Ruby Pinch and The Tentacle Party Box

by LilSlipsy

First published

After being left alone one night, Ruby Pinch searches for the special toys under Mom's bed. The Tentacle Party Box under there inspects her just as thoroughly.

For the past few months, Ruby Pinch's Mom, Berry Punch, had been doing interesting things with Auntie Cheerilee behind closed doors. While Mom's spending the night away with her sister, Ruby had the time to investigate some of the things under Mom's bed. But unbeknown to Ruby, the Tentacle Party Box stored underneath would make the night far more eventful than she was expecting.

Unofficially related, but still inspired by TheGreatEater's story from 2014, Rubies in my Punch

Tags: Foalcon, Filly, Tentacles, Triple Penetration, Vaginal, Oral, Anal, Implied Sibling Incest

Fun Secrets Under The Bed

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"Alright, Pinchy, I think I'm ready!" Berry Punch said as she trotted down the stairs and put her saddlebags down by the door.

"Ugghh!" Ruby Pinch gave a dejected groan and flopped on her back. "Mom, do you have to go out tonight?" With the saddest eyes she could muster, she watched her mother still making last minute adjustments to the new dress she wore, and finishing the last glass of special juice she had poured.

Berry glanced over and couldn't help but to grab her chest as her heart nearly melted. "Awww, sugar love! I know, I'm sorry, but it's one night, and it's been weeks since your Auntie Cheerilee and I met up. I know you can handle it!"

"I want to come too..." Ruby said, groaning again. "You're going to have so much fun. Couldn't I just watch?"

It was too much to bear, and Berry went over and lifted her daughter's slumped body up for a hug. "Oh no, sugar bear. I know you like dancing with us, but they don't allow foals in the club we're going to. Not even to watch."

Ruby relented and hugged back just as tight. She could smell the mix of berries coming off of her mom; the distinct passion fruit of the perfume she had on, covering the natural scent of mixed berries coming off her fur. Even her lipstick had a noticeable strawberry fragrance to it. Did it taste like strawberries too? Ruby sighed again.

"It's ok, when the foalsitter gets here you'll be able to dance with them tonight! And then... I'll cook up a fancy breakfast tomorrow. I just bought some caramel and whipped cream, so maybe something with that?"

Ruby nuzzled in deeper to her mother's fur one last time before pulling away and giving a bright smile. "I love you, Momma!"

"I love you too, sugar love!" Berry hugged again, before heading to the windows to peer through the blinds. "But where is the foalsitter? They should be here by now, and I'm already starting to run a little late."

"Oh, yea, they-" Ruby blurted out, remembering earlier today where she passed the foalsitter in town, mentioning something about another sick foal they had to see, and... Ruby's eyes went a little wider... she should have told her mother. Uh oh. "They, uh... did say..."

As easy as it would have been to squash her mother's night out right here... and probably get in trouble for bringing it up at the last minute, there was something else that Ruby was looking forward to tonight: a night alone.

"They said they... would be here... late," Ruby lied.

"Oh..." Berry downed the last of the fermented grapes in her glass, leaving it next to another used glass adorning the shelves next to the door. "Well as long as they're coming, that should be fine. Anyways, money's on the counter for pizza, or there are apples in the fridge if you want that instead. But momma's got to run, Cheerilee's probably waiting for me already!"

Berry loaded her saddlebags up on her back and gave Ruby another hug. Ruby held on as long as she could, reveling in her Mom's warm fur and mix of fruity notes within, including another scent that mingled with the others, one that usually lingered around the bedroom when Auntie Cheers was staying the night.

"I'll see you in the morning."

Ruby looked up and tilted her head. "Oh, you're going to have a sleepover?" If it was anything like the ones they had here, it would be awesome to watch again. "Are you sure I can't come too?"

"By the time we get back it'd be way, way, way past your bedtime, and I don't want to wake you up in the middle of the night." Berry let go of the hug and opened the door. "I'll come back in the morning. Love you, Pinchy!"

"Love you too, Momma!"

Ruby flipped through a comic book and munched on her newly acquired cheese pizza as she read through each page. As expected, the foalsitter wasn't showing up for tonight, and it had been an hour or two since Mom left.

The night was going along pretty good so far. She could do whatever she wanted without anypony telling her no... so that's why she'd been inside her room for the entire time, except to call for pizza, and to grab it.

But there was one thing that was on her mind all day, ever since the foalsitter said they weren't coming: the mysteries in Momma's room.

Now it's not like she hadn't been in there before, actually, ever since she could remember she'd wander over there in the middle of the night many times to snuggle and drift off to sleep. But Mom was always there... and over the past few months, sometimes Cheerilee was there taking her place.

She remembered the first time vividly. Coming home sometime about six months ago after being sent out to play while Mom and Cheers were having a big pony talk. She was going to ask for more time to play, but they were... busy. With the door slightly ajar, she remembered them kissing and-

Ruby bit her lip and shifted around a little, she was starting to feel that warmth in her belly growing the same as that day. Flipping to another page and taking a sip of her sparkling apple juice to wash down the rest of her dinner, she couldn't help glance at her bedroom door; glancing again and again over the past couple of hours.

She only needed to go down the hall and look. Free rein to find whatever was in the room. Maybe even find what was in some of those boxes that they pulled from under the bed a few times.

With a nervous gulp, she eventually stood up and started creeping towards the door, flinching as it squeaked when she opened it. Momma was gone and wouldn't be home until tomorrow, but it still felt like those parental eyes were everywhere. Her heart was starting to race the further down the hall she went, remembering the soft coo's and muffled noises of those two mares trying to be quiet, but not being entirely so.

Her fillybits were starting to feel happy too, ready to get wet and sticky from watching. She stared at the keyhole, knowing nothing but a dark room was on the other side, but still imagining what could be... what they were doing at Cheerilee's house tonight. Plopping herself down at the door, her hoof automatically went down below, pressing against her warm folds.

Pressure made watching feel even better, like an intimate hug down made the tingles grow. As silent as she was on days when Momma was having one of their big pony talks or nights when Cheers was having a sleepover, she tried to make sure her growing breaths couldn't be heard by anypony. A shiver went down her spine and she pressed against herself once more.

But there was only so much to do on the outside of an empty room. Pulling her hoof away, it looked like there was a wetness that had dampened her fur again. Wiping it off on her rump, she hesitantly cracked the door open.

She winced even harder. The squeaking door in her Mom's room was even worse! These really need to have some butter in them or something! How's a filly supposed to sneak around with these doors giving her away!

With a flick of the light, Ruby froze for a moment but relaxed a little as she confirmed again that yes, she was alone. And she could do anything in here... look under the bed whenever she wanted...

So instead she wandered around the dressers and vanity table, looking over the hair brushes and makeup that were left out. One stick was red and... smelt like strawberries! Sticking out her tongue, she gave it a curious lick and tasted... nothing? Waxy? It certainly wasn't the fresh strawberries she was expecting, but... it did smell nice, so that was good she guessed. Maybe they tasted better on another pony's lips?

A mystery that would probably not be solved today, but there were others here that she wanted to get to without procrastinating the whole night away. With cautious steps, she turned and made her way over to the bed, grabbing the blanket and flipping them up to let her get under the bed.

Peering underneath, there were indeed several boxes there, some she remembered, others she hadn't seen at all yet. But here they were. Exactly what she was looking for. Her heartbeat was growing again as she pulled out the nearest box and popped off the lid.

And inside... gave more questions than answers. There was a lot of rope, and a whole assortment of leathery things in here. Maybe this was just a random storage box of old skin-tight and squeaky dresses too? Ruby grabbed a set of hoofcuffs that were inside and was starting to put more of it together... was Mom secretly a policemare?

She gingerly set those back down next to the large, flared... rubber baton? It was almost as thick as her hoof through most of its length, but she could definitely see Mom swinging that around and knocking somepony out with how hefty it felt. Though the straps on the end of it made it kind of confusing on how it could actually attach to a hoof, but those were questions for another day.

She closed the lid before sliding it back under the bed and grabbing another, opening it up to see more reading material that dwarfed her small comic collection. Magazines stacked on each other, as well as several videotapes on the other side; none of the names she recognized at all.

The one magazine she grabbed started to bring those tingles back. Two mares on the cover, one presenting her butt to the reader and another laying below her, but with their tails just barely covering their bits. Almost like if they moved over to the side, those private parts wouldn't be so private any more.

Ruby couldn't help but stare, they were positioned in a way that kept drawing her eyes towards those erotic shadows underneath. She leaned over to the side, wondering if that would somehow magically let her see around those tails, but unfortunately these pictures didn't move. Curious to see more, she opened the pages, but it didn't take long to find the main feature in the middle.

Her eyes widened at the sight. Those two mares on the covers were here, but their tails had certainly moved. Everything was on display. She couldn't help but prance a little at the sight, never remembering seeing pony parts so up close before.

It was hard to have seen exactly what Mom and Cheers had been doing in this room, since there always seemed to be a leg, mane, or whatever else was inconveniently in the way at the time. Or even worse, when the door was closed, and she could only listen.

But right now there weren't any of those cruel tails here, only raw mare bits that looked so warm and so... wet. Wetter than she was feeling between her legs right now. A hoof drifted down below and pressed on tight, noticing those tingles rise and sending delightful shivers through her whole body.

These magazines were great, but she wondered if the videos were even better. Maybe she'd watch one or two of these in her room later tonight before going to bed. Would these mares be moving around? Would she get to see all of it? There was so much stuff in here that it had to have something like that in it. She'd certainly be pulling this box out later when she had the chance.

Another thought popped in her mind as she stared at the two mares. Were they special someponies? It looked like they could have been, and maybe that was what it meant to be one. But... could sisters be special someponies? Daughters? She couldn't help but blush at that idea, and it felt like butterflies were fluttering in her tummy the more that she thought about it.

She put the magazine down and closed everything up for now, before grabbing another box that had been on her mind all day. One that she was eager to open.

"Hehehe, these are Momma's toys!" she giggled out loud as she pulled the lid open. The weird cucumber looking objects were all in here, and many more she hadn't seen before. Plus, some of the buzzing noisemakers were there too; those were really good at getting those two mares to be louder, even if they were trying to be super quiet.

Although, there seemed to be one thing missing from the collection: a blue one that Mom always had out when Cheerilee was over.

Ruby gasped suddenly as she put it together. Oh! Maybe that's what Mom was doing behind the locked door earlier! She giggled a bit more, imagining it stuffed in those saddlebags for their sleepover. "Aww... I wanted to see it up close," Ruby said to herself, and decided to flick through the other toys, but grabbed a book that was tossed in there.

Between the pages of this bound book were mares tied up in equally explicit positions compared to the magazines. These were making those warm feelings come back, seeing exactly how they were spread, tied, and bound together.

Her eyes shifted to the door, wondering what would happen if she was caught doing something naughty... and if it would be worse or better. Now going out and stealing would be bad, and she shouldn't, but if Mom was actually a secret policemare with all these ropes, and had to tie her up like those mares.

Ruby squirmed in her seat again, feeling her privates get real tight for a moment. Her mind told her that it would be wrong to do a little crime, but her body might be considering it.

"Oh, wow..." Ruby huffed as she turned a few more pages. She was feeling so hot and squirmy, even her hoof was covered more than usual in her own wetness, but pressing against herself was not quelling the fires growing in her belly in the slightest... not that she really wanted to keep those fires low. Her fillybits were getting happier the more that she saw.

Reluctantly putting the book away and switching everything out for another box, this one seemed completely different. Large letters adorned the top of it: Tentacle Party Box. This wasn't one she ever saw the two mares using, and it looked a little confusing when she opened it up. She clicked one button on the side and everything flashed for a moment.

It said reset.

"Oh... oops!" She cringed a little at that. Hopefully, it wasn't a game or something that just erased all of Mom's saved data. Another colt in her class cried for the whole day when that happened to him; she didn't remember the brown colt's name, since he always had his nose in those games.

Maybe this would be just as fun to her too? There were a few ponies on the screen, but it looked like only an earth pony was lit up. Even if she was mainly a unicorn, she guessed she could play whatever this game was as an earth pony.

"And... start?" Ruby curiously said as she pressed the appropriate button after actually reading it.

Green mist started to pour out from the box. Ruby looked side to side, watching as it formed around her and solidified into thick green tentacles. "Whoa!" Ruby said to herself at the sudden smoke show, and how they appeared to be moving all around her.

She reached out to touch one, and it felt as solid as a snake. Warm too. With her wet hoof she might not have noticed, but with the dry one she was touching it with, she could feel its length covered in a slippery liquid. She would have looked at it longer, but a tentacle suddenly wrapped around her barrel.

"Eep!" she squeaked as the hoof-thick appendage easily lifted into the air. This monster under the bed might have been scary if it wasn't next to Momma's toys. Still, she couldn't help feel a twinge of concern at being carried so easily. More of the tentacles were wrapped around her limbs and spun her around until she was on her back.

She was surprisingly comfortable in this python-based recliner. Ruby wiggled around a little, but the tentacles held firm in this strange game. "W-what are we going to do next?" she asked, but didn't get a response. Although, as the tentacles started to spread her hind legs, she suddenly became very aware of a tendril hovering over her fillyhood.

Ruby bit her lips, feeling those tingles coming back to her fiercely. Automatically, she tried putting her hoof down there, but the tendril didn't let her, leaving her completely tied, exposed, and at the mercy of her tingling bits. Why'd this feel so good?

"Hmmm~" she let out as the tentacle moved closer, brushing its hot tip against her folds. It put its heavy girth down along the entire slit, and began to rub in deep strokes. "O-oh my~ Oh, wow... this..."

"I... I usually like it if you just press against it," she said with heavier breaths, trying to be helpful, but this magic creature box seemed to have its own plans. It was similar in size to her hoof, but this thing was really hot down there, growing the fires in her belly like nothing she ever felt before.

She couldn't help but rock her hips against the tendril, getting quickly sold on this style of touching her privates. "But... you can keep rubbing." A sudden flood of delight left her squirming as she felt the top of her fillyhood tighten up for a few amazing moments. "Please keep rubbing me there!" she squealed out.

She practically forgot she was so high up in the air, only staring up at the ceiling a few feet away as her mind drifted. Her juices and the tentacle's slippery coating were eagerly mixing, making her feel absolutely sopping wet down below. Was this how those mares in the magazines were feeling? Practically drooling out of their lower lips?

The tendril slid up hard a few times, squeezing through her teats with its thick length. She looked down to see the tendril poking against her chin. There was a drop of liquid that came out from a noticeable hole in the tip of it. Before she realized what exactly she was doing, her curiosity got the best of her, and she tried licking it up with her tongue.

It was like a delicious, slippery nectar that hit her, enough that she went back for another lick. But also there was another taste on the sides of its length; a mix of dragon fruit and yumberry; her own flavours. She immediately blushed at the thought of how good she tasted, and wow did she want more.

The long tendril still caressed her filly folds tightly with its length, but pushed the tip against her lips like it was trying to get in. It was the size of her hoof and had no way of getting into her mouth, but somehow she felt it enter her maw. It didn't feel as thick anymore, like it had shrunk down to the perfect size to get in, and for her lips to wrap around. Like a sweet tubed treat, she couldn't help but suckle on it, getting the full flavours of herself and this delicious creature.

"Mmm~" she moaned in delight, feeling just perfect with all of this. It felt as right as anything else in her life; like her being her Mom's daughter, or there being only one princess in Equestria. It was enough to almost drift off completely into the ministrations, but her eyes slowly peaked open, feeling the tip of another tendril down below feeling right in the middle of her fillybits.

She couldn't help but watch as the thick end pressed against her, kind of like how she would have with her own hoof, but somehow this was getting even deeper than she could have imagined. It felt like it was spreading her folds in a way they never moved before. The tendril itself was too thick to ever have gone anywhere in this mysterious crevice it was opening, but, like the one in her mouth, suddenly it slimmed down until it was just the right size to press inside.

"A-ahh~!" she cried with a muffled shout, feeling it slide down her slippery tunnel, rubbing against those tingles that were deep in her belly. Her muscles automatically squeezed tight against the sudden guest as the sensations were starting to become too much.

As quickly as it entered, it pulled back and then slid right back in. She could hear the wet squishes coming from down below, and it only helped Ruby get even more lost in the entire experience. How this was inside her, or how it was making her feel like this, she didn't know, but she didn't want this to ever stop.

The hoof sized tentacles surrounding her might have never fit, but this one now felt like the perfect size; not enough that the stretching hurt, but somehow this didn't feel too small either; like she wanted it to be big enough to make her feel this way. She couldn't help but feel a little weird to have something perfectly sized to put in her fillybits, but she was sure glad she found it.

Another strange sensation made itself known, pressing even further below than her fillyhood, right in the center of her tailhole. Why it was poking there, she didn't know for sure, but with the way it was slicking up the outside in goo and pushing against her small ring of muscles, she had an idea.

The tip flicking on her rear felt almost like some giant tongue that was giving her a really thorough lick back there for some odd reason. The shivers from before were coming back at these firm touches, only adding to everything else that was going on.

The pokes and licks didn't stop, only getting firmer and pressing against her tailhole even harder until, like her other orifices, it formed into a perfect shape to fit inside her.

Focusing on one thing was way too hard at this point. She sucked against the tendril moving in her mouth, while the others down below were moving asynchronously, filling her in all the right ways. It was overwhelming from the start, but this was taking it to another level entirely.

The mix of pleasure was a tidal wave, crashing through her, sending her mind on an adventure until she didn't know where she was anymore. Ruby could only moan out hard and squirm in the tendrils firm binds, feeling every breathtaking second.

It wasn't until it pushed her further that she came crashing back to reality, feeling everything tighten and her body squeeze every muscle she had. Her fillyhood grabbed and squeezed with all of its might. "Ahhhhhhhh~!" she cried through the muffling tentacle, going over some euphoric peak. Suddenly, everything released, sending her entire body convulsing, and a hot squirt shooting out from down below, hard enough that she felt like she could rocket off at any moment. Juices splattered and covered the tentacles pleasuring her.

With a sudden thrust from every buried tendril, there was a wave of liquid rippling down its length until hot ropes were being shot into every one of her holes. The gooey warmth was radiating like a sun in each spot, and carried her twitching even further along this orgasmic peak.

With a final moan that began to turn into an exhausted giggle, her entire body fell limp. The tentacles inside her all rested for a moment, and she could feel their heavy heartbeats. It was calming. She could practically feel herself being lulled off at the steady throbbing. Only when a tendril popped from her mouth did she wake up a little to gasp for air.

Being set down, it was hard to stay standing, but somehow she managed... right up until the tendrils pulled from her two weary holes. "Ahh~!" she squeaked once more, legs buckling and sending her crashing to the floor.

The green tentacles were dissolving all around her, turning into mist, only to be sucked into a gem in the center of the box. "Hah... haha... so good," she weakly let out with a giggle, feeling a warm glow after all of this was done.

She didn't know what she was expecting when she started snooping in her mother's room, but this was the last thing she could ever imagine. The creamy taste of the tentacles was still on her tongue, and she could feel a trail of that liquid heat flowing out from her fillyhood, dribbling onto her tail.

With willpower that she didn't know she had, she got back up on her hooves. She closed this amazing box, and shoved it back under the bed from where it came. The blankets were draped back down, hoping that she was hiding everything well enough to not be caught in the morning.

Like her mother after a few too many special juices, she stumbled down the hallway back to her room and flopped down on the bed like a sack of potatoes. Her mind only wondered if Mom and Cheerilee were feeling the same sensations right now, feeling all those wonderful things, but together as special someponies. Her hoof automatically went between her legs as she started to rub, but it rapidly slowed as she drifted off to sleep.

"I love you... Momma..."