Another time, Another life

by kaiblade151

First published

Alex wakes up after being stabbed and finds himself in the world of mlp but not the one he knows.

This is set long before any g4 pony expect gogar, discord, and maybe the precursor to nightmare moon all of which will be evil and chaotic evil to chaotic natural to just neutral.

This is just preamble before the story.

1st: So I'm doing this to become a better writer and mostly for funsies if you have any feedback I will happily take it even negative feedback.

2nd: this story is set before mlp gen 4/FIM it takes place before Grogar but after the ponies come together I'm not the most accurate when it comes to timelines but I will try to keep as close as possible to the current timeline which is this

ponies come together and banish windingos-> Grogars reign for a long time[in this it will be a few hundred years and the story will be set before and after it.]-> Celestia and Luna or someother ponies beat grogar-> discord rises up->Celestia and Luna beat discord->tirek is sent to tartaris-> Celestia and Luna beat sombra->then nightmare moon. With some stuff being glossed over for timing sake.

All you need to know is this takes place before and after gorgars rule and will be about 100 years, and some of the pony will be ancestors to current day ponys, also I'm going to rip the bandaid off now the ponys from the hearth warming day story are gone like LONG gone for 2 reasons

Main one I'd I kinda want this to be a mostly oc driven story

And 2 the hearth warming eve charicters were just the main 6 characters set in ye older times.

Let's see anything else..

Oh right I'm really old like SUPER fucking old so updates will be pretty sporadic

Chapter 1

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Alex woke up his eyes screamed at him his head pounded, "fuck." he muttered as he stumbled to get to his feet.

"What the fuck happend?" Alex knew he was hit by something and then it came to him he remembered like a surge to his pulsing skull.

"what a weak fucking pansy-ass bitch stabbing me from behind." "who does that who fucking stabs you from behind like a fucking pussy" Alex remembered he and his brother Spencer were walking back to Spencer house when they decided it would be quicker to take a short cut down a field near his house, since it was right across from the field but Alex knew better it was dark and they were in a bad area late at night.....but they went anyways becuase where Spencer went Alex followed and then the next thing he remembered was sharp pain in his side and he fell to the ground HARD.

The pain brought him back to reality again, "well at least I can say whatever happend wasn't no dream" he thought "now let's look at that wound"
As he peeled his shirt back revealing the small hole in his side, "yep that explains the fucking pain" he then proceeded to tear his shirt one thing his father taught him was what to do when wounded and that was put as much pressure on the wound to stop it from bleeding out.

"Fuck me this hurts more then I thought it would, like yeah getting stabbed isnt fun but if your going to stab someone at least finish the job fucker." Alex muttered to himself.

"Now where am I?" he looked around still clutching his side as best he can, "looks like a large field but it doesn't seem familiar, not that I know every single one, but still its like so clean?" He head pounded again and his side ached even more "fuck me, I don't have time for this. normally I should sit and wait for rescue but with the way I am it would be better to risk it then wait, because come night fall I could end up dead anyway" he thought.

The sound of ringing in his ears, the dripping of blood down his hand slowly till he died, staving to death, or being eaten alive he didn't know which was the worse fate.

As he looked up he could see it was just about morning of this was still rise in the east set in the west type of sun.

"Fuck it let's go, if I collapse then it's game over anyways."

As Alex began walking it felt like hours but was most likely a couple of miles until he came to a forests edge.

"Fuck..." he muttered loudly

"Normally you'd want to avoid a forest especially in this state its just certain death without a companion." he thought "but this forest is far to large to go around and there's no way I can walk around it"


"I have to go around"


All of Alex's neck hairs are now on full alert

"That sounded like someone screaming for help.......fuck....."


every part of his brain was screaming "no, if you do this now it will kill you as weak are right now you will 1000% die, plus it could be a trap."

But his heart was saying "do it if you abandon someone in need then how could you call yourself a human being. Plus Spencer would, he'd save them even as weak as you are now, is he's a true hero. don't you want to be like him? a brave hero..."


"Fuck me, Spencer if I get back to you, you own me for this."

As the adrenaline now coursed though his body Alex knew he wouldn't get a second chance and leaped into action as he darted through the Forest yelling "help is on the way, yell so I can find you!"

"Over here, please help!"

as Alex made his way though the forest only yo arrive to the middle and see a huge Venus fly trap like plant.

"HOLY SHIT!" As well as a blue earth pony

"holy shit...." and with that Alex knew he had to help anyway he could.

Chapter 2

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"I can't believe I'm about to fucking fight a giant Venus fly trap over a pony. why? am I crazy! I must be if there are FUCKING MULTI COLORED PONYS! still I can't do this by myself I'm only a human I'm smart for sure but I'm not Invincible."

Alex's eyes glance over to the earth pony who is covering thier eyes and huddled in a corner "but they are..... applejack, pinkie pie and hell all earth ponies are really really strong I just have to coax her to help me fight....ponies are nearly Invincible but they have one fatal weakness they are really really easy to manipulate.....fuck I never wanted to do this again.....sorry Spencer I know I promised after what happend last time." Alex thought

"Hey, earth pony what's your name?"

The blue pony looked up and spoke "Shattered Canyon....why?"

"My names Alex and I can't do this alone but I do have a plan if you will help me I can get us both out of here alive, but I need you to trust me."

"Ok,I can try"

"Good, ill cause a distraction, then all i need you to do is lift its roots out of the ground and then grab one end and pull got it?"


"Ok ill start once I give then signal the rest is up to you"

"Ok I-I can do this I think"

[Fuck man this is going to suck alot but it's now or never]

"Hey ass breath why don't you chew on this!" Alex then shoves his arm deep into the mouth of the Venus fly trap the sticky acid begins burning at the flesh "fuck!, this is the worst pain!" "Now!" Alex shouts, He then proceeds to use his momentum to swing back and forth while shattered canyon digs up the roots as fast as they can.

And after a few moments of excruciating pain the roots were dug up "now pull!" As Alex landed on the ground and pulled on one end Shattered pulled on the other ripping the plant apart like a peice of paper it screamed loudly and sticky white milk simular to the milk in flowers back home [which is super poisonous] rained from the sky.

"We did it!" Shattered exclaimed.

"Yeah I guess we did....."
Alex could feel all the wounds that have piled up now adding up and it was too much to bare, "Hey Shattered?"


"I need medical help please"

Everything then blacked out.

Chapter 3

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"Alex..... don't give up, i know you can do this but your not afraid beacuseim with you dont give up brother....Stay brave...." a familiar voice called out in the void of darkness of Alex's dreams he never really did dream he imagined other people had very nice dreams but for him it was either reminders of the painful past he wanted to forget or like this a blank void of nothingness......

"spencer, where are you...."

Alex called out to the void but nobody answered.......

"Typical" Alex said under his breath

"Well at least he's ok that's something." Alex got up and began walking around the empty void it was always dark but he was never conscious for it....."weird, it's like Luna's dream realm but empty. Maybe it's because I'm a human in a pony world and im now exposed to actual magic. Or maybe it's because I'm awake for the first time....." Alex didn't know which he found worse the idea of a human like him with the ability to use actual magic or the fact his world was just and illusion and he broke through it by dying.

"Either option is bad for me, i dont want to end up stop be positive like spencer would want you to be."

Alex remembered his brother words

[Flashback to a few years ago]
Alex had just broken things off with his toxic family members and came crying to his brother and stepfather like he used to do.

"Spencer with out you I don't know what I'd doooo your the only person who cares about mmeeee!"

Alex was crying so much his he looked like shit

"Alex you can't keep crying to me everytime something bad happens I love you but your 25 now, and i get it you were neglected for along time but im not you pillow."

"But but spencer I-I need"

Alex litsen to me if you ever take something I say to heart take this to heart don't let the world push you around if you let people walk over you they will you need to protect what you believe in and care about your father neglected you and your grandmother manipulated you into doing what she wanted you to do bit you stood up to them and I'm proud of you."

"Your stronger then you think Alex and dome day your going to do Great things."

"I know your afraid but your the bravest person I know, and I'll be here to help you as long as I can be."

"Now stop being so negative and pessimistic and look at the brightside your free and nobody can hurt you now."

"So promise me you be more positive from now and and that you'll protect what YOU care about."

"Ok spencer I promise."

Alex snapped back to reality "hmmm I hate making promises but that was probably the best one I could have made thank you spencer."

A light began shining in the dark void

"Well looks like I'm waking up, see you spencer."

"You know what? I've always wanted to do this. Come at me! light of dawn!"

Alex began running towards the bright light he felt as if his journey was finally starting and this time he was going to do everything he could to bring honor to his brother and stepfather for everything they did in his last life...

"That's a promise."