> Momma's Colt > by Strip Tease > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Momma's Colt > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a sunny afternoon in Ponyville as Button Mash and Sweetie Belle trotted through the busy streets. It was the end of the school day, and the two had made plans to hang out after school together. They had been spending a lot of time together over the past few months, hanging out and getting to know one another. Sweetie wasn’t sure how to describe it. She wouldn’t exactly call Button her boyfriend. Then again, she had never had a boyfriend before. Her sister sure seemed to call him that, pestering her for details of each outing as soon as she got home. She was just a young mare figuring out what she wanted. She liked spending time with Button. Even if he was a bit whiney. He seemed to fuss a bit over just about anything. He certainly wasn’t some macho stallion, but she didn’t need that. She was a strong and smart mare who had helped to save Equestria a few times. She didn’t need some stallion coming to her rescue. She could handle herself, and in way, she kind of liked handling Button. It made her feel good to help him with his little mishaps. She had been a little surprised when he had said about coming to his house today. The few other times she had mentioned wanting to come over, the young gamer seemed to always have an excuse as to why they couldn’t go there to spend their time. Still, her curiosity as to what exactly her friends home looked like would soon be answered as she saw her stallion escort turn off the road and head toward the door of a home. “MOOOOOOM! I’M HOME!” Button yelled out as the two entered his house. The house looked pretty typical to Sweetie, with a hallway leading to the living room and kitchen, and stairs leading to the upstairs. Button turned and entered the kitchen, embracing a yellow mare with a brown mane and tail Sweetie deduced was his mother. “Welcome home sweetie. And I see you brought Sweetie Belle.” “Hi Mrs. Cream Heart.” Said Sweetie with a smile. She had seen Cream Heart around before, but had never meet her in pony before. “Will you be joining us for dinner dear? I made plenty.” Sweetie could smell something delicious cooking in the oven. She hadn’t planned to stay that late, but the smiling faces of Button and his mother compelled her to accept the invite. After all it was the weekend. There was plenty of time to do other things. “Why don’t you two head upstairs? I’ll be up with some refreshments shortly.” “Yay!” Exclaimed Button as he galloped out of the room and up the stairs, seeming to forget Sweetie Belle was even there. Sweetie rolled her eyes in annoyance. He could’ve at least waited for her. “He gets so hyper sometimes. His room is just up the stairs. Take a left and it’s the first door on your right.” Said Cream Heart. “Thanks!” Said Sweetie, galloping out of the room and up the stairs, following Cream Heart’s directions. As she headed towards the room, she could hear the sounds coming from within, and light leaking out into the hall. Upon stepping inside Sweetie took note of her surroundings. At first, she figured she had taken a wrong turn. Inside the room appeared to be a full nursery. A crib was against the wall by the window. A changing table with stuffed animals on top was perpendicular to the wall beside it. A few scribbles were hung on the walls and a few toys were on a rug in the center of the room. Just as she was about to turn and leave, she saw Button at a desk, his saddle bag beside him as he placed his homework on the desk top for later. “Uh…” Sweetie began before Button took notice of her. “Hi Sweetie! Do you like my room?” Asked Button with a smile. “You mean your little siblings’ room?” Asked Sweetie, wondering why her friend did his homework in such an odd environment. Before she could question further Sweetie felt a light nudge from behind her. “Here we go. Two drinks for my little colt and his little friend.” Said Cream Heart, walking past Sweetie and over to Button. “Thanks Mom!” Said Button. Sweetie couldn’t see Button at first, just his mother standing in front of him. When she stepped aside, she was shocked to find Button not drinking from an ordinary glass. Instead, the nearly full-grown colt was holding a baby bottle with both hooves, the audible sounds of suckling coming from the bottle as he drank what appeared to be milk from the nipple. Sweetie was stunned and a little creeped out. How could Button live like this? How could his mom live like this? She was about to turn to leave when Cream Heart walked up to her. “Don’t think I forgot about you Sweetie. Here you go!” Cream Heart smiled, hoofing over another baby bottle with milk into her empty hoof. “Oh. Uh… I should really be going.” Said Sweetie, trying to get as far away as possible. “Nonsense! You just got here. We haven’t even had dinner yet.” Sweetie stood still. This was all too weird, but she didn’t want to be rude or be a bad friend. Surely, she could put up with one evening of whatever weird stuff Button and his mom got up to? “Right. Dinner.” “Go on and drink up Sweetie. You must be thirsty after the long walk here.” Sweetie looked at the bottle and gulped. She wasn’t getting out of this. She brought the rubber nipple to her mouth and began to suckle. To her surprise the liquid appeared to be not milk but cream, and was quite delicious. She began to suckle more vigorously, taking no notice of Button or Cream Heart. Before long, the bottle was empty and Sweetie was suckling nothing but air. She let the plastic bottle fall to the floor. The rich drink had left her feeling bloated and tired. She felt like she’d been up all night in a matter of moments. Her movements were clumsy and uncoordinated. “Have a seat Sweetie.” Sweetie looked up to find Cream Heart leading her over to a bean bag chair at Button’s desk, which she collapsed into with a slump. Cream Heart then grabbed a book on the desk and got in front of Sweetie Belle, using her hoof to bring her to eye level. “When I heard my little Button had found himself a new friend, I didn’t think much of it. It’s only natural for ponies to make friends of course. But after a couple nights of coming home late and not learning his lesson, I could see my little colt was starting to push away from his Mommy.” Sweetie Belle looked on, hearing every word Cream Heart said with panic in her mind but able to do nothing. Her body wouldn’t do what her brain told it. “But this is nothing Mommy can’t fix. Soon everything will be right as rain again.” Cream Heart flipped open the book, holding it up and reciting a passage. Big kids run and play all day Babies don’t have much to say Big kids grow up big and strong Babies know growing is wrong Big kids learn lots of things Babies chew on teething rings Big kids like to use the potty Babies know toilets are naughty Big kids know lots of games Babies don’t remember names Big kids love being hyper Babies love a messy diaper Big kids love a baseball glove Babies want their Mommy’s love Your big kid thoughts now down the drain An infant’s mind is what you gain As Cream Heart recited each line, magic auroras began to swirl around the room, each one seeming to fly from out Sweetie’s ear and into the air. With the final line recited, a loud bang rang out and Sweetie felt her mind go blank. She looked up at Cream Heart. “Mommy!” yelled Sweetie, running over and giving the mare a hug. “Hello Sweetie. Did you have fun at school?” Sweetie nodded. “Good. Let’s get you and your brother into your diapers. I bet you both really have to go.” “Yes Mommy.” Sweetie said as she walked over and hopped up on the changing table. Cream Heart made quick work of powdering and strapping a diaper around her waist before setting her down on the floor. “Hop up baby boy!” Cream Heart called to Button. Button had been on the floor the whole time, having finished his bottle a while ago and absorbed in the soothing hypnotic trance suckling provided for him for extended periods of time. He quickly snapped out of it and hopped up on the changing table, giggling in anticipation for his diaper. Back on the floor, Sweetie was looking at the world through new eyes. The eyes of an obedient little infant who did what her Mommy said. It had barely been a moment before instincts took in, and Sweetie instinctively squatted and let out a sigh. Her diaper began to fill and swell with pee, warming and making her giggle. She hadn’t gone since that morning, and now had plenty to give her poofy padding. Warm mess soon followed as the seat of her diaper filled with brown mush. Finished with her business, the filly sat down with a splat, giggling at the wet and squishy mess she now sat in. One hoof drifted down rubbed the squishy garment. Giggles came out her muzzle and drool dripped down her chin. She squirmed in her seat, enjoying how nice her warm and messy diaper felt. There was no shame. No disgust. Just pleasure from the sensations she was feeling. “Done!” Said Cream Heart, giving her son kisses on his tummy. Button giggled and squirmed on the changing table, the colt now in his own diaper and happy to be getting Mommy’s attention. A moment later the colt filled his own diaper, not even off the changing table as he filled his diaper with poop and pee. “My two little foals. I always wanted a daughter.” Said Cream Heart looking down at Sweetie who babbled and cooed up at the bigger pony. She sat Button down next to her on the floor and went to the kitchen to finish cooking dinner. The two oversized foals passed the time chewing and sucking on the various plastic toys on the floor before their Mommy came and carried them to the kitchen, placing them both in high chairs. “Open wide!” Cream Heart said to each foal as she spoon feed them mashed carrots and peas. Both foals got most of the meal on themselves, despite obediently opening their mouths on command for their nummies. They both lacked any coordination in their current states. Not that it bothered Cream Heart. This was all part of a daily routine for her. After dinner came bath time, with her carrying both Button and Sweetie up to the bathroom and placing them in the tub. Both giggled and splashed during their bubble bath, Cream Heart giving them bath toys to play with as she expertly washed their manes, tails, and coats. After another hour of play time and some warm bottles, she sat both ponies in Button’s oversized crib. There was plenty of room for Sweetie to sleep, the new baby cuddling up to her brother Button. Both ponies fell asleep quickly, with Cream Heart barely getting through half their bed time story before they each snoozed peacefully in their crib Cream Heart raised the crib’s bars and turned out the light, closing the door behind her. A part of her felt bad for Sweetie. Getting close to her son without realizing he was still her baby. She couldn’t allow him to grow up though. He needed his Mommy. Plus, it would be nice having a baby filly to take care of. As Cream Heart got ready for bed a few hours later, she noticed a set of ballies on her dresser, a remanent of her childhood she’d found while going through things. She smiled as she had a cute idea. “Hurry now you two! Or you’ll be late for school.” Said Cream Heart, ushering the two young ponies out the door. Sweetie had spent the whole weekend with her new Mommy and Brother, the trance making her incapable of even thinking about escape. Her weekend was filled with lots of drooling, stories, mushy food, messes, and other infantile things that would’ve made her gag. In a few words however, it was liked it never even happened. Sweetie looked out the front door ahead of her, her friend Button leading the way. “By Mom!” Yelled Button as he made his way outside. Sweetie’s head felt foggy. She didn’t remember coming over this morning. Yet here she was with saddle bag in hoof. She must’ve been really sleepy. “Off you go Sweetie Belle. Have fun at school!” Said Cream Heart, giving her a little nudge out the door. “Right. Bye Mo- I mean Mrs. Cream Heart.” Said Sweetie, tripping over her words like she almost tripped over her hooves. Cream Heart smiled as she watched both kids walk off, taking special note of the cute pig tails she put in Sweetie’s mane. Sweetie would vaguely remember putting them in morning later, finding them super cute. When ponies asked her where she’d been all weekend, she would say she was at home with her mom. Even if she couldn’t quite remember all the details. Her attitude would be a little more like Button’s now too at school, being a little hyper and whiney. When anypony questioned it, she would just dismiss them and say she was fine. Se would be spending much more time at Button’s house now though. Cream Heart made sure of that. She just loved taking care of her adorable little foals.