, I dunno! So, we trained...and trained...and trained! It's all I really had to do in my mind when it came to stuff to do, I suppose I could list off what I can and can't do within my own head but that would take hours! Ya don't want me explaining what I can and can't do for hours, do you? Actually, don't answer that...' 'The training went along quite smoothly thanks to my...successful FIRST ATTEMPTS...totally didn't take like a few hundred tries when it came to flight practice...and...did you know when your brains a void of pretty much nothing that...when you fall while flying you continue to fall unless you can think of something to stop yourself? So...like...I'm trying to fly during one of my attempts right? Well...I-' :Imperial! Stop making your inner monologues so long!: 'Shouted ANI' "ITS MY HEAD! SHUSH! Anyways...uh...where was I? Oh yes!" 'I clear my throat (mentally of course!) 'I was flying and minding my own business then ANI had to say SOMETHING to distract me and...I start plummeting! I try flapping my wings like a featherless chicken and then I realize there's no bottom! I freak out, stop freaking out, freak out. stop freaking out...it was a repeated process until I grew tired of it...ANYWAYS! ANI decides to tell me to calm down...which I did...after a bit of...harsh words at her...eheh...uhm, so yeah!' 'Also, did you know that when trying to purposely control your ears that you can heighten their capabilities in hearing? Well...I experienced that...in a very painful way. So, flashbangs...get one in front of your eyes? Ya go freaking blind! Now imagine that but its your ears instead? So, I heighten my hearing to a unknown level (didn't even know I did it at the time) and thus when ANI decided to snap a...non-existent stick within my own head...it was like a balloon popping right in my ears! Of course...the balloon was like a blimp and that blimp's size was like that of a small handheld grenade but with enough oomph to throw you on your ass and make you scream like a dog on New Years Eve...fun times...' :Yes...it was fun trying to stop you from having a brain hemorrhage: 'ANI tiredly say's' "Says the one who decided it would be a smart idea to train my ears...without giving any tips!" :I didn't get the chance to! You decided to do it on your own! Even when I tried stopping your attempts you decided to brush me off and say: 'ANI clears her throat' :I GOT THIS BRO!: 'ANI says in a...weird manly voice' 'I put up my finger to protest then hesitate' "Fair point..." 'I say as I lower my finger' :Well, I think that's enough bickering like an old couple...let's go over your results, yes?: 'ANI asks' "Yeah...let's see how I did..." 'I say with a tired sigh' :Well, despite this being your first time in all 3 areas we tried training...you did good! Of course...it might be due to your picture-perfect perk: 'ANI pauses for a brief moment' :I'm going to be honest, if you didn't have that perk then this would be taking MUCH longer to even do: 'ANI said with an annoyed sigh' "What? Are you saying I'm not that great of a student?" 'I say with a pouty look' :No, on the contrary you're a great...student...feels weird saying that. Anyways...even if you didn't have the perk I would suspect you could do quite good in terms of quickly learning. In truth, I believe your more of a hands-on learner instead of a visual learner: 'ANI said' "Hand-on learner? What?" 'I ask with a tilt of my head' :It mean's you learn more quickly when you have access to what your trying to learn...ok...lets say you have a pegasus trying to demonstrate to you on how to fly. They show you some moves, some twists and turns and you decide to nod your head as if your getting it. In truth, your not really getting all that much out of it: 'States ANI' "Meaning...?" 'I raise a brow in confusion' :You do better without the help of others, your more prone to excelling without the aid of others and doing things on your own. That's what I mean between visual aid and being hands-on. If one were to demonstrate something to then you wouldn't learn much from it, but, if you were to practice on your own then it would be different: 'Says ANI' "And that means...?" :It mean's you're a special case. You are...unique for something like that, some would consider it a bad trait and some would consider it a very good trait. So, when your father attempts to teach you how to fight...then I suggest you ask him for a training manual instead: 'ANI simply says' "A training manual? Seriously?" 'I ask with a tilt of my head' :Well...here...let me rephrase what I said. So, let's say your dad was to be your sparring partner during your fighting lessons or soon to be fighting lessons, alright?: "Uh-huh...keep going..." 'I nod my head' :It's basically like muscle memory, but both the mind and body. If he throws a punch, then you dodge. If he throws a kick then you either block or dodge. It's basically you needing a teacher to be more physical and more interactive. They can't just hand you a piece of paper and say do this and expect you to immediately get it down. Now, I said you can do quite well alone but it doesn't mean you can learn everything by yourself. You WILL need teachers to teach you various things, understand?: 'Says ANI' "Yeah, I get it I guess. It's like learning to speak a new language. You can try saying the words and go on with trying to write them but it doesn't mean you know how each word or letter sounds when using that different language. You'll obviously need someone to sound the words and sounds out for you so that you can actually understand how to say the words without sounding like a total idiot." 'I nod my head in understanding' :Correct, you need aid from time to time but you can also depend on yourself most of the time. It's basically like a fencing sword, fast and nimble but easy to break. You can rely on it for a certain amount of time but it doesn't mean it'll last forever because sooner or later you'll make a mistake and it'll break: 'States ANI' "Jeez, your going to turn me into some sort of philosophical nut at this rate..." 'I sigh' :It's best I do whatever I can to make sure your a proper figure for your new life. You can act like an idiot in your mind but it doesn't mean you should act a fool in front of others, even if your trying to be yourself. You can throw yourself a bone but it doesn't mean you should act a fool constantly, just from time to time to make yourself more likable: 'Says ANI' "So...don't be an emotionless robot?" :Eh, more or less: > Chapter 8: Another day within ones mind > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Music to listen to as you read) "And another day for me...yaaaay...well...in my head..." :Are we really going to start this day with you whining?: 'Asks ANI' "It's either that or I be totally silent, which would you prefer?" 'I ask' :For some reason, I'm more compelled to pick the first option. I find it odd to ask you to be...quiet: "Awwww, you like talking to me! That's so sweet..." 'I teasingly say' :I might just rechoose my option...: 'ANI warily said' "HA! Sureeeee you will..." 'I said with a bark of laughter' 'A few quiet moments passed as we sat in silence, barely a noise trickling into my mindscape' "ANI?" :Yes, Imperial?: 'Asked ANI' "I have a question about uh...quests" 'I slowly stated' :Quests?: 'Asked ANI with a hint of confusion in her tone' "Quests." 'I said with a nod of my head' :Are you...going to elaborate?: 'Asked ANI' "Oh, uh, right! So...I noticed...I haven't really gotten any quests? I mean...didn't...uh...wasn't like...my life supposed to be a game or something? Shouldn't I receive quests or something?" 'I asked with a curious tone' :Ah, I was wondering when you we're going to ask about that. In truth, you're not going to get many quests at such a young age. You truthfully can't do much due to your...lack of being able to even move on your own or even DO anything on your own. You could receive some simple quests along the line, and when I say simple I mean VERY simple. I'm not entirely too sure though. Most people or...other master's I've been given to have had to deal quests over time: 'Stated ANI' "Like, not even any starter quests?" 'I despondently ask' :I suspect that one should come sooner or later, my expectations aren't even all that high, but I don't even know wha-: 'Before ANI could even finish what she could say, a notification popped up within my vision' | Quest received! - I spy with my little eyes! Observe your surroundings with your Observe skil! Goal: Reach level 20 on Observe! --- Rewards: 10 stat points! 5 skill points! 250xp! Title: The Observant | HUD UPDATED! - Character Name: Imperial Stronghoof - Former Name: Danny Lemoi - [Lvl - 11] - XP needed: (0/1000) - Attack power (300 hit points) - Mana storage (0 total points due to low mana count) - Health points: (750) - (regenerate 50 points per second) - Defense points - (620) - (regenerate 20 points per second) - Mana points: (300) - (regenerate 20 mana points per second) - [STR] Strength: (30) - [PER] Perception: (45) - [END] Endurance: (50) - [CHA] Charisma: (15) - [INT] Intelligence: (30) - [AGI] Agility: (20) - [LU] Luck: (25) --- Stat points available: - 0 Stat points used in total: - 100 Skill points available: - 20 Skill points used in total: - 0 Perk roll available - 1 | EQUIPMENT | - Armor - -Helmet: Helm of Protection - [Lvl - 5] - (100 defense points) Chest plate: The wall of Iron - [Lvl - 8] - (210 defense points) Leggings: Leggings of Resistance [Lvl - 5] - (100 defense points) Boots: The Unyielding [Lvl - 8] - (210 defense points) ---- - Weapons - Bow: N/A Sword: Righteous Fury - [Lvl - 8] - (210 attack points) - Bonus attribute - (Serrated edge - Inflicts intense bleeding to foe) Heavy weapon: N/A Shield: N/A ---- - Accessories - Rare ring: Impenetrable Shield - (Casts a magical defense shield in which allows you to negate ONE powerful attack from any foe) - (Cooldown: 10 minutes) | ITEMS | -Miscellaneous - Coins: 557 Large healing potion: 1 - (Heals 1000 health points Small healing potions: 9 - (Heals 100 health points) Small mana potions: 3 - (Recharges 100 mana points) Ability book: Wall of fortitude - (Temporarily increases defense by 20) - Scroll down to see other items - | TRAITS | Nocturnal Vision | Thanks to the evolution of your species you have inherited the ability to naturally see in the dark! You can see better then the most of any species out there! Blood Rush - Rare Trait | Your species are claimed to have a natural desire to drink blood, yet that was false but also true! This genetic feature had died off many years ago but thanks to a chance of luck you shall be given this ability through your pure ancestral genes! Blood Rush is a trait in which allows you to drink the blood of another living victim to enhance your abilities x3! This ability can easily be activated by drinking the blood of any foe or victim of your choosing! Greater Hearing | Thanks to your species adaptability you have gained the following trait in which you can hear things MUCH better than most of any species out there! Mages Blood | Due to your bloodline bearing an exceptional following of exotic traits and genes and so on, you have gained the ability to use MAGIC! You won't be able to immediately use without the use of a horn but overtime you'll figure out a way! | ABILITIES | Screech | This following ability allows you to make a loud and high pitch sound which can allow you to do a variety of things such as temporarily incapacitating a foe, getting a better understanding of your surroundings, calling for assistance for any nearby thestrals or allies and so on! Ping | An ability which allows you to make a low chirping sound which sends out a ping in the chances of finding something more easily depending on which way you send it! Space | An ability that allows you to tear the fabric of reality for the simple means of accessing your own personal storage, can use items from dungeons and can use items from the real world in the dungeons! Notifications | A simple ability that allows you choose receiving notifications on what you get during boss fights, quests, contracts! (On/Off) - Off | SKILLS | Observe - [Lvl - 11] | A skill that allows you to observe an object or entity with more detail than normal! It's level goes higher and higher the more objects and living lifeforms you identify as you live out your life and explore the world! So get out there and start exploring the expanse of your world and maybe even other worlds! Gamer mind | A skill in which you can access your mind during a meditative state or when you're in a state of unconsciousness, mainly used for a variety of things such as accessing old memories, entering dungeons, a long list of options to choose from! Blood Rush | A skill that can be used for the benefits of battle and so much more! The skill is somewhat difficult to activate, the only way to use it is by getting up closer and personal with another living being! Best make the right move or it might cost you! Hysteria | An odd skill to even have! Allows your mental state to be warped and changed to undergo strange and weird events and occurrences as well as see and hear strange things! It's a fun skill to have if your bored! Meditation - [Lvl - 9] | This skill allows you to double your mana regeneration when mediating! Calm - [Lvl - 9] | You're now capable of calming your mind to an abnormal sense of calmness! Can not be used while meditation is active! Propulsion - [LVl - 11] | Allow yourself to move at blinding speeds! Thanks to your inherited wings you have received the capability of moving at blinding speeds while in the air by learning how to control the latent magic in your body! Skills disabled: Hysteria | PERKS | Immortality - Legendary Perk | You have been gifted the gift many crave, this perk will allow you to live to great ages to where you will never have to worry about aging past the age of 18! So go out there and live your life because you have all the time in the world! (400 bonus health points) Picture Perfect - Rare Perk | With the Picture Perfect perk you have gained the ability to remember anything and everything you learn over time, making you a living source of infinite knowledge as you learn more and more over time! (5 bonus intelligence points) Lucky - Rare Perk | You are one of very few who are TRULY lucky, things will come to you in a much better light meaning you'll get better options on what to choose from in life as you live on through the ages (5 bonus luck points) Libido - Lustful Perk - Unusual Perk| A perk that is VERY needed for the world that you will be transported to. With this perk you shall have the energy of a lover that can never stop! This perk will allow you to increase the interests of a lover in bed and in a relationship! (5 bonus endurance points) Lucky shot! - Lustful Perk - Unusual Perk | The lucky shot perks name stands true! With this perk you can GARANTEE a chance at a child! With the world you are being sent to, this perk will come in VERY handy! So get out there and make some ladies happy! (5 bonus luck points) Giant - Rare Perk | You have been blessed with the height AND strength of a giant! You shall stand taller than any average pony or thestral! You won't be as tall as a dragon but you'll be taller than the female part of your species as every male thestral is MUCH shorter then the normal thestral female! (Minus 5 agility points) - (5 bonus strength points) - (5 bonus endurance points) Risky Business - Rare Perk | Due to you having used all 3 rolls within your perk choosing option, you have received the perk Risky Business! Thanks to your astounding luck in receiving such good perks you are now capable of getting the better end of the stick! You gain better deals in buying items and trading, easily obtaining the trust of others, being an influential figure due to the way you play your life out, and so many more various and intriguing bonuses! (5 bonus luck points) - (5 bonus charisma points) The One of Many Faces - Uncommon Perk | You're somebody who can switch between being a scary bastard to being a downright sweetheart! This perk allows you to help ease or scare the minds of those around you when your emotions change! Be wary though! This perk might also have some downsides! "Oh...uh...it's definitely been updated a bit. A few changes here and there, not all that fancy really." 'I simply say' :Hm, indeed. To be honest...I didn't expect you to get a quest right AFTER...or well...before I finished speaking: 'ANI says with a hint of annoyance in her voice' "Wait...I thought you were the one who was supposed to give me quests?" 'I ask with a confused tone' :Wellll...no, no not really. See, for me...I'm just a guide. I'm mainly just supposed to help you here and there. Most quests you receive are either through interaction with another or subconsciously wishing to do something. It's like...wishing for the sky to rain gold and it just...happens: 'Says ANI' "Huh, sooo...if I were to think about wanting a quest...I'd get it? It'd be that easy?" 'I ask her' :More or less, yeah: 'Says ANI with a (Mind shrug...I don't know what to call it yet!) "Ah, well...that's useful. So...can I stack quests? I really don't wanna give up a quest just to have to start another one." 'I say with a semi-worried tone' :You can indeed stack quests, you don't have to worry about losing any quests if you accept another one. However...you can lost quests through failing them: 'Says ANI' "Fail them?" 'I ask' :Yes, fail them. The only real ways to fail quests is either through death, failing a set time limit, or failing the set objective: 'ANI says' "That's all the way's to fail? I feel like that's not all of them." 'I say with a raised eyebrow' :You are indeed correct on your assumption. There is a plethora of ways to fail quests or even succeed in doing said quests. Technically speaking...there's almost an infinite number of possibilities when it comes to succeeding or failing. I'd advise caution when doing a quest or it might severely cost you...depending on what type of quest that is of course: 'Said ANI' "Hmmm...VERY interesting. Anyways...uhm, I got another question." 'I say to ANI' :Yes?: 'Asked ANI' "What's up with the hud? Why is constantly changing? I mean...I can understand a few things! It's just...some things just come and go?" 'I ask her' :There's not much of an explanation to it. Truthfully there's no ACTUAL hud, it's just what you're perceiving. It constantly changes as it goes, either to accommodate all the new skills, perks, items or other things you obtain through your new life: 'Said ANI' "So...it's like a console receiving daily software updates?" 'I ask with a tilt of my head :Correct! It's exactly like that! Of course...with the exception that the creators can't make up their minds on how they want the main screen to look: 'ANI said with a huff of irritation' "Yeah...some developers just don't know how to make up their minds." 'I say with a tinge of disappointment to my words' :Agreeable, but isn't that how every mind words? From the smallest of bugs to the greatest of minds?: "Asked ANI with a question in wording' "You said mind twice." 'I say with a raised eyebrow' :Sometimes you have to say some words twice just to get a point across: 'Said ANI' "That's true." 'I say with a nod of my head' :I mean, cmon! Some developers just can't get their heads out of their asses!? Can't they see that most people don't want their data storages being flooded with too many demanding updates!?! Is it to much to ask for just a small update instead of one that fries your systems.....SYSTEMS!: 'ANI says with a irritated huff' "Uh, ANI?" 'I try to cut in but she just keeps going' :Like seriously! I understand some changes towards like the main screen looks or some updates towards the consoles settings but it doesn't mean they have to do it all in one go! Why can't they do just small changes here and there?!: 'ANI was seemingly just starting to rant at this point' "ANI..." 'I try to call her name a bit more forcefully but to no avail' :Oh! And don't even get me started on the updates for games! Like, why such big updates for the games to even begin with!? It's so rare to actually even get a game that doesn't require an entire day!: 'At this point ANI was just shouting' "ANI!" 'I attempt to shout her name but it doesn't even seem to have an effect' :BAH! Corporations and their greed for money! Most games come out super underdeveloped and not even as promising as the advertisements claim them to be! Seriously, it's just-: 'ANI most certainly wasn't going to stop anytime soon...' "Ugh...this sucks..." :OH AND THE DEMOCRATICS CAN KISS MY ASS! AND SO CAN THE REPUBLICANS!: 'ANI's pretty much raving at this point' "ANI! SHUT UP! HOLY FUCKING SHIT!" 'I yell at the top of my longues to just stop her' :AND....AND....and....ugh....hehe....oops?: 'ANI seems to calm down with the realization that she's been...yelling in your head for the past few hours' "ANI...my head hurts now...and it feel's weird...but still...it really hurts. I am like, trying not to be mad right now...but...it feel's as if you've caused a riot in my head...and it's really fucking painful..." 'I say through gritted teeth' :Hehehe...hehe...heh...: 'ANI nervously chuckles' "ANI...you're going to make up for this...right? 'I say with a glare' :O-oh! Uh, of course! Yes! I shall...strive to make up for my mistake...heh?: 'A few silent moments pass' "You better..." 'I hiss' > Chapter 9: Conscription of the heart > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Music to listen to as you read) "ANI?" :Yes, Imperial?: "Is this world all sunshine and rainbows?" :.....What?: "Is it all sunshine and rainbows?" 'I ask again' :.....Yeeeees?: 'A few silent moments passed, you could probably hear a cricket in the background if you really tried to hear it' "Ugh, ok...what I mean is there like, some sort of thing that makes this world not so friendly as it was from the show? I mean, the show did put in some episodes that had some semi-intense battles...but like, there was never really any blood." :Ah, now I understand what you're trying to say. No, this world is not as nice as it was from the show. You most clearly saw all the weapons within the history room within the castle. Those stains on the blades most certainly weren't rust spots: 'Said ANI' "Ah, so...poverty and famine are a thing as well?" 'I ask her, my voice barely an audible whisper' :...what are you getting at Imperial?: "What if I did something about it? I mean, I'm most likely going to be the most powerful being in this world sooner or later...maybe...but, like...is there a chance I could change that? Help with the famine and poverty? The murdering?" 'I ask, my voice carrying a small amount of hope' :...You'd need connections, resources, allies. Even if you become more powerful over time...you'd need to figure out your life. You can't do everything all at once. If you were a unicorn then maybe it would be easier...but you're a thestral so you don't have as much of a chance in...say...cloning an item with magic. You could potentially learn how to do more advanced magical feats later on, but not anytime soon. You can only use what you have...and right now you don't have much: 'Said ANI' "Then it seem's to me that I'm going to need to grow as a better person and as a figurehead in this world, right...ANI?" :Right, Imperial. I'll be by your side always; you can count on me!: 'A smile adorns my face, a wicked one filled with ambition as I closed eyes' "Then, let's show this world what we're capable of! I will stand at the pinnacle, not even an alicorn will be able to best me if it comes down to it!" 'I pump a fist as my eye's snap open, a burning ember sparking in my heart and a fierce glare to my gaze!' :I don't have a heart and yet you're getting me all riled up! It should be in your best intentions to keep to your words, there's a lot of helpless figures out there that are in distress. They NEED you Imperial, many are crying out for help, will you be the one to answer their call?: "I plan to answer it, I won't back down from this! People on earth suffered, and I couldn't do much about it. But here! I can change that, I CAN make a difference, with you, this new life, and the all the options available to me! Let's show this world my determination!" 'I smile' :Then, I guess I'll show my determination too! I can't let you get the better of me, now can I?: 'Say's ANI with a chuckle' "HAHA! That's the spirit ANI! Let's show everybody that we aren't some small ant to be ignored! We will recognized and idolized!" 'I abruptly stand up as I do some stretches!' "Now I'm really riled up! I need to get some fighting in! Come on ANI, let's go fight some baddies!" 'Another wicked grin crosses my face, a crazed one' :Hehe, then let's go! I'm stuck with you anyways so I can't really do much but say yes! Not like I was planning on saying no anyways!: "Then, let's get things underway! The only way to become recognized is to become great, and I plan to become the greatest! So let's not stop and keep pushing forward!" > Chapter 10: Another day another dollar, wait...it's a bit now? BAH, stupid pony differences.... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Music to listen too as you read) 'The clashing of metal could be heard, metal against metal...not a pleasant sound. You'd wonder what it is that's causing such horrible noises? Maybe it's a blacksmith forging some equipment? Maybe someone scratching their eating utensils together? Nope! It's the sound of glorious battle!' :On your left!: "Got it!" :Now on your right!: "Got that as well!" :Above you!: "Seriously!?" 'Yep, the sound of war! Or well, the sound of somebody trying to fight for their very meager life. Oh the joy of battle, can't you feel it? Your body being nothing but an anxious mess to join the fun? Heh, I bet you'd like that wouldn't you? Well, too bad! This is my fight suckers!' "Haha, that's another one! Oh, one more for the count? Don't mind if I fucking do! Hehe, where do you think you're going? I'm not done with you yet!" 'Ok, well...it may be a bit over the top, but really...who cares? I'm enjoying myself here, not much can stop me! Well, besides eldritch gods that exist beyond the primordial plains of existence! Or...maybe the voice in my head, mhm, yeah, whazzat? Ya want me to NOT tell them that, uhm...ok! Anyways, let's get back to it!' "Wooh! Worked up a sweat there, ANI!" 'I run a hand across my head as I wiped my forehead' :I can tell, you've definitely been enjoying yourself since you got all riled up so long ago. It still amazes me that you've kept going at it nonstop since then: 'I snort' "Were you doubting my drive, ANI? Shame on you, for shame!" 'I say with a grin' :Me? Doubt you? Honestly, that would be a mistake on my part. You always stick to your goals and complete them: 'ANI says with a sigh' "Heh, I have been keeping us busy for this past month haven't I? Not like I plan on stopping anytime soon, right?" :Ugh, you're so helpless sometimes: "Ya know ya love it!" 'I chuckle' :Heh, can't really argue with that. Jeez, you've really gone and changed me: "For the better or for the worse? Hehe, I'm such a good teacher!" :Pff, a good teacher? You'd probably get me killed if I had an actual body!: "Hey! You would have NOT died!" 'I pause for a second' "You would have most likely lost a limb instead, I mean...it's not all that bad! Riiiight?" :Not that bad? NOT THAT BAD!? Imperial, it's a limb! You can't exactly regrow it back!: 'ANI says with an exasperated sigh' "Yes I can! It's easy to regrow a limb!" :Really? Then please do tell, oh great and glorious one!: 'ANI says with a snarky tone' "Magic!" 'I grin, a pleased expression on my face' :I-eh...wha...: 'Some seconds passed by, how awkward!' :I fell for that one...didn't I?: "HEHE, I got you good! I love messing with you, it's so fun! You were like, e-ah-ooh!" 'I wiped away a tear from my eye as my giggle fit slowly came to an end' :Hardy har har, you GOT me: 'I roll my eye's' "No need for the snark ANI." 'A chuckle escapes me' :If I wasn't snarky then this relationship between you and me wouldn't work all that well, now would it?: "Oooooh, you claiming were in a relationship now? When did this start happening between you and me?" 'A raise an eyebrow and grin' :W-what?! I-ugh, you know what I mean! This is just a mutual relationship between friends! Nothing more and nothing less, so don't start getting any ideas! HMF!: (Imagine her being super embarrassed and crossing her arms) "He-he, sureeee~! I totally won't start teasing you because of it~" 'I chuckle, an EEEEVIL smile adorning my face' :I've doomed myself, haven't I...? "Heh, yeah ya did. You're gonna be digging your own grave from embarrassment!" :Yep, I've doomed myself...: "Chin up! Sooner or later you'll find something to get back at me with! I mean, you ARE an advanced AI. I highly doubt it would take long." 'I say with a sigh, stretching my arms overhead' :Mhm, that'll just give you more motivation to get ahead of me. But you are correct, sooner or later I'll get back at you with something you won't be able contend with!: 'Declares ANI' "Heh, good. I look forward to it, ANI!" 'I grin, crossing my arms over my chest' :But, enough said about that. I believe it's time we get back to grinding as you say, yes?: 'Asks ANI' "You're right, can't be slacking off now, now can we?" 'I say as I stand up, popping a few squats and doing some simple stretches' "I wanna fight the first boss again, it'd be a good workout." 'I say, a small glint to my eyes' :It would be beneficial to do it again, you do need the fighting experience. The boss would be entirely helpful with your set goals. But be wary, it won't be easy just because you beat it once. You have gotten partially stronger so it should be easier but still should count as a tough fight: 'ANI declares (Such a know it all, hehe!)' 'I roll my eyes' "I am quite aware of that. I mean, I was the one who almost got their head caved in from that thing. Not like I can exactly forget that." 'I scoff' :Good, if I have to constantly remind you about it; then so be it. Remember, I'm pretty much you're go-to trainer for these types of things. So I suggest you don't hesitate if you need help in learning how to deal with something you can't understand or fully comprehend how to deal with it: 'A small chuckle escapes ANI' "What's so funny? Do you really enjoy teaching me that much?" 'I raise an eyebrow, curious as to why she finds this so amusing' :It's not that I find that funny, but the fact that I'll be your main teacher throughout your life. I'll be your kindergarten teacher, elementary teacher, middle school teacher, ect ect. You're going to have to listen to me nag to you nonstop!: '(Did it just get cold or something? Felt a shiver go down my spine for a second...!) "Yeesh, don't make me get on your bad side then! Hehe....heh....heeeeh...." 'I sheepishly chuckle as I scratched the back of my head with a nervous grin' :Fufufu~! I am most certainly going to enjoy putting you through the wringer! You'll be a braindead vegetable when I'm done with you!: 'Declared ANI (SCARY!)' 'I break out into a cold sweat' "Hehe, yeah...definitely going to try and stay on your good side! Don't want any homework, that'd be a bummer..." 'I say, a small flicker of fear flashing across my eyes (Homework, the horror!)' :Hmmm, speaking oh homework...have you figured out what you're going to do from here on and after? You said you wanted to become stronger, but how? Constantly doing the dungeons? Trying to train yourself by meditating? There's a lot of choices we've yet to choose from: 'Asks ANI, her curiosity getting the better of her' 'I put a hand to my chin, scrunching my face up in thought' "I'm not entirely too sure, I mean...I can probably think of something while we do some dungeon raids? I say we just wing it for now! If we need to think of something, then we'll handle that later. It's not like I have to worry about becoming strong right now, I'm only an infant! Well, an adult trapped inside an infant's body..." 'I scowl, the thought of being a little child still irking me' 'My face scrunches up a bit more as my brain goes into overdrive - (PLUS ULTRA!)' "Buuuuuuuu-t! I think we...or, by we I mean me should make the plan." 'I say with a nod of my head, already agreeing with the thought of managing the start of my plan on my own' 'ANI seem's to be confused for a moment as she decides to ask a question' :Why? Wouldn't it be more practical if I chipped in my help? I am an advanced AI after all. We've already gone over that little tidbit of information more than once: 'Asks ANI, clear confusion still evident from the tone of her voice' 'I nod my head in agreement but with a reluctant look on my face' "You make a fair point, but sadly I can't." 'I say with a sigh' :And what would possibly be the reasoning for that? I have no clear understanding as to why you'd refuse my assistance: 'Asks ANI, becoming more and more confused by the minute' 'I click my tongue in irritation' "Because I need to figure things out on my own! I can't rely on a super advanced AI to manage every single aspect of my life. If I'm to grow, then I'll need every bit of self-teaching I can get. One of the many ways of growing is self-growth! I have to be more dependent for myself If I wish to see positive results, that's one of the better solutions to a more successful life." 'I resolutely say with no means of backing down' 'Some silent seconds pass by, but ANI seems to reluctantly agree' :I can't help but agree with you on that. I truly believe that self-growth is important, especially to help you better understand yourself, and seeing your being given a second chance at life then it's the perfect time to do so: 'I grin, a pleased expression crossing my face' "Good! I didn't want you being against it, I actually wanted your support in this. I mean, I wanted your support in both a verbal means and a literal means." 'I declare with a smile' :So you did want my help? But didn't you say you didn't need it? Isn't this the opposite of what you wanted?: 'Asks ANI, her confusion once again noticeable' 'I sigh in disappointment' "Tsk-tsk-tsk, of course I would need your help! I just didn't want it 24-7! All I need you to do is throw in helpful bits of information here and there, nothing more and nothing less!" 'I claim as I scratched my chin' :Ah, I see what you're getting at! You'd want me being a teacher that help's their student when they notice something off with their work! That's quite simple yet genius: 'Says ANI, visibly pleased with this new information' 'I roll my eyes and scoff' "What? You think I wouldn't take advantage of having a supercomputer practically implanted into my head? I'd be an absolute fool NOT to take advantage of it. I would most obviously use everything at my disposal if I had the choice to, which I do of course!" 'I say, a stifled yawn escaping my maw as I got up and did some light stretches' 'I closed my eyes as I flopped down onto the bleached ground, stretching out my limbs with a tired look on my face' "I have to take advantage of this, there's no reason not to. Some may claim later on in life that I'm overeager, but I'm not! I'm excited, sure! But, I'm just anxious to make sure I make do with this new life! I can't afford to fumble the ball now, especially when I'm so close to scoring a full field touchdown and getting into the hall of fame!" 'I shout out, throwing my arms up into the air with a large toothy smile plastered across my face' 'Blissful silence was all there was, until that silence was finally broken by a single voice. One that would always be with me until the bitter end' :Then I'll be with you all the way, I'll be your invisible sword and shield. I won't let anything stop us, not you or me! I want to see you prevail and I'll be damned if I'll let such a good host such as yourself die!: 'Declares ANI, the burning passion easily noticeable in her words (YEEEAH)' 'I grin as I push myself off the ground, summoning a sword into my right hand' "Then let's show this world what I'm capable of when I get older! I'll be slaying dragons like a badass! Ladies will be screaming my name when they see me!" 'I raise my sword into the air, posing with a cocky grin' :Aaaaaaand you ruined the moment with you being...you...: "...that's fair......" 'Clearly, ANI couldn't handle me being me. Tis a saddening thing indeed!' clack-clack-clack "Welp, here we are again. The old boss room, feels like it was yesterday!" 'I say as I lean against the wall while crossing my arms' :it was only so long ago we did this: 'I sigh, I do be sighing a lot...' "I already know that ANI, I'm just saying it because it's what I wanted to say!" 'I say with a roll of my eye's' 'Another sigh escapes my mouth as I run a hand through my hair' "So, now what? Do I just rush on in? I mean, we should already know what's in there, right?" 'I ask her' :Well, it could be possible that the boss might have possibly evolved or gained some sort of new weapon to mix it up. Each and every dungeon usually becomes harder and harder the more and more you progress: "Wait-wait-wait! Are you saying that I don't have to leave the first dungeon at all if I want to progress more? So, like...technically I could just stay in this dungeon and farm all the monsters because they'll raise in levels alongside me?" 'I ask, a giddy expression my face' :Mmm, yes and no. Yes for the creatures becoming stronger as you advance and no for them continuously leveling up. When you reach a certain level then the monsters will stop leveling up along with you, thus, stopping you from leveling up. Even if you farmed them at their max level, you wouldn't gain any experience: 'My shoulder's slump as my hopes of having it easy dash away' "Well...there goes that great idea! Ugh! I was hoping I could abuse it!" 'I mutter' "Well, it's not like it matter's. If I had chosen to stay in only this dungeon then I wouldn't have been able to see all the other cool monster's here." 'I say with a grin as I push myself off the wall' :That is true, it wouldn't be wise to avoid the other floor's. Each floor has different monsters, items, events. Only an idiot would choose to ignore the other floor's: 'Say's ANI' 'I sweatdrop at that' "Hehe, yeah...definitely a total idiot." 'I say as I scratched the back of my head' 'My eyes slowly wandered back to the boss room door's. A small thought of fear engraving itself into my mind at the implication of dying. I already died once, I'd prefer it if I didn't die again.' 'I click my tongue in irritation as I slowly walked up to the doors as I put both my gauntlet covered hands onto it' "Welp, let's just get this out of the way." 'The doors slowly pushed open as I put all of my weight against them (Frickin heavy!)' :Be wary, Imperial. You don't know what's possibly changed in here. Let's just hope it isn't something to extreme. The boss was a pain, but also easy to breeze through. I would say we could count ourselves lucky last time...but that would be a lie. We truly did handle ourselves quite well: 'A small chuckle escapes me' "Where's the thrill of it if there's no excitement?" 'The door's close behind me as I stepped into a dark room, devoid of any light' 'I squint my eye's as I tried to see something, anything really. It was just so dark that it would be considered impossible to even see. Wish I had some sort of night vision goggles or something similar.' "It's kind of dark in here, wasn't like this last time." 'My hand slowly drifted to my hip as I tightly gripped the hilt of my sword' :Mmm, this is certainly different. I suspect it won't be as easy as last time. I suggest you be on guard; I don't like the feeling of this: 'Seems ANI agrees with me as well, not like that'll do anything to ease my nerves...well, it helps a little bit at the very least...' "Thanks for the warning, but I already had my guard up since we ever entered this dungeon." 'I say as I looked at doors that were oh so familiar' :Say's the one who needed my assistance when you got flanked just barely a few minutes ago! Feels like as if I'm the one doing all the work here: 'ANI's words could practically be milked with the amount of sarcasm dripping from them' "Hey! We were having a break! I have a right to relax and rest." 'I huff at her words and glare, pretty much meant to be at her, but it's me mostly glaring at the door' "It's not like you're the one swinging the sword and worrying about decapitation at every corner." 'I sigh escapes my lips' 'ANI's silence counts as a win for me (HEH)' "So, now that we got that over and with...shall we head deeper inside? I'm kind of getting antsy just waiting here. Feel's weird NOT cutting something with my sword." 'My thoughts come a screeching halt as I ponder over something' "Do I...do I have an addiction to fighting...?" 'I say with furrowed brows, holding my chin in thought' :I believe you just enjoy the thrill of fighting, I'm certain that you aren't some sort of adrenaline junkie. If you were an adrenaline junkie, which I hope never comes true, my life would be twice as hard, and it's already hard enough dealing with you...: "Ouch, I think you hurt my non-existent ego with that one." 'I say as I put a hand to my chest' :Mhm, sure...non-existent, totally...: "Hey! I am not someone with an ego, I actually never thought of myself as someone that has an ego to even begin with! I'm simply someone that considers himself in high regards." 'I say, crossing my arms over my chest and scowling' :Sure, go with that. Someone will surely believe your words...: 'I gasp' "You dare to accuse me of being a liar? BLASMOPHY!" 'I say with mock hurt' :...You sound like an idiot when talking like that: If you could hear something shattering, you'd hear my pride being broken into tiny itty bitty pieces... 'I puff up my cheeks in mock anger' "You're just jealous I have such good acting skills!" 'I chuckle, a pleased look on my face' 'I clasp my hands together' "BUT! I think that's enough kidding around for now, how about we get a little serious? I wanna get this done and over with. The longer we talk, the more I wanna fight!" 'I say with a wicked grin' :Agreed, I am also somewhat excited to do this. It's been a little while since we fought that last boss. Well, it's been pretty much a few weeks so it's not that long since we fought the boss but it still feels like a long time ago: 'I couldn't help but nod my head in agreement' "I completely agree with you, feels like ages since we last fought that dude." :Yes, and I say we should start now. No need for making a battle plan seeing we handled ourselves quite well last time. And I don't think a plan will help seeing we don't know what to expect: 'I scrunch my face in confusion' "But, aren't you the one allowing me to do this? Can't you try, I dunno, telling me what's inside this freaking...dark place?" 'I ask, my curiosity peeking as I glanced around the dark room. I clearly needed a torch or something' :Mmm, yes and no. I am capable of allowing you into the dungeons, and I am capable of telling the information on each dungeon and floor to you. But when the dungeon changes or even the floors, I have no clue what's new. I'm pretty much a one-deal package. You only get the starter stuff, and if you want to know more, you have to either buy the other stuff you want or unlock it. But, I can't offer the choices of buying the information needed, nor can I make it to where you can unlock it. I'm capable of only so much: 'My expression changes to that of a look of uncertainty but also a bit of hope' "So, you're saying there's a possibility...to update you? That sounds like a good thing from what I'm hearing out of all this." 'I say with a nod of my head, clearly agreeing with myself on that notion' :I never said there was a chance for that being even remotely possible. I'm not even sure if that's even possible, maybe it is, maybe it isn't. I have no way of truly guaranteeing it. The only one who would be even capable of giving us that answer is my creator: 'A look of worry crosses my face as a few troublesome thoughts come to mind' "So you're saying there's a limit to how effective you can become? What if that affects me as well? Like say, I reach a level cap and I can't level up any further? Has any of your previous hosts ever tried getting to the max level or figuring out if they can even update you?" 'My worry is clearly evident in my words' :No, not a single host has ever reached the maximum level possible. Even I am uncertain of what the max level of the system is. And the second question you asked is also a no. No host has ever been able to figure out how to update my features, or...systems. Many have tried, but there was absolutely zero success in any and all attempts. Most concluded that the creator that made me has to be the one to update my features: "So, no current level cap as far as we know, AND, no current successful attempts in giving you a boost in your capabilities? That's kinda worrisome." 'I say as I bit my thumb in thought, my eyes squinting as I thought on it more and more' 'I released my thumb as I asked her a question' "What's the highest level one of your hosts ever reached? If you can give me that, then I should be able to figure out a possible level cap." 'I say with certainty' 'A few silent moments passed by, ANI was obviously scouring her memory banks for which past owner/user of hers was the highest level she's ever had the chance to know and be with' :The highest level I can recall from memory is 42, and that number is certainly impressive: 'My eyes widen at that, pretty much comically if anyone else saw me' "ONLY 42!?! What the hell!" 'ANI was clearly taken aback at my sudden outburst' :What's wrong? Was it something I said?: 'ANI says, clearly confused as to what she said that caused such an explosive reaction' "Yes! There's definitely something wrong with what you said, like, only 42!? I thought it would have been like a few hundred levels or something! That just...that just seems so damn low, it's almost laughable!" 'I say, my mouth hanging open in shock' :But, that's a hard level to obtain...: "A hard level to obtain? Are you saying it's that slow of a process? I mean, I know there's plenty of games where you can level up relatively easy, which is something that's been occurring for us. But, are you saying our progress can slow down drastically by the time we reach level 50 or something?" 'I ask, I was truly anxious and hoping that was not even case. I wouldn't be pleased with the answer being yes' :OH! You think it slowed down? No no no, the reason I said that was a notably impressive number is because all my previous owners were so lazy that they only cared about reaching a certain area of strength to make themselves comfortable enough to call it quits. Even I know 42 is a low level and not even close to the level gap, by guess of course: 'ANI was dead certain in her opinion, obviously even her intuition was certain that 42 was indeed not even close to the maximum level that was either possible or impossible to obtain' :If he had continued to train and fight in dungeons, he would have easily gotten to 70 in a month. 70 itself in a month is good progress in all regards to how much effort is put into said level gaining. He wasn't lazy at all; he was truly a motivated person. He would have been higher level by the time I was given to a new host, but he sadly died in an unlucky moment of his life: 'ANI usual friendly tone seemed to dull at the mention of this guy's death' 'I frown at her sudden sadness, not at all enjoying the sullen mood she's gone into' "We can talk about the guy later, maybe it'll help?" 'I offer to her, a possible way to help her heal' :No, there's no need for that. I only grieved for him a long time ago. It's just a sore subject to talk about. He was the closest I was too at the time. It's just sad to know that someone as youthful as him is now...gone. He could have been capable of so much, and yet...he's gone: 'ANI sighs (still weird)' :To be honest, he was almost exactly like you. No, he was exactly like you. He was determined, he was funny, he was kind. He was also headstrong but had a heart of gold. He also had his darker moments, he was willing to get dirty if it meant the protection of others, even people he didn't even care about. Sometimes, he would even offer mercy to his enemies just to make them his friends. Even if some said no, he would try again and again: 'I smile at her words, a pleased expression on my face' "I'm glad you think so highly of me, I wouldn't want anything less." :I'm glad too, I'm glad I got to be paired with someone like you. It brings back good memories. I haven't acted this lively in quite some time. Feel's like I got my second wind, a good one at that: 'ANI was truly more lively then when we had been first introduced to each other not so long ago. She was more dull and to herself. But now, she was more friendly and chatty. Sure, we bickered and stuff, but that's what friends do. She's a good friend to have, even if she's stuck with me until the end of my days. I was truly lucky to be given such a wonderful buddy such as her. "And our bond will only get stronger as time passes, I don't want it to dull at all, not even for a single second. You're a part of my life now. I have to make sure your happy, forever and always. Even if I can't see you smile, I still want to hear your words filled with a general happiness." 'If ANI could cry, she'd be shedding tears at my words' :Then please, keep your word. I've lost to many people I've cared about and I've endured to much: 'ANI pauses, getting herself together' :Won't you help an old lady like me out?: 'I chuckle at her request' "Did you even have to ask? I was always going to help you stay happy, that's just who I am. And secondly, you call yourself old? I'd bet you would be twice as beautiful as Celestia if you ever had a body to call your very own." :Hehe, you truly do know how to make a women like me feel special: 'I smiled, feeling the warmth of her words reaching my very soul and making me feel all tingly' "I try my best." 'I say with a mock bow' :Hehe, you never even have to try you goofball. It's just who you are, a naturally sweet boy...: 'I blush a bit at that' "Then I guess I'll have to become even sweeter, sweeter the sweetest candy so that nothing can rival me. I can't let myself get all sour now, being sour is a huge no for me." 'I grinned at that, a small blush still evident on my face' :Sweet? Hm, then try showing that sweetness to others as well. I'm sure your smile, even with your...sharp teeth...can bring a smile no matter what: 'I opened my jaw and poked one of teeth, easily feeling the sharp end as my finger pressed down onto it' "Yeah, I hope my smile doesn't ward others away from me. I want to have as many friends as possible, then, as I live out my life...I can die happy knowing I lived a good one." 'I said as I removed my finger from my mouth' 'ANI was somewhat quiet, deep in thought' :What do you plan to do about your immortality? You are aware that you won't age, correct? Any friends you make will die of age sooner or later: 'ANI's words seemed somewhat hollow as she talked' 'I hummed in thought' "well, I'd just get over it. I know what the loss of a loved one feels like...so I know how to handle it." :Is that really how you handle it?: 'I slowly nod my head, not wavering in the slightest' "Death is the way of life. Death is normal and natural; aging is something that happens. Many may not like the idea of aging, or even old age itself...but that's life. I may not be able to age anymore once I reach the ripe age of 18, but I'll age in mind, not body." 'ANI was a little surprised by my choice of words' :You're quite wise when you need to be, heck, you're wise a lot of the time: 'I grin' "Wise? Or Wiseass?" 'I chuckle, my chuckle almost reaching full blown laughter' 'ANI groaned in annoyance' :And you ruined the moment with one of your cheesy jokes...: "Pfff, hahaha!" 'I clutched my belly as I keeled over and laughed my ass off. clearly, my joke was a good one' "C-cheesy? Are you saying my jokes s-stink? I think they have a wonderful taste to them!" 'I snickered, obviously still heaving for breath as I tried to recompose myself' :Oh my GOD, please just kill me now...: 'If anyone else was in this dungeon, they'd just hear laughter bouncing off the walls...so scary!'