> Cuddlable > by Cuddlemeister > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Too Cuddlable > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- All the way in his upstairs room, Silver Belle heard the boutique door slam shut five minutes before the scheduled closing time. He sighed. He already knew how tonight was going to go. A bad day at work always had Rarity stressed. Silver Belle kept his focus on his homework and pretended that he didn't hear his sister Rarity stomping upstairs and past his room. He should've come up with some kind of excuse to get out, but he was out of luck on that front: Applebloom was out of town, and Scootaloo had late night flight practice. No luck. He wasn't anxious, however, as the moon rose. Only resigned. A couple more hours of silence, he thought. A couple hours that went by too soon. Silver Belle had just laid down in bed with a book when Rarity knocked at his door. He couldn't even get his mouth open before she flung it open and strutted into his room with a bright smile. "Not tonight," Silver Belle grumbled and let the book drop onto his face. A faint glow enveloped it before it was tossed aside. "Oh come now, Silver," Rarity whined, "it's been too long since we've slept together!" It was nothing so lewd. No, it was exactly what it said on the tin: Rarity got stressed, she had trouble sleeping, and so she came to get him. Her brother-slash-personal teddy bear. It'd been like that for as long as he could remember, because apparently he was a good 'cuddler' for as long as Rarity could remember. Silver Belle reluctantly had to admit that she was right: he didn't remember a night the two weren't cuddled up that Rarity woke up anything less than well-rested. "It's only been two nights..." Silver Belle mumbled, but it was too late. Rarity had trotted up to him, and without his book shield he was left to face the full force of her pouting. He closed his eyes and rolled over, but his resistance wouldn't last long. He needed some kind of reason. "I-I'm thirteen, I'm too old for this!" It wasn't that he didn't like spending time with his sister! It was just that he had... plans. Plans with a little magic and a lot of flipping through the Playcolt magazine hidden under his bed. He heard Rarity huff. "You're still a colt in my eyes, darling." "I'm sure you can get through a night without me, Rarity!" He wouldn't break without a fight! Rarity sighed in contentment, front legs wrapped around Silver Belle. He caved. Now he was bundled up in thick blankets, almost a little too warm with how his sister kept him pressed against her. This was the real problem: when Rarity fell asleep, she was a rock. A really possessive rock that wouldn't let him go if her life depended on it. No choice but to deal with it and sleep, then. It wasn't all bad, though: Rarity's heartbeat kept him company. Her bed was a lot more comfy. Plus, her berry conditioner was just soft enough to be pleasant. Yeah... his magazine would be there tomorrow, Silver Belle thought. That was a mistake. Thinking of that magazine and the cute mares in it created a sudden, second problem: puberty rearing its head and raising his lower one. Oh no. Silver Belle tried to wriggle away, but Rarity was never stronger than when she was clinging to her personal teddy. Moments passed. It was futile. Silver Belle was rock hard. Silver Belle was mortified. With how close Rarity held him, Silver Belle could feel his member sandwiched between them. He would've prayed Rarity didn't wake up, but he didn't want to bring any attention to why. Silver Belle tried again to wriggle out of her grip. Second mistake. A mistake that sent shivers down his spine: Rarity was... soft. Really soft. Soft and so pleasantly warm. Was it always this hot under the covers? Every time he moved and Rarity resisted, Silver Belle was stroking himself against her stomach. Why did this feel so much better than his own hooves and magic? Silver Belle knew that probably shouldn't have been the question going through his mind right now, but the lower head had booted the upper one out of the driver's seat. At some point, frustrated grunts and squirming had become flushed panting and bucks of his hips. He should stop. He had to stop. But... Rarity murmured something under her breath. Silver Belle froze and looked up, thankfully into her still-closed eyes. She turned onto her back... taking him with her. His face was stuck in the crook of her neck, but he could stand. He could move his hips. Finally, it was a lot easier to slip himself out of her grip. Instead, Silver Belle noticed it was a lot easier to thrust his hips. Warm, silky fur ran across his member every time he thrust himself forward. Wrapped in heat, he was paying just as much attention to Rarity's closed eyes as he was to the faint blush showing on her cheeks. Silver Belle had caved again. Now, instead of moving himself away, he only moved himself down just enough to have his stallionhood riding against her teats. A pleased coo from Rarity had him humping faster, but it was only when the heat reached its peak that Silver Belle recognized this third and most crucial mistake: there was nowhere for him to finish. He could get away with whatever he wanted while Rarity was asleep, but he wasn't explaining to his sister in the morning why the two woke up magically glued together. Think, Silver, think! Rarity's room had no shortage of fabric. He grabbed whatever scraps he could in a magic grip, and just as his thoughts were awash in white, he managed to haphazardly jam it between the two of them. Even then, he came enough to have ropes spilling out of the makeshift pouch, invisible against his sister's white fur. Trembling, Silver Belle slid himself from Rarity's grip and flopped onto his back. Even the comforter rubbing against the sensitive head sent jolts through him. Thought returned to him, and just as quickly began falling away, not into the white of climax but the dark of sleep. It wasn't a perfect crime, Silver thought as he tied the pouch with his telekinesis, turning it into a sodden sack as full as he was empty. The only thing he could think to do was chuck it under the bed. He'd clean it when she was washing up tomorrow. Definitely not the perfect crime... Those were the last thoughts in Silver Belle's mind as he turned to curl back up with his sister and fell asleep to the sounds of her soft breathing, and the velvet smoothness of her fur as he slowly yet unashamedly dry humped her until sleep claimed him. And probably more after that. The first rays of dawn peeked through the curtains, and Rarity woke up as refreshed as ever. She stretched herself out with a pleased sigh, and brought down the covers. Heavens! She almost forgot about poor Silver Belle. "Oh! Sorry, darling, I..." Rarity blinked. He hadn't even budged through all of that. He was out like a light. She chuckled to herself ."You're lucky it's the weekend." Slipping out of bed, she passed by one of many mirrors. Oh, dear, her coat was terribly messy today. No matter! She had a lot of work to do, but today was going to be much better! All the way in his upstairs room, Silver Belle heard the boutique door slam shut five minutes before the scheduled closing time. He smiled. He already knew how tonight was going to go. A bad day at work always had Rarity stressed. Silver Belle poked his head out into the hall just as Rarity was stomping to her room, brow furrowed in quite the unmarelike show of annoyance. "Want me with you tonight?" he asked. Surprise wiped away Rarity's anger. With a big, cheesy grin, she yanked him into a hug. "Oooh, I knew you loved it!" All the while, Silver Belle just hopped she didn't get close enough to feel him against her. That'd come later. Yeah... maybe being cuddlable wasn't so bad after all... > Too Tempting > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Rub it in more, why don't you," Scootaloo teased as she, Applebloom and Silver Belle trotted home from school. "I have no idea what you're talking about," Silver Belle said flatly. It would have been more accurate to say that Scootaloo and Applebloom were trotting. Silver Belle, on the other hand, was as close as he could get to prancing. "Don't be jealous, Scootaloo!" Applebloom protested. "Even if he is really obvious about havin' a new fillyfriend." "Or a coltfriend," Scootaloo added and nudged Silver Belle's side. Silver Belle rolled his eyes. "What, can't a colt just be happy?" It wasn't like he could mention the real reason he was so at peace, recently. That would make sleepovers a little awkward. Unfortunately, Rarity hadn't needed him as much recently. It'd been a few nights. Maybe he'd have to finally use that old Playcolt magazine again. It was better than having to keep hiding his frustration at the worst times... After another few rounds of teasing, Silver Belle yawned and pushed open the door to the boutique. Rarity snatched his hoof up before it hit the ground and dragged him inside. "Thank goodness you're here!" The place was a mess of fabric and designs. "I need some help. This must be the busiest day of the year!" Jackpot! Or not. He wasn't wrong, technically speaking: he was snuggled up to his sister in bed, the two of them in fluffy, pink robes, clean and relaxed after a nice long bath. The real issue was that Rarity had apparently decided that he'd do a lot better as her pillow tonight, clinging on tight with her face buried in his stomach. This was not what he had planned, but at least his sister was sleeping well. He was starting to take some pride in that, you know! Silver Belle tried to wriggle down. No luck, still trapped. Then, maybe trying to wriggle up instead? No luck. But, he got another idea! He shed his comfy robe, sacrificing it to Rarity's clutches to break free. This got Silver Belle a brief moment of freedom before Rarity pushed the robe away and latched back onto him. Frustrated, he redoubled his efforts, faint grunts escaping into the night air. Some part of his body recognized the similarities to other nights though: out came his cock, hard and ready at last. At this rate, it was going to be very disappointed. "Sorry, buddy," Silver Belle grumbled, "Nothing for you tonight." His grunts began to change from exertion alone, though. After all, after he managed to scoot up enough, all he was really managing was to hump his sister's face, and boy did he not want her to wake up now of all times. No luck, still trapped: Rarity still had him by the hips. Silver Belle flopped back with a last groan. Great. Another dry night. Below, Rarity murmured something under her breath and nuzzled against him to drive it in. Nuzzled against "little" him. He shuddered and closed his eyes, trying his best to ignore his stallionhood flaring, lightly slapping against Rarity's cheek each time. He'd just have to use magic. Silver Belle looked down one last time. His pale cock was pressed up against his sister's sleeping face, grinding against the side of her muzzle. A drop of precum spilled down his barrel, the drop glossing over Rarity's lips until her tongue curiously slid across them, taking it with. It was, unfortunately, the hottest thing he'd seen in his life. SIlver Belle was suddenly very, very aware of her breath tickling across his crotch. Every hair his cock brushed against. How soft Rarity's lips looked while she sleepily mumbled something, none the wiser. He was entranced. He was determined. Silver Belle frantically tried to shuffle up to the headboard, but Rarity kept pulling at him. She wouldn't let go, but he'd do with some space. Just enough for just long enough to gently take his stallionhood in his magic and angle it juuuust right. His tip glided across Rarity's cheeks once. Twice. The third time, he had it centered at her lips, and just in time for Rarity to start pulling him forward again. Her lips parted. Silver Belle stopped breathing. He could swear he felt her tongue swiping around again, taking in more of his pre. Rarity shifted, and he slid off yet again. This time, her grip was steel. He wasn't moving again. It took everything Silver Belle could do not to curse. Excitement could only take him so far: this day was exhausting. All this wiggling and writhing just made him more tired. Defeated, Silver Belle stared at the ceiling, more aware than ever of how his member was standing a lot taller than and harder than his horn, and even more aware of how his full balls were making for a semi-painful pillow right about now. After another struggle, he managed to get his robe loosely back on. Silver Belle stole a last look down. It looked as silly as it was hot, seeing his cock at full mast amidst a sea of very bright pink robes. He hoped it settled down eventually. He wasn't even in the mood to use his magic now. Silver Belle fought back a scowl while he stalked back home from school. Behind him, Applebloom leaned over to whisper to Scootaloo: "Must've been a bad breakup." The giggling did not help his mood. His sour mood did have one good thing going for him: Rarity was ecstatic when he was the one to ask to sleep over for once. It was the first time he'd done so when he wasn't "needed" in at least a year, which was why Silver Belle was surprised to trot into Rarity's bedroom to find her not just in her robe with a sleep mask on, but positively sprawled out on the bed. Silver Belle guessed that must've been how she went to bed on a good night. Or maybe she forgot he'd asked, because she was already asleep. There was a robe waiting for him, hung up beside the bed. He didn't bother putting it on. Silver Belle clambered up onto the bed, and Rarity turned to grab onto him like a magnet. He tried to resist the best he could, nudging and wiggling until she'd rolled onto her back, still holding him. He was already hard. Of course he was, this was his favorite spot the last couple weeks. After five very long nights, he was definitely waking up empty, but before that, he wanted to test something. All he had to do was wriggle forward. More... more... there! Rarity's front legs were hooked onto his flanks, but Silver Belle stood with his stallionhood incessantly twitching tapping away at her muzzle. Even standing was hard though, with Rarity tugging away for him to lie down. This wasn't a great position: he couldn't easily look down to check if Rarity was still asleep, the blindfold didn't help, and he had to cling to the headboard to stay standing. This was stupid, but that was fine! It was a test. Just a test, he told himself. Rarity pulled at him again, but this time he accepted and dropped his hips lower. His cock pressed against her soft lips. Just to know if he could, he told himself. Rarity pulled again, and this time, the tip was surrounded in wet warmth as it dipped past her lips. Silver Belle closed his eyes, accepted his fate, shoved whatever could go wrong out of his mind, and brought his hips down. Rarity made a muffled, sleepy giggle. Then she opened her mouth, and his cock slipped into heaven. Silver Belle saw white. His breath rattled. His cock sank deeper. Deeper. Her tongue slid and stroked along the underside of it, curious and greedy. He strangled back his moans, but that was really hard with Rarity purring something in her sleep and sending more trembles up his spine. Yeah, that was enough. He got what he wanted. Time to pull back before he got in trouble. Silver Belle tried to bring his hips back. Rarity dragged his hips back down. Even when he thought she'd surely choke, the tightness around his stallionhood only increased, and Silver Belle realized that she was swallowing him down without a problem. He tried again, and this time he was pulled down to the hilt. She still had that grip of iron. Was she still asleep? Just what kind of dreams was his sister having! Already panting, he readjusted and shifted, but all that did was grind his cock into her throat more. Every time he'd pull away, every time he was almost free, Rarity refused to let him go. And at some point, his resistance broke. Frantic attempts to escape became frantic humping. Even when he felt his hips bumping against her muzzle, he kept thrusting. Even when all he could hear was his heavy breathing, the slap of his balls against his sister's chin and her wet slurping every time he pulled back, he kept thrusting. Screw it. He'd accepted his fate, after all. He didn't even know how long he was humping away, but Silver Belle did feel when his limit finally came. His entire body tensed to keep quiet, riding his hips hard against her muzzle and pumping what must've been an endless amount of cum into her waiting mouth. So many pent-up days unloaded themselves down Rarity's loudly gulping throat, spilled down her chin, coated his balls, filled her mouth. Green sparks drifted down from his horn, fading into Rarity's fur. But Silver Belle crawled out of the brilliant haze eventually to the loud blaring of his brain telling him he was screwed. There was no chance Rarity slept through it. He was going to look down, see her furious and have to explain something he had no answer for. His mane matted, tail limp, fur ragged and with hearts in his eyes, Silver Belle still took his last seconds of freedom slowly dragging his cock free from Rarity's mouth. With a wet, sloppy pop and feeling of chill night air, he was free, and Silver Belle forced himself to look down. Rarity was panting, and her mouth was still wide open, letting him see the white he'd painted her throat with. His sodden cock laid limp against her face, pearly trails of cum and saliva still linking it to her painted lips, matting her cheeks, even dripping down across her mask. She didn't move. No, she did: she pulled at hips once again and made a bigger mess of her face. She was still asleep. She was still asleep? Silver Belle stared on in awe. There was no way! Should he check under her blindfold? No, that'd be even dumber. She was out like a light, and comprehending that was the last thing his lower head let his upper head do before shoving it right out of the window. With power only endless lust and nearly a week of waiting could give him, Silver Belle finally broke free from Rarity's grip long enough to turn around, wiggle his hips and sink his cock back in at a new angle. One where he could thrust to his heart's content and moan into her fur, head buried in her stomach, nose full of her conditioner, balls slapping against her muzzle and cock thoroughly plowing her throat. Some time after his second load, Rarity had grabbed back onto his flanks. The melody of gasps and chokes, suckling and slaps threatened to lull him to sleep, but Silver Belle had no intent of doing so. His cock flared, starting another choir of greedy gulping from his third thick load. During the fourth, he'd gotten enough of his mind back to fool with Rarity's teats, and all of her muffled moans stole his fifth even faster. It'd be two more shots before—sore, sucked dry, covered in sweat and with his mind in the clouds—Silver Belle shakily crawled forward, limp cock dragged free from her mouth. Rarity was still suckling at the tip, sending just as much pleasure through him as dull pain. Groaning, he pulled free and left his member to wetly flop down her neck, no doubt leaving another trail of white on her fur. After some magic patting down, he found and drew his robe to him. Silver Belle legs shook, unable to let him stand. He did his worst work yet in trying to wipe off Rarity's face, thanked Celestia that it'd at least any of the thick mess he missed would probably blend into her fur, and with one tug, pulled her sleep mask free to hide under the bed for tomorrow. Still asleep. Silver Belle thanked Luna for that one. He struggled to get his front legs through the robe, tried his best to ignore how much Rarity still left lazy kisses on his cock, and crawled forward to rest his head on her stomach. It made a pretty good pillow when it was so full. He held onto his hopes that he wouldn't be in trouble up until he fell asleep or blacked out. It was one or the other. Rarity woke up at the crack of dawn to find Silver Belle positively tangled up with her. Blushing, her first thought was to be mortified: she could already catch a whiff of her own excitement. She had quite the amazing dreams, last night. Very inappropriate dreams to have beside her little brother! She yawned, and found her throat feeling a bit sore. Ugh, and she must've been drooling all through the night, too: she looked a mess! Rarity rubbed at her stomach. Had she even gained a couple pounds too or was she imagining things? She sighed and shook her head. She had a long, long morning ahead of her. At least she didn't feel peckish like she usually did in the morning! It was the little things that counted. She lifted Silver Belle up with a little magic to get out from under him. He didn't so much as twitch. Rarity giggled and gave him a kiss on the forehead. Out like a light again, hm? He'd better love these lazy days while they lasted. But as Rarity trotted off to start a nice, long bath, she paused and pondered something. Didn't she use her sleep mask that night? Oh well... She couldn't help but lick her lips though, when she thought about it.