> Friendship Bites > by Serina > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Hunger Within > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hungry… So hungry… Fluttershy turned over on the couch, strands of her mane hung in front of her face. Her eyes flashed red as she scanned the living room, shattered glass, and broken furniture littered the floor. She would have to go shopping, again. She sighed and clenched her stomach, She couldn't keep blaming the beavers, that was just rude. The cottage was silent except for all but the occasional grumble of her stomach. All her furry friends had retreated to the outside, even her little Angel Bunny. They were used to it by now, staying outside for some nights didn’t bother them that much. Her eyes looked towards the window, now covered with a rather large board, blocking the sunlight from entering. She groaned and bit her lip, her fang causing a drop of blood to trail down her chin. Fluttershy licked up the stray blood and dug her hooves into her sides. She closed her eyes and tried to steady her breathing. It’ll be over soon... Meanwhile, Applejack stood in the bustling heart of Ponyville, a frown creasing her brow. The annual cider-tasting event at Sweet Apple Acres was a cherished tradition throughout all of Ponyville and amongst their group of friends, and Fluttershy never missed it. Yet, this year, she was conspicuously absent. Applejack had tried to reach her through the usual means, but there had been no response to her messages or knocks on the door. She even tried getting through to her through Angel, but even the little bunny was suspiciously quiet. Her concern grew with each passing moment. She couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. After finishing the cider-tasting event, Applejack decided she couldn't wait any longer. She left her family at the farm and set off towards Fluttershy's cottage, determination in her eyes. The walk was peaceful, but a sense of unease gnawed at her. When she finally reached Fluttershy's cottage, she noticed the boarded-up windows immediately. "Buckin' beavers," Applejack muttered under her breath as she approached the door. Fluttershy had been trying to get those beavers to quit building their dam out of her cottage. She knocked gently against the redwood door, but there was still no response. She knocked louder, calling out, "Fluttershy? Y'all in there?" Silence. Worry now turned into genuine fear as Applejack bucked the door open with her back hooves, slamming against the inside of the cottage’s wall. The sight that greeted her was nothing short of shocking. The living room was a disaster as if a wild storm had torn through it. Broken furniture, shattered glass, and a thick layer of dust covered everything. But what sent a chill down Applejack's spine was the sight of Fluttershy on the couch. Once filled with kindness and warmth, Fluttershy's eyes now shone an eerie shade of red. Her mane, normally well-kept, hung disheveled over her face. Applejack's heart sank as she noticed the trickle of red on Fluttershy's chin and the peculiar fang poking out. "Fluttershy!" Applejack cried, rushing to her friend's side. She gently shook Fluttershy, trying to rouse her from whatever trance she seemed to be in. "Can ya hear me, sugar cube?" Fluttershy's eyes slowly focused on Applejack, and she let out a low, guttural growl. It sent shivers down Applejack's spine, but she didn't back away. "Fluttershy, it's me, Applejack. What happened here?" she asked, trying to keep her voice calm and reassuring. Fluttershy's response was unexpected. She clenched her stomach and whimpered softly, "H-Hungry..." Applejack's brow furrowed in concern. Fluttershy was always gentle and kind, but this behavior she hadn’t seen since the bat incident moons ago. Applejack looked at her disheveled friend, But Fluttershy had gotten better, had been cured… Hadn’t she? She glanced around the room, trying to make sense of the chaos. The boarded-up window suggested that Fluttershy had been trying to block out the sunlight. Had things gotten this bad without anypony knowing? Applejack's instincts kicked in, and she knew she had to get her friend some help. She gently lifted Fluttershy and carried her outside, placing her on a nearby bench. Fluttershy's animal friends gathered around, eyeing her with a mix of curiosity and concern. "Y'all stay with her," Applejack instructed the animals before rushing back into the cottage to gather any clues she could find. Inside, Applejack noticed that there were no signs of a struggle or break-in. It seemed like whatever had happened to Fluttershy had originated from within her own home. As she scoured the wreckage, she found an old journal amidst the chaos. It was worn and dusty, but Applejack could make out the words "Journal" on the cover. With trembling hooves, Applejack carefully opened the dusty diary and began to read, her eyes scanning the pages for any clues that could shed light on Fluttershy's mysterious condition. The journal's pages were filled with Fluttershy's elegant script, detailing her experiences and emotions in a way that only she could convey. "The first entry?" Applejack said aloud as she reached the passage that mentioned the fruit bat incident on the night of Apple Bucking Day. She cleared her throat and continued reading, her voice steady. “I don't know what's happening to me. Tonight, during Apple Bucking Day, I couldn't control myself. I was overcome with an insatiable hunger for something... different. As the evening sun dipped below the horizon, I felt a strange sensation coursing through me. My wings twitched, and I found myself drawn to the apple orchard. I saw the fruit bats hanging from the trees, and I couldn't resist. I flew towards them, and before I knew it, I was feasting on apples with them. I couldn't stop. I tried to pull away, but it was like I was in a trance. The bats scattered in fear, and I couldn't even recognize myself. When it was over, I felt ashamed and confused. What have I become? I need to find answers. Tomorrow, I will begin my research on this transformation, and I hope to find a solution before it gets worse." Applejack lowered the diary, her expression a mix of sympathy and concern. "Fluttershy's been strugglin' with this for a while," Applejack said, her voice heavy with worry. "She didn't know what was happenin' to her, and she's been tryin' to deal with it all on her own." As Applejack turned the pages, the journal entries continued to reveal Fluttershy's increasingly desperate attempts to understand and control her condition. She described how her aversion to sunlight had intensified, and how her cravings for something more than just apples had grown stronger. Fluttershy's kindness and compassion were evident in every word she wrote, but so was her fear. "I tried to stay indoors, away from the sunlight, but it's getting harder. My skin feels like it's burning, and my eyes are so sensitive to the light. I've taken to covering the windows, but I can't live like this forever. My hunger is getting worse, too. I've been sneaking out at night to feed, but I don't even know what I'm looking for anymore. All I know is that I can't control it. I'm scared. I'm scared of what I might become and what it might mean for my friends. They don't deserve to be near me if I can't even control myself. But I can't bear to leave them either. I need their help, and I need answers." Applejack’s brow furrowed. It was clear that Fluttershy was in dire need of her support, and she couldn't let her face this alone. However, she couldn't help but feel a growing sense of frustration and unease. Her thoughts kept drifting to another question that had been gnawing at her since the beginning of their investigation: Why hadn't Discord said anything to the ponies? The chaos-loving spirit, Discord, was known for his unpredictable antics and his occasional reluctance to assist in serious matters. But when it came to their friend Fluttershy, he had always shown a deep sense of concern and affection. He had been there for her in the past, even when his chaotic nature clashed with their harmony-seeking values. Applejack couldn't understand why Discord had remained silent about Fluttershy's condition. She knew he had a habit of being cryptic and evasive, but this situation was different. It involved their dear friend's well-being, and his silence was deafening. Muttering under her breath, Applejack couldn't contain her frustration any longer. "Why in tarnation hasn't Discord said a word about this? He's always got somethin' to say, especially when it comes to Fluttershy." Applejack shook her head, closed the journal, and carefully stowed it in her satchel. She knew she had to return to Fluttershy, who had been resting on the bench outside. However, as Applejack stepped back into the open, the sun setting behind the hills, her eyes widened with alarm. Fluttershy was nowhere to be seen. Applejack's heart pounded in her chest as she stepped back outside and scanned the area. The bench where Fluttershy had been resting just moments ago was now empty. Panic surged through her as she called out, "Fluttershy? Fluttershy, where are you?" She called out for her friend, but there was no response. Fluttershy had vanished without a trace, leaving behind a sense of unease that hung in the air like an ominous cloud. Applejack's voice quivered as she spoke, "This doesn't add up. Fluttershy wouldn't leave like this, not when I was tryin' to help her. Something's wrong and I need to find her!” She galloped into the nearby forest, not knowing where to look next. Crimson eyes shone above the treeline. Applejack wasn’t alone. Her friend was watching her. > Forbidden Fruit > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As Applejack's hooves pounded against the forest floor, her heart raced with worry for her missing friend. She knew Fluttershy wouldn't just disappear, especially when they were trying to help her. Desperation surged through her, driving her to search the woods in all directions. Unbeknownst to Applejack, a pair of crimson eyes watched her every move from the dense canopy above. Fluttershy, or rather Flutterbat, concealed herself amidst the treetops. Her once-graceful wings had transformed into leathery, bat-like appendages, and her fangs had elongated. She clung to the shadows, hidden from sight as she followed Applejack's frantic journey through the woods. Her predatory instincts and insatiable hunger had driven her into this new form, one that was far more comfortable in the darkness of the forest. Flutterbat moved silently, her wings barely making a sound as she kept pace with Applejack's gallop. From her vantage point high in the trees, Flutterbat observed Applejack's determination and concern. She could hear her friend's calls echoing through the woods. Part of Fluttershy longed to respond, to tell Applejack that she was still there, but her newfound instincts kept her silent. She couldn't risk revealing herself, not in her current state. Flutterbat's conflicted feelings swirled within her, battling against the feral urges that had taken hold. She watched as Applejack continued her search, oblivious to the fact that the very friend she was searching for was tracking her every move from above. The forest was alive with tension as the two friends, one searching desperately and the other lurking in the shadows, moved through the darkening woods. Their paths were on a collision course, and the fate of their friendship hung in the balance as the mysteries of Fluttershy's transformation and her connection to Flutterbat remained shrouded in uncertainty. A cold wind blew through the trees, carrying with it a haunting sense of foreboding. The moon cast an eerie glow, illuminating the twisted branches and casting unsettling shadows. Applejack felt a chill creep up her spine, an unnatural sensation that made her instincts scream at her. "Fluttershy!" Applejack's voice echoed through the stillness of the forest, the fear in her heart making it tremble. "Come on out, sugarcube. We'll face this together." Flutterbat clung to a thick branch, hidden in the darkness, her crimson eyes fixated on Applejack. Her internal struggle intensified as she wrestled with her instincts, her desire to protect her friend battling against the savage hunger that consumed her. Applejack pressed on, her eyes scanning the darkness. "I won't leave ya alone out here, Fluttershy. We'll figure this out, no matter what." In the treetops, Flutterbat hesitated. The words struck a chord, reminding her of the friendship she held dear, the bonds she was at risk of severing. She wanted to believe in Applejack's words, to believe in her own strength to overcome the darkness within. But the hunger roared within her, a beast that threatened to break free from its chains. The conflict tore at her, and she clutched her head, struggling to maintain control. Flutterbat felt the tug of war inside her, an elemental struggle between her gentle nature and the savage, primal urges that had taken root. Her fangs ached, her mouth salivating at the scent of nearby prey—the wild animals that roamed the dark forest. Images of her friends, especially Applejack, flashed through her mind. The warmth of their camaraderie, the shared laughter and stories, were now a distant memory threatened by the hunger that clawed at her insides. She remembered the times they'd saved Equestria together, the bond they'd built, and she couldn't bear the thought of harming them. Applejack scanned the tree line and noticed a pony-like figure perched on a branch. The figure seemed to blend seamlessly with the shadows, its eyes reflecting the faint morning light with an unsettling crimson glow. Her instincts tingled with caution, recognizing that this was no ordinary pony. The mysterious figure slowly descended from the branch, revealing more of its form. It had the shape of a pony, but its features were twisted and menacing. Its eyes burned with a dark intensity, and its elongated fangs sent shivers down Applejack's spine. The mysterious figure used to be her friend. The first thing Applejack noticed was the turmoil in Fluttershy's eyes, the shifting emotions that reflected the battle being waged within. She approached cautiously, speaking in a soothing tone. "Fluttershy, we're here for you. We'll find a way to help you through this." Fluttershy's voice trembled, shaking as she took a step forward. "It's so hard... I can't... I don't want to hurt anypony." Applejack took a step closer, her presence a comforting anchor in the midst of the storm. "We'll find a solution, darlin'. Ain't no challenge we can't face when we stand together." But the hunger was relentless, growing stronger with every passing moment. It gnawed at her, a vicious reminder of the darkness that threatened to consume her. She staggered, falling to her knees, tears streaming down her cheeks as she fought to keep her true self intact. Fluttershy's heart pounded as the predatory instincts surged within her. Her vision blurred and twisted as the monstrous transformation continued to tighten its grip. She fought against the tide of darkness threatening to drown her, clinging to the memories of her friends and the love she held for them. In a moment of agony, she let out a guttural growl, a sound so unlike her gentle nature. It echoed through the forest, a cry of her torment and defeat. Meanwhile, Applejack, realizing the danger her friend was in and perhaps herself as well, steeled herself for the upcoming confrontation. With a deafening screech, Flutterbat lunged at Applejack, fangs bared and eyes glowing red with hunger. Applejack's instincts kicked in just in time, allowing her to evade the initial attack, but not without a scrape of the menacing fangs against her neck. The sickening sound of flesh against fang echoed through the forest as Flutterbat's desperation fueled the assault. Applejack grunted in pain and surprise, fighting back with all the strength she could muster. It was a battle of predator and protector, a struggle that sent tremors of fear and determination through the ancient trees. Flutterbat lunged once more, however, Applejack deftly sidestepped, using her powerful hind legs to deliver a forceful buck, aiming at Flutterbat's midsection. The impact sent the creature flying backward, crashing into a nearby tree. But Flutterbat was relentless, quickly recovering and retaliating with a flurry of swift attacks. She darted through the air, claws, and fangs slashing dangerously close to Applejack. The battle turned into a chaotic dance between predator and protector, a clash of savage strength and agility. Applejack fought valiantly, her hooves moving with precision, aiming to incapacitate rather than cause severe harm. She knew that the creature before her was still Fluttershy deep down, and she refused to give in to the desperation that threatened to cloud her judgment. The forest echoed with the sounds of their fierce battle—the clash of hooves against wings, the snarls and roars, the occasional sickening thud. Every strike was a painful reminder of the struggle Fluttershy was enduring within herself. With each attack, Applejack tried to reason with Flutterbat, to appeal to the sliver of Fluttershy's consciousness she hoped was still there. "Fluttershy, please, fight it! Remember who ya are! We're friends!" Flutterbat's eyes flickered momentarily, a hint of recognition breaking through the monster's fury. A pang of guilt surged through her, but the hunger quickly overpowered the flicker of humanity, and she lunged again, her fangs aiming for Applejack's throat. Applejack dodged just in time, but the near miss sent a chill down her spine. She needed to end this battle and protect her friend. Summoning all her strength, she delivered a powerful kick that sent Flutterbat sprawling into the underbrush. In that moment of disorientation, Applejack seized the opportunity to escape. She bolted towards the forest's edge, the adrenaline pumping through her veins, driving her to reach safety. Applejack with tears streaming down her face whispered, "I'm so sorry..." Flutterbat, too wounded to pursue, watched as Applejack vanished into the distance. The darkness within her was subdued momentarily, allowing a rush of Fluttershy's thoughts and emotions to flood back. Regret and sadness washed over her as she realized the damage she had caused. However, the beast quickly took over, her eyes dilated, and looked toward the vast forest. With a mournful screech, Flutterbat retreated into the shadows, licking her wounds and grappling with the beast within. She vowed to fight this darkness, to regain control, and to make amends for the pain she had inflicted. Meanwhile, Applejack burst out of the forest, her breath ragged and her heart pounding. She had to warn her friends about what had happened, about the danger Fluttershy now faced and possibly her being a danger to the townsponies now as well. She knew time was of the essence. She galloped towards Ponyville, the urgency of the situation propelling her forward. The image of Flutterbat's feral eyes haunted her, fueling her determination to save her friend and protect the bonds they had forged. Trying not to think about how her neck felt as if it was pulsating, with each throb a searing pain lingered from the wound that had been inflicted by her friend. She would gather their friends, face this threat together, and hope that their friendship could triumph over the darkness that loomed ahead.