> Taking The Lead > by The Burrow > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Starting the night waiting in her bathroom wasn’t quite what Rarity expected when Twilight said she wanted to try something different in the bedroom. She’d been there for nearly a full half-hour longer than expected. The first few minutes were fine, letting Rarity make little adjustments to her makeup, fixing up an errant eyelash, or adjusting her hair just a little. She’d moved the parting in her hair more to the side, ensuring half her face sat in the shade of her luscious, curly mane. There was only so much adjusting she could do, however. Once she’d fussed over her head enough, she fiddled with the straps of her bra and panties, the cotton and overlaid lace hugging her body tightly. She made herself look perfect, not only by getting the bra to push up her breasts just enough they creased a little where her collar and boobs met but also so her panties sat at the broadest part of her hips, riding low so that the gaps where belly, hip and groin all met just began to show. While Rarity had considered tucking, it had only been a brief thought. While Twilight had been cagey about the specifics of her plans, they were clearly the kind that Rarity should expect any effort to tuck would be short-lived. Besides, there was no shame in it, and letting Twilight know how excited she got, she let the bulge stand, as much as it messed with the curving, natural flow of the patterned lace. Admiration could only help fill the time for so long. After a few minutes of riding the high of euphoria and attraction at seeing her reflection in the bathroom mirror, admiring pale-warm skin shaped by years of work and luck, Rarity turned to the door, poised to knock. Twilight’s voice carried through the wood an inch before her knuckles collided. “Okay, I’m ready.” About time. Rarity turned the knob to her en suite and entered the bedroom. For the time Twilight had taken getting prepared, Rarity was fully expecting candles on every surface, rose petals spread across the floor. Maybe an entire cake for Twilight to spring out of. Instead, the room looked exactly the same. Pink and lavender sheets, white walls, the same wooden furniture. Twilight had dimmed the lights a touch, thankfully helping to set the mood, though Rarity hadn’t anticipated what she saw. Apparently, Twilight had come prepared, though Rarity doubted it took Twilight the full half-hour to get set up. Spread over the bed were what Rarity could simply call… apparatuses. Things with chains and straps, shiny and glossy. She recognised the cuffs easily enough, their insides lined with padded leather, and she recognised the riding crop in Twilight’s hands, bent in anxious tension. Twilight had dressed herself for the occasion in a matching outfit, too. More glossy leather adorned her waist in a buttoned bodice that was clearly a little too tight for her, and it would have left her breasts exposed were it not for the black bikini she wore. While it was still a little small and certainly not appropriate to wear outside, it also simply sat on her rich, ochre skin. The thin, dark material obscured but didn’t hide the shape of her nipples. Oh, she could drive people wild with that look. She wore a matching pair of bottoms that cut an odd shape between them and the bodice, and while they were totally flat, Rarity knew what lay between those thighs. The black boots were a nice touch, though the heels elevated Twilight a good few inches higher than usual, and she already stood half a foot over Rarity on most days. Her smile was thin, but with her hips cocked to the side and her head tilted a little, the ponytail tying her navy hair back, Rarity could ignore it for now. It made sense Twilight was apprehensive. Twilight was often apprehensive, but once she found her flow all that tension would vanish, flowing off her like water. Courting Twilight had always been an interesting challenge, especially concerning matters in the bedroom. She was a strange mixture of inexperienced and knowledgeable, not quite knowing how to conduct herself, but she always knew exactly how to push Rarity’s physical buttons. The biggest issue was getting Twilight to initiate, to take control, as she took her inexperience to make Rarity something of an authority when it came to matters in bed. Did she say something to upset Twilight, to put the thought into her head? Rarity appreciated that she’d finally taken notice, but this wasn’t quite what she had in mind, at least initially. Nevertheless, it was an effort, and Rarity wasn’t alien to the concepts of BDSM. Plus, it was Twilight putting in the effort for her. What wasn’t to love about that? It wasn’t hard for Rarity to pull out her warmest smile. “I never took you for a dominatrix.” Rarity tittered, closing the gap between the pair of them. She stopped a step shy, simply teetering forward and letting her arms hang forward. She wanted to lay her hands on Twilight right there and then, but Twilight had yet to state the terms of that night’s affair. “Presuming that’s the intention…?” Twilight nodded. “I was doing some reading a week ago—” Good excuse, Miss Sparkle “—about couples who kept their, uh, nighttime activities varied remain closer for longer. I started reading about kinks and different things to try, and, well…” She shrugged and gestured to the bed with an elbow. Rarity cocked an eyebrow, letting her smile turn into a lopsided smirk. “Oh? Are you saying sex with me isn’t good enough?” asked Rarity. The alarm on Twilight’s face made her look adorable. Catching her out with missed sarcasm was always a delight. “N-no! I just don’t want to use it as a bandaid measure later on, so I figured starting early would help us get closer—“ “Darling, breathe,” Rarity said, holding hands out, palm down, and lowering them slowly to the floor. “I wasn’t serious, though I don’t believe we can get much closer than we already have before.” Twilight clicked her mouth shut, her hands wringing around the crop as Rarity settled back with her hands on her hips. Her darkening cheeks said her second jab landed well enough. “I’m ready to explore this with you, and I know enough to keep it— oh, what’s the phrase? ‘Safe and sane’?” Reaching up, Rarity put a finger to Twilight’s chin to drag it down. Rarity rose on her tiptoes to peck Twilight on the lips. “Now, it appears you wish to be in charge for the evening. What would you have me do?” “Well, really, the submissive in these situations is in charge. They define the type of play, the limits, the safeword…” Rarity’s knowing little stare sent Twilight trailing off. “…Carte Blanche and pineapple it is, then.” With a giggle, Rarity backed up and parked herself on the edge of the bed, leaning her thighs into the soft sheets and mattress. “So, tell me, what have I done to deserve this treatment, hm?” She put a little whine into her voice, shrugging her shoulders up and adding the smallest amount of pout. “Did I dog-ear a book? Did I not cite a source correctly?” Quickly, Rarity straightened up, her eyes lit up. “Oh, maybe I used the wrong type of equation, binominal instead of definitive.” Genuine annoyance passed over Twilight’s face, twisting her mouth down. Rarity couldn’t hold back yet another laugh at Twilight’s expense for it to be met with a huff. “That is… so many kinds of wrong I’m not sure how to explain it to you.” “You’ll have to just figure that out, Miss Twilight.” Rarity half-turned, mostly twisting her hips around while taking Twilight’s right hand in her left. She pulled and twisted her arm down, angling the crop closer to the floor. “I need to learn. You need to enforce. That’s what I want tonight.” The blush crept over Twilight’s nose, darkening the bridge, though the scowl turning a little less severe told Rarity that she’d gotten through. Twilight flicked the crop against Rarity’s tush and held it there, coupled with a shove that turned Rarity around to face the bed. Rarity braced herself against the bed with her hands so she could stick her ass out behind her. The crop dragged over her skin, the leather sticking in a few places as Twilight positioned herself at the foot of the bed. Cocking one hip to the side, she rested her free hand on it as she regarded Rarity, and Rarity met her gaze. “I won’t tell you you’re wrong, then,” said Twilight after a moment’s pause. “I’ll… I’ll tell you to stay in your lane.” She slid the crop back, dragging it down Rarity’s thigh before pulling it away. Not half a second later, the crop again met Rarity’s ass, that time with an audible slap that made Rarity wince. She rocked forward, her hips retreating away from the slap but not from the crop. The lingering sting began its burn, the faint but prolonged reminder soothed ever so slightly by the coolness of the crop’s leather. It almost drew Rarity’s attention off the tingle in her groin, the feeling that made her legs want to twist in, her hands to curl up. She hadn’t expected it so quick, so soon, and yet there she was, biting her bottom lip. She caught her breath and looked over her shoulder at her poised hand. Twilight had done some reading as she rubbed the crop in, not rearing up for another smack, though her expression remained apprehensive. Her frown wasn’t one of authority but uncertainty, waiting for Rarity’s approval. “My place? Whatever does that mean?” Rarity smirked again, hoping the snark and smile would assuage her lover’s concern. Under other circumstances, Twilight might fire back, smirking herself more than meeting the smug quota she expected of the know-it-all she’d fallen in love with. Instead, the frown remained. “…Yes, your lane. You know a lot about sewing and dressmaking, but you don’t know the first thing about calculus or applied physics.” She flicked the crop, delivering another swat that had Rarity’s hands slipping across the bedsheets. “Can… Can you tell me why this even hurts? What are the scientific processes at work?” The crop pressed around in a slow, tight circle where it struck. All of Rarity’s muscles immediately around it twitched, unseen but certainly not unfelt. The lacy undergarments did little to contain her excitement, with the tip of Rarity’s hen poking free of the waistband. “Maybe it’s because I like it?” asked Rarity, her voice pitching up into a whine. “That ought to be enough to satisfy you, Miss Twilight.” The pressure lifted, if only a little, and Twilight’s other hand clenched and unclenched against her thigh, rubbing her fingertips and the backs of her fingers over her skin. Rarity had touched on something, tapping on the glass of the illusion, and Twilight had blinked. Rarity huffed and wiggled her tush backwards, pressing into the crop. “You aren’t going to correct me? You can tell me the answers and reinforce them with a little more…” Rarity chuckled then purred her following words. “Applied physics.” Twilight loosened her hand, laying it flat on her thigh again. “That makes sense,” Twilight said. “A little negative reinforcement could be used as a teaching tool—or would it be positive?” She brought her hand to her chin, gripping it between her thumb and forefinger. Rarity knew the look well, though not the thoughts that doubtless flickered through the decisions and plan of action Twilight was undoubtedly settling on. Twilight coupled a harder thwack with a click of her fingers. Rarity bit her lip hard to keep herself from making noise, but her breathing hitched, and she arched her back in response. “When I smack you, I am turning the energy involved in moving the crop into heat when it strikes you.” Another smack, just as hard, met Rarity’s asscheek. That time, she hissed through her teeth, catching Twilight’s little expression of worry that flickered across her face. After a quickly delivered smile on Rarity’s part, Twilight cleared her throat, rearing the crop back again. “That heat is then registered by specialised nerve endings that your brain processes as pain, but in the right places or the right circumstances, that pain can be enjoyable. It’s why spicy food is fun or why you enjoy being spanked!” She brought the crop down again, that time angling to follow through, her arm and crop stopping somewhere in front of her and scraping over Rarity’s ass cheek. Rarity yelped and straightened up faster than before. The reddened welt burned in the open air, and Rarity hissed through clenched teeth. There was genuine power in that smack, more than Twilight realised, but gracious, it made Rarity’s scalp and loins tingle delightfully. Twilight’s eyes immediately widened, and the crop fell from her grip, though another loop around her wrist kept it from falling. “Sorry! Sorry, was that too hard? Did I do something wrong?” Twilight’s hands cupped Rarity’s head, one wrapping around behind and another holding her cheek. That sent additional goosebumps down Rarity’s neck, and the sudden half-embrace, coupled with her arousal, brought warmth to Rarity’s cheeks. After a few moments of blinking confusion, Rarity sighed and rolled her eyes, though she added a little giggle to the end. She reached up, placing a hand on Twilight’s chest, skin to skin. “Flattering to know if you ever truly hurt me, you’ll be begging for forgiveness in an instant. I’m fine, darling, really.” Twilight’s sigh and sinking shoulders spoke plenty, espousing relief and concern. “Sorry, I just thought I was doing the right thing there.” “You absolutely were. Aside from some stuttering, you’d make for an excellent domme, but something is bugging me about your little performance.” Twilight tilted her head, the big eyes and tiny frown of a puppy thinking it was in trouble. Rarity was familiar with that look. Twilight aimed it her way plenty of times before and to the few mutual authority figures they shared. “Whatever it is, I can fix it.” Rarity kept herself from laughing. It wouldn’t have been mocking, judging Twilight for being so eager to please. She loved that about Twilight. No, she wanted to avoid it being misinterpreted. “That’s the thing. I’m not sure we should.” The hand on Twilight’s chest moved to one of Twilight’s arms, her fingers curling around her bicep, then her elbow. “I’ve seen you do things you’ve never done before, but when you’re well prepared, finished all your prior reading and homework, you take to it like a duck to water. You exude confidence as if you’ve always been capable of it. Tonight, you seem so unsure.” She pulled her hand up to Twilight’s wrist, wriggling a finger under the crop’s strap. “I could wave that off as you being nervous about doing something that might be considered strange or eccentric, but you are strange and eccentric.” Pulling the crop off Twilight’s wrist, Rarity hung it from her pinkie and ring finger. “Be honest with me, darling. Is this something you really want to do?” The hurt puppy look looked exasperated by the question. “Yes and no?” muttered Twilight eventually, though the answer left Rarity puzzled. She hid the confusion, leaving just the patient smile to guide Twilight through her thoughts, to lend them her voice. “It’s just… You’ve initiated things in bed most of the time or taken control. That makes sense; you’ve got more experience than I do. So I figured if I want to make sure we do something I’m in charge of, why not something entirely new. I could read about it, be prepared, and…” She blinked. “I guess I fell into what I know, and making sure I do what I want means teaching you. Sorry.” Rarity chuckled, and to her credit, Twilight nervously laughed in return. “No apology necessary. I admit I hadn’t noticed there was an issue there. You seemed very satisfied every time I’ve initiated things.” Twilight dipped her head down, her smile growing wider, garnering another laugh from Rarity. “Don’t feel ashamed that you’re not initiating. As long as you consent and are enjoying it, there’s no harm. Now…” Leaning in, Rarity kissed Twilight before rubbing their cheeks together. “Would you like to continue with this, and would you like me to take over?” Twilight squeaked, then she nodded, rubbing their heads together. “I need to hear the words, darling.” After gulping, Twilight found her voice again. “Yes. To both.” Rarity pulled herself away, leaning to just under an arm’s length while throwing one of her limbs around the back of Twilight’s neck. The crop hung from that hand, the tip exploring one of Twilight’s breasts by prodding and lifting it from the side. “Good. We’re going to use the crop and the cuffs. Is that fine with you?” Twilight nodded again, then added a quickly stuttered, “Yes,” as her eyes dove down, catching Rarity’s excitement pressed up to her belly. She wasn’t as big or stiff as some girls could get in those lurid videos or magazines Rarity had occasionally stumbled across, especially with the reality of hormone therapy. Yet she and Twilight thought it was plenty. Besides, between them, they had more than enough. Rarity pulled away, but with just a twist of her wrist behind Twilight’s neck, she followed. As Rarity scooted away on her back, Twilight had little choice but to climb up and crawl over the top of Rarity, her arms flanking her lover’s chest. The other instruments of pleasure and pain ended up on the floor, except for one Rarity hooked in her other hand, rattling as it came along. To have Twilight on top of her was a wonder. Her dark skin glistened with moisture, one little bead of nervous sweat hanging by her temple. It made Twilight twinkle like the night sky, as though she embodied her namesake in the late evening hours. It was such a shame Rarity had to tip her beloved starry sky onto her back before clambering on top of Twilight, straddling her waist. The hand holding the crop pinned one of Twilight’s shoulders, the crop laid across with enough pressure to dip the skin while the other dangled the cuffs before Twilight’s eyes. She added a head tilt, a deliberate jerk to the side as if to ask a question. Twilight stared at the cuffs momentarily before reconnecting her gaze with Rarity, then nodded. In a sweeping motion, Rarity took both of Twilight’s hands in hers, and then she lifted them over her head, wrapping Twilight’s fingertips around the intricate metal shapes of the headboard. She had to lean forward, their chests pressing together. The motion pulled Twilight’s honestly impractical bikini up and off her breasts, though even had it stayed in place, Rarity still would have felt the little nubs through her bra. That also pinned her hen between the two of them, and as it twitched with eager anticipation, Rarity allowed herself a little indulgence. She rolled her hips, grinding herself into Twilight’s stomach while she worked. The bodice’s cool material rapidly warmed with her contact, and the skin she could feel where her calves met Twilight’s hips joined it, going from warm to hot. Placing the crop between her teeth, she fed the cuffs through the gaps in the headboard, then locked each end about Twilight’s wrists with a pair of succinct, ratcheting clicks. Straightening herself up, Rarity put her hands on her hips and admired Twilight. She lay there, breathing hard, her bosom rising with struggling breaths. Some of that was undoubtedly Rarity’s weight, but the shaky motions remained even as she halted her grinding and lifted herself up, giving Twilight room to breathe. Rarity retrieved the crop, then pressed the leather loop to Twilight’s breasts. She slid it over top of one, then under the other before settling between them, a sliver under Twilight’s throat. Once more, she pressed hard enough to dent the skin, but no more than that. “Comfy?” she asked, shaking her head to throw her hair to one side. Twilight croaked, then cleared her throat. “Yes.” “Fantastic. The key’s still in there, so you can get out any time.” Then she leaned down, casting a shadow over Twilight’s face. “Not that I expect you want to.” A lump bobbed in Twilight’s throat, and Rarity chuckled while scooting back again, dragging the crop with her, bumping it over and around the fastenings of the bodice. Eventually, she held herself aloft above Twilight’s thighs, angling the crop down and in a little more to run it under the waistband of her bottoms. Angling it back, she yanked and pulled the bottoms to meet Rarity’s legs. It appeared Twilight had gone for a lazy tuck, simply letting the bottoms do the hard work. The moment Rarity freed Twilight’s dick, it twitched forward and up, reaching for freedom. Using the crop’s tip, Rarity lifted the slowly stiffening member, like a trellis for an oddly phallic vine to climb. It rose eager, watered by love and energised by lust. It throbbed like Rarity’s own, reacting to her touch, even as she twisted the crop around and slid it under Twilight’s sack. She wriggled her hips as if in protest and whimpered. Rarity spared a glance up, catching Twilight staring at the crop. Her bottom lip had vanished behind her teeth, only to pop free with another meek whine as Rarity tilted the crop back, slipping the leather off her balls and the rod against her length. With spread-out fingers, Rarity planted her hand flat on Twilight, pressing her hen flat to her stomach. Her slow, sliding palm reached the head, where her fingers wrapped around it, then angled it up as she drew back down to the base. More whimpers. A hitched breath. Twilight pulled her arms in, futilely yanking herself along the bed. Not out of Rarity’s grip, mind, but it made the pair bounce and Rarity teeter. Figuring she could keep more of those noises coming, Rarity started pumping, feeling the wondrous beat of Twilight’s heart through such a vulnerable avenue as she did. There was still a pliability to it, some softness and play, but even as is, she could do what she wanted. Though, as Rarity cast her eyes about, she failed to find the bottle she now wanted. Even as she leaned to one side, looking over the inventory that fell to the floor, there was no sign of anything resembling lube. Toys that required it, sure, but not the bottle itself. “Twilight, darling,” Rarity started as she straightened herself, injecting a little disappointed authority into her voice. “Did you forget something for your plans tonight?” Rarity could feel the muscles in Twilight’s legs tense. Even the twitch in her grip signified muscles coiling up in her abdomen. She was lucky her arms blocked line of sight, else Twilight may have pulled herself along again to cover her face with her palms. “I don’t think I forgot anything,” said Twilight after a few moments. Rarity imagined the concern and confusion across Twilight’s face, the averted gaze exploring her memories. She flicked the crop to the side, ensuring it was caught in Twilight’s periphery. With a flick of her wrist and a lazy bend in her elbow, it looked poised to strike. “What did I forget?” There was some genuine panic in her voice, and a mote of concern tugged at Rarity’s chest. She figured she ought to keep Twilight in the fantasy for a little longer. There were less explicit tools Rarity could employ first. “You forgot lubrication, darling. I do hope you weren’t expecting spit alone to fit those weapons in either of us.” For a second, Twilight said and did nothing before peering around her arms. “…I thought you’d have some. It seemed excessive.” Rarity rolled her eyes, but she never lost her smile, lopsided and teasing. “Presumption isn’t becoming of a lady who prides herself on preparation. Hmph.” Her hand reeled back, muscles coiling in preparation. Before she could make her threats, though, Twilight jerked herself up again. Thankfully, Rarity rode along unperturbed, her mostly loose, graceful pose lending itself well to just riding out the movement. She did have to lean forward and take Twilight by the waist to balance herself, though. “Please don’t hit me!” Rarity glanced at her arm. “Why should I not? You struck me first, so it only seems fair.” Her arm whipped around, but she stopped shy of smacking Twilight in the hip, only by an inch. “Though you did ask nicely.” The crop moved the remaining distance, fast enough to make a tiny, faint noise but not enough to hurt. Twilight remained coiled up, save for her legs, while Rarity rubbed the crop in circles, pushing harder and harder over the long seconds. Just a few more before Rarity considered giving up and giving in, showing Twilight with affection and apologies, the muscles under her legs unwound, and Twilight pulled her arms apart. “Please don’t… please don’t hit me.” “Oh, I won’t. I promise, Twilight dear.” Once more, the crop lifted, half-readied behind her while Rarity straightened herself up. Her hand stroked over Twilight’s belly to meet her shaft once again, though as she wrapped her fingers about it, pulling back the foreskin, she was delighted to see the building droplet at its head. “Though I may still threaten you if this is what I’ll get out of it.” Not getting a response, Rarity checked on Twilight’s face. She looked unamused. “Fine, no hitting or threats.” Twilight’s face screwed up when Rarity resumed stroking, wrapping her fingers firmly around the other woman’s girth. Twilight’s hands flexed and squeezed, pulling at the cuffs yet again, though far less suddenly and with far less force. Her wrists simply sunk into the padding while Twilight’s hips squirmed under Rarity’s weight. “If you want to do more of this going forward, you are more than welcome to ask, darling.” Rarity slowly shuffled forward, each knee inching a few inches along. One big knee-step brought her past Twilight’s hips, and she lowered herself, not to sit but to press on her pelvis. Honestly, Rarity had no idea if what she would attempt would even work, but it was worth a try. They were already experimenting, after all. Lifting her wrist but keeping Twilight’s length in her fingers, Rarity also accepted hers into her hand. Her palm only partly covered it, though her thumb managed the rest, locking the pair of them in her grip. She couldn’t completely close her hand, but it was enough. She’d enclosed the space, giving enough friction that she could roll her hips back and— It was like a shot of lightning ran Rarity through from hen to head, and she failed to quieten the croak that snuck up her throat, rising up to a near-whine. Twilight followed, too, an abandoned curse word coming out as a hiss and a gasp. With the payoff she hoped for, Rarity pushed forward, and at first, her hand moved in line with her groin. Her palm curled up at the peak of her little thrust, palming the tips of both their shafts and smearing the tiny amount of pre both could muster. When Rarity reared up again, however, she decided to just jerk them off together. Twilight clearly received more pleasure out of the act, as for a moment her eyes shut, her mouth dropped open in breathless, noiseless joy. When she managed to gulp down another lungful of air, it only came back up without delay. Her mewling was adorable, and there wasn’t a thing she could do to stop it, even as she rattled the cuffs. Twilight rose a knee behind Rarity, providing a buffer to bounce off of, and Rarity happily used it, bouncing off Twilight’s thigh and right back into her hand. “We can try… other ideas…” The exertion stole Rarity’s breath, breaking up her words, and though she found herself lowering down, it didn’t help to fill her lungs any better. It just put her closer to Twilight and to those eyes as they opened again, deep starry fields meeting Rarity’s gaze. Watching them go wide as Rarity pressed the length of the crop to her throat made Rarity double her efforts. The way she was positioned, her pleasuring hand found itself pinned between their bodies, but it only slowed Rarity a little. The right shift in weight gave her enough freedom of movement to keep Twilight’s toes curling. And yet, despite the sharp, pulsing tug in her loins, she had the wherewithal to tilt her head to ask Twilight the question again without speaking. Twilight nodded, then screwed her face shut as Rarity bent the rod just a little more. Twilight could still breathe. She continued to moan, and every once in a while, a possible howl broke at the height of her range, disappearing into a delicious creak. It meant Rarity was doing precisely what she needed to. It meant she was indulging Twilight with exactly what she wanted. And, while she had the initiative, Twilight had control. Every muscle in Twilight’s body tensed up for the second time that evening. Her leg slammed back down, shaking the bed, and somewhere behind Rarity, she locked her ankles together, mashing a heel to a foot. Her groaning turned into a strained, repeating whimpering, timed with the pulsating that filled Rarity’s hand. It took breaking their hips apart for Rarity to confirm that Twilight came, a splattering of her cum stuck to her belly and Rarity’s fingers. The coolness where it was thinnest confirmed it. Twilight tended to remain tense for a while afterwards, and it seemed she wasn’t making an exception then. Well, that was true until Rarity pushed forward, shoving her head between Twilight’s biceps, and kissed Twilight again. Holding the kiss as she moved to finish herself off, to bring her over the edge, Twilight’s body relaxed, and she moaned into Rarity’s mouth. Rarity savoured the image she imagined. The sheen of cum on Twilight’s bodice, the twitching of her hen riding the aftershocks. Her hips rose as she finished the job the two of them started, her hand slipping off once or twice in her eagerness to join Twilight in bliss. The kiss was cut short of what Rarity wanted, though she supposed time immemorial was a little unrealistic. She buried her face into Twilight’s chest as she added to the transcript lacking words, just more whines while she added to the clinging puddle. Heavens, if only she could remain there. Her head to Twilight’s chest, listening to the hurried march of Twilight’s heart, the deep, arrhythmic breathing as she calmed from the high. She savoured it for a minute or so, her cheek starting to feel hot, her breaths stifling in the tangled mess that was their heads and arms and Twilight’s chest. As Rarity lifted herself up, she gave the cuffs some slight attention. A single twist of the key released one of Twilight’s hands. She could manage the other while Rarity gave her room to breathe. Rarity swung one leg over Twilight’s body and knelt next to her as she pulled herself free. She caught a glimpse of Twilight’s wrist, a mark where the padding wasn’t quite adequate. She took both Twilight’s hands in her own once she loosed the other cuff, pulling Twilight up. Shoot, their mess might pool on the sheets. At least those were machine washable. “Thoughts?” Rarity asked. Twilight blinked, regarding Rarity for a few moments. If the loose hairs in Twilight’s ponytail were any indication, Rarity’s perm was possibly messier, though she hadn’t been throwing her scalp into the bed to tangle her hair. “…I want to try more.” As if filled with childish glee, Rarity giggled and nodded. “Then tell me what else you read about, darling.”