> Missed Opportunities > by LegendarySprout > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Nothing Like Constructing Roads > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gallus has been happily as part of Canterlot's royal guard for several months now. While the tasks of such a praised job can appear to be too overwhelming for some, all the griffon can think when asked about it is how content he is with it. Sure he might say how it's such an "easy" job for them but in reality no matter how much hard work is needed, he doesn't mind it one bit. It was another normal morning for him, standing in front of the palace's giant gates for what seemed like an eternity. This is fairly routine for him, but unless under any immediate danger, all he could do to pass the time is unfortunately, be all alone with his thoughts. This is all that he's ever wanted, right? Don't get it wrong, he has always wanted this as a dream job, practically focusing on it since being student at the School of Friendship. Now finally settled into his lifetime role, there are still occasional moments in which he believes that his life has not been fulfilled as promised by himself. This was one of those times. Is this how you're going to spend the rest of your life, in limbo with no one to look forward to? The intrusive thoughts penetrated his brain very quickly, shifting his mood drastically. He tried his hardest to push them away to help maintain his composure for onlookers. However, the more effort that was put in, the further these thoughts delved into him. As he was about to enter a quarter-life crisis, a pony-shaped silhouette starts to block out the glaring sun, making the griffon stop his train of thoughts. Gallus remained firmly still as the now identifiable pony stops in front of him, taking a moment to look at him before speaking. "The leader of the Changelings have sent me here regarding future transportations between here and the Changeling Kingdom." This greeting noticeably threw Gallus off at first. Many questions that were going to need answers, the big one being why would Thorax of all creatures wouldn't send himself over to deliver, let alone an actual changeling. The sheepish pony stood at roughly the same height as Gallus, if not a bit taller with a masculine build. They can be described by their brown fur with a dark achromatic mane and tail. Their facial features contained bright blue eyes and had a slight smile that slightly soured when no response was given at first. He took a few more moments to analyze the figure before finally responding: "How exactly urgent is this again?" "Not too urgent, but I believe it needs your full attention right away." "And why me specifically?" The pony's expression shifting to a smile as they respond. "It's... Regarding the security of the transportation." A small blush slowly forms on his face. Without another word, he turns away from the flustered pony and gestures them to come inside the palace. They both quickly make their away inside the barren palace, the shorter still confused on the last-minute casual business meeting he's just been thrown into. "Remember that plan Thorax announced a while ago? Looks like it's working a little too well in his favor, they can barely keep themselves unstrained!" It finally clicked what the pony was talking about. A while ago their king proposed a plan to welcome creatures of all kinds into his kingdom. Whether this was out of kindness from Thorax or him wanting to help changelings understand the culture of Equestria more, it struck as very ambitious. Gallus couldn't imagine how busy he must be, no wonder they sent a random pony. Maybe the king thought sending him would help understand their cause better. "Any plan of what services are needed?" "Well, we'll probably need the construction process to be monitored, but afterwards a few guards to help direct traffic in and out of the kingdom." "Any specific time?" "Only whenever Thorax can get the plans approved but I'm here to help forward that process." "Trust me pal, I can absolutely put in the good word for you to the royals above." "Sounds good to me." As Gallus was figuring out a reply, suddenly the pony that once was walking straightly some distance besides him was fully now leaning on his armor as some form of support, almost snuggling him. The extra weight slowly pushed into his fur and a smidge of body heat started to slowly flow through him. He had no idea how to react. "Dude, can you please get off of me?" The pony in mind clearly heard it as he practically launched himself off Gallus's body, almost knocking himself over in the process. He stared at him to apologize while keeping composure but a clear rush of pink already has rushed to his face. "I-I'm sorry... I didn't mean to do that. I guess I lost my focus for a second." It was a sincere apology, but still found himself slightly annoyed at the event, not cause of what just happened but because of how he reacted. He suddenly drops the expression towards the pony, though didn't say anything. "Maybe we should head back? I got a long road ahead of me." "Sure" was all that Gallus replied. As the two slowly make their way back to the entrance, the shorter couldn't help but let his mind wander into crevices of his life that he wished to not remember right now. While this whole incident can easily be written off as a simple accident, it sparked something within him, and a sudden flood of flashbacked started to fill his brain. Gallus first crossed paths with Thorax was when he was a student at the School of Friendship. An event was held one day where the leaders of each kingdom had a booth to educate students on their overall history and culture. Predictably, many of these booths didn't strike him as exciting until they arrived at the Changeling Kingdom's. At first the bright and shiny colors almost repulsed him to another booth but the sheer oddity of it all equally drew him back in. A few minutes and multiple lifetimes of changeling information later, the friend group continued on except for him. The two, now alone ended up talking further but as the conversation progressed, Gallus caught himself staring at the leader's eyes more and more. He was able to break these trances quickly but it confused him to why this would be happening. Thorax's personality was nothing like his own but in a weird way however, it made him take a liking to the changeling more, combined with the fact he was in a position of respectable authority. The conservation didn't last much longer however, but from that day forward, he mentally wrote a note to visit the Changeling Kingdom someday with some hope he can meet up with their leader again. The next instance happened on a random sunny day in Ponyville. While now embarrassing to look back on, there was a brief period where Gallus was genuinely looking for someone to be romantic with. All his friends seemed to be able to find love nowadays, why shouldn't he? The market square littered with creatures of all kinds, rushing to get all kinds of gifts for Hearts and Hooves Day with the griffon being no exception. As he walked to the first destination for the inevitable shopping spree, he recognizes a tall figure to his left and slowly troddles over to him. "Thorax?!" "Hey dude, glad to see you out here! I recognized you from my booth a while back," a slight smile accompanying him. "I assume you're here for the same reason as me?" "You betcha." That probably should've been the end of this encounter for Gallus, simply end with a send off gesture and continue moving forward. However, simple curiosity got the better of him and he found himself staring at the leader once again. Before he could notice, he thought of a question to help keep the conservation going. Nothing wrong with catching up with someone. "If you don't mind me asking, what route are you taking? I'm hoping to hit some actually Decent stores this year." Hesitation sounded from Thorax's throat. "I plan on ending mine by that coffee corner shop down on the opposite end of market square. On specifics, I'm about as experienced as you are here." This gave Gallus an idea that may not only make shopping not a complete bore for him but also satisfy a deep inner thought that he can learn a lot more about the taller creature regarding leadership, hobbies and maybe a little more. "Do you wanna spend some time shopping together?" Regret set on his face almost immediately as it was blurted out. While he knew some courage would be needed to get anything out at all, he couldn't help but think of how much awkwardness filled the room right then and there. He was sure the changeling would reject his presence now. He waited for the inevitable to happen, but it never came. "If you're the same direction I'm going, sure dude, sounds fun!" It took some time for Gallus to process the response in its entirety, but once completed saw him crack a smile. Finally breaking all eye contact with Thorax, he slowly walks over to the first aisle in the store, ready to start off a very interesting day with his new friend right behind him. Time never seemed to move so quick after their initial conservation, as the two spent all day going through every store, racking up the best items they possibly could find (or afford) for their hopefully successful dates. Throughout their shopping spree, many conversations took place, jokes were cracked, and both learned more about each others lives and the world they grew up in, not without a little banter on the side. Recalling even the little details from that day would be enough for the griffon to smile as the whole day evoked a positive feeling in him that hasn't been seen before or since. Eventually, they reached their destination of the coffee corner shop and they both parted ways. Its a memorable day in the griffon's life that would go down for all the right reasons. Unfortunately that year's Hearts and Hooves Day would also go down for all the wrong reasons. With a combination of both tense bitterness and horrific awkwardness, it is one that Gallus would like to forget. He only cared enough to remember few details about this now, but it served as a major push factor to never try again for a long time. The main detail that stuck out was an image of the griffon laid on the bed in tears, wishing to be back in market square with the admirable changeling. The last time the two met was in the last place Gallus thought the king would show up, his royal guard ceremony. It was a proud day for him, finally achieving his lifelong dream to command for such royalty. The winners for the loudest cheers went to his friends of course, definitely grabbing most of his attention. When they weren't however, he noticed a familiar figure in the crowd. While the brightness of the sun easily made his colors shine for all to see, he still couldn't but figure he was hallucinating. Why would he of all creatures show up to his royal ceremony? He just couldn't put a finger on it, he didn't mind him being here, just wanted to know why, in fact he appreciated that he showed up. The ceremony wrapped up quickly, with him declared as the new head of the royal guard. He wanted to explore every nook and cranny this position had to offer but first, him. Why is Thorax still here. Gallus turned his head and started making the way towards him, the changeling not noticed yet. This seemed like the perfect chance to ask him but what are friends for when they don't forget to congratulate you even more after you're off the stage. This annoyed the griffon somewhat but he would just simply later until later to get the chance. One distraction became two, and suddenly he found himself entering Canterlot through the grand gates, alone. Another sighting of Thorax has ended as fast as it began. That shouldn't be on his mind however, but to feel woozy and knowing the leader was there to appreciate his accomplishments, even if only for a bit. Imagine that was the sole reason he arrived in the first place. He looks back on these past memories fondly, but also is reminded of how badly he let Thorax go so easily without question. He seemed to appreciate his time with the griffon, maybe more than for two friends, so why didn't he say anything? That's when he realized all these encounters and his current feelings can be summed into two words: Missed opportunities. Throughout his life he took so much for granted and wrote so much off to be forgotten about or discarded later. It's these decisions he willfully made that put him in this position, desires unfulfilled in more ways than one. Every time he's felt off he promises himself it'll go away but maybe all along there's been something wrong with him. He's always had so much given but never gave anything back, and didn't realize what consequences would that bring for him. He shouldn't dig so deep into it right now, it's a issue he needs to deal with personally. Maybe he should respond before it's too late. Gallus finds himself slowly fading back into reality, now at the grand entrance of Canterlot, the taller pony still beside him. "Thanks for letting me know about this, I'll make sure we can get this thing going soon." "Not a problem, hope we get to talk again soon." The pony's face still maintaining a smile. "I hope so too" is what was replied back. Still feeling like something was missing. "What's your name if I might ask?" "Hoofrax, just call me Hoofrax." The now fully identifiable pony slowly starts to walk away, leaving Gallus to be all alone in his thoughts. Rethinking everything that happened back there, undoubtedly struck fear in him. Now he hopes to move forward and take advantage of all the time spent with new friend and not suffer the same fate twice. Regardless what happened with Thorax back then, he's stuck in the present reported for duty, and many more hours of it to go. Time continued to pass for Gallus and the promise for the messenger pony coming back remained true, arriving at the castle almost every other day. While most of their conservations focused on the construction progress between Canterlot and the Changeling Kingdom, sometimes it would delve into more personal territory. They were even given roles to overlook the construction of the roads that will soon connect the two worlds, although most of the responsibility fell on the shorter. This turned out to be both a blessing and a curse however. While it gave him more chances to talk to the nice pony, it only just extended the period of existential dread and reluctance that continued to pile on him. Maybe it was fate telling him some early warning signs not just about the specifics of the situation but also the creature's entire identity. Gallus was always suspicious of Hoofrax at the very start, starting with the incident in the hallway, no matter how much he didn't mind it. Red flags continued to snowball with the biggest one being the eyes having similar patterns to those of changelings Even he knew that isn't natural among ponies, but these instances were always written off as the mind playing with him. Regardless, the dynamic between the two remained the same however with the taller always being more forward in making advances with the other being either too oblivious or not having an idea on how to respond. It feels shameful that is could have been seen as unhealthy, but the perks of being endlessly loved brought him so much cheer. They have clearly enjoyed their time together not just as allies, but as a blossoming friendship that neither hoped to let go. Unfortunately as the construction of the new roads came closer to completion, the less they seemed to talk. Regarding the griffon visiting Hoofrax's residence, they only ever met halfway at the furthest, leading to the chances of exploring deeply inside the kingdom to never form. It's a regret he knows will sting for the rest of his lifetime, but at had a new best friend by his side, but for how much longer can he keep himself quiet before he wants to respond to his advances. How much time does he really have left before they're gone forever? One morning saw Gallus on his way back to the palace to cover his mandatory royal duties. He promised to help run an errand for one of his Ponyville friends that morning, leaving the griffon fairly sleepy. He didn't mind it all too much, in fact he ended up finishing his task much faster than expected. Using the extra time, he decides to take a de-tour and see how construction has been going. He realized that he might also get to see his best friend traveling along the new roads. He eventually eyeballed one creature making his way to the palace and it wasn't one he expected to see. Why would Thorax be going to Canterlot? Considering he hadn't seen Hoofrax for some time, this only raised further questions, those that would have to wait for answers later. Before starting his flight back to Canterlot, he tilted his head down to the road and saw that the King of the Changeling Kingdom had disappeared in replacement of an ordinary pony. Uneasiness clouded Gallus's brain as he stood at the front entrance, still struggling to process everything from this morning. Had Hoofrax really been Thorax this whole time? This realization was really messing with his mind now, can't even imagining the feeling once the creature arrives. Does this mean Hoofrax's advances were actually Thorax's real feelings towards him? This would undoubtedly be the best time for him to confront his feelings but he'll need to plan this carefully. The plan was simple: engage in a normal conservation with Hoofrax and if they advance feelings, return them back. It's fully based off of what he told himself when they first met, never miss the opportunity. The glaring sun suddenly becomes shadowed as the now changeling character of Hoofrax appears several feet away from him. A smile still present on his face but something feels off this time. Regardless, Gallus was still nervous but fully committed to his plan. He know that if he takes advantage right now, everything can finally make sense again. He gives a little wave to which the pony returns. "Hey Gallus. Everything's been alright?" The griffon's brain almost turns off immediately. This was going to be much harder than he expected. What is he even supposed to say to a such a creature in honor like Thorax, even though he thought it was just his ordinary best friend the whole time? Just stick to the plan, he thinks. "Yea... I guess so. Anything up with you?" "Not much, just wanna say that we did some good work on the whole construction thing. Now that it's almost completed, I'm afarid this is my last visit." Gallus frowned alongside Hoofrax, knowing this might be his last chance to finally respond to him in full. He held his breath for a brief period: "That's just too bad, I assume you just came to wrap up everything?" "Exactly, I'm gonna miss you, if only you were able to visit the Changeling Kingdom." "If only." Gallus responds disappointingly. Silence falls in the air for some time, neither having an idea what the other is going through in their hand. "Wanna head inside and get this over with?" "That would be nice." The two head inside towards the empty halls, the atmosphere still suffocating with awkwardness. They get to talking eventually but the content was rather dead-pan and dull; almost every word sounding like dead-talk. Gallus obviously wasn't processing anything Hoofrax, knowing he wasn't gonna be making any moves anytime soon. He knew these bland conservations would end eventually and so would his chances of confessing. After all, he could be left with no more chances after this. While Hoofrax was finishing up his reply, Gallus quickly shifted himself closer to the pony, leaning most of his weight, being careful not to overbear the pony. He took a moment to shift his claws so the two were walking synchronously. He intentionally tilted his head to the right so that his head snuggled against the neck to which an audible gasp was able to be heard. He tried his best to put on a smile and look directly at the transformed pony's face with glaring eyes. If that wasn't enough of a returning message, he doesn't know what will. Hoofrax suddenly stopped in his tracks, causing him to do the same all while continuing to lean against him. He looked down at the griffon not exactly with a face of pleasantness but more of a mix of confusion and disgruntlement. Gallus's face dropped intensely. "Uhh dude.. Personal space." Gallus quickly put all his weight back onto his feet, slightly shifting away from the pony in embarrassment. This was not the outcome he wanted. "Sorry..." was all he could say. "It's fine, I think we should start heading back though." Hoofrax turns around and starts making his way back, his smile now just a past memory. Gallus follows behind to help safely escort him. He still believes he can salvage this, this had to be a misunderstanding. "I'm really sorry, I didn't that would make you feel uncomfortable. I just thought everything you've done-" "We're just f- friends okay? It wasn't uncomfortable I was just caught off guard..." Hoofrax's face changing to express a frown. Gallus felt lost for words. At this point leaving the taller alone would be the best option. It wasn't what he wanted to do, but being sensitive here is the best move. Tension filled the air as he observed the motion of being pushed away felt it was done more out of fear than anger. Nothing left could be done though, as they both inched closer to the entrance. They both eventually made their way to the front gates, the awkward tension has since decreased but still remained intense. Hoofrax to face him for the first time in several minutes, his eyes looking to be in a deep state of thought. "I guess I'll see you later?" "Yea..." was all the griffon could say. "I guess I will." As Hoofrax turned around and started to walk off, he thought Gallus hoped to see a change in expression on his face but knew it that's just optimism tricking with him. He still had no idea why he rejected his attempted comfort so easily. Was he really that surprised or put off by it? If he really didn't expect it, then why has he been forwarding these feelings for the span of a few weeks now. At this point he simply wanted to stop thinking about it entirely, wanting to keep his feelings for Hoofrax, Thorax whatever suppressed forever out of embarrassment. None of this made sense to the griffon; he really didn't want to assume the worst but the possibility of it being true only grew greater. He was too late. Gallus laid on his bed as the shine of the moonlight glares his eyes through a barely open window. Trying to describe the events in chronological order was proving very difficult and the more he struggled to understand, the more he found himself to blame for everything concluding like this. He had so much time to finally say something or take action, to consider other and confront things he can control in life. Feeling caught up in everything is a harsh situation everyone might find themselves in once in life, this is Gallus's time to have it and he's having trouble coping with it. He ended up here because he wasted precious time and saw inconvenient events as something that was mostly out of his control. Being the head of the royal guard is a massive achievement, he knows he worked hard to get here no matter what. Maybe the same mindset could be applied to here, he thought. He continued to think about this could work theoretically, maybe not as a potential offering but more framed as a confession of sorts. He thought about it for a moment; his plan seemingly impossible at first except for one crucial thing. Maybe just being somewhere else is what he was looking for. Gallus found himself now at the entrance of the Changeling Kingdom, nervousness shown on his face but still, he felt strong and determined to finally unbottle everything. He takes slow steps entering the long complex paths of the kingdom, fascinated by his surroundings but with full focus to the task at hand. He gives it his best to navigate all the rooms and stairs that built up this magnificent kingdom. Can't believe this is what his best friend looks after every day of his life. He eventually finds some stairs that he assumes are of some importance as they are surrounded by changelings acting as guards. They didn't interrogate him surprisingly but they didn't feel too welcoming to him either which felt strange to the griffon. He slowly walks up the steps to a massive room and the mental pressure increases tenfold. Guard changelings surround the large room, harp rocks seem ready to pierce Gallus at any moment but one more detail was ready to send him to the floor. In the center contained a throne occupied by no other than King Thorax, sitting in a casual manner, but staring him down. The second they lock eyes on each other, the changeling's pupils dilatated, a slight blush of pink appeared and the slight smile began to appear on his face. Anxiety crawled through Gallus, but with all his courage he finally can express everything he needs to. With this, he can finally complete a task he sought to accomplish since they first met: ceasing the opportunity. "Hey Thorax, can we talk real quick? I think we need to discuss some things."