The adventures of anonymous

by pepperpony

First published

A human named anonymous ends up any Equestria and falls in love

A human who does not remember his name goes by anonymous, ends up in the world of my little pony where he now must either find a way home, or try to make a new life in Ponyville. Will he find a way home or will he find a new home And fall in love perhaps…

Chapter 1. How it starts.

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I don’t know how it happened all i know, is i do not remember who I am. The only thing I can come up with to call myself anonymous or anon I’ll figure out a name eventually. But that’s not important. What’s important is the fact that I seemingly died and now i find myself sitting in a field on the outskirts of a town, you know all too well. I am in the world of my little pony, and the town I am looking at is indeed, Ponyville.

I get up and dust myself off looking around and everything looks exactly like how I remember from the show from the grass to the sky to the mountains to even the clouds moved by Pegasi. Yep 100% I am here in a cartoon world.

How on earth am I ever going to get home? I’ll figure it out eventually as well. With no other option, i decide to take a stroll towards the town. Upon entering all the ponies stare at me as though i am some sort of Eldredge Monster coming out of the Everfree forest. Which, to be perfectly honest, i could be to them I am some hairless, bipedal creature, known as a human. All the ponies immediately scatter and go into their houses and shut the blinds. Now standing in an empty town I walk over to the center and sit down.

“ OK what the heck I just got here and all you ponies think I’m some sort of monster how am I even supposed to talk to any of you?…. Great now I’m talking to myself. Fabulous.” I say, throwing my hands in the air and leaning back against the park bench. Suddenly I hear a young voice, which I am almost 100% sure I know I look to my left define scooter Applebloom scootaloo and sweetie Belle looking at me.

“ I’m sorry what did you say?” I ask, looking at the three Cutie Mark Crusaders.

“I said what are you?” Applebloom said. The other Crusaders shake their head in agreement.

“Oh well I’m what’s called a human I’m pretty sure I came from another dimension and I don’t know how to get home, so I’m kind of stuck and none of you ponies. Want to speak to me…uh well except for you three I guess hehe.” I say, looking up at the sky and leaning back against the bench.

“ so you aren’t a threat??” Scootaloo says looking at me with a serious face. I simply shake my head no.

“Don’t worry little pony I am no threat I’m just lost.” I say as I look down at my feet and sigh. Out of nowhere, Sweetie Belle, yells out loudly, startling startling me.

“EVRYPONY HES SAFE COME ON OUT!!!!!” I simply look at Sweetie Belle, like she grew an extra head.

“what was that for you trying to give me a heart attack or something kid?” I say clutching my chest. She looks at me and lashes slightly.

“Oops sorry Mr….” I shake my head. These three are exactly the way they seem in the show. As I sit there, all the ponies seem to come out of their houses, seemingly at ease, knowing I am not a threat anymore. I look over just in time to see none, other than twilight sparkle herself, walk up to me.

“ excuse me sorry for the poor hospitality. We get a lot of danger here in this town so it pays off to you know be cautious” I need my head to her.

“ don’t worry about it I understand what’s your name by the way?” I ask, knowing it would be weird if I knew her name it immediately even though I do.

“Oh sorry where are my manners? My name is Twilight Sparkle nice to meet you .. um…” she’s jesters towards me too, which I immediately freak out in my head, knowing I don’t remember my name or who I am or anything about my life the only thing I know is where I come from and that this all is a cartoon world, called my little pony of which I used to watch a lot.

“I ..I’m anonymous… you can call me Anon I guess” she seems to take that well and nods her head. She then proceeds to sit down on the bench next to me.

“ so Anon what are you exactly? Sorry if that’s rude it’s just I’ve never seen a creature like you before.” She says, looking at me curiously, with those bright purple eyes of hers.

“ well, I am what you call a human I come from a planet known as earth I have no idea how I got here just that I’m here and I might be stuck here…” I say, fumbling with my fingers.

“ oh my goodness that’s terrible I’m so sorry if you came from another world then I think it’s safe to say you don’t know how anything works here?” to that I simply nod yes.

“ OK in that case you will need a place to stay, so why don’t you stay at my place I’m Ponyville’s librarian while you’re staying with me I can help you learn how things work here” she says, getting up off the bench and I follow suit.

“ actually miss twilight, that would be great lead the way” I say, as she starts walking and I follow. Me being me I can’t help but let my eyes wonder. They definitely look exactly like the ponies from the cartoon except they’re more realistic as in from what I can see they have parts that they definitely didn’t in the cartoon show she looks soft and fluffy.

It didn’t take long to reach the library in massive tree converted into a library. Once we enter she shows me to a spare bedroom where I can stay to. My luck in the bed is pretty big, which accommodates my height.

Speaking of height, I should probably mention I’m about average 5 feet and standing the average pony in this world, comes up to about my chin, they would be the same height as me if they stood on their hind legs. I have enough with that. I simply sit down at the table where the little dragon spike takes notice of me.

“Hi I’m spike any case you didn’t realize I am a baby dragon” he says proudly.

“ hello spike I’m anonymous but you can call me Anon” he nodded his head and then he proceeds to take a bite of a crystal while reading a comic book. Twilight to put a plate of salad in front of me.

“ sorry if it’s not to your liking the only thing I know how to make properly without you know burning things spike usually cooks” I look at the salad which seems to be pretty well made.

“ Oh, it’s no problem. I actually like salad. This is awesome you make a really good salad miss twilight” she looks at me with an annoyed look, dropping her ears and giving me a huff

“ OK if we’re gonna be living together, we got a put some ground rules no more of this miss business. Just call me Twilight or Twi oh, my friends call me that OK Anon?” I simply not my head yes .

“absolutely sorry twilight I just wanted to make a good impression” I say, smiling at her. All and all I think my first day in Equestria it’s went pretty well.

Chapter 2 questions

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After eating dinner, I sit on a couch in Twilight’s living room simply taking in everything. I look around and sure enough everything seems to look exactly like it does in the my little pony cartoon. It’s crazy how accurate it looks. Out of curiosity I stand up and walk over to a bookshelf and grab the first book that I see opening it up to find that I am able to read it perfectly as though it’s written in English.

“ what the fuck I can read this this is crazy” I say to myself, staring at the perfectly readable English letters

“ anonymous! Language Spike is a baby dragon I don’t want that language around here got it” Twilight says to me sternly.

“oops sorry…. It kind of just slipped out. I have a bad habit of swearing hehe” I say to her, scratching the back of my head, nervously, closing the book and putting it back on the shelf.

“ it’s fine just watch your language around Spike OK. Now can you come over here and sit down? I have some questions I want to ask you.” She says patting the couch next to her. I walk over and sit down. She smiles as I do this.

“ all right Twiwiggles what do you wanna ask?” I asked, giving her a cocky grin. She just stares at me with a confused expression, tilting her head to the side.

“ Twiwiggles? Really giving me a pet name already huh?”

“ heheh what is cute” I smile scratching the back of my head.

“ All right so I think I want to start off with the basics. What exactly are you called?” She asks me with those bright curious eyes.

“ I am what you call a human. I come from another dimension.” That seem to get her attention fast.

“ another dimension, fascinating and you’re cold a hu..mon right?” She says, levitating a notepad and scribbling down notes.

“ it’s pronounced human but yeah, anything else you wanna know” she shakes her head yes at that and we spend the next four hours, talking her asking questions about my world and me answering it didn’t even occur to me that until I look to the side to see that it is dark outside.

“ hey Twilight it’s dark out what time is it?” I asked her and she looks at the window and to the left at a clock.

“It’s about 10:00 maybe we should continue this tomorrow here I’ll show you to the spare bedroom follow me” she says, getting up and flicking her tail. I follow her up some stairs and down the hallway to a room. It’s small, but not too small just enough for me. The room has a nightstand with an lamp and dresser and a bed. I walk over and sit down on the bed, finding at surprisingly comfortable.

“ I hope you like the room. It’s just a simple spare bedroom, so nothing much to look at.” She says, looking around the room.

“ oh no no this if perfectly fine thank you so much Twilight you have no idea how helpful this is me being the only human in this entire world. I have nowhere to live so staying here is going to be quite a big help. At least until I can find my own home to live in heheheh” I say nervously chuckling to myself, and she seems to smile at that.

“ oh anon it’s really no big deal. I have the room. How about this? You can stay in this room as long as you want and exchange keep talking to me about your world. It’s incredibly interesting to hear about another dimension.” she says with an excited expression that I can’t help but admire. Twilight is quite adorable when she’s excited and seeing her in real life instead of on the TV really puts in perspective how adorable she is.


The next morning, I wake up to find myself in a bed totally unfamiliar setting up I find myself in the same bedroom at twilight, left me in last … night….. the gravity of the situation finally hitting me like a ton of bricks I bolt out of bed, standing upright, and look around the room frantically.

“ oh, crap…..oh crap that wasn’t a dream. I am actually here in the world of my little pony. This is not good. It was OK when I thought it was a dream but I’m actually here…” I say, slowly walking over to the window and looking outside to see a Ponyville busy as ever with a Ponies walking all over the place and even some flying in the sky.

i’ll sit back down on the bed, letting the gravity of the situation set in.

“ I really am here. What am I gonna do should I tell Twilight that I know this entire world is a cartoon no, that would be terrible…” I say to myself quietly as twilight pokes her head in just in time to catch that last bit.

“what would be terrible?” She asks in her curious tone. startling me and I fall off the bed.

“fuck!” I say loudly, and she gives me a stern look.

“Sigh anon did I not just tell you yesterday I don’t like you using that language” she says frustrated. I slowly stand up dusting myself off.

“ yeah sorry Twi I just got startled is all anyway what’s up?” I say. She simply put it aside to tell me.

“Well I was curious so I sent a letter to Princess Celestia, and she immediately told me to take you to the castle when you wake up, so yeah you’re gonna go meet in Princess Celestia today.” She says smiling at me. But knowing what I know, this is a problem meeting the princess so soon can’t be good.

“Um ok let’s go” I say, only for her to stop me.

“ anon since you’ve been here I noticed that you wear clothes a lot and the ones you’re wearing aren’t very professional so I was thinking before we go to see princess Celestia I’m going to take you to meet my friend Rarity. She can make you a brand new set of professional clothes.” Hey, not seeing any other option. I decide to go along with it and follow Twilight to the Carousel Boutique, where I meet rarity.

“ my goodness, darling why didn’t you bring him here sooner those clothes…. No offense, darling they are just terrible.” Rarity says to me as I looked down at myself. I am wearing nothing but a pair of slippers, sweatpants, and a T-shirt that has a couple stains here in there. Your basic pajamas.

“ oh now I see what you mean twi I forgot I was wearing pajamas heheh” I say, sheepishly, while looking at twilight and rarity.

“ where are my manners? It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance. Miss rarity I am anonymous but you can call me Anon” I say, taking her who’s in my hand and gently kissing the top of it and a very gentleman like way. She turns her head to the side, fluttering her eyelashes at my display.

“ my what a gentlecolt you are, do not worry anon, I shall get you suited. Any preferences on what you need?” She says, in a very lady like fashion. I think for a moment, and then an idea crosses my mind.

“ well I’m going to meet in royalty, so might as well go all out I’ll take a full suit and some shoes if you can do that.” I say, to which she takes a determined look.

“ can I follow me anon I’m going to get your measurements” she says. After getting my measurements, she spent the better part of four hours, making me a full suit and dress shoes. Which I thought was incredibly impressive I mean magic but still. Now fitted in a full black tuxedo, Aunt dress shoes with a nice white button up shirt and a black tie Twilight, and I had to the train station.

On the train ride to Canterlot twilight talks about the princess and how I should act in front of her. On the way, she continues to ask me questions about my world and I answer them through the best of my abilities, twilight and her curiosity. It’s so cute I can’t help but answer everything she asks.


Upon arriving, we exit the train and head towards the castle the guards let us in, and in no time I am standing before the princess of all Equestria and princess Luna as well. Apparently, both of them want to see me. This makes me incredibly nervous, because I thought I was just meeting one princess not both at the same time.

“ twilight has informed us that you are from another dimension. Is this correct, sir anonymous.” Princess Luna says, and I simply shake my head yes, before feeling Twilight jab me in the ribs and I answer.

“ yes, your highness I am from another dimension, and I am called a human. I do not mean Equestria any harm if that is what you are worried about” princess Luna, and princess Celestia look at each other for a moment before turning back to me.

“ anonymous from what I know about humans you are an omnivore, correct you eat meat?” Princess Celestia asks me. Immediately, knowing this question was going to happen. Eventually, I answer truthfully.

“ yes, princess, I am an omnivore except I am vegetarian, so I don’t eat meat, but I can, but I choose not to.” hi state proudly, all of the ponies in the room gasp even twilight seems to step back from me slightly, but at the mention of choosing not to they relax.

“ a vegetarian, you say all right in that case I see no reason not to allow you to gain citizenship of Equestria. It will take some time you’ll have to fill out some information but with time, I’m sure you will become a full-fledged citizen of this world” princess Celestia says nodding her head towards me.

I fill out the paperwork, answer a few questions here in there from Princess Celestia and Luna and after that, we return to Ponyville only to find a massive party waiting for us in the library somehow, pinkie pie has caught wind of me.

“ wow this is quite the party.” I say, looking around at the party. During the party, I meet the rest of twilights friends, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, applejack and pinkie pie. I already met rarity who seems too very much like the suit. She made for me, saying how I look quite handsome.

After some time the party dies down and then it’s just the main six and me they ask me questions about who I am and where I came from and what time I am going to do now.

“ well, for the time being a princess is giving me citizenship well, not yet from the papers that I signed, it’s going to take about a week for the documents to go through for me to get citizenship but after that, yeah I’m also gonna have to figure out where I’m going to live and how I’m going to get money.” at the mention of money, twilight seems to hop into the conversation.

“ oh my goodness I knew I forgot something I haven’t told you how our currency works did I?” I cut her off by paying her on the head.

“ that would be wonderful twilight, but it’s pretty late, so maybe tomorrow you can tell me how the currency works for now I think I’m gonna go to sleep there’s a lot I’ve got to do tomorrow. It was nice to meet all of you.” I say the the rest of the ponies before heading up stairs to the spare bedroom and calling it a night. My goodness a lot of things have happened today. There’s a lot I’m going to have to work on on the bright side. I got a brand new suit out of it.