> The Ember Address > by PonyPamps > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Ember Address > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Ember Address Dragon Lord Ember leaned over the edge of her sink with a pensive expression on her face. Today was the day she had been dreading for weeks. Today was the day Ember addressed her people and divulged her plan for the dragon lands moving forward. To prepare for such a momentum occasion, Ember had locked herself away from her subjects and her friends in the royal caves to practice. Ember knew her speech had to be good, nay it had to be great. As the newly crowned dragon lord, she couldn't afford to show uncertainty or doubt in front of her subjects Ember needed to begin her reign with power, assurance, and determination. Her speech needed to capture the hearts of her subjects and ignite a fire in the hearts of the dragonland's fiercest warriors. She knew many of her subjects doubted her ability but if she could stir their souls just as her predecessors had Ember was certain they would accept her as their leader. In her isolation, Ember had spent many hours writing and practicing her speech. Every word, every syllable, every intonation had been painstakingly rehearsed and refined a thousand times over. She had done everything in her power to prepare for this day. And yet she was still unsure. The reflection that stared back at Ember from her bathroom mirror did not look like a dragon lord. Instead, Ember saw a tiny scared little dragon who had little to no confidence in her ability to address her subjects. She felt inadequate of the title bestowed upon her and worse yet, she was starting to question her ability to lead She hated it. Ember had stared into this very mirror many times over the last few weeks and the reflection that stared back at her had been different almost daily. Somedays she would see a confident dragon lord who knew every letter of their speech by heart ready to forge a new path in the dragon lands, and other days she saw the tiny scared dragon. Every time she had seen herself as the tiny dragon, Ember's confidence had plummeted into such a state of despair that she would cease practice for the day and wallow in self-pity for at least a few hours. Thankfully as her practice session continued the tiny dragon showed up less and less. It hadn't been easy. The first few times the tiny reflection had shown up Ember's self-confidence had plummeted to such a state of despair she had walked away and given up practice for the rest of the day. The second time she had handled a bit better, but the third was devastating. Ember had experienced a state of self-loathing so great she had snuck out of the dragon lands and attended, of all things, a pony show. The nervous Dragon Lord hadn't even bothered to check what the show was about nor who was running it, but it turned out to be exactly what she needed. The show had been mesmerizing! It had been full of gorgeous magic, show-ponery, and fantastical pink and purple colors. There had even been a rave-like light show toward the end. The Show-pony had talked extensively throughout the performance about relaxing and letting go of all stress. The relaxing words of the performer resonated deeply with Ember and helped her relax in a way she hadn't been able to replicate since. The Dragon Lord had left the show excited and eager to witness the performance again the next time she was in town! Strangely, When Ember had awoken the next morning, she had struggled to remember the finer details of the show. Despite staring at and watching the show-pony the entire time Ember couldn't visualize the showrunner's face, nor could she recall most of the magnificent performance that had captivated her. All she knew for certain was that she wanted to see it again. The low clanging of a gong pulled Ember from her thoughts. It was time. Ember took a deep breath and closed her eyes as she thought about her duty and responsibility to her subjects. She was the one who had to lead them now. Spike had sacrificed so much for her to be in this position it would be an act of dishonor if she ran away now. With a nod of self-assurance, Ember exhaled and opened her eyes. She was ready. Ember turned and waddled toward her bathroom door ready to lead her subjects to a brighter future! She barely noticed the soft crinkling sound that echoed about the bathroom as she left. After all, she had more important issues on her mind. Ember took her place at the top of the royal cliffside with pride. Her bloodstone scepter stood proudly beside her. Ember's metal helmet was wrapped snuggly around her scalp displaying eons of dust and wear atop its metal sheen and her shiny armor clanked softly with each movement. Ember surveyed the rocky terrain of her home. The harsh but gentle orange bloom of the sunlight reflected off the dusty desert sands. The strong winds whistled through the canyons and the powerful sounds of flapping wings surrounded her. Ember watched patiently as her subjects landed on the many small cliffs and rocks surrounding the royal cliffside They were no doubt eager to hear what their ruler had to say. She knew some had arrived ready to mock and challenge her rule, however, she would deal with them in time. Today was about proving herself on a basic level. As the last of the dragons landed, Ember opened her mouth and began to speak. "My loyal subjects." She proclaimed loudly, "I am honored and humbled to speak before you today!" Ember made a point of giving the audience a slight bow. "I know many of you are doubtful of my ability to rule." She continued gesturing to the crowd with her scepter, "I know some of you came here today solely to mock me and spit in my face. However, I assure you, despite my willingness to work with ponies, and no matter how soft I appear on the outside, I am still a dragon at heart!" Ember gestured to her helmet and armor with her claws and made a point to eye her subjects intently. "So please, heed my words, and allow me to explain in the simplest terms my vision for our great land." Ember paused for a bit to let the gravity of her words simmer. A soft snicker was heard in the crowd. Ember ignored the small sound of mockery and puffed out her chest making sure to stand tall before continuing, "I envision a dragonland that embraces knowledge and wisdom! Whether from pony or scalely scholar. I believe we can be both the fierce warriors my predecessors raised and the gentle Equestrian allies Spike and his friends saw the day I acquired this staff!" The dragonlord emphasized her point by slamming the staff down against the rock. "I intend to be tough as nails. harsh but just as Torch and those before me have been. I believe Equestria could be a fruitful ally but I will not force their sentiments down your throat like many of you fear I will! There is a time for war just as there is a time for peace!" Ember gestured wildly with her hands as she approached the climax of her opening monologue just as she had practiced. "We shall train our warriors to be unmatched in skill and valor, ready to defend our realm against any threat that may loom on the horizon. United, we shall stand as an unyielding force, a testament to the indomitable spirit of Dragons!" After the final word left her lips a long silence stretched out as she let her declaration wash over the crowd. Ember maintained or stoic pose but internally celebrated. She was nailing it! However, the silence was broken by a reaction Ember had not anticipated. A look of confusion crossed the Dragon Lord's face as her subjects burst into roaring laughter. They pointed their claws at her mockingly and exclaimed with mock surprise how stupid and silly she looked. Rage began to build up inside Ember as she seethed at her detractors. She wanted nothing more than to hover over and crush them in front of everyone. Alas, she did not intend to govern her people with fear. Internally fuming but not discouraged, Ember gathered herself and continued her speech. "As your leader, I call upon each of you to contribu-" Ember barely made it a sentence into the body of her speech before another wave of laughter tore through the crowd. A chorus of Boo's erupted from the audience as several dragons lept from their perches and began to fly away. Utterly bewildered by this sudden turn of events, Ember frantically looked around blushing in embarrassment. She was saying all the right things! She had practiced this speech for weeks and she had nailed her introduction! Why were her subjects reacting in such a visceral manner? Ember surveyed the crowd of dragons that remained intent on finding an explanation. Something wasn't right. She could feel it, there was something obvious she was missing. As the confused Dragon Lord stared intently at the crowd of laughing subjects before her, she noticed a pink tint to the world. Almost like she was wearing pink-tinted glasses or a visor of some kind. Ember raised an eyebrow intrigued as a few more dragons left the area and the pink tint began to fade. The Dragon Lord's eyes widened in surprise as the world glitched before her. Different shades of pink, blue, and purple flashed in her vision. Time seemed to slow as the world and environment she thought she was in faded away quickly being replaced by a new reality. A cloud of pink smoke surrounded her scepter and quickly faded to transparency revealing nothing more than a white baby rattle filled with plastic beads. Her helmet, a sign of great respect to her people was revealed to be nothing more than a frilly pink bonnet. The type of bonnet ponies often wrapped around their little ones. Her powerful armor morphed into a light blue and white onesie covered in small gem-like drawings and sowings. And finally, most horrifyingly of all, Ember realized she was wearing a diaper. "Bwaaahhhh?" Ember asked dumbstruck as the spell from the pony show she'd attended weeks earlier finally wore off. She babbled as some drool rolled down her chin and splashed onto the rock surface below. What was happening to her? When had this happened? HOW had this happened? The now humiliated Dragon Lord waddled/stumbled around the top of the royal cliff trying to make sense of everything that had just happened to her. She opened her mouth to clarify to her subjects that something was wrong, that this wasn't the leader she was going to be for them! "Waaiishh summ tings woonnggg!" Ember slurred out as she tripped over her own feet and crashed face-first into the unforgiving dust-coated rock below. A small cloud of dust swirled around her. She couldn't speak normally?! Confused once more, Ember scrambled to her feet and opened her mouth to say a normal sentence. "ubb duuhh buuhh waaaaa?~" Ember babbled as more drool leaked from her mouth. Every time Ember tried to speak words it came out as babbling baby gibberish! Ember covered her mouth in shock as more and more of her subjects departed. She could hear them calling her a silly infant unfit to lead the dragon lands as the winds carried them away. "Waaiiiii!" Ember cried in desperation as she flailed her arms wildly in the air trying to recover her now thoroughly ruined speech. "Dun goooesssh! I'm nuuu finishes yeeetts!" But her subjects paid her no mind and her words were drowned out in the sea of laughter, snorts, and mocking remarks. Only a handful of dragons remained around the royal cliffside now. Why Ember wasn't sure. She looked down at her frilly little outfit. The onesie she was wearing, the diaper she knew was underneath, and the rattle she'd been certain was the blood scepter in defeat. How could she be so unaware of all of this? How long had she been in this outfit? How had she never noticed it until now? It did not make any sense. She would have to contact Twilight about this after this whole ordeal was over. Ember shook her head and stumbled over to the edge of the cliff. She still had a chance to prove herself to the few dragons that remained. Ember took in a deep breath, puffed out her chest once more, and opened her mouth to continue, However, a peculiar sensation made her pause mid-action. A small tingling sensation made itself known between her legs. With a confused babble, Ember looked down at herself. What in Equestria could be happening now?! The Dragon Lord felt her hips and legs relax as a gentle weight pressed itself against her bladder. It was as if someone had placed a gentle weight atop it. The sensation was almost immediately followed by a realization. She needed to pee. Ember squeezed her legs together and began doing a light potty dance in front of her remaining subjects. Suddenly her entire body felt heavy and sluggish. It was a similar sensation to being submerged underwater. "Buuuhhh... whhhhyyysshh?" Ember slurred as her vision blurred and she was overcome with tiredness and she felt an overwhelming desire to take a nap. Ember eyed her remaining subjects again as her thoughts began to slow down. A voice in the back of her mind screamed that she needed to get back to her room. She'd already blundered her speech and the last thing she needed to do was wet herself in front of her remaining subjects! With a soft groan, Ember turned and began the relatively short journey back to her quarters. Every muscle in her body protested this action. The tingling sensation/weight pressing against her bladder grew in intensity. She flared her wings intent on flying away before anything more humiliating occurred but alas they fell limply at her sides. She tried to lift them, to complete even a single flap of her powerful wings but they refused her commands. Ember babbled and drooled more as a gentle haze enveloped her mind. Her thoughts began to slip away like untethered balloons as a blanket of mindlessness coated her psyche. "Nuuuhhhh." Ember slurred defiantly, "I dun wannn..." The Dragon Lord soon found herself descending into a mental collage of spirals, gentle whispers, and subliminal messaging telling her that she was a mindless baby. She didn't need to think or be responsible for anything. She just needed to stop, spread her legs, relax, and- Psssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Ember let out a soft moan as a warm wet sensation pressed against her crotch and the weight on her bladder disappeared. A wonderful sensation of relief rushed through her entire body. It took a few seconds of bliss, but eventually, Ember's thoughts returned. She blinked in confusion as her brain processed what she had just done. Ember looked down at her lower half and saw that her diaper had ballooned out slightly at the front. The great and mighty Dragon Lord Ember had just wet herself in public. Utterly humiliated, Ember babbled dejectedly and waddled back to her room to give herself a change.