The savior they needed

by RandomCheck

First published

Equestria's biggest mystery. . .

What were the motives of the filly that grew higher in success than some of the maddest and ancient threats Equeastria had ever seen?

Let's take a look to the past and find out. . .

Let me in. . .

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Friendship can be a magical thing and it always will be. Friends make you happy and you make them happy in exchange, you spend time together, share laughs, and grow strong bonds. Because you give up your free time to be with them they repay the favor in the future. Let's say it’s your birthday you get gifts on your birthday- everypony knows that, either they show up to your birthday party or give you a birthday card they make sure you know that they care or an even better example would be a wedding surely your friends would be at that to show their support and to witness the magic of pure love. The point is, every friend holds the elements of harmony inside them. Friends have the element of loyalty in them and Loyalty is most likely to happen as your bonds grow deeper. The element of Kindness lies within their blood being as they were kind enough to offer or accept your friendship. They also hold the element of Generosity as you often give gifts to your friends, things like birthday presents or gifts on hearts warming and they repay the favor. We all know for a fact that the element of laughter is always there within a friend. Honesty is key when you have friends, honesty is what builds trust and with trust friendship grows stronger. Lastly the bond- the bond is magic, Yes, but not just magic as it's a magical experience meaning that friendship does indeed hold the element of Magic in it as well.

Friendship is magic and with the power of friendship the lands have been kept safe from danger. . .

But the way I see it, Me, personally?

Friendship is indeed magic, I’ve seen the things it’s capable of. With friendship restored the gods have blessed the lands with harmony, with friendship a god fallen to corruption has been redeemed and the land has been saved from the internal night, with friendship the king of shade himself has been banished, with friendship the shifters have been defeated yet redeemed, with friendship the god of chaos and disharmony himself has. . . “changed”. So friendship is indeed magical but the magic itself is how friendship gains power, With power comes control, and with control, you get to keep others in check, "A dominance left untouched" in other words. Friendship is a cult in my eyes, a rope that lures you in even if you don’t want to, a rope that ties around your neck and hangs you if you disobey. . .

Friendship isn’t magic, No, Friendship is a horrible thing, Friendship is a forceful cult. . . These poor creatures believe friendship is harmony. . . But the truth is. . . Friendship is power. A power that needs to be monitored, power that needs to be put in check, power that needs to be harvested and bloomed to its full potential. . . And If no creature is going to try and take it, then it shall be me. Just think of it, it’s power that’s begging to be taken, and that’s another thing, All those villains were wrong saying "friendship is a disease" or "friendship is power not even worth taking", No, If they understood that friendship was the most powerful magic in all of the land then they would win, then all Tartarus would break lose- but no they think its garbage that's worth nothing, an opportunity wasted by blind eyes, an opportunity I’m willing to take and this opportunity will change history forever. So even if I lose, I will go down in history, remembered by all as a role model for both good and evil I suppose. . .

Those fools are so invested in their friendship cult and so used to forces trying to destroy it that it’d be so easy to manipulate them with their own foolish tactics. Using friendship against them is something they’d never expect, and if any creature on this cursed planet had half a brain they’d know it’d be so easy to complete, a plan that screamed success. A string that never expected to be tied around and cut until it's too late. Those fools will be hanging from their own ropes. . . It’s such a brilliant plan, one that would be risky for any creature, but not for me I've got this entire plan nailed down.

I already have my starting tools from scratch. A small sweet filly that only wants to learn about friendship, hm, and they said appearances don’t matter. . .

Now all I need to do is sneak into that vile school that claims to be teaching about friendship, knowing damn well their tying ropes around the necks of creatures that just came from struggles or little foals that don’t even know they're being manipulated into a cult that will hang them any minute they slip up. If you think about it. . . that’s pretty genius of them, creating a prison that traps the innocent as they mindlessly step inside, going by fake words, sealing their own fates, laying their lives in the hands of evil. You know what, it’d be a pleasure to use those horrid tactics against them once my plan gets into action.

I know that purple cult leader- no not the lilac one with purple and teal hair, the lavender one who recently turned into an alicorn for planting the seeds of this horrible cult, letting it grow and spread like wild fire, has some ancient artifacts in there, ones that I need to get for my plan to work. . . Oh and uh, don’t ask how I know she has artifacts in there.

. . .

Hey, it’s not stalking if you're just watching over the threat that could potentially kill you at any moment with just the thought of it. . . Who are you to start questioning me! Are you a guard of the cult!?

. . .

As I was saying, all I need are those artifacts and one particularly strong mare with magical abilities and skills that nearly rivaled an Alicorn’s. It’s a shame that cult leader fell into the greedy paws of a much bigger cult leader- a goddess on top of that, who also has a mother-daughter bond with the god of the sun itself and an aunt-niece bond with the wielder of the moon, and my stars, a sister in law with yet another goddess that is the blood that leaks out of the hearts of this poisoned land. Golly gee now that I think about it, it just looks like the bigger cult leader had a dagger held against the smaller one’s throat and threatened to do things that would make one wish for a beating from all the beast of Tartarus itself. Maybe some blackmail with some death threats were thrown in just to make sure the point got across, the point of who was really in control with more power.

Hm. . . Those ponies sure think they have everything under control, everything linked together so tightly no creature can escape. . .

I will be the one to set them free, the one to show them the truth, the hero and ruler every creature needs!

I will be the savior Equestria needs and I shan’t stop until the gods understand they are wrong, understand they are doing great evil.

I will show them their wronging's and teach them the true meaning of friendship and they shall not walk away unpunished for such crimes against equestrian kind. . .

I will be the savior, I will be remembered, I shall inherit the blood of the royal and turn the blood poisoned by foolish lies to blood of pure, I shan't fail, for I. Am. The. Cozy Glow!

Open your eyes Equestria, for your future empress is born.

. . .

. . . A bitter fate begins.