> Edge of Midnight > by GoldenDoodle > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Edge Of Midnight > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Searing, sizzling rage unleashed on the nearest tree in a focused beam of ebony malice blasted from Nightmare Moon’s horn as the purple alicorn she guided into the woods was sucked into the portal. Several trees in the clearing split in half, engulfed in blue flame as the portal rapidly closed above the gemstone table. “No!” Nightmare hissed, growling like an animal she pounced on the table. Her disdain for the alicorn blistered as she looked up and saw her spiraling further and further away into some unknown dimension. Nightmare unleashed her animosity from her horn, manifesting as a blackened purple tendril that shot up into the opening. The grasping etheric limb was rapidly gaining on Twilight who gasped in shock and blasted bolts of magic back at the etheric claw. Nightmare planted her feet on the table while reaching her armored hands up to the edges of the closing portal, her sharp enchanted claws ripping it wider. Ether bled from the tear as wisps of pure chaos dripped onto the table, zipping off into the woods causing random and rapid changes to the environment. The foliage nearby quickly shifted hues, shapes, and sizes. Nightmare felt much more than just herself and sanity on the line as the inside of the portal cracked outwards like a broken window. Each fragment tethered together held many different versions of Twilight Sparkle. Some barely different, some vastly different, yet all gazed back at her in shock. In the interdimensional miasma she lost her original prey but any of these Alicorns would give her what she pleased. Snapping out like the jaw of a hungry predator, the tendril violently grasped the brown leather boot of a version of the mare that stood taller and broader. "Hmmmm, not a mare at all in fact", she surmised as the larger framed Alicorn kicked with his free leg at the tendril. His dragoness assistant floated past him and closer to their destination as he blasted with bolts of magic in desperation. Several bounced from fragment to fragment in a kaleidoscope of mayhem. One bolt managed to find its mark through the maelstrom searing the shoulder of Nightmare Moon. Her stance faltered a moment, the alicorn slipped free. Alicorn after alicorn disappeared into their respective portals. Nightmare Focused, she wouldn't be denied power if it were in her reach. Never again, no matter the cost. She ripped open every dark wound in her spirit to emotionally torture herself with her failure and banishment, the loneliness, the rage, the wars upon her return, the bloodshed, violence, pain. She drank in the cocktail of suffering that threatened to break her spirit all at once, screaming under the self imposed torture. Tears welled in her eyes as she snarled like a frothing animal, her tendril burned a fiery red. "Kill" was the only word that echoed in her mind, repeatedly the table under her began to bubble and melt under the immense weight of her unleashed power. Her tendril wrapped around his waist with crushing force, the air in his lungs were squeezed out instantly as his exit portal sealed shut. The doppelganger's body strained under the searing hot grip of her magic while yelling out in pain as the nightmare reeled him in. A deep cool as night breath passed the queen's lips as she calmed her mind. The pains of her emotional scars cooled back down to numbness, her etheric claw returning to an inky purple. She laughed sadistically as she reeled in her helpless prey, cackling in her twisted joy. The weakened stallion was yanked from the portal and thrown to the ground violently, kicking up a cloud of dust. Nightmare's guards flocked towards the stallion but she simply raised a hand, immediately they froze in place.  "Guard the table, leave him to me." She coldly commanded them as she jumped towards the stallion whom scambled to his feet, bolting into the cover of the trees. She merely allowed him to gain some distance with calculated malevolence in her mind as she grinned wide with her sharp, gleaming fangs. Her claws crackled with energy as she cleaved a chaos tainted tree in half, just to have her prey hear it. She felt his fear pervading the woods and it gave her a small chuckle to drink up the succulent fear.  Dusk Shine fought to catch his breath while she basked in her terror hiding behind a tree, his thoughts and plans shooting back and forth with his eyes. Sneaking from tree to tree he scrambled to gain some distance all while gripping his stomach. The stallion looked down at a dark mark singed across his midsection and robes that felt like ice stabbing his guts each breath. Deep in his core he felt incredibly displaced in this world, somehow even more wrong and twisted than his escape from Darkhorse Knight just moments ago a mare with his likeness was currently stalking him through the everfree forest. He winced in pain and fought back tears, thanking Solaris under his breath that Barb got away. He needed to distract the guards and get to the map of harmony, open up the portal to his world, or honestly any world at this point. He needed to return to stop Stellar Gleam. Dusk Shine tilted his head around the corner to look for the dark alicorn, his eyes scanning every little nook of the woods for movement. Carefully and quietly he started to double back towards the table or at least he hoped he was. The dark woods were nearly impossible to see in, only moon beams cut through the foliage in pale shafts to illuminate his path. He paused at a tree to press his back to the gnarled trunk silently, a dark blue light creeping through the next clearing.  "Oh my dear alicorn… are you hiding in the dark, afraid, alone? No doubt you were just escaping whatever version of me existed in your world…." She trailed off.  Dusk Shine's hair stood on edge. Nightmare’s voice was as terrifying and cold as it was silky and delightful, like a siren's call. The blue light crept to the other side of his tree, causing his heart to thunder in his chest,  his limbs growing numb with anxiety.  "Do you know what I did to the Twilight Native to this world?" She let out a cruel, low laugh as the blue light grew in intensity. "That sun worshiping arrogant fool came all by herself to banish me, thinking she was strong enough alone." She said, her voice growing louder. "I made sure Celestia could see everything from her prison. It brought me so much joy to toy with her, I took my time with each swipe of my claws, each blast of my magic, ahhh… she fought back as hard as she could. Truly she was the Element of Magic, but she lacked Harmony, she died alone,  gurgling on her blood when I finally put her out of her misery."  Dusk shine could hardly focus on anything with his eyes, his mind clouded with overwhelming dread, his limbs refused to answer, his nails gripped the trunk in terror. A sickening snap echoed through the woods shocking  Dusk Shine into action. The Alicorn leapt forward, flaring out his wings to gain some altitude, the tree thundered as it fell to the ground in half. Nightmare leapt past the foliage after him cackling madly, claws sweeping and slicing back and forth as he dodged further and further back. Dusk grit his teeth as the mad mare frothed with each swipe and with a powerful flap of his wings he gained a few precious feet of space. With a focused breath he pulled his will up from his guts and charged his horn with all the sunshine and light he could muster.  "Lux Caeca!" He yelled out, aiming a beam of white light into her eyes.   She clutched her eyes and hissed, flapping side to side, "Fighting dirty are we?" She said through grit teeth.  "You may be a bit different, but I know your struggle, Prince Artemis experienced it himself, the jealousy, isolation, self hatred." Dusk Shine recalled the struggles Artemis faced fitting in, of overcoming his pain with the Tantabus. "It almost consumed him as well, but we all learned to love him and his night. Please there has to be something left of that pony in you!" He cried out, fighting back tears.  "Your prince was WEAK! Sniveling, crying, self loathing, I took my rightful place as ruler. All bow to me, all serve the night!" She growled as her eyes adjusted to the darkness of the night once more.  Her horn charged as she focused on the disdain she had for how weak Luna and this prince Artemis was, black fire billowing forth from the tip. A cone of shadowy blue flame set a blaze to the forest canopy below as it's path traced the fleeing stallion. While he was distracted she dove at him like a falcon catching prey, her claws sinking into his flesh. One of her evl hands seized his ankle, the other his hip. With a mighty heave of her muscles she sent him crashing down through the canopy, snapping branches on the way down until he landed face first in a heap. The frenzied mare dove down at him and stomped on his back with her heavy armored boots, his scream echoing in the woods. The Alicorn attempted to gather the focus for a spell, his horn glowing until he felt her hand seize it roughly. He groaned as the world came back to focus again. "Tell me your secrets of time and space travel and I may just let you live."  She said directly into his twitching ear.  "You don't have to do this, you can let go of the hate, the dark power." Dusk pleaded with the mare.  "Oh but I do, my foolish stallion." She said coldly, her other hand seizing his left wing, his eyes shot wide.  "P-Please…. Stop this madness, is this what you want deep down?"" He pleaded once more while desperately flapping his wings, the magic in his horn fizzing and popping in her gauntleted hand.  "You have what I want deep down, further power." She said pulling down on his wing, straining the muscles and bones of the sensitive appendage.  Dusk shine cried out, tears welling in his eyes as the strain on his wing was rippling across his back. With one swift tug it snapped, and fell limp in her grip, his raw screams ripped violently out of his lungs.  He felt every thundering heart beat pulse with pain in the broken limb as she released it and his horn. Dusk scrambled on all fours to get to his feet as her metal boot met his guts and sent him flying into a tree. The trunk crunched under the force, an all new wave of pain shot through him. He grit his teeth as he clenched his fists, fury rapidly replacing the compassion the alicorn was holding so dearly, white hot retribution for the pain the corrupted shadow of this mare caused to him and so many.  He stood up from the ground quickly as she sauntered over to him, flourishing her claws in a lackadaisical manner. His horn ignited as a white blade appeared in his hands before swinging overhead with all his mental and physical might. She caught the blade with her armored hands, hissing in pain as it sizzled the flesh of her palms. "Arrogant", she chided herself, knowing his rage fueled his strikes against her she leaned into the searing pain of the blade pushing it back at him. She tried to sweep his legs out from under him but he was ready for this, stomping down on her hoof. She bellowed in pain as she fell on her back, her gauntlets smoking. Dusk's next strike swung down at her but she spun to the left with cat-like agility, sliding to her hooves rearing up for a pounce.  "Stopped playing nice, have we?" She said with a growl.  "You're nothing but a ghost of the princess you were." He said,  readying his magic blade, gritting his teeth from the pulsing pain in his back.  "Ohhhh, this is going to be fun." She said with a laugh,  She readied a pounce forward, only for her to take flight, a blue beam of fire jetting from her horn. He guarded as best he could with his blade but the heat of the flames curled up his hands and caught his billowing robes on fire. He leaped back with a grunt of pain, his concentration on the blade breaking. He bolted to gain some distance in the dark woods, trying to get his bearings on where he was, and the portal back home. He ran as fast as he could, zipping through branches and around tree trunks until he saw a familiar clearing. Suddenly the treeline in front of him burst in blue flames and he came to a screeching halt, thinking quick he dove to the ground, only to feel the wind whip past him as Nightmare Moon landed beside him, claws embedded in the ground. Thinking quickly his horn ignited with magic as he skittered backwards on his flanks, sending a searing bolt of light into her side. The magic crackled at her armor as she screamed in frustration, ripping her claws out of the ground. Her hand swept wide as the back of her hand cracked across his muzzle, stunning the alicorn.  "You're beginning to anger me, welp, pray I control myself long enough to keep you alive." She snarled through gritted teeth, grabbing a fist full of his chest.  Picking him up by the scruff of his robes she slammed him into the ground just as he prepared his next spell. A harsh wheeze left his lips as she pounced the wind out of him, his broken wing burning in pain. Again and again she pounded him into the ground, his lungs aching for a breath full breath, as she lifted him once more his robes gave way with a loud rip, plopping him on the floor suddenly. He gasped for breath, kicking her in the stomach with his booted hoof, knocking her off balance. He didn't think, he acted, his openings to attack were miniscule and he took it, focusing his desperate energy. A Dagger sized shard of blade appeared in his hand, diving desperately forward he drove it into her left thigh, straight through the armor plate. She screamed as the wound smoked, sizzling her dark flesh, her roar of rage echoed in the woods as she plunged her right claw into his shoulder with a sickening jet of blood. His focus dissipated giving her the chance to stand up, drinking up her pain and anger her soul boiled until she frothed like an animal. She lifted him up by impaled shoulder, balling her left hand into a fist and punching wildly into his midsection. Blow after lightning fast blow pummeled his gut until she reared up for one mighty punch into his chest, crunching several ribs in one sickening, snapping impact. He coughed up blood and hung limp in her grip, her jaws snapped forward into her shoulder, drinking his magic rich blood. Her aches and pains dulling, her rage doused down with waters of his blood, her mind returned to her. She panted heavily from exertion, dropping the weakened stallion to the ground, her magically keen eyes scanning his essence for life.  He was weak, but salvageable, he still had what she wanted, but he was in no shape to answer much of anything in his semi conscious daze. He was dimly aware of his surroundings, his entire body throbbing in immense pain, he looked up at the dark mare as she licked her bloody claw.  "F-Finish it" he managed to spit out.  "No my dear stallion, you still have power that I want." She said, clutching his horn, dragging him back to the clearing.  He fought to stay awake, his eyes desperately looking at the table, his way home, the portal. Darkness crept in on his senses, as he was hoisted up by a rainbow maned pegasus mare.  "Blitz…. Please… help.." he weakly pleaded.  "Take him to the dungeons, have his wounds stitched. If he dies, your fate will be worse." Nightmare barked out her order as he passed out.  Dusk Shine opened his eyes to bright blue skies, the sun shining into his eyes. Warmth and comfort coated his fur, a gentle smile creeping up his lips as he sighed. It was all a Nightmare, a delusion, he was back in Equestria, peaceful, beautiful, Equestria. A familiar effeminate yellow stallion came into view, peering down at him from above. Dusk sat up to see he was in a rolling green meadow, just outside Butterscotch's cabin, the aforementioned Pegasus sitting in the grass in a beautiful green oversized sweater. He started to sob softly, covering his eyes with his hands, overcome with grief from his dream. Butterscotch scooped up Duskshine and cradled his head into his lap, gently stroking his face.  "Am I dead?" Duskshine said, fighting back tears.  "No, Shhhh… honey it was just a dream." Butterscotch whispered to him, in his sweet soothing voice.  "It was terrible Butters, I was chasing Stellar Gleam and escaped A timeline where Darkhorse Knight Banished Solaris to the Moon. Just as I was leaving, I got pulled out of the portal by some mare version of him, and she beat me to death. It hurt so much, I was so scared." Duskshine shivered in the lap of his beloved.  He felt the warmth of Butterscotch's love deep in his… shoulder?  He gently grabbed his right shoulder, and his sense of reality turned inside out as he awoke suddenly in a cell. Searing hot pain burned at his shoulder as the rainbow pegasus buried a hot piece of steel into his gaping shoulder wound. He cried and screamed, biting into his tongue as the pain reached unbearable levels and the real world left him once more.  He fell back into the dreamscape, back into Butterscotch's lap to see the pegasus smiling wickedly at him, his teeth elongation into fangs. The once delicate hands cradling his cheeks seized his cheeks.  "Found you 'Duskie'" the Pegasus said mockingly.  Dusk Shine froze in terror a moment before kicking and writhing, flapping his wings madly to get free. Bursting free from Butterscotch's grip he backed up a dozen pages as the Femcolt Stood up, his sweater dress dropping to the ground. The sun was eclipsed in the sky, the wind began to whip and howl across the once serene meadow.  "What's wrong Duskie, don't think I'm attractive anymore?" The Pegasus slowly strode towards him, his androgynous naked form darkening.  "You're not Butterscotch!" He screamed at the figure.  "How very keen of you to notice, Duskie!"  The voice distorted as Nightmare Moon cackled, mutating the Dream form to fit her shape in a sickening, snapping display. Dusk's jaw dropping as his heart sank further. "Awake or unconscious, You're mine!" She pounced at him, just as his hooves froze in place against his will.  He awoke once more in the cell in a jolt, the world spun and he fought back his urge to vomit. The weight of his body hung in from two chains clasped around his wrists, the dull pain of his broken body throbbed in his mind. He winced and blinked a few times, his eyes adjusting to the dark cell. He saw an all too familiar blue glow in front of him. Tilting his head up he saw Nightmare Moon standing tall and proud, a blue silk gown loosely clung to her form. She looked him in the eyes, smugly smiling, savoring the defeat and fear that clouded his mind.  "Mmmm… nice to meet you Dusk Shine, I'm Nightmare Moon, you may address me as your Queen, and once I have your time magic, Goddess." She said, placing her hands on her hips.  "You're not my Queen, Nightmare." He Squinted at the Shadowy mare.  "Mmmm… we'll see about that." She simply stated, her finger caressing the cauterized wound on her shoulder.  He winced in pain, biting his lip as her silky fingered traced the wound. Her cold finger slid teasingly across his chest, dancing through his fluff. He shivered slightly in the chains as her finger slid across his bruised chest and flat stomach. Down and down she explored, until he realized he was butt naked in the chains, as her finger reach his member. He tugged at his chains, pulling back his hips as she grasped a handful of his meaty balls.  "What….are you doing?!" Dusk Shine asked defensively.  "Just examining my Prey" she said casually, massaging his orbs.  "Stallions are so easy to manipulate, I wonder how long it will take before I break you." She chuckled. "I'm…" he trailed off.  "Taken? Do you think I care?" She interrupted. "...Gay" he said, biting his lip and cringing up, bracing for retaliation.  "So? You think I can't bend your desire to my whim?" She said, releasing his balls.  His eyes widened, his brow titled at her morbid statement. She took a step back and turned around to face a small table, grabbing a large ring with a black gem adorning it. Dusk wasn't sure what it was for, as, when he began to focus his magic, he noticed his horn was already blocked. She turned back around to the captive stallion, ring in hand. Silently she watched the stallion as her horn began to glow blue, at first it wasn't apparent what she was doing, that is, until Dusk felt a sparkling telekinetic bubble probe his ponut. He blushed like mad, his hips springing forward away from the anal intrusion, only to have nightmare moon press her hand to his chest firmly, pinning him to the wall roughly. His wing ached under his weight, causing him to groan in pain as the bulb forced it's way past his pucker, magically fizzling against his insides.  "I bet your femcolt back home doesn't do this~" she chided him with a sadistic chuckle.  "P-please stop! I don't…. I don't want… this!" He whimpered and squirmed in his chains.  "Awwww… don't worry, I'm sure you'll start to like this~" she grinned at him, "and if you don't, then I'll just manipulate your dreams until I'm all you can think about."  Terror clawed at Dusk's mind, causing him to start hyperventilating, pulling up at his chains even with the searing pain in his shoulder screaming at his mind. Out, out, he needed a way out, and he needed it yesterday, he looked around frantically. He charged his horn repeatedly only to have it fizzle out at the ring on his horn, his chains clanging against the stone behind him each thrash of his body. A moan was forced from his lips as the telekinetic bulb grabbed his prostate like a meaty cum button. His length shooting from it's sheath, hardening near instantly as it dribbled out the squeezed pre.  "Keep thrashing prey, tire yourself out, knowing I'll be just on the other side of your unconsciousness." She cackled wickedly as her soft, cold hand seized his shaft.  "Our prince, who art in the sun…" he began sniffling as the shadowy mare had her way with him. "H-hallowed be thy…"  A sharp smack crossed his muzzle, stinging with pain as her other hand expertly played with every sensitive nook of his tip.  "Don't bother, he can't hear you, and his mare counterpart is locked in the moon for 1000 years." She coldly stated. Her icy fingers played up and down with his length, her magic coaxing his plot and ever so gently laying with his cum button. He was overwhelmed with just how much pleasure he was feeling, contrasting with the pain of his body and mind, the guilt and gnawing at his mind. He wished he could do anything, at the very least not be throbbing hard at how this monster was forcing herself on him. He desperately thought of Butterscotch's warm calming presence, as he loudly sobbed. Her hand ran through the dripping pre on his tip, slickened, traveling back down his generous length agonizingly slow. Her cold fingers gripped tightly at his cock, her free hand slid the ring over the head with a pop, sliding it down the shaft until the dark gem rested at the base.  "P-please… if there's an innocent little mare in there, scared… hurt… lonely… don't l-let her do this." He said, choking down tears.  Nightmare Moon took a deep breath as she felt what was left of Luna briefly scream in her psyche. She drank in the suffering of her former self, drowning her back in the dark depths of her mind with a chilling smile.  "My my…. I didn't think there was anything left, you must've really moved little Luna." She said, stroking his length quicker. "It's such a shame that her guilt and pain is just a delicious snack to me now." She added.  Her pointed, long tongue caressed the underside of his cock, trailing up to the tip, forcing a sharp moan from his lips. Her magic tightened in his plot, seizing his p-spot tightly, and all at once he screamed out in pleasure. Pressure built in his balls and soared to his shaft for release, except it never came, and neither did he. Only a little pre squirted onto her tongue as the black gem twinkled with a flicker of light.  His mind's eye was suddenly assaulted with images of himself radiating white light, swimming and kicking desperately at a sucking pool of black ooze. He strained in his mind to stay on the surface, flapping his wings to gain some air until he weakly hovered above the surface, dripping with the ooze.  His attention snapped back to reality as he caught himself drooling, realizing he must've passed out momentarily at the peak of his edge. Nightmare let out a small chuckle, cupping his chin as his hardened, warm length beat desperately in her cold hand. She trailed a lick from his stomach to his chest, suckling on a nipple before looking him in the eyes.  "Welcome back~" she said with a sharp, wicked grin.  "What did you…." He managed to finally say.  "Oh? That? That's just me, well, the *real* me bonding to your mind." She answered.  "What in Equestria do you mean?!" He asked through gritted teeth. “Soon you will hand me your free will on a platter, and you will obey me right down into the very core of your being. You will stay in numb, edged bliss as I feed on your hopelessness again and again, the pleasure will overwhelm your spirit until every breath you make is at my whim.” She said, as her dark fingers slid up and down his sensitive purple length.  “Y-you’re a monster, You c-can’t just-” Hsi protests were cut short as one of her hands grasped his throat. “I already did, the only reason I told you my plan is because it’s already too late, you will take me from timeline to timeline only for me to consume them again and again. My entropy and darkness will be your new god.” She laughed sadistically as Dusk Shine squirmed in his restraints. His head got as her powerful hands gripped his throat like an animal, his lungs began to burn for air as her fangs sunk into his shoulder, he breathlessly tried to yelp. His eyes teared up once more as he felt the icy pull of her influence at the back of his mind, a sucking, sweet abyss was pulling him back down into the cold depths of surrender. His face ran cold as he gasped against her grip, her teeth sinking into the flesh of his breast,she took several hard nips into his tight stomach only to have him weakly buck his hips. Darkness crept in around his vision as his throat was released, coughing and gasping he moaned with his first breath, the pain of her fangs gave way to pleasure that his goddess would feed on him. His mind felt like it was sinking in quicksand, no words or thoughts dared even form as he gazed down at Nightmare Moon as she got down on her knees. He drooled as the new found dark pleasure of his bites hit him like an intoxicating wave, hot clouds of his breath left his lungs as the room grew colder, he humped like an animal in his restraints. Nightmare moon looked up at him with a gleeful grin, before sharply biting down into his thigh, his loud moans echoing in the cell, he had the vaguest sense of terror and fear in his mind as she released his thigh, only to bring her lightly bloody lips to his throbbing cock. Her devilish silken tongue wrapped around the tip, slathering the length generously with her bloody spittle, icy pleasure shot up his spine and filled his mind. Her predatory maw seized his tip, suckling on his salty pre with a deep inhale through her nose, slowly she descended down his length, each agonizing inch felt like an eternity to him.The embrace of the moon goddess felt like frostbite in his mind, a chill cutting so deep it might as well have been fire, everything in his mind began rearranging itself around her will as she bottomed out on his length. Her throat expertly squeezed and stroked around his length, but he didn’t have long to process the feeling as he dreaded maw rose back to the tip. He released a breath he didn’t know he was holding with a whimpering moan, he needed the chilling embrace of her throat again, and he needed it now. He didn’t have to wait long until she suddenly dropped her head back into his lap, repeatedly her sucking abyssal depth milked his hot length, each drop of pre he leaked into the goddess’ mouth was like a fragment of his mind dropping into her hungry maw. He needed more, the bliss of the icy branding iron in his mind ripped away old memories, personality, resistance each drip he eagerly fed his new goddess. She doubled her pace as he resigned to his delightful fate, moans freely flowing from his lips as easily as the frayed ends of his mind leaked down her depths. Looking up at him, locking eyes once more she bottomed out on his lap, his whole body tightened as he fought against the ring to climax, and in a black blur he found himself elsewhere.  He was standing nude, in black endless depths, the only light ahead was a pale ball of moonlight. Ahead in the sucking depths Nightmare Moon sat on a cloud, clad in tight black leathers, Luna moaning as she lapped at the moon goddess’ folds. Nightmare’s predatory gaze lifted from Luna and up at Dusk Shine, she simply gestured with one finger, beckoning him to come forward. He sluggishly strode through the inky darkness and into the safe bubble of moonlight, everything about him felt heavy, the only easy thing to do was obey. Silently he dropped to his knees and crawled on all fours up to his goddess as she spread her legs wider to accommodate him. He plunged his muzzle into her juicy, icy cunt, the warmth of his and luna’s tongue lapped sloppily together at their goddess’ folds as they moaned in unison. Dusk shine felt awareness of reality come dimly back at him like a wave as he felt the weight of his real body once more. He blinked a few times Nightmare Moon took the ring off his length with a pop, letting it clatter to the ground. Her magic violently flashed to life as his binds were undone, flopping to the floor she pounced on him with a growl. She ripped off her gown as she dropped her dripping cunt onto his throbbing length, his hot length spreading her apart as he screamed out a moan. Her hands seized his throat as she roared in carnal delight, bouncing up and down his length, the tight chilling walls of her sex drinking him like a voracious animal. Repeatedly she slammed down into him, wet plaps of contact echoed in the halls, as she moaned out between growls. Her hands released his throat, as he cried out in delight, he grew closer and closer to the edge as she coaxed every last bit of his focus down into his aching cock. With one least ferocious drop into his lap, she speared her womb with his length, he erupted inside her with his potent and thick seed. The creamy batter of his loins blasted across her womb and shot out onto the ground as she cried out in delight. Rocking her hips back and forth she coaxed every drop from his cock, panting and laughing as she gazed down at her mind broken prey. “Thank your Goddess.” She simply said. “Thank you Goddess.” He responded in delight.