Cum for the Camera

by Riksan Toorum

First published

Fluttershy takes on a very special one-time job, and learns something about herself on the way...

Some shameless smut with everyone's favourite shy horse. Expect lots of blushing, embarrassment, and the awakening of some unorthodox desires!

Contains pornography recording, female solo masturbation, feelings of shame and embarrassment, and not-so-subtly implied exhibitionism.

Chapter 1

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“So, uhmm… What do you… need me to do… exactly?”

Fluttershy felt her mouth turn dry, her chest visibly rising and falling as she looked, wide-eyed, at the array of cameras surrounding her, blinking and flinching away as the blindingly bright studio lighting flashed against her retinas.

“Go ahead and get comfortable, to start with,” she heard the casual, relaxed tone of one of the several stallions opposite, though it was next to impossible to see his face with the bright lights pointing directly at her. “Then just… do whatever you normally do, alright?”

She glanced downward to her side. A simple mattress had been placed directly atop the concrete floor, right up against the room’s plain white wall, along with a few pillows. Taking a deep breath, she took two uneasy steps onto the mattress, just about keeping her balance atop the soft springs, then carefully sat down right against the wall, taking several more deep breaths in her attempt to ‘get comfortable’. The room - cold as it was - suddenly felt much colder as she blinked at the cameras, their ominous red dots barely visible, and she felt her body instinctively curl inwards, her wings tight against her back and her tail wrapping underneath her.

“... You are gonna need to show your whole body - sorry!” she heard the stallion chuckle. He clearly wasn’t sorry, Fluttershy thought, as a hot blush crept steadily up from her neck to her cheeks… Was she really going to do this?

Of course she was, she thought, steeling herself. For her animal friends - to get them food, shelter, and medicine - she’d do anything. Even… this.

Screwing her eyes shut, and using every ounce of her willpower, she very, very slowly pulled her trembling thighs apart, gradually revealing the thick, dark lips of her marehood and her plump, round clitoris, the pink inner walls of her sex just barely visible as her hind legs reached their apex. At the same time she felt her forelegs curl upwards as if to hide her face, which burned a deep red all the way from her neck to the very tips of her ears, every nerve in her body tingling with embarrassment.

“Mm-hm. Very nice…” She heard the soft clicks and whirring of the camera’s lens, and despite her eyes being shut she could feel the artificial eye zooming and focusing on her - on the most private area of her body. A soft, haltering whimper escaped her lips, her hind legs quivering as she tried to hold them steady.

“... Whenever you’re ready.” The stallion’s words were ambivalent on the surface, but felt in reality like a command - a reminder that, in spite of everything, she hadn’t even started yet.

Inhaling deeply, she slowly extended her curled left foreleg, her eyes opening on their own as she did so, trying to focus on the ceiling rather than the cameras and the ponies behind them. Her hind legs tensed suddenly when her hoof finally found its mark, stroking carefully along the outside of her labia as she finally let out a tiny, vocalised: “Ah…!”

Normally, whenever Fluttershy did this at home, she needed absolute privacy. It had to be the dead of night, doors locked, curtains drawn so tightly that not even a sliver of light could escape. The slightest sound, the slightest hint that any creature was in the vicinity, let alone could hear, let alone could see her, and she’d freeze up for a solid minute until she was certain they’d gone…

Fluttershy groaned as she forced that hoof against her, letting out a deep, shuddering breath, her body tingling and twitching as she dragged it, slowly, through the warm, slick folds of her marehood…

… the very warm, very slick folds of her marehood.

Something caught in her throat. Her eyes slowly widened until they were stretched as wide as they could go. Her breaths quickened. … The shadowy figures, the cameras… they were all looking at her, and with that singular thought, she felt something building in her rear end - a warm, quivering energy. Tensing her foreleg, she slid her hoof through her lower lips once again… and felt a surge of electric pleasure course through her, the single most intense sensation she’d ever felt in her life, forcing her to cry out with a sudden, sharp wail:

“... aaaAAAAHH…!”

She blinked - for a brief moment making no movements whatsoever, her trembling limbs aside. It was too much. With a little squeak, she forcefully rolled her body over, burying her burning-hot cheek into the pillow - but that, of course, only left her rear end pointing directly at the cameras.

My, you’re really getting into this, aren’t you?

She heard the stallion’s voice in her mind, and that same wave of warm, quivering energy washed over her once again. Her eyes were screwed shut again, but it didn’t matter - simply knowing was enough.

“Nnngh…! … Hah-h…”

Her body wracked with spasms, her vulva winking against her hoof as she pushed that hard edge against her soft, plump lips, letting out a quivering sigh of pleasure. It was fine… this is fine. No matter what the ponies in the room saw, it’s not like anypony she knew was going to see it - just a few ‘private collectors’, they said. And they’re hardly going to shout about it, are they?

But… they would still know. Fluttershy saw herself, walking down the main street of Ponyville, while a stallion she’d never seen before gave her a small, knowing smile as he passed by… the tiny twitch at the corner of his mouth, a gaze that lingered a moment too long…


A wave of heat washed over her, even stronger than before, as she frantically slipped her right hoof under her body, using it to mash against her pulsing, engorged clitoris while the other continued to forcefully massage her labia - her entire rear end now slick and glistening with her juices. Her wings seemed to move on their own, lifting up from her back, while her hind legs trembled as if barely able to hold her flank in the air.

... Go on. Show ‘em something they’ll really remember…

Her eyes popped open, her mind blanking for a moment as if struck by a blow. She didn’t think. Taking short, rapid breaths through her open mouth, she jolted her body upward and, with both hooves, pushed against her sex from below, pulling apart the petals of her marehood and revealing her, now, deep-red inner walls, pulsing, winking, and leaking the fluids of her arousal.

… Barely a second later, she immediately let go, her hooves quickly reverting to covering her private area rather than exposing it. She felt her heart stop. Why did she do that, what’s gotten into her, she thought; they didn’t tell her she had to do it, right?!

Admit it: you pretend to be this sweet, innocent, humble little thing… but really, you just like to show off.

Her eyes screwed shut as she let out a tense, whimpering moan, her hips bucking up and down as she frantically rubbed herself, both hooves moving in small, rapid circles as they pulled and squished her lower lips, her fetlocks just tickling her exposed clitoris. Tears started to form behind her eyes.

... Everypony’s gonna see you… You’re gonna be famous...

She felt a crescendo of hot pressure building in every corner of her body, blood pounding in her ears as she imagined all the ponies in the room watching the footage, laughing and jeering at her during her most vulnerable, private, special moment…

Every single muscle in her body seemed to tense at the same time. Her wings snapped open. Her mind went blank, her brain short-circuiting with the intensity. Fluttershy could do nothing but squeal and writhe against the pillow as her hips bucked against her wet, trembling hooves, her love-juices squirting out of her, dribbling down her legs and onto the mattress below.

Her hind legs, already quivering perilously, finally buckled and gave way, her rear end collapsing onto the mattress while her high-pitched squealing gradually turned into whimpering sobs, her eyes glistening with tears as they blinked open. She felt herself spread her legs wide apart, rubbing herself even harder, almost to the point of pain, as she half-consciously eked out every last drop of pleasure from her orgasm until, finally spent, she collapsed - her abdomen still atop her forelegs as she sunk into the mattress.

She simply existed there, not even thinking anything, for a very, very long moment. Her body steadily rose and fell with each breath. Strands of her mane were messily splayed out around her, obscuring her vision, and every inch of her coat felt cold and damp with sweat.

“... Well, you certainly looked like you were enjoying yourself!”

With a soft gasp, her eyes popped open and she weakly scrambled to get upright, pulling in her hind legs and instinctively making herself small.

“... Mhm…”

She saw, for the first time, the rather large wet patch in the middle of the mattress, that her front hooves had just been resting in. A blush gradually rose to her cheeks, tinting the bridge of her nose bright pink as she tried to avoid looking at the cameras.

“If that’s what you normally do, I gotta say I’m pretty jealous! So, what’s your fantasy? What were you thinking about that made you cum so hard?”

everypony seeing me and looking at me and laughing at me and knowing what I did and

She blinked - hard. “... Uhmm… n-nothing much, just, ah… you know… stallions, and… s-sex… and, uhm… things,” she mumbled, her voice barely audible even to herself.

She swallowed, a tinge of fear building inside her as she hoped they wouldn’t ask anything else…

Fortunately, the stallion just chuckled. “Well, alright, if you say so~... I guess we’re done here, then. There’s a shower in the other room if you want to get cleaned up…”

“N-no - no, thank you,” Fluttershy sputtered as she scrambled to her hooves, moving out of frame as quickly as possible and grabbing the sack of coins in her mouth that one of the ponies wordlessly held out for her. Without even a word of goodbyes - uncharacteristically for her - she pushed herself through the exit door at as fast a trot as she could manage.

The cold outside air hit her sweat-covered body as she started on her way back home. The jingling sack in her mouth felt heavy - heavier than she expected, even. Those ponies certainly weren’t lying - this would be more than enough to pay for all the vet bills this spring, with enough left over for some of Angel’s specialty carrots…

… She had always wanted to expand the aviary, though…