> Stress Relief > by AndwhatIseeisme > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Nothing Like a Long, Hot Shower > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Applejack! You can’t write that to Princess Celestia!” Twilight shouted at her earth pony friend. “An’ why not, Twi? It’s the honest truth, ain’t it?” AJ retorted.  Twilight rubbed a hoof against her temple as she mentally prepared herself to make the mare see some sense.  “AJ, please tell me I don’t seriously need to explain to you why writing, and I quote, ‘Dear Princess Celestia… I didn't learn anythin'! Ha! I was right all along!’ isn’t an acceptable opening for a letter to the Princess. ” Twilight read AJ’s friendship letter aloud.   “Well, I don’t see why yer raisin’ such a fuss about my letter, Twi,” Applejack fired back defensively, stomping a hoof into the dirt below her. “I an’ my family ‘preciate your help making all that cider, but that don’t mean ah need ya’ll to help me write this here letter.”  “Urrgh! You’re impossible sometimes, you know that?” Twilight asked. “But fine! Write your friendship letter how you like. Just don’t blame me when you wind up spending the next thousand years on the moon!” “One o’ these days, Twi, ya’ll are gonna have to realize that Princess Celestia ain’t nearly as formal and vindictive as ya’ll seem to build her up as in yer head,” Applejack lectured. “Heck, sometimes that mare’s got a right proper sense of humor.” “Whatever. I hope you and her have a great laugh together as she’s locking you up in the dungeons,” Twilight replied. “Just finish writing your letter and give it to Spike when you’re done. I wash my hooves of the whole thing.” With that proclamation, the unicorn turned to walk away, before realizing something and turning back to AJ. “Actually, AJ, before I leave, do you mind if I use your shower to rinse off? I worked up a bit of a sweat earlier helping you guys beat those annoying Flim Flam jerks, and I don’t really feel like walking all the way home feeling all sticky and gross.” “Heh, what’s wrong, sugarcube? Not used to spending this much time out in the sun?” AJ teased. “Ya know, it might do ya some good if ya’ll spent more time outside sweating with yer friends and less time inside reading all alone.” “Yeah, yeah, thanks for the lecture, mom,” Twilight teased back. “Now, can I use your shower or not?” Applejack shrugged. “Sure, go ahead. You know where it is, Twi. Towels are in the top drawer on the left. Try not to use all the hot water.” “Thanks, AJ,” Twilight waved, before lighting up her horn and disappearing in a flash of purple light.  And teleported herself directly in front of a very startled red earth pony. “Gaah!” Big Mac screamed in shock as the unicorn mare burst into his bathroom in a flash of sparkly light. . “Gaah!” Twilight also shouted, equally surprised at somepony else being there when she appeared.  “Err, Twilight? Is that you?” Big Mac asked, once he got over the initial shock. “Yeah, it’s me,” the mare replied. “Sorry about startling you like that, Big Mac. I didn’t expect anyone else to be using the shower at the moment.” “S’alright,” Mac replied, before turning his back to the mare and letting the water rinse over him. “Ah’m just ‘bout done.” “Oh, um, okay,” Twilight answered, but she wasn’t really listening to him much anymore. She was suddenly distracted by the wet, muscular earth pony rump pointed her way. She watched as his tail swayed back and forth as he moved beneath the running water, hypnotized by its movement as she was granted teasingly brief glimpses of the heavy red orbs hiding behind it.  “Hey, Mac?” Twilight casually asked, eyes never moving from his swishing tail and swaying balls, “I just wanted to say, I was really impressed by how hard you worked to save your farm from those Flim Flam brothers today.” “Err, um, thanks, Twilight,” Big Mac responded awkwardly, trying his best to focus on finishing his shower and not on the cute unicorn mare behind him.  “Still, it must have been awfully stressful, seeing your farm on the brink of being lost to those two charlatans,” Twilight continued, taking a step closer to the farmer.  “Eyep,” Mac replied. “Speaking of stress, I was just arguing with your sister a few minutes ago,” Twilight said as she entered the shower with Big Mac, feeling the warm steam of the shower surrounding her. She was so close to that tantalizing rump, near enough that she could have reached out and touched it. “She can be so frustrating to talk to when she’s convinced she’s right.” “Eyup,” Big Mac laughed, not noticing that Twilight was now in the shower with him. “You know, Mac, they say an invigorating, hot shower is great for working off stress,” Twilight cooed as she moved next to the stallion, feeling the warm water cascade over her fur as she sidled up next to him. “Maybe we could work off some of that stress together?” “Um…” Mac hesitated, before clamming up as Twilight’s tail brushed beneath his barrel, tickling his sheath.  “What do you say, Mac?” Twilight asked as she continued to tease his cock out. “Want to make this shower extra hot and invigorating?”  “Eeyup!” Big Mac excitedly proclaimed, unwilling and unable to keep himself restrained while his sister’s friend goaded his cock to full mast.  The two ponies stared nervously at each other for a moment, neither really sure how to make the first move now that they’d found themselves here. However, the heat of the shower, the sight of Mac’s massive cock, and the scent of Twilight’s elevated pheromones, eventually combined enough to kick-start their more primal instincts.  Twilight suddenly leapt at Big Mac, her mouth crashing against his as her forehooves wrapped around his sturdy neck. She moaned as he pushed his tongue into her, tracing along her tongue and the insides of her cheeks as they made out beneath the running water.  Breaking away from the kiss, Twilight pulled back and tried to push Big Mac over. However, being much larger than her and made almost purely of muscle, her efforts didn’t exactly have the desired effect. Instead, her hooves ended up slipping on the wet floor, sending her crashing to the ground as Mac looked down at her in worry. “Err, Twi? You okay?” he asked, concern for her well being overriding his horniness for now.  “Yeah, yeah, I’m alright,” Twilight responded, standing back up and rubbing her now sore flank where she landed. “My brain may have slightly miscalculated our difference in size and strength in an effort to get to your dick quicker,” she admitted. “Maybe just do me a favor and sit back on your haunches so I can suck you off, alight?” “Um, eyup,” Big Mac said eagerly as he quickly followed her directions.  Twilight eyed up the pillar of flesh jutting out from Mac’s loins with hungry desire. He was huge! Even bigger than Shining’s cock. She couldn’t belive it had taken her this long to work up the courage to fuck Mac, but now was the time to start making up for it. She trotted sexily towards the stud, letting him enjoy the sight of her wet mane and lust clouded eyes as she approached, before plopping down in front of him and getting to work. Twilight ran her tongue up the length of Mac’s rod, earning a low rumble of pleasure from the stallion. When she reached his head, she opened her mouth wide to take him inside herself. Her jaws ached at how far they had to stretch open to fit him, making her eagerly wonder what having this mass of stallion was going to feel like when it went into her other end. That was a thought for later, though. She had more important things to take care of right now. Things like the massive cock in her mouth. Her tongue danced around the flat head of his dick as she held just the tip of it inside her mouth. Slowly, she pushed her head further down his shaft, twirling her tongue around it as she went. As his head bumped against the back of her throat, Twilight paused and took a deep breath before continuing, letting his massive cock slide down her esophagus. She fought back the urge to choke on it as the mass of flesh blocked off her air. She could feel hindquarters getting wetter as the cock slid down her throat, and it wasn’t just because of the shower spraying down on the pair.  Twilight began to bob up and down on Mac’s cock, slurping her tongue around it as her head bounced in his lap. Mac grabbed Twilight’s horn in one of his massive earth pony hooves, and started using it to guide her, taking control of the mare and setting her pace. Twilight shuddered at the feeling of her horn being gripped so roughly in those strong hooves, the source of her biggest strength now being used by this stallion to control her for his pleasure. Her pussy was practically gushing now in anticipation of being mounted and taken by this stud.  “Twi, I –” Mac moaned, warning Twilight just in time as his cock spurted a load of semen into her mouth and down her throat. Long, thick, creamy ropes of cum splattered against Twilight’s tongue, filling her mouth and spilling out down her chin. Twilight pulled her mouth off of him before she drowned from the onslaught, causing the last few ropes of cum to splash against her face and mane. She swished the mouthful of earth pony seed around her mouth a few times, savoring the taste and texture, before finally swallowing it and looking up into Mac’s face. “Guess you enjoyed that blowjob, huh?” Twilight asked. “Eeyup.” “Feeling a little less stressed now?” “Eeyup.” “You’re not too worn out for another round, right?” “Nnope!”  “Perfect!” Twi exclaimed. “Then get over here and fuck me!” Twilight turned around and leaned against the wall of the shower, presenting her damp marehood to the horny stallion. Mac wasted no time in standing up and mounting the younger mare, her magic aiding him in lining up with her winking slit.  “Ready, Twi?” Mac asked, the head of his cock pushing against her lips, straining to pierce those walls and fuck her.  “Does the isoperimetric theorem state that among all planar regions with a given perimeter p, the circle encloses the greatest area?” Twilight responded. “Um.. I… does it?” Mac asked, confused.  Twilight rolled her eyes. “Yes! Now fuck me!” she demanded.  Mac had a much easier time understanding her this time, and quickly acquiesced to her demands. Slowly pushing his hips forward, his cock parted Twilight’s lower lips and impaled the mare’s pussy. She gasped as she felt her walls strain and stretch to accommodate Mac’s girth. She felt so delightfully full as his cock pushed its way inside of her, moaning in wanton pleasure as she felt his medial ring slide past her lips.  After what felt like forever, Mac at last hilted his massive length inside of the mare beneath him. He leaned over Twilight’s body and whispered into her ear. “Ready?” he asked. “Eeyup,” Twilight responded with a sly smile.  Twilight gasped sharply as Mac pulled back and then slammed into her. She hardly had time to catch her breath as the earth pony behind her began fucking her. Big Mac was not gentle with the mare as he began to roughly rut her, pounding his cock into her pussy as he pressed her into the wall of the shower.  Twilight was in absolute bliss as she was rutted by the stallion behind her. Her juices poured out of her cunt and down Mac’s shaft and balls. She could barely think straight as she let herself be fucked by the earth pony, losing herself in the pleasure of being wrapped around his cock. She didn’t even notice how cold the water of the shower had gotten as the two ponies ignored everything but each other’s bodies.  “Big Mac, keep going just like that,” Twilight begged. “I’m close.” “Eeyup,” Mac responded, continuing his assault on Twilight’s nethers.  The pair of ponies came together as the pleasure wracked their bodies. Big Mac erupted inside Twilight’s womb as she gushed around him. They collapsed together onto the floor, laying in a puddle of cold water as the shower sprayed down on them, their fluids leaking out of Twilight and joining the water circling down the drain.  Eventually, Mac regained enough energy to stand up and turn off the water, before helping Twilight back to her hooves.  “Thanks Mac, I really needed that,” she spoke as they began to dry off together. “Guess you did too, huh?” “Eeyup,” Mac replied.  “You know, if you ever want to come over to my place and, you know, ‘hit the books’ together for a night, you’re always welcome,” Twilight offered. “Thanks Twi, I’ll remember that,” Mac thanked her, before leaning down and kissing the unicorn. The two walked out of the washroom and Mac escorted her to the edge of his farm, seeing her off and waving goodbye to her.  He returned back to his home just in time to see his sister drying herself off, grumbling to herself in anger. “Dagnabit, what in Equestria do those gals do for so long in the shower?” she asked. “Why is it that when any of them use that shower, they end up spending so much time in there that all the dang hot water’s gone?”  Big Mac stayed silent, simply shrugging his shoulders in reply. No sense telling his sister how her friends liked to unwind.