> Extra Cream > by Ebonyglow > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > An Extra Special Brew > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Canterlot was a bustling city, and one Latte Luxury was very fond of. An older mare like herself can find some sense of purpose and complacence here, and that was exactly what Latte had here—bar one issue. A stud. Working alone at her shop meant she lacked much personal company, but by the goddess would she kill for some amorous attention between waves of customers. She yearned for one to bend her over and let her treat them right, but alas, with her busy lifestyle it hadn’t happened—yet. Working here let her scope out so many potential candidates, any one viable to pump her womb full and claim her deepest chamber, but she had her eyes set on one. Though not a pony, her favorite customer always came around now, and right at the end of her lone shift. She grimaced, glancing up at the clock on the wall to the right. It was nearing 9 o’clock, almost closing time, but she knew he’d come. To say she was eager would be an understatement, as she had promised the sole human within Equestria a very special drink the next time he came by. Biting her lip, eyeing the few customers chatting at her tables, she brought a hoof down towards her bosoms, massaging the sensitive mounds gently. Sure, she wasn’t pregnant or with a stud, but she still had milk to offer, and she knew what to do with it. She kept herself worked up, made sure to savor every last delicious drop of her nectar just for her favorite customer. Pressing against her teats, she had to suppress a moan. They weren’t massive, a bit above average at the moment, but the sensation of delectable milk within them made them all the more sensitive. Perhaps it was voyeuristic, and especially against Canterlot code, but she was saving this milk for him. And, as if on cue, she watched a familiar, lanky figure step into the shop. The jingling of bells sang in her ears, as she whipped her attention towards the door. Dressed in a simple suit, looking rather worn down, was Anon. She had no idea why, but she simply adored him. Be it his charismatic personality, perfect frame, or the fact that she had eyed the bulge in his pants on multiple occasions—she just felt something for him. “Oh, Anon! If it isn’t my favorite customer!” Anon paused at the door, rolling his eyes then smiling at her. “Pfft, you say that to every customer, Latte.” “I do not! That’s a special little title reserved just for you!” she swiftly shot back. Anon raised a brow. “Is that so?” He turned, facing the tables of the cafe, scouting out the ponies sitting at them. “Raise a hand - er - hoof if you’ve been greeted the same way as I just did by our lovely little coffee mare.” “Oh come on Anon, that isn’t -“ Every pony present raised a foreleg, waving their hoof up high. They all exchanged a look with each other, snickering to one another before gazing over at Anon. He turned, throwing a smug look at Latte, earning a blush from her as she shrunk back.  “Told ya,” he teased, sticking a tongue out at her. “But thanks regardless. You’re my favorite shopkeeper by a landslide.” “Only shopkeepers?” Latte blurted out, quickly covering her mouth at her outburst. “I…I mean, thank you, Anon!” He shrugged. “Eh, my favorite mare overall is true too. Sweet Serving is on your flank though. She’s a darling too, you know. You gotta do something real special to solidify the top spot for sure!” Murmuring to herself, Latte secretly nursed her bosoms further with her hoof.  “Oh I’ve got something special for you alright…” “Pardon?” “Nothing!” Latte blurted out, scrambling to bring her other hoof back onto the table and look as innocent as possible. “So, what would you like?” Anon rubbed his chin. “Well, you did mention you had something extra special for me the next time I came, right?” Latte scrunched her muzzle, her marehood giving an enthusiastic wink at the mention of her ‘special’. “O-Oh yeah! I did! It’s a special, exclusive drink just for you!” “Heh, really striving to solidify the number one spot, eh?” The tingling in her nethers truly opened Latte’s eyes to simply how debaucherous her little scheme was. Most studs would be more than happy to sample her succulent sample, but she was adamant that Anon be the one to savor it—even unknowingly. Maybe it was morally wrong to slip a swig of her milk into Anon’s brew, but with how badly she found herself yearning for the sensation of both the satisfaction of relieving her swollen bosoms and to see him try some, it was an, arguably unjustifiable, necessary evil. “Erm…yeah! Though you know deep down I’ve got the spot on lockdown!” she cooed, her voice carrying a faint hint of lust within it. Anon glanced around the shop, pursing his lips. “And this is actually something special for me? Not something you just say is special like the greeting you give me?” “Come on, Anon,” Latte grumbled. Eyeing him up and down unamused, she rolled her eyes. “I’m offering you a super special drink with a very special ingredient!” Surrendering to her retort, Anon waltzed up to the counter, placing his hands onto it and leaning forward. “Whatever this special ingredient is, it better taste damn good being you’re hyping this drink up so much!” Latte’s eagerness and desire was growing to an unbearable level, and the sooner she got her desired satisfaction the better. “It’ll taste better than anything! J-just let me go ahead and make it for ya!” She eyed her various ingredients and cups, shrouding a nearby cup in her magic and levitating it over to her. Her nerves were on end, as Anon loomed over her, watching her work carefully. She began the standard process of creating a latte, starting off with brewing about two shots of espresso from her espresso machine, and gingerly mixing it into the small cup. She threw in a few extra ingredients, but still hesitated on her main factor in the brew. Glancing up at Anon, she furrowed her brow, throwing him a forced, yet effective, unamused look. “You know, you standing over me like that will make it a bit hard to throw in a secret ingredient.” Anon shook his head, having been all too enthralled in her working process. “Sorry! You just know I love seeing you work is all. It’s adorable!” He raised a hand, booping her playfully on her muzzle. “You get so focused, you stick your tongue out, and sometimes you mumble to yourself.” Latte blushed deeply, scrunching her muzzle. “Anon! You know you have to ask before booping!” “Pfft, I know I can boop you whenever and you love it!” he teased, taking a step back. “But fine, I’ll back up a bit. Don’t wanna spoil your super secret ingredient I suppose!” Tugging at her small scarf with a hoof, Latte eyed Anon with suspicion. “Just to be sure…” She levitated the cup below her, taking it entirely out of Anon’s sight. “Can’t let you take a peek.” She silently thanked the stars above for such an easy and natural excuse to levitate the cup below her. Floating it right below her tits, she felt her arousal intensify further. This was it, she was actually going to do something this debaucherous. Her excitement reached new bounds, as her marehood winked enthusiastically, trails of her lustful essence running down her thighs. If she weren’t in her own coffee shop, the natural, brewery-esque aroma her lust offered would’ve been very obvious. She wore a smile as she glanced at Anon, carefully shrouding her tits in her aura out of his sight. She took a moment, gathering herself to ensure she wouldn’t let out a moan or gasp as she began to slowly massage her bosoms. The tingling feeling of her magic sent rushes of pleasure through her body, her pussy seizing upon itself from the satisfactory sensations. Bracing herself, she squeezed down with her magic. The first pumps of milk to escape her teats sent such an intense wave of relief through Latte that she nearly broke her facade, wavering for a faint second before quickly recovering. Coaxing more of her nectar out of herself, struggling to fathom how hot this all was to her, she forced herself to speak as normally as possible. Looking as nonchalant as she could, adorning a professional tone, she smirked at Anon. “Your latte will be ready in a minute, sir.” “Sir? Weirdly formal of you,” Anon replied, tapping his foot impatiently. “What’s with the blush? You okay?” “C-course I am!” Latte stammered, struggling to keep composure as she pumped more of her milk. “This d-drink is special, and deserves s-special treatment!” Anon eyed her up and down, smirking for the faintest moment. “Uh-huh ~ Sounds good to me.” Feeling her bosoms lose some tension, having added an adequate volume of her milk to Anon’s drink, Latte took a deep breath. One part of her self-indulgent act was done, but now came the next. Working furiously to ignore her hungrily winking snatch, her tits tingling with pleasure, Latte slowly levitated the cup back over the counter. Placing it down, she nudged it towards Anon, smiling up at him with a hue of red spread across her cheeks. “A-alrighty! Drink up!”  Grabbing the cup, Anon swirled the brew, inspecting it closely. “So…no hints on what you added?~”  “Erm…n-nope!” Latte hastily blurted in response, eyeing the cup and Anon back and forth. “C-c’mon! Try it!”  Latte gnawed her lip, watching as Anon shrugged and slowly raised the cup to his lips. She rubbed her thighs together, the subtle dampness from her own excitement noticeable to her now, as she eagerly awaited her friend to take a swig. Her mind raced, inspecting him, the cup, and the patrons in her shop. It was so arousing to her, knowing he was swigging down her delicious delicacy unknowingly, with all these ponies around. Her blush deepened as Anon gulped down the first bit of his drink, shuddering as she felt a rush of adrenaline surge through her. It was a risky endeavor, one she knew was wrong at its root, but she knew her milk was quite the tasty sample—from her own…previous tests.Though, when added to a latte, she hadn’t a clue what it’d be like. Still, it seemed like Anon was liking it. Taking another gulp of his drink, sighing with enjoyment, he clearly was enjoying her ‘special’. Nearly giddy, subtly prancing in place as she watched him savor his exclusive beverage, she watched as some ponies began to leave. Closing time was soon, and she expected the shop to be empty any minute now, but still, he was drinking her milk in front of all these ponies. Latte could tell Anon loved his drink, but she didn’t expect him to love it as much as she was quickly realizing. Trailing her eyes down, drinking in his toned, tantalizing figure, her eyes fixated on his now apparent bulge. The tent in his pants was clear as day, and impressive at that. The sight of it made her pussy gush with her arousal further, as her eyes went wide and she was nearly slack-jawed at what was before her. She did find Anon hot, and she’d be wrong to deny that she hadn’t spent a few lonely nights fantasizing about her lanky friend, but seeing the sheer size of his length within his trousers certainly added to her fantasies.  Do humans react to mare milk like this? she thought, locking her eyes on the outline of his member. Maybe that latte is just that good? Do humans have heat? Maybe that’s it? Surely… Her thoughts trailed off, going from logical, questioning ones, and quickly to lewd, debaucherous ones. I wonder how big it is outside of those. It’d feel so good plowing into me probably… I can just imagine him taking me from…  “Ahem.” Latte jumped in place, letting out a surprised gasp as she was snapped from her hastily growing salacious thoughts. Blinking wildly, noting the very apparent trail of essence running down her thighs, as well as the much more potent scent of her arousal in the air, she glanced up at Anon. Her ears folded back, her blush deepened, and she gulped nervously as she saw his gaze glowering down at her. “Y-yes?” Anon adorned a sly grin, waving his cup before him. “Distracted by something?” “I…what? No! Of course not!” she stammered in response, struggling to keep her eyes off his groin. “Right,” he replied, nudging the cup over towards her. “There’s a bit left. Why don’t you try it yourself? I personally found it delicious. Might need to sample more of it~” He glanced to his side, watching the last pony in the shop wave goodbye and leave. Latte sheepishly took the cup, tilting and peering into it. A small bit of the drink was left, and, finding no excuse to deny his offer, she nodded. “Oh, um, sure.” She eyed the last pony leaving her shop, waving them goodbye. “Guess I’m done for the day, no harm in a treat…” She brought the cup to her lips, swigging down the remainder of her drink. A delicious flavor of syrupy vanilla danced across her taste buds, confirming to her that her milk certainly mixed well with a traditional latte. Shuddering, not from lust this time but genuine flavorful bliss, she almost forgot Anon was before her as she lavished her own work. “Didn’t think your milk would taste that good after all.” Latte’s eyes went wide, her face exploded into a shade of crimson, and she spat her drink straight out. “What?!”  “Really? Do you think I’m oblivious?” Anon teased, waggling his eyebrows at her. “You’re red as a tomato, I can literally smell how horny you are, and your tail has been flagged nearly this entire time.” He tapped the counter, pointing over at her. “Add in the fact that you were making very poorly hidden faces of pleasure as you were adding your ‘special ingredient’, and it’d be hard pressed to not figure you out.” Mind racing, unsure of how royally she had screwed up, or worse, how badly she may have just ruined her friendship with Anon, Latte scrambled for a response. “I…uh…agh! I can explain, I swear! I - er - r-ran out of milk? S-so I figured maybe I could -” “Latte, there’s a reason I said I might need to sample more of it.” She paused, slowly looking over at him. “W-what?” “And there’s a reason,” he shifted himself, gesturing towards his bulge, “Anon Junior really liked that drink of yours.” Latte was wholly flabbergasted, darting her eyes between Anon’s smug grin and the even larger bulge in his pants. Sweat began to run down her forehead, as she gulped eyeing his domineering gaze, struggling desperately to contain her lust. “S-so you knew?” she asked, slowly focusing entirely on his groin. “And…liked it?~” Seeing her playing along, no longer hiding behind a facade, Anon reciprocated. “I’ve eyed up those tits of yours plenty. Even have had a few dreams about sucking on em~” He tapped the cup, shooting her a wink. “Although second hand, this was damn close to the actual thing.” Finally, Latte’s brain caught up to what was happening. He was into what she had done, and from the looks of it, he was into her too. She knew deep down she had a yearning for Anon, and it was apparent he had something similar, and that knowledge sent her body into a lustful frenzy that would put any of her past heats to shame. Still, she wanted to have an element of control, for now at the least, and even if things were about to take a surprisingly kinky turn, she wasn’t going to let up.  “You could sample more~” She took a step back, letting Anon see her entire body. Raising a hind leg, presenting herself sideways to him, she rubbed her tits gently, a dollop of milk drooling from her excited nipples. “But shouldn’t I get a turn?” She licked her lips, gesturing towards his groin. “Perhaps a bit of your ‘milk’?” Anon gripped the hem of his pants, pausing as he gave her a concerned look. “Just to be clear, we’re actually doing this—right here, right now? This is a bit of a drastic shift in our relationship. You’re positive you wanna -” “Show me your fat cock, Anon.” “Yes, ma’am.” Latte had abandoned all reservations. If Anon had found her out, he was into this, and he had a rock hard dick to show her, she was going to indulge herself in the sudden, though welcome, dynamic shift fully. She had been dying for a rut, and more so a potential suitor, and Anon fulfilled that need and then some. Gnawing her lip with lewd desire, she closely watched as he began to pull his pants down. Inch by inch, his pants lowered, until finally what she so desperately desired to see, something she had gotten herself off to the mere manifested thought of in the past, finally showed itself. Shooting up from his pants, tall, solid, and certainly proud, was Anon’s cock. Latte’s jaw nearly dropped, as she gazed upon the glorious sight of Anon’s member. It throbbed in tune with his heartbeat, a dollop of pre rested at his tip, and a carnal hunger ignited within her as she began to imagine just how glorious it would feel inside her backdoor or snatch. Or, firstly at least, her throat. “S-Sweet Celestia…” she grumbled, drooling at what was before her. Anon, ever capable at conflicting the mood, giggled to himself. “Is it really that impressive, or are you just somehow that horny?” “A mix,” Latte snapped. “I’m hornier than I can ever remember, and that cock of yours is to die for.” “Or to worship~” Anon cooed, shooting her a wink. “You asked for it, so why don’t you earn a sample of my own ‘milk’?” Screw it—that was all that ran through Latte’s mind. She was already here, Anon’s cock was out in all its glory, and she was too horny to give a damn anymore. Summoning magic into her horn, she flipped the coffee shop’s sign to closed, shut the blinds, and began to trot around the counter. Each step she took felt like it took an eternity, as her pussy begged to be sated, her lips were ready, and she grew ever closer towards Anon.  Coming up before him, sundering her nerves in place of her lust, she licked her lips. “I’ll sample plenty.”  Anon didn’t reply, simply grabbing his cock and shaking it before her very eyes. Up close, it looked even bigger to her, and at that, all the more desirable. Though he was a human, something ever so unique, she wished for nothing more than to savor every last element of the moment. “Don’t be shy~” Anon murmured. “Enjoy yourself.” Latte was certain she would. Drifting closer to his groin, still trying to wrap her head around the fact that this was actually happening, she seized the moment. Bringing her muzzle up to the region where his shaft and hefty nuts met, she pressed her nose against his flesh, taking a deep, greedy huff of air. As his natural, domineering scent flooded her sinuses, she shuddered, eyes fluttering with delight as she savored his aroma. He smelled perfect, a divine mixture of both natural studly aura and an exotic element that could only belong to him. Try as she might, the scent alone earned a moan from her, as she nuzzled herself against his package, flagging her tail high and proud, a trail of her essence connecting it to her snatch. “Enjoying yourself that much already?” Anon chidded, reaching down and gently petting her mane. “But you won’t get your treat by just doing that~” ‘ His smell called to Latte’s marish instincts, ushering her to further their sudden lustful exchange. Parting her lips, she slowly brought her tongue out, slowly placing it against the warm, sensitive flesh of his nuts. Her taste buds were met with a salty, exotic taste akin to Anon’s aroma, and it was downright addictive. Slowly, she began to lap at his nuts, caressing each sack with unexpected whorish expertise, but she was only getting started. Feeling her confidence rising in tandem with her needs, she parted her jaw further and took one of his balls into her mouth. Suckling on the pendulous orb hungrily, she danced her tongue against his skin, pressing her muzzle further into his groin as she indulged herself. He let out a groan, shuddering before her as she suckled his package. Popping the first out from her mouth, giving it a parting kiss, she moved towards his other nut, repeating the same process she had given him before. Each movement of her lips, each swish of her tongue, and each sharp, pleasurable suck she made was done with precision, an underlying, unexpected, slutty aspect of herself unearthing itself in the moment. The sensation of slobbering all over his nuts was the stuff of dreams, and Latte found herself subconsciously slamming her ass back as her nethers begged to be sated. But, Anon’s nuts were just one part of his package, and surely enough Latte had intention to advance onto the main attraction. Releasing his nuts from her mouth, planting a few, gentle kisses onto them, she dragged her tongue across them, slowly bringing herself up towards his shaft. Making contact with the underside of Anon’s cock, Latte felt a delighted rush run through her as she heard him moan again. He may have been cheeky about finding her little scheme out, but she was going to wipe that smug look from before right off his face. Inch by glorious inch, she guided her tongue up his dick, gazing up at him with half-lidded eyes as she did. His face was that of barely hidden pleasure, and as she reached his tip, she advanced her efforts. Kissing his tip, huffing in more of his intoxicating aroma, she swirled her tongue around the sensitive head of Anon’s cock, losing herself in the moment at an exponential rate. Though she had some sense of control, her reservations were nearly depleted, and she couldn’t resist the urge building within her. Taking in a deep breath, she dove straight down. Half of Anon’s cock slipped down her throat as she took in his length in a quick, fluid motion, but she refused to surrender. Moving down further, more of his length going down her gullet, she felt her nose press against his groin, her goal of taking in every inch he had accomplished. She knew she could take his gargantuan length, but now she wanted to pleasure every last inch of said length. Bracing herself, she pulled back up, stopping right as his tip neared her lips, before diving back down and beginning a stable routine. Bobbing her head back and forth, sloppily slurping on his cock, Latte’s mind was filled with sheer delight. His cock was truly divine, one that did deserve to be worshiped, and she was more than happy to appease that right. Her saliva coated his length, now adding her tongue into the mix, dancing it along the underside of his length each time she moved back and forth, occasionally teasing his nuts whenever she hilted him within her. The sound of slurping filled the silent air, adding an element of intensity to the moment, as Latte could literally hear how efficient she was being.  Her marehood ached, winking at a rapid rate as her backside was coated in her own lust, yet she had another goal to achieve—earning Anon’s ‘milk’. Upping her tempo, swirling her tongue around every inch of his cock that she could, she felt her body tense up as Anon’s cock began to flare. Even with the clear indication of his oncoming orgasm, Latte didn’t relent. Be it spite for his teasing, her own unending lust, or a beautiful mixture of the two, she only went faster upon the realization. Feeling him grab the back of her mane, knowing full well what he was about to do, she pulled back, took a deep breath, and let him take the wheel. Anon shoved her head back down, forcing every bit of his cock into her maw, smushing her soft muzzle against him. He held her in position, letting out a guttural groan as his release had been reached. Rope upon rope of cum shot down Latte’s throat, painting her throat white as the warmth of his essence filled her belly. She shuddered intensely, having a miniature orgasm of her own from the feeling of him unloading into her, struggling to keep her reason intact as he unleashed her own delicious drink straight down her gullet.  Finding his grip releasing on the back of her head, Latte began to pull back, even as he kept cumming. From coating her throat, he now went to filling her mouth, as she lavished the taste of his cum flooding her mouth. An element saltier than his actual package, yet ever so tantalizing all the same. Greedily gulping down each burst of cum he afforded, she swirled his cum around her tongue, making sure every last bit of her sense of taste was stained with his exotic flavor. Finally, after what felt like a small eternity, his climax reached its end, and, with a final gulp of cum, Latte offered herself a moment to breathe properly. Pulling back slowly, still ensuring to tease him as she danced her tongue along the way, Latte reluctantly released his cock from her lips. Shifting her muzzle downward, she slapped his cock square onto her face, panting heavily as she continued to lick at it. The scent, the flavor, and his sheer size was something out of a porno, yet she was living a real life fantasy with the shaft she was being gifted with. A part of her was reluctant that she had reached her objective of making him cum, but with the thick, fat log of cock on her face, she couldn’t be bothered to care. He was still rock hard, she was still horny, and her mind had already thought of what to do next. “Ahhh…haa…that was a great drink~” she cooed, nuzzling Anon’s shaft. She eyed him, his cock resting right between her eyes. “But it looks like you’re still good to go~” Anon wiped sweat from his brow, grabbing his length and gently slapping it against her face. “That I am, but sheesh, don’t think I’ve came that hard in years!”  “I have an idea that may make you cum even harder, big guy~” Latte lustfully snapped back. Smirking, Anon reached down and caressed her cheek. “Oh? Much more confident than before aren’t we?” He glanced towards her ass, watching it subtly jiggling as she bucked her hips backwards. “That’s a step further than this, but I’m certainly down for it~” “Hehe, so…why don’t you bend me over the counter and rail me until I’m scr-” “But,” Anon interrupted, earning a disgruntled look from Latte, “I wanna build up to that!” Taking a step back, relinquishing herself of his cock, Latte raised a brow. “Build up more? You just blew your load right down my throat!” She stamped her hoof, scrunching her muzzle in frustration. “I need your cock! Just bend me over and fuck me like the needy bi - w-wha?!” Latte stammered, finding herself suddenly being picked up. Her blush returned full force, realizing just how strong Anon was as he lifted her with ease. Too flustered to even think of questioning him, she gasped as he placed her down on her back on a nearby table. Unsure of what he was scheming, she took a sharp breath, feeling him grip her hind legs and spread them apart. “I believe the oral loving deserves to go both ways~” Latte had no time to question him, as, before she even knew it, Anon dove right down to her groin. Another euphoric groan escaped her lips, as she felt his tongue begin to dance against her folds. Her pussy gushed with her arousal, all of which Anon happily lapped up as he went to town on her marehood. He weaved his tongue into her with expertise, dancing it against her walls, periodically pulling it out to take a moment to suckle on her engorged clit. The vanilla taste of her milk reflected in her own lust, as her juices’ flavor was akin to that of her delicious brew from earlier, ushering Anon to give her his all and then some.  She gasped, feeling him grip her plump thighs, spreading her legs apart further as he leaned into her cunt. A flurry of moans escaped her lips, as she found herself in a sea of sheer bliss. She had never in her wildest dreams thought that Anon would do this to her, let alone be this amazing at it, yet here she was, squealing like a filly on prom night as she was eaten out with terrifying efficiency. She wanted to clench her legs together, wrapping them around Anon’s head and locking him in while he lapped at her lower lips, but the strength he had far eclipsed her own. The mere knowledge of his superior strength added to his act, Latte’s submissive, marish callings screaming with glee over the fact she was being taken by such a powerful stud—or man in this case. His tongue was already challenging the most satisfying self-pleasuring acts Latte had ever done to herself, and this wasn’t even the main event she had in mind. She wanted more, needed more, and with every euphoric blow Anon delivered to her psyche she felt herself wavering. She was a modest mare, one who wouldn’t debase herself to being anything close to whorish, but with him…he just unlocked something within her. She felt the faintest glimpses of a climax stirring with her, the telltale sensation of one in the far distance brewing within her. Though, that sensation was only sparked for a moment, as, just as suddenly as he started, Anon halted. Feeling him still gripping her thighs, yet halting his licking, Latte raised a brow. “A-Anon…why d-did you stop - nnnngh!” For the second time in short order, Latte was caught off guard. Suddenly moving upwards, Anon had shifted from eating her out to latching his lips around one of her nipples. He sucked with fury, coaxing groans of pleasure from Latte as he started to siphon some milk from her aching bosoms. Reaching a hand around, he massaged the tit he wasn’t slurping on, carefully twisting her nipple and furthering the throes of bliss he was sending Latte through. Each eager slurp he made earned a spurt of her delicious milk, and her other tit began to bead with her product from his teasing. Latte’s legs quivered, and she felt like she was melting into the table below her, wholly unprepared for the satisfying onslaught she was enduring. The familiar glint of a far away climax returned, and as Anon switched to her other tit, Latte found her excitement somehow rising even more. However, as if he was a psychic reading her thoughts, Anon ceased his efforts once again. Swirling his tongue around each of her nipples, giving each teat a parting kiss, he rose up fully. Releasing Latte’s legs, he smirked down at her. Spread out on the counter, Latte looked down at herself and then up at him. “Haaa ~ W-what gives? A-are you gonna rut me now?” “Yup! But not like this,” Anon replied, tapping her thigh gently. “Turn around, I wanna see the fat ass I’ve had dreams about in all its glory.” His salacious words made Latte’s heart skip a beat. She knew she had a rather plump rump, but to her someone outright calling it fat made her loins tingle with delight. Complying with his request, her legs still shaking from the onslaught she had just endured, Latte slowly rolled to the side. Laying on her stomach, bent over on the counter, she spread her hind legs apart, flagged her tail, and glanced back at him. “Like this?~” She swayed her hips left and right, swishing her tail back and forth. “Enjoying the view?~” Anon stooped down, grabbing onto her plump asscheeks and giving them both a firm squeeze. A soft moan from Latte was earned from his efforts, as he slowly pried her buns apart and eyed up her goods. Her ponut was a tantalizing mound of surely tight pleasure, shimmering with the faintest amount of sweat. Below that, a wantonly winking, drooling marehood gushed with endless lust, a sweet, vanilla aroma emanating from it to further showcase Latte’s need to breed.  Latte scrunched her muzzle, blushing furiously as she felt her cheeks being spread and her most private parts being gazed upon. “Anon!” She tapped a hoof on the counter, glowering back at him. “You already ate me out! W-we can do that again later! You can even take on my tailhole! B-but for now I need some dick! Okay?” “Demanding, aren’t we? And here I was, thinking about diving my tongue into that perfect ponut of yours,” Anon cooed, squeezing her asscheeks once more before releasing them. Shifting himself, throwing off his shirt, he angled himself behind her. “Next time? Already deciding this isn’t a one-off event?” He patted her cutie mark, unable to resist the urge to give her flank another squeeze. “You’ll get dicked down good, but onnnnnne more thing before then~” “Anon…you’re killing me here,” Latte groaned, fixating her eyes onto his shaft. “Well then, if you want it so bad…” He shifted himself, slapping his cock right between Latte’s pillowy cheeks, beginning to grind his shaft back and forth. “Bounce all over this cock like you mean it~” The intense shade of crimson Latte already had somehow got even deeper, a mixture of embarrassment and offense funneling within her. “I…I will not! That’s…that’s far too debased for…m-me…oh gosh…”  Her retort trailed off, as she felt Anon’s cock sliding between her asscheeks. His saliva-slickened length teased her asshole each time his tip grazed against it, and the same occurred whenever it glided along her pussy. It teased her over and over, hotdogged between her plump buns, and the sensation of the warm log of flesh made Latte shudder with delight. “C’mon ~ Have some fun! Clap that fat ass!” Anon’s words rang in Latte’s ears, sending her mind racing. Blowing him in her own shop was contrarian to her ideals as is, but she had said screw it then. She wasn’t an overtly debaucherous mare, but what reason did she have to not say screw it again? She had an impressive ass on her, a thick cock between her cheeks, and a carnal need that was clouding her highly kept value of self worth, she grumbled. “Oh buck it.” Clap!  With force, she pressed her ass back, smacking her asscheeks together as Anon’s cock laid between them. She was wholly surprised by the sound, not expecting herself to be able to do it. She was plump in the rump, but not that plump—still, she managed to do it and she wasn’t stopping now. Sacrificing her standings to further indulge in the moment, she degraded herself a bit with the amorous action, routinely grinding on Anon’s cock. A symphony of plaps filled the air as she worked, with the occasional stutters between them as she had to work hard to make her derrière smack together. If she was thicker, it’d be easy, but she knew she was at least capable of it, and from the sound of Anon’s groans, she was going to keep doing her utmost to achieve that telltale slapping sound to keep him like that.  Sweat ran down her asscheeks as her arousal and effort grew, finding the act of pushing her rump back surprisingly tiresome. Perhaps in her “prime” she’d be able to do this for hours, but with Anon simply basking in the feeling of her lap dance, she was doing the majority of the work.  His cock kept teasing her holes, sending her into a frenzy. Shaking her rump harder, teasing his groin further, Latte was intent on sundering his resilience. She wanted him to seize her, to make her his mare, and she knew she was getting close. She glanced back, seeing his pleasurable grimace, and jumped at her chance to tear his patience asunder.  “W-what’s the matter? Can’t handle - nnngh - an older mare shaking her ass all over your fat cock?~” She grinned, finding a bit of excitement in talking in such a debaucherous way. “If you c-can’t handle - aahn - being between these fat cheeks, what says you can’t handle being in what’s between them?~” Anon glared down, staring daggers into her. “Wanna bet?” Latte gnawed her lip, braced herself, and knew what she so dearly yearned for was about to happen. “Yup~” Even with some preparation, Latte was wholly taken aback by what came next. Reaching out, Anon pressed her head against the table, pinning her down with ease. He raised a hand, slamming it down against her flank, earning a moan of pained pleasure from Latte. She couldn’t even think of what to say or do, soon finding her asscheek being grabbed and spread apart by Anon’s free hand as she felt the head of his cock kiss against her sweaty backdoor.  And then he slammed inside. If Latte could have thrown her head back in euphoric delight, she would’ve, but pinned down under Anon’s strength she could only scream with pleasure as he unleashed his primal fury onto her asshole. He slammed into her over and over again, wet slaps ringing out as her flanks jiggled and bounced each time his hips slammed into them. His balls slapped against her pussy over and over again, all while he hilted himself inside her with each plunge he took. She had thought he was simply going to fuck her pussy, never expecting something as debased as being railed in the ponut—but even with that development she was loving every second of it. She began thrusting her ass back in tune with Anon’s thrusts, crashing her pillowy asscheeks against his hips each time he pressed forward. Her tongue lolled out of her mouth, her eyes fluttered, and her brain was scrambled by the sheer intensity of pleasure within her.  On and on they went, throwing their bodies into one another as their moans filled the air. The routine, wet, plapping noise of Latte’s ass smacking into Anon only added to the symphony of bliss, neither party uttering a word as they gave each other their all. Still, as the minutes went by and Anon gradually began to slow down, he eventually came to a full stop. Latte however, didn’t. Slamming her ass back onto his cock, she fucked herself on him with reckless abandon. She was lost in the throes of her pleasure, babbling nonsensically as she rapidly pressed back into him, wholly unaware that he had even stopped. Only when he raised both his hands, slamming them down against her flanks, did she stop, freezing and letting out a euphoric cry of delight from the blow. “You clearly like it rough, eh?” Anon noted, gripping her rump and squeezing it. “But I can focus on that in a second.” Slowly rocking herself back and forth, gently continuing to fuck herself with his cock, Latte groaned. “Mmmph…why’d you stop? I’m so…so bucking close…” “As am I, but I’ve got a question to ask before we get to the finale,” Anon purred. Latte was nearly drunk on lust, slurring her words as she looked back at him. “W-what…?” “How can a mare as beautiful, sexy, and wonderful as you not be given a couple foals already?” His question snapped Latte right out of her daze, even causing her to halt her motions on his cock. “I…w-what?!” “You’re a catch. Any stud would be lucky enough to pump your womb full of spunk, and I’m sure deep down you’ve wanted that for a while,” Anon furthered. Bewildered, Latte subconsciously clenched her asshole around his cock, thoughts of being claimed running through her head. He was right, she had thought of it, so many times, but she always was so worried about finding the right stud. The closest she ever had to an ideal partner was…well, him. “And it’s been a while since Sunbutt cast that spell on me to make me compatible with the mares in this world.” He squeezed Latte’s ass, licking his lips. “And so, I did some research. Found out what makes a mare tick, found out how to really please a mare, and I found out what I want in one.” Latte gulped, her heart fluttering as she listened to his words. “And…what kind of thing do you - huff - want in a pony…?” “Everything that makes up you,” he cooed, licking her lips. “I’d love nothing more than to stuff this snatch of yours full of my seed and claim you as my mare~” He had said it, and the words that escaped his mouth nearly fried Latte’s mind. He offered to breed her, to pump her womb full of magical seed and give her a foal or two. He offered to be her stallion, to share his life with her at such an intimate level, and he offered to care for her and anyone else that might get roped into their relationship. He’d claim her, give her what she yearned so deeply for. A foal, a stallion, and some much needed spice in her life. It didn’t take long for her to think it over, as she glanced back at him with sheer lust in her eyes. “Ruin me. Pump my womb full and make me your mare!”  Anon didn’t need a second notice. Pulling his hips back, he slipped out of her asshole with an audible pop. Angling himself, he lined his cock with her pussy, pressed his tip to her folds, gave her another intoxicatingly arousing smack on the ass, and finally drove himself into her.  Slamming into her without a semblance of hesitation, Anon was filled with the need to breed. Reaching out, he grabbed the back of Latte’s mane, tugging her head back and making her squeal with absolute delight. Using his other hand, he began to routinely strike her asscheeks, making sure to never go too hard, but always enough to give her that rush of stinging pleasure. Latte’s pussy was an absolute waterfall, dousing her tail, flanks, and thighs in her own lust. The floor had a puddle, Anon’s groin was drenched, and the air reeked of her delicious aroma, as she was fucked truly senseless over her own shop’s counter. “Yeah! You take cock like a fucking champ, Latte!” Anon snarled, tugging her mane back harder. “Don’t you love this?” Latte’s eyes rolled back, overwhelmed by all the sensations accosting her. “Yesshhh! So good!” “C’mon say it!” Anon continued, spanking her ass again. “Tell me how much you’re loving this! I gotta know how well I’m doing after all!” His words were like a chisel, shaping her decision making. Putting aside her intense level of self worth, finding the situation demanding it, and also admittedly finding what she was about to do horribly arousing, Latte took a deep breath and screamed out her admittance. “It’s so bucking good! It’s the best feeling ever! It’s addicting! Euphoric! Don’t stop!” And it worked wonders on Anon. He tugged her mane back harder, earned more screams of pleasures for Latte, and went to absolute town on her pussy. He pistoned his length in and out of her, pummeling her g-spot and kissing her womb with the head of his cock over and over again. The routine slapping sound of their bodies meeting returned, yet at an even faster rate, as Anon plowed her with sheer ferocity. They both felt it. His cock began to flare as her body began to shudder, both rapidly approaching a climax. Neither slowed, with Latte pushing back into him in her near mind broken state, and Anon slamming into her with everything he had. They wanted to breed, and they were going to breed. “Heh! Enjoying yourself that much huh? Good enough you can beg for it?~” Anon smugly inquired, tugging her mane back again.  Gasping, drooling all over herself Latte screamed out. “Fill me! Aahn! Knock me up! Flood my womb! Pleaseeeee!” Her words pushed Anon over the edge. Bracing himself, he pulled her head back further and leaned forward, pressing his lips to hers. As he embraced her in a kiss, he slammed forward, hilting within her with intense force. Her asscheeks wobbled, the last plap rang out, and he groaned into her mouth, as he finally unleashed his gift. The sensation of his climax was second to none, hurtling him to the gates of nirvana as he endured the tsunami of ecstasy that was crashing into him. Latte’s eyes had gone wide from the kiss, but even wider as she felt the first ropes of his cum paint her insides. The feeling of his molten essence pushed her to the brink, as her own climax hit her with cataclysmic force. Her body spasmed, her pussy gushed her lust out, and she screamed with pleasure-driven insanity into Anon’s lips. Had he not been holding her, she’d have been a twitching mess on the counter, but all she could do is remain in his grasp as she felt it happen. Cum flooded her womb, overflowing out of it within the first few seconds of his climax. The sensation of her deepest chamber issued another orgasm out of her while she still faced her current one. She knew it, from the sheer volume of cum within her and the fact that Anon was still going… She was pregnant. Another, miniature orgasm ran through her as the realization dawned upon her. It was intense, unfathomable, and so painfully hot, her body unsure if it was even capable of enduring what she was facing. She danced between consciousness and unconsciousness, her orgasms rocking through her body and exhausting her with bliss itself. Time moved in slow motion, eternities passing between each rope of cum entering her, each spurt painting her walls white and sending her reeling. Even still, she knew her lips were embraced with Anon, and a blooming love for her human companion ushered her to return his effort in full. She moaned deeply in her kiss with Anon, forcing her tongue into his mouth as they began to enter a duel. His tongue took the head, easily overpowering hers as he was free to explore her mouth. Slurping on her lips and dancing along her teeth, she could only groan intensely into him, her voice muffled as their kiss was as tight as could be. They held each other close, savoring the moment as their climaxes continued. A few more spasms from each, and with a slight bulge in Latte’s belly from the sheer volume of cum she had been given, and they finally began to come down from the high they were on. Panting heavily, each drenched in sweat and fluids both, they both nearly collapsed onto each other. Flopping down onto the counter, with Anon holding himself up a portion to not put all his weight on his lovely, little mate, they took a moment to breathe. “T-that…haa…was…a-amazing…” Latte cooed, tongue lolling out of her mouth as she basked in her afterglow. Anon chuckled, panting heavily from exhaustion. “Y-you said it…sweet Celestia…you milked me for every last drop I had…” “Heh…well…you offered a foal, I wanted a foal, and I - nnngh - made sure I got that foal~” They chuckled with one another, exchanging a quick kiss before Anon began to rise. Gingerly, he pulled his length out from her depths, slipping out inch by inch. Latte’s walls greedily clenched down on him, yearning to not lose the device that gifted her depths with the gift of life, but alas, all things did have to come to an end, and with an audible pop and a sea of cum pouring out of her cunt, his cock escaped her depths. “Hnnnng~” Latte moaned, shuddering as she felt his seed cascading down her thighs. “You filled me g-good…” Anon pulled over a chair, sitting down in it and leaning back. “B-best lay of my life deserves the best load of mine too!” Latte smiled, a warmth beyond his seed filling her. She had it. She had a foal, she had a partner, and she found that last bit of desire in her life sated. She trusted Anon, so much so this spontaneous life-changing decision of hers didn’t cause any doubt within her. He was a lovely partner, and now the father of her inevitable foals, and the joy Latte felt from knowing that filled her to the brim. Still, as her marehood winked once again, she found herself still worked up, slowly trailing her eyes over towards Anon’s rock hard cock. His gaze trailed her figure as well, eyeing her slightly reddened flank from his smacks, his cock twitching a portion as he watched her subtly bounce her rear with desire. Snickering to himself, he stood back up, coming up alongside her. As she turned to face him, without giving her any warning, he slapped his cock right onto her muzzle, earning a surprised yelp from her. “You look good to go for round two, I’m more than happy to keep it up, and why don’t we make absolutely sure there’s a foal in you now?~” Latte’s afterglow rapidly faded away, as her heat skyrocketed to its height once again. She had the whole night to herself, a virile stud eager to rail her, and her heart aflutter with love and lust alike. He may want to mingle with others at times, and that was fine with her, after all it was somewhat common for ponies to do, but for now she had him all to herself, and she was going to lavish every last minute she had with him. Snickering, she dragged her tongue along his cum stained cock, moving up to his tip and pecking a kiss on it. Shooting him a wink, she swayed her hips behind her. “You do like your lattes with extra cream after all~”