Castle Reunion

by AizakkuHorooee

First published

When friends and family are visiting the castle for a Hearth's Warming reunion, Lorien becomes quite unreceptive to one of the guests as the night goes on despite what everyone else thinks.

Chrysalis, Aita and Cozy Glow are having reunions with some of their old friends and family to celebrate Hearth's Warming. And while everyone else is happy to see and get to know each other, pet fox Lorien is quite unreceptive toward one of the guests as preparations for the reunion dinner are made.

Teaser/Cold Open

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Not much activity’s been around since Cozy Glow was summoned by the map to Baltimare. In that roughly past month and a half, our fox, Lorien, has grown to full size and matches me and Cozy’s height.

This morning, I wake up to the sun and start decorating as soon as I can… okay the more festive stuff is already up, just not the foyer banner. After drawing on it and nailing it to the railing above, I fly backwards slightly to get a good view of it.

I sigh in accomplishment, looking at the resulting depiction of our planned guests. “Nothing says a warm welcome like an illustrative banner. When our guests see this, they’ll feel right at home.”

In the distance, a familiar clicking noise alerts me to one of the flights of stairs at the ends of the foyer. Of course, it’s Lorien. “Good morning!” I say as I land in front of him. “What’s up, Lorien?”

Lorien looks right past me, which I detect immediately. “Oh that? I was just putting up a banner with all our upcoming guests on it.”

I pick Lorien up and give him a clear view of the banner. He starts to pant and laugh. “From right to left,” I explain. “on our guest list we have Tight Knit, Amber Glow, Bright Trail, Sheriff Mangle, Lily Trail, Smoky, former queen Areola, and Spike.”

Lorien leans his head back and kisses me on the cheek, clearly looking forward to the reunions Cozy, Chrysalis and I have planned. Of course, because of how busy me and Chrysalis’ circles of friends are, we only can reunite with one each, rather than the elaborate six Cozy Glow has in store.

As soon as I put him back on the floor, I’m alerted by a knock on the door. Using my magic to open it reveals Fluttershy on the top of the stoop.

“Fluttershy? What’re you doing here?” I ask her.

“I just came to check on your new fox. And I can already see he considers himself a long-time resident at your home.” Lorien and I initially look at each other in confusion, but he ultimately greets Fluttershy with a kiss on her cheek that makes her chuckle. “You were always a good judge of character… does he have a different name now?”

“I’m almost certain it’s different, but he does go by Lorien now,” I say.

“Okay, it is. Originally it was Kevin, but he looks perfectly happy with you calling him Lorien.” As I nod to her, Fluttershy turns around only to look back at me and Lorien. “And from the looks of it, he seems to’ve remembered his scent training throughout the fall. But for now, I’m confident that’s all I came for. See you at the Hearth’s Warming party, Aita.”

“Actually,” I interject. “Chrysalis, Cozy and I organized a reunion. Apologies in advance.”

“That’s okay. Come to Sugar Cube Corner any time you feel like it, and that also includes anyone else in the castle.”

Fluttershy waves me goodbye by crossing her forehoof. I walk to the edge of the stoop, waving back as Lorien joins me.

Act 1

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Back at the map room, Chrysalis and I talk to George Ralph while we wait for Cozy and Lorien to return from lunch.

“...and to top it off,” I finish off. “his original name was Kevin! Like our friend!”

“Hm,” ponders George as he sits up from Fluttershy’s throne. “Well I’d certainly hope Fluttershy is correct about Lorien’s judge of character.”

“He was quite receptive to all of us, Dr. Ralph,” Chrysalis asides. “As a therapist, that same reception towards you is all but guaranteed if he likes me and Cozy.”

The three of us hear Cozy Glow sneeze before she swings into the throne room with Lorien by her side. Immediately, Lorien notices George on Fluttershy’s throne, and initially backs away a few inches. As Cozy looks back to him, he gets a second look at George and promptly returns to his chipper self. He runs up and jumps onto the map to greet the alterwolf with kisses to the chin, cheeks, nose and forehead, making George laugh.

“Yep, he likes you,” Cozy remarks. “He NEVER did that with any of us when we first met him on Chrysalis’ hive anniversary…”

“Or Nightmare Night in my case,” I add.

George sits back up and pets Lorien. “I see. Have you witnessed any aggression from him in the presence of anyone yet?”

“Discord,” Chrysalis, Cozy and I reply in unison.

“Well, I suppose I shouldn’t expect anything less from that trickster,” George agrees. “He is representative of chaos itself after all.”

I quickly zip back to George by his side. “At least Discord’s okay by the rest of us. Even though he’s lived for eons, he’s still bound to learn a new lesson eventually.”

When George leaves us to wait for our guests, Chrysalis and Aita turn to me, now boasting scarves to brave the winter weather outside.

“Now Cozy Glow, Aita and I will be going around Ponyville shopping for the ingredients for our reunion dinner. Are you going to be fine with handling the guests on your own, even if Lorien is going with us?”

“Golly, Chrysalis! Of course!” I cheer with my hooves up. “If I’m gonna use my skills, it’s for you two!”

Chrysalis chuckles with joy and rubs my mane before turning around. “That’s what I like to hear. Come with us, Lorien.”

As Lorien joins ahead of Chrysalis, Aita waves me on her own way out. “See you later, Cozy!”

The front door closes, leaving me alone with my own thoughts for a few moments. I realize I’m legitimately home alone. Of course, not for long, but still.

I fly in the air, turning around to look at the banner Aita put up this morning. Guest list aside, it looks quite similar to one I remember from a while ago… “Didn’t I see this in a dream once? …and who’s that changeling queen?”

My thoughts are interrupted when the front door opens to two of the guests depicted on the banner: Spike and that mysterious changeling.

“Oh hello there, young filly,” she greets as I turn around, still in the air. “Who’re you?”

Spike is surprised by the changeling. “Wait, what? You two never met before?”

“I don’t think so,” I reply. “All I can tell is that she’s a former queen like Chrysalis.”

“That’s true, of course. So who is she? You know her, Spike?”

Spike nods at her, then hovers in front of me. “Yep! Areola, this is Cozy Glow, one of the friends Aita and Chrysalis made on their map mission in Fillydelphia.”

I beam and close my eyes upon being introduced.

“So, where are they?” Areola asks. “I thought they’d be here to greet us.”

“Oh, they went shopping for our reunion dinner,” I explain before looking back at the banner, then I blush as I return my sights on Spike and Areola. “There’s a couple of my hometown friends coming here with their guardians as well… and my parents apparently.”

While Cozy Glow is taking care of the oncoming guests, Chrysalis and I talk with each other.

“So how come Areola was the only changeling you could reunite with? What happened with Mother Membrane?” I ask.

“Oh… Patch went to visit her for the holiday. Also keep in mind, Aita, that she lacks much of the mobility she used to have from before retiring. Honestly I could ask the same about you only inviting Spike.”

I smile slightly nervously. “Well, Twilight and her friends have their own lives like we do. And I could see my friends any time really. The only one that openly volunteered to come for dinner without my input was Spike.”

Lorien walks ahead of us with his tail swishing above in the air, meaning he feels that things are looking up. The tail is set down though when Cozy Glow’s parents arrive in Ponyville along with Lily Trail, Smoky and their guardians. While Smoky’s I recognize (Mangle), Lily’s is somepony I haven’t met properly yet. She’s a blue-coated unicorn like Lily, but has a combed back yellow mane and tail, as well as a lantern cutie mark. I have only one guess for what her name is: Bright Trail. Cozy Glow had suggested the welcome banner I hung, and she was where I got my first glimpse of this pony.

“Hi everyone!” I greet. “I thought you’d be at the castle! Cozy’s waiting for you all!”

“We saw you and Chrysalis out and about there, old pal,” Mangle explains. “So anything going on lately at the castle?”

Chrysalis puts a hoof to her chin. “Not that I’m aware of, unless of course you count Firelight staying in Ponyville during the Running of the Leaves.”

“Well we won’t keep you long,” says Tight Knit. “At least Amber and I here would love to catch up with you three… err, four now I guess.”

“Who is he?” Amber Glow asks, pointing to our fox.

I pick him up and show him. “This is Lorien. He’s been with us for nearly eight weeks.”

Smoky locks eyes with Lorien in amazement, prompting him to try and grab Smoky to pull him toward us. Chrysalis stops him in her magic though with some quick thinking.

“Not now, Lorien. You’ll get to play at the castle,” she lightly scolds before chuckling under her breath.

“Well he does look eager to get back home,” replies Lily. “I guess that would be our cue to head on over.”

“Meet you at the castle then?” Smoky guesses, to which Chrysalis and I confirm with a nod. The guests proceed to our castle.

While she and I continue on our way, Chrysalis has me hold Lorien’s leash in my own magic, not long after feeling a tug from behind. We look back and see Lorien pulling on the leash with his mouth.

“Lorien, come,” Chrysalis orders, but he never lets go of the leash, let alone come by our side. She sighs. “Aita, would you mind carrying him?”

“I think I have a better idea. Lorien,” I quietly and kindly call before clicking my tongue twice. He immediately responds by letting go and coming up between us.

Chrysalis facehoofs. “I have no idea HOW you manage to get his attention every time… but I’m glad you do.”

“Someone from Florida used to film this fox of his to educate viewers, and I was one of them, so I have enough background knowledge to get to know him.”

A bit later at the vendors, when Chrysalis picks out large case of carrots, apples, celery and other produce while I pay for the food, a question pops into her mind.

“So why does Lorien always come to you when you call him like that,” she asks as the bits land on the cucumber stand in front of us, prompting Lorien to put his paws on the stand.

“I’m not entirely sure, but I think he’s attracted to the different sounds made when objects collide with each other,” I answer before clicking my tongue to get his attention again. “When I started home from Sweet Feather Sanctuary on Nightmare Night, I distinctly remember those screwdrivers I had on me tapping each other when I went to float them, and Lorien followed for the sound. And just now, he was attracted to the bits when I paid for the cucumbers.”

Lorien quietly growls under his breath, looking in the direction of our castle. Chrysalis floats a treat up to him in an attempt to get him to relax.

“Oh come now, little todd. You don’t think anything bad could happen to Cozy with our guests, do you?” she asks. Lorien swipes the treat from Chrysalis’ magic and tosses it aside before gekkering at her, moving a fixed distance ahead of us while walking backwards to face her.

Chrysalis and I stop, me going around to wrap my hoof around Lorien. For the brief time of contact, my foreleg shakes with him as he moves away.

“Chrysalis, he really is worried about Cozy… you go ahead and finish shopping; he and I will check on her.”

Chrysalis sighs, waving her hoof back to the castle. “Fine, it shouldn’t be long before I return either anyway.”

So with Chrysalis’ permission, Lorien and I head home.

Act 2

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After the one-pony welcoming committee, and everyone breaks to wait for Chrysalis, Aita and Lorien, I take a walk over to the dining room to make sure the dishes are ready when a crunching sound makes me cringe. It doesn’t sound like a bad step like I initially think, in fact I feel fine. It sounds like… someone eating.

I rush to the dining room to find Mangle holding Smoky, the latter of whom has eaten off one of the walls, which is missing a chunk in the middle.

“Uh, Smoky?” I slowly call.

“Oh!” Mangle exclaims. “Cozy! One of the old 'save Equestria' buddies! First time reuniting since assisting in the battle with that Swing-Gali guy.”

“So was that where you were just after summer break?” Smoky asks with a full mouth, to which Mangle nods.

“I’m pretty sure it was ‘Svengallop’,” I correct. “But yes. At least the table looks set. Guess I better tell Aita and Chrysalis about the wall when they get back.”

Smoky’s irises shrink at my aside, but Mangle makes him relax by setting him down. “Don’t worry about it, Smokes. Surely they’ll have everything under control. Let’s go with Cozy and meet with the other guests.”

And so, I lead Smoky and Mangle to the library, where I last saw Mom and Dad. Midway through the trip, the three of us turn our heads down to the main entrance when knocking erupts. Assuming it’s all three of them, I have the dragon brothers sit down where they are in the loft.

I fly down to answer the door, which reveals only Aita and Lorien. I tilt my head. “Huh? Where’s Chrysa-? Whah!” Lorien pins me to the floor and starts kissing me like no tomorrow, making me laugh.

“Lorien was getting antsy about you,” Aita answers. “so I took him home early while Chrysalis did the last bit of shopping.”

“That’s odd. He wasn’t worried when we went to Spade Con, or when Firelight stayed here.”

“So where are the guests?” asks Aita.

I take a moment to think, and each bit of answer, I pay quick but avid attention to Lorien, since he’s apparently worried about me being around one of the guests. “Mom and Dad… are in the library. Spike and Areola, playing cards in the his old room. Lily Trail and Bright Trail… are taking a tour of the castle. And Smoky’s on the loft above with Mangle.”

Immediately, Lorien “bro” barks upon hearing Mangle’s name, and races past me and Aita to find Smoky and Mangle. She and I directly fly up to the loft to see Lorien tackle Mangle, then make Smoky mount him as he runs out of the castle, all the while barking at the top of his lungs. We can only watch everything play out in shock.

When Aita and I land in front of Mangle, he lets out a soft groan.

I help him up. “You okay?”

“I… I think so,” Mangle says.

“Man, I have never seen Lorien do that,” remarks Aita. “He never barks and he never attacks guests. The only one he ever showed aggression to before was Discord and he never tried to take me and Cozy away from him.”

Mangle wraps his arm around Aita. “Don’t sweat it, little princess. Probably just a fluke misjudgement. We all make mistakes, don’t we?”

“But why would Lorien attack you?” I ask him. “You didn’t do anything wrong.”

“Not that we know of at least,” Aita says. “Foxes bark when there appears to be danger, usually when there’s something that shouldn’t be there, like a ‘road work ahead’ sign, or a trash can with a broken litter box in it.”

“Okay, so it does sound like a fluke,” concludes Mangle, wiping his forehead with his claw in relief.

The three of us hear two sets of hooves clipping towards us, so looking in their direction, we see that a concerned Lily Trail and Bright Trail have appeared.

“Is everything alright?” asks Bright.

“We thought we heard barking!” Lily adds.

Mangle gets up and dusts himself off. “Yeah. Lorien tackled me and took away Smokes, but hey, at least he didn’t scratch me.”

After having finished shopping, I start my way back home when Lorien zooms by with Smoky on his back. I can’t go after him, seeing how I have so much in the saddlebags, so I come up with a different idea: take after Aita. I call to Lorien, then click my tongue, and he promptly turns around and returns to me. Smoky lifts off the fox’s back.

“Smoky, what has you riding our pet?” I playfully inquire.

“Lorien made me mount him. He was barking almost the whole time until we got into town.”

Smoky’s answer has me taken aback. “Barking? Lorien never barks, and he certainly never did that to Discord. Is this true, Smoky?” He nods. “I would normally ask Aita what this meant, but she’s back at the castle to check on Cozy.”

“Well, you done shopping?” I answer Smoky with a nod of my own. “Then we could ask her now.”

“Then let’s go. Come, Lorien. We’ll need to talk about this when the reunion is over.”

Smoky and I head back to the castle with Lorien tracing close behind.

After the whole dragon brothers separation incident, Cozy Glow and I take Mangle to the library, which was apparently where they and Smoky were headed. There we see Amber and Tight Knit. The latter is the first to see us.

“Cozy! Aita! There you are. How was shopping?”

“Could be smoother,” I tell Tight Knit. “Lorien’s been acting a bit weird since you guys got here.”

“Why would he be doing that?” asks Amber. “It looked like he wanted to play when we last saw him.”

“Lorien must’ve thought I was home alone,” Cozy concludes.

“Makes sense,” I agree. “He, Chrysalis and I missed Areola and Spike come in. Clearly Lorien has something against Mangle, but we don’t know what at the moment.”

Tight Knit tilts his head to me. “But why Mangle? Isn’t he a sheriff from what Smoky told us on the train?”

While in my old room, showing Areola Aita’s favorite card game, War, we did hear distant high-pitched barking. But it isn’t addressed until I start shuffling the cards.

“So what was that sound earlier?” Areola asks me.

“Oh that? I’m pretty sure it was that fox Aita got when she was helping out Cozy and Chrysalis with some nightmare,” I explain before briefly chuckling. “Not sure about the name though… wasn’t it Kevin? I’ll have to ask Fluttershy whenever I get the chance.”

Before I have any time to start dealing out the newly randomized deck of cards, my ears twitch to the sound of the front doors opening.

“Come on, Spike,” Areola orders. “It’s probably Chrysalis at the lobby.”

“Right behind you.”

I closely follow Areola as we make our way down to the main entrance, and like she said, Chrysalis is there, but with the fox we were talking about earlier as well as a dragon that looks like Mangle, but my age.

“Spike! Areola!” exclaims Chrysalis, immediately waving to us. “Lovely catching you here.”

I fly down from the loft and bump claw to hoof with her. “So I see you’re popular with young dragons, huh.”

“I wouldn’t say that exactly,” Chrysalis answers back. “Smoky here was taken out of the castle by Lorien and separated from Mangle.”

I land on the floor in front of the three. “Lorien? So his name did change.”

As I ponder about the fox’s name, Areola hovers down and rests a hoof on my shoulder.

“I think I know what this is about. Chrysalis, would you mind coming with me?”

“Of course. Lorien, lead the young drakes to Aita while I’m back out.”

With a confirmation by Lorien with a boop to Chrysalis’ hoof, he swishes his tail onto me and Smoky as he walks between us, then puts his nose in the air and takes off. Smoky and I watch behind us as Chrysalis and Areola walk out of the main entrance.

“So what do you suppose that was about?”

“I don’t know, Smoky,” I say. “Maybe Areola knows something about Mangle we don’t?”

Right after the me and Smoky’s quick side conversation, Lorien starts barking like I heard before, except he chases us away. As I stop and turn around, out of the corner of my eye stands Mangle. Smoky leads me around the corner to hide and take a peak at the scene.

Once we can get a reliable view, Lorien takes a remarkably hostile stance at Mangle, growling and gekkering as if he’s about to maul him. Mangle simply kneels down to fox level and offers his claw palm up. Obviously in this mood, Lorien rejects this offer with a bite. Oof, okay, if you don’t wanna be friends, Mangle calmly remarks, shaking off the resulted pain in the bitten claw.

As Mangle walks off in the distance, Lorien running in a different direction than him, Smoky and I pull away from view, the former of us hanging his head. “Wow… no one’s ever disliked my brother before…”

“Unless you count Stellar Flare and Svengallop,” I reply. “But at least with those two, they were villains who really wouldn’t have liked anypony anyway.”

“Exactly. Why is Lorien so determined that Mangle is anything like that?”

I scratch my chin scales before snapping my claw at an idea. “Maybe Aita will know. She has technically been around Lorien the longest, and she does come from the real world.”

Smoky blushes at the mention of Aita, but ultimately smiles at the idea. Not too sure what their history is, but he must’ve met her when she met Cozy. So all is set for us just to go to the library. It hasn’t been terribly long since I moved out with Twilight to Canterlot, so I still know the way.

Most of the way is silent, but Smoky does eventually strike up a fresh conversation.

“So, about Aita… and how she handled my old classmate…” I look up at him, showing him I’m all ears. “I, uh, ended up dismissing Cozy’s change at first until Chrysalis told me about what happened to her, the reason she had our class bowl with her at LOLO.”

“I imagine the entire class did,” I reassure Smoky. “considering the need to go to Fillydelphia in the first place. Did you ever apologize to Aita, Chrysalis or Cozy?”

Smoky turns the other way, prompting me to place my claws on my sides below my wings. “Smoky…”

“No. No I didn’t. It’s really too bad too. They haven’t talked to me about it.”

I blink twice, realizing exactly what’s going on with Smoky. “That’s because it’s not their decision to address it; it’s yours. Twilight did something similar with Moondancer when we first got this castle. At least with you, no one has any ill will toward you because they’ve been better off for what happened. Besides, you really shouldn’t be so hesitant to answer stuff like this; it’s not healthy.”

Smoky sighs. “Oh… Sorry, Spike. I-I guess I never thought about it like that, that not everything has to be kept a secret.”

I stop and hug him. “That’s the spirit. Now let’s go meet Aita.”

Smoky nods, and we continue our walk to the library. He must’ve been taught that secrecy mentality by his parents. It’s weird too. Smoky said he was brothers with Mangle, yet I never observed anything like that with the latter. I wonder if Areola taking Chrysalis out to talk in private has anything to do with Smoky’s situation. I guess only time will tell.

Opening the door to the library, we see Cozy Glow, her parents, Lily Trail, Bright Trail and Aita, the first and last of whom waves hello to us while the rest are marveling at some Shadow Spade book.

Act 3

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Areola has me lead her across Ponyville into the Everfree Forest. We eventually arrive at the cliff to the tree of harmony. At this point, it’s kind of become a sanctuary for me now.

I sigh as a wave of memories wash over me. “I’ve changed quite a bit here. Across the cliff here is the castle of the two sisters, a place I once visited for research. And with my memory refreshed by recent events, I recall that that research was for performing a cloning spell before exploring the castle reminded me of two of the changelings who’d left the hive under me.”

“I see,” Areola remarks before chuckling. “I heard that the tree of harmony was right by your side when you went to her for help. And considering what I learned when getting up to speed back home, that’s quite a turnaround only a lucky few get to experience.”

With a warm smile on my face, I fly down the cliff and into the nearby cave, Areola following closely behind. As we look at the tree, Areola is the first to break the brief silence.

“There is a reason why I had you lead me here: really it’s for you, and by extension, your castlemates. First let me ask you something, Chrysalis. Do you remember when I became queen?”

“Of course,” I answer. “I was a teenager when you inherited Mother Wavelength’s throne. I would say, roughly eighteen years before the Ponyville-Canterlot incident?”

Areola rests her hoof on my shoulder and huffs in an abrupt sorrow. “I recognize what Lorien did to protect Smoky. You see, Chrysalis, I was going to become queen six years before I actually did. Unfortunately, I found out what happened to who I thought was a dear friend of mine: Jar. After several peers complained about him to Mom, she had to have him executed, and I never recovered from the incident for years. Although I did miss Jar before losing my life, my time in the dream realm revealed to me his true nature… and his interaction with me was quite repulsive.”

“Repulsive?” I flash a challenging look at Areola. “Come now, Areola. Nothing you think Jar could ever do comes close to all the villains Aita and I have faced. You’d be surprised how far a puritan is willing to go for their goals.”

“I will admit, that Superintendent Spitfire you helped arrest was pretty bad, especially since Aita is still a child to this day. But at least that Spitfire was transparent about her malice…”

I have to put my hoof in my mouth to hold back laughter, resulting in a chortle. “Apologies. So I suppose that was not the case for Jar? And so by extension, Mangle?”

“I’m afraid that’s true, Chrysalis… at least for Jar. Tell me; is Lorien normally so hostile toward other guests like he was to Mangle?”

“Of course not. He likes me, Cozy, Aita, Pinkie, Fluttershy, Dr. Ralph, Diamond Tiara, Firelight, nearly anyone he meets. The only ones he didn’t like were Discord and Mangle, and even then, he only gave Discord a stern talking to. If Lorien thinks Mangle isn’t to be trusted, should I listen, even though that drake’s mannerisms point to no wrongdoing whatsoever?”

Areola huffs once again, realizing I might not like the answer. “That’s ultimately up to you, Cozy and Aita to decide. Since you asked me though, I would follow the fox.”

While on the inside, my heart sinks at the thought of having to kick out a dear ally of ours that has fought by our side more than once, Areola makes a fair point about Lorien’s track record.

“Well, as the saying goes: uncharted behaviors are serious business. Let’s head back to the castle,” I say. “We’ll have to gather everyone around for this.”

Cozy Glow and I take a walk to the balcony and see if Lorien is there. After Spike told us about our fox’s second confrontation with Mangle, we can only imagine how scared he is. It turns out, he is on the balcony, sitting and staring at the darkening sky. But the moment we start to approach, he takes off and runs past us, then runs back to the balcony and lies on his stomach with his tail straight on the ground, facing away.

“Lorien?” I start. “Are you okay?”

He looks behind to me and Cozy, growls, and looks back in front of him.

Cozy walks up beside Lorien and lies down on her stomach. “We’re entirely aware we invited someone over you didn’t like, at least now. Based on what Spike told us though, Mangle might’ve left already.”

“What do you suppose was wrong with Mangle?” I ask.

Lorien swings his head back, essentially telling me to transform, so I start with changing into Areola, then Bright Trail. He sits and makes a brief gekker, prompting me to change my transformation approach. I change again, this time into Lily, then Spike, and Smoky. I also try Smoulder, Ocellus and Yona to see who Lorien was gekkering about. Between each transformation, he sniffs my claw/hoof and lies down when the scent is wrong. But Ocellus and Yona’s scents match Lorien’s search, as he holds each hoof in his mouth, chirping when he feels he can’t describe anymore.

“I think I see,” Cozy announces as I change back to my natural form. “But we can’t just tell everyone about this. Can you imagine the ramifications if we do?”

“I have an idea. Cozy, we’ll have to meet Chrysalis at the entrance. Lorien, do you think you can keep everyone else company in here?”

Lorien springs up to his paws and dashes off, leaving me and Cozy to fly out of the balcony and to the front stoop of the castle, where we spot Chrysalis and Areola approaching us and stopping when they see us.

“There you are,” Chrysalis sighs, relieved to see us. “Areola and I need to tell you something about Mangle.”

“We already know, Chrysalis,” I say, much to Areola’s shock. “Lorien doesn’t like him because of smelling younger Sire’s Hollow residents on him.”

Chrysalis stiffens at the implication. “Do you mean to tell me what I think that means?”

Cozy nods. “At this point, it’s pretty clear. And I thought I was headed down a dark path.”

Did you now? All four of us turn around to a familiar voice coming from behind the southeast corner of the castle. The source of the voice is revealed to be Mangle himself. “What’s all this talk about me?”

I hover up to sniff around Mangle, which kind of weirds him out as looks at me.

“Huh. Smells fine to me. Maybe foxes just have stronger noses than us.”

Mangle scratches his head in confusion. “Wh- what's this about scents?”

Cozy Glow whispers into Chrysalis’ ear and then comes up to Mangle while I return to Chrysalis and Areola.

“Do these two look familiar to you?” Cozy asks as Chrysalis and I transform into Ocellus and Yona respectively.

Mangle peers at us, looking even more confused. “I know the yak is my deputy, but who’s the changeling?”

“Sheriff dragon sure no recognize comic clerk?” I ask, imitating the yaks’ broken grammar.

“I haven’t even been to Operation Comics. Sheriff’s work is no small job, you know. And before you girls say anything about Yona, our interactions are nothing but a formality. You remember how I could relay Stellar Flare’s escape to Canterlot and the Crystal Empire.”

Chrysalis and I change back to our natural forms, still not quite convinced with Mangle’s argument.

“Look,” Mangle continues. “If you really want to find out the truth. I think you should start by going to Sire’s Hollow and asking those citizens yourselves.”

Chrysalis comes up to Mangle and offers her hoof. “Maybe not until we find the time, but I’d say we shall. For now however, perhaps it is best for you to head home. It appears your claw has seen better days.”

Mangle looks at his claw, and of course there are two minor cuts on it, which are possibly a bite mark made by Lorien. He rests that claw on Chrysalis’ hoof and shakes it.

“Hope we still get to hang out. Only we’ll have to do it in Sire’s Hollow.” Chrysalis, Cozy and I nod at Mangle, prompting him to fly off.

When we all look at Areola, she gives us a disapproving look. “You learned nothing about that story I told you, did you, Chrysalis?”

“Of course I have Areola. I would certainly like to visit Starlight in Sire’s Hollow someday, so that shall be the opportunity where we investigate.”

Something springs up in my mind. “What if Yona and Ocellus tell a similar story to what Mangle said? We haven’t heard a real peep from them ever since Carve visited.” Areola nods to me in agreement.

“That would mean Lorien would’ve been wrong about Mangle,” answers Cozy. “That is something I wish was, like Mangle said, a fluke. But Lorien’s been right about everyone else he met.”

“We’ll find out another time, girls,” I say to them. “We have a dinner to serve.”

When Cozy Glow, Aita, Areola and I take our remaining guests out of the library and into the dining room for the dinner, I initiate a preface by clearing my throat to get everyone’s attention.

“Perhaps you’re wondering where the last guest is: Mangle.”

Bright Trail tilts her head. “Yeah, I last saw him just after that first barking fit Lorien had.”

I nod in confirmation. “Indeed. Unfortunately, Mangle had to leave because of our fox’s disdain for him. Lorien even drew a pair of cuts in his claw. For Lily and Smoky’s sake, we cannot reveal his reasoning for this disdain, but just know Mangle cannot visit our place anymore… at least not in Lorien’s lifetime.”

“There is one more thing we want to do before dinner,” Cozy adds. “Lorien? Are you okay with everyone else around here?”

Without another sound, Lorien runs around, kissing everyone and pausing occasionally to hold some of the claws and hooves within the dining room.

“I’ll take that as a yes,” says Aita. “Light grips to arms and forelegs are definitely a good sign.”

I think back to my first proper interaction with Lorien just after the whole nightmare incident, and it appeared Aita was right about that. His burst of energy was the excitement over my embrace.

Looking now at Lorien, he appears quite excited to get to know all these friends of ours, bearing the same face he did that first night I properly saw him. Honestly the only thing that’s surprising is that the burst of energy didn’t kick in.

My thoughts are interrupted by a tap on the back as everyone sits down at the dining room table, leaving five spots open. I turn around and spot…

“Fluttershy? George?” The two wave to me, Cozy and Aita meanwhile taking Lorien with them as they head to the dining room.

“I hope it’s not too late to join in on the dinner tonight,” Fluttershy says.

Hm. a net gain of one guest doesn’t sound so bad. “Of course there’s room for you,” I reply. “Please make yourselves at home.”

I follow George to two of the empty spots at the table as Fluttershy takes one on the other side.

“Who’s the grey dragon?” George inquires, pointing next to Fluttershy.

“Oh him? His name is Smoky; I met him through Cozy Glow,” I pause before continuing my answer. “Just don’t ask about his guardian.”

I chuckle a bit at the events that have led up to this moment. While Mangle may not be invited to the castle for a long time, as long as the fluke misjudgement theory can be maintained, he’ll remain friends with everyone here… except obviously for Lorien. Seeing everyone at the table enjoying each other’s company, I head out of the dining room to catch up to Cozy and Aita and help them with cooking.