> Of Blood And Aces > by LordKioshi > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 - "Pain" > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I stared off into the black nothingness. The vast void seemingly goes on forever, without end. There was nothing to be seen but blank space, made ever poignant by the sheer lack of sound. I couldn't hear my thoughts, nor the usual ringing of tinnitus in my ears, I couldn't even hear my own heartbeat. But most alarmingly, I couldn't feel anything. My body was encompassed by a never-ending numbness I failed multiple times to shake. No matter what I tried or how hard I tried, the feeling of touch never came. And yet despite it all, there was a tranquillity, a calmness that prevented me from panicking. I was thankful if anything. The last thing I needed to do was panic and risk injuring myself. I don't know how long I was there. Minutes, hours, weeks. Years even. At that point, it all meant the same. The encroaching march of time didn't feel like something that could happen. It didn't feel like a concept I could wrap my head around if I was able to think in that moment. After what may well have been an eternity, I saw something. It was a fickle thing. A fleeting sparkle in the never-ending void, but it was swallowed as quickly as it had appeared. After another while, more appeared. Then more. And then more again. Soon thereafter the void erupted with a dazzling show of light. Each one bobbing and weaving to miss the others around it. It was hypnotic the way they moved, the way they ducked and zigzagged across the now-filled expanse. They were dancing. It was beautiful. Then they stopped. And I could feel again. I could hear. But something felt wrong. It started as a dull ache, a periodic throb in my chest that pulsed with my now audible heartbeat. Then the real pain started. A searing jolt shot through my chest with conviction, spreading throughout my body with seemingly angered haste. And I did what I thought was best at the time. I screamed. I screamed as if my body had been set aflame from within. As if I were being slowly torn in half, inch by flesh-ripping inch. As if my body were being reshaped from the inside out. Because that's what it felt like. Bones cracked, snapped and splintered, and slowly reorganized themselves, either sliding up or down or having to push past one another all while feeling them fragmentize. Organs, arteries, veins and blood vessels all popping in unison before stretching and expanding, then resealed and replaced in altered arrangements or switched to completely different places. Even my skin and muscles weren't spared as both were promptly torn open or ripped apart, stretched, pulled, twisted, expanded or contracted. They were reshaped, moulded, smoothed or hardened in certain places while being completely remade from scratch in others. And yet, throughout all of this happening, I remained awake and oh so painfully aware. I remained awake when my arms and legs broke themselves apart, and while my shattered bones broke through my skin. I remained awake when my chest burst open, the shards or chunks of bone discarded into the void. And I even somehow remained awake when my heart ruptured as my blood vessels popped and pooled. My screaming was ultimately silenced when my lungs finally collapsed. Eventually, my skin simply fell from my muscles, which now barely hung to my shattered skeleton, scattering across light-filled space. My eyes popped in their sockets as my jaw snapped sending upward pressure into my skull. My tongue and teeth tore from their foundation as they too were lost to the void. Amid the cacophony of splintering bones, burst organs and blood-filled screams, the stars seemed to simply watch the horrific event unfold. Their attention undivided. It was bizarre. As I gazed into the many, just before my vision was snuffed out, they looked as though they were looking straight at me. Beyond my tattered body and into my still-intact soul. What I would give to never have seen that sight. With my Vision gone and my body in ruins, all I could do was helplessly float, a limp figure that barely resembled a human being. Although it had subsided some, the pain was a constant. A ferociously indignant constant. Beyond this point I was unaware of what happened. Be it because I finally passed out or my mind blocked it from my memory. All I know is that my mind, thoroughly broken from the experience, shut down as I was reduced to mere whimpers, gargles and shaky breaths. My body went through its final changes and I was sent to what would be my final destination. > Chapter 2 - "Unpleasant Arrival" > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rousing from my previous slumbering state, my mind quickly became aware of the feeling of weightlessness once again. Only this time, it felt different. Much different. It felt like I was falling. Because I was. Whipping around as best I could, my eyes caught the sight of a vast forest rapidly approaching, showing not a single sign of stopping. "OH SHIIIIIIIT!!!" Curling into a ball in a vain attempt to minimise the damage as I plummeted to the encroaching earth below, my body slammed into the top of a massive tree, which promptly exploded in a shower of splinter, twigs, bark and leaves. Bouncing off what remained of the tree, my back barreled into another, which bore the same effects as the last, only this one toppled over having been suddenly bisected. I lost my sense of what was up or what was down as I tumbled and twirled through the air. Soon, however, my side impacted the ground, crashing into thick roots and large rocks alike, hurling me deeper and deeper into the forest around me. Eventually, I skidded to a stop, deepening myself into the ground. Letting my body go limp, I let out a throaty groan as the aches and pains spread throughout my body. I lay for what felt like hours before I attempted to move. Slowly I did so, the dirt, bark, leaves and flecks of stone covering my body falling soft to the ground. "Oh, I'm gonna feel that in the morning." I instantly froze. A voice I had never heard resonated in my throat. It was akin to that early morning rasp, the kind you'd have before your breakfast cup of coffee. It wasn't mega deep, but it was sure as hell a far cry from my usual fairly higher pitch. "What the fuck?" Any feeling of aches and pains was now immediately gone as I shot damn near instantly to my feet. It finally dawned on me the sheer absurdity of the situation I found myself in. Quickly looking behind me, I saw the long stretch of carnage I had carved into the ground. A deep trail of dirt extended further than I could see, along the path were exposed destroyed roots causing the occasional tree to bend ever so slightly and shattered rocks scattered the dense landscape. And all I gained from it was previously achy back. "What the fuck?" And then I finally looked at myself. "WHAT THE FUCK!?" Now I was never one to wear anything fancy, not unless I can avoid it, generally wearing simple shirts and plain jeans. Nothing anyone would bat an eye to. Just something simple. But what I was currently wearing was anything but. Clad in a purple fabric trench coat with leather shoulders not dissimilar to a certain white-haired demon killer, a pair of silver bracers wrapped themselves around my forearms while my hands were covered in plain dark brown fingerless combat gloves. A pair of fairly robust brown trousers were held up by a thick leather belt, a dull golden triangular belt buckle at the centre. Now the boots were what caught my attention. They looked almost out of place. A thick plate covered the whole of my shin, starting near the centre of my foot and stopping just below my knee, with the boot itself being fairly square. The sole, when I lifted my foot to see its underside, was a deep navy blue. But what surprised me, was when I moved my foot, the plate moved, bent and shifted as if it were made of a far more pliable material. My mind was utterly confused and I simply stood there frozen, not entirely sure how to process the current events that were unfolding in front of me. Any attempt to wrap my head around it was met with utter failure. To say I had no idea what was going on, would be the biggest understatement of, not just my life, but very possibly several others. My body, very possibly acting on instinct alone, turned on its heel and headed in the opposite direction I was facing. And walked into a tree. "Motherfucker!" I shouted, my voice muffled as bent over and clutched my nose. As sore as it was, it did knock me out of my stupor. But as I brought my hand up to hold my throbbing nose, it brushed against my chin. Now that itself isn't what startled me. What startled me was that my usually thick as fuck beard was nowhere to be found. "Hold on," I said to myself. "I never shaved last night." My hands shot to my face as they came into contact with smooth, bare skin. Whitening at the implications it came with I whipped around, my eyes scanning the environment around me, looking to spot some sort of source of water. Quickly, and thankfully, just barely peeking through the thick foliage and thicket, I saw the glistening sandy beach of what believed to be a lake. Rushing to it as fast as I could, I broke the tree line, falling to my knees I peered down into the smooth still water of what was indeed a large lake. Who I saw, I did not recognise. My once fairly round face was now far more square, all held atop a strong, mature jawline. My full cheeks had thinned out, becoming more streamlined to my face. The heavy bags under my eyes were completely gone, even the colour had changed from a heavy brown to a bright steel blue. My hair, once shoulder length and deep black, was now slightly longer than a buzz cut and was a sterile white. And of course, my face was barren of any facial hair. "What the hell's happening to me?" My question was answered by a low growl from behind me. Slowly turning, my vision was met with a mouth full of thick, razor-sharp teeth propelling towards me. Ducking and rolling out of the way, I turned fully and just when I thought shit wasn't fucked enough, I saw what had tried to eat me. A Manticore. Ripped straight from Persian and Greek myth, the creature was far larger than any lion I had ever seen, bat-like wings flapped idly on its back, and the scorpion tail curled and poised to strike at any moment, tight bulging muscles rippled beneath golden-furred skin as feral yellow eyes bore into me. The mighty beast spun around in an instant and jumped nearly as fast, the size of the thing belying its speed. All I could do was bring up my arms to my face in a vain hope of shielding me. But before it could take its mark, there was a thunderous boom overhead. We both looked up and saw red and orange balls of fire hurling faster than anything I had ever seen towards the ground. As it got closer, I was just barely able to make it out. It looked like a sword. Before it could react, the sword ploughed into the beast's forehead. The ground shook as sand, pebbles, dust and leaves were kicked up with force as its body whipped up from the sheer power while I was sprayed with blood and tiny flecks of skull bone. Another thunk sounded out, the scabbard impacted the soft wet sand not a second later. In an almost shell-shocked state, I let myself fall backwards, ignoring the pain of the sharp sticks and stones scattered across the wet sandy shore jabbing into my back. My breath quickened and became shallow and I mindlessly rolled onto my side and curled into as tight a ball as I could physically manage. My mind, overstimulated and overwhelmed, went blank. I must have been like that for several hours, as when I eventually found the strength to move, the sky above me had darkened considerably. Not to the point of pitch blackness, but more than enough to tell me we were approaching nighttime. Looking at where the mangled corpse of the beast lay, I noticed that it was in fact a sword that so quickly dispatched the creature. I stepped forward and tentatively gripped its handle and pulled. It came out surprisingly smoothly. The flat-backed, curved blade shone even in the low light of the darkening sky. Elegant runes I didn't recognise swirled up on both sides before stopping halfway up the blade from the single curved hilt. All held on a solid wooden ovoid handle, the pommel coming forward slightly with a small sharp bone-like stud protruding from the bottom. It looked like an identical if a very much longer and overall larger version of Orcrist, coming up to just under my chin. It was beautiful. Taking my eyes off the stunning piece of metalwork, I peered over at the dead Manticore and cringed. Now I was no stranger to death. I've seen my fair share. But beasts of legend coming to life and almost killing you was not something I ever thought I'd ever have to go through. Securing what was now my sword's scabbard to my back, I carefully placed the sword itself inside, sliding it further until it clicked in place with a loud satisfying, almost magnetized and mechanical tha-chunk. Taking one last look at the Manticore, I sighed and turned to leave leaving the Manticore's body for the scavengers. ~~ I kept walking for what felt like hours and throughout the whole trip, I couldn't help but feel I was being watched. Even when I had found what was clearly a man-made path, the feeling not once disappeared. Despite the fact I had little experience with swords, I found myself reaching for it a couple of times along the way. All I could do really, was keep an eye out and be ready to run for my life. Because despite appearing like a normal forest, something felt wrong. Very wrong. And the Manticore I had encountered hours earlier did nothing to help that feeling. As I travelled, the vast sky above turned to a purple-ish black, the only other colour being the soft specks of far-off planets and stars. Looking up, I noted how remarkably bright and clear it was as I was able to clearly make out each constellation I could see with no trouble through the tree line. It was an honestly stunning sight. Not looking where I was going, I walked into a tree. Again. "AH! Mother bitch!" I rubbed my nose as I looked up and spotted what looked to be a crumbling ruin. The damn thing looked like it was being held together by spit, duct tape and dream. And in front of it was possibly the deepest gorge I had ever seen, with the only thing connecting the two sides was a rickety as hell-looking wooden bridge. Yeah, no thank you. "Why does this look familiar?" Shrugging to myself, I walked over and peered over the edge, my eyes meeting a seemingly never-ending void. It sent a shudder down my back. Stepping back slightly, I looked to the other side and, reasons be damned, the curious and adventurous side of my brain took over, wanting nothing more than to explore this abandoned and decrepit ruin. Walking over to the wooden bridge, I gave it a few testing taps and it swayed in a way that gave exactly zero confidence it would hold. In fact, it gave me negative confidence, which I didn't know could happen. Glancing from where I stood to the other side, my brain, after everything it had seen so far, deemed the distance jumpable. I have been described as many things, but damn it smart is sure as hell not one of them. Stepping back, I jumped in place slightly to hype myself up, giving a few breaths before I made a run for it. As I pumped my legs, I very quickly realized I was much faster than I remembered and I was at the edge before I knew it. Panicking, I quickly crouched and launched myself across the gorge and a split second. landing with a hefty thud, I partially embedded myself within the ruin's front stairs, once again showering myself in flecks and chunks of stone. "I really need to stop crashing into shit," I groaned. Looking back, I realized I propelled myself much farther and much faster than I had intended. The gap was maybe twenty feet wide at most. Now I was by no means an athlete, but I had always kept fairly fit for health reasons. But lying where I was, looking at it now, there was no way I should have made it. Hindsight is always twenty-twenty. Like I said, smart was never a word used to describe me. Reckless though? Hundred per cent. Picking myself up, I dusted off most of the rubble with only a small layer of dust covering my shoulders. Promptly making my way inside, I was greeted with a far more intact interior, though it was nonetheless in disarray. A dull red carpet sprawled out in front of me, weaving itself up and through the main foyer. A cracked and broken chandelier hung overhead, dust and cobwebs marring any beauty it may have once had. Tapestries, tattered and fraying, blew softly in the ever-present wind from the gaping hole in the ceiling. Old sconces, blackened and worn, held the charred remains of wooden torches they once held. This theme continued as I aimlessly roamed the empty halls, my footsteps echoing into nothing. Eventually, I found myself in the middle of what looked to be a grand library. All around me were giant, gilded shelves, half of them broken, littered with tattered books and cracked cylindrical cases. I stepped on a book and broke its spine as I walked among the towering shelves. I couldn't help but marvel at what I was seeing. The soaring height of the ceilings made the building feel like much more of an open space than it probably actually was. Remnants of an old fresco loomed over my head, cracked and faded. It wasn't hard to see it had once been a beautiful sight to behold. To think what this place must have looked like in its prime must have been breathtaking. For hours I wandered the seemingly endless halls, my mind in awe of what everything that lay before me. Eventually, I came to a flight of stairs leading down into what I could only assume to be the basement. Against my better judgement, against everything horror had taught me, I descended into the castle's bowels. Oddly enough, amongst the other rooms, amongst the food storage and cellars and other empty innocuous rooms was a pipe organ. And imagine my surprise when I saw that, unlike the rest of the crumbling ruins, it was perfectly intact. Walking the few steps up to the organ, my eyes scanned the immense instrument, peering at its fine craftsmanship. I was astonished at the state of it. Bar the thick layer of dust settling down onto every available surface, it was damn near pristine, every key, pedal and pully kept its vibrant golds, browns and deep blues. Against my better judgment, I sat down on the seat in front of it. "What a beauty," I muttered. Memories shot through my head as I lightly touched one of the many pullies. Memories of my grandfather giving me private lessons on the hauptwerk setup he'd have at home. Memories of me playing at my local church. I was by no means a religious man, but I was always happy to play for the community whenever I was able. Letting my body take over, I flicked my coat out from under me and I let the memories take over and I played my grandfather's favourite. Soft at first, my hands glided over the keys and my feet pressed the appropriate pedals, the notes echoing beautifully through the empty halls. Memories flashed through my head again as the piece picked up, one hand over the other, both though in sync, playing their own tune that matched into a wonderous cacophony of sounds. Picking up the pace, I pressed another pedal and the sound increased, the acoustics working in magnificent tandem with the massive instrument to create an awesome combination of sounds. As I played, the dust quickly shook itself from its resting place and bellowed out of the clearly ancient pipes and settled on and around me. I didn't care though as my body moved on its own, long-dormant muscle memory taking over. Eventually, as the notes softened and the piece reached its climax, a smile formed on my pills as I felt a lump form in my throat. It had been a few years since I had played anything and the fact I still remembered how to, coupled with the events of the strangest and most confusing day of my life, was enough to make me emotional. Stepping up and away from the immense instrument and lightly dusting myself off, I gave it one final smile before turning and making my way up to the upper levels. Once I had stepped out fully into the main foyer, one glance outside told me I should leave. The once beautiful purple-black night sky was now pitch black, the only light being the soft moonlight and even that didn't help. Thankfully my vision had adjusted enough to where I could see the interior of the ruins fine enough, but I had a feeling it would be of no help out there. So with little choice, I walked upstairs. It didn't take long to find what I assume to be the sleeping quarters, it was honestly hard to tell as the rooms didn't have any furniture to signify them as such. With little to no sleeping options, I simply chose a room at random, slinked inside and slouched against the far wall, sliding down it onto my butt. Looking around the room, I crossed my arms and let my head lean against the wall I leant on, slowly letting tiredness take me. My last thoughts were of the hope that I would wake up from this nightmare. > Chapter 3 - "To The Lady's Aid" > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Waking with a start from my sleepless slumber, I found myself back in the crumbling ruins of the castle I had explored the night prior. My shoulders dropped as my head hit against the stone wall behind me and I tightly closed my eyes while I forced down the slowly forming lump in my throat. "So it wasn't a dream then," I whispered to myself. "Fuck." I sat there for...I don't know how long honestly. Minutes? Hours? I haven't the foggiest idea. But after a while, I eventually stood, my body stiff and barely able to move, my joints creaking and groaning in protest as I forced myself up from the hard stone floor. Arching my back, my ears were greeted by a satisfying array of pops and cracks, and though they didn't alleviate my aches and pains, they sure as hell felt amazing. After my brief morning ritual, I made my way out of the room and down the hall, remembering the layout from my nighttime spelunking session and quickly found myself in the foyer. It looked the same as it had before, just more detailed with the newfound sunlight peeking through the large holes and cracks scattered across the walls and ceilings. I was about the exit the once-grand building when something caught my eye. The tattered tapestries hanging from the ceiling. On one side, the dull gold and white fabric depicted the sun, hanging majestically high above the clouds, the sky around it clear of obstructions. On the other side, faded blues depicted the crescent moon, it too looming above the clouds, stars shining and shimmering around it. "Wait," I muttered. "That...that looks familiar." Racking my brain as hard as I could, I combed through every bit of information I could remember in my life. But for the life of me, I could not figure out from where I recognised not just the tapestries, but the castle itself. I swear it was on the tip of my fucking tongue but I just couldn't spit it out. Deciding to leave before I gave myself a worse migraine than I already had, I left the ruins, jumping over the gorge once more, this time with a little more control and walked down the clearly laid out path ahead of me. Hopefully, if I could find civilisation, I could some sort of answer to my questions. But then I realized, if I did, who in their right mind would believe me? Who would believe a man saying he fell out of the sky at terminal velocity, collided with and exploded a tree and only got an achy back as a result? Who would believe a man saying he almost died to a creature of mythological fiction? Who would believe a man saying a sword fell from the sky and killed said creature of mythological fiction? No one, that's who. Not a single person would believe such a tail. But then that begged the question: where was I? Was I even home? That question stuck out to me like a sore thumb and stopped me in my tracks. Falling out of the sky, surviving damn-near terminal velocity, changing my appearance completely, manticore encounter, sword falling from the sky. All things that defied any sort of explanation. There ain't no way in fresh hell any of this could have happened at home. I mean, I've read and watched pieces of fiction where someone was transported somewhere beyond Earth, to places where the most fantastical things could happen. But they were just that: fiction. Right? Self-doubt is a powerful thing and I was doubting everything. It all lined up, and I was starting to think I wasn't in Kansas anymore. "Fuck me." Groaning into my hands, I slid them down my face before staring down the long path in front of me. "Well, the last objective still stands: find civilisation and find out where the hell I am." Just as I took a step forward, a growl came from my right and before I knew it, I was soaring through the air once again. Landing in an explosion of dirt, twigs and leaves, I looked up at my assailant and spotted another Manticore. Angry eyes bore right into my soul with gnashing teeth and a whirling tail, wing flapping with rage. This one bore a striking resemblance to the last one, even down to the colour of its eyes were nearly identical. Something told me that this was possibly family to the last one. "You gotta be fucking me." A roar was my answer as it dove for me, leading to me ducking and rolling as I had before, only this time I used my momentum to continue running, bobbing and weaving between trees, not that it was any use as the beast simply ran through them, uncaring to the possible splinter to took. Ducking under a herculean swipe, I dashed to the left, jumping over a fallen tree with my attacker hot on my tail. I looked behind me as my vision was overtaken by the sight of a torso-sized paw. Bracing as best I could, I was sent off my feet and back onto the path I had been on before. Rolling to a stop, I scramble to my feet as the creature bursts through the thicket, looking to take one last swipe, this time bearing its terrible claws. Whether I acted out of instinct, fear or something else, I yelled as I closed my eyes and threw my fist out, thinking if I was gonna go out, I was gonna go out at least somewhat defiant. I expected many things. To be tossed like a rag doll, missing a limb or two. To be smashed into the ground to be eaten alive. Straight up instant death. I expected to hear the mighty sound of flesh tearing and bones shattering. What I didn't expect was for it to not be me. Opening my eyes, I saw the beast writhing in agony, its entire front left paw decimated in a shower of blood and bone, flesh hanging loosely from its stump. Momentarily baffled by the outcome, I quickly took my sword and plunged it into the beast's head, swiftly silencing its wails. Stumbling back, I stared at my hands. I was never particularly strong, yeah I kept active to be healthy but to completely explode what is essentially a lion's paw that was the size of my torso is beyond anything anyone should be capable of. Fuck not even Eddy Hall could do that. It was in that moment, whether subconsciously or otherwise, that I decided that for the sake of my sanity, I wouldn't question anything and just simply accept the bullshittery I had suddenly found myself neck deep in. Grabbing my sword I quickly fled the scene, picking a random direction and just running, not once ever looking back. I ran and ran as fast as I could for God knows how long, trees around me becoming nothing but a blur as I ran faster than I could have ever dreamed of. Eventually, I broke the tree line and found myself in the middle of a rocky opening. Rocks and stones of varying sizes surrounded me while my feet disturbed the soft gravelled ground. It was only when I stopped I realized I wasn't winded in the slightest. I had been running for possibly thirty minutes, and I felt as though I had just woken up from a deeply satisfying nap, ready to do it all over again. Looking at myself in wonder, my mind filled with possibilities. If it hadn't been clear before I had somehow been physically changed, it was clear as day to me now. If I had the strength to do what I did, who knows what else I could potentially be capable of? Glancing around me, I quickly spotted the biggest rock I could find and walked over to it and thought 'fuck it' and threw caution to the wind. I placed my fist flat against a boulder towering nearly double my height, breathed a quick sigh, pulled my fist back and threw it forward. I felt nothing. My brow furrowed as my fist collided with the boulder's jaggy surface and the normal sting of pain was not felt. Pulling back, I threw my fist out again, this time a little harder. I got the same result. I pulled back again and again, punching harder and harder only to get the same unfazed reaction each time. As it went on, some of the strikes were strong enough to start breaking the boulder's surface. Letting out a shaky breath, I brought my fist back as far as I could. Closing my eyes for a brief moment, I threw my fist one last time, this time going as hard as I could. I stepped in and twisted my body and shoulders, using the momentum to deliver the hardest strike I could muster. The boulder exploded upon impact, and chunks and pieces flew through the air with force before coming crashing down around me, showering me in stone and dust. And I was yet to feel any sort of pain or ache Bringing my now shaking hands to my, I stared at them with awe and wonder, all mixed in with a healthy dose of fear and trepidation. Looking to my left at another boulder roughly the same size, I dashed over in a surprising burst of speed, whipping around and bringing my leg up and slamming it into its jagged, uneven surface. Unlike before, instead of exploding, it was sent flying through the air and off into the distance as though it weighed nothing more than a crumpled piece of paper. That kick felt...right. Taking a tight grip on my sword's handle, I slowly slid it out, letting the high-pitched ring steel sound. Taking ahold of it with both hands, it was surprisingly light as I took a few practice swings. It felt natural. Almost too natural. Taking a swing at the nearest rock to me, where I expected resistance, my sword slid through it like a hot knife through butter. A clean cut. Watching the upper half fall to the ground, I started feeling something I hadn't felt in a long while. I felt giddy. I dashed to another rock and swung. Then to another, and another and another. Coming to a sudden stop, kicking up the gravel at my feet, I slid my sword back into its scabbard, eliciting that ka-chunk I could never get tired of hearing. As the hilt met the scabbard, the stones I cut through fell apart simultaneously in the most anime way possible. I laughed to myself, any previous worry, fear and doubt washed away in my excitement. But little did I know, as I did, a pair of bright golden eyes peered at me through the thicket, interest clear as day shining within them. "It's about time." Throughout the following fairly uneventful days, or possible weeks, I had wandered through the forest fairly aimlessly, and though finding civilisation was still a top priority for me, I had a feeling I wouldn't find it for quite some time. And though I still had trouble understanding where I was or what had happened to lead me to be stranded here, I had come to terms with one simple fact. I wasn't on Earth anymore. Everything that happened then and since made it an easy fact to realize. It was easy enough to come to terms with it anyway. I didn't have much to leave behind. Since then I've made it a point to not only practice with my newfound abilities but to also practice with my newly acquired blade. It shocked me with how natural it felt in my hands, as though it had been made specifically for me. So too did it feel natural to wield. I have no idea if I was any good, only time will tell, but damn it felt amazing. Not only was the sword awesome, but so were my strength, speed, agility and durability. I was faster, stronger and quicker than I could have ever been before and I was able to take much more of a beating than anyone should be capable of taking. Whatever had happened to me had apparently granted me superhuman abilities, possibly greater. It was...inhuman. Since my impromptu practice session, I had gotten more comfortable with these abilities and very quickly found out that I had somehow received fairly advanced knowledge of how to fight, far more advanced than what I received during my younger more reckless years. I was by no means a master, far from it but I could easily hold my own should something come along But what made me wonder was that during however long I had been in this dense, seemingly never-ending forest, I never once got hungry. Not once did I crave any sort of food or nourishment. Sure I ate any edible berries I was able to come across, but I never felt as though I was starving. Just something else to add to the growing list of 'what the fucks' I guess. Despite my days being otherwise uneventful, I knew eventually something was going to happen. And something did. During one of my many walks, eyes closed, humming and whistling myself a small tune, on the peripheral of my hearing, I heard the sounds of a struggle. Stopping in my tracks, I listened closely, and the sound of muffled, unintelligible voices became known to my ears, as did the piercing scream that came soon after. Slamming my eyes open, I rushed in its direction, bobbing, ducking and jumping trees, roots and stones alike that had been my only company since my arrival to wherever I found myself. Bursting through the brush, I found another wide-open plain, yet more rock and stone jutting and jagging out from the rough terrain. Looking around for the source, I quickly spotted a highly disturbed spot of gravelled ground, clear signs of s struggle. Dashing over to it, I noticed a large hole bored into the ground nearby, a trail leading directly to it. Without a second thought, I jumped down. Landing with a solid thud, I saw I had jumped into some sort of mineshaft. Thick wooden struts held together place by metal reinforcements held up the gnarly ceiling. An abandoned and rusted railway stretched on in front and behind me. It was difficult to tell which way they had gone, the ground everywhere was uneven and gave no indication, so when I heard the faint sound of echoes, I followed immediately. As I slinked along the shaft, I left the railway for a series of corridors, small rooms cropping up here and there as I went along. Eventually, footsteps sounded out in front of me and I ducked in a small alcove just big enough to fit me. What I saw left me speechless. Walking around the corner, was an anthropomorphic dog, basic clothing covering its charcoal grey furred body. Its ear twitched a I moved away from its vision. It paid me no mind as it came up to one of the small rooms, another dog apparently already inside as it stopped in its tracks before going in further, the sound slurping coming from inside. "What are you doing with that moss?" "Sorting it." "Sorting it how?" "By taste!" "Mmm...I sort it by colour." "Well I sort it by its taste!" "That is not how you're supposed to do iiiiiit." "I am the moss collector this month. I sort the mosses how I please!" "You are a LOUSY MOSS COLLECTAH! YOU DO NOT DESERVE THE DUTY!" "YOU ARE JUST JEALOUS! YOU ARE JEALOUS THAT I AM MOSS COLLECTOR AND YOU ARE NOT!" "YOU ARE UNFIT! UNDESERVING! I HAVE SEEN MORE MOSSES THAN YOU WILL EVER SEEEE!" "AND I HAVE TASTED MORE MOSSES THAN YOU COULD EVEN IMAGINE!" From where I was crouched in the tunnel shaft, I could see the other room across the way and I realized I could see two more dogs, one intently listening in to the argument happening in the room down the hall, while the other lay on top of a small bookshelf on its back. "They're having the moss argument again." "I actually hate it here." Almost bursting out in laughter at the interaction, I quickly snuck by before they could notice I was ever there as the two got into a scuffle. I snuck around for a few more quiet minutes, encountering more and more of these dogs, all of them varying in size and apparent species while remaining fairly similar, from pugs to pit bulls to bulldogs as well as a few others that I wasn't sure what the names for them was. As I traversed the mines, what I saw made my heart sink. People, in clothes far more tattered and worn than the ones the dogs wore, were trapped in collars and chains, dirt, dust and grime smearing their skin. The cages they were held within too were rusted and worn, much like everything I had come across so far. It was sick. I knew I had to free them. Eventually, I came to a large opening, possibly what was the communal area for the miners that once occupied these mines. The crack of a whip and the sound of screams were enough to tell me exactly what kind of operation they had going on. In the middle of the room was the largest dog I had seen so far, a thick whip in his grasp. And beneath him, a woman. Deep purple hair cascaded down her shoulders and onto a torn pure white blouse and purple skirt. Cracked blue earrings matched her eyes with lipstick strikingly similar to her hair. An otherwise beautiful and professional woman. One more crack, scream and whimper was enough to send me over the edge and I bravingly walked out into the open. "Now that's just diabolical mate," I said, putting on my best cockney accent, trying my best to use humour to not give in to my building anger. The large dog, who was clearly the Alpha, whipped around to meet my gaze. "How'd you get in here?!" "Well you guys do have a wide open hole leading straight in here, so your security isn't exactly top-notch," I shrugged. "You didn't cover your tracks?" The Alpha asked one of the dogs quietly. "I was gonna go back and fill it," The dog replied meekly. "Coulda, woulda, shoulda," I spoke up. "I will deal with you later," The Alpha said to the flinching dog. before turning to me "But first, to deal with you." Leaning to my right, I looked at the woman the Alpha stood above. "You might want to close your eyes miss." Without missing a beat, he let out a howl and rushed towards me, swinging his whip. Catching his wrist, I took his throat with my free hand before spinning him around, kicking the back of his knee. As he screamed, I grabbed his head and jerked, his body falling limp and lifeless. Dashing over to the nearest dog, I spun and used the momentum to deliver a powerful kick. Slamming my foot into its face, its head collided with the stone wall behind it, smattering crimson ichor and grey matter halfway up to the ceiling. My head jerked down as a dog slammed a rather hefty mace onto the back of my head and I slowly turned to see that the mace's handle was horribly bent. The dog sees this as well, quickly hiding it behind its back, chuckling nervously. Chuckling along with him, I swiftly kicked him, colliding with a rogue metal bar as he flew, the back of his head meeting his heels. At this point, about a dozen more dogs enter the room, pausing as they see the bodies of their Alpha and comrades. Letting my instinct take over, I grab the body of the now headless dog, throwing it at the newest group and unsheathing my sword. It was easy money after that. The fight was over before it started. Wiping the blood from my blade with one of the shirts from the group of dead dogs, I quickly sheath it and make my way towards the woman, taking note of the other prisoners as I pass them. As I walked up to her, I saw her eyes tightly closed and I heard her whimpering, trying her best to distance herself from the sound of my footsteps. "Shhh-shhh, you're alright miss," I said quietly. Slowly opening her eyes, I gently prevent her from looking at the carnage. "You don't want to see this." Carefully picking her up, bridal style, I make my way through the winding stoney corridors and back the way I had come in. During this, I noted that the woman's back thankfully wasn't torn open from the whipping she had taken, and were instead just deep scratches. Enough to cause concern but nothing life-threatening. Coming up to where the other prisoners had been held, I gently put the woman down and easily ripped the door from its hinges, quickly discarding it to the side. Breaking their collars and chains, I help the six captives to their feet. "Are there any others?" "No, it's just us," One of them replies. "Are you here to free us?" "Of course, now are you all strong enough to follow me?" I asked, gaining a few nods from the group, however weak they were. "Alright then, let's get you guys out of here." Eventually, we came to the exit. "How do you suggest we get out then?" The woman I first saved asked. "I have an idea, but I doubt you'll like it." "And what would that b-" I don't let her finish before lightly grabbing her. "What are you doing?! Unhand me!" "Very poor choice of words," I said as I prepared to chuck her up and out of the mine shaft. "Aley-oop." Being careful to not put too much power into it, I threw her up and out of the hole, surprising everyone that was present. A couple even took a step back. Waiting for a second or two, I peer up. "You alright!?" "Don't ever do that again!" I hear her shout. Chuckling at her response, I repeat the process for each captive, again ensuring to not put too much strength behind each throw. After making sure they were all out, I jumped up to join them. "Are you insane!?" I hear the first woman shout as I turn towards the group. "We women are delicate flowers!" I simply smiled. "How would have you proposed to get out?" I asked her. She raised her finger and opened her mouth, but no response came out. "Uh-huh," I chuckled. "Is everyone alright?" I asked, turning towards the group. I got varying responses, but most of them were okay. "See?" "Still," She replied, crossing her arms. "That is no way to treat a lady." "Maybe," I conceded. "But it was either that, or I left you all down there. And I sure as hell wasn't gonna leave without you all." Turning to leave, I got maybe fifteen feet away before I was promptly stopped. "Wait!" Turning back, I see her walking towards me. "I apologise for my outburst," She said, taking a handkerchief from one of her pockets, and though I could tell she was highly disturbed by it, gently wiped away the little bit of blood from my face. "I should be grateful. Thank you." "Of course." "Would you be willing to take us back to town? It would put us at ease having you around." "On one condition." She seemed surprised and instantly turned sour. "And what's that?" She asked skeptically. "If m'lady would tell me her name?" "That's...it?" She asked incredulously. "You only want to....know my name?" "If it's too difficult." She smiled. "Rarity. Rarity Belle." And that's when it struck me. The Manticores, the ruined castle, the tapestries depicting the sun and moon, the anthro dogs. It all clicked. I was in fucking Equestria. I think now is a good point to bring up that I was a pretty big brony when I was younger. While others would have called it immature, I saw it as something else. The characters, the story, the message, it all fit together in such a nice package it was hard to hate and easy to love. And don't get me started on music. Getting a good look at her, I realized the striking resemblance to her cartoon counterpart. But she was almost completely human, all except for the elongated elf-like ears. In fact, all the others also had these as well. I did however notice the pure white spiral horn jutting from her forehead which got me thinking about what this world's rendition of pegasus' would look like. I tried my best to cover my surprise at the abundance of information such a simple exchange gave me and I tried to simply smile. "A lovely name," I replied, as I held out my hand. She went to shake it, but when she did, I gently grabbed her hand and brought it to my lips for a small kiss. "For a lovely lady. A pleasure." Not waiting for her reply, I turned to leave. "If you would be so kind as to show me the way to your town." Walking alongside me, the woman I now knew as Rarity directed me towards what I could only assume to be Ponyville with the others in tow. Where else would she take us? Along the way, one of the others collapsed in exhaustion. Crouching in front of her, I lifted her up onto my back and into a piggyback. Soon enough, we found ourselves on the outskirts of town, and lo and behold, none other than Ponyville. Making our way further into town, I could feel the stares from the local inhabitants, but I didn't let it bother me as I led the group towards what I believed to be the local hospital. Coming to the centre of town, where the stares were at their strongest, I spotted another group coming up towards us. One I very quickly recognised. The mane 6, led by Spike himself. But what surprised me most was that he wasn't elf-like like everyone else but an anthro dragon. He looked nearly identical to his show's counterpart, purple and green scale and all, but was taller and skinnier with a much smaller head and a more square snout. If anything, he looked more like a teenager dressed in his purple hoodie and blue skinny jeans. Unsurprisingly he didn't seem to wear shoes, simply letting his fairly sharp claws be out in the open. Questions later, help now. "We require some assistance over here!" I shouted, quickly gaining their attention as they rushed towards us. "Rarity! You're OK!" Spike exclaimed as he caught her in a light hug. "Yes I am quite alright," She reassured him. "I wouldn't be if weren't for this man here." Glancing back, I saw him look at me in wonder, while the rest of them looked surprised, possibly at my appearance. It's not every day a heavily armed and armoured man walks into town with a group clearly roughed-up individuals in need of aid, one of which being a close friend of yours. Thankfully they didn't question me as we finally arrived at the hospital. "These people need medical! ASAP!" I shouted as I practically kicked the door open. The doctors and nurses were caught off guard but quickly recovered as they all rushed to help. A few Guards arrived on the scene, probably to take a report on what happened though I'm not entirely sure. I kept my distance as they eyed me suspiciously but eased up as I assumed they were told I helped the individuals here. As they left, I saw Rarity still hadn't been looked at and caught a passing nurse. "Excuse me," I said politely. "Yes sir?" She asked, briefly taken aback by my appearance. "This woman here also requires attention," I replied, indicating towards the patiently waiting Rarity, causing her friends to immediately look her way. "What do you mean darling? I am quite alright," She said softly. Stepping towards her, I kneeled in front of her, lightly taking her hand and spoke as softly as I could. "I was there. I know what I saw. Now I won't say anything but you need to be looked at." Nodding slowly, she was taken away to be given proper medical attention. If I was correct, she would probably, or already has, developed welts on her back and would need that to be looked at. Watching her go, I looked at her friends who all wore worry clear as day on their expressions. And as expected, I was immediately questioned. "What the hell happened!" Applejack yelled as she grabbed my jacket collar, catching a few passing doctors and nurses by surprise. I was also taken by surprise. I would have expected such an outburst from Rainbow Dash but from her? Who was always the most level-headed out of the lot? Guess it shows how much she cares for friends and family if nothing else. It was then that, despite being the tallest in the group, I realized I had probably a good head on her while I was a full head and a half above Twilight, the shortest of them. Speaking of appearances, now I was able to get a proper look at them without having to worry about a group of ex-captives collapsing around me. Fluttershy wore a thick yellow sweater and a simple pair of dark blue jeans with what looked like a simple pair of slip-on vans, a large pair of wings sprouting from her back. Well, that answers my question about pegasus'. Rainbow Dash also wore the same jeans as her pegasus friend with a pair of blue running shoes but wore an all-black hoodie, a bright blue shirt just peeking over the collar, the same colour as her very clearly very strong wings. Applejack was what you expect. Red plaid flannel, rolled up sleeves, ripped jeans, cowboy boots, stetson, the works. Pinkie and Twilight weren't what I was expecting honestly. Pinkie wore a denim jacket with various stitched-on patches over a plain white shirt, and loose-fitting grey jeans with what looked like a pair of thick, steel-toed hiking boots. Guess it makes sense since she was a rock farmer with her family when she was younger. Twilight wore a dark blue polo with a light lilac hoodie wrapped around her waist. A dark purple skirt worn over simple black leggings with simple sneakers. And of course, a thick pair of glasses. Can't have a nerd without glasses. It was an odd get-up, but still looked good all things considered. Gently taking her wrist, I pulled Applejack's hand off of my collar, surprising her with my gentle strength as her friends also helped pull her back. All the while she kept her eyes on me. "Did you hurt her!?" "If I did, why would I bring her and a group of other unfortunates to a hospital myself?" I replied softly. "No, I did not harm your friend." "Was it them that did it?" She asked, this time lowering her voice seemingly seeing the truth in my words. "....Yes." Turning on her heel and heading towards the hospital's front door, Rainbow Dash was quick to follow as she stormed off. "Where you two going?" Twilight asked, concern clear as day in her voice. "Those Diamond Dogs hurt our friend! No one gets away with a thing like that!" Rainbow Dash shouted back. Twilight opened her mouth to say something but I quickly cut her off. "That won't be needed." "What?" "I already took care of the situation," I replied, gaining a few expressions of confusion. "What? I save these people from enslavement and you think I wouldn't take care of them?" Rainbow and Applejack remained surprisingly quiet, but Twilight released a breath she seemed to be holding in. "I...Thank you," Applejack said after a moment, the others offering their own thanks. "All in a good day's work." "Oh! Where are our manners, we haven't introduced ourselves," Twilight said. "I'm Twilight and these are my friends. Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, you've already met Rarity and this is my brother and number one assistant Spike," She continued with a smile, pointing out each one as they gave their own greetings. "A pleasure to meet you all," I said with a grin. "Now if that's everything, I'll be on my way and out of your hair." Turning to leave, I was very swiftly stopped by Twilight. "Wait! You haven't told us your name!" Now this was something I had thought about for quite some time, honestly probably since after the day I arrived here. Since I was in a new and vastly different world, I wasn't sure what exactly I would do regarding my name. Everything about me had changed so drastically and so dramatically that I was essentially a whole new person in everything but personality and morals. So it stood to reason I'd change my name right? But to what was the question. And if I were to go through with the change, I'd lose everything I was before. A choice I initially thought to be simple but one that proved to be much more difficult now that I was faced with it with no way to turn back. Sighing, I looked straight at her. "I am of little importance, who I am doesn't matter." "Of course, it matters! You saved our friend!" She replied with earnest. "Besides, everyone is important." I simply smiled. "Not this one." Slinking past her, I made my out into the streets of Ponyville, turned and headed straight to what I now knew to be the Everfree. And in an instant, my vision was overtaken by pink and my sense of smell by the scent of bubblegum and Pinkie damn near teleported in front of me. "Please," She said quietly. "Tell us your name so we can at least tell Rarity who saved her." "Persistent aren't we?" "We have our moments." I laughed. No, I couldn't hide from it. A choice needed to be made and now that I was basically cornered by the most tenacious person in town, possibly the whole country, I sighed and made my choice. "Percival," I replied after a moment. "My name is Percival Felwinter." And with that, I made my way towards the Everfree but not before one last thing. "Hey!" I looked over my shoulder and saw Spike standing beside the pink party planner. "Don't you wanna make sure Rarity is alright!?" "I will be returning in four days' time!" I shouted over my shoulder. "Something tells me I'm going to be needed!" And that was the truth. Since we had arrived in town, I had a feeling in my gut that I was gonna be needed in the days to come. Perhaps not so much in the days leading up to it, but certainly thereafter. I don't know how to explain but I had always been taught to trust my gut and it hasn't let me down so far. "Thanks for all your help!" I heard him shout at me and I just waved without looking at him, disappearing back into the forest. > Chapter 4 - "The Four Who Cried Hydra" > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Equestria. I was in fucking Equestria. Once I was out of Ponyville and sat within the crumbling ruins of what I now knew to be the Castle Of The Two Sisters, that simple fact hit me like a done of bricks. I was now in what had previously been among one of my favourite cartoons to watch. But everything was different. Confusingly so. Ponies had now been replaced with elf-like versions of themselves, with wings, horns or neither being the only signifiers of the different sub-species. But if that wasn't all, they apparently still had anthropomorphic versions of other different species if the Diamond Dogs and Spike were anything to go off of. But that begged the question: why? Why was it that ponies were changed completely from what they were like in the show while others at the very least kept some semblance of what they were? Were the Saddle Arabians like them or were they visually distinct as well? Then there was me. I had come to terms with the fact I wasn't on Earth already but, just like the question of the visual difference in species, I couldn't help but ask why. Why was I sent here? Was it some freak cosmic accident? Was I here for a purpose? If so then what? And by whom? And why was I given these powers? There were so many questions and so many possible answers to said questions that I ended up giving myself the worst migraine I had had in a very long time. So much was going on in such a short amount of time, that I knew it was going to catch me eventually. But today was not that day. Rubbing my eyes, I realized how drained I had gotten all of a sudden. Making my way outside, I quickly found a nice shaded tree and climbed up its branches with little to no problems. Situating myself nicely into a nook I was able to find, I rested my head against the surprisingly comfortable bark and swiftly fell asleep. ~~ Waking up far more gradually than I had the previous morning, I rub my eyes to rid them of any sleep or gunk, I stretch as best I can, and my ears once again were met with a satisfying series of pops and cracks. God damn, I need a chiropractor. Or at least a decent bed. Just as I was about to jump down from my perch, an odour became known to my nose. Sniffing around, I quickly realized it was me. That'll happen when you spend a couple of days in a dank, humid forest without washing. Thankfully, on my walk here, I spotted a waterfall nearby. Collecting myself, I jumped from the tree and started on the path that led me to said waterfall. On my way there, I couldn't help but feel as though I was being watched, several pairs of eyes all around me bearing into my very being. It almost felt hungry. Doing my best to ignore it, I pressed on. Until I heard rustling behind me. Spinning on my heel, I grabbed my sword's handle and bent my knees, ready to jump at a moment's notice. Stopping in my tracks, I scanned the immediate area, looking into the darkness for anything that dared look back. But I didn't spot anything. Slowly releasing my grip, I let go of my sword and continued down the path. Then I heard more rustling behind me. Stopping again, I heard more at my side, then more at the other and I realized what they were doing. They were trying to startle and confuse me. Good thing I was already confused but it takes a lot to startle me. And out from the brush was what I expected: a Timberwolf. Waist height and enveloped in moss-covered bark, twigs, leaves and other flora, a sickly green glow emanated from its chest that seemingly spread to its thick saliva. Bright glowing green eyes looked at me with a furious hunger, its feral snarls overtook the sound of the scenery as it paced from side to side. "Surprised it took you this long to try and hunt me twigs," I said as I placed my hands on my hip, causing the beast to tilt its head. "Honestly, I'm offended." Focusing my ears, I could hear the slightest bit of movement to my left and right, two other Wolves possibly preparing for an ambush. Feigning ignorance, I kept my eyes on the one in front of me. "There's usually more of you. What? Friends couldn't be bothered to join?" A glance behind me was all I needed. "Yeah, that's that." Stepping to the side as the Wolf behind me pounced, I grabbed its tail as it passed and brought it up and over my head, slamming it into the ground in an explosion of wood and bark, the green light shuddering before zooming off into the forest without a sound. Shocked by the sudden death of its pack member, the Wolf in front of me growled as it signalled the ones to my side, the two bursting towards me in an instant. Reacting quickly, I kicked my leg from under, using the momentum to flip my body as the two crashed into each other with surprising force under me. Landing about a foot away, I took a few steps back as I watched the two flail in a mess of limbs. Jumping over them, the first Timberwolf pounced, mouth open and claws ready. I snatched it out of the air and forced it to the ground as I pried its jaws open. Opening them more and more, I let go of its bottom jaw and forced its top jaw down and into its skull, the snap and crunch not wholly dissimilar to the sounds of shattering bone. Shifting to the two that had pounced, I noticed they had already fled the scene, having witnessed the rapid successive deaths of their pack members. Shaking off the splinter and wiping my hands of any moss that clung to my hand, I resumed my journey. Along the way, I began to wonder. Since coming here, It had gotten a hell of a lot easier to kill than it had been I thought. Granted, it was not the first time I had taken lives, but it had never been as easy as it was now. Did my sudden travel here have a long-term psychological effect on me? Did it change me mentally or did it just numb that part of my brain so that could more easily fulfil some sort of pre-chosen role destiny had laid out for me? Just more questions to the ever-growing list. I can't help but wonder if it'll ever stop. Eventually, I split off along the path, heading directly left and headed straight in that direction. It didn't take long to come to the waterfall I had seen on my way to the castle ruins and as I passed the tree line and came into the small clearing around it. It was truly breathtaking. Walking along the shore, I came up to the massive cliff face, water vapour clinging to its surface. Removing my gloves, I kneeled, taking a massive handful of water, taking gulps of the colling and refreshing liquid. I may not need to eat or drink, as far as I knew, but god damn it still felt amazing. Once that was done, I began removing my clothes. Now I don't know how long it had been since my arrival, it was hard to tell, and in all that time I hadn't once taken off my clothing, there hadn't been a need to. So when I tell you I had difficulty removing my clothes, especially those damn boots. Obviously, with time I'll have it down to a fine art, but as of right now, it took me twenty minutes to be done. Finally free, I wasted no time diving into the near crystal-clear water, letting myself float for a few minutes before making my way to the fall itself. Once under, I look up, letting the water cascade over my body, washing away the mental aches. Washing and rubbing where I could get to, I tried my best to wash away any build-up of dirt and grime. Thankfully my hair was easy to clean as it hadn't grown much since my time here, however, I had grown a decent amount of stubble, which was also easy enough to wash through as well. Once again, I couldn't help but shake the feeling of being watched. Damnable forest. Making me paranoid. It did make me wonder how well I could hold my own naked. Questions for another time. Once I was clean, or at least cleaner than I had been, I stepped out of the water, unbothered by the cold breeze touching my skin. As I reached down to put my clothes back on, the water on my skin started evaporating, quickly turning to steam leaving me as dry as before if slightly more moisturised than before. "That's....new," I said slowly, unsure what to make of the development. Talk about handy though. Putting on my clothes was far and away easier than it was to remove, taking me more than less than half the time it took to take everything off. With everything on, I jumped a few times in place getting the blood moving and shaking off the cobwebs as my great-grandmother would say. Feeling like a fresh and clean man, I turn on my heel and begin walking. Before long, I was in a fairly small clearing overlooking Ponyville. Looking over the town, I idly place my hand on the low-hanging branch just above my head. Like before, many questions swirled around my head and though no answer came for any of them, I had a feeling that with time, answers would come to me eventually. Turning to leave, I was stopped almost immediately. "Oh....um....hello." Freezing on the spot, I turn to look at the source of the very familiar, very timid voice. Fluttershy, with a basket of frogs, stood maybe two metres away from me and despite the distance and the level of her voice, I could hear her as if she were right next to me. "Hello," I replied as softly as I could, giving a kind smile in hopes of not startling the poor soul. She tried her best to hide behind her bangs as she looked at me. "Um, what are doing out here? If you don't mind my asking...." She said quickly and softly. Before I had time to answer, I spotted Applejack, Twilight, Pinkie and Spike all coming into the clearing as they quickly noticed us with shocked expressions. We stared at each other for what felt like minutes before Twilight finally spoke. "Percival?" Despite the distance being greater between us than it was for Fluttershy, I could hear her as if she were right next to me. Another ability maybe? Twilight leaned over to Pinkie. "Is he the doozy?" Pinkie simply shrugged. "Dunno," She replied, a wide grin overtaking her face. Hoping they were distracted, I tried to slink away. Didn't work. "And where do ya think you're goin'?" Applejack asked, her arms crossed almost expectantly. Catching the attention of the other two, they turned to look at me as well and Fluttershy went to join them. I chuckle as I rub the back of my neck sheepishly. "Well, I was out here planning on training myself a bit before coming back to town and I was interrupted by...Fluttershy wasn't it?" I got a small nod in response. "So I figured I should probably go. Wouldn't want anyone to get hurt." "Oh...I'm sorry...I didn't mean to interrupt," Fluttershy said softly. "Don't worry, it's alright, I hadn't started yet anyway," I reassured her. "What exactly kinda trainin' ya doin' to be out here anyhow?" Applejack asked. "The dangerous kind." "Are you practising magic?" Twilight asked me. "If you are, mind if I watch?" Before I had time to respond, an ear-splitting screech resounded around us as the ground began to shake. The girls and Spike craned their heads up as I whipped around and quickly spotted the massive Hydra stampeding towards us. The girls, along with Spike, began running as fast as they could upon seeing the deranged beast. However, realizing this could very well be the best chance to test myself, I stood my ground. The massive behemoth was quickly on top of me, several heads barreling towards me, mouths wide open revealing some of the gnarliest teeth I've ever seen. Just as it was about to strike, I twisted my body and used my weight to whirl myself around into a butterfly kick, landing about five feet from where I stood, where the Hydra struck. However, as I jumped, sparks and orange flame trailed behind my feet, quickly disappearing as I landed. "What are you doing?! Run!" I hear Twilight yell. As much as I didn't want them to see this, I really didn't have much of a choice. Ducking and stepping to the side, I dodge a toothy maw as another one attempts to take a bite, only to bite nothing but air after I had rolled out of the way. I kept doing this for a few minutes at least, ducking dodging rolling in and out of bites the beast made. But eventually, an opening an opening was made. But unfortunately, it wasn't the beast. As I dodged yet another open maw, a head some managed to get behind. Seeing the neck beyond my peripheral, I snap my head just in time to see the mouth closing in on me in a split second. Reacting as fast as I could, I caught its teeth, my heels digging into the soft ground as I held its head in place. Let me tell you, it's breath fucking stank. Reacting purely on instinct, I jumped as much as I could and as I was coming down, I pulled down as hard as I could. Doing so, I'm met with the sound of a deep pop and crunch as the Hydra's neck is snapped. Angered by the death of one of its heads, it began biting and striking in a frenzy, it lodged itself in the ground as each head contacted the empty air where I stood. Remembering the group behind me, I realize I should probably end this quickly. Grabbing each head out of the air, I lodge them deep into the ground, that's when I act. Unsheathing my sword and dashing from head to head, I swing across each lodged jaw, the creature letting out a terrible howl as boiling hot blood gushed over the green landscape. Raising several of its heads in agony, it gave me full access to its body. Hanging my head and raising my sword out horizontally from my right side, I rushed forward and passed the Hydra, slicing as deeply into it as I could. Stopping several metres behind it, I close my eyes and bite my lip as I listen. Hearing an almighty thud, I release a breath before straightening out, resheathing my blade as I turn to look beyond the now-dead Hydra. All five of them simply stared at me, eyes wide and mouths agape, even Pinkie seemed to have frozen in place. Giving them a simple wave and a flourished bow, I walk away. But, of course, not before I was swiftly stopped in my tracks as Spike somehow managed to get in front of me. "Dude that was awesome!" He exclaimed. "You must be some kind of superhero or something!" "That was...impressive to say the least," Applejack whistled, coming up beside me. Twilight, also quickly appearing at my side, had a dangerous glint in her eye. "What was that!? Was that what you going to practise!? What kind of magic was that!?" She asked, a crazed smile swelling across her face. "Like I said, the dangerous kind," I shrugged with a smirk. "Is he the doozy!?" She asked loudly, turning towards Pinkie. Taking this moment, while they were distracted, I slipped away, disappearing into the brush and ran back to the castle ruins. Once I arrived back, I promptly sat on the biggest stone I could find in the foyer and my mind began replaying what had happened, finally catching itself up. And I realised something was up. I saved Rarity already just yesterday, shouldn't the episode that Pinkie shows off her Pinkie sense have already happened? That alone had me thinking. Was the timeline fucked and was it not gonna follow the canonical series of events? Or was this just a one-time thing? If so then why? Then there was the Hydra itself. Hydras are synonymously tenacious creatures and infamously difficult to take down. Yet there I was, killing one with apparent ease. And the flames? What were those about? Just what other abilities do I have that I don't have access to? Just what the fuck is going on here!? Why don't the questions ever stop!? It was then I realized how deep in this I was. And it was then I realized I had to reevaluate how I go about treating this new body of mine. I gotta train this shit. > Chapter 5 - "Proper Introduction" > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Walking into the town's local library, Applejack lightly knocked on its open wooden door as she entered. Spotting Twilight at the main seating area, she strode over to her, quickly noticing the plethora of books laid out in front of her, as well as her usual look of concentration. As she stepped up to the young woman, Twilight snapped out of her concentration. "Oh hey AJ," She said, quickly book-marking her current page and placing the book onto the pile next to her. "What can do for you?" "Honestly nothin'," Applejack replied nonchalantly as she sat at the table. "Ah jus' checked up on Flutters and Pinkie after what happened the other day so ah jus' thought ah'd come check up on ya too." "Oh yeah, I'm alright," She replied with a smile. "You know me, just studying up on something." "Fair enough," AJ replied. "I take it Spike's out tah see Rarity?" "...yeah he is," Twilight said after just a moment too long. "It's about Percival, ain't it?" AJ asked suddenly, lightly folding her arms as she leaned against the chair she sat on. "...yeah it is," Twilight said sheepishly, absentmindedly rubbing the back of her neck. "Ah'll admit," AJ conceded. "Feller strikes me as an odd one." "Right! I mean we've only met him twice and already he's done things that most couldn't dream of." "Like takin' out a Hydra?" "Like taking out a Hydra!" Twilight exclaimed. "Hydras gave the princesses pause and he took it by himself. By. Himself. Applejack," She babbled. "That is almost unheard of. The only one to have ever beaten one so easily was Starswirl the Bearded and it took him hours to do so. And that was two thousand years ago!" Applejack couldn't help but listen. She had never been a big history buff, but even she found this to be a fascinating turn. But she wasn't exactly sure what it all meant. "Then there's the rescue of Rarity and the others." She added. "What about it?" "Well after we had reported what happened, the Guards were able to find where the Diamond Dogs had held up. But when they arrived, not a single one was left alive with only a few having possibly escaped." Twilight said, her face paling slightly at the thought. "He took on an entire Diamond Dog coven and came out with not a single scratch." "Then there's the clothes he wore," She continued. "They were like nothing I've seen before. And the sword! It was massive! I'd say he shouldn't be able to fight with it, but we saw what he did to the Hydra and the reports from the Guards just reinforce it." "Ah have a hunch this all ain't what got ya all up in a tissy," AJ commented. "No, it's not," Twilight said quietly, still pacing back and forth, nearly boring a groove into the wooden floor. "It's his name." "His name?" AJ asked. "His name," Twilight confirmed. "I know for a fact that I've heard it before, but for the life of me I can't figure out where!" "And what about that organ everyone heard?" AJ leaned forward, resting her elbows on the table. "He appeared what? A week, a week and a half afterwards?" "I don't know." She said, finally sitting back down and slouching heavily in her chair as she rubbed her face. "I don't know what it all means." "Have ya sent word teh the Princesses?" AJ asked. "They should know what happened. Plus, they could have answers. They usually do." "Yeah, one of the Guards sent word after they left and I sent one personally not long after," Twilight replied. "Haven't heard any word back since." "Ah'm sure they'll get back teh ya soon." That's when they heard something land outside in the town square. Sitting atop a freshly cut boulder, I slowly breathed out through my nose, my hands placed idly on my knees. After the Hydra, I wasted no time in properly honing my newly acquired skills. I had set out to train this new body, yes, but I hadn't given it proper thought. even though it worked out in the end, I needed to think about what I was doing. So I made it out farther into the forest, swiftly passing The Castle Of The Two Sisters and stepping into the forest's darkest reaches. I knew I needed to go deeper so as to lower the chances of running into the girls again and potentially putting them at risk. Plus, even though I had taken the Hydra out easily enough, I knew I needed to test my abilities. However, I had a sneaking suspicion that l wouldn't be able to reach my ability's upper limits for some time, it certainly doesn't hurt being able to at least have an idea of what I could be capable of. So any time I came across any of the local wildlife, any of the hostile variety anyway, I made sure to test each of my abilities as best I could. Though I only ran into beasts I had already beaten before, I didn't pass up the opportunity. But try as I might, I couldn't for the life of me replicate the sparks and flame trails I had produced the days prior. Not one thing I tried was able to get it to work. But I didn't let it bother me as I focused on practising what I knew I could reproduce. A good thing about doing this is not only was I testing myself and getting a feel for this new body but I was also getting to know how to hold back if the need ever came up. With powers like these, and without even a lick of training accidents are bound to happen. With great power comes great responsibility and all that. So that's why I found myself on top of the boulder, practising the meditation routines that my grandfather had taught me when I barely waddled yea high. Physical and practical training and practice were one thing, but if you don't train your mind as well alongside them, the results could be just as catastrophic. Gotta stay on top of it all. Don't know what could happen otherwise. Taking one last breath, I opened my eyes and jumped from my perch. A light, cool breeze blew over me and the sun's warmth provided an instant comfort to me. I felt a smile creep across my face as the wind picked ever so slightly, ruffling my coattails. It had been a very long few days. As much as I sought it out myself, it was nice to enjoy the peace while I could. Something in my gut told me I wouldn't be able to for a while. But, eventually, it was time for me to move on. And with one final glance around me, I made my way towards Ponyville. ~~ Coming to the border of the Everfree that sat on the cusp of the small rural town of Ponyville, I stared out to the quant little village, taking in the sights and faint sounds of the hustle and bustle as the people went about their day. But I noticed something else. An abundance of Guards roamed the streets, scattered all across the small village. While in the hospital, there had been maybe a few Guards from what I could see, maybe more since I hadn't spent enough time there to really tell, but there was definitely more now than there was before. That's when I saw a golden chariot, large workhorses strapped to the front, equally sized wings sprouting from their backs. And in an instant, I knew exactly why there was an apparent bump up in the security detail. Making my way over the small stone bridge and into town, I was immediately spotted and other Guards were alerted to my presence. I instantly put my hands up as they approached. "Halt! State your name and business," A Guard shouted as he and his comrades surrounded me. One, two, four, eight, thirteen...I counted a total of fifteen Guards either standing about ten feet away from me, weapons poised in case I should try anything. Seeing them all up close, they all seemed to bear the same look, not one difference being had amongst them except for the occasional horn, set of wings or neither as well as the plume of feathers on their helmets. Strong build, dark charcoal grey hair, light grey horn and wings with hazel brown eyes. "Percival Felwinter and I'm here to check up on Rarity Belle after the events that took place four days ago," I said before shrugging. "I'm just here to make sure she's alright." A few of the Guards seemed to become less tense but nevertheless on guard and ready. The Guard closest to me, who I assumed to be the commanding officer or at least the highest ranking one present if the deep purple plume was anything to go by, stepped forward, keeping his gave even, despite having to look up to look me in the eye. "Care to explain why you are so heavily armed sir?" He asked evenly. "I just came from the Everfree, It's kinda necessary to be able to protect myself, you know?" The Guards seemed to relax a little bit more as the officer in front of me narrowed his eyes before nodding. "A fair reason. We will check the validity of your statement regarding Rarity Belle. You will wait here until further instruction under supervision. Understood?" "Yessir!" I grinned, slowly lowering my arms so as to not alarm them. Grunting before he left with a few others, I was left with the remaining twelve Guards who all kept their eyes on me as they got closer to me. Thankfully not as tense as they had been before but they were still very much watchful. "Sooo..." I started, gaining their attention. "You lot related or what?" "Yes, we're related," A Guard replied. If I hadn't been taught the ways of the art of sarcasm, I'd have believed him. "I'm no stranger to sarcasm," I chuckled. "Then I'm sure a smartass like you can figure it out." He replied. "Oh, sassy!" I said with an exaggerated finger snap. "I'm guessing magic," I got no reply. "It's magic. You're only mad cuz you know I'm right." At this point, I could tell I was getting on his nerves. "Keep that up and we'll see how good you are with that sword of yours," He said, not bothering to look at me. "No one can use a sword that big." "Maybe, but you don't get gains like this by doing nothing," I said with a grin, flexing my arms. "You are a strange one," He said, shaking his head. Leaning to my right, I whispered to the Guard nearest to me. "He ain't wrong." Before the Guard could turn and figure out what I whispered, I spotted a group steadily approaching us and the Guards noticed not long after. It was the main six, including Spike, and close behind them was none other than Celestia herself. Dressed in a pure white dress, the ends gilded with bright gold trimmings, her golden regalia gleaming in the bright sun above. Her rainbow hair was shorter than expected, coming to just about shoulder length, but still flowed in the unseen wind. A foot-long horn jutted from her forehead as her truly massive wings just barely missed scraping on the ground. Magenta eyes stared straight at me, scanning my every detail and I stared back. It was also as she got closer, I realized we were both on par in terms of height. Smirking, I lifted my hands again, seemingly to the Monarch's surprise, though she barely showed it. The rest of the group seemed surprised as well but were still happy to see me. "Percy!" Pinkie yelled as she ran at speeds I thought impossible, colliding with me and gripping me in possibly the tightest hug in existence, the Guards simply watching on baffled as I didn't move an inch despite the force she put behind it. Hopping down off of me, I give her a playful push with my elbow, keeping my arms raised. Giggling, she returned to the group as the Guards dispersed and bowed while I remained standing, much to Celestia's surprise. "I am glad to see you have returned," Rarity said as she came up to me. "And I am glad to see you are doing well," I replied. "Likewise Sir Percival," She said with a smile. "But if I may darling, why do you have your hands up?" "Sir Felwinter huh? Not sure how I feel about that." I point to the Guards around me and give a little twirling motion with my finger. "Well for one, our boys here seem a little jumpy. I don't want to give them a reason to attack, you know?" Twilight stepped forward. "Percival, I'd like to personally introduce you to Pr-" "Princess Celestia, Co-ruler of Equestria with her sister Princess Luna. Yes, I am aware," I stated. "The other reason I have my hands raised." "Wow, not even a thank you? Good thing there are more important things happening." Celestia looked at me curiously. "You would willingly surrender despite having done nothing to come across as a threat but quite the opposite?" Her voice was damn-near angelic, deeper than most indicating her maturity. Her voice alone was beautiful. "A heavily armed man, that no one knows, walks damn near into the middle of town," I started. "And to top it off, the ruler of the country also happens to be in said town. This man could be seen as a potential threat. So what better way to show that he isn't than lay himself bare and surrender?" "No such thing as too careful," I quickly added. "An interesting idea. And one that has paid off well," Celestia commented. "If I may ask what the purpose of your visit was?" "Initially it was to check up on Rarity Belle and make sure she was alright," I replied. "And I have done. But since you're already here, would it be too bold to ask for a private chat?" This seemed to catch everyone off Guard, most of all the Princess herself. Just as the Guards were ready to reply on her behalf, she held up her hand and quickly silenced any words of protest from her protectors. "Seeing as you have been so forthcoming so far, I will allow a private chat. I will, however, have to ask for you to relinquish your sword. I believe that is a fair compromise?" I nodded. "Yeah, that's fair." Unbuckling my sword from my back, I held out it by the scabbard towards the nearest Guard to me. Dropping it slightly into his grasp, he hadn't properly braced and buckled under its apparent weight and fell flat on his back. This caught everyone by surprise bar myself and caused the Solar Princess to eye me as I turned to follow her. Eventually, we came to an open hill on the outskirts of the village. "Why did you actually surrender?" She asked suddenly. "Was it so you would not get into trouble or was it so you get to talk to me privately?" "A little bit of both to be perfectly honest with you, though it was a bit of a spur-of-the-moment thing since I hadn't expected to see you here," I shrugged. "Plus I could tell you were weary of me the moment you saw me." "I guess you can't exactly keep the peace for a thousand years without being a good judge of character," I continued as she narrowed her eyes slightly. "I'd imagine one would become quite experienced as a result." "So says the one who knows what to look for, which makes me wonder how experienced you yourself are," She replied. "You look far too young to have that kind of experience." "Really? Have you looked in the mirror lately?" I simply got a raised eyebrow and the slightest smirk in response. "Not to toot my own horn but you already know I'm experienced. I assume Twilight has regaled you about the other day's incident." She seemed to genuinely smile at this. "Yes, indeed she has. I must thank you at least for that. It's an impressive feat. Hydras are enough of a nuisance to give even me and my sister pause yet you...you not only defeated it but killed it. And all by yourself from what I hear. Not to mention an entire coven of Diamond Dogs to save Rarity Belle. Those are nothing to scoff at." "Good thing too," I'm probably going to regret this. "It would really put a massive damper on your future plans." "And what plans would those be exactly," She said, releasing her hand which had been clasped in front of her the whole exchange. I could feel the tension in the air rise as stared straight into my eyes. I simply gave her a soft grin. "Don't worry, I'm not going to tell her," I reassured her before leaning in slightly, motioning her to do the same. "Between you and me though, I think she'll make a fantastic successor," Leaning back, I spread my arms in a slight arch. "Princess Twilight, sounds quite nice doesn't it?" Her brows furrowed as she watched me, clearly unhappy I knew of her very secret, very carefully laid out plans for the purple prodigy. "How have you come across this information?" "Like yourself I'm sure, I have my ways." Sighing, she lost the creased brow in favour of a softer, prouder expression and she turned to look at her student who was attempting to help the Guard stuck under the weight of the sword I had given him along with her friends. "She is not ready and telling her now could ruin everything I've worked for." "As I said, I won't tell her, nor will I interfere with your plans, it's not my place to," I reassured her. "You have my word if that's worth anything." "From what you've done so far, I would say it is, thank you," She said softly. "However," She continued. "Only three other people have ever known my plans for her, and they certainly were not you, so you could imagine why this would give me pause." "I can imagine," I nodded. "Stranger knows too much, but how does he know?" "I could take those answers myself," She stated simply. "Oh I'm sure you could," I shrugged. "If you really wanna know, I won't stop you." Definitely gonna regret this. Raising her brow, she looked at me sceptically. "You seem far too willing for this." "What's life if you don't live on the edge a little bit," I asked before answering for her. "It's boring." "Besides," I added. "It'll let me see how strong of mind I am." I chuckled. "Very well," She said slowly as she stepped in front of me, tapping her horn on my head. I saw it be enveloped in a golden aura and I felt what I can only describe as a tug on my consciousness and I retreated inwards. ~~ Opening my eyes, they were greeted by the sight of a vast open plain of silver, specks of particles of some kind floating by harmlessly as I gazed upon the rather beautiful landscape. If you could call it that. I could tell, somehow, that this was not a physical place and if our last interaction before coming here was anything to go by, this must be the inner machinations of my mind. "This is my mind huh?" I ask no one in particular as I look around. "Fuck my head is emptier than I thought." "Hmmm," I scratched my chin. "I wonder." Scraping my hand across the air, the 'landscape' blurred and whipped passed me, quickly making way for a warm tropical beach, the soft warmth of the sun touching my entire body as the soft sand displaced beneath me. "Once again, you impress," I hear Celestia say from behind me as I felt a pressure build ever so slightly in my head as she spoke. "Eh, the bonuses of lucid dreaming I guess," I shrugged, looking out to the rolling waves of the sea. "So...find what you're looking for?" "I have not," She replied as she stepped into my field of view, her eyes squinting as she looked at me. "Your mind is much harder to pierce than I expected. I'm beginning to suspect you are far more powerful than you let on." "To be completely honest with you," I said as I walked away from her, leaning back into a rather comfy-looking hammock. "I have no clue how strong I am." "We have interacted no more than ten minutes and yet in that time I can tell you are a strange one Percival Felwinter," Celestia said with a smile. "I think I am going to like you." "However," She continued, slowly dropping her smile. "I still seek answers and I am going to get them." Slowly standing from the hammock, I fold my arms over my chest as I stare at the Princess. "Is that a threat?" "Only if it needs to be." "Easy Princess," I said softly. "No need to do something we'll both regret. You know I mean no harm to you or your subjects, so why don't we end this peacefully?" Her only response was to summon a halberd, the sound of metal striking an anvil sounding out as it manifested in her grip. "Very well." A plume of smoke erupted out from the sand behind her revealing a creature of darkness, emerging from the shadows of the thick smoke, with a dark human-like form inside a giant moving shadow: A Balrog. A thick whip and firey sword held within its clutches, it roared as it hunkered down to meet the shocked Princesses gaze, the sound of rolling boulders and a blasting furnace overtaking our ears. Sidestepping a powerful whip strike, the two were quick to trade blows. I was quick to notice, however, that the two seemed on par in terms of power, though Celestia held the speed advantage over the Maia angel-turned-demon. Blocking a sword swipe, she jumped and brought her halberd up, lopping off the Balrog's head. She turned to face me once she landed as its body hit the ground. I could see a bead of sweat slide down the side of her face. "Is that all you have?" She smirked. "No, but I feel like we'll be here all day at this rate," I replied. "So why don't we finish up here." Before she could respond, I closed my eyes and focused, pushing on the mental pressure I felt as she appeared. Hearing her grunt suddenly, I knew I was on the right track, so I increased the intensity and pushed as hard as I could. I could feel her pushing against me as she also increased her magic output. With one last burst of energy, I felt us both be pushed from my mind. ~~ Gasping, I stumble back as I lightly clutch my head as an ache became well-known in my head. Looking around, we were back on the hill, exactly as we had left it. Glancing at the Princess, she looked no worse than I did, though sweat was beginning to gather and fall slightly down her forehead and neck. Collecting herself and taking out a handkerchief, she dabbed away to gathering sweat. "You say you wouldn't interfere yet you do just that and force me out. Just what exactly are you hiding?" "Nothing," I shrugged. "I just didn't want to be there all day, plus I'm sure you have more important things to do." Staring at me for a solid minute or two, she finally sighed as she closed her eyes, gaining a slight smile as she did. "That is true. I apologise if I may be acting suspicious towards you." "You are a complete mystery to me, one that seems to know a lot more than he's willing to admit and powerful to boot," She said, clasping her hands in front of her, bowing her head slightly. "From the reports I read, I had hoped to speak to you personally as you had wished to speak with me. And possibly see and test your strength as well. Please, forgive me." Stepping closer to her, I lightly raised her head by her chin, getting her to look at me with a look of surprise. "Don't worry, I don't take many things personally. Besides, I know you had your reasons." "If that is all," I said, stepping back from the surprised Princess. "I won't take up any more of your time." Before I turned to leave, I saw Celestia take a look of realization. "Oh, I almost forgot." A popping sound resonated next to her as a small flash of gold popped up next to her as she held something, two objects, within her golden aura. "I do believe this belongs to you." Floating the objects towards me, I take hold of them as the aura dissipates, leaving me bewildered as I stare at what she gave me. One was a long thick barrel that connected to a girthy revolving cylinder, a surprisingly comfortable grip held beneath the hammer. Solid shades of black and white make up this weapon's colour scheme, with an ace plastered on each side, just before the cylinder and on the grip itself. It took me a second, maybe less, to realize what this was: The Ace Of Spades hand cannon. The other was a simple leather holster with two straps. One strap for the waist, meant to be looped through belt loops, and the other for the thigh. "Is something wrong?" Looking to the Matriarch, I quickly shook my head. "No, nothing's wrong. It's just...you sure these are for me?" The Princess giggled. "Look at the tag looped around the handle." Placing the holster under my arm, I had failed to notice the dull brown tag connected to the handle, looping through the trigger guard. Taking it, I turned it to see what was written on it: "If lost, return to the man of winter." "I do believe that man is you, Sir Felwinter." Without another word, she turned to leave and I quickly followed closely behind her. Looping the holster through my trousers belt loops as best I could, I tighten it to be more comfortable before I start looking at the Ace. It was identical. A flawless recreation of one of my favourite weapons in fiction. Idly flicking on the safety, I start twirling it around my finger in your classic gun flourish, going back and forward as I catch the Princess glance at me every so often as we approach the group we had departed from. Seeing our approach and me brazenly handling a weapon in front of the Princess, the Guards got anxious, a few reaching for their weapons. "That will not be necessary," Celestia spoke. "In fact, please return Sir Felwinter's sword to him." A few of the Guards looked at each other as they stepped towards a nearby tree, which my sword was leaning against, the Guard who was holding it sitting on a rock nearby, lightly clutching his stomach. With a small countdown and a grunt from each of them, they bring the sword over to me. Chuckling, I simply reach over and take it from them with ease, strapping it into its rightful place on my back. Astonished, the crowd that had gathered stared at me with clear awe, some with fear, as I handled a weapon that gave three clearly very fit Guards a large amount of trouble to even lift. "Thank you." Simply smiling, the Princess turned to leave, her entourage close behind her. As she walked away, I could hear them whisper amongst themselves, but only one caught my interest. "Your Highness, you don't think that's the man from prophecy and myth? Do you?" Stopping in her tracks, Celestia turned once more to face me. "Sir Felwinter, you wouldn't happen to know who played the organ a week and a half ago, would you?" "A week and a half!? How long did I sleep for!?" "Yeah, it was me, why?" I asked. She only smiled and walked towards her chariot. Twilight ran over to her and I saw her talking to her teacher and mentor about something or other, but I ignored it. I had more pressing things to think about. "Prophecy huh? Why is it always a fucking prophecy? Well...things just got a hell of a lot more interesting." > Chapter 6 - "Well...That Escalated Quickly" > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Walking over to the other members of the main six, I twirl Ace around my finger again absentmindedly. The gun, much like my sword, felt natural to hold. Hell, it felt like I had been wielding it for years as knowledge of its functions and how to properly handle and maintain it swirled around my head. It was almost as if, the moment I picked up each weapon, the proper knowledge of how to fight with them was transmitted to my head so I could wield them without harming myself or others around me. Knocking myself out of my head, I holster the Ace, the satisfying sound of metal lightly rubbing against the sturdy leather. "So darling," Rarity said as I approached the small group. "What are your plans now?" "Gonna be honest...not a clue," I chuckle. "Well, that simply won't do!" She exclaimed. "Why don't you come with me? I'm a seamstress and I owe you for saving not only my life but the others that were in the mines as well." "Speaking of, how are they doing?" I asked. "They have seen better days but will make a speedy recovery," She replied with a smile. "Now come with me and I will figure out how to repay you." Before I knew it, she had grabbed my wrist and dragged me along with her, the others simply watching, giggling and chuckling. Eventually, after having been dragged across town, we made it to a very familiar sight: Carousel Boutique. Entering, the interior was nearly identical to its show counterpart, just more detailed and far more lively. It also looked bigger than I expected. "Nice place," I commented. "Why thank you, darling," She grinned widely. "I try my best to keep it in tip-top shape. Have to have an air of professionalism, no?" "Well you've certainly done that and then some," I commented, still looking around at the boutique. "Gonna be honest with you, I'm surprised you're back working so quickly." "Yes well, a girl has to make a living," She replied. "And besides, those other poor unfortunate souls had it far worse than me. Wouldn't be proper of me to take up the doctor's and nurse's time when they were in worse condition than me." "That's very brave of you," I commended. "Perhaps," She shrugged lightly before smiling. "Regardless darling, we are here for you." Chuckling, I rub the back of my neck. "Honestly I wasn't looking to get rewarded." "There must be something I can give you." Lifting my hand to scratch an itch on my chin, I stopped and looked at my wrist, somehow only now realizing how barren it felt. Scratching my chin, I looked at the seamstress who waited patiently for my answer. "How about a nice watch?" "A...watch?" She asked, a look of surprise overtaking her face. "You save my life and in return, you only want a watch?" "Is that doable?" "Yes, easily so in fact. It's just..." She trailed off. "It doesn't feel like much." "That's all I need," I smiled. "If you are sure Sir Percival," Rarity replied. "Please, no Sirs, just Percival will do," I said quickly. "Maybe even Percy if you're feeling different." "Ok, Percival," She smiled back. "I should have it done in an hour." "Thank you." As I turn, a thought strikes me. A random thought, out of nowhere completely unrelated to anything. Looking back to Rarity who was preparing to create what I had asked of her, I spoke up. "Uh...you wouldn't happen to know where I could get some playing cards, would you?" I asked. "It's random I know, but I used to always have a set on me and I lost them a while ago and the thought popped in my head so I thought I'd ask." Pausing briefly, she looked at me. "Playing cards? Actually, I think might have some kicking around here somewhere." "That's alright, I can get some somewhere else, you don't need to give me yours." "Nonsense, besides, I don't use them anymore," She waved her hand dismissively. "Come back in an hour or two and I'll have them both ready for you." "I will," I replied. "Again, thank you." "No darling," She said quickly as I left. "Thank you." Stepping out of the building, I spot Spike walking up to the boutique, none of the other girls in sight, quickening his steps after noticing me exiting. "Hey Percy," He waved. "Sup wee man," I said with a smile at the anthro drake as he came up to me. "How's things? Anything happen while I was away?" He smiled back. "Besides you, no. Though Twilight has been in a bit of a frenzy lately." "How so?" "Well, she's been whispering your name to herself since after the run-in you had with the Hydra." "Oooh sounds like someone's obsessed," I said, rubbing my hands together. "Maybe she has a crush? How embarrassing for her would that be?" We both laughed as we began to leave. As we did, we noticed the rest of the girls making their way towards us. Seeing the both of us laughing to ourselves, their interest piqued. "What so funny?" Pinkie asked, appearing out of nowhere right next to me. Pushing down my surprise as best I could, I looked at Twilight. "Apparently Twilight has been whispering my name to herself," She flushed a deep red. "At least according to this one," I thumbed towards Spike. "It's alright Twilight, I know I'm sexy," I stated playfully, resting my hands on the back of my neck. "That's not what happened!" "So Spike was lying then?" I smirked. "That's not what I meant!" "How did you mean it?" "It's because of a prophecy that I now know you're related to!" Quickly realizing what she had said, she clamped her mouth closed with both hands. "Prophecy you say?" I ask playfully. The group very quickly fell silent, waiting to see what my reaction to this piece of news would be. Nodding my head slightly, I sucked on my teeth, simply smirking at the clearly very embarrassed woman in front of me. "Neat." "He really is an odd one," Applejack whispered to Pinkie, who only nodded her head innocently. Unfortunately for her, I wasn't the only one who heard her. Fluttershy wasn't particularly happy. "Applejack, that wasn't very nice," She pouted softly. "That was quite rude don't you think?" Before any of them could respond, I quickly spoke. "It's alright Fluttershy, don't worry about it. Besides she's not wrong. Who wants to be normal anyway?" I chuckled. "Speakin' of normal," I heard Rainbow speak up as we all started walking along the dirt and gravel path. "What's with the white hair? Aren't you supposed to go white when you're like...old or somethin'?." "Rainbow!" Fluttershy chastised. "Again Fluttershy, it's ok. But to answer your question," I replied, the group's attention now on me. "It only happened...fairly recently. I went through a hard time and was under a lot of stress, so my hair greyed and ultimately whitened as a result." "Ah shoot man, sorry," She apologised. "Ahh, it's fine, it's all in the past anyway," I replied, patting her on the shoulder. Glancing over to Applejack, I didn't any outward reaction, other than sympathy from what I said, apparently having believed my tale. I'm technically not wrong. "So what are you going to do now?" Twilight asked. "Dunno," I replied, looking around at the various shops and stalls scattered around the village. "Stick around for a bit, get what Rarity wanted to give me and...after that, I'm not so sure." "Why's that?" Pinkie asked, suddenly appearing on my shoulders. I don't know how, but the woman was as light as a goddamn feather. "I just..." I honestly struggled to find an answer. "...nowhere ever really felt like home." That seemed to stump them As we stopped briefly, I could see some were either shocked, saddened, confused, some combination of those feelings or all three. When I was...on Earth, I was always on the move, never staying in one place for very long, It wasn't that I lost interest or anywhere wasn't amazing to stay at. I had just never found that place that you know feels right. I could just never find my place. Pinkie quickly jumped off my shoulders as Applejack stepped up to me, softly placing her hand on where Pinkie once sat. "You'll your place soon." "Yeah!" Pinkie exclaimed, throwing her arm around my neck. "Maybe your place is here, you never know!" "Yeah very true, you never know," I chuckled, putting my arm around her shoulder. "But I won't know unless I get to know the place." Seemingly taking the hint, Spike was quick to step in front of me, an excited look in his eyes. "Why don't I give you a tour? I know this place like the back of my hand!" Smirking at his eagerness, I let go of Pinkie and ruffle his spines lightly. "Sure thing wee man." "You guys go ahead, I gotta do something at Sugar Cude Corner!" And with that, Pinkie vanished, leaving behind a dust copy of herself which quickly dispersed in the wind. "Ain't ever gonna get used teh that," Applejack commented to herself. "Sorry, I got some chores teh back at the barn. I'll catch up with y'all later." The rest of the group gave their own little excuses to leave, all while they all had this little glint in their eyes as if they thought they knew something I didn't. Of course, I knew exactly what was coming, but I feigned ignorance. Didn't want to ruin their fun. "Alright spike," I said, turning to the young anthro dragon with a smile. "Lead the way." Spike was quick to grab my wrist, pulling me along as he dragged me to all sorts of different places around town. I was happy to play along, seeing as I had a massive weight advantage, not only because of my sword but also because the boy barely came up to my mid-chest. As he showed me around town, I made mental notes of landmarks to help me easily traverse the town. Ranging from the town hall, what looked to be a very popular flower shop run by a trio, the town school, the library and a sweet shop run by Bonbon herself. Speaking of, as Spike continued our tour, I spotted many fan-favourite background characters. Derpy, Lyra, Big Mac, Cheerliee, Vinyl, the aforementioned Bonbon and a few others. I hadn't expected to see Octavia, as much as I wanted to, but I had a feeling I'd know where she'd be in the coming months. Before long, maybe a few hours after we had started our impromptu tour, it started getting dark. As we made our way back, I noticed the streets were dead silent, not a single soul could be seen when not ten minutes ago the streets were still fairly lively. I knew exactly what was going down. Smirking, I glance over at my tour guide, the boy completely unaware of my knowledge. Eventually, we made it to Sugar Cube Corner. And it couldn't have been more suspicious. Every light was out, the doors were closed and not a single sound could be heard but the wind passing through the buildings. Stopping outside, a thought crossed my mind. I looked at Spike, who quickly noticed I wasn't following him, and held my finger to my lips, signalling him to stay quiet. He tilted his head in confusion before a devious smile crossed his lips as well. Nodding, we made our way around the side and to the back and went through the back entrance. Quietly slinking through the kitchen, where I could hear whispers and laughs from the other room. Picking up a couple of pots and pans, I passed some to Spike as we slowly entered the other room. Once we were inside, I counted down from three. And when I hit one, it was our time to strike. Banging the pots and pans together, the room was filled with screams and yells, but as the lights were still off, the room was thrown into chaos. Banging, crashes and the general sound of anarchy filled my ears as Spike went over to turn on the lights. As the lights flashed on, everyone present stopped their yelling and froze in place as they heard me laughing my ass off. "Surprise!" I yelled, waving my arms about before I grabbed my sides as I coughed from laughing so hard. "Dude that was great!" Rainbow Dash Patted my back as the group came up to me. "I must say, I can't say I was expecting that," Rarity giggled. "Wow, I've never been caught out before!" Pinkie exclaimed with an excited grin. "How'd you know?" "I didn't," I said after getting my cough under control. "I figured it out." "Fair enough," She replied with a shrug. "Well, what are we waiting for?" I asked no one in particular. "Let's get this party started!" My announcement brought many cheers from all of those present as they all raised their cups and glasses. Looking up at the banner, I smile as I read it. 'Welcome To Ponyville And Thank You For Saving Our Friends'. How the hell she had time to organise all of this I have no idea and I feel like not questioning it would be good for my health and sanity. As the Party Planner skipped off into the crowd, the rest of the group looked at me. "So how'd ya figure it out?" Applejack asked, a glass of what I assume to be punch in her hand. "Well Spike had said she was a party planner of sorts," I replied. "So couple that with the fact she seems to have extraordinary abilities, and I assume she works here, it wasn't terribly hard to work out." "You are just full of surprises aren't you?" Rarity said with a giggle as she stepped up to me. "I do believe these are yours darling." Turning fully to her, I noticed she held out a couple of items for me. In her left hand was a beautiful, if rather simple, watch. Silver rim, arms and numbers with a black, almost onyx back with decently wide leather straps. It wasn't bulky, but was by no means dainty, being thick enough to have a good weight to it but thin enough to not be cumbersome. A simple, but gorgeous piece. And in the other, was a small, beautifully engraved silver rectangular box. Opening the box, I instantly it was the playing cards I had asked about. Shocked, I looked up at Rarity as she giggled at my reaction. "I had a feeling you'd appreciate them," She said. Opening my mouth, she quickly cut me off. "Now darling, I had to do something for the man who saved mine and others' lives. Which reminds me." A flash went off next to her as she held up yet another object in her magical grasp. A plain leather holster, one that seemed the perfect size to hold the box of cards with a simple strap on its back. Handing to me, I simply looked at her. "I...this...thank you." "It's the least I could do," She said, gently placing her hand on my arm. "And again, thank you." With that, she walked off into the crowd, leaving me somewhat dumbfounded. Shaking my head, I placed the box of cards in the leather holder and lo and behold, a perfect fit, with enough taken from the hinge point to allow it to open when still in the holster. And it fitted onto my belt nearly as perfectly. So too did the watch around my wrist. "She certainly knows her stuff," I whispered to myself. As I looked at the piece so generously gifted to me, I noticed music begin to play. Looking around, I spot a familiar woman at a turntable, having the time of her life as she worked her magic busting out some banger tunes on a rather uniquely designed setup. That gave me an idea. "Hey guys, I'll be back," I said without looking back and walked away. "Where are you going?" Twilight asked, seemingly pretty nervous. Strange. Celestia probably told her to keep an eye on me. "To introduce myself," I said, spinning around and spreading my arms briefly. Making my way up to the stage, Vinyl spotted me and waved. "Wassup dude? Hey, that prank with the pots and pans was fuckin' hilarious!" She laughed. I like her already. "Glad you liked it...?" I said, rotating my hand slightly. "Oh shit," She muttered, taking off her headphones. "Vinyl Scratch." Bumping her fist, a wide grin spreads across my face. "Percival Felwinter." "That's a hell of a name you've got." "Hey at least my parents didn't name me Percival Fredrickstein von Musel Klossowski de Rolo Felwinter III or something like that," I laughed. "Good lord man, you come up with that on the spot?" She laughed with me. "Wait, Percival? Why does that sound familiar?" Raising a brow, she made a curious expression, muttering my name to herself as she lightly scratched her chin. "Percival, Percival." After a few seconds, she snaps her fingers. "Wait, you're that guy who saved Rarity and the others from the Diamond right? And took out that Hydra?" "The very one." "Oh shit dude, you're like...a hero round here at the minute, everyone's talking about you." "So much for introducing myself," I muttered to myself. "Fuck it, may I?" I asked, motioning to the turntable. "Sure man, if you know how to work it." Letting me in, I stepped up to the table and took the microphone, giving it a couple of taps to get everyone's attention. Soon, everyone quieted down and I looked amongst the gathered crowd. "Thank you all for this awesome welcome!" I said, resulting in everyone cheering. "The name's Percival, but from what I hear, you all already know that. Now I'm not exactly great at introducing myself at the best of times, but I've found one of the best icebreakers is music, so I certainly hope you enjoy what I've got in store!" Time to work my own kind of magic. Taking a second to set it up, I began my little performance. I started easy, with an accordion piece and a simple beat. Most of the crowd wasn't sure what to make of it, as I intentionally made it sound amateurish. But after the first ten or so seconds, I kicked up the heat. As the beat dropped, the whole room was stunned at the sudden change, but quickly got into it, dancing and banging their heads to heavy bass. Vinyl behind seemed too stunned to react before she apparently started taking notes. Being an organ player has quite a few perks. Coordination being chief among them. And thank god for that, as my right hand worked the main melody, my left worked the background accompaniments and my feet worked the drum beats. All worked beautifully together to create a piece everyone seemed to enjoy. As the song finished, I glanced up and caught the sight of two curious individuals. Smiling, I finished the piece, the crowd cheering and whistling as they all worded their appreciation and their own individual welcomes to their quaint little village. I stepped up from the turntable and was quickly taken by Vinyl who took off her glasses as she stared at me. "Dude that was awesome!" She exclaimed excitedly. "How'd you work everything by yourself?" Giving her a grin, I gave her a pat on the shoulder. "Being an organ player has its benefits." Grinning back at me, she chuckled. "You'd love my wife. She's a classical player." "Well, we'll have to meet at some point then," I said. " Until then, enjoy the party." Walking down from the stage, I made my way over to the individuals I saw while I played. As I got closer, I decided it was about time I let their presence be known to the rest of the party. "Ah, Princesses!" I shouted over the crowd as I came up to them. "Happy to see you!" Looking at where I had shouted towards, the entire party bowed deeply, myself excluded. Emerging from the kitchen, Celestia and Luna each bore a soft smile and I was struck by how beautiful they were. Yes, I had seen Celestia earlier, but I hadn't properly taken in how stunning she actually was. Luna was garbed in a dress very similar to her sisters, though this one a deep navy, the trim a light turquoise matching her eyes. Her hair wasn't a solid colour as it had been in the show, nor was it that beautiful starry visage it had been later on, but an in between the two. I also noticed she was a few inches shorter than her sister and me. All in all, it was no wonder the two were revered as goddesses. They were certainly beautiful enough. "You were indeed right sister," Luna said, her voice holding that same angelic tone her sister held, though hers was lighter in pitch, but no less amazing to hear. "He is an interesting one." "I aim to please!" I said happily, giving the two an exaggerated bow. "If it's not too bold to ask, but what brings you both here?" "I had heard a few stories of you and simply wished to see you for myself," Luna replied, her smile not once wavering. "I must say, so far you certainly have not disappointed." "Oh give it a moment, there's still time," I said, getting a giggle from the two rulers. That's a double win if I've ever seen one. Suddenly, another idea struck me. "But to prevent that, could I interest you in another performance?" "Oh?" Celestia raised an eyebrow, her smile as soft as ever. "And what would you have in mind." "Something I think Your Highness would enjoy," I said, smiling at the younger sister whose interest seemed piqued. "YO PINKIE!!" Suddenly, the Pink Party Planner appeared next to me, startling the two Princesses. "What's up, Percy?" "You got a guitar by chance?" "Uh, duh?" She said pulling an acoustic guitar from her hair, much to the Princesses and the crowd's amazement and dumbfounded curiosity. "What? I keep it for emergencies." "Thank you very much," Taking it from her, I quickly grab a chair near the stage, the crowd watching me as I tune the guitar. Thank god my Grandfather was as musically orientated as he was, that man could play anything I swear. I'm just happy he passed most of his knowledge to me before he passed. I finished tuning the instrument and looked straight at the Lunar Princess. "I think you'll appreciate this one," I said. "It's called Starry Starry Night." As I said this, I began playing, my voice quickly joining in. This song was very different from the other one I had just played. However, I noticed that I had her interest right away. "Starry Starry Night Flowing gently in your mane Eyes that sparkle just the same Those eyes that hold the darkness in your soul Shadows deep within Often leave you wondering Do they really love me, Or am I just forgotten and alone?" At this, I saw Celestia's face scrunch up in anger and many of the other party guests stared on in shock at the lyrics I sang. "Now I understand What you tried to say to me And how you suffered for your sanity And I would try to set you free They would not listen, they did not know how Perhaps they’ll listen now" I continued and even Luna did not seem to like the song. Time to change that. "Starry Starry Night Princess of the midnight Haze Hidden deep within your gaze Lies turmoil that the world may never know Oh Luna, where will you go? The night in beauty ever thine They don’t see now, but give them time To love you just as you would love them too" I said and many looked at Luna in shock at my words. Celestia quirked an eyebrow, her confusion clear on her face as I continued. "Now I understand What you tried to say to me And how you'll suffer for your sanity Oh how I’d try to set you free They would not listen, they did not know how Perhaps they’ll listen now" I sang and then closed my eyes to pour some emotion into the next parts of the song. "For they could not love you But still, your love was true But when no hope was left in sight On that starry starry night They banished you to live within the moon But I could have told you, Luna, That this world was never meant for one as beautiful as you" I opened and quickly locked my eyes with the Lunar Matriarch, quickly noticing the tears streaming down her cheeks. Celestia wasn't any better as the waterworks threatened to spill over. Soon, the tears ran down her face as well and many of the partygoers looked on ashamed. "Starry Starry Night Look upon the earth below Dream of friends and dream of home And pray to let your demons set you free Oh Luna, can’t you see? They’ve loved you all along, you know And though sometimes it didn't show We miss you and we want you to come home" It was at this point that the main 6 all had tears in their eyes as well as the gathered partygoers, shame clear in the air as the room was filled with snifs and cries but I continued on. Luna just listened in silence as she watched me closely. "Now I think I know What you tried to say to me How you suffer for your sanity Oh, Luna, I would try to set you free But, you wouldn’t listen. You’re not listening still Oh I hope someday you will" Finishing the song, the room was eerily silent as all looked on at me in shock, sadness, shame or all three. Luna let out of sniffle and the room burst into apologies, leaving both Princesses reeling at a loss for words. Knowing I had done what I planned, I set down the guitar, and while everyone was distracted, snuck out. Vinyl leaned against the front door, an impressed smile on her face as she held out her fist. Bumping her fist, I gave her a nod and exited the building, out into the cool night-time streets of Ponyville. I began mindlessly wandering the streets, retracing the stops I had made with Spike while he took me on his tour. It was honestly incredibly peaceful at night. The cool, fresh air doing wonders for my lungs. While I thoroughly enjoyed forests, the thick humid air can only do so much. However, as I walked, I got this unsettling feeling in the pit of my stomach. You know the kind you get before something bad you know is about to happen but you can't do anything to stop it. Yeah, that kind. And like I've said, I always trust my gut. It hasn't let me down yet. Turning around the corner at the town hall, I spotted something moving in the darkness, slinking and ducking into an alleyway. Furrowing my brow, and against my better judgement, I quickly followed. Moving into the alley, I continue along, making my way out into one of the many streets, catching just enough of this moving shadow to see where it went. This little game of cat and mouse went on for several minutes, even leading me back to places it had already taken me. It clearly knew I was following it and was either: Trying to lose me or toying with me. I didn't like either of those options. Throughout this whole thing, I hadn't caught the full picture of this creature, as it was just quick enough to evade my line of the side so that I could only get the tail end of it. And I had a sneaking suspicion it knew that. But like all games, it had to end. Coming into the main street that stretched all down the town, near the outskirts, I finally spotted the figure. But what it was made my blood run cold. Ripped straight out of Orcadian folklore, the large equine lulled its head as the conjoined rider atop it gazed lazily across the street at me, its gangly arms scraping limply across the ground. The equine head had an enormous gaping mouth that exuded a pungent, toxic vapour, and a single giant eye like a burning red flame bore into me. The rider on its back had little to no defining features, being little more than a lump of flesh and bone in the vague shape of a man with two red pulsing eyes. but the most disturbing detail was it had no skin, black blood coursing through yellow veins, and the pale sinews and powerful muscles were visible as a pulsating mass. A thick black iron spear in its gnarled clutches. A Nuckelavee. I Froze in place. What the fuck is that thing doing here?! I knew everything here was different but that is the biggest jump from the source material this world could have taken! My mind began working over time as I stared at this grotesque being, as it stared back at me. Just when I thought shit couldn't get more fucked. But then something in me, I don't know what, just seemed to click. Squinting my eyes at the beast, it seemed to notice this as it stepped back a step, the equine head bobbing as if startled. Something in my head seemed to snap. Not out of rage or anger. No. It was almost like my sense of self-preservation just upped and vanished. Stepping out into the main street, I glanced over at Sugar Cube Corner, noting that the party seemed to still be going strong. Looking back at the beast, it seemed to be waiting, what for I couldn't be sure. As I stepped closer, another feeling made itself known in my head, an impulse to do something. Smiling, I took a deep breath in and prepared to fry my vocals. "Bury the light deep within! Cast aside, there's no coming home! We're burning chaos in the wind! Drifting in the ocean all alone!" Stomping my foot, I blurred forward in a burst of speed, racing forwards as the beast raised its gangly arms as I whizzed past it, a burst of air hitting it a second later as it looked behind it towards me. "Let's have some fun shall we?" I said with a wry grin as I rolled my shoulders. Recovering faster than I expected, the beast whipped around and rushed me. Pulling out my sword, it was time to finally test myself. Running forward, our blades clashed and bounced off of each other, sending us both back several feet. Springing to our feet, we clashed again, this time simply deflecting the other's strike. We traded a flurry of blows, deflects and redirects, hoping to gain some advantage over the other. The sheer speed at which this beast fought was far from what I was expecting. Yes, I knew it was going to be dangerous, but it would seem I got a tiny bit ahead of myself. Doing my best to keep it from destroying our surroundings, I tried to keep it contained to the middle of the street but that proved incredibly difficult as it began getting reckless, striking at me with heartless abandon, destroying carts, stalls and containers alike. I needed to move this away from town. Jumping atop the beast's spear as it thrust, I wiggled my eyebrows, thoroughly confusing it, before kicking it in the chest as hard as I could, Sending it near the hill I spoke with Celestia on. Following it as it landed, it quickly collected itself, planting its spear into the ground, transforming its arms into long thick blades. Chuckling at this, I planted my sword into the ground as well, pretending to rev it, even adding my own sound effects. Enraging it, it charged forward with a banshee-like screech, attacking me as it did. Bringing my word up to intercept it, we traded blows again, this time far faster than the last. I was amazed I was able to keep up as well as I was. My skills quickly honed in as I became faster, putting the foul beast on the backpedal, it panicked. In one effort to put me down, it brought both arms up at once, bringing them down as fast as it could. Big mistake. Slashing upwards, I lopped off the creature's equine head, slicing off one of its arms in the process. Screeching, I sliced through the rider where it connected to the horse, completely bisecting it in one clean cut. Watching it as it fell, I let out a sigh as it hit the ground, letting my head fall back slightly. But my reprieve didn't last very long. As I turned to walk away, I heard someone yell out. "Percival move!" Before I could react, I felt something pierce my thigh through to the other side accompanied by several gasps. Looking down, I saw the tip of the Nuckelavee's arm blade poking out of the front of my thigh. Slicing through its remaining arm, I lift my foot and bring it down, quickly silencing its banshee scream. Grasping the blade, I quickly yanked it out without thinking, sending a worrying amount of blood to the healthy green grass. Surprisingly, it didn't hurt. Maybe a slight ache, but nothing more than that. My pain tolerance is so inconsistent. Hearing gasps behind me, I quickly spot the main six, Spike and the two Princesses watching me from a slight distance. Luna was the first to act, rushing towards me, snapping the rest out of their stupor and quickly following behind. I met them halfway and by then, my leg felt as good as new. Looking down, I wipe away the blood and see no wound had been left behind. Not even a scar. Getting to me first, Luna and Rarity ignited their hands and I felt a warmth flow through my leg where the injury had been. That must be how healing magic feels then. Interesting. Just as they had begun healing me, I stepped back. "I don't think that'll be necessary," I said. Rarity was positively outraged. "Darling you have blood up and down your leg, you need help!" "You have been stabbed good Sir Felwinter, you require assistance," Luna added. "I have an increased healing factor, I'll be ok," I reassured them. As they were about to protest, Applejack quickly spoke up. "He ain't lyin'." The disbelief in her voice was as clear as day. Unknowingly confirming my suspicions, I nodded my appreciation as the two got to their feet, and she nodded back, her disbelief still on her face. The group were quick to bombard me with questions even I didn't have the answers to. Walking away, they continued their questions. Ignoring them, I stepped up to the beast's remains and looked over its spread. "Well well, look what we have here," I muttered to myself. Studying the spear and blade, they appeared to be made of the same material. At a distance, it looked like they were made of wrought iron-like metal, but upon closer scrutiny, it looked as though they were both made of a stone-like material instead. Reaching out, I went to grab the spear but was very quickly stopped. "Don't!" Celestia shouted as she stopped me. "That's Black Iron Stone." She stated. Giving her a blank stare, my lack of expression said all I needed to say. "It's found in the deepest portion of Tartarus." "As is the Nuckelavee," Luna chimed in. "Wait, a Nuckelavee!?" Twilight shouted. "What a demon of Tartarus doing here." "Two powerful rulers of an entire kingdom are in a small quaint little village with minimal security and little resistance to reach them," I said, keeping my gaze on the spear embedded into the group. "I think it's fairly easy to tell what it's doing here." "You mean to tell me this thing was trying to kill the Princesses!" Twilight yelled. "Yeeaah, don't you think that's a little far-fetched?" I heard Rainbow Dash ask from behind me. "What is Black Iron Stone used for?" "To kill immortals," Celestia said after a moment. "But to make a weapon this big is...concerning." "There you have it," I stated. "An assassin, and a fairly competent one at that." Rustling in the peripheral caught my attention though no one else seemed to take notice. Looking out into the forest, I could faintly see shadows bouncing here and there, large portions of the general light being blocked off in a few areas. I felt several eyes on us. We weren't alone. "What do you see?" Luna whispered next to me. "We may have a problem," I whispered back. "Twilight, can you get a shield around the town and how fast?" Taken aback, the attention of the group very quickly shifted to me as I asked the question. "Uh...yes! I think so, and it would take me a minute. Why?" Ignoring her, I shifted my gaze to the Princesses. "How quickly can you get a battalion of Guards here?" I asked, my tone even and confident, which seemed to put everyone on edge. "It would take a few hours to do so," Celestia replied, her voice holding the same tone I had. "Shit, we might not have a few minutes," I muttered to myself. "Percival, what is happening?" Luna demanded. "We're being watched," I replied, not bothering to look at the forest. "And I know for a fact it's not a savoury sort." "You believe we might be under attack," Luna said quietly, posing it more as a statement than a question. I think she and her sister knew the answer. "Yes," I replied. "We need to get you and the rest back to town and prepare for the worst." "Are you absolutely certain this is the best course of action?" Before I could answer, a thought appeared. "Applejack?" "...what?" "No one's at the barn...right?" The colour quickly drained from her face as she quickly turned and ran in the direction of her home. Lightly grabbing her wrist, I pulled her close and held her by her hip as she tried to fight to free herself. "Lemme go damnit!" "Relax!" I growled, giving as much authority as I could give. "Give me a minute." Her struggling lessened as I gazed back to the congregation of shadows and noticed they had lessened. Looking in the direction of the barn, I see a group of shadows bounding towards it. "Shit!" "What?!" Aj shouted. "Celestia, I need you to get to the barn and get anyone there to town!" "What did you see?" She asked me. "No time! You need to go, now!" Quickly charging her magic, Applejack broke from my grip and placed her hand on the Princess's shoulder just as she teleported, the two disappearing in a flash of gold. "Applejack!" Her friends cried out. "They'll be fine!" I said. "They'll have plenty of time. Twilight, Luna, I need you two in town, get a shield up as quickly as possible!" "What of the Guards you requested?" Luna asked. "We don't have time, just get to town and get ready," I replied. "Raise the shield as soon as Celestia and AJ get back." Sounds from the forest caught my attention. Bird cries sounded above the treeline and the crashes of trees and shattering of stones became known to our ears. Facing the forest, my heart began to race as adrenaline coursed through my veins. "Remember, on my mark!" "But Percy, what about you? Surely you don't mean to fight by yourself!" Rarity argued. "Do as I say!" I shouted before I smirked. "And don't call me surely!" Most of the group headed back towards the town, but Luna stayed behind. "What are you going to do?" She asked. "Well, it's polite to introduce yourself, isn't it?" Focusing my senses, I heard footfalls approaching where I stood. Looking to the forest, I saw who I assumed to be Zecora burst from the brush, running for her life. She tossed back a bottle that exploded into a green burst of fire. It didn't do any good as, even though screams and screeches rang from the forest, it seemingly didn't halt the coming stampede. She saw me and I waved her over as I started making my way to town. She skidded and ran towards me. Just as she came up to me, I drew Ace and opened fire as she covered her ears from the sudden explosion of noise. Bursting from the forest, roughly a dozen or so demons of varying sizes and shapes came running forward, screeches and roars filling the air. One of them was small compared to its kin, roughly six feet tall. Inspectoid in nature, a human torso with insect wings sprouting from its back connected to a thick bulbous mass, eight gnarly legs protruding from it. Its head held the visage of a screaming skull, the bottom jaw splitting to form its mandibles while a brain-like mass extended out from the back of its head. The next was slightly larger, maybe a head or two taller. Gangly digitigrade legs held up a thick and heavy set chest, the rib cage and sternum acting as a form of naturally occurring armour. Long, thin arms curled in towards it, three-foot-long blades jutting out from its surprisingly human hands. A long neck extended up, an elongated head bearing razor-sharp teeth. The last one was by far the most impressive. The talles by far at maybe ten or eleven feet, the demon was clad in deep red, segmented armour, a cloth skirt wafting in the wind. An almost shredder-like helmet bore down at me, as its bright fiery eyes glared straight towards me, a thick, curved sword in its metallic grasp. One of the insectoid ones seemed to be bleeding, a sickly green ichor dripping from several places. Zecora seemed to have done damage after all. Taking a shot at a smaller, insect-like demon, the round struck its cancerous head as its body exploded in a fiery ball of yellow and orange light, catching a fair few of its comrades in its wake. Lemme tell you right now, Ace felt amazing to shoot. The demons not caught within the ball of fire stumbled as they were hit with the shock wave. "Go! Run as fast as you can to town! Do not look back!" I yelled as Zecora passed me. Firing upon the larger armoured demon, my shots simply slowed it down, the shots impacting but only denting its armour. Glancing over, I saw smoke rise from Sweet Apple Acres. Cursing to myself, I holstered Ace, drawing my sword from the ground as more demons burst from the forest. "Oh shit," I said. "GET THAT SHIELD UP NOW" "Sir Percival! There are too many! You must retreat!" Luna yelled at me. "Percival!" "Percy!" "SHIELD, NOW!" I yelled back. Hesitant, they reluctantly put them up. I saw two different shields go over the town. One purple and one blue. Both overlapping like oil in water. Rushing forward, I easily cut down the smaller demons, the more medium-sized ones putting up a little more of a fight, but they ended up no less dead than their lesser brethren. Drawing Ace, I fire a few more shots, the bullets unfortunately missing their heads but still killing them nonetheless. Ejecting an empty casing, I instinctively reached under my coat and to my back, a new bullet-filled cylinder materializing in my hand. Not questioning it at the moment, I slammed it in and closed the cylinder as it emitted pure white smoke. Smirking, I took aim and fired at the largest demon I could see and fired. The round found its mark in its head, the round quickly tearing through the armour, its head promptly exploding in a shower of blood and bright orange fire, its body quickly following suit, catching a large amount of the group and taking them all out with it, leaving only a few. Those left, looked at where their comrades once stood before becoming enraged, charging faster than before, straight toward me. Rushing forward, I met them halfway as I began cutting them down as quickly as I could before I could get overwhelmed. But before I knew it, two demons with bladed arms sent a flurry of attacks my way as I tried to deflect the majority of them. Even with four blades and the element of surprise out the window, It wasn't hard to keep them at bay, but it wasn't easy by any means. Blood started falling from my body as I got hit and nicked several times and I was starting to get a stitch in my side. "Sir Percival!" "Stay back!" I yelled, not taking my eyes off the two in front of me. As I yelled at her, I saw a larger demon, but not nearly as large as first, joined in the scuffle and swung a massive sword. Taking this, I jumped up as high as I could go, a few strikes from the smaller ones catching my legs as the massive sword ploughed into them, steaming blood, guts and flesh flying and falling to the ground. Landing, the larger demon yelled with fury as it swung again. Jumping over it and towards the beast, I shoved my sword into the bottom of the demon's jaw, the thing immediately going limp. Landing with a roll, I stopped and listened out. Nothing. I'm guessing Celestia's fight was over as well. Hopefully, she had it easier than me. Breathing a sigh of relief, I let my head hang as I sheathed my sword and my breath became heavy. I was starting to get tired. Being that this was the first big-time fight, it wasn't much of a surprise. Looking back at the forest, it looked to be clear, no shadows or any other movement. Sweat began gathering and falling down my face as I began moving towards the shield. As I came up to it, the group was gathered on the other side, a shocked expression adorned on all of their faces. "Anyone seen Celesita or AJ?" "They're not here!" Rarity yelled. "Where are they?!" Twilight cried out. The crowd burst into whispers and unrest. "Look there!" Luna said. Turning to where she pointed, I could just barely see a golden dome peeking through the thick trees. "Luna you stay here, I'll ensure their safety," I said. "Keep this shield up and everyone safe." She gave me a concerned look. "So be it. But who will keep you safe?" "My award-winning smile," I said with a chuckle before heading off, quickly making it to the barn house. I ran towards the shield and felt my heart thumping in my chest. I was a little concerned. I knew Celestia was strong, that much is painfully obvious, but she also had others to protect as well. That would make it difficult for her to fight effectively. Approaching the shield, I saw it was covering the entire house. The barn appeared to be fairly damaged along with some of the apple trees, but the damage looked minimal, now I just needed to make sure they were okay. I stopped running and walked to a part of the shield directly in front of the house. "Applejack!...Celestia!" I shouted No response. "Celestia!" I shouted again, this time slamming my fist into the shield. "Percival!?" I heard Aj shout from the house. "Oh thank god," I said to myself. "Everyone alright?" Soon the group exited the house, revealing Applejack and Celestia along with Granny Smith and Applebloom. Big Mac was already in town, I knew that. Releasing a sigh of relief, I smiled as best I could at the group. "Good. Saw the shield and thought the worst," I said, leaning against my legs as I took a moment to catch my breath. "Didn't think I could handle it?" Celestia remarked. I dismissively waved my hand at her. "Bah! A few more demons were waiting than I thought, so I wasn't sure how bad it was here." The Princess released a slight sigh. "Yes, I'm not sure how many you thought were here but it turned out to be quite a few so we had no choice but to defend the point." "How many were here?" "There must have been seven of them!" Applebloom said with a wide grin across her face. "Good thing you were here then," I said, looking back at the Solar Princess. "Yes inde-" She quickly cut herself off. "Behind you!" Before I had time to react, I felt something pierce through my stomach and pin me to the shield. Looking down, a spear lodged itself into my stomach. "PERCIVAL!" Celestia screamed as she slammed her hands into the shield. Pushing against the shield, the spear dislodged itself making me stumble back. I reached to pull it out, the group looking on in horror, but before I could, four more pierced my body, forcing me to my knees. Grunting, blood pooled at the back of my throat, forcing me to cough and hack it all up, much to the group's continued horror. One spear was lodged in my right shoulder, one near my hip, one in my lower stomach with the last running through my chest next to the first that had pinned me against the shield. From where they entered and exited, they both just barely missed where my heart would be. Good thing too. If my healing factor is as good as I believe it might be, I could very well survive this, but I'm not so sure I'd survive my heart is being punctured. "Percival!" Celestia screamed as Applejack and Granny Smith covered a very confused and very scared Applebloom's eyes. Tears were streaming down their faces as they looked on. "Jävla...mamma," I gurgled, my Swedish heritage poking through ever so lightly through the dull pain. Hearing the sound of gnashing teeth behind me, I turned my head as much as I could and spotted a few little goblin-like demons. Probably used the spears to get the drop on me. Looking at the spears in my body, I reach up and yank out the one in my shoulder, grunting as a sharp pain jolts through my neck. I'm telling you, my pain tolerance is inconsistent as shit. As soon as I pulled the spear, I felt the wound, very slowly begin to close. It would probably take quite a few hours given the amount of holes I now had, but I was glad to know I'd be fine given time. Chucking the spear as hard as I could, I sent it through one of the goblins, pinning it to a tree, and leaving it kicking and writhing before going limp. Pulling out the rest of the spears as quickly as I could, I chuck them at the remaining goblins. On the last throw, my body nearly gave out as I fell to one knee, my breath the heaviest it's been in a long time. Looking down, a thick puddle of blood pooled beneath me. "It's alright Percival, just hold on!" Celestia shouted. Suddenly, a massive demon, like the others I had killed, burst forth from the orchard, stopping fifteen feet away and folding its arms as it seemed to wait for me. It appeared slightly bigger than the last. Drawing Ace, readied myself. "Keep...that shield...up!" I gasped. "Percival Felwinter! You are in no fighting condition!" Celestia shouted at me. "Ah can help as well! Ah ain't no push over who's gonna let them touch mah family!" Smiling, I look to the two behind me, both seemingly surprised I could given the situation. "I can't use magic, and you're family needs you," I said lightly and lazily spreading my arms. "This....is the best I can do." With resolve, I stood as tall as I could. Seeing this, it grabbed its sword from its back and approached slowly. Once I was within its range, it reared back. Just as it began to swing, my vision blacked out, leaving me a sitting duck. The sword slammed into my side, sending me flying to the shield, and both women shouted their concerns. Using the shield as leverage, I pushed myself up and winked at the two, much to their shock, before I stepped away and towards the demon, who simply reared for the same attack. Reacting properly this time, as the blade closed in I swivelled in my heel and bent my body slightly to barely avoid the attack, spinning and coming to a stop under the massive beast, facing the two watching me with Ace aimed directly at its chin. "Jackpot." One shot was all it took, its head disappearing before its body exploded around harmlessly around me, the flame touching me but having no effect other than sending my coattails into a quick frenzy. Looking around, I saw nothing, the feeling of danger lifting as well as the adrenaline, the aches and sharp pains becoming...well...painfully clear to my body as I slowly turned to the awaiting group. "Coast is clear," I said, with a sloppy salute. Putting just a little too much power into it, I fell to my hands and knees, my body curling as I vomited a torrent of blood and bile. Letting out a rather pathetic cough, I stood as best I could as I looked over just as the shield dropped. "Hold on Percival!" Quickly grabbing Celestia's hands as she ignited her magic, I looked her in the eye. "No...we need to get back to town...make sure everyone's alright," I said breathlessly. "YOU NEED HEALING!" She shouted. "What's more important: my life, or the lives of the towns folk?" "Will ya stop bein' so darn stubborn!" Aj joined in. "Not until...we're back in town." "Youngin's got a death wish," Granny Smith commented. "Take us to the hill, others should be there," I said to the Princess. "...Very well, but we heal you as soon as we arrive." "Only if we're in the clear." "Gather around." She told us after a few seconds of consideration. She probably gave up knowing I wasn't going to back down. The three Apples huddle to Celestia and I stumbled my way over. Applejack thankfully saw me in time and put my arm over her shoulders to support me. In a flash of golden light, we were on the hill where I fought the other demons. Looking around, I saw the coast was clear and sighed, my knees finally gave out from under me. Applejack wasn't prepared and I fell on my back as she stumbled as she tried to catch me. "Sister!" I heard Luna shout. "Luna, I need your help! Percival is in critical condition!" Celestia shouted and the shield dropped from my peripheral. AJ gently moved me to her lap as Celestia dropped to her knees and ignited her hands. Out of the corner of my eyes, I saw Luna and Rarity skid and slide to their knees as they too ignited their hands, all of them gently placing their hands on my stomach, which filled with warmth. My hearing started dulling and the corners of my vision started to fade. Just barely able to hear, I heard the sound of many footfalls nearing us. Looking as best I could, I saw what looked like damn near the whole town coming to see me. But what shocked me, was everyone looked to be crying. Everyone seemed to have tears of some description. "Everyone's crying?" I wondered out loud. I felt dampness hit my forehead as Applejack's tears rolled down her face. "Of course we are," She said, lightly touching the sides of my face, reassuringly rubbing them. It was rather nice if I'm being honest. I heard Celestia speak, but I was unable to look at her. "You fought for this town and were severely injured doing so," She stated. "Do you really think we wouldn't be grateful?" I chuckled lightly. "We only just met today." "And yet you fought valiantly for us regardless. Why would you think so little of us?" She said with a smile. Smiling, I felt my body relax as my eyes became heavy, my hearing finally faltering. I didn't try and fight as I was pulled into unconsciousness. My breath became heavy as my vision started to blacken. AJ tried shouting something at me, but I couldn't tell you what she said. Finally, I passed out, my body thoroughly exhausted, a content smile on my face. > Chapter 7 - "An Impromptu Test" > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sharply inhaling, my body jolted slightly as my eyes quickly opened only to be met with white. Blinking several times, I look around to asses my surroundings, quickly finding my vision heavily blurred. Rubbing my eyes didn't seem to have any effect as a groan passed my lips. Shifting slightly, I felt a soft but hefty weight touching my body, a sense of comfort instantly taking hold of me. Glancing around, I tried to discern the mess of blurred colours to determine where I was. It didn't work, so resigned myself simply to wait for my vision to clear. Some minutes went by and eventually, my sight returned and while that alone didn't help tell where I was, I knew a few things. I was in a hospital if the sterile white wall, constantly beeping heart monitor and the simple metal frame bed I laid in was anything to go by. I also knew it was seven-thirty in the morning, as indicated by the clock on the wall. But something told me that this wasn't your typical rural town hospital. It felt and looked too expensive to be. But I've been wrong before. Pushing myself up into a sitting position, I immediately noticed that I was mostly naked, bar a simple pair of white pants. Glancing around the room, I couldn't find my equipment. Just as I was about to remove myself from the bed, the doors to the room opened, and a Nurse quickly made her way in. Stepping to the end of my bed, she picked up a clipboard hanging from the metal frame. She appeared as though she was on autopilot as she didn't look up once at me as she went about her business. I chuckled lightly, which seemed to briefly snap her out of her rut. Looking up at me, I smiled and gave a two-finger salute, which got me a quick but sincere smile from her before she went back to the clipboard. The interaction seemed to have processed through her head, as her smile dropped instantly and her head whipped back up to face me. "Oh my goodness!" She exclaimed, fumbling with her clipboard. "You're awake!" "Hello to you too," I smiled, noting the croak my voice had. "You shouldn't be up yet," She muttered as she flipped through a few pages. "How are you feeling Sir?" "Like I got ran over and shat on," I replied, rolling my shoulders. "But I have a pulse, so I'd say that's a bonus." "That's good news, considering the state you were in," She replied. "Given your injuries, we had projected that you wouldn't be awake for another few days at least." "What can I say, I'm just built different," I smirked. "What was the diagnosis?" "That you are," She commented. "Honestly you're something of a miracle. You had lost the majority of your blood and had suffered multiple stab wounds that should have proven fatal, even with the help of the Princess's healing magic." "Like I said, built different," I said. "How long was I out anyway?" "Only three days." "Three days?" I asked, getting a quick nod in response. "Damn, that was quick." Honestly, given the state I had been in, I was surprised I wasn't out longer. It had been my first proper fight and the first time I could actually test myself for real. I think I handled myself pretty well, all things considered. And it proved to me that my body was still hiding things. My healing factor for example. I hadn't been injured enough, or at all, in my time in the Everfree, so the discovery that I had a healing factor, and a fairly advanced one at that, was a little more than surprising. I had a few thoughts and theories on it, but I had to wait and see before I could properly prove or debunk any of them. "If you don't mind, but could I get a glass of water?" I asked. "Throats a lil' dry." "Oh yes of course," The Nurse obliged. "And I'll quickly get a doctor and some temporary clothes for you as well." "Temporary clothes?" "Yes, your clothes were damaged in the skirmish," She replied. She must have noticed the look on my face as she quickly continued. "The damage was fairly minimal from what I was told, so repairs should be easy. You'll get them back soon enough." "Oh good," I sighed. "I'm quite attached to that jacket." It was true. In the fairly short time I had it, I had for one reason or another found some comfort in that jacket. It was probably the only reason I was able to sleep when I was on the Everfree. It's a little sad I know, but I took anything I could get. Plus it helps purple's my favourite colour. "What about my other equipment?" "The Princesses have taken the liberty of making sure your things were kept safe," She replied. "They'll be notified as soon as possible, and when you're discharged, they'll return them to you." "Fair enough," I shrugged. "Just as long as I get them back." "If that's all, I'll be back shortly." "Wait," I quickly caught her before she left. "Where are we?" "We're in Canterlot Castle's medical wing," She replied with a smile before she left. Canterlot? Well, that would explain why everything looked so damn expensive. I was in Equestria's capital city. Staying put and lying in bed, it didn't take long for the nurse to return, a jug of water in her hands as she was followed by an older gentleman who carried some simple clothes. "Though I'm glad to see you're up," He said, setting the clothing on a nearby chair. "I'm quite surprised you are up so quickly." "Yeah I can imagine," I replied. "But like I told the Nurse, I'm just built different." "So you are," He chuckled. "I'm Doctor Grey and this is Nurse Joy, we've been your primary caretakers for the last few days." "Thank you." "No need, just doing our jobs," He replied with a smile. "If anything, we should be thanking you. We both have family in Ponyville and what you did is nothing short of commendable. You're a hero to many people." "No need, just doing my job," I repeated which got a chuckle from the two. "Besides, I'm no hero." "Say what you want to believe, you saved many lives," The Nurse replied, filling the glass and handing it over to me, setting the jug on the bedside table next to me. "Regardless, there are a few procedures we need to go through," He said, flicking through his own clipboard. "Just some basic exercises and check-ups. But first, we'll let you get changed." And basic they were. After getting changed, we went through some mobility and dexterity tests with some coordination, balance and reaction time tests too. There were also some basic checkups as well, just stuff like blood pressure and things like that. They even had me do memory tests as well. All were fairly simple but varied enough to ensure I was physically and mentally well enough to be discharged. And I passed with flying colours. When we were done, we made it to the front desk and they had me fill out some paperwork. It didn't take me long and I was quickly shown my way out, but not before I thanked the Doctor and Nurse before I left. Gotta give appreciation where it's due. After our quick farewell, I left the hospital wing and soon realized I had no clue where the hell I was going. So I simply chose a direction and went for it, wandering through the meandering halls as I gazed upon the fine craftsmanship that made up every square inch. As I walked, I came across maids, butlers and Guards, who all seemed to avoid me, whispering amongst themselves as I passed them. I ignored it for the time being. I had a lot on my mind. Just how fucked was this timeline? What did the demons signify? Was this the reason I was here? Why I have this power? If this was the universe's idea of a joke then god damn it was sick. Rubbing my temples, I tried to avoid another migraine. Coming to a balcony, I stepped out and leaned against the stone railing. From here I could easily see throughout the city. Words could begin to describe how beautiful of a sight it was. And god damn it was massive. Far larger and far grander than its cartoon counterpart. I could even see Ponyville from where I stood. It seemed so peaceful from here, a far cry from the horrors of the events of the other night. It made me wonder how exactly the Princesses were going to handle the situation. As that thought crossed my mind, another took its place. Surely someone would have met me in the hospital. Yes, the castle was clearly incredibly large, but you'd be surprised how quickly word can travel even in a place as massive as this. It would make sense they'd want to talk to me, so it made me wonder what exactly they were planning. They were probably using this as some sort of test for something, but what, I wasn't sure. Hearing footsteps behind me, I turned my head very slightly as they stopped maybe a metre or two away. "Are you Sir Percival Felwinter?" Looking out towards the scenery in front of me, rubbing my chin slightly which now had a decent amount of stubble growing, I spoke. "Who wants to know?" I heard the sound of feet hitting each other and the slight clank of armour as the individual probably snapped to attention. "Sergeant Blossomforth!" Quirking an eyebrow, I turned around and was met with the sight of none other than Blossom. I didn't recall her being in any form of the Guard, so this was an interesting turn of events. A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one. Clad in red and white segmented plate armour, light cream and pink hair poked through her helmet, a pair of light grey wings sprouting from her back with a short spear locked between them. "What can I do for you?" "If you don't mind me asking Sir, but is it true you defeated ten demons by yourself?" Raising my eyebrow again, I gave her a curious look. "It was probably closer to fifteen or sixteen, but yes, I did." She smirked. "Would you be up for a sparring session?" I tilted my head slightly. "What exactly are your intentions? She took off her helmet as she gained a fairly shamed expression. "I'm part of Ponyville's Guard and had been called away for meetings in Cloudsdale. We would have been there to protect the town but instead, it was you that had prevented any unnecessary innocent bloodshed. I simply wish to see the strength of the one who saved my home town and its people. But only if you're up to it." I kept a straight face as she explained herself and I could tell that though her words were very much true, there was something more to this than what she said, but decided to play along. "Ok then," I replied slowly, gaining a smile in response. "Where do you want to do this?" Something told me that this was something Celestia and Luna had probably planned. I think they were testing me but the question is: what exactly did they want to find out? "If you would follow me to the training grounds. There will more than likely be Guards already there. You don't mind do you?" "Not all," I replied. "Lead the way, Sergeant." Following close behind her, it took us probably fifteen to twenty minutes before we finally made it to the Guard's training grounds. It was a fairly well-equipped, enclosed gym conjoined with outside training areas. The inner gym had what you'd expect: punching bags, training dummies, weight-lifting equipment, treadmills and the like. But outside, amongst the assault courses, shooting ranges and a few small areas which I assumed were used for basic training, one thing caught my eye. A large twenty-foot circular arena raised several feet above the rest. It was clear this was probably going to be a spectacle. As we exited the inner gym, several Guards stopped what they were doing, whispering to their closest comrade, possibly realising what was going to go down. Approaching the arena and climbing into it, the Guards began surrounding us. As I stepped into the ring, a pounding migraine thumped in my head as knowledge suddenly swirled around my head, forcing me to my knee. Techniques, lethal and non-lethal, formed and visualised, flashing in my vision like a broken slide projector. Something similar happened when I took hold of my sword and Ace, though this time it was a far more painful process, possibly due to my most recent battle. That fight really took a toll on my body and mind it seems. The amount of shit this body was hiding was beginning to mount and I was going to need to find a way to actually discover what I was actually capable of. Maybe it was a defence mechanism of sorts? Holding my powers until there eventually needed? Who knows, that's future me's problem. Seeing my falter, the Guard made a move to come to my aid with Blossom quickly coming to my side. Lifting me to my feet, I stumbled slightly as the migraine dissipated. "We don't need to continue if you're not up to it," She said, concern etched into her voice. "No no, I'm fine." "If you're sure." Leaving my side, she made her over to the opposite end of the arena. "This platform is primarily used for duals within the Guard, along with training more complex formations" She started. "It is also used for friendly tournaments as well as settle disputes Guards may have." "Ooh flashy," I said with slight jazz hands, gaining a couple of chuckles from the surrounding audience. "Is this a dispute or just a friendly little match?" "No, just a friendly competition," She stated as she drew her short spear. I smirked and shrugged. "Fair enough. What're the rules?" "Ringouts, submissions or knockouts are permitted, those are the guidelines" She stated. "No fatal blows." "Nice," I commented. "Simple, easy to remember. I like it." "Ready?" Craning my neck, loud pops and cracks filled the air as I sighed, turning slightly to have my side face her. "Ready when you are!" I called out with a smile. Frowning at my carefree attitude, she took a similar stance. "Very well. Begin!" As she shouted, her spear was wrapped in wind. That was certainly a development. But before I could ponder it, she sprang into action. Crouching down, she used her wings to propel forward with surprising speed while I simply walked forward. As she closed the distance, I stepped slightly to the side and kicked my leg from under me as I jumped, using it to perform a cork jump as she sped under me. Turning suddenly, she planted her feet firmly on the ground and pushed off to come at me faster. Crouching and bracing myself, I wrapped my hand around her spear as she came upon me and planted my free hand on her stomach, using her weight and momentum to throw her over me. Landing just short of the ring's perimeter, I rush to her and jump, planting my feet against her chest and kicking out, sending her off the ring. Looking down at her from the platform, I crouch down, resting my forearms against my knees. "Guess I win," I stated as she gave me a sour look while she stood. "A ring out is a dishonourable way to win, don't you think?" I raised an eyebrow at her remark while I grinned at her. "So is getting stabbed in the back," I replied. "But the objective was to win, so don't complain when you lose. It doesn't look good," She looked down at my comment. "Doesn't matter if you win by an inch or a mile. A wins a win," I stated before standing, making my to the proper exit of the arena "Certainly an interesting way to look at it." Stopping I turned to look at the source of the voice and was pretty surprised at what I saw. Or who I should say. "Well well, lookee what we have here," I said with my usual grin. "Captain Shining Armour, Captain Spitfire, Lieutenant Fleetfoot, Lieutenant Soarin and someone I don't know. If I didn't know any better, I'd say this was planned" Looking at Blossom, she shook her head. "What can I do you for?" Shining armour wore thick heavy silver plate armour that appeared to almost be of Roman design but was more angular, with purple highlights scattered around it in a very pleasing symmetrical design. The helmet under his arm bore the same design concept and had a thick purple plume on its top and a pretty substantial face mask. Won't lie, pretty badass. He had his usual blue hair with a white horn jutting from his forehead. Spitfire, Fleetfoot and Soarin all had what looked like modified flight suits. They had the same colour design I knew but had arm and knee pads along with what looked like fairly basic light armour along their stomachs and chests, as well as along their shoulders, forearms, hips and shins, but appeared to be the heaviest along their backs. Seemed to be there to protect them but also maximise manoeuvrability. Spitfire's fiery hair was held back in a short ponytail while Fleetfoot and Soarin's hair appeared like they did in the show. The last Guard was the one who caught my eye. Her armour was a deep navy and was of a similar design to Shining Armours, helmet and all. But that's not what caught my attention. It was the thick pair of bat wings sprouting from her back and the bright yellow eyes that peered up at me. She had short dark blue hair. It was easy to deduce she was a Thestral. They also all had their own unique weapons. Soarin had a mace-like club. Spitfire had a pair of short swords. Fleetfoot had a bow and arrow with a pair of daggers. Shining Armour had a shield and long sword and the mystery Guard had a spear. "The Sergeant is right, a ring out doesn't count for much around here," Spitfire said. "So that's where she gets her outlook from? Thank you for solving that little mystery for me," I said, laying on the sarcasm thick. "Then if it doesn't count, then why have it within the guidelines?" The mystery Guard stepped up. "I suppose for people like you." "And you might be...?" "Lieutenant Midnight Blossom!" Oh shit, can't say I expected her. "Oh honey, there isn't anyone like me," I stated. "And be thankful for that fact." Crouching down again, I looked down from the platform. "So...what do the leaders of the Equestrian military want with lil' ole me?" "We want to do as Sergeant Blossomforth did, we want a sparring match," Shining stated as he stepped forward. "Oh?" I raised an eyebrow at his statement. This could be rather interesting. Placing my below on my knee, I rested my chin on my fist. "Go on." "One-on-one, the same rules still apply but no ringouts. We fight until one yields or is incapacitated. If one of us fails, another will take their place," Spitfire informed me. I laughed at her rules, slapping my knee as I shook my head, upsetting most of the Officers in front of me bar Shining and Spitfire herself, both seemingly expecting this response. "What's so damn funny?!" Fleetfoot demanded Looking down at the five Officers, my grin never wavering. "You get upset and call me dishonourable when I performed a ringout, despite it being within the guidelines," I stated. "Yet here you all are, challenging a man fresh from the hospital," Those who got upset seemed to understand where I was going. "You want to give me no resting period between matches while the five of you get to come in fresh and ready to go." "You speak of honour, yet it appears to me that you seem to be rather lacking in that department." I continue, slowly standing, looking down at them as they seem to lose their previous confidence. "I will fight you, but we do this my way." "...what do you propose?" Shining asked. "All of you versus all of me," I stated simply. "Five on one, where's the honour in that!?" Soarin exclaimed. "It's my honour and you questioned it the moment you challenged me," I snapped, whipping my head to face Soarin. "If you don't wish to accept my terms then I won't fight. It's as simple as that." "Besides," I continued, my smirk completely disappearing. "I'm the one suggesting as such." None of them answered as they seemed to become rather irritated, except Shining and Spitfire, who both seemed to be studying me. Waiting a moment and after no reply, I sighed as I turned my back on them and slowly walked away. "Can't say I'm surprised." "We'll do it," Spitfire answered. All Guards present, including those who challenged me, gawked at the Wonderbolt leader, shocked that she would accept such a challenge. Sighing internally, I turn on the spot and step back in front of them, noting that Shining Armour nodding his head as he donned his helmet, his face mostly obscured bar his eyes. "Go on." "We accept your terms," She said. "However, to make it fairer, I suggest we head to a more open area." "Makes sense to me," I said, jumping from the platform and down in front of the five Officers, three of whom still held their look of confusion. "Lead on." Nodding, she led us out past the platform and beyond the normal training ground. Eventually, after a minute or so, we came to an enclosed but much wider area, the purpose of which I wasn't sure about, but it seemed perfect for our little bout. Walking ahead of them and further into the space, I turn around to see them lining up. "Anything else you'd like to add before we begin?" "We don't plan on holding back," Shining Armour stated. Doing a few stretches, I made sure I was limber enough. Rolling my shoulders, I bounced on the spot a couple of times before settling, looking at my opponents. "What are you doing?" Midnight asked as she donned her helmet, all of them quickly noting my lack of weaponry. "What does it look like I'm doing?" I deadpan. "I'm holding back." Charging me all at once, I took a stance, bracing myself firmly to the ground. Midnight was the first to reach me as she sent a flurry of stabs and jabs. Grabbing the spear on the last thrust, I plant it into the ground, stamping and snapping the head from the body, much to the woman's shock. Letting go, I glimpse an arrow flying towards me. Twisting my upper body slightly, I catch the arrow out of the air, Fleetfoot staring at me in shock. Soarin was quick to join the fray and took heavy but well-controlled swings while Fleetfoot sent a barrage of arrows. She aimed with pinpoint precision and Soarin had complete trust in her. But being the devious gremlin I am, I used that to my advantage. Grabbing another arrow, I ducked below a swing from Soarin's mace and drove the arrow into his thigh, ensuring to miss anything important. Screaming, he dropped his mace, allowing me to catch. Grabbing the maces head, I used its weight and punched him in his stomach, sending him on his back, before hurling it towards Fleetfoot who had flown behind me. Blocking it with her bow, the wooden frame snapped in two. Throwing aside the broken weapon, she reached for and unsheathed her daggers. Soon, all combatants descended upon me. Spitfire divebombed at rather incredible speeds while Shining attacked me from the front. Jumping up and over Sppitfire, it left me open for Shining to ram me with his shield, imbuing it with a purple energy that exploded slightly, sending me back. Midnight jumped and hurdled over Shining and continued the assault. I'll commend their teamwork, it's clear they've been working together for quite a while. Poking and swinging at me, I held up my arm and blocked an overhead swing, Midnight's makeshift staff snapping upon impact leaving her open. Planting my foot into her stomach, she doubled over as the wind drove from her. Picking up what remained of her spear, I swept her legs and kicked her in the stomach again, sending her tumbling away. Hearing the sounds of retching, I looked to see her blowing chunks as a few other Guards came to help her to her feet. "And so leaves the three musketeers." Narrowing their eyes at me, they seemed to be more careful this time. Knocking the flat end of his blade against his shield, the two girls flew at me. Each with two weapons, two swords, two daggers. Smirking, I continued to dodge the flurry of blows and grabbed Spitfire's wrist to redirect her and have her stab Fleetfoot, but when I moved to force the stab, a shield blocked the blade. I turned to see Shining Armor smirking at me, but I just smiled at him and his smirk disappeared. Whipping Spitfire around by her wrist, hitting Fleetfoot and flinging her into Shining Armor, staggering both of them. I took this opportunity to take Fleetfoot out. Spotting her on the ground, I stepped towards her. I looked down at her as I towered over her and she looked up at me in horror. Swinging her daggers at me. I punched her wrist, dislodging the blade from her grasp. Grunting, she swung the other one at me. I simply grabbed her wrist and twisted, forcing her to let go of her remaining weapon. Forcefully grabbing her, I turned her around. Grabbing her in a choke hold, she began to struggle, but I did not budge. Just as she blacked out, both Shining Armor and Spitfire got back on their feet. They looked at me and saw I had Fleetfoot. Looking at them, I let my face go blank as Fleetfoot stopped struggling and I let her go. She fell onto the floor like a sack of potatoes and I held my arms up to the side, as if to say 'Is this all?'. "Then there were two, the dynamic duo," I said, as I began to pace back and forth. "You know, there was a reason I forced Blossom from the arena...so she wouldn't get hurt." Both studied me carefully and were far more cautious. Sighing, I retook my stance. As weird and awfully convenient as having knowledge I've never had before being beamed into my head is, it was certainly coming in handy. Soon they were both in range but now seemed to be protected by a thin purple shield. I looked at Shining to see his horn glowing, so I figured it was to prevent me from doing much physical damage, allowing them to go for longer. Spitfire launched at me beside Shining and both attacked in a well-coordinated assault. It showed that these two had been working with each other for a while. Swiping at me with his sword, I ducked under only to have him step forward and ram me with his shield as he had before, only without the mini-explosion. But this time, I was ready for it. Grabbing his shield, I forced it from his grip as I jumped, kicking him in the gut. He let go of the shield and took a knee, but I quickly felt myself sent back a few metres as the shield's surface exploded. Skidding to a stop, I winced slightly and I realized what he did. "Wow, nicely done," I commended. "Clever," I told him. "But clever won't beat me," Still staggered from my blow, I frisbeed the shield at Spitfire to delay her as I ran over to Shining Armor. I punched him in the face, sending us both flying. He crashed into the Guards spectating behind him and I flew into the wall behind me. I groaned as I forced myself from the wall, landing on my feet with a solid thud. Looking at Shining Armor, I see him trying to hold consciousness before his head falls to the ground, the thin purple layer on both him and Spitfire cracking and shattering. "Then there was one," I stated. "You know...as fun as this has been, let me tell you I'd rather be doing something else right now." "I wonder what it would be like to fight the Princesses?" I wondered out loud, leaving everyone to stare at me in disbelief at my words. "They're clearly powerful. But I wonder just how powerful. Oh, what a sight to behold it would be to see them let loose," I said in a much softer tone. "Ah well, one can only wonder I suppose. Let's get this over with." Spitfire crouched and took a stance I hadn't seen before and saw her blades begin to glow. Looking on with interest, she sprung. Swinging her blades right over my face, I ducked under it by leaning back and I could feel the blade's heat as it passed me by. Seems she was performing magic, not dissimilar to Blossomforth. It was certainly rather interesting. Swinging again, I dodged inward, leaving her wide open. I punched her in the stomach and she swiftly dropped one of her swords as she grabbed her stomach, gasping for air as she took a knee. Looking up at me, she tried to take a stab at me with her remaining sword, but I just grabbed the blade. She looked at me in shock and let go. Bringing it up, I quietly studied it as It soon started to cool. I couldn't figure out how they used magic. I figured their weapons might be enchanted and they might only work for their specific user. I hummed at this and lightly chucked the sword away. Looking over at Spitfire, I let her stand. "Submit," I asked her softly as she looked up at me like a madman. "Never." Hanging my head, I walked forward. Throwing her fist out, I slap it out of the way, using the back of my hand to disorientate her before ramming my fist into her chest. Stumbling back, she used her blade and tried to make a quick jab, only to have it redirected as I slammed my fist into her back. "Submit." "Never!" What happened next could only be described as a Thanos vs The Hulk-level beatdown. Once I had made that one simple combo on her, the fight was already over. Overwhelming her, I delivered a quick series of blows combined with well-timed blocks and counters to any attempt she made to gain any sort of ground with the occasional feint to throw her off, my superior strength and speed vastly outclassing her. Punches to the stomach and chest and quick jabs to the head were more than enough even for her. In less than thirty seconds, she was out for the count, on her back, groaning as the Guards gathered simply stared on in disbelief. "What's everyone waiting for? Get these people medical! For fucks sake!" Many snapped out of their stupor and went to get some medical staff as others rushed to get the five in a more comfortable position. Making my way to the exit, I felt several pairs of eyes on me. Looking around, I saw a pane of black glass and figured it was one way or some sort of enchanted mirror or some shit like that as that was where I felt the stares coming from. I gave whoever was staring at me an over-the-top bow before I pumped my fist and slapped the inner nook of my arm in an 'up yours' gesture. With that, I walked off. Leaving the gym left me with a foul taste in my mouth and left me in an even fouler mood. Soon after I exited, however, I heard a single pair of footsteps behind me. "What do you want?" I asked, not bothering to look behind me as I had a feeling I knew who it was. "I was instructed to be your escort, Sir," I heard Blossomforth say as she stepped up beside me. Glancing over my shoulder, I continued. "Yeah? Well, tell whoever gave you that order to shove it." I told her, leaving her to look at me horrified. "Even if it was me?" Immediately stopping, I whipped around and saw Celestia, Luna, Spike and the mane six looking at me. "Especially you!" I pointed to the Solar Princess, much to everyone's shock. "Excuse me?" She asked. "I know for a fact that you were the one who set up this whole scheme!" I accused her. "I did, but I fail to see the problem," She looked at me incredulously. "You fail to...wow!" I quickly stomped off. I didn't make it too far before I felt a hand on my shoulder. Turning as quickly as I could, I held a finger up to Celestia's face. "Don't. Touch me." "Percival, I'm going to need you to relax," She said softly. "And I'm going to need you to shove this little scheme of yours up where even your sun don't shine," I said as the whole group behind her gasped, minus Luna who seemed to have expected this sort of response. Celestia was about to reply, but I was quick to cut her off. "You want to know what the best part of today has been?" She didn't respond but the curious look she had gave me my answer. "Waking up!" I shouted. "But let me tell you, that's it." "Instead of anyone greeting me or even telling me what happened the last few days, I'm forced to wander the halls until word reaches you, then you that one," I thumbed behind me to a sheepish Blossom, "To challenge me to duel you know she wouldn't be able to win, and not only that, you then sent your top military Officers only this time, I can't ring them out, I'm forced to hurt them! People I just met and I don't even know!" I began feeling an intense heat all over my body as my anger began to rise. "Det är inte så att jag räddat en hel jäkla by och försatt mig själv i allvarlig fara, men jag kan förstå att jag vill testa mig själv direkt från sjukhuset efter att ha kämpat mot BOKSTAVLIGA DEMONER!" Yeah, if I get angry enough, I tend to slip into Swedish without thinking about it. It was something I was taught at a very young age and it engrained itself into my head as a result. It happens fairly rarely, but it does happen. But the current situation was very much part of the exception. "Det är inte så att jag bokstavligen bara[i/] är borta från sjukhuset eller något och skulle älska en rundtur i slottet, men nej, du har planer!" I continued, wiggling my finger in her face. Taking a breath, I tried to at least calm myself to speak English. "Next time, how about you have the common decency to invite me to lunch," I finished and started to walk away, leaving behind a shocked group of individuals. "He knows the Old Tongue?" I heard her mutter to herself as Luna gained a similar look before she spoke louder. "You misread my intentions." "Honestly, right now I couldn't care less what your intentions were Princess," I said, walking back up to her. "Not only did you leave me in completely in the dark, you also put Guards at risk. Yes, their job is to protect you, but that protection goes both ways." "Percival!" Twilight exclaimed. "That is the Princess you are talking to, you would do well to show her some respect!" "She had it!" I snapped. "Until just a few moments ago." "What of us?" Luna asked. "Did you have a hand in this little set-up?" "No but I was aware of it," She replied. Something in her tone told me she wasn't happy about it. "Then you have nothing to worry about," I reassured her. Without another word, I left, leaving a smiling Celestia and a rather shocked group. And of course, Blossomforth followed close behind me. As we walked, my stomach gave out an incredible growl, gaining me a look from my apparent escort. "If you are hungry Sir, I can escort you to the dining area?" "I don't need to.....," I said, quietly sighing and rubbing the bridge of my nose, realizing I could use a distraction. "You know what, yes, please. That would be massively appreciated." "Then follow me, Sir!" "Can the Sir crap please, makes me feel old," I asked, feeling my anger slowly dissipating. "Just Percival will do." "Alright Percival," She replied. "Follow me." > Chapter 8 - "An Offer" > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Flicking through the pages of the book that sat in front of me, I took a hefty handful of peanuts out of the bowl next to me. Me and Blossom had quickly made it to the dining room and I was finally able to have proper food for the first time in two weeks if what I'd heard is to be believed, which the kitchen staff were more than happy to provide. After eating my fill, I asked my escort to direct me to the library. Once we had made it to the library, I immediately went to work tearing through the castle's historical pieces, both Equestrian as well as other cultures as well. Nothing wrong with being too prepared should I come into contact with those of other species. Hell, I was guaranteed to. Everything was how I expected it to be. From Nightmare Moon to Tirak to Discord, all recounts of historical events were as they should be, which struck me a little odd. So far, in my experience, everything was so vastly different it almost felt as though it wasn't what I knew. All things considered, it wasn't. But it would seem past events were basically the same except for a detail or two. "Huh," I mumbled to myself, popping the last few peanuts into my mouth. "Interesting." However, history wasn't the only thing I needed to brush myself up on as there were a few things on my mind that I would hopefully be able to find within the vast amount of pages surrounding me. The main thing on my mind was the visual discrepancies between species. Like why some looked human, while others had heavy anthropomorphic features. And I was able to find my answers in some of the more medical-oriented texts. I won't bore you with a long-winded monologue but I'll just give an abbreviated version. Basically, all races tie back to what is known as the Original Heritage. Draconians have Dragons, Gryphos have Griffons and so forth. Pony folk, as they are referred to, are unique in this regard for several reasons, namely that while other species tie back to only a single Heratige, they can be tied back to three: Pegasis, Earth-pony and Unicorn. This all ties into what I had been searching for. Why do Pony folk look more human with elven features compared to other species? Simply, it has to do with the Original Heratiges and how they affect the body. The best way I can describe it is that the visual dimorphisms between species are almost akin to dominant and recessive genes. For other species, the visual connection to their Original Heritage acts as a dominant gene, allowing them to take on features that closely resemble their Origin, making them far more anthropomorphic, even if their tie isn't very strong. For Pony folk, however, their Original Heratige acts as a recessive gene, making them appear more human with only one signifier to what their Heratige is, even if their tie to said Heartige is particularly strong. However, I was unfortunately unable to find the reason for these differences as scientists have been unsuccessful in finding the cause. One of the world's great unsolved mysteries I guess. But that at least answered one of my burning questions about the wider world I've found myself in. "Sir?" Looking up from the book, I spot Blossom standing patiently, her helmet held under her arm. Closing the book, I set it on top of the mini stack beside me, turning my full attention to the soldier in front of me. "Blossom," I smiled up at her. "What did I say about being called Sir?" "Apologies," She bowed slightly. "Old habits die hard." "No worries, I'm not mad, just not a fan of the word," I shrugged. "Now, what can I do you for?" "Your presence has been requested at the dining room," She replied. "Ah," Picking up my little pile of books, I quickly stand from my seat. "A'ight, let's go." "Wait, you're not going to argue or say no?" She asked, tilting her head. "Nothing?" "Nope," I shrugged. "No point in delaying it, it was going to happen sooner or later." "I...a fair point actually," She replied. "I was just expecting some sort of resistance." "Eh, why make things worse for myself and say no?" I said, turning to walk away. "I'm usually only stubborn when I need to be." Placing the books back in their respective place, and giving my regards to the kind librarian, we made our way out and started the trek to the dining room. I say trek because it took nearly fifteen minutes to get there. The journey wasn't a difficult one, as all maids, butlers and other Guards we came across made way for us as they whispered amongst themselves, most likely about either the dual this morning or about the attack on Ponyville. Either way, I ignored them. Eventually, we came to a set of double doors. coming to a stop in front of them, Blossom stepped forward, giving them a few knocks before stepping back. A second or two later, they were both wrapped in a golden aura as they were quickly opened, allowing us to step through. Once through the door, it was what I expected. Celestia, Luna, Twilight and her friends as well as Spike all sat at the table I had sat hours prior. Closing the doors behind us, the Solar Princess turned her attention to me, as did all the others. "Percival," She said in a friendly tone, a soft smile on her lips. "Thank you Blossomforth." The aforementioned woman bowed before stepping back, taking her place at one side of the double doors, mirroring the stance of the Guard on the other side. "Princess," I said simply, folding my arms. While I wasn't nearly as angry as before, I was still very much peeved. "I'm very glad you came," She said before gesturing to one of the empty seats at the table. "Won't you join us?" Glancing at the seat and then back at her, I conceded, unfolding my arms and taking my place at the table. The group, minus Pinkie, Rarity and Applejack, seemed to be nervous for one reason or another, even the Princesses seemed to fidget ever so slightly as I took my seat. Once seated, I looked at them expectedly. "Now there are a few things we would like to discuss with you but before we do, I would like to extend an apology," Celestia said, placing her hands on her knees. "...Go on." "I have given it much thought and after some...choice words from my sister," She glanced at her Lunar counterpart as Luna seemed to smirk slightly at her mention. "I have come to realize the error of my actions this morning. I had no right putting you under such stress so soon after being discharged from the hospital, especially after what you have done for Ponyville." "But you must understand that what happened this morning was necessary," She continued. "I had several reasons to have you tested. For one, things have been set into motion that I, as well as many others, believe you may be paramount in. Those people, which included my commanding Officers, called for you to be tested and volunteered themselves. They knew the risks going in." Sighing, she leaned forward slightly, placing one on top of the other on the table's surface. "However, that does not excuse my actions. You are right, I should have explained the situation to you fully instead of keeping you in the dark as I did. If you would accept my apology, I am sorry." Sighing, I leaned back into the chair I sat on, lightly rubbing my eyes before looking back at the Princess. "Apology partially accepted." "Better than I had expected," She smiled. "Thank you for hearing me out. I will admit I am surprised you were willing to listen to me." "As I explained to Sergeant Blossomforth, it was going to happen sooner or later, so there was no point in delaying it," I replied. "So what's this other reason you had your military Officers fight me this morning?" "That ties into the other business we'd like to discuss with you," Celestia replied. "And that would be?" Upon hearing this, everyone in the room looked to lean forward, even the Guards stationed around the room, seemingly intent on listening carefully to what was about to take place. Confused, I look at the Princesses as they both intertwine their fingers in sync, leaning forward and against the table. "We believe you are one of prophecy," Luna stated. Bringing my hands to my face, I let out a hearty groan as I lean my elbows on the table "It's always a fucking prophecy," I say out loud, which confused most present. Removing my hands from my face, I shift my gaze to the Princesses. "Yes, Twilight had mentioned it not long after our talk. I didn't think much of it at the time but I've that little nugget of knowledge stew for a little bit since." "Yes, you didn't seem to be fazed by it at the time," Rarity spoke up. "What changed?" "It's just how can I, some absolute rando who just so happened to show up at the right place at the right time, be the one from what I can only assume to be some ancient text?" In a flash of navy blue, an old leather-bound book appeared before the Lunar Princess, who pushed said book towards me with her magic. Quickly flipping through its pages, she landed on her intended page and nudged it towards me. Leaning forward, I looked at the old writing. "This is the personal diary of Starswirl the Bearded. It states that-" "When the organ of valour is sounded Shall the man of winter appear, carrying the sword of runes upon his back When gifted the weapon of cards And with blinding speed and rending strength Shall he vanquish evil till the days he is no longer needed." "He can read the ancient text?" Luna whispered to her sister, both Princess's eyes wide as dinner plates as they stared at me, their interest immediately piqued. "It would seem so," Celestia whispered back. "I did say he was an interesting individual," Luna nodded quietly in agreement. Flopping myself back, my head limply landed on the chair's high back frame. "It's just a coincidence. Surely it's just a coincidence," I thought out loud. I looked up as a flash of gold appeared in front of Celestia as she summoned my equipment. Picking up my sword and partially unsheathed it, she revealed the beautifully intricate runes spiralling up its side. "It's a beautiful piece. I have never seen such runes before and at such a scale." Resheathing it with its usual tha-chunk, she placed it back on the table and picked up my hand cannon, removing it from its holster and staring at its craftsmanship. "This is certainly unlike anything I've ever seen and its capabilities are...astounding. What do you call it?" "The Ace of Spades." I knew where this was going. "Mmm," Humming to herself, she reholstered it, placing it beside my sword. Placing her hands back on the table, she looked at me with a look I'm sure how to describe. "You said you were the one who played the organ a week and a half before your appearance. What was the piece you played called if it has a name?" I looked down at the book in front of me as my mind raced to deny what was presented to me. I couldn't think of anything. "...Heart of Courage." Celestia simply smiled as she pushed my effects towards me. "It all lines up." "You've got to be fucking kidding me," I muttered to myself. "You seriously think I'm the one from this prophecy." "By all accounts, it makes sense," Luna started. "You fought close to sixteen or seventeen demons, including three Goliaths and a Nuckelavee. Their enough to be a nuisance to me and my sister yet you fought by yourself with no backup. That alone, we believe, is a monument to your strength." Looking at them wearily, I slowly reached out and began the process of reattaching my equipment. A process that took far less time than it had before, barely even five minutes. "What do you want of me?" "We want to make you an offer," Celestia said. "And would be...?" I trailed off, signalling for them to continue. "We wish to make you our Paladin." As soon as the words left her mouth, I ceased all movement. All sound seemingly stopped as well and no one dared to breathe as all present watched and waited for my answer with bated breath. With wide eyes, I slowly looked up at the Princesses, both of whom stared at me expectantly. "I...I-I...I can't accept such an offer," I stuttered out quietly as gasps quickly sounded out. Seeing my change in attitude, the Princesses features softened as Celestia spoke first. "Why?" She asked softly. "Why make such an offer to someone you barely know and only met a few days ago, most of which said person was unconscious for?" "We have seen what you're capable of and the compassion you hold for those around you," Celestia said as she stood from her seat, making her way to my side, placing her hand gently on my shoulder. "Why would a man so valiantly protect people he doesn't know? Why would he be so willing to lay down his life so that they may live?" "There are many reasons he might," I replied quietly, the group of friends not so subtly leaning in to hear me better. "Maybe he did it out of the kindness of his heart. Maybe he did it to honour a promise. Maybe...he did it to atone for past mistakes." "Whatever the reason may be, we know it was not because you were selfish," Luna said, making her way to my other shoulder and placing her hand on it like her sister. "Not only did you save Twilight and her friends, but you also protected young Applejack's family. That is not something so easily forgotten." The aforementioned Applejack slowly nodded as she pulled her stetson down ever so slightly. "And you saved me from those dreadful Diamond Dogs," Rarity said. "You went out of your way to do so. But it wasn't just mine but also five others." "These are all feats that deserve to be recognised," Luna continued. "Such valiant acts mustn't go unnoticed." "You want a hero," I said quietly. "We want you to be a beacon of hope," Celestia said. Letting out a hefty sigh, I put my head in my hands, letting the offer sit and process through my head. "What would be my responsibilities?" "You would be given the highest rank in our military and would personally oversee the training of our Guards," Celestia replied. "And since you seemed to have experience, you would lend your aid should wartimes come." "However your main duty would be to maintain the safety and sanctity of Equestria and her people," Luna added. "You would also be given a noble title and would be granted political power within our Government." "...This is a lot," I said after a moment. "I need time to think about this." "Of course, take your time to come to a decision, we won't rush you," Luna said, her sister adding her own two cents. Standing from my seat, Celestia and Luna stood back as I steadily made my way to the dining room entrance. Blossom and the other Guard wordlessly open them, letting me slip passed them without nary a trouble. Placing a hand on my knee, I briefly stopped its anxious bouncing before it resumed once I had taken my hand away. Looking around me, a soft breeze wafts over me, momentarily calming my fairly wracked nerves. The news that the Princesses wanted to make me a Paladin, which from how they spoke about it, gave me the impression it was their version of a Knight, or perhaps some sort of sub-category of the title. So I made my way out of the castle and to what looked to be Canterlot's main park area that overlooked vast plains, hills and mountains surrounding the city and its nearby villages. Thankfully my way here was uninterrupted, as the Noblry made it a point to stay a fair distance away from me. Which was perfect for me as it gave me time to think about their offer. Weighing several pros and cons. Political power would certainly be extremely handy to have under my belt, however, it would mean your average person was bound to act differently around me or treat me differently. I was never one to really care what others think of me, but such a massive change would certainly make me consider the thoughts of others. Personally training the Guards was also something to consider. Seeing as how I had the knowledge of how to fight, and fairly advanced knowledge at that thanks to...whatever greater power granted to me, transferring and teaching that knowledge shouldn't be that hard to do. At least in theory. But it would take months, maybe even a few years before they were at the level I had considered for them to be at. Offering my aid in times of war was probably harder than I thought it would be and despite other factors being much more present and immediate, I gave it hard consideration as well. Modern tactics would very possibly be a boon to what I saw as an underdeveloped world. However, much like training the Guards, it would possibly take a while for them to learn, adapt and effectively use modern-day tactics. At least in my mind, it would. It could be possible I was underestimating them. Maybe accepting wouldn't be such a bad idea. But if I am to accept, there's going to be a couple things to discuss with the Princesses about "Hey stranger," A voice said. "This seat taken?" Shaken from my thoughts, I look up to see a fairly young man, probably around his late twenties or very early thirties. Long blonde hair held into a braid while the sides of his head were shaved, his fairly thick beard was equally braided. Dude honestly looked like the Norse and Danes of old. Even had a fairly noticeable accent as well. But there was something about I couldn't quite put my finger on. Like something in the back of my head told me something was up. But I just simply chalked it up to my brain being having information overload. "Uh, no...no it's not," I said awkwardly as my mind caught up with me after being shaken from fairly intense thinking. "Thank you," He said appreciatively. "So what brings you out here?" He asked suddenly. "Not many people come to these parts." "Eh, a lot on my mind," I shrugged. "How about you?" Nothing wrong with small talk to take your mind off things. "Visiting an old friend," He said, looking directly at me as he said it. "But I'm not sure he'd recognise me." Coughing into my hand, I cleared a little phlegm that had built up from not for a while. "I'm sure he'll recognise you." "Eh, I'm not so sure," He shrugged. "From what I was told by some other friends, he's changed quite a bit. Like he's a new man." "I suppose there's only one way to find out." "That there is," He said. Looking at me, I could practically hear the cogs turning as he squinted his eyes in a way that made me think he knew something I didn't. That feeling of unease doubled, my instincts screaming for me to run or defend myself. Pushing these feelings down as best I could, I side-eyed the stranger as he continued to stare. After some tense moments, a smile slowly grew as he looked me up and down. "I thought you'd be bigger, but it's definitely you," He said slowly, his speech shifting, becoming scratchy and having a distinct drawl to it, almost as though he were drunk. "Long way from home, aren't you?" "I'm sorry?" "It has been a long time, not surprised you don't remember," He said quietly as he stood, his slow, drunken manner of speech continuing. "What do you want?" I asked slowly, standing as he did. "Oh, you already know the answer to that," He said in a matter-of-fact tone, stepping closer. "Whatever it is you want, I don't have it," I said as I began turning away from him. "I think you have me mistaken." As I began to walk away from the stranger, the man whipped me around, grabbing my coat and slugging me in the stomach, launching me into the air. Before I could get too high, he quickly grabbed my legs and pulled me down face-first into the ground, whipping me around and sending me flying across the park and into the streets. Slamming into a building, my body cleaved a large portion out of its roof and as I bounced off, I landed on the ground, I created a sizable crater in the cobbled concrete path. The street was quickly sent into chaos, the nobility screaming and running as fast as they could in the opposite direction to avoid the sudden skirmish. Rolling onto my back, I quickly spot him soaring through the air towards me and as he did, I braced myself against the ground beneath me, crunching my body and pulling my legs in towards me. Just as he was upon me, I shot out my feet as they came crashing into the man's chest, propelling him in the opposite direction and into the park's pond. I look to my left as I hear the clinking of armour and I spot a group of Guards rushing to the scene that seemed to quickly notice me on the ground as they change their trajectory towards me. "Get the civilians to safety! Inform the Princesses that there is a hostile in our walls! Get to them as quickly as you can! Go!" I rush off without another word or waiting for their reply. Skidding to a stop, I spot the man stepping out of the pond and removing his sopping wet shirt, revealing a myriad of runic-like tattoos running up his stomach and chest, and taking up the vast majority of his arms. I assume the same could be said about his back. "You're nothing like I remember." "The hell are you on about?" Bursting forward, I threw my fist as hard as I could, only to have it redirected as he caught my right arm, tightly grabbing my wrist. He peered at the arm he caught and gained an almost quizzical look as he leaned back slightly, seeming staring at my right leg. "Not at all." Wrenching my arm from his grasp, I grab his collar and ram my head into his face. I reached for my sword, only to have it promptly ripped from my hands as the man tore it away from me, sending it flying far outside my reach. "Oh no you don't, you don't get to use your toys," He snarled. "We do this fair. Mano a mano." Getting behind me in a disturbing burst of speed, I felt him wrap his arms around my waist before he lifted me off of my feet and rammed me into the ground, rapidly kicking me in the stomach, and sending me tumbling across the neatly mowed grass, crashing into tree and a few rocky outcroppings. Coming to a stop, my mind reeling from the sudden attack, I heard him approaching, a scratchy laugh coming from his throat. "Oh, I'm gonna feel that in the morning," I mumbled as I stood, the man continuing his approach. "How incredibly disappointing," Before he could respond, I grasped a tree that had crashed down next to me and swung it as hard as I could, following the man as he soared through the air. Catching him as he fell, I rammed him through a few larger stones and other rocky outcroppings, the man punching and elbowing me in an attempt to break free as I slammed him into a large boulder. As I let him go to follow up on my assault, he smashed his entwined fists into my back and I was sent face-first into the ground. "I was expecting better of you." Grunting, I reach up and grab his legs, pulling them out from under him, seemingly catching him by surprise. Scrambling as quickly as I could, I pinned him down, manoeuvring him so I was under him as I wrapped my arm around his throat, locking his legs in place with my own. He struggled, trying to pry my arms to give him leeway but I held as tight as I could. Delivering a hard elbow to my side, he was able to stun me for a moment and made me let go as a reflex. Catching him with my opposite arms, I held it in place my other as he continued to struggle. "This," He wheezed out, unable to get a full breath of air. "This is what I...expected of you. Getting down and dirty, letting...go of the finesse. It's easy why they fear you, even...this lesser version of you." "I don't know what the hell you're on about, but I've heard enough." Clutching his head, I twisted and my ears were met with the sickening sound of cracking vertebra and a weak gasp and wheeze as his windpipe was more than likely crushed. Falling limp against me, I push the stranger off of me as I take a second. With one final sigh, I sat up and got to my feet just in time to hear several people approach. Looking towards the sound, my eyes were greeted with a very concerned pair of Princesses, my sword in Celestia's grasp, with roughly a dozen Guards accompanying them. "Took your time," I chuckled as they stepped up to me. "Threat has been taken care of." "He seemed to have done a number on you," Celestia commented as she handed me my sword, staring at the corpse. "Caught me by surprise," I said. "I can imagine," She replied before looking at the group of Guards. As she was about to issue her orders, I cut in. "Take this man's body to the morgue and perform an autopsy. He was strong and I want to understand how and why," I said, my voice gaining an air of authority. "Corden off the park and send in an investigative team. Have them check for any unwarranted magical interference or other signs of foul play." Confused at my sudden orders, they looked at the Princesses who also bore a confused expression, though theirs were harder to detect. Nodding, the Guards got to work. One of the Guards, a unicorn, flashed their magic and a black body bag appeared and the man was quickly stuffed inside and promptly taken away while the rest filed away to carry out my orders. Folding my arms, I looked at the dual Princesses. "Come on, let's get back to the castle," I said simply. The Princesses were surprisingly quiet as they glanced at each other, unsure of what to make of the sudden situation. The journey back to the Palace was a fairly quiet one, other than the odd order delivered from both Princesses as we past through the street. Once we had cleared the front gate and stepped into the main foyer of the Palace proper, I turned to face the dual Matriarchs. "There's something I'd like to discuss." "By your tone, I take it you have come to a decision?" Celestia asked as the two followed, though already knew the answer. "Yes," I replied. "I want to accept." "That is splendid news Sir Felwinter!" Luna cheered lightly. "Though I am surprised you decided so quickly." "I weighed my options and the pros outweighed the cons," I said. "And this encounter has made me realise that there's much more going on than I think any of us realized." "What do you mean?" Celestia asked, concern clear in her voice. "That man spoke as though he knew me, while I had never met him in my life," I responded. "There is more at play here and I have a feeling we need to prepare. So I will accept your offer." "This good news," Celestia said. "But I imagine there are some conditions you would like to put forward." "Sharp aren't you?" I commented, gaining a smile from her and a giggle from Luna. "If I am to accept this role you have presented, I am to be autonomous." The Princesses seemed confused, as they looked at each other before tilting their heads at me. "Can you explain your meaning?" Celestia asked. "I mean that while I can and would more than likely follow orders, should I believe them to have been given on a lack of good sense, it would be within my power to veto said orders," I explained. "I would see to it that I would not abuse your generosity, but I will make it clear now that I am no one's bitch. I am not some mongrel pup to be summoned and ordered around with orders that may be folly." "What would have you believe we would give out such orders?" Luna asked, seemingly more interested in my line of thinking than anything else and the look her sister held told me she thought the same thing. "It could be several things," I replied as I started counting on my fingers. "Lack of sleep, mind control, stress, sickness, being emotionally compromised or just simply not thinking straight. I would only use it if I believe you aren't in your right mind. Nothing more, nothing less." The two sisters stared at me for what felt like minutes as I could see the cogs turning in their heads as they considered my condition. Looking at each other, they shared a look before looking back at me. "That is acceptable, however, should we believe you to be abusing your power, there will be severe consequences. Am I understood?" I simply smiled. "Loud and clear." "Anything else you would like to add?" Luna asked. "No actually," I replied. "That's all." "Splendid," Celestia said. "However, there were a couple of things we had failed to mention before when we were explaining your role." "And what would those be?" "First of all is your accommodation," Celestia started. "You will be provided a house and home fit for one of your station as well as a small contingent of staff to help maintain your home and take care of you. We would also hire the best for the construction to get it done as quickly and efficiently as possible while still being the highest quality possible." Stopping in the middle of the hall, I stare at the two Princesses as they quickly notice that I wasn't following them. "You want to give me a home...with staff to run it?" "Indeed," Luna replied. "It is required for one of your station to have a base of operations as it were and a staff of butlers and maids will take care of and maintain it to ensure it's constantly at one hundred per cent." "That's...a lot," I mumbled as I continued following. "Yes unfortunately it is," Celestia replied with a smile. "Now the other bit we forgot to mention was your personal protection." "What do you mean?" "To put it simply, you will have your own personal entourage," Luna replied. "...huh?" The two Princesses giggled as they glanced at me. "Once upon a time, the title bearer of Paladin would have acted akin to a Knight, being a personal protector to the Crown and Throne, however with more modern-day sensibilities, we believe that the title bearer would act more as an overall protector of the people and nation," Celestia explained. "With it, you would be granted the rank General and High Noble of Equestria, as such, protection is necessary. You will be given a strong individual who will be your protector and will help you hand-pick two to three others who will ensure your safety." "We understand that you are powerful," Luna continued. "However, even the most powerful beings must have those they can rely on. They will not only be your protectors but also your comrades and confidants. Those you can trust in completely." "And they will follow no one's orders but your own," Celestia added. "They will not answer to me or my sister. They will be under your command and yours alone." "So who's this individual then?" "It would be easier if you met him," Luna replied as we came up to a set of doors. Opening them, we quickly stepped inside and I immediately spotted who I assumed to be my permanent protector. The man was massive. If I had to guess, I'd put Celestia and myself at around six foot tall with Luna being around five-eleven to five-ten. Which would put the man in front of us at a solid six foot five to six foot six and the solid muscle on the man's bones made him appear that much larger. If this was the guy to be my entourage, I definitely wouldn't mind. But it wasn't his height or the fact he looked to be the walking definition of corn-fed that caught my attention. No, what caught my attention was the dulled skull stitched into the man's mask, various scrapes and dings showing its years of use. It was also then I noticed his armour was different from every single one that I had seen already. It looked like modern-day kevlar body armour, a piece of plate armour stuck between its layers, pockets and pouches littered neatly across the fairly flat surface. An odd piece of equipment and one I'll have to ask about at a later date. The rest of his equipment consisted of a black hoodie, dark blue jeans, knee pads, black half-leather combat boots and full combat gloves not dissimilar to mine that had the pattern of a skeleton hand on them. "Lieutenant Ghost reporting," He said, his gruff with a very noticeable British accent hanging off of every word he spoke. "Lieutenant, this is Percival Felwinter, he will be your charge effective immediate," Celestia said, authority taking over once again. "So this is him?" He asked no one in particular, taking his time to look me up and down before offering his hand, which I accepted. The grip he had was impressive. "A pleasure Sir." "If that is all then we shall take our leave. This room is where you'll be staying for the time being until we can sort out your permanent accommodation. We will contact you soon about making your titles and access privileges official," Celestia said as she and her sister made their way to the room entrance. Looking around, I took in the room I'd be staying in for the foreseeable future. It had what you'd expect. It had a king-sized bed, a massive closet, dressers, an epic bathroom and much more. All in all, I felt as though I was given full access to a penthouse suite. Something I never expected to happen but then again, I never expected any of this. Turning to Ghost, I see him looking at me rather intently. It was a calculating look, but not one of an uncomfortable, strange or even malicious nature. More like he was trying to work out what to make of me. Something like that anyway. "Is there anything you need Sir," Ghost asked and I immediately got a sense of professionalism and pride in the work he does. "No, I think...I think I'm gonna rest," I said, rubbing the bridge of my nose. "It's been a long ass day." "I can imagine Sir. If there's nothing you need, I'll be right outside the room," He said before turning and making his way to the door as well. "Two raps on the door and I'll be in immediately. I look forward to working with you." And with that, he was out. Shit just got way more complicated than I ever thought possible. My life...is kinda crazy. > Chapter 9 - "Idle Talk" > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Opening my eyes, I'm once again greeted with a vast open silver field, white specks floating aimlessly through the air. Sighing heavily through my nose, I let my body relax as best it could as I could feel the effects of sleep affect me. It was a strange sensation, to technically feel awake but to feel yourself slowly become more and more energised and rested. An odd feeling to be sure but a welcome one. Looking around, I drag my hand through the air, the landscape swirling and whipping past me, shaping and morphing into more mountain terrain, rocky outcroppings jutting from the lush landscape that overlooked a calm sea. A low, but thin jog sat near the ground as the air hung heavy with a surprisingly pleasant humidity. Sitting down where I stood, letting my legs hang from a slight ledge, I took in the sights and smells. The smell of damp grass and seaweed clung tightly in the air along with the heavy smell and taste of sea salt. I listened as the waves lightly crashed into the jagged shoreways in front of me. I sat there for hours, letting the wind flow through my hair and clothes, not once taking my eyes off the sight before me. A familiar but different pressure became known in the front of my mind, letting me know I had a visitor. Not looking behind me, I swipe my hand again, only this time, a guitar appeared in my hands as I absentmindedly started tuning it before pulling away at its strings, a familiar tune filling the air. Almost heaven, West Virginia Blue Ridge Mountains, Shenandoah River Life is old there, older than the trees Younger than the mountains, growin' like a breeze Country roads, take me home To the place I belong West Virginia, mountain mama Take me home, country roads As the lyrics begin leaving my lips, I feel her sit down next to me, her gaze not once shifting from me as I continue, my foot tapping against the rocks on the slight ledge we sat on. All my memories gather 'round her Miner's lady, stranger to blue water Dark and dusty, painted on the sky Misty taste of moonshine, teardrops in my eye Country roads, take me home To the place I belong West Virginia, mountain mama Take me home, country roads As the song goes on, I hear her happily tapping along as I could only guess she was swaying along with the song as well. I smiled as I sang. It was here I felt a new sensation within and around me. A pleasant feeling that began in my chest and continued throughout my body. It wasn't until Luna joined in with my singing that I realised what it was. The magic of music. I hear her voice in the mornin' hour, she calls me The radio reminds me of my home far away Drivin' down the road, I get a feelin' That I should've been home yesterday, yesterday Country roads, take me home To the place I belong West Virginia, mountain mama Take me home, country roads Country roads, take me home To the place I belong West Virginia, mountain mama Take me home, country roads Take me home, (down) country roads Take me home, (down) country roads As I finish with a slight flourish, I hear Luna giggle next to me. Looking over, I see a massive grin on her lips as her laughter continued. "My, Sir Felwinter, that was fantastic," She said, the occasional giggle escaping. "Please, if we're in private, just Percival will do," I smiled. "I'm glad you enjoyed it." "Then if I am to use your name, you are to use mine," She said smiling up at me. "I do believe that is a fair compromise. Do you not?" "I think so," I replied. "So what brings you?" "You do of course," She said in a matter-of-fact tone. "We, my sister and I, understand that the last few days have been tumultuous for you and I wished to check on you and make sure you were well." "I'm...doing," I replied softly. Luna quirked her brow as she tilted her head slightly. "I have not heard this phrase before and yet I understand it completely." "The power of words," I chuckled. "I'm alright. I could be better but I could be a hell of a lot worse." "You are doing as well as you can," She nodded. "That is fair, and given the circumstances, it is better than most would be doing." "You ain't wrong." We sat on the ledge for a while as rain began coming down and thunder rolled softly overhead. We weren't concerned about getting wet as it was only a dream, allowing us to enjoy the scenery and its weather to our heart's content. "This view is gorgeous," She said suddenly, lifting her hand to feel the rain as it fell. "Your control over your Dreamscape is..astonishing." "Eh, like I said to your sister, the bonuses of being a lucid dreamer," I shrugged. "No, it is more than mere 'lucid dreaming'," Luna replied. "There have only been a handful of individuals with the amount of control you have and they were strong individuals indeed and it was not within recent years. Additionally, it took some amount of effort for me to enter your Dreamscape." She turned fully towards me as she continued. "We have known you technically for less than a day Percival, and yet within that time, I have garnered more questions about you than any I have ever known. You are an enigma, a mystery. Though we trust you, my sister and I know there is more to you than you let on. Perhaps more than you yourself know." I smirked as I looked at her. "Something tells me you like mysteries." "Yes, I suppose you can say we like a good challenge," She smiled before looking back out to the pleasant scenery. "It truly is a beautiful sight." "...I think so too." "If you do not mind my asking, but where are we?" She asked. "I do not believe I have been here before." "Somewhere far away," I replied, a sad smile creeping onto my lips. "Far outside my reach now." "Is it this West Virginia you sing of?" "Oh no, it's not," I answered. "But equally far away." "What do you mean?" "Ah," I waved my hands dismissively. "It's not important." "...something is telling me that that is not true," She commented. "That's for me to know and for you to find out," I smirked. Looking out to the crashing waves, my smirk dropped into a more sullen expression and the Princess seemed to notice this as she got just a little closer to me, not once taking her eyes off my face. "I know that look," She said. "What are you thinking?" For a moment I didn't respond, simply staring out at sea. Glancing at her, I shook my head as I sighed heavily through my nose, shifting my gaze to the sitting Princess next to me. "Do...do you think they'll follow me?" She smiled at me softly and the look in her eyes told me she was almost expecting this question. "I believe they will follow any who they respect. But more importantly, they will follow those who inspire them. And given what you did for Ponyville and the dual with our Officers, you have earned both. So yes, I believe they will follow you." "...Thank you." Just as the words left my mouth, the world rumbled slightly, the sky dimming and lighting up like a dying light bulb. The once-calm sea began roiling and crashing hard against the rocks as the heavens practically opened, drenching us both, the thunder clapping and flashing overhead. The peaceful landscape was turning to chaos. "It would appear you're waking," She smiled, her voice clear as day despite the torrential rain and thunder. "If there is anything you need, do not hesitate to send for us." And with that, the world around us faded into silver then black. ~~ My eyes fluttered open, blurry colours and shapes taking up my vision as I sat up. Rubbing them lightly, my vision returned fully before a smell became known to my nose. It was me. Sighing, I removed myself from the cloud-like bed and very quickly noticed Ghost at the doorway, hand on the handle of the open door, his tall silhouette taking up most of its frame. His surprisingly piercing brown, black-stained eyes quickly made contact with me as I stood from my bed. "What can I do for you L.T.?" I asked. "Just checkin' up on you Sir," He replied. "And to tell you a maid is here to drop off some clothes for you." "Clothes?" I asked. How and when the hell did they get my measurements? "Alright, send her in." Nodding, he exited the room and not a second later, a maid entered with an arm full of neatly folded clothes. "Ah, thank you," I smiled. "Just pop them on the bed please." Smiling back, she placed them on the bed and left without another word. Walking around the bed, I quickly combed through them, finding three pairs of everything I'd need. Shirts, jeans, socks pants, trousers, even a pair of simple leather steel-toed boots. Nodding, I hummed my appreciation before I made my way into the bathroom, again noting my smell. Stripping down, I stepped into what was possibly the largest walk-in shower I had ever seen and turned on the hot water and was swiftly overtaken by its warm touch. My tight muscles loosened as the near-boiling water cascaded over my body, temporarily washing away my woes and troubles. Placing my hands on the wall, I let it run down my back and my face, as I sighed contently, as for the first time in a long time, I was content. It's amazing the things a simple shower can accomplish. I stood there for god knows how long as my body slowly began heaving as heavy breaths racked it. Eventually, my legs gave out under me as the gravity of my situation suddenly came crashing down on me. I knew it would catch up to me, that my mind would actually process what it had gone through in such little time and wouldn't know what to do. But what I couldn't handle most, was the memories of pain. An inky blackness was quickly overtaken by still starry dots that moved, bopping and weaving among themselves as my screams filled the bleak void, my body ever-shifting. My breath quickened while I clutched my legs to my chest as tears began rolling down my cheeks, masked by showering water above. My eyes stung, my chest ached, my body shook and my head went blank and numb. Time lost meaning after a while as I quietly sobbed to myself, the realization that I was effectively alone, snatched from everything I had ever known and the prospect of a peaceful life now practically impossible being too much to handle for the moment. After what felt like hours, the tears stopped, my breath steadied and my body became still. I stood and rubbed my face, giving myself a shake to unfog my head. Grabbing a bottle of shampoo and began my usual shower routine, washing myself thoroughly and completely, running my hands through my hair and the slight stubble I now growing. After what I could only guess to be no less than maybe an hour, I stepped out of the shower as the water began to evaporate as it had before, leaving dry and ready to proceed. Stepping out, I made my way over to my things, starting the process of donning my equipment. My movements were now far more fine-tuned to the intricacies of my clothes, making the process the fastest it had been so far and in no time at all, I was ready and rearing to go. Clipping my sheath to my back, I holstered Ace on my thigh as I reached for the deck of cards on my belt, taking them out and mindlessly shuffling through them in various ways. Opening the door, I quickly caught sight of Ghost as he spun around to face me. "Sir." I quickly gain a quizzical look as I tilt my head slightly. "How long have you been standing there Ghost?" "Roughly..." He peeled back the sleeve of his hoodie and glanced at his watch. "Thirteen hours." "You mean to tell me, after I went to sleep, you stood here for thirteen hours?" "Yes Sir." "Did you sit down?" "On occasion." "Did you at least eat? Drink?" "I had enough to keep me going." "Alright Ghost," I said while I fully faced the towering man before me, briefly cupping my mouth before slowly bringing my hands down. "I want to make one thing clear. This isn't going to be the normal guard job you're used to. You know I'm strong enough that I can protect myself from damn near anything. I don't need a bodyguard, I don't need a chaperone and I sure as hell don't need a soldier. What I do need is a comrade and confidant I can rely on. " "We are equals here and that means that, as much as I don't need it, the protection goes both ways," I continued, indicating between myself and the man in front of me, who looked on at me with a look of confusion and disbelief. "You protect me, I protect you. We are a team and we are in this together, so we treat each other as such. I am not requesting nor am I asking. That is an order. Am I clear?" Ghost stared at me for a few moments, his black smudged eyes squinting ever so slightly as he did, yet the look of disbelief never left. Eventually, his shoulders lowered slightly, as though a weight had been lifted as a soft chuckle left his lips. "You're not anything like I expected you to be, Sir." "I can only hope you mean that in a good way," I smiled. "As a side note, I would prefer if you would refer to me by name, but if you're more comfortable with calling me Sir, I will tolerate it. Now come on, I want breakfast and I imagine you're hungry. I have a feeling the near future's going to be very busy and very interesting, so we should use the downtime while we can." Walking off, I could hear Ghost's heavier set of footfalls immediately after. A second later, he was directly next to me, easily matching my pace to perfection as we made our way to the dining room while I absentmindedly started shuffling the cards again. As we did, we got several stares from the maids and butlers, and even a few of the regular Guard mumbled amongst themselves as we walked by, though neither of us cared much and continued without issue. Soon enough, we came to a familiar set of doors, I wasted no time in walking in, Ghost directly behind me. Stepping through, we instantly found we weren't alone. Sat in the same chair as I had last seen her in, was Princess Celestia, peering down at several papers that lay across the table in front of her. And there, amongst the papers she seemed to be reviewing, was a plate with a thick slice of half-eaten, rich chocolate cake. As she heard the doors open, her head instantly snapped to face us, her hand moving surprisingly fast to hide the delectable dessert. Opening her mouth, I quickly cut her off as I put my cards away. "If you're going to say anything about the cake, I don't care that you're eating it and I'm sure he doesn't either," I said, thumbing to Ghost beside me who simply hummed in agreement. "Though, something tells me you're not supposed to be eating it if how fast you were to hide is anything to go by." "Yes, my sister has been putting me on a strict diet since her return," She said, the cake reemerging as she spoke. "But regardless, please, sit! Both of you, sit!" Taking her up on her offer, Ghost more reluctantly and slowly than myself, we both take our seats. Summoning a bell, she let out a single ding and a waiter appeared through a door on the other side of the room, quickly coming up to us with a surprising amount of grace, though I shouldn't expect anything else from a waiter in the castle of Equestria's capital. I requested what was this world's equivalent of a full English with apple juice and Ghost ordered the same, but double the portions and with a large cup of coffee. I wasn't surprised, a man of his size needs his calories. "So," I started. "Anything noteworthy happened since Ponyville?" "Unfortunately not," Celestia replied. "We had sent out scouts and some of our best trackers to investigate and hopefully pinpoint where the demons had come from, but unfortunately after two days of searching, they came up empty-handed." "So what? We wait for something to happen or show up?" I ask. "Not unless either of you have a better idea?" She replied. Neither Ghost nor I responded. Noting our silence, she went back to her cake as I continued eating my breakfast. Looking at Ghost, I see him enjoying his breakfast, the man already halfway through his portion. He ate with a speed and proficiency that made me pause slightly and yet despite this, there wasn't a wasted crumb. If I didn't know any better, I would have said he was a professional competitive eater in a previous life. Throughout it all, he never removed his mask, only rolling it up just enough to eat his food without getting his mask messy. Eventually finishing, our plates were promptly taken away. "So what about that guy yesterday?" I asked, taking a healthy sip of apple juice. "Well, after he had been placed in the morgue, an autopsy was immediately performed, but we couldn't find anything out of the ordinary," She replied. "There wasn't anything to suggest that he had been physically tampered with for him to be as strong as he was." "Could it be he was more in tune with his Heritage than most?" Ghost piped in. Looking at him, she shook her head. "Originally, that was what I thought as well. But from what eyewitnesses say, he was able to put Percival on the back foot for the vast majority of their fight. He would have an impressive level of strength if he were more in tune with his Heratige but not to the level he had." "Don't forget he was caught off guard," Ghost commented. "Had he known-" "I don't think it would have made any difference Ghost," I cut in, catching their attention. "He was holding back, I could feel it. He wasn't there to kill me or put me out of commotion, he was testing me. And he spoke as though he knew who I was. I think if he really wanted to, he could have easily ended that fight." "Good thing you put him down then," He said, drinking the last of his coffee. "Oh enough of this topic," Celesita urged. "This is supposed to be a time of celebration! A Paladin is being Knighted for the first time in two thousand years!" "Speaking of," I turned to face her. "I've been wondering a couple of things." "And what would those be," She asked, politely sipping at her tea. "Well for one, what is a Paladin exactly?" I inquired. "Is it some sort of sub-category of a Knight or is it its own thing?" She hummed as she sat her tea down, giving me her undivided attention. "You aren't wrong in thinking of it as a 'sub-category' of the title Knight as you put it but it is very much its own thing. A Knight would only be granted the title of lesser noble and be given a comparatively smaller plot of land. However, Paladin is the highest rank we can give an individual and its benefits are much more significant." "Though the Title of Knight has been phased out, we use some of the general terms for a Paladin, such as a Knighting, Knighthood etcetera," She added. "They're their own things but bear similarities," I nod. "I get it." "Indeed," She nodded as well. "What was the other thing you wanted to ask?" "When will I be Knighted?" "Oh my apologies, so much has been happening that I forgot to tell you." She giggled to herself. "The ceremony will be taking place in a week's time, which should allow you ample time to relax and prepare." "A week? Plenty of time." Drinking the last of my apple juice, I push my chair out from under and stand, Ghost quickly following suit. "Thank you for the delicious breakfast, Princess. Now, I won't take up any more of your time and I'll let you go about your day." "Please," She giggled. "If it's just us, I'd prefer if we drop the formalities. No titles amongst friends, no?" "I can live with that," I smirked. "Have a good day Celestia." "You too," She replied as I made my way to the room's exit. The trek through the castle didn't nearly as long this time thanks to Ghost easily guiding me as though he knew like the back of his hand. It wouldn't surprise me if he did. Eventually, we came across the Red Cross and I knew we had made it to our destination. We made our way into the castle infirmary and asked the receptionist for whom I was looking for and promptly gave me directions and a room number. Following said directions and counting rooms, we swiftly made it and walked in. Soarin lay rather comfortably on his hospital bed, his leg bandaged and held up as Spitfire and Shining Armour sat next to him on either side, both of which were stripped down to basic clothing, having been administered for slightly milder injuries. All three turned to look at the source of the noise, all quickly spotting me as I swung the door open. The two of the three able to stand rose to their feet as they all gave me and Ghost a crisp salute. "Sirs!" They called. "At ease," I said, grabbing an unoccupied seat as Ghost moved to lean on the opposite wall, quietly folding his arms. As I sat, the three of them gave a look of uncertainty as they too took their seats. "Is there something we can help you with Sir?" Chuckling, I rubbed the back of my neck. "I came to apologise," I replied as the three raised their eyebrows. "It wasn't my intention to put the three of you in the hospital." "We were informed of the potential risks and accepted," Shining Armour said evenly, a soft grin making its way onto his lips. "We wanted to test you to see if you were worthy of being Equestria's Paladin and honestly? Given how well you held your own, especially without weapons, I'm convinced," Soarin nodded. "No one blames you, Sir," Spitfire agreed. "Well, I'm glad to know you all feel that way, but I still want to offer my sincerest apologies," I replied, bowing my head slightly. Looking back up, I saw them unsure of what they should do. "I'm not Paladin quite yet, so no need to be so formal." They all hesitated slightly, looking amongst themselves before Spitfire spoke. "It's not that Sir, you're just...very different from how we imagined you to be after hearing about you and what you did." "Ah," I voiced, leaning against my legs. "Well, you'll learn rather quickly I'm not your average Joe, and I can only hope in a good way. But until then, rest up. You'll need it." "Yes Sir!" They all replied. "Good," I nodded, reaching to my belt and pulling out my deck of cards. "In the meantime, how about a game?" "I won't say no," Soarin shrugged as the others heartily agreed. "Alright then!" I grinned before looking over my shoulder. "Come on over and join us Ghost, I think you'll enjoy this one." > Chapter 10 - "Inauguration" > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next few days practically went by in an instant and without incident, though my thoughts were very much all over the place. Guards had now been making it a point to stop and salute me when they encountered me as I went about my business. It was weird at first and I wasn't one hundred per cent fine with it but after some words with Ghost essentially telling me to "suck it up and deal with it", I paid it no mind after that. Speaking of the Guards, I had begun making plans to better train them to the standard I wanted them to be at, using ideas and methods from warriors of old and, what was to me, modern-day soldiers. What better way to have top-tier trained Guards than to have the ingenuity and tactfulness of say SAS or the Marines with the prowess and strength of the ancient Spartans or the Roman Legion? To me, that was a recipe or something great. It was all very much still in its infancy, but I was getting closer to a complete regiment. Much like the Guards saluting me and treating me as their superior, it was weird having Ghost follow me around practically everywhere I went at first but I eventually took his advice and decided to just suck it up and deal with it and got used to it a lot quicker than I expected. He had apparently taken my words to heart as he became less rigid around me, even if it was something as simple as his shoulders becoming less tense when he was around me or engaging in the minimalist of small talk. Or something more significant as eating with me. Honestly, I started enjoying his company, much like a certain duo. The Princesses were unfortunately far too busy for me to spend any real time with them, but fortunately, with the fact I get up significantly earlier in the morning than most, we used the time during breakfast for them to wind down before starting their jam-packed day as well as familiarise themselves with their newest member of high-ranking military personnel. Despite this, they kept me well up to date regarding the upcoming Knighting, something I was both nervous and looking forward to. The higher-ranking nobility as well as a few more notable people among the common populace would be present for the ceremony itself while the paparazzi would there to document it and take the necessary picture for the inevetable article to be read in the paper. Then there was the man that I had encountered. The way he spoke about me with such an air of familiarity was unnerving. And the power he held felt like it was just being held back, boiling just below the surface. Like I had told the Princess, it felt as though he wasn't there to permanently harm me but to test me for something. The whole situation regarding him was not one I wanted to actively think about and everything about him told me shit was fucked. On top of that, no word of any demon sightings has been made since the attack on Ponyville and it unnerved me. Such a strong opening only to be followed by nothing but silence? it was enough to get even Luna and Celestia concerned. However, as they had instructed, with the sheer lack of anything to act on, we could only wait for them to rear their ugly heads. But there was neither hide nor hair of them to be found no matter how vigilant we were. So that left us with time to kill until I was Knighted and it left me with plenty of time to familiarise myself with the Guards I would be training and working with. I had made it a bit of a habit to make my way down to the training grounds at least once a day and, despite how I felt about their saluting even though I wasn't in rank yet, I had become fairly comfortable. And in my time there, I had regaled them with the occasional tale, though making sure to not reveal too much about myself. And that was exactly what I was doing now. "...so I caught the bird for them, but it weren't easy. Big fish. Not like going down to the pond and chasing bluegills or Tommy cods. Damn thing would swallow you whole. Shakin', tenderisin'. Right down you go. And we had to do it quick, get back the tourists that would put their businesses back on a paying basis. Wasn't pleasant, lost a few good men along the way. Now I value my neck more than three thousand bucks, but back then, I needed the money and they needed the damn thing gone." The Guards gathered around the lunch area had their eye glued to me, even Ghost found himself watching and listening to my tale with a vested interest as I spoke. Word had gotten out about my tale-spinning and it became something the Guards always looked forward to and it was something I was more than happy to do. "Excuse me, Sir," One of the newer recruits spoke up. "But where did you say this happened?" "On a small island town off the coast. A little fishing hamlet," I replied, sipping on a mug of coffee. "It's been some years since I've been there. Honestly, I doubt it still is. It was on its last legs when I was last there." "A shame," Shining Armour spoke up, having listened to my tale from the start, along with a couple of the Wonderbolts as well. "Sounds like it was a nice place." "It was," I said almost solemnly. "Great people, very hospitable, amazing atmosphere. Reminds me a lot of Ponyville now that I think about it. Shame what happened to them." "Alright people, break's over," I said suddenly, standing as I spoke. "As you were." Without word or complaint, the Guards that gathered all filed out and returned to where they were before, either back to training equipment or out of the training ground. Chugging what remained of my coffee, Ghost and I stand to leave, only to be stopped by the Equestrian Officers who had also joined in listening to my tales. "What can I do for you?" I ask, placing my hands behind my back. "We were instructed to inform you that the ceremony will be taking place tonight," Shining Armour said. "We would have informed you earlier but you were in the middle of a story and we didn't want to interrupt." "I appreciate the courtesy Captain," I thanked. "And thank you for informing me. Good thing we have time to prepare." With that, I walk away without another word, making my way out of the training grounds and out to the winding castle corridors. I got back to my room quickly enough as I had somewhat familiarised myself with the layout of the castle, but I still got lost here and there, but thankfully Ghost was always there to correct me. Before I got to my room, I told Ghost to get some lunch as he hadn't eaten when we were at the training grounds like everyone else and after a few minutes of persuading him, I managed to get him to go. Stepping into my room, I let the door close behind me as I began dragging my heels, my steps becoming slow and lethargic. Opening the doors to the room's balcony, I placed my hands on the cold white stone. I could feel my shoulders and my back, the muscles tense and knotted. I sigh escaped my lips while I hung my head slightly. My life had changed drastically, far more than I ever thought could be possible. Nothing made sense anymore. Clambering up, I sat on the balcony's stone railing, letting my legs hang limply while I looked over the capital city of the nation I now called home. I watch the sun cast its yellow rays as it starts slowly descending, the yellow changing to a light, warm and pleasant orange as the birds fly overhead and throughout the city itself. I could just make out the hustle and bustle of the nobles in the streets far below, their voices faint and conjoined. Even from here, I could smell the cafes and various restaurants that littered the city. It was a beautiful sight, all things considered, but it still felt...almost alien. I knew I didn't belong, though no one else thought otherwise as they all chalked my rounded ear up to a birth defect. To them, I was just another occupant in the nation. But I knew otherwise. Suddenly, my door opened with force and I whipped my head to see who had entered. To my surprise, I see Twilight lock eyes with me, an exasperated Ghost behind her. Cocking an eyebrow, I lift myself up and off the railing and onto the balcony properly, stepping back into my room. I glance at Twilight, before looking at Ghost. "She wouldn't take no for an answer," He answered my unspoken question. I could hear his frustration. "It's alright Ghost, I'm sure she has her reasons," I reply before smirking. "So what does the purple menace want with me? I thought you went home a few days ago." Raising a confused eyebrow, she shook her head a little before speaking. "Princess Celestia requested that I help you with your speech. Besides, my friends and I are going to be present at the ceremony." "Ah," I pull up a chair for her to sit on. "Good thing too. I haven't even started." "You...you haven't started?" She asked incredulously. "The ceremony is happening soon and you haven't started?" "Pretty much," I shrugged as Ghost stood by the wall behind her, keeping his eye trained on her at all times. She started rubbing her temples. "Ok, have to start somewhere," She reached into her back pockets, she pulled out a small notepad and pen and I saw Ghost twitch as she did but he didn't act. "What do you want to say? What is it you want to convey to everyone?" I shrugged. Her shoulders fell slightly as I did, a look of disbelief clear on her face. "You don't know? Have you thought about this even a little bit?!" I shook my head and she gave me an unpleasant stare, and a rather disapproving one at that. "How am I supposed to help you if you can't even be bothered to think about what you want to say? It's almost like you don't want this!" I looked at the floor and sighed as I stood, stepping over the clear glass doors of my balcony. "You do want this...right?" "To be completely honest...no," I replied softly. I could tell even Ghost was surprised. "Then why did you accept?" "When I came here, I thought I had a chance at a simple life...a peaceful one. This isn't at all how I thought my life would ever end up being. War is coming and it gets closer every single day," I look over my shoulder to see a sad expression adorning her face, while Ghost seemed to look at me with a look of understanding. "War is cold and uncaring. I have seen more than my fair share. I never wanted to play soldier again...I never wanted to train anyone again," I hung my head. "I may have earned their trust and respect, but do you think they will follow a nomad, a wanderer who so happened to practically show up out of nowhere? Will they follow my orders?" I turn to face her fully. "But this isn't about what they or I want. I accepted to protect those who can't do it themselves. I accepted because I knew they would need me. I accepted to protect and save the innocent people of this nation. Even if it means losing or sacrificing myself so that they might live." Twilight stared at me, shock evident on her face. "The last war was two thousand years ago, to have participated..." She mumbled to herself. "I was sent here for a reason, for a purpose. For ages, I wondered why, but I think I know now why," I continued. "I never wanted to see the flames of war again, but the universe works in ways never to be understood. If this is what my purpose is, then so be it." She quickly gained a smile as she looked at me. "I think you have your speech Sir Felwinter." Chuckling, I nodded. "You know what, I think you're right," I replied. "Thank you Twilight. And please, just Percival will do." She then stood and started to leave. "Let me know if you need anything else," She told me and I nodded. She then closed the door and left, thus leaving me and Ghost alone in the room. "Well...that was some speech, Sir," Ghost commented in an amused tone. "Yeah...don't know where that came from," I chuckled, rubbing the back of my neck. "For what it's worth Sir, you've already shown you have what it takes," Ghost said with clear sincerity. "I know this isn't what you wanted, but it's what you've got. The people are behind you. All you need to do is show you're behind them." "...thanks Ghost," I said after a moment. "Anytime Sir," He replied, stepping towards the room's entrance, and closing the door behind him. Standing in my room alone, I move to sit on my bed. However, what I had failed to notice before was a set of clothes folded on top of the chair in the corner of the room, with a small note. Quirking an eyebrow, I picked up the note and unfolded it, promptly reading its contents. "To Sir Percival Felwinter I hope that these clothes find you well. I have no idea what your preferences are so I tried to keep these as simple and presentable as possible for your Knighting. And do not worry about payment, think of them as a thank you for saving our quaint little town. I, and many others, owe you a great deal and these, while not enough to show our gratitude, are a step in the right direction. Sincerely, From Rarity Belle" My eyes went wide as I read. I looked over at the clothes folded on my bed and began laying them out. It was a simple dark grey three-piece suit, with a lighter vest, white shirt and blue tie. Simple but beautifully made. The material was sturdy and high-quality but soft and comfortable and seemingly flexible enough to do everyday tasks with ease. She had honestly outdone herself and it was easy to see why her work was so sought after. Trying them on, they fit perfectly. Snug where they needed to be but not uncomfortable while being loose in places where needed to maximise mobility while minimising chafing. Looking at myself in the mirror, I cleaned up rather nicely. My hair has grown a little bit since arriving here, now being a little longer than the buzz cut I had. I also had a decent bit of stubble as well, which I should probably either tidy up or shave completely. Either way, I looked good. But it wasn't really...me. Sighing as my shoulders dropped, I changed back into my usual get-up, neatly folding my suit and placing it back on the chair where I found it. I didn't feel good about it at all, as she had clearly put in a lot of work to make them. It was beautiful, but I didn't want to give anyone the wrong impression of me. And so, I left them there, neat on my chair, to be used another day. A hard knock came from the room's door and I quickly made my way to it, opening it to reveal Blossomforth standing next to Ghost who stood back from the door. "It is time?" I asked simply. "It is." I let out a slow, deep sigh, mentally preparing myself for what was to come. "Lead the way." She nodded in response and we started to make our way through the castle, not a single word uttered between the three of us as we traversed the maze-like corridors. We went up to the second floor of the castle and soon we were heading down a massive hallway. We stopped at two huge doors and she motioned for me to stay quiet. I did so and soon enough the doors started to open and I was greeted with the sight of a massive room, filled to the brim with high-ranking nobles, people with cameras standing near the back, poised to take a picture at just the right moment. I also saw the main six, Spike, Spitfire, Shining Armor, Celestia and Luna. I just stood there momentarily not sure what I was supposed to do. "That's your cue," Ghost said. "You've got this Sir." Nodding, I began my way down the aisle while everyone turned to look at me some with curious expressions and some with shock, even the Princesses gazed at me oddly. Ignoring the stares, I continue, my footsteps echoing loudly in the dead silent hall. It was then I realized something. I had no idea what was going on. If I was supposed to do something or say something, but that being said, one thing I was always good at was picking up on context clues. Stopping in front of the Princesses, I kneel down fully on both knees, placing my lightly balled fists on my thighs, keeping my back straight and hanging my head ever so slightly to look at the floor. It was then I heard the camera shutters as the paparazzi began taking their pictures. "Percival Felwinter," Celestia started. "Do you swear loyalty to Equestria and its people?" "I do," I answered immediately, almost automatically. "Do you swear to uphold its sanctity and morals?" Luna asked. "I do." "And do you swear that should it be in your power, to stop at nothing to safeguard this nation, its tenets and the safety of its people?" Celestia continued. "I do." As the words left my mouth, a soft boom filled the air, akin to a heaving hammer scraping against a hot anvil sounded out as one of the Princesses let an object clang against the floor. Bringing it up, they brought it down, the object letting out a loud booming echo throughout the room. They did so again and again. Three times they rapped the object against the floor, and after the three strikes, I felt something press against my shoulders but it was only when I felt the touch of cold steel against my head I realized what they were doing. "Then rise, and be dubbed Sir Percival Felwinter! Paladin of Equestria!" The dual Princesses exclaimed in perfect sync. Standing with one fluid motion, I was presented with the item they Knighted me with. An expertly crafted glaive, beautiful in its own right but not ornate in any way. Made by hands with an eye for perfect aesthetics and practicality. And near the head, a perfectly round orb or crystal that seemed to swirl with a blue and gold energy within it. I was speechless. "We bestow upon you Venator, the weapon of legends. Past down from generation to generation of past Paladins down to Starswirl the Bearded, the last Paladin in history," Celestia said. "Wield this venerated blade with honour, strength and compassion," Luna ended. Offering the blade to me, I carefully take it in both hands, already feeling its perfect weight. Bouncing it slightly, I give it a few testing swirls, spinning it between my hands before throwing it up, catching it and placing it on two outstretched fingers. Perfectly balanced, as it should be. Turning to the shocked crowd, I bang the glaive into the ground, the spiked end embedding into the white marble floor. "And here. We. Go." "I came here before you as a nomad. A wanderer. A stranger," I said, my voice loud, clear and confident. "But leave here in hopes that you will see me as more than that. A fellow nobleman, a general, a soldier, a brother in arms...a friend," I said. "I tell you now, that I was going to appear before you not as I am, but as someone I am not. I was given clothes befit one of my station, but I could not bring myself to wear them. Why appear as someone I never was, as someone fit for titles I do not want." The crowd gasped. "But I accept these responsibilities for a reason. For years I walked aimlessly, wandering with a vain hope that I might find a purpose. Something to keep me going, to give me a reason," I said, the look of shock continuing. "But I have now found that purpose, that reason to keep going. The safety of this nation and its people and the upkeep of its moral tenets. My duty is now to you, for I am Equestria's sword and I am its shield!" As I finished, the room burst into applause, many seemingly impressed with my words, even the main six looked impressed. "To the Paladin of Equestria!" Luna announced. "To Sir Percival Felwinter." Feeling a tiny pressure on my back, I saw the two Princesses each spread a wing, Celestia her left and Luna her right, very lightly placing them on my back, wordlessly ushering me forward. Grinning, I swirl my new glaive a little, giving it a slight flourish, inverting my grip to let the head of the glaive sit near my head. Walking back down the aisle that I came from, I was followed by Celestia and the others. We were soon out of the room and the doors closed behind us. We continued walking and as we did the main six excitedly talked amongst themselves as Ghost, Luna and Celestia walked closer to me. "That was some speech you gave," Celestia commented. "Would you believe me if I told you I wung most of it? Wung it? Winged it? Whatever you get what I mean." The two Princesses giggled while Ghost shook his head but was still amused. "I do believe congratulations are in order," Luna said. "And a p-p-p-party!"Pinkie exclaimed, suddenly appearing on my shoulders. The three next to me jumped slightly as I took her down from where she appeared, setting her down next to me as we walked. "I love the sound of that but it's gonna have to wait. There's something I need to talk to the Princesses about," I said, to which she seemed to deflate a little bit. "Don't worry Pinkie, we can still have a party. It just needs to be pushed back a bit, alright?" "Alrighty!" She smiled, skipping over to her friends as they caught up with us. "I dunno dude, don't you think you should...relax or somethin'?" Rainbow asked as the group came up to us. "I quite agree," Rarity said. "You can only be Knighted once." "Maybe, but important things need to be done pretty quickly. I can always enjoy it later on," I shrugged before stopping in the middle of the hall, catching everyone's attention. walking up to Rarity, I rubbed the back of my neck. "I uh...I want to apologise." "Whatever for?" "You made me some incredible clothes for my Knighting and, as much as I loved them and as amazing as they looked, I couldn't wear them," I replied, hanging my head a little. "I couldn't appear in front of them as someone I'm not. I wanted to show them who I was. A man with the means to do what is necessary to protect his home. I wanted to show them who they were dealing with." "Oh, don't apologise for being yourself," She said with a smile, lifting my head by my chin to look at her. "I will admit I was curious as to why you hadn't worn them, but I knew you had your reasons. You don't need to apologise for it, darling." "I...thank you," I smiled back. "Of course." Smiling at the interaction, the group turned to leave, only to leave Applejack behind, her stetson lower on her face than usual, obscuring the majority of her upper face and covering her eyes. Looking at her curiously, I saw her hands shaking as she took in a rather shaky breath. The group noticed this as well and moved to check on her before I signalled them to stop. "Applejack?" I asked, slowly stepping closer towards her. "You alright?" As soon as the words left my mouth, she quickly walked up to me, placing her head on my chest and wrapped her arms around my body. As she did, she let out a small sniffle and quiet sob as her shoulders raised up. Looking around, everyone seemed as lost as me, so I gently wrapped my arms around her, giving her a small but reassuring squeeze. "Yah almost died cuz of me," She said quietly. Everyone's, except for Ghost's, eyes widened as she said this and I quickly pulled away, cupping her cheeks as she continued quietly sobbing. "Now Applejack, you listen to me. If anyone is to fault here, it's very much me," I told her. "I should have checked my surroundings before anything else, but I got sloppy and careless. The fault was on my part and you should not feel responsible. Okay?" I waited for her to respond for a moment or two before she nodded weakly. "Atta girl," With one final hug, I sent her to her friend who all immediately comforted their friend in distress. Looking back at the Princesses, they both held a smile. "What?" Saying nothing, we continued Ghost right at my side as always. Following close behind, we soon found ourselves in the west wing of the castle. We approached a dark wood door that had the symbol of an embellished golden sun expertly crafted into the door. Entering, the princesses sat down while Ghost stood near the door, folding his arms and leaning against the wall. Celestia relaxed across a fancy couch and Luna jumped on the bed. I chuckled, happy with how relaxed they had become around me. I sat across from Celestia on a one-person recliner. "So, let's get started then, shall we?" > Chapter 11 - "Calm Before The Storm" > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As Ghost and I arrived back at the Training Grounds, my face was stone cold and expressionless as I quickly went back over my training regiment in my head to ensure I knew what I needed to do. Stepping out into the arena proper, our eyes landed on roughly thirty Guards, who all stopped as soon as we entered. They simply stared, unsure of what to do. "Line up!" All scatter, dropping what they were doing, lining up in front of me as quickly as they could. A full minute passed before they all fully lined up, resulting in an annoyed sigh from me, seemingly putting the Guards unease while Ghost shook his head. "It took a full minute to form a simple fucking line!?" I yelled while Ghost hung near the wall behind me. "Disgraceful! I can only hope you can form a phalanx quicker than that!" Walking along the lined-up Guards, my more impressive stature unnerving them all, but they at least held strong enough under my highly critical and unimpressed gaze. "Next time I ask you to line up, I expect it to be done in less than thirty seconds!" I yelled. "Any longer and those not in line will be performing a ten-mile run as punishment!" "Now!" I continue. "Congratulations are in order. You are among the first to participate in the newest training program set up by me." "Uh...Sir? Not even a quarter of the Guards are present." My head whipped around just in time to see one of the Guards quickly closing their mouth. Stepping up to them. "Did I ask you to open your mouth son?" "No, Sir you didn't," He replied. "What's your name soldier?" "Private Carver." "Private Carver, drop down and give me twenty!" Flinching from the sudden noise, he takes a second before he gets down and starts his push-up while I continue my walk along the line. "When you are training you will speak when spoken to or unless told otherwise!" I started. "And when you are training you will refer to me as Sir! You will preface your words with Sir and you will end your words with Sir! Am I understood!" "Sir yes Sir!" "Now before we continue, I will give you this chance, this one chance to walk away," I stated, drawing many odd looks from the gathered Guards. "This training will be brutal! You will be put to your limits! You have this chance to walk away and no harm will come to you, but I do not tolerate quitters. If you do not leave now and quit later on, it will be through me!" Coming to a stop in the middle of the line, I look among the very confused Guards as Carver stands. "So. Do I have any takers?" None walked forward. The determination in their eyes told me they all had a fire to see it through. A little bit of pride was already making its way onto my face, but before I could let it show, I nodded my head and gave a satisfied hum. "Alright then. Let's get started then." "Your momma was home when you left!" "You're right!" "Your daddy was home when you left!" "You're right!" "Your sister was home when you left!" "You're right!" "Your brother was home when you left!" "You're right!" "The dog was home when you left!" "You're right!" "The cat was home when you left!" "You're right!" "The fish was home when you left!" "You're right!" "Your momma, your daddy, your sister, your brother, the dog, the cat, the fish was home when you left!" "You're right!" "And that's the reason you left!" "You're right!" "I left my home!" "I left my home!" "To join the army!" "To join the army!" Staring down at the formation of Guards, a smile crept upon mine and Luna's lips as we watched. It was an odd thing to watch, to see a formation of Guards march at a specific speed and chanting back was truly unique. A sort of call-and-respond drill, calling it a cadence march or something to that effect. It was supposed to help develop coordination by marching in sync at a specific tempo depending on the song while calling back when warranted while also having the added benefit of improving and increasing oxygen to the lungs to provide more energy. The songs usually held some sort of meaning as well. Percival had brought it, and several others up after his Knighting to our attention, running through a basic training regime he would put the Guards through. He had stated he would be putting them through what he had experienced, something similar to a group he called the "SAS". We had questioned as to who these people were but he didn't inform us, saying that their training regime was more important than who they were. We were sceptical at first, unsure of how effective this rather unorthodox and gruelling program would be. But after a few months, it was easy to see the difference. They could run faster and longer, and lift more, and their teamwork and coordination had improved drastically. Not only that but their discipline, mental fortitude and focus were all impressively above what they were. He still stated they had a little ways to go, saying they still had the survival aspect of his regiment to go through, but it had more than proven its worth. "It has been brutal so far, but you cannot deny its effectiveness," Luna commented next to me. "Your hunch was certainly right about him." "Indeed, and he just keeps getting more interested," I said. "Makes me wonder what goes on in that head of his." "Careful there Princess," Ghost said from my other side, slight amusement lacing his words. "You'll give yourself a hernia." I couldn't help but giggle quietly to myself, but it was true. Percival was something of a walking mystery and pondering on such a mystery would often lead to a headache. There was something about him that made it hard to push him from my thoughts. The things he would say, the way he would say them, the way he held himself. Even down to something as small as the way he would sometimes fidget behind his back as he trained the Guards. But this little mystery jumped to new heights after Twilight had regaled Luna and I about his words to her before the ceremony. About how he had "seen his fair share" of war and how he "never wanted to play soldier again". The last war was two thousand years ago when me and my sister were still young, for him to have participated, he would need to be immortal and very, very old, and there weren't many of them left wandering the earth anymore. So many burning questions spawned from a fairly simple interaction, it made me wonder what the future had in store. From the moment I saw him, I knew he was an interesting fellow and that he would be an incredible boon to us and our interaction in his Mindscape solidified that near-instant notion. But after what we had seen and heard so far, it goes beyond anything I or my sister could have hoped for. Just who is Percival Felwinter? What things has he seen? What has he done? Is he as long-lived as he suggests? So many questions left unanswered and so many mysteries left unsolved. Questions I fear will be left unanswered for quite some time. It's a good thing I love a good mystery. "Yes Ghost, you're quite right, but won't stop me from wondering, however," I smiled. "But you have to admit he holds a certain mystique about him. You aren't even a little curious?" "My duty is to protect him, not question him," He replied quickly. "But I will admit to a passing curiosity. The stories he's told have been interesting enough." "Yes, we heard of a few," Luna said. "My personal favourite was the one with the big fish, though I forget what it was called." "Tell us Ghost," Luna said suddenly. "Why is it you are not a part of his drills?" "Said he wanted to see if I was up to snuff himself since we would be working on a more personal basis," He stated simply. "And I take he liked what he found?" I asked. "I think he did," He replied. Nodding my head, I look back out at the marching band of soldiers walking in near-perfect sync. It was impressive how such a simple exercise could help develop a strong sense of coordination, both as an individual as well as a group. My sister and I have lived long lives, but it would seem even we have things to learn. Making their way back to their starting point, seemingly having finished their drill for the day. Stepping in front of them, he addressed the large group of Guards. "Well done, almost perfect. You've all done incredibly," Percival said, his raspy yet rich baritone voice effortlessly carrying through the air. "You're all done for the day, take a well-earned break. You know the drill." Snapping a crisp salute, they began filing out as Percival turned and saw us standing, watching as he conducted his drill. Waving to him, he waved back before he made his way to us. Once he was beside us, Ghost stepped up next to him as he always did. I clasped my hands in front of me while I turned to face him. "While we were sceptical at first about your methods, I have to admit," Luna said. "We cannot deny its effectiveness." "Indeed," I added. "It is truly quite impressive the progress you have been able to achieve in even just a few weeks." "Thank you for the vote of confidence," Percival replied with a toothy grin. "Truth be told, they still have a lot to improve on. Not just in this, but in other aspects as well. But we'll get there Chief." Luna giggled a little as he said this. Roughly a week into his Knighthood, Percival had absentmindedly called me "Chief" and while at first, I had regarded it as a good-spirited mockery of sorts to the fact we don't use proper titles in privacy, it had very quickly caught on and he started calling me that outside in public as well, much to the chagrin of the nobility, stating that his nonchalant attitude is untoward and unbecoming of a man of his rank. Not that he cared, telling them to, and I quote "go stuff themselves". Luna finds it and his attitude rather amusing and though I wouldn't tell him, I found it rather endearing. "Well, with the headway you have made, I don't doubt that you'll get there soon enough," I said with a smile. "Here's hoping," He replied, crossing his fingers. "What are your plans for the rest of the evening?" Luna asked as we started making our way into the palace. "Don't have any," He shrugged before gaining a thoughtful look. "Though I have been eyeing the pool for a while." "Then would you be willing to join us for dinner?" I asked. Peering down at his expertly crafted watch gifted to him by Rarity Belle, he looked back at us with a grin. "Yeah, I've still got time. It's been a while." "Splendid," Luna cheered lightly. "Then if you'll both follow us," I requested. As we sat at the table, Percival happily eating a rather large piece of steak, I couldn't help but smile subtly at him as he did. I was happy he was actually eating. For the few months he has been training the Guards, I, as well as Luna and Ghost, had noticed he began eating less and less, prioritising his responsibilities over his well-being. Though his lack of appetite didn't seem to be having a detrimental effect on him, which we were both extremely confused about, it was still worrying to see him not eat anything for a week straight, if not longer. Ghost had noticed this as well and had tried to get him to eat more, though he wasn't fully successful, he got him to at the very least have a snack here and there. It wasn't enough to put our minds at ease but it was something. "I am glad you accepted our invitation, Percival," Luna said as she finished her soup. "You seem to be taking your role very seriously." "As I should," He replied, chewing the last of his rotund steak. "It wouldn't do anyone any good to half-ass my job." "That is very true," I commented. "Your work is extremely impressive I must say, though highly unorthodox." "I knew it would be," He shrugged. "But sometimes the most unusual things can be the most beneficial." I nodded, while Luna took a little time to dwell on his words before speaking. "Quite." "I must say, I'm glad you accepted," I said. "I wasn't totally sure you would." "Yes well, life is strange and I keep saying yes to things," He replied. Luna looked at him curiously. "But you seem happy with your choice." "They're choices. Choices are better than not choosing. Not choosing means you're at the whims of circumstance," He replied, idly leaning his elbows on the table. "I prefer to be in control than to be at the whims of something." "...you're far wiser than you let on," I said to no one in particular. "It makes me wonder what goes on in that mind of yours." "Watch yourself Chief," He playfully warned. "You'll give yourself a hernia." This got a good chuckle out of us, Ghost in particular. But the joy, however, didn't last. As we laughed, an individual burst into the room, causing us all to stand immediately as Percival and Ghost reached for their weapons, but relaxed when they saw it was a Guard. He wore a panicked and frazzled look clear as day on his face as his breath came out heavy and ragged. Quickly spotting us, he didn't move as he practically shouted his words. "Your Highnesses, word has come from the Lycan Commonwealth!" He exclaimed. "They're under attack!" "By who!?" Percival asked, immediately stepping up to the panicked Guard. "Demons!" > Chapter 12 - "Assistance With An Apocalypse" > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Shut that door! This is - I said shut that damn door! This is Captain Shair Kahn of the Lycan Commonwealth sending a distress signal from Las Almas! We're under attack, I repeat, We are under attack! - CAPTAIN!! - Y-Yeah? - LOOK!! - OH FUC- - Static - Staring at the tape recorder sitting in the middle of the table, a small chill runs down my spine as I look at the others gathered around. The Princesses and the other military Officers had been called as soon as we had found out a distress message had been sent out. Everyone couldn't tear their eyes off the small device, even Ghost looked unsettled. "How long ago was this sent out?" I asked, looking at the Guards that had brought it to our attention. "Roughly an hour ago," He replied. "It came through fairly distorted and it took a while to stabilise the message, Sir." "What's the fastest way to travel to Las Almas?" I asked the Princesses. "Via skyship," Luna quickly replied, catching on my line of thinking. "But it takes hours to get there." "If there's a chance to help them, we better damn well take it," I said firmly. "Gather a squadron of Guards consisting of a hundred of those I've trained. Prep a skyship with as many essentials we can muster for an aid effort. Food, water, clothes, blankets, anything that can help. Move!" "Ghost," I said, turning to the man as the Guard swiftly ran from the room. "Gather your equipment and meet at the ship when you're ready. Go." Nodding, he bolted out of the room and down the hallway. Glancing at the recorder, I move to exit as well, only to be stopped by the Princesses. "Percival," Celestia said, her voice authoritative and her face stern. "Consider this your first official assignment. You are to help in any way you can, and save as many as you are able. You are not only representing Equestria but also yourself. This will be the first time you are seen outside our borders as our Paladin, so this will be your time to prove to the world you have what it takes. We don't doubt you and we trust you to do what's right." Nodding, I turn and leave without a word, mentally preparing myself for the hailstorm that's to come. Shit just got real interesting real quick and not in a good way. The Skyship was everything I had hoped it would be. Though I didn't show, I was positively giddy to get to take a ride on the vessel. Two large balloons hung overhead, a heavy and intense amount of magic practically glowing off of them. Several wing-like oars jutted from the sides, the devices being used for steering as well as altitude. A magnificent vehicle I would have gushed over had the situation not been what it was. For the sake of brevity, I won't regale you with the full preparation phase and the travel time, but I'll give you a basic run down. Aid items were sifted through and stored on the ship far quicker than I expected, consisting of the basics I had mentioned: Water, basic food items, clothes of varying sizes, blankets, medicine and other medical equipment. We were off without interruption The travel time to the city of the Lycan Commonwealth, Las Almas, was painfully slow. Though the Skyship was travelling at an honestly rather impressive speed, it still took the better part of eleven hours to do so, the vast majority of the journey being done during the night. The journey was made in complete silence, everyone quietly sitting, preparing themselves. ~~ Standing at the helm of the ship and with Ghost at my side, my coat fluttered in the wind as my eyes gazed through a telescope upon the ruined city of Las Almas, the morning blaring down on us. Though having a name rooted in what was this world's version of Spanish, the city itself seemed to have an architectural design philosophy consistent with that of, not only my world's India but also Mexico, bearing a striking resemblance to Delhi and Puerto Rico. Large colourfully painted buildings built sturdily from stone stood tall with varying stories, many of them with balconies that overlooked the streets below. Wires and electrical cables connected the building that stood close enough together, some of them that weren't electrical seemed to have clothes hanging from them, the articles wafting softly in the wind. Signs and billboards hung loosely from a couple of the buildings, Spanish lettering more than likely advertising something. Further in, more buildings stood far taller, their architecture consisting of a far more modern sensibility, though these were fewer than their more rustic counterparts. Glass windows stood up most of their sides, reinforced by metal frames and, more than likely, metal rebar and concrete with flat tops on almost all of them. It was honestly a bit of a hodgepodge of architectural design, but it was clear to see how much love went into each and every one of these buildings. It would have been beautiful if it wasn't for their current standing. The more rustic side stood surprisingly intact, the only real damage being in the streets themselves, but it was hard to make out from the distance we were at. The modern buildings, however, did not fair quite as well. Many of the glass panels were shattered, more than likely littering the rooms or streets with shards of glass, and columns of smoke dotted the cityscape. Faint SOS signals and messages dotted the city as many torn, red-stained white flags tied to poles wafted through the air. "How's it lookin'?" Ghost asked. "Fucked," I reply simply, passing the telescope over. Looking through, he takes a second or two to observe the landscape. "Fuckin' hell." "Exactly." "Sir's!" Turning, we both spot one of the Guards stepping up to us, occasionally glancing behind him before his eyes settle on us. "An encampment has been spotted off the Starboard side!" He exclaimed, pointing behind him and presumedly towards the direction of said encampment. "The Captain has already changed course!" "Thank you for informing us," I reply. "As you were." It didn't take long, only a few minutes and we had quickly changed course as per the Guard's words, now heading to the far right of the city and to a heavily forested area and it took only a second or two to spot the encampment. Haphazardly constructed white tents dotted a large area of flat land deep within the forest roughly ten miles away from the city. Coming up to the camp, a flare shot out and up into the air above a more open area, letting us know where to land. Coming to a stop above the designated area, I began giving out my orders, the Guards moving as quickly as they could before I threw a rope over the side allowing me and Ghost to lower ourselves to the ground below. Landing with a solid thud, I quickly spot a group jogging up to us and I was able to see the Lycans for the first time. They were visually similar to Diamond Dogs but had their distinctions. While the Diamond Dogs were fairly short, stocky and hunched over, the Lycans were of a more lean build and stood tall, standing seemingly on average a full head above me. They also seemed to have a uniform silhouette, though still having their own identifiers and colour differences. As they came closer, I finally looked at their condition, which was not pretty. Most, if not all of them, were heavily dishevelled. Their surprisingly thick coats were messy, matted and knotted in places and covered in dirt, dust, sand and other kinds of debris and detritus. Their eyes, though still intelligent and sharp, were wild and bloodshot. "Stop right there! State your name and business!" One of them calls out as the rest settle in front of us, cautiously pointing spears and swords at us. As Ghost landed next to me, I turned to address the group. "Paladin Percival Felwinter of Equestria and with me is Lieutenant Ghost. We received your distress call and brought aid as soon as we could." "Gods above be praised!" A voice exclaimed behind them. Looking beyond the group, I spot a tall female Lycan dressed in a worn, purple robe, dark brown with lighter beige fur covering her body, her bright red hair was held back in a messy ponytail. She also seemed to be the most physically fit out of those I've seen so far if the thick legs, well-muscled arms and defined abs peeking through the partially ripped robes were anything to go by. As she came up to us, her bright red eyes looked to us with relief and joy, tears seemingly threatening to spill. "I'm Princess Ayren Dayniq of the Lycan Commonwealth," She said as she stepped up to us. Her voice was young, distinguished and mature but seemed to be at the breaking point, more than likely having been shouting or strained for however long they had been putting up with this incursion. "You can't imagine how happy I am to see you." "I can only imagine," I replied, giving my best smile to reassure them before pointing up at the slowly lowering ship. "I have my men mobilising as we speak to assist you in the relief effort. We brought what we could. Food, water, clothing, medicine, anything that would help." Ayren breathed a sigh of relief as the group seemed to relax and lower their weapons. Ayren turned to one of the group. "Consiga algunos de nuestros sanos y pídales que ayuden a los hombres del Paladín Percival a descargar y distribuir lo que trajeron. Consiga tantos como podamos de sobra." "Si su Alteza!" He said before taking off towards the camp. "Come," Ayren said, quickly turning to me and Ghost. "Follow me and I'll get you up to speed." Without a word, we quickly followed behind her as she walked with clear purpose towards the camp. As we walked, I not only saw several Lycans of many shapes and sizes but also a few other species as well, much to my surprise. I saw Caiman, an Alligator or Crocodile species, a group of Zebra, a few Gryphos and, very surprisingly, a couple of Draconians. I also saw Therans, a more bat-like species, which from what I knew, were highly unusual around these parts. Much like their architecture, it seemed it was a bit of a hodgepodge of species. Walking amongst the tents, the sounds of pain and sorrow reached my ears as my eyes saw many on makeshift beds, cradling some injury they had sustained while others simply lay either unconscious or being tended to. Everything was still fresh. I saw many stop and whisper as they saw us pass. They looked on with joy, many looked in awe as they spotted the ship nearby and many stared with shock, but mostly, they looked hopeful. Coming up to a slightly larger tent, Ayren stepped through, moving the loose hanging tarp out of the way as she did. Following behind her, me and Ghost entered alongside her. Stepping in, we see it's something of a quickly assembled, makeshift war room, a few Lycans stepping from here to there as they spoke before quickly standing at attention as they spot their Princess enter. They all looked to be a part of her Guard, like the ones who first approached us, with light grey armour with gold and purple highlights. "Men, this is Paladin Percival Felwinter and his Lieutenant, Ghost," She said as she addressed those within the tent. "They have brought aid to us and our injured. Treat them with the utmost respect." "Si su Alteza!" They Salute. "A pleasure. What you've all been through must have been hard, but to see you all banding together is nothing short of inspiring," I said, gaining grins and bows in response. "But if I am to help you, I need a sitrep. What happened, casualty and fatality numbers, what we can expect from the city proper, anything that could help." "It started twelve hours ago," Ayren started, leaning against the table in the middle of the tent. "It was just a normal evening. The work shifts were coming to an end and children were on their way back home from school." Fully leaning her weight into her hands, she lightly dug her sharp nails into the wooden table while her face scrunched, the memories flashing in her eyes. "They appeared in the middle of our city, breaking through the floor of the City Hall. They tore through all they came across. No mercy even to children!" Tears gathered in her eyes, her face contorting into a visage of sorrow and rage. "Heartless beasts. We mobilised as quickly as we could but it wasn't enough and all we could do was retreat and evacuate. Most of our citizens were able to make it into our Inner Sanctum but we were overrun. What you see now are all that were unable to make it inside." "Inner Sanctum?" I asked, fiddling with the condensed handle of Venator strapped to my belt. "A safe heaven my ancestors commissioned in case scenarios like this occurred," Ayren replied. "And thank the mighty Gods they did." "Thank the Gods indeed," I agreed. "I'm sorry we weren't able to get here sooner to help. We moved as soon as we deciphered your call." "You're here now, that's what matters," She said quickly. "And with you here, we may have a chance to regain our city if what I've heard is to be believed." "This is significantly bigger than the attack on Ponyville," I said. "I like to think I'm a good fighter but as I stand right now, I don't think I could hold against an invasion force." "Then it's good you might not have to," She replied, pulling out a stray file and placing it on the table. "A member of our Covert Operations Group volunteered to reenter the city and gathered some information that could very well turn the tide." "What was the info?" Ghost asked. "As I said, they came from the City Hall but they seem to be very protective of the area," She responded, looking directly at Ghost. "The picture enclosed in the file was the closest she was able to get." I grabbed the file and quickly opened it, spotting a single picture with a few paragraphs of text behind it. It looked to be Las Almas's city hall, with dozens and dozens of spiked, black-furred entities scrambling over each other, their long snouts baring razor-sharp teeth at an unseen source. Amongst them stood more humanoid entities, each grotesquely morphed into seemingly specialised monstrosities. One appeared massively oversized, its muscles expanded to the point that its pale skin was ripping, revealing its scarlet striations underneath. Another was tall and thin, unnaturally so, its jaw hanging loosely, the sides of its mouth seemingly partially melted away as its throat bulged taught, the inside glowing with an unnatural green glow. "Those beasts weren't a part of the initial attack and only appeared when our Operative neared the Hall," Ayren said. "We believe that something lies beneath the Hall and that it holds a special importance to these demons." "That could be invaluable," I nodded. "But it feels like too obvious of a weakness if that's what it is. I have limited experience with demons but what little I do have tells me they're not ones for subtlety." "If there's even a one per cent chance this could help us, I want it capitalised," She said firmly before her expression softened. "I know I am asking a lot of you but please, will you help us?" Walking around the table, I lightly place my hand on her shoulder, giving her a firm and reassuring squeeze. "I will help to the best of my abilities and, should I be able to, reclaim your home." A smile broke over her face as she let out a breath, letting her head hang a little as she tried to regain her composure. "Thank you," She said quietly. "No need," I said. "How do you propose we get in then?" Ghost asked. "Can't imagine they'll let us in through the front entrance." Lifting her head, Ayren's smile never wavered. "We have alternate ways into the city." Lifting the heavy metal sewer grate aside, Percival peeked into the streets above, looking around to see if he could spot anyone or anything roaming the streets. Below him stood Ghost and around ten of the Guards he had brought, all having volunteered to assist in the mission, wanting nothing more than to help their General and make sure the mission was successful. All Guards had actually volunteered but Percival wanted the rest to stay behind and assist with the relief effort and bring some comfort to those who so desperately needed it. That and he felt that a smaller, more lightly armed group held a better chance of getting near the City Hall than several dozen heavily armed Guards clanking down the demon-infested streets. "Contacts?" Ghost asked quietly, tightly gripping his short sword and shield. "None," He replied just loud enough for the Guards to hear him. Fully pushing the grate aside, Percival jumped up in one effortless movement, taking a moment to scan his surroundings before turning and helping Ghost up. Ghost stepped to the side, holding his shield tight to his body as he surveyed the buildings around them. Helping each Guard up and into the surprisingly quiet street, Percival looked around, trying his best to get his bearings in this new environment. Percival motioned to his right, towards a shaded alleyway, the Guards all moving to it without a word. Kneeling, he looked at his watch, quickly settling his eyes on the small built-in compass. "Princess Ayren said the City Hall is due north-west of our location. If we stick to the alleys, we should get there in an hour." "Assumin' we're not interrupted," Ghost said, readjusting his skull mask a little. "Very true," Percival replied. "Alright, we know what we need to do. Let's get to it." The gathered Guards nodded to their superior, they followed close behind him as they slinked through the interconnected alleyways. They stepped in line and walked single file, matching the footsteps of those in front, masking how many of them there truly were. One of Percival's unusual tactics that he had brought up to the Princesses and the Guards themselves during their training, the use and benefit of this one was by far the easiest to discern out of most of the unorthodox training. They walked for a solid fifteen minutes, stopping now and then to make sure they weren't being followed or were going to come upon a group of demons. Miraculously, or perhaps more concerningly, they came across none, even the streets they managed to get a peek at were disturbingly empty, bar the sand littering the rural living and the disregarded everyday items dropped and strewn across the ground. It was eery to them all, that their heightened senses and danger sense picked up nothing the entire time they made their way through the back streets and alleys. That usual feeling that you were being watched was completely absent, making way for a feeling way worse. They were alone. Walking cautiously out into the surprisingly open and eerily silent streets, the soldiers carefully scanned their surroundings, keeping their heads on an ever-moving swivel. "Somethings not right here," One of the Guards, Private Cloud Chaser, commented quietly, tightening his wings to his body. "Got that right," Corporal Straight Aim said, keeping his horn trained on the group's six. As the group continued along, they eventually came across the poor souls that had once walked the lively streets. Lifeless bodies littered the dust and rubble street, sprawled out over the ground, sent through and laying on the shattered glass of broken windows. Limbs were torn from their sockets, the flesh flayed, ripped and mangled asunder. Bones were shattered and broken, tearing through flesh, skin and fur. Entrails were slashed open or pulled from their stomachs, dried crimson ichor caking any surface they clung to. And true to Princess Ayren's words, not even the children were spared. Many present looked away as best they could, dry heaving as they looked upon the fear-ridden faces of the dead. Utter disbelief spread throughout the group as they witnessed the aftermath of the wholesale slaughter of innocent lives, all present realizing this would have been the outcome had Percival not been successful in beating back the assault on Ponyville. "Gods above," Corporal Ivory Flight said, her wings fluttering as she swallowed the rising bile. "Fucking sick," Private Strong Arm whispered as he tore his eyes from the massacre. As the words left his mouth, the group heard a low guttural growl come from in front of them. Spinning around, they spot a black-furred entity, large spikes jutting from its shoulder blades and continuing down its back into a whip-like tail. Six piercing blue eyes bared at them while its lips peeled back, revealing thin needle teeth. It stared at them as reared back onto its skinny lanky legs before letting out an earsplitting screech. A second passed and other roars and screeches sounded out in the distance as the demons became alerted to our presence. Flicking Ace from its holster, Percival shot the demon square between its eyes, resulting in its body exploding, disturbing the settled dust and debris into a small cloud of blood, fire and detritus. Without another word, he spun and began barking orders while the roars slowly got louder. "Swift Wing, Cloud Chaser, Ivory Flight and Moon Fire, I want you to provide as much air support as you can, pick off as many as you can with your crossbows and do it from a distance!" He shouted, the Pegasi nodding before jumping into the air. "Straight Aim, Cold Fire, Platinum Star and Lucky Star, I want them walled in! Have it they can only come towards us and fire on any who get too high!" The Unicorns stepped back a few feet as their Paladin turned to the remaining Earth-ponies. "Strong Arm, Crimson Ice, Thunder Strike! With me!" Reaching to his belt, Percival unclipped a handle and pulled it out and away from his body, and with a deep clang, Venator burst forth in a plume of fire. Standing together with the Unicorns at the back and the Pegasi on high, they waited with bated breath, sweat starting to gather at their brow. The roars and growls grow louder and louder and in a split second, dozens of demons similar to the first they saw came barreling down the streets, clambering over each other to reach the group. "Walls!" Channelling their magic, thick walls of ice burst from the ground as several demons were sent flying through the air only to be shot down by the hovering Pegasi. "Hold!" The demons rushed forward, their piercing blue eyes held nothing but bloodlust while yellow foam dripped from their maws. In seconds, they were in range. "Cut them down!" As the demons got within range, those with close-range weaponry stepped forward, stabbing, cutting and slashing with tightly controlled strikes, easily cutting down the first dozen or so that dared get too close and the Unicorns and Pegasi shot bolts of steel and magic alike at their chosen target, the projectiles easily finding their marks. As the assault continued, deep yells sounded out ahead of them as the group saw several demons being tossed and flung aside, a large mass hurtling towards them. Before they could react, the ice wall to the group's right exploded as a mass of barely contained muscle broke down the wall. Reaching to Ace on instinct, Percival fired several shots, just barely missing as the rest of the group caught themselves and killed the last few demons. At the same time, another mountain of bursting muscle threw more demons aside, their bodies crumpling and folding lifelessly as they slammed into the side of the building. Aiming for its head, the round slammed into between its eyes but did nothing but disorientate it. Shaking, it glared at the man who shot it as it let out a guttural yell, slamming its chest like an enraged Silverback. "Hold firm!" Percival shouted as he holstered Ace, holding Venator tightly. "Ranged, aim for their heads! The rest of us will distract them!" One of the beasts rushed forward towards the Paladin, who rolled out of the way of the barreling behemoth. Whooshing past him, he slashed at its side, the creature reacting little to the attack while it slammed into the building behind the man it rushed. Meanwhile, the Pegasi on high fired bolt after bolt into the other beast, who tore a section of the ground out clean and hurled it at its attackers, all thankfully deftly dodging out of the way. Thinking quickly, Percival deactivated Venator and shouted for one of Ghost's knives, the man swiftly chucked him one as the Paladin sprinted faster than the Guards could track and plunged the seven-inch blade into its back while he pulled out Ace once more. Clinging to the beast's back as it tried its damndest to throw him off, he fired his hand cannon into the base of its skull, round after round throwing up blood and chucks of bone and seemingly undead flesh until the cylinder ran dry. The beast stumbled a few feet before falling flat on its face motionless. Before Percival could get off the dead demon's back, a force slammed into his side, sending him hurtling through the air and into the second story of the building opposite him, causing even Ghost to cringe slightly. Seeing their General's success and taking advantage of its momentary distraction, the ground forces took the beast's attention while the air support focus fired upon the back of its neck, just below the base of its skull. After several shots from each of the Pegasi, positively porcupining the muscled demon, it too fell to the ground. Pushing off chunks of rock and other debris, Percival stood and dusted himself, ready to jump back down when he heard a low, throaty growl as the sound of dripping met his ears. He whipped around and immediately locked eyes with the other demon he saw in the picture Ayren gave him. Sickly green sludge dripped to the ground with a sizzle, the partially melted mouth lulled as the marble-white eyes gazed at him angrily. The bulging throat pulsed and shuddered as a lob of congealed spit whizzed past his head as he was able to lean out of the way. "Oh shit!" Running down the corridor, several projectiles of spit barely missed him, the loogies hucked past him, landing on the floor around him with a sizzle, the stonework melting away in seconds. The Paladin rounded a corner as he reached for Ace and fired a few shots, bracing his arm with his other, Ghost's knife still held tight in his grip. As he fired the shots, the demon was put off-kilter and a lob of acidic spit met with the side of his face, the acid making quick work and melting down to the bone. Yelling out, Percival fell to the floor as his pain receptors were put in overdrive while lumps of his now liquified flesh fell to the floor beneath him. An odd, tingling sensation then filled his face, the pain still ever-present. He began feeling the muscle, sinew and skin begin to regrow. The demon was right on top of him and a grin filled his face. The demon stood above him, the glow ever so slightly brighter as it started hocking up more of its vile substance. Just as it was about to throw up, a bolt of steel ran through its jaw, the already unhinged mandible falling to the ground while the acid leaked over the rest of the body, melting bone and flesh in seconds. Percival got to his feet and jumped to the street below, happy to see the other behemoth already taken care of and his squad unharmed. The team all rushed over to their General, seeing the condition of his face but immediately flinching upon seeing it subtly shifting and regrowing. "We need to move!" Percival slurred slightly, his bottom lip slowly regenerating. "They know we're here! We need to get to City Hall now! Go!" The group sprinted as quickly as their legs were able to carry them, the soldiers doing their best to keep up with the swiftly moving Percival while the Pegasi collected as many bolts as they could and flew overhead. Unsurprisingly, they were met with what seemed to be the common foot soldier of this invasion, the six-eyed spiked demon they had dealt with earlier. Cutting through them was no bother, their swords, magic and crossbow bolts felling them quickly. Cutting through streets and alleys, the group made short work of distance, the City Hall coming into view, no more than fifty yards in front of them but their work was cut out for them. In front of the City Hall stood a horde of demons, waiting for them as they skid into the street the Hall stood. With a screech, the horde wasted no time in rushing towards the group of Equestrian soldiers. With a clang and plume of fire, Percival resummoned Venator and burst forward, doing his best to cut down as many as he could, cutting a tideway for his squad to move through and kill any stragglers. It worked surprisingly well, the demons acting as nothing more than feral beasts, but it would only work for so long. With a yell from his comrades and a roar from an unseen assailant, a mass rammed into Percival's back as the ground beneath him opened up, sending him and the behemoth that attacked him into the now opened depth below, his men shouting after him. ~~ Groaning as I open my eyes, I come back to consciousness while slowly moving, the rubble and rock underneath me shifting slightly from my movement. My back ached and my head throbbed as an inky blackness took my vision. Standing to my feet as best I could, the sound of stone shifting and falling to the floor met my ears but my vision, or lack thereof, never came to me. "Behind you." Reacting in an instant, I sent my fist out, the strike meeting a fleshy wall that swiftly crumbled under the blow while flames burst from my hand, briefly illuminating my surroundings, revealing that I was in a tunnel. Startled, I backpedalled and held my fists up, ready to throw hands at a moment's notice. When nothing happened, I shifted before calling out. "Hello?" My voice echoed the tunnel I had suddenly found myself in. Suddenly realizing what I had just done, I paused before curiously throwing my fist out again, an odd feeling overtaking my arm as a flame engulfed it before disappearing when my balled fist came to a stop. "Alright, gotta test that out later," I said to myself. "But first I need a light." Reaching towards my belt for Venator, my hand erupts into flame startling me, causing me to start waving it around like an idiot to extinguish it. My momentary panic quickly ceased as I realized no pain had come from the flame and that it was simply illuminating the tunnel. Looking down at my feet, I spot the dead and mangled body of one of the large demons we had faced, thick pieces of rebar sticking out from its barely contained body with a heavily caved-in cranium, blood seeping to the ground it lifelessly lay on. Miraculously, I had come out unscathed bar the aching back I had. "Christ, talk about plot armour," Looking, I spot the hole we had presumedly fallen from. Holding my hand up slightly, I called out. "Ghost?! Guys?!" No answer. No light seemed to penetrate from above into the dark and otherwise empty tunnel. "Shit!" Taking a breath, I quietly reassured myself they would be alright. "Now I just need to figure out how to get out," I muttered to myself, looking from each end of the tunnel to the other. "Umm...eeny meeny miny...eh fuck it." Walking in a random direction, I left behind the lifeless corpse. The tunnel system was like a maze of twisting and turning corridors, intersecting here and there while sometimes leading to dead ends with simple gratings on the walls at the floor, water quietly seeping into and continuing unseen behind it. Indentations dotted the walls occasionally, thick locked metal doors barring my entrance to wherever they led. But given I had lived the last few months in Canterlot castle, I had gotten rather good at traversing mazes. But that being said, it still took what felt like hours wandering the pitch blackness with nothing but my new light source and I was getting worried about my comrades up top. That was until the ground shook under my feet and a purple glow shone faintly in front of me. Quickening my step, the tunnels eventually end, expanding out into a large open space. It looked to be some sort of plumbing system, but it was warped, and the general works were stretched and pushed out. From the ceiling and floor protruded a thick cylinder, meeting in the middle with roughly five to six feet separating them. And between them was the source of the glow, a small stone, no bigger than my palm, floating between the thick circular slabs of stone. There also seemed to be many other entrances into the massive room similar to the one I stood in. "Well, that's not ominous," I commented as the flame around my hand went out. Jumping down, I take no more than a single step before I'm stopped in my tracks, the fading echoes of a distant screech meeting my ears. All of a sudden, my senses begin screaming at me, telling me to move while the distant screams echo again and again more frequently and sound as though they're getting closer. Rushing forward, I get roughly halfway as the screeches become all-encompassing, the many openings echoing with countless roars and shrieks. Seconds later, the black-furred demons came flooding in like a torrent of water with angry howls. "Oh shit." "Sir!" Ghost and his comrades called out as Percival fell, the former reaching out towards him in a vain attempt to catch him. Realizing he was out of reach, Ghost sprang to his feet, quickly locking eyes with the rapidly approaching horde of demons. Glancing around he spotted an alleyway and pointed towards it. "Down the alley! Go!" Pumping their legs as hard as they could, the group of Equestrians sprinted through the alley with the demons hot on their tails. Bobbing and weaving through the back passageways, they skid as they round into another street, firing bolts of steel and magic at any assailants that dare get too close. As the enraged mob begin to close the distance between them and the small squad of soldiers, the street beneath them explodes in a burst of flame, and any unfortunate enough to get caught within the fire howl and screech in agony, flailing and grasping at nothing as a voice calls out. "Hey! Up here!" The group turns and looks up, quickly spotting the source of the voice, a Lycan four stories high, grabbing what looked to be a Molotov cocktail, winding it back to prepare to throw it. "Get inside! We will cover you from here!" Without another word, the Lycan threw the bottle, the improvised weapon breaking and exploding, showering the demon horde in even more flame, allowing the group ample time to scramble inside. Doing so, they rush in, Ghost standing by the door, making sure they all get in safely before entering himself. The sound of breaking glass, roaring flame and yelling monstrosities meet their ears as they begin to climb the stairs, coming to the fourth floor in no time, another Lycan at the door to meet them as they swiftly file in. As Ghost enters, The Lycan, accompanied by another, barricades the door behind them, locking them all in. With no moment to rest, the two Lycans rush past the group of Equestrians, prompting them to follow behind them, coming to where the Lycan that had called out to them was. "Anyone who can't use magic, grab whatever you can throw!" She exclaimed. Scrambling up to the window, the magic users began throwing whatever projectile spells they had at their disposal, ignoring the creeping stitch in their sides from the rapid use of spells. The Pegasi fired whatever bolts they had left while those who didn't have ranged weapons or magic collected what they could find and threw to the best of their abilities. It soon became a war of attrition as demon after demon came swarming the alleys, roofs and windows. They climbed the sheer walls and reached in through the window while the barricade barely held as several rammed their shoulders to knock it down. They seemed to be countless as the bodies started piling in front of the building, making it hard for the demons to make any solid progress and making it harder for those trying to defend themselves from hitting their targets. Five minutes go by. Five minutes turn to ten. Then ten turns to twenty. And twenty to thirty until a solid hour of frantic throwing and shooting goes by with no end in sight. Until that is, the demons freeze and turn to face the opposite direction, only to frantically scramble away, screeching and hollering as if distressed about something. The unholy yells continued, getting quieter and quieter. Until silence. The room collectively holds their breath, waiting, glancing over their shoulders in case they came in from another way. But the minutes tick by slowly for nothing to happen. They were gone. The room lets out a collective sigh as the few Lycans in the room sit and slump to the floor, exhaustion clear on their faces while the Equestrians take their time to gather their breath. The Lycan from before who had called out, light grey with bright green eyes, approaches the group. "'Preciate the assist mate," Ghost said as she stepped up to them. "Course hermano," She replied with a tired grin. "Doesn't matter what situation we're in, we're always happy to help a fellow soldado." "Lieutenant Ghost," He said, holding out his hand. "Lieutenant Loba," She replied, happily taking his hand. "Didn't think we'd get support so soon." "We moved as soon as we got your message on our General's orders," Ghost replied. "Your General?" "Paladin Percival Felwinter." The Lycan's eyes snapped open as the others turned quickly upon hearing the name, Loba looking between the Equestrian soldiers. "The Paladin? He ordered the effort?" "He did." "Where is he now?" "He was with us but one of those massive fucks sent it and him to what I can only assume to be some sort of pre-existing sinkhole or something like that. That was before we had to retreat and came here." "Well shit, we gotta find him!" Just as the words left her mouth, a plume of purple fire and black smoke erupted several blocks down in a massive explosion, crumbling several buildings around it and rocking the building the group of survivors stood, sending some to their knees. Not a second later, the body of one of the black-furred demons came crashing through the unprotected window, its form a mangled mess, missing two of its limbs, half of its face and chest melted and blown away revealing the stark white skull and ribs beneath. Its chest, though slow and laboured, still somehow heaved as the breath barely came to it before the blue light in its three remaining eyes faded and it drew its last breath. The group of survivors and soldiers all quickly stepped up to the window, hoping to see what was happening. Rubble, stone and rock fell to the ground with a clatter. The street was covered in a light layer of brown dust and soot, the decimated ground and lifeless bodies were coated with bright purple flame, setting the black fur ablaze. The once slick blood-stained ground now burned dry as the flames licked them away. "Something tells me that won't be an issue Boss," Private Swift Wing commented. Pulling down the barricade, the group rushed down the stairs, stepped up to the entrance and strained to push aside the limp bodies of the dead demons. As they shoved the corpses away, the sound of soft booms echoed in the distance, as screams and yells from the abominations. Bounding down the streets and alleys towards the source of the sound and rounding they came to the scene of a massacre in front of what remained of the City Hall. Demons littered the ground, their bodies limp and lifeless. Limps appeared torn from sockets and bones snapped and pierced the black-furred flesh. Skulls were caved and chests were blown open, allowing their entrails to spill to the ground in a steaming mess. The behemoths of muscle lay motionless, their heads ripped from their shoulders while lumps of liquified meat sat in vicious puddles. Blood caked the dirt path in front of the decimated building and in the middle of it all, covered head to toe in bright red crimson, was Percival. Tied tight to his belt was a rag, wrapped around and weighed down by something heavy, a faint purple glow emanated through the fabric as he rolled his shoulders, the crushed head of a demon beneath his boot. He, as well as the group, heard a loud cough and splatter as a demon, leaning against its larger comrade, clutched its side as it bared its teeth at the man. Slowly stepping up to it, the group watched as the man pulled out his firearm, a few looking at it oddly before turning their attention to the unfolding scene. "He will not be happy about this," It snarled. "We will hunt you down like the mangy dogs you are! We have an army! An army!" "Yeah?" Percival said, bringing Ace to aim. "Well fuck you too." He pulled the trigger and in less than a second, the demon was blown apart, its embers and ashes scattered to the wind. Giving Ace a small quick flourish, he reholstered while he turned to the gathered group, idly beginning to wipe to blood from his eyes. "Clean up on aisle six," He said, flicking his wrist. "Sir," Ghost said, stepping up to the blood-covered man. "Glad to see you're alright Sir." Walking up beside the skull-masked Lieutenant, Percival watched Loba quietly as she held out her hand. "Lieutenant Loba." "Paladin Percival Felwinter," He replied, gripping her hand. "So you're the Equestrian General?" She said. "You're surprised?" "I'm surprised you're here. Military Generals aren't typically known to enter the battlefield," She replied. "I wasn't going to send my men to a potential suicide mission without being there myself," Percival said with conviction before turning to his men. "Pegasi, to the sky, I want eyes on any potential threats. I want to know if we should expect company." The four Pegasi gave the man a nod before taking to the sky, soaring up high enough to overlook the city, hovering in place and swivelling, their eyes scanning for any that would pose a threat. After a moment or two, one of them pointed to the east of their position, resulting in the group on the ground to turn and ready their weapons. The four land a few metres away, quickly stepping up to the alert group. "Gimme a sitrep," Percival said. "Movement on the city's east side," Sergeant Platimun Star replied. "They're...retreating Sir." "They're...what?" "They're retreating Sir," Platinum repeated. "I don't think I've ever seen anything move that quickly in my life." "Huh," Percival hummed, relaxing his posture. "Wasn't expecting that." "Are you positive?" Loba asked, slightly turning her head. "One hundred percent Ma'am." The whole group, Equestrians and Lycans, simply glanced among themselves, unsure what to do with the information. The Lycans most of all were shocked and confused, having borne the brunt of the brutish and sudden assault, but the confusion promptly turned to a sorrowed relief. Relief for the nightmare was over, but sorrow for those who needlessly lost their lives to the demonic presence. The Lycans fell to their knees as the tears began to fall, and they cursed those who broke their families and destroyed their once beautiful home. But as the group travelled to the encampment, a new emotion fell upon them: Hope. For a protector was born that day. Ponyville planted the seed for that hope, and for the world's newest Paladin, but the events that unfolded that day bore the fruit of that seed, and what would follow in the days to come. The world, through means never to be understood, was given a new protector. One who would shape the world, for better or worse. > Chapter 13 - "Tests And Questions" > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As the ship set into Canterlot's designated Skyport beneath the looming castle above with a solid jolt, the men dotted around the ship jumped to action, whether it be securing the ship to the port or preparing to transfer cargo. Standing, Ghost, myself and the rest of the team I had assembled for the mission began filing off the ship as the crew started fully offloading cargo and any leftover items. As I stepped off, I looked around just as one of the crew members dropped a weighty, reinforced box, the handle slipping from his grip as it landed on the wooden port with a loud thud. As it landed, blue and purple runes pulsed and waved over the box from the point of impact, brightly shining in the shaded port under the castle. "Oye, careful with that! That's precious cargo!" "Yes Sir!" "Sorry, Sir!" Nodding, I turned my attention to the two Celestial Princesses, both patiently waiting with soft but firm smiles on their lips. I stopped a few feet from them and offered them a deep bow, Ghost copying my movements while the Princesses offered a bow of their own. Coming up from my bow, I peered over my shoulder and signalled for the large team of Guards I had gathered and they began making their way off and out into the entryway underneath the castle as I praised them for their work as they marched past us. "Percival," Celestia said with a wide smile. "Welcome back." "Glad to be back Chief," I smile back. "Before we continue, we must commend you on your work in Las Almas," Luna said. "Without your hasty work and assistance, many fear the city and many more lives would have been lost." "And Princess Ayren has spoken extremely highly of you in the letters she had sent to us," Celestia added. "We understand there was much pressure put upon you and yet despite the odds against you, you performed exemplary and reclaimed the city for the people. No easy task, especially so early in your career." "Just doing my job," I reply. "Be that as it may, the deeds you and your team performed are becoming widely known, especially amongst the wider Lycan Commonwealth. You are all considered great heroes." Luna said. "That'll take some getting used to," I muttered to myself as the two that had been carrying the large metal reinforced box made their way past us, briefly bowing to the Princesses as they passed. "Is that it?" Celestia asked. "It is," I replied. "Then let us get to it then." Quickly stepping in line behind the Celestial duo with Ghost by my side as always, we followed the carriers as they met with an individual, a castle Mage in heavy robes, who promptly took the lead as we all made our way towards the Secure Magic Labs wing of the castle, a specially built section used for many things concerning magic, primarily acting as the central hub for R&D for new and old spells, wards, potions, texts and tombs as well as researching, testing and containing magical items. It was a section I was not privy to as I never had a reason to go there. We made our way through the winding halls as the Guards, maids butlers and other castle staff bowed, I couldn't but take glances at the box as the runes faded in and out, shifting, waning and waxing over the dark mahogany wood and gunmetal grey steel, both of which had been carved and etched with fine, intricate patterns. After the initial attack, the stone had been promptly placed in the thick case, while Princess Ayren ordered some of her best Mages and Magic Crafters to watch over it while any stragglers from the incursion were swiftly dealt with by me, my team and those who were able to help. It took the better part of a week to accomplish, but any demons were eradicated from the city and with the threat taken care of, the Lycans could start mourning their losses and rebuilding. During that time, some basic tests were done and it was found that the stone let off a nearly imperceptible pulse of magic and it was feared initially that it was a beacon of some sort or some other type of tracking magic. The tests found it was strangely harmless but due to not having proper facilities, these readings were taken with a grain of salt. But that didn't deter our caution and a protection stave and a magic-dampening runes were placed upon the box. Soon, we came upon a pair of heavy-set metal doors which were quickly enveloped in a golden and deep blue aura while a series of loud clicks and thunks sounded out before the doors swung open with the sound of deep grinding metal. Stepping through the threshold, I felt a pressure build in the back of my head and suddenly disappear. Scratching at the very quickly building itch, the Princesses looked at me with sly grins. "Don't mind the sensation," Luna said in a comforting manner. "That is simply the wards and spells that ensure the safety of those within this particular wing. They are positively harmless." Continuing, we walked down a lengthy corridor, with similar metal doors on either side though not as heavy. We stopped at the end, where a larger door stood. Stepping into a large circular room, my eyes were met with several Mages in similar robes, all coloured in varying shades of brown, all wandering from here to there. The walls were lined with heavy shelves that held various items. Bunsen burners, racks with vials of many sizes and jars with bones and skeletons. Below them sat what looked to be workbenches of some kind that had containers holding all manner of ingredients. A wizard's workshop if I've ever seen one. "Set it down there," Celestia said suddenly. The pair carrying the box let it down carefully and steadily, their faces strained with anxiety. As they did, two other Mages stepped up and placed a clear but equally reinforced case next to it as one pulled out a long pair of tongs. I step forward slightly as the Mages carefully unlatch the box lid, the runes and staves dispersing to the floor in a shower of sparks and other particles. The Mage with the tongs tentatively reaches inside, and with a little clink, pulls the stone out and swiftly transfering it with practised ease. As the stone lulled and shook within its new container, it eventually settled, floating idly in the centre, bobbing ever so slightly as the previous container was quickly taken away. The purple light flickered slightly before the stone completely settled within its new enclosure, now totally still as though in suspended animation. Over the next couple of hours or so, the Mages began pulling several tools and apparatuses I didn't recognise and started their own series of tests but these were much more in-depth as they went over not only the magical properties it boasted but also its physical. Physically, they examined the type of stone it was as well as how well said stone was in tune with magic it was. Magic-wise, they tested its type, capacity, density and how much magic it held whether it be natural or added, which I didn't know was something that could be differentiated. Every day's a school day, I guess. "What information have we gathered so far?" Celestia asked, idly scratching her chin. "Well, from what we can gather, physically it seems to be quartz altered to better handle high-density magic. The magic itself is, of course, extremely dense and appears to be incredibly high in volume, seemingly higher than what it should be able to hold, leading us to believe it's far more altered than we initially believed." "But what is most interesting is the type of magic held within," Another chimes in. "There doesn't appear to be any magic signature at all." "What an odd artefact," One of the Mages said, peering down at the notes taken by the Lycan Mages as well as the newly taken notes. As the words left his mouth, the stone stuttered and faltered, the purple light dimming and flashing before it began flashing, alternating between a bright crimson red and a deep cyan blue randomly. It twitched and jittered as though it was being struck from the inside. Instinctually, Ghost reaches for his blade and I reach for Ace, the Mages all step back and ignite their horns while the Princesses step forward, as they too ignite their horns. We all stand there, fingers twitching and magic tensed, we wait for something, anything to happen. A minute passes. The stone settles. Another minute passes. Nothing. Hesitantly, we let go of our weapons and dispelled our magic while the Mages tentatively stepped forward all while they couldn't shake their shocked expressions. As one comes up to the container, they place their hand on its top and their horn pulses softly while the stone of encased in the same aura. "Nothing seems to have changed," The Mage said after a few moments. "I'm getting the same readings as before." "What manner of object is this stone?" Luna mumbled. "Excuse me, Sir Felwinter," A Mage says as they step up towards me. "The report mentions that you were the one that found the stone beneath the Las Almas City Hall. If you don't mind my asking, but are you aware of what it was doing?" "Unfortunately not. I just found it sitting in the chamber and the second I got close, I was swarmed," I replied. "So it seems that they held it in high enough regard to protect it with their life," He mumbled. "Whatever this object is, it's clearly important for something." "But figuring out what for is going to be incredibly difficult based on our current data," Another added. "Then may I suggest having Twilight Sparkle have a hand in conducting the research effort on this stone?" I speak up. "Twilight Sparkle?" One of the Mages repeats before looking at the Solar Princess. "Your Highness?" Looking at Celestia, I see her gain a curious look as she gazes at me. "May I ask why her specifically?" "Well, I know she's smart enough with a literal library's worth of information at her disposal which she could easily use to either discover something new or make educated guesses on existing information. She's also smart enough to keep to protocol and keep what would be her colleagues safe and out of harm's way." Celestia gained a thoughtful look as I spoke before her lips parted in a smile, clearly happy with the praise that I gave her student but also pleased with the reasons I brought up. "Those are fair reasons," She nodded. "I will send word to her soon and request her presence here at her earliest convenience." "Sound good to me," I nod back before turning to the Mages in the room. "In that case, I will leave this in your more than capable hands. Hopefully, we can discover something soon." "Yes, I believe we should take our leave as well," Luna said, turning to the Mages as well. "We shall leave you all to it." The Mages give a short but respectful bow before they consume themselves in their work, eagerly gliding across the room as they work their magic, both in the literal and figurative sense. As the four of us strode back down the corridor from which we arrived, my thoughts became overtaken by the most recent events. The world I had found myself in was so much more different from the one I had grown to love that it was beginning to get hard to imagine that it used to be so much more...tame. I guess having lived in this version of the world for several months already, the memories are starting to be overtaken by this new reality. It makes me wonder about what will happen to my memories of Earth. Will they too be claimed and overwritten by something else or will they by some miracle remain untouched? I wouldn't say I'd be averse to the idea since I didn't leave much behind and anything I did leave...wasn't exactly pleasant. But it got me thinking. If this is what the world is like only a little over a few months into it, what's it going to be like years later? There are almost too many answers to that particular question and not many of them are pleasant. I honestly dread to think about the possibilities and their outcomes. "Percival?" My gaze snapped up from the floor and behind me, towards Celestia, who bore a concerned look along with her sister, who seemed to have stopped walking. "What?" I asked. "Have I got something on my face?" "No, you have not," Luna replied. "But you have been scowling for the last five minutes." "What are you thinking?" Celestia asked, gently placing her hand on my shoulder. "...A lot," I reply truthfully with a chuckle. "A lot's going on and I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around it." "I can imagine," Celestia smiled. "Even my sister and I are having trouble understanding everything, so you're not alone in that regard." Bringing my hands up to my face, I lightly groan into them. "I need a bath." The twins giggled lightly while Ghost nodded his head. "In other news, however, you should be pleased to know that your home will be completed by week's end," Celestia said. "By the end of the week? Damn, that was quick." I repeated. "It's only been what? A little over...three and a half months?" "I did say I hired the best," She grinned. "That you did. Thank you for letting me know," I said. "I'm gonna...head to my room and take a long nap." "I believe that would be best," Luna agreed. Nodding, I bowed before turning. "Come on Ghost, let's get some well-earned rest." The twins watched as the duo disappeared down the hall with a smile and grin. The Princesses had high hopes for their newest Paladin and he had more than enough to prove himself, not just to them, but to the world at large. They couldn't help but look forward to what the future would have in store, for them and their General. > Chapter 14 - "Release" > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "So you've got the hammer, the trigger and the safety," I said, pointing to the respective pieces of the firearm in my hands. "These are the main parts we want to be concerned about for now." Handing Ace over to a patiently waiting Ghost, he gently took it from me, careful to put his finger on the trigger just yet, despite having the safety flicked on and no ammo in the cylinder—a good sign. "First things first: you'll want to point it down range at all times when you're practising to minimise the risk of harm in case of an accidental discharge and when not shooting, you want your finger off the trigger, which I see you're already doing," I told him as he listened to me intently. Lightly taking his arm, I lift it up and adjust Ace to a better position in his hand. "You want your hand as high as it'll go. Try to get the centre line of the bore in line with your arm, that way it'll only recoil back. The more leverage and leeway you give it, the more it'll kick," I instruct him as I then take his free hand. "Next is what to do with your support hand. What I like to do is get my hand under the trigger guard here-" I motion towards the mentioned portion of the revolver. "-and really wrap my thumb around it and push in and lock in your grip." Stepping back, I give the taller man a little space. "Oh and don't be too rigid. Keep your arms firm yet delicate, like a tense jellyfish." Ghost looked at me strangely before nodding and lifted the high-power revolver. Slowly pulling the trigger, the hammer moved back softly before slamming forward, striking the bullet primer, causing an internal chain reaction. The bullet zoomed out through the barrel, leaving behind a fireball bigger than a balled fist as it exited. Ghost flinched and stumbled back a few steps as he experienced the Ace's recoil. "Oh ho ho ho!" He chuckled loudly, his eyes full of a glee I hadn't seen from him. "Right?" I smiled widely. "How's it feel?" "Stronger than I expected, I won't lie, Sir," Ghost replied. "I've seen you handle it like it's nothing." "To be fair, I've been handling similar weapons for a long time, so I'm used to it," I shrugged. "If I may, Sir," Ghost said, carefully looking over Ace. "What is it exactly?" I look at the firearm for a moment before I look back up at the waiting man. "A piece of long-forgotten technology." "How do you mean?" I wave my hand dismissively. "Ah, it doesn't matter." Ghost squinted his eyes a little before raising Ace and aiming down its sights again. "Permission to speak freely Sir?" "Always Ghost," I reply. "You're a strange one," He said with a light tone of mirth in his voice. I couldn't help but grin at his words. "Oh believe me Ghost, I know." Ghost waited a moment before pulling the trigger again, the same fireball emitting from the barrel accompanied by the Ace's signature loud boom. He stepped back, this time not knocked back as far as he had the first time and rolled his shoulders while flexing and bending his arms. Though his face was covered as always, I could see the enjoyment in his eyes. It reminded me of my first time firing a gun. "So what do you think of the stone?" He asked. I Folded my arms as I watched him retake aim. "I dunno. It's a strange one. It's gotten the Mages really flummoxed. Whatever it is, I've got a bad feeling about it." "Gut feeling?" "You know it." Ghost fired another shot, this time he was able to keep his ground and not flinch nearly as much as his previous rounds. "You've gotten used to that," I commented. "It's nothing like I shot before, Sir," He replied. "But it feels...natural." "That's good," I nodded. "Opens up a new avenue of possibilities for use on the field. Want to keep going?" "If you don't mind Sir?" My grin widened. "Not at all Ghost. It holds twelve rounds so when it runs dry, let me know and I'll fill her back up." "How does work Sir?" Ghost asked. "Your munition supply I mean. How do you have so much at any given moment?" "Honestly? Not a damn clue. All I know is that it works and if it ain't broke, don't fix it," I shrugged. Reaching my left hand into the right inner pocket of my purple fabric and leather coat, I immediately feel a cold metal cylinder materialize in my grasp. I quickly pull it out and huck it up slightly into the air, catching it with a small flourish, rolling it in my fingers as I flash it at Ghost who simply looks at me confused and mildly amazed as I sit on the wooden bench in front of us. "Like I said, if it ain't broke, don't fix it." Ghost looked at the cylinder for a moment, reaching down for it and looking it over, spinning and rolling it around to better look at its every detail before shifting his gaze to Ace and then to me. "How can this-" He holds the cylinder up. "-hold twelve rounds?" I shrug again. "Magic most likely. That stuff can honestly explain most of everything. No clue how it works, no matter how many times the Princesses try to explain it to me." Ghost simply nodded, placing the cylinder back down onto the bench. "Magic," He repeated. "You aren't the only one it confuses Sir." "Glad to know I'm not the only one," I chuckle. "Magic's a real bitch." "So how do you produce the fire then if you don't understand magic?" He asked suddenly, aiming again. "How do you mean?" I ask, quirking an eyebrow. "Well you told me about when you fell into the tunnel," He explained. "You produced fire that helped you see. I was wonderin' how you did it." "I..." I paused briefly. "I honestly don't know. It just happened." "It just happened?" He repeated. "So it happened randomly?" "Not quite," I replied. "The best way I can explain it is it felt like...I dunno, instinct I guess? I feel like I could control it if I wanted to, but it also just kinda...happened." "Permission to speak freely, Sir?" "Always Ghost, you know this." "That doesn't make any fuckin' sense," He said. "How does that make sense?" I sigh deeply as I look at my hand, clenching it momentarily, feeling it heat up before letting it go slack. "That's what I'm still trying to figure out." Ghost gives me a momentary side-eye before looking back down Ace's sights. "With all due respect Sir, you make less and less sense the more I get to know you." I couldn't help but laugh. "You aren't the only one!" Ghost once again pulled the trigger and seemed to have adjusted well to the firearm despite having fired it for the first time not five minutes ago. "You handled Ace remarkably well Ghost." "How do people normally handle it, Sir?" He asked. "Well, people would fall over, it would kick back and hit them in the face or it would fly completely out their hands," I laughed. "That one's always funny." I could hear Ghost chuckle softly. "How did you handle it, Sir?" "Oh it flew clean out of my hands," I replied before I laughed again. "To be fair I was like, ten and barely broke four feet." Ghost chuckled again along with me as he continued. "It's strong, but it feels amazing I won't lie." "I know the feeling." ~~ I sat on the stone railing of the balcony of my room as I stared out into nothing in particular, my sword leaning against the railing beside me. Idly, I shuffled the thick stack of cards that Rarity had been so kind to gift me those months ago that felt so distant yet so recent. I looked down as my hands worked on their own as I sifted through what few tricks I had been able to learn when I had my last deck before I lost them. I slightly shifted my head as I heard the door open behind me, a heavy and distinct set of footsteps getting closer before stopping a few paces away from me followed by a soft thud as the individual presumedly rested on a nearby chair. A soft smile worked onto my face and I looked back out at this and that. "You alright Celestia?" Celestia seemed to shift a small bit as I could hear her roll her shoulders which let out some small pops. "Tired, stressed and all I want to do right now is sleep," She replied before letting out a soft laugh. "But what's new?" I chuckled a little as well. "I bet. Though you handle it remarkably well." "Well, I have been doing this for well over a thousand years," She replied. "I'd hope I could 'handle it well'." I chuckled again. "Touche." "But enough about me," She said suddenly. "I came here for you." "For me?" I asked, briefly pausing shuffling the deck in my hands. "Of course," She replied. "With how hectic things have been recently, we haven't been able to simply sit down and talk." "Come to think of it, you're right," I agreed. "Exactly. Plus, I also wanted to make sure you were alright as well, given how stressful things have been as of late," She said. "So how are you, Percival?" "Honestly, it all feels like an elaborate fever dream," I chuckled. "What does?" My shoulders slouch slightly. "Everything really. Being your Paladin. Las Almas. Ghost. And don't get me started on being a General." "Last time I trained troops, I swore to myself I wouldn't do it again, that I had had enough," I continued. "Like I told Twilight, I've seen more than my fair share, and now I'm back in the middle of the thick of it I can't help but feel it's all just...another nightmare. But I'm constantly reminded it's real." "Do...do you regret your decisions?" She asked after a few moments. "No," I answered quickly, turning around to face the Solar Princess. "I was a wanderer for a long time, a man without a purpose or reason. I think this, for whatever reason, be it divine or otherwise, is my purpose." "Percival, this may seem odd but may I ask you something?" "You're my boss so I can't really say no," I smirked. "How old are you?" She asked. I paused. Memories flashed through my eyes. Memories of Earth, both pleasant and otherwise. Memories of my Grandfather, of my Sister and of the man I had long hated. Memories of the people and places I had seen and been. Memories of smoke, fire and death, of comrades and enemies. All in the flash of a second. My mind was then quickly overtaken by images of black expanses, dotted by white specks that moved and shifted, bobbed and weaved with seemingly random, but beautiful grace. It was overtaken by memories of peeling skin, shifting bones and melding flesh. Images and memories that felt as though they went on for eternity and aeons and went by in an instant flash. Contradictory periods of time at odds, forever at war for what is right and what is wrong. My mind snapped back to reality when I felt a soft hand on my shoulder. I looked back and saw Celestia looking at me, worry clear in her bright magenta eyes. "Are you ok Percival?" "Yeah...I'm alright," I replied evenly. "To be honest Chief...I don't really know." "You...don't know?" She repeated incredulously. "What do you mean you don't know?" "I've gone through a lot of shit," I said honestly, shrugging as I did. "At some point, I stopped caring and I lost count." In the distance in the peripheral of my hearing, in an almost ethereal way, I could have sworn I had heard a familiar, deep and almost offended and shocked gasp, as though the words alone were enough to elicit capital punishment. "I'd ask what happened to make you stop caring...but I don't want to push my luck," Celestia said, stepping back as I spun my legs around, letting them touch the balcony floor as I leaned against the railing. "We'll get there one day," I said, placing the deck of cards in their box before folding my arms. "Just not today." "Well, when you feel ready, I'll be there to listen," She replied with a nod, lightly placing his hand on the shoulder. "Thanks, Chief," I smiled quietly. "Of course," She said. She let go of my shoulder and stepped back. That was when an all too familiar sensation washed over me. Butterflies fluttered around in my stomach as my finger began twitching and my heart's pace picked up, while my senses became acutely aware of the surroundings. My eyes snapped up as I realized what the feeling meant. "Move!" "Celestia move!" Rushing forward, I grabbed her by her shoulders and threw her to the side as hard and fast as I could in the short amount of time I had before the door to the room exploded in a shower of splinters. While I shielded my face on instinct, a sudden force rammed into my chest, sending me flying back into the solid stone railing, which promptly broke and crumbled from my impact as I barely heard my sword clatter to the floor. I tried to move to check on Celestia but felt a weight forcing me into place. My gaze shot up to be met with a wide wild grin and bloodshot eyes. "Miss me?" With my eyes wide as dinner plates, I reached to my thigh and hastily gripped Ace, moving as quickly as I could to bring it up. The man on top of me simply grabbed my wrist, slamming his free fist into the nook of my arms, the bones putting up little resistance as they shatter, forcing me to drop my gun. "Nu-uh!" The man shouted as he stood with lightning speed, rapidly taking hold of my ankle and sending me flying. I could briefly hear Celestia call out my name before an alarm blared to life a few seconds later. I crash into the ground, skidding across the cobbled pavement and leaving a deep crater in my wake. The Nobles and other residents scrambled and ran for their lives as I collided with the stone ground. Moving shakily to my knees, I gripped my now limp arm as I felt the bones and muscles shift and pulsate, stinging pain surging up the rest of my arms. Leveraging it against the ground, I tightly grasp the mending joint and push, the sudden motion snapping it into place I yell from the pain. A loud crash alerted me to another presence while I stood as quickly as I could. The tattooed man walked towards me, fists clenched with said tattoos glowing, shifting between red and blue while he rolled his shoulders. "I'll admit, you held on rather well last time," He said with a sarcastic clap, his voice even scratchier than when I last saw him. "So well done for that." "How the hell-" "Doesn't fuckin' matter!" He snapped. "What matters is this," He motioned between us before spreading his arms. "So, care to try again?" The man burst forward, his tattoos flashing a brilliant blue. Falling back, I roll my feet up and over my head and push against the ground, sending me down the street. Easily following me, his fist collides with my face then another with my stomach. As I recoiled back, I twisted my body and shot my foot out, the metal plating connected with the man's cheek. With the momentary distraction, I rush forward. The man quickly recovered and effortlessly blocked and dodged my attacks, an ever-unimpressed expression plastered across his face. Ducking to the side, he brought his fists up to the side of his head, stepping to the side while he struck with disturbing accuracy followed by a powerful kick to my side, using the momentum to send another to the side of my face as he spun. I flew back several metres as I tried to stay on my feet while I once again skidded to a stop. "Come on, you can do better than that," The man commented. Just as the words left him, a blue light flashed above his shoulder and shot out in a fast-moving projectile. My eyes widened as I jumped back, using my weight to twist my body and whirl my feet up and over my head. As I did, thick orange flames shot out and left a momentary trail, the projectile colliding with it and dispersing in a shower of sparks as another formed and rocketed towards me. Leaning to the side, the projectile shot past my head while I bobbed and weaved a flurry as the man simply stood there, a shit-eating grin spreading across his face. Disappearing in a haze and a puff of black smoke, I hear him yell from behind me, his foot above his head, forcing me to dodge forward, more flames leaving a trail from my shoulders, lower legs and arms as he landed with a shuddering crash behind me. Stomping the ground, I propelled back and shot my leg out while the man leaned to the side and sent out a punch as I leaned back. This back-and-forth went on for what felt like hours, the two of us sending powerful strikes, only to have them dodged or blocked. His speed was honestly impressive and I was having a hard time keeping up but I did so for as long as I could before backup arrived. The entire time, I hoped an opening would reveal itself and thankfully, one did. Stepping to the side as the man brought his leg down, I ducked down low and brought my arm up, sweeping his other leg out from under him and drove both of my fists into his chest as hard as I could as he fell. I ran after him as he tumbled and stumbled down the street, all while I continued his momentum, kicking and punching his flailing body until we ended up in the secluded park where we had met the first time. Kicking him one last time as he toppled over himself, he briefly touched the water's once-still surface before he collided with the park's solid marble railing that overlooked the Everfree and the mountain range beyond it. Before the man could recover, I slammed my armoured shin into his face, picking him up by the throat and sending a flurry of punches across his stomach, chest and face, delivering one last hit that broke and crumbled the railing he leaned against, leaving him groaned as he fell to the ground, his face and body dripping with fresh blood. "I don't know who the hell you are, but I've had enough of you." "You'll know," He slurred, his accent a little stronger somehow as his jaw hung loosely. "You'll know." "What the hell are you on about?" "You'll...see," He grinned, his eyes twinkling his malis and contempt. "We...haven't gotten to that part yet." "It's...a shame you weren't killed in Las Almas, but I can't...say I'm surprised really" He continued. "Little Prince was so sure of himself." "Prince?" My eyebrows furrowed heavily. "What-" "Percival!" Glancing over my shoulder, I spotted Luna, Celestia and Ghost jogging up to me, along with at least ten Guards following closely behind them. Celestia held my sword tight in her hand while Ghost had Ace trained on the mystery man's head. Stepping up, the Solar Matriarch swiftly handed me my sword while her eyes never left the man kneeling, bloodied and battered at our feet. "So this is him?" "Princess Celestia! Oh, how you've grown!" He said, his tone mocking and spiteful while his jaw snapped and crunched back into place. "I see you've finally grown into your wings!" "You talk as if you know us," Luna said. "Who are you and what is your purpose?" "Oh how we forget," He said in a mock offended tone. "Alright, fine." Gripping the marble railing, the man's legs shook as he hefted himself to his feet, stumbling and leaning his into his hands to keep steady. The Guards all drew their weapons while the Unicorns amongst them readied their magic as did the Princesses, their fingers twitching at his every move. Ghost never once lowered Ace. "My name is Damien!" The man, now known as Damien, proclaimed. "And my purpose? Making sure Percival Felwinter's life is a living hell!" Damien's tattoos flashed again as he lunged forward. Reacting on pure instinct, I whipped around and shoved the Princesses back as I felt Damien tightly grab my wrist before he swiftly pulled me in close, wrapping me in a tight bear hug. We both stumbled back, tripping over the broken and shattered railing and began rapidly descending. "Percival!" "Sir!" We hit where the City met the mountain and hit the jagged rocky surface, sending us both into a tumbling freefall. Rocking my head back, I could faintly hear Damien's nose shatter over the sound of the wind passing past my ears as his grip loosened enough for me to break his grasp on me. I turned as best I could, grabbing his shoulders as I repeatedly slammed my fist into Damien's continually reddening face. Moving at lightning speed, he broke free from my grip on him and rammed his feet into my chest, sending me straight into the mountainside. Somehow catching my footing, sparks, smoke and fire rocketed from the soles of my boots as I skidded down the sheer jagged cliff with the same ease as skiing through snow. Glancing over my shoulder, I spot Damien colliding with the mountain and pushing with frightening might as he soared through the air towards me, decimating the solid stone and sending it flying through the air in chunks and large boulder-sized pieces over our heads. I spun and brought my arms up, but it did little. Ramming his shoulder into me, I felt the bones in my arms utterly shatter, my ribs crack and break and my lungs collapse as my feet completely left the mountainside and we plummeted into the ground below. As we landed with a thunderous boom, the ground exploded from our impact. Dirt was sent up into a cloud around us and trees shattered, putting up little resistance as the once large boulders were broken down and shot through the air like bullets. Laying in the several-metre-deep crater we left in our wake, I quietly gasped for air as my collapsed lungs slowly mended themselves, while my now destroyed back shifted, cracked and snapped along with my arms and ribs. Tears involuntarily ran down my face as I grimaced at any small movement I made, small wheezes being the only sound I could make. I had never tested what my healing ability was actually capable of as I didn't exactly have a desire to hurt myself, and with how little was happening, field tests weren't a viable option. Ponyville was the extent of my knowledge, and even in the cavern beneath Las Almas City Hall, I hadn't gotten anything more than scratches and bites. "Tsk tsk Percy," I heard Damien say from outside my vision. "Once again, incredibly disappointing." Grabbing my ankle, he effortlessly chucked me further into the dense forest, resulting in my body crashing into a few trees, and sending me spiralling through the air. I tumbled and rolled across the destroyed dirt, hitting and rolling over sticks and stones as I came to a stop. "Percy." My arms jittered and shuddered as the broken bones shifted and undulated as they moved to their proper place. "Let go Percy." My chest clicked and snapped as my ribs reformed, the tiny shards fitting back together like a calcium puzzle. "I know you can hear me, just let go." Air quickly filled my lungs as they reinflated, a deep gasp and blood-filled cough racked my body as the crimson ichor flowed up my throat and out of my mouth. Hearing a shrill whistle, I groggily look at the source, spotting Damien roughly ten metres away. He throws out his arm and a second later, my sword embeds itself into the ground in front of me. I roll onto my side, getting to my hands and knees before pushing myself up with a grunt. I stumble briefly, my back landing against a tree that had been broken halfway up. I stagger forward, quickly grabbing my sword and pulling it from the dirt. It felt heavy in my hand for a second or two as the final bone popped into place. Rolling his neck, Damien reached up and grasped his jaw and pulled down suddenly, dislocating it entirely, loose skin keeping it in place. He then let his head hang back, slipping his hand deep inside his mouth and continuing further into his throat until he was nearly elbow-deep. His arm shifted a little until falling still before he slowly retracted his arm from his distended neck. As he pulled out, he held something in his hand. A white-wrapped handle with a golden pommel and a golden hand guard pushed his slack jaw down further. A deep blue almost black curved sheath continued out his mouth with two surprisingly dry navy blue tassels hanging from near the sword's hilt—a beautiful piece tarnished by the man holding it. Disturbed by the scene unfolding, I quickly distracted myself with the blade he produced and furrowed my brow. It looked familiar, I knew I had seen it somewhere before but that wasn't why I reacted to it. No. It felt familiar in a different way, as though I had a deep history with it and I somehow knew that he should not, in any way, have it. My gaze snapped up to his maniacal grin. "See something you like?" He sneered as he held it to his side, using his thumb to push it out slightly. "Well...if you want it, then you'll have to take it." Rapidly unsheathing our swords, we rushed forward, kicking up dirt and pulverised stone behind us as we met in the middle with a booming clang. Our blades met and bounced and despite our strength, we stumbled back. I was quicker to recover, sending an upward slash at his chest, only to meet empty air as he dashed behind me. Reappearing in a small puff of black smoke, he held his sword back, still sheathed as his hand hovered above its handle before he partially pulled it out and resheathed it in quick succession. The air rippled around me, causing me to raise my blade as cyan slashes filled the area, a few clashed against my sword while the rest connected with my body. Ignoring the pain with a small grunt, a familiar blue projectile whizzed towards me before I ducked under it, using the motion to rush forward. Damien readied the same movement he did before but this time fully unsheathing his katana, slicing through the air and leaving a bright brilliant blue wave to hurtle at me. Thinking quickly, I bend my legs and jump and as I fall, I feel a solid surface form beneath my feet, letting me gather further air. I plant my armoured boot on a somehow still standing tree and kick-off of it, sending it crashing to the ground as I propel forward, raising my sword above my head and bringing it down as hard as I could as I fell. Our blades meet but with the force I had behind mine, Damien stumbles a few steps. Lunging, I aim the tip of my sword at his chest, only to have it pushed aside. Damien jumps into the air with a red flash and brings his katana down in the same motion I had and at the last second, I bring my sword up to block it. The swords connect, but this time, I'm sent tumbling back again but I get to my feet as I stop. He lunges forward in a burst of speed, reeling his sword back to stab. Just as he was about to connect, I used the back of my blade to push aside his attack, using the motion to deliver an overhead slash. I manage to catch him, my blade slicing clean through his chest and scraping against his ribs. He stumbles again and yells out. I slash again, once then twice more, delivering one after another in one clean motion. Clutching his cleaved chest, I notice the wounds begin to heal, scabbing over, scarring and ultimately disappearing at a rather impressive rate. Damien squinted his eye and his brow furrowed as he straightened up, the wild grin he wore disappearing, making way for a serious scowl. In a puff of smoke, he once again appeared behind me, slashing at my stomach and quickly resheathing his katana, the same blue wave as before cleaving through me as he twitched his blade out from the curved sheathed as the area rippled again, and before I could react, the piercing white slashes racked my body as he continued his assault, slamming the blade's sheath into specific pressure points before slashing and cutting with the sword itself. Slicing up, my feet left the destroyed ground while Damien cut overhead, the blade's tip leaving a bright blue trail that passed through my body as I felt my innards split and my bones splinter. Jumping up, he planted his foot on my chest and pushed me to the ground while he once again sliced upwards, throwing me into the stump of a tree. I groaned as I attempted to stand, but the man was quicker than I was. He kicked my sword from my hand, the hefty blade embedding itself in a tree some ten or fifteen metres away. Grunting, he buried his sword into my chest, barely missing my heart and pinning me to the stump. I yelled out and gripped the sword's hand guard in a vain hope of resisting, but in my state, he easily overpowered me, burying it until the guard stopped it from going any further. "You're better with a blade than your fists I'll give you that," He said in an almost genuine tone, crouching in front of me. "But you're not the 'Percival' that I know of. I know that now." I opened my mouth to speak, only to choke, sputter and hack up blood as I still tried to pry the blade from my chest. "No. You're different," He shook his head, poking my nose as I continued to choke on my own blood. "You're...younger, inexperienced." "I thought if I can use that to my advantage, I could kill you now, change how things played out, but the higher up didn't want that," He continued, resting his head in his hand as he leaned against his leg. "I just don't think he's seeing the bigger picture. Taking you out now means less of a problem for us, meaning all of this," He moved his hand in a circling motion. "Would be so much easier!" He quickly stopped and hung his head, chuckling quietly to himself. "Look at me. You caught me monologuing." As he continued to speak, my eyes started getting heavy, the peripheral of my vision becoming dark as my head began lulling, the grip I had on his sword becoming looser and looser. Blood seeped out of slowly closing wounds, and pins and needles spread throughout my arms while my chest slowly heaved. My body was losing strength from the continually broken and shattered bones. My coughs and hacks were becoming weaker as breath became harder and harder to find. But most worryingly, my heartbeat was also becoming slow and weak, which only helped to make my mental panic rise. But before I could lose consciousness, the world around me appeared to slow down to a snail's pace, Damien himself slowing down to a crawl. "Let go Percival!" Heat started to rise in my chest, spreading out into my arms and then into my legs as adrenaline surged through my broken body. My cuts and slashes healed faster than before, my bones reformed in a near instant and my lungs filled to the brim with cool air. The heat continued to rise as my breath followed suit, quickening to match the heat's pace as though I were having a panic attack. It rose and rose and rose until it hit the breaking point. "Unleash the flame!" The world around me resumed in an instant when the heat hit its peak as flames burst out in an explosion of brilliant orange light, my voice echoing out as I screamed from the burning pain that cascaded over me. Damien flew back from the sheer force of the blast as the fire passed over him, charring his skin and burning his hair. The dirt kicked up as it too burned around me, trees turning to nothing but charcoal as leaves disintegrated into nothing. Damien tumbled and rolled, digging his feet and hands into the blackened dirt as he came to a stop. Glaring up, his lips parted into a malicious but amused grin, his eyes twinkling with excitement I hadn't seen before. Reaching up, I pull his sword from my chest as I notice my gauntlets encased with a yellow flame as well as my boots, the fire stopping around my elbow and knee respectively. The air rippled slightly in my peripheral as tiny licks of fire and embers passed my vision from my shoulders. Stabbing his sword into the dirt, I sprint towards him as he uses his position to rocket forward. Our fists collide, the loose ground beneath us kicking out from the impact. Landing on the ground first, I jab at his neck, the strike sizzling his skin and disorientating him long enough to continue my assault. Delivering a series of quick and powerful kicks to his chest, arms and legs, I drive the tip of my bott into his chin, sending him into the air while I jump to follow after him. I kick him once then twice to throw him further up before ploughing my heel into the back of his head, the flames surrounding my foot propelling it downward. He slammed into the ground with a grunt, he braced his arms and jumped back as I landed. Sprinting in a blur, I shoot my leg out as he prepares to strike, our feet bouncing off each other, while our fists bounced similarly in the follow-up. Damien was faster to recover, quickly socking me in the chin and chest, my feet digging into the charred remains of the once grassy ground. I leaned to the side to avoid his following attacks while I blocked an unavoidable jab and uppercut that vibrated my bone but, surprisingly, left them intact. His eyes widened while I used his momentary surprise, punching and kicking in succession, building up speed and power before ultimately jumping a little and planting both feet to the centre of his chest. Peering up at me, his eyes locked with mine and I could see his face contort into a look of surprise and uncertainty, his eyes darting across my body as he seemed to be caught off guard. The grin he had disappeared, making way for a deep sneer, his teeth bared at me as he grunted, rushing headlong at me as a wild look overtook his eyes. Planting my feet firmly on the ground, I waited until the very second, stepping to the side and grabbing his ankle as he passed by me, rearing my fist back before driving it forward as hard as I could. The back of Damien's head crashed into the soil beneath him while the ground shook and the crater deepened as his face swiftly caved inwards, chunks of bone and clumps of his grey meat splattered across the now-dead land. I remove my hand with a sickening crunch and squelch and step back, the flames around me disappearing with a fwoosh, I look down at the limp body in front of me, I briefly regard the flattened head as the lower jaw hung from the pulverised flesh by loose skin and slack sinew. Sneering at the body, I grip both ankles and yank them apart, tearing the body in two, blood and entrails spilling to the ground in a hot puddle before I toss the lumps of meat and bone to the side. The scavengers would make short work of him. All of a sudden, my vision swims and my knees almost buckle as my head becomes light and my stomach churns. Placing my hands on my knees, I breathe slowly as the adrenaline begins to slowly wear off. I shake my head and stumble away, and before long, I come to the now-dead man's sword, still planted firmly in the ground. Removing it from the ground, I admire the blade's incredible craftsmanship, every small detail exquisitely designed. Giving it a few sloppy practice swings, I tiredly nod in approval. Beautifully well-balanced. I look around for its sheath before I feel a weight form in my other hand, the scabbard forming seemingly from nothing. Storing the blade, it didn't take long to find my own, sword and sheath and all. With one last glance at the body I left behind, with my sword on my back and the other simply in my grasp, I start my tired trek to the nearest civilisation. As Percival slowly stumbled away, dragging his feet behind him as he left the battleground, three individuals watched from afar, their eyes watching him until he was out of sight. "Are you sure we can't act now?" One said, pushing up her gold-framed glasses. "I'm sure," Another replied, his bright golden eyes moving to his smaller compatriot. "Uncle was quite clear with his instructions." "It'll be time before you know it," The last added, placing his hand on the first individual's shoulder. "I know," She replied. "Until then, we need to make sure we're ready." > Chapter 15 - "Home Is Where The Heart Is" > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As I stumbled through the thick trunks and dense foliage, I continuously fought to keep myself from falling into the clutches of unconsciousness, practically having to hold my eyelids open as I tiredly trudged through the seemingly never-ending forest. Naturally, my mind kept returning to the battle I had just fought, flashes of Damien's malicious grin underlit by an ominous blue glow prominent amongst the memories. I don't know how long I walked, the deep canopy overhead prevented me from seeing the sun's movement and I had been too drained to think about checking my watch which had miraculously come out unscathed but it didn't take long before my body went into autopilot as I tiredly trudged along dragging Damiens's sword behind me, trying my best to keep at least a decent grip on it, eventually giving up and shoddily tying the tassels around my hand. I glanced down rather unsettled at said sword every now and then as I dragged it along as something in my brain, some dark untapped recess in the back of my mind felt something. It felt like a longing or deja vu. But I had never seen this blade before in my life, so what it could be was unknown to me. At one point or another, the trees went from their usual dark, jagged and unnatural visage to ripe, colourful and comparatively smooth. The soil went from a dark tainted brown and a life-filled brown while the grass turned from a sickly swamp colour to a lush green. I passed a light beige reinforced wooden fence as apples started filling the trees more and more until they were all filled to the brim, almost bursting. I knew now where I was headed. Before long, I heard voices, a small group of them by the sound of it, all varying drastically in tone, accent and texture. Looking up as my head hung semi-loosely as I followed the paved out path towards the voices, I spotted the group I had heard. I limply raise my arm up to wave at them as they very quickly spot my approach. "I'm okay! I'm okay!" I shouted before falling not a second later as they sped towards me. "I'm not okay!" "Celestia above!" Rarity shouted as she and Applejack skidded to a stop. "What in tarnation happened to yah!" Applejack exclaimed. "Long story really," I replied, fighting off my darkening vision. "But Twilight?" "What is it?" She asked quickly. "You should probably let the Princesses know I'm alive." "Y'all really got a habit of getting in sticky situations dontcha?" Applejack said. "Pinkie, help me lift 'em up." "On it!" She replied quickly. "To be fair....trouble usually seeks me out," I replied to her. Almost instantly, I felt my arms being lifted as I was swiftly hoisted up, said arms being draped over the shoulders of the group's two strongest women. "Gods Percival, you gotta weigh almost as much as Mac does," Applejack commented, strain surprisingly clear in her voice. "Definitely more," Pinkie added, though any form of strain was absent from her voice. "I've got...dense bones," I replied, my head drooping. "Come on, don't yah pass out on us yet," Applejack attempted to muster me as Pinkie lightly tapped my cheek. "Tryin'...muh best," I replied in an almost slurred tone before my vision went black. Applejack and Pinkie slowly lowered Percival down onto the farm girl's bed that she gave no hesitation in giving to the currently comatose Paladin. They were careful to remove his blood-stained purple coat and shirt, placing the coat in a thicker fabric bag as Rarity had been confident she could fix the various slashes it bore, though the slight singe marks would prove to be finicky. They placed his weaponry on the set of drawers, careful to not set anything off or cut themselves. The shirt was unrecoverable, deeply stained and barely clinging together. They also removed his belt, boots and trousers, though the boots gave them some amount of trouble and all had miraculously sustained little damage, nothing a bit of buffing and small stitches couldn't fix. Wringing a towel in a bowl of warm water, Rarity placed it on the man's head as she shooed out the other two in the room to let her work her medical magic. She checked for any injuries she could heal and did a quick and basic scan for any magic gone afoul, letting Twilight do a more in-depth search, both of which came out as negative, though the more academic of the two came out with a curious look but assured the fashionista it wasn't anything to worry about. After staying behind a few minutes after Twilight had left to make sure the man was alright, Rarity left the room and descended the stairs of the Apples family home. Sitting next to the farm girl, she let out a small sigh. "Is he okay?" Fluttershy asked. "He'll be just fine darling," Rarity reassured. "It seems that whatever happened took a lot of energy out of him. He simply needs some rest." "I'm sure he'll be fine," Rainbow Dash said, putting her arm over her lifelong friend's shoulder. "He's the Princesses Paladin remember? Whatever happened, he'll up and kickin' in no time flat!" "Yeah, Rainbow's right!" Pinkie Pie agreed, appearing on the shy woman's other side. "He just needs a quick power nap." "To be fair, we did find him in a heck of a state," Applejack commented. "Last time he was like that was the attack. Makes me wonder what exactly got 'em like that." "You don't think it has anything to do with that pulse everyone felt this morning?" Spike asked, briefly looking up from the scroll he was writing on. "Yeah, what was with that," Rainbow asked out loud. "I mean, I felt it in my living room, and I ain't exactly close to the ground." "Even we felt it," Applejack added, thumbing between herself and Pinkie Pie who nodded vigorously. "And we Earth-ponies ain't exactly 'in tune' with magic like you Unicorns are. It was like a weird shiver up mah spine" "I'm not sure, to be honest," Twilight muttered as she read the scroll Spike wrote before nodding and handing it back to him as he let out a belch of greenfire. "I wasn't able to get a proper reading on it, but based on what I could get, I'd say it was a magical surge." "You think Percival had a surge?" Spike asked. "I don't think so. He doesn't have the right magical signature that would suggest that he can wield magic," She replied. "Plus he isn't a Unicorn, so he lacks a catalyst to project any spells." "I feel a 'but' comin' up," Applejack commented. "Isn't there always?" Rainbow asked rhetorically. "When I did the check-up with Rarity earlier, I briefly brushed against his mana pool and it was immense and dense," Twilight said, her brow furrowing. "I'd go as far as to say it would rival even the Princesses." There was a moment of contemplative silence as the group processed the academic's words. Looking amongst themselves, expressions of uncertainty and scepticism washed over them before another word was spoken. "But I thought you said he couldn't wield magic?" Pinkie cocked her head slightly. "He can't, as far as I'm aware," Twilight replied. "Ponies with large pools that are unable to produce magic isn't unheard of, Strongjaw being a prime example. But to have reserves that large shouldn't be possible." "Seems we have a magic mystery on our hands," Rarity said. "When do we not?" Rainbow Dash said quietly to Pinkie Pie, who giggled at her comment. Looking back at her friend, Rainbow Dash noticed she gained a frown along with her usual inquisitive expression. "What're you thinkin'?" "I keep thinking about that magic we felt this morning," Twilight responded after a moment. "It didn't feel...right. It was like it was raw. Unrefined." "I will readily admit it felt unlike anything I have ever felt before," Rarity added. "I dare say it felt...angry." "Did y'all tell the Princesses about it?" Applejack asked. "I did," Twilight replied. "But highly doubt they didn't feel it." "But whatever it was," She continued. "I'm willing to bet Percival is connected somehow." "Gods above," Luna muttered as she stared at the crumbling mountainside, dust and stones still falling. Celestia's brow furrowed as her horn dimmed, her spell deactivating while she lifted her hand from the blackened soil. Standing to her full height, her eyes scanned the immediate with a face full of uncertainty. "I knew he was a strong individual, but I never expected he be capable of such feats," Luna said, turning to face her older sister. "I believe your hunch has been further corroborated." "Indeed sister," Celestia nodded. "And the surge we felt afterwards? It was nothing to scoff at whether it be him or Damien." "What do you think Ghost?" Luna asked, glancing over her shoulder. "I dunno," Ghost replied, standing and stepping away from the bloody mass of dead flesh and bone while a few other guards examined it. "This goes way beyond me, Ma'am." "Your Highness!" Looking over their shoulders, they spotted a Guard quickly jogging up to them as several others stood near the border of the chard landscape roughly a dozen metres away. Stopping in front of them with a salute, he glanced over his shoulder before addressing his superiors. "Ma'am, we've so far been unable to ascertain the whereabouts of Sir Felwinter," The Guard stated. "I suggest we widen the search." Nodding, Celestia folded her arms slightly. "Thank you, Lieutenant Shield," She said. "You may return to your men. You may widen the search but do not stray far into the Everfree." The Lieutenant saluted again before turning on his heel and stepping up back to his squad as he spoke, quietly giving them the Princesses orders as the two looked back towards the mountain. "Where do you think he is?" Luna thought aloud. "Safe, I'd imagine," Celestia replied as she smiled reassuringly. "He is a smart man and tough to boot. I'm sure he's fine." Just as the words left her mouth, a puff of green Dragonfire flashed in front of the Solar Princess as she instinctually reached out and grabbed it, unrolling the scroll and quickly reading through its contents. A soft smile crossed her lips as she finished reading the scroll, sending it away with a similar green flash before she turned to her sister. "Like I said, he's safe," Celestia smiled at her sister as she looked towards her Guards. "Lieutenant Shield! Call off the search effort! We have Sir Felwinters location!" ~~ As the group of Ponies pleasantly spoke, the Apple matriarch joining in occasionally while the eldest sibling watched from his spot on his chair, their conversation was cut short as a bright flash from outside alerted them to the presence of another. Rushing out, they all relaxed upon seeing it was their dual rulers with a small contingent of Guards standing alert and ready nearby. The sight of the tall, skull-masked soldier did give them pause, however. "My Little Ponies," She greeted with a small bow of her own. "I apologise if our sudden appearance caused distress, but we were informed that Sir Felwinter was here?" "Yeah, the youngin's here alright," Granny Smith nodded. "He's upstairs restin'. Whatever happn'd got him right plum tuckered out." "Come in! Come in!" She quickly added, motioning for them to follow her with her cane. "I'll git y'all some tea." Smiling, Celestia signalled for the gathered Guards to remain outside and alert as she and Luna followed the group inside. Ghost remained near the front door, leaning against the wooden frame as he kept an eye out with a tight grip around Ace. The Princesses sat comfortably on the couch while Granny Smith continued on into the kitchen as the rest of the others gathered around. "How is he?" Luna asked after everyone got situated. "He's...unconscious, but is well," Rarity responded. "As Granny Smith said, whatever happened seems to have simply exhausted him." "Yeah, but you saw the condition his clothes were in," Rainbow Dash said quickly. "Dude looked like he went through a blender." "And what was the condition, if I may ask?" Celestia asked. "They were....tattered, to say the least," Rarity replied. "His shirt was shredded," Applejack corrected. "How his coat survived, I haven't the foggiest idea." "What happened Princess?" Twilight asked. "That information is, for now, confidential," Celestia replied. "But-" "No, Twilight," She said firmly. "You may be my student but there is information even you are not privy to." "I understand," She said, trying her best not to pout. "I just hope he's okay," Fluttershy muttered. Appearing next to her for the second, Pinkie wrapped her arm around her shoulder. "He'll be fiiiiiiiine." Almost as if on cue, a sudden thud came from upstairs followed by a small, muffled "ow" as all present collectively looked up and laughed. "Ah think the youngin's up," Granny Smith commented with a smirk. "Eeyup," Big Mac nodded. My eyes slowly flutter open as I'm nearly blinded by the bright sun shining onto my face through the unobscured window. Limply lifting a hand to shield my sensitive eyes, I groan and turn to face away from it. Propping myself onto my elbows and slowly sitting up, I rubbed my eyes to mitigate the stinging that plagued them. Glancing around, I looked to be in a rustic, comfortable bedroom, sparsely decorated bar the occasional piece of memorabilia. And going by the orange and brown colour scheme, I'd wager a guess it was Applejack's room. Swinging my legs over the side of the bed, my bare feet touching the cool wooden floor as I roll my neck and shoulders. I push myself up from the surprisingly soft mattress and stand, my legs momentarily wabbling once I was up. My eyes then snap to the set of drawers, spotting both my sword and the one Damien once wielded. Taking a step forward, my legs buckle and I immediately find myself eating wood. "Ow," I sound out before hearing the sound of ascending footsteps. The door to the room opens up and I hear a couple of soft giggles. "Y'all alright there partner?" Applejack asked. "Oh yeah, just fine," I reply. "Just gonna wallow in self-pity for a bit." She giggled again before I was hoisted back onto the bed with a grunt, my eyes meeting both hers and Pinkies. "Good to see ya again, sugercube," Applejack said. "Good to see you too," I replied with a grin, lightly clapping her on the shoulder and looking over to the other woman. "You too Pinks." "Long time no see, Percy!" She replied cheerfully. "Y'all looked like you went through the wringer," Applejack commented. "Yeah, I feel like it too," I replied, rolling my neck and shoulders, eliciting a few rather satisfying pops and cracks. "Help a guy up?" The two nodded and let me hold onto their shoulders as I stood again and walked shakily out of the room I had been placed in. Seems my fight with Damien took a lot out of me. Stepping down the stairs with the help of Applejack and Pinkie, I almost immediately spotted Ghost standing by the front door as he turned to see us descending the stairs. "Glad to see you in one piece, Sir," Ghost said. "Glad to be in one piece," I chuckled as I bumped him on the shoulder lightly with my fist, letting go of Applejack's and Pinkie's shoulders as I slowly felt my strength returning. "Sir Felwinter," I hear from my left. Peering to the side, I look into the living room and see the Princesses, the Elements and the Apple family all gathered within, looking seemingly pleased and relieved to see me up and about. "Your Grace," I bow slightly, making sure not to fall flat on my face. "It is good to see you well," Luna said. "Likewise your Highness," I nod. "How long was I out?" "Jus' a couple hours," Granny Smith replied. "Yer lucky ya weren't out longer." "Only a couple hours?" I repeated before humming. "Thought I'd be out longer. Regardless, thank you for caring for me and giving me a place to rest." "Nonsense! T'was the least ah could do for ya after what ya did fir us," She said, stepping forward, her cane lightly tapping on the wooden floor, with Applejack and Big Mac close behind. "I wanted teh thank ya personally fir savin' mah family. It was mighty stupid what ya did, but it was brave. I can't thank ya enough." Easing myself onto my knee in front of her, I kneel, making sure to keep my balance as I gently take her hands in mine. "It may have been stupid, but I would do it again in a heartbeat," I nod with a smile. "It is my job after all." "Still," Applejack replied. "Our doors open to ya if ya ever need it. We owe you that at least." "Eeyup." Pushing on my knee, I stand as a mirthful grin spread across my face. "Not going to take no for an answer, are you?" "Nope," Was their simultaneous reply. I laughed as the rest of the room giggled, the brief bit of levity doing wonders for my fairly stressed nerves. Peering around the room, I catch a few of the girls sparing glances at me, reminding me of my half-naked body which, I won't, was beginning to make me feel somewhat self-conscious. "Uhh," I said, sheepishly rubbing the back of my neck. "You guys got anything I could borrow to...cover up?" The majority of the room, bar the two other guys and the three oldest in the room, then almost immediately look away with heavy blushes. Applejack laughs as she claps me on the shoulder, moving to the stairs while talking over her shoulder. "I should have a couple spare flannels ya could borrow that'll fit ya. Gimme a sec." "So....what now?" Rainbow Dash asked after several moments of silence, looking at the Princesses. "For now, I think we will escort Sir Felwinter back to Canterlot where he will give us his report of recent events," Celestia replied, clasping her hands in front of her. Luna was about to follow up on her sister's statement when a golden flash popped in front of the solar sibling revealing a neatly rolled scroll, the older of the two quickly grabbed it before it could fall to the ground. Breaking the wax seal that kept it rolled over her thumbs, she unrolled it, her eyes rapidly scanning over its contents before muttering under her breath, something about "timing". "There has been a change of plans," She said suddenly as Applejack descended the stairs and handed me a fairly well-fitting flannel. "Girls, if you would all be so kind as to follow us?" Quirking my brow, I look between the group and the Princess, noting a sense of understanding between them, leaving me utterly in the blind. Even Ghost, who remained at the front door, seemed confused. A small chorus of excited agreements rang out as they all moved to file out of the house. "I'll uh...." I said, pointing over my shoulder, my face scrunched in confusion. "...go grab my stuff." Stepping up the stairs, I quickly grabbed what equipment I had and strapped them to my body while keeping Damien's blade in my hand as I did not have a proper place to store it. I stare at my sword for a second or two, a sudden and random thought springing to mind. I gotta name the thing. Quickly patting everything down, I make sure everything is in its rightful place and go out and down the stairs. "Now don't go 'n stressin' the boy out!" Granny Smith shouted as we moved away from the farmhouse, the Princesses calling off the Guards as the Unicorns bamfed them away. "Boy's earned some rest!" "What does she mean by that?" I asked uncertainly. "It would be best to show you," Celestia said, leading us further down the path towards Ponyville. "I believe this belongs to you, Sir," Ghost said walking up next to me, handing me Ace carefully by the barrel. "Thanks, Ghost," I nod, taking Ace, giving it a quick twirl around my finger, holstering it with practised ease before turning to peer at Applejack. "By the way, what happened to my coat?" "Oh, I had to take it, Darling. It had some damage to it and I knew you'd want it mended," Rarity replied with a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, it'll be as good as new. Just like before." "That's good to know, thank you," I smile back. "I gotta see about getting the thing protected. I don't want to bother you about getting it fixed any time there's a tear in it." "Oh nonsense Darling! I'm always happy to help," She said as she placed a reassuring hand on my arm. "But if you still want it looked at, I'm sure our resident scholar might be able to help." Looking over at Twilight, who walked alongside the Princesses, she glanced over her shoulder, already gaining an inquisitive expression, lightly humming to herself as said Princesses giggled. "Hmmm, it would take a while, but I could probably set something up so your coat sustains less damage," She rubbed her chin, quietly muttering to herself as she thought. "Maybe to strengthen the fibres by increasing the density? No, then the weight would be off. Maybe....." I shook my head as we continued down the path and into Ponyville itself. Many of its inhabitants stopped dead in their tracks, bowing at the sight of their Princesses but when they grinned widely, waved eagerly or stammered, seemingly overtaken by seeing me. I swear I saw a couple of them look me up and down as well! And it wasn't just the woman either. I couldn't help but feel my ears burn a little as I rather sheepishly waved back. I've the attention of dozens of trained soldiers, highly or otherwise, trained on me for hours on end, yet, the attention I was getting from the citizens, the civilians of Ponyville...it felt completely different and being that I've been a wanderer, a nobody for longer than I haven't, I wasn't entirely sure how to feel about it. Eventually, we made it through town and started walking towards the Everfree. I tried craning my neck to see if I could spot where we were going, but then suddenly felt a small weight on my shoulders as something covered my eyes. The girls around me giggled as I looked around, my confusion mounting. "No peeking!" I hear Pinkie's voice in my ears as she more than likely sat on my shoulders. "It's a surprise!" Shaking my head, I decided to simply accept the fact that whatever this "surprise" was would have to wait a little longer until I could see it. We continued walking, some of the girls gently taking my hands and leading me along to where this surprise lay. Suddenly, we came to a stop. "Fuckin' hell," I hear Ghost say. Pinkie then released her grip on my eyes, letting me open as I felt her jump from my shoulders. The sudden flow of light momentarily blinded me as I reached up to rub the sight back into them. Thankfully, the sensation of sight quickly returned to me and I looked up and my mouth quickly hung open. "Surprise!" To say what stood in front of me was a house would do it a terrible disservice. Several stories tall and wider than any commercial building I've ever seen, the best word to describe it would be a mansion. I simply stood there in shock as even Ghost looked at it with astonishment, glancing between me, the Princesses and the building while I couldn't tear my eyes from it. "Welcome to your new home, Percival!" Celestia said happily. "I-I...wh....holy shit!" I exclaimed. "When you said I'd be given my own accommodation, I didn't think you give me a mansion!" "As Paladin and General to our army, it is customary to have an abode fit for one of your station. Plus, we would not want neighbouring countries to believe we are taking advantage of you," Luna replied, her grin as wide as her sisters. "Oh god, do you know how hard this'll be to keep clean?" I asked rhetorically with a chuckle, getting a wry smile from the two rulers. "Thank you. I...don't know what to say." "No thanks are necessary, and though your previous comment was a jest, it leads perfectly into the next part," Luna said. "What?" "If you'll remember, back when we informed you of the bonuses your title granted you, that one of them was your own staff," Celestia said. "Oh god." "Indeed. This sixteen-bedroom estate will not be manned by yourself, but by your personal staff that, much like Ghost here, answer to you and you alone," Luna added. Indicating for us to follow them, the Princesses led us to the front doors, pushing them open to be met with a small entourage of the various sub-races: Pegasi, Unicorn and Earth-pony. "Meet your personal waiting staff. They have been hand-picked by us to work for you," Celestia said as they bowed lightly. In total, there were twelve of them, consisting of four Pegasi, four Unicorns and four Earth-ponies. Quickly looking them over, the gender equality was split surprisingly evenly, having six of each gender with four of each sub-species. Stepping forward, the four Pegasi bowed their heads as they introduced themselves, going from left to right with the woman first. "Feather Duster." "Honey Bee." "Clean Wing." "And Caramel Ice." "At your service," They said all at once. They stepped back with the Unicorns stepping up next with the same formation. "Sapphire Snow." "Violet Light." "Marble Sweeper. "And Sunrise Dew." "At your service." The Earth-ponies were up next, but one held back. They had all been fairly young, but he was an older gentleman, his rich brown hair and beard peppered with greying hair. He even held himself differently. "Ebony Velvet." "Rose Blossom." "Silver Plate." "At your service." And the final man stepped forward. "Percival, I'd like to personally introduce Walter," Celestia said, indicating to the older man. "He is one of our top butlers and has served us for more than thirty years. I have no doubt you will be pleased with his performance." "Walter?" I asked. "Griffons raised you?" Fun fact, unlike most other species, Griffons have a more human-based naming convention. Rather than be named after aspects of yourself or the world around you that would come to you through vague and cryptic dreams and visions, Griffons bear names similar to that of English, Norwegian or Danish in origin. "Indeed I was, Sir," Walter replied with a rich and raspy baritone voice that held a rather subtle accent I couldn't quite place. "A pleasure to meet you, Sir. I hope to serve you well." "If the Princesses personally chose you, then I trust their judgement that you're more than fit," I replied. "Thank you, Sir," He bowed his head. "Now if you would follow me please and I'll show you around. Your friends are more than welcome to join." The girls could barely contain their excitement as Walter led us around the house, showing us the many living rooms, the massive grand kitchen, the wine cellar, the honestly ludicrous amount of bedrooms, including the master bedroom, and what would be my office, serving as my workspace that included an attached war room off to the side. But just when I thought it could get any more ridiculous, we made it to the basement, which could be considered an underground complex with the amount of things it had. It was this portion of the house that would serve more for pleasure than anything as it included but was not limited to a tennis court, a basketball court, an indoor swimming pool, a music room and a gym with a built-in sparring court. It even had a two-story arcade with damn near anything you could think of! When I said the place was ridiculous, I truly meant it. Finally returning to the main foyer, I couldn't help but lean against my knees and let out a rather disbelieving sigh as I shook my head, the Princesses seemingly taking sick pleasure from my reaction. "Well, darling? How do you like it?" Rarity asked. "I....it...wh-I," I stuttered. "Never in my life did I ever think it would ever lead to...this!" Looking at the Princesses, I shoot them an incredulous look. "How the hell did you get this built in just four months!?" Celestia gave me a rather triumphant grin as Luna looked on in amusement. "I did say I hired the best, didn't I?" "I mean....yeah, you did, but this is insane!" I said, briefly rubbing my temples and standing up straight. "It's a beautiful house Chief, it really is. I can't thank you enough" "Like I said, no thanks are necessary," Celestia replied with her normal soft smile. "Now my sister and I shall take our leave and let you acclimatise to your new home." "We are elated that you like your home, Sir Felwinter. We shall keep you updated should we learn anything new," Luna nodded. "And before I forget, we expect a report of recent events," Celestia said. "Of course," I bowed my head lightly. "Take care, your Grace." In a flash of gold and blue, the Princesses were gone in a fraction of a second, leaving Twilight and her friends to look amongst themselves for a moment before I shook my head, still having trouble wrapping my head around my new living arrangements. "Did you guys know about this?" I ask with a small smile. "Everyone in Ponyville knew about it," Rainbow Dash quickly replied. "Kinda hard to keep a sixteen-bedroom mansion a secret." "No kidding," I chuckled. "You know Pinkie, when you said my place could be here, this isn't exactly what I had in mind." "Oh I did say that, didn't I?" Pinkie said, putting her arm around my shoulders and pulling me down slightly. "Looks like I was right!" "That you were." "Anyway, we should probably leave you to it," Twilight suggested. "Let you get used to your new home." "Awwww, no party?" Pinkie sighed. "A party can wait fir now, sugarcube," Applejack said, patting her on the shoulder. "Yeah! Means we can have a bigger party later!" Rainbow Dash added as Fluttershy nodded softly beside her. As they began filing out the door, they each gave a quick farewell as they walked down the stone pathway of the immaculately mowed lawn. Rarity stopped at the door as I followed behind them. "If there's anything you need while you get used to your gorgeous home, don't hesitate to ask any of us," Rarity said, placing a soft hand on my arm. "You do more than enough for me as is," I replied. "But I'll keep it in mind." "That's all I ask," She smiled, turning and following her friends to the front gate. I close the door behind me as I retreat into my home, glancing around before my eyes settle on Walter, hands clasped behind his back while he wears an amused but surprisingly professional grin. "Walter," I said. "Yes Sir?" "Would you mind calling everyone here, please? There's something I need to say." "Of course, Sir. It won't be a moment." I glanced at Ghost who seemed just as surprised at the sheer size of the place as I was as he looked around the foyer. We didn't have to wait long as Walter and the other members of staff stood before me in no more than a minute and a half, all ready to hear what I had to say. "Alright, there's something I need to make clear before we move forward," I said as I got their undivided attention. "I don't know how you were trained to conduct yourselves, but going off of what little experience I have with dealing with butlers and maids, you are not my servants and I am not your master. For all intents and purposes, you are this house's waiting staff and I am your boss. None of that master shit I've seen be done." "We are all equals in this household and as a result, I will help around the house where I am able, when I am able," I continue. "And much like our resident Lieutenant Ghost, I would prefer if you refer to me by name, or if you feel more comfortable you may call me Sir. While I may be your boss, respect goes both ways. If any of you have any problems with this arrangement, speak up now." The silence held within the foyer told me all I needed to know. "Alright then," I said with a grin. "As you were." The maids and butlers all filed out of the foyer, moving to different parts of the house while Walter remained behind, his grin never leaving his face. "The Princesses were quite right," He said. "You are quite different from how I expected." "I get that a lot," I said with a sigh. "I can only imagine, Sir," He replied before he too moved to a different part of the house. Hearing a soft chuckle, I looked over at Ghost, I sighed deeply, rolling my shoulders as the skull-masked man gave me an amused look. "Well, Sir," He said. "How's it feel to finally have a home to call yours?" "It feels.....nice, actually," I replied slowly. "But it'll take a lot of getting used to." > Chapter 16 - "Parties!" > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Waking slowly, I look around the room in slight confusion before remembering where I was. Throwing off my thick duvet, I reluctantly remove myself from my plush mattress and change into some basic clothes. White shirt, grey jeans and the pair of simple leather boots I got the day after my first fight with Damien. Looking up as I changed, my eyes landed on the sword Damien yielded and my face scrunched. I tried and failed to shake the feeling of deep familiarity that struck me every time I looked at the blade, that strange sense of solemn longing that hit me hard in the heart each time my eyes even so much as glanced at it. Something wasn't right with it, but for the life of me, I didn't know what. Deciding to only strap Ace to my thigh, I splashed my face with some cold water and made my way downstairs and into the grand kitchen, greeting any of my staff that came across. Yawning deeply, I opened one of the many cupboards to get some coffee only to find it barren of anything. Quirking my brow, I closed it and opened another cupboard. Once again, nothing. Opening one more, I was met with the same sight. "Uhhh, that's not right," I said, confused. "Is something wrong, Sir?" Turning, I spot one of my staff, a younger Pegasis woman, maybe early to mid-twenties with a head of jet black hair with a streak of bright yellow across one side of her bangs and a pair of surprisingly strong-looking dark grey wings. "Uh, Honey Bee, wasn't it?" I asked. She smiled warmly. "That's me, Sir!" "Well uh...it seems the cupboards are empty," I chuckled, somewhat amused by the sudden lack of anything. "Empty, Sir?" She asked incredulously. Coming up next to me, she peered into the cupboard I was looking in and opened another then another. Calling another member of staff, Sapphire Snow, a Unicorn woman roughly the same age with a head of bright sapphire blue hair with a lighter blue horn, began rummaging through the rest of the kitchen as Marble Sweeper, a Unicorn man in his mid-thirties with brown hair and limestone yellow horn, arrived and subsequently joined in. As the trio searched the kitchen for even a whisper of its contents, a suspicion struck me as to who may have caused the sudden disappearance of my home's produce. The three approached me rather nervously, glancing amongst themselves before Honey Bee spoke. "Um Sir? It seems the entire kitchen is....empty," She said slowly, fidgeting with her finger behind her back. "Is it only food and other produce like that by chance?" I asked, rubbing my freshly shaven chin. "Um...yes Sir," She replied. Chuckling softly to myself, I shake my head. "I think I know who did this." "Who, Sir, if I may?" Marble Sweeper asked. "A certain party planner." "Should we...notify someone?" Sapphire Snow asked uncertainly. "Oh no, no need. If it is her, then it'll be resolved by day's end, at the latest," I replied, looking to the kitchen door and spotting Ghost walking in. For the first time in a while, he chose to wear more simplistic clothing, a black shirt and a pair of dark jeans, wearing a simple balaclava with a painted skull as opposed to his normal mask. "Glad you could join us Ghost." "What seems to be the problem?" He asked, crossing his arms, accentuating his large build. "Just Pinkie Pie." "Ah," He nodded. "Well, we should probably see what it's about then." "I think I already know," I said before turning back to the three in front of me. "If you could inform the rest of the staff and let them know Ghost and I will be out for a few hours at least, I would appreciate it." "Of course, Sir. We will inform them right away," Sapphire Snow replied. "Thank you." Quickly grabbing a small leather pouch of bits and attaching it to my belt, we made for the front door and walked down the neat stone path, passing the front gate and towards Ponyville. It was made readily apparent that the streets were barren of life. Though it was early, it wasn't nearly early enough for people to still be inside, readying themselves for the day ahead. The streets should have more than a few walking it. Shaking my head, my suspicion was nigh confirmed. Turning towards Sugar Cube Corner, Ghost followed wordlessly beside me as we stepped up the steps in front of the local bakery. Briefly rubbing my eyes to rid them of any sleep I may have still had, I opened the front doors to be met with a wall of sound. "SURPRISE!!!" I simply stood there with a slightly amused grin as Ghost flinched at the sudden sound, Pinkie loudest among them. Disappearing into the crowd, her face then suddenly came from the top of my vision as she appeared on my shoulders once again as Ghost visibly recoiled, eyes wide in surprise while the rest of the girls stepped up to us. "Were you surprised? WereyouwereyouwereyouhuhHUHHUH!?" She exclaimed. "I was when I found out all my house's food was missing," I replied, looking up at her, catching the Welcome Back To Ponyville banner hanging from the ceiling behind her. "Wait, all his food is missing?" Twilight asked in a disbelieving tone. "Well yeah, how else was I gonna get him to come?" Pinkie replied, still atop my shoulders. "Maybe...asking next time?" Fluttershy quietly suggested. "Where's the fun in thaaaaaat?" She groaned with a giggle, hopping down from my shoulders. "I dunno sugarcube, I'd be mighty ticked if mah pantry was raided without mah knowhow," Applejack added. "Oh don't worry, it'll all be back before you know it!" She reassured high-fiving a chuckling Rainbow Dash. "Here you go Darling," Rarity said, handing me a bundle of purple fabric. "Good as new." Taking it from her, I quickly unravelled it and saw my coat bare of any of its previous damage, as new as the day I acquired it. "Thank you so much Rarity, you're a doll," I said, lightly kissing her cheek. "Oh my goodness," She giggled playfully. "Of course, Percival, I'm always happy to help." As I put my coat back, I realized how naked I felt without it, like something was missing when I didn't have it on. I admired the fashionista's handiwork and noted how soft it felt compared to before, it even had that new coat smell to it. It was also at that point I noticed a brief look of jealousy when I kissed her cheek, and shockingly, it wasn't from Spike, who seemed completely unbothered by it. The look came from Applejack and was gone as quickly as it came. "Holy shit," I thought to myself. "That explains why she wanted to kill those Diamond Dogs herself, but when did this happen? I'll be saving that little nugget of knowledge for later." "Now go enjoy yourself! You could use the downtime," Rarity said waving me off with a hint of mirth. Rolling my eyes, I walked further into the bakery, nodding and greeting the other partygoers as I sat on a stool at what was basically the bar, Ghost sitting next to me. A stouter, more mature woman with dark bubble gum hair walked up to us, idly readjusting her simple yellow apron before addressing us. "Sir Percival, so nice to see you again!" She said warmly. "I saw you the last time you were here. I just wanted to thank you for what you did that day. And what you did in Las Almas? I have a Lycan cousin and knowing what happened, oh those poor dears didn't deserve any of it." "You ain't kiddin'" Ghost nodded gently. "Got that right," I nodded as well. "We were just doing our job, Ma'am." "Oh don't you Ma'am me," She said firmly but softly. "Just call me Cake. Now, what can I get you, boys?" "Do you do breakfasts?" As soon as the words left my mouth, a plate of food appeared in front of us, with Ghosts being larger than mine, the food steaming as it settled to a stop. Looking up, I flashed Pinkie Pie, who had appeared out of nowhere as usual, a bemused look as she stood happily next to Mrs Cake, who shook her head in amusement. "You're lucky I like you," I said, picking up the fork next to the plate. "Then I'll count my blessings!" She said, practically skipping into the crowd of people. "She frightens me, Sir," Ghost said, rolling up his mask to eat. I laughed heartily. "You aren't the only one." As we ate, a few people came up and greeted and welcomed us, mainly me, to their quaint, if however weird town. The food was quick to disappear as Pinkie took the plates away, allowing us to mingle amongst the populace and enjoy the party properly, hopefully without interruption this time. ~~ "I must say, Pinks, this party is awesome," I said, taking a healthy bite of a slice of cake. "Well, it's not every day I get to welcome a Paladin!" She said excitedly, adjusting her denim jacket. "Plus, the last one was kinda ruined, plus plus you're moving here properly so I just had to make it special!" "Heh, can't argue with that," I nod. The party had gone on for an hour or so, and despite that, it was yet to show even a whisper of slowing down. People danced, ate, drank, talked, played various games and generally had fun amongst friends and acquaintances. It was something I hadn't experienced myself properly as the last one, as Pinkie said, had ended rather abruptly. As much as I was used to the upper echelons of Canterlot and having to constantly train its military, it was nice not being surrounded by the higher class for once, seeing normal people go about doing their own thing. It's amazing the things you tend to take for granted. "Though I have to say," I said, eating the last of the cake in my hand. "I was surprised that the Princesses chose Ponyville to have my house built." "Is it a bad thing?" Pinkie asked genuinely. "Oh no, absolutely not," I replied quickly. "Just surprised was all." "I believe it's to help with morale in these rather uncertain times and provide protection where it wouldn't normally be readily available. Plus Ponyville was your first place of action, so it would stand to reason there's a sense of sentimental value there," Ghost chimed in, sipping idly at a small glass of fruit punch. "And they know your feelings about nobility and wouldn't want that animosity getting in the way." "Huh. That.....makes a lot of sense actually," I said, slowly nodding. "Well I'm just glad you're enjoying the party," Pinkie said before skipping off. "I'm gonna get a refill," Ghost said, standing from the bar chair. "You want anything?" "Nah, I'm good," I waved my hand. "Just enjoy yourself Ghost, you've earned it." "I promise nothing, Sir," He chuckled before walking off, disappearing into the crowd. Shaking my head, I looked out towards the crowd, watching people as they went about enjoying the party, occasionally spotting one of the main six among them. It was nice to just watch. I had never been a big fan of parties, large crowds tended to not agree with me but this? It was oddly soothing. Though I guess with everything happening of late, I shouldn't be surprised. Regardless, I continued to people-watch. As I did, I was overcome by a strange sense of longing. One that wasn't wholly dissimilar to the feeling of disturbing deja vu I get when looking at what was once Damien's sword, but this one felt more familial like there was something deeply missing, something or maybe even someone that should be there but isn't. "Can you hear me?" Scrunching my brow, I looked off to my left, through the window and the building and towards the Everfree. A sudden urge to seek something out coming to the forefront of my brain, though what it could be, I wasn't sure. A pressure built ever so slightly in my head, the same kind of pressure that built whenever someone was attempting a telepathic link. It was subtle and slowly growing weaker, but it was there. "Hello?" "Percival?" Shaken from my sudden stupor, I blink and look to the source of the voice and find Twilight looking at me, slight concern on her face as Ghost stood behind her. "Are you alright?" Twilight asked. "Yeah, I'm alright," I replied. "Just zoned out for a bit there." "I saw," She said as he and Ghost sat beside me. "So are you enjoying the party so far?" "Couldn't tell you the last time I was at one," I said with a shrug. "To be honest with you, it's a nice change of pace compared to what I'm used to." "I can imagine," She nodded. "You've both been extremely busy. I say you've earned the downtime." "Ain't that the truth," I replied. "So, any news on our little artefact yet?" "Actually, we may have hit a breakthrough!" She replied excitedly. "Wait really?" I asked surprised. "I would have thought it would have taken you guys another few days at least." "We have been working tirelessly since you brought it in. Thank you for recommending me, by the way," She said gratefully. "And while it is still early days, I do think we've figured it out!" "Well come on, don't keep in suspense." "We believe we're dealing with a multi-spatial artefact! One with infinitely repeating manifold intersections!" "I understand those words separately." "Basically, the Mages and I believe the artefact holds an infinite amount of possible spaces within the stone that are constantly shifting and overlapping each other that, if the math is correct, could very well lead to different points in time." "That sounds....dangerous." "Under normal circumstances, it would be, but due to how weak the magic signature is despite how dense it appears to be, it's proven to be remarkably harmless," She replied, her excitement palpable. "I'll be conducting more research over the next few days, so hopefully we should have concrete answers soon." "Well, here's hoping," I said, holding up my crossed fingers. ~~ The hours passed by seemingly like a flash, the party continuing and finishing without a hitch, much to the delight of all involved, Pinkie most of all. Fun times were had by all, even Ghost had a good time. But all good times must come to an end and eventually, everyone filed out, waving us off as Ghost and I made our way home. Upon opening the door, we were greeted by Walter standing at the ready, hands clasped behind his back, his usual professional grin spread across his lips. "Evening Sirs," He greeted. "You should be happy to know the pantry has miraculously been restocked while you were away." "Knew it would be," I nodded. "Thank you, Walter." "Of course Sir," He nodded back, before holding out an envelope. "You also received some mail as well from a....peculiar individual." "Peculiar? How so?" I asked, taking the letter. "Well, they were clad in rather strange robes. Grey with fur and leather," He said evenly. "But most bizarre is they said you'd know what to do with it." "Okay, that is peculiar" I mumbled. "Thank you, Walter." "Of course Sir," He bowed slightly before walking off to another part of the house. Glancing at Ghost, I look down at the envelope and turn it over on my hand, tearing at the seam and pulling the letter from its casing. Unfolding the letter, I carefully read over its contents. To BB As you are no doubt well aware, the invasion of Las Almas you orchestrated was a resounding failure, the artefact was taken and the Paladin yet lives. See to it that the stone is retrieved or that you provide a suitable substitute. We will not take this failure kindly after such hefty reassurances and promises and should you fail us again, we will not be so kind as to give you a second chance. Prove you have what it takes or your life is forfeit. May the Lord provide. "Oh, that can't be good." > Chapter 17 - "Invitations" > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Looking down at the letter in my hand, I couldn't help but let out an exasperated groan as Ghost chuckled heartily next to me. "You have got to be kidding me." It's been a few days since moving into my new home and since the party Pinkie threw for me and I've gotten surprisingly used to the idea of calling a mansion my home, even if I do still get lost every now and then. That being said, having staff to manage and maintain said mansion is something I've still to get used to as they have a knack for appearing damn near out of nowhere and disappearing just as stealthily. But all in all, I was quite enjoying my new home. However, not an hour ago, a revelation had reared its rather ugly head. Being that I'm a Paladin and General to the Equestrian army, certain expectations, roles and other such things were unfortunately required of me and one of them was to attend certain events that I'm sure everyone is painfully aware of, which leads me to my current situation. The girls had all shown up at my house early in the morning while I was in the middle of breakfast toting an ornate letter with them. Said letter contained a personally written invitation to none other than the Grand Galloping Gala. Which was happening the next day. "Darling, you have been personally invited by the Princesses to attend!" Rarity exclaimed. "How exciting!" "Oh yes, just riveting," I replied dryly. "It sounds like ya don't wanna go," Applejack commented as Fluttershy nodded in agreement. The face I made told them all they needed to know. "Darling, why wouldn't you want to go? It's the most important event of the year! The height of sophistication!" "It's the biggest party in Equestria!" Pinkie added excitedly. "I can get soooo many ideas for future parties!" "It's the place to make dreams come true, dude! I can meet the Wonderbolts face-to-face! Do you have any idea how awesome that is!?" Rainbow Dash exclaimed. "Not to mention the produce I can sell," Applejack added with an excited grin. "And the animals I can meet," Fluttershy said meekly. Looking at Twilight, I raised my eyebrow. "What about you? What're your reasons for going?" "Well, I was born and raised in Canterlot, so I'm used to events like these," Twilight shrugged. "Plus it'll let me spend a little time with the Princess." Rubbing my temples, I let out a soft sigh. "Ghost." "Yes Sir?" "Any way I can get out of this?" "Nope." "Thought not," I mumbled softly. "Rarity?" "Yes, dear?" "Do you still have that suit you made me for my coronation?" Her eyes lit up like the fourth of July. "Oh, you are going to look just magnificent!" "Perfect. I'll pop by in the morning to pick it up." "Sounds perfect to me," She grinned widely. "Speaking of, I best be going. Perfection can't make itself!" With that, the rest of the girls began filing out, leaving just me pinching the bridge of my nose at the mansion entrance. Closing the door behind them, I look at Ghost who seemed to be taking some sort of pleasure from my situation. "Don't forget Ghost, you're going as well," "Oh I know Sir, but watching you squirm was fun." "Glad you're enjoying my torment." I shook my head with a mirthful smirk. I was glad Ghost seemed to have taken my words to heart. The last month or so, he's certainly opened up and become a bit more playful. "So what's the plan until the Gala, Sir?" Rolling my shoulders, I look down at the katana I held tightly within my grasp. "Until then, there's something I need to figure out." Moving to the front door, I quickly stopped Ghost as he moved to fall in line as usual. "Man the fort Ghost. This is something I need to do myself. Inform the staff I'll be away for the day." "Yes Sir," He nodded. "When will you be back?" "I don't know," I replied. "But I don't think I'll be back today." "No problem Sir," He nodded again. "Stay safe." "I promise nothing," I smirked before closing the door behind me. ~~ It didn't take long, maybe a couple of hours, and I was back at the bomb site, charred trees, dirt, and pulverised rock and stone surrounding me as it all crunched rather satisfyingly underfoot. A small distance away, I spotted a patch of red and maroon, Damien's remains partially missing except for bone, cartilage and the unwanted pieces of meat and flesh. Crouching near the discarded pile of the tossed aside carcass, my face scrunched. Kicking dirt over what remained of his corpse, I move to the centre of the decimated clearing. Hefting the katana up, I catch it with both hands and closely inspect the blade, properly taking in its beautifully crafted details. The deep blue, almost black scabbard held small Japanese etchings along one side, just under where the tassels were tightly wrapped and glued in place with what looked to be a thin wax-like material. But since I couldn't speak Japanese, I couldn't understand what the etchings read. Moving to the handguard, the gold-on-black flower-like patterns held an almost handmade quality to them, lending itself to the idea the whole blade was painstakingly crafted. Pressing my thumb against the handguard, the blade popped out slightly with a satisfying clink as the golden blade collar shone in the early morning sun. Sliding the three-and-a-half-foot-long blade out slowly, the shrill ring of cold, hard steel meets my ears in a surprisingly soothing sound as it vibrates the blade once it's pulled fully from the sheath. As I pulled it out, I could feel something. A connection or a link of some kind, similar to when I summon Venator, but it felt weak, as though it was damaged or broken. It was a weird sensation, identical to the pins and needles you would get when someone gave you a dead arm or when you hit your funny bone but it wasn't physical. Even the knowledge I gained when arming myself with a new weapon felt disrupted, like a digital download interrupted by a bad connection. The whole thing just felt incomplete. "It's just one mystery after another, isn't it?" I ask myself, staring down at the perfectly straight blade. As I stared at the blade, the sheath disappeared, gradually disintegrating into a puff of smoke and blue particles. "Oooo, neat trick," I nodded, letting my excitement out without worry of anyone seeing me. "Oh, that got me thinking." Holding out my now free hand, I focus and strain, gritting my teeth slightly as I feel heat begin to gather in my hand. Suddenly, in a plume of smoke and fire, my sword materializes in my hand, accompanied by a sound best described as a revving motorbike. I stumble back in surprise as I let out an excited giggle. "Ho ho ho, that's awesome!" Flexing my arm, it disappears in a puff of smoke and embers. Flexing again, it reappears. "Oh, that opens up a world of possibilities!" Flexing one last time, my sword disappears and I shift my attention to the katana in my other hand. Doing the same as I did for my blade, I focus and strain, clenching my hands around the white-wrapped handle. It glows for a fraction of a second before sputtering and growing dim. A sudden headache racks my head as I rub my temples to mitigate it. I wait it out for a few minutes and the ache is gone fairly quickly. I look down at the blade as I hold it in both hands again, focusing and straining the same as I did before only to result in another headache, this one mildly worse than the last. I go at it for what feels like hours, resulting in me sitting on a nearby charred tree stump, clutching the sides of my head with the heels of my hands lightly pressing against my eyes. Peering over at the blade partially stabbed into the ground, I chuckled slightly. "Fussy, aren't you? Okay, let's move on to something else." Standing, I grab the katana and step back out into the centre of the small wasteland, the blackened soil crunching beneath my feet. Holding the sword tight within my grasp, I plant my feet deep into the soil, breathing slowly out of my mouth. Swinging the blade through the air, I carry through a quick routine, slashing, cutting and stabbing while adding small flourishes. Throughout it, the feeling of pins and needles intensified as I could feel the connection wanting to be established but being prevented by some unseen force. Finishing with a fancy flourish, I sheath the sword with a sigh. "Okay then, keep your secrets." I look around me for a moment before shrugging to myself, deciding that, since I have plenty of time on my hands, I'd go for a walk down memory lane for a bit. The day had come and gone and the Gala was nigh on top of them and Rarity put the last finishing touches on the dresses she painstakingly handmade for her and her friends. Each dress was tailored specifically to match and complement each of its defining characteristics, each one perfectly matching its wearer's unique tastes while still having her own personal touches. The girls were gathered, dressed and ready to go as the fashionista applied the last of her makeup and as well as helping Spike with his suit. "Aaaaand there!" Rarity nodded as she readjusted Spikes's bowtie. "That should do it." "Thanks, Rares," Spike grinned widely as he admired himself in the nearby mirror, slicking back his spines. "Man, I look good." "Such a handsome young man," Rarity agreed, lightly pinching his cheeks. "Speakin' of men, where the heck is Percival?" Applejack asked no one in particular. "Yeah, you'd think the guy would show up for something this important," Rainbow Dash agreed, adjusting the almost Greek-inspired headpiece atop her head. "He'll show up," Pinkie said excitedly. "He better," Twilight chimed in, peering at the clock that read quarter past three in the afternoon. "Otherwise the Princesses are going to be rather annoyed." "Somethin' tells me he ain't exactly worried 'bout that too much," Applejack said. "Even so, he should be here by now," Rarity added. Just as the words left her mouth, the group heard a low whistle coming from the front entrance, and as they all turned to face its source, they spotted Percival leaning his recently acquired katana, giving the group a soft nod. "God damn, you've outdone yourself," He said. "Even with the bomb ass suit you made me Rarity, I can't compete with this." "It's about time you showed up!" The fashionista exclaimed. "Your suits over there. Now go get ready, the carriage is almost here!" Shooing him off into the other room, she handed him his suit as the girls giggled, shaking their heads as they waited for him to change. It didn't take long however and Percival walked out dressed in the grey three-piece suit Rarity had made him for his coronation, his hair, which was now several inches long, was slicked and his stubble was shaved clean. "Well?" He said, giving them a small twirl. "What do we think?" "You look positively gorgeous Darling!" Rarity beamed while the others looked with wide eyes, not used to him dressing up and more so used to seeing him in either his gear or minimal casual clothing. "Looking good there big guy," Rainbow Dash nodded appreciatively. "Must say, ya clean up nicely," Applejack said as Fluttershy nodded quietly in agreement. "Dayum," Pinkie said simply. "So when's the carriage-" Before Percival could finish his sentence, a thud sounded out from outside the boutique, swiftly notifying the group of the arrival of the carriage they so patiently waited for. "Couldn't have timed that better." The group laughed at the man's comment as they all filed out of the boutique and out into the streets of Ponyville, quickly spotting the large transport carriage, the chauffeur already stepping down and silently opening the door, bowing as he did. The eight passengers to be stepped up and into the carriage which seemed to be bigger on the inside as Twilight mumbled something about a "spatial displacement spell". A moment or so later, the carriage shifted and the group felt a small pressure push them slightly into their seats before easing. They giggled in excitement as they lifted off, Percival smiling all the while. For the first few minutes, they spoke amongst themselves as they watched Ponyville slowly grow smaller and smaller, the eagerness becoming palpable. "So Percival," Applejack said suddenly as she settled for a long flight next to the man. Looking at her, the man hummed at her question. "Where's yer tall friend?" "My tall friend? Oh, right," He nodded as he realized who she meant. "Ghost's taking a more covert approach tonight. Said his skill set would be better suited to making sure the security detail is up to snuff." "Fair enough. Just surprised he wasn't with ya," She shrugged. "The guy seemed to be glued to ya by the hip." "Well, it's his duty," Percival said simply. "As mine is to the country and all of yours is to keeping the balance of harmony, his is be a confidant and protector to me." "With all the trouble ya get into, I'd say you need it," Rainbow Dash teased. "Though I have to ask, are all the skull masks really necessary?" Rarity asked. "Yeah, aren't things like that for Nightmare Night?" Pinkie asked with a giggle. "Plus...it's scary," Fluttershy added meekly. "I dunno, I think he looks cool," Spike shrugged. "You'd have to ask him," Percival replied. "It could be a religious reason, a personal reason, a tactical reason. Or it could have been a joke that stuck. It could be anything. I just don't feel a need or want to know what that reason is." The group seemed satisfied as they quickly moved on to a new topic, mainly what they would be doing when they got to the party. Occasionally, Percival would spot Rainbow Dash glance at the katana in my hands which gave him a good chuckle. Eventually, after a lingering look, he chuckled outwardly as he looked at the speedster. "Okay, I know you're itching to see it," He said, hefting it up slightly and onto his knees. The blue Pegasis woman sheepishly rubbed the back of her neck as her friends laughed a little. Shifting closer, her eyes scanned the sheathed blade, her gaze lingering on the etchings for a moment longer. "You know what it says?" He asked. "Yeah, actually I do. I transferred to Japan for a couple years when I was becoming a black belt. I'm not fluent, but I can hold a conversation," She replied, a rather proud grin spreading across her face "What does it say?" Tilting her head and squinting slightly, she slowly reads it out "Yamato?" She mumbled. The man's face instantly dropped his amused smile in favour of an intent look of surprise, shock and alarm. "Y-Yamato? You're sure?" The group was taken aback by the sudden change of attitude at the namedrop of the blade in his hands. Stammering slightly, Rainbow Dash looked back down, reading the etchings again to make sure she read them right. "Y...yeah, I read it right," She said, slightly nervous at the man's sudden shift. "You know it?" Twilight asked softly. "It...was wielded by a great and powerful swordsman. Well, he and his brother," Percival replied quietly, his eyes lingering over the blade as he spoke. "What happened to them is unknown." "Then how'd you get it?" Rainbow Dash asked, shifting forward slightly. "Is it be related to the news reports of you being attacked at Canterlot?" Twilight inquired. "Off the record? Yes," He replied quietly. "But if the Princesses haven't told you anything, then I can't say much more." The group tried to ask further questions but swiftly stopped, seeing that the man was deep in his thoughts, his eyes seemed to glaze over as they stayed glued to the blade resting against his knees. Whatever had caused such a reaction, they thought it would be best to leave him be for now. Fucking. Yamato. I was in possession of one of the strongest swords in media. A sword that could summon portals and "cut" through virtually anything, even the fabric of reality, manipulating space and, potentially, time. The blade used by the legendary Virgil, the Alpha and Omega, was now in my hands. My mind had a rather hard time accepting such an object was mine. My sword and Ace were one thing, but to have such an armament of such power was something else. But what confused me most, was how Damien came to possess it. The implications did not bode well. Regardless, I knew it would be safer in my hands. Best not to think about it too much right now. Suddenly, I felt the carriage lurch as I felt someone nudge my arm. Looking to my left, I see Applejack looking at me concerned. "Yall alright sugarcube?" She asked as the girls moved to exit the transportation. "Yeah, I'll be fine. Don't worry," I replied. She squinted her eyes slightly, seemingly not convinced by my words, but seemed to concede anyway. "Alright, if yer sure. But ya know where I am if ya need to talk." Nodding appreciatively, Spike and I dismount first and we help the girls down the steps of the carriage. Looking around, I noticed we had landed in one of the few landing zones within the city itself, the castle maybe a twenty-minute walk from where we stood. We moved through the bustling streets with ease as the girls continued to talk giddily, their excitement thick in the air as we closed in on the castle. We pass the front gates, the Guards saluting us as we pass by. We were quickly met by one of the many of the castle staff, who guided us to the ballroom, which was already beautifully decorated for the Gala. It seemed that the party was already underway as the room held more than a few nobles who spoke amongst themselves about whatever topic took their fancy. Despite this, it seemed it was still incredibly early as even though many nobles were already gathered, the room was still to be filled out fully. "Oh man, this is gonna be great!" Spike said excitedly. "We're all gonna have such an awesome time together!" The girls had already sped off before he could finish his sentence. "Or not, I guess." "Welp, looks like you're stuck with this ugly mug," I laughed a little, clapping him on the shoulder as he mirthfully rolled his eyes. "I could think of worse things." Looking at the voice, we see most of the nearby nobles bowing as Princess Luna walked passed them, briefly regarding them with a small head bow of her own before focusing her attention on us. Instead of her usual deep navy blue dress, Luna was dressed in an all-black dress that tastefully hugged her figure with a leg slit on one side. Her makeup was also slightly darker than usual, perfectly contrasting her pale, unblemished skin. All in all, she was beautiful. "Your Grace," I said, bowing deeply at my legs while Spike did the same. "How may I be of service?" "My my, Percival. You are certainly rather different tonight," Luna commented with a smirk. "You have an air of....nobility about you." "Well, it is a high-class event after all. I wouldn't want to make you look bad due to my behaviour," I reply teasingly. "Did you wish to speak?" "I simply wished to greet a friend," She replied with a smile. "And since I saw the Elements of Harmony speed off, I thought I would keep you and young Spike company." "Thank you, Princess, that's very generous of you," Spike said, bowing his head slightly. The music began playing soon after Princess Luna settled in beside us, talking about whatever random topic came up as we watched the nobles already kissing one another's asses, hoping to get in the good graces with other houses to put themselves in better positions and open up connections to facilitate them. Different universe, and yet the higher class remains the same. Shifting my gaze to the stage and spot the musicians expertly playing their respective instruments, a few others sitting neatly near or behind them. Seems their signature instrument was more of a speciality rather than an exclusive. Good to know. They were all dressed immaculately, but one individual stood out. Black tuxedo, pink tie, dark charcoal grey hair swept back and out of her eyes. It was easy to guess who it was but the cello made it painfully obvious. "I can see you eyeing up those instruments," Luna said with a smirk as Spike chuckled at her comment. "Am I that predictable?" I laughed with them. "Don't answer that." "If you wish to go, then go," She urged. "Are you sure?" "Dude, just go," Spike said while he reached up and patted me on the shoulder. "These guys will love whatever you play." "Alright," I conceded, moving towards the stage. "But whatever happens, it was your idea!" The two laughed quietly as they shook their heads, looking at each other as I moved away. "So how are you, young Spike?" I hear Luna ask. "I feel we have not had the proper chance to speak between just you and I." "Can't complain." As I moved towards the stage, I saw most of the musicians seemed to notice me as they finished their latest piece, but Octavia was so in focus she didn't even realize I was walking towards her. The other three who were present were ones I seemed to recognise vaguely. The one who played the harp was Parish I believe, but that could have just been a widely accepted fan fiction name. Next was Fredric who was on the piano, which I took an interest in and Beatrice, who played the tuba. All three were staring at me with wide eyes, but ignored them as I walked up the platform and stood directly in front of Octavia. I smirked as I saw Octavia notice my feet and slowly look up at me. "Sir Percival!" She exclaimed, setting aside her cello on its stand before standing. "What a surprise!" "You know me then?" I asked. They seemed a little nervous around me. "My wife told me about you. Besides, I think everyone knows you, Sir," She replied. "Especially after your most recent deed." "You're telling me, people won't let me forget," I laughed as they looked at me with a look of surprise at my comment. "I didn't like to assume. "Makes an ass of you and me" as my mother used to say. I, however, don't know your names." Octavia's face lit up in realization. "Oh, I beg your pardon! Where are my manners!" She said lightheartedly, lightly slapping her forehead. "I am Octavia, this is Fredric," She said gesturing towards the pianist. "This is Beatrice and this is Parish," Octavia told me, referring to the Tuba and Harp players. At least I got their names right. I nodded. "It's a pleasure to meet you all," I said with a small bow, which seemed to surprise them. I chuckled at their reactions. "Whatever stories you may have heard, I assure you I'm not as insane as you think," I said playfully. "And I'm not like your average noble. I wasn't born with a silver spoon in my mouth and a stick up my ass." Behind me, I could hear more voices begin to fill the hall as guests and nobles began to file in. Ignoring the building crowd, I focused on the musicians in front of me. "How can we help you then, Sir?" Octavia asked after they laughed at my comment. "Well, I wished to meet the musicians for the night," I replied before looking at the grand piano. "But this beauty caught my eye." Fredric looked very nervous as he spoke. "Would you like to play?" Fredric asked me. "If that is not too much trouble? "Not at all!" He replied excitedly, standing and giving me free rein of the instrument. "By all means, Sir!" As the guests and other nobles started coming in more and more, I simply ignored them as I approached the piano. I made my way over and unbuttoned my jacket so I could sit comfortably as I laid Yamato softly against the side of the piano. I sat down on the bench and ran my hands over the keys. I smiled as I thought about the past and how much I loved to play the piano. Memories of my Grandfather filled my head, how much I loved being taught by him and how excited he'd get when we'd sit down. I chuckled warmly at the memory and brought my hands to the keys. I played a few notes before a song came to my mind and I started to play. "I won't be coming home I won't be going anywhere I will guard this post forever Here on the alpine slope, where I did my final stand, I shall remain Among the ice and snow that binds me to this mountain A force of nature too strong, sent from above Where spirits lead the way, the winds will never fade White Friday, I'll take the Stairway to Heaven I'm sky high, when I die I'll be immortal Forever, I never I won't return to Blood Mountain, I am the Soldier of Heaven Ignoring the room as I played, I looked at the keys as I played with the words easily accompanying them. The looks of surprise from the group of musicians from my singing made the grin I wore grow ever so slightly. Closing my eyes, I let the music continue nigh autonomously while the room became dead silent. My mind started to bring the image of her to the front of my mind as I sang. Memories flooded my mind as I continued playing, the emotion I put forth into the song made me feel... solemn but happy, in a strange way. Like I was singing just for her, so I didn't hold back. I saw the end of war I watched the soldiers come and go And I kept my watch forever So many brave men fell in the battles that were raging down below I have seen it all but none will hear my story All of these years I have been frozen in time I cried for spring to come but here, winter remain White Friday, I'll take the Stairway to Heaven I'm sky high, when I die I'll be immortal Forever, I never I won't return to Blood Mountain, I am the Soldier of Heaven" Once I finished, I noticed that the room had quietened. I look up from the keys to see more than a fair few in the room staring at me. I looked around some more and saw Celestia standing next to Luna and Spike, all looking on from the back of the crowd. I chuckled as I stood from the piano, grabbing Yamato before giving a slightly exaggerated bow as the musicians approached me. "Sir, that was a wonderful performance!" Octavia praised. "Where did you learn to play?" "Thank you, I learned from my Grandfather," I replied with an appreciative smile. "But believe me, that was nothing. I barely made her sing." "Then if it isn't too much trouble, could you honour us with one more?" Fredric asked, fidgeting slightly with his fingers. "Fredric! I'm sure Sir Felwinter has better things to do than to indulge in our fancies," Octavia chastised. "Please, it's no problem. I approached you, remember?" I said, earning a sheepish nod from the cello player. "Besides, the piano is one of my favourites. How can I say no?" Sitting back down and setting Yamato back to where it was, I twiddled my fingers for a second or two and pursed my lips, deliberating on what I should play next. Once I decided, I nodded quietly to myself, I glanced up at Luna, Celestia and Spike as they continued staring, eagerly waiting for my next piece. Soft at first, my hands glided over the keys as the notes echoed throughout the ballroom hall, catching the attention of all present with remarkable ease just before it quickly upped in pace, a far more energetic and complicated piece than the last that resulted in a wonderous cacophony. The sudden and drastic change from the first song I played caught most off guard for a second as most of the room looked in shock. Whether that be because of the song itself or the fact they didn't know I played at all I'm sure. My hands moved as though they had a mind of their own as I closed my eyes while I played, remembering the many hours it took to practise after an old acquaintance showed it to me before I became a travelling man. A wide grin spread over my face as I felt the energy of the song in my body, nodding and slightly swaying my body as I felt its rhythm. Finally coming to an end, I finished with a flourish and the room let out applause as I stood once again, giving the crowd another bow as the musicians clapped harder, approaching as I stepped away from the instrument. "Sir Felwinter, that was incredible!" Octavia said excitedly. "Vinyl had informed me you were remarkable, but to see it with my own eyes." "That piece was amazing!" Fredric said with equal excitement as the others offered their own praise. I was about to respond when I heard a throat clear from behind me. I saw the musicians bow and turned around to see Celestia standing not far from us at the top of the stairs to the stage. "Quite the performance Sir Percival," She said with a smile on her red-stained lips. "Thank you very much, your Grace," I replied with a slight bow. She bowed slightly in response before turning to the musicians. "If it is not too inconvenient, may I borrow him?" She asked. They all, of course, bowed. "Not at all, your Highness!" They responded. "Thank you," Celestia said, turning to walk away. I didn't need to be told to follow as I walked behind her, my feet guiding me to her side as I glanced at her. Instead of her usual white and gold trimmed dress, she wore a bright red dress that, much like Luna, hugged her nigh godly figure tastefully and unobtrusively. Realizing I was staring, I tore my eyes from her and looked out to the party, seeing that most of the guests had arrived and gone back to minding their own business. "So how may I be of service, your Highness?" I asked as we settled while I faced forward towards the crowd. She quirked an eyebrow as she glanced at me before nabbing a glass of champagne from one of the roaming servants. "You're rather different tonight," She commented, sipping at the glass of sparkling wine. "You have a sense of nobility to you." I chuckled slightly, readjusting my grip on Yamato to be more comfortable. "Your sister said the same exact thing," I responded before adding. "Like I told your sister, as much as I don't enjoy mingling with nobility, I didn't want my nonchalant attitude to make you look bad." "Did you wish to speak with me?" I added after a moment. "Oh no, I simply wished to see how you were," She smiled genuinely. "How are you finding your new accommodation?" "It's incredible and I've gotten lost a grand total of five times already," I laughed before my smile dropped. "Speaking of, that reminds me." Seeing my sudden change in attitude, the Solar Princess turned to face me with concern. "What is it, Percival?" Reaching into the inner pocket of my grey jacket, I pulled out the letter and handed it over to the Princess. "Walter received this from an individual clad in grey robes with fur and leather," I said quietly, trying to be as discreet as possible. She hesitantly reached out and took the letter and opened it, carefully reading it over a few times, murmuring under her breath while her brow very subtly furrowed and her eyes narrowed. She slowly looked up at me with a clear look of scepticism on her face. "Percival," She said slowly and lowly. "Whatever you are suggesting-" "I am accusing no one of anything," I stated quickly, holding up my hand placatively. "But all the questions I asked myself led to the same answer and I believed that you needed to be made aware of this, given the nature of the document and how frankly suspicious it was." She stood there for a moment, staring intently and strongly into my eyes to the point I swore she was staring directly into my soul. After the moment passed, she closed her eyes and sighed, folding the letter and lightly fidgeting with it. "Thank you, Percival, for bringing this to my attention," She said, nodding slightly. "I know of implications and the potential consequences of them, but I say, at the very least, keep an eye out," I said, placing a soft hand on her shoulder. Nodding slowly, she looked back down at the letter. "I will have this investigated and, in the meantime, I will be keeping an eye out." "But for until then," She added, placing the letter between her cleavage. "I think we should enjoy our night." Raising my eyebrow, I watched her begin to walk off, offering me a giggle and a mirthful smirk as she stepped away. "What?" She asked innocently. "Do you see pockets?" I chuckled as she disappeared into the crowd of nobles despite her taller stature while I caught a glimpse of Twilight trying to follow behind her with not much success. I shook my head and walked over to one of the many empty tables, sitting down while mentally preparing myself for the night ahead. Observing the room, I spot Rarity and Applejack standing on the outskirts of the room, talking and laughing among themselves, seemingly forgone their initial goals for the night. Curious, I peered around and saw a rather familiar sight trying her best to talk to the attending Wonderbolts. Fluttershy was, of course, nowhere to be seen as she was more than likely outside in the castle gardens. Closing my eyes, I leaned back into the chair I sat on. "Alright Percy ole boy, you can do it. It's just one night. You can do one night, right?" I thought, opening my eyes and seeing the rows of nobles kissing up to one another. "Fuck, this is going to be a long night." "So this is the Paladin I've heard so much about?" I hear a voice say. "I can't say I'm impressed." Looking to my left, my eyes swiftly land on none other than Prince Blueblood himself. A rather short individual on the thinner side of things, his bright blonde hair was styled in a middle parting that fit his surprisingly handsome face but also somehow worked to make him look more smug. Black suit, bright blue tie and a pure white horn jutting from his forehead. I'd dare say he looked good if he weren't such a notorious asshole. Standing, I incline my head a little, doing my best to show respect and keep up a good appearance. "Prince Blueblood." "So you know me?" He said in an almost surprised tone. "I must say I'm surprised. Seeing as my Aunts pulled you from that backwater town, I thought you'd be...benighted to say the least." "Definitely going to be a long night," I thought, holding back any face I would have normally made. "Happy to disappoint. Though I must say, I'm surprised that I've only just now run into you." The Prince looked me up and down. "I'm sure," He said with pursed lips. "I have been rather...busy of late, so that has taken a large chunk of my time, not that I expect you to understand such things." "I know how you feel," I said to the shorter man. "I've been training the Guards for the last four months. They're not quite where I want them, but they're making remarkable progress. Las Almas was a massive stepping stone for them." "Hmm, yes, quite," He replied absentmindedly, seemingly ignoring my words as he looked as though he wasn't paying full attention. "My Aunts saw something in you and you did help that town and....what was it again? Ah yes! Las Almas, so I guess you have some gumption. Don't go disappointing them. They've had enough of that already." "Believe me, disappointing them isn't on my to-do list," I replied, keeping a straight face. "So what have you been working on if I may ask?" "Things that don't concern you," He said rather sharply. "It's a personal matter between me and friends of mine." "Okay, if you say so," I said, quickly moving on. "What do you think of the Gala so far?" "Oh simply outstanding, I dare say it's better than last year," He said, genuine excitement briefly flashing on his face before he shifted his gaze away from the party and back at me. "I'd ask what you thought, but someone like you? At a party like this? A stupid thought." "Someone like me?" Swallowing my words, I kept my face as even as I could. "Actually, you'd be surprised. I've been to a Gala once or twice." He audibly scoffed as he gained an incredulous expression, chuckling lowly to himself as he looked around. "You? A man who claimed to be a wanderer before becoming a Paladin to my Aunts? How absurd!" "Believe it. Though I'll admit, this is definitely the best I've looked," I chuckled, trying to inject some levity into the conversation. "Credit where it's due, Rarity knows her stuff." "That skirt?" He scoffed again. "While you're...passable, she couldn't hold a candle to Canterlots high fashion. A woman like her would be drowned out in no time." I felt my eye twitch hard at his words while my pulse quickened and the tips of my ears began to heat up, I looked at the man beside me with disdain that I tried my best to keep hidden. "Have you seen any of her works?" "I've seen enough if what you, her and her contemporaries are wearing are anything to go by," He laughed quietly to himself. "If they hadn't helped save my Aunt, I personally wouldn't have let them in." "They were all personally invited by Princess Celestia herself," I replied evenly, breathing through my nose. "They have every right to be here." Blueblood turned slowly to me, a smile that unnerved me spread across his face as he did. "You're defending them." "They're my friends," I responded, turning to face him properly. "So yes, I am." "Your "friends" are no more than freelance help approved by my Aunt. Beyond that, they are no better than the common rabble," He continued lowly, turning towards me. "Were it not for your and my Aunt's personal protection, I'd dare say they'd serve no better than food to the demons. To think otherwise would be stupid." "What exactly would be "stupid", my dear fellow?" A posh, almost Codsworth-esque voice said. Tearing my eyes from the Prince, I look over and see another noble, but this one was one I was hoping to meet. White horn, blue well-kept hair, twirled moustache, warm black suit, purple tie and a round monocle. Easy guess as to who it was. "Oh, nothing! Nothing at all!" Blueblood said jovially. "Me and the Paladin were just talking about the Elements of Harmony and how lovely they looked." Raising a brow, the man hummed slightly, seemingly seeing through the small charade the Prince was putting on. "Yes, quite," He said before turning to me, swapping his unimpressed look for a more genuine expression. "How do you do General?" "Good evening to you too, Sir...?" I said as I held out my hand. I'll admit it felt odd to be referred to as General since Sir or Paladin were the usual stand-in. "Oh, where are my manners!" He laughed, quickly taking my hand in an impressive shake. "Fancypants at your service. A pleasure to finally meet you in person!" "Yes, this is just a splendid night for meetings, isn't it?" Blueblood interjected. "Though, the Paladin and I were in the middle of a conversation." "Oh yes, one that he looked to be enjoying so thoroughly," Fancypants commented. "You would do well to remember you're talking to a Prince," Blueblood said lowly. Unimpressed, Fancypants stepped up to the Prince, who he had a few considerable inches on. "And you would do well to remember that I, while no Prince, have just as much hold as you. I am not one for you to push around like a common fool." "Watch your tone Fancy," Blueblood shot back. "I'm sure there are certain things you wouldn't want to...get out." "Naturally. Any man worth his salt has his secrets. But whatever secrets I may have certainly wouldn't hold a candle to yours," Fancypants said evenly. "And seeing as I have nearly thirty years on you, who do you think people will trust when word of a certain...overabundant substance usage gets out? Or late-night relations perhaps?" Blueblood was quick to step down after Fancypants' threats, his eye wide and his lips pursed and tensed in quiet seething. Taking hold of his suit jacket, he straightened it out with a jerk while he held his head high, looking down his nose as he turned to walk away. "Then I shall leave you two to it." Watching Blueblood walk off, briefly glancing over his shoulder with a cold, disdainful look in his eye, me and Fancypants breathed a sigh of relief, turning to face each other properly now that we were rid of the distasteful company. "Thank you," I said gratefully. "I'm sure I could have handled him, but that saves me migraine." "Of course ole boy!" Fancypants said jovially. "I've been meaning to put the little ingrate down a peg or two myself. And while it's not much, I'm sure he won't try anything now that he knows I have rather delicate information on him." "Here's hoping," I said, holding up my crossed fingers as we shared a laugh before gesturing to the open seats at the table. "Care to sit with me?" "Oh, thank you!" He said, taking a seat. Now that Blueblood was gone, I was able to look at him properly. His handlebar moustache was much thicker than I expected, taking up the entirety of, and partially obscuring, his upper lip and he even had a small amount of well-maintained stubble around his chin. I also noticed he was of a thicker build as well. Looking at me, he adjusted his monocle. "So how are you finding the Gala?" I chuckled a little, leaning against Yamato. "Between Blueblood and seeing the other nobles using every opportunity as a chance to have their boots licked? Can't say I've been fooled by their shark smiles." "You have been in office for barely half a year and yet you already see how corrupt the majority of the nobility is," He commented, his gaze becoming more and more interested. "Truly a sad state of affairs." "It's not just here either, but everywhere you go," I shook my head. "If there is a place of sound nobility I've yet to hear of it." "Ah yes, I remember you stating you were a wanderer before being chosen because of an ancient prophecy if I am not mistaken," He said with a smile as I looked at him. "Before you say anything, contrary to what most other nobles think, I see it as a good thing. A man of great worldly knowledge can only bring good tidings I say." "That's a relief, I'll admit," I sighed with a small smile. "So what can I help you with? Surely you didn't just want to save me Blueblood. What want from me?" His smile seemed to grow into a look of satisfaction, but before he could answer he was interrupted. "Told you he'd be fine," I heard from behind me. I looked over my shoulder and saw Luna with another very attractive woman. If I had to guess from her pink hair and white horn, I would say it was Fleur. Fancypants and I both stood to give a small bow. "Princess, good to see you again," I said, glancing around. "Where's Spike?" "Young Spike is with Applejack and Rarity at the moment," Luna replied. "Wanted to spend some time with his friends." "Ah, that's good to know," I said, turning my gaze to the woman standing next to the Princess. "And who might this beautiful woman be?" Fancypants was immediately at her side, a broad grin across his lips. "This is my wife, Fleur De Lis! Dear, this is General Felwinter." "A pleasure to meet you Sir Felwinter!" She said, giving me a curtsy as she greeted me. "Believe me, the pleasure is all mine," I bowed in return. "Care to join us?" "Absolutely!" She said gratefully, sitting next to her husband as Luna sat as well. "So what were you two talking about?" Luna asked as she sat. "The General and I were discussing the nobles at this banquet," Fancypants replied. "Oh?" Fleur vocied. "And?" "With my, albeit limited, experience beforehand and with tonight, can't say I'm a fan. I care little for what they want or what they believe they deserve," I responded, again leaning my hands against the sword in my grasp. "Especially if any of them are anything like Blueblood." "Yes, the three of us were in the middle of a conversation when my husband saw you two conversing and decided to intervene before it got ugly," Fluer said with a nod. "Plus it helped he was looking forward to meeting you." "That would explain the sudden appearance," I mumbled to myself, looking at the monocle-wearing man. "Again, you have my thanks for that." "Of course!" He nodded with a satisfied grin. "So what is it you believe the nobles want then, Sir Percival?" Luna asked. "Money, power, what have you," I replied. "Anything to bump up their current position within their established hierarchy." "And what kind of power would that be?" Fancy asked. "Finacial, mental, physical, magical. It could be anything, so long as it makes them better than those around them," I said with a shake of my head. "Hell, I'd even go as far as to say most of them crave the power of immortality. To become Alicorns and ascend into royalty." "What is this Alicorn you speak of?" Luna asked as the other two looked at me. Quirking my brow, I shift my gaze to the Lunar Princess. "You don't know what that is?" I ask. "No," She replied simply, an intrigued smile on her lips. "Why would I?" "Huh, storing that little nugget of information for later," I thought to myself. "What do the people see you as?" "What do you two see when you look at Princess Luna?" I asked, looking to Fleur and Fancy who both watched the interaction with interest. "Our ruler. One of our beloved Princesses," Fancy said with vigour. Fleur wore a small smile. "The Night Goddess," She replied. "At least some of my subjects think so," Luna said softly. Seems even in this world some of the nobles were giving her a hard time. Though, I say that like I'm surprised. I shrugged. "All thing I expected," I said. "The views of many. But regardless, power is something all men and women crave, even if subconsciously. And some will do anything they can to obtain it." "What about you?" Luna asked. "Do you dream of power?" "I don't dream of much. Not anymore anyway," I shrugged. "Dreams can be a very dangerous thing." "What makes you say that, Sir Felwinter?" "There's a quote that I think summarises it well," I replied, looking down at the sword in my hands. "All men dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night, in the dusty recesses of their minds, wake up in the day to find it was vanity. But the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dreams with open eyes, to make it possible." "I had a dream once and I did all I could to make it a reality," I continued. "But when I eventually achieved it, it left a bad taste in my mouth." Looking up, I saw Pinkie talking to the rather unenthused group of musicians. While it didn't look like she was causing a hassle or a ruckus, knowing Pinkie, it wasn't far behind. Standing from my seat, I turned to the three who looked at me with both intrigue and mild concern. "Well, it's been an absolute pleasure to meet you both and I hope to see you again soon," I bowed my head. Fancy stood as well and reached into an inner pocket in his jacket suit, pulling out what looked to be a business card. "And you, my boy. Should you have need of us, for business or pleasure, please do not hesitate to look us up. We'd be honoured to have you." Taking the card, I stuck it into my inner pocket, offering a hand for him to shake, which he did without hesitation. "Thank you. I'll be sure to," I said genuinely, looking at Fleur and bowing my head again. "M'lady." Walking off, I headed towards the stage where the musicians had finished playing and Pinkie had used the pause to practically harass them to play a song for her. However, my mind was elsewhere as I was surprised to hear that Celestia and Luna weren't called Alicorns here, but instead are revered as Goddesses. I pushed the thought from my mind as I sighed as I got closer and prepared to save them from the pink party demon. "Oh come on, you know you want to," She said. "Be that as it may, this isn't that kind of party," Octavia said, trying her best to be patient with the high-energy woman in front of her. "I know but this place is such a bore! I mean look at them!" She said motioning around the room before noticing me stepping up to them. "Oh hey, Percy!" "Heyo!" I said as I approached them. "Percy, you gotta get them to play something else!" She said with vigour. "I already suggested Monster Mash but they said no!" The musicians looked at me in near inspiration. "That would be like me asking them to flush their careers down the drain," I replied. "But no one's dancing!" "As Lady Octavia said, this isn't that kind of party. People are here for the atmosphere," I explained. "It's like someone at one of your parties enjoying the upbeat tone rather than playing on the games you set up." "I know but it's so boring!" Pinkie groaned. "Who in their right mind would want to go to a party like that?" The musicians had stopped playing at this point and were listening to our conversation. I placed a hand on her shoulder. "The ones who are only interested in themselves," I told her plainly. Grabbing me by the shoulders, she shook vigorously as she spoke. "But we can change that, we can make them realise that parties are for fun! Not....this!" Chuckling slightly, I removed her hands from my shoulders. "Okay, how about this? I have a few songs in my repertoire. They're not quite the songs you would choose but they'll make the people here dance," I offered. "In fact, I have the perfect song." She brought her hand up and rubbed her chin. "I'm intrigued," She said slowly. "Promise they'll dance?" "On my grandfather's grave." She nodded slowly, seemingly satisfied with the outcome. "Alright, but if they don't, there will be...consequences," She said, flicking her fingers between her eyes and me in a "I'm watching you" motion before skipping off into the crowd. "Thank you," I hear Octavia say softly from behind me. Turning, I see the other musicians look at me in appreciation. "You're welcome, but now I need to sing. She's lucky I music as much as I do. Do you have a microphone?" "We do, but we'll need a short break before we set everything up. Is that acceptable?" Fredric asked. "Perfect," I nod. "Let me know when you're ready." Hopping off the stage, I decided I would try my hand to see if I could help out any of the other girls with their goals for the night, hoping I could at least make it a good time for a few of them. Before I could get very far, I was quickly stopped. "Hey, Percival!" I hear a distinct southern twang call out. Looking over my shoulder, I spot Applejack walking up to me. "Pinks told me ya were plannin' givin' the place a little show," She stated. "Did Pinkie go straight to her when she walked off?" I thought to myself, the idea making me wonder why. "I was actually. Why do you ask?" "Well, I was jus' wonderin' if ya could...I dunno. sing somethin' slow. Ya know, good for dancin'." She said slowly. "Oh really? Anyone in particular you have in mind?" I asked, a teasing grin quickly spreading across my face. I had my suspicions for a while, time to see how right I was. The blush across her face was damn near instant. "Oh-I...well I-uh." "Fuck it, let's just go for it," I thought. "It doesn't so happen to be our local fashionista...does it?" Her blush intensified and her face went as red as a tomato, her stuttering getting the better of her before she mumbled out something I couldn't quite catch but the soft nod told me everything I needed to know. "Fucking called it!" Smiling softly, I patted her on the shoulder which seemed to snap her out of the quick stupor she got herself into. "Sure, I'll help you out. In fact, the song I've got in mind is damn near perfect." I said softly. "But you'll still have to ask her yourself. That part is all on you." "I-I don't know..." She stuttered before smiling genuinely. "Thank you." "Of course. I helped you out once, why stop now?" I said before laughing a little. "But for now, your wingman is gonna let the musicians prepare." Patting her on the shoulder one more time, I move past her and towards the entrance to the hall, spotting Celestia standing Twilight. Twilight looked rather disappointed as she was promptly interrupted every time she tried to talk to her teacher and Celestia was equally annoyed by the situation. Shrugging to myself, I decided to help them out a bit. Standing beside them, I saw a surprising amount of people looking to still get in. "It's good to see you this evening Princess." Another noble said with a deep bow. "You as well. Please enjoy the Gala." Celestia said to the man as he walked inside. She was about to greet the next before she noticed I was standing next to them. "Ah, Sir Percival! It's good t-" Celestia started. "Her Highness, the ever-gracious Princess Celestia welcomes you all to the Grand Galloping Gala on this beautiful and glorious night!" I shouted to those still in line to enter the hall. "She is ever so pleased to see you all attend the party but would like to enjoy tonight's festivities, as I'm sure you all would as well!" I continue. "She will be inside the hall and humbly invites you all to join her! Goodnight, and enjoy your evening!" I shouted, quickly leaving before any of them could say anything. looking over my shoulder, Twilight looked positively gobsmacked as she stared at me with wide eyes. Celestia faired no better, her eyes equally as wide but was replaced by a warm, appreciative smile. Giving her a quick wink, I step back into the hall and towards the food table. For a few minutes, I stood there, munching away at the small portions the Gala offered and drinking the rather lacklustre punch. It wasn't alcoholic. After my little display at the entrance, the hall had filled in ever so slightly, my act seemingly having done its job in ushering everyone in. Only time will tell if the teacher and student can finally talk like they want. "Sir!" Stopping mid-chew, I peer to my left and see Spitfire, Fleetfoot and Soarin all standing straight, arms held in a crisp salute. "At ease," I said smoothly. "I'm technically not on duty, no need to be formal with me tonight." "Technically Sir?" Fleetfoot asked. "Being a General, and a Paladin no less, really the only times I'm off duty are when I'm asleep," I replied, grabbing another fruit stick and biting the pineapple at the top. "Even then I don't think it counts." "So we can just call you Percival then?" Soarin asked as Spitfire and Fleetfoot tensed slightly. "Doesn't matter to me, honestly," I shrug, biting at the kiwi next as the two tensed Wonderbolts relaxed. As I chewed the fruit, I saw Spitfire smirk. "So. We heard you'll be performing for the next song." "God damn word travels fast," I mumbled as I bit the next fruit, which mango I think? "Well, you heard right. I'm just waiting for the musicians to have their break." Just as the words left my mouth, I scanned the stage and saw Octavia giving me the ok sign, signalling me it was time for the next song. "I swear to God, my timing is impeccable." Spitfire held out her hand as I moved to walk towards the stage, giving me a rather serious look as she stepped closer, her voice low. "Performing in front of such a crowd at the last minute is going to make you a target of their judgement. I hope you know that." I glanced around and saw some of the nearby nobles were not so subtly trying to listen in on our conversation. Looking back at the Captain, I spoke louder than she did. "Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn," I replied, shocking both the members of the Wonderbolts as well as the nobles listening in. "They're more worthless than the dirt beneath my boot or the dirt beneath that dirt," I stated as though it were a cold hard fact. "Now if you'll excuse me, I'm expected on stage." Before I got too far, I turned back to her as a thought crossed my mind. "Oh and uh...keep an eye out for a rainbow-haired Pegasus woman. I think you'll quite like her." As I moved away, I saw Spitfire studying me and seemingly lost in thought as she took a sip of her drink. I walked towards the stage and the nobles who heard me moved out of my way instantly, leaving me a path of no resistance to my destination. "Everything is all set," Octavia said excitedly while I walked up the steps. "Thank you." "So what do you have in mind?" She asked as the other musicians waited eagerly. "Let's give them something to make them...Sway," I said, a wide smirk crossing my face as I leaned Yamato nearby. "Thank God for whatever being that tossed me here to have sent me to a place with Bublé's masterpieces!" Thankfully, they knew exactly what I meant and quickly grabbed the appropriate instruments and stood ready. Seemed I was right, they can play anything, but choose a speciality. I step up to the microphone and give it a few taps to make sure it works, quickly gaining everyone's attention. Smirking to myself, I clear my throat. "Welcome, one and all to tonight's wonderful Gala!" I announced, gaining a few claps here and there. "Tonight, I will be performing for you a song of love, of motion and of holding your nearest and dearest close," I said smoothly. "So in the spirit of the song, if you're here with a loved one, or are potentially looking for one, grab them, hold them and dance like there's no tomorrow!" Nodding to the musicians behind me, they count themselves in and play. The music effortlessly carries throughout the hall, the instruments joining together in a wonderful sound of jovial Latin and I already see a few nodding their heads to the rhythm. Soon enough, it was my turn to join in. "When marimba rhythms start to play Dance with me, make me sway Like a lazy ocean hugs the shore Hold me close, sway me more Like a flower bending in the breeze Bend with me, sway with ease When we dance, you have a way with me Stay with me, sway with me" Looking out, I saw more than a few seemed surprised and a few more still were shocked as I sang, having seemingly expected me to fumble and fail and I was always happy to disappoint. Many started dancing together in the middle of the room with Applejack, Rarity, Fancy and Fleur among them. Even Celestia and Luna were happily dancing together, laughing and giggling as they did. Smiling, I closed my eyes and continued. "Other dancers may be on the floor Dear, but my eyes will see only you Only you have that magic technique When we sway, I go weak I can hear the sounds of violins Long before it begins Make me thrill as only you know how Sway me smooth, sway me now Other dancers may be on the floor Dear, but my eyes will see only you Only you have that magic technique When we sway, I go weak I can hear the sounds of violins Long before it begins Make me thrill as only you know how Sway me smooth, sway me now" I opened my eyes to see most of the room unexpectedly had joined in and some of the nobles of the female variety were starting to give me certain looks and were joined in by one or two of the men. Looking back to where I last saw the two love birds, I saw they were locked in, their eyes never the other as they laughed and had fun. They looked damn cute together. "I ship it". And I must say, for a country girl, she dances well. "When marimba rhythms start to play Dance with me, make me sway Like a lazy ocean hugs the shore Hold me close, sway me more Like a flower bending in the breeze Bend with me, sway with ease When we dance you have a way with me Stay with me, sway with me When marimbas start to play Hold me close, make me sway Like a lazy ocean hugs the shore Hold me close, sway me more Like a flower bending in the breeze Bend with me, sway with ease When we dance, you have a way with me Stay with me, sway with me!" As the song came to a close, I eagerly looked out towards Applejack and Rarity who held each other close, peering deeply into the other's eyes. Holding the final note, I quietly urged them to move, but I didn't expect them to. But much to my surprise, and joy, they did. Slowly, they closed the distance and planted a soft and tender kiss on each other's lips, their eyes closed as they leaned into each other. The song finished and the hall erupted into cheers and applause. But before they could go on for long, the front doors burst open. "YOU'RE GOING TO LOVE ME!!" Fluttershy yelled as the door exploded, animals scrambling and scurrying in, ensuring chaos wherever they went. "Well shit, forgot about that," I laughed to myself. I looked back to see Rarity and Applejack still standing in the middle of the hall amidst the chaos as the guests started to stampede through the hall to get away from the animals while all hell broke loose. Screams were heard and items were being flung across the room. I could only smile as I watched anarchy take hold of the Gala. I looked around and saw Luna nearly doubled over, clutching her sides as she laughed herself red at the sophisticated party turned haywire. Celestia leaned over and whispered something into a shocked Twilight's ear before disappearing in a flash of golden light. I glance over my shoulder to see the musicians trying their best to harmlessly ward off the animals to protect their instruments. Sighing with a grin, I grab Yamato and calmly walk out of the ballroom, through the winding and weaving halls and corridors with ease and out of the castle, randomly picking a street that wasn't nearly as crowded as the rest, humming and muttering myself a small tune as I did, unbeknownst to a pair of teal eyes watching my movements. "A king he was on carven throne In many-pillared halls of stone With golden roof and silver floor, And of power upon the door. The light of sun and star and moon In shining lamps of crystal hewn Undimmed by cloud or shade of night There shone for ever fair and bright." Looking up from the cobblestone street, lo and behold, I found myself in front of none other than Joe's Donuts, where the Elements of Harmony currently resided along with Spike. Leaning against the pole of the low-light oil lamp, I gazed into the shop via the large glass window and saw they all looked exhausted but pleased, talking and giggling while they enjoyed their treats. But something was...different. Twilight looked to be quite pleased with herself as well. Seems my display did its job. Rainbow Dash looked surprisingly cheerful. Maybe Spitfire looked her up after she spoke with me. Spike looked happy enough and Pinkie was as happy as ever. But what caught my attention was a certain pair. Rarity leaned her head against Applejack's shoulder, her fingers entwined with the farmgirls underneath the table as they stole the occasional glance at each other. I walk up to and press my hand against the door to the shop but stop before I can enter. Quietly sighing to myself, I let my arm fall to my side and I stepped back, deciding to let the group of friends enjoy the end of a very hectic night to themselves. Turning to leave, I came face to face with Celestia who wore an interested face but one that held something else. Sadness maybe? I wasn't sure. We stay silent for a moment, neither of us taking the opportunity to make a move or say something. After a while, I simply smiled at the Princess and walked past her, the only sound being the heels of my shoes against the cobblestone. "Thank you," She said suddenly. "I didn't know what to expect inviting you but...thank you." "You're more than welcome," I said, stopping for a moment. "By the way, you and Luna? You both looked stunning tonight," The sudden sound of shuffling behind me told me she whipped around to face me as I began to walk away. And with that, I made my way home. > Chapter 18 - "Research With Kind Words" > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Knocking my curled finger against the solid oak door of the town's local library, I step back as I readjust my coat, fiddling and ultimately rolling my sleeves up as the normal gloves and gauntlets were absent for the outing. A minute or two pass by and I offer Ghost a sidelong glance before I go to knock again, only for the door to open suddenly, leaving my hand to awkwardly stay in the air for a bit before I let it fall to my side. "Percival?" Twilight asked, quirking a brow at my sudden appearance. "What can I help you with?" "Hi Twilight, sorry about the early visit, but I was wondering if you could help me out with something?" I asked. "Oh, don't worry about that. It's a public library and I have very early starts, so it's no bother," She reassured. "but if it's about strengthening your coat, I'm still troubleshooting potential ideas, so nothing's concrete right now." "It's not, but thank you for reminding me about that," I replied, mindlessly loosening my watch's strap. "I was actually wondering if you could help me out with some history books, as far back as you can go." "I...can," She said slowly. "Come in and I'll see what I can find." "Thank you," I say graciously, quickly following the librarian in with Ghost behind me. I sidled myself on the deceptively comfortable cushioned seats at the large wooden bench, glancing around the library as Twilight traced along the various bookshelves she had stocked nearly to bursting. It was much larger than what I had known it to be, boasting more than a few robust rows of shelves with various spots for reading, whether they be large, more open areas for groups or smaller, more isolated parts in the corner for reading to oneself which seemed to offer small lamps as well in case of low light. All in all, it was a far more in-depth place for reading that actually looked the part of a healthily stocked public library. A minute or two later and Twilight came over, holding three or four rather thick books in her arms which she carefully placed down in front of me. Breathing a quick sigh, she caught her breath once the heavy tomes were out of her arms. "There. That's what we have for old history," She said with a satisfied nod. "If I may, why old history specifically?" "I was never much of a history buff growing up. I have basic knowledge of recent history, so anything beyond that, I'm clueless. And seeing as I've been Paladin for the better part of almost five months, I realized it would be best if I got myself up to speed about older history," I stated, grabbing the first book as Ghost stood and stepped over to one of the shelves. "Why's that?" "To give me an idea of why certain things are the way they are, how they came to be and other such things" I replied. "You know, to give me an advantage where most wouldn't think. Maybe give me insight on how to do my job better. No such thing as being too prepared." This, of course, wasn't the only reason I was searching through what would be considered ancient history. Upon learning that the Princesses aren't in fact referred to as Alicorns, it made me realise just how much of how little I knew of this rendition of the world I had come to know and cherish. So what better way to learn the world I was in than to read up on the old lore? "That's...actually makes sense," Twilight nodded. "You sound surprised," I commented placing the thick book on my lap and opening the first page. "Well, it's just..." She twirled her figure in a circular motion, trying to find the right words. "Please don't take offence to this, but you never struck me as the academic type. I always pegged you as more of an actions kind of guy." "I never was, to be honest, but as I got older, I realised the importance of brushing up on your history," I shrugged. "Plus, as I said, with my new responsibilities, I thought it would be prudent to do just that." "Then you came to the right place!" She said excitedly. "If you need anything, I'll be around and Spike should be back from the store soon." "Alright, thank you Twilight," I nod appreciatively before looking down at the thick tome as Ghost sat down opposite me with a book of his own. "Time for some exposition." For the next four hours or so, I spent my time combing through the books Twilight had handed to me. It was then I learned that I was a much faster reader than before and could retain a whole lot more information than I could have ever dreamed of. I certainly learned a lot of Pre-Equestrian history and it was vastly different from what I knew or expected. It's a lot so I'll try to keep it as concise as I can. For one, overall history is split into four separate time periods, known as The Long Days, Age of Prosperity, Days of Dark and Years of the Sun and Moon: the last being what is considered to be the modern era. The Long Days are the earliest counts of recorded Equestrian history back when the Three Tribes were still at odds with each other when they lived in a land far to the east. And shockingly, it wasn't Dream Valley, but a place called the Faerûn. The Three Tribes held a tentative truce, at times exchanging for services rendered but refusing interaction beyond that. The Pegasi stayed up high in the mountains nearer the clouds, Earth-Ponies lived near richer plots of land they could find while Unicorns in cities and the occasional strongholds near large caverns where they would mine gems and other precious stones. Any interaction they would have always tense if not outright hostile. Some sources state that this period lasted around seven to eight hundred years while others state it lasted over a thousand years. The actual number of years is generally unknown but is widely accepted to have ended when the land of the Faerûn began to die and six Ponies, whose names have been lost to time, took it upon themselves to find new land after seeing what was happening to their home and an unnamed outside source. This subsequently led to the founding of Old Equestria and the yearly tradition of Hearthwarming. Now the Age of Prosperity is where things started getting very interesting. When the Three Tribes united, they marked the historical event with the creation of these three lamps that took decades to create, with one being given to each Tribe, who all revered them as holy objects. It was after the construction of these holy objects that three cities were built to house these sacred lamps, a physical metaphor for lighting the path to a brighter future, all overseen by the Ponies who united them. They were known as Narathil, Mirrere and Gondiir, the latter of which would later be renamed the Crystal Empire. It was after that the remaining two of the original six Ponies who united the Tribes ascended, becoming the world's first Alicorns, who would become King and Queen: Helis and Argentum. After their ascension, the newly crowned rulers would do their best to provide for the young nation. Once their coronation was completed, the King and Queen would set out to put together an Honour Guard of sorts, with the first-ever Paladin being anointed and put in charge of this elite set of Guards. They were to act as direct protectors of the crown, following them everywhere they went, ensuring that no harm befell them. They also acted as trainers for the more general Guard that was to be protectors of the people. The years that followed were good and the rulers were better. The Age of Prosperity was easily the longest-running of the four ages, lasting anywhere between ten to fifteen thousand years alone. It brought a renaissance. Painters, poets, sculptors, playwrights, anything you can think of, this age cultivated some of the most brilliant minds and hands to have lived. The people were happy. But it was not to last. The Age of Prosperity came to a halting screech, as the end was marked by the destruction of two of the three lamps and their respective city and the sudden disappearance of Helis and Argentum, leaving behind their infant daughters and sons. Not much is known about the Dark Days, only that it was the shortest of the four Eras and that it hailed a great calamity, a dark entity that forced the nation back nearly to the brink as the Eldest child of the missing King and Queen took up the role of ruler with a cabinet of advisors attempting to keep the people safe and relieve as much stress as they could, with middling success while the youngest of the King and Queens children were under the care of Starswirl the Bearded, the last Paladin to be anointed. It is noted that the eldest child stepped down from his role while an unnamed individual filled it after their departure. All was not lost, however, as they had the help of two brothers: the eldest Durin and the younger Vihaan. Hailed as the greatest swordsmen to have ever lived, the two acted as combat trainers for many years to the Honour Guard alongside the Paladins at the time as well as the Royal family when the first child of the King and Queen came of age. They helped push back against the calamity before ultimately sending it back to wherever it came from, but not without losses. Two of the children of Helis and Argentum perished that day while the eldest sibling was seemingly captured, leaving Luna and Celestia as the only remaining daughters. Durin had also met his end atop the mountains outside the Crystal Empire which is believed to have led to the disappearance of Vihaan and the sons and daughters of the eldest brother. Starswirl, who had become close friends with the twins, attempted a search but having found nothing after years, decided to devote his last remaining years to the adolescent Princesses before peacefully dying of natural causes in his sleep. A few things to note after reading the book's addendums were that Dragonequus, known as Chimera at that point, were far more prevalent while some even had a hand in building many of the cities around the world, not just in Equestria. What happened to them is a widely debated topic, not because the events were lost or not well documented, but because the vast majority just vanished without a trace while those that remained died of natural causes. Speaking of appearances, Durin and Vihaan seemed to have done the opposite and appeared out of nowhere, demonstrating their skills before the King and Queen before becoming something akin to unofficially adopted members after many years of service and training the children of Helis and Argentum, who they were known to be particularly close with, but their status within the family is unknown. A widely accepted theory is that Durin himself was the one who stepped up to the leadership role as he was the eldest and most experienced member of the family, even if his and his brother's status was unofficial. It should be said that he and his brother never publically disclosed their ages. And so that led to the Years of the Sun and Moon, the current era and "modern history" that is far more widely known. Having read about it those months prior, I already knew what to expect. Years after the defeat of the calamity and after Luna and Celestia had fully grown, they gained the power of the Elements of Harmony and used them to imprison Discord, Tirek and Celestia ultimately used them to banish Nightmare Moon, ushering in a period of peace and harmony, though it was still a far cry from ages past, it was a testament to the harmony brokered all those years ago. All events I had already read up on months prior. But something I noticed now was a distinct lack of a mention of Sombra. Absolutely nowhere was he mentioned or even hinted at. I would have expected an addendum at least. Setting the last book down on the pile in front of me, I place my head in my hands as a small headache racked my head from reading nearly ten thousand pages worth of text and the thousands of years worth of information that I now retain. I knew things were going to be different but I would have never expected it would have been to such a degree. Looking up at the softly snoring Ghost, I rubbed my eyes before blinking a little moisture back into them. I quickly stood, hefting the books and brought them to the front desk where Spike was reading a comic, bundled in his usual purple hoodie. Letting them down, he jumped nearly out of his scales as his eyes widened. "Holy crap, you finished all of those?!" "I'm a fast reader," I shrugged, lightly bending my legs as I began feeling pins and needles in my toes. "Dude, I think you're giving Twilight a run for her money," He said, lifting the books with ease as he carried them over to their designated spot. "Well, someone has to eventually," I grinned, lightly spreading my arms. "Why not me?" Spike gave me an odd look before gaining a soft grin of his own, shaking his head while he put the last book away. "You're weird man." "Not the worst thing I've been called!" I replied, slapping Ghost's foot, waking him up as he exclaimed from the sudden jolt. "Come on sleeping beauty, we're on our way out." He let his head fall to the cushion he laid on. "Yes sir," He replied, quickly standing and stretching his stiff muscles and joints. Waving the adolescent dragon goodbye, the two of us stepped out and on the pathway to home. As usual, a few locals waved and said hello as we passed them by. It was still an odd feeling, to be seen as a hero. I wasn't totally sure I would ever get used to it. I wasn't a hero, not really. Just a man doing his job as best he can. Walking up the neat stone path up to the mansion I called home, very swiftly spotted a stetson-wearing farm girl at my door. Quirking a brow, I lightly jogged the rest of the way up, Applejack quickly noticing our advance. Absentmindedly fiddling with her rolled-up sleeves, she smiled as the two of us stopped in front of her. "Percival! Jus' the man I wanted teh to speak with," She said, placing her hands in her pockets. "I'm not in trouble, am I?" I asked with a grin. "The opposite actually, but uh..." She said slowly, looking at the taller man wearing his skull-pattern-stained balaclava. "No offence big guy, but this is umm...a personal thing, n' I'd like teh speak with Percival m'self." Glancing at me, the man shrugged. "Alright, no problem. I'll be down in the gym when you're down, Sir." Closing the door behind him, Applejack's eye lingered on where he had disappeared to, sighing a little through her nose as she rolled her shoulders. "Ya know, fir a man who's supposed teh be your bodyguard, he sure doesn't seem to mind leavin' ya to it," She commented. "To be fair, given everything that's happened and how much I've grown since the attack here, I don't exactly need a bodyguard. But in saying that, I've probably jinxed myself," I laughed. "But enough about me, I want to talk about you and Rarity!" Her face went red nearly instantly. "I-I-well, ya know I-and I-" "Daawww," I said, squeezing my cheeks as I did not attempt to hide my excitement for her. "Shut up!" She pouted before being replaced with a sincere smile as she laughed lightly at my antics. "It's actually why I wanted teh talk to ya." "Why's that?" "Well, I...I wanted teh thank ya," She said softly. "If it hadn't been for ya promisin' Pinkie that song, I wouldn't have had the confidence to ask her teh dance. Ya made it happen n' I wanted teh thank ya for it." "AJ, I didn't have anything to do with that confidence," I softly but firmly. "I may have set the mood, but you asked me to play something, you're the one who asked her to dance. That wasn't me, that was all you." "And judging by how flustered you are, I assume it ended well?" I smirked, flashing her a grin. "Yer tellin' me. I can barely talk teh her without trippin' over mah words or even look at her without goin' red! And the fact she likes it makes it worse!" Her body slouched, though her smile never wavered. I smiled along with her. "Oh, to be young and in love! Couldn't be happier for you." She shook her head at me. "Never change Percy." "That's the plan," I nodded. "Now go to your girlfriend, be happy and enjoy yourself!" She tilted her head at my comment, raising an eyebrow as she did. "I never told you I asked her out." "You just did," I winked, my grin getting wider by the second. "Yer an odd man Percy." She shook her head again. "One of these days I'm gonna repay the things you've done fir me." "No need. Like I told you at the Gala, I helped you out once, why stop now?" I said sincerely walking her down the pathway to the mansion's front gate. "Besides, who can say no to being a good wingman?" Suddenly taking me in a tight hug, I happily returned it. "Thank you, Percy. From the bottom of mah heart." "Of course, anything for a friend," I said, letting go. "Tell Rarity I said hi." Waving goodbye to the farmgirl as she walked towards the emptying streets of Ponyville, I quietly nodded to myself, satisfied with the outcome, knowing that my job of wingman had done what it needed to do. All to do now was watch the romance blossom. > Chapter 19 - "Always Expect..." > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The thunder rolled high above my head and the lighting clapped, the light flashing through my eyelids. My eyes opened suddenly as I felt a single drop fall onto my cheek. Looking around me, the heavily clouded sky shifted and retreated in favour of an ever-expanding darkness, black sand extending out beyond the bleak blank void, small tornadoes of sand cropping up around me. I hear the sand shift beneath me as I see my feet become enveloped in the shadowy sand when I look down. My breath quickens while I try to pull myself out, the sand swirling around my legs as I'm pulled down just below my knees. A deep, soft growl sounds out before me as my eyes snap up to find its source, though still being met with the inky blackness. My breath slows when a soft orange light slowly comes into view, emanating from a wide-framed silhouette. The being slowly crawls forward, stopping just before it can come fully into view, its form still swallowed by shadow as it slowly looks up at me while I begin to hold my breath. I let out a small yelp as it scurries off to the side, vanishing from my side while I fall backwards into the sand. I hurriedly look around hoping to spot the creature before the sand swiftly swallows my hands. Another soft growl comes from in front of me, forcing me to look up and I see it again. The creature had a wide jaw and a short, lipless square snout. Its bright orange-slitted eyes were staring right at me. Thick gnarled scales covered its large body as it loomed over me. But what caught my attention were the large horns jutting out from its head, almost forming a crown-like shape above its head. "What are you?" It gently places a claw on my chest as a deep, rumbling voice echoes around us, vibrating my chest as it speaks in an almost comforting tone. "You will know. Just give it time." ~~ I wake with a start, my sword appears in my hand with a burst of smoke and sparks as I glance around with heavy breath. With an exasperated sigh, I fall back into my bed's plush mattress as I drop my sword to the ground. I was by no means a stranger to nightmares, having been a victim of them for the vast majority of my life. But the ones that had been plaguing me recently felt different to your run-of-the-mill night terror. I couldn't describe the feeling they gave me outside of they make me uncomfortable on a spiritual level. And seeing as Luna, or anyone for that matter, has a particularly hard time entering both my Mind and Dreamscape, it's not like it's an easy fix. Regardless, the only thing I could do was power through them like I used to. I slowly get up and move around my room, going through my morning routine, cleaning myself and dressing in more casual clothing, not feeling up to donning my gear despite the fact I couldn't shake a certain feeling. "Today's gonna be a long day." Ducking under a well-timed kick, I went to swipe at the taller man's exposed leg, only to have it blocked by the shin of his other leg. Moving to grab it, my wrists were intercepted before I could and I was quickly brought up and had his knees placed on my chest as he used his heavier weight to throw me off balance, throwing me over his head and unceremoniously onto the floor behind him. Quickly jumping to my feet, I stared Ghost down as he too rose, locking his piercing brown eye onto mine, both of us grinning widely. Running forward, I bring my fist back for a haymaker. Ghost sidesteps me and grabs my arm as I pass and I feel my feet leave the ground as he chucks me over his shoulder and firmly boots me in the stomach as I fall. Tumbling on the ground, he slams his fist into my head. Blocking another hit, I punch him in the throat, giving me enough time to deliver a kick to the leg and bring him to his knees. I aim for his head, only for him to shield it with his forearms and deliver a punch to my gut, forcing me to my knees. Quickly standing and planting his foot on my knee, he uses the momentum and flips over me, grabbing my neck and bringing me into a chokehold. I struggle as my vision starts to blacken. In a moment of a split-second decision, I throw my elbow into his side, forcing him to let me go. Scrambling to stand, I quickly distance the space between us. Charging, Ghost unleashes a flurry of kicks and punches quicker than I was expecting. I step back as he sends his fist out, and I act quickly. Slapping it away, I bash him on the back of his neck, my hit disorientates him briefly, allowing me to get to the ground. Pouncing for his legs and wrapping my arms around them, I drove all my momentum forward and threw him off balance. Locking my arms around his neck, I restrain his legs with my own. Hold the position, he struggles for a few seconds before I hear the rhythmic sound of him tapping the ground beneath us. Letting go the moment I heard the sound, he stood up from where we lay and I soon followed him. "Score for Percy!" I cheer. "I'm up one!" "Where did you learn to count?" Ghost replied, lightly rubbing his neck a little. "We're even." "What? No, you won first, then I won, then you won again then I won twice in a row!" I said. "Pretty sure your second "win" was a draw," He shot back. "Come on, I totally won that one!" I grinned as we moved out of the sparring area. "Sure you did," He replied with mock condescension. Stepping out of the arena and through the hotel-esque interior of the lower portion of the mansion, Ghost and I step into the kitchen where Caramel Ice, a Pegasis man in his late twenties with cream hair and dark brown wings, along with Silver plate, an Earth-Pony man with dark blonde hair, were already preparing a late lunch. Sitting at the large kitchen island, Honey Bee hands me the day's newspaper which I open after thanking her. It had been a little under two weeks since the Gala and the utter chaos that had ensued, the event had made headlines across the nation with more than a few nobles publically voicing how they felt about it. Princess Celestia, however, much to the surprise of everyone bar me and a few select others, had gone on to state that it was the most enjoyable Gala to date while Princess Luna stated that she couldn't have asked for a better Gala upon her return. This somehow dissuaded the nobles from doing anything like getting compensation but certainly not their complaints. "Anything new?" Ghost asked as Caramel and Silver placed our lunches in front of us. "Thanks, mate." "An art installation has been shut down due to several indecent acts and a fashion show was cancelled," I replied, reading a couple of the headlines. "So nothing exciting then." "Oh wait, here's something! How'd I miss this?" Mumbling the last part to myself, I flip to the major headline, having somehow missed it when receiving the paper. "Las Almas is making major headway in recovering from the attack and is also receiving relief effort officially from the Princesses themselves." "What's it say?" Ghost asked, sipping at his soup. "In the wake of the attack, the Princesses Celestia and Luna of Equestria have officially endorsed, funded and sent a large relief effort to Las Almas, the recovering Capital City of Rio de Muerte," I read, taking a sizable bite out of my BLT sandwich. "Princess Ayren Dayneq herself went on to thank the Princesses for their lasting support as well as the Heroes who played an integral role in saving, not only their home but their people, who have all voiced their immeasurable gratitude to the brave men and woman who, without hesitation, brought them back from the brink." "Still weird to be seen as a hero to anyone, never mind a Princess and her nation," I shook my head. "Well, get used to it, Sir. You're a Paladin, it's gonna happen whether you like it or not." "You're telling me," I said quietly. "So what's on the agenda today?" Ghost asked, wiping his mouth and lowering his mask once he finished his soup. "Might go to the library and do some research. I swear, one of these days I'll wrap my head around how magic works," I replied. "Besides that, there's this cafe I've been meaning to try out." "Oh, if it's the Venture across the street from the Bucking Bronco, I highly recommend it!" Sapphire said as she walked through the kitchen. "I suggest their panini's, they're to die for!" "Good to know, thanks Sapphire!" I called out as she moved into the next room. "There we go," I nodded as I stood, eating the last of my sandwich. "With all due respect Sir, I can't help but feel we've just been biding our time," Ghost commented, standing as well. "That's because we have been," I replied as we moved through the foyer and to the front door. "With no attacks and no information to act on, there's nothing else we can do but wait." "Surely there's something we can do?" He said, following close by my side as we stepped down the stone pathway to the front gate. "Unless you know where the demons happen to be hiding or where their leader is, who or whatever it is, then unfortunately we're kinda shit out of luck." Just as we made it to the front gate, a bright flash of golden light popped in front of us as a tightly wound scroll fell into my hands that instinctively stretched out to catch it. Undoing the red ribbon tying it together, I unfurled the parchment and read what it had to say. "Well?" Ghost asked. "The Princesses are requesting we be at Canterlot," I tell him. "How serious is it?" "Doesn't seem very serious," Looking down at myself, I contemplated going back and getting changed but ultimately decided against it. If I needed anything, I could get it fairly easily. "But regardless, we shouldn't keep them waiting." "Let's not waste any time then," He said, opening the gate and following beside me as we made our way to the train station. ~~ Nearing Canterlot's station, we disembarked, moving through the crowd of people walking off the train or looking to get on. Stepping out and into the Capital city streets, we had no trouble walking towards our destination as the nobles watched us walk past them. In no time at all, we were at the front gates, the Guards guarding them saluting us as we entered the castle grounds. Letting my body move on autopilot, we bob and weave through the castle before eventually leading us to our destination. I gave the large decorative door a few hard knocks, the sound echoing down the long hall for a second or two. Stepping back, I crossed my arms and glanced at Ghost. After a few moments of silence, the door was enveloped in a golden aura and quietly opened. Without a word, I stepped in with my companion not far behind. The room was a simple yet extremely cosy study. Warm browns in various shades filled the space. To the right, a large fireplace crackled and popped as the wood burned, casting a warm orange glow across the room. In front of the fireplace, an oversized couch beckoned. To the left, an impressive bookshelf spanned the entire room. A thick, simple throw rug lay neatly on the floor. At the far back, a large dark brown wooden desk faced the entrance door of the study. Celestia and Luna appeared to be in mid-conversation when I knocked as we entered, placing their cups of tea and coffee down on the table mats in front of them. "Sorry if we interrupted, but you wanted to talk Chief?" I asked. "Indeed. Please, come! Have a seat," She motioned at the empty chairs at the table. "So, is this business or are you two getting lonely without me already?" I grinned. "Though you jest, there is a matter we wished to discuss with you," Luna replied. "It's nothing serious," Celestia added. "If it's not serious, why the social call?" "Well, since our duties today were slow and we assumed you had the time, we thought it would be best to bring the topic up face to face," Celestia said. I shrugged. "Fair enough," I said. "So what's up?" "Since you began training our Guards, we have seen a remarkable amount of progress and with them beginning to train new transfers as well as new recruits, we wanted to talk to you about transferring a few to Ponyville," Celestia stated. "With how underprepared Ponyville was when the attack took place, we realized certain measures needed to happen to ensure the civilian's safety and we believe a group of the Guards you personally trained would prove to be a boon to the town, even if they only provide defensive and emergency procedures," Luna added. "And since you are technically the highest acting official of said town, you needed to be made aware." "I...can't believe I hadn't of that yet," I say to myself quietly. "What about the Mayor?" "Mayor Mare went on holiday yesterday to Fillydelfia to visit family. Her secretary will inform her when she returns, but until then, you were next on our list," Celestia replied. "Alright," I said, leaning my elbows against the solid wooden table in front of me. "What's the plan here then?" "The idea is still in the early stages, but we have a few personnel listed that we think would make for good additions to the Ponyville Guard," Luna replied, leaning forward as well. "But since you were the one that trained them, are there any that showed more promising results? Any that stand above the rest?" Thinking about it, a few did come to mind who seemed to take the training on more so than their comrades and who showed more promise than others. "A few come to mind. Lieutenant Thunderlane for one. He showed remarkable combat prowess as well as very competent leadership skills. Sergeant Crimson Ice and Private Cold Fire also showed exceptional combat skills. I'd recommend adding them to the contingent." "Duly noted," Luna nodded, writing down what I could only assume were the names I listed. "If any more come to mind, let us know." "It'll take some time to iron out the details in regards to actually moving the Guards to Ponyville," Celestia continued. "There is a barracks there but it is only outfitted to hold a dozen, maybe a few more, so it will need refurbishment to be able to hold those we plan to move." "Well, what are we waiting for?" I asked. "Let's get to the nitty-gritty." Arcing my back, I groan loudly as relief washes over my body, several points in my spine popping and cracking just as loudly. It took us a few hours to iron out all the details, just like the Princesses said it would. We talked about who would be sent, how many people would go, what changes needed to be made to the barracks, and how much money we needed to get things started. These plans would be fully finalized and approved by the Mayor upon her return. But for now, we've had to put everything on hold. So, with the sun beginning to set, Ghost and I were on our way back to the train station, the streets now starting to empty out and the stores closing their shutters as a few kept their lights on, the night shift prepared to serve the populace. As we moved through the darkening streets of Canterot with the off-white street lamps turning on to light the way, we talked among ourselves, we found ourselves idly talking to fill the otherwise quiet air and the uneventful time it would take for us to reach our destination. As we candidly spoke, I spotted something behind him move, just in the peripheral of shadow in a dark alley. I stop and look, Ghost following suit quickly after, shifting his gaze from me to behind him where I looked. Then, just as I thought I was seeing things, I saw a silhouette and, as it moved under a dull light, I saw who it was: Blueblood. Glancing around him, he seems to miss us as we stand in a dark area between two street lamps. His horn ignites and a set of wooden boxes shift to reveal a door with a small eye-level shutter used for a peephole. He knocks on it in a specific way, the shutter opens, he flashes something and the door opens just long enough for him to enter while the boxes move back into place. Immediately, my mind is screaming at me that something is wrong, red flags start waving as my shadow seemingly has the same feelings. "Sir?" "Yeah, I saw it too Ghost," I said, not daring to let my eyes leave the spot where the Prince disappeared to. "COA?" "Keep watch, I'm gonna take a closer look." Nodding, he steps back and disappears into the darkness. I approach the stack of boxes and easily push them aside to reveal the door that Blueblood went through. I knock on the door and quickly move to the side, hoping to stay out of sight. Luckily, the shutter opens and then closes, and the door swings open with a man stepping out. Sneaking up behind him, I kick the back of his leg, making him drop to his knees. I quickly grab him in a chokehold and cover his mouth before he can make a sound. After dumping his unconscious body in a nearby dumpster, I sneak into the building through the open door and quietly close it behind me. I tiptoe down a long, descending corridor, listening as the sounds of voices and commotion grow louder. At the end of the corridor, I find a set of double doors. I slowly push them open and slip inside, quickly Jumping up into the rafters just in time to avoid being spotted by two Guards. What I saw in the room made me sick to my stomach. The room was huge and extravagantly decorated, clearly intended for a more upscale clientele. It was obvious that this room was meant for those who enjoyed watching others suffer in the horror of its purpose. Carefully, I crept along the rafters of the ceiling, trying to make as little noise as possible as I moved to get a better view. In the center of the room, there was a large sandy circular arena, where people dressed in nothing but rags with cuts covering their bodies were gathered. My face twisted in disgust as I scanned the room, noticing women serving drinks in barely-there clothes and others offering different services. Blueblood strolled around, greeting people as if he knew them personally, while two girls immediately approached him. They got down on their knees to offer him their services. Instantly, I knew what this place was. I hub for a sick and twisted form of entertainment, using slaves to do the bidding of those who believed themselves higher than those around them. I fought for many things in my life and freedom was always at the forefront. Taking everything in and seeing the despicable things happening around me, I felt heat rise in my chest as something inside me began to slip. It continued as I watched in horror at the monstrous acts happening beneath me. A girl, no older than eighteen, tripped and spilt a tray of drinks, drenching one of the many goers of this disgusting establishment. A Guard approached, screaming and grabbing her before slamming his fist into the side of her face while she pleaded for him to stop. Shaking his as he continued his torrent of deprecating words, he stomped on her knee as a snap echoed through the room. That's when I snapped. > Chapter 20 - "...The Unexpected" > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- My mind goes blank as I feel it recede, my instincts taking control. Suddenly, my vision fades to grey as power and heat surge through my chest and body. In a puff of smoke and embers, my sword materializes in my hands, its roar filling the room. All eyes turn to me as chaos erupts. Screams pierce the air, nobles scramble to escape, and I leap from the rafters to the floor below, creating a small blast upon impact that caught a few, their bodies completely encasing themselves in fire, their flesh and muscle melting from their bones and their eyes in sockets. Yells from behind me signal the Guards' attack, only to fall before me, their heads rolling to a stop as their yells were quickly silenced, the stumps cauterized and sizzling. Blueblood and others attempt to flee, but I merely smile. With a stomp of my foot on the red carpet, the stone erupts from the ground, blocking all exits. Nobles crash to the ground as they collide with the solid rock. More heat surges through me, smoke billowing from my mouth before transforming into white-hot fire. The Unicorns among the nobles raise a shield as the fire strikes, their faces dripping with sweat from the intense heat and sudden fear. The shield doesn't last long as a second or two later, it shatters and their beautiful screams meet my ears. As I gazed towards the fighting ring, I observed several women who had been there previously guiding people out of the ring and towards the exit for safety. The room was engulfed in flames, with the carpet and drapes already on fire. Suddenly, a piercing scream echoed from my right, causing me to quickly turn and see what was happening. To my horror, I witnessed Blueblood with his arm wrapped around the throat of a girl with an injured leg, holding a knife to her neck while glaring at me. "They told me you would be a nuisance, but I never would have expected so much so quickly!" He sneered, pressing the knife close to the girl's throat. "You will not ruin his plans! We will have what is rightfully ours! This world WILL be cleansed! AND IT WILL START WITH YOU BECOMING ASH TO FEED OUR NEW WORLD!" The sound that came from my throat would be best described as a crocodile bellow as I reached down towards the table next to me, snatching the butter knife from the smouldering pile and chucking it at Blueblood's hand. The girl acted quickly, stomping on his foot and pushing him away from her, she stumbled towards me as I caught her, my flames shrinking enough to not harm her. My blade disappeared from my grip as I vanished it away, rushing forward and grabbing Blueblood's throat and throwing him through the crumbling wall and out into the streets. Stepping through the newly made hole in the wall, I walk towards the woman who had thankfully escaped and gently set the girl on the ground as they rushed to bring her towards the sidewalk they sat themselves on. I quickly turned my gaze to the groaning Prince, and my feet instinctively moved towards him. I reached down and grabbed him, feeling the flames around me intensify as I snarled at the pathetic excuse of a man in my grasp. The approaching sound of footsteps to my right alerted me to the presence of others and as I looked to see who it was, I could only hope it would end as well as I wanted. The two sisters expected their day to end in one of many ways and all of them were peaceful. But as they ran through the halls with a group of six and several Guards, they couldn't help but suspect their night was going to be messy and worried immensely about what was happening. The group of six that tailed behind them gave them a constant stream of worried questions, most of which the Princesses were unable to answer as they ran as swiftly towards and past the castle entrance. They hurried along faster as they spotted a bright orange glow peeking between the building in the distance and hurried faster still when they felt the presence of something strong. Bounding around the corner, the group immediately paused. Held several feet above the ground was Blueblood, Percival's fist clamped tightly around his throat as his feet kicked harmlessly beneath him. Percival's forearms and legs were engulfed in flames, with the same fire running along his spine. Jets of fire shot out from his shoulder blades, starting at a foot in length, tapering off as they reached his tailbone. The two men looked towards the approaching group who all noticed a group of about a couple dozen women off to the side, sitting on the sidewalk and all clutching cloth and other drapery around them as Ghost checked on the youngest of them, carefully tending to her leg as best he could without the proper equipment. The Paladin slowly peered over his shoulder, his eyes a bright orange that bordered on white locking onto the group. Before any of them could get a word out, he unceremoniously chucked the Prince to the ground in front of them, back peddling in a mad panic. "Go on," He said, his voice low and gravelly, a much more intimidating sound compared to his usual smooth baritone. "Tell them what you did." "Aunty!" He called. "Aunty this man attacked me without warning! he-" "Silence Blueblood! You are in enough trouble as is! Stay your tongue and perhaps your punishment will not be so severe!" Luna quickly shut the man up. "Guards, take this man to the dungeons!" "What!?" He shouted as he was picked up from the ground. "You cannot do this to me! I demand an explanation!" "And you will get no such thing from us," Celestia said sharply as he was carried off before looking at the remaining Guards. "Fetch a medical team and have them bring blankets, food and water. I want these poor souls tended to." The Unicorns among the Guards swiftly saluted before grabbing their non-magic-using comrades and teleporting away in a flash. The group turned to see the Paladin, standing still as a statue, watching the hollering Prince seemingly deep in thought. Once the Prince was out of sight, the Paladin's shoulders drooped, and he let out a heavy sigh. The flames that had surrounded him disappeared with a low and soft fwoosh. The two sisters turned towards the burning building and got to work quelling the raging fire. As they did, the group following behind the Princesses stepped up to the Paladin as he quirked an eyebrow at their appearance. "Dude, what was with that fire!?" Rainbow Dash exclaimed as Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy both moved past them and to the women sitting on the sidewalk, joining Ghost to comfort them. "What are you guys doing here?" He asked. "Twi's been working real hard with that rock y'all found so we thought we'd visit," Applejack replied, glancing between him, the building and the women behind him. "Can't say this is how I thought it'd turn out." "What happened?" Twilight asked with a worried expression. "Given the sensitiveness and severity of the situation, I don't want to indulge in any details until it's made public," The man said, his tone even, firm and serious. "I don't like being professional with you guys, but this is...it's a lot." "Fair enough. I mean, as much as I wanna know, this looks waaaay above my pay grade," Rainbow Dash said. Suddenly, a team of medical staff appeared a few meters away from the group, teleported in by the same Guards that went to gather them. They were all carrying supplies to help the women in need. The medical team quickly got to work, providing relief while the trio who had been comforting the women stepped back to give them space. As the man watched the medical team tend to the women, Applejack and Rarity noticed the troubled expression on his face. They both placed a hand gently on his arm and shoulder, offering him worried and concerned looks. They could feel the warmth radiating from him, not enough to be uncomfortable, but it was definitely noticeable. "Are you alright darling?" "Sir Felwinter." Turning to look at the Princesses, their expressions were steeled as they stepped towards the Paladin, the building behind them now nothing more than a smouldering husk as it collapsed in on itself, embers and smoke billowing to the sky while the glow slowly died out. "Come with us. We will need an official report about this," Celestia said evenly. "The rest of you, head back to your rooms. A Guard will escort you back." Glancing over at the girls, Ghost and Percival fell in line behind the Princesses as the group of friends followed said Guard towards the castle in awkward silence. Along the way, a few curious onlookers peeked out to see what was happening, only to be instructed to stay indoors due to a mandatory curfew for the night set by the Princesses. Twilight and her friends headed towards the guest wing of the castle, leaving the remaining four to continue on. The silence hung heavy as we walked through the quiet halls, each of us feeling the tension in the air. Eventually, we reached the same room the men had left less than an hour ago. Without a word, we all entered. Without looking back, Celestia walked over to the desk and opened one of its deep drawers. She grabbed a glass and a bottle of bourbon or whiskey. After pouring herself a generous glass, she downed it without hesitation, not even flinching as the fiery liquid went down her throat. She let out a sigh and leaned heavily against the desk. "I never took you for a drinker," I commented, standing in front of the desk. "Given the situation, you'll have to forgive my little indulgence," Celestia quickly rebuttaled, cleaning the glass with a cloth and placing both it and the bottle back where she got them. "Give me a sitrep Percival. What happened?" "Ghost and I were on our way home when I saw something move in an alley. We waited and found Blueblood entering a disguised building through a side door. We both felt the situation was suspicious, so I subdued the Guard manning the door and entered," I said, my voice even and my tone professional. "What I found inside were nobles taking advantage of women and putting them in....less than desirable situations. There was even a fighting ring." Celestia sighed even heavier, hanging her head as her voice came out soft and cracked a little at hearing the report. "So it was all true." "I'm sorry?" "After you brought the letter to my attention, I immediately called for one of our best private agents to conduct an investigation after the Gala," She explained, leaning her fists heavily against the desk to the point her knuckles turned white. "After gathering information for the past week since....this is what they found." She opened a drawer and pulled out a fairly substantial file, placing it on the desk in front of me. As I approached the file, I wasn't completely surprised by what I was reading. It turns out that Blueblood had been stealing money from important sources for years, including funds for orphanages, family businesses, and somehow even the castle Guards. Not only was he lining his own pockets, but he was also funnelling money into some mysterious project that was still being looked into. To make matters worse, there were reports from anonymous sources that he was mistreating staff members and even his own Guards. But the real shock came when I read the next part. In a hidden box in his basement, a list of names of missing people over the past ten years was discovered, along with numerous letters from an unknown sender. After a thorough search of his property, it was revealed that he was involved in a black market slave trade and was personally running a fighting ring within the organization. But that wasn't the end of it. If what I had read so far wasn't damning enough, what I read next was the final nail in the coffin. In addition to those letters, there were more from a mysterious sender, with similar contents to the one I had received the week before that dated back much farther than the ones he received for his despicable trade. It all even bore the same handwriting and seemed to be building up to something. Years of planning, and preparation, all culminating into one event. Over a year ago, Blueblood had travelled to Rio de Muerte, pretending it was a business trip with an unnamed partner. In reality, he was going beneath the city of Las Almas to plant a device that would serve as a temporary portal for demons to come through. All of this was done in exchange for capturing or taking out one Percival Felwinter for this unknown contact. "Holy shit," Ghost muttered, looking at the Princesses, his eyes wide. "That means-" "That Blueblood is highly likely to be in cahoots with the demons, whether it's willingly or not, we're still determining," Celestia said, her voice heavy and her eyes ever so slightly glazed. "How the hell was none of this discovered until now?" "We believe that Blueblood had inside help to cover up his tracks and we've called for several other agents to help with the investigation," Luna quickly replied. "How far back do these particular letters go?" I asked, indicating to the letters similar to the one I had received. "Roughly roughly ten or so years," Celestia replied quietly. "They seem to coincide with the disappearances of the women documented in the other letters. We don't know if it's connected as of yet." "It's a good thing I caught him then." "Indeed," Celestia nodded slowly. "And I feel as though I already know the answer, but did you kill the other nobles inside?" Without hesitation, I nodded. "I did." "While I do not condone such actions being taken without my knowhow, given the nature, I think-" "They got what they deserved," Luna finished her sister's sentence. "Slavers are an abhorrent stain on our fair society that only death can cleanse." "While my sister's words are as strong as ever, they ring true," Celestia said. "Slavery has been banned for as long as either of us can remember and the consequences have always been high." "Consequences that Blueblood now faces," Ghost added. "That he does. Though due to his status as High Noble, the repercussions of his actions, both in the slave trade as well as supposedly being in cahoots with an enemy, may be higher than normal," She continued. "So what's the plan here?" I asked. "I know what the end result is going to be, but we will see to it that he has a fair trial and that he won't escape what fate may have in store for him," the Solar Princess replied. "How long will it take?" "I would give it a few weeks, considering his status as Prince and the seriousness of the crimes committed," Luna replied, looking at Celestia, who kept her eyes fixed on the file on the desk. "Is there anything I can do?" "No. The fact you caught him is enough. Leave the rest to me and my sister," Luna replied. "Then we'll leave you to it," I said, bowing my head, signalling for Ghost to follow me. "Percival." I stopped just before opening the door and turned around to see Celestia looking at me with a sad expression. Her eyes were wet and she was breathing heavily. The sad look on her face slowly transformed into one of solemn appreciation. "Thank you...for stopping my nephew." "I would do it again in a heartbeat." "I know you would," She nodded. "You're free to go." Nodding, I bowed again before I left. As I closed the door, I could hear the muffled voices of the Princesses as we left them to their own devices. Walking through the same halls we had an hour prior, I couldn't help but think about what I read in that file. Blueblood came into contact with someone who either had connections with the demons or was one outright. Either option wasn't good and brought more questions than answers. Who was it Blueblood spoke with? How did he come into contact with them? What could they possibly want with me? And if these letters go back ten years, how the hell did they know about me? First Damien, now them. Something wasn't right. Too many damn questions and just when it was starting to make some semblance of sense. > Chapter 21 - "Consequences" > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A set of staircases descended out of and down the inky blackness, seemingly endless as each step formed after another in what appeared to be an eternal walkway into the unknown. Each step was seemingly carved out of the very dark stone the two individuals walked, rather than a different material entirely. There was no attempt to make them and by extension the surrounding walls and ceiling unique or to have an artist's flair to them. They were built for one purpose, to have anything more or to serve anything beyond that purpose would be inappropriate and impractical. Not even ten feet across, the steps were the only real defining feature of this vast underground tunnel in which they were built, sloped as to allow the staircase to continue its descent into the dark below. Lights were spread along the centre of the walls on either side of them in near-perfect symmetry, seated in small recesses, their wax endless in its supply, continued to burn for ages; the magic that kept them lit gave the candles a blue hue, letting off a surprisingly pleasant glow, which somehow served unnerving atmosphere. Despite the glow the candles gave off, it was clear darkness was the overpowering force in these halls, as the light barely missed touching the next candle's shine, only allowing so much of the steps to be seen, but beyond that, the darkness prevailed. It was an easily overwhelmingly foreboding environment, the near muffling silence, the all-encompassing void, with the only other movement being the flicker of the candles as the only two within its walls descended. Celestia never liked coming here in all the centuries of its otherwise publically unknown service, whether it be due to the air that shook even her or the implications that such a place like this brought. Whatever the case may be, she knew the integral purpose the place served and how perfectly it served said purpose, so, much to her disdain, let it be. Like a beacon, the woman's near-milky white complexion seemingly caused the darkness around her to recede ever so slightly while the candles seemed to gain a new second wind, growing in size and strength, brightening as she passed. The man next to her faired much of the same, though it wasn't his complexion or the colour of his skin that the void retreated from, but some other, unseen source. He seemed to just give off an ambient source of light despite his darker clothing. The two walked down the dreary steps in complete silence, both knowing why they were descending into such a dark place and seemingly stuck in their own thoughts. The reason was one that the Solar Princess actively chose not to dwell on for the moment until she had to. However, so lost in thought was she, that she hadn't realized they had begun to near their destination until she found herself almost stumbling upon settling on even ground. One minute she had been walking down the cramped stairwell and the next she was stood in an opening that allowed her to breathe properly. Glancing over her shoulder, she noted that the last steps of the stairwell ended just behind her, the same torches that lit the tunnel now lighting this slightly larger opening. It was no coincidence that she couldn't remember reaching this point in the journey, but she didn't dwell on it. Doing so would only prove to be a headache. Instead, she turned her attention forward towards the last obstacle. Before her and her companion was a circular room, large charcoal grey doors looming before her. Strange, unrecognizable carved runes along their expanse emitting a faint purple glow. Four darkly armoured Guards stood several feet above them on either side of them, their faces obscured as they stood statuesque, showing no sign of living, not even the soft rise and falling of their chests. Despite this state of seeming non-living, she and the man next to her could feel their eyes bearing down on them. Thick chains with links the size of the torso of the man next to her crossed both sections of doors, sealing them together at the middle, where they connected to a small circular protrusion, with three glowing lines along its surface pulsing and humming softly. This was old magic and it was magic far older than she was and far rawer than anything she or her sister could produce as they would struggle to create anything close to it even with their combined might. Stepping up to the connecting joint, the Guards swivelling their heads to watch their every movement, the pair's feet making soft crunches in the light gravel of the tunnel as the Princess placed her outstretched palm directly on the door's surface. Though she could not ever hope to reproduce the magic that created both the door's locking mechanism and what lay behind it, she and her younger sibling were still shown how to work around it to access it. A sharp tingle arched up her arm as her palm made contact, the hair on the back of her neck standing on end for just a moment before returning to normal. The material that made up the door's entirety was unnaturally cold, easily outclassing the chill that permeated the air around them. Not that it bothered them much. Ignoring the feeling, her horn began to glow its radiant golden hue as her hand became enveloped in the same aura as she began to work the specific spell to unlock the bastion before her. Finally, the spell work was completed after a few minutes of unnerving silence, a small ball of energy forming at the base of her horn before she lightly pressed the tip directly against the circular protrusion, the ball seeming to phase into the door as its glowing lines increasingly brightened at receiving her spell. With a groan, the whole structure seemed to shudder, small pebbles falling from the ceiling just above before the mighty chains that sealed it suddenly vanished one by one, shattering into wisps of golden specks to fade into dust. With its links gone, the doors rumbled with movement, gears and cogs at work as it slowly began to creak open, revealing a blackness that only grew as the gate managed to merge into the adjacent supporting walls, leaving the way clear once more. Glancing at the statue-like beings beside them, the two noted that the feeling of being watched disappeared and without a word, they continued forward. The pair passed through the gap made by the moving doors, they were greeted by what appeared to be a void of absolute nothing. Walls stretching above and below them were their only clues that an expanse existed within the darkness around them, what little light that somehow pushed out from the tunnel behind them was subsequently squished by the unyielding and daunting inkiness. Had this been her first time entering, she would have believed this to be one of Discord's pocket dimensions when he favoured...more lethal options for his pranks. But besides this, she was unfazed by the cavernous depths before her. Her companion, however, faired worse, as he regulated his breathing while his shoulders tensed, seemingly highly unnerved by the sight before him. Ensuring her companion's well-being, the two pressed on. They walked in more silence, the man closely following behind the Princess as her muscle memory worked its proverbial magic, walking through the twisting and turning maze of columns, plates and piles of gravel. As they moved, movement began to form out in the empty void. A flicker here, a flash there, they easily noted it was all directly in their line of sight. Alerted, the man reached to his thigh but was quickly stopped by the Princess in front of him. She reassured him that what lay out there wouldn't attack unless provoked. So, with a little persuasion, he followed ever so slightly closer. After a while, a small amount of light began to shine before them as the two came to a large central dish, with other disks of smaller incremental sizes creating a small platform at the top, the space between the disks letting off an eerie green glow. The pair stepped up and onto the topmost disk that had just enough space to hold them. As they settled, small flames began to flicker to life from the space between the disks that grew in size, the flames whipping themselves into a whirling frenzy. Despite the newfound activity, no wind could be felt. The two dared not move, remaining as still as possible as they began to feel themselves being pulled in various directions. Celestia kept her breathing calm and steeled, her now tense nerves demanding action as the band began to hum ominously. It was low at first, but soon became deafening within just a few seconds. Her wings twitched in reaction and her brow furrowed. While she had done this many times before, she could never accept how…wrong this feeling felt. Just another difference between her magic and the magic of those who built this place. While all this happened, the man next to her stood unfazed for the first time. While Celestia's hair stood on end from how vastly different it all worked compared to the magic she knew extensively, he would go on to note that before they disappeared in a flash of dark green, the magic around him felt...familiar. ~~ The pair reappeared on a clifftop or plateau, the Princess stumbling slightly, catching herself on the perfectly oriented Paladin's shoulder, taking a moment to find her bearings as the nausea of the teleportation crept up. She distastefully swallowed some bile that had made it up to the back of her throat. After several moments of calm, steady breathing, she nodded to her companion before letting go, gaining back her normally unfazeable demeanour. It didn't matter how many times she teleported here, she could never get used to that feeling. It was far more primal. Raw. Wrong. Releasing a sigh, the pair gazed out towards the landscape they found themselves in. It was nothing like anything that could possibly exist in the world at large, and due to its very nature, Celestia was thankful it didn't. The sky was the first indication of lacking anything of home, a was a stark contrast to what either of them was used to. It was a swirling mix of sickly green and onyx black, resembling a vast, endless ocean. Above them, a massive orb loomed, its black core surrounded by what appeared to be the remnants of shattered landmasses. Was this a broken planet, perhaps? Despite the unsettling sight, she knew she couldn't dwell on it. Those who came before her had designed this prison world, and she had no intention of questioning their plans. It was designed for one sole purpose and one purpose alone. The ground beneath her feet was just as desolate as the sky above. There was no sign of vegetation, life, or any living creatures. Only endless stretches of grey rock, interrupted by deep canyons that cut through the plateaus. Looking down, she could see the eerie glow of luminescent green rivers winding their way through the valleys. This realm had a name, and while many knew of its existence, only the damned knew of its appearance. Its only gateway being accessible by those who descended deep into the bowels of the Canterlot Horn, getting past the various royal guards that protected the many passageways before the tunnel proper. "Welcome to Tartarus," She said finally, the man next to her whipped around upon hearing this nightmare place's name. "This is Tartarus?" Percival asked, looking out towards the desolate landscape. "I expected more fire and brimstone." "A better depiction than what reality has to offer," She said quietly. "A foul creation for the foulest of souls." "Creation?" He repeated. "So it was built." "Contrary to popular belief, Tartarus didn't manifest out of nowhere nor was it formed alongside our world," Celestia clarified. "It was made by hand and magic at the request of Durin and Vihaan. From what I know, it took some persuading, but Mother and Father eventually agreed and helped with its creation." "Durin and Vihaan had this place built? They were certainly more active than I expected," Percival thought as he looked around. "They certainly had some...creative ideas," "Certainly of their crueller ideas." "You don't sound like you agree with it." "I never said I didn't." Not totally sure how to respond, the Paladin simply turned his gaze outwards again. The two stood at the precipice of the cliff, Percival peering over the edge and cringing as he saw how far down it went, or better yet, how he couldn't. Eventually, both saw a speck in the distance, bobbing up and down, gradually growing in size as they could make out the general shape of a winged beast. The speck grew and grew until it was upon them. Large enough to rival Canterlot Castle with a wingspan that only seemed to double its already gargantuan size, the massive dragon slowed its forward momentum with its four pairs of incredibly wide wings, giving the pair enough time to make its gnarled scales. Made seemingly from the same dark stone around them, purple crystals seemed to jut from various places along its body, no more pronounced than on and along its back and tail. Tiny, beady eyes locked onto the pair as the beast continued forward, latching onto the cliff face and knocking several boulders loose into the void below. Snarling at them with lipless teeth, a deep bellow rumbled in its throat while it gazed down at the vastly smaller individuals. Percival glanced between the goliath and the Princess, keeping his readied hands from his weapons as the beast seemed to give out a hearty chuckle as the corners of the Princess's lips tugged upwards slightly. "Midir," She said, crossing her arms under her breast. "It's been quite some time." "Princess," Midir said with a low, but distinctly female tone, inclining her massive head very slightly to gaze at the man standing a few feet behind the Solar Diarch. "And who might this be?" Celestia stood beside the white-haired man, placing a soft hand on his shoulder. "Midir, meet Sir Percival Felwinter. The newest Paladin." "Paladin," The great beast repeated before nodding. "Ah, so the time has come for the prophecy to be fulfilled." "I would have thought you would be up to date?" "We have been going through some renovations as of late, so my time has been taken up," The Dragon said, briefly peering over its shoulders. "Though I must say, there is something familiar about him. I recognise his scent." "Yeah, I've been getting that a lot lately. The scent thing is new though," Percival replied. "I can only imagine. When the small Unicorn was incarcerated, I knew something was afoul. I take it you are here to visit the new addition?" The Princess sighed heavily through her nose before nodding softly. "I am." Midir shifted her body, placing her topmost wing on the cliff top beside the pair a few metres away while arching her back so they could comfortably climb aboard and settle her gnarled back. "Then I shall take you to him." ~~ Princess Celestia and Percival walked along a large bank that bordered one of the countless rivers that flowed through the devilish realm, the acrid water casting dancing shadows along the cliff face opposite them and on the rock hanging over them. The dark illusions moved and bent along the rocky surface of the canyon that surrounded them, the moving shadows quickly falling into the numerous large dark holes that were embedded into the rock. Only, these crevices weren't just empty holes in eroded or pocketed stone. They, much like everything in this seemingly handcrafted nightmare, served a specific purpose. If one glanced beyond the thick, green flame-coated metal bars that crisscrossed each entrance, the answer to their purpose would become quite apparent. This was a prison after all. And a prison needs cells. There were hundreds along the opposite wall alone and a numberless amount lining the countless walls of this infinite realm. And all of them holding individuals from the world of the living, sealed and kept here for eternity. Celestia recognised many. She and her sister had seen to the incarceration of many of them personally. Though, she noticed, there were some creatures here that were completely unfamiliar to her, ones she had never seen before. Tartarus wasn't just Equestria's hell, but a hell to many as it evolved over time. Thankfully, such things could not reach her home. Of that, its warden had made quadropoly sure of. However, as the pair made it along the path in front of them, both ignoring the maleficent, gleefully insane, or just generally malicious looks of the creatures that dwelled here, Percival noted a particular statue, perpetually stuck in a jeering cheer. Eventually, their guide stopped some distance behind them, having followed silently along the river bank below, her size easily letting her peer into the outcropping without having to move her serpentine neck too much. Pointing a claw into a particular cell, the pair turned to face it. Slumped against the wall opposite them, Blueblood's head was bowed but still raised enough for him to glare through his unkempt and scraggly hair. A small white stump jutted from his forehead, the remnants of a horn that had been summarily cut short cleanly an inch from the base. His clothes fair no better, having been replaced by simple articles: a plain charcoal grey shirt and black joggers. The attire of the inmates of Tartarus. "Oh my! It would seem the ever so great and powerful Princess has deigned to bless me with her presence!" His voice was still as uptight and prideful as it had ever been, but far faded from what it used to be. His face remained utterly unamused, his brow furrowed deeply. "I'm honoured." Celestia stood there for a while, her face unreadable as her breath somehow stayed slow and smooth, even after her bottom lip trembled and her eyes gathered a soft wetness. "I don't know what to say to you," She said softly. "I want to scream. Shout. Cry. But I find myself unable to follow through with any of it." "If you have nothing to say, then you wasted your time," He replied. "What did I do wrong?" She asked, stepping closer to the cell, the green flames of the thick metal bars illuminating her face. "Did I not love you enough? Did I not spend enough time with you? What could have possibly sent you down this path?" Standing from his corner of the cell, Blueblood stepped up close to the fiery bars, barely missing the licking flames. "Do you know? Do you know what it's like to live your life in a world where those around you could not possibly ever hope to stand close to you? Because I do. For as long as I can remember, I have never felt as though I belonged, that this world felt wrong in every way. So many things that need changing but no way for them to change." "That was until they found me. The things they promised. The change they said they would bring. To the world, to its people," He stepped ever so slightly closer as black veins ebbed up his neck and down his arms, his eyes turning bloodshot as he stepped closer, still missing the flames by inches. "They promised the very change I wanted for so many years. They promised a world where I and others like me could belong and I believe them. The change they have wrought already goes far beyond my dreams." Celestia stared for a second, her mind a torrent of thoughts as she looked upon the person she called nephew and felt one thing: betrayal. She had taken the man in at a young age and loved him as much as she could, doing her best to do right by him. To see him having brought himself so low and to see him aiding their enemy broke and shattered her heart. In her long life, she has been betrayed before, that sensation was not new, but to be betrayed by him stung. Glancing at Percival, he stared with unmoving and unflinching eyes, disdain and malice clear as day in his steel blue eyes. Looking back at Blueblood, she saw the man hold a triumphant grin across his face, seemingly pleased with his actions and the consequences of said actions. The longer she looked, the less and less he looked like the nephew she loved and the more he looked like the very things her Paladin swore to defend them against. "This world is afflicted!" He shouted, his eye becoming more bloodshot as the dark veins stretching up his neck deepened as he clung to the flaming bars, unfazed by the sizzling of his pale skin. "This world is diseased and rotting! Corrupted down to the very core! We do not belong here! We took this world from its rightful owners and took everything it offered, bleeding it dry! The demons seek to take back what is rightfully theirs!" "We are that disease! And they are the cure!" "ENOUGH!" Blown back by the sudden sound, Blueblood slammed into the back of his cell, landing back right where he had stood as he groaned, rubbing the back of his head. Celestia stumbled back, both from the sound and the shock of the words her nephew had spouted. Covering her mouth as tears readily streamed down her face, ruining any makeup that had been applied some hours prior. This time, it was Percival's turn to step up to the bars, his face contorted into a visage of rage Celestia hadn't yet seen from the man. "You are a sick, twisted, vindictive excuse of a man! I should have cut you down when I had the chance!" The once-Prince laughed as he stood, again approaching the bars of his prison. "I have nothing to say to you, Paladin. While you have been a nuisance to our plans, your time will come, sooner or later." Percival then suddenly reached between the bars, locking his fist around Blueblood's throat, unfazed as the fire licked up the sides of his gauntlet. "I've nearly hit my boiling point with you. First Damien now whoever you spoke with. How do you know me? What. Plans?" The ex-Prince only laughed. "I don't have to say a thing. Nothing you do will compare to this hellhole. Do what you want to me. You won't get a word from me." Pulling him forward, Percival rammed the smaller man's head into the bars, singing his hair slightly and leaving a bright red mark where the metal impacted as he fell onto his back. Drying her eyes as best she could, Celestia, placed a soft hand on Percival's shoulder, who stepped aside when he saw her gaze never once shift from the fallen man before them. "Is there anything I can say? Anything I can do? Anything at all to bring you back from this path you have chosen?" Crawling back to the back of the cell, Blueblood pulled himself up to the dark grey stone that made up his bed and sat cross-legged, bowing his head down resulting in his dirtied hair falling, obscuring his face as the black veins slowly crept up. "I am beyond anything you could offer." "Then I'm done here." Swiftly turning on her heel, Celestia stormed off towards the patiently waiting Midir who watched the scene unfold with an almost pitied expression as the Princess tightly balled her fists, the tears returning with fervour. With one glance and a simple grunt, Percival too turned and joined the positively sobbing Diarch up and onto the back of the Warden Midir, who offered quiet words as the trio took off, none so much as looking back as the cackles of the once prideful Prince echoed off the canyon. > Chapter 22 - "One Problem After Another" > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It had only been a day since the Princess and I visited the worm in his new home, and I decided to stay to oversee the newest set of recruits. The day started like any other during my time in the country's capital city. I woke up early, had breakfast, headed to the training grounds, and began the day's training. This time, I and the other Guards were training the recruits who had applied months ago. After reviewing their latest performances with the other Officers, I found them ready to pass on their knowledge to future Guards. They were in the best physical shape they had ever been, and their tactics, teamwork, and techniques were almost perfect. It was a huge improvement from when I first picked them up. So after acquainting myself with the few dozen or so rookies, we got to work. Besides the fact they were rookies, they were clearly new to the idea of combat. They were fairly wet behind the ears, their techniques were messy and sloppy and they were overall not much to look at. But they were all eager to learn and far more eager to please, especially me as they took my orders as though their lives depended on it. The Drill Sergeants among the Guards I personally trained are gonna have a field day with them. Nearing the end of the day, most of the recruits were wiped out but two seemed to still have some energy about them, so I decided to see how well my Guards had trained the new subordinates. They're both clearly nervous, sweating bullets under their helmets as they tentatively circle each other, fists up and eyes locked in determination. The air was thick with anticipation as they exchanged a few cautious jabs, testing each other out. But the nerves fade away soon enough and they start to get into the rhythm of things, one trying to outsmart the other. One lands a solid punch to the other's gut, causing him to grunt in pain but then quickly retaliate with a swift uppercut. One jabs while the other dodges, before countering with a swift kick to his ribs. They go back and forth like this, trading blows and dodging strikes until finally, one's standing over the other at the centre of the ring, both panting and sweating after their sparring session. There was some potential behind them, but it would take some work to be able to get it out of them. Declaring the newest rookie the winner of the bout, the Guards began filing out while carrying said winner's sparring partner out to the sidelines to catch his breath and be checked up on. Making sure that the boy was alright, Ghost and I began moving to the back of the training ground towards the common area where the Guards rested or prepared for various workouts, talking as we usually did about the remarkable progress the Guard had been making since the start of their training. Before I could get too close, a voice called out behind me. "Sir!" Turning on my heel, I see three Guards coming to a stop close behind me, standing a few feet from each other as they looked at me with expectant expressions. "I heard you took in Blueblood personally," The Guard closest to me asked. "Is that true?" Raising my eyebrow a bit, I turned to face the small group and crossed my arms. "In a manner of speaking, yes." There was a subtle movement of the front Guard's eyes, his gaze shifting from me to behind me for a split second. All at once my senses went to work, picking up a presence at my back as my ears heard the faint shuffle of clothes and a small crank and trigger pull followed by the release of various mechanisms. I shifted my head to the side while I raised my arm, my hand closing down on a foreign object as it passed my head. Glancing at it, I saw it was a bolt. Just as the bolt was in my hand, the sound of scuffling and an object falling to the ground sounded behind me. In a matter of seconds, the one behind me was swiftly tackled to the ground, Ghost having immediately turned on the spot as his eyes wide with anger while his brow and the bridge of his nose creased slightly. The men in front of me all flinched and backed up, worried and almost fearful expressions spreading among them. Turning on my heel, the other Guards around the small resting area stepped towards the group while drawing their swords, pointing them at them. I crouched down the man who had taken the shot while he struggled under the weight of the much larger man on top of him. "You better give me a good reason not to snap your neck!" Ghost snarled. "It's alright Ghost, I've got this," His struggling didn't wane at all while I placed my hands on my knees. "Care to explain yourself?" "It's your fault Blueblood was caught!" He shouted, shaking his shoulder, trying to dislodge Ghost's firm grip on him. My brow furrowed for a moment before a smile spread across my face as ideas began swirling around in my head. "Is that right?" I ask gently, standing up from my crouched position. "Let him go." "Are you sure that's wise Sir?" Ghost asked, not daring to take his eyes off of the man below him. "That's an order." Glancing at me, he slowly removed himself from the top of the man beneath him. Before he got a chance to move properly, I grabbed him by the scruff of his neck, flinging him towards the group the Guards kept a vigilant eye on. Tapping a few of them on the shoulder as I moved past them, they stepped back, sheathing their swords and gave me some room while I addressed the men in front of me. "Did you all work for Blueblood?" I ask. They glance around uncertainly between me and the other Guards around them who all watched them like hungry vultures. "We did," One replied. "Glorious!" I clap my hands together, the sudden and rather loud sound causing them to flinch. My wide grin quickly drops. "To the ring. All of you." "We don't have to take orders from you," One of them said, standing forward. "We answer to Blueblood!" "Well, you won't be getting orders from him any time soon. Not where he is," I said in a low tone, stepping forward. "So as your General and commanding Officer, I will repeat myself only once more. TO THE RING!" "No," The same one replies. Pursing my lips and inhaling sharply, I swept aside my jacket and reached for Ace. Before any of them could react, I pulled the trigger, and the bullet swiftly found its mark in the man's knee, which promptly exploded slightly, sending small chunks of bone and meat into the air as fresh blood coats the ground. Falling to the ground and screaming, I holster Ace and spread my arms. "ANYONE ELSE!?" They all flinched and scrambled to the centre of the main sparring arena, all standing at one end as the man behind me was checked by the one-sight medical staff. I remove my jacket and other weapons, chucking them to Ghost who places them on a nearby bench while I tighten my gauntlets. "Let it be known that I DO NOT tolerate men who support such putrid acts within my military!" I shout, staring down the now nervous three remaining Guards. "Watch and learn rookies! Today's going be a different kind of lesson." As I stepped closer to the group, the one who was seemingly the head honcho of them immediately pulled out his sword and tentatively moved as well, his comrades moving to the side, giving him words of encouragement to stick me through, most of them not believing I was "as strong as the stories make me out to be". We met in the middle and the man, a Pegasis, was flinch-checking me, snarling and waving his sword in a display in hopes of intimidating me. Just as he moved to swing, my palm solidly met his wrist, the suddenness of my strike and the placement of it causing the blade to fly out of his hand, much to the shock of his comrades who shouted out various expletives. "Have I taught you nothing? Now, if you're gonna stab, stab. Don't pussy foot around, don't-," I roll my shoulders and swing my arms a little. "-dance with it." With that display, the four are now not so keen to grapple as they glance around each other. I let out a hefty sigh and I let my head lull back. "What, are you looking for a Topps tribute act or something?" They looked clueless. "The 4-skins! The Redskins! Whoa Whoa Whoa Here Comes The Indians! A little bit of the Northern soul is it boys? Putting the Gaye back in Marvin Gaye," I started clicking my a few times. "Come on, I'm on fire over here boys, I need a little bit of back and forth! The least you could do is make this entertaining for me!" One off to my right pulls out his sword and points it at me, his face scrunched up a little bit, clearly annoyed at my nonchalantness in dealing with the situation. "Fuck! You!" I let out a disappointed sigh while my palm swiftly met my forehead. "Jesus Christ, you're disappointing. No, no. Not that. Go again. Make it sharp. Cut me with it. Make it sting," I tell them. Approaching me, he was met with the same results as the last, his sword clangs loudly against the wall far behind him as he falls to the ground with a bright red hand mark on the side of his face. "Come on, you're embarrassing, not only yourselves but everyone here!" I said loudly, motioning to the Guards gathering around the ring, all watching intensively. "Kids stab, girls shoot, boys punch, real men and women fight with their heads. That's where the real battle is. Up here!" I tap my temple. "Now you were out for blood! SO TAKE IT!" Faces red and voices loud, the Unicorn's horn flashes and the three are armed again, their bodies and weapons glowing a faint blue while they rush me from all sides as my wide grin drops, my senses sharpening. The Earth-pony holds an axe while the Unicorn and Pegasis hold a sword each. This is gonna be easy. Slapping down the Pegasis' swing, I redirect the Earth-pony's downward strike then slapping aside the Unicorn's stab with my off hand. The Earth-pony whirls around, using the momentum of my deflect to swing for my head. I move under it, side-stepping the Pegasis' quick overhead swing, resulting in him overshooting and stumbling, allowing me to shoulder check the Unicorn before they could react, sending them to the ground. Grabbing the Earth-pony's axe, I drive the head into the ground and plough my elbow into his exposed face. As he stumbles back, I bring my arm up as I turn, a loud clang filling the air as the Pegasis' sword collides with my gauntlet. The blade scrapes against the metal brace, sending sparks to the ground as I twist my arm to bring it into the nook of my armpit. Grabbing his wrist with my free arm, I whirl around and chuck him into the still-recovering Unicorn, sending them sprawling. The Earth-pony swung while I was distracted, hooking the blade under my leg and pulling it towards him, sending me to my knee before he slammed his fist into the side of my face. Thinking I was stunned, he reals his axe back and brings it high above his head, sending it down at my head. Grinning slightly, I push against the ground, giving us just enough space for the axe to miss by a few inches. Ensuring it missed, I push against the haft before the axe collides with the ground before I deliver an uppercut to his chin, once again sending him stumbling back. "Time to have a little fun with it." Rolling my shoulders, I flex my hand and my sword appears within my grasp, much to the shock of those around me as the Unicorn wraps his magic around the ready Pegasis, hurling him through the air towards me. Easily bringing my sword up, his scrapes against it and hits the ground as he passes me, I then use the tip of mine to redirect the Unicorn's as he attempts to take a pathetically telegraphed swing at me. Glancing to my right, I easily duck the Earth-pony's overzealous swing, bringing my blade behind my back to block another one of the Unicorn's swings then bringing it over my head and redirecting the Pegasis' swipe. Leaning back to avoid the Earth-pony's slash, I swing my sword and barely miss him by inches, quickly bringing it back before he had time to block properly, sending him flying back several metres. I place my sword in my off-hand and catch the Pegasis' wrist as he brings his back to slash at my neck, bringing his arms down and locking them by his waist, allowing me to ram the pommel of my blade into his hip and hit the bone. He grunts for a split second before I plant my fist firmly into his cheek, sending him to the ground in a rolling heap. The Unicorn rushes forward, slashing and swiping at me several times as I simply hold my sword in place. He then brings his blade back, slamming it down onto mine, the two scraping against each other for a second before he pushes away, his horn lighting up with a blue aura that surrounds his hand. He plunges his hand forward towards my face until I spin my sword in my hand, hooking his wrist with the handguard while bringing my hand up, clasping the pommel and pushing it into him as the spell he had prepared exploded in his face, sending him flying back into the wall far behind him. He crashes into it with a loud thud, creating a deep creator in the stonework as it crumbles around his motionless body. The Unicorn swiftly loses consciousness, whatever magic he had cast around his comrades and their weapons cracks and shatters from their bodies. The remaining Earth-pony glances at the bodies of his comrades, seemingly judging his situation. Ultimately, he rushes in, bringing his axe back and swings down as I bring my sword up but he over-extends and hooks my sword in the head of the axe. Just as he was about to pull it from my grip, I flex my hands and it disappears in a puff of embers, causing him to jerk back. He recovers quickly, readjusting his grip on his axe and goes to push the axehead into my chest. Easily catching it, I bring my fist down through the middle of the haft, sending splinters flying and splitting the weapon in half. The man gains a panicked expression but brings his fists up nonetheless. Throwing his fist out, I slap it out of the way, using the back of my hand to disorientate him before ramming my fist into his chest. Stumbling back, he lunges forward, only to have it pushed to the side as I slam my fist into his back. He throws a wild haymaker that I block before planting my fist on the side of his face, swiftly following up with a punch to the gut. He tries to throw another punch, but it's slow and lazy. Catching his arm, I pull it away slightly, lightly striking the nook of the joint before slapping him again, punching the same cheek and striking the same spot on his stomach. I grabbed his throat and punched his other cheek. I then grabbed the back of his head, taking a fist full of his hair and brought it down while swiftly bringing my knee up to his face. As he stumbles back, I grab his wrist, pulling him towards me, effortlessly lifting him up before throwing him onto the ground, the impact throwing up dust and gravel around him motionless, but still breathing body. I turned to address the crowd, I felt a sudden pressure in my back that followed through to my stomach. Peering down, I spot a blade protruding from my abdomen, dripping with fresh blood. Looking over my shoulder, the Pegasis held the sword as he drove it further into me, the hilt quickly touching my back. Ghost immediately jumped to his feet as the Guards all followed suit, even the rookies looked ready for blood, but I quickly stopped them. "None of you will interfere!" I barked. They all looked apprehensive. "Sir?" One of the Guards spoke up before Ghost put a hand on his shoulder, lightly shaking his head. Jerking forward, the blade slid from my back as I turned on my heel, grabbing the handle of the blade, ramming my shoulder into the man's chest resulting in him easily losing grip. Chucking it to the side, I grabbed his shoulder, turned him around and grabbed his wrists while placing my knee between his wings and shoulder blades and began pulling slowly. The man's struggles soon became yells of pain as two loud pops filled the air, his arms falling limp as I let them go. Sweat poured from his forehead as he let out laboured breaths. I snarled at the man below me as I then took his wings, ruffling the feathers as I locked them under my arms. "What-what are you doing?!" He exclaimed, limply attempting to throw me off of him. Pathetic. Leaning down, I gave him a low tone. "Making you an example," Peering over my shoulder, I addressed the soldiers behind me. "Look long and hard! This is what happens to scum like this!" Gripping tighter, I began pulling slowly, the man's yells turning to blood-curdling screams as I began to tear his wings from his back. Wet sounds filled the otherwise silent air, the sounds of ripping flesh accompanying his tearing muscles and tendons. The skin splits and blood spurts across his back as with one final tug, his wings pop and squelch from the ball sockets in his shoulder blades. Discarding the limp appendages, I reached down, heat filling my palms as light sizzling sounded for a moment before everything fell silent, the man falling unconscious halfway through. "Men like them and their disgusting acts of depravity will not be tolerated!" I yelled, making sure my voice was heard as my nose wrinkled. "Those who find anyone who willingly worked under Blueblood will bring them before me or the Princesses! And anyone who is found harbouring these lowlifes will be severely punished! Or turn yourself in and avoid the same fate as these traitorous scumbags! Am I clear?!" Looking over at the various bodies of the men I had fought, I let out a small sigh. "And get these men to medical. You're all dismissed." All present went about their usual routine, the recruits sticking with the more senior members as a few went about gathering the motionless but still living bodies of the men who worked for Blueblood. Ghost collected my effects, following me as I made my way out of the training grounds, looking for something to distract me. I looked down at my watch and saw it was close to time for dinner to be served and decided that would work. Reattaching my equipment, we approached the large double doors of the dining room and entered. Inside, all of the Mane six bar one were present along with both Princesses already in the middle of their meals, who upon seeing the state I was in, gained concerned looks and moved to stand before I stopped them. "I'm okay," I said, sitting at the table with Ghost sitting beside me as always. "Just had an incident down in the training ground." "What kind of incident?" Celestia asked, raising her eyebrow as concern etched her voice. "A few men under Blueblood's pay had some words to share," I replied, rolling my neck slightly. "And they were pretty vitriolic about it too." "What do you mean?" Luna asked. "He was attacked by Guards that worked for Blueeblood," Ghost replied. "You were attacked!?" The group of friends exclaimed, all quickly standing. Even Fluttershy raised her voice some. "Guys, I'm fine," I said, lifting my shirt to reveal the drying blood over my abdomen, but other than that, the wound had already healed in seconds. "Still man, that's not good," Rainbow Dash said. "Exactly," Rarity added. "To be assaulted by those under your charge." "Could have been worse," I shrugged as a server approached me and Ghost. "Could have been worse?" Celestia repeated. "You could have been killed." "Chief, you and I both know it'll take a lot more than Guards I personally trained to put me down." "Be that as it may, it doesn't bode well if our Guards attacked you," Luna said. "I don't think we'll have to worry about that," I said, showing the server what I wanted from the menu before he moved on to my bodyguard. "The other looked ready and happy to jump in and join. I don't think we'll have to worry about anyone who didn't answer directly to Prince himself." "Besides, what kind of idiot attacks someone in the middle of a crowded room full of other trained guards?" Ghost asked rhetorically."My guess is he wasn't planning on getting out of here alive." "What do you plan to do with them?" Celestia asked. "I'll leave their punishment up to you," I shrugged. "You...forfeit giving them punishment despite the fact they attacked you?" Luna asked. "They worked for Blueblood and seemed proud enough to confront me in broad daylight in front of dozens of other Guards, including my own bodyguard, despite knowing the stories of me," I said. "What better way to punish them than by leaving them alive, knowing they failed? Besides, I think I gave them enough of a punishment." "What exactly did you do to them?" Celestia asked. Glancing around the table, I noted the half-eaten dishes of food. "Best not say while everyone is still in the middle of their meals." "You are a cruel man, Percival," Luna commented. I raised an eyebrow and looked at her, seeing that she was giving me an almost sad look. "I'm what the world made," I shrugged. "I treat others how they treat me and those around them. If people, like those Guards or your nephew, treat others with contempt, then I shall treat them the same. And If they attack others because they think they're better or above them, then I will defend them, myself and my beliefs." "...and if someone were to love you?" Luna asked, causing my eyes to widen and my brow to twitch slightly. The princesses seemed to notice this, making the faintest expression I couldn't quite make out but I quickly recovered. "My my, Princess Luna, is that a confession?" I asked teasingly, intertwining my fingers and laying my chin on them as the others giggled. Luna blushed and Celestia laughed at her sister's reaction. She quickly recovered, but the blush remained along her cheeks and the bridge of her nose "I'm not talking about me!" Luna stated firmly, her face and pointed ears still bright red. "We were merely being hypothetical!" Ghost and I chuckled at her reaction. "I went through that whole rigamarole years ago. From start to finish. Don't think I'll be doing it again. Not for a long time anyway." The others around the table glanced at each other, unsure how to respond. But before any of them could reply, a deep shock shook through the room, shaking the wall's many paintings and knocking the decorative armour to the floor as all present latched onto the nearest object for balance. All of a sudden, the room's windows came caving in, sending shards of decorative glass flying all around the room as a deep thunderous boom shook the room further, causing all to cover their ears in hopes of mitigating the noise. As the ringing subsided moments later, a blaring alarm sounded throughout the room, echoing down the hall where the alarm continued to blast. The Princess's expression suddenly went from worried to terrified as they locked eyes. "That's the SML alarm!" Luna exclaimed. "Twi's still there!" Applejack yelled. Without hesitation, every person in the room bolted out of the dining room doors and sprinted towards the Secure Magics Lab. Those who were unfamiliar with its location quickly followed suit. Confusion and fear filled the halls, with some individuals appearing to have sustained injuries. The sound of shattering glass echoed as everyone raced as fast as they could. Within minutes, we reached the heavy metal doors of the lab. Ignoring the pressure of the wards and spells, we threw them open and rushed down the lengthy corridor. Limp bodies of Mages and Scientists littered the floor, leaning against the walls leading up to the main lab. As I kicked the door down, a powerful gust of wind nearly knocked us off our feet. Peering into the room, I immediately spotted Twilight unharmed, clinging to a table. My gaze then fell upon the figure at the centre of the room. Blueblood stood amidst swirling waves of energy, his hands outstretched around the deep purple stone. His back was turned to us, his clothes in disarray from the chaotic energy. When he turned to face us, his eyes were a deep black with glowing red irises, and blackened veins creeping up his neck. A wide grin revealed his sharpened teeth. "YOU'RE TOO LATE, PALADIN!" He yelled over the howling winds. "IT HAD ALREADY BEGUN! NOT EVEN YOU CAN STOP WHAT'S TO COME!" "BLUEBLOOD!" Celestia yelled, trying her best not to be blown back. "WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS?!" "DO NOT WORRY AUNTY! ALL WILL BE ANSWERED SOON!" As the words left his mouth, the whirling energies intensified, spinning faster and faster, whipping the room into a frenzied rage. "ALL WILL BOW TO THEIR UNYEILDING POWER!" Glancing at Celestia, I reached for Ace, keeping a tight grip as she gained a pained expression. Tears began to roll down her face as she nodded, struggling to keep herself upright. Taking aim as best I could, I pulled the trigger, the bullet piercing through the powerful winds, finding its mark in the back of the Ex-Princes skull. His head jerked and in a second, his body was encompassed in a consuming fire that expanded out in an instant, the ensuing explosion leaving nothing behind but embers. However, the bullet continued, slamming against the stone and ricocheting off and back into my hand, the sudden impact causing me to lose grip on my firearm as it flew behind me and down the hall. "SHIT!" Looking back at the stone, I saw the energies that swirled around it now seemed more powerful, spinning faster and faster as I looked over at Twilight who looked scared shitless. "TWILIGHT!" I yelled. "HOW DO WE STOP IT!?" "I DON'T KNOW!" She yelled back, barely being heard over the herculean winds. "I'VE NEVER SEEN ANYTHING LIKE THIS!" As I gazed back at the stone, I decided to take a risk. Moving forward, the people behind me started shouting, begging me not to approach as I slowly made my way towards the menacing stone. Despite their warnings, I continued inching closer, the cries blending together into a chaotic chorus. When I finally reached the stone, the howling winds seemed to have little effect on me, only causing my coat to flutter wildly. With determination, I reached for my sword, raising it high above my head before bringing it down with all my might. The sword bounced off, slipping from my grip and embedding itself deep into the stonework above the door behind me. As I gazed at the ominous stone, my mind raced with thoughts of how to disable or at least minimize the damage it could potentially cause. Despite my efforts, no solution seemed to present itself. Looking at my hands, a surge of inspiration struck me as a foreboding feeling filled my chest. "You know what you need to do." I glanced behind me, to those I had grown to call friends, and silently prayed that my plan would succeed. Closing my eyes, I summoned the memory of my intense battle with Damien, recalling the sensation of fiery energy enveloping my body and the exhilarating rush of power that accompanied it. When I opened my eyes, I saw my hands ablaze with flames that extended up to my elbows. With determination, I thrust my hands towards the stone, striving to grasp it tightly and harness the potent energy it emitted. Upping the heat as much as I could, the flames surrounding my arms grew larger and more intense, eventually engulfing my entire arms. A sudden pain ripped through my body as a cough racked my chest. Looking down, I saw a translucent hand piercing through my chest. Looking up, the arm formed from a swirling vortex, white dots dancing bobbing and weaving to miss one another. I yell out in defiance as I bring the stone low, leveraging my left arm against my hip, hoping to use that to bring my hands closer to the stone, hoping to overpower the almost opposite magnetism that prevented me from touching the stone directly. Blood poured from my mouth as a deep cough rippled through my body, another arm forming from the vortex, piercing a different part of my chest before another formed, piercing my stomach as another formed. "PERCIVAL!" I could barely hear Celestia shout over the whirling winds. "PERCIVAL, LET GO!" "NO!" I yell over my shoulder. "YOU GAVE ME A JOB! AND I'M GOING TO FUCKING DO IT!" "THERE HAS TO BE ANOTHER WAY!" "AAAAHHHHH-" Yelling for the man before us to stop, we watched nearly helplessly as he slowly advanced on the stone. I tried casting magic to either shield us from the torrent of winds or send the artefact to some far-off land where it could do no harm, but something was blocking me from doing so and looking at my sister confirmed she was having the same issues. Looking back up at Percival, I see him reach for his sword, swinging it down on the stone only to have it launched from his hands and into the wall above us. He looked at it for a few painful moments, seemingly stuck as to what to do, eventually peering down at his hands, staring at us with an almost apologetic expression before closing his eyes, bright orange fire similar to what we saw when he apprehended Blueblood subsequently engulfing his forearms. He whipped around, slamming his hands against an unseen force, preventing him from touching the wretched rock. Our cries and pleas went unheard before they intensified, a translucent white hand punched through his chest as his shoulders rocked with deep, terrible coughs racking his body before he eventually dropped to his knees. His yelling grew louder as he drew the stone closer to himself, causing the flames to burst out along his back just like before as more and more hands punctured through him. "PERCIVAL!" I shouted, hoping my Canterlot voice would pierce through the wind. "PERCIVAL LET GO!" "NO!" We could just barely hear him. "YOU GAVE ME A JOB! AND I'M GOING TO FUCKING DO IT!" "THERE HAS TO BE ANOTHER WAY!" "AAAAHHHHH-" A bright white light suddenly took over our vision, the sounds of the torrential winds falling deathly silent, We were all thrown back as a powerful shockwave moved over us, sending us tumbling and rolling down the hall. The lifeless bodies of the Mages and Scientists offered no resistance as they crashed against the wall and door at the end. It took a while for the glare and ringing to fade as we gradually regained our senses. "Is everyone alright?" I asked. "Could be worse," Applejack replied. "Positively smashing, your Highness," Rarity responded. "Don't wanna do that again," Rainbow Dash groaned as Fluttershy simply nodded. "Think I landed on my keys," Pinkie Pie replied, quickly grimacing as she moved. "Yup, definitely my keys." "Princess," Twilight asked, slowly standing. "What was that?" "I don't know my student," I answered honestly. "Sister, are you ok?" "I have faired better but I shall live." "Wait," Applejack chimed in. "Where's Percival?" As we looked around, we quickly got up and hurried back to the main lab. We realized that the strong winds had disappeared, replaced by a bright light shining through the broken doors. As we crossed the threshold, we all paled at what we saw. Half of the lab was gone, replaced by a gaping hole with embers still smoking and small fires dying out. Alarms were blaring throughout the castle, and the once proud lab was now a mess of exposed stone, bent metal rebar, and smouldering wooden structures. I stood in front of the devastated lab, just staring out at the massive hole. "Gods above," Luna whispered beside me. "Umm....is...is that his jacket?" A small voice came from behind us. Looking over at the timid woman, I saw she was pointing at something not too far from us and following her line of sight, I spotted Percival's jacket lying on the floor, a puddle of deep crimson pooled below it. A wave of unease washed over me as a twisted knot overtook my stomach and a sense of dread filled the room. Tentatively reaching down, I lightly grabbed it and pulled, instantly recoiling at what I saw underneath the fabric and leather trench coat. The severed right arm and leg of our Paladin.