> Muffin Stuffin' > by Ebonyglow > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Unlike Her Mark > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cool night air swept across Anon as he strolled through Ponyville. Usually his strolls through the town were bustling with ponies and the like, but at the later hours in the day they always calmed to being mellow and scenic. The occasional pony greeted him as he went about his way, exchanging quick, friendly hellos and parting goodbyes just as fast. The citizens of this magical, unorthodox world were as nice as could be, and even with his arrival only having been a few months ago, they had all accepted him with open arms, or hooves rather, in this case. He had a multitude of friends, plans nearly every day, a decent place to live, and even a job. To say things were going better than he could have ever imagined would be selling it short, and frankly, the only thing that was lacking in his lifestyle were actions of the more amorous kind. Having spent every day amongst these ponies, he had started finding himself slipping looks at their shapely flanks quite often. Perhaps it was him adapting to the world slowly, but he was starting to struggle to hide his arousal amongst his friends whenever he was with them. Still, he’d yet to get much action, but he knew there was some mutual interest amongst his friends. However, the one he was on his way to visit was surely too innocent to think of such a thing. Patiently waiting as he knocked on the front door of a cozy, small home near the center of the town, he whistled to himself and rocked back and forth on his heels. “Oh! Hi, Nonny!” The door swung open, gracing him with an adorable, dopey smile. Looking up at him, her tail wagging slightly from excitement to see him, was one of his dear friends, Derpy Hooves. The small pegasus beamed up at him, her quirky, crossed eyes shimmering with delight. Anon had made a handful of friends during his time here so far, ranging from the Elements of Harmony to even the Princesses themselves, but his time with the town’s resident mailmare were oftentimes his favorite. Returning her smile in full, ensuring to not glance back at her generous rump as she sat before him, Anon greeted his friend. “Hey, Derps! Sorry I’m a bit late. Had to take a quick shower and all that after helping Rainbow with workouts earlier.” A quick giggle escaped her lips, as Derpy shook her head. “That’s fine! Come on! I made muffins for us!” Wheeling around, she ushered Anon inside, but he was briefly frozen in her doorway. Having stood up and turned, she had unintentionally presented her plush, pillowy derriere to him. Those bubbly cutie marks on her flanks warped with the curve of her thick, soft asscheeks, and a set of adorable yet extremely arousing socks accentuated her ass all the more. Her tail swayed as she walked, allowing him to have a glimpse of her tight, tempting holes as her cheeks jiggled with each step she took. Her ass did usually look astounding, hell, it was arguably one of the best in all of Ponyville, but the socks she adorned upped the ante by a magnitude. Glancing down, eyeing the tent pitched in his pants, Anon scrambled to compose himself. The last thing he’d want to do is make his friend uncomfortable, and waltzing into her home ogling her ass with a hard-on that could cut diamonds surely wouldn’t help that. Shaking himself out of his daze, Anon stepped into her home and carefully shut the door behind him. “Muffins eh? You do make some of the best!” Shockingly, in contrast to her clumsy nature, Derpy was indeed quite good at baking—just specifically muffins only. There had been a few occasions where she tried differing recipes, as in, ones that literally added the most minute changes, but every time she tried one she nearly burnt her house down. Still, she was good at making muffins, and for Anon, he appreciated her efforts to give him a tasty treat. Oftentimes, she went out of her way to make him feel welcome whenever they hung out, even when it was at his own home, and he truly did find her nature sweet beyond compare. “Awww, thank you!” Derpy chirped, smiling back at him once more. “You can hang out on the couch! I’ll go get them for us!” Taking up her offer, Anon made his way over to her couch. Taking a seat, watching Derpy disappear around the corner and into her kitchen, he took some time to survey her home. In contrast to her chaotic behavior and ‘talent’, Derpy’s home was rather well kept. Organized books sat on a shelf, albeit he hadn’t a clue why since she had told him a handful of times she wasn’t much for words, small plants dotted the windowsills, and clean, orderly furniture was spread throughout the home. It wasn’t anything out of the ordinary, frankly, it was a bit simpler than most ponies, but it was cozy all the same. Crash! “Whoopsie!” A loud, thundering clang made Anon nearly jump from his seat, concern welling in him immediately upon hearing Derpy yell out shortly after it. Shooting up, he hastily scrambled his way to the kitchen, sliding into it before pausing. Derpy was plopped on the floor, seemingly having tripped over nothing, with an entire tray of muffins spilt all over the ground. Her former smile was now a clear pout, as she eyed her delectable delicacies scattered around her. “Are you okay?!” Anon exclaimed, moving over to help her up. Sheepishly accepting his hand, blushing in embarrassment, Derpy let out a sigh. “Y-yeah, I just tripped…” Reading her somber expression, Anon scanned the ground. Most of the muffins had fallen on the floor, and even though her home was extremely clean, they surely weren’t going to eat the ones that had fallen. Still, there were two that remained on the tray, surviving the fall and remaining unscathed. Helping Derpy up to her hooves, he bent down and smiled at her. “Hey, why do ya look so sad?” he reached down, scooping up the two clean muffins. “We’ve got muffins to eat! And, if they’re the ones that survived that tumble, that just means they’ve gotta be the absolute best of the bunch!” A smirk split Derpy’s muzzle, looking up at him. “Hehe…you sure?” “Positive!” Anon reassured, carefully placing the two muffins back onto the tray and placing them on the table beside him. “C’mon, let’s clean this up and hang out!” Derpy nodded, giggling. “Well, okay! This is why I love hanging out with you, Nonny!” Her chipper tone filled Anon’s heart with warmth. Seeing his friend smile again was relieving, and plus, they did still have two delectable muffins to chow down on shortly. Ensuring Derpy was standing up properly and recovered, Anon quickly set himself to cleaning up the small mess that was made. Grabbing up the tragically lost treats, tossing them into a nearby trash bin, he dusted up the crumbs that were scattered on the floor and surveyed the kitchen. “There we go! Clean as a whistle!” He grabbed the two remaining muffins off the nearby tray and waved them in the air before Derpy. “So, where shall we munch on these muffins hmm?” Derpy glanced around him, eyeing the living room. “Well, I was planning on bringing the tray to you on the couch! So let’s go there! We can watch something!” She perked up, looking almost giddy. “Rainbow Dash lent me one of her Daring Do movies! We could watch that!” “Which one?” Anon asked. “I think it’s the one where the villain says he’s her father or something?” “Derpy, that is the complete wrong franchise.” “Oh…” she mumbled, before smiling again. “Then I have absolutely no idea!” Anon rolled his eyes, failing to hide his smirk at her, as usual, silly nature. Taking a step back, motioning his arms to signal her to lead the way, he bowed forward. “After you, my lovely muffin friend!” Derpy stuck her tongue out at him playfully, taking his cue and making her way out of the kitchen and towards the living room. Anon’s gesture was a sweet one, but he did have an underlying yearning to get another glimpse at the pegasus’ rump. As he’d hoped, he was able to watch her jiggling asscheeks go as she merrily trotted past him, only resurging the hard-on he had from before to its prior potency. Ogling her for a moment longer, Anon turned on his heels and made his way into the living room. Carefully setting down the two muffins onto the coffee table in front of the couch, Anon took a seat. Eyeing Derpy curiously as she trotted past the couch and towards a small basket nearby, he raised a question. “Uh, what’re you doing?” “Getting the movie, silly!” She gestured towards the television, sticking her tongue out playfully at him. “We are watching it, right?” Anon nodded. “Right, right. Sorry, something - erm - distracted me earlier is all.” He watched as she began to shuffle through the basket. “Just be careful! Don’t think Dash would be too happy if her copy of it got broken or anything!” “I’m always careful!” Derpy replied, fumbling through various items. If there was ever an ironic statement, those exact words from the bubbly mare would be the definition of it. If how clumsy she was was her being careful often, he could only wonder just how chaotic hanging out with her would be if she wasn’t. Watching as she messed around with the basket, Anon once again found himself focusing on a familiar aspect of her. He hadn’t a clue what had gotten into him today, but his eyes were simply glued onto her fat ass. The curves were so perfect, not too big but thick enough to jiggle with most motions she made. Her socks were cute, but they also stopped right under her flanks, highlighting their curves even more. He couldn’t help but imagine what the glorious sight of her twerking before him would be like. Those gray asscheeks rippling and jiggling each time she’d throw her ass back, clapping together to make a salacious symphony like no other. His imagination continued to run wild. He could only dream of the feeling of her twerking right on his cock, smacking her flanks around his length as she went to work. The feeling of her asscheeks massaging and pleasuring him over and over again as he’d grip and squeeze then. He could envision himself raising a hand, slamming it down onto her rump as he’d smack it over and over. Lost in his daydream, he didn’t notice Derpy give a quick response before turning around with a dvd case in her muzzle. As she made her way towards the tv, still lost in his lustful daze, Anon just watched her ass as she went. Stooping down to prepare to put the movie into its player, Derpy had literally bent over and presented herself to him. His lustful trance got all the deeper, as he now gawked at the lovely sight that lay between those fat asscheeks of hers. Her tail was unintentionally lifted, letting him gaze upon her perfectly presented pussy and asshole. He eyed her ponut, licking his lips as he could only fathom how amazing it’d feel to plow into. Not only that, but he knew he’d eat her ass out without a moment of hesitation, licking and suckling on that perfect ponut for as long as he’d be able to manage. That snatch of hers looked tight as could be, and he could only imagine how pleasurable it’d feel—wrapping around his cock, milking him for every drop he’d be worth. He had gotten it confirmed by Twilight Sparkle, through a volume of intense tests she insisted he let her do on him, that his DNA had been slightly altered when he arrived in this world. He knew he was now compatible with mares, meaning he could knock one up. Even knowing that, he knew deep down that if given the chance, he’d pump Derpy full of foals without any regrets. “Hey, Anon, what’s going on with your pants?” Derpy’s sudden question brought Anon out of his self-induced trance, as he pulled his eyes off her ass and blinked wildly. Glancing up, he saw that she was looking towards him, her eyes focused on something. Following her gaze, he looked down at himself, tensing up as he realized what she had spotted. The tent in his pants was clear as day, far more obvious than before now that he was at full mast. It was impossible to deny, and his mind raced with excuses and ideas. There wasn’t any way to justify his raging hard-on, and he was scrambling to think of anything. “I…er…well…” he stammered, sheepishly covering his groin. “I s-swear I can explain!” Derpy tilted her head. “I didn’t know hoomans had that happen too!” “I’m really sorry I…w-wait what?!” Anon blurted. She gestured towards him. “I’ve seen it happen to stallions before! Dunno why, but it seems to happen around me all the time!” Anon knew full well why it did, but wasn’t sure what to say. “A boner?! Of course humans get them!” “Boner? Heh, that’s a silly name for it!” She eyed his groin curiously. “It looks uncomfortable…” With his cock straining against his pants, and now him being found out, Anon became very uncomfortable. “It is…y-yeah.” “Why don’t you take off all that clothes you’re wearing?” Derpy asked. “Dunno why you even wear it! I never do and I’m fine!” If she had had anything on to cover her bits, perhaps Anon wouldn’t have been as rock hard as he was, but alas she had a point. Though he was unsure of what to do, he was rather uncomfortable. If she thought nothing of it, then whipping his dick out couldn’t make things much worse. “I mean…sure…” he sheepishly replied. Sitting up, he undid the button of his pants. Holding his breath, nerves tending up, he grabbed the hem of his pants and underwear. Moving his arms down, he whisked off his pants in one, smooth motion. In an instant, his cock sprung free from his underwear, throbbing long and hard right before Derpy’s eyes. Anon flinched as he undressed himself, fearing he’d make the situation worse by doing it, though it was Derpy’s suggestion. Cracking an eye open, he saw her glancing back at him, more curious than anything still. “Wow! Your thing is bigger than even Big Mac’s!” “My…thing?” He raised a brow, glancing down at his groin. “You mean my cock?” “Cock, right! That’s what they call it.” Derpy tapped her chin, thinking to herself for a moment. “Hmmm…what else have I heard it called? Oh! Oh! Dick! Right?” Anon was thoroughly confused. Was she actually this clueless about guys, and more so, was she that innocent and inexperienced? With an ass as fat as hers, he assumed she’d be rut by studs all the time. “Yeaaah, dick is a word for it.” He pointed over at her. “Do you, uh, not really know why I’m like this?” “Nuh-uh,” she replied, shaking her head. “I see stallions get like that all the time around me but I never know why!” Anon rolled his eyes. “There’s a big reason it happens, I’ll tell you that much.” Derpy didn’t catch on to what he had implied, not that he expected her to. From how it looked, she was simply clueless on things of the sexual sort, while also having one of the sexiest bodies in Equestria. “So, how long does it stay like that?” Derpy questioned, eyeing his cock curiously. “And is it still uncomfortable?” She was still bent over like before, leading Anon to keep glancing at her thick rump. “Well…I’ve got to ‘fix’ it, so to speak.” He felt his cock throb with need again. “And, yes, it’s still uncomfortable.” Derpy hastily stood up, wheeling around to face him. “That’s no good! How can I help!” Anon’s eyes went wide. “W-what?! Help?!” “You’re always helping me, Nonny! Let me help you!” She puffed her chest out, standing tall. “How can I fix it? Do you need medicine? Would a drink help? I’ll do anything to help! Especially if this is my fault!” Her eagerness to assist was heartwarming, but her naivety to everything was allowing a surge of devious thoughts to stir within Anon’s head. She did say she’d do anything, and, with such a golden opportunity being handed to him, Anon couldn’t resist. Standing before the couch, Anon spread his legs apart. Letting his cock stand tall and proud, he smirked over at Derpy. “You’ll do anything to help me?” “Of course!” Derpy replied. “Come sit down in front of me.” Derpy listened and hastily trotted over to him. Standing before him allowed her muzzle to be level with his chest, but as she sat down, she perfectly lined up with his cock. She leaned forward a bit, her fat ass sticking out as she smiled up at him innocently. She bounced up and down a portion as she waited, seemingly worried about him, causing her asscheeks to jiggle and wobble. Anon had his hesitations, but, seeing that ass of hers sundered them. She offered to help him, and it was her fault he was like this, so screw it. Maybe she had no idea what was going on, but he’d definitely latch on to the opportunity presented to him. Shifting his stance, letting his lust drive him, he slapped his cock firmly onto her face. She flinched out of surprise, before looking up at him curiously. “Woah! It’s so warm!” She cluelessly huffed in his scent, her eyes fluttering soon after. “W-wow…smells super nice too…” Seeing her instincts as a mare know what was going on while she herself was clueless was shockingly hot to Anon. “Now, Derpy, you’re gonna help fix this, right?” “Of course!” she chirped. “Does putting it on my face calm it down?” Anon slowly ground himself against her, his length throbbing on her face. “Nope! You’re going to have to lick it!” Derpy blinked confusedly, before slowly huffing in more of his scent. “Mmmm ~ Well, okay! If it smells this good, I’m sure it’ll taste great too!” “I’m sure you’ll love it~” Anon cooed, trying to hide his excitement. “Just be careful with - woah!” To his utter surprise and immense pleasure, Derpy immediately got to work. Sticking her tongue out, she brought her muzzle to the base of his shaft and began to drag it up his length. Her soft, warm tongue sent his nerves alight, but she was only getting started. Reaching his tip, she swirled around it, slathering his cock head with her saliva. Taking a few moments, she then went back to licking his cock up and down, ensuring she wasn’t missing even an inch. The skill she was showcasing was that of a seasoned whore, yet Anon knew she genuinely had no idea what she was doing. It just turned out she seemed to have a knack for this. “It’s like licking an ice cream!” she declared, pulling her tongue back. “Except way warmer and way tastier!” She leaned forward once more, swirling her tongue around his tip and pulling back. “Is it working? Are you feeling better?” Anon stifled a moan, yearning for more pleasure. “N-Not yet! Maybe step two may help!” He ground himself against her again, pressing his nuts against her lips. “Suck my balls~” Derpy giggled, nodding her head. “Oh…okie dokie!” She got right to it, parting her jaw and engulfing one of his nuts into her mouth. Anon was taken aback, as, just like her licking, Derpy was quick to make it obvious how unintentionally great she was at this. She suckled on his balls, lapping and caressing each nut in her mouth before switching to the other. She hummed lightly, sending satisfying vibrations through him as she worshiped his package. It was shocking how amazing she was at this, but as she sloppily slurped on his weighty nuts, Anon was in sheer heaven. He eyed that fat ass of hers from above, quickly beginning to lose his composure. Gently grabbing her mane, he pulled her head back. An audible pop rang out as she released his nuts, pulling back. She gave him a perplexed look. “Um…was I doing something wrong?” Her cross-eyed gaze lowered. “I’m sorry if I did…” “No, you’re doing amazing,” Anon bluntly reassured. Shifting himself, he pressed the tip of his cock to Derpy’s lips, making her eyes go wide. “Now suck it.” She eyed him, innocently. “It’ll help?” “I may need something more after this, but let’s try,” he furthered. She smiled, nodding in understanding. Focusing on his cock, she shimmied her hips. Slowly opening her mouth, she brought his cock’s head past her lips. Anon had trouble believing what was happening wasn’t a dream. Here he was, getting his package slobbered on by one of the hottest mares he knew, and she, out of all possibilities, was insanely good at it. Even then, he figured her natural whorish talents would come to a stop. And then he watched as she dove her muzzle downward, slipping his entire length down her gullet in one fluid motion. His knees buckled, his eyes rolled back, and a satisfied grunt escaped his lips as she began to deepthroat him without so much as flinching. His entire body was racked with unexpected pleasure as she continued to bob her head up and down, swabbing her own throat. She looked up at him with her usual, curious eyes, seemingly unphased by the fact that she was managing to fit his entire length within her with moderate ease. Anon knew he was big, bigger than even the most impressive studs, so he never expected any mare to be able to blow his full size—let alone Derpy of all mares. But, as he groaned with bliss, he found himself at a loss for words. She was incredible. Each time she took his length down her throat, she swirled her tongue along the underside of his shaft, dragging it along before pulling back. Each time she retreated, she stopped right at his tip, keeping his head between her lips and teasing it with her tongue as well. She was routinely bobbing back and forth, taking him into her over and over again. She showed no signs of slowing, no hesitation, and most of all, no signs of struggle. Be it some unknown cosmic force, or perhaps some unknown aspect of her talent, but she was starting to look like she was built for sex. Having a body as hot as hers, and being able to handle cock like a champ, she was like some deity of carnality. Her efforts to help Anon were beginning to show their results, as his body began to tense up. The feeling within his balls was familiar, but Anon knew full well the sensation of his oncoming climax was foretelling what would be an orgasm unlike any he had ever experienced. His body yearned for release, and he’d ensure he’d reach it. Letting his carnal desires guide him, he reached out, grabbing Derpy’s mane once more. Given mere seconds to act before he would burst, he slammed her muzzle down, hilting his cock within her mouth. He held her there for a moment, before beginning to pound into her muzzle with reckless abandon. Derpy finally properly reacted to the massive length down her throat, letting out a muffled gasp as she squirmed below him. Facefucking the clumsy pegasus without an ounce of hesitation, Anon found himself finally at the brink. Slamming into her once more, making sure every inch of his cock was within her mouth, Anon hilted within her and held his position. A second later, following a deep groan from him, he began to unload into her. Rope after rope of thick, rich seed blasted down into Derpy’s gut, filling her with a sizable meal with only a few pumps. Still painting the pegasus’ throat white with his spunk, Anon slowly began to pull back. “Swallow every last drop of this~” Derpy heeded his words, finding her mouth filling with cum as he pulled back. Greedily, she gulped down the final strings of cum that escaped him, making sure she was helping as much as she could. Eventually, his climax came to a close, as he finally released her mane. With his cock slipping out of her muzzle, Anon heard Derpy cough and clear her throat. She was indeed incredible at giving blowjobs, and could take them like a champ, but any pony would be overwhelmed by such a sudden and rough facefucking. A tinge of guilt built up in his gut, as he got himself together. “Hey, sorry, Derpy. That was just really good and I couldn’t help myself and-“ “I really, really liked that…” she suddenly replied. Anon’s eyes went wide. “P-pardon?” She wiped her muzzle, licking her lips and tasting the remnants of his seed. “I don’t know what it was, but I really enjoyed it when you were like…pushing into me super hard!” “When I was facefucking you?!” “Is that what it’s called? Weird name for me just helping you…but yeah!” She pouted, raising a brow at his cock. “Awwww…it’s still messed up! I thought we fixed it!” Anon glanced down at his member, noticing the realization that Derpy liked taking it rough had gotten him instantly hard again. Looking over at the mare, seeing her mouth damp with saliva, he trailed his eyes down to her flanks. He still had a hard-on, and he knew the perfect way to take care of it properly. “Derpy, do you wanna feel good like you did before?” She smiled, nodding her head. “Oh yes! I feel all tingly from it!” Anon gestured towards the couch. “Get up on the couch with your flank facing me.” “Okay!” she chirped, hopping up onto the couch. “This’ll make me feel good and help you?” “Very much so.” Anon eyed those fat asscheeks of hers, licking his lips. “I know something that’ll help a lot! Why don’t you try moving your hips back nice and hard?” Derpy looked back at him. “Erm…so…something like…” Clap! “…this?” Clap! Clap! Clap! As Anon had hoped, she once again nailed a slutty act without even knowing it. Twerking her ass for him, she routinely clapped her asscheeks together right before his eyes. Each time she threw it back, he got a glimpse of her delicious holes, before her flanks slapped together, rippling and jiggling in hypnotic fashion. “Perfect! Keep doing that,” Anon cooed, slowly coming up behind her. Stroking himself briefly, he slapped his cock right between her clapping cheeks. “Keep going, don’t mind me.” Derpy had slowed for a second, but upon hearing his words she quickly resumed her prior tempo. Happily humming to herself, she ground herself against his cock. Her asscheeks enveloped his cock, clapping around it and giving him a thorough, pleasurable assjob. A wet feeling against his nuts let Anon know that Derpy’s body was getting aroused even with how clueless she was, and finally gave him the confidence to make his next move. Raising a hand, he locked onto one of Derpy’s pillowy flanks, before slamming down. With a loud, firm slap, he smacked her asscheek with force, earning an immediate reaction. Derpy’s twerking froze, as she threw her head back and let out a throaty moan. “Nnnggh!” She shuddered from head to hoof, subconsciously pressing her ass back against further. “Y-you hit me!? But…it felt…super good…?” “Yup ~ I knew it would!” Anon teased, raising a hand and smacking down on her other flank. “Mmmmph! W-wow!” Derpy moaned, slowly beginning to twerk on his cock again. “D-do I keep doing this? Aaahn!” Another set of smacks on her ass caused her to stop again, as Anon grabbed her hips. “Nope! Now it’s time for the grand finale! I’m going to plow this pussy of yours~” “Haaa…s-sure, Nonny! Just please, keep making me feel good!” Derpy huffed, her snatch wantonly winking. Anon was set on fulfilling her wish. Pulling his hips back, he pressed his tip against Derpy’s slavering lower lips. She may have no idea how things worked, but she was absolutely drenched down below. Staving off the rampant desire to tease himself between her cheeks even more, Anon took a deep breath and made his move. A deep, long moan of pleasure escaped Derpy’s lips as Anon drove himself into her. Inch by inch, his cock was embraced by her taut, slickened walls. She instinctively gripped down on every part of his dick, caressing it and showing clear intent to milk him dry. He may have only been pressing into her for the first time, but he instantly knew her pussy was in another realm just like her blowjob. He kept pressing into her, letting out a moan of his own as he hilted within her. His hips pressed into her plush ass, his tip kissing her womb, and he took a moment to brace himself. Raising a hand, he slammed it down against her flank, earning another moan from her as she clenched down on him hard in her arousal. It was a moment of bliss, as he registered that he was fucking a mare as hot as Derpy, but now it was time for the real show. “Mmmmmmph ~ This feels so g-good! Is this all you’re going to - nnnngh!!! Ahn! Ahn! Ahn! Aaaaahn!” Having steadied himself and taken a deep breath to compose himself, Anon set out to ruin Derpy. Using every bit of strength in him, he had begun to absolutely pummel the mare’s pussy. Thrusting into her with everything he had, her asscheeks routinely clapped against his hips, jiggling in tune with her moans. It was a carnal, lust-driven act of passion, as Anon truly plowed into her with reckless abandon. For months he had to stare at this fat ass of hers, dreaming about it and wishing he could be doing what he was right now. For months Derpy unintentionally taunted him by giving him a peek at her goods, or tumbling in midair and literally accidentally sitting on his face. For months he had dreams of breeding her, pumping her full of foals and claiming her as his mare. And he was fully intent on doing so. Perhaps it was a lapse in judgment due to his crazed lust, but he was going to breed Derpy. A mare with such good assets as hers deserved to be claimed, and if he was the first guy lucky enough to rail her, he was going to make sure he was the only guy to. She was too hot; a fat ass, melon-sized tits, and so much more—he’d be insane to pass up the opportunity. All Derpy could do while Anon fucked her was moan, her body wholly overwhelmed by his pleasurable onslaught. Her eyes rolled back, as she babbled nonsensically, mind genuinely overflowing with bliss and pleasure alike. It was adorable, but also he was intent on claiming her all the same. Anon kept thrusting, not letting up for even a second. His motions were constant, thorough, and rapid, nonstop filling himself and her with pleasure. He indulged himself, smacking her ass between each thrust, earning guttural moans from her as she gripped onto him like a vice each time. The sight of her now slightly red, sweat glistening, literal bubble butt bouncing right before him as he fucked her inspired Anon all the more. Each plunge into her was met with a wave of satisfaction, building him up closer to his climax. From the sounds she was making and how she was literally gushing with arousal, Anon could only assume Derpy had ridden out a handful of orgasms so far. His groin was drenched in her marecum, her entire body shuddered intensely, and her pussy somehow gripped down even more on him. It was clear her body yearned to be bred, but he needed to see what she thought. It was one thing to satisfy his own cravings, but giving her a foal without her even realizing was something he’d never do. “Derpy…” he groaned, slowing down his pace. Now able to think as her ass only occasionally clapped from his thrusts, Derpy glanced back at him. “Hnnng…w-what’s up?” “Do you want a foal?” Anon bluntly asked. Derpy seemed to think for a moment, mind awash in bliss and confusion. “I…” Her eyes fluttered as Anon thrusted into her lightly again. “I’ve always w-wanted one…” “What about with me?” “W-What?” Anon pressed his hips into her pillowy asscheeks, reaching down and squeezing her fat ass. “What if you had a foal with me. What if I pumped you full of foals right now.” Derpy’s eyes went wide, looking up at him, and back down at him plowing her. “T-that’s what that phrase means?! I’ve heard stallions say it to mares before…” Her eyes went wider, a blush forming on her muzzle. “W-wait…if you can g-give me foals…then that means what we’re doing right now is…nnnngh!” Her questioning was cut short by a smack on her ass, as Anon stared intently at her. “Derpy, tell me.” He began to pick up speed again, plunging into her at a fast pace. “Do you want foals.” Derpy’s eyes fluttered, her jaw opening as she let out a groan. “Y-Yessssss…” Anon went even faster, clapping Derpy’s ass as he slammed into her at his former pace. “Do you want my foals.” Derpy clenched down on him harder than ever before, beginning to throw her ass back in tune with his thrusts. “Mmmph ~ Yeeeeessssh…~” Anon was being undone, his lust wholly clouding his every thought and action. He grabbed onto Derpy’s hips, driving into her with every morsel of carnal fury he could muster. His cock began to flare, his balls began to ache, and his nerves danced with anticipation for what was moments away. “Say it! Beg for it!” Inhaling sharply, Derpy let loose the most intense words of her life. “Give me your foals, Nonny!!!” Her words were the nail in Anon’s endurance’s coffin. As he heard her cry, his entire body locked up, he slammed into her, and held his place. Hilted within her, his tip nuzzling her fertile womb, his climax struck with overwhelming fury. Every last nerve in his body surged with untold volumes of bliss, as this, this was a climax far beyond any others. His first ropes of cum surged from his depths, bursting from his cock and straight into Derpy’s awaiting womb. He heard and felt Derpy experience her hardest climax as he began to fill her, her pussy wringing him for every drop he could afford as she threw her head back and screamed with bliss. Her eyes rolled back, her body shuddered, and she pressed back into him even more, desperate to make sure she savored every last inch of him she could. Gushes of her marish juices coated his thighs and nuts, all while he gave her everything he was worth. Rope after rope of cum flooded her insides, a constant flow of fertile, eager to breed sperm besieging her eggs. The sheer volume he gave her was far above any of his releases in the past, and the amount he gave was for a purpose—as, with simply how much he gave her, his goal and her plea were fulfilled. Deep within her deepest depths, flooding her most sacred chamber, his essence found its mark. She was pregnant. Though even with the inevitable breeding being fulfilled, both Anon and Derpy weren’t done riding out their bliss. A frenzy of moans escaped them both, their bodies dripping sweat as their carnality was finally beginning to reach its end. More ropes of cum flooded Derpy’s deepest depths, her belly bulging ever so slightly as she held what was the greatest climax of Anon’s life. Though, wavering in between consciousness and unconsciousness, unsure if they had passed the gates of nirvana itself, Anon and Derpy both slowly came back to reality. It was a struggle to not collapse over each other right there on the couch. Panting heavily, both winded from the intensity of what had just happened, they each took a moment to gather themselves, uttering not a word to one another. Finally, even somewhat regrettably, Anon slowly began to slip out of his friend’s depths. Inch by pleasurable inch, Anon gradually pulled back, until, with a gush of cum, he exited from her snatch. He eyed his handiwork, gazing at the waterfall of cum slowly drooling out of Derpy’s still winking depths. It was a glorious sight, one that confirmed that he was the one to claim one of the hottest asses in all of Ponyville. It wasn’t even just her body, he knew he had marked one of the most lovely mares in the entire world as his, and he was praying that through her afterglow she wouldn’t be angry at him. He knew he had taken somewhat of an advantage over her, and with his mind clear his worries and regret began to well up. Though, his concerns were short lived. Suddenly turning around, Derpy grabbed him, tossing him to the side and onto the couch. Laying on his back, frankly shocked at how fast and strong Derpy was, his eyes went wide as he soon found himself pounced on by the mare. Opening his mouth to question her, he was once again shocked, though this time it was due to a pair of lips pressing against his own. She had lunged onto him, pulling him into a deep, passionate kiss. It was a surprise, but he quickly gathered himself, returning her embrace. He instinctively wrapped his arms around her, keeping one around her back as the other slowly wandered downwards. Finding his mark, he squeezed on her ass as he held her close, a warmth filling his being as he lost himself in the romantic moment. Finally, after what felt like a slow, wondrous eternity, Derpy pulled back. Panting heavily, looking down at him with a gaze that spoke a thousand words, she giggled to herself. “At least I know what that was!” She scrunched her muzzles, eyeing him. “I’d have liked a kiss before you bred me, Nonny!” Anon chuckled to himself, rubbing the back of his head awkwardly. “Yeah…” He smiled innocently up at her, shrugging. “I kinda just lost myself in the moment!” “Well…it’s okay…I guess,” Derpy mumbled, trying and failing to hide her own smile. “But now my socks are soaked in…in stuff!” “Your back ones have a bit of cum on them, Derpy. Do you really not know that?” Anon asked. Derpy forced a shy smile on her muzzle. “I uh…may have coincidentally missed every sex ed class in school…” Anon rolled his eyes. “Well…” He gave her a devilish look, smacking her asscheek before gripping it again. “Guess I’ve got lots to teach you.” Letting out a moan, Derpy snickered. “Hehe…guess you do, Nonny!” She looked to their side, eyes going wide. “But first…we gotta have our muffins and watch this movie!” “Can I plow that ponut of yours halfway through?” “Nonny!” “What?! It looks nice and you’re hot.” Derpy paused, waiting a moment before slowly throwing him a sultry look. “Okay fine…” Pumping a fist in the air, Anon let out a cheer. “Hell yeah! Woah?!” He found himself suddenly hugged by Derpy, as she nuzzled up against him. “But first, cuddles and some of the movie, okay?” Smiling down at her, Anon nodded his head. “Course. Nothing lewd, just wholesome cuddles, got it.” “Well, actually…” “Hmm?” “I like it when you squeeze my butt…” Chuckling and rolling his eyes, Anon reached a hand down and groped the mare’s ass. “I’m more than happy to oblige on that end.” She giggled, nuzzling against him harder. “Thanks, Nonny.” She shot him a cheeky look, throwing him a wink. “And thanks for the foal…oh! Oh! Or foals!” Shaking his head, lavishing how adorable his now inevitable partner was, Anon found himself relieved. She wasn’t mad, he was relieved, and the two of them made for a lovely pair with a foal surely on the way now. It was meant to be a casual hangout, but things took a turn, for the lewd and the best. Holding Derpy close, he reached out, pressing play on the movie and bringing their muffins closer before squeezing her rump again. It was a wholesome, ginger moment, one he’d cherish for the rest of his days. Just him, and his dearest friend, cuddling as they watched the intro to their film together. It was calm, sweet, and overall the perfect moment. But he still was going to totally rail her asshole right after the opening credits.