> Creatures Complaining About Eggs > by sxcbeast > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Have egg, will lay. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Smolder sat on the top row of seats, her chin resting on her palm, looking down with mild disinterest at the rest of the class down below. Professor Sparkle's lecture was over something boring that didn't interest her, until Smolder spotted Ocellus fidgeting in her seat, seeing her hoof raised. "Professor, may I be excused; it's an emergency." Smolder mirrored the alicorn's surprise. "Are you not feeling well? Should we get Professor Fluttershy?" Asked Twilight. It wasn't like Ocellus to leave in the middle of class, the Princess knew something was amiss as well. Smolder knew Ocellus took great strides ensuring nothing got in the way of her attendance. She seemed really uncomfortable today, so maybe something really was wrong. "Um, maybe, I don't know," Ocellus rubbed her tummy. Smolder jumped at the opportunity to skip class. But of course she was also concerned for her friend. "I'll take her Professor, if that's okay?" At worst she just had a bad case of gas. "Oh! If Ocellus is okay with it, then you two can go together." Twilight excused them. Ocellus nodded in agreement, making a pained expression; but would agree to anything if it got her moving. Their other friends looked on in concern as they got up and left, getting no assurances from either. Silverstream reached over and grabbed Ocellus' book and notes. "I'll hang onto these and meet up with you later, hope you feel better!" Sge chirped after her. Ocellus grunted some semblance of thanks as she unceremoniously left class at a hurried pace. Smolder followed after Ocellus for a short while on the way to Professor Fluttershy's classroom. "So what's wrong, do you just need to use the bathroom?" Smolder asked. Ocellus winced in pain and half grunted her refusal. "Uh-uh..." "Got gas?" "Mmmm... no, I think it's happening." Smolder was confused. "Uhm, 'what', is happening?" Ocellus had to stop and clutch her stomach. Smolder reached to help, now getting scared for her, and noticed Ocellus looked bloated. Her belly was definitely rounder than normal, and her translucent chitin stomach was streched like the underbelly of a dragon; she only saw scales get stretched like that on fat dragons and... pregnant ones. When the light shone through the translucent parts of Ocellus' body, she could see dozens of small dotted shadows within her belly. "You're laying!?" Smolder gasped louder than she meant. "Yay, she's all caught up." Ocellus sarcssed while wincing. "Okay, I deserved that," Smolder deadpanned. "But seriously, should we get Fluttershy for you?" "I-" Ocellus immediately rushed into the closest bathroom. Smolder caught sight of a blue-greenish goo leaking from Ocellus' rear; she cautiously entered after her, and tried her best to pretend to ignore the sounds of water splashing as something was dropped into the floor toilets. Ocellus' grunts and moans of discomfort ebbed after a few minutes, with Smolder leaning against the sink, warding away any creature that entered. Ocellus came out looking ashamed. "I knew I should've stayed in my room today, I'm sorry you had to be here for this, Smolder; I hope you don't think I'm gross." She closed her eyes and looked away. "Hey, I know how it is, it's no problem." Smolder reassured. "You do?" Ocellus sounded hopeful, getting a deadpan eyebrow raised look from the dragoness. "Oh right, I didn't think any creature other than me was doing... this." "All better now though, isn't it?" Smolder asked, giving a sympathetic smile. "Much better." Ocellus sighed in relief. "So who's the daddy?" Smolder teased. "Very funny, Smol," Ocellus teased back. "They aren't fertilized, and I never fed on other's love... unless, well; we don't know if new Changlings are able to reproduce through parthenogenesis." She informed. "Partheno-what now?" Smolder repeated. "It means we can reproduce without a mate; I guess technically we can, but not without love to help fertilize the eggs we carry; it's such a hassle that I periodically have to... well, you know." She gestured at the stall behind her. "Yeah, it kinda sucks; so what's your count?" Smolder asked jokingly, not expecting an answer, but forgetting whom she was asking it to. Ocellus' cheeks blushed and looked back into the stall. "About two and half dozen, I think?" Smolder leaned over to get a look. There were definitely about two dozen small turquoise, translucent glass-like eggs, about the size of a chickens; grouped in clusters all around the floor toilet. Some stuck to the sides, floor and up the back wall; all covered in blueish-green changling goop. "Whoa, I think your aim was off, the janitor ponies aren't gonna be happy about this." Smolder said, sounding impressed. Ocellus whined in embarrassment, covering her mortified face. "I didn't mean to, sometimes my oviposter has a mind of it's own!" "I'm just teasin', we should go tell Professor Fluttershy, before some creature thinks there's been an alien invasion." Smolder smirked. Ocellus looked worried. "I'm not ready to face her yet; is it really that bad?" "Again, just teasing; I'm amazed you layed so many, respect." Smolder complimented, bumping her chest with a closed fist. Ocellus shrugged. "That's about what I usually lay. Why?" She asked. Smolder leaned against the bathroom wall, while Ocellus washed up. "Dragons lay bigger clutches the older we get, survival of the fittest and all that, it needs to be that way because loads of hatchlings get eaten up during their molt." "Oh... so how many do you lay now?" Ocellus asked. Smolder blushed "Just 4 so far; but it might be 6 this next time; mine are bigger than yours though." Ocellus dried off her hooves. "Are you about to lay as well?" Smolder looked away in embarrassment. "Y-yeah, maybe in a week... Spike's been looking pretty good lately; know what I mean?" She hinted. Ocellus smiled and tittered. "Yes, I think I do... do you have a nesting instict, does it feel good when they come out, how often do you lay?" She asked curiously in succession. Smolder's blush grew deeper. "Those are really personal questions!" She shouted louder than she meant. Ocellus looked disappointed. "Oh... sorry, it's just that there aren't many creatures that go to school that understand what it's like being an oviparous creature." Smolder took a breath and steeled herself before making herself vulnerable. "No, I know... it happens about every three months; but the older a dragon gets, it'll come in longer spans too; eventually I'll be laying more than a hundred once a century or so." She answered. Ocellus brightened, and waited to hear more. "It does feel kinda good, not usually, but I uh, I think... I kind of orgasmed the last time I layed my clutch." Smolder mumbled, but wanted to share, curious to hear if Ocellus experienced the same feeling. "Ooh, I love when that happens, and the next one slides out, mmhm!" Ocellus replied, closing her eyes. "It happened this time too, about half way done, you know, once the pressure and cramps weren't so bad." Smolder smirked and nodded in agreement. "Yeah, but the tummy aches and mood swings leading up to it really suck; for me, it's more about the relief after it's all done. And sometimes..." Smolder fidgeted, looking unsure, before covering her mouth whispering like telling a secret. "Sometimes I like to take a bunch of the school towels and make a nest out of them in my closet, lay my clutch, and... cuddle with my eggs." Smolder looked away, preparing for the teasing to come. Ocellus reassured her. "Ooh, do you feel like they need protecting?" Smolder hugged herself. "No, more like... they're my babies, you know? I just want to love them for a little while, and sometimes I get really sad after I have to... get rid of them; I know it's stupid, because I know they aren't real, they aren't fertilized, they aren't alive in the way that matters." She explained, while feeling vulnerable. Ocellus reassured her. "I don't think that's stupid at all. You made something that's yours. You're allowed to love what's yours, even if they won't hatch; I feel that way about mine right now; like, I need to stay here until they hatch, protect them, and part of my mind is wondering if the spot I chose is dark and damp enough for them." Smolder gave a grateful smile, but still tried to play it cool. "I know, but I'd appreciate it, if you didn't tell anyone." Ocellus sounded genuine "Your secret is safe with me. Thank you for sharing, Smolder; I feel a lot better having a friend that understands what it's like going through..." She gestured at the clutch of gooey eggs left in the stall. "Something like this." Smolder gave a non commital shrug. "Hey, what are friends for?" Ocellus teased. "Also, that's a really cute mental image of you curled up in a nest of towels with your egg-babies." Smolder rolled her eyes and smiled. "Yeah, yeah; ready to go see Nurse Fluttershy now?" "Yes, let's go, if we're quick, maybe the janitor ponies won't have to use a jackhammer to scrape off my eggs; Changling secretion hardens like concrete after it cures." The pair left and interrupted Professor Fluttershy's class. Fluttershy was attentive to their needs immediately. "Oh dear, are you feeling alright?" Ocellus explained what happened outside of her class, and went with the nurse-proffessor to show her the stall where the incident occurred. "Oh my." Fluttershy said in the same tone she used when one of her animals made a mess. Fluttershy spoke gently as she usually did. "Ocellus, I want you to wait in Counselor Starlight's office for me, okay?" "Am I in trouble?" Ocellus sounded worried. "Oh no, you aren't in any trouble at all, but this does bring to our attention a few things we weren't prepared for when accommodating students needs; I'm sure Counselor Starlight, and Headpony Twilight will want to talk with you about what happened." "Does she have to?" Smolder sounded miffed for her friend. And by extension this was a problem for herself too. It was just a few eggs, what's the big deal? Fluttershy offered a gentle, sympathetic smile. "No, we won't force you to do anything you don't want to do; but we also need an opportunity to talk about what happened, so we all understand how to accommodate your needs while you're attending school here." "I'll catch up with you at lunch Smolder, save me a plate?" Ocellus asked, getting a nod from Smolder. They separated and got back together again later during lunch; passing by the bathroom Ocellus used, was now cordoned off with an Out of Order sign on the door. Which miffed Smolder again. She didn't want anything out in the open that would make her friend feel embarrassed by something she couldn't control. Ocellus found Smolder sitting alone with two plates; their other friends were still in lines waiting for food. "Hey, so what'd they say?" Smolder mumbled around her mouthful of broccoli-cheese and emerald gem, rice casserole. Lunch time was the only time Smolder could really appreciate the benefits of Spike being raised as a pony. He made sure the food suited dragon needs too. Ocellus took her plate and stuffed a few bites down her gullet. "Sorry, I'm starving after all that 'labor'." She snorted a nerdy laugh. Smolder smirked. "You're such dork, but seriously; tell me what they did." Ocellus explained. "Counselor Starlight gave me a security blanket and empathy cocoa and wanted to know if I was going through post-partum depression. I feel kinda protective of my eggs, but I don't get that attached to them, so I told her I'm fine. "Then Headmare Twilight wanted to know if there was some way to accommodate my needs whenever I have to lay a clutch." Smolder nodded along. "So what'd you say?" "I told her that I usually find a private place off campus, but having a laying space in school would be more convenient. I didn't know what to do or where to go this time, since they came a few days early. "I didn't specify any creature, but I told them there were other creatures that have the same needs as me; I hope that was okay." Ocellus paused to see if she overstepped. Smolder shifted uncomfortably. "That's okay, it'd be nice if there was a warm volcanic crater I could use; what else?" "Then we got to the discussion of what to do after..." Ocellus trailed and took a bite of lunch. "After we make 'eggy in the basket'; don't start getting embarrassed now." Smolder teased. "I'm not embarrassed, I'm... self-conscious; I told them it'd help if there was a way we could... I don't know, 'separate' ourselves from our eggs, after we're done; but that's why I need to talk to you about it, because this can't be just about me." Smolder nodded and groaned. "I hate throwing mine away, ugh, makes me feel like I'm the worst mom ever; what do you do with yours?" Ocellus shrugged. "I usually throw them in the ponds and canals around school, the fish sure love them; speaking of..." Ocellus saw the rest of their friend group was headed to their table and sat with them. Silverstream sat down their books and notes. "Here's your notes, Smolder, Ocellus, are you feeling better, is it serious, are you dying, how much time do you have, why didn't you tell us!" Gallus reigned her in. "Too far babe, too far; let's back it up, that's it, just back it up." He pulled the Hippogriff away from nose booping her friend. Sandbar spoke in a chill voice. "Guys, give them some space to explain; what's all this undeserved pressure." Yona plopped down to sit, shaking the table. "When Yona feel pressure, Yona like to smash something until she feel better; or somepony, zing!" She nudged Sandbar, pushing the teen colt over, and gave Silverstream a highfive, which the Hippogriff was glad to reward. The duo were true dudettes together. Smolder groused. "Guys, it's not a big deal; it's just girl stuff." Ocellus turned to Smolder. "We really should include Silverstream in what's happening." Silverstream looked between them. "Include me in what?" "Girl stuff." Smolder repeated more firmly. "Yona is girl, and Yona has stuff, Yona will be included too!" She stated brightly Ocellus tittered. "I'm okay with that, what about you Smol?" She asked, getting a non-committal shrug from the dragoness as she chewed with detached interest. "Eh, what stuff?" Silverstream asked in confusion. Ocellus offered. "We should all meet in my room tonight, and talk about it." "Including us?" Gallus smirked while he and Sandbar leaned closer, a bright smile on their faces. Smolder puffed out a black smoke of annoyance. "Ugh, what part of girls stuff doesn't any creature understand!" Smolder got up and threw away her plate. "I'll see you girls later." She emphasised and stormed off. "Boy, she sure was 'huffy'," Sandbar set up. "Huffy the magic dragon," Gallus followed up and hoove-bumped his bro. "I dont know what we're talking about, but I am okay with it!" Silverstream said while looking airheaded. Ocellus shook her head in disapproval at the boys.