> Extra Rainbow Dash > by Bendy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > More Dash > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- You lay on your back upon a soft, cloudy mattress. Literally speaking, it was made out of solid clouds. Rainbow Dash clearly wasn't happy about you being in her bedroom. On the surface, it seemed she was not pleased. However, you secretly suspected Rainbow actually had feelings for you, but she didn't want to admit them. Oh, she says that she hates you; all the while, she literally carried you into her sky house and then dragged you into her bedroom. Mares seemed to be even more confusing than human women. Your mind ran around in circles trying to understand them. They had you fully stumped, like you were hitting your head against a brick wall. It certainly didn't help that they are a different species. Sighing as you shake your head and try to bring yourself back to the present time. Your eyes slowly fade back from the past to the present now. Images fade from your mind as you get back to the present. At any rate, you knew beneath that tomboy nature of hers, there was a mare that wanted to be loved. You had a smirk on your face, for you were about to get your dick sucked by her. You were somewhat confused why Rainbow accepted this. You were left absolutely flabbergasted as you lay there. Your pants have been brought down to your knees, along with your boxers. Leaving your throbbing cock exposed to the elements. But nonetheless, you were happy. You didn't think she would actually go through with the stupid bet over who would win in an apple-bucking contest. Of course, Applejack won; Rainbow stood no chance. This should be an exciting experience for you; Rainbow was quite rather petite compared to most ponies. Yes, you did like thicc ponies like Pinkie Pie, but you wanted a new flavour of ass today. The Pegasus is in for a surprise since every new mare you had sex with resulted in your dick getting bigger and stronger. So, your ego was quite high. You can't wait to make her a submissive mare to your massive cock. The cyan pegasus mare had a frown on her face as she stood before you at the foot of her bed. Your cock stood tall and proud between your legs. You had an entire-blown monster cock between your legs. The last time you measured it, it was about 20 inches long. Your thick cock was like a bowling pin between your legs. Down below, it came with a set of heavy grapefruit-like balls. The balls sloshed and throbbed at the sight of the massive mare. Causing you to groan loudly as a golf ball-sized drip of pre fell onto the ground with a plop.  At some point, you might need to get some magical intervention from your lavender unicorn friend Twilight Sparkle before it gets too large. Your cock's growth didn't seem to be stopping. With the abundant testosterone running through your system, you find yourself a bit more irritated than normal. Perhaps you should have a doctor check it to see if you need to have something done to fix your hormones. Having too much testosterone in your body could be deadly. It was quite lovely to have Twilight to suck your cock to keep you calm. She, of course, made up some nonsensical reason she did it for science or something, but you didn't care. And now you are going to have another mare sucking your dick. Which made your cock throb even harder as you panted loudly to yourself. Your body gets covered in nervous sweat as you lay there.  On another important note, Rainbow's rump was far not as thick as Twilight's rump, but you didn't care. Rainbow was still very sexy. She had a rather thick layer of fat in that backside of hers, despite her strenuous exercise routine. The perfect ratio of fat and muscle practically makes your mouth water as you think about it. You wanted to take a bite of that light blue-coloured derriere. Eventually, you managed to close your drooling mouth and snap yourself out of your stupor. Having a smirk on your face as you sat there. Your cock continues to throb like it has its own heartbeat as the veins bulge with the power kept within.    You felt a little light-headed with a ridiculously large cock. Pony magic seemed to be leaking into your body. In addition, your muscles seemed to be more profound than ever, and you didn't really work out very hard while living here in this magical ponyland. You even got a six-pack very easily. The few workouts you had were at the local Ponyville gym with said mare. Though you had caught her staring at your muscles several times. Now it is time for you to get that revenge of yours. Though you enjoyed being watched, it also made it awkward when working out.  "Let's just get this over with," Rainbow said in a bitter tone, glaring at you with her eyes narrowed to slits. Clearly not happy with what was going on. Even biting her lip in anger as she glared down at you. If looks could kill, you would be dead a million times over. Though there was a Sparkle of happiness, it seemed to be behind those eyes. At least that is what you thought you saw but then again. Perhaps you were seeing things as you rubbed your eyes. Going back to laying back and putting your hands on the cloudy mattress below. Digging them into the soft clouds as you waited for the mare in front of you to get sucking.  The mare quickly clambered herself onto the bed and brought her rump looming over your face. Despite her anger, you could see her tail wagging rather cutely from side to side in clear excitement. The mare looked back at you with her head turned to you like that of an owl. Her face was ripe with worry. You could almost hear her neck crack as she turned her head around. Growing a bit pale as you thought of how uncomfortable that must be. Though you figured she was fine since she wasn't screaming in pain. You knew she had a high pain tolerance but not that high.  "Do you like my ass, dude?" she asked in a rather unusual soft voice. Her voice sparked a fire within your soul as you hummed. Your hands moved around like they were playing with the rump in front of you. Though they were not touching anything. At least for now, but soon they would be. Your hands are sweating in anticipation, and tingles shoot up your hands. You had to use all of your will not to make them touch the soft rump in front of you.  Rather than speak, you raised your hands and clasped her cheeks. Your hands sank into the thin layer of soft fat before meeting her ironclad muscles. Rainbow's face lit up with a light pink blush for a brief moment before switching to a sinister frown. Clearly, she was enjoying this but trying to hide it. You would get a confession of her love towards you eventually. You just had to keep pushing the right buttons on her.  "Hmph!" exclaimed the mare, flicking you with her tail aggressively before moving her head to look away from you. "Don't get used to it! You're only getting this ass today!" Her nervousness betrays her seeming anger. She wanted this as much as you did but didn't want to admit it. Though you could see a glint of horniness hiding deep within. It was like an onion you would have to peel open. Luckily you had your ahem peeler on you.  You felt like making a cheeky remark, but you didn't want to provoke the mare. You'd rather let your dick do the talking. You could hear the mare utter a nervous gulp at the sight of your massive cock below her. Your cock throbbing as your veins bulge within. The balls of yours sloshing and gurgling like an ocean with its tides. The tides of cum slamming against the sides of the testes of yours. Making it jiggle and shake as your balls seemed to have a mind of their own. Causing you to blush like a tomato as you moaned loudly.  "Dude, you're huge. I don't think I will be able to take it all," spoke the mare, looking down at your massive cock just mere inches from touching her muzzle. You could feel her warm breath blowing gently against your tip, causing your cock to twitch in excitement. Trying desperately to hold yourself back as you clenched your hands. Taking a deep breath to stop yourself from grabbing her muzzle and shoving your long, thick cock down her throat. Your cock throbbing with each warm breath of hers against the tip of your cock. Making your cock leak like a broken faucet as pre leaks down your cock.  Slowly, the mare brought out her tongue. She hesitated for a moment before giving a tentative lick to the thick tip of your massive cock. The mare uttered a soft moan at the taste. You smiled in delight, and an all too familiar feeling flowed through your cock. It was that time again. Your heart thudded in your chest as you felt the magic flow through you. Sparks fly across your chest and into the air around you. Your veins start to glow with the amount of magic within you. Aching to be released as the sparks of magic lighting fly into the air around you. Causing the air to shiver and vibrate around you two.   A tingling feeling flowed from the base of your cock all the way to your tip. Your cock pulsated with power as it gained inch after inch with each passing second. Rainbow could only look in awe as your cock grew bigger and bigger in front of her. With each throb of power, it grew several inches. The veins glowed with magical energy as well. Each pulse was marked with the air shivering, and then with a boom, it grew. Your balls also grow with the growth of your cock. You licked your chapped lips as you struggled to hold yourself back.   Mid-growth, your cock came to gently bump against her chin as it rose further up into the air. Your cock's growth didn't seem to be stopping anytime soon; it just kept getting bigger and bigger until, eventually, it might as well have doubled in size. Rainbow had stubbornly resisted the temptation of your cock, but it grew with a vengeance. Your cock towered into the air, bigger and stronger than ever. Your balls below were like basketballs. The cock of yours waving back and forth in the air like a flag pole as your cock throbbed with power. The throbbing of your cock sounded like a massive beating heart as it shook the bed under you. Making it creak and groan with the increased weight as you sat there.  "Oh my gosh, you just got even bigger! Way bigger!" she shouted, raising her head up away from your cock and bringing her two front hooves over her cheeks before unleashing a very girly squeal. "Eeehhhaa! That's so awesome!" before Rainbow shook her head and her ears flopped against her head. Not believing she just made such a squeal as she said to you. The rainbow-coloured mare was clearly enjoying the show of your cock growing. You were awestruck with the mare in front of you. The noises she was making were very unlike her. "You didn't hear anything like that coming from me."  It was just then you noticed a strange phenomenon; you don't know if you were seeing things, but it seemed Rainbow's ass became a little fatter. Indeed, your fingers seemed to have slipped deeper into the plush softness of her cyan ass to reach her ironclad muscles underneath. Her ass seemed to have just a bit of extra soft padding now. You moaned even louder as you started to squeeze her ass even harder. It went between your hands like dough as it sunk between them. Then going back into place as you let It go and started playing with the rump again.  Experimentally, you pulled your right hand back and delivered a hard slap upon her rear. Her rump pumped up like an emergency car airbag. This was followed by a thunderous boom as her buttcheeks clapped together with a loud, meaty slap. Forcing your hand back several inches as it grew against your hand. Gaining several inches of plush fat onto itself. The clapping of her cheeks shook the whole bed and caused you to throb even harder. You humped up into the air and spewed a rope of hot pre cum into the air. Which landed all over the two of you and the back wall.  "Whoa!" Rainbow bellowed, stumbling backwards. You were then spontaneously hit with an avalanche of fat light blue ass pushing against your face. Rainbow's ass now dominated your vision; each cheek was like a gigantic beach ball. You could feel yourself sinking deeper into the soft cloudy mattress below from under her immense weight. It was nothing compared to the softness and warmth of her ass. However, it was heavy. Even with the magic flowing through your being, you struggled to hold her hefty ass.  You hissed in pain at the ungodly weight of her ass bearing down on your body. You were thankful you were very muscular and strong to deal with such a large mare; a lesser male would probably break from under such a massive ass. Although you had a very peculiar feeling, you swore you felt your cock had become slightly shorter. Your muscles were a little less profound. But maybe you were imagining things. Your hands sank like soft pizza dough into her fat bubbly cheeks, creating two deep depressions into her ass. The tide of fat was now far too thick for you to reach the hard muscles deep beneath the many layers of her soft fat. Experimentally, you pulled your hands away just to see her ass return to a perfectly smooth shape. The fat slowly sloshes and then sinks back to its normal self. Then you smirked at her and continued to play with her rump.  Rainbow looked back at her massive ass with a smile. With a giggle, the mare began to playfully bounce her ass up and down; this caused her ass to slosh about wildly, resulting in her fat bubbly cheeks clapping together with loud, meaty slapping sounds. You below hissed in pain from the heavy weight of her ass slamming down upon you. The cyan Pegasus then spread out her wings and began to flap them excitedly while bouncing her ass up and down. The powerful force of wind she created with her flapping wings caused her to knock over things off the mantelpiece hanging over her bed. Most of the things were Wonderbolt Paraphernalia. "Aww! Yeah, all the stallions will be paying attention to me. Even Princess Celestia's ass has nothing on this, "Rainbow roars into the air and pumps a hoof in happiness. Then brings her hoof back down onto your chest. Giving you bedroom eyes as her huge butt jiggled with that movement. The jiggling of her butt caused the whole room to shake with the force of it. The shockwaves crack the bed with the force of its movement. The power of her rump was great, even without her not even trying. You could not hope to please the massive mare in front of you. You furrowed your brow in annoyance and willed yourself to keep trying anyway.  Unceremoniously the mare dropped her head down and took your cock plunging down her throat. She gagged a bit from your length before forcing herself even deeper. Taking a little bit of your cock with each bounce as she breathed heavily out her mouth. Trying desperately to take your full cock as she shivered with pleasure. Your body shook violently in pure bliss from the wonderful sensation of her muzzle oh-so lovingly sucking upon your cock. The tightness of her throat muscles hugging your cock was absolutely fantastic. You could tell you barely fit in her throat due to your thickness.  Your cock was blanketed with a warm slick softness as Rainbow sucked upon it as if it was for dear life. Her head was a blur of motion as she feverishly bobbed her head up and down, sucking upon your cock while uttering muffled moans. All the while, her ass bounced up and down upon your face, her fat bubbly cheeks clapping loudly with a loud, meaty slap each time they bounced. Her skittles flavoured juices got all over your face and made you moan even louder. Her musk fills your nose and causes pleasure to go up and down your body.  And..  her ass was getting fatter. You could see her asscheeks were inflating like hot air balloons. They were growing bigger and bigger and fatter and fatter by the second. You became pushed further under the mattress as her weight continued to pile on top of you as her ass obtained more and more fat pumping into it. Those cheeks of hers were shaking and throbbing like vibrating beach balls. Causing your eyes to look along the massive amount of rump that was expanding in front of you like growing dough in an oven.  While this was pleasant, something rather horrifying began to happen. You could feel your cock actively becoming smaller. Your muscle mass was rapidly shrinking as well. The shrinking of your cock didn't take her very long to notice. The sparks coming across your body start to fade and start to form around Rainbow's body. Your eyes went wide as you watched your cock start to shrink with each throb. The head of your cock began to drip sweat as you started to worry harder and harder. Furrowing your brow as you tried to stop it from shrinking.  The mare pulled her mouth away from your cock and laughed at you. You whimpered in annoyance as your cock shrunk in front of her. This had never happened before, and you were quite embarrassed. You didn't know what you were gonna do with such a small cock. The cock of yours makes it so you could never hope to please the mare in front of you due to how much smaller it is.  "Hahahaha! Not such a hotshot anymore, huh. Whatever, I'll enjoy dominating you," she said in a smug tone of voice. Shaking her fat rump back and forth in front of you. The cheeks of hers clapping and shaking violently like jello. Making it so you could barely move as you bounced up and down from the force of it. Looking at you with that same smirk of hers. Her eyes filled with happiness as her smirk glowed in the morning sunlight. Clearly, she was up to something as you were at her mercy.  Blissfully, Rainbow grew on top of you, rolling her fat ass back and forth over you like a steamroller. She moved in such a position her ass was practically hot dogging your shrinking cock; it took up less and less space between the increasing queen mattress canyon gap of her asscheeks. All you could see was darkness, like a black hole between her cheeks. Reaching up into the air like a skyscraper, you could barely see the top of it. Her rainbow-coloured tail shakes back and forth against you.  Various pieces of furniture in her room were pushed across the room as her ballooning cheeks took up more and more space. Her head soon came to bump against the ceiling, the cloudy material of her room folded and compressed around her rising head; if it were any other material, you assumed she would just have smashed it. The thud sounding from her head hitting the ceiling, along with the oof she let out, filled the room. Her room starts to creak and groan against her growing body as her wings rub against the ceiling.  The same could not be said for her dresser. Her asscheeks came rolling over her wooden dresser smashing it into a fine sawdust. Sending splinters into the air and everywhere. Making the whole room a mess as she moaned deeply. Spewing some of her juices onto the ground in a rainbow-coloured flood. The massive flood of juices was like a tidal wave that covered the room and slammed against the wall before coming back. The juices mix with the splinters making it look like your early-morning cereal with milk. You could see pieces of the dresser and various clothes in the liquid floating at the top.  Your cock shrunk less and less until it only became three inches long. By now, Rainbow's asscheeks were practically monster trucks on top of you. Your body was frail and thin as you lay helplessly beneath the titan mare, pinning you down with her gargantuan ass. Your small painful erection was hugged by her fat bubbly cheeks as it lay lost in the abyss of her massive asscheeks. Her massive pulsating light pink marehood was leaking profusely above, resulting in your tiny penis below being soaked in a monsoon of her creamy marecum flowing out of her soaking wet pussy.  "Dude, your cock is so small," she said in a mocking tone; you could not help but utter a muffled growl into her ass, "Hah! So pathetic! Don't worry, dude. I am just getting more and more awesome the bigger I get," Rainbow Dash said in a smug tone while looking at her inflating rump behind her with pride. You tried for some time to make her move her backside but with no success. Unable to move the tons of rump on top of you. As your hands and arms only sunk into her ass like it was soft pizza dough.  Rather pathetically, you tried to reach her marehood with your small penis by humping up and down. However, the gap between her buttcheeks was so immense that you didn't even reach a quarter of the way to her marehood. Your absolutely pathetic penis only managed to be squeezed by her asscheeks; it was like a short pencil trying to reach through the gap of a deep canyon pass; her asscheeks surrounded your cock like gigantic avalanches of snow. Her marehood only increasingly became more distant as her ass continued to balloon further and further outward in size without any sign of stopping. "Mwahahahahahahaha! I only get more and more awesome!" Rainbow laughed evilly while playfully bouncing her massive ass up and down, causing her fat bubbly cheeks to clap loudly like thunder. An enormous rainbow shockwave blasted off her body; the cloudy material of her house was dematerialized by this magical rainbow energy. Fading away like it was just an illusion with her power. You gulped deeply in worry as you were uncertain what her plan was now.  Next, a horn materialised on top of her head, turning the Pegasus into an alicorn. Power arcing across it in a rainbow-coloured glow. Her magic started to fill the air around her. The area thudded with the power contained within it. Your eyes could even see her power forming around her horn due to how powerful it is. As if the mare needed more rainbows on her. You shook your head in disbelief as you knew you would get a lot more ass.  "Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh! I'm an alicorn! A princess! Hehehe! Hehehe!" she giggled in a girly laugh, the cheeks on her face lighting up with a pink blush while flapping her massive feathery wings excitedly, creating a powerful gust of wind. The mini tornadoes formed around her, sending pieces of furniture flying everywhere. Slamming against the various buildings around her. Causing even more destruction due to her power as she flapped her wings some more. Watching more tornadoes form in the area.  She then spontaneously exploded in size, becoming a nuclear bomb in terms of growth. Rainbow's hyper-expanding asscheeks quickly bulldozed down what was left of her house. The alicorn's buttcheeks came to crash into nearby homes and other buildings, flattening them like pancakes. Surrounding pegasi were pulled onto her rump as if she was sucking them up like a hoover. Forcing them to worship her ass as they were surrounded by massive amounts of ass fat. Kissing it and kneading it as the stallions humped their cocks against her butt.  The rapidly expanding alicorn mare grew and grew, destroying all of Cloudsdale from all around her, capturing all its ponies and pinning them to her ass. Soon all of Cloudsdale was spontaneously destroyed by her growing form. Leaving nothing but a pale blue-coloured ass where it once was, with the rainbow factory's job taken over by the mare's juices. Flooding the surrounding air with its smell and more rainbows due to its moisture. The area under Cloudsdale was turned into a rainbow-coloured lake from the number of juices.  The structural foundation clouds of Cloudsdale began to collapse beneath the immense weight of her ballooning rump; the clouds could not hold for very long before they shattered apart. The massive Rainbow Dash then came crashing to the ground below, taking you along with her. Her enormous ass hit the ground below like that of an asteroid, creating a deep crater in the earth. You don't know if it was deliberate. Still, Rainbow seemed to have landed on the Castle of Friendship, and about half of Ponyville was spontaneously destroyed by this violent onslaught. A massive cloud of dust was generated from the violent impact. Rather than feel the dirt, rocks and whatever below it seemed, Rainbow had the courtesy to bring her mattress along with her. You hissed in pain beneath the heavy weight of her ass, pinning you down upon the bed below. Her massive rump has created an enormous crater in the clouds and on the ground. Cracks sprawl out from the butt-shaped mark on the ground and in the clouds.  No longer confined to her house, Rainbow continued to swell upwards in size. Bigger and bigger, fatter and fatter, heavier and heavier, her rump became over you. You squirmed beneath her immense weight as more and more ass piled up on top of you. Sparks flew off her ass as it created sonic booms from how fast it was growing. Shaking the entire planet and causing massive upheaval across the planet. Some ponies tried desperately to run away, while some ran towards the growing goddess. Her wings continue to flap and create more tornadoes around her.  By magical aid, you could see that the other ponies had survived this violent outburst from Rainbow. You could see that they were licking, kissing and fondling Rainbow's fat ass with love. Their hooves upon her ass created deep depressions into the soft bubbly fat of her ass. Though they would not make the dents too long. Due to how big the mare is now as they tried desperately to please her. Nibbling her ass and humping against it. Making it jiggle and shake violently, which made Rainbow grow even faster.  "Awww yeah! You See?! I, Rainbow Dash, am a gentle giantess! Crushing you would be uncool! I love you, my fans; worship me, and help me become bigger and more awesome! Forget the Wonderbolts! I am Wonderbutt! My ass will be better than any show they can do!" boomed the mighty alicorn mare. Her body violently surging in size, her asscheeks rolled over Ponyville like an avalanche, flattening building after building. The power of hers was constantly growing and exploding out of violent lightning, which struck the ground. Creating massive 5-foot-wide holes in the ground as they hit it. Though her power did not hurt anyone though.  You joined in the worship by licking and kissing and fondling her ass. Your hands upon her rear sank like soft butter into the bubbly fat of her ass. When you moved your hands to a different place, you could see the depressions you made quickly begin to fade away as her ass returned to a perfectly smooth shape. Her ass was like a force of nature as it continued to grow around you like waves on the ocean, slowly growing more and more endless as time went on. The waves of her ass make you nearly unable to see anything else but her rump. Since she was so massive, all you could see was the rolling hills of her butt.  You even moved your hips back and forth, causing your small cock to hump against her massive ass. You no longer cared that you have a small penis at this point. You were more than willing to oblige to become weaker if it meant Rainbow Dash's ass kept getting bigger and bigger while you became a lesser male. Blushing and panting heavily as you tried your best to please the giant mare above you. Your balls slap against the mare's fat butt, making it jiggle violently. Though it was like throwing a rock into a lake. Making massive shockwaves of fat grow on her rump. Causing her to expand even faster and faster in front of you.  As if she could feel your submission to her, you could feel your cock become even smaller, spontaneously losing 2 inches, bringing your penis to a pathetic 1-inch long poking against her massive rump. You whimpered in dissatisfaction as you tried to please the mare as best you could. Though it was a fool's errand as your cock was so small compared to the growing mare on top of you.  "Mmm! Yes! Submit to me, my human friend; make me bigger and more awesome while your cock becomes even smaller and more pathetic!" boomed the mighty cyan alicorn. Her gorgeous locks glowed in the sunlight as the sky completely cleared. As if the very act of covering her beauty was blasphemy, the clouds parted to give all a full view.  Rainbow moaned loudly as her body surged upward in growth; the last of Ponyville was spontaneously destroyed by her asscheeks rolling over them like an avalanche. A great deal of the ever-free Forest was flattened by her spontaneous growth; trees became crushed into sawdust as her cheeks rolled over them. It left nothing but the cracked and crumbling foundations of homes and dust which flew upon the wind like the air from a nuclear bomb going off. Massive winds having been whipped up by the growing mare.  You soon became envious of the stallions with their much larger penises humping back and forth against her ass. Your tiny penis was absolutely pathetic, humping against her gargantuan ass. You whimpered as you struggled to match them. Trying to make your cock larger to no avail. The sparking of your own power gives you some hope before it fades forever. Being absorbed fully into Rainbow Dash as she let out a booming laugh which shook the planet to its core.  Rainbow Dash was no longer a tomboy but a supreme being of feminine energy. Her rump was unmatched in beauty and size. Her mane began to become longer as she embraced her femininity, now resembling that of Rarity's hairstyle. She was no longer ashamed to hide her girly side. The mare giggled like a schoolgirl as she kept increasing in size. Her hair flowed around in an invisible wind as her power sparked across her mane. The rainbow-coloured sparks flew into the air with booming thuds.  A nasty grin came upon Rainbow's face. Her horn atop her head flared with glowing magic. All the stallions below her ass began to rapidly grow larger, their muscles rippling as muscle mass pumped into their bodies. Their cocks surged in size, creating deep depressions as they pushed into the soft fat of Rainbow's massive ass. Causing a more and more enormous disparity between you and the stallions, making you grumble with annoyance under her rump as you continued to worship her ass.  "Awesome, huh? Bet you wish I made you big and strong like them?" Rainbow said with a loud booming laugh. Clearly enjoying making you suffer as you lay there. You continued to hump her ass, but you barely made a dent. You were not going to get anywhere at this rate. You moaned as you felt her ass continue to crush you under its enormity. Forcing you deeper and deeper into the ground with the weight of her rump. Making you hiss a bit as you kept humping her ass.  The stallion Big Macintosh was specially selected to be particularly large, his massive black stallionhood dominating all around him. The gigantic red stallion rose to tower over all the others trapped under Rainbow Dash's enormous ass. Many lesser stallions found themselves trapped under his ass from his violent growth spurts. Their cocks shrivelled up, becoming tiny like the human (you) beneath the superior masculinity of the stallion sitting on top of them. Their small penises twitched erratically against Big Mac's superior muscular flanks; Big Mac's ass continued to expand below him, capturing more stallions under him and making them tiny and weak. You felt the massive muscular flanks of Big Macintosh force you into the ground harder and harder. Feeling your bones creak and groan. Only for you to be moved out of the way once more. You closed your eyes as a bright flash enveloped you. Being transported somewhere new. Leaving you blushing and panting hard as you were like a tomato. Trying to desperately grab hold of anything around you. Your heart beats heavily in your chest as you lay there.  Despite being in close proximity to the stallion, it seemed you were saved from being smothered under his ass. It seems Rainbow only wanted you exclusively for her. A pocket universe seemed to prevent you from being taken under Big Mac's growing ass. The surrounding area is filled with a blue mist and several floating blue lights. Making it so you could see the rainbow-coloured furry ground. Telepathically, you could hear Rainbow speaking softly into your head. Her booming voice resounds in your ear in a demeaning manner.  "Of course. You are my number one fan. I like you the most," even as she said these words, you could feel your penis shrink even further; your cock shrivelled up to the point it might as well be 1/4 of an inch long. You could not help but whimper in pain at the size of your tiny erection poking against her fat rump, especially since it apparently was going through a massive wave of growth. You could see waves of fat cascading across her ass as it violently surged upward in size. Big Mac's massive black cock spurted upward between the grand canyon gap between Rainbow Dash's fat asscheeks, Rainbow's soft bubbly cheeks came to hug his cock on both sides, enveloping his massive cock with her warm bubbly soft cheeks. The white juices from the massive throbbing black pillar that was Big Mac's cock were like icing on a rainbow-coloured cake. Though slowly the cake got bigger and bigger. Making it so the icing was minuscule in terms of size.  Rainbow giggled happily, twerking her ass up and down, causing her fat bubbly cheeks to generate a thunderous meaty clapping sound against the massive stallion cock smothered between her massive asscheeks. The enormous stallion cock between her cheeks twitched erratically at the feeling of her fat ass slapping against it. Pre-cum began to leak from his tip, but even his pre-cummight as well be massive swimming pool droplets. Rainbow giggled, lifting her massive ass up and positioning her marehood over the towering black cock under her. With a happy sigh, she dropped her huge ass upon the cock; her asscheeks clapping like thunder when her ass came to land down on his lap with a loud, meaty slap. Her cheeks shook, creating a massive shockwave. Blowing down trees and buildings for miles around. Even causing avalanches in the mountains around the Crystal Empire.  Rainbow moaned at the feeling of the massive cock entering her marehood. Lovingly her strong vaginal muscles clamped down hard upon his enormous invader. Milking him like he was a cow, and she was the device used to milk them. Her pussy was undulating and moving along his cock. Her juices fall around the couple and turn the ground into a rainbow-coloured swamp.  "Mmmmm, yes, big strong pony cock. Much better than your pathetic human penis," she said with a moan, magically shrinking your cock even further to the point it might as well be microscopic. You couldn't even see your cock anymore. Needing to really squint to see the tip of your cock. It throbbed and dripped what little pre it could.  Rainbow, with her magical powers, picked up a series of very large stallions and brought them before her face; each stallion was about the size of a cruise ship. Rainbow, at this point, was so large she flattened the entire Ever Free Forest under her ass. Rainbow licked her lips at the sight of the mass of massive stallionhoods in front of her face. Rainbow almost drools at the sight of the massive cocks in front of her. Then starting to run her tongue along the first stallion's cock. Making it throb and drip into her mouth, which causes a spurt. Energy grows across her body as she grows several feet at once. Winking down at the stallion and letting out a booming giggle before continuing to suck on the cock in front of her. The massive tongue is like a massive pink-coloured set of vines wrapping around the cock “Mmm! Yes! I like to give my fans fan service. I'll get more and more ass from all of you," Rainbow said with pride, looking back at her gargantuan ass slowly but surely expanding towards Canterlot Mountain. The ponies of Canterlot could see an enormous giant light blue rump growing towards them over the horizon. It crunched many buildings under its growth. Turning them into a cloud of dust as the ponies within start to worship the rump of Rainbow.  The ponies worshipping the massive rainbow-maned pony only made her grow faster and faster. Her rump rolled over the land like a blue tidal wave. Showing no signs of stopping as she starts to suck more of the cocks of the stallions. Riding Big Mac with vigour and her cheeks create a massive crater equivalent to the one which killed the dinosaurs on Earth. Some of the stallions were cumming within her mouth and flooding it with their cum. Making her have a massive growth spurt each time.  Rainbow's titanic cheeks approached Canterlot Mountain, easily hot dogging it between the supermassive grand canyon of her asscheeks. Dirt, rocks, massive boulders, and various other objects became loose and fell off the mountain as she ground her rump back and forth against it, jiggling all the while. Her clapping buttcheeks generated a continuous series of sonic rainbows; these powerful rainboom shockwaves were like nuclear blasts going off constantly. Destroying more and more of the remaining area.   Canterlot itself soon became loose and came tumbling off the mountain, magically directing the falling city into her gaping maw. She swallowed it whole. A massive bulge formed in her throat as the city went down it. Slamming into the walls and turning into more and more dust. Ponies dangling out of windows and grabbing onto the slimy walls of Rainbow's throat. Eventually, though, they lose their grip and fall down with the city. Screaming and flailing as they fall into the dark pit below.  "Heheheh, please don't resist. I don't plan on digesting you," Rainbow said with a smug look on her face. "If you behave and stop squirming, I might give you the honour to be sat on by my ass later," as if to emphasise this rainbow shook her massive butt a bit. Making It jiggle and shake for several minutes before slowing. Humming softly to herself as she giggled happily.  True to her word, Rainbow only digested non-living things, dirt, rock, and other non-organic material but left living things alone. Non-living things instantly dissolved upon touching her rainbow stomach acid. Despite the harmless acid, the ponies were terrified; their screams could be heard echoing in her stomach. There is an intense smell of Skittles within her stomach, the rainbow acid bubbling like boiling water from all around those trapped in her stomach. Some of it forms into bubbles and pops around them. Getting some of them covered in the goo, but it doesn't affect them.  There then came a flash, and you found yourself back in Rainbow Dash’s bedroom, laying upon her soft cloudy mattress. Everything seemingly undone for the most part. Your cock stood tall and proud into the air, along with the strength of your body seemingly returned. Above stood Rainbow Dash's massive ass looming over you, casting a dark shadow over your puny form. Her rump, figuratively speaking, was like that of a full blown monster truck. Before you had any time to react Rainbow Dash's massive ass came down to slam upon you with a thunderous meaty clap–your cock plunging into her succulent depths, your cock was enveloped by the warm and loving embrace of her hot marehood. You gasped at the feeling; your hands automatically finding their way to grab her plush cheeks; sinking deeply into their warm, bubbly softness. You felt your body becoming weaker and your cock shrinking between her fat bubbly cheeks while her rump actively inflated like a hot air balloon on top of you. Your cock became less and less adequate by the second for the growing mare. “Hehe! Time to go around again!” Rainbow giggled, growing more and more awesome. End