> Fright and Flight > by Dreams of Ponies > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Historical Friction > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Cut! Cut! That was terrible!”  Music stuttered, lights brightened and the collective sigh of several ponies pushed the tension around like slime. Pipp Petals, dripping wet and scowling, flapped down to the top of the crystal lighthouse where a red-faced Sprout waited in his director chair.  “What’s the problem now!?” Pipp had to shout as a crack of thunder was heard above them. Sprout and Pipp glared upwards, where her sister Zipp peered from atop a dark cloud. Zipp ducked back at the attention, avoiding the drama. “How many takes is this scene going to take, you vegetable?”  Sprout breathed deep, then pointed his megaphone directly at Pipp’s face. “Until you get it right!” After a smack and a thwack, he was rubbing his head, now sans one megaphone. “Fine, sorry. Look, this is the most intense scene in the movie.” He smacks a thick sheet of papers with his hoof. “This is the scene where the Shining Armor throws the soon-to-be ruler of the Crystal Empire through the sky to save the crystal heart. It’s a pivotal moment.”  The glass door behind Sprout popped open, smacking him in the butt. A cheerfully frizzy Izzy entered the scene. She tapped her chin with her hoof. “Are you sure that’s how it happened? Is that what couples were into back then?”  A voice came from inside the lighthouse, and so Izzy opened the door further. Sunny was resetting the lights for the reshoot when she turned to look out at them. “That’s pretty much how my dad told the story. Something about wife-throwing competitions to determine the longevity of a marriage.”  Pipp smacked her hoof against her forehead. “Getting off track. Fine, what can I do differently? She flicked raindrops from her wings and blew at her bangs with a puff of air.  “Well, first of all, the throw was off.” Sprout looked out and down to the bottom of the lighthouse. “Hitch, we’re gonna need more oomph than that! Do it for Maritime Bay!”  All the way on the ground, Hitch was wearing blue and white painted tin with a fake horn and blue wig. “How did you get this job again? There’s no way you’ve got any directing experience.”  Izzy and Sunny called down to Hitch in unison. “He’s the loudest and most obnoxious pony we know, and he’s good with a crowd.”  Hitch slumped. “You take over one town…” He shook his head and got back in position. “What’s after this scene again? I’m a bit beat.”  Pipp and Sprout looked at the script. “The Crystal Empire is saved and everyone lives happily ever after?” Pipp said hopefully. “And then Shining and Princess Cadance get kinky in the moonlight.” Sprout was completely serious. There was dead silence for a long moment.  Pipp started, “What… I don’t know– “I looooove it!” That was Izzy, of course. Her ear-to-ear grin was threatening to evolve into some cheshire monstrosity. “Do it! Doooo it!”  On ground level, Hitch was playing a very convincing steam kettle. Above though, Pipp Petal’s face was going through a mix of expressions. “Is that really necessary? I mean…” She looked down at Hitch. “I’ve never done anything like that.” Her fur hid her blush, but not her nervous wing twitch. “Hitch was nice enough to help so far, but, well…”  “It’s necessary if you want it to be accurate, Pipp.” Sprout stood atop his director chair, which was just a lawn chair with ‘director’ painted near the top. “You’re the star. You and the royal family are funding this. Don’t you want it to be perfect?”  A flutter of wings stopped as Zipp joined them, placing a consoling hoof around her sister’s shoulder. What’s up, Pippz? Getting cold hooves?” After receiving a cool stare in return, Zipp shrugged. “Why don’t we call it a day for now? You’re wet and tired, and I’m a bit sore from jumping on that cloud all day.”  Sprout raised his hoof to object, but when every mare raised an eyebrow, he sagged. Using his megaphone, he pointed down. “Alright, that’s a wrap. Meet tomorrow morning after breakfast. I wonder if mom will make me pancakes…” He looked sheepish after he realized he’d said that last part into the megaphone. Then he grinned. “Actually, not sorry. Mom’s pancakes are the best.”  Everypony said their goodnights as the night sky came into its full glory. Pipp and Zipp fluttered off into the air, setting down on a floofy cloud beneath the moonlight.  Pipp stretched her wings before trying to relax. Every few seconds though, her muscles twitched, and she had to readjust. Zipp watched her with a smile.  “Don’t tell me that, you of all ponies, are nervous about performing?” Zipp did her best impression of their mother’s mortified face. “With as many followers as you have, you’d think that–” Pipp smacked the cloud with a hoof, which crackled and popped. “That what? I’d have experience with stallions? That I was an experienced performer?” She put air quotes around ‘performer’ with her wings. “Just because I enjoy the attention of my Pippsqueaks doesn’t mean I’m some kind of whorse.”  Zipp raises her hooves. “Woah woah, chillax pegasis. Sorry for making assumptions, alright?” Zipp flopped backwards, causing the cloud to go ploof. “You’re always the popular one, you haven’t found anypony interested?”  Pipp sighed, pulling out her phone to flip through her social idly. “Mom never let me actually be alone with anypony. She always acts like I’m her little princess.” “You, uhm, are her little princess,” Zipp pipped. She got a glare in return. “Fine, fine, not helpful.” She got up, stepped over to Pipp and rolled the mare onto her back. “You want me to help?”  Pipp nodded slowly. “You want to get over your nerves?”  She nodded again. Zipp moved closer, her hooves to either side of Pipps head, her wings spread wide. “Then let your big sis show you how to make Pipp squeak.”  “Ha-ha.” Pipp was quite unamused until Zipp bent down and nibbled on her sister’s neck. Her pink fur stood on its end as she froze.  “That’s not the sound you’ll be making when I’m done.” Pipp’s phone fell from her hoof next to her as Zipp pressed down with her hooves. She spread Pipp’s wings out flat and stroked her chest gently with a hoof. “Don’t worry, I won’t tell anypony. This is just… for… you.”  As Pipp started to speak, Zipp pressed a wing against her lips. Then she moved her feathers to stroke up and down Pipp’s bare stomach. Shivers ran up her body as her body slowly untensed. Zipp moved from nibbling Pipp’s neck to slowly teasing her wing’s feathers. Pipp quivered, then winced as Zipp plucked a loose feather free. “Sorry, while I’m here, you know.” Zipp grinned, then moved lower. All Pipp could do was nod as her sister gently teased her nipple. She bit back any objections as her body twitched. Zipp grinned. “You know how much I like to explore and try new things.”   When Zipp was done tonguing Pipps tiny teats, and could feel her sister whining softly, she lowered her body, using her wings to ease Pipp’s lower legs apart. Like a gardener stepping onto a fresh glistening garden of morning dew, Zipp’s face glowed.  “I bet you’ll taste like flowers too, Petals.” Her tongue strokes were long, slow and light, a calligraphy brush tracing from Pipp’s hole like an inkwell up to her clit. She finished the line with a circle around her sister’s clit to form a ‘P’.  Pipp tried to jerk, only to be held down by Zipp’s hooves. “Holy fizz on an Izzy.” She looked up at her grinning sister. She tried to say something cool, appropriate, smooth, but all that came out was, “Can you do that again, please?”  “Of course, your highness.” They both snickered as Zipp used her wings to hold Pipp’s folds open, teasing her pearl with the tips of her feathers.  “Ach!” Pipp did her best to squirm without moving her lower body.  “Sweet spot.” Zipp grinned, gently brushing Pipp’s clit every so often as she deep dived into Pipp’s vagina like she’s trying to find the bottom. Down, around, and back up in long, smooth licks, she takes a breather to see Pipp panting with wide eyes and fur damp from sweat. “Oh, I’ve got you good now.” Back down, Zipp goes for the kill and gently squeezes Pipp’s clit with her teeth. The scream from Pipp was loud enough to wake the dead, or, at least, Sunny and Izzy in the lighthouse.  Lights flicked on, and a spotlight lit up Zipp and Pipp’s cloud as whistling and hollering wafted up to the intertwined pair. Zipp looked down on her sister with a raised eyebrow. “It’s your show, sis.”  Pipp slowed her breathing, closing her eyes for a long moment before she nodded. She lifted and locked her lower hooves around Zipp and, with a mischievous grin, flipped the scene on its head. From below, they heard gasps and giggles before somepony, probably Izzy, put on saucy background music.  “You can do it!” Izzy started. You can d–” There was a smack. “Ow, what was that for?”  Zipp looked up at her sister, who was glowing in the multicolored light setup for the film. From the ground, she surely looked like a star not fallen, but rising to the sky. Pipp, in control and very much in the present, reached down and bit Zipp’s wing without restraint. Zipp groaned, her muscled and firm wings melting under her sister’s bites. With a hoof, Pipp stroked up and down her sister’s chest in time with the music as she turned Zipp into a pegasister puddle.  “You, ugh–” Zipp started, as Pipp’s teeth clamped down again. “–know me so well, don’t you?”  There was a crackle as Pipp pulled Zipp’s hooves out and over. Zipp slumped as Pipp grinned. “I know how much flying and jumping around you do.” Pipp tutted as she looked Zipp over. “I also know that, between the two of us, which one knows how to really pamper a pony.”  Zipp groaned, Pipp grinned, Izzy cheered and Sunny tried to go back to sleep.  Sucking in a long breath, Pipp took the plunge and found Zipp’s doo-dah.  “Eeeep!” Zipp’s tail and wing spazzed out as Pipp latched onto her sister’s snatch and sucked. “Oh. My. Feathers. Don’t stop.” Zipp’s legs tensed and relaxed as Pipp slurped and pulled at Zipp’s sensitive marehood. Finally letting her tongue out to play, she flicked and twisted it around her sister’s clit like polishing a perfect pearl while her wings teased Zipp’s nipples. The squeak that came from Zipp’s mouth felt like she was trying to join Pipp’s fanclub.  “Piiipp! Piiiiiiipp!” Zipp’s wings flapped hard, pushing them both above the cloud. The spotlight followed them as the music crescendoed with the moment. From below, their shape was silhouetted against the moon in some carnal shadowy display. “I’m gonna–”  With a push and pull of hooves, Pipp dragged her tongue out of Zipp, trailing love juices as she moved further south and went straight between Zipp’s normally tight flanks. Like a viper, she claimed her prize, and drove her tongue straight into Zipp’s rear end. The combination of Zipp’s own fluids and her sister’s tongue penetrating her anus had Zipp squirting so hard that anyone beneath them would have thought it was raining. Actually, there was a yell from below. With an actual record scratch, the music stopped. From the ground, Hitch, now in his butterfly pajamas, stared up at them, drenched in marital fluids.  “You know you’re streaming, right!?”  Pipp’s head turned slowly to glance over her shoulder. Her phone, light on and glowing, displayed her live-stream status with over twenty minutes on the counter. The audience chat was waterfalling faster than she’d ever seen it, and she probably could have died right then.  Zipp pulled Pipp close though, hooves in her sweat-soaked mane. “It’s your show, Pipp, and you’re always the star.” Then they shared a long kiss. A kiss of love, of sisterhood, of life-long faith in each other. When they were done. Pipp looked at her sister with a grin.  “Think you’d look good in blue armor?”  From below, Hitch sighed in relief. “Thank fuck. Now I don’t have to tell her I’m gay.”  The silence was deafening.  “I said that out loud, didn’t I?”  From the lighthouse came a pair of voices. “Called it.”